Milwaukee Bucks A.D. Dolphin Naomi Osaka Dr. Fauci and more

Published Jul 21, 2021, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! When Steve starts it off like this, nothing but ignorance follows. The CLO talks about lack of discipline and inability to operate. Naomi Osaka keeps winning and certain people have a problem with it. A.D. Dolphin is here and shares the story about getting connected with Ice Cube. Congrats to Milwaukee on their first NBA Championship since 1971. A Florida man is the first to go to prison for the riot at the capitol. Fauci fires back! Today in Closing Remarks, Steve warns us about negative thinking.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million buck things in it to be good at listening to mother, Please, I don't join jo You gotta use that turning. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you love, got to turn them out, turn the water, the water go. Come come on your fab Uh huh. I shall will a good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Uh huh, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah. Man, oh bah bah boy man. God has been good to me. I can't even I can't even put it into words, man, but I try, though, I try, try try. God does things for me just right on time. He said, he's so cool with it. And I happened to run across Joel Oldstein on television like I often do all the time, and I was sitting there and he had such a timely message for me. A part of it was something that I've said oftentimes about if you really really want to be successful, if you really really want to change, if you really really want to prosper, if you really really want to achieve greatness, if you really really want to have something in life that's worth having, if you really really want to accomplish your goals, you got to push through all of it. He said that when you get closer to it, the more difficult it becomes. Did you hear me? He said, the closer you get to what it is you want or you need, or you have to have, or or you would love to be, it gets a little bit more difficult when you get closer. He told this story that's in the Bible that I've never heard before. This is what he said. He said that was a man who was paralyzed, and he had heard that Jesus was speaking at a house, and so he wanted to get there. So he convinced four of his friends to put him on a stretcher and carry him for hours to get to this house where Jesus was speaking. He said that along the way, these friends said that they went along because he had so much faith that if he could just get to him, it could be better that he could if he could just get over the end he could see him, that he might have a shot at getting healed. And so he said they took out along the way and they walked and they walked and they walked for hours. And then when they got there, the house was completely filled with people. That was absolutely it was packed wall to wall. That was absolutely no way for the men to get him on that stretcher end to see Jesus. This is a story that Joel Osteen said is in the Bible, and he was telling it now. I'm just repeating the parts of it. I got gathered and so he said. They were sat there and they went, wow, man, we walked all this weight and it's four and and and and and and and we can't get there, he said. And then the guy with the affliction told the four men, if you get up on the roof and cut a hole in it and lower me down, I bet I could see him men, and I better to be all right now. He then said, you must imagine how these four men must have felt when you carry somebody for hours on on on on on on the way. They had to carry some cloth connected by a couple of sticks, said the men. Shoulders had to be bruised, had to have deep gouges in them, not cuts, but just indentations. Were they had carried the weight of this grown man for so many hours, and they looked at him in disbelief, like, man, what are you talking about. We didn't walked all this far. He said, yeah, but if you get up on that roof and you cut a hole in it and lower me down, I can see him and when he see me, it'll be all right. After sitting there and imploring the men, they went up and did just that, and then and then the story that Joel Osteen said, the man was healed. But the point he was making was he was saying that the closer you get to what it is you really want, the more difficult it's going to become. But you've got to push through. See, if you don't push through, you never know, so you can't get right to the answer. And because it gets really difficult, started creating those little saying that we got his people. Um, well, I guess it wasn't meant to be. I guess it wasn't. Or as we all now, man, I guess you should not give up right now. I guess you should keep pressing. I guess you should do more, because see, in all of us, in all of us, when you've had enough, I want you to know something. You do have a little bit more in all of us. You can do one more you know. That's one of my favorite things that I heard Joel Oldstein said, and it kind of made me feel good. He said, I always feel like I can do one more anything, and I tell my friends all the time, I can do one more man, I could do one more day. I can do one more anything. Now Here was the jewel that I never really knew that Joel Oldstein and God sent to me I needed to hear. He said that no matter what you're going through, no matter how long the challenge is you've been facing, God has an end date for it all. Did you hear me? No matter what you're going through, no matter what challenge you're facing, no matter what situation you've gotten yourself into, God has an ending date. All you got to do is keep pressing forward. All you got to do is hanging now. All you got to do is don't give up. All you have to do is don't turn back. That is an end date for all of it, even when you think you've had enough. And boy, have I had this conversation with God on several things that I've been going through, and I'm going. I've even told him, look, I got it, man, He said, just keep hanging on. There is an end date to whatever it is you're going through. There's an end date to your illness, your sickness, yo yo, tired of being tired. There's an end date to this relationship that you can't seem to get through. Beyond over that's that's like a cancer to you. There's an end date. But you've got to hang in there. You've got to keep pushing forward. You cannot turn around. You must not go back, because when God gets you through this and you break through to the other side, the reward and the benefit is far greater than the struggle. I oftentimes look at some of the things that God has brought me through in my worst times, and when He brought me through, I went, wow, man, now that I understand that, Now that I'm on the other side and I have the benefit of the reward for it, would you do it all again to get there? Yes? I would. You're listening to one two one two three. When you think of love, gotta get it on your mind. Yea, when you think of love and gotta get it on your mind. When you think of love, God to get it on your man morning. Everybody shout out to Eddie Murphy. Yeah, Ray Valentine bent Billy, Ray Valentine sending in that bathtibe for the first time, Capricorn, in a long time, Capricorn. When you got it, giddy o mine, you're in a good mood today. Might as well be here. I'm alive. Yeah, well from me up, Hey, let me tell you something old I get. The more I appreciate the shot. Yeah. And you got to come to work today, you get to I got to come to work toime. Yeah. This is an opportunity of blessing. I don't take it for granted. You may not be working where you want to work, but least you're working. It's some people would take your would add love to have your job. I know some people want y'all job. You're here all the time, girl, I wish I had that day. Y'all just be on that talking. It's really more to this job than talking. Because because the ladies actually prepped the show Mississippi Monica caller for real Shellley, they do prep on the show. Junior getting his little sports ready, Me and Tommy, we just come in here. Oh dropped, which can be a problem. Well, you know it's that's gonna be a problem me in early time. I know what we're gonna do at at eight forty bring man, tell me at eight forty Yeah, yeah, then I tell you whether I'm doing it or not. You can tell me on the air what we're doing it. Still, Remember why you have all your meetings, all of your meetings on all of them. That's the best way to do it. Man, It's not something you should be. That's what you confidential. Yeah, because we're lying to the people. We're not lying, just not telling them. Everybody to know behind the scenes stuff. You know that how I used to have a meeting with me on that. Okay, where's your show with God? When? When is your show? Boy? How much? Just the tickets? Where where can they get the tickets? I'm asking you something I don't know all that. Oh well, then the people ain't gonna know either. And then we Hi Ja and he come on do the same, you know. Oh man, I'll be going Damn