JAB would like a mentoring camp that has space for family members over the age of 18. Church Announcements are handled by Rev. Adnoid and Deacon Junior. Is Bill Cosby getting divorced? Maxim magazine releases its Hot 100 list. Omari Hardwick stops by to discuss Power. The Closing Remarks talks about finding the right mentor and explains why there is no such thing as a self-made man and more!
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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know y'all baby all suit all looking back to back down, giving the mos like the mozing buck bus things and it's touble y'all true good at Steve how guy listening to meach other for Steve Hobby, I don't join Yeah by joining me, you gotta turn yeah, very you gotta turn't the town at the time you love me? Got the turn out to turn water wan go come come on? Uh huh, I shore will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, I'll do man, God is good Hey today, I just want to get right to it because this has really been pressing me. I woke up and this was on my mind and I wanted to share it with you because I know this for a fact. See I've I've lived this for a fact. And you know the majority of things I talked about in the morning before we get started with the regular show. It's something that I've experienced. I can only tell you what I know. And so I really really understood why God has uh had my life go the way that is gone because if I didn't have all these tests in my life, I didn't have of all these tests that I passed, all these tests that I failed. If I didn't have all of those, the good and the bad, What could I share with you in the morning? What could I tell you about hanging What could I tell you about failing and then winning? What could I tell you about hanging in now when all hope was gone? How could I share that with you? Unless I've had those moments myself, And so I've really come to the realization that I am, just like all of you, the pm total of my past, just as you are the sum total of your past. It is these bumps and bruises, the ups and downs, the peaks and valleys, that create us who we are today. All you got to do is be grateful for the fact that you survived at all, and somehow you still sitting here, you still standing. So with that in mind, I want to share something with you. I don't care what happens to you. I don't care what you're going through. Don't you dare, dare give up under no circumstances. I don't care who told you know, I don't care who told you you never make it. I don't care who who has shown you no faith. I don't care who ain't believed in you. I don't care what you heard about him saying behind your back. Don't you dare dare ever give up? It is the biggest trick that the enemy has is making us think we ain't gonna make it. The biggest trick that enemy has is filling our minds with hopelessness to uh water down the illusion that there is a possibility that you might still have a chance to get over. The biggest trick he uses is when you make a mistake and you fall, He gets you to start to thinking it's final, that there is no resurrection, there is no redemption, there is no recovery. He just makes you think it's final. He is the master deceiver. Don't you dare dare ever give up? I don't care what happens to you. I don't care what besets you, befalls you, trips you up, what circumstantial situations may arise. Don't you dare dare ever give up? Because listen to me. These are tests that you are going through. And these tests, whether you pass the test or it appears that you've failed the test, that test accomplishes the mission if you're smart about it. If you pass the test, Let's say you're going through a situation and you get over and it goes the way you wanted to do, then what you've learned is if you hang in there, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Okay, mission accomplished. If you fail the test and it doesn't go the way you want it and it goes the opposite and it turns out into a negative result, and in response you were looking for is a no. That's not final. That doesn't mean it's over. That doesn't mean it's time to turn back. It simply means that now you have learned a valuable experience. You have learned a valuable lesson. You now know what not to do. H you are now because you know what not to do, another step closer to getting it right. Listen to me. It has to happen this way. You have to have the rain in your life to get the flowers in your life. You got to have the darkness in your life to appreciate the sunshine in your life. You got to have woes and worries to appreciate the joys. It is merely a test. So when you get through failing, and you get through stumbling, and you get through messing it up, all that's getting you one step closer to getting it right. Oh, my relationship ended. I'll never be able to find another person like that. Not only will you not be able will not only will you be able to find a person like that, you can find a person that far better than that if you don't give up. But see, sometimes you got to go through the bad ones to get to the good ones. Don't you, dare, dare, never give up. I don't care what happens to you if you lose a love one. And Lord knows, I've lost some people I've loved dearly, with every inch in me. I've lost my mother, my father, my brother, and my best friend. I don't know. I know people who have lost their children. Goodness, man, I can't even imagine that, but they kept on going. What you're giving up for? Oh, I got you miss him, and I got you grieving, But I got news for you. Don't you let the devil make you think it's over for you because somebody else ain't still here. It was their time now. I'm not trying to lessen to blow for you. But I'm trying to get you up on your feet so you can stop all this old woe is me because the things is happening to you. You're not the first person that has happened to Come on, now, let's get a grip. Let's wrap your mind around this thing. You have got to move forward, if it's just in memory of those people. I was on one of the commercial breaks on Family Feud the other day and somebody asked me, uh something, and I forgot the question, but my answer was, I've always wanted my mother and father to be proud of me, and in the absence and their demise, I'm hoping just somehow man, that they're watching me, that they see their boy, that I'm down here, that I'm doing better, that I'm making something about myself, that I'm loving my wife, that I'm taking care of my kids. Just want my old man to see that about me. You know, I want my mother to see I'm trying to give my life together over here. You say, I'm trying to be a better person. My mom was a Sunday school teacher for forty years. She's been praying for me for a long time. I just hope, man, And that's all I'm doing. It's just hoping that they see me so they can't be proud of me. See you, you you, you you. You got to understand that when you make these mistakes, that when you fall and stumble and you get it oh so wrong, it ain't over for you. Don't you, Dad, Dad? Dad? Ever give up? Don't stop thinking, man, because it ain't happening just the way you wanted to that it ain't meant to be devil. He got so many tricks to deceive you. You know why you're being tested right now because there is no testimony without the test. You got to go through something. It's all good man telling you. I just wanted to share that with you. Don't you give up out there. I don't care what's happening. Don't don't, don't, don't get deceived. The victories coming, but you ain't gonna get it if you quit. Hang on, y'all, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Everybody. Guess what. Guess what? Guess what? You're listening to the baddest morning show in the country. Championship Team. We a little shop with a little shop, but we're gonna do it. Holding it down today because Steve Harvey is still dying there dressed like Daniel Moon at the menstring camp. He got had on. But it's awful good cause he's mentoring the boys down. I just wish he would up the age on the mentoring after some point. No no, no no no, like like my son, he's forty seven. Can I get him dying there? You know? I like that look you're look just a touch up. He doesn't need to touch up of mentor. And that's sorry. I regret to him form you that the cut off age is well. I need to talk to Steve about that when he when he gets back. I faked. Next ship. We need to up the age to thirty five and up comment is on vacation, Carla is on vacation. So holding it down to Judge Trulie Jans Brown for the Steve Horthing morning showed this morning and in here doing it with us because I would not could not, ain't not gonna do it by myself. If my girl shull, it's throw berry and you know this and the and the other part of Sick and Die is the championship teams. In fact, it is sick of course, girl Carla is out. She's on vacations, on vacations right man. But we're holding it down. We got it. So you listen to the baddest show in the country. What's going on, Shirley, Well, you know what the show is about. But we have to bring you the news. UM. Sadly, we have to report that there's been another shooting. This one um was, according to authorities, was because of a neighbor neighborhood beef. Witnesses told officials they heard people outside. Uh. This was in Trenton, New Jersey. It was at the historic Robling Wireworks venue where there was a New Jersey arts and music festival going on. Witness has heard people arguing inside the wire work the Robling Wireworks venue shortly before two gunmen opened fire. The fight soon spilled out into the streets as attendees ran for cover. There were about a thousand people there. Uh. They were in attendance when the shooting. Shooting started. I think one uh witness said, all hell broke loose, All hell broke loose. UM our thoughts and prayers. This has got to stop. I mean I feel like a broken record. All the times were always asking the question, you know, how