Good morning and welcome to the ride! The dream team is here and Steve is singing "Just My Imagination" just for us. It's WCW and Sister O'dell is here talking trash about 45. The Boss Rick Ross rejuvenates his teeth in Colombia. Eddie Van Halen passed away from cancer at age 65. The Chief Love Officer has the answer for a lady with an ultimatum. Our forever FLOTUS shared a video showing support for Joe Biden. Steve shares with us his plans if we get another presidential debate. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve tells us who 45 really is and what his real problems are.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the Millian buck things in Abu. Good it listening to mother for st Please, I don't join jo. You gotta turn hur you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your thad uh huh, I shall well, good morning everybody. Excuse me, y'are listening to the voice. Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Arvey got a radio show. Man o man o man something going on real good today. You ought to feel blessed today. The fact that God woke you up and gave you another opportunity. You know, every day you wake up, it's another chance. It's a chance for all of us to get better, to get it right, to get on the right path, to stop heading the wrong way. Every day you wake up, that's your opportunity. See, because he's gonna keep waking you up because he has a plan for you. You know, I don't know, uh you know, I don't. I don't. I don't know when he makes his call and and you know who gets called home when I can't explain it. I don't have that answer. I'm not him, I'm not God. I don't claim to be. I don't. I don't understand it all sometimes, but God has an amazing way. But as long as he's waking you up, I do know this. God ain't through with you yet. God has a plan for you. Your job is to identify, identify the plan. You know. That's that's clearly what I need for you to do. You know, um oftentimes the thing that you're looking for, it's right there inside of you. You know. I can't tell you how many people I meet, mister Harvey, mister cant speak to you for many year. Man, what's up with you? Man? I was just wondering. Man, I've been trying to and I want to know, Man, can you give me a good agent? Can you give me a good lawyer? Can you give me a good Now? Look, if you got some legal problems, I understand you're gonna need some help right there. But the majority of questions I get asked is about their future, about their place in this world, about their mission, about what they're trying to do, how they're trying to figure out, and then how to go about doing it. But the answer I must mind all of you is always within yourself. It starts right there. See a lot of people burn up a lot of time looking around trying to find someone. If I could just meet them, if I could just get on her show. Man, if all, if I could just get to his show, I beating made it. That's that's not necessarily the case. Because See, just like every time you put your put your faith in a person or an event or currens or some type of thing that you imagine yourself being and there that'll do it for you. Imagine of all the people who've made it without you know, I look at everybody telling man, if I could get on so and so show, that will do it for me. Man, somebody else got on that show and they blew up. Man, if I could just make it to that show, do you know how many people have made it without that? So, see, when you start focusing in on what your idea of how to make it is, and your idea of how to make it does not include your relationship with God, you're spending your wills. Man, It's a vicious cycle you in now, and I'm asking everybody to get out of that cycle. Get out of looking for someone and something. The answer is within you. God resides in you. That burning thing that you have that you just can't get out your head. That's a seed. God planet that that that's a seed. It needs watering, nurturing, fertilizing, and that's what it needs. It didn't it. Don't ever say, Man, I need that other person right there now. Now, people you will meet. That a compliment you, and I can assure you that God will put you in the right place at the right time. I'm almost certain that God will introduce you to everybody you need to be introduced to to make it to wherever it is. You all are trying to get to them talking about you and God now. But the moment you're taken into your own hands and you make the decision as to who you got to get to, you've just clouded and muddied the waters. See God's plan for you don't really need your help. It needs your attention, It needs your focus, it needs your faith, and it needs your hard work. But it needs you to listen. It needs you to listen more than anything. Listen, keep the faith and be willing to work your tail off. I don't know how you think it can happen any other way, But then again I do because I try to make it another way. So I had to come to the conclusion, Hey man, listen here, dog, this ain't working for you. You gotta get some more God, here, man, listen to me. The answer was always within me, the moment I sat down with myself and told myself the truth that a partner you ain't really all that they a partner, regardless as to what people are seeing and stuff. You ain't happy. Hey Pardner, this really ain't about you. Hey Pardner, you really ain't all that good at this. God is keeping you for a reason. Okay, hold of Steve, quit tripping. What I need to do. I just started talking to myself and then I heard Bishop Jake's say a couple of things. Then I was watching TV. I heard Joel Oldstein say a couple of things, and I went wild, man, Okay, cool, that's pretty slick. I'm gonna try that. And when I did it, it changed my life. I am telling you, man, it has been God this whole time, and the God has been residing inside of me, just like the God resides on the inside of you. That's him talking to you. Telling you, man, you are to get it together. Man making you feel bad, it's sending you on guilt trips, you knowing you wrong and you out there wrong, and something telling you you all not do it. Here's how you know. It's God. And Bishop Olmer taught me this in his book. He's got thinking the name of it right now. But it's a really good book. But it says in there, man, Bishop Alma was talking in this book and he was saying, the way you know is not God's voice. It's if it ain't no sin in it. See how many times have you made up in your mind, I'm gonna show this person or I'm gonna show that person. I'm gonna get this person back. You hurt me, I'm gonna hurt you. You know the Lord don't like ugly. I'll show you well, the Lord don't like ugly. But no way in that does it's safe for you to go show them. It doesn't say that. See, so when you strike out on that mission, you know the God knows in my heart I loved you, but I got to do this because you did me. Whoa, whoa ain't got nothing to do with God? Right there, you can take him out of it. If it's God, has no sin in it. So anytime somebody come to me talking about the Lord told me to do this to you, and that's the only reason I doing it, you need to get yourself right with God. I heard all them threats right there. That ain't God talking to me through you. What are you crazy? If it's God, it has no sin in it. So you got to be careful, man, when you're talking to people and we're gonna go down here and we're gonna do this because this is the right thing to do. If it has something wrong going on, then it can't be the right thing to do. Took me a minute to learn that one. But please get that through your head so you can quit spinning yourself around and remember everything you're looking for is within you. It's all right there. Quit wasting your time looking around all the time. Go to your God, man, talk to him. Go to that spirit that's on the inside of you that's calling you. Stop letting people shake your treat. At the end of the day, somebody gonna be right, somebody gonna be wrong. All right, y'all, we're gonna help going day tripping a little bit, going through something you're listening tow one two one, two three, go Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yes, what it is, Steve Harvey Morning Show. That's what it is. Steve Harvey Morning Show. That's what it is. I am Steve Harvey. But this show would be nothing without the following people, ladies and gentlemen. Shirley Strawberry, the dream Team, Good Morning, Steve, the infamous caller Farrall, Good Morning, dream Team. I like it. I like the Comma Junior Kills, Spaced Morning, Everybody Morning, Are glad to be here? The King of Pranks himself, Nephew