Michael Jackson, Stephon Clark, Khloe Kardashian and more.

Published Mar 5, 2019, 3:00 PM

The opens in rare form and Fool #2 had a good night's rest.  We have a list of some of the most awkward situations.  90210 star Luke Perry dies from a massive stroke at the age of 52.  Michael Jackson's accusers are the center of Leaving Neverland which is a documentary talking about their experiences at MJ's house.  Oprah Winfrey interviews the accusers of The King of Pop.  We have movies roles that Nephew Tommy could play.  It was announced that the two officers in Sacramento that killed Stephon Clark will not be facing criminal charges.  Khloe Kardashian has a situation on her hands.  Closing Remarks today covers the mistakes that young people make today along much more.

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Y'all know what time to I don't know. Y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them just like the Millian Bucks things and its cubs, not me through good it Steve listening to move together for ste Please, I don't join me, Joy be doing me. You gotta use that turning. You gotta turn to turn them out, turn you love, got to turn out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your fadhu, I shore will a good art and everybody y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show today, folks. I just want to dive right in because I think I got it. I think I got something that's that rings for everybody here it is. Did you know? Did you know? And I'm talking to everybody, did you know that there is a life for you that's greater than you could have ever dreamed of? Did you know that there is a life for you better than you could have ever imagined. There's a life for you better than the one you thought you could have. Did you know that there's a life for you better than the one you've ever felt before? Did you know that that was a life for you greater than the one you saw for yourself. Did you know that there is a life for you greater than you had expected? And did you know that there was a life for you much bigger than the one you wanted? At Lastly, did you know that what I just said it is true? Did you know that? Did you know that the things I just said are available to you? Yeah? You. It's not just intended for other people. It's not just intended for the rich. It's not intended for those with college degrees. It's not just intended for those who receive awards. It's for everybody. Yeah, you two, It's for you who didn't get your high school diploma. It's for you who are incarcerated. It's for you who have two strikes. It's for you who've been sentenced to life. It's for you who've gotten out and have a felony record and can't seem to get it together. It's for you who have an illness. It's for you who the doctors have given up on. It's for you, this life I'm talking about, it's for you. Did you know that there's a life for you better than the one you dreamed about? Better than the one you've imagined, a life better than the one you thought of. That there's a life for you better than the one you've ever felt before. There's a life for you better than the one you saw for yourself. There's a better life for you than the one you expected and even the one you wanted. Did you know that this is true for you? See? Here's let me give you the secret to this thing. Now you have to believe that it is for you. Now, you got to fight through the doubts. You got to fight through the wheel of satan, because the devil is busy. Man. The devil wants you to think that is hopeless. The devil wants you to think that this is it. The devil wants you to think that ain't no more to it. The devil wants you to think that this applies to other people. But you, Yeah, you've been out the worst hand of them all, which you ain't. But that's what the devil wants you to think. So you gotta fight through. Now, you gotta fight through to get to what I just said is available for you. But what else you got to do? You ain't doing nothing else, might as well fight? Why just wake up and just let it be. Why would you wake up every day and just exist when there's a chance for you to actually live. See the reason I don't mind smiling so much now is because I'm no longer existing. I'm living now. See. See, that's what you want to get to. You don't want to exist to wake up, paycheck to paycheck, date today, not knowing, not understanding, not having, can't can't get this, can't get that, can't go here, can't go there, Gotta wait, gotta wait, gotta wait, gota wait till it seems like you never get nowhere. You can get out of that rut of life, feeling like when you wake up in the morning, that your life is whole hum that you're just in a rut. I drive the same way to work. I do the same thing on my job. When I get off, I drive all the way back home. I sit there, I read the newspaper. I water the lawn. I'm so sick of my life. It ain't this, ain't what I wanted. Man, and start wake up and start over, do the same thing. Then the weekend gets in. You got to mow the lawn, and then you try to fix something in the garage, and you feel like your life is in the rut I'm talking about. If this feels like a rut to you know, if it's what you've always wanted, I'm cool with that. But I'm talking to people who want it more, who would love their life to be more, who would love their life to different, to be different. I'm not criticizing you if I just described your life. I'm just only talking to the ones who would dare to believe that there's more to it than this. I'm only talking to the ones who would dad dad to accept the challenge, to fight through and see what God got for you instead of listening to Satan all the time. Devil is busy, man, Please understand, he's so busy. So is he trying to trick you, get you into the groove. You know they're doing all kinds of stuff now man, you know atheists and already got prayer. Taking out of schools. Excuse me, look at our skills schools, not as a push by the atheist to get the words in God we trust, taking off our money. Here's a deal. If you don't believe in God, and you don't want trust in God, just going about your business. But what you can't do is spill off all into what I'm talking about. That's the problem I have with all of them. If you're gonna do you, didn't do you, but don't spill off into what I got now. See, If you don't believe what I'm saying, then I ain't talking to you. Let's just be clear about the relationship with Steve Harvey and his crew. I'm only talking to the people that believe that are looking for something else, that wants something more, that wants something better, that's gotta be out there searching and hoping and trying to do more. That's all I'm talking to now. If you don't believe what I'm saying is true, didn't go ahead and try it your way? Go see write me, email me, let me know how it's going for you. But I'm telling you of a way that's tried and true. If you go to God, if you go to your creator, your makeup, if you go to him and you go to him for real and tell him, hey, you know what I want you to go ahead and take over from here. I'm done. I didn't done all I know how to do out and tried everything I know how to try. I'm sick. Of me right now. Hey, look here, you created me what you want me to do, and you're a cool thing about it. When I made that decision, y'all. See, I was so afraid for years that I was gonna miss out on something if I did that. I couldn't do this no more. But the stuff I needed to stop doing. I really need to stop the things I was afraid of not being able to do anymore with the very same things I really didn't need to be doing no more in the first place. On the real man, on the real all that temporary fun, I was having all them temporary outlets. I was using all them temporary things trying to fulfill myself I was doing. I was just doing a bunch of temporary mess man. I said, hold up, man, I want something permanent. Man, I want a permanent feeling in my heart that it's gonna be all right. So he replaced all that fun with joy. But it was only because I went and I faced him. He didn't take me and stop me from being me. He just made a better version of me. See, God, don't take he because all the stuff he sent you through, he needed you to go through all him. He needed you to have him experience or what it felt like to be locked up. He needed you to have experience and know what it was to lose everything. He needed you to have experience to make you tough. You're just gonna be a tough one. I'm a tough soldier in his army. That's all. I just say. One of the weak ones. I protect the weak ones. God didn't take a lot of stuff from it, except the stuff I needed, but the stuff he made me to be. He allowed me to keep it, and he just made a better me. Do that, y'all, and you can have what you want. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Monkeys, chinchillas, ferrets, parakeets, doves, ring of tangs, mules and goats. What about a possum? They're not everybody? Elephants. I just did everybody I wanted. Is I just need you? Don't need no. I just met rceros are getting mad about your animals. I want to start show y'all wanta do it like just he were just asking. I don't ask y'all for no help. Just ain't Charles time. I ain't saying your name yet. You ad chickens? Nothing about hey Junior, what's happening, man? What's up? I'm good, brother, I'm good. Appreciate you coming, man, Appreciate you sitting there waiting on your turn to be talked to. Yeah, you know, it's good when you have team players like that that realize that there's no eye in team. It's not but they just jumped right in here, you know, just all just about them, you know what, It's amazing, Junior, man, how do you work with people like Well? I don't know. I just come in because the check they've given me I needed. Ok. Yeah, I gotta come on in. It's kind of like me too. Yeah, I can't worry about them. Yeah, all right, job Carlin. How you doing today? I'm doing well. How were you, Steve? I didn't hear nothing from you either. I'm good. So how you doing today? I'm doing good? But we already know how everybody else doing. Obviously they perky as hell. I did, and I don't care the morning off right. Well, see you're not talking to y'all, he said, Carla. How y'all still ain't saying them here? They get in They all up evil people working on this show, The evil, evil, evil people. Shirley ad minute. Though, you throw more rocks than anybody on this show. That's my job, Steve to throw rocks to keep it moving, to interjack, to have fun. This is supposed to be fun, fun, fun, fun. Where's the fun you're talking about the shade girl? You're talking about it? I believe, he says Shirley. Oh no, we're having fun it Come on this morning time. We're in a good mood. Ain't nobody talking to him? Though? Work man? Wow, get a good night's sleep on the into the restroom six times? Okay? No, seriously, though, seriously, dude, don't you hate getting up going to the bathroom and no alternative? That's why you gotta get out? But I really don't. I really don't hate it. You don't mind. No, it's like a break. I don't like it, a break from sleeping. Well, you don't want abody waken from holding. You don't want pressure, you don't want what Jay, You don't abody waken you up? Telling you pete. You don't pete again, I mean, damn not grown not again? All right, listen, coming up in thirty two, after the hour, the Guys apropos, The guys are gonna discuss awkward situations inside something funny when we come back, all right, right after this, you're listening to show, all right, before we get to something funny. Guys, you know how I love a clean, fresh smelling room. So do you notice anything? You notice how lemony fresh it smells in here? Yeah, Junior brought us some breakfast this morning. Thank you again, Junior. It was delicious. So after that, after that, I pulled out my Pine Salt lemon wipes, the lemon ones. I wiped down the countertops during the commercial. And not only is the countertop clean and sparkly now see, but yes, but the lemon lemon fresh scent, it just livened up the whole studio. I love how it smells. Yes about Jada. That was This was my attempt to do a little spring cleaning. I wanted to do a little bit early. So what do you all think you'd like it for real? To say? Yes, thank you guys, thank you. Well. Pine Salt is the number one lemon scented cleaner. I also wiped down the garbage can lid to get rid of the germs there. And you're welcome, guys, You're welcome, Thank you. I keep my Pine salt, Lemon fresh wipes, Handy Pine salt, clean your way, and happy Marty, Grob Happy mart I Like, since you don't cook, at least you're clean slowly. Absolutely, I do that. I really don't have a clean out. There's not much to clean about. Absolutely all. Right now, guys, it's time for something funny. So Steve, Jay, Tommy Junior, Uh, you're here, explain this. Jay. It's called awkward situation. Awkward situations. We've all been in awkward situations. I'll set it up. I want the fellas to add to it. Here's one. Here's the first one. You with your boy, You and your boy riding, You decide to go pick up your girl. Now, he won't get in the backseat. He sits his ass in the middle. Awkward. Been there here in the middle of me and my girl? Yeah? Is that what you just say? That's not We gotta get him, but out of the car. Doth he can't roll with us? Man? Pull up? He screwed over? I know you ain't up under me? Do you up under me? Why is your hands in your lap? Situation? You and your girl upstairs getting busy, just making noise. Yeah, you come downstairs. You thought her parents were gone. Oh word, Poppy, still here your mama. They're looking upside your head. What you're doing our baby? What you doing in my baby? My baby? Whoa dad? It'll never sound I'm sorry? How come you don't sound like that? Like what you got you got? I'm just saying, if you see somebody like that, you come down and said, you see your mother? And what can you really say? Missus? Smith? Lord thought y'all was leaving. Hello, y'all been there, I ain't got another one. There you go. You said something about somebody. You just talking major trash and you thought the phone was off on mute. Oh yeah, I haven't done that. I have done that. I have forgotten to hang up. God, I got it. I got an awkward situation. You ever lost some they ever come up to you really upset and start crying. But they cried, but they got bad breath, And you're trying to listen to them because you know something wrong, But that breath is pushing you back. Hey, and you gotta keep asking them what they said because they crying and you're trying to get far away. Yeah, hey, that's wrong, man. Your breath can't be like that. And you cry with your mouth over. I got awkward. I got awkward. You didn't pull some pictures off the end of that very graphic and you're sending them to your babies. Then, yeah, that's what we're gonna do when you get back. And you didn't send them to the wrong damn person. Oh interesting life for that's great that. I'm so wiw M Williams. You're gonna get a take. Don't open whatever you do, please don't need hands. I got one call you've You're gonna love us. What you're trying to help your kids with their homework. They're looking at you like you don't know what the hell you're talking about. That that happens to be they quick caring that wall to say that I was done, and then we try to help them, and then they say, that's not it, that's not that's not it. I'll tell you one James. You know, I really don't know why they got this bluetooth in the car, But you had that whole conversation going on with somebody who ain't supposed to be in your code. Yeah, and then she said you're gonna do what to who? Oh hell hit the in button? But then don't ask them no more. Nah, that's kind of I got one for ye old You've been in a parking lot looking for your car, just back in the day and find your car one just like yours, but somebody sitting in it. I have a conversation if you do, full blown conversation. But he was in his car, but it was just like mine. That was ugly conversation. Oh man, that's charging Steve Man. What the damn car get away from him? Man? Yeah, talking crazy all right, guys. Coming up at the top of the Hour and Entertainment News Onney Williams is back on her TV show, and Tamron Hall is back as well. She's expecting a baby and later we will discuss the Leaving Neverland documentary. But coming up next it is the Nephew with run That Rank back right after this You're listening show Coming up at the top of the Hour and Entertainment News, Wendy Williams is back on her TV show after a couple of months off. Tameron Hall is expecting a new baby with her husband. Yeah, and later we're going to discuss the Leaving Neverland documentary. But right now the Nephew is in the building with run That rank back. What you got for my artiques bike? My auntique bike Awkwards got a bike bike? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Bawn. Hey man, this this this K dub Man. Listen. Do you know somebody to live on? Yeah? My mama, My mama stayed on. Who is this? Hey? This this K dub Man. My t Miss Tinsley, she lived on. Now my auntie say you came over here and stole a bicycle and some other stuff out of her garage. Okay, hold a First of all, who is you? Man? I stole a bike at somebody garage? Who is this? Who is Kay? I don't know? No? Kay? Do this is Kay dub Man. My auntie, Miss Tinsley, little down the street from your mama and my anti just got you telling me you the one came and when and took a bike and a tool box or somebody that garage. Man, First of all, I don't even know, no, damn, Miss Tendsley. And second of all, I don't steal your your auntie, Miss Tinsley, say I stole somebody. Put a point on the phone, man, put your amy on the phone. I ain't stole uhing from nowhere. I ain't gotta she can't talk. My any can't talk to you? Why she can't talk? She say, I stole so no, my ain't my auntie deaf? She signed language me and told me that you don't want stole stole the bike, your auntie death. And she told you she signed ling with you and said I stole a bike. Why do you get my numb? Hold on language me? Hold on? Okay, c s quit all that damn lying. You know, damn will you're the one that stole the bike? He man, hold so your untie, it's cussing me. I to you in sil language. You're telling me that I have stole the damn bike. Hey man, First of all, I hell you even get my number? Man? I got some number down the street that I asked him for. Miss ain't your mama? Miss yeah, miss my mama. Okay, okay, well look man, the people down the street up. But then the new your number. I told them I needed to talk to you soon them I ain't he told me that that you was the one that stole the bike. Out to gad. Now, look, I ain't trying to tell you. Can you can't kick that? Can you siglay back to your ain't it. Yeah, I can sign was back to her, tell her that I said, I ain't stole no bike. How about that? Tell you ain't I ain't stole no damn right now, man, grown man, I'm trying to tell her right now. Wait a minute, Okay, hold on, she's saying something. She said, Yo, black lying and you know that well you got that man, look him, man, you your death. Ain'ty that street with nobody on this street. It felt for my voman. I'm a grown man. I gotta steal