many people have to die before they do something about it. Yeah, and several people have been injured. Uh, this is We'll get more MS and will have more in the news and uh we'll of course bring you updates as the goes on. But we just wanted to just stop for a minute and tell you this is just terrible. We have to do something. We say this all the time, but we have to. When are we going to I don't know, I mean, I don't know what else to say. There's nothing else. It seems like everything has been says you have to stop saying thoughts and prayers. Yeah, and then still nothing changes, nothing changes. Yeah, but we're gonna still We're gonna still pray. We're gonna still pray because prayer does change things everything. Yeah, it does. All right, we'll come back and talk more about Father's Day weekend. We'll also hear a recap about the mentoring weekend down there in Georgia with today. But he's here though, But he's here, all right. We'll have more of it coming up at thirty two after the hour you're listening to the Steven Show. Alright, guys, Uh, so, as we mentioned, Steve Harvey is out today. Nephew Tommy is out today, Carla is out today. Carla Tommy on vacation. See of course, is down in the Rock Georgia mentoring boys. He does his every Father's Day weekend. He goes all in everything. I mean he goes in. He's a different person. I don't even recognize if are you ain't? No, yeah, got his coons had on like we said, it's for a good cause. He's done in mentrance. I just wish he was up the age on the mentoring like okay after some point. No no, no, no no, like my son, he's brought to seven. Cant can I get him dying there? You know? I like that, look you look just a touch up. He doesn't need to touch up of mentor. And that's sorry. I regret to inform you that the cut off age is what well, I need to talk to Steve about that when he when he gets back. And more more importantly, I have all if we get to five, can we get mint at fit to five? But told him about you know, responsibility working, you know things like that kipping in and with somebody. You know what I'm saying, how you should active? You living rent free? Why this cigarette but calling and I don't smoke. It's a lot of grown man mentoring need. I got it. We we said it for some people. We know us. Sadly I have to agree with you, sadly do But that's why Steve's getting him young. Hadn't happened. Yeah, so this one is the young program that he has said as side is great. It's great. He's been noticed for ten years, fifteen years. He's been doing it a long like since I've known him. And some of these kids have gone on to go to college. Degreed, but he's leaving an untouched market. I will pay for your own. Man, are in bathing? Can we get bathing? I come up with my grandmother. You've got the same clothes. Old. I'm talking about cologning one on one. We won't speaking of cologning one on one. Please leave something in the bottle. Some men need to know this, some right right there, untouched market. I'm like, this is not your house. That's what they need to know this. Okay, I do have one. If we do have it, leave the toilet seat down. Okay, I'm in right one, queen is there? So in other words, he's gonna have to be gone for two weeks after years. Don't get the younger first, and he's gonna come and get the older. Does what they need? Help guys that are setting their ways. Somebody listen to us right now, right towards that's agreeing with everything. Yeah, that's right. Happy Father's Day was yesterday. Fathers guys, happy to be. So what did you do over the weekend? You you said you moved earlier. I moved, you know, I moved out of my place. Start starting over. I can't stand movie. I'm first of all, I'm not good at movie. I'm not. My problem is all the ferns I had still up there. I ain't grab nothing. I just got my bed. Let's get my bed out of here. Got my bed what you called mover, so you know I had. They were through in thirty minutes. Oh the only guy was the bed. They ain't getting nothing else. They ain't grab no washing drive. I don't even I just ain't gonna washing the movie company with this. It was just some guy's monica found I bet all her stuff is everything set up? What happened? They really ran out of time on me because it was three hours. So I ain't got my bed that I have to go back into this week and get the other stuff. So you're sleeping in your newer party, but all stuff. If I want to watch TV, I gotta go upstair. I ain't got no TV I want. If I want to warm the other I got to go up stay. This is gonna make no sense. I gotta pay rint twice. Your life is all messed up about moving? Is that when you sat the movie, you said, well, I'm gonna throw stuff away. But once you find stuff that you haven't seen in a long time, you don't want to throw it away. If I haven't no, no, no. My rule is, and everyone hates movie. My rule is, if I haven't seen you in a long time, you're out of here. I saw some eight track tapes I got. I gotta have them. You got all? I got them all. I can't get fit of them. Do you need to be on that show Harder? Do you need to be on that ship? You know you need to be at the mentoring? Do you see what our harder? Do you know what I saw, James? I had to keep keeping. I saw Steve Harvest had twenty buttons on it. I'm keeping that ship. That must be a short Do the longer jackets have more. But that was during his button period. Speaking of the Steve Harvest, we are not going to call the name, but we had some visitors one day that had on the original Steve Harvey wide, the pel wide. We're not gonna call the name, but you know what, when you saw it, you want he went through a button face. He went to a through up the button phase, a pen stripe fabric face, the big where you just see the tip of your shoe that you don't even know what it looks like. Yeah, it looks like you have on two skirts on each leg. I but it's so funny. Those people will come to the show and they're standing up in the stance to see Steve, and it goes, Steve, what those are? Classics? Though? Don't throw those away. I don't know if they're coming back, but just keep them all right, well, just keep them all right. Listen. Coming up next hour, about twenty minutes after the hour, we're gonna have a special guest, the very sexy, the very talented Omari Harley. Do you get I don't get nothing nothing? Will you ask the wrong person? Ask Monica? All right? Every day actor Omari Hardwick will tell us about the new season of Power. Can't wait for that and other projects he's working on. But right now, uh, we'll talk more. We'll be back, we'll talk more about the mentoring Camp. It's the three of us, the three of those those right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, coming up next hour at twenty minutes after the hour, our special guest is going to be the very sexy, the very talented actor Omari Hardway. He's gonna tell us, don't hey, he's gonna tell us about the new season of Power and other projects that he's working on. But right now, we do want to hear from Steve at the mentoring camp. He's off today, but he is there. I think this is Steve taking a break. Take a listen. We're out here at the Rock Ranch. This is a waterfall, very tranquil spot back hill. Just taking a break from the camp. Give my mind a break, working with the boys. It's peaceful, black kills nature. This is what I women like, country boys. So this is all right with me. God demands some incredible stuff in his world for you to see. I like sitting in it. It's real nice back here with y'all was here, But that's my break is over. I'm gonna go back on people with these boys. Steve Harbably littering camp to change the boys lives. Appreciate all the men that came down here on Fathers Day. We cared to help us out. They didn't have to do it because they fathered us too. If y'all come out and help us next year and let us know we need live, thank you. That was great. It was good. That was so peaceful, very peaceful. And that's what he needs. He loves that. He loves it. Man that if we can bring the woods with him that and that's what we under set is half woods. He can just go take a hollow woods up the pace, put a lake back there someway. All right, yeah, and that waterfall about sounds really good. Will hear more from Stephen. They're doing a good job he is this morning. But right now it is time for church complaints. That complains. Complain today. Yesterday was Father's dad. Okay, well I don't complain, all right. You. The voice you hear is of Reverend Reverend Richard, the third three of you. It was two more before me, okay, and then Deacon Jr. Is in the building morning everybody, everybody. He's the same. It's away ever he goes. That's what I like about it. If he doesn't change. I did never change. And Deacon Juja, Amen, could you try to music up? Just allowed? I can't hear it too hard. It could be that could be it? Is it all right? He's on today? Church? It up? Not not not that? Not that? What your breathing. I'm confused, both allowed? Not about you, Mr Oregon Player, It's not about Mr Rose has done about you today? Up? Did you did you clear your sciences? Oh? This is clear. This is just clears and go get some So I've tried it all, tried it on Steve cleaning. I've done it all. One of those. I've had all that. I had the crew go up in there. I've had a hazmat crew go up in there to scrape out what they could get hiding the sweepers. I've tried it all. Yes, it is definitely blocked up. What it is, good morning matter. It is not nice to start a morning. What I'm saying, good morning everybody, morning to send here to beam as followed the women who look like Johnny Mathews, who meeting meeting rooms. Fine, everyone has a relative, everyone has a female relative that looks like Johnny Maxis. That room is gonna be passed who look like Johnny caps on the It's nothing, all right, all right, there's still plenty of room for the meeting right after service of the men who still have wide parts in their heads. Men who still