Tommy in the building under Steve top Top time. What you're saying, Steve, not because she knows you will start with the song I started. It didn't realize I didn't know, and I rise, and then I know, I don't know nothing else and that ain't the melody. So I just want gonna cut it off, you know, but I do rise, you know, yeah, in the morning, Thank the good Lord. Yeah amen, yeah, well sing it's one of your favorites. What you want to hear? Just gimme, ah, let's see, let's do some temptations. You don't do them very awesome. I was about to cut you Boom doom doom, boom doom, doom doom doom doom doom boom doo doom doo doo doo. Whoo whom you love? How we got on the instruments and I looked out my wind do and each day she Pad says, by your own, I say to myself, you know what, I'm sun god to what boy? Come on to have a girl like? It's what do you boy? Truly? Or dream? Countruth Frank? How lucky are you man? Out of all the fellows in the world? What about it? She belongs to me? But you know you're tripping, don't you, because it was just my imagination. Yeah, that's it, all right, that's my jam right there. But I'll tell you what, man, I've never seen anybody do it better than them damn boys to men boys they remake and that song is so dope. I hate to tell you this. I actually like it better. No, don't No, I actually like it better than the Temptations. I actually do hate tell you that them boys boys man. Yeah, yeah, I actually like it better because it's got digitized and the sound got a little bit more brighter and clearly you know it wasn't just that snare. The music behind it was dope, that's why. And then one yan't nil dom damn boys can sing one ya't nil. Yeah, all right, that was my friend brother Jean Nil coming up. At thirty two minutes after the hour, an old friend, sister O'Dell will be in the building right after this. You're listening, it's woman crushed Wednesday and our girl sister Odell is in the building. I guess we're saying that's our crush. She's our crushing for today. Yeah, crushing on me A long time to get there. You m I'm talking about is the one? He is my amen morning every good morning everyone, good good, good boys and girls. Boys again, what are y'all talking about today? You know there's so much Yeah, you know, our president has COVID nineteen. We went to the hospital for three days, came out, tried to let the world know that he's fine, he's strong, he's Superman, and he's in the White House. Seems like everyone else, well Superman, I never went to the hospital. Shopman with his cheezburger eats. Need to be careful and put your mask on. You got full blown COVID I can't say he's not out of the wood shuts. He ain't out of the woods. He know, need to be out of that mask either, just shitting up in here breathe. I tell you what if I was a security you know when he did that victory lamp in the car and went back to the hotel, he drove his down solf. But I don't get locked up in it with you. That's right, Old as Im is everything I got. It pre existed. I ain't had nothing new and thirty five years you know, his own son, Donald Junior said he was acting like a crazy man when he did. Everybody know he had you if if you interview Milaune, you really learn something. I think there's that little boy Barry, he really tell the truth. Yes, Barron Baron what you know whatever? Yes, ma'am, Yes, man and brand whatever his name is. The president shut down the stimulus talks the selfish so selfish. Yeah, you know he talking about he he gonna shut it down until after the election. So if I don't get in, I don't care what y'all do. Right, I can't believe people, you're still trying to vote for him and he's sorry. This man, Yes, man, he the worst. I ain't never seen nobody like this in the White House. You know, you know Ronald, them and all of them was you know, Richard. Ron Ronald was fine. You know I knew his daddy, you know. Oh, oh didn't you what was his name? I didn't should call it Page Regan, the pagan. I saved Kim personally. I went down there. Now, I saved him personally because he was down there as a pagan. You know, Eve had all of them are stars drawn into debt, never dang laden counters. I went over there and kicked all that open. You're drawing the hexagons and the octagons and all this in the flow. Try Jesus didn't work with Ronal Regan's son, though. You know, Ronald Reagan's son is Athos, yes, APAs he don't believe in the Lord. H yeah, he got a whole group called freedom, some religious freedom. Someday stupid don't believe in the Lord. Okay, get the COVID. See what happened. So since you'll tell you planning, I'm voting. I'm sure you are. As soon as I can I hear any votes. Oh good, I paid the place I was with everybody I was with rolls Up Parks fighting for voting. I was with Nat turn Up, I was with Frederick Douglas. I've been with everybody voting. You don't go right. I'm voting, yes, ma'am. I thought that's right. Anything you want to say to our listeners about voting, get out people that saved its gay their life up. So y'all could go down there to the pos and vote, and you're gonna sit your stupid tail at the house talking about your vote. Don't count you down, write it don't count if you don't go down there and have him. County's kind of messages its right hills walking up down the street with all that black lives matter, So it don't matter nothing if you don't vote. Me sick twenty seven day? What does you wait? Now? That's right, Well that's what I had to do four more years and this food, Um, can we squitch scares here? Moments? You know who? Dolly Parton is right the country saying lord golly, yes ma'am. Well, she's about to celebrate her seventy fifth birthday. Seventy fifth birthday, and she's considering sister Odell a return to Playboy magazine why not I used to why huh? I used to her her daddy. Who is Dolly Parton's daddy? Beg you who he was? So male? What was his name? Against? Sister? Beg you beg your pardon? Okay, gotta gonna go back to Playboy. Yes, ma'am, she did it in nineteen seventy eight and she's turning seventy five, so she's thinking about making a return to pose for Playboy, shall we pretty you know, yes, ma'am, yes, I go, but you know I did Playboy years. But no, this is breaking news. This is what excuse me, before you were saved one hour before they called it playboy? Oh what they called add a Boys? Suppose adi boy magazine? Yeah, I wasn't neck none hour around the harsh. It wasn't a question magazine called add a Boy. All right, we'll be back with the nephew would run that prank back right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna's standing by with today's national news and an entertainment news. Trey Songs has COVID and Rick Ross has a million dollars. Smile. But right now, come on, sister, Odell, do what you do well. It don't give me much pleasure in doing this. But he is the king of it, you know, he's the Kang of pry. He's good at Why we need to do one? What he's so good? Why don't we do two freshens every day because some people miss the ones the day before. I think that's the logic behind that, Sister Odell. Well, what about the ones has heard it already? Well, they get the pleasure of hearing it again. It was so good they hear a twine he good. He ought to do too fresh, is all I'm saying. Here we go, ladies and gentlemen. For those who you didn't missage, which I'm assuming must be very few, I heard him here he is with the return of the pranks. But this is something you would like, sister O'Dell. This right here is the church. Ussure the church. Okay, when I guess I'll pay at teach you. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach your sister. How good good evening to you, ma'am. I don't mean to be giving you a call this late in the evening, but I am the new youth minister. I haven't My name is Sean Williams over at Missionary Baptist Church, which mine is what happened to Um. He's no longer with the church anymore. Man, Well, I'm not at liberty to speak up on that. But but what I was doing is getting around and making sure I met everyone because I haven't met everyone yet and I wanted to reach out to um everyone at the church. But listen, let me let me get down to some more business, because I've spoken with the pasta. Uh, we spoke yes, Bishop, yes, man, I know you knew, but it's bishop Okay. I spoke with him on yesterday, and we have narrowed some things down over a few changes we're going to be making at the church. And what we want to do is UM, one of the major subjects that have come up such please that we're wanting you, if at all possible, and the deacons we're in on this meeting as well, but wanting you to change your attitude when people are coming in and you're seating them. From my understanding, it's gotten to the point where they think you're wait wait wait, wait, wait, wait wait a minute, wait, thank you. I had a meeting on meet Well, it wasn't a meeting. I don't want to listen here. I've been ushering on that on a usher board for forty seven years. I am the senor up on that usher board, and I've been trying to do that about it. But I don't understand how y'all gonna have a meeting without me, that's first of all. But now you're gonna call him and tell me that you're gonna you having a meeting on me about me being nice, always nice? Well, man, that doesn't seem to be a problem with that, sound as you twenty seven man, And they're gonna sit some bar to call me? You know this, don't make no tp of one? What is it? Well? What that's actually my call, man, is that maybe we figured if I would call and speak with you about the matter, that maybe we can get to some type of rectifying this situation to where we can We're gonna rectify here. I'm gonna rectify. You calling me this time a night taught my some meeting. Just don't make no time. I don't apprectionate you calling me any time a night. What away is, Bishop? I need to speak the bishop Bishops that actually I've been at this ursapart of seven years, I would say, oh, my life, this don't make no type of sense. You're calling me here with this mess often to make me cause I'm trying to be a Christian. But y'all not gonna ask me to be a Christian. It's you're just gonna just gonna agitate me with this meth telling me about something be nice. Remember that's something that they're having problems when you're seating the people, and that's all that we're trying to get rectified. People don't want to sit down. They want to go over here, they want to go over there. They want to have the children runner too and through. It's like a bunch of demons a while he's just bucking around in a church like they ain't got no sense. And I'm not gonna have it in my section. My section is gonna be strife. And I understand. Let you know what, since I think if we did this, if you would do me a favor and hold your phone, and if you would just bow your head right now for me, maybe we can come to get to get the man up. What am I bound my head for? I ain't thatspital clean baby. If we can get your lords, it's clean it's hospital carpet. It don't make no sense. What if I buy my head? If you can, maybe you could close your eyes. Said, you call me and woke me up out of my feet with this mass meeting. I am very annoyed at this and I don't appreciate it. I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm gonna speak to me now. Father. We asked that you look down up on Sistick. We asked that you look down upon her right now, right now, asking that you put a smile on her face on Sunday morning, asking that you put some joy in her heart on Sunday morning. And can let you draw all the pain that she in the angles that she might be going through, whatever demon there is inside, We asked that you draw that demon out. We asked that you pour that demon went away from Suste right now in your name. We ask all of these blessings to come because I don't appreciate this boy. I don't even know who you is. My high number. A pastor gave me the number one and asked me to call I am like I said, I'm Sean Williams. We haven't met yet, and I am the news. Listen, he don't he don't he don't ask that one. And it's bishop for the third time. I don't told you, boy, mishap, be respectful of the folks. See that's what miss Ingred. Let me let me, let me say this right here, sister, and maybe this will shed some light on things a little bit clearer. I'm trying to listen to you. Boys ahead. This is nephew Timmy from Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by sister who is also an usher at the Church of Missing there about this. This is already yes, yes, don't make no sense, Lord him, this is embarrassing. Oh my god, this is bad. This is Steve Harvey Show. Yes, ma'am, that's that's that's my uncle. This is just a joke, though, man, yes, oh lord him. How are you doing, army? How you doing? Sister? Am so impious? I am in? I am in. Do you listen to the show every day? I never would have stip my, Oh Lord jose mate, Oh my god, got me on this radio actors, Sister bid this here to you. You Well, how about it, y'all call me back and we get to how we do that? We do we would do a plank on her bills and a couple of bills, you know, because you show a little her business. What is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve hard And Morning Show and Look Toming and Hardy Mother Love Charm lovel is so cute. I love us Love, this is so yall. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. One of these church people are gonna up? All right, thank you? Now you coming up at the top of the hour. We'll have some entertainment in national news right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Rick Ross is ned Worth is going up thanks to his new million dollars smile. The Boss took a trip down to Columbia recently to secure a pearly white set of veneers and they look good. Ricky Rose's connect, doctor Mario Montoya, is the one who handled the procedure. It lasted about six hours and in the end he walked out with twelve brand new teeth on the top and another twelve on the bottom. They look good. While something like this would normally cost around ten thousand dollars, we here he got a killer deal, killer deal and they look good. They look good. That's way more than ten grains up. It's about a grand a twoth that's a lot. That's a lot of money. Well maybe in Columbia. That's why he went, because they're a lot cheaper Columbia. How much here right now? I can't go to Columbia to get a damn thing nothing. They're gonna murder my m ain't. I can't go to Columbia. Ever, I didn't have to quit drinking Columbian coffee every since I said every one moment. Oh yeah yeah, miss Columbia. They cussed me out, yeah yeah yeah. But back to Ricky Ross. I had to go get miss some teeth down in Miami. That's you don't need any I'm gonna get me some teeth in Mobile. Ever, I gonna go to Miss simm give me the teeth anywhere you go down in the middle of Mississippi. You have to date. Man had to round up so many people, get you a set of teeth. Yea, but you should see them before and after with Ricky Rose. They look good. Send me a picture of it. Yeah, okay, but anyway, so congratulations to him and some really sad news from the music industry. Eddie van Halen is one of rock's greatest Paris. Yeah, he passed away yesterday from a variety of cancer related causes. I mean really sad. He was sixty five years old. We all remember his hit song huh would you say cool? You know I'm Steve mat it really but you just like yeah? Yeah? And I liked it with long hair. And then when he got the fly short cut. Yeah, we remember his hit song jump from back in nineteen eighty four. Our condolence is going out, yeah, yeah to the van Halen family. Um, also eighty year old Johnny Nash, the singer of the big hit from the seventies. Remember, I can see clearly now. I can see clearly now the rain it's gone. Yeah, don't yeah, he passed away from I can see all the obstule coals in my way. Wow twenty twenty something else. Yeah, I can see clearly now the rain is gone. Here it's gonna be ill bright to feel good right right, sunshiney day. Yeah. I hope we can play that right after tunes the November. Ye, I hope we can play that right now. I can see clearly now that Trump is gone. Come on, oh yes, change the words. I can see all those obstacles in my way. I can see clearly now the OEE is gone. It's gonna be ill bright, dar Condole got to the family, Susie Lee co All right, Steve. Time now for today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Ann True. Oh, thank you very much everybody, and here we go with the news. First of all, start out with the weather related stuff. Louisiana bracing for the arrival of Hurricane Delta, and Governor John Bell Edwards says he wants people to be prepared even if there's a forecast of a slight weakening of the storm before landfall. Understand it's a four now, I would ask people not to focus so much on that and just to prepare for a major hurricane. Delta is expected to a slam into Mexico's Ucatan Peninsula sometime today. Really more like around right around cancoon slam right in that bad boy. The number of coronavirus infected people surrounding the President of the United States continues to grow. Now at least twenty four people have tested positives so far, including two members of the White