and Jay be in the other place. We're gonna be done at Willie Snyder's lounge, and Nika Stow in the back. We're gonna be at the We're gonna be at the packing house on Friday, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the cl that bagging up chickens. What Steve Harvey in the building right after this? You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for asked the CELLO Chief Love Officer. Steve Harvey is here. This one is from Janey in Mississippi. Janey writes, I'm a twenty nine year old single woman and I'm confused by the man in my life. He's been taking me out for a full year and spend the majority of his time with me. I've been to his parents' house several times, I've met his daughter, and I'm cool with his ex wife, but he says we're just friends. We did the ninety day rule and he's respectful, respectful towards me in every way. I've decided to withhold intimacy until he claims me as his girlfriend. He said that would only hurt our relationship, not help. What other way is there, CLO, Now, I think you're doing the right thing. He said it would only hurt the relationship, not help. Okay, Well let's see. Yeah, yeah, And if you can't get nothing. You want what type of relationship is it? Right? You know you'd have met his mom and everything, but you want a title. You want something, and he don't want to give the tam You know, friends all is y'all doing and y'all just friends. He don't want to label it. You know then, and you want to label. You have every right to want to label. It's okay, it's okay. It's gonna hurt the relationship, not help it. Okay, Well, let's see. Yeah, sometimes you got to call a bluff bluff. Yeah, yeah, don't it don't take long once you cut it off. Now, it don't take long. Oh at bluff quick? Okay, uncle, uncle, uncle, all right. Moving on to Patrina in South Film Michigan, she says, I've been married for eleven years and my husband has cheated three times. Each time, my intuition told me he was up to something, and I cornered him until he confessed. Each time he said it was just sex and he had no attachment to the lady. Although I look better than all three of them, and my body is tighter than all of theirs, there is still something that makes my husband keep stepping out on me. Why am I not enough woman for him? It? That's not it. That's not it, and stop making it about you. Your husband hasn't inadequacy. He has a flaw. It's not that you're not enough woman for him. It's just that he won't other women. It ain't about you not being enough. It ain't nothing about you not being cut tight or finer. All that he has no damn self control. He's an undisciplined man when it comes to that in you, and he's stupid enough to get busted three times and being just cause you pressure him. So now you've got an undisciplined man that ain't even strong. So now he ain't strong, which means he's also weak in other areas. So if he if you can break him down because he weakness, you don't think another woman can. Your man has a weakness, and it's in his ability to hold strong to any commitment or conviction that he makes. So she should do what yellow as his wife. Look how many times an eleven years do a dude got a cheat on you? Yeah? For you to say enough is enough, it can't be an enjoyable marriage. No, it can't be. And I'm glad you said that. Because many women do blame themselves, and that's what she's doing. But my problem is he's not good at it. That's my problem. He's not good at it. Why are you doing this? You're not good at it. He's not a good cheater. That what you're saying terrible, y'all's disappointing you. Okay, we're moving one. Keep the segment with who they rode into. We're moving. This is not his specialty facts as got one specialty pranks on this radio show. Matthew call his TV show and you ready to love? That's another thing. Yeah, he lead a TV show. He damned ain't ready for nothing. All right, we're moving on. Jesse and Philly says. I've been married for seven years and my wife and I are thirty eight years old. We were at a kickback last weekend and I went into the kitchen to grab a beer and I overheard my wife say that sex is overrated and size does matter. The ladies agreed about the size thing, but told her she's not getting fulfilled. She has to talk to her husband. I went back outside with the fellas, but this has ruined my night and all honesty, we haven't been intimate in a while, Should I bring up this conversation to my wife? Yeah, you can't get your feelings hurt though sex is overrated? Ye, and size matters. Well, homie, you're in trouble either way. Yeah. Now, let's just say it ain't the eyes issue. Okay, let's just say in whatever you have, your inability to operate it at a level that's pleasing has created a problem too, because she ain't she had to kick back talking with the ladies at the kickback. I'm sixty four. I ain't never been to a kick back time. You've been to kickback? I haven't been. I heard them, but I haven't been. I ain't never been. Worth you've been to the kickback people? What exactly is it? Though? It's when you go into kitchen and you overhear them say something that kicks your ass back out and the meeting then that's a kickback. Well, just you ain't gonna go to no one because see me, and ain't going to talk about their wife to another group of men. We're nothing to do that. You know. If you hit damn thing about my wife and no other dudes, that ain't happening. Dough y'all do that with y'all men, men, don't do that with the women. All Right, I got it. Let's do a Steve Harvey kickback, like on a sad somewhere. Just everybody comes Steve Harvey kickback. Didn't you just hear me say, I don't do no damn kickbacks? You don't do You ain't done them before, But ain't nothing wrong with doing one? Not just why don't you do the kick back? You're younger than me. Well, it might go wrong. I ain't got no friends. You got friends. I ain't got no friends. No, you always gonna do with yall the couples and all that aren't going on with me and margin I'm going with no damn body. You got a lot of friends to kick back at your damn house. We gotta go. We'll discuss this kick back later, all right? Coming up next to Neophe, you would run that frank back right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anne is standing by with our national news and then entertainment news. Megan Kelly remember her, well, Megan, do not come for Naomi Osaka unless Naomi Osaka sends for you. Okay, got it? Plus an other trending news. We'll talk about that, plus another trending down y have a seat with seat belts, thank you, Plus an other trending news. Billionaire Jeff Bezos said yesterday was the best day ever. I bet it was for him. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now, the nephew you heard him, he's here in the building, would run that prank back? What you got for his neff? One of the twins is man. Oh, no, one of the twins is mine. I just it's possible. I've done the research biologically, it's possible. It's happened in the past, so hey, why not prank on it one of the twins. It's okay. All the babies ain't gonna be your Hello. I'm trying to reach Tony. Yeah, this is Tony Tony. What's going on? Man? Hey, brother, my name is Kendrick. Man, I'm trying to reach out to you. You. Um are you? Are you the Tony that used to used to day man? Yeah? What about it? Man? I was trying to reach out to you. Um. When you say this is again, my name Kendrick, Kendrick, I I got, I got I got a little problem, bro, Hopefully we can work this out. Mans. Man, that ain't got nothing to do with no damn no mote. Man, that's the path to don't even call me about her. Man. That just you know, I don't want to hear. Do you and do you? Um? You do y'all have kids together? What do y'all have? Do you all? Do you all have children together? Yeah? I got kids from Keith? Man. How do you get my number? Man? Say again, how you give my number? Hey, Bro, I ain't trying to have no beef with you, man, it ain't. It ain'tthing like that. I'm just ya. Do y'all Do you have a set of twins? Yeah? Man, we got a set of twins. Man. But waving hold on, now, why are you calling me? Man? Whatever you and did? Man, that's you don't know. But what you're asking me about my kids? Fun? Man? Okay, Bro, it's I mean, I don't even know how to break this on you, but I'm just gonna just put it out there, okay, just and just hit me out, man, just hit me out. It's been brought to my attention that there is a strong possibility that one of the twins is mine. Oh are you crazy? Them? Man? Who you say you is? Again? Man, just kendrick Man, Man, Man, don't call my house with this man, high twin gonna be yours. Man, They my twins. Man. Hey, man, I found out and I thought I thought the same thing you thought, Tony. I was like, okay, man, they doesn't even biologically possible. Man, what I thought? But I found out that two seeds could actually join together create twins, and each one of them could have a different daddy. I'm finding this out for the first but firsthand myself. Oh man, you ain't fun man. Look man, whatever