Mentoring Camp Recap, Big Dog's Credit Card, Trump Immigration Laws, Marriage Advice, Parenting, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Jun 19, 2018, 2:45 PM

Steve has a story about cussin' from his Mentoring Camp. Tommy uses Steve's credit card a lil' bit. Michael Jackson's former elephant moonwalks out of its enclosure in Florida zoo. Trump and his immigration law has former First Lady Laura Bush upset. Steve gives marriage advice and we get a parenting therapy session. The Closing Remarks for today covers children, truth, discernment and more!

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all baby all sung looking back to back down, giving them mong just like theming buck bus things and it's tub y'all true. Good to Steve Hoya listening to me toach other for stooard quickly, Hobby, don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, Hobby joining me. Honey said dot turn let go yet you gotta turn, you to turn at the time you lovey got to turn out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I shure will Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one and only. Uh huh. Steve Harvey got a radio show, Yeah you do. Steve Harvey got a radio show. But like I said the other day, you got something too, though, don't you God didn't done something wonderful for you? You just gotta thank him for it, you know. Uh, in the midst of all that's going on in my life and in your life. You know, I always used myself as an example because well, I mean that way. I guarantee one I know what I'm talking about. Um here here's the situation, you know, with everything that's going on in my life and all the things I'm asking God for in the midst of uh taxing and a very trying situation. That's very challenging for me right now. Man, God just keeps on, keeps on surprising me. He keeps doing things. And I want you to look at your life. Or for a second, let's make two columns here. Let's make a column of all the things you want from God. You know, just do that throughout the course of the day. You know, you know, run down the list of all the things you're asking God for, all the things you're praying for, the things you aspire to, what you your dreams, your visions, whatever it is. Just make a column list of all those things. Let's make three lists. And then the second list, I want you to make a list of everything that you've been asking God for, so I guess that could be a little bit of the same. But this third list, I want you to do a check off point. I want you to do a make a list of everything that God has given you that you've asked him for. Just think about it like that for a second. I may be explaining a little wrong right now, but I'm I'm gonna pull it together. For you make a list of everything you're asking God for, just just listed. You know. It's okay, it's a dream board. You can call it that. I got one, it's a vision board. You know. Every everybody's got something you hope for. Make a list. Now. I want you to make another list of everything you've asked God for that he's given you already. See this is a good list because sometimes and what I've been guilty of and maybe you too, in in my request list on my dream board, I keep focusing so hard sometimes on the what I'm yet to receive. I keep focusing so hard on the what I hope he gives me. I keep focusing so hard on the things that I yet not fulfilled in my life that sometimes, as he starts checking off my wish list the things I've asked for in the past that have come to pass that he's given me, I sometimes, in praying for what I want forget to thank Him for what He's done for me. And I'm currently in the middle of that situation. And this morning when I woke up, I really, man, I just got on my knees this morning and I quit tripping for a second. I said, Man, hey, God, you know what, I really do need all them things I'm asking for, and I'm really am believing that you're gonna give it to me. But in the mean time, though, Man, have I overlooked some important details here? I had to really look at what he's done for me. I mean, look, man, take yourself out of it personally and and look. Or you can leave yourself in it however you want to be. Some people can't do that, so just leave yourself in it. Then. But man, I started looking at the eye part of me, and I started looking around at what's happening overall. Like, man, he has kept my family together and in spite of the attempts to tear it apart. I look at all of that. I look at how he's blessing my children with the desires of their heart, which I pray for my kids. You know, I want my kids to have a better life than I've had. I really really do. I don't want them to take as long as it took me to get it together. I really really don't. I'm trying to say, hey, man, if you go to college, this is what you can be. Don't do like your father did. Don't go three years drop out throw yourself into a spiral and then got to start to scratch all over again, you know. And and for the most part so far, you know, they're doing quite well of it. You know. You know they're getting kicked around a little bit, but that's life. I started thinking of the blessings that he's helped me overcome with some of the previous mistakes I've made in relationships in my life. And then I started looking about the things he's blessed me with that I've been asking him for. But since I've moved on from it, I forgot to keep thinking him because I gotta always thank God for a roof over my head, because guess what, when I was asking for the roof and I didn't really have it, then he gave me one that since he gave it to me, what, I'm just cool now. I can't ever go back to him and go, hey, man, I really do appreciate this roof over my head because that was a time when I was living in a car. But see, so every morning I wake up, I gotta remember the fact that I have a home now, because I gotta look back and go, man, that was time, Steve, when you didn't have no home. But see, we forget what God has done for us because in our column that won't column, the need column, We oftentimes forget for the columns and the check marks, as He's already fulfilled in our life. You've got to take inventory every now and then daily if possible. But I know we're humans. We're not gonna do that. I don't. But you've got to take inventory of your life to say, hey, what has God done for me? Because man, you're overlooking as He's doing these wonderful things for you, because there's so much only yet to be fulfilled. I don't have part of your life. You forget that sex and man, how crazy is that that, of all God has done for me, that I keep wanting so many more things, needing so many more things, hoping so many things come to pass and get fulfilled I forget to check off the list and take inventory today. Take inventory of your life. You will find out that God is watching you, that He is really really watching over you in spite of yourself, in spite of your shortcomings, because we all got him. Please know, I do you know? And remember something else too. Change is good, but change is challenging. Accept the challenge that it is. Look, a lot of you come up to me all the time and say, Steve Man, thank you, man, boy, you in the morning. Man, I really be needing that well, Like I said it a hundred times, but I'm gonna say it again, y'all, I'll be needing it too. You know, you understand sometimes what what what God is dealing with me is for me. But now in a sharing position where I can open up and if I just if I just quit being so about me and become a little bit more transparent, I can maybe some of me that's happening to me is happening to you, and you could see some of this in me. That's why I used myself as an example, because man, I'm catching it too, y'all. I ain't perfect either. So for those of you that come up to me and say that, I want you to understand these these talks in the morning, Man, this is important for me because man, I need these conversations from God. I need God to continue to strengthen me, to show me the way to help me understand what's happening to me. And see, as we've all those of you who have made the decision to change, to become a better person, a better woman, a better boy or better girl, a better man for those you have made the decision to change. Change is a challenge, and accept the challenge because it's gonna come. Because right out of that here come to hate us. Here they come people you don't even know, discussing your life and your change. If God see you really really mean what you say in spite of what they say about you, God will raise you above the frase. He'll keep promoting you. He'll keep blessing you, He'll keep moving you up. He will use you as a show off point. He'll show you off. Man. He'll make you. He'll make you look good to people, man who wish you'd fall all day long, and so to all your haters. All your haters will end up just watching you rise. Man, They will watch you continue to grow. That's what God will do for you. Man. You can fool the world, but you can't fool God. God know your heart, He knows your every thought. Man. So change is good. But change is a challenge. Accept the challenge, Expect the haters, expect the unnecessary. But God has strengthen you and get you through it all. Man, y'all doing swell this morning Man. Don't let nobody make you. Thank you all keep talking to God. All right, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people all around the world. This is the all new, very very fresh Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah. I was off yesterday. More thank you crew for allowing me to him because I had worked all weekend at the mentering camp. Sunday was a graduation travel day for me. Soda. They gave me off Monday. I appreciate that. Man changing lives. But we're back. And also here's a big announcement. Shirley, good morning. I'm sorry, Good morning, Steve, welcome back. Okay, y well, let's get right on to the Three Foods, Three Musketeers. What's up to? Yeah? World Secret Day and you're hearing healthy? Ain't god good? What's that? Steve? What's going on? Gonna be World Diabetes Day? Both y'all sick ass out the same and get it out of the way and you go to other mental illness. Man, So we got sick of sale, diabetes and mental awareness. That's