Mentoring Camp, Bill Cosby, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Jun 14, 2018, 2:45 PM

This week Big Dog has his mentoring camp and he went shopping for meat and boots. Bill Cosby is under house arrest and it has become unbearable for his wife and staff members. Brad Pitt maybe on his way to getting a "W" in the custody case of his children with Angelina Jolie. Sheryl Underwood talks about Obama and Sand and Soul. Carla's Reality Update includes Real Housewives of Potomac. As for Closing Remarks, Steve will talk about a book called Release and more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them more, just like themaking buck bus things and it's tub y'all do me true good to Steve. How guy listening to me? To other for sto to hand quickly, hobby, don't you join yeah by radio joined into doing me. Honey. You got to turn, yeah, you gotta turn. You won't the turn at the turn you love? You got to turn out to turn the water the water? Comey, come on your back at it? Uh? I show? Well, good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and all is Steve Harvey got a radio show? Yeah, particularly this morning, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Feel with nothing but joy and hope about it too. You know, it's a great thing to be able to wake up in the morning with with peace in your heart and joy. Peace and joy is is is immeasurable. It has a value attached to it, and I have no idea what it is. It's invaluable. It is worth so much more than than any amount of money you can make. Peace and joy. Um. I have not always had that. I have not always been a peaceful person or a person who lived his life um in a joy spirit. It took an arrival at this moment. Some people arrive sooner than this. UM. I wish I had arrived at this point sooner, But I think it was necessary for me to learn a few things too. That's that's the amazing thing I've learned about life is that instead of reflecting on your past uh uh incidences and calling them failures, instead of focusing on the negative and calling them bad times, UM, I look at them now as experiences. I had to have those experiences that were negative, that were good, positive, wrong even I had to have all those experiences to become uh, to shape who we are today. We all have to have them. If you look back at all the negative experiences you've had, all the things that you called failures, all the businesses I started that went under, all of the jobs I had, it that I was fired from, all the shows that were canceled, all of the times I I thought I was gonna get something happened in my way and turned out I didn't get it at all. When you look at all of it, all of it, hopefully along the way, what you have done as a person is you've taken those negatives and those failures and you've used them for what they actually are. They are experiences, and they've now created in you an experienced person, and you know, um, that is worth something. That's then it becomes a positive. But what too many people do is they let the negative things that have happened in their life, They allow the failures that have happened in them lives never to manifest themselves as experiences. And you sit up there and you dwell on it, and you dwell on it until you have this woe is me attitude. Stop looking at it like that, y'all. You go through things in order to become the person that you are today. I'll tell you who you sometimes have to sit down and talk to. Sometimes you are to sit down to an inmate that really gets it, an inmate that says, man, I've actually heard inmates say it to me and write to me and and and they've said things like, man coming to prison, save my life. Now, those of you have never got how can he say a thing like that? But but but some men, no, Man, I was so far out there that if I had stayed out there, I wouldn't even be here today. This actually allowed me to stop, spend some time with myself and learn some things about me. Now does that happen for everybody like that? No, But here's a person who has taken an experience that could be considered a failure or negative and turn it into a positive and using it to enrich their lives. You can do it no matter what your set of circumstances is. I recommend to everybody that you try changing your outlook in order to change your outcome. Everything that happens to you that's negative or you consider a failure their experiences. You've got to go through these things in order to have the knowledge that you have today. So I wish that I had come to this arrival that I mean in now, this place of peace and joy. But then guess what, I would not know what I know. I could not share some of the things that I'm able to share if I had not gone through some of them. And sometimes that's the purpose of them, is to teach you a lesson because you know, God has a plan for you, He really really does, and eventually he can use you no matter how old you are, and he can use you no matter how young you are if you just say, Okay, I'm ready to hear your plan. I've tried mine. Mine ain't worked out. Mine was not a good plan. What's your plan for me? God? What do you want me to do? That's why I say every day Steve already got radio show, y'all, because Man, I ain't see it coming. I didn't see that coming. I ain't see this book coming. I ain't seen I ain't seen half of the amazing things that are happened to me. I didn't plan them. I was sitting there, man, asking God for some direction. And then I got smart enough to stay watchful, be a hard worker now because faith with our works is dead, and it came. And I remind you of this. God has given all of you a gift. Every last one of you listening has a gift. God has never created a soul that he did not provide a gift to. God gives everyone a gift, and a gift is not just singing, rapping entertainment. The richer gifts are much more than that. Teachers are gifted people who really have the gift of sharing information. That's a gift, you know, um, And in that you can become great, you know, Uh, A lot of people think that successful and greatness is the same thing. Cornell West said it at my daughter's graduation. He was a spokesperson. He said something so pointed. He said, don't ever confuse succes that's with greatness. The two have nothing to do with each other. See, people determine success about money and fame and all this here, but greatness. Greatness ain't got nothing to do with your money. It ain't got nothing to do with your fame. It's how you conduct your life. Is how meaningful and significant you become in your community, at your church, on your job, to the cub Scout unit that you run, to the little girls lives that you change, that that little center in the hood where you just one place of hope to so many people, and they come back. And I used the example of lou Dazler who passed away in l A, who had the Boys and Girls Challenges Club out in l A. And he wasn't a rich man at all. And if you walk by and you wouldn't even know who he was. But if you look at all the people who have gone on to become politicians, who have gone on to become CEO's, who have gone on to become athletes that have passed through this man's small building in the hood in l A. He was great, and all of you have greatness in you at something. It's just you gott to submit yourself to God and say, Okay, what was your planing for me? Certainly it wasn't to become an inmate. Certainly it wasn't to become a drug dealer. Certainly it wasn't to become a womanizer. Certainly it wasn't to become a stripper. Certainly God didn't create you for this. He had a plan for you. He just waiting on you to ask him what it is. And when you're praying about it, that's when the change comes in your life. That you could open up yourself and submit yourself and say, hey, God, what is this for me? And you ain't got to be perfect, because please know I ain't. I ain't even close. But guess what what they got to do? With you loving God and God loving you? Trust me? Man, Prayer changes things. I said all the time. But when you see people become successful or great, that as somebody praying somewhere may not even beat them. Maybe it's their mama. You know, I think of Tiger Woods and all the greatness he's accomplished. You know they always talk about his father and all this. Here somebody somewhere praying for Tiger Woods. I got cash money riding on that Tiger Woods. Mom is a praying woman or something. My mother was. She prayed me into this place because she should call me all the time praying for your boy. You know what note You know you can always come here and get yourself some neat and your daddy has said you can come in here. Always need a place to sleep, you can come here. She was always praying for me. And prayer changes things. It really does. Try it today. It can