have wide parts in their heads. Coming back now, and we have a guest speaker. He will be speaking. He'll be that's like a road in his head or what oh, oh no, no, no, man, you you mean I got you? You mean shading shot. That's where I got. You gave me the wrong standing shop. You're gonna it's gonna be you. He couldn't land the plane in there to white. He can't go around so white. You can't go on. You can change lanes up there, all right. Plenty of tickets for there might be a man might be a woman convention. Many of tickets for there might be a man might be a woman convention. We have no idea, but you want to come and join us, we'll be there. God loves us. Man, Sister Shirley, I see how you getting into the sign like that? Because they could not see the signs. Because they could not see the sign the women would way too much weed. Walked past the meeting room. What room was it in? What room was it in? Room four? Four? Right? Where is that room? That way? We have a passing that we must announce passing. Yea passed. He has passed away past Johnny McArthur past. He passed and he didn't die anything. He just he was in sixth grade for a long time and he finally passed. He hasn't gone on. He ain't going on the gloor. The boy had been in the sixth grade for quite some time. Congratulations the Lord. Yeah, that's big. But you know what, by the third time, he knew all the lessons. Imagine that nineteen. Because we have some problems last weekend, last Sunday, Pastor would like to apologize for the turnout. Side Piece Sunday did not go like it was planned. There was some mishaps. I know, damn well, she's sitting her out did at the time. But Side Peace Sunday did not go well. God loves us, loves us man I'm talking about right there. Also, there is the thoughts and prayers or present thoughts. It's always thoughts and prayers. All thoughts and prayers go out to Ms Kisha Washington. He had to learn the hard way that Becket Johnson, I one white number, don't back down. Whoa that, whoa, whoa, whoa it out she wore that. Yeah. I like that. You keep throwing that God loves us. All all right, let me find my place here. I can't tell him any times I've said that, hold on, hold on, hold on. Oh, here we go, Here we go. This is the last, the last one. Were wrapping it up. The babies that look like Michael Blackton, we'll meeting meeting rooms. Fine, a lot of babies. That's a lot of babies. If you got a baby that looks like Michael Blackton, take him down to meeting room, meeting room. Yes, yes, the baby. This has been today's church announcement with reverendad Norton, and thank you so much. All right, coming up, we'll talk more mentoring. Thank you, reverend. Yeah, we'll talk about mentoring. And Beyonce and jay Z dropped one. Oh yeah they did. Everything is Love. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, As we mentioned Steve Harvey is out. He's still at the Dream Camp. We will hear from him more this morning. Nephew Tommy is on vacation and Carla is on vacation. Well as one question, when do I get a vacation? You don't give everyone and it's six of us now, Jay, all of us have to go on vacation. Then, because you're the newest member, then you go on vacation Whatevermber, Yeah, whatever's left. Then you get that, you're going You're going right one Thanksgiving week, I'm the Cinderella of the show. Whatever doesn't get right Thanksgiving, I'm in the black Cinderella on the show. I don't need to go to the dance, all right? Coming up in twenty minutes, our special guests will be Amari Hardwick ak a Ghost, Jamie st Patrick from Power. He's gonna be our special guests. He's gonna tell us about the upcoming season of Power. We cannot He's working on a lot of other projects as well. He'll talk about that. But right now it is time for entertainment news. Uh. In case you haven't heard, and if you've been living under a rock, you would not know that. Jay Z and Beyonce dropped an album over the weekend. It's know something was up. Yeah, everything is love the way they were and kissing and sexy, sexy poses and all that. It's on it's on a title the streaming service. Okay, but some people are saying that they do this on purpose to knock off NAS because because album and him and NAS had is the beef. Did they have beef or something like that? Well, jay Z and NAS back in the day, Yeah, more so Kanye produced the album Kanye did. Yeah, so this might be a smack in evage with Kanye. Remember he's working on all those projects Kanye, so NAS was one of them. I'll tell you what, though, what I'm about to get this Knas album right now, I don't know if I'll be getting to Jay Z and Beyonce c Wells everywhere. And it's not gonna be hurt by me not buying it at all. It's exclusively untitled, so they'll they'll be fine, They'll be okay. We won't even to listen to them. They won't even I don't think they're sending in the house going I wonder if Jay's gonna like this. But it was kind of like June was the month month of Kanyee. Kanye had a good month. It almost made them forget you know, what he said about slavery and everything a little bit. I didn't know that they had started calling it. Oh my goodness. I just think they's an artist that's so very, very very misunderstood. Oh Man and other news you think they call him that? In the house, it's Kanye. We love you, Kanye Kanye. Alright, I picked our fans waited fourteen years, fourteen years for the Incredible sequel. Finally it is Incredible two, which stars, of course, among others, Samuel L. Jackson is number one at the box office, Number one. All right. It's a great movie to take the kids because a lot of the jokes in there are for kids, but they sneak in some grown up But this is the only move I heard about that grown people were going with. Yes, because people want to see you. But you got Samuel Jackson, you know, so congratulations to them, and we ought to say congratulations one more time to Trevor Jackson. Trevor Jackson is his name, the star of super Fly. Super This weekend was a great movie weekend. They're going to remake The Mac too. What yeah, they're remaking the Mac. Wait a minute, but phase on love not as the Mac. Okay, listen, we gotta called the big Man. Sanna is here. Please introduce her. She's going to do another June Music Month spotlight. Go ahead, thank you, Ready for the one and only and with the news, y'all, thank you very much. Okay, this is a trip with the news. Seven Democratic lawmakers use Father's Day yesterday to protest the Trump administration's policy that separates illegal immigrant parents from their children at the southern border. Legislators from New York and New Jersey spend a day and Immigration and Customs Enforcement of facility in the Garden State, New Jersey, visiting detainees who have been separated from their families. The lawmakers tweeted photos of the crowded site using the hashtag Father's Day and Families Belong Together. Close to two thousand children have been separated from their parents so far at the US Mexico border. Meanwhile, the House of Representatives is scheduled to vote today, well this week anyway, on proposed immigration legislation. There are two GOP sponsored bills under consideration. One is considered a hardline measure, which would sharply cut legal immigration and grant only temporary states to the Dreamers, or people brought here illegally as children. The other bill, also sponsored by Republicans, is supposed to be a compromise. That measure would give the dream of greater legal protections offer a slow route to a more permanent legal status, but it would also slash legal immigration numbers and contain billions to fund Trump's a border wall. We'll see which one gets the votes. Cops in South Texas say at least five people dead several others have been injured after the suv they were riding and crashed. Authority state the vehicle was traveling more than a hundred miles an hour fleeing border control agents. There were fourteen people crammed in the vehicle, some were thrown out of it when the crash. The driver has been arrested. And just the latest and what's turned out to be a string of opioid related lawsuitsport by state and local officials. Kentucky's attorney general is suing Walgreens, saying that the company helped fuel that state's drug addiction epidemic. The suit accuses the pharmacy's executives and its employees of failing to report suspiciously large orders of prescription opioids. Kentucky's opioid death rate, by the way, is almost double the national average. Jersey Governor Film Murphy calling on legislators to pastrick of gun laws in the wake of Sunday shooting an all night arts festival in Trenton. We can continue to aggressively tighten up the loopholes in our gun and our gun safety laws. And we have, we have, We've done, We've begun to do that meaningfully, both in in the state of New Jersey as well as with other states. Congress has to act. One suspect was killed, twenty two others were injured, four critically Tops of the box. Also over the weekend, Yes, you heard Shirley talk about it, it was The Incredibles. Two superheroes are illegally designs. Who I am. We're not saying you have what? Uh. Incredibles too brought in a whopping one eighty million dollars, making it not only the best animated film opening of all time, but the best p G rated movie launch and the eighth highest film opening overall. That's right entertainment and today's trending topics coming up with the Steve Harvey Morning Show as well. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Our all, I told you we had a special guest. He's here today. Our special guest stars as James ghost st Patrick on the big stars hit Power Powers coming back with season five on second Man July first. But we're here to talk about the new season was another great project he's working on. Also, Ladies and gentlemen. The women told me I had to say this, the super damn sex. Oh, Marie Hardwick, that is awesome, elevant introduction. I gotta live up to that. Ye see, I gotta like I gotta be in the gym for the next forty five years with that one. I haven't been in the gym. I skilled on hand. He's everybody doing. Are we good? Man? You've been all right? Man? You're working, man, I've been working, Steve, you know, you know, as Capricorn's brother, you're a cappy. You know how that goes. Boy, We're coming there and go to work, man. You get and man. This show Power is a drama about the glamorous lifestyles of the rich and infamous and the underworld of international drug trade. Season five kicks off Sunday, July one. On our Stars, what can we expect them are? Well, definitely Ghost not being uh not, Ghost is not nice this year, right, I mean right when the daughter, when the daughter is taken from a man way that she was taken, and I gotta find you know who done it? Right, I gotta figure out who's done it. I'm coming out of jail. And of course that triangle of relationship between myself and or Ghost and the Tories, Tasha and Leila's um Angela, that that becomes not centerpiece this year, sort of put to the back drop because everybody is just trying to focus on, you know, figuring out who killed Raina and how I went down and how we let how we let it happen, you know, and of course Ghost, you know how to go, Steve. If if you're a man and you're at a place of of dirt, which he still is at, he's not being honest with his own son. And everybody wants me to put a foot into Reek's ass, But in reality, Ghost hasn't necessarily been honest with his son, so how can they expect his son to being different? But you know, you could definitely expect him not to be as cool a cucumber as he's been the prior seasons. This dude is unraveling this year, and so it was fun to play, you know, as an actor, because you're really havn't I mean, god, this guy is the most I think he's poundful pound the most complicated character on TV in the last twenty years. And that's no slide again too, obviously, you know, rest in Peace, Jimmy Gandolfoeni's uh tony soprano or Walter White play You're brilliantly by Brian Cranston. But in terms of what Courtney and the writer's room, Courtney Kemp are creator and with Curtis envisioned in his brain, in terms of what they've given me and given Joseph and giving Leland, given the Tory Wee can week out, but particularly Ghost and being what James Jamie Ghost and then five other characters. If you think about it, all right, please hold Donald Marie uh and don't move. We definitely want to hear more from you. Okay, Part two coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, let's waste no time. Let's get back to the interview with Omari Hardwick from Power Find This Aside. This man what has true talent, has true talent. He can act. It's been a lot for me to take on. I've just been so humbled and so honored that I've been received not just by my people in the way that you guys received me, but also by people uh far and wide, a hundred and seventy six countries all decided that this show is worth watching and consistently and I'm so freaking humble man to be sort of the face obviously of of of the show, but even of the network if you think about it. And Steve, I think that's important that he said that, because I don't think enough has been enough attention has been given to Amari's acting skills. This brother has skills, Steve, when I tell you he's so believable, for yes, yes he is. Because he has the women, he has the men loving him. You know, couples watch him this show together. You bring families together with this show. This show is unbelievable and it's a testament to your skills, and I appreciate it. I think I think the Courtney and curtis a long time ago there and maybe a lot of people. You know, I've met Steve years years ago. He and I have a mutual friend, and uh, you know, a long time ago, I felt like a lot of people were going, when is this guy gonna pop? Because you'd see me play around this shaboo the next day, are you see me? I was sort of playing the back and it was a personality tree. It was like a I knew my ability, I knew what God had always put in me, but I think I was really afraid to grab the power pun intended by the by the horns and and kind of really be what God made him worry to be, which is dominant in the business in him many ways. And so once I did that, I did feel the power that you know, my my wife asked me to embrace at one point, JAS did embrace your power and to me over the entirety and the dream when I started thinking is as an activist by nature, even if I'm Hella flawed, I'm very much an activist and care about us moving forward, even if I got to play a dirty quote unquote dirty character. If I can bring families together, and people were about to be divorced and they figured it out by watching the show. And and I told Courtney when she created this incredible template, I said, Yo, make him doting, make him a loving father, even if he's killing somebody at night. You know. So the activist thing in me is, of course, you know why I'm involved with so many programs. Obviously, you know about Gentleman Jack in the Real Real Program. I just left Chicago promoting that and trying to get Brown filmmakers to have an opportunity for their dreams to be actualized because I kind of sucked at, you know, embracing the all that I could be. And so now that I'm embracing and I'm like, well, you know, more importantly, I need to help these young people be what they need to be. But I'm so honored that people have learned Omari through ghosts. A lot of people met ghosts and then they walked away buddies, buddies or friends or lovers of Omar. And I'm cool with that. You have that Vivis on Washington Appeal, and I mean it's in a very complimentary way because you chapter to life to life, man, I mean where it's very very believable, you know. I mean, look there Zell didn't get an oscar until he was in training. But before that, you're right, dog dog, he should have been got one, but they got it for that. That's the vein. I see you in man, it's really good. And then this this this work that he's doing everybody, uh, for his folks person for gentlemen, Jack real to real what it is. It's a national short film contest and a local film screening tool that supports emerging black filmmakers across the country. It's that's what you're doing. And I say this all the time. You know, kids at the airport they were a superman or a wonder woman. Kate till they're fifteen years old, was zero apology. And by the time we five years old, Grandma, big Mama's auntie or your they're telling you know, you can't be wearing that. That's not a reality for us to think that we could be superheroic in whatever respective lane or industry we're in. So for me and you, we got a big gas microphone, and I just think it's it's used for nought. If you don't use the microphone in the stage that has people looking at you, just stupid. To me, I'm with you. Boba. No, man, that's that's a powerful statement. Man, your speech, man, the way you move right now is very enlightening and empowering to a lot of people. And congratulations, y'all. Power. Fifth season starts July one on saus Thank you, than man, boy man hands together one and only. Amari Hardward. You're gonna get that. You're gonna get that in me. Thank you. Anybody appreciate your board. My boy Later, we love him, We really. We'll do a prying phone call from the nephew right after you're listening to the Steve Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, guys, about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry letter. Oh this is a crazy when I tell you this letter right here, you do not want to miss this letter. And we've said that before, but we mean it. Ready here say it subject. I can't believe I did that to him. But right now, Junior, come on, introduced the nephew with today's frank phone call. When Star where where? When Star do a great time? I like to hunt when star as you mentioned the nephew with that today, but we have jen a cat Low. I'm trying to reach calmen please? Oh who's calling? Uh? This is the haf style Crenzo. Oh great, great, Hey, we were waiting for you. Hold on a second, I'll get her. Hello. Hi is this Carmen? Hi? How are you good? Great? Listen? Um? This is a hal style that I'm supposed to be there to do your hair for the wedding. Hey are you lost? Uh? No, I do have a good just there's something that has come up and I kind of need to discuss some things with you. Are you kidding me? Let me ask you you wait? You know I'm getting married in four hours, right, I do know, I do know. Let me ask you this. What time actually is the wedding? Is it at five or six? The wedding is at five? Okay? Um? What have you done to your hair so far? Nothing? You have the hair. I'm waiting for you to put weave in my on my head? Right? Um? Oh god dear, no, you're on your way right. This is a joke. No, this is not a joke. I've got I've called my mama, fine, tell him to come here. I don't have a stylars today. You can. I'm highly recommended, and I've already given you a deposit you. You should be on your way. I do understand that though, and I don't mind giving you your deposit back. That's no, that's not what I want. I need you here to do my hair. I have no one here to do my hair. I've already paid you. I understand this, dear. Calm down, Listen, this is what I want to do. Okay. I do have someone that I can send that it's going to do an outstanding job for you. Okay, But I'm not. I've gotten into a spat with Oliver, and I just it's it's a very Oliver. Oliver is my friend, and we've gotten your kidding me. It's been a serious, serious, serious blow up. This is the most important day of my life. And you're not coming to do my hair. You're not taking care of your business because you've gotten into a fight with your boyfriend. Listen, I'm not gonna go back and forth with you about this. I've I have argued with him all night. I'm not going to go back and forth and argue with you as well. Yeah, I have to argue with me when I need