a bike for nor deaf. She must be dumb too, she deaf fan dog. She's like, I sold something, y'all. I don't even know y'all what you ain't he ain't deaf and dumb dude, Okay, my ain'ty donna never lie and a missus tennsy saints that that that somebody took some that dog. She's telling the truth. I ain't it gonna be lying and just to be lying. Why she's just gonna lie on you? Why she gonna get you out? Man? You know what. I don't know what's going on, but I ain't got no reason to steal no bike. Now, I got a car that ain't paid for I got. I'm a grown man. I'm trying to get cuts it in my son. So I'm gonna coming to somebody garroad and still a bike as you crazy? You're crazy? This she is? Man't get out of my line with that. Hold on, hold on, hold on, my ain't it of what she's saying. Wait a minute, man, I'm trying to see what she's saying. You say that black No damn well, he took that bike and he better bring that damn bike. Looking, man, I don't know what you said on my line. Man, I ain't took no bike. Dumb ain't his line do easy even time? Hey dog, you gonna tell you something. You're gonna respect my amy? Hey man, you canna respect me? You call my phone with them? I mean to try to get money together? You calling someone? Who are you? What are you? I don't know this is. I don't know who I'm gonna man. I'm K dub everybody, no k dub. I ain't never heard of no more k dub on in my life. My mom had been staying on for fifteen years. I ain't never heard no Kate Dub. I heard no miss Tenderly. I heard a by no death, ladies, I ain't seen no bike. Get the off my line. Many man, she see you gonna make me go down and still telling out of miss house. If you're gonna bring that bike back? What got me? Bring somebody come by mamma and you want to tell them on my way over they'll play. Somebody come mama house. My family is gonna be over for you that death. Ain't you guys whoever down that gave you my number? Everybody you got me, we'll go this. I'll that's truth. Though. You come by my mama house. You're back now stepping my mama. Grand you come by my mama. Play you work? You got me stuck. You're gonna tell me to the dark side. Come on my way right now. I don't know we get on the phone or wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. What you're saying, ain't by, ain't say nobody scared of your I'll Craig say, tell yo death. Ain't he to bring her outside? And I'll blest you. She heard him licks. I'm gonna be putting on your you know I'll beat. She's gonna be undeath today. I bet she get cured when you keep me whipping your man. He literally, I ain't coming by myself on the Commy gonna be there with me, Tommy gonna help me. Whoop your way? Who the time to tell me? Who? Tommy? Man? A few times from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your mama, Miss Bureau. Let's say, like, Manma, my mama. No, I don't like nobody with a man guy, your mama, your mama. My son loved me to dell. He don't let me know. He take care of me. He don't let nothing go wrong with me. I don't let nobody to mess with me. He said. All you got to do that like you're gonna do something to his mama. Oh man, Well, I don't see everything. I don't see him because of like I d man's guy, I'm in the mirror sleep. I'm man for read y'all? Did this a man? I just want to go. I wasn't myself? Oh yea till my mama she wrong for that too, dude, what ups? Whatever you do? You have to change, boy, you have to change you just like me before you love your mama. Ain't man. Hey, I gotta ask you, man, one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Man without a doubt, Man, Steve Harvey Morning show Man will be a few timings, Man without doubt. Hey, man, tell me, I gonna go drop off a little to an she wanted, she want to play games. Hey, Friday, March fifteenth, and nephew will be uh in Washington, d C. Shirley. But there's the blues and jazz club. Okay, right, And I'll say nothing now, I'm team telling, but I want only your team. Tell me. But what wants he wants me to say? Where you gonna be? I mean, but that's the Blues in jazz club, Washington, d C. What's she gonna be? Do a joke? All right? Listen, jack all right, listen. Coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment news that's coming up right after this. You're listening to show coming up in twenty minutes, guys, we're gonna talk about leaving never Neverland, the two part docuse series about Michael Jackson. But first the Sad news Um. Actor Luke Perry one of the most beloved Hollywood actors. He was the star of Beverly Hills nine O two one zero and uh, Riverdale, the most recent series he was on. He passed away at the age of fifty two. Yes, Archie, Yes, he had a massive stroke last Wednesday, and uh yeah, he never recovered from the stroke. And our thoughts and prayers are definitely with his family. I mean he played dil on nine two one. Everybody loved Dylan. Yeah, he was good. Yeah, he was. This a whole new generation that watches Riverdale. They love that. You watch every day, Yeah, yeah, everybody watches. And and the day he had a massive stroke, uh there, they just announced that they were going to do a reboot of Beverly Hills nine o two one zero and he was reluctant. He hadn't signed on yet because he had the commitment to Riverdale, so he or Shannon Doherty hadn't, but everyone else had signed on. But just so sad, I mean so very fifty two. Yes, he suffered a massive stroke and just never recovered. Yeah, yeah, very very sad, very sad. Um. In other news, Um, after two months of being out, Wendy Williams is back. Yeah, she's back. On her daytime talk show, Wendy was in emotional She addressed her medical issues, and she also addressed the ongoing rumors about her husband. She said she's still wearing her ring and her marriage is fine and she loves her husband very much. And then she went on to discuss hot topics. She talked about Jose Smallett and Michael Jackson. You know, everybody listening to the story twist smile, right, yeah, you know, she she got everybody inside. I yeah, she said that she didn't believe a word of the documentary. I did hear that? She said that said, yeah about the Michael Jackson documentary. Wow, Yeah, a lot of people. A lot of people believe it. A lot of people don't believe, especially as fans. They don't because they think that those two guys are out for money. What are you saying two guys that said it didn't unhappen? Yeah initially? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I'm a friend of Mike's, always have been, you know, I just know him a certain way. I don't. I don't know anything about this, So I haven't watched the documentary. You should. I mean, I don't have no interest in it. I got I got enough going on as it is. You know what you say about him now in his passing there has nothing to do with me. You know what you if you were trying to bring up some charges something that be your animal store. I don't, I don't. I don't have any interest in that. I have no comment on it because I want to watch it. Man, I'm still watching This is It? No, this is it? Michael Jackson can documentary. Yeah, that was really good. Do you think this is no? No no no no no no no no when you can blow? What? What do you think I was talking about? Jo? This is us? What is this is us? Oh? My god? Like the number one TV shows. That's why. That's why it's bigger than This is It? Who is it? God? Okay, who in it? Answer me? I told you you wouldn't know Michael Mandy Moore? How about that? Oh? See exactly? All right, listen, it's time for today's headline. Steve. Let's move on. Please, they've sewed. You're listening to show Leaving Neverland, the documentary that details the sexual abuse to men allegedly suffered at the hands of Michael Jackson, Part two last night. Here's what you need to know. The Lord of Michael Jackson's fame was irresistible. Wade Robson and James safe Chuck both had dreams of being in the entertainment industry. Wade met Jackson after winning a dance contest. His mother Joy moved him, his sister and herself from their native Australia on the promise that Michael would make him a dancing star. James was in a Pepsi commercial with Michael. When he turned ten, he joined Michael on tour. His mom, Stephanie, said that to us, she met celebrities like Sean Connery, flew first class and with chaufford and limousines. James would sleep in the room with Jackson, but his mother's room would get farther and farther away from theirs. So there's a part of what they were talking about on the Leaving Neverland documentary. Steve, Yeah, No, I haven't. I don't. It's not anything i'm watching. I don't. You know, he's a friend of mine. I'm not. I have no interest in it at all. What do they gain by this? I don't know. I mean, you know, I have absolutely no comment, because you know, I don't. I don't want people to misunderstand what being said. If a person is a victim. I don't know. That, so I'm not commenting on it. And if people is not a victim and as fraudulent, I'm not commenting on that. I'm just I'm just clear on this right here. Because he was a friend of mine. I knew him, and and that's why I am with you know whatever you're saying. The brothers gone, Michaels. Yeah. The family said that Michael built trust between them, and also that Neverland the compound included an arcade, an amusement park, an assortment of exotic animals, and the train station. It was a great playground and the perfect place to keep parents away from their kids. The victims claim this was where the abuse happened. What's y'all, well, I mean, I'm kind of like you, Steve. I mean, I was a huge Michael Jackson fan. I met him one time. Um, I just you know, it's