change you. It has changed millions of people. Open up yourself to the greatness that's in you because God is giving you a gift. Now the fact that you ain't using it. Who fought you think that is? I'm just telling you you got one. And if you start praying about it, it all manifest itself and you can become one of two things, successful or great or both. You can make the decision. Today morning show, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. But I have your attention, please, It's Steve Harving mar on the show. I'm talking like this because I'm saving my boys. Because today the boys will come to the camp. I'm gonna be holling all night and I'm gonna fall in love with them, and they're gonna fall in love with us, and we're gonna be hugging by said hard isn't adjustment, ladies, what's happening? Hello, Hello Steve, good morning? Yes, yes, calling for real, Good morning Steve. What's up crul Well, let's see what's up. Junior back for you because we were sick. I know you love yeah that we Well, let me put it to you this way. I just saw I was helping Junior best I could. You did great up, but maybe my best ain't. Maybe my best I could ain't what you could anything. You were there for your friend and that's all you could do anything, you know in a way I know how to be there. But yeah, yeah you are. He responded, well though, Yeah, he's glad to see you back, Junie. I'm glad that would be back up. Yeah, it was it Oki when Boom wouldn't hung out what your at the funeral at Man, thank you Boom. I want to say thank you. Boom picked me up and took me to the funeral, and I had to worry about that. Oh that's good. Did you tell me about Boom's funeral suit? Yeah, oh Boom Boom couldn't either went to the funeral or the clue. It ain't really make no difference to him because you know, because you know when they get light outside, Boom break out the light. Yeah. The fact that it's your funeral ain't got nothing to do with tempt shots. Just Boom still take a picture of himself in every outfit. He don't do that no more that that was back in hate that because he just hate now. Yeah old dried up as gray. Yeah, he hate that. The days just going. He just hate now. Boom was at the funeral with a powder pink suitar. Yes, they didn't know if she was the funeral director, the flower man. Yeah, hat on everything. All right? Oh good, Junior, back can strive, Tom and Tom your top of the moner. So up with you, man, man, I'm going to take my wife to Vegas for our anniversary. Man, that's what I'm about to do. That's good, Steve. I mean you're up here, two or three, I come on, that long has been We gonna need to know you're a year after me. I'll tell you what going in there and tell her how long you think three? I'm three. You got to know these things, Tommy, we've been owning all since Connege. We own well. Yeah, he's a little bit more than on all right, Um, I'm taking out a vega. Hey, listen, coming up at thirty two after the hour, Steve is down at his mentoring camp and he had to make a visit to the meat market to get all of his meat and stuff. So well, I got a story for you. He's gonna tell us about that experience right after this at thirty two after the hour you're listening to show. So I decide on my way down stop at fresh Market and dick Sporting good I had to get some more fishing equipment. You went into Dick's. Oh just a My whole day was at first of all, I ain't been a grocery store. I don't even remember. You forgot your fame, Yeah, you forgot you. I went in there order all my meats. I ordered. I got nine slabs. Let me read my list to you. So I go shopping. I got eight slabs of baby backs, toil steaks, chicken, quarters, all the chicken wings. They had, ten slabs of salmon, eight packs of Earl Campbell's, got some six packs of all beef hot dogs, ten pounds of ground beer. That's the meat that I ordered. But this is how you go from vegetarian back to meat. No vegan, get your turn, no no animal products period, nothing but that that ended yesterday. So I'm at the store. I'm going into fresh market. Everybody in the spot me now, I'm there when the doe open, because you're I'm there when the doe open. All I heard was, oh my god, Mr Harvey, I watch your shot. I said, man, thank you so much. Can I shake your head? Yes you can, Man, let's go. Can I hug you, yes, man, if you can hug me too. So little lady came from behind the count Asian lady didn't speak no English. Sweetest woman in the world. We talked, She talked, I listened. She told me something in what she said, but it was one of I'm in the store, I'm ordering all this meat. So white, dude. We had to guess it because you know we're in Georgia. My god, it's a lot of meat. But I was thinking, what is all the meat for. I said, I'm going down here for fol days. You can't eat all this meat in four days, Sir, I said, well, I won't be the only one eating. How many are years? You? Let let me help you portion it out. I said, I don't really need no help portion it out. So you know, I just I know, I know who coming around to the cabin I got the food for. You know, I'll tell you right now. You don't need the men slab real I said. I say, but sir, I can't. What I don't want to do is run out of right, I said, well I don't. I don't want you to waste it either. Hey, man, damn don't. This was just at the nine slabs and realms. I hadn't even got to the ten pounds of ground chucking. All the chicken wings. I bought all the chicken wings and two chicken quarters. He was just oh, he couldn't believe me. You can clean the mouth. So it started there and that then that way there. So I mean, uh, fresh market. So this woman, I get to the check outcount, the guy tells me to butcher shop. I was telling how many steaks I want? He said, well, if you're buying for lage, Mr Harvey, be pretty much more cheaper for you. If you just buy the whole loaning and let me cut it for you, it'll be cheaper. And then wrapping. So it's three levels is U s D. A is prime cut, and its Chateaubrian. I didn't bought the best steak at fresh market Chateaubrion. I got it. He cuts it for me, wraps it up, labels it. Thank you, Mr Harvey. I'm in there about forty minutes. I go up to Cauther. I'm paying these two sisters. Is that the cash was one older, one younger, very nice man, big fans. They love me. The young sister grabs the meat. You know how they wrap it in brown paper where you can't see the meat. She grabs it and squeezed and says, oh no, oh no, they can't sell you this type of meat. You get a better cut of meat than this. And she walked off with my Chateaubrion phil Amons and I'm gonna what better cut? I bet back down. I picked this out. She said, they're not gonna do you this way. I'm gonna go back here and get you the best cut we have I said, okay, you're going in the back something right, But dude went in the back and bought that out, showed it to me. I said, yeah, I just wanted to take some of the fat off. Don't want you paying for that, Okay, cool man, beautiful chateaubri on top of the left. This lady comes back. There you go, Mr Harvey. I read the label. She didn't, went and bought U S D A. No, but two levels down they had U S d A. They had prime cut and Chateaubrian. She said, you need us D eight. That's the best. I thought. I don't want to argue with her. I said, ma'am, no, the Shateau. They always trying to do us like this racism. It's the man gave me that. This ain't racism, Saint racism. The man treat me really nice, and I I ain't gonna keep doing us like this. Tell nobody Dad, that's like nothing. So now I got to sneak back to the butcher's shop with the damn meat and I handed back to the man. He said, Mr Hunky, I gave you the best we head, I promise you I did. She told me she wanted you having that she wanted you had a better cut. This isn't the better I said, I know, man, because I had what you gave me back. I ain't even undrafted you. And I'm just standing here and shott, I said, So he hands it back to me and I give him the meat back and I go up there. She comes around the corner. I'm paying for we took care of you, Mr Harvey. I said, thank you back. I'm gonna go back here and tell him. Somebody said, baby, listen, do me a favor. Don't say nothing to that made believe because he did what he thought was best for me, actually did what I asked, Okay, because I was going to tell his ass if you do like this, all right, listen, all right, Coming up next, it is the nephew running that prank. Back right after this, you're listening to the Steve. Coming up at the top of the hour, Camille Cosby has filed four divorce from Bill Cosby. A lot of people never thought that would happen. Tommy, be quiet alight, alright. The proof was in the put and coming this fall. Lebron James Jr. Has enrolled in high school. We'll tell you where you had better be