Good morning and welcome to the ride! Something foolish is definitely being discussed. A specific question is answered inside The Jackpot Joint of Jeru$alem. J. Anthony Brown is not trying to help anyone in Don't Ask Bitterman. Some people just don't know soooooooo........... We have a new Miss Universe! Fool #2 murders another one in the spirit of Mariah Carey. Junior is looking for something and Tommy called his Black ass out. How the hell does a doctor have to pay for his ex-wifes's health insurance? What does yo momma, your pastor, The Rock and Idris Elba have in common? Comedy Roulette is for all the rotators out there who almost get caught. Today the show wraps up with beauty and the fellas just could not stop talking about Steve's jacket.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit looking back to back down, giving them just like theming bu bu things and it's not true. Good Steve har to mother, stay, don't join jo. You gotta use that turn hur You gotta turn to turn them out, got to turn them out, to turnout, turn the water the water. Come Come on your tha, h I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Here we go today. I think I have something for a lot of people today, at least I hope I do. And this is about on your journey, And this is about something that happens to us all. I mean, what happens to all of us from time to time when we get discouraged, What happens to all of us when we feel like quitting, What happens to all of us when we have that turn back moment. What happens to all of us when it don't seem like it's gonna pay out? Because I want you to understand something that everyone, every single living soul, has those thoughts about something at some point in their life. I mean, you know, look, I've oftentimes been discouraged about things not happening as fast as I like them. All things don't pan out the way I would like for them to have panned out. I mean, there's so many ways to get discouraged. But but what my encouragement to you is when discouragement comes is understand this. It is a part of the growth process. It is a test. It is a test of your faith. How bad you want it, do you really believes that's all faith is. It's simply and I've said this how many times. Faith is to belief in things that you cannot see. So when discouragement comes, set facts comes, it is a test of your faith. At least it's been that way for me. Now other people can explain it another way. I'm not other people. I can only give it to you the way it has come to me and throughout my life, and man on man on man. Discouragement sometimes it's tough to deal with because it seems at times when you are discouraged that is so absolute that this means the end, and if you allow it to set in, it can be just that the end of you. When Milly Milly. It was a test, that's all it is. But the majority of people that I know who are not successful or who have told me the story of how they gave up, it was because at a moment of discouragement that they allowed it to set in and it became so engulfing that it became the reason why you shouldn't finish. And then they started justifying it with hither one that I hate to hear. Well, if it's God's will, excuse me. If it's God's will that you fail. If it's God's will that you're not successful. If it's God's will that you lay down and give up, it's God's will that you allow yourself to amount to to not reach your potential. That's God's will. That's not the God I know. That's not the God I served. That's not the God I've read about. That's not the God I believe in. I'm sorry. I just my mother always taught me something that he didn't bring me this far to leave me. I just don't believe that. Not for a second. Now have I convinced myself or some things, yep, have I allowed the devil to come into the picture and paint a different one from it. Yelp, yep, I've done all of that, but you can't blame that on God. Now, come on, So when discouragement comes, try to look at it if you can, as a test of your faith, and you merely have to pass the test. It could be for a day, a half a day, a few hours, a week, a few weeks, it don't matter. Don't nobody know how long the test period is. Your job is to keep the faith and keep moving. Keep the faith and keep moving, keep working, keep believing, keep hope alive. That's your job. If you do that, that's how you pass the test. It could be over tomorrow, it could be over in two weeks, it could be over in a month. You don't know. But all you got to do is wake up and keep the faith and fight the discouraging feelings. And how do you do that? Steve? Now here we go. This is the part I know about for show because how many times I've had to fight off discouragement in order to get to where God wanted me to be. What do you do when you become discouraged? Well, I think of the outcome when I get discouraged about a task. I think about the outcome, Man, what would it be like if I were to complete the task? What would it be like? Man? What would the outcome be for me if I hung on in there, if I didn't give up, if I if I imagine, I imagine if I don't quit, I imagine if I don't give up, what would it be like? Man? Suppose everything I'm hoping for comes true. But if I don't quit and give up, that might just be the case. I start talking to myself like that, I think of what the upside is. What's the upside to stay in with it? You see, all this is the same thing. I'm just giving you different ways to look at it. I'm saying the exact same thing over and over. But I'm just trying to find the switch that connects in your mind where you can say, Okay, man, I'm gonna hang in there. Because if you think of the outcome and the outcome is appealing to you, if you imagine what it would be like if you don't give up or you don't quit, if you think only of what the upside is to stay in with it, and then I go, where can this lead to? If I stay with it? Man? And the outcome comes true. What else could that lead me to? Because I mean, there's always more to it. So where else could this lead me to? What are the possibilities? Man? What are the limitless possibilities? What could God possibly have in store for me? If I just hang in there? If I pass this test of faith? If I just passed this test, now, it ain't gonna be the only one. But you gotta get past this one. No, then you're gonna hear the smooth plane. Then it's gonna be another one. It's gonna be another one. Life ain't none but a series of tests. Man. Man, when you're thinking about giving up, when you're discourage, think of the outcome. Imagine what it would be like if you don't quit, If you don't give up, what's the upside to stay in with it? Where can this all lead to? What? What can this get you too? If you do this and you get to where you think you want to be, Oh my god, what's after that? What are the limitless and endless possibilities of holding on to your faith? What could really be out there for me? Man? If I just passed this test, you gotta talk yourself into hanging in there. You're listening show. Good Monday Morning. Everybody is a Steve Harvey Morning Show, which means, if you're looking at your calendar, you only got a few more shopping days left to Christmas. You know what you're gonna get, you know what you're not gonna get. I'm ready watch out there now, what's going on? Mis Shirley Strawberry? What is happening? You get married? Jay, that's what you're getting. Hell, hell, I don't use the Christians but to the no's something to get. No, don't even put that out in the universe. What's up, Calibrell? What's going on with you? What's going on? Jay? Happy Monday? What's up? Crew? What's happening? It is another Monday? Baby? What's up? Junior? Is my writing party, He's my sick buddy. What's up, y'all? I'm morning Jay, Morning everybody? Hell Now, you ain't getting it? Say right now now, Lesbian, not least, he's the King of Frank, not the King the King of Frank. Y'all give it up. As Thomas smiles, y'all, here we go, your side, your side, Top of the morning, Jake, Now, Jay, I'm not supposed to get a Christmas Brothers on a wedding present. Which one I'm supposed to get? Which one you want? Man, tell me what you want? You want to be all right? If you don't get either one tree, you know you gotta getting me a damn a blender works for a blender works for either one of them Christmas, then next time they throw the right set, me better be shrimping it. That's for damn ship. Sure number two special, number two number two special. You know, no I get. I never