man, I'm telling you, dog Man, the kids is mind many. You ain't got nothing to do with this, dog. You ain't got nothing to do with this. Man. Hey, listen, man, I'm trying to do is get to the bottom of something. Let me let me, let me, let me listen to them. Let me ask you to your set of twins. Are they are they? I mean, are they the same shade of color? Are they different shades? I mean, I'm just asking. I'm never look, dog, let me tell you something, man. I want you to get this through your head right now. Man, whenever you got that's on y'all. Man, this ain't got nothing to do with my twins. Man, ain't got nothing to do with my twins. Man, one of them? Dog skin? What I'm light skinned? Right down right there? Man? What right there? What? Okay? Tony? All right? Let me ask you what what shade of color you are? You? Darks? Here? A light skin? Now? I'm dark skinned? Man, I'm light skinned. Man, the light skin twin must be mine? You know what, Man, I'm not even continue this comfort say no more. I'm gonna just tell you something. Dog. You don't know where you whip because I will you up. You understand that, dog? Man, listen, I just found out that this this is a fluke. I said that that it's possible to happen. You understand that you talking about my kids? Man, Man, I understand the passion that you have for your children. Man, I don't know one of the kids. Can't house talking about my kids? And jos Man one of the twins is man? Man, That ain't no man, Look man, look dog, I'll tell you what. Man. I'm gonna let you make it. Dog. You know what, because don't call here or no mo man whatever you in for doing, that's what you and that crazy. It's doing so she with you, old crazy stupid. You're stupid enough to call here talking about one of the kids. You. I guess she told you that, stupid. Now, dog, don't call me no more. Man, don't canton and listen when you when you consider, I mean, I got us an appointment tomorrow the doctor. Would you consider bringing the kids if we can see which one of yours and which while you are retarded, man, that's what's up with you. Dog? You retarded? Man. I ain't meet your neck. Well, dog, that's what I'm talking about. Man, I'll tell you what, dog, I'll meet you man to man, man, man to man, me and you dog man the man, I'm gonna kick your man when he got to fight Tony. I just want you to give me my child. Man, I'm gonna get you up. I got me a little bell a slugger to stupid. That's what you is. Man. You're an ignorant man calling me Sunday morning talking about my kids. It's your kids, Man, were retarded. That that can't be happening. Man. I understand the man, but it's a fluke accident and now you're trying to deprive me or man I'm having a relationship with my child. Man. I've been raising these kids for five years, by my damn self. Man, I get him up, I take him to ballet, man, I take him to literally you understand me, man, my man, Tony, I understanding. Dog. It was heartbreaking the meat too, Tony. Tell you what, man, I'm gonna get up phone and uh, I'm on you. Man. I want you to never ever call my I don't call me with new ignorant like this. What you say your name is? What? What? What? What's your name again? Dog? My name? My name Kendrick. Man. Listen, listen, Tony, I'm gonna find you. Dog. You understand that, dog. We're gonna settle it with you. Understand you with dog. Okay, But Tony, I got one more thing I want to say to you, okay, and you ain't got just to say to me many. Let me say one more thing to you, man, man, Okay, Man, hold on nowady daddy all right, yeah, y'all gonna play. I'll be out there in a minute. Man. See dog o. Man, you didn't gotta everybody around here all don't curse like it's around my kids. Man. Okay, can I say one more thing to your man. All right, man, stay with them you want to see and don't call her no more. Man, Tony, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey More on the show. You just got pranked by your homeboyd oh Man. You know what, Tommy, Man, Man, that's a man. You know what, dog Man? You was really about to get your man? Man, you can't be putting nobody about their kids. How they no man? Oh man, Okay, okay, your man, all right, all right, see you what man, don't don't don't even tell you did it? Man, because see we're meeting. We're meeting later tonight. I got something for you many. Hey, nephew Tommy in one faith for man? What was that? Watch the till o'clock news tonight. Man, you're gonna wat mockets on now, man, watch dog. I can't believe it, man, oh Man, all right, hey man, I gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, oh Man, The Steve Harvard Morning Show. Man. I listened every morning. Man. I just can't believe y'all got me. Man, I'm going I'm gonna should be yeah, all right coming up at the top of the hour, We'll have some entertainment and national news for you right after this. You're listening to Stay Harvey Morning Show. Naomi Osaka clap back and check former Fox News anchor Megan Kelly after Megan slammed Naomi's magazine covers. So Megan Kelly responded to a tweet that sports commentator Clay Travis wrote that said she was too introverted to talk to the media after tennis matches, but she has launched a reality show a Barbie and now is on the cover of Sports Illustrated. Then Megan Kelly replied, let's not forget the cover of Vogue Japan and Time magazine too. Naomi Osaka responded in a now deleted tweet that she shot the cover photos before going public about her struggles with mental health. Naomi also went on to say to Megan, seeing that you're a journalist, I would have assumed you would take time to res urch what the lead times are for magazines. I shot my covers last year. Then Megan wrote back, mocking Naomi, claiming she blocked her and tweeted guests she's only tough on the court. Megan Kelly is a racist, Megan. Everybody she talked about is black. She's a racist. Man. It's always a minority of somebody, you know. That's that's stay m over there on Fox though. They all all them over there, man, they all of them can miss me. Tucker Carlson, Yeah, she went to NBC. She she got up over there. Huh. Tameron Hall got let go because of her. Yeah, yeah, but it worked out for Tameron Hall because it's wrong with her. Megan Kelly, Well, she always talking. Why is it always she trying to be relevant? You know what, I know what it is. I know what it is. I just just jealousy when you when somebody got a comment. First of all, you have to be winning to get a hater. If you're not winning, you won't get a hater. And the hate that you always get is from people who wish they was winning like you now, Megan Kelly. And on the cover of A damn thing now she mad as girl. Did you see Naomi's cover? She looks beautiful, flowers. I'd like to see the cover, not that I need to see it though, cover down whatever. Man, she was beautiful. And it's not a reality show. It's a docuseries that's produced by Lebron James and I watched it. It's so good. She is struggling, Naomi Oscca is struggling to stardom. She is a young woman who is a champion. Thank you, Tommy kid. I see tennis. See tennis. You don't have teammates. It's not a huge support system to start the spotlight. It is on you. You and you alone. Ain't nobody you can share it with. You can't see with your teammateson. Man, come on, we hanging that we team. You know, like the bad boys from Detroit. They didn't care how you felt about them. They had each other. They didn't give a damn. You say what you want to say, but they formed a unit. They was hard to deal with, man, they was hard to deal with. But they play a team sport. When you play tennis, man, it's by yourself. That's why you know you gotta give them. You know, the Williams sisters a lot of credit for being as great as they are for as long as they've been great. You know, Dad taught them to be mentally strong too, you know, you know, absolutely, mister Richard Williams. Yes, but yeah, Naomi, you know with all everything she's gone through. Leave her alone, leave her alone, let her live, Let her live. Yes, she's only tough on the tennis court. I bet you can't either way. I bet you got to ask either way. Either way. All right, come on, Steve, it's time for our headline. Gentlemen, miss A and Trew, thank you very much. This is answered with the news. Okay, this part's not so funny. Looks like the COVID is on the move again sort of now. Several vaccinated vaccinated White House staffers, including a senior aid to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a Florida Republican Congressman Vernon Buchanan, have a tested positive for COVID in recent days. Health officials say, however, that while the aggressive Delta variant they were dealing with, the virus has been infecting more and more Americans, that those who have been vaccinated are at least experiencing milder symptoms of it, and sometimes not expect experience any symptoms at all. However, CDC director doctor Rochel Olinsky says areas of the country with low vaccination rates of facilitating the rapid spread of this new strain. The Delta variant now represents eighty