Jack Gates in Houston. We'll tell you where he'll be going to high school. But right now the nephew is here, the king of pranks. It's time to run that prank back. Guy. Yeah, what you got that? Hey? Dog? K Dog is the brank. We're gonna run that back, K Dog, Sherley K Dog. Hello, you know I'm trying to reach your trying to reach Terence. Yea, this is Terence. Who is this? This Kate Dog? His uh, his Brandon, his Brandon, your brother, that's my brother. He locked up? What's up? Ok? Yea cool? Hey, look I just got that. I was actually uh, I was locked up with your brother. We we was on the same two together. I was, you know, that was kind of like my boy right there. I took kill. He told me that he was. He had been writing you to tell you, and you was, you know, and letting you know I have been taken care of it. You know, we was locked down or whatever. I know he don't get off for another couple of years. But like he told me that when he was writing you that you know y'all that already got is situated it. You know, you was gonna take care of me when I got out, so you know, like I said, I just got out last night, and I wanted to come by and pick up the first ten grand. You know sometimes this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait how much did you just say? Tenny grand? Yeah? You know? I mean he told me he had already wrote you and told you what was up, O, Bro, I ain't talking to my brother over a year, dude, soul, Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on right? You know, okay, he told n You know, Peter told me that you you got me straight with the first ten grand when I first get out and did a couple of months later, you hit me with the lift ten grand and wait, wait waver, that's twenty grand. Bro. I got a wife and kids. I got a family to take care of. I ain't no, I ain't got ten grand that did with. I gotta feed folk, kids and the wife. Okay, okay, so hold look how how how old? Hold him up? Man? So what you're saying Brandon was lying to me the whole time. But I'm telling you he's just locked up eighty man to say anything to say to the ain't no ten grand over here, Ain't no twenty grand over here, you want to get it brand, you gonna need to wait two years till you get out and there with that get no, no, no, it ain't it ain't. It ain't been. It ain't been like that. Pla hear what's sens to go down? Okay, Nah, I'm coming over there, Frad coming over ten grand. The first ten grand is old, old Frad. Now what I got the first? First of all, what you need to know is just right here. I don't care nothing about going back. My thing is just right here, just paper supposed to be read. And it took care of your brother all these years while I was up in there keeping people up off him on the third till and now you're been to come to me. You're friens to come to me. Na, I gotta put in his work is now, y'all ain't been to play up. It ain't been the halm like this. Yeah, that's what I'm telling you. I doesn't put it in work to provide for my family, me and my wife work. You're telling need that you're try to come over here Friday to get ten granted. I ain't even got boy that's locked up. Hey man, Look I'm not I'm not I'm not gonna Uh, first of all, all this begging pool, but like this hell, this is ain't nothing that I do. You understand, I don't do this. I don't go banking fool. Only you know what it is. It's ten green being on Friday. Now if you need to try to reach out to your brothers, uh locked in you didn't talk to him. But like this deal, I'm coming looking for Terence, you know, looking for my ten grant. That that's that's that's, that's all that to you, ten grand. I put some tims up to come over here to my house to my family about you're gonna get ten grand about no good brother that is locked up? Hold on cause hold on because see you're gonna you're gonna remember to take this your way. First of all, what did you just say him? When I get over us? What do you say you you bring your to my house with my family here, I'm gonna put some tims up yere, how about ten thousand dollars and then another ten and a couple of months you lost so damn blind, I ain't grant. I'll work my often. You're gonna tell me that you want ten grant another ten grant in a few months of taking care of my brother while he locked up. Nobody tell you take care of him. That's a grown man. Let him take care of himself, me and my family, and just out of so much. I'm done. Hey, hey, look at I understand only that's just you're saying. But what you what you got to look at all mine? For the last three and a half years, I've been over here taking kill and he telling me, y'all gonna take care of me. So here, I don't know what's going on. What I do know, will though? Fried? This Fried, I'm coming to get team grant from Tim. So you got the six this right here. Anyway, you're gonna feast so I And that's just it. Right there, come Fried, I'm in I'm in front of your house. Down what wait? Hunt on? What we hunt on? Kate? Don't you say your Kate dog baby? From the third decade down from the third till three tills on the side of my left. I've been done three decades. You've probably don't want to everybody in the street and in jail. You got what I'm gonna tell you. Something you bring over here to my house, try to me my wife and my kids. Thing gonna go down like you think it ain't gonna go I'm gonna get your airdthing I got, then on them. You come over here, you're gonna be laying down. Bro, I'm gonna be wod gonna be laying down. You come over here and try to me and my family and my kids that it ain't gonna happen that way. You okay, Then that's then, that's that's where we're at to him. Every then we just we're just gonna this up a Friday. And then because it don't make me know, I don't know, everybody tell we you gotta wait to no Friday, kay, dog, we gotta wait, Tod, I'll meet you somewhere you're gonna like you think it's gonna go down. Once I get you add thing I got and lay you down, I'm gonna be in there with my brother Brandon whooping his putting me into he doesn't got your there, I'll call you. You know, first of all, if you ain't got the ten grad, you might well going on bring you now anyway get this. You need to get you out here and get a job like everybody else. I don't care how long you've been in and everybody got a job. I'm busting you won't tend work for that Ti grand and get you shot here and wash cars to man. You know what I'm gonna You know what your your brother? One thing about you know he was right about you though he was right about you. You know what I'm saying. I'm gonna tell you what thing else he told me about Joe? What did he tell you about me? He told me to tell you who I really Well, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve harp Morning Show. Your sister Devita got me to point phone call you who is this? This is? This is this is nephew Johnny Man for the Steve Harvey Borne to show your sister. The Vita got me to prank phone called you get them. I didn't. I hadn't lit up a cigarette in the house. I couldn't smoke in the house. The Vita, Um, I'm gonna get hut you all right? Man? I am you had me on. I'm like ten grands. I'm gonna come to my white man. It's all good, man. I gotta ask more of them. And I mean the saying is radio show in the lake. Man. You know what it is that Steve Harvey Morning Show. You gonna make me go see now, I'm gonna have to go see that man. Joy. That's it right there, all right, play too much anything that happen? Yeah, alright, alright, nepew, thank you, we appreciate it. Yeah, go to Steve Harvey FM on Instagram because we well, we're not kidding when we told you folks, um, we're getting freckles tattooed on their faces to look like Duchess Megan Marco the Duchess. Yes, it's a fake freckle procedure Steve that takes about an hour to complete, with the immediate results resembling resembling little beastings or or Summer saying they look like chicken pox marks. That's what they look like. Uh So, Coming up next in entertainment news, Camille Cosby has filed for divorce from Bill Cosby. At the top of the hour, right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. Wow, this is a shocker right here, Steve says big changes are coming. It appears uh like Camille Cosby has had enough of her convicted husband, as recent reports indicate that the couple is quickly heading for divorce, with the long suffering wife allegedly taking the first step. This is according to Radar Online. Camille Cosby, who's seventy four, she's left the couple's Pennsylvania mansion, leaving the fallen comedian pleading with her to return. He literally, day, Tommy, this is not the time. Yes, it is not. I can't believe it is not the time. Boy coming, boy divorces SERI it's Tommy boy, But want you to stay for a little He is literally home