read the happen exactly. I'm good. That's that, Jake. This is it. Huh. I'm by yourself, solo all the way out. I'm gonna ride it on end like this. I'm gonna taking on end just like this. I'm good. Yes, yeah, I think I figured that after three weddings. I figured out I ain't supposed to be married. I'm not. I'm not. I have two girlfriends that have been married like twelve times between the two of them. Really na, oh yeah no? So after why I quit after three? I mean, surely your husband number four you got to be thinking this ain't really funny. Just like what I do. Four goes with scoops of potato salad something like that. They're hopelessly romantic. They keep doing it till they get it right. I got it right. I'm good. J's perfect. No, I'm gonna say this. I ain't doing it again. I'll say that I'm not doing Let me, let me, let me, let me do this. Let me ask all the married people on this show if this, if it ended right now, would you do it again? Carla? No, Shirley, I didn't take you absolutely? Why not? Yeah, I'm still here. Timmy, No, No, it's not glad of three and I know Steve wouldn't do it no more. So that's four. I've been married, I've been married long. You've been married telling twenty twenty it's twenty is I've been married seventeen. Aime. There's a lot of space in that answer. Man, You guys say that now. But if it happens in the right another right person comes along, you'll do it again. Never say never. Never. Me and the right person just gonna be friends, period none. If she wants to get married, all right, we gotta end this all right. Coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour, the pastors are coming up with church complaints. We'll have Reverend Adnoid and Deacon death Jam. Right after this, you're listening morning show. All right, it is Monday. It is time for church complaints with Reverend Adnoid and Deacon death Jam. Yeah what is he? First of all, welcome to the jackpot joint of Jerus Aliment, King Ching Hollylujah. At right? Yes? Okay, are you sleep? Are you prepared to do church complaint of having a really good day? The Lord has blessed me with a good day. I am so thankful for the data of heaven. All right then, okay, well I'm going to give the church complaint. Do you have church announcements? All right? Here we go. Let me start this thing out the side. Chick Ministry is asking for their Christmas to be celebrated on the eighteenth this year. They would rather be a week before Christmas Day, and they have noted they want the entire day. So now, if your husband don't show up till late on the eighteenth, or possibility the nineteenth, don't worry about him. He's in good hands. All right. I really, I really like that they've moved it to the eighteenth. It doesn't get confused with Christmas. And you could kill two things with one rock. I don't know how to go. But anyway, we're having two rock pool. Well you can kill two rocks or one stone. I like that. I like that. Here we go, church, church, church announcements, Here we go, Here we go. It looks like the baptismal pool will not ever be used again. So the church has decided that you can use it to soak your heavy blankets, quilts, and throw rugs. So just bring them, bring them on up there. We can soak them, get them cleaning with those curs. Nobody's getting it. Nobody's gonna get baptized ever again, that's not gonna happening. Right here, we are cutting back on a lot of things. Look, we need somebody to talk to. Look, Corey Phillips, Now he heard about the money that was found in the wall that Joel Oldstein's church. This ball has knocked out twelve walls at eight different churches looking for money. Were gonna have to get this bo he go to jail off an answer. So somebody seventeen churches and knocking walls looking for money, and we need to stop him. He needs to be stopped immediately. Okay, to read read for Church Us just before I do my churchen unscers. I have a biblical question. This is just a biblical question that like, here we go, which one of the disciples you think would have had a side chick? Which one putting it up there? I don't have an answer. Just Peter would it be? Peter? Would be Paul Gasoline Draws? Who would say that Jesus let her? That's my side? Really? Shit over that girl where we have talked to Jesus. You know nothing to come up in here when I'm talking to Jesus. Go ahead, you're going to hill. Well, hold up, if you laugh, you're going the hill too. You laughing at something else. Listen, Brother Nelson is asking that we send two of the deacons to his house. He put on a man's spranks and can't get out of it, but none of the deacons want to go help him. So what brother, how night do you want to go? Because right now nobody won't FuG out. But he's sucking in health. We went down to the police station and got the jaws of life, and we're gonna go over there and cut his fat behind. He's sweating all about the forehead and it's very shad here. This is a meeting. I'm calling the meeting meeting. The women who walk like wrestlers will be in meeting room five. You see them, you've seen them. Shoulders have a very strong walk. There's nothing simming about these women at all, not one. If you like to ten, they'll be meeting in meeting room, meeting room. All right, listen, we got a problem him. Somebody hypnotized Sister Sharon Davis. Every time someone says, won't he do it? She slaps the purchase. She's close to next week, singing with the man's quiet for for the you know, the church function. Now she's gonna be singing next to Sister darth It Burns, who was known to fight. Now, what shall we do? I say, let him fight, That's what we have nothing. Let them, Let them fight, because we need some action in this church right here, and a good fight. We don't want nobody to get hurt. But fight till we see that they're gonna get hooted, and then then we'll just stop him. That that which would be how about you, all right, fight till it hurt, fight till us write their phone and hurt. All right, Okay, this is another meeting the fat babies that are so fat. You can't see that rich Man meat. You have to you have to dig down in there. Get that rich band. You're right there, wear your ristmand. Listen, all right, whoever started Three Wise Men statutes left the in Hala, so we need to get find out all the members that have asthma so we can narre down who actually stole the Three Wives? Man, do you know who all has asthma? In the jersey? It's good, Okay, maybe I could get this in there. Due to the theft of the Christmas Declarations from last year, we won't have the Christmas Play, but we're doing it with all the costumes we had from the Peter Pan Project, so they will be dressed like Peter Pan. You can't stop. God, we're having the Christmas program. Don't worry about it. We're having all right, all right, thank you pastors. I think coming up next to it is asking her Man. Right after you're listening Stave every morning show coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have National News with Miss Anne Trip and in entertainment news, we'll talk about the Miss Universe pageant that went down last night, hosted by our very own Steve Harvey. Looking fly. Yes, yes, we'll talk about it, but first it is time for asking bitter man. And bitter man, you're you're not here to do what I don't know why we gotta keeps in is owen Ora, And I'm not trying to help you at all. People need to expecting help at all. I'm not Steve. Steve tries to help is normally where we would trying to help people. But all right, here we go. Sean and Texas says, I'm a fifty year old mother of two teenage daughters and they think I dressed too sexy. I have a boyfriend that is a few years younger than I am. He helps me pick out my sexy outfits. My seventeen year old daughter told me I'm too thick to wear my stomach out, but I taught her body positivity. Why are they judging me like this? Hate this? Hate me? If that's if that stomach that sometimes can be called good and you want to show it, you know, because sometimes people say the stomach, but it's really get and you want to show your gut. Show your gut, girl, do you show show your good? In fact, get your belly button peers and show you good show you good. You know, don't get the regular diamond, get the one with the little chain on until it hain't done, and move and we're the good. Move the chain move yeah, non wheverybody then kids, show you good. You're here to help that. It's sure all right. Taking augustus as I'm a forty three year old veteran and I've