three percent of sequenced cases. This is a dramatic increase, up from fifty percent the week of July third. Welinski says the country's now averaging about two hundred and forty deaths per day from coronavirus, but it looks like the three vaccines authorized for emergency use in the UA so far are still about ninety percent effective against it. By the way, according to a published report, an unvaccinated Trump supporter who reportedly spread conspiracy theories about the coronavirus is dead of COVID nineteen. According to the Cape cod Time, seventy year old Linda Zerne, a former member of the Massachusetts Board of Selectment and a staunch Trump supporter, died on Tuesday of severe complications caused by the deadly virus. She reportedly refused to be vaccinated. She wear a mask. A local Republican state committee woman calls her in a quote strong woman who believed in speaking the truth and defending our freedoms in America. That was that quote, quote to Kansas City Star Legislative Committee. Zuri held a hearing on Monday about how educated should teach you a case through twelve students about racism. It was an invite only and not one black person was invited. No black parents, no black teachers, no black scholars were asked to testify former movie mogul Harvey Weinstein in La this morning of the sixty nine year old disgrace filmmaker of facing eleven council of sexual assault, including four council rate stemming from allegations made in between two thousand and four and twenty thirteen. Weinstein claims that any sexual activity was consensual. His court hearings expect to begin sometime in the next few weeks. Haiti has a new Prime Minister this morning. He's doctor Ariel Ari, the man that President jovianal Mooys had wanted to appoint as the next prime minister anyway before he was assassinated. A re took the oath of office yesterday and finally today his world Hangover Day. In any case, you know what to do when you have a hangover. I guess go to sleep. I don't know, I've never had one. Up to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show, Ladies and gentleman. A family member to this show. He has the number one d TALX weight loss clans online today, none bigger and without a doubt, none better. Right, the CEO of D Herbs himself a to the damn d Dolphin. Yeah, man, you need that, Man, you need to show bis intro. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do I'm gonna do an intro tape for you. I'm gonna have a a soundtrack with it and music and everything. Heyeb, I might hold you to that. You. Yeah, your theme song gonna be pull up to the bump of baby and backed in between. That's what I'm talking about. Well, Ad is always we love you, you know that. Welcome to the show, and we have to say right up the back, congratulations, thank you because d Herb Steve is the official health and wellness partner of the Big Three Basketball League, balloted and started by ice Cube. Congratulations for real on that wig, Thank you, thank you. He lived here, yeah, west side. But you know that is really major, AD. So you gotta tell us why do you think the Big Three chose D Herbs for health and wellness? Well, you know, to be honest, it's a backstory to it, and I'm gonna tell that story because Steve actually helped that along. It's a gentleman by the name of Chris Hannon that used to work for I MG, who I used to deal with on the Steve RITV Show, and he became the CEO of the Big Three and he called me and said, you've got to meet ice Cube. I went over there and met ice Cube and he started telling me how he needed health and wellness partner that can help take his athletes to the next level because they were semi retired when they were playing in his league. And I just thought it was an amazing opportunity and probably the one thing that you've told me. He's like, look, I'm the red Tape. I'm going to help you work through your problems on TV, because when you're trying to introduce things on TV, it can be tough sometimes. And that's why I'm there just being around Steve. Wow, look at you, Steve, bringing people together, bring them out, bring them out. Now, I think he's being very generous to me. But in actuality, when you have a great product, it sales itself. A D's product has been helping people business for We've known at least ten years for us, and so just for us on this show. But he's into helping people business and it does really help people health wise internally, and so that's really how he got it. Man, I appreciate you saying that, but brother, if you don't bring the goods, it don't matter. That's right. Goods, it don't matter, that's right. So A D. Hang on one second, man, we'll be back because now we're gonna get a chance to talk to him about how he can help you get better. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we are back with our special guest and family member on this wellness Wednesday. It is sponsored by D Herbs and we have the President and CEO of D Herbs here, mister A D. Dolphin, of course a D. Before we went to break, we were congratulating you on becoming the official health and wellness partner of the Big Three Basketball league that is sponsored by that is started by ice Cube. And I wanted to ask you this because that is so awesome, and I wanted to ask you this, what's the difference between dealing with pro athletes, let's say, and regular people like us, Because we've all been on the cleans as well, so what's the difference. Can you explain that difference. It's actually a lot harder working with them. The pro athletes are under the impressions since they can run fast and jump high, that means that they're healthy and that's just simply not true. And so therefore I'm constantly trying to press upon them that they can actually get the edge by doing the d Earthful body clans, and I have to always let them know what the benefits are. You're talking about weight loss between ten to thirty pounds, a huge boot of energy which can definitely translate and help you during the games, being able to focus and concentrate a lot better. A stronger immune system. And we can see how important that is because it's Olympic athletes today who are catching COVID right now. And even though those are supposed to be the best athletes in the world, the most healthiest people in the world, their immune system is not up to par So just by doing the cleans, you're going to take your levels to a different level that they've never been before. And that's what may to the little bit harder when I'm dealing with them. Okay, but you're doing it though, yeah, And that is wonderful. So I mean, we know that the cleans works. Like I said, everyone on the show has tried it. We could all give a testimonial, So let's talk about you want to testimony, let me I give my testimony. Okay, go ahead, go ahead. First of all, I want to give an honor to herbs. I want to give an honor to health, and of course I want to give an honor to the one and only d Herbs. He came into my life ten years ago and he cleans me because I was backed up. WHOA, I kept on going and on that tifth day when I got through, at the end of my D years, I was cleansed the white other than snow. My sister was good, my health was good. I felt good. I was healthy walking around because of the one and only D years. There might be one to day. Amen, bro, the cleans are open, Yes they are. I beget healthy. Yeah, this is wellness Wednesday. So so so de Herbs, so a D. I got to ask you this, with all the growth that you've seen with de Herbs over the years, I mean, so many people have success stories about the de Herbs full body cleans. What are you, as CEO of de herbs. What are you most proud of? While you know what? For me, Shirley, it's the emails. I get thousands of emails every single day about people's health journey, how the Clans has totally helped them and changed their life. I remember there was this one gentleman who used to drink on the corner with his friends every single day, and he said after he did the Clans, he never got back to that corner. He changed it, he got it, he got his life on a healthier path. The weight loss, I've literally the Full Body Clans has literally helped millions of people lose weight. And and lastly, probably the people who are finally realizing what you eat matters. We're eating our way into sickness. You're talking about high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, A lot of these things are caught by the food that we're putting into our body. And by doing the cleans, it's putting you on a healthier path and creating a new history for you and your family. Wow, couldn't have said it better. That's great ad. Listen up, Steve Harvey Nation, you heard it right here. If you want to see lasting weight loss results, better focus and better health. You need to start by cleansing your body from the inside. Okay. The Derb's Full Body Cleanse will flush out those toxins that are dragging you down. They'll have you looking and feeling better than you having a real long time. Trust me, I've done it. Go to Derbs dot com right now. Get a nice discount at check out. The offer is only for our audience. By using the promo code radio that's the letter d Herbs dot com promo code radio, or you can simply pick up the phone and call eight six six four D Herbs eight six six four D Herbs. All right, thank you a d. Coming up next is the nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to this Dave Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject I'm in love with my godson. All right, we'll get into that in just a minute. Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got Nef Godsner grandson. Everybody has been there, happened so many times, It happened a lot when I was growing up as a towel. It happened even more when I got in college. About to turn your lights, about to turn your lights? So no, oh, come on, I know y'all in head. It happen. Y'allly had yall lights there? Everybody else on the block home, y'all off, y'all are you kidding? You ain't grew up if you ain't hearing that. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to find Gerard. Please get us. Hey, Gerard, how are you doing? This is uh Mason Man. I'm I'm the guy that turns the lights on and off if you haven't paid your bill, and I'm over here at your house. I actually get ready to turn the lights off. But I'm trying to. Uh, it's a courtesy car. We're supposed to give if people can pay their bill before we turn them off, and when you collect and we keep moving. You said, you said, who are you? Who are you a getting? I'm exactly so you say you got to do what. I'm getting ready to turn the lights off because the bill hasn't been paid. I'm getting ready to turn the power off. Are you here at the house? No, I'm at work. Okay, Well, listen, Is there anyone at the house that can make a payment. Make a payment? The payment right now that I have is two and twenty one dollars and thirty six cents. Is that right? For what the lesson for the electric bill? Yes, sir? No, no, sir, No, sir, no, no, there's nobody at the house, and I don't think I owe that much. Well, that's what I have right now, two hundred and twenty one dollars and thirty six cent. See see my wife, she already paid that sick. Okay, well, they don't have a record of that. I'm in your driveway right now. I'm getting ready to turn this thing off until the payment has been made. We'll see that nobody home right now? Okay, Well, if no one is here, then I have to follow through and continue and go ahead and and and turn the power off until everything is rectified. Oh oh, you and my driveway, I mean you drive sir? Is there anyone here? How far are you from here? I'm at work. I can't get off right now, but you gotta get out my driveway. No, no, sir, I'm not gonna be able to leave your driveway until I actually turned the power off. Can't turn my power off. I got food in the frisgerator to my kids. Got fished, you know, come home? Man? Well, what do you mean you got fished? What does that mean? I can be there in thirty minutes. Give you the cast right now. What what do you mean when you say you got fish fish tank? Oh, fish tank? You have a fish tank? Okay, well, sir, I understand that, but uh, I'll be there in thirty minutes. You stay right there, don't touch nothing. Okay, So I can't. I can't be here thirty minutes. I can't wait that long. Thirty minutes. I'll be there with cash and I'll pay you with a two hundred. We don't we don't accept cash, sir. We're gonna need the money or I'll have time to go. I'll be there with the cash thirty minutes. I can't take cash. Are you listening to me, sir? Are you listening to me? I'm listening to you. I can't take cash. I need a money order. I'll beat there thirty minutes. Okay, sir, I have to cut I have to turn your power off if you're not here. I give everybody ten minutes, ten minutes where they can pay it or we can actually turn it off. Now, you tell me what you want me to do. I'm gonna call my wife real quick, ir, real quick. So I don't have time to call you. I don't. I don't have time for that. First of all, sir, I'll get me up sat I'll wipe the mess up bills, okay. First of all, okay, okay. If she doesn't mess up bills, then what the hell is going on? I don't know. I'm gonna call her real quick, little straight okay, Okay, Well, sir, I don't have a real quick time. What we have to do right now is I have to do this I have to do to turn your power off. You turned off now listen. I can come back and turn this thing right back on next week. It'll be one hundred and fifty dollars film. First of all, you get me to get the out of my yard. First of all, so I call y'all, sir. I'm here because I'm supposed to be here. I'm here because you haven't paid I'm prayed to be I'm gonna call my wife to look at this thing right now. I'm here because you haven't paid your bill. I paid you my bill my wife paid my bill. Well, I don't even know she paid it because you don't know what. Damn you don't know anything. Hold up, sir, trust me, a wife paid the bill. It's my stick in your system. Get out of my yard. Now. Are you at Avenue? Yeah, that's correct. But I'm in I'm in there that I'm in the right place, sir, And you haven't played your bill, and I've been ordered to turn it off. I tell you what, tell you what tell me I'm gonna do. I'm gonna be that thirty minutes. I'm I'm not gonna be in thirty minutes. Okay, you about you? Are you listening? I'm turning this off in the next five minutes. Not test my A wife pay the bill. Leave my lesson. Wife hasn't paid the bill. Now, maybe your wife is out lally gagging doing something else with a whole who hoo ho ho ho. First of all, you keep keep out of this all right, Okay, you don't want it brought in. I doesn't want to keep telling me what she has done, what she has done, Leston, listen, keep my hey, That's why I draw the line. I'll beat there thirty minutes. Me and you could talk. I'm gonna continue to go back and forth with you. So I don't have thirty minutes. I got ten minutes, you understand me. I gotta I'm gonna leave right now. I'm gonna getting the cough right now. Okay, I'll beat there thirty minutes. So I don't have thirty minutes. I'm turning it off. You can call downtown and get headquarters to turn it back on and we'll come back out here. And it's to reconnect you for one hundred and fifty dollars. So I got come up with three hundred. Oh hell, listen, your bill is two hundred and something dollars, and that's gonna be one hundred and fifty dollars reconnect for no hell no that hey, I'll get had in ten minutes. Just okay, well, sir, and I've told you before you have five minutes to get here. No, listen, listen, listen, let me go my neighbor real click oh hold, let me call and hold up, let me call. I don't have time for you to click over and call other people. Sir? Is there somebody that can give me a money order? Right now? Yeah? Yeah, right now? I get your money order in five minutes. Okay, now, who's gonna do that. I don't know how I called my wife. I told you your wife is the reason why you're in this situation. I'm gonna report you to your study. Are you gonna mean when I'm out doing my job, you should report your wife for not doing what she's supposed Let's care what you say if do you want your lights on or off? When you get here? I want my lights. Hold your lights are getting turned off in the next two minutes because your wife didn't play the damn bill. I donna tell you, excuse me, I'm gonna tell you listen, keep my wife's name house your mouth. I'll tell you what you know what my supervisor would tell you. I don't know what your supervisor tell me. Tell you that you have been talking to nephew Tommy for the cell the morning show. You just got bright, man, I was on my wedding. Your co worker got you chosen, he got you. I'm gonna get into man. Don't do that no more that man you had me. Hey, I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Come on, man, Steve Harvey Moran show. But Tom, come on, get your behind toe the franca too much playing with this man talking about his wife. The problem. You don't know how to pay the dog on be Lila gag and that's what you're doing. You know what Lilla gag? That's what Lila gag? It is. Oh my god, y'all, tell y'all something. I'm in the middle of shooting ready to love U in Washington, d C. Y'all. Oh my god, y'all, y'all gonna like this, y'all gonna like this. It's good. Yes, it's good. It's good. I'm loving my contestants. I'm loving them. You know, when it comes to elimination, I'm I'm starting. I'm starting to cry when they got to go. Let I liked her, I liked him? No not now, let's go another week. Don't get rid of no bad I'm over. You're pleading with producers. Come on now, don't it's too early. They looking at me like, what is wrong? What you y'all y'all gon be I'll let you know when when the first date is for the new season. But yeah, yeah, exactly. I think it's in September. You guys that long you're gonna have to all right, all right, nephew, Thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject is I'm in love with my godson. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show all right time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now, could be yours. You never know, you never know. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is Strawberry letter. Thank enough you. Subject I'm in love with my godson. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a sixty two year old widow, and I live in the great City of Chicago. Yes, I was married for thirty four years to a wonderful man and he died three years ago. Since then, I have secretly fallen in love with my thirty year old godson. I know I should be ashamed, of myself, but I'm not. When my husband first got sick, my godson is the only person that would check on me and make sure I ate and was getting some rest. He started taking me out to dinner once a month to get me out of the house, and that's when I found out he has an old soul and we love the same music. After my husband passed, he would stay overnight so I had some company and we watch old movies together. His father and I are close friends, and he was raised solely by his father after his parents divorced. His father has had a crush on me for years, so he'd die if he knew it's his son I'm after, not him. My godson was visiting recently and I was telling him about a house burglary on my street, and he told me he didn't like me being in my big house alone, so I suggested he moved in with me instead of paying for a two bedroom apartment. So he moved in a week ago. He moved in a week ago, and I am plotting on how to get him out of the guest room and into my bedroom. I'm still in great shape, and I look a lot like Jada Pinkett, so He's always complimenting me on my radiant skin or my great cooking. I get so hot and bothered when he walks around in his tank tops that I've fondled myself a few times after he's left the room. I need to make my move before I run out of time and he finds a girlfriend. We talk openly about his love life, and I know he's looking for his soul mate. I thought about seducing him, but is that the best way? How do I get this man? Okay? Come on, I mean, you really haven't thought this thing through. Just because someone treats you well and they look after you, and you know, they take you out to dinner, they care about you, it doesn't mean they're in love with you, or they want you or they want to do you. Okay. It doesn't mean that you're fantasizing about this man. And that's where it needs to stay in your head, in your mind. He hasn't tried to hit on you or sleep with you or any of that. You said. He was raised well by a father who's really the one who liked you. To me, this just sounds like a case of a cougar just cougar lust. You're sixty two, you said, and you should know the difference between real love when someone wants you and crushing and salivating over a fine, sexy young man. If that's all it is, have your fun imagining what it would be like, and go on about your business. Leave it there, and don't expect anything else from him. I mean, this man is only thirty one years old. He's going to want a family one day. He's gonna want kids, starting with a girlfriend who he'll probably be bringing into your home now for sleepovers at some point. And it might not just be one girl. If he's as fine as you say he is, he might have a parade of women coming through. You don't know You're You're not gonna like that at all, So I just say, please calm yourself down, use your head, don't get into any mess, because this is gonna be really messy if you start this, which is you know what this could turn out to be, if you carry out your crazy plan to seduce him. Don't do that. Ultimately, you don't want to have sex with him or anything like that. I think he's looking at you as the mom he never had because he was raised by his father. He's looking at you like his mom. Okay, not his boo, all right, get that out your mind, Steve. I'b dear, Oh we here wol like this in a while? Well well, well these is the letter sweary right to me, and I tell the truth. Well, ladies, time for a little truth here. Appreciate Sherley's answer. I agree with everything Sherley said in the letter. I thought her response was wonderful, But I come to point out some things and don't nobody like to talk about. Well, here we go. I'm a sixty two year old widow right now, that sound old on it? Sixty two year old widow. I live in the great city of Chicago, married for thirty four years. Damn you was married longer than this boy been alive. I bought to a wonderful man. He died three years ago, and here wasn't let her just get real ignorant. Since then, I have secretly fallen in love with my thirty one year old God's son. That right there, They don't even sound right, do it? It don't even sound right. I have secretly fallen in love with my thirty one year old God's son. Damn you thirty four years older? What twenty eight. You're twenty eight years older than this guy twenty eight and you sixty two. When my husband got sick, my godson was the only person that would check on me and make sure I ate and was getting some rest. He came in there like Shirley said, thank you. He helping his mama eat and get rest. He would check on me, making sure that and one, and then he'd come take me to dinner. Wants a month to get me out of the house. Anybody interested in you ain't been to show up, wants a month to take you out of dinner. You show up for your mama, wants a month to go out to dinner. Damn, what's wrong with you? Hold on, Steve, we'll have heard two of your response coming up to today Strawberry letter at twenty three minutes after the hour of the subject I'm in love with my godson. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Come on to Steve. Let's recap today's Strawberry. Let this old last lady getting on my Oh, this old lass woman husband then died down. He got a she got a thirty one year old godson. She just secretly fell in love with him. What I know, I should be the same of myself, but I'm not. No, you need to lead. I'm not off shame of your old ass self. When your husband got sick, My godson was the only person that would check on me, make sure I ate and was getting some rest. You hear that made shire you ate and got some rest. Ain't Ain't that what you do? Go by your mama house when you go by to make sure mama was eating and getting herself some rest. Yes, that's where sure least said. He started taking me out to dinner once a month to get me out the house, you know, just so he you know, let you know you ain't alone in this world. Take you out to dinner was a month? What do you think he'd been doing them other thirty days? I'm telling you right now, lady, when I found out and then taking me out to dinner wants a month to get me out of the house. And that's when I found out he had an old soul and we love the same music. Look, lady, I'm just telling you right now this day. When your old boy don't like saying music, you're like he just saying he like he don't get damn about Sam Cook. I'm telling you that he don't give him damn bout no Sam Cook him on he no oldis Redding. He just told you he liked the ass. Oh yeah, I like that too. He heard it from his daddy riding in the car. After my husband passed. He would stay overnight so i'd have some company, and we watched old movies together. That's another thing, you see what old movies together, trying to try and just make you feel like you're something. You know, y'all in there watching Going with the Wind and that old Shirley Temple come tap dance down to sip old black and head bow jam y'all in there watching him old hands moving back and white. They ain't had it? Had it? Who the hell had it? Everybody hear sitting or had it? Sitting watching color purple and all this hill. That boy sitting up here just trying to keep you company. So y'all, y'all watching movie. His father and now are close friends. And he was raised solely by his father, Like Shirley said, after his parents divorced, his father's had a crusher. Shirley said, he looks at you as a mother figure. Now his father's had a crush on me for years. So he died. He knew his son hours after you think he had died. That damn boy died too. My god's son was visiting recent and I was telling about the house burglar on my street, and he told me he didn't like me being in my big house alone. So I suggested he moved in with me instead of paying for a two bed room problem. So he moved in a week ago, and I'm plotting on how to get him out of the guest room and into my bedroom. If he wanted to, you wouldn't have to plot at that point. Thank he in that with his mama. Old ass, I'm still in great shape, and I look a lot like Jada Pinkett. Okay, now that he would go, this is what I gotta start telling me. I'm still in great shape compared to who You're still in great shape to your other sixty two year old friends. I see you in great shape compared you know, he died at the at the at the Bingo Hall. You look you look better than Agnes and Helen, and and and and Joscelyn. Then I understand, But your ass in real life, ain't that damn fine, and I look a lot like Jada? Who told you that? Who? After