alone. According to an insider, she even took the staff with her. They're living separate lives. Um yeah, right, staff gonna go with her because they're mad. That's really sad for this guy, man, because you know, when your wife leaves, it sends a signal, and she's tried to stand behind. You just can't. It's only so much you could take. You can't keep coming up with new people. Right. Our online specified that she settled her She settled herself. I'm the only one not joking. I know. I know, because you're you've been divorcing before, you understand what's that? And then you know Bill Cosby was a friend of mine. Yeah, yeah, And I hate that this has happened for everybody. I hated for him, I hated for all these victims, especially hated for Camille. Yeah, it's an ugly situation. It is. I hated for everybody involved. And it's sad man that you spend your life building something and you know the darkness just comes to light man. Yeah. Yeah. The site Radar Online specified that Mrs Cosby settled herself into the couple's met Um, Massachusetts hideaway with their chef, multiple drivers, and a house manager. Also, she reportedly has some family support, as their three grown kids joined her in leaving. They allegedly have not visited Bill Cosby in months. Bill Cosby is eighty years old, Camille as seventy four. As I mentioned, if this story is true, is super sad. Yes, really is sad. Yeah. Bill Cosby is confined to the space and is reduced to wearing an ankle bracelet to track his whereabouts house arrest. Yeah. This all comes a couple of months after um Bill Cosby was convicted of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constant. Wow, why does a O have on a ankle brace he broke us? He's been convicted of Yeah, a crime. Yeah, you can damn to catch any he got away. Yet they do it everybody at the nurse home. If they weren't fast fast. Really, now you're writing joke. I'm sorry you always be caught up. I can't believe he's on house arrest man. You wanta be on man? Come Okay, we're through, Steve. She is here with our national news. Please introducer, ladies and gentlemen, the talented miss Anne Trip. Thank you, Thanks Steve. This is and Trip with the news. Well, the results of two new polls are out. First, a new Voters survey shows that over half the American public supports President Trump's latest moves concerning North Korea. However, only a quarter of those as feel that the weekend summit with Kim John will actually result in the d nuclearization of the country of his country. Rather Additionally, while thirty nine percent say they feel the summit has lowered the threat of nuclear war, thirty seven percent it's almost the same percentage point feel they don't think the summit has changed anything at all. In Washington, No, howse speak of Paul Ryan says we got to give credit where credits due and then get to work the path we were on was not working. Prior administration have failed to fix this. The President should be a part of hers for disrupting the status quo. Now let's go get an agreement and we should be under no delision. That is gonna be fast. This is gonna take time and we have to make sure that we have irreversible, comprehensive the nuclearization of North Korea. Time will tell how this ends, sure will. The second poll is from Folks at Gallop. According to that new pole, most American support abortion rights during a woman's early months of pregnancy, but the support drops off apparently when the woman's pregnancy is further along. San Francisco has a new mayor this morning. Our name is London Breed. London Breed becomes San Francisco's first Black American woman mayor. You know, it looks like the so called Party of Trump has given the majority of its primary votes to a pimp. In fact, the state of Nevada's biggest pimp, a guy named Dennis Hoff, won the Republican primary for the state legislature this week, ousting a three term lawmaker. Dennis Hoff as the owner of half a dozen illegal brothels out there. He stars in HBO's catouse. He goes on into November's general election, leave it not as the favorite in that GOP leaning assembly district against the Democrat Lizier Romanov. US Attorney General Jeff Session says from now on, people fleeing domestic violence or even gang violence should no longer feel their short asylum in the USA. A thirty one page decision by Session says that they could affect huge numbers of Central Americans. In particular, says quote generally claimed by aliens pertaining to domestic violence or gang violence perpetrated by non government to actors will not qualify for asylum. He called those explanations quote inherently ambiguous. Immigrant rights activist call sessions decision cool. Actor Jamie Fox calling a woman's sexual as soul accusations against him absurd. He said that never happened. In fact, he's gonna sue her because he says she's just putting out false information. The woman claims that six years ago Fox wanted her to perform on oral sex act on him, and that when she refused, he smacked her in the face with that sexual body part. Finally, Today's International Bath Day, Oh just styl in and You're gonna likely because it's gonna be warm most parts of the country. This will be back. We'll be back with more entertainment in today's trending topics. Twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Game and Girlfriend is a new romantic series called Love Is inspired by the true love story of Mara Braka Kiel and Selim mckel. It explores the highs, the lows, and the magic of falling and staying in love. Watch what critics are already posting about Love is bold, refreshing, and the black love story that we have all been waiting for. Love Is series premiere Tuesday, June at ten nine Central on Own. Alright, Steve, So you were talking about your at the mentoring camp uh this week and you went to get your meat at the meat I want to fresh market about the meat. I told you all that story. So after that, I want to pick up some new fishing lures. Saw us out that Dick sporting good. Okay. I decided that instead of wearing my Timberlin boots, I'm gonna get me some police Ta tactical boots. So a lady is coming by. She's real nice ladies. She got one of them things that you put your leg up on when you got her on the cash, like a scooter and push alongside of it. So she says, well, Steve, I'm such a fan of yours. Let me take you right over to the guys in footwear. I go over there. It's yeah, I can. He's looking for a police tactical police boot and she just said police boot. I want to police tactical boots like SWAT team wear because they gotta run in them. So he picks up a boot and he starts telling me about this boot. I said, now, man, I want a boot that you run in. He said, well, you can't running this here boot. I said, I know, but see I want to run in it. But that's what I'm telling you. You can't run in this boot. I said, but dog, see, I want to boot that I can run in. Okay, Mr Harvey, you can't run in this hill boot, I said, I'll be damn, this is a cartoon. What's going on? Yeah? So I said, my man, where the boots that I can run in with the show ain't different? I said, I said, my man, Okay, where you get the boot from. The lady said, you wanted the boot, I said, but what I wanted was a police tactical boot. Oh why ain't you say that? I said, what I was trying to tell you that I want to boot to run in. I'm telling you, man, you can't running this hill boot. And I'm sitting here, man, I said, this is dude, for real, I was just looking at him. I said, my man, you're the one pulled the boot out. I bought the boot out, Mr Harvey, because she told me you wanted the police boot. These is police boots. I said, but yeah, but I want a kind of a little more run to it under armedna make one out. We ain't got no more with them, I said, okay, Well what else do you have? More like a hiking boot with a little being in it. Well, let me think you like this one right here? I said, Bro, you didn't told me I can't running it. That's why I want you to keep looking at this. Because you can't running this. I said, okay, I just turned around and walked off. I bought them down or dda's flip flop, that's what I bought. Yeah, for real, Because he didn't listen. He wasn't He wasn't listening at all. No, I walked away from him and just bought them down. Flip flop. Can you can't running? Need coming up next in about ten minutes. Uh, Steve is gonna tell us something good and share with us about your mentoring camps mission Steve to provide outreach to fatherless young boys. Right after this, you're listening Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Steve, this is Father's Day weekend. Happy early Father's Day to all the fathers out there, and you are in Georgia. You're in Georgia right now. Before you get into this, can you