why this show is so great, that we have so much fun here problems. We're a microcosm of the world. I like that world. We are the world. Yeah. And also here's a big announcement for me. I am back to be in a vegan all right now to me, right now, I'm storing up. I'm good, I'm good. You have in you won't be out until you us. I'm so sorry to hear that I have a boy. I did a butt so good. I had a butt so good. Normally when I say that, there's a lot of ones and we'll go ahead, Steven oh Man. I wanted to thank some really cool people who came out for the women's program, Anthony Hamilton's mother's program. Zane came out for the Moneary program, Cynthia Bailey came out, Maryland Booker came out from Morgan Stanley, Uh, Mickey Taylor came about. I wanted to thank them for coming out participating because we have a mother's program too. And the mother's program was at the Marriott Gateway out by the airport and we were hour and a half south at the Rock Ranch Chick fil a Rock Ram. All mothers, yeah, all mothers for one one grandmother whose a little boy with Mexico. How could one participate in the mother's program you can't just asking, just trying to help, and the zone brings some of them nasty. I don't know what. I don't do the Mother's program. I'm down that a whole time with the boys. Something some great young men this weekend, some lives and then there's some boys that you know, you gotta tell us, Yeah, ano their stories. I gotta figure out which one I could say, because these boys right here, man, this is not a church program. Alright. So when we come back, Steve is gonna tell us a story from the mentoring camp that he can tell us on the arrow. Okay, we'll be back at thirty two after you're listening to Steve show. Coming to Own from the executive producer of Black Lightning being Mary Jane The Game and Girlfriends is a new romantic series called Love Is, inspired by the true love story of Myra Braka Kill and Selim mckel. It explores the highs, the lows, and the magic of falling and staying in love. Watch what critics are already posting about. Love is bold, refreshing, and the black love story that we all have been waiting for. Love is series premiere tonight at ten nine Central on Own. Alright, Steve, you're back, uh with more on the mentoring camp that you did over the weekend, over the Father's Day weekend, like you do every single year. Great job. Yeah, you deserve the day off yesterday. Now, I know you have some stories, Steve, because every year you have great stories from the mentoring camp. How was it this year? Well, you know, it was excellent. A couple of problem boys, like always, yeah, they try to slicky, you know what I ain't gonna do, what I ain't gonna do. You know, we even had uh, you know, a couple of boys was a little bit extra, you know, but that's that's to be expected, you know. And uh, you know, overall, you know, we got through to most of them. You know, some of them gonna try to be you know, still think that way is the best way, and they will find out that it won't be. But for the most part that we had a group of really really good kids came down there to learn and to be trained and taught in the area of manhood and dream building. I think we got through to a lot of the boys. You know. It's it's always good, you know, to reach them, you know, like we try to, you know, and then we talk about faith too. You know, we try to get the kids to include God in their life, which can be a tremendous help. I don't, you know, point them into any particular religion or faith. You know, you can go with Christ if you want to, and if you don't want to, you're gonna go to Hell. Right, what I'm actually doing here beg you. This ain't Sunday School. Now, I'm off of your alternative. And you don't want that alternative, you go with? You go with your one. That's smart. If you think hell is a manageable temperature, to go ahead and try to cuse God or go to Hell, it's not really manageable. Hadn't tried, ain't with these kids? Don't tell him? Because I actually asked my older brother now, and I was so sick of going to church because we went all the time. I actually asked my older brother one time, question what is the little bro? I said, how hot is head? Because if you say like one something like that, because they're just gonna go to head because I I ain't playing sports. I'm just sitting up in here, all these Bible studies and all this. If you just give me a temperature, I can hell, because I think I can do one. I said, I'm gonna go to Hell. I'm gonna get Yeah, I'm gonna go to Hell. They ain't that bad if you send me to fifteen, I got to go and keep trying to go to heaven. And my brother when when he got through looking at me, he said, hey, man, don't let mommy. He's don't let momma, he said, because she's gonna beat you right on in the hill today when you wake up in the morning, you're being here. If you're gonna thank you, then we did ask him. My mama didn't play that having the hell jokes stuff. It was no jokes. I don't know any don't mess with the Lord now. Yeah, so add some great stories. What this one little boy, one little boy at the camp was bragging to the little boys about burning his grandmama house. And so the little boy I was just sitting in the circle looking at and going, hey man, how's that cool? You burn your grandmama house? He about sixteen, talking all this track. So one of the boys just got about the circle casually came over there to me and some cues and we're sitting up watching them play basketball. There was two hundreds some boys out there, so you know they're being other groups. And I ain't no snitching nothing. But stood over here, man just bragging about burning, browing moa house down. Man, that ain't cool. So the one of my friend brothers said where he at? So he go over there and he pointed at the little boy. But but the but the frat brother got the wrong boy picked this little bit of dude out the bunch. The little this dude at the camp, I called him roach like what you should call? This? A little boy to camp? So I said, come here, man, So he brought him all the way over to us. He said, hey, man, so how to hell you bragging about burning your grandmama that? A little boy said? Who? The el said, I burned my email from grandmama house done. Ain't going my grandmama house down, And everybody gonna do no sugar honey iced tea like that. He said, Man, dude, do me faith, give me give my favorite sir, show me who's saying I burned my grandma house down. So I'm go and talk with him right now. I promise you I I ain't know I ain't burning my grandma. I love my grandmother boy, let me tell you something. Man, Me and the QS were sitting on the bleachers, and you know we posted me mentors an example. Boy we had to put we got to we had to climb. I didn't bleachers. We were laughing so damn hard at this little boy hold out said, I buried my email from Grandmama house down. Show me the email that's said, I burned this little boy so serious. And you know we can't get you know, because they're cussing. You know, I'm laughing. Tell a person not to cuss. So not cussing is not a rule at my camp, even for the boys, because I gotta meet them where they at. You understand, you know I got we trying to get them to be better and all this here, but you know, all this leading them to Christ, you know college. No, I gotta get them turned in another direction. You told Imo, leading you to Christ into college. I gotta get these boys out these gangs and and and and and this water in theyre having with theirselfs with the with the We have counselors there, we have nurses there because some of these boys is so wounded, all of them from not having a father. They so wounded and we do a special additional Saturday night where everybody writes down one word to describe their father, and we go around and room and we ask them, and I mean, boy, they'd be lighting these daddies up, man, And then they bring them up in a barrel and were thrown the papers away. And we had a minister from South Carolina, Bishop Pierce, I think was his name. This dude was the most powerful speak I've had. He told them boys about forgiveness. This boy out of out of Carolina. This boy was cold. And so that's and every boy in there was crying, every little boy in it. Wow, sounds like it was powerful, Steve. This year, huh, this year, I think it was as good as you. Even though we didn't have the middle terry. The frat brothers will make us fire. Showed up in big numbers, big numbers, man and lead us to these boys. And it wasn't a stringent what I took the boot camp element out of it, and it was very effective for the boys because all I'm trying to do is teach a manhood and dream going. I think we got to messure it through so I will get his camp of team. Oh great, Okay, all right, all right, so here we go. Coming up next it will be the Nephew. He is back with a run that prank back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Michael Jackson's pet elephant escaped from the zoo in Jacksonville is gone. Oh my god, let's find her? Is out there on the loan. Sure that this story is about what again? It's coming up at the top of the hour, Steve. It's about Michael Jackson's pet elephant escapes from the zoo and the media. I've actually met him. Oh, I've been. We'll talk about it. That's all the eating establishments. What do you should say that? Okay? But right now the nephew is back. He is here, the king of pranks to run that prank back? What you got? I kind of prank for you? But do you think I don't know what's going on? What do you mean? Hey man, Hey, what where is my backpack? Then? Where is your backpack? My backpack has been on this chill with my wallet in it. Where is it? I know what this is about. A credit card we're talking about, But hey, where my credit card? Oh? Yeah, that's true. Here there's that I got Carl trees in medicine in my backpack. Damn about your tiller trees all medicine a card, do a whole lot more than your turn. The trees are your medicine. A matter of fact, I hope you get sick. No the world sickle cell name of the prank wedding style. This is the wedding style. It's wedding every time he says that my bangs blow up. Hello, I'm trying to reach calm and please. Oh who's calling? This is the hal style Surrenzo. Oh