been dating a woman that was born in Venezuela. She talks about our country and the government, yet she's on government assistance. I'd love to get to know her better because this sex is amazing. It's just that her attitude is so bad. Should I continue the romantic relationship? And a boy talking to her about anything too deep? Stop? Stop tom and shut your damn out. Just shut up, shut up, just do it and don't talk to them. M. Point point to what you want. M. Stop talking, but M and not your head. Stop talking to that woman. Boy? Stop it? Why? Because the sex is amazing? Good set? Yeah? Would you be quiet? Who wouldn't be quite? For some good sake? And all crazy women all let's the bomb diggity, all of them the best sex in the world. If she's spinning around on the ceiling fan, that is good when it comes back. You little because you're a little scared. Legs out. Oh cold work, buddy is all right. Moving on to mary Anne and Tampa, Maryanne writes, my older my mother's older sister is staying with me temporarily because we did not want to push her into a nursing home. She used to be my favorite aunt, but now she's old and mean. She moved into my bedroom Friday while I was at work. She said she needed a bathroom in her room, so I could either sleep in the bed with her or move into the other room I was living. Do I allow her to run my home? Or do I ship her to another family member's house? Is high you deal with old people? Is what puts old people to sleep. Turning that heat up is high as you possibly can. In fact, I don't know if you noticed, but there's a setting called old people. It was knock her. It would knock her as she it's got to be really, really hot, nat. But I thought old people liked it hot. Yeah, but it puts you to sleep. You do like it, but it puts you to sleep, and that put it on. I mean, it's hot. It's now where you could like bake stuff with it just being out there. Yeah, that's that's that's like about three fifty past that. I don't know, but all thunderstats have a setting called old people. You gotta take it off to see it, but it's that it's called old people. Set it on that put up, but to sleep and you'll be fine. I would, I would, Ubert to another family member. Yea, she won't, I wish. Yeah, Maryann, You've got to get her out of there. But respectfully, all right. Last one Vicky and DC says, I have a close friend that is a copycat. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, but she's very sneaky with what she does. I redid my bedroom recently and showed her the decor. After I had finished, she told me it was a big coincidence that she wanted the same bed and was planning to get it soon. I gave her the side eye because that's hard to believe. It started with clothes and now we have an identical bedroom set. Is she a friend or a stalker? She is a copycat, and you just need to stop showing her what you got. Oh, or this might work. You need to get something in yoga room that's way too expensive behind and see how that go. And you don't have to keep it. Just put it in there, like maybe you get a bedroom set for forty vour and dollars and put that in there, and then you gonna take it back. He can copy that. Yeah, he's just a raft Lauren wall paper. Roll that on the he can't handle it. Get that. She an't get you a heated floor. That's what you want floor. You can't do it. I'm telling you you can't. Yeah. Yeah, your wall has a waterfall. Put that in there. You're gonna take it all down, but it's gonna cost a much. Make a whole wall and aquarium and just have fish swimming across the whole wall. See if you can do that? Right? I like that? Yeah? So is she a friend or stock? She's she's not a stock and she just a copy gat But you gotta lift time to say you gotta put stuff in there that she can't handle and put she can't afford that. Put a real tiger, then you definitely you throw your towels across the tigers. She said she want that and make it like Mike Tyson, get you yeah, wow, ye, how to do it in the room. Get a yeah, yeah, stupid, Yeah, stop all that copy right there, man, getting part of Mount Everest in your room, then she can't about everything you're gonna put. You gonna make your bed a moat. You're gonna dig all around your bed and then fill it up with water. She can't afford that matter fact. Puts some glue on your ceiling and just throw up a bunch of Sawaski crystals and just haven't plan it over. I might copy that. She was not really mad that copycat real quick, she said. At first started off with clothes and now it's moved them to the home and to the Yeah. I think she's both. She's a friend anak's he's a friendly stalker. Right, Yeah, that's a bit much. All right, all right, thank you, bitterman, Thank you guys. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news and national news with Miss Anne Tripp right after this. You're listening to Stay Morning Show. All right, we gotta say congratulations to Miss India. Miss India was crowned as the seventieth seventieth Miss Universe last night, and uh Israel Ye congratulations Miss India. Yeah, yeah, she was beautiful, very very pretty of them. All of them are beautiful, smart, smart ladies. Yeah, and of course you know it was hosted by our very own Steve Harvey. Steve looked amazing, did an amazing job despite all the jokes. You know, we always is like teasing we had from last week. Uh and these jokes are better when he's not here. Yeah, you can take it better. Yeah, we got last night time the short jacket like that one. I think there's a bullfighter looking for him. I'm just saying he needs to be here for that one. For mister Hardy, where's my jacket? You see? Yes, I ain't needed I know that you got it in spade. He looks real nice. He looks real nice. Yeah. Yeah. The cool part about the jacket was that, um, you know, it had all the pictures of historic sites in Israel. That's what that was about, you know, with all this very nice beautiful Yeah, a lot of lamb marks and all that on his jacket. Nice. Yeah, I had that jacket on up in Magic City. I swear to God, I done. I'll be enough pulling them, call I call, I'll be gilling them. I'll be getting there. Well they ever come out with the Atlanta jacket. Is gon have to have that on that? Yeah, buckhead, the thing that's definitely a jacket. You don't check at the club now you keep that keep Yeah, So eighty women, it was eighty women competing for the crown. There were some very impressive contestant scientists, philanthropists, teachers, you know, as well as beautiful and that's a great combination. Yeah, definite and so great answers to questions interviews about the situation, world problems including yeah, you know, climate change, COVID, all these problems that are affecting us around the world. So yeah, yeah, I wouldn't. I wasn't paying attention to none of the questions. I just look, I could, I could. I didn't you notice that they asked questions when always ask questions? God, we don't notice that I have a mute. I just want to see. Yeah, I noticed that if she's listening, she may be listening. I don't know this much. Maybe, but good morning, because I didn't I didn't hear one answer to the question. But okay, if you say good morning, miss us a yes, lord, yes, very good morning. Oh y'all if anybody like me the show, all right, we're moving on because these guys are crazy. And one one more, good morning, didn't miss Vietnam. Good just have it. Take it your thing man, morning to the Bahamas. Yeah beautiful. Those kind of women to look at me and go, how did you get my number? And don't ever call me again? Way out of your league, Jay Way. All right, guys, it is time for some headlines with Mithan Shrip. Thank you very much. Okay, good morning everybody. This is a trip with the news. Okay. At least thirty at least thirty tornadoes, some say as many as sixty to eighty tour through several states over the weekend. President Biden's issued a state of emergency declaration for Kentucky, which was hit the worst. The governor there, Andy Butcher, says that the death toll in Kentucky is at least eighty because of the destructive weather system, with whole neighborhoods wiped out. The devastation is just indescribable. Block from grandparents' house there, everything is just gone gone. I'd like to say we're going door to door in places, but there are no doors, that's how bad it is. The rescue was carefully picking through the remains of homes and businesses, including what's left of a candle factory where one hundred and ten people were working the night shift in overnight shift when the twisters hit. A nursing home in Arkansas was flattened. In Illinois, crews still clombing through the debris of an Amazon warehouse that was partially collapsed. Overall, outside Kentucky, at least fourteen other people are dead in four other states, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and in Illinois, where at least six people were killed. The state of Texas at it again now. Officials of the lone Star state have set up a hotline for employees to report companies that are mandating vaccines. It's seen as just another slap of the Viden administration's employee vaccine mandates by texas As Republican governor and its mostly geop legislature. Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order back in October that says employers cannot impose inoculation mandates on employees who might qualify or maybe for religious or personal or medical exemptions, and they can be fined for doing so. Sad news. The King of Mexican Ranchero music has died Vicente Fernandez. He was called El Rey. That's the King he started seeing as a boy. As a young man, he was signed to a record contract. He started in tons of films. He was known later on in life by his white white hair and his black black mustache. He sold over fifty million albums worldwide. We Sent To Fernandez won three Grammys and eight Latin Grammys. We SENTI Fernande. Who's eighty one years old? And more. Sad news. Novelist Anne Rice has died at age eighty. Anne Rice wrote six thirty six novels, including Interview with a Vampire, which was made into a film starring Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt, and Queen of the Damn starring the late Aliyah. You bold, let your music. You live your life in the open like I did long Nico. Now you are my droms s oh she was a sexy vampire. Anne Rice reportedly died of complications due to a stroke and chief again wrote thirty six novels, most of them gothic. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Tommy come on, introduced Shirt PRESIDENCEO of teen Tommy please, so we can look into his mind. Come on here, baby, let's go deep. Everybody, buckle up, whole tight. We're going deep, deep into the mind of an extraordinary mind. Hold on tight. I have no idea how far we're gonna go in this mind. If you're gonna go shallow, if you're gonna go deep, but hold on tight. You need to step belt no matter what, ladies and gentlemen, the mind of Jay Anthony Brown. What I'd like to introduce right now is my very first Christmas CD. You can go to Amazon, you can go to all the streaming platforms and said it's got five songs, and send 's got a Wishless Santa Santa, this Christmas Without You side piece Santa. They're all there. But right now, I like to introduce a song that I did now. And I try to write songs for people who are not so jolly. You know, the jolly has their own they got their own thing. I'm I'm I'm not going after the jolly. I let let the jolly be jolly. I don't go up to these people. Whenever I write a song, I know that I'm speaking to somebody like this song right here hit it one, no, no, no, all of them around. We're doing that this year. Shack this out, this duty, hit the spot, bunk, Christmas bitter, been a bad week. Hit the new year. Don't be present. I can't take another warring team or the dog. I will be locking keys back to my Please God, you may get back. I don't like men anyway. I'm gonna block you from my phone when I'm with them. Be gone. I don't care what you do. I want without you and get gifts. Give me that much in them anyway. Damn small ticking a raggedy tree. I'm kissing about kiss no by Oh hey, don't slot my door. You're riding in the car with that person right now. You can't make eye contact. You want to enjoy this song and some time later on when you can sing it to yourself, you really want them gone. Everybody with somebody right now, don't want to be with that person come Christmas. That's what this song is. I'm saying a lot of It's a lot of that. I've been hearing about a lot of honors out there. I've heard none of it. Let's buying you a funk with gilt clause you live back you're looking at being going, what the heir are you smiling about? What's so damn funny? I've heard none of this where who's talking about this? It's trendy. Oh, it's trending. It's trending. All right. Now I'm depressed. I'm talking to you. I'm talking to you, you know, all right, coming up with thirty four minutes after the hour of the comedians on this show. You know, we have a lot of them. They want to share some info with you, and they're calling it f YI. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to show, all right, So here we go. Before we left, you guys wanted to share something with us about f YI. What is FYI? This is? This is just f YI, Shirley, you know, just things that that pops in our head and I don't think people know about. You know, it's just f YI, you know, like like just FYI, like if if if your motorcycle got three wheels on it really ain't a motorcycle, Okay, it's more like a Tricit just f Y, just letting you know, that's all just y. Let's try, sickle dude, comes try look on it. I'm just saying why you don't get motorcycle respect on the helmet, you're still riding a tray sickle? Right, you got one? Yeah, yeah, I got I got one. Just for information. When you tell me what neighborhood you live in, I know how many people live in that house. I know that. So you say, just for you know, I'm over here sauce, Okay, that's at least eight people in that fielding. I know. I get that. I know people known. Look if you say to me my real daddy is visiting somewhere out the country, I know where he is. Okay, I know. Let's be real country. Is nobody anybody on that country? No? You know when you're real daddy? Yeah? All right. Look look this is justself why right here? If you work at a fast food ride through window, you don't own the catch up? Okay you don't know that. Okay, you need to know that. Just that, why? All right? So it's all right to give us six to eight of them. Okay, but this boo catch ups? Come on, come on, stop that. Yeah, fy fy, I didn't even know. Sure this is important. He noticed. Just for your information. Okay, when you tell me your dog don't bite I know the dog bite. That's why come. Don't come over that because he don't bite. Yes, you do your dog. Listen, I'm not hitting on anybody's job. But if you put that little yellow thing down and say the restroom is being clean and I got to go, I got to go, damn flow is okay? I just I couldn't care less about your mopping. I'm not sure about that because if I don't go, you're gonna be mopping for real. Okay, I'm going. Wow, I'm gonna go though, I'm gonna go, all right yourself. Why if you spray that black stuff in your hair? We see that black stuff in your hair. Okay, we see that the paint, we see it. Why we like? We don't know what that is. We know if you wipe your hand across your forehead, it's gonna go away. We know we know what that is. Why we and he go? He got another one that didn't even know if why are you dealing with me? When you tell me I'll be right back. I'm gonna slip on something sexy, I'll be right back. I'm not gonna see it because I'm gonna be sleeping. That's what I'm not gonna notice it, just for your When you tell me I'm gonna put some sex y'all, I'll be right back. I'll be sleeping by time and something back. I got gonna see it. If why look at him? If why, I'm hitting on nobody's ride. But if you got a car where none of the doors match, it's not gonna make the road trip we're playing. Okay, it's none were not. We know we're not gonna make it in that car. Okay, listen, listen, listen, listen. Just FYI, if you're missing two teeth on the side, Hey, guess what, we're looking at those two missing sections. Okay, we're looking at that. Just fy I just want you to know we're looking at that. We can see it. Yeah, see glad we get into that. Okay, he go another FYI, this is holiday season. If you don't charge your wheel chair up, I'm not pushing you. You don't. If you don't get that morning plug it up, you're not getting pushed over here, not doing it. If if I go over to your house and you got a twenty seven manage TV nailed to the wall, you can't tell me you're getting the biggest set soon it's not. It's nailed to the wall. It's nailed to the wall. All right, thanks guys. The ignorance continues, because what it never stops on this show, nephew, tell me with the