it for you to be here. I understand that, and I'm going to send someone there. And one of the most professional stylus I have ever met in my life. I cannot even believe you're doing this. Listen, I'm trying to deal with you on a professional level, but you're not because you're not here. I understand that, and I understand I'm not trying to to to rein on your parade and professionalism went out the window when you called to say that you couldn't make it because you were in an argument with your boyfriend. Well, I'm not gonna do is go back and forth with you. Somebody to find him. Find um, tell her to come. Where is everybody? Mama? Please get him to the phone. Oh boyd listen. What have you done to your hair? Okay? Has it been washed? Yes? Okay, so it's just waiting. Is that what's going on? Yes, that's what's going on. Have been done? Have you been under the dryer at all? No? Okay, So is it's still? Damn? What are you asking me questions? You're trying to get someone. I bring when I send someone and I want to send them in there. Yes, I'm sitting here with wet hair. Has your hair? Has your makeup been done yet? No? I'm waiting for you to do my hair. I cannot believe this. Why are you asking me these questions the police? I don't want to, Oliver. I'm not gonna go. I'm Oliver. I'm not Oh my god, I'm not gonna say this. This is crazy. I'm not going to I'm tinking you now. Let me take care of the club. I'm not going. Hello, are you kidding me? Listen? Is there any way you could possibly push the wedding back to seven? You are crazy. You want me to change my time because you're in an argument with your boyfriend. Listen, this is the first Pa, this is you are the most unprofessional thalist I've ever met in my life. And trust me, Darling, I will put the word out about you. No, no, you, I'll gonna make sure that you never ever do business again. Wait a minute, now, what you're not gonna do? You don't curse at me. You're not going You're not gonna be one in my day. I understand. There's no reason to be mad. I'm the one that should be upset. It's my day. You're not gonna talk to me like this. He don't talk to you any kind of way I want you. You called rarning money day. Hold on a second. So you guys this talking crazy to me and I'm not going to go with it. And I'm not what I'm not gonna do it sitting let's talk to me. You didn't call me. I'm not going to sit here and let you talk to me. You know what, I wish you were coming to this church. I got your listen. I'm not gonna sit here and go back and forth with you. Now. I got someone I can send in there to get your hair done. Do you want it or do you not? Who are you sending? I am sending. Listen, I will be sending my assistant and she does. She watched his head. She's been instructed what to do. Don't worry, she'll get it. Said. You don't want me to let it shampoo golf, start my hair on my wedding. Look do you want? Are you kidding me? At me? Now? You need to be talking to me, not Oliver. I understand. Listen, let me take the racial voice, said her voice at me. I can't do whatever the head I want to. This is my Yeah, I've ruined my wedding day. No I'm not. I'm trying to get your wedding day together. Now I'm going to send this one shampoo going to do my hair. Cynthia is very good. She will be there at five o'clock. We will have you ready running starts at five o'clock. I don't know what to say. What you need to be saying? Is he on your day? I'm gonna Simpia will be. I don't want Cynthia to do my hair. I didn't pay Cynthia to do my hair. I pay you to do my hair. You have to bring Oliver with you. You need to come on, Oliver. Do you want to go? Oh my god? Do you want to just go with me? Okay, listen, I have one more thing I need to say you. I have to say to me. The only thing you need to be saying to me is that you and Oliver on your way? Yeah, about to ruin the most important day of my life. I am not a on your head. Yes, I'm now. Are you on your way? Yes or no? Yes? And I have one more thing I need to say. But what do you want to say? Listen? Don't don't don't come for me, boy, you better spit it out. This is Matthew tom Me from the Steve Alby Morning Show. You just got pranked by all your bridemaids. Oh, I am going to I don't believe they did this. That's my canoe and I'm kicking you. Was not funny, not today. This is the last thing I needed today. Do you know what they wanted me? They wanted me to get you yesterday. I said no, We're waiting to the wedding day under so much pressure. I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the last the Steve Harvey Morning killed Baby. Did I do you know what that means? If you do, Tommy, you know what happened? No, no, no, no, no, no no no no. People, wait mate, I'm not oh too late. That's enough, thank you JR. Al Right, um well. Paul Manafort, the president's former campaign Yeah, he has a new temporary address. You're absolutely right, ja prison. The federal judges ordered the former Donald Trump's campaign manager jailed. He has been on house arrest following his indictments related to Robert Mueller's related to Robert Mueller's probe of Russian tampering back in the two thousand and sixteen election, but a new evidence came to light this month suggesting that Manafort attempted to coach witnesses in his money money laundering case, so he was witnessed tampering. Wow, but these are clearly people who think they're above the laws, that the law does not apply to this the city. Let me call yeah, A lot of think about the scoop of beans coming up today's Strawberry Letter. You guys say, I can't believe I did that to him Lord. Right after this this Independence Day, shop the fourth of July style celebration at Salvation Army thrift stores and say fifty off all clothing that's half off of already low price brand names and designer steals you'll find store wide every day. Best of all, everything you buy helps restore families in need. So come freshen up your wardrobe while helping others find a fresh start at Salvation Army stores this fourth of July doing the most Good sale valid at participating locations July fourth only. See store for details. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, it is time, guys for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work on sex, on parenting, and more. Submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry letter. Steve Harvey is out today, so we'll hear from j Anthony Brown. Of course, and Junior, you have a problem in relationships love, anything can help you. We're here for you. Tommy's out, Junior, Come on, buckle up, hold on tight. He's strawberry little. You're doing great. If I could get his salary, though, if you se I can get his salary, I can get it. Here we go. Why don't we just split it up? I like that. I like that. Jay al right, subject, I can't believe I did that to him. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a thirty year old woman and I've been divorced for four years. I'm finally ready to start dating, so I agreed to let my sister set me up on a blind date with her husband's friend. I had never been on a blind date before, and I was a little nervous. When I got to the restaurant and met my date, I was pleasantly surprised. This man is so perfect and we have a lot in common. We ate and talked and laughed for hours. After we ate, he asked if I'd like to walk down by the lake behind the restaurant so we could talk some more. Of course I did. We were having such a great time getting to know each other that we decided to sit down. He sat down on the bench first and patted his sigh for me to sit on his lap. This is going well. We were sitting there and joking and I could not stop laughing. You want a man that can make you laugh, right, Shirley. I laughed so hard, Shirley, she says, I laughed so hard you're ready that I passed gas. Yes, yes, while I was sitting on his lap, and it was so loud. It was so loud. Okay, it was so loud. I immediately jumped up and apologized. But I was so nervous, nervous that I did it again. I will never forget the look on his face. He stood up and asked me if I was okay, and if I needed to go to the bathroom or if I should just go on home. I thanked him for a great evening, and I excused myself. I have never been more embarrassed in my life. Later that night, he sent me a, Texas said, L M A O are you okay? I did not know what to text back to him. It's been three days now and I still don't know how to answer. This could have been the start of something great, but I'm afraid it's over already. What do you think? Should I text him back and see what's up? All right? Oh? M G oh M G O MG. I cannot tell you how much I feel for you. I know this was the most embarrassing thing ever, because if it were me, it would be the most embarrassing thing ever. This is embarrassing, yes it is, But guess what else? This is life and stuff happens. Okay, you guys that happens. Stuff happens. I meant exactly that, JA don't take it anywhere else, but stuff does happen. I mean, you guys ate too, were excited. I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you did need to go to the bathroom. I think I think this is a really really really good and very very mature man because guess what he asked you all the things that he should ask you. Do you need to go to the bathroom? Are you okay? He even texted you afterwards to see if you were okay, and he said l m A, oh okay. I don't know this man right here. Because of his maturity, I think he's a keeper. I think most definitely you should call him back, tell him be real, tell him be a d You you did it, okay, sue me, I did it. I'm sorry. If this is the end, I understand, but if it's not, I'd like another chance. I promise I'll get this checked out and hopefully it won't happen. Come on, man, what do you have to say? First of all, comes when did y'all eat? Somebody was going to say that we know what? Was this a soul fool restaurant? Because no, I'm not a soul fool. People, get gas. I just wanted to And if