House housekeeping staff, a White House Press secretary Kaylee Mcinanty, and at least eight other people who attended a Rose Garden ceremony ten days ago in honor of Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett and several others. Nevertheless, Trump's been telling his fans on Twitter not to be afraid of COVID nineteen, despite the fact that some two hundred and ten thousand Americans have died from It isn't tweet that part. So now, Facebook has taken down a post in which Trump falsely claims that the coronavirus is less deadly than the flu. They took that down. Facebook says that Trump's message broke its rules against disseminating harmful disinformation. The President posted a similar message on Twitter, which puts it placed behind a warning label. Both social networks have been taking a firmer position against misinformation about the virus and other things. Basically misinformation, of course, is a nice way of saying lies. In August, they removed a video of Trump claiming falsely that children are less susceptible to COVID. They took that bad boy down to Millions of Americans have been waiting for the White House and the Congressional Democrats meanwhile, to agree on a new multi trillion dollar coronavirus relief package waiting a long time. However, after days of nowhere negotiations, President Trump tweeted that he'd ordered his people to stop pandefic pandemic relief talks with the Democrats until after the election. That's what he said. Well, he's flip flopping now. He now says he's in favor of a new coronavirus economic package, and he's got some numbers he'd like to see, and he wants to Nancy Pelosi and the congressional Democrats to go along and agree with him on it. Yes, and you heard the tops sad news rock guitarist Eddie Van Halen's died at age sixty five. But another sad news con sickly that's right, Johnny Nash, multitasker in the music scene, has died. He was eighty years old. Originally from Houston. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show time Now guys for a quick round of Ask the clo. This is Steve's favorite segment. This one is from Tanya in Shreveport. She says, my hub been and I moved back to his town, his hometown to help take care of his aging parents. He told me that their private duty nurse was an old friend of his. When I met her, she couldn't wait to brag about how she dated my husband for ten years and he's a good man and a great lover. I told my husband he was dead wrong for not telling me about his past with her. And I said, either she goes or I go. He said, I'm being childish and I could leave. If that's the case. What should I do? Now? Wait a minute, that's they're they're married. Yes, and this woman said that, yes, Paul, you should have jumped on her, but her husband too. Yeah, he let her walk into that. That ain't not cool at all, and then says she could leave if she if she didn't like. Oh yeah, yea, hey, the nurse can come in and take everybody. Lady, Yeah, but doesn't want to be got to be kidding. William North Carolina says, I'm thirty two years old and I have a girlfriend that lives three hours away, but we see each other often. She loves to create drama and she accuses me of cheating all the time. I have a side chick, and she knows about my girlfriend. She's low stress and low maintenance, no drama. I like both women for different reasons. I have to let one of them go because it's getting hard to juggle them. I'm thinking about making the side chick my main girl. Well this worker will she always have a side chick mentality? Well, she won't have a side chick mentality if you make other one see dog, you're Dayton, You're not married. Initial side you Dayton, initial side chick, and you may have come to the conclusion that you're happier with the other girl. You young make your decision now. Going both of them is going further drama. Not a girl that you live three hours away from. She know about your side chick, but she's still and she giving you drama. She drama because she know about the other girl. But she's also what's wrong with her? If you know about the other girl but you allowing him to have it, then you wrong. No, the girlfriend doesn't know, but the side chick knows about the girlfriend. Oh the side chick knows about about the girlfriend. Oh okay, yeah, well the reason but still the reason she get he getting drama from the girlfriend right because she can feel something. She says she always accused you of cheating. She's right, she knows what you're doing. That's right, that's right. Just ain't been basted. Chat. But that's coming, Thank you, sir, that's coming. Thank you. Ciello coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour or Forever First Lady Michelle Obama encourages Americans to vote for Joe Biden. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening Dave Harvey Morning Show. I Forever First Lady Michelle Obama we love her so shared a twenty four minute video where she urged Americans to vote for Joe Biden mitths. Obama also criticized President Trump's handling of COVID nineteen, and she accused him of stroking divisions among Americans. Take a list and please the knowledge that any of my fellow Americans is more afraid of me than the cast we are living through right now, well, that hurts. It hurts us all. It is a heaviness that sits on our hearts. So I want to appeal for some empathy here too. I want everyone who is still undecided to think about all those folks like me and my ancestors, the moms and dads who work their fingers to the bone to raise their kids right. The teenagers who wear hoodies while working hard to get their diplomas. The millions of folks who look like me and fought and died and toil at slaves and soldiers and laborers to help build this country. Put yourselves in our shoes for just a moment. Imagine how it feels to wake up every day and do your very best to uphold the values that this country claims to hold dear, truth, honor, decency, only to have those efforts met by scorn, not just by your fellow citizens, but by a sitting president. Oh wow, wow, you know what I think? That really embodies it, That really puts it in a capsule. You know, it's one thing, look to know that racism exists. It's one thing to know that you can do your best and you can face opposition. We get that if you're born a minority in this country, you understand that full well. But to get it thrown up in your face by a sitting president who refuses to denounce quite supremacy a very simple thing. But he can't and he won't because they are his supporters and he cares more about him getting their support than he does what's best for the nation. He could care less. He won't vote on the stimulus package, walked out and said he's not making a decision to after the election is overwear So what y'all do for money and rent and childcare and food? That's on y'all until I find out what's gonna happen to me. And until I know what's gonna happen to me, go ahead. If he loses in November, what does that mean? He ain't gonna do nothing do if he loses in November? Didn't he ain't done nothing, no way, right and whatever. Y'all ain't vote for me January? And look, man, y'all didn't for me, So don't care about your stimulus. Donald Trump doesn't care about the underprivileged because Donald Trump ain't ever been underprivileged, right, that's right. He has no empathy for people who are not in his own circle. Ye, doc, This dude is for rich people, period. He don't even know no Poe people. He's never been poe. He ain't got no black friends, man, He ain't got no black cabinet members but one. That's ridiculous, man, Look at his Look at his circle. He ain't done nothing. And the only reason he picked being is because being when he dropped out of the race earlier, when he saw I ain't had no chance, he threw his support behind Trump. That's why Trump picked him. That's the only reason he's in a position. If he had never threw a support behind Trump, that would be no black black people. Just like the two hundred judges he's appointed since he's been the sitting president, none of them are black either. He ain't opened his mouth, not one time about Black lives matter. And every cause he takes up is against somebody of color. He ain't taking up one cause against a white group. He against the NFL players, He against Colin Kaepernick, he against the wall, he against DOCTA, he against Black Lives Matter, anything would call on it. He against this dude man, y'all tripping twenty seven days left Steve until the November third election. He got to go, Yeah, seriously, you just kept it one hundred. Thank you, Steve. Your