being Onna haul thought your ass looked like Jada peekin? Ain't nobody said damn Wheeling dropped Kate off down in the play being with Us. Ain't nobody told you that? You in the mirror seeing stuff? And he's always here, go another He's always complimenting me on my radiant skin, on my great cooking. Girl listening to you, Hen compliments you on your skin and your cooking. Don't know about it? Dat no woman causing her damn skin man, ain't no dude nowhere man her skin? Dog? What she looked like? Damn that her skin? What a body looked like? It's got skin on it. I get so hot and bothered when he walked around in his tank top. I find myself a few times after he left the room. I need to make my move before I run out of time. Oh now you know you Finn to die? Huh because your ass is old. I need to make a move for I run out of time. And he finds a girlfriend because we talk openly about his love life, and I know he's looking for us. Soul Mate. Soul Mate is a person that you can tie yourself with to ride to the tape with your ass has the tape in your hand. See you ever seen people run the race and they get to the finish line there, but everybody tries to stick their chests out to cross the line first. You have the finish line tape in your hand. Matter of fact, some of it's in your hair. I thought about seducing him, but is that the best way? How can I get this man? First of all? You mean, how can I get this man slash son? Yeah? Because that's what he is, and he thinks he is your son. And even if you do seduce him, he not gonna stay with you. Don't you get sleepy? Earns your comments? Thank you Steve on today's Strubberry Letters. Steve comments. You don't even know how to go on line to read the comments page on demand? Coming up with forty six minutes after the hour Elms and Sports Talk. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve in for the Vacationing Junior with Sports Talk. What you got, Steve? Yeah, sitting in for the Vacationing Junior. I don't know how involved everybody in on this radio show with the NBA Finals. But okay, well it's over and easiness over is because Milwaukee beat the Phoenix Suns last night. It was close and had some flow to it. I felt, look, man, this boy, the Greek is nothing to be played, the truth, nothing to be played with. You know what, Timmy, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this, man, if I started a basketball team, I think the one player I would pick to start the team would be him. Really, that's who I would pick to start a basketball team with. Okay, not Durant though that's a bad boy man. Durant is super nasty, and I think Durant is unstoppable. But I think this guy's game is more around it. He's not the prolific scorer that Durant can be. He does not have his jump shot any damn show ain't work for Carter at the free throw line. But what he does man on that basketball court and how he puts the defense back on the heels, that's who I'd start my team. I would I would have always picked Lebron. But yeah, look, you know, I mean, Lebron is one of the greatest of all times period. The conversation is between him and Jordan. I know that that's the conversation. But today, if I had to start a team, I would pick youngest. You know what, man, I just I just feel so bad. I was pulling up for Chris Paul so bad because I mean, it took man me too to the finals. I don't just yeah, but you know what, don't till me talking about Chris Paul. He still got a Hall of Fame career. Everybody ain't gonna get to the finals. He's one of the greatest point guards ever. And uh he's a bad boy, and uh we got plenty of the oldest head, he got plenty of the hold. Yeah it ain't it ain't over it at so. But but but it took so long to get there. I mean, do you think a team like Phoenix can come back and be in uh yeah, in the finals again. Okay, oh yeah, hell yeah. They got a bad team. Man, they got youth on their side too. Hell Chris the old is one. Everybody everybody else but Chris still got game though. Oh yes he does. I just wanted oh yeah, hell yeah. Oh no, he's not gonna retire. Okay, oh no, no, no, you've been to do a hundred most state fund commercials call and right it right on back on that up basketball, cord Man, got your your key is making money on state fun hell yea, yeah, yeah, all right, congratulations to Milwaukee. Thank you. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show and trending COVID nineteen news. Doctor Fauci has had enough of Republican Senator rand Paul Well. Rand Paul accused Fauci of misrepresenting in earlier testimony the nature of US government funding of the Wuhan Institute of Horology in China, where some believe the COVID nineteen virus originated as a result of a lab experiment gone awry. He ended his characteristically long question by reminding doctor Fauci that it is a crime to light to Congress. Take a listen, Senator Pole, I have never lied before the Congress, and I do not retract that statement. This paper that you're referring to was judged by qualified staff up and down the chain as not being gained a function. What was let me finish shaking animal virus and you increase the transibility to humans. Right, you're saying that's not gain to function. That is correct. And Senator Poul, you do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly, and I want to say that officially, you do not know what you are talking about. OI. Yeah. The Republicans are so soul party line. They want to discredit any type of science, any type of climate change, anything, Donald Trump, they try to do anything. It's ridiculous what this country has become and how we allow people to discredit our doctors, our attorney generals, and all these people who are elected and put into these high level positions. This dude, Rand Paul ain't nothing but a damn politician, slash liar, and now he gets to challenge a medical doctor who has done nothing but serve people his entire life with facts. They've been trying to tell that ignorant ass administration that this thing was way more serious a year and a half ago, and they wouldn't listen to tell about It'll all be over by easter, the dumb ass, and we're still letting them talk. Why. And you know what the Republicans are going to try to do. They are going to try by the mid terms to blame COVID on science and the Democrats. Yeah, exactly what they're doing Obama and Obama they always throw him. Do you know The sad part of all of this is that it's that it's that Republicans are buying into this. They are being led to slaughter by these people who just won't power in position they will care about their health. All they're trying to do is get reelected. They don't care if the virus resurfaces. Nothing. As long as I'm in office, they don't care. Again, they don't care about healthcare workers. They forgot Donald Trump got vaccinated. Hey, hey, y'all, let me tell you something. This unemployee of mind that's really close to me. I'm not gonna say who it is for its own privacy purpose. He contracted relatively healthy guy. He's not doing well. Now he's not on the ventilator, praise God, but he's not doing well. And the projected ten day or quarantine that they put him on it's not enough. He gotta stay. I talked with him yesterday. He don't sound good at all. I mean at all. And this is one of the great guys that I know, bubbly and everything. Man, this thing is real, y'all. And this thing will take you out, and it handles everybody differently. And he has all the symptoms fever. He couldn't break his fever. Over the weekend, it came back again. He's lost his appetite, he's lost his taste and smell. This dude is struggling, he told me. He said, Oh, mister age, I see how this is taking people out, he said, Man, only reasons not making it. Man became my mom will praying for me. He said, Man, this thing is bad. And I've never heard this guy speak negatively in all the is he's worked for me, and and it like really really bothered me because I'm went, wow, man, serious. Yeah, there's so much proof of people getting it and dying, you know, I mean, a vaccine can help me be unavoidable. I mean we cannot ignore that. All Right, We'll have more. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. So, the first person to be sentenced for a felony in connection to the January sixth attack on the US Capitol was sentenced to eight months in prison. Prosecutors were pushing to put thirty eight year old Paul Alert Hodgkins of Tampa, Florida behind bars for eighteen months after he pleaded guilty last month to one count of obstructing an official proceeding. When announcing his decision, US District Judge Randolph ma noted that Hodgkins, with no previous record, was not involved in a leadership role in the mob that attacked the Capitol and offered sincere statements in court earlier on Monday. So that's why he ended up with eighteen months. That's cool. That's cool. So let me tell you something. They dropped eight moths. They wanted eight too. He got eight. He got eight. Oh yeah, eight. Yeah. She wanted eighteen. He got eight. That's a good sign. So now when they start coming back within people chanting and the ones that caused these depths and the ones that they can put that internet stuff, hey dog, they're gonna do some time. Everybody couldn't do some time on this one right here. This is a good signer. I hope all of them do time. But I want you to understand if that was a black Lives Matter movement. Boy, this be a whole nother story. They're still watching it. They're saying it that you know, it's an attack against former President Trump. Right, yeah, that's cool. Well, while a Whitewashington as Whitewashington jail. All right, we'll have more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to this Sta Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for Ask the CLO. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey is here. This one is from Janey in Mississippi. Janey writes, I'm a twenty nine year old single woman and I'm confused by the man in my life. He's been taking me out for a full year and spends a majority of his time with me. I've been to his parents' house several times, I've met his daughter, and I'm cool with his ex wife, but he says we're just friends. We did the ninety day rule and he's respectful, respectful towards me in every way. I've decided to withhold intimacy until he claims me as his girlfriend. He said that would only hurt our relationship, not help. What other way is there, Clo. Now, I think you're doing the right thing. He said, it would only hurt the relationship, not help. Okay. Well, let's see. Yeah. Yeah, And if you can't get nothing you want, what type of relationship is it? Right? You know you're the maddest mom and everything, but you want a title, you want something, and he don't want to give the to you know, friends, all this y'all doing and y'all just friends. He don't want to label it, you know, then, and you want to label You have every right to want to label. It's okay, it's okay. It's gonna hurt the relationship, not help it. Okay. Well, let's see. Yea. Sometimes you got to call a bluff bluff, y'all. Don't it don't take long once you cut it off. Now, it don't take long at bluff quick, okay, uncle, uncle, uncle, all right. Moving on to Patrina in South Film Michigan, she says, I've been married for eleven years and my husband has cheated three times. Each time, my intuition told me he was up to something, and I cornered him until he confessed. Each time he said it was just sex and he had no attachment to the lady. Although I look better than all three of them, and my body is tighter than all of theirs, there is still something that makes my husband keep stepping out on me. Why am I not enough woman for him? It? That's not it. That's not it, and stop making it about yourself. Your husband has an inadequacy, he has a flaw. It's not that you're not enough woman for him. It's just that he won't other women. It ain't about you not being enough. It ain't nothing about you not being cute or tight or fine on all that. He has no damn self control. He's an undisciplined man when it comes to that in you, and he's stupid enough to get busted three times and being just cause you pressure him. So now you got an undisciplined man that ain't even strong. So now he ain't strong, which means he's also weak in other areas. So he if you can break him down because he weakness, you don't think another woman can. No man has a weakness. Coming up, it is our last break of the day, and of course, at forty nine minutes after the hour, we'll have some closing remarks from our fearless leader, the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening, all right, guys, Here we are our last break of the day. On this Wednesday hump day, did you guys see Jeff Bezos and his brother go up in space? Yeah, yesterday day, yesterday morning. He said it was the best day ever, best day ever, with our Amazon money, with our Amazon money. Uncle, I want ago, let me do something, and don't listen to me. Your uncle ain't going up in a damn space. It's only for an hour. We're just gonna go to look around and come on back down. Bezos was up there but eleven minutes. Yeah, experienced witlessness for a couple of minutes. And yeah, then they came back, and then they came right. No interest in that. Hey, y'all, these are my clothes remarks to that. I have been on the tangent lately, and it's because I think I'm coming into a new development within myself on a spiritual level. And as I go through this process, uh, as I'm learning it in a different way. I just don't mind sharing it with you all. I hope y'all don't mind, because all I'm really trying to do is give people some insight to how cool your spirituality is and how cool it is to have relationship with God, or how cool it is to really develop an understanding of how this whole thing works. And I want to talk to you about your dreams and visions, but I want to talk to you about the struggles in getting to your dreams and visions, because that's that's some important information for people, because everybody wants something, but we got to go through the process of attaining it. And part of the process is the struggle, because it is a struggle to be successful. If it wasn't a struggle, it be really simple to do. I mean, you just go do it right. So I want to tell you something. The first place that we lose our battle with our struggles, the first place that we lose our battles with making our dreams come true is in our thinking. That's the first place that we start to lose it. See, I want to share something with you. If you accept any of your negative thoughts, you gotta be careful for having sustained negative thoughts because what happens then is you allow them to take root, and that's dangerous. So before you when you have a negative thought and it starts to look like it's sticking around. You have the power to immediately change your thinking. You can say, oh no, wait a minute, wait a minute, no, no, no, no, no, no, that's not true. Because remember yesterday I was telling y'all said, don't let people talk you out of what God has for you. Well, the best way to do that is through gratitude and understanding what God has already done for you. So before you let it take root, you gotta change your thinking. You gotta dismiss any thought of permanent negative thoughts. You gotta get rid of them. You know, I'll never get well, I never get out of debt, I'll never beat my diction. It don't seem like I'm gonna ever get to where I'm going. Well, they hide somebody else that don't look like that job was meant to be. No, if they hired somebody else, that was not your job, that job wasn't meant for you. Don't put that negative in your life. Don't drink that kool aid. That's not for you. That wasn't to show you was supposed to have. Oh, they canceled my show that it was your time was over. It's okay, don't drink that negative and allow it to take root like that's something permanent, because it's not. You don't have to be a permanent and you don't have to be embedded into any negative thinking any moment that you have it's not permanent. You have the right and the ability to change your thinking. Listen to me. If you start to change your thinking from negative to positive, do you know what happens? You begin to allow the unnatural to happen. Okay with Steve, So what you mean the unnatural? Well, I'm talking about the unnatural power that gets released by the power of positive thinking. You all, it works just that way. I keep telling y'all. The difference between successful people and non successful people, it's what goes on between their ears. That's the only difference is how you think. Positive people don't let negative things take root. Positive people find ways to negate negative thinking by reversing it with positive thinking and gratitude. That's the best way. Look, look, look, listen to me. What makes it this thing I'm talking about When you under it allows you to release the power of positive thinking. And what makes it unnatural is that we are created in God's image. Everybody. So like in the beginning, it was completely dark. And then you heard God say, and let there be light. The Bible clearly says that what he did was he said let there be light. He produced a positive thought. He took to produce the light. He could have just made it light because he God, but he made sure was written in the Bible that he said, let that be light. He produced a positive thought. And since we created in this image, all you have to do is start producing positive thoughts. It starts unleasing the unnatural power that comes with positive thinking. I dare you to try it. I dare you to try. Don't sit up and say what Steve is easy for you to say, you got all this and I gotta you gotta that. How do you think I got it? How do you think I got it? I'm telling you, man, it ain't cause of education, because I ain't got none. It ain't cause I ain't got to write. I'm black, I've been behind a ball. I'm just telling me. Come on, y'all try it. Got have a break, t talk to God for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.