you want to talk about a sober and moden right up to the laughing and choking, right when he heard the sound, everybody lives see it. That was nothing else to be heard. I cannot believe that this was happening. And you're right, Shirley, he is a good guy. He did text and asked her if she was all right. He did after that's cool. But when he talked to his boys though, when he had that phone call. Nerven Man, you ain't gonna believe what just happened to me. I'm telling you though, I've never had a woman sit on my lap. And first of all, women don't even like the paths games in front of me. I would, I would hold it so hard. I would excuse myself. But she it happened an accident to her. It just that laughing. We left hard on this show, we really do, and nobody has ever. Oh no, no, we left. We left way too much. We left really hard. But but to hear that sound but now, she said, it was loud. But here's some things that I want to, you know, go over this letter again and kind of break it down. We were sitting there talking and laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. Surely was addressing you, And she said, I laughed so hard that I passed gas. Now that's just one time, she said. She she laughed continuously, and she passed gas again while sitting on his lap. Now, this is what we need to talk about when we come back, because the heat that came off of that little things they can make it. I still I still have hope for them. I still have hope for him. Really, so What was the line that really stuck out at you? The line is stuck out on me that I passed gas and I and then I we're laughing, So I passed gas again, so twice on one that you can excuse me, says one time. All right, guys, listen, we're gonna have part two. Yeah, come back the Strawberry Letter. Yeah, it's called the subject is I can't believe I did that to We can't believe it either, and we're coming back to talk more about it at twenty three after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We're in the middle of the Strawberry Letter. The subject is I can't believe I did that to him. We have more to say on this letter. This young lady wrote in she's thirty years old. She's been divorced for four years. I just I just picked up on that, Yeah, maybe building up it up, and then I can I just say I haven't had that song for years that I couldn't do. Thank you you got it. Thank you to the lady and the letter. Thank you to the lady in the letter. J all right, she's thirty, Like like I was saying, she's thirty, she's been divorced for four years. Finally ready to go out on a date. Finally, you know, it took her four years, but so she had her sister set her up with a guy. Uh. She's usually, you know, doesn't have much luck in this sort of thing. But she found a great guy. This was a blind date. The guy was pleasing to her eyes. They went out to dinner. He was perfect. They had blind The date was blind. It was a blind date, she said. They ate, they laughed, they talked for hours. Here's the problem. She was sitting on his lap. They they laughed so hard she accidentally, Yeah, she had some flasholence going on. Yeah, so she past gas. Uh, she kept laughing. Did it again? Did it again? While she was sitting on his lap, and she said it was so loud. She immediately, what else would you do? Jump up and apologize fan a little bit too, while you're at you got a fan? She He stood up, and she said she would never forget the look on his face. He stood up. Asked her if she was okay, that's very important. Asked her if she needed to go to the bathroom, also very important? Or did she just want to go on home? Let me in case you might want to laugh again. I thanked him, she said, for a great evening. She excused herself. She's never been more embarrassed in her life. Um. And later that night, the same night, he texted her and asked her. The text said, L m a O are you okay? So he was laughing his butt up? But is she okay? Um? And she doesn't know how to text him back. She thinks it's over. She doesn't think they have a future. She's afraid, she's asking she text him back and see what's up? He texted her, L m a O are you okay? And nothing takes back if m A I don't want to laugh too hard. Jack. She hasn't texted him yet. You read the letter. She's scared. She doesn't know what to do. I said, he sounds like a good man because so many men would have walked away. They would have. But yeah, he texted her back the same night asked her was she okay? When it happened? He asked her, was she okay? Did she need to go to the bathroom. I think this is a mature man. I think he's a keeper. I think if they can get past this, they may have a future together. Let me just say this for the record, just fulfillers that we don't tie. When you fart in front of me, your sex appeal go way down. That you're not I get that. But there's a thing called a mature man who understands the body and bodily functions. Here's the question that nobody has really hasked. What is that? What was joke that he told that got up? We need to hear this joke and we need to band this joke. This joke should never be told me. Let's hit me hit the joke and if I go, then I understand. This is a joke. People get bands. We need to find out what this joke is and we need to ban it. It should never be told again. And Junior said, what did they Because any joke does that that will make you too, ta, I don't take that joke and go old stage is telling every night I had a whole joint steak. I'm I go to the Apollo Theater, coming to and then I tell that joke. Oh my god, I'm killing man. I would I would tell that joke everywhere. I would go to a funeral and I would stand up there and say have y'all heard this? If I could get the body, it's cold, you need to start squeezing. But here we come. I don't know what did I don't know what, but like you said, this could be a good guy, could be Yeah, And it's been four years since she's been out there dating and it's just the first day. And it's like the song. It's definitely like the song. It's build it up, build it up, build it up, and then she fight two times. Nobody's asked the question why did she get divorced? That asking questions, No woman, I can't do this no more. We are it just staying up in here? Why why you know? It could be it could be a good relationship. But we don't know, you know what, We don't know what happened as to why the first guy left, because this guy could be getting a call from the other guy. Man, didn't you went out with man? Man? Let me tell you no, I think I really think you should text him back, tell him you were embarrassed, you know, and all of that. I think he's a good guy. I'll tell you this too. I'm gonna tell you how we know it was strong. It wasn't just loud it was strong because she said I would never forget to look on his face. He sails debt and it happens. W You know, it was loud when the guy in the restaurant apologize. Alright, we gotta get out of here. Guys, thank you for your participation. And I think email us her Instagram that's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey f M. Having ten minutes, so have family feud. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to Steve al right. We have to give some love and say thank you to Steve because of what he does each year down at the mentry. Yes, it's set up for single moms with with boys. They dropped them off Steve ments for the entire weekend and friends down, educators, entertainers, people who have made it successful, people to talk to the boys, you know, to give them some hope and encouragement, you know, and he does it every year. He's a father. He could be with his own children, but he takes time to be with your children and help mentor them, which I think is is such a fantastic job. Here's Steve talking to the boys. Listen. First of all, I understand something. The first thing we got to operate from is from the staying part of respect. We're gonna respect y'all. Y'all got to respect it. He actually said that the same and he says that every week and so he can mentor. That was kind of scary. And this is another clip from Steve down at the mentoring camp. That was just great him talking to the young boys again. In the hood, we never say we are brothers, but in real life we are. I'm my brothers. Absolutely ste nailed it. Absolutely you are. And you know, we have to give some love to the moms that these single, hard working moms that make sure every year that their sons go down there because they realize they need a male influence in their life, they need mentoring. This is the time that is a good thing about This program is set up for single moms who have men in their family, young men who need to, you know, be taught different ways and how to deal with how to be a man. Because his mom's of sons, we can only raise them so far. We cannot teach them how to be men. I can teach my daughter how to be a woman. You know, I could raise my son if I had one the best way I could as a woman, but I would have to bring in some male influence. That's why this is such a good program that Steven you know, he's been doing like I said about probably my fifteen years, you know, and he goes in his own pocket because his own time, he could be you know, he could be home with his own family, rest and making some money and do whatever it is he wants to do. And he decided to do this. We just wish that he would just up to age a little bit. What is that about, guy, Well, we have some people in our lives that when run age with thirty five and up, thirty five and up and be great. If we could get that program initiative the same manter in profile. Don't change nothing that part about respect that all that at five. Yes, up, you know it's gonna be some great hands this minute and count it's gonna be some great hand. It's gonna be something. I love it. I love it. But shouts out to our boys, Stevens doing. You know the funny thing about my brother's people, and Steve really held true to that. Steve really did. Man, when I