great, great, Hey, we were waiting for you. Hold on a second, I'll get her. Hello. Hi, is this is this calming? Hi? How are you good? Great? Listen? Um, this is the hal style. It' I'm supposed to be that do your hair for the wedding? Hey? How you last? Uh? No, I do have a just there's something that has come up and I kind of need to discuss some things with you. Are you kidding me? Let me ask you something. You know I'm getting married in four hours? Right, I do know, I do know. Let me ask you this, what time actually is the wedding? Is it at five or six. The wedding is at five. Okay, Um, what've you done to your hair so far? Nothing? You have the hair. I'm waiting for you to put weave in my on my head right? Um? Oh god, dear, no, you're on your way right. This is a joke. No, this is not a joke. I've got I've got my mama. Fine, tell him to come here. I I don't have a stolars today. You came highly recommended, and I've already given you a deposit. You you should be on your way. I do understand that dollar, and I don't mind giving you your deposit back. I'm no, that's no, that's not what I want. I need you here to do my hair. I have no one here to do my hair. I've already paid you. I understand this, Dear, Calm down, listen, this is what I want to do. Okay. I do have someone that I can send that it's going to do an outstanding job for you. Okay, But I'm not. I've gotten into a spat with Oliver, and I just I it's it's a very Oliver. Oliver is my friend, and we've got you're kidding me. It's been a serious, serious, serious blow up. This is the most important day of my life, and you're not coming to do my hair. You're not taking care of your business because you've gotten into a fight with your boyfriend. Listen, I'm not gonna go back and forth with you about this. I've been god, I have argued with him all night. I'm not going to go back and forth and argue with you as well. Yeah, I have to argue with me when I need it for you to be here, I understand that, and I'm going to send someone there, any one of the most unprofessional stylists I have ever met in my life. I cannot even believe you're doing this. Listen, I'm trying to deal with you on a professional level, but you're not because you're not here. I understand that, and I understand I'm not trying to to to rein on your parade and professionalism went out the window when you called to say that you can make it because you were in an argument with your boyfriend. Well, I'm not gonna do is go back and forth with you. Somebody to find Kim, find um, tell her to come. Where is everybody? Mama? Please get him to the phone. Oh boyd, listen, what Have you done to your hair thing? Okay? Has it been washed? Yes? Okay, so it's just waiting. Is that what's going on. Yes, that's what's going on. Have been done? Have you been under the dryer at all? No? Okay? So is it still there? What are you asking me questions? You have been trying to get someone I bring when I send someone and I want to send them in there. Yes, I'm sitting here with wet hair. Has your has your makeup been done yet? No? I'm waiting for you to do my hair. I cannot believe this. Why are you asking me these questions? Told on ones like Oliver, I'm not gonna go. I'm Oliver, I'm not Oh my god, I'm not gonna say. This is crazy. I'm not going to you now. Let me take care of the time. I'm not going. Hello, are you kidding me? Listen? Is there any way you could possibly push the wedding back to seven? You are crazy? You want me to change my time because you're in an argument with your friend. Listen, this is the first thing. This is you are the most unprofessional dollars I've ever met in my life. And trust me, Darling, I will put the word out about you. No, no, do you. I will make sure that you never ever do business again. Wait a minute, now, what you're not gonna do? Don't curse at me. You're not gonna You're not gonna do ring in my day. I understand. There's no reason to be mad. I'm the one that should be upset. It's my day. You're not gonna talk to me like this, and you don't talk to you any kind of way. I want to you call ringing my day. Hold on a second. So you got this talking crazy to me, and I'm nothing to go with it, and I'm not what I'm not gonna do it sitting talk to me. No, you didn't call me. I'm not going to sit here and let you talk to me. You know what, I wish you were coming to this church. I got your listen. I'm not gonna sit here and go back and forth with you. Now. I got someone I can send in there to get your hat done. Do you want it or do you not? Who are you sending? I am sending let's and I will be sending my assistant. And she does. She washed his hair. She's been instructed what to do. Don't worry, She'll get it to You don't want me to let her shampoo girl start my hair for my wedding? Look do you want Are you kidding me? I'm a a please. No, you need to be talking to me, not Oliver. I understand. Listen, let me take the racial voice, said her voice at me. I can't do what everyth hell I want to. This is my You're ruined my wedding day. No, I'm not. I'm trying to get your wedding day together. Now. I'm going to send this one shampoo girl to do my hair. Cynthia is very good. She will be there at five o'clock. We will have you ready. Your wedding starts at five o'clock. I don't know what to say. What you need to be saying? Is he on your day? I'm gonna Simpia will be on. I don't want Synthia to do my hair. I didn't pay Cynthia to do my hair. I paid you to do my hair. You have to bring Oliver with you. You need to come on. But do you want to go? Oh my god, do you want to just go with me? Okay, listen, I have one more thing I need to say. Yeah, I have to say to me The only thing you need to be saying to me is that you and Oliver on your way. Yeah, about to ruin the most important day of my life. I am not on your way, yes or no? Are you on your way? Yes or no? Yes? And I have one more thing I need to say. But what do you want to say? Listen, don't don't, don't come for me. Boy, You've got to spit it out. This is Matthew caught me from the Steve Alby Morning Show. You just got pranked by all your bridesmaids. Oh my god, I am going to I don't believe they did this. That's why I can't sign on, Tessa, And I'm kicking you. Was not funny, not today. This is the last thing I needed today. You know what they wanted me. They wanted me to get you yesterday. I said no, We're waiting to the wedding day. I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning All right, thank you. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we have a lot to get to this hour, but first we have to talk about this Tommy earlier. Uh in the show, you made reference to your backpack and Steve made reference to its credit card. What were you? Okay, I came in here with the back back this morning. Now it's gone. I know, damn well, who got it? So I called myself playing a little joke. Alright, I went by his house, I left to go and my wife went to Vegas. Yeah, here's credit card is in the house. Land I pick it up, I said, I said, I'm gonna play a joke on so I take his card. Then I, you know, shot a video saying I got my Moca card. I'm bawling in Vega. Okay, so I'm just playing, you know now, But okay, you play it. But did you have my card? Though? I had your card? Okay, okay, And now I have an American Express card too. Mine ain't black man, feel forul but you know, hanging out having fun, I messed around, grabbed the wrong card. Yeah, I use your card a little bit. But at the end of the day, you know how you grabbed the wrong card? How you just said your card ain't black. Now how you grab you you grab a black card knowing you ain't got but a silver card. So now you didn't grab the black card and you use it a little bit? HOI ho? How you? How you using a little bit? Like I said, you know, we're hanging out. It was dark where I was, and the card is dark, but it wasn't yours currently It was just a joke. You know. He didn't took it the wrong. Now my damn backpack on and I know it's in this room somewhere, so I know you got it. Okay, Uh huh, the joke's on you and your medicine in there, yes that I need. What's wrong with you? Well, he doesn't have sickle cell, he doesn't have diabetes. What he got? Yeah? What do you? What do you have to do? No? Little slightly slightly in little frost state, you know, just a little bit, but that's because you got a little prostate. I said, slightly in large. They just regular side. They did look big medicine, man, you can miss dag. Nope, you got regular side, look real big on you. Okay, so that's up too far. All right, Well, thanks for thanks for clearing alright. So I was telling you earlier, Steve, that Michael Jackson's old pad elephant was a little naughty over the weekend in Florida, The Jacksonville Zoo and Garden said on its Facebook page that Ali, that's an elephant that once lived at Michael's Neverland ranch, moon walked out of his enclosure on Sunday and ended up in a courtyard. Zoo officials say workers accidentally left a gate open and Ali the elephant tried to beat it. He was. He was on the loose for about twenty minutes before zoo workers were able to use food to entice him back to his enclosure. Fortunately, no one was hurt and Alie is safe, so that's the good news. What happened? What do you mean? I just read the story with as George Wallace his mama it was Father's Day. She wanted to go wish him a happy Father's Day because you know he don't know his real daddy. So he left a zoo to George, happy for you? Man dead, He said, Oh my god, it's Father's Day tomorrow. I Miss Anna is here with today's headlines. Please introduce her, ladies and gentlemen. Miss and trip. Really, thank you, Steve, Thanks everybody. Good morning everybody. This is and tried with the news well. As the Trump administration comes under increasing criticism over its separation at the US border of illegal adult immigrants from their children, the presidents quoted is blaming the Democrats for the border separations and adding that he intends to keep the US from becoming a quote migrant camp. However, lawmakers and religiously just calling on the calling the policy immoral and wrong. Other Republicans also saying things like that. However, the U s. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is defending the new crackdown, telling an audience of police at the New Orleans that America is faced with a choice whether we want to be a country of laws or whether we want to be a country without borders, and Sessions is calling on lawmakers to come up with new immigration laws to end what he describes as the quote lawlessness at the border. And that's maybe two thousand youngsters have been separated from their parents and over just the last six weeks or so, by the way, The President is to meet with the House of Representatives this afternoon and talk about immigration. Place in Germany have arrested the head of Volkswagen's luxury car brand out He is part of a bigger probe and to the diesel emission scandal over there. The arrest coming only week after German prosecutors find the Volkswagen company one point two billion dollars. That's billion, would it be? Rupert Statler was arrested yesterday on charges of fraud and false advertising. Prosecutors looking to see if he acted quickly enough to stop deliveries of Outie vehicles within Europe whose gas emissions gauges had been manipulated to make the cars appear more efficient than they actually were. According to the World Health Organization, video game addiction GET this is a disorder. In other words, it's an identifiable condition. Today is Juneteenth, which commemorates today in eighteen sixty five, when the slaved Africans in Texas finally got the word that they'd been freed, because the whites kept the news away from them as long as possible to get all that free work out of them. Slavery in America had been outlawed two and a half years earlier by the Emancipation Proclamation, however, didn't really take effect until the end of the Civil War in eighteen sixty five. Finally, during a White House briefing yesterday, President Trump announced plans to have the Pentagon create what he's calling a Space Force. Trump says he wants it to become the six branch of the Arms Services. Even though any new branch of the military requires Congressional approval, President Trump sounded as if he could just order it. We are going to have the Air Force and we are going to have the Space Force. Separate but equal. There's no place like space. Good luck General Dunford and the Joint Chiefs. I want to wish you a lot of luck with Space Force. Yeah, Trump says he wants to establish you a supremacy and out of space, we'll be back in more entertainment, Today's trending topics twinning us after the hour Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. First Lady Melania Trump wants a solution to the Trump administration policy of separating immigrant children from their parents. I'm glad she's speaking up on this. Also, in an op ed in The Washington Post, former First Lady Mrs Laura Bush shared her perspective. She said, I live in a border state. I appreciate the need to enforce and protect our international boundaries, but this zero tolerance policy is cruel, It is immoral, and it breaks my heart and um Steve. Nearly two thousand immigrant children were separated from their parents over a sixth day period in April and May. The President has suggested he would reverse the policy if Democrats here we go blaming Democrats again, would agree to his immigration demand, including providing funds for a border wall the next was gonna pay for. But yeah, yeah, and this is like holding these kids hostage. Here's a guy who's who's not a mother, But you ain't got to be a mother to understand this. All you have to have been as a child before just to know what they feel like, to watch get towards your mama's own. This dude does not get it, and the Republicans know that. But they're sitting up here supporting this. And the Conservative Republican Party is supposed to be the moral party of the country. That's what they built their the stance of the Republican being the moral core of the nation. What we want is the right thing. We've we've followed the Bible that death that's what all this is steemed from. That's how they got all the people on their side. We followed the Bible. We're doing it the right way. Those liberals are too liberal, so they have these anti abortion things that they stand on because it's not right to kill a person. It is not right. They all one right is not right. But I happen to also think that a woman has a right to decide what to do with her body. So I happen to think that. So happen to think the conservatives are right, but then also think that the other side is right and that a woman has a right to choose because she the won't got to do the work. See this is easy, these men talking these laws because we we ain't gotta do no work. We ain't got birth, no child, and we and we ain't gotta be holding the bad for the whole time a man and just walk off. That's the view on gay marriage and all. And it's supposed to be their stance on gays in marriage. But hold up, Republicans are gay. Two Republicans want to marry one another same sex too, So why would you not let these people do this? But it's a conservative stance though so they all take these stances. Man, If gay people want to get married, why not? Why not? And you telling them they can't, don't stop them from loving who they love. It, don't stop that. That's why it's cool with everybody loving whoever they want to love, because you're making a law from the stop of damn thing. Yeah. Now, coming up at thirty or four, after the hour, comedy roulette. We will spend the will and we come back right after this. You're listening to Steve. All right, Steve J is here, he's ready for comedy roulette. What you got very simple? Take five subjects, put them on a wheel, spun the wheel where it stop. All right, Here we go with the subjects today. Number one, I had no idea that bill was overdue. That a lot too. I'm gonna help you out. But that baby doesn't look anything like me. Okay, I just want you to know that I like it. Three, it's it's it's four of us in this car. Somebody sanking and it ain't me. Number four. When you're ready to get serious about this relationship, give me a call on number five. If I said this to all of you guys before, some people can't take a joke spinning care Comedians can't take a joke. Oh look where it stopped. Some people can't take a joke. I'm so glad it stopped there because this does not pertain to them. Why at all? I can't get it and I can't take it. I'm in the taking it. I love it when the jokes on me. Bring it, bring it all the time. What you got? I'll tell you what what? Okay, listen, I'm I know I can't take it. I don't know that. But but the fact that, the fact that you cross had of talking to me, and I'll bring it up. You mad at me? You can't take the joke? You see all that's happening. What's the subject again? Some people can't take a joke. Now, Hey man, I pranked your mama. Okay, but you're gonna shoot him. You can't take a joke, brother, We'll just cause your eyes is the biggest eyes on the morning show. Don't mean you can see everything? Why what if he was talking about I'm not I don't know if not me? Yeah, you're right. Some people can't take a joke. You said one little thing, they shut down. They all up in their feelings. May have been about me, but James is definitely about telling me. Okay, Okay, I'm saying I don't know. I can't take a joke. I know that. But if you got one shoe, he'll figure then the other. And I noticed you you got cloth foot. What you want me to do? I know I can't take a joke. You asked me, You asked me how my butt looking the Jane all I said, well, bigger than it did yesterday. Now you we ain't doing nothing to night now nothing, Come on, baby, like that joke. Sometimes some people can't take a joke, But damn, you ain't got to customy under your brother. You ain't got to be too little more be ok Okay, So let me just say this. Let me just put this out here. Just because I own a comedy club, you ain't got coming my club and point out things that ain't working. Okay, I'm working on it. I ain't got one. I'll tell you what. You know. People who can't taking joke, I know I can't take one. But the point is I know what I said. Both Damn dug why the police got the heavy handcuff. I got to go to jail. All right, Steve, you're ready, Well, some people can't talk to joke man, but you need to just talk to your mom about how she'd be looking. Okay, way to shut it down. Steve coming up in the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's today's Strawberry Letter, the subject the whole town's laughing at me, and uh, the nephew is coming up with a great phone call right after this. You're listening to Steve Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about to four minutes after it's today's Strawberry Letters, subject the whole town laughing at me. But right now the King of pranks is here with today's prank phone call. What you got? My bones is weak, My bones is weak. Listen to this. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to Uh, I'm trying to speak to Ron is run. Hey, Ron, how you doing? It's Folly man, how are you brother? I'm hey. I wanted to congratulation man on the on the baby man. I wasn't able to make it to the baby shower, man, but I want to congratulate you on the baby man and and all of that. Man. Much success to you man, you and the wife, Thank you, thank you. You You appreciate that. Yeah, well you're fully man. I didn't get you know, my my wife denieda she came to the to the to the baby shower, man, so you know, she was telling me how how nice it was, how successful it was. Man. So I just you want, you know, I wanted to give you big ups. And I heard the baby came and everything, and I wanted to just do a little girl, a little girl. You had a little girl. Yeah yeah, all right, Well congratulations man, congratulations is round. I wanted to definitely call and congratulate man. And um baby real quick? What um? What? Baby? Solar? Was your wife there? Because we had two, We had one from my side of the family and then one from my wife's side, because you know, they lived different places and stuff. Man, So which one do you think she was at? Um? Probably on your wife's side, you know. Okay, okay, she knows my wife. Well, no, I see see the Nita is actually friends with with Kendred. Now you know Kendre right, oh yeah, I know? Kind yeah, yeah, that's good thing she was. She was with Kendra. Okay, yeah, she comes, they play cards, you know, Okay, okay, yeah, she she was with Kendre man, and she was just telling me how successful man, how nice it was, and you know, laid out baby shower. I wasn't able to make him. Man, I've been a little under the weather, bro you know, and uh, you know, with with God's help, man, I'll be able to get back on my feet. You know what I'm saying. That's all right, Hey, man, I I just you know, congratulations again man, you know the beautiful baby girl. I man, that's a beautiful thing. Yeah, thank you, thank you. Um, I'm matter, hell, I just I can't told me I'm trying to remember you and trying to place you in I just I can't do it. Have we met no, no, no, no, no, no, no, my bad man. I'm sorry. Job. No, me and you we haven't. We haven't met at all. Um. Like I said, you know, my wife knows Kendrew and they hang out and uh, I guess she's she's dabbled a couple of times and been around. You know your wife is your wife is Maryland? Right? Yeah, that's my wife. Okay, Yeah, I guess she's been been in the presence of Maryland. Man. So you know, you know, I kind of got your number from uh, from my wife, man Um, and she got it from Kendrick. So I kind of wanted to holl a to you know, which you weren't actually man Like I said, Man, I've been I've been down for a minute, you know. And uh I uh actually you know, came from doctor yesterday and and my my bones, man, they my bones are deteriorating. You know. Uh, that's that's kind of what I've what I've been going through, man um. And if I don't uh get the proper medication that I need, man, then we you know it within the next three months here, dog, could it could get pretty bad. You know what I'm saying. Well, and I'm sorry to hear that, bro Um. You know, all I can do is man. And you know well, man, I the doctor told me. The doctor told me, Man, And you know, if I get the right medication, man, that you know, I could get back up to healthy again, you know what I'm saying. So you know, it's just a rare type of thing that I need to try and get and I think that you might be I think you can't help me. We will be strong, man, be strong, just man, see down. It's gonna be all right. But I say it's gonna be all right. God, it's with you. I pray for you. I do all I can. You know, I don't know well actually actually uh the doctor told me. Man, then if for six months, if I drunk breast milk, it will, it will. It would put enough calceum and stuff back into my bones that would get me back up the seventy to eighty five percent healthy. Yeah, I ain't got no beast. You know, it's not. It's not you wrong you you don't you know, but you know your your wife does though. Whoa you're talking about my wife's breast. Man, I'm not not directly man, I'm just saying that chickens, you know. I mean, if I had her breast milk for like six months straight, man, I to get back hold again. Man, Oh you'll talk about a man's wife or her breast now, I just kind of I just gotta say, I'm just just all you ask you for my wife breast milk. Man. Man, I'm just asking y'all to share it for six We can't set the breast milk with you. Man, You're got the wrong one, man, the wrong one. And you said your name was is wrong man, it's wrong wrong. No we're just talking about six months of breast milk. Man, six months my wife prest milk when we're talking about just best monk. And I understand I ain't frest milk man. I understand that. Man. But we're talking about you saying a life, man, A life. I ain't the one o'h coming. Let me ask you just one If y'all would have had twins, man, y'all would have been press set in two babies. Just look at it as if we're twins. The man, I'm getting them top this phone because I don't know who you are. You need to chill, man, you need to go, get on your knees, trade that your bones, get you know whatever. You got the wrong number? Man, Listen. Man, all I'm saying is I got one more thing I want to say and then I get man, I just want to get off the phone called Kendrall and kind out what gives you my number? Because that's how you got Can I say one more saying? Man? Go ahead, go ahead? Can I say it? Man? This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Kendrall and your wife Maryland got me to prank phone call you hello rock rock. Yeah, Man, y'all a good man? Whoa man? I'm right man? Man? Did I get you? Man? Yeah, y'all got it in. Y'all having me? Hey, I got them too. They don't started something? Hey, one more thing. What's the baddest radio station in the land? Man? Man? It is Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man. Y'all understood that breast milk is the most Yeah, breast milk good for the bone. You don't need a whole year, just six months? Why breast milk? That's all? How stupid are you? Oh? Oh, Tommy and the president is CEO of t Tommy six months, Junior, I want six months bress milk. Get myself back together and get on my feet. Man, all right, thank you, nephew. Really wow? All right? Well, Suge Knight is in the news. Guys. He's hoping to get a day pass from jail. Um he's asking to attend his mom's funeral. Uh TMZ is reporting that Suge Knights mom, Maxine Chapman, died on Sunday, surrounded by family at a hospital in Paramount, California. Yeah, she should get that, give him that right. She was seventy seven years Um. I don't know. They is hard to get. Yeah. She she was seventy seven years old. She suffered a stroke about a month ago, and her health has been on the decline since. Sugar is under more restrictive conditions than most due to alleged attempts at witness tampering. So yeah, we don't know. I hope. All right, we're gonna move on here. It's time now for today's Strawberry Letter. The subject is the whole town's laughing at me, and we'll get to that right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, it is time for today's Strawberry Letter, guys, and if you need some advice on relationship, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, it's just that simple. Let's go and nephew buggalo up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the strong very letter. You did. Re nailed it. Let me hear you can't you tell me? Come on, alright, subject the whole town's laughing at me, and it has nothing to do with the Teddy Pendergrass song. Okay, Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a thirty seven year old man and I've been dating a thirty one year old woman for three years. She is the love of my life and I want to ask her to marry me. But I recently found out some disturbing info about her. I got an anonymous message on social media and it got my full attention. The message said that my woman was very friendly in all caps, very friendly with a lot of guys when she was in college, especially the athletes. I was shocked and anger, so I confronted her immediately. I asked her if it was true, and she admitted it. She says she does not want any secrets between us, and she told me more about her sex life before she met me. She said she had threesomes over the years with men and women, and whenever she went back home to visit her parents, she had sex with a few of her classmates that still lived in town. We just went to her high school reunion and she said that at least five of the guys were there. Now I can't help but think that whenever we go to cookouts, concerts, football games, even church, she has had sex with some of the guys there. Don't get me wrong. I've had my share of sexual encounters, but nothing in comparison to hers. If I had known all of this before, there is no way I would have stayed with her. Now I'm in too deep. I love this woman. I need Steve's honest opinion on this. Do you think that her past can stay in the past. Should I still propose to her and hope for the best? Well, I'm sure that's a true statement. If you had known all of this before, there's no way you would have stayed with her. But now you're in too deep, like you say, and I think the heart loves who it loves. I mean, you say that she is the love of your life. I mean I love this woman you say, so go with that. I mean everyone everyone has a past, including you, As you mentioned. Uh, this all happened in the past before you. It happened before you, back when she was in college. She's thirty seven years old. Now the question is has she changed? The question is is she still doing what she used to do? And you've been dating her for three years, so I'm assuming the answer is uh no. Uh. But she told you she she was honest with you and and now you know about her past. I understand you're angry. I understand your shocked. I understand when you go, you know, your ego gets involved and you're looking around seeing if you know she's been with any of these guys. But she did what she did, Yes, she was why back in the day. She really was in the past. And it's just up to you now whether you can take the heat and and you know, get past her past now that you know, Steve, see see right here, see see what I'm telling you right here, see see see listen. Honesty ain't always the best policy. Say that again. Honesty ain't always the best policy. Sometimes it's down right stupid. Hit this man thirty seven dating this woman thirty one, been three years. She the love of his life. I want to ask her to marry him, but find out some disturbing news. Got an anonymous message see anonymous, no name attached. He is I hate him trying to destroy something that they see is good. It ain't. It's it's amazing how people can't be happy for one of them. Tell her that your woman was very friendly with a lot of guys she was in college, especially the athletes. Your thirty seven that was six seven years ago. You get out of college about four. I asked her if it was true, and she admitted it. Why right here, right here, this this, this doesn't even had to be and we don't even had this. You don't even start. What what made you admit it? She says, she doesn't want any secrets? Tween, why why why you don't want to see? That's why they're secrets. See, you have secrets so they can be seen. I got it. I ain't count the secrets I got okay, but they're secrets, so I ain't gonna tell you what there is, because because then they wouldn't be secrets no more. See. Somebody always