just hard for me to believe this. I'm not ready to watch this documentary yet. I have to say, I'm just not ready to watch it. I started watching it, I couldn't finish it. I couldn't. It's hard to watch, Steve, I mean, you know, yeah, yeah, we were all fans of Michael Jackson, and these guys had testified before that he trialed that he did nothing to them, right, and Michael Jackson was acquitted. It so it's hard to watch this documentary and now all of a sudden, this just comes out of nowhere. That's what I don't understand. What is it for? We understand what you know, how you feel. I mean, you knew him personally. I didn't know Michael Jackson personally. I think people should have their opinion of it. I think people should if they want to. I think people should come to their own conclusion if they want to. I'm I'm really man. I mean, I think that's good and that's what they're doing. Yeah, and do you there's Steve Harvey. I got I got other things I can do with my day, all right, Well, coming up at thirty four after the hour, Michael Jackson fans are upset with Oprah after Oprah's interview with the Michael Jackson accusers. You're listening to Okay, So last night, guys, Oprah Winfrey did a special interview with the Michael Jackson accusers. Oprah asked both Wade Robinson and James safe Chuck, why do they keep associating with Michael if he had in fact abused them. Take a listen. Can you explain to people why you want to continue the association if you have been abused. I had no understanding of it being abuse. You know, I loved Michael, and all the times that I testified, and you know the many many times that I gushed over him publicly in interviews or whatever it may be, that was from a real place, while never forgetting any of the sexual details that happened between us, but having no understanding that it was abuse, having no concept in my mind that anything about Michael could ever be bad. Anything that Michael did was right to me for so many years. Also yeah wow. Also, Oprah went on to say that Believing Neverland documentary transit Michael and speaks to a larger societal issue regarding social sexual abuse. Take a listen to this. Here's the reason why I'm here. In twenty five years of the Oprah Show, I taped two hundred and seventeen episodes on sexual abuse. I tried and tried and tried to get the message across to people that sexual abuse was not just abuse, it was also sexual seduction. But for me, this moment transcends Michael Jackson. It is much bigger than any one person. This is a moment in time that allows us to see this societal corruption. It's like a scored on humanity, and it's happening right now. It's happening in families. We know it's happening in churches and in schools and sports teams everywhere. So if it gets you our audience to see how it happens, then some good would have come of it. That's the Oprah interview with Michael accusers, Wade Robeson and James Safe Chuck. Michael Jackson's estate has condemned the documentary the media, and they are suing HBO for one hundred million dollars. So there you go, Yeah, shome out. Yeah, I am yeah. Yeah, it's a heart Yeah. I mean, like I said, I might watch it at some point, but right now, I just I can't watch it. Yeah, I'm sure I will. I'm absolutely sure I will. I'm just I'm not ready right now. I mean, and you definitely can't defend Oprah or you can. You can make up your decision if you want to. But I kind of get what she's saying how it rings light on the situations aside from these two guys not being believed. Yeah, and in that audience of the documentary, they were the majority of the people there were sexual abuse big victims that were there as well, So it was a conversation for them too, you know. And when people do report it, they're they're like often not believe that the abuser did what you know, they said they did. And it's usually someone who's very familiar with you, close to you, close to your family. You know. It's man, Well, look, if a person is being abused, they have to feel like or they have to be aware that there are steps or channels that they can take to get help. As has to be a horrible existence to live your life as a child abused. That has to be a horrible existence because as a child, how do you process it? Yeah, you know, I mean it's got to be a horrible existence. So in that regard, I speak up for victims, you know, and they truly believe they love these people, right, I'm saying for victims. They have rights and they need to know that there's avenues that they can take, and I'll stand up for victims. That's it. This documentary, this long time coming for this one and so you know, if he was here to defend himself make more sense. Yeah, I'll be all furnished because because he was alive for a long time. Yeah, you know. All right, we're gonna switch gears here. Coming up next, it is a nephew in the building with a prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to show. All right, guys, coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after to be exacted. It's today's strawberry letter I got for you. Oh, this one's interesting subject. He's scared to sleep with me. Oh, I'm sorry, you don't know. I'm sorry, I don't know. What do you have to make everything about you? Sir? Everything that is the subject. He's scared to sleep with me? Okay, but right now it is a nephew. He's here with Today's scared. What's your prank for today? Now, I'm your wife's gonna college? Now say who, I'm your wife's gonna college. Wow, it's gonna be good. Now running net. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to get Andrew a place. Who's calling? This is doctor Hendrews. Oh yeah, yeah, God, how are you doing? Doctor? How are you doing? I'm all right? She's not Andrew that she's not in right now, it's gonna leave a message something. Yeah, I leave her message that you know, she came in so she had an appointment this morning, right right, right, right right? Anything? Okay, Oh, everything's good. Everything's good. You know I've been Andrew's gonna college is for quite some time now, so yeah, yeah, I know, right right right, Okay, Well, listen, can see if she's able to get back in tomorrow. I need to get one more good look at her. One more good looks is everything? Okay? I just want to check a few things. You know. If I get one more good look, a good look at her, I think I'll be fine. One don't y'all do this like once? Uh once or twice a year and you wanted to come right back to everything? Okay? Now you could tell me nice everything ill right with my wife? Uh yeah, Gregg? Right, yeah, what's up? Talk to me? You know I'm not I'm not proud to tell tell anyone what's going on with her. And there's nothing really serious going on. Okay, so you can relax on that part. But I just want to get one more good look at her, just to be sure. One more good looks for what, doc? If nothing serious going on? Well I think, um, I think what, Well, she'll be fine, she'll be fine, she'll be fine. Great, hymn awful about the record. I'll tell you something. The man that uh and I don't really you know, talk like this put off the record? Man? You you and are Man, we're the uh we're the only ones, aren't we? What what? You and I? We're the only ones? Aren't we the only ones? What they're talking about? What are you saying? Well, you know we're the only one that's seen it, you know. Oh? Whoa whoa? What? What? What are you saying? Though? Uh? Just just stating that, you know, off the record? You are? You and I are that we're there. We're the only ones. We know, we're the only ones. What what? What? What are you saying? Do I'm not understanding you? What are you saying? We are the only ones? What? Well, well, we have you and I have something in common? I mean, you and I are the only one that's that's uh, you know, basically seeing Andrea. What do you know? Wait a minute, that's not a topic of discussion, doc. What what are you trying to say? What are you saying? About my wife. I mean she's amazing, man, I mean, uh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I don't need you to tell me about my wife being an amazing doctor. You lost your damn man. Well, I'm just saying she looks she looks amazing, she looks amazing. I don't mean any harm. Wh whoa, whoa. You ain't supposed to be looking at her and that type fashion dot? What the hell is wrong with you? What type of I'm professional? Is this here? You're telling my wife is amazing? You lost your damn man. I can't believe I'm getting a phone call like this. Just the most unprofessionally I've ever heard. But let's keep in mind, Greg, I wasn't really calling you. I was calling her. You know you ain't talking to her. You're talking to me, and you're gonna bring that type on the phone to me? Have you lost your mind? Be a professional? Is there a way you can pass the message that, oh, I ain't passing nothing to her? Do you hear me? You're gonna make me do something crazy to you. I don't believe you called me with that type talking about my wife. Me and you and I got something in common she's amazing. Have you lost your damn mind? Sure? I didn't mean. I didn't think you did. You did, don't matter, it was just a little no. No, I've been a little playful with you. I didn't think that was gonna this ain't no because they don't play. What's wrong with you? We're playing? I'm not playing, don't you whatever? A matter of fact, do I need to see you? I need to I need to see have a session with you. We can talk about this year. I thought your dog on man talking about my wife amazing to you. You're the most unprofessional. I shouldn't even go to you all these years. Or