was going through my thing with my friend passing, he called me every day, man, every day. And then he just told me one time and one conversation. Yeah, he said, you matter to me, man, I need you, you know. And that just shows the kind of heart that he had, you know, to hear him talk to the boys about being my brother keep heat. He doesn't just say he practiced that. Yeah he does. I mean. And people only know what they see on TV and what they hear on the radio. But we actually know Steve and he does have a heart of gold. He really really does. And he cares about our youth, especially young men, bringing great young men, great leaders into the world. He actually really cares. A man with the heart of goal and the filthy amount that sometimes you need right your boy across. That's when you know he really cuts. He loves get cuts out. Don't care. But yeah, I mean, and and he was. He was right there with you. It made it over the way you really didn't make it yet, I mean, but now when you have a crisis, it did crisis. No, it's different handles the crisis very differently. He's not the person you want to like. Maybe two minutes he's not coming by the hospital. On the phone. He hung he had the phone. I said, Hey, what's going on? Oh damn God, bless that was it? So weird. I've seen him ground TV. But let us himself. Very very different, minute, very different, very different. So so keep doing your things, Steve. We'll see you tomorrow when you get back. And happy Father's Day, belated and all of that. Uh switching gears. Now. People magazine is reporting that the rumors about Bill and Camille Cosby getting a divorce are false. We even talked about it last week on this show. Radar online dot Com reported that Bill Cosby and his wife Camille were headed first Blitzville and that Camille had already moved out of their Philly home, where Bill Cosby is currently on house arrest. But Andrew Wyatt, a repped from Mr Cosby, says those reports are completely false, and he also notes that Radar Online did not reach out to him confirm any of this. Yeah, that's what I believe, that they're still together. It's just different. Here's what it sounds like with them in the house. I have audio, actual audio of them in the house. Come in come, in come, in come, in come, in come, in come, in come, in come in Oh I hear I'm calling you come in here. All he does all day is just call my name. Come he thinks I'm coming up here. Another thing, come out changing my name. Come in. He sound like a breakfast. Come in, come in lunch, jun come in, come in, come in, come in, late night, come in, come in to in the morning, Jake, come in, come in. People Magazine is reporting that the rumors about Bill and Camille come up our false All right, coming up in ten minutes, guys, come we have we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up right now. Jay is here with a comedy segment. It's called who was that family? Or who was the family? We all had it when we were growing up. The neighborhoods were just different. Then we were section off. And once I say this, well you'll all remember certain families for instance, friends and now where were raised? And you of Chicago? Who was the fighting family? Johnson all six that had to be the Ingrams saying yeah, those boys boys, all six of them though fight, they fight in a heart beat fight. You had to be their friends. The Mobley's It was the yet John Mobley and his brothers all day long. Especially, it's a lot of boys, just two of them. It was just two. They beat me up every day, all right? Who was the Uppidy family? Oh, they're still in the neighborhood. Yeah, that's it, the Browns. I think we have something here. Women, Let's ask the question again. Who was the Uppi family? Go on with your little segment, comic Clark coming. Surely, don't want to tell you what. I don't know what you're talking about. Family that thought they were better than anybody. But we're all in the same name. Who was that family? We ain't got no friends? Yeah, yeah, alright, one quick question? How many was it in your family? I was just my mom was a single parent, and my brother and I And then you thought they were from England the way they talked, Right, Who was that family? Sherlett? I didn't know. I don't know a right. We're moving on. We're moving on, all right. Who was the family that owned the funeral home? Oh? I went to high school with her, the Leavies, they all and they all all the boys came to school with suits z ready ready to go to work. You already you didn't even want to be fans with them. I think it was I think their last name was Jenkins. But the girls all looked dead. They all put too much foundation. You have all that foundation. Who's the family of all the fine men? Oh, Jeffrey, Jeffrey's family. Jeffrey and Jason. They were brothers. Oh they were cute. They were cute. They lived about five houses down. For me, they were fine. Who were the pretty girls? Who had all the pretty girls in the family. Oh, my gosh, it's the great the Mayfield Lord ha Mercy. It was man. They didn't know bomma tell you something though. They they were just like from the mother down. You wanted the mama to haymos Mayfield. I said he was the Morans, the right, beautiful mom, beautiful beauty daughter. Yeah. Who's the sports family? Oh, that's the high They all played sports. They had to be the Jacksons that lived across the street, but down like on ther end. It had to be the Jacksons. Okay, not that, but good too. Yeah. They were really good. I mean softball. They were really good at softball. Because the park was not part Now this was part me. I was part half of the family, the smart family, because the other half that was smart was my sister. But you don't transfer taking credit for that. You know, my sister was a straight age student. Man. I never got none of that, none, not at all. All Right, Well, who was the who's the dumb family? Just just stupid, just straight stupid. Who was that family? I don't know if Yeah, don't don't know nothing, don't know not, not a damn thing. You know, you see one of me, always say oh they're so stupid mcgru all of them. I gotta say that Williams, not to be confused with my current husband's last name is Williams. He's a very smart man. But yeah, that Williams. They couldn't get the Graves nothing. They didn't know nothing. And I want to be I want to be a little ginger when I asked this question, because I don't want to, you know, insult anybody. Who was the family? Let's not say they would be they just say they were heavy breathes. What family was that? The whole You go in the house, the living room ain't no room, and it'll be t v old or nothing. I mean, ain't nothing old. You you look out at the refrigerator, but you ain't all right, Okay, Well I can't remember the last names, but I do remember his name. It was big people and yeah, debate, the Yeah, the Sun. That was my age. His name is Poindexter and then his family. Yes, dog never played nothing the dog beat. He never was just they were slightly slightly did a lot of jail time, was them. Oh man, I'm not even gonna say that. Man, No, sir, no, no, I'm not gonna answer that. I'm like, surely, go ahead. What do It's getting me called up again when I go home? I heard you talking about jail time. Yeah. They right across street from releast three people they at the same time, the Reynolds, the Reds. That name I remember. Can I just tell you this one lady that was on my block that was the scary house. Yeah, oh yes, who had to scary house? Scary house. I think her last name was Thompson, Mrs Thompson. Whenever we had to go down the street, we were across the street, didn't walk past her house because and if she and if she caught you and she opened that door, she looked like Betty Davis and whatever had one that this lady would come on. I don't know what she was doing, but she'd come on a porch and she burned. He'd burn rags in a bucket, and so that just nobody walked past. Yeah, she was scary. She she wore a white like pasty white makeup and her eyes were real dark, and she wore a blood red lips. She was scared relooking all the little kids. Yeah, I'm gonna ask the last one who was a short family. But I leave that. All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Show. All right, Steve is out today. He is still at the mentoring camp with the boys. Thank God for him. That's all I have to say. You deserve a day off from and a happy belated Father's Day to you and to all the father's. Yeah, nephew Tommy is on vacation. He's celebrating his second wedding anniversary. Yeah, this m last time. If you, yeah, put my money on the dead, it won't. And then our girl Carla is in the Bahamas, baby. Yeah, yeah, you're having a romantic getaway with her. Yeah, but we are here the three, Yeah, we're here, alight. There's a steady hot one d lists from Maxim magazine. I know you guys like magazine. Yeah, well we'll see how about that. This one has to do with women though. Uh. Topping the list Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, and Megan Markle the Duchess of Sussex. Okay, red, read your list again again? This is for the hot one dred lists. Okay, topping lists Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian. Seems like they make it all the time, right yea, Megan Marco, that's the top five the Duchess of I'm not I'm not saying anything. There's some more. What I see what they're doing? No, I'm not only want to see this. What do you see? Jas Reading list again? Read it again, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, and Megan Marco. Do I have to point it out? This right there? All of Mary, all of Lightscain, that's what it is. One of the light skin. I thought you were doing it, but no, no, no, no, Read it again? Okay, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, like, Kim Kardashi and Megan market like light or there's more. There's and bellahadid uh huh, Demi Lovato, Cardi b like one your woman, Galgadat, I got one for you. It's Araya