say, can you keep a secret? Hell yeah, Hell yeah, I can keep a secret, expecially if it's about me. I swear to God I can keep my whole damn mouth shut. Man. You ain't got to worry about here, nothing about me from me. Oh no, I have kept a miss Universe thing a secret. If you asked me, Steve did, if everybody had to saw it, got a knowlege. But what Stephen saw your miss Universe? That wasn't me, she told. Then she said she don't want no secrets, and she told me more about her sex life. Why see, that's like if the police bust you like they did my partner. I had a partner man. They busted him for robbing or Hallmark cars though um robbed. Now, little did I know that my partner every Saturday after basketball robbed the stoke. I don't know. Yeah, every Saturday after we played basketball he robbed the stoke. Yeah, with a with a blank gun. He robbed the stoke with a blank gun every side. So the police get him down there. They got him on this one. I can't believe it because he wasn't a church next day past and say they're arrested. So and so I said, I'll be down. So I said, okay, cool he down now. Then the pastor say, we got a bigger problem. He done admitted to fifteen on Steve. We we gotta take a break right here. Hang on, we'll have part two of Steve's response and find out at the end of this story from his friend about his friend. At twenty three after the hour, Okay, you're listening, Steve show. All right, Steve, come on with part two of your Let's get back. This woman then admitted to her thirty seven year old man that Fitna asked her to marry him because somebody announcedly contact him on social media about her being real friendly with athletes. She admitted and then said she didn't want these secrets. So she saw telling the more she didn't had three sons with men friends. Now I said, this is just like my partner that got arrested her arm robber. They get him down there past to tell us we got a problem. Paul got arrested farm Roberta keep saying it man, okay, I'm back. So he said we got a problem. So and so got arrested from robbery. We shot next day, passing tell we got a bigger problem. He didn't admit at the fifteen oh, because they said, well, we didn't have several of these robberies like this is that you? Yeah? Why why why do you say that? Now I got to go to prison every Sunday at church go visit him because he right there one Field Reformatory. So I had to go up there every Sunday to visit him. My main question, she was like why company fifteen I got you did the one we cod were still at Holmers, but what what are you? And then time about these other fifteen. Why is this girl talking about before she met me? She said she had three sons with men and women. Whenever she went back home and visit her parents, she had sex with a few classmates and still lived in town. And we just went to high school for you, and she said at least five of the guys was in there. Now, I can't help but think that whenever we go to cook house, concerts, football games, even church, she has sex with some of the guys. There. Shut your damn mouth. I have told women on my talk show and everything. Your maximum number that you can recall having sex with me is three. That's your maximum number? Flash sound Chris Dog? Double standard? Yeah? Can what tell us to No, dude, we ain't down. Three is your number. And don't get me wrong, I've had to share my I've had to share my sexual encounters, but nothing in comparison to hers. If I had known all this before, there's no way I would have stayed with her. Nami and too deep. I love this woman. I need Steve's honest opinion on this. Do you think that her past can stay in the past. Should I still proposed her and hope for the best. Alright, here's the real deal. She admitted this. She was wrong for admitting it. You can't hold people's past against them. Everybody changes. Everybody has the right to change. She said she didn't want no secrets, so she came forward. Now listen, everybody changes. People get it right. People can live a bad life or wrong life and get it right. As long as that life is behind her. Let it stay behind. That's right, and give a woman a chance because you you can't stop loving you. You're in deep, don't you in love with But now you gotta put your big boy pass on now if you love her that much, and y'all really in love, y'all are gonna try for a new beginning. We need you might have to move move and you definitely gotta quit going to you that you can't go no more that y'all church gotta be out of town. And we gotta change her name. We got to go down and get a new name. And he's a hair style. You need a funny nose and some amber face. You need to lighten her skin, some bigs or something. Can't be hu because every time somebody speak to it, you're gonna be looking upside of the head. Uncle Steve soup girl, and what the hell you mean? What's up girl? I'm sorry, bro, I'll just be went with school together and what else you do together? Right there, You're gonna be real. You're never gonna get over it. It's he can get over it, but that he can't. It can't be in his face. And that's the problem with trying to get over anything. It can't stay in your face. You gotta give yourself a chance to move on. That's all you gotta do. And that's that's what you need to do. You probably didn't need to move start over, y'all. Go somewhere and have your family and stuff where they don't know him. Calma Wash you know, yeah, because you think like a witness protection program. I know, I got a lot of partners in program. You know, it's places you can move. I got a lot of partners in program. You know. Well, you know they had to, you know, shorten their sentence, so you had to get vout some information. They're snitching, Like I told you, ain't no snitching. It's telling you know, I don't snitch. I tell I tell you right now, don't come up over here with no crime because I'm gonna have to tell if it means you and me, I'm letting you know. I'm telling it's not snitching. I'm telling you right now iNFiNiT telling, don't come over here with nothing criminal, because I'm gonna tell you. Let them know. Don't include me. Bro. If you're coming in here talking about doing something illegal, I'm telling you right now, stop talking and get away from me, because if you ask me, I'm gonna tell it. Because I can't get drugged down with you. I can't go to jail. Ain't none of my cars over there. My chef ain't gonna be able to come. It's just some stuff I ain't got used to. I'm not going to jail. One suit. Let's go, let's go back, Let's go back. So every time y'all left the basketball court on saying that you didn't know what he was go to do, that dude went and committed a Robbie. They had sixteen unsolved cases. And the way he got caught was this time when he robbed the place. He pulled out and he paid a car and somebody took his license plate number. So he driving down the street and please pull him over. That's how he got busted. Man. And then he having a real gun, and and you know, and they took the money and everything here he got a hunt the dollar. Oh my goodness. All right, Steve, we gotta get out of here. Coming up in ten minutes. Advice to on how to have a successful marriage. You're listening to Steven Show. All right, before we went to break, we said we were going to talk about marriage and you can get back in on this one. Let's talk about family two world parents. Yeah, we have to talk about that. Well, so, um, I have a story here about Beyonce and jay Z. They say they're committed to their marriage. Remember when Beyonce released her album Lemonade, she revealed on that, you know, about her heartbreak and her anger over um finding out about Jay's infidelities, his cheating and everything. Cheating and infidelity the same thing, because nobody ever says that. They always say infidelity and some people say it's just straight cheating. Yeah, uh it is, and how they almost ended their marriage over it. Um. A year later, jay Z's album four four four came out and then he came clean about his cheating slash infidelities. J Uh, he had guilty, had pain over you know what he had caused his wife and his child. They were paining. They were pained about it. They were she was hurt, the child was hurt, all of that, and um, yeah, like so many other married couples, Um, they weren't living this picture perfect life that we believe that they were living, you know, because you think that they are. Absolutely so they came clean. They let us know, and then you show participating for somebody to you not that same show all up in the middle is the fidelity and cheating, the same the same reason why you're asked him done. Both you and he don't want to go back. He ain't going back. No, nothing has to say, right, I've never seen you that quiet before, Jack, So so what steve seriously from you? Though? What's some good advice on how to stay marriage, stay married and to weather these storms because you know you will have them. A storm is always going to uh, you know, come in a marriage, you have to weather some things. Well yeah, I mean you know, I'm not an expert at it by any stretch of imagination. Man, I just have to You have to make up your mind that you want to be married every day and you know, and you have to deal with temptation. I mean, there's no difference from anybody. Anybody's marriage. You're gonna deal with temptations, weakness or flesh. You're gonna deal with, you know, some things that you know that you don't intend to happen. But you can get off track, you know. You know you can't go everywhere and then expect not to be You can't put yourself in situations that can cause certain other things can happen, like something as innocent as a golf trip. Okay, but you need to pay attention to where you're going on your golf and who's going to be there. Hello, you gotta make sure all dudes you're playing golf with just like you got something of value at home that they don't want to lose. Yeah, you're going golfing with a bunch of dudes this single a while and then y'all sitting up at night. Now, he man, come on, stop by the room. Now, all of a sudden, the room crowded. Hey man, Now you got to see now you can put yourself in a bad you know, and you just got to stay out of bad positions. Man, Ain't they don't need