nephew is up next with Today's Praying phone Call coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject I never should have let him come inside. But right now we'll get to that. We'll get to that in a minute. But right now, the nephew is here with today's prying phone call. What you got for his nap? Lronda is my girl, Caronda Larronda is my girl. Let's go cat though. Hello, this call will be recorded and monitored. I have a collect call from Ronnie, an inmate. If you would like to accept this and future collect calls, please press for hello. Hello, yo, yo, Hello, I'm trying. There's Ryny Ronnie. I'm trying to reach uh Lronda? Yeah, Nda do iron? No, you you got the right number? Man, that's my wife? Who is it? Okay, okay, okay, hold up, Nah, there's Rynnie right here. I'm calling for Launda who who you know? That was my girl for I got locked up. I'm trying to race hold on, hold on, man. Uh we've been married for about two years. Man, I don't I don't know what you're talking about. Man, you might have the wrong number. Okay, hold up then wait a minute, wait a minute, wait wait wait wait, wait wait a minute. I know though I ain't man, I know them. It's like what say, man, hold up, man, Wait a minute, Launda La run is married. Yeah, man, just in case you to hear me, La Runda is married. We got a sixteen month old child. Man, all right, and we've been man for two years. I don't know who you calling. I'm calling for La Ronda. I've been to get up about this. In six weeks. I've been all I've been. I've been writing letters and all kinds of stuff, sending them to our mama house. We're trying to tell me, you're trying to see what you've been sending? What to her mama house? I've been sending letters. I've been sending letters to day I got locked down. I mean when you've been saying how long it has been since you've been sending letters? Man, I've been locked down for five years, five years, and I've been sending letters. I don't miss one week. What I sending something to the rock? All right? What's her mama name? Then? Ain't her mama name? Miss? Hold on? Man, you've been sending letters to my girls mama for for five years, five years. I've been to get out. In six weeks, I've been locked down right in five years. No, man, easy, she ain't got no letters from you, man, you she ain't got no letters. Uh, we've been together for two years. Man, I'm sorry to break your heart. Hold up, hold up, hold up, let me ask you this, hill man. What hold look because you got me y'all this right here? Now, let me ask you this right here? How I know her mama name? How I know all this? Hill Man? What what I'm trying to explain to you? I got to write personally? I just I'm just blown away by you trying to tell me y'all married? Now, yeah, we're married happily. Man. Hey, man, hey, you need to take your back to the field man for real. Hold up, come first about what your wife is do just come at me wrong now, that's what I ain't fens to happen. Now. Now, I got a whole lot on my mind and a whole lot of stress. Now I'm gonna tell you this right here, just to let you know how this fens to go. I don't know. I'm fitting to be up out of here six weeks. And when I do get out, I am coming to see Laurent. Know that I'm fensed to come out there. Brother. Man. Look, hey, you up here calling me with this ignorant stuff. Man, that's what probably got your tell in jail. Anyway, y'all. Hey, man, listen, you come up here, you're gonna wind up getting both put up in the penitentiary. Man, because I ain't playing about my wife. Man. Brother, you just need to don't chill out after you get out of brother to say somewhere, Man, don't bring I ain't man. Look man, all I'm trying to do is I don't care what you're trying to do. Trying to keep you. That's all I'm trying to tell you to do so we don't both end up in the penitentiary man, or you might be in You're gonna end up in a grave if you keep testing me and I'm telling you don't bring you here. Bro, just stay there, relax, breathe and Jordan, yeah, man, all right, that's all I'm saying. All right, man, that's it. Hey, what your wife has to do is try to threaten me for so you keep your man. Don't bring you're looking for un I'm coming to see my girl. That's my girl. Women, I'm trying to tell you you're gonna take yours of you. We're gonna shut this down. Oh you thank you talking, Oh you thank you talking to Listen, Jude, don't drop tuck your black. Look, man, I'm fised to come home in six weeks and I'm coming to see Lronda, whether you'll like it or not, and I'm going to see our mama. Miss. What you ain't gonna do is get in the way of me and my girl. Somebody I've been loving and writing. Let us through all this damn time I've been on lockdown. Man, bring your I will say it slow to you. Bring you, and I swear to God, i will put you in the grave. That's why I'm gonna put you, homie. Bring you better stay up in the penitential. I'm coming down there and see my girl, see her mama, and get my girl back. My girl leaving with me. You know, the only thing you're gonna be seeing is a basket because I'm putting you in there. Man, I'm telling you you bring your I swear to God, Man, you knock on door if you want to. I'm telling you, man, go to mama house. I'm putting your down, Homie. I'm not playing with you. Man, I ain't that's my girl, man, that is my girl. I want you. Ain't gonna do nothing to me. You ain't gonna do number but release my girl over to me. That's what you has to do. That's it. No, I'm anna release a rousing your you come to the So that's what I'm gonna do. I'm telling you, man, boy, whoa you tip around? Man, I'll be waiting on you in six weeks. I'm gonna tell you that I don't be waiting on you in six weeks. Bring you to my dough. You won't be going nowhere else. I'm telling you that you're talking to all this bad stuff on the phone. You ain't gonna do a thing when I get there. But get me my girl back. That's it. You ain't You ain't listen. I got one more thing I need to say to you, so I go back to my sale. Is you listening, I'm listening. This is Nephew Timming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy Devin? What hold on? Dog? Listen? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy Devin. Man, y'all almost got him. I'm telling you, I'm about to hit the jail night. Oh man, oh man, I'm telling you I was gonna go down. I'm going down in flame. Who let me. I need to breathe out this man, go get you a drunk man. Yeah, I need to get me some bro. Im about to count down six weeks on this. Whoa, I know you would have got it. You would have got it. You got it in the middle, say who I love what he did so five years? Man, I'm I'm should have been here mailing, mailing. That's my girl. I sad. I sweated. God. If you can come up in the here, did you last stop? We're both going. We're both going. Oh man, man, you would he would have got you, Tommy because he didn't get it. Yeah. Oh yeah, Oh you didn't You didn't. Yeah yeah, yeah you That's one of my favorites. That dude right there. He was serious. Man, I'm not confilmed you about my wife. Man, Dog, I'm not We got a sixteen month old. We've been together two years. Dog, I'm not homie. I'm telling you. Don't going back and you'll see it. Man, don't come down hill man, get out here and enjoy the daylight and stuff like that. Man going about yeah, yeah, yeah, see the trees and stuff. Man going wow, keep it, stupid baby. That was close, Tommy, Yeah yeah, that was close. Yeah. He's still not over it. The prank might be over, but he all right thinking that you. Coming up next, it's the Strawberry Letter for today, the subject I never should have let him come inside. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. There are twenty seven days left. Twenty seven days left until the November third election. Please go right now and get registered. If you haven't registered already, go to vote dot org. It only takes a couple of minutes. Trust me, we've all done it. You can get your dates as to when you can early vote, and that's what we all want to do. Some people are already voting in their states. You can go to vote dot org and find out all the information you need. Okay, please vote. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggle ups and hold on tight. We got it for you here, Strawberry Ey letter subject. I should have never let him come inside. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a thirty six year old woman who just found out that I'm pregnant by my co worker's son. Her son is twenty four, and I met him at her birthday party earlier this year. We were standing around and I heard him say he was going to smoke, and I told him that's just what I needed to get the party started. He had a bag of really good weed, so I asked him if he could bring me some later in the week. It's legal, but I've never bought it myself. He called me the next day and said he was ready to drop off my package. He also told me that I'm very sexy and I have nice lips. I told him he's handsome and had nice arms. I was flattered that this young man was flirting with me. He over with my package and he was still flirting. He asked if he could come inside and smoke with me. I told him that I never smoke inside my house. He said, if we smoked outside, my neighbors will see us smoking and having sex. I asked him what made him think we were going to have sex, and he said he could tell from the first time we met. I never should have let him come inside. We smoked a lot of weed and we had a lot of crazy, good sex that day. It went on for months until we got careless and stopped using protection. When I got pregnant, he flipped out and asked me to terminate the pregnancy. I refused because this may be my last chance of being a mother because of my age. He forbade me to tell his mother about us having sex and me being pregnant. He is an adult and he needs to act like one. I planned to tell his mom, my co worker, that I'm pregnant by him. How should I start the conversation with her? Please advise? Okay, girl, hold up, okay, just wait a minute. Please just don't go up to her and say, good morning, how are you doing. By the way, I'm pregnant by your son. You cannot do it that way. Okay, you might get jumped on because his mom is gonna be shocked. I'm telling you right now, she's going to be furious with you. She's gonna be mad at him too, but mostly you, because you're older and you should know better. You're thirty six, he's twenty four. She's gonna end you guys work together. She's gonna feel like you betrayed her by going behind her back. She's gonna feel like you took advantage of her young son. Again, you're thirty six, he's twenty four. This is just as much your fault as is his, because you say you guys got careless and did it without protection. I mean, how high? How high were you that you couldn't stop for a moment just to put on a condom. Naturally, he flipped out because at twenty four, that's what he wants to do, smoke weed, flirt and have sex. Okay, as far as I'm concerned, not all twenty four year olds do that, of course, but that's what he wants to do. You didn't mention in here that he had a job or anything like that, as far as I'm concerned. When you told him, you told the right person. Though you told the person you needed to tell, he is the father. You didn't get the reaction you want it from him. So now you're mad and you want revenge. I agree his mom should know eventually because it's going to be her grandchild, but not right now. I think you're you're only telling her right now to get back at him. I think maybe that you know, you think that she can make him responsible, you know, be a good father for the grandchild. You think if she talks to him and he doesn't want any part of it. He already told you he asked you to terminate the pregnancy. I think right now you're you're in a world of trouble and you need to concentrate on the baby you'll be having. All right, He'll come around as far as what he has to do to take care of the baby, maybe, But right now that's what you need to concentrate on. Steve. Wow, Wow, this letter right here. I shouldn't never let him come inside. Thirty six year old woman finds out she pregnant by her coworker son. Now the dude is twenty four. I met him at her birthday party earlier this year. Were him You're not even getting invited back next year to the park for damn Now this I see. I read a lot of stuff in these letters. We're standing around, and you heard him say he was gonna smoke, and then and you told him that's just what I needed to get the party started. He had a bag of really good weed, so I asked him if he could bring me some day in the week. Okay, now you see how she left this gap out, and it's a lot of stuff about this lady's letter right here. If you just standing around and just what you needed. He had a bag of really good weed. How'd you know it was good? Y'all went somewhere in smoke. Tell her all of it now. And then you asked him he could bring you something. Lady in the weaknes here she come, being righteous again. It's legal, but I've never bought it for myself. Right, So, playboy, I call you next day, say he ready to drop off your package. He told me I'm sexy and I got nice lips. I told him he handsome, he had nice arms. You was flattered that the young man was flirting with you. He came over with your package and was still flirting. Then he said, can he come inside and smoke with me? I told him I never smoke inside of my house. Where you smoke. If you aren't smoking your house where do you smoke? You ain't gotten no kids, you ain't married. Where did you smoke? If you don't smoking out, quit lying all that thought, Steve. We'll have heart two of your response coming up in twenty three minutes after the subject of today's strawberry letter, I never should have let him come inside. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Here we go, Steve. Let's recap today's strawberry letter. That's subject I never should let him come inside. Wow, yoh, y'all. This lady in this letter, thirty six year old at this twenty four year old let her co worker's birthday party. She's pregnant by him now, which means she ain't invited to the party. Now, y'all standing around, you heard him say he was going to smoke. You told him that's just what you need. He had a bag of really good weed, so I asked him if he could bring me something. Lady, in the week you invited him over, you knew what you was doing. After you smoked the weed, you asked him if he could bring it over. Then you said it's legal, but I've never bought it myself. How much weed you to smoke. You're so good at knowing what good weed is versus bad weed. But now you're trying to tell us you ain't never bought none your damn self. But it's legal, though, Ladies, stop. In order for you to know he's good weed, you'd had to smoke a lot of weeds. He called me the next day, said he ready to drop off my package. He told me I'm very sexy and I got nice lips. That's what you wanted to hear. You told him he was handsome, he had nice arm. That's why you asked him to drop the package off. I was flattered that this young man was flirting with me. He came over with my package and he was still flirting. He would flirting because you was flirting. He didn't stop with just your nice lips. He told you some other stuff, and you said something else other than by his arms. Ain't nobody just still flirting? By the damn self. He asked if he could come inside and smoke with me. I told him I never smoked inside my house. Ladies, too many lines in this damn lettering now a whole lot of stuff too. If you don't smoke in your house, where do you smoke car in her car, in the car over her friends. He said, if we smoked outside, your neighbors would see us smoking and having sex. I asked him, what made him think we was gonna have sex? See right there, when you asked him that, it was already on your mind normally, if you wasn't having no sex, boy, if you don't drop this weed off and get your young ass out of him, some damn sex outside, boy, if you don't drop this weed off and get your young ass out of him. But that didn't happen, right, What makes you think you want to know what he's thinking we gonna have sex? And he said he could tell from the first time we met. I never should have let him come inside you damn show didn't. But you invited him over, that, didn't you. You already had plans of him coming inside when you invited him over. Lady, don't play with me. We smoked a lot of weed. Now you don't blame it on the weed. Ye wasn't smoking no weed when he was standing at the door with him nice arms, with that bag in his hands. The decision that was made to have sex was before the weed. You led him in after he told you y'all was gonna have sex. You led him in to have sex. Don't be talking about We smoked a lot of weed. We had a lot of crazy good sex that day. It went on for months. It went from a month to day today's to a month. What yeah? Until we got careless and stop using protection? What you mean we you're a grown woman here. You ain't know. We got careless. You did it without the protection. When I got pregnant. Then she just throw this in here until we got careless and stopped. When I got pregnant, he flipped out and asked me to terminate