please tell my kids and six of the seven are working today pitching in by me, So alright, Harvey Kids, Harvey Kids money, any suggestions to someone like okay, yeah, that's good as Marjorie. All right, So it's Father's Day weekend. Like I was saying, you are in Georgia for your mentoring camp. It happens annually. We want you guys to take a listen to some of the mentees testimonials, the importance of the mentors that are here. They're helping a hundred of us, just understand what it takes to be men in the world. The experience here has been life changing, being in this camp and learning what it means to be man, being taught how to keep our heads up, our chest ups, speaking with confidence. The mentors that I can relay with, they share their stories of what they've been through and how they accomplished their goals and how they overcame their fear and like their loss. A lot of people don't want to bother with kids who don't have fathers or a low income, and it teaches me that there are good people out there who care about others and are willing to sacrifice certain times to see them succeed in life. It's been very hopeful to see people that have been in our shoes in the past and that are successful, that are helping other people, and that are overall just great man. I've learned that in order to be a man, it's not what clothes you have on you know, how you look, or how people you know see you. It's how you feel inside, how you care yourself, how you cherished education, how your chairs being successful in life. All right, all right, start many. It's really good man. When you hear from the from the boys themselves, such an effective program, man, it really really is. I think all the volunteers are a lot of my frat brothers, make us or make them men came down to support forty forty queues came down my brothers and helping me run the camp this year. A lot of cappits came, office, came, sigmas came. I appreciate you all, man, thank you, thank you. Well you know, Anthony, how many sigmas was it you? But your mission is to provide outreach to fatherless young men that will cultivate the next generation of responsible leaders. That's because listen to me. We we teach them leadership qualities, but we we pound into them the principles of manners. Look, you don't have to go to college to be a leader. All of these boys won't make it to college. And and and I don't try to get him one way or the other. I encourage them to dream, and I allow those dreams to spur them to get whatever education is required to accomplish the dream. That's why we focus on the science of manhood and dreams. Because you don't have to be the kid over the head about schoolwork all the time when his dream requires that the dream will spur you to get an education. And that's what we've learned that the program, it's very, very effective. And to hear these young men success stories and come back and send me pictures. Man, I got pictures on my phone that I'm posting on the website of kids. Men were holding their babies graduating. Man. I had a fifteen year old boy at the camp a couple of years ago. He the father too. You know that boy came to me and said, Mr Harvick, can you help me? I said, yeah, that's what we're here from. Man, he said, no, I really need some help. Yah, ain't heard y'all talk about this for two days? He said, Mr Harvey, what do I do? I say, what's what's wrong? So? I said, everybody in here missing the father? He said, yeah, I'm missing the father and I am a father. Let's just a little too sound. I said, you're a dad already. I got two kids. Mr. I don't even know what to do. And man, we had to sit him down. Man, we got some minutes wrapped around him his kids. Send me a picture he graduated holding his kids in his arms, and get him a job. You know, success stories like that that he's manning up and he's trying to take care of his responsibility. This great story. Wow, Steve Harvey Mentoring Camp. Thank you, Steve, Thank you for everybody volunteered this week too. Go to all social media at Steve Harvey f M and tell us what you're doing to mentor young people. Up next, nephew, tell me has a praying phone call coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show, right about four minutes after today's strawberry letter subject. He must think I'm crazy, But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. And before we get to the prank nephew, we have to Steve. We have to say happy birthday, Happy seventy second to President Donald Trump. It's his birthday today. Oh happy. We say happy birthday to everyone, No, we don't. He's the leader of the f world, most powerful man in the world, so we don't say happy birthday to two countries called him. Steve, Yeah, I think you should. Well, I'm not doing y'all going, why don't you do it? And don't mean it? Okay? Like that? Jan every blankety blank birthday sound like Robert de Niro in here. That's my man, that's my dude. I think they the president trying to all. I got frank for you. You know, every now and then you get into situation and you do something that you didn't intend to do, and you have to call a man and you gotta let him know what you did. I dropped your wife? What I dropped your wife? You know it's like this stuff is normal. You get in a situation sometime people, I dropped your wife. Hey, it is running Hello, I'm trying to reach Tony. Is Tony Tony? How are you doing? This? Isn't nef your Tommy. I can't believe you email and torank your Yes? Oh my god, I said that like months ago. I didn't think you were going to call me. Yes, I'm calling you now, been married eight years, that's my heart. Okay, let me ask you something. What makes your husband just go off? Can I do that? You know that's the button for him that you don't want to push. Anything that has to do with me. Let me tell you he is crazy about me. If anybody mess with me, if anybody tries to go off on me, he will lose it. Okay, Okay, what are we gonna do what. I'm so excited time all right, Okay, you know what? You know what? Okay, check this out? Can you click over on a three way? Can you call him? Okay, I can holder from my phone. Is he gonna be on the phone right? Yeah? I want I want him to think that I got your phone. Okay, I'll tell you what. You just click over get him on the list. Just click over to when you click back. You can't say nothing. Now. You got to be quiet because I'm gonna at the end, I'm gonna let you talk to him. Okay, okay, hold on there, I'm here, okaying, all right, you're hitting me to something? Okay, okay, okay, Hey, what's up? Like? Uh no? This? This is? This? Is this Darren? Yeah? This Darrel? Was this? Uh hey, we got a bit of a situation with with Tony Man. We got a situation for real? You just my white phone? Who is this? This? Uh? Actually? Were bro? Who who is this? We're trying to get? Uh? Tony actually twisted our ankle? Man. We gotta get her to the emergency room and get her checked out. Twister her ankle? Had you twist? Wait? Wait wait wait, wait back up? Who who did you say, who is this? How did Tony twist her ankle? Actually? She she she fell? And man, look look, my wife is with her mom right now. Who who and who are you? How had you twist her ankle? And why are you calling me? Why isn't her mother somebody calling me? Who is this? You never told me his name? Bro? No, I'm a friend. Man, She didn't fall. I actually dropped her. How you how did you drop her? What do you mean you dropped her? We had a couple of drinks at the hotel? Man? And she wait? Wait wait hotel? There? You mean the hotel? My wife's phoed me over her mom's house. Now you calling me from her phone talking about it? You dropped her? Y'all? Let some hoteil. Why don't even at the hotel? What do you hell? Are you talking about a hotel? Bro? What is my wife? Where's Tony? Why? Well? Why ain't Tony on the phone? Why you gotta come? You gotta calm down. You're calling me for my wife phone telling my she hurt? You dropped the y'all to the hotel. She's spoke mom's house, Bro, Where is my wife? Man? She's it? Tony, I got it? I got it. Just hang on so Tony I got put on the phone. Man, Hey, dude, just I need you to come down. I need to know. I'm I'm now you're talking about you'll about to go to an emergency room. You dropped my wife, y'all of the hotel. Dog just putting my hip on the phone before y'all be in the emergency room. Hey, man, listen, you gotta calm down. Tony already embarrassed. I don't even know who the hell you are. You still ain't telling me put Tony on the phone. I'm gonna listen, man, you gotta chill out. Man, I'm just a poet. Okay, man, I'm a friend. But get you I'll tell you what in the emergency room. Tell me where y'all. Let I come to the hotel. I get my own white and taking awherever she needs to know. We as soon as Tony get dressed, man, I'm