frank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Stry Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, well about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today, and the subject is my husband. Get this guy's my husband follows nine hundred models. Okay, we'll get into that, just the real are there nine hundred? It might be worth it, let me see. Anyway, we'll get into that in just a bit. But right now the nephew is here with today's frank phone call. What you got for us? Now, well, this is one of the greatest of ball times. This is where I prank my uncle. Oh yeah, hardy, and listen right here, I needed a little help, called in, got some reinforcements. You've never heard it before. Buckle up. It is call me pranking his own So what did you say? I'm saying to you right now that he's telling on everybody he's checking on. Ain't got nothing to do with me, man, I ain't my book that's his damn book. Put him on the phone. I tell him I already stand to Steve. He ain't writing about you, Damn yeah, he did. Hen tall on me, he's tall on my boy. He's telling on everybody. Man. He goes this book, ain't got nothing to do with you. Man. No, No, nobody's book, dud got something to do with me, because everything to stay runners. He was growing up from the hood telling on everybody. But I'm tired of this. He ought to go somewhere and sit down. No, you gotta get right with your girls that if he's stolling my girl, he ain't got no business coming in my house in my car telling every damn thing. Hello, who who who is it? Who is it? Hold on, man, this Steve Harvey? Who is this? This is your tea? Man? Listen here, man, Okay, I'm gonna fall with your nephew, and I'm just saying this to you, Steve. Okay, hold up to you, dude. I see you on the front of Essence. I see you on the on the family field on your radio show. So why don't you go somewhere and sit out and quit telling on everybody? What I mean, if I'm everything Steve, I'm riding the car with my family. I'm gonna turn my radio off because you're telling game we grow up sticking together. If I'm running the middle game to make my hands meet or whatever it is, that's my goodest. You ain't gonna run on me, hold on, hold on, old women. First of all, I don't know who you are. I know you're done. I know who you are, and we listen to the show. Okay, first time you're gonna do though, back up a little bit, dull because you're talking to me plays if Steve, ain't nobody scared of you because you got money on just ain't nothing doing no money, and I ain't gonna be too many listen a minute and just enjoy your life. You find the perfect white no you, you found the perfect person, the perfect relationship. Okay, that's good. God blemming, don't put God in this. Leave God out of this, because you ain't calling from the God. Ain't gonna Steven killed me with that part right there, God bless you. Don't throw God. You don't want God bless me because you're talking to clegy to me. That's for starters right there. But since you're talking crazy to me, let me turn you onto something. You out that running game. That's your problem. Run your game. You can't get mad at me because I'm doing what I do to man, y'all kill me. You out there doing what you want to do, like you all of this white heel. Then you're coming to me because I'm trying to empower somebody. I don't give a damn about you, man, see on how you want to feel about me. But what you ain't gonna do, though, is talk to me like you Clay, because I ain't say mine Steve. Let me make the player feel fail. Okay. You got the airways, you got the microphone, you got the ability to touch a lot of people. Okay, and you're just killing You're a walk he's talking, am Hold hold us. This ain't got nothing to do with that. That what means this ain't got nothing to do with the media. Dis just me and you talking. I talk to you personally, personantly, me and you can talk anything little talk and then you call you're talking all this yet see his people like you? Man, dog, You know why I wrote a book in the first place, because you always somewhere trying to act like you're something that you ain't now you've got the sauce on the phone. Now you're trying to mince about money and to me, it's just me and you, just two men talking, not what you want. And if it's two men then talking in from one man to another, watch you get go some when sit down and quit telling. First of all, I ain't got to sit down. You are already doing nothing as it is. She was soon as somebody go out and do something, trying to do something positive. You're got someone shaking big shimmy wags like you sitting up in here, man, wanting to go to sit down somewhere. I ain't going sitting down, no, damn where you can mince me with that. I say what I want to say. And who are you anywhere? You ain't even doing nothing. I don't tell me I ain't doing nothing. I tell you what I am doing. I'm trying to do something. Every time I take a step, you take two steps. I can't hang hang man, Hey, yeah, you don't kill me. Why don't you quit trying and do something? You wan't killing me? Man? With that on you trying to do something? Why don't you do something? Though you shouldn't have been here talking to me about what you're trying. You try selling that same thing to your people. You're trying where your tie to me and trying stell when you're gonna do something. I'm doing something right now. You're talking to here on the floor. You're gonna be improving your relationship with your girl or whoever you're trying to get it together. But you're on the phone with me complaining because I wrote a book. Man, don't read the damn book. You probably ain't read it no way, And don't watch the TV show. You probably ain't working enough to pretty be the noh. I let me wait a minute, Joe. You don't know nothing about me. Okay, you don't know nothing about my finances. You know what I mean. I won't about your finances. This about you as a man? Think wrote Man, you don't y'all can me here what y'all do to me? Do what y'all do to me? Y'all always talking to me on an email somewhere. Y'are always on the blog talking about me. You don't even know me. Then when you're giving me face to face, you want to bring up money. This conciens ain't got nothing to do about money. I ain't brought him money one time. It's about man, who Now, why don't you do that right there? Minute? No, Steve, it ain't about money now because you got it, Okay, because you've got it when you was brock I bet that when y'all just what's a man? Just when I was broke, I was working. I wasn't sitting on the phone crying to some other men by what he meant to me seal with my wife. Yeah, had time I take a step forward? You got me took the two step round. That's why you ain't take a step. But I'll tell you something, because you got frank Off, I just has been. Oh god, time I'm gonna call you back, dog man? Run what's the battle? What kills me about this? Though? Comedians have no sense of you, they can they cannot take a show. No, no, no, no, I wasna I thought I was gonna get fired that You remember that went down? Yes, y'all do, Oh my god? Yeah, that was one. That was one right there for the books. That's one for the ages. Ladies and gentlemen. You do this prank today because your uncle miss universe last night. Yeah, since he gone, you know, I can he gone I can drop it on you hang gonna be with his little hanging out. I'm good, were good, be good, Catch your Nephew. New Year's Comedy laugh Fest. That's the New Year's Comedy laugh Fest. We're hit in Chicago, Washington, DC, Atlanta, GA. You don't want to miss it. Jumps off on the thirtieth in Chicago, Washington, d C. On the first, Atlanta, Georgia State Farm Arena on the second. That's earthquake. Eddie Griffiths said you to Entertainment DL Hughley hosted by Yours Truly Nephew Timmy tickets on sale, red Nah okay, laying in the cut. You know it's laying in the cut. Jackson, Mississippi, mL Okay Weekends on the Nephew finally coming to Jackson, Baby, get your tickets and have me some fish Friday. When I get down there, I just don't just throw it. I throw that out there like little catfish or something. Be nice for the nephew. Okay, catfish, coleslaw. Throw some fries in now, throw some seasoning on that. That's all that's all tought me. Looking for Jackson the Nephew coming emy Okay weekend Chuckle's Comedy Club tickets on Seal Red. Nah you go Whirreld. Why Shirley on Whorld? Why I hear you, I hear you, Neph, I hear you coming up next? Thank enough. It is the Strawberry Letters. Subject my husband follows