the pregnant. I refused because this may be my last chance of being a mother because of my age. That's why you got careless. This woman is pregnant on purpose. Grown ass people don't accidentally get pregnant. You know, if you have sex without protection, you know what happens. This is basic health class in this eighth grade. If you have sex, see the little sperm swims up the channel with the tail on. It just wigged and wiggness, and it's millions of them, but it's just one egg. And they be fighting at the egg at the dope, and then one of the little millions of sperm go into the egg. Remember that? Yeah, all right, that's what the hell happened. You knew you could be pregnant by doing like this, and you didn't get this didn't happen one time? You had protected sex with this boy quite a bit, and then ask you determinate prier. I ain't even determinate. My last chance to be a mother caused my egg. Then he told me not to tell his mother about us having sex and me being pregnant. He's an adult and he need to act like one. Nothing in this letter says he was much an an adult, except he has some crazy game for you. I told you you was gonna have sex, said you had nice limbs. You fail for it. I plan to tell his mom, my coworker, that I'm pregnant. How should I start the conversation with her when I come back? Part three, I'm gonna show you how she gonna introduced to this lady that she pregnant by her twelve year younger son. It's gonna be so good, all right. Post your comments on today Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. You heard Steve, Part three of today's Strawberry Letters. Subject I never should have let him come inside. Okay, Part three come up right after this. You're listening show All right, Steve, here we are part three. This letter was so good we had to do a three part the subject I never should have let him come inside? Go ahead. You know thirty six year old woman messing with the twenty four year old son of her co worker. She gets pregnant. They smoking, weedy let him in the house. Now she upset because she wants to had a baby. He flipped out, told her to get rid of the pregnancy. She said this her last chance, which lets me know she had this baby on purpose. She needed a way to have a baby, and she found these young stood with the nice arms, and now she's having a baby. So here was the question I planned. Now he didn't told her don't tell my mama about us having sex and the baby. He need to a like an adult. You wasn't this little dude right here, He ain't ready for none of this. Here. You told me he want no family. He twenty four, He want to have smoke, we sex, Suhally saying that in her absolutely correct. So now here's a question. I'm planning on telling his mom my co worker, that I'm pregnant by him. How should I started the conversation with him? All right, here we go. So Sureley, you're the co worker, I'm the pregnant lady, and we're talking. Hey, Hatred, Hey Betty good are you doing it? I'm all right, Um, you know, girl, I don't know where to start. You know, what are you blowing and everything? Girl calling your party? That was months ago, I know, but that girl was so crazy and that it was just crazy. It was at the craziest party I ever been to. What it was just a party? Now it was crazy though. It was crazy the way it was. It wasn't just it was your birthday, but it was crazy. Don't the handsome? It was gonna weed and and everything. What you know, I know what your so smoked weed? I smoked DeMarcus Marcus. Yeah, DeMarcus smoker. Now he bought me some weed over to my house. Sometimes he comes in and his eyes are a little red. But I just said, yeah, when he came in my house, his eyes was red at his underwear? What what what happened? How did you know about my sons? I demanded, Now, Betty, how do you know about DeMarcus is underwear? It's because he bought the weed over with his arms out talking about and said I had big lips. What told me my lips was pretty? And I told him his arms was cuted? But what you get to the point? I gotta get back to work now you feel be a grandmother? Nod? See y'all launched them? What where your mass? Where yours? All? Right? Tata? Alright, hey listen. Uh, we'll be back at the top of the hour with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well. Donald Trump went on Twitter, and he continued to downplay the severity of COVID nineteen. The President, who was aggressively treated by a team of doctors at the hospital over the weekend, again equated COVID with the common flu and told Americans they need to just live with it. He tweeted, flu season is coming up. Many people every year, sometimes over one hundred thousand, and despite the vaccine die from the flu. Are we going to close down our country. No, we have learned to live with it, just like we are learning to live with COVID in most populations, far less lethal. Twitter rest rick at the post, putting it behind a warning about misinformation. It was so much wrong information in that tweet, about one hundred thousand people. Yeah. Facebook removed a similar post from the president on its platforms, and we all know. I mean, this is so sad. More than two hundred and ten thousand Americans have died from COVID so far. The CDC says between twelve thousand and sixty thousand people die from the flu each year. Okay, idiot, Yes, what are you doing, super spreader. Yeah, just about all the people in his circle have it. It's amazing that the vice president doesn't have it. I mean they're going to debate tonight, so yeah, and now they're going to have a plexiglass in between them with the debate because at first Pence didn't want didn't want it, but now he didn't want to be right, which say he didn't want to be behind the glass he be no, no, but the debate tonight, if he wasn't look at imy even be talking to his ass. Thank you, Steve, you've been around that, no, sir, Yeah, And that's the only vice parential vice presidential debate there will be. There's only one. If I was come come out there just an on suit, covered up, come up with the whole time he talking, just having on his whole debate, be just in fall looking like an asstronaut. Yeah, that's crazy. That isn't really really, he's been around the president and you know you have all your assistant secret service, your staff. Come on, man, Yeah, this is ridiculous. Now. And then if you are an American and you're listening to what he's saying about COVID, it's something wrong with you. This man has at his disposal the very best doctors in the United States. He had nine doctors around him. Yeah, protecting him. You go to the hospital, you ain't even gonna be able to get seen, right because you go to the hospital, there's not anybody cocktail for you. That costs money. That's no how and most people do not have that available at a hospital. And your healthcare, Medicaid whatever, don't carry it doesn't cover experimental drugs like this guy was able to take. Yeah, he's just get rid of it. He's trying to get rid of affordable care at Obamacare. So now during a pandemic, you won't even have healthcare. Right, he has, but he's taken care of his Family's taken care of all the politicians. You're taken care of. Man is taken care of. Yeah. If Kamala Harris doesn't say, it is because of you alls severe neglect in the White House that we for the first time have to perform behind glass walls. But isn't a wall your specialty to be I need to be running man. Bring up walls all night long. Walls mask everything your sick ass company bed night. If he call, if he caught I cracked a plexiglass with my microphone. Here, come to COVID Biden cod is here, Yeah, yeah, all right, coming up, We'll have more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening show, all right, Steve, So you have some special equipment you're gonna bring for the second Well I do to debate If I'm by now, I gonna do the debate because hes gonna whoop his ass again anyway, because the President don't know how to debate because he getting mad and he's stupid. So so you're not talking about the vice president debate tonight. You're talking about the next presidential one. Oh no, next president. Biden said, if he still got COVID, he ain't gonna do it. But I do it. Though we're just both all of us were. I got a couple of things I'm gonna help with question and I do it. And I ain't even gonna tell you both of us. Is gonna be sitting up in them germophobic SUVs that you was riding around the circle in at the hospital. You get in your suv, I get in mine. We pull up on stage, and when I'm talking, your mic is cut off. Yeah, su next thing I'm gonna do? I could, I could do it