gonna get her there, Okay, as soon as she gets dressed. What do you mean? Hey, man? Real talk? Yah, y'all at man? Where you putting Tony on? Man? I'm not putting Tony on YouTube? Alright? Man? Why are you screaming at hall? And dude, I swear to guy. I swear to guy. If I find out where y'all left, I'm gonna come with her. It's gonna be one for you at Tony. Hey, hey, man, where y'all at? Bro, I'm cool where y'all last? Send me where y'all off? No, No, I'll tell you what. Man. I'm gonna get Tony's ankle taking care of and we'll get somebody to drop a back off at the house. Okay, I think I'll drop off at the house. Man. Just give me where y'all that I want to come get my wife. I want to make sure she get the treatment that you need. Bro. Getting where y'all at, don't go nowhere. I want you to be there when I come and get it. Don't go nowhere where y'all at. I can't do. I mean, we didn't. You're selling you on the phone, man, put to put my wife on. I'm not listening to me talk to my wife. Bro. Hey man, it's the reason why I'm calling. Man. She embarrassed about all of this, and now she's gonna be bored in embarrassed. Want eight Okay, it's cause ain't to til ain't gonna need to be embarrassed. I love him, man, that's my girl. Man, let me let me how let my wife bro? Please, that's all that No, no, no, already no wife phone bro listende real talk. You still don't tell me you want do? All I know is you calling me telling my choice. I don't tell with my wife and let us let me tell you something do don't. Let's say, Lord, that ankle would help you say it's wrong with the wife's get your whoops. Dog, I'm telling you when the father who you are, I'm sa put my wife on the phone. And that's all because my last time ask you, dog, I promise. But see man, you do I write, man, you rate don't put my wife on the phone. Right. That's all I'm saying. You gotta leave town. That's what I'm you got to leave town, my man, you gotta leave. You want to want to talk? Do you want to talk? Let's tell me decide if she want to talk to you or not. I'm here, put here, Tony. Do you want do you want to do? You want to talk? On thee? Don't even ask? Man? You doone? He want to? Man, You'll see what Tony want to do on the phone. Hey, man, bull, I don't even know you. Man. Put on the phone. You're you're scared to me? Your name Tony? You want to talk to him? Hell? Yes, you want to talk to me? Man. I don't need no idea, keep asking, no jump question your the phone, I phone Tony? She is man. Yeah, baby, baby, go to it. Baby, I'll have tim games. Were you when you that's all you gotta baby, just calmed down. I got something to Are you listen to me? Maybe you gotta listen to me? Are you listening? Listen to me real carefully? Okay? Where are you at? Baby? Are you listening to me? Yes, I'm listening. Maybe you just got Frank and nephew y sound I'm laughing right now. I love you? Okay, girl? Can you hurt your home? That's cool? You got me? You got me, y'all. Don't think it's possible to drop a man? Why are you give him a call? And letn't know what's going on. Y'all don't see this. You're the one that's gonna get dropped. Okay, I'm just selling drops three al right, well, thank you. He has no idea? Right uh. Well, As we mentioned today as the president's seventy second birthday. He's still the same O G. Remember when Robert De Niro said a disparaging remark about the President at the Tony Awards on Sunday, Well, he said f Trump instead of Dr Trump. He said F Trump. Well. Mr Trump clapped back and tweeted Robert de Niro a very low eye create Q. Individual has received too many shots to the head by real boxers and movies. I watched him last night and truly believe he may be punch drunk. I guess he doesn't. Robert de Niro, Yeah, did issue an apology, but not to the president. DeNiro told Canada's Justin Trudeau, I just want to make a note of apology for the idiotic behavior of my president. So crazy. All right, coming up, it's the Strawberry Letter subject he must think I'm crazy. That's up next. You're list Steve Harvey Show. All right, it is time for today's Strawberry Letter, and if you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter Steve. Anything you want to add not really today Shirley. But it always sounds so good when you you know, chime in, I know, but I don't. I don't want to steal a spoty life. All right, let's go, nephew, Well let's go. Then buckle up and hold on tight. We have it for you. These strawberry that does so many people in your head? Okay, subject, he must think I'm crazy. Hi, Stephen, Shirley. I've been dating a forty three year old man for the past four years. We've had trust issues in the past because he was being dishonest and it caused a strain on our relationship. I've been trying to let go of the past, but there's one issue that I am still not comfortable with. I have a problem with how he deals with his son's mother. His son is seventeen, and since I've been with him, he has had a good relationship with this woman. But I want to know how good is too good. He runs a business with her, he goes on family vacations with her and his son, and he allows her to post pictures of the three of them on her social media pages. Oh, and let me not forget that he has accidentally fallen asleep over her house at least five times since we've been dating. When I met her, she was very standoffish. I've told him several times that their relationship makes me uncomfortable. He tells me that I'm insecure and she's just like family. He swears there's nothing else going on. What do you think am I being insecure? Or should I be worried about this? It's very frustrating and I'm ready to just walk away from him since I seem to be in the way anyway. Uh, he must think I'm crazy. Please help figure this out. Well, I don't necessarily think he thinks you're crazy. Um, that's not it. I just think, you know, he thinks he can get away with certain things. Uh, And you've been going through this for the past four years. I don't know why you've been going through this for the past four years. I mean he's been lying to you. You said, among other things that killed the trust between you and caused a strain on your relationship. And Uh, then you know, when you bring up the fact that you're uncomfortable with his closeness with his ex wife, he brushes you off and calls you insecure. He's not listening to you, nor does it seem that he is concerned about your feelings. Okay, this isn't good. I don't think from a man that you've been with for four years. I think you need to re examine your relationship with him. Seems like he has a better relationship with his ex wife than he does with you. I'm very glad though, that he's president in his son's life. It's it's good that he gets along with his ex wife for that reason, for the sake of his son. But um, you know, he's been disrespectful to you. I think sleeping over a house and all of that. Uh, that needs to stop. And until you really put your foot down and let him know how you really really feel, talk to him straight up about it. I don't think this is going to stop. I just don't. He likes the way things are, and he just thinks you're insecure, brushes you off and goes on about his business. What are you gonna do, Steve, Well, let's just get to it. You're uncomfortable with his relationship with his ex of the seventeen year old boy. Okay, and why are you uncomfortable? Because they go he go over there for the holidays. They're posting pictures of the three of them on social media. And to top all at all, oh, he has accidentally fallen asleep at her house. What you accidentally fell asleep at her house and you're doing and she's doing something else too. I'm looking for this in the letter. But let me see how good it is. One of the business with her goes on family vacations, allows that the post pictures and three of them on social media, and he accidentally fell asleep. First of all, look, I got being cool with your asks for the sake of the child. But the boy seventeen, you know it's time to wind this down. Ain't but one more year child to post. But the fact that you're going over there taking pictures and posting on social media. The woman is trying to say to everybody, look what we got. And he might be saying, hey, look what we got. But he owed that falling asleep. Though as we lay he forgot about to my road as we lay. Get your ass up, you got to get to the house. But the fact that he got to the house and what no damn lip service from you is the shocker. You're allowing this man to do what he wanna do, and he's doing it. He's falling asleep at our house at least five times since we've been dating. He heat going over there to sleep. Anybody going on a yeah, you fall asleep accidentally five times a house. He going over there to go to bed. He ain't