was there anywhere you can get her to come in so I get one good look at of the mall? Hey, no, no, she ain't coming down to that little ragged I'm coming down there. When I come down there, we oh, no, matter of fact, I'm on my way down there. How long are you gonna be there? We can we get straight down. I've left the office for today. I just wanted to call and see if I could get one good look at her for the mom. No, no, there you're gonna get with that? Wasn't more good gonna look? No no, let me tell you one thing. She ain't coming there of you. No mo, no mo, no mo? Is she coming back to see me? Wait? Wait wait, I don't want to lose a customer, not not like it. You ain't gonna you ain't gonna lose a customer. I'm coming at the mall. Make me an appointment. You could check my hop tomorrow. You see how you like that, sir? That's what That's not possible. Okay, I'm definitely gonna Oh. I don't want to lose her. If you like, it's gonna hurt me if I lose her as a class. I don't want to miss seeing her. Don't hurt you. It ain't gonna hurt you that you losing them. It's gonna hurt you when I get there. Don't you worry about her? Greg, you gotta calm down. Okay, I was being I was being playful, and I we too. Were you too old to be playful? Play? I'm seeing you in the morning, first thing in the morning. Okay, what time you can? Can I ask you something? Greg? Do you have a brother named Tyrn? What they got to do with it? Saying? What they gotta do with my brother? What they got to do with you. Okay. What I wanted to tell you is this is not doctor Hendrix. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvard Morning Show. Your brother Tyring got me the plank phone call you. I don't give us who you. I'm coming to see you. What what do you say? Did? What? Hey? Greg? Greg? Greg? Pull up? Take us out, your brother Tyring. This is this is new a few Timmy man from the Steve Alread Morning Show. Your brother Tiring gott me the prank phone call you. That's what I thought you sit man. Hold on man, oh oh man, let me stop for a minute. Man, Oh my goodness, well you lost your damn hold on. You don't do you don't do like that? Man, got my wife, y'all? What's my brother? I would be telling him first, You're gonna see Tying tomorrow. I'm gonna see him first day in the morning. Man, the morning. I'm ready to kill everybody. Hell no, hey, I gotta ask you, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Mmy? Yeah, Man, you Clay playing daddy. I know a little bit, yes, ain't know everything, ain't nanny. I go a little too far. You know every now and then every day every I'm a bit book, you know, you know everything, and I might be a bit mud get your new Steven and told y'all stop saying that. Well you don't claim me? No, but what is that? But I never claimed what? Ever? What are you talking about? Only time I claim you if you get in trouble that I can help If I can't help you on your own, what I Yeah? That makes no. She's not a public disowning very much? So did you feel it? Yeah? Yeah, it was kind of weird. Tommy pick up for your boy everything. That was kind of weird. Jay you weird? Yeah, and when you just owned me already, I know team time to team Tommy? You team tim me until he ain't him? Yeah, you don't believe nothing. They say time and they're trying to break us. Break up the band? Where you gonna be, won't you tell them? S in some place where they play jazz and but there's the blues and jazz? Yeah, they play blues. Where's the com don't describe a much? Why, Shelly? What is it? You don't get? Okay? What are you gonna be doing there? You know what? You know what I'm not laughing this time, not funny. You're gonna do the jazz? Why are you asking? Because okay, it might be only one that hurt blues and jazz. I heard what you need in the blues jazz jokes, and yeah, you don't do blues or jazz. I'm not gonna play no instruments. Shouldn't nobody be crying when you perform? All right? Thinking of you when they start coming scared to sleep with me? Coming up right after this, you're listening to Steven Show. Yeah, it's bad to get all jaccorated in today. Yeah, keen cake, all that bread man, all of it, gumbo. Let's go all right. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice and relationships on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please please, please, baby, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click Submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one today. Can't tell you a quick story, sure money grow uh huh up dating his chicken Louisiana one time. I never really understood it. Behind the business of Monty grol I just knew it was a cool event, right, She had a keen cake and keen kake got a baby in it or something. Yes, And we just had the keen kake of the house and I cut into it. I cut the little man. I threw the man away. But she had a heart attack. She had what are you supposed to do with it? I don't know. You ain't supposed to throw Hey, let me tell you something, because she cut through the whole thing. She said, I don't I threw that way. Two days she said, you did what threw the man out? We broke up right after that. Wow. Yeah, if you don't if you're not from New Orleans, oh, you don't know she had a heart attack. Wow? All right, let's go on, all right, bugle cold on take We got it for a year. Dare you tripping for the little man? We're doing the King state King style right here. Strawberry legs kid. Yeah, baby's knecake. It's k you buying the kne cake too? Today, Steve carl you need to get him one today, Carlin, is it all right? Subject he's scared to sleep with me? Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a married woman in my mid thirties and I want to have children, but my husband does not. From the time we got married till now, he says he does not want kids because he just wants it to be just the two of us, no one else. He said that it's a financial responsibility we don't need. But I think there's more two it than that. I think he's just not fond of children at all. We've been married for fifteen years, and when we were younger, we enjoyed our care for years of being childless, but we're getting older and it is time to move to the next phase of our lives by starting a family. I will admit our marriage has been rocky the past five years, mainly because of this topic and him withholding sex from me. I took him to my last checkup with my gynecologist so he could be part of the conversation of me getting pregnant at my age. We've also been to a marriage and family therapist, but he still does not want me to get pregnant now. The fact that he is withholding sex from me is a whole other issue. He told me that I might try to trap him into having a baby, and most nights he will not come to bed until I'm already asleep. This is a major problem for me because I am in my sexual prime and I'm used to having sex often, at least a few times a week. I don't want to divorce him because we have acquired a lot together and I would like to think we could work through this. I do want a child of my own, and I need my husband to have sex with me regularly. Am I asking for too much? Please help? Yes? Yes, you are asking for too much because guess what, your husband's not interested. You have known this from the time you got married, and you married him anyway, you knew this fifteen years ago. Okay. I'm sure you, like so many other women, thought you know he would change his mind eventually, or that you could change it for him. But this is really a mess. And you guys have gone to family therapy about this and that hasn't helped. So I need you to understand that your husband does not want to have children. I need you to understand that your husband's not fond of children. You don't think he's fond of children. You said it in your letter. Okay, So you need to open your eyes get woke about the situation because it's he's not changing. You're the only one that has changed in this situation, not your husband. And you said it since the beginning, Okay, since the time you've guys first got married. Yes, this is a major problem for you because you guys do not want the same things. You want children and you want sex. Your husband does not want children with you, and he doesn't want to have sex with you right now because if he has sex and you'll have children. Okay, So you got to put that stuff together and get out of this fantasy land that you're in. He doesn't want to have kids and you do. This is a major problem. This is I dare to say, a deal breaker for this marriage right here, Steve, Wow, Wow, this is crazy. Yeah, this really is crazy. He's scared to sleep with me. Okay, the tylers let us says it what you need to know. But you, like Shirley said, you ain't listening. You need to wake up, y'all. Married, you want to have children. Your husband don't. From time we got married to now, from the time you got married, that means even before you got married till now, he said he don't want kids because he just wants it to be the two of us. No one else. He said, it's a financial responsibility we don't need. And then you said, but I think I think that's more to it than that. Okay, so guess what she says it is. I think he's just not fond of children at all. That's what you think. He said he don't want none. Now guess what the conclusion you came to is more than that financial I don't think he's fond of children all. You think he ought to have something there, right? Are you crazy? We've been married fifteen years. When we was younger, we enjoyed our care for years of being childless. But we're getting older and it's time to move to the next phase of our lives by starting