nine hundred models. We'll get into that right after this. What you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit a Strawberry a letter. We could be reading your letter lie on the air. You hear that. This is a letter right here, and you never could be yours. That's where you, Jake could be yours. It could be buckle lupot, hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you, fugh. Subject my husband follows nine hundred model. How Dear Stephen Shirley. My husband and I have been together for twenty eight years and we've been married for seventeen. We have a nineteen year old son together, and my son recently got his father hooked on Instagram. Before my husband got on social media, we watched movies as a family. We'd go walking in the evening and even fool around in the morning. Now, when he wakes up, he'd rather look at pictures of topless women, or women in swimsuits or in thongs. He's oblivious to the fact that I'm looking over his shoulder, and he laughs when I tell him to stop. I got his phone one night when while he was asleep, and found out that he those nine hundred and eighty people on Instagram. I saw that he's following every one of you on the morning show. Well, thank you, and I know, but he's dragging It's dragging us in it, right and the rest of the people he follows our Instagram models with oiled up breasts and flat tummies and fake, big old fake butts. I saw where he's been liking pictures and commenting crude things under women's pictures. I saw where he had DMed a few women asking for pictures of their you know what, and he told them he'd send a picture of his if they did. I got so mad I deleted his account. We argued over it, and he told me that what he does on his phone has nothing to do with the love he has for me. He told me that he's with me for life, so I need to stop worrying about those Instagram models. He said, there is no way he'd have a chance in hell with any of these women, so I should let him have his fun. I asked him if he's thinking of these models when we're intimate, and he said he does think of them at times. I know for a fact that none of these women would want him, because I barely do. But I'd never do him like this. Should I let him have it's fun or keep nagging him until he stops doing this to me? Okay, is your husband serious? And are you serious? How can you look at this as fun? This is not fun for anyone. I mean, it's really laughable, and there's nothing fun or funny about it for you, whether he's sleeping with them or not. And you didn't say he is. This is a form of cheating, some kind of form of cheating here, I guess emotional cheating. He's mentally unavailable to you, and to use your word, oblivious to what he's doing to you. You asked him to stop, you deleted it. He got mad. You guys got in an argument. He just laughs at you. This is no way to be in a marriage. That's not what a husband should do. What he's doing on his phone has everything to do with you and how you feel. If it's hurting you, it's just wrong. Period. D ms are definitely off limits. He's sliding into these women's d ms asking I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Come on, man, and the fun he calls it is totally at your expense. You're his wife of twenty eight years or seventeen years. You gotta step up. You gotta let him know how you feel. You gotta continue to delete it. You got to talk to your son and tell him, you know, to fix it. Where his dad can't go on Instagram, lock him out, block him whatever he has to do, either he unfollows these nine hundred models or and gets off social media, or he can get off you. Because I just think he sucks as a husband and he needs to know that he's talking about you're his wife for life. Well then act like it, sir, act like it. Jay, Oh my god, this lady, Oh my god, why would you even write us? This is just nonsense. It's straight not I mean I mean the days of what the days of people sitting in the other room watching the Iron Side and Colombo and forty eight hours them them days is over with. Nobody want to watch that. Somebody want to watch the the Beverly Hill Villas and all of them. The rightful man them shows is old. The internet has changed. He in the other room watching naked women. He's home. He ain't gonna never get these women. He even said that you know what he looked like. The women know what he looked. Let the man have some peace. Damn, he's just looking at the booty. I mean, what do you want? You want them to be in in the garage making a wooden birdhouse or something like that. That isn't what he want to do. So you want to outside plating flowers. He don't want to do that. He just want to look at But I mean, damn, I mean, why would you even write us this letter? Leave Leave the man alone. You know where it is. You know how many men don't come home at night. They don't even come he's home, Well, where's your daddy? But I mean, what what what else do you want? Leave him alone? It's just it's just but it's just but that's all it is. Damn, he was looking at je. Would you be happening? Would you have something to say? He's looking at behind watching movies doing family things. Nobody want to watch No, damn movies. No more. The Internet changed that. It changed the shot. She Oh, nobody want to watch old ass movies. Come on, you're gonna only watch Black Panther one time nine hundred. Butch is the man enjoying himself. Leave him alone. You are bitter man. You are bitterman. All right. Uh, we'll have part two of the letter coming up. We're gonna hear from Tommy. We're gonna hear from Junior at twenty three minutes after the hour. Subject for today's Strawberry Letter, my husband follows nine hundred models. Disregard Jay's answer. We'll be right back after this. Not different card that you're listening to the string show. All right, we're gonna recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject is, and then we'll hear from Tommy and Junior. The subject is my husband follows nine hundred models. A woman wrote in They've been together twenty eight years. She and her husband they've been married for seventeen They have a nineteen year old son who recently showed his father how to get on Instagram, and now the dad her husband is hooked and all he does is look at women's but d ms women crude things in the comments. The wife gets mad. He has no disregard for her. He just tells he just laughs at her and tells her that he's with her for life and don't worry about it, leave him alone and all of that. And she's disgusted as his wife, as she should be, and she wants him to stop. She says she knows she could never he doesn't have a chance with these women because she barely wants him. But she just wants to know. Should she let him have his fun or keep nagging him until he stops doing this? And it is inconsiderate and disrespectful. All right, Tommy, you say what, You're not gonna get him to change until you show him from the other side. You understand what I mean. So what I want you to do is I want you to have it. You need to start when he when he sleeps, wake him up with porn on the TV. You understand I'm saying, And turn it up real loud and just bring it for him and just comment on everything you see on the pawn. Take look at this boy, that boy bringing it. I ain't looking at him, baby, Look at him, baby. You ain't got nothing like this boy got. You see what this boy working with. You see this boart working with, baby, and you got that. You ain't got nothing like that right there, boy, that boy bringing it up in here, Backbuster billet. Look at this board. Go baby, come look at Backbuster. Look at it. Look at it. You said, Oh, now, I know you can't do that position right there. Did you just see what that boy did? Did you rewind that white backbuster? Do it one more time? Why you ain't the way you can do with Backbuster? Who he got a lot of you working with. You ain't got nothing like that. You ain't close to Backbuster billet, baby, I mean you good, ain't. I ain't gonna to your backbuster billy gonna be on my mind, oh day when I get back home from work. Look, I don't I don't want to be interrupted. I'm gonna get me a glass of wine and I'm gonna sit here and watch some mold back buster billy. That's what I back. Yeah. All you gotta do is fight five with five. I promise you hes gonna be getting off them, dog, gonna loose your media talking to everybody. Turn up that pawn in the room and let him have it. That's what you got to do. A yeah, yeah, you know, you know, you