falling asleep, He crawling in. Now, he got house shoes over there every day. Then when you bring it up, it makes you uncomfortable. He says, you in secure. And she's just like family. She's just like family. Yeah, husband and wives and children are families. So he just told you that they're a family. You're not. You don't have a child with this man. They have a child together, and he just told you quit tripping. She just like family. Well, if you was married to a woman and y'all have had sex together and had kids, it's cause y'all words and family. Now he keeps going over there, you know why, because they still a family. The question is why did you type this letter without read Because if you read this letter that we just read and surely gave you all that good advice, and you still on this radio talking my stay tripping, what do you think? Am I being insecure? Or should I be worried about this? The man got another family and you're okay with it, then okay, fine, and be okay with it. It's very frustrating and I'm ready to just walk away from him since I seem to be in the way anyway. He must think I'm crazy. Please help me figure this out. You just said it. You need to leave, but you're not gonna going now. Let's just tell the truth. You're gonna stay another four years of this man of nothingness, so now you have no chance of meeting this to write because you're in a bad situation and you won't walk away from it. It's a lot of women in a spot like you in. But I'll be done going if you're gonna go over somebody how five times and falls? All right, Steve, we'll be back with part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter, he must think I'm crazy at twenty three after the hour you're listening to Steve Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's get to part two of your response to today's straw Very Letters, subject he must think I'm crazy? He must thank I'm crazy, Shirley and me, thank you crazy and everybody listening to this latter, Thanks you crazy. You've been with a man four years who has a crazy relationship with his ex wife because they got a seven teen year old son. Okay, he's being a great father. They're going family vacations together, they post pictures on the internet together, and he falls asleep over her house five times accident. How do you go on the family vacation and you ain't a family Most people are going family vacation, going family va their family. But he hadn told you they are family. When you got mad at me, he told you was insecure. You tripping? She liked family to me exactly in the words of Judge told us. Grandmother taught her something. I thought it was the best advice. Her grandmother told her, don't ever let a man have to tell you twice he don't want you, and he don't care if you see it, because you know why, because you're insecure in your trip. Lady, you are? Can I tell us you? Can? I just tell her the truth? We love the lady that wrote this letter. You are officially the other woman? Can I just help you understand that you are the other woman? For four years? You ain't nothing wrong with that, just because he don't take you on for Emily vacation with the boy. It ain't a whole lot of pictures y'all posted on social media. As he fell asleep with your house five accidentally. Let's see, let's let's let's just deal with the accidentally falling asleep part. When he comes to your house and go to sleep. Do it seem like its own purpose to you? Yes? It does? So why haven't time he go over her house? He accidentally fawless grown has medn't know what he's doing and you know what he's doing to as we lay. Hell, you know, fell asleep at as we lay. Let me let y'all help. What happens when you really actually accidentally falllessly? Shirley Murdoch wrote a song about it. It's my most number one hat it because this has happened to me. Turn it Okay, it's morning and we slept. That happened. Now we get to action the hand of time. Yes, we still this one. We have the chan today. One simple fan we do someone the night we ain't just slept, no night on, I ain't been in your way and just go gave me over the sun like shants across your see oh here, yes, yeah, we always go to sleep a week? What's the least you beast? Just still posted last night. We're supposed to be the gone our separate ways. I'm already hard. We had were just supposed to have a lovely few our of the whole night. You got some love to get wet about. I forgot that shoe you I was late snow and you can't sleep when I'm snowing like leg hanging on mine. At the price we had to pay our book in this take, I can't find my drawls, stay down my shoe in the kitchen. I don't know where the ties jacket turned inside out. I'm trying to get to this car. What is you saying about my wife? I had when you met me. You don't want to hurt her? What you take this thing to do? She's to understand you did the right sheet from upstairs. You know it's crazy. I'm sure you want who you want. I can't stand that bill right there as we slip thee. What is the bill? Look going on? Phone down? What was the pail at one third? You forgot about your funking? You know counting up? You ain't got to deal? What's it called? I'm on one got drivels and explained it health like Thomas says eight hundred miss old called seventy nine ticks from you better be dead driving home trying to think on what my mom crazy accidently fall asleep or somebody that's the real right there? All right, Steve, we gotta get out of here. You can email us or instagram as your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM and Today Don't Forget. At one thirty pm Eastern Time, join me for the Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook and coming up in ten minutes are girl from the Talk, Cheryl Underwood will be here right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, let's introduce that girl from the Talk. She's here. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and good ols, put your hands together for the incredible she'll Underwood. Steven good Month, Harvey Morning. So Trump is he back? Is he back from North Korea's y man? Listen? Birthday? Well, don't care about you know, they ain't gonna have no good birthday party over there because what they're eating, man, ain't sandwiches or something that I'm signed it was, I'm not supposed to say that he's here. He's back. The president is back in the station. Man, listen to me. He talked too much. He talked to much. You don't tell Kim Jong Uns and them that, hey, y'all, give y'all missile. We ain't gonna play no war game. I was in board game, my first war game, refort up in the eighties, reinforcing Europe in Germany. Was in the Air Force Reserve. I was stationed at Travis Air Force. But how are we gonna practice beating? Somebody asked, if we don't. I'm sorry, carl out of me to say that, if we don't practice, what when you talked to much? You talking to him? Now? Why Milan you don't like you because you talked to damn months. I'm sorry. Let me get on a different subject. They ain't. Look, I know the children want to know about street life, but stop messing with super Fly. Now. I like the little young boy, but that ain't priests praise is rocked on Neil. It ain't. It ain't Eddie, it's Freddie. It's Freddie. There. They got scattering there, but I didn't know Scatter was doing karate. Look, you child, your need to stay out with the movies. Then I hear they're gonna make shaft and clear bassage. You can't beat Bernie Casey. Then when they kissed and all the Slopper Street, you can't be that. I'm messing with our stuff. And you know what else you can't do, don't touch our music. July thirteen, on Friday, I'm gonna be at the Township out of tom Columbus, South Carolina with Frankie Babblin and Maze. I know it's a maze freaks from frank Babble, but we say Frankie Beverly and Maze with the Manhattan. You know, Steve, I'm supposed to be in the man I was supposed to be in the man in Manhattan. Yeah, I'll propoe be in the Manhattan. You know. First of all, they said, look, we already got two dark skinned people in here, and you don't have any hair to be blue with it with the with the Great Streets. So they said, not what they tell me, I come to be in the Manhattan. And then on July, on Saturday, July lot of fourteen, I'm gonna be at the Moran Theater in Jackson. We're Florida with Frankie Beverly and Maze. I know that's a Maze featuring Frankieblin. But and I'm gonna be there with the Whispers because I'm getting ready for Sanding Soul so I can get my jokes ready. But I'm gonna be there with the Whisper. You know, I'm supposed to be in the Whispers, Tommy, I supposed to be in the Whispers, Okay, but that's what happened. Then what happened? They said, we already got three dudes dog skin and short with thick mustaches. We can't have three. We're