this way you debate, but you had to sit in a glass cubicle with a top on it sealed. It kind of like an aquarium, you know how you like go to patch throw and see a turtle. Donald Trump as being a quarrel. And then the only other thing is that the whole time you talking, I gotta can of lysaw shooting it directly in your mouth. But I do it my damn self, I'm gonna have to be close. I'm gonna have to be like a foot and a half away. But the whole time you're talking about ly saw dead in the mouth, and if you cough, the debate is over. He'll be back with one of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I had some trending news that thirty three minutes after right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Forever First Lady Michelle Obama. We love her so share a twenty four minute video where she urged Americans to vote for Joe Biden mitths. Obama also criticized President Trump's handling of COVID nineteen, and she accused him of stroking divisions among Americans. Take a list and please. The knowledge that any of my fellow Americans is more afraid of me than the cast we are living through right now, well, that hurts. It hurts us all. It is a heaviness that sits on our hearts. So I want to appeal for some empathy here too. I want everyone who is still undecided to think about all those folks like me and my ancestors, the moms and dads who work their fingers to the bone to raise their kids right, the teenagers who wear hoodies while working hard to get their diplomas, The millions of folks who look like me and fought and died and toiled at slaves and soldiers and laborers to help build this country. Put yourself in our shoes for just a moment. Imagine how it feels to wake up every day and do your very best to uphold the values that this country claims to hold dear, truth, honor, decency. Only to have those efforts met by scorn, not just by your fellow citizens, but by a sitting president. Wow. Wow, you know what I think? That really embodies it, That really puts it in a capsule. You know, it's one thing, look to know that racism exists. It's one thing to know that you can do your best and you can face opposition. We get that if you're born a minority in this country. You understand that full well. But to get it thrown up in your face by a sitting president who refuses to denounce quite supremacy a very simple thing. But he can't and he won't because they are his supporters and he cares more about him getting their support than he does what's best for the nation. He won't vote on the stimulus package, walked out and said he's not making a decision to after the election is overwear So what y'all do for money and rent and childcare and food. That's on y'all until I find out what's gonna happen to me. And until I know what's gonna happen to me. Go ahead. If he loses in November, what does that mean? He ain't gonna do nothing, Donald, if he loses in November, didn't he ain't done nothing, no way, Right, y'all ain't vote for me at that point until January. And look, man, y'all didn't vote for me, So y'alln't care about your stimulus. Donald Trump doesn't care about the underprivileged because Donald Trump ain't ever been underprivileged. Coming up, it'll be our last break of the day, last break of the day, and of course, Steve Harvey one and only, we'll have some closing remarks for us at forty nine minutes after right after this you're listening to show. All right, Steve, here we go. This is our last break of the day, and you know tonight is the vice presidential debate. Senator Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence will face off in Salt Lake City, Utah, on tonight. The debate will run ninety minutes. Yes, Kamala debate will You're going to find out how bright this woman is. Oh yeah, this woman is raised as sharp and she is ready because he Pence is gonna be a lot more debate worthy. He's gonna be the direct opposite of Donald Trump. Oh yeah, but he's gonna talk about what Trump did. But Kamala gonna punch holes and it's gonna be pretty deceive man. Yeah, yeah, ninety minutes long. Pence and Harris will be seated like twelve feet apart. They will have plexiglass in front of them, thank god. Susan Page from USA Today will be the moderator. They're going to talk about the struggling economy, the Supreme Court, the coronavirus, of course, and racial unrest. Okay, so don't forget Steve. Twenty seven days left until the November third election as well. You know what, Listen, this election is so important, everybody. We're dealing with a man who isn't really well, and I don't care what anybody says. Man it's not that he's sick. His sickness began long before COVID. What's really wrong with him, it's even goes deeper than racism. And that's what I want to share with everybody. Not only is this man racist, it goes deeper than that. This man is privileged. Privileged people are scary, man, because if you listen to them carefully, it goes beyond racism to a group of a very very select few. And it doesn't matter what color you are. If you're not amongst the privileged, he's not talking to you about you, he's not coming through for you, and he's not defending you. So let's look at this president for what he is. He's an elitist. He's in a very very special privileged group. The sad part about the American voters is is they like people like that because they want to become privileged themselves. But the sad part about it is man being privileged is more than just a conversation. It's about thoughts, it's about ideals, it's about policy. So let me help you understand something. Just in case you're thinking that this man right here is just racist, he's not. This man is privileged. Number one. He comes down with COVID. He gets out of the hospital, he's still not out of the woods. He's still infectious. He still has COVID, and he tweets to the American people, this is nothing but like the common flu. Hundreds of thousands of people die from the flu. Let's just live with it. You can't say that to the two hundred and ten thousand people who have died with it. You can't say that to the millions of people who have been infected by it, and not to mention of the two hundred and ten thousand people who died, the millions of those relatives who were affected by the death of that two hundred and ten thousand. How you want them to live with Just deal with it. It's nothing more than the flu. Because this man, as an elitist, as a privileged person, has the finest medical team in the world around him, nine doctors. He's taking experimental drugs, he's doing any any bacteria, antibiotic cocktails. This guy got everything at his fingertips. If you go to the hospital, you're not gonna get that. Ain't no nine people coming in there and check on you. When we go to the hospital, we got to Hope we can find a respirator. Hope we can get a ventilator. Hope we can get a bed, Hope we can get some service, Hope we can get weighted on. Like we're in a damn crowded ass restaurant now, Man, they're in here for their life. They ain't in here trying to order fettuccini. Man, y'all listening to this dude right here. Then he walked out of the stimulus meeting and said he's not voting on the stimulus package until after the election. So guess what. He don't give a damn what happened to y'all, non elite, non privileged people until he finds out what he gets. If I'm the president, then we'll go back to the table. And if I ain't the president, I don't give a damn what happened to y'all. How y'all ain't getting that message? Man, you're sent a pin here thinking. Man, this dude is just racist. He worse than that. He's a racist and a privileged person. He's in an elite group. Man, y'all not listening. Man, He don't care about nothing but Donald Trump and Donald Trump winning, and he will say and do anything to get a victory, including step over you. So, all of you Trump supporters, let me tell you something. He don't give a damn about you unless you say you give a damn about him. You could be a white supremacist, or you could be anything, or you could be an ill advised senator, or you can be in a Republican party. He told y'all a long time ago he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and they would follow him anyway, because he didn't find the trick. Align yourself with the Republican Party, pretend like you one of them, and they'll vote for you. Because what I'm finding out and this party over country, party over people, you got the wrong dude in the White House. Man, he got to go for all. Steve Every contests, No purchase necessary, avoid where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.