a tempting yourself now, because it ain't it ain't no, you know, ain't nobody. Ain't nobody everybody a hercules, you know, so you have to I just try to keep I just try to stay out of those positions in my life. Getting older has helped me. Yeah, when I was younger, I ain't know that. Yeah, I had to learn, and boy, I show didn't learn. Well, let's ask the person that just got off his second anniversary celebration trip, and that would be your nephew. Steve asked me, what about marriage? You know what, what have you learned? It's hard. It's just it's too much, you know, It's what I mean, it's too much. I just think you all the out of a month, you know, I think for three weeks we do this a thing. You give me a damn week off, you know, I see, I'm serious. I don't know who set it up the way it's set up. The lord that would be the lord. Well, here's the thing. You always care married people. You ask American house mad who is a lot of work, already got a job, already got several jobs. But but don't you get to take off job at the house. I don't. I mean, it just ain't for everybody. It ain't for everybody. Well, Tommy, why are you thinking him? And you're married? I need somebody to know who've been there? But why Junior? So don't even look over here? But Junior, don't you think about it? I mean, you're getting towards that. It's it's that point where you know you gotta start thinking differently, you know, and that couple getting older. You know, I just thought about it. You, Junior, enjoy the money you've got at that age. Boy, shut up and damn mouth in a Jewish store for money you got coming in short this moment. But you know, let me on all seriousness. I have taken out a hit on myself. I hit on myself that I have a hit man. I paid him a lot of money. If he sees me in a jurish though he is, and he sees me like if I fall a week into temptation, what's that sound again? I'm out? That's through the jewelrysh stole he called the mall. He follows me wherever I go. As you get a ring up and you look at it, butt out of that. Oh no hit killings in, I said, do not warn me, now take me out, take me Jay. Why don't you do it like that? If you see you in going into jewelry store, get a warning shot, just shoot it off for something to dog reel or something spot. But if you go in after the water shot and you pick the ring up and you're looking at and you put that loop in your eye, that's the dog. Put that looping out, then you get this here, really, guys. All right, we also wanted to talk about family too, because we all have kids, we all have grown kids, um, and we wanted to talk about that their sense of entitlement these days. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, guys, So before we even started the show this morning. Uh, unbeknownst to all of us, we're kind of in the same situation parenting wise, uh, in the sense that our kids are entitled. We have these kids and they want us to give, give, give, give, give, and we give a lot of time. You want to give, you want to give kids? You don't know, I mean, you don't not want a kid. But that's that's why we're in a situation. And because we wanted to we wanted our kids to have a better life than we had. You know, we worked really hard so we can have, you know, more than our parents did, so we could give our children more. But can we have honest commerenation? Part of the problem with young people today, and I know it's got to be a lot of people out there dealing with it because they grew up in a different time technology. They come with this sense of entitlement it's supposed to happen instantly halls of Google. They don't understand what it's even like as to look up information. It's that their fingertips. We was so much so different from us, which created a different work ethic in most of us. Our children today don't get that, and they can be so obnoxious, growing up with the audacity to say some of the things I don't like you. You weren't there for me. How dare you? You know? And I set up and I look at them sometimes, and I know other people are going through it, but I look at some sometimes when I go, are you kidding me? First of all, you have any idea what I did to get here? Any idea? And then how dare you hold me responsible for stuff you didn't have? Come on, now, are you for real? When I clearly didn't have it to get of to you, but gave you everything I hate, don't That's that's just I think sometimes they don't understand that you're absence from being there put them in a situation that they're in now to have and you wouldn't you wouldn't have it. But you're absolutely right. They don't understand it. They don't understand it. They and that's yeah, but they don't care though. That's the other thing. It's not that they don't understand it so much it doesn't matter to them. The time matters to them. They wanted us there, and we have to see their side of it. You know. I had to do that with my own daughter because I mean, as many people know who've been listening to the show for years, Steve, of course, you know, you guys know that my mom, when she was live, she helped me raise my daughter. I mean, for the most part, my daughter was with my mom for the most part. That was my sacrifice. I didn't want to do that, no, but it was the best thing for my daughter at the time. That's the choice I made, you know, and I have to up with that choice. You know it. Man, we've been through it, definitely. We We've my daughter and I we've been through it, you know, with her whole hating me and everything because I wasn't there. Steve, you know, we talked about this. It's just really hard. What do you do? But that old I hated you see that. That's what I really just want to tell my kids. Kiss my ass if you wouldn't, I don't my ass, you know, to hear you talking about I wasn't there. You know, I was out here trying to be me. Yea, All this did you benefit from now? Was like Jay said, cause I wasn't there, and I got what it took away. But if I had stayed there, what will we be at now? Though? We'd be back down. Yeah, I have to understand. But then as a kid growing up, they really say that I have a better relationship with my kids now, And because there was sometimes that I thought I would never um, you know, have the respect or have the kind of conversation or kind of relationship that I have with my kids now. I just thought it would never happen, We would never get past it. So they would never get past you know, not not like him or disrespecting me or hating me. And I can truly say that now at this particular point, it is much better, and you know, I'm really thankful for that. But it was a struggle. It was definitely a struggle. But it's it's steady thrown up what the younger kids are getting that the older ones didn't. It's it's constantly I didn't have that. I didn't have what they got. I didn't get this. I didn't get that. I can't fix that. We'll see, you guys have a different situation because I don't have any more younger kids that I know about that anybody brought up turn my youngest. We'll see. I have a different situation because they have two daughters at are the same age. Don't judge me, okay, don't damn it, don't judge me. A nobody said no, no, no. I all I asked you was how old is your young And I got two daughters that same ja, I got two daughters at six. They're what they're called. Listen to me, they're called what I learned on family feud, they're called Irish twins. Well, you are in a family and your sibling is born in the same year as they called them Irish twin. So Jay is black dog, that's just called the baby mama. Yeah, my my youngest is my youngest, the youngest twins, we call them in twins. The twins are ported. I don't want to put their age other that, but they're they're forty. Well I'm sorry, yes, sorry, I know. I know I'm in no position to do this, but I was judging. I keep it playing keeping my oldest and seven. But yeah, we're all kind of going through the same thing. You know what we're at it. We're all of us safety can say we're at a very good place in our life. We've all been blessed. Even having this conversation. We're all on the radio talking about what we've gone through and we're successful at it and kid still need work better place. Yeah, we're in a better place. But then act like, see, this is what I don't like. What you can keep doing is bringing up the pass to me. I'm not gonna sitting here with you and do this every time you want to go through something, I'm not going We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, guys, we're back. This conversation has turned into something really interesting. We were talking about families and our children and their sense of entitled In Stephen, you wanted to say that, you know what, it's two things. What young people got to grow up and stop doing what these parents is. It's two things. It's guilty, which is the most meaningless emotion in the world. Guilt serves nobody any purpose except the person that's applying the guilt. And then that's for what to munipulate. And so it's manipulation and guilt and those two things. It kills me when children do that, because when you have kids, you're gonna it's gonna come back on you. You're going to learn because to be a parent is to make the ultimate sacrifice oftentimes and oftentimes ms while you're in the process of sacrificing. These little stupid kids don't see it. All they want is like, surely say you're not here. I got what you're saying. But like I said on the last break, if I have stayed there, I guess where we'll be at back down? Now? Do you like it here where we are? Now? Are you like it back there? Where we was because you kill your ass back there, but you're going without your daddy. No, I'm not doing poe ass no more. What I'm doing no ass was in the Bible as it's different, Temmy, you had a solution, what was yours? I just you know, I got to a point where I'm just fed up with it. So when you're coming, you're complaining, and um you you're throwing up just two years in my face. You know I didn't get ain't But one thing I can say, man, damn man, I think I think that's how he feels. And that's how a lot of parents feel, of course, but that's how he feels. That's how every time you don't get what you want, I think you want. Can I just say that as a circle of the conversation that we had, that's an opinion that a lot of parents are gonna take, and its reason why some people don't talk for their kids. But you know what she is, like this what I had to develop and like you know, as kids now they're young, so they all in the therapy and they got money for that. I don't see. I don't go to therapy because I don't need it. Now it's good for some people. It's great for some people. But I'm really grateful that I had a very unique ability to say, Okay, that's over, we're past it, let's get up, let's move on, go on to something else. I've had a very keen ability to do that my entire life. If I hadn't, my life would have crumbled me. I would have crumbled under the weight of my own life, of my own crippling decisions I had made. But God gave me a great ability to be able to say, Okay, it's done. I messed up, my bad, I'm sorry. I asked for forgiveness from God and for people all the time, I'm sorry, Can we move on? And then I get up and go again? And that has kept me therapy free because what I do not do is I don't keep dragging my mistakes with me. I don't keep bringing up my past transgressions. Now. Sad thing is people in my life do no, You've forgiven yourself. It's what you're saying, You've forgiven yourself. And if you don't forgive me, then man bump you. That's what I say. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We have to talk about this, Tommy. Earlier. Uh in the show, you made reference to your backpack and Steve made reference to his credit card. Where were you? Okay, I came in here with a backpack this morning. Now it's gone. I know, damn well, who got it? So I called myself playing a little joke. Alright, I went by his house for I left to go and my wife went to Vega. His credit card is in the house land. I picked it up. I said, I say, I'm gonna play a joke card. So I take his card. Then I, you know, shot a video saying I got my Loca card. I'm bowling in Vega. Okay, so I'm just playing, you know now, But okay, you play it. But did you have my card? Though? I had your card? Okay, okay, alright, go ahead, and now I have an American Express card to mine. Ain't black man, feelful? But you know, hanging out having fun. I messed around, grabbed the wrong card. Yeah, I used your card a little bit. But at the end of the day, you know how you grabbed the wrong card? You just said your card ain't black? Now how you grab you you grab a black card knowing you ain't got but a silver car. So now you didn't grab the black card if you use it a little bit? Hi? HOI how you? How you using a little bit? Like I said, you know, we're hanging out. It was dark where I was and the card is dark. So but in yours, curently it was just a joke. You know, he didn't took it the wrong. Now my damn backpack on and I know it's in this room somewhere, so I know you got it. Okay, Uh huh, the joke's on you and you're medicine in there? Yes, I need what's wrong with you? Slightly in frost state? You know, just a little bit. They just regular side. They didn't look big. Well, I need put out my medicine. Man, you've you've been miss Dagne. You got regular side propt. They didn't look real big on you. Okay, So that's like if you had not far see too far, ain't wining hell like happen? All right, well, thanks for thanks for clearing up. All right. So I was telling you earlier, Steve that Michael Jackson's old pad Elephant was a little naughty over the weekend in Florida. The Jacksonville Zoo and Garden said on its Facebook page that Ali, that's an elephant that wasn't lived at Michael's land Ranch moon walked out of his enclosure on Sunday and ended up in a courtyard. Zoo officials say workers accidentally left a gate open and Ali the elephant tried to beat it. He was He was on the loose for about twenty minutes before zoo workers were able to use food to entice him back to his enclosure. Fortunately, no one was hurt and Alie is safe, so that's the good news. What happened? Well, what do you mean? I just read the story with George Wallace. His mama. It was Father's Day. She wanted to go wish him a happy father Day because you know, he don't know his real daddy. So he left a zoo to George happy man dead. It's father Day tomorrow, all right? Steve, coming up our last break of the day, closing marks. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show. Here we are, Steve, Last Break of the day. I was on a good morning. Yeah, we got a lot of should have paid you alright, Alright, God, it made me a bed prison. I'm all right, I promise you hashtag Yeah yeah, Steve, You're good. I ain't got to be. He's still working it out. Keep running over here, though, you're gonna learn some moment. Yeah. So what did we learn today? Though? What did we learn? Well? You know what, kids, And I'm gonna tell you something else. Kids don't understand. We as parents have all protected our kids from certain information because we felt that at certain times and they liked they didn't need certain information because they didn't have at that age the ability to process. Steve from Asia. But I've learned over the years, I started slowly releasing information till them because see, now you at an age where you can understand. So all this you've been thinking of feeling about me, it's a little sideway looking at me at the corner of your eye, questioning me about my my level of participation in your life when you use babies and all this here. Oh, let me tell you a couple of things, because I know what didn't happened here, see, and Mama got a different story because you ain't there. Okay, But now have you ever heard the story about why I wasn't now anybody told you that story. Okay, let me go and give you I'm let me let me dribble you a little information, messing, a little day of since you want to. But see if you keep talking to me grown, then I'm gonna talk back to you like you grown, and I'm gonna let you have a little information. Now. You think you need therapy now with waiting this story over? Yeah, he is open. I'm telling you now. So it's sort of funny, man. But it's like I think the truth is, it's it's it's necessary sometimes likely, you know, for example, Okay, closing remarks, let me let me do it like this, because earlier I was thinking about I was jokingly talking about the Strawberry letter, how honesty is not always the best policy. And it's not because sometimes the truth is too strong. The truth of the matter is too strong, and if you're carrying person, you can't be that strong to everybody because everybody can't handle full strength medicine. Some people allergic to certain medicines like penicill is good, but some people are allergic to it. That's what I feel about the truth, that as some people that's allergic to the truth. That's some people who can't tell the truth say that lot they're just habitual liars. But that's some people you cannot share the truth with because that information in its harshest form, in its purest form of truth, can be too much for a person. So if all of your friends ask you for your honest opinion of them, would you would you all tell them the pure truth? How you really feel about every outfit they wear, how you really feel about their hairstyle, how you really think they can pick the wrong shade of make up? Do you think it's in your best interesting to share the complete honesty? And there are people sitting up and listening, going, well, yeah, if you're the real friend and y'all have a friendship, you should be honest. But you can't though you can't because it's it's not humanly smart to do that. You can't bear everything you think to everybody because everybody they can't handle it. It's just like you can't raise two children the same way because everybody's different, so you have to reshape some of the stuff you said. I got some things I could say to some of my children that I can't say to the other children. I got certain ways I can handle one of my children in this regard with discipline. But if the other one would crumble under that type of discipline, so I have to weigh it out. I got certain friends that I could talk to you about this, but certain friends I can't bring the subject up. I got certain friends I could take certain places. I got certain friends that can't go nowhere. No. Well, so I was jokingly saying, honesty ain't the best policy. But sometimes you got to know. That's the thing called discernment that you have to use in your life. And as my children have gotten over in reference to my children and my children have gotten older, sometimes we have a little bit stronger conversations. I able to let them in on a little bit more of what it was like for me back then versus what they thought I should have did or should have been. But like I said, if I had stayed there where we were today, we wouldn't be where we are. You know where we would be where? You know where we would be right back where we was. Now which one you like best? That you make the decision from here? And everybody got to grow up. See our children listen to me, even though they always be our children at one point in time, they have to grow up too, and sometimes you just got to let them in on a little bit of background so they can so you can speed up to grow up process. And that's just the suggestion I have. That's what I've learned over the years as my children are all over twenty one. Okay, cool, now you know we don't spank no more on all this here. But let me have this conversation. Why ain't think you did this right? You ain't think that. You don't think I did this right? Let me tell you why I made this decision. And I ain't been perfect. I don't made some mistakes, But let me tell you what was behind this decision that I made? That that that that that that that. Now how you feel? Oh I ain't know that? Okay, cool, well now you do. I love you, dad, I love you too. Happy Fathers Day, everybody. Happy Mother's Day too. You ain't got to ask me. Hold up, just going away? Everybody mouth already. I wanted to say drop it, but you ain't got saying. My mouth was open, but the words didn't come out. Everybody's mouth. Hoping good words, boy, y'all have a great weekend in the moment for all. Steve Harvey Contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show m