know. Let me tell you something. This this this what I want to know. Can you give me the list of people? He followed me that what I need. I need the list or the nine hundred and eighty women? He followed, Okay, I don't let me tell you some numbers that don't matter. Twenty eight seventeen, nineteen, Jim, numbers don't matter. Nine eighty is the word I'm looking for. Care about y'all being together twenty eight years, don't care about y'all be married for seventeen, Don't care you got a nineteen year old son. The only number that matters in this level is nine eighty. Where is these nine hundred and eighty all up women with the fake buttons? Where is that? Give me that list? That's what the one follows. Yeah, well, I appreciate you following me, but send me the list in my DM so I can start followers some of the stuff you're looking at, man, He at home. Man, he at home. You know he ain't gonna get done to these women. You send it yourself. You barely won't him disrespect it's not disrespectful. Man is at home, he looking at butts nine hundred and eighty. L Let him have that. He don't have much else left, Charley. All he want is nine hundred eighty women, and you mad it could have been a thousand. Oh it's nine eighty twenty more it is a thousand, nine eighty. Let the man have his time with Jake. This man ain't bothering nobody. He ain't. He's bothering his wife. She doesn't the room looking over the shoulder, It was gotten me. Why are you looking at this man? He just looking at pictures? Okay, still another question? What you look like? Obviously obviously you ain't like the nine eighty he looking at all the man's doing. Just look at that pictures. You want a man to be home. He home. He he a family man. That's all the family and presence in the marriage, getting the marriage. Ain't that with marriage? Like just being at home? Can't go now? All is this man like to look at all up breasts and fake look over the one time you know what you're gonna see? Why are you going back? You know what? He's sitting a look at the same nine eight it what it won't? I think DM said it best Jay, which I really won't from me in words, which I really want all up. I'm I'm never seems to amaze me. All right? Made hit us up on Instagram at Steve Harvey f M with your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter, and please please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast. Man Uh, coming up, Junior, we're gonna switch gears because Junior has a special poem for us instead of sports today. Yeah, oh, so you haven't had a poem in a minute, Junior? Good, all right, all right, all right, we'll get to that coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, right after this. You're listening, all right, it's been a minute since Junior has blessed us with the poem. And guess what he's here today with the poem. Oh okay, okay, listen, y'all. This has got to be addressed. This is important. This is not a game. Okay. Let me say, I've watched all these Christian movies. I've seen Sama everywhere, I've seen the North Pole. But you know what, you don't see black elves? Where are they? How come we don't have no black hells? So the title of this poem is, hey Sama, how come ain't no black hells? That's all here? This is it. I just want to address this black people with everything, Black people, black panther, all that. But did y'all notice all these years we've been living, you ain't seen no black eles. That don't bother y'all. Well, it bothered me enough that I wrote a pole about it. I'm serious. Here it is, Hey, Santa, how come there no black els? I don't see any black els? Santam? What's up with that? Most of the elves? I see a white? And that's an actual fact. I guess black ells don't matter. At least they go to you. You've been a North Pole all damn your law. Can't we at least get too? I hate to march on the North Pole because for marching the weather's not right. So Senner, I like some black elves, and I like them before Christmas night. So go ahead and pack your towards to do your Christmas d but put some black els on your list, and damn it I'm asking nicely, please don't make me come up there, because I will the end we're at the Black Ells. What what well? Is he black hell? Okay, okay, but Junior, huh don't you have sickle sale? You can't take your black I know I can't come. I know I can't go up there a price if they have christ to try to march. I know I know I can't go up there. You cannot go to the point remain. The point remains where the black hells. That's all I need to know. The weather, the weather won't out allow you to go up there. Junior, you can't. I said I was gonna mark. I threatened Sam. I'm not going. I know I can't. I ain't march. I can't march caller, I know I can't march you. But the point is they ain't no black hells. Yeah be he m black hells matter black black else. You know they ain't gonna get up on time to make the toy. They're gonna be late coming to work. Well, we don't know that time because it ain't none. I understand. I also know I'm putting apps in. It ain't right. You tak your black behalf to the now bowl. It's a route for you, Bobby. All right, coming up at the top of the yard, we got some comedy roulette for you with Jay Anthony Brown. Thank you, junior. Right after this end. You're listening to show. All right, it is time now for comedy roulette. Jay. What you got here? You go, You take three subjects, you put them on a wheel, you spun the wheel. Wedge. Stop. Well man, it funny because that's what we do. Yes, you do. All right. Here's the list. Things you tell your wife or your partner if she finds gifts that aren't for her. Okay, Excuses you make for not going to the office Christmas party, yeah, and nice things you say to your wife to make her stick to her diet. We're not doing that. We're not doing that. We're not doing oh lord here, okay, all right, get ready, guys. Things should tell your wife or your partner if she finds gifts that aren't for her. Look, baby, I know you gotta blender, but this is better than the one you've got. That's what they're here, and it's got somebody else's name on it. That's the name of the company. Clarise didn't make Blender's baby. You got clarice. It's a clarise Blender man, you ain't never happen. All right, here we go. Things you tell your wife where you partner, if she finds gifts that aren't for her. Wait a minute, all the gifts under the tree and you found that. That's what you found. Yeah, you found all the gifts other that you wouldn't found that. Yeah, it was under there, just like all the other. Right, all right. Things you tell your wife if she finds gifts, or your partner she finds gifts that aren't for her. Okay, I adn't know how to tell you this. I'm listening. I'd be cross dressing sometimes. I just don't want to tell you. I don't want to tell you that I did. Really, I don't know. I mean, I just hope you can keep this between up, all right. Your partner, if she finds gifts that aren't for her, this size and his encouragement so you can lose weight and get any size too. That's all I'm doing. I'm trying to help you. That's what I voted to. I mean, all right, Things you tell your wife or your partners she finds gifts that aren't for her. Give me that my mama like Christmas tooth just about you. My mama can get a gift. Yeah, thing tell you things? You tell your wife or your partner she finds gifts that aren't for her. Look that Teddy is for my mama. Okay, yeah, the telephone. She's sat in the night, but my mom's still go on her sexy on two. Okay, all right, my mom was she like ted is. It's a lot of cutouts and it's Teddy. Things you tell your wife or your partner if she finds gifts that aren't for her. What it's about telling you has some pennies with the booty out? Damn it? I mean, come on, the hell the hell? Why can't you win panties with the booty out? I mean, Jesus Christ. Yeah, something gifting everything. I mean, you should tell your wife or your partner she finds gifts that aren't for you. Know the problem the whole situation is no, the problem is where's your gift? See you, Peter? Everybody else where's yours? Why is your wants to be fine? Everybody gift with yours? What's what I called? I want to know? Okay? So I don't can't lend the name on it. Where is your gift things? You tell your wife or your partner, she finds gifts that aren't for her, that's for the dog. Yeah, all right, we'll have more that settle it. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in twenty minutes after the hour right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, doctor Dre appears to have finalized his divorce from ex wife Nicole Young after twenty five years of marriage and an ugly, very expensive one billion dollars that's billion with a beat legal battle. Fifty six year old Dre rapper producer was pictured posing with the celaboratory display of balloons, showing off his newly single status. In an image posted by one of his associates, Doctor Dre posted in front of a large gold balloon that read divorced A f okay. Well, this is a part I like, he can have all the balloons he wants, but he still has to pay his ex spouse more than three and a half million dollars per year. I definitely agree with it. You've heard the money and yeah, for sure, twenty five years a minute every minny until she remarries or enters into a damn bladdy ever, or even if she enters into a new domestic partnership type, she's not going to and he has to temporarily pay her health insurance. There you go pay her what her health insurance temporarily? You got three million? You can, you can your girls three million billions. I got to take you to the doctor too. You got three million? You want a baby, and go get your check up on your own night. She's not married about to happen, and she's gonna have about me. Don't think about it? All right? Are a doctor for the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this, we'll do a round of would you rather you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it's time for a round if would you rather get right into it? Here we go. Would you rather accidentally send a sexy picture to your mama or to your pastor past past, you know? And for me? Either way I send it. Either way I send a sexy picture, it's gonna eat up whoever receives it. Memory, it's gonna eat up. On the matter, I'm sending at the pastor junior. You can pray for me, you just don't lay hands on. Just don't tell me pastor you still got it all right? Would you rather be in bad with a dominant woman or a submissive woman or anyone? So, don't matter which one. I just need one. But if you up now, you gotta let me lose. Okay, don't be going the word leaving me tied up. I need the key or knife on some seals. I got bit to get out now, don't matter. Yes, did tell me what to do? I tell you what to do. It don't matter him. I'm going with dominant. I'm going with okay, oh dominant, okay, yeah, but don't shut up your old MF. I don't even use that okay, Oh gosh, And don't hit me with no bell to nothing. I don't don't care now thinking aloud? All right, here we go. Would you rather trade faces with indus elba or would you rather trade bodies with the rock? The rock? Why not? If like the rock? Ye, I never wear ship if I was built like the rock, doing winter the whole year in winter? Man, Ever, that's too much maintenance, though, I don't you got to work out every day. It's too much. I guess I wear in dress face. I guess if you got to, If I got to, you just have to have spring a bell every time. I would you rather, okay, here's one. Would you rather be intimate with your with your significant other with the curtains open or with the curtains closed? Got to be closed? And like love? You want to know what? You want to know? What nicke and afraid look like. I don't want people walking back well, look at Jay. I want the curtains sofa. I want somebody to say, Hey, I'm gonna fall up the glass. Don't you rather for today? Thank you guys, coming up, it is our last break of the day. And moving back to close out of the show at forty nine minutes after write after guys, you're listening to show. More than thirty tornadoes were reported in at least six states over the weekend, including Missouri, Tennessee, and Mississippi. Our prayers, of course of going out to all of those affected, and especially to the families that have lost their loved ones. You can help, You can help, and they definitely need your help right now. You can help the people that were affected by the tornadoes by visiting red Cross dot org or you can call eight hundred Red Cross. Go to red Cross dot org or call eight hundred red Cross and keep those prayers coming, those donations coming, because they certainly need them. This was a major disaster. This You need to stop saying there's no global warming. But they didn't have to accept that climate change is here and it's global warming. And if you if they had passed Biden's build back better, that money would be allocated right away as opposed to having to wait for it. But the Republicans don't want to have anything to do with it. And no one was really saying it but Trump and his followers. When Trump, you're right, he started, yes, you know, yes, And Rand Paul is in Kentucky asking for money, but when some of the other states were needed money, he voted against it. He totally voted against it. Now he needs help, so yeah, yeah, he questioned doctor Fauci science. Yes, Rand Paul, right, yeah, yes he did, yes, yeah, that's the one whose neighbors beat him up, right. And the thing, we know why your name? Yeah, yeah, we don't know why that, we know why anything, but why ja I think we know why? Oh? I think you know got it gets you jumped on every time? Ye, every single time? Buddy, Yeah, yeah, ain't it bad to pull out the driveway though, and just know damn he will ask. Yeah, hey, listen, we gotta say congratulations to Miss India. She is the brand new Miss Universe Verse pageant hosted last night. But our fearless leader, the one and only Steve Harvey. Yeah, looking fresh and fly as always, he was looking fresh and fly. Saying the wrong name again, he said Portugal and was supposed to say, y'all, what's the other country? Oh, India, that one that actually won Paragua Paragua Man, and they got him again. Man, he traded out, Yeah he did. He said, they tried to get me, y'all. They ain't gonna get Where is Paraguay? Where is that South South America? I ain't know. They like we've been doing running by it answered it for a lot of people, don't worry about it. A lot of people in the damn cause had no idea wherein where they ain't in the west. N e'ster damn showing it. And I picked Paraguay in India, I picked India. I said India was gonna win it all. I did say that, don't go around talking about India. I read run the Miss Universe. She did not shut out. I am not my hair. A lot of beauties in there, get information on twisted up Africa, a lot of South Africa. She came into. She came in number three. Yeah, Columbia was beautiful, y'all? Yea, And I liked her. Answers to her answers were very good too, very very all. They all looked good. They a beautiful woman, beautiful, smart, intelligent women. Yeah, you don't have no is it is it Miss Universe or Miss uh? Miss America? Which one? Did they remove the swimsuit category? Because this one has swimsuit? I think why did they bring this back Miss Miss America? Yeah? I think it was Miss America because they definitely did a swimsuit last night. Yes, they did have a swimsuit competition, which is always nice. Yeah. If I missed that, I just fearn the champ. I want to I don't really care how you answer your question. I really just want to see. Didn't I didn't even hear the answers? What you didn't even know? They they asked him questions and Laurie Steve's daughter was there. Stephen, great job and she looked this is pretty as something. Lads up there, Hello, what did you guys think about Steve short like, uh blo kind of a jacket? He had Ony read this. Tommy said, there's a matter door looking for a jacket. Tommy said that I liked it. You guys like it. That's a that's a that's a fighter that went to his locker. Sin we're in the hill, soone has my jacket? Who has my jacket? Somebody from Spin, somebody from what is my jackets? Wish my jacket? He talked like that too, can fight the bulls without my jacket. Bull without my jacket? I like, because it was it was different, It was it was really nice. Yeah, yeah, you know it was dull chab. You know what, we'll have the jacket just gonna just fly his ass up into the scene. Because jacket with a jet pack. Hey, you gotta Steve Harvey jack jacket. Yeah. Because he's trending now. Yeah, stylist, one stylist of the year, you know, congratulations to him. Yeah, a lot of stuff going on, So we're just glad I ain't got a soup with thirteen buttons on it? None? All right, well you got a button on your cuff? What is the time? Is up here? We love you, We think see tomorrow. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.