like see. So there it goes your theory out there. Work is the fantasias on this damn list. Wait a minute, Melania tromps on their first lady again. I'll just tell you what I don't need the top five? Is it ninety five to a hunter? I tried in who's your top five? My top five? Anybody available? You can get on my list, anybody like me. We don't have time to be trying to figure out who my top five, like movie stars, oh like you know, like my singers, movie stars, actresses along. It's I'll just be everywhere. I just like just because you know. Jada Pinkett, oh yeah, even after what she revealed last week about her grandmother more yes, you know, she revealed last week on her Red Table Uh radio show, um that her grandmother taught her how to pleasure herself at age nine. Your grandmama teach you that, come on in here, baby. Okay, you don't in here, Yeah, you don't get on in here. Don't put your shorts on, Jay quickly, I want to hear yours top o, my top wonder woman, whoa, whoa, Yeah, my list gonna be white? Is that a shop the lady from UM Oceans eight star Sandra Bullock White? Come on, you know who I like? And I'm shamed to say I love Maud Maud Buzzard for me. We ar there? All right? Coming up, we'll have more of the ste Marby Morning Show. You're listening to the stew All right, guys. As we mentioned, Steve Harvey is out, he's still at the mentoring camp. We will hear from him more this morning. Nephew Tommy is on vacation and Carla is on vacation. One question, when do I get a vacation? You don't everyone and it's six of us now, Jay, all of us have to go on vacation. Then, because you're the newest member, then you go on vacation whatever. Yeah, whatever's left. Then you get that, you're going You're going right one Thanksgiving week, I'm the Cinderella of the show. Whatever doesn't get right Thanksgiving, I'm the Cinderella on the show. I don't need to go to the dance. But right now it is time for entertainment news. Uh, in case you haven't heard, and if you've been living under a rock, you would not know that jay Z and Beyonce dropped an album over the weekend. It's something was up with everything is a lot of the way they were, all that hugging and kissing and sex, sexes and all that. Some people are saying that they do this on purpose to knock off NAS because nad album and him and NAS had is the beef? Did they have beef or something like that, Well, jay Z and NAS back in the day, yeah, or so Kanye produced the album. Kanye did, so this might be a smack in the page with Kanye. Remember he's working on all those projects Kanye, so NAS was one of them. I'll tell you what though, what I'm about to get this knas album right now. Yeah, I don't know if I'll be getting to jay Z and beyond say. It's exclusively untitled, so they'll they'll be fine, They'll be okay, they won't even expect they were to listen today, they won't even give the I don't think they sending in the house going. I wonder if Jay's gonna get it. But it was kind of like June was the month for the month of Kanyee k had a month. It almost made them forget you know, what he said about slavery and everything a little bit. I didn't know that they had started calling it. Oh my goodness. I just think that's an artist that's so very, very very misunderstood. Oh Man and other news you think they call him that? In the house, it's Kanye. We love you Kanye. Alright. I picked our fans waited fourteen years, fourteen years for the incredible sequel. Finally it is really rapid incredible two, which starts, of course, among others. Samuel L. Jackson is number one at the box office, Number one. All right. It's a great movie to take your kids, because a lot of the jokes in there are for kids, but they sneak in some grown up But this is the only move I heard about that grown people were going with. Yes, because people want to see you got Samuel Jackson, you know, so congratulations to them. And we got to say congratulations one more time to Trevor Jackson. Trevor Jackson is his name, the star of super Fly. Super This weekend was a great movie weekend. They're going to remake The Mac too. What wait a minute with phase on love not as the Mac. Okay, listen, we got the big Man coming up closing remarks. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are, last break of the day with just one more thing, and get ready, of course for Steve's closing remarks. He has brought those back for two thousand eighteen. Okay, today, I thought a good subject to talk about was about I think mentors being mentored, how to attract the right mentor. Um. I don't care what you're thinking of doing in your life. I don't care what decisions you make. Somebody has already done it, attempted it, gone down that road, made the attempt. Maybe not your ideas specifically, but the route to get there has already been traveled for the most part. Uh, if you want to be successful, there are successful people. If you want to be a star athlete, that's a star. You know what I'm saying. I'm saying to you that whatever it is you're trying to accomplish, somebody has already taken the path. Now finding these people is really really not that difficult. Now, getting in front of them is where you're gonna find the difficulty. So let me give you a couple of suggestions. What is the best way to approach a mentor? What is the best way to approach a mentor of means and a mentor with means, Because that's that's two different people. You know, Martin Luther King was a mentor of means. He wasn't a wealthy man, but Lord have mercy man. The knowledge that he could have given you about struggling and overcoming and and and stick tuitiveness, those those lessons he could have taught you would have been invaluable. So you have two different types of mentors. You have mentors of means and mentors with means. Now, if you can find the two combined, that's even more special. But you're getting into more of a rare territory. Now. It's harder to find mentors of means and with means combined, because how do you get to that person? How do you get to the Oprah Winters. When you find some I'm one in your life, or you meet someone like you hear someone, you put them on your vision board. I want to meet this person one day. I would love to have a conversation with this person. You have to understand something most people with means of any kind, like Bishop Jake's. He has a lot of means man. He dells well financially too, but he is also just a man of wealth of knowledge. How do you get to these people, Well, it's several ways to do it, but if you can somehow find that way, because there's no specific way right when you get in front of this person, I want you to understand something. When you're facing them, they don't mind teaching and sharing, because most people of means are great sharers and great teachers a Bishop Jake's, Joe Oldstein, that brother that has the app out, the hip hop uh preacher Eric Eric Thomas brothers like that too, and I listened to him man a lot of times. But getting in front of them, taking their course or whatever you might do. When you get in front of them, they don't mind teaching and sharing. They will mind giving you money. See, most people want to meet a mentor so they can present an idea to him and get some financial help. That's the quickest way to run them off because everybody is used to that. Do you have any idea how many times in a week I'm asked for money? It's sickening but if you come to me and say, man, could you just give me a piece of advice? I usually don't have no problem with that. I got time for most anybody that wants some advice wants me to share a wealth a piece of knowledge. That's okay. So when you get to these people, have a plan to be taught something. Ask him to teach you to fish, not to give you a fish sandwich. Ask them to teach you to fish. They don't have a problem with that. Now in several ways to get in front of them. But when you do get that, when you finally do meet them, and meeting the main as difficult as you think. Now, if you live in you know, New York, and your mentor lives in l A, you're gotta to find a way to get to l A. Oh, you gotta find out when you come to New York. You gotta do some research. But you have mentors closer than that. You have somebody who's a really well mentally balanced person that you need information from. You have a person who seems to be doing really well with a wife and their children you need information from. Because it's all a balancing act. You can't be successful in your business and while your family sitting over there struggling and in ruins is not going to work. Once you learn the traits of success, it it filters over into every other aspect of life. So you gotta have a balance. You can find these people right here. Don't ask them for money. People want to share and teach and give you information. Everybody needs a mentor. You cannot make it without mentorship. You know, there's an incredible saying, and we ain't got to get into why so incredible. But friendship is essential to the soul. You know why friendship is so essential to the soul. I've lost my mother, my father, I've lost my brother, I've lost my best friend. Before you can live your life without your mother, you may have to eventually. One day. You can live your life without your father. You may eventually have to do that. One day. You can live your life without your uncles and your relatives. But you know what, it's very very difficult to live your life without or friend It is very very difficult to live in this world with no friendship. Nowhere. You can't pick up the man you got. Friendship is essential to the soul. Do not avoid mentoring, don't try to do it all by yourself, because nobody gets to the top by yourself. There's no such thing as a self made man. You've got to have a mental Those are my closing remarks today. Drop it, Baby, drop it. Those are good for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, hysit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.