the family that you came to this conclusion? This you this is yo, yo. You think it's time to move the next level? He did? He don't you saying from time you got married to now he don't want kids. He don't see the reason moving to a new level. I will admit our marriage has been rocking for the past five years, may because of this topic and him with holding sex from me. He don't want kids so bad, he's gonna make sure. Okay, we don't have a sex, right, I tell you what we ain't having now, kid, we ain't having sex. I took him to my last checker with my guy in the colleges so he could be part of the conversation of me getting pregnant at my age, Me, my age, my guy in the college. He ain't asked to go down there. Hang on, Steve, hang on, hang on. We'll be back with part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Subject He's scared to sleep with me? You're listening, Yeah, Hello, I'm just I would reading some more this letter, trying to find another angle this ignorant mess. He's scared to sleep with me. The man told you from the time you met into now according to your letter, that you that he don't want a baby. He just said it at all. He said that they don't think y'all ought to have a buddy baby because of the financial responsibility. The lady said, I think is more than that. I think he's just not fond of children at all. Ted, what what? That ain't the magic trick. He didn't pull off the curtain and here come a dove flying out of a thimble. He told you he didn't want kids then, nor now you've been together fifty man, and y'all you should enjoy your care free lives of being childish. But you're getting older and it's time to move to the next phase of our lives by starting the f so you say. He said in the beginning he didn't want kids. He still don't want kids. Now you're ready to go to the next phase. But you can't do this by yourself. I will admit that our marriage been rocking for the past five years mainly because of this topic in him with holding sect. He don't want a kid so bad he don't even want to do nothing to make no kids. I took him to my last check up with my Guyana colleges so he could be part of the conversation of me getting pregnant at my age. You're pushing, You're pushing, you pushing. It ain't changed nothing, not bad. When you got through talking to the Ghana College, he's just sitting there. He went just to keep you happy. We've also been the marriage and family therapist, but he still don't want me to get pregnant. You'dn't been to the Ghana College, you'd have't been to the therapist. And the marriaging family therapist, and he withholding sex, and he'd been telling you that for over fifteen years now. The fact that he's withholding sex for me is a whole other issue. He told me I might try to trap him into having a baby. Yeah, yeah, I believe that. Yeah. So most nights he waits wow and will not come to bed until I'm asleep. This is a major problem for me because I am in my sexual prime and I'm used to having sex often. If he been not going to bed, when when is you often having it? He no, And you're gonna mess her how to make him not want you, But I think he's already started. When a man don't want to come to bed to spend time with you, it's because he don't want you no more. If a woman stopped coming to bed with you, it's because she don't want you no more. He You've pushed this man to the point so far with this child, he don't want you no more now you and your sexual prime, Well, he probably is too, So let me just say that he might You might try to trap him into having a baby, and he won't come to bed until I'm already sleep, And then I'm used to having sex often, at least a few times a week. I don't want to divorce him because we have acquired a lot together, everything but a baby, everything but a baby, house, laying called property credit. I don't want to divorce him, and I would like to think we can work through this. He not working through this. He don't want a baby, he has always said this. I do want a child on my own. I do want a child of my own, and I need my husband to have sex with me regularly. And I asking too much, way too much. You're asking the man to make a baby that he said he never wanted. And now you're asking the man to have sex with you, and he already know you ain't taking nothing. So now he thinks you're gonna trap him into having a baby, so he just stopped having sex with you. Don't you don't You don't see this? Shelley was so spot on one. He answered, you don't see what's happening here? What do we come to the ball About to be o'clock? She know here in there late here up early too, ye gotta get up military time time, yep, dud read it. Gotta go, baby man, No, don't talk to you. But honey, no, no, honey, hell wait but wait no, I gotta I gotta go. Wow, he's getting up so early. He stopping something, he's getting off work, he's stopping so he's stopping someone away from here. His lunch breaks different from yours. Stuff. I mean normally though, in a marriage, Steve, people start families. I mean, it's not it's nothing wrong with what she wants. It's just the fact that he doesn't want it. They don't want the same things. That's the It's perfectly and I can understand a woman wanted to chat. Absolutely, you ain't got no problem with what you want. You just you just ain't gonna happen with him. Nope, it's just not gonna happen with him. And if it does, it could be ugly. Yeah, it could be ugly. He could turn out to be one of the worst fathers because like, like, it's like you said, not only does he not want children, he doesn't like children. He don't even like kids. So why would you want to shut up all that day crying? Hell, you crying for now? Why would you want to have children with someone who doesn't want kids? Why many times we're gonna have to change this. Damn die exactly. Yeah, Clay, you're hungry again. We're in here talking. No, he he may not need to be a fun nor. Right. I met women that don't want kids. You gotta respect that. And just men that don't want kids. Can I tell you somebody ain't playing on nothing. My kids, not now one, every last one of them was a surprise. We're gonna have, but but always want it. I wanted kids, man. I just thought that was be the coolest thing. That's a natural progression when it is a time grow up. And yeah, but not for everyone, right, Yeah, and certainly not for him, because he's told her, all right, all right, we gotta get out of here. Email us or instagram us. Her thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM. Now coming up in ten minutes, we're gonna tell you about Tyres starring as Teddy pendergrassday Yeah, and we're gonna play some comedy Roulette too. Right after this you're listening to the stew ty reis is going to start as the late icon Teddy Pendergrass. This is gonna be in a new biopic. Warner Brothers has acquired the Life Rights to the late singer, and Tyree Gibson, along with Empire co creator and co executive producer Lee Daniels and Donald de Lineum, will produce the movie. This is going to be through Deal de line Pictures. As we know, Teddy Pendergrass hit the scene back in the seventies as the lead singer of Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes. Brought us numerous hits like close the Door, turn off the Lights, Yes, Yeah, loved Ko anyway, Yes Yes. In the early eighties, Teddy suffered his final cord injury in a traffic accident that left him a quadriplegic. He later returned to perform again in nineteen eighty five and continued his solo career until he passed away of cancer back in twenty ten. Teddy Pendergrass embraced me and before he passed, put the responsibility on my shoulders to tell his story. This is what Tyrese shared in a statement, This is a role that I feel I was born to play. Just hope we make you your wife and family proud. Wow. Wow, those are big shoes to Phil. Yeah, and Tyrese can really saying too as acts Yeah he can, he can and if you get a chance, go check out. I think it's on on demand. Teddy Pendergrass. If you don't know me by now, yeah, the documentary about Teddy Pendergrass's real life. It's really good. Yeah, all right, guys, time to switch gears. Time to play commedy, Roulette, Roulette, let's go break. Yeah, you want to explain it quickly? Jay, You don't even explain it. You don't even explain it right here? Go ahead. People don't know what we're doing, Go ahead, explain it right here, Jay, out of time. We take four subjects, put them on the wheel, spun the wheel where it stop. We'll do the damn day. All right, here we go. Things people say who don't watch television things and know it all will say stuff you say when you break something that doesn't belong to you. And movie roles. Tommy could definitely play spind the wheel. Well we know where to here, but we know where it going. What happened by mistakes? Thomis you? Movie roles? Tommy definitely could Let's go there we go, Jay, Team Tommy, come on, he could play the home he was a boy. No hope an up team. Okay, all right, Jesus movie Roles Nephew. Timmy could play Thing one or Thing two in the Doctor Sus movie. I could play stay you hard play. I'll tell you what you could play better though? The Gary Coleman story. What you talk about the story of the Jolly Green Giant. Keep me tall, Jake, Keep me tall Jake? Who he gonna be wanted to shoe? He could He could play Terrios half brother on Game of Throw Timmy on. I might tell me I'm not laughing though, Timmy, but yeah, you laugh, you laughed. Let me see who I could play. I could play Kareem abdul Jabba in the Cream of Dude, the Bab movie. You're gonna be his socks. You're getting up there? Go ahead? Whose turn is it yours? Uh? Emanuel Lewis the beginning Webster? Yeah? All right? Come on, what's the story of the fifty foot Man? Come on, Jake A right, y'all? Remember remember Chucky, Remember checking the movie Checking Timmy gonna play the bio pick Doc miny of check. He gonna bust out of a box and everything. You killing Junior to turn I could play because you know I know him to kill O'Neal life story yeah, okay, you're ready for what you really gonna play though, bubbles My years with Michael. These are movie roles that Tommy definitely could play. Bubbles My Years with Michael. I can't breath. He didn't himself. Hey, guys, go ahead, beat me up. Let's go. How many more we're gonna do? Tommy was the best. Tommy was good. I would like to say that the most accomplished actor on this radio show is he can would a compliment that it sounds like it's Thomas Mile without a doubt, and were just trying to come up with rolls that we know he could get in and kill. You know, look, Tyree's got to Teddy Pendegrass. That was just me stuff that he could do. Man, just get right on me, and you know, thank you. Tommy could do Teddy penecrass. He really could turn off the lights, all right. He'd be a little hand to reach up and here to switch. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All Right, we're gonna get a little serious here, guys. You guys remember about a year ago nearly a year after Sacramento police fatally shot Stefan Clark. Remember, Stefan Clark was a twenty two year old, unarmed black man who died in his grandmother's backyard, District Attorney and Marie Schubert announced that the two officers who killed Stefan Clark will not face criminal charges. In a news conference that lasted more than an hour, the DA walked the public through evidence gathered by investigators and discussed the law that governs when police officers are justified in using deadly force. The law requires that we judge the reasonableness of an officer's actions based upon the circumstances confronting them at that moment of time, said Schubert. DA said the two officers, honestly, without hesitation, believed he had a gun before they fired. Get this, twenty shots at Clark, hitting him at least seven times. Okay, but can I ask you a question. Yeah, in the firing of the shots and there was no return fire, Exactly at what point does in your training does it say, wow, there may not be a gun here. Well, it seems, but see this, this is what's a phone? He had a self, That's all it is to it. They don't shoot to disarm disable, they shoot to kill. Black men are the same as the black targets at the target range of all gun ranges. That's the targets are black for a reason. So when they get out there and they see that black man were just another target and we keep getting killed over and over and over, and they keep getting away with it, and they justify it. They just keep justifying it. Man. Yeah, a dude is in his grandmother's backyard. How much more innocent can you be in the backyard with a phone? Yeah. Stefan Clark's mother, Miss Selina Manny, said a shameful legacy of officers killing black men without consequences, and her family's heart is broken again. In response to no charges brought against the officers in the shooting death of Stefan, his family has called for legislative reform in an effort to help the community heal. You know, look at minimum manslaughter, right, yeah, at minimum the man slaughter. You got to do some kind of time for taking the life of an innocent person. So what happens when you find out, as they did, that he was in his grandmother's backyard and he didn't have a good damn what you thought? See the hand with what you thought? I he go. Why they always think black dudes got guns? They don't ever think white kids got guns. They be in the backyard all the time. And the dog they go to, they go, They go to to two settings all the time for disturbing the piece. Loud parties are disrupting the party. Yeah, y'all see him on camera all time, fighting the police, jerking away from him, calling them names. Don't obey the law, get out to come, not getting out of anything. You're hit all the time. They don't never get shot and they shouldn't get shot. But man, a black person like that brother, I forgot his name up in Minnesota somewhere that where the lady put it on FaceTime. He told the police officer he had a gun. Yeah, they said, watch your shooter. He said, I don't know, I don't know. Yeah, this is you know what, man. But but you know, the troubling part is they never see what we see. And when he gets to the grand jury, which is some more of them, they don't see what we see. They never get there. Man. Well they saw it in the Ruddy Kings situation many years ago. And it still didn't matter. I mean a tape. Yeah, there was tape, there was evidence, but somehow they still got off. Those officers still got off. It don't look like that to them. It looks totally different. And then you have problems on the side of the cities that won't press charges against police officers, right because the justice system is on the side of the plan. Yeah, this will not happen if you shoot white kids, this won't happen. Do you know the uproar if you start doing this to white dudes, if you shot them at the rate that shoot you that you shoot black dudes. If the same number of white guys, feil Man, do you know what would happen? What was the guy Walter Scott? Wasn't he running away on the ground helping somebody they shot in? Yeah? Dog Trayvon Martin another where he was when I had a gun on my show? But George, but that was that was a blatant disregard for black lights. Yeah, that was one of the most blatant. This man ain't even a cop and he got the right to shoot somebody walking from the store. Florida's law. Nah man, this this ain't right, man, No it's not. This ain't right by no stretch of imagination. This this, this ain't right man, And this this DA seemed to in the Stefan Clark case, seemed to try to justify, um, you know what these officers did. I mean, I guess all she could do was state what the law says. But you know, I'll say it again, I'll read it again. The law requires that we judge the reasonableness of an officer's actions based upon the circumstances confronting them at that moment of time. Okay, so what was the reasonable circumstances? Well, she said, that was a black man in the backyard that happened to be his grandmama's. They didn't ask him who he was. No, hey man, they couldn't have said hawk, get on the ground, right right, But she said, honestly, without hesitation, they believed he had a gun before they fired twenty shot. Wait wait a minute, without hesitation, believe they believed he hadn't gun. Yeah, but by her twenty shot. But see listened to these words, without hesitation, they believed he had a gun. So now we can kill him without hesitation. Yea, we believe he had a gun. But guess what. He didn't have a gun. And I understand they have split They have to think things and splits. I got all that. What are your lights at right? Split up one of y'all. Go over there. We got you front and back. Get down on your knees. Don't move, Get down on your knees, hands over your head. Where was that? All right? Steve? Yeah, we gotta go. Coming up. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening. Kylie's best friend, Jordan Woods denied making out with Tristan Thompson in her first interview since her cheating scandal broke. Jordan's sat down with Jada Pinkett Smith on Red Table Talk on Friday to tell her side of the story. People are still talking about this. Jordan said the alleged kiss came as she was leaving Tristan's house party. She admits that Tristan planted his lips on hers, meaning Tristan kissed her, but insisted there was no passion involved. Jordan has been accused of making out with Chloe's boyfriend over Valentine's Day weekend, which created a huge rift between Jordan, who was just twenty one years old and Kardashian The Kardashians. Shortly after the interview hit Facebook. Chloe blamed Jordan for splitting up her family, and Chloe blamed her for her split with Tristan. Chloe treated by the way, you are the reason my family broke up. This is what Chloe pleaded. How old was this girl? Oh, Jordan twenty one? One? How old is Tristan? He is twenty seven. Since he's in the league, he's probably had a lot more experience at life because they travel, they get around a little bit. I think we all know that he's twenty seven. He has a family, a child, got two right, Yes, he got two children. He's in a relationship with a loving woman, Chloe. Right, and she's thirty four. Okay, cool, the twenty one year old girl. Why is everybody beating her up? Exactly because at the end of the day, if you're a man and you know you have a family, and you know you have responsibility, you you got to own up, partner. Yeah, I mean, look, man, you could this your deal. You got to take care of your girl and your kids. That's your job as a man. Right. And she's legally grown at twenty one, But we all know how. We all make mistakes. Look, man, I'm sixty two, still making them now. I don't make them as dumb and as frequent as I used to. But the ones I make now they get blown up pretty big though. But think back when you were twenty one, though, come on, I can't, I can't, I can't stick. I can't do nothing ideal When I was, I mean, I was kissing whoever was next to him, whoever. You've been standing here too long? Come in here. Yeah you must won't be because I damn chill your mama's living room. I didn't care. Yeah, I mean, so she's twenty one, you know, and they came down so hard on her to a twenty one year old girl, is breaking up your family? Man, listen to me. But who we had a change of heart, right, she did. She did because you know, a lot of people dragged her for saying that, especially on black Twitter. She got dragged for for coming, you know, up against Jordan so hard like that. Yeah, but you know what, we so quick to destroy a person. Yeah, we're so quick, man. It's it's just an ugly world week. Yeah, but I'm not with it doing it to someone as young as twenty one, come on, no, all right. So, shortly after the interview hit Facebook, Chloe blamed Jordan for her split with Tristan. She tweeted, by the way, you are the reason my family broke up. But then later on Saturday, Chloe did have a change of heart and she wrote, Jordan is not to be blamed for the breakup of my family. This was Tristan's fault. So she had a change of heart and didn't blame Jordan after that. So, yeah, that is really hope they get back. I do too, and I think they will. I think they will. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show coming up in twenty minutes. Guys, we're gonna talk about leaving never Neverland, the two part docuse series about Michael Jackson. But first the Sad news Um. Actor Luke Perry one of the most beloved Hollywood actors. He was the star of Beverly Hills nine O two, one oh and uh Riverdale, the most recent series he was on. He passed away at the age of fifty two. Yes, Riversdale Archie, Yes, he had a massive stroke last Wednesday, and uh yeah, he never recovered from the stroke, and our thoughts and prayers are definitely with his family. I mean, he played Dylan on nine two one. Everybody loved Dylan. He was good. Yeah, he was This a whole new generation that watches Riverdale. They love that day, Robin GiB Yeah, yeah, everybody watches and and the day he had the massive stroke. Uh there, they just announced that they were going to do a reboot of Beverly Hills nine o two one zero, and he was reluctant. He hadn't signed on yet because he had the commitment to Riverdale, so he or Shannon Doherty hadn't but everyone else had signed on. But just so sad, I mean, so very very bad at fifty two, Yes, suffered a massive stroke and just never recovers, you know. Yeah, very very sad, very sad. Um. In other news, after two months of being out, Wendy Williams is back. Yeah, she's back. On her daytime talk show, Wendy was emotional. She addressed her medical issues, and she also addressed the ongoing rumors about her husband. She said she's still wearing her ring and her marriage is fine, and she loves her husband very much. And then she went on to discuss hot topic. She talked about Jesse Smollett and Michael Jackson. You know, everybody listening to the story twist mouth. Yeah, you know, she she got everybody inside. I yeah, she said that she didn't believe a word of the documentary. I did hear that she said that? He said, yeah about the Michael Jackson documentary. Wow, Yeah, a lot of people. A lot of people believe it. A lot of people don't believe, especially as fans. They don't and because they think that those two guys are out for money. What are the same two guys that said it didn't not happen? Yeah initially? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I'm a friend of Mike's, always have been, you know, I just know him a certain way. I don't. I don't know anything about this. So I haven't watched the documentary. You should. I mean, I don't have no interest in it. I got I got enough going on as it is. You know what you say about him now in his passing, Yeah, he's gone. There's nothing to do with me. You know what you if you were trying to bring up some charges something that be your anemy story. I don't. I don't. I don't have any interest in that. I have no comment on it because I won't watch it. I don't, Man, I'm still watching This is It? No? This is it? Right, Michael Jackson documentary. Yeah, that was really good. Do you think this is no? No? No, no no? What what do you think I was talking about? This is us TV show? What is this is Us? Oh? My god, it's only like the number one TV show. That's why. That's why it's bigger than this is It? Who is God? Okay? Who is it? Answer me? I told you you wouldn't know. Michael. All right, when we come back, it'll be our last break of the day and Steve will get into some closing remarks. I have some questions I want to ask you, Steve. Okay, all right, we'll do that right after this. You're listening, all right? Here we are, last break of the day on this Tuesday. Um boy, A good day, A good day. I think we learned a few things today. Yeah you know what, Steve, we were talking about, Um, you know, when we were young, making mistakes and things like that. So as we get into this closing remarks today, I just want to ask you, you know, maybe there's something you can impart to a young person out there who's twenty one, who's you know, we were all twenty one before, we've made mistakes. Let them know that they can come out of it, they can do better. Well, you know, here's here's a deal. Uh. It is amazing how we how we are sometimes, you know, towards one another, and how we are with our own actions. It's almost like we we act like we've never made a mistake ourselves. We act like, you know, what somebody else has done is more more unforgivable and more unthinkable than they can ever imagine of themselves when an actuality. The truth of the matter is, we've all done things. And thank god that there was no social media when I was twenty one. Thank god there was no Instagram, Snapchat, no phone cameras. He it were no phones when I was twenty one. Yeah. Yeah, there's no record of the reckless, idiotic decisions we made back then. But what happens to these young people today is that they have no way of learning and fixing themselves on their own. They have no time to heal. The destruction of one another is so rampant in our society today that it's frightening. Man. It's it's almost like, man, I really really hate to see bad news come out about young people because they are so attached to social media that they is such a part of their world and so many, so many of these people count on it. There's some grown folks count on it. Two though, and it's just a tear down in social media that begins the destruction of a person. Man. Does anybody give anybody uplift on social media? Does anybody try to say, you know what, I understand? I understand, I've been there, little girl hanging there. Everybody makes mistakes, but it's such a rush to judgment, and then even as you rush to judgment, that's just a rush to destruction. And I'm really really concerned about young people today because look, I'm sixty two. I still make mistakes. Many mistake this year. The many mistake this year, a mistake. I've been ate up. I get beat up all the time. Man, But I'm gonna just keep I'm gonna just keep striving. I'm gonna just keep going along. You know. I'm just I'm just strong enough to understand that, Hey, man, I don't made them before And like I said the other day, one of the cool things is when I look back on all of my rough days, When I look back on all the days I thought I wasn't going to duel, my track record for surviving bad days so far is one. And that's pretty cool. Anything else, sure, well, you know, I mean, thank you for that, thank you for that. I just want to And how important is it, Steve like to have a support system. I love the fact that Jordan was able to go someplace where she felt safe and that was with Jada, and Will was there for her. You know what, That's important man, that somebody reaches the hand down to pick you up, to give you words of encouragement. And you can be that to a person that you see this getting beat up. See the thing about hate, and I've often said it, hate is louder than love, but love is stronger. Yeah. See, So you can loudly try to bring somebody down and somebody can come and softly and calmly pick them up and hold and give them time to heal and be okay. But you know, there's a loving side to most people, that is a compassionate side to most people. And if you don't get out there and get in the fray and the hate game. Now, let's assists some people that's just hateful. You know, the devil is busy today. Man, The devil has imps that work for him twenty four seven and they on Twitter, and they own Instagram and they own whatever. And the devil just pressed the button and here they go to work, and they call themselves haters, and that my job is to hate. No, it's not, No, it's really not. Our job really is to love and uplift one another. Because guess what, you're gonna need loving and you're gonna need uplifted. I don't care who you are. You can be the world's greatest hater. At one point in time, you're gonna need some loving and some uplift. And when it's time to get yours, you know, that's when the Lord's prayer comes into effect. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trust passes, as we forgive those who trust pass against us. All forgive us our debts as we forgive our debts, which simply means, when it's time for you to get your compassion and your love, yours is gonna be passed out to you. The way you gave it out to everybody else. Wow. And you have to remember that man. And where as people man, you have to tap into your loving side. If you see somebody getting beat up, it ain't nothing wrong with you to go over there and just try to hug them, give them my help. That don't make you nothing less than a person because you don't agree with the masses. Sometimes you gotta pick a person up. Man, They just need a little bit of uplifts so they can get up and keep going. 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