gonna go with Scottie. You know. They said we can't have a third short dawn skin do with a thick must that sure, you can't be in the food. I haven't asked you to do what? You know? What? Yeah? Really? Okay, Steve called, They really asked me when they say they scott it, Yeah, what's that means? They really said, hey, sure, keep on loving me, baby, Yeah, keep on loving me. I don't want you when I say make on live and lost? It turned out, you know, you know, I was supposed I was supposed to be in the in a good mob. Oh yeah, oh yeah, I was man, I was. I was ballhead and fat before Selo Green. I was what what be folk? Listen to me. I had my stomach got long before Rick Ross was eating Rick Cross bent my stop. I had the best with you know, I thought I was being hot, but the soul I had the best open with my stomach hanging out. They said, whoa, that's flys what what what? Wait? Wait, Steve, Steve? When I do saying this soul? What is my part on it? What's my part? Because I'm getting my jokes ready? What is my part you're talking about for saying this soul? Saying what? I don't let you fly the sky baby, however you want to be or whatever you want to do. Do we we got you hosted the event, right? What's what's what I'm hosting? And is there any laws and words you can't say because I don't not not in Dominican? Yeah, because that's international incident. I don't want to international incident. Don't go over there telling nobody you Wesley Snipes because they will hat you down. Yeah, but the hand comes over because I paid sex. Is that what it is? Down? Listen to me, all I gotta do is ask President Obama and Jesse Jackson come pick me up, because that's how they're freeing people over there. Don't act like President. I don't think they listen to j You'll think they listen to Jess who they kill kardash She's gonna have to do better. Chance to send it kill get you, get me out of them. And Dennis Rodman Donna get voted out the race talking about my diplomats for America crazy as black people. That's all. That's all. Trump can't get that. He can't get the real ones. You know, di Roma need stopped talking about President Obama, greatest president ever lived. We don't care what he was doing. We don't care what you're doing. Everything he did with great but everything you see the cee see that was that was that was a bad hand slaps. That's right because first of all, first of all, you didn't go over there on the diplomatic Mitchell that went over that played basketball. So when you reach out to the Obama's people, I'm pretty sure you didn't get to talk to President Obama. I can about show you that. That's why wouldn't give me. Yeah, he don't even know you dog, I promise you he didn't talk, but I wouldn't be mad at President Obama if he said, then it's something busy off. He said, I'm not gonna get played by them, because when he said when President Obama said he will sit down with the North Koreans, all the Republicans got mad. They save down. I was at the meeting when they talked about it. I said, don't say noth again. President. They said, shut up, sir. I said, look at one's gonna be one more time for one of y'all to help me to shut up, and the day gonna republic of me. I'm the only black person that I'm sorry I did not go to fun I've been. President Obama would have picked up the phone. It rod Man, the comedian would have called him and said, I'm going to shout out the rock Man. Shut out the rod Many over there. He took my phone call to you better speak on that. Steve Harvey, you need to go to North Korea. We talked to the North Korea. Took him up with the Steve Harvey suits because he gotta stop wearing them baggy suits that haven't been tailored. Kim Jung, that's fly that's fly. You see how he had all the bodyguards running on the side of I wish everybody working for me would run on the side of my business. He needs to take a black bob over there, give him a real fing His is raggedy. It ain't even lying up. Yeah, looking like a nerve one wrong move. Alright, Cheryl, thank you, We love you. Alright, Hey scot it. Yeah, what's that? Get out of here? Coming up in the top of the hour, it's Carla's reality Update. She's going to talk about the Real Housewives of the Potomac right after this. You're listening to the Steve Show, getting ready to get ready, It's that time for reality update. All right, thank you, nephew. Okay, guys, let's talk about Real Housewives of Potomac. So, Steve, I don't know if you're familiar with this show. This is one of the franchises you know for Real Housewives, but this is the Potomac So this is the Washington, d C. Maryland area. And Giselle Bryant, she's like the lead cast member on the show. And she used to be married to pastor Jamal Bryant. So she's on the show, and uh, Shirley. If you're familiar with the show, Robin and Monique, Yeah, they both had their charity events on the same day, so you know, Robin was upset that Karen and Charice decided to go to Monique's event. Said of her event and shout out to Robin because she's been doing very good. Her husband one who was an ex ball player. They had a lot of financial trouble, so they're building their empire backup and they're out the red and they're back in the black and they're doing good things. And Robin wants to empower people. Anyway, she had this event and she was upset that her friends did not show up and decided to go to Monique's event. Well, Karen is supposed to be cool with Giselle and she invited Gizelle broke up with her boyfriend Sherman, So now Sherman's exend Giselle. Giselle was dating this guy, his name is Sherman, which they broke up, and Giselle has been struggling with this breakup. Well, come to find out, one of her friends, one of her castmates, had a charity event and invited Sherman's ex to this party. Yeah, his ex wife actually to the party, so you know, it's kind of messed up. The girl is okay, okay, Yeah, she was on the on one of the women's panel. She was on the talk show. I didn't know who she was. She's beautiful because a man, Kevin Lowry's wife manages her. Okay, and introduced him. They gave Margie some makeup and stuff. I didn't know. I didn't I didn't know who she was Zelle Bryan, and I really didn't know she was married. Yeah, yeah, she is his ex wife. A lot of people are giving Karen flack about this, saying, you broke the girlfriend code, you broke the rule, like why would you invite your girlfriend, your current girlfriends, your girl, You invite her ex boyfriend's ex wife to this event that you're having, knowing that your friend it's going to be right. That was shady. That was that was shady. So well, yeah, that's the wrong Karen. Even though Karen felt that it was okay because she told Gazelle, hey, you're on your way to this party, but Kendall is going to be here, that still was what's kind of shady, But but Kendall kind of feels that her and Gizelle were kind of cool back in the day, So why are you dating my ex husbands? So anyway, did Karen break the girlfriend rule? I think she did by inviting Kendall Sherman's ex to the event hit me up at Lips, and by Carla Basketball Wives, let's move on. Why is this show on? I don't know, but anyway, that's just tell you that Jackie Christie is another time crazy and if she wasn't on the show, I would not watch her because Jackie, she is another under crazy talking about herself on the show. Yeah, evidence on the show, Shawn, He's on the show. Tammy. Tammy's on the show, Tammy Roman. Yeah she did she? Oh? How she do Steve? Yeah she did really well. She did really well. Yeah. Uh, Gazelle Bryan did really well too. Oh good, good, good good. We'll check this out. On Basketball Wives, Evelyn Lozada, she confirmed that she is no longer engaged with her boyfriend, her former Los Angeles Dodgers player Carl Crawford. You know, they were together and Evelyn had undergone some fertility treatments. She was trying to get pregnant. Her and Carl were trying to have a baby and they broke up. So as a result of their breaking up, they had these embryos, and so they decided that they were going to get rid of the embryos because they are no longer together as a couple. Well, Evelyn received even a lot of backlash on the episode she decided to get rid of the embryos, and she was on the beach and she released butterflies and things like that. But there's a lot of people on social media giving her backlash about this because there's so many couples and so many women who struggle within fertility, and people felt like she should have donated. Yeah. Yeah, they're stored at a fertility clinic. But I just have to say this, Carlin, if I'll say this again, If Jackie Christie We're not on that show, I would not watch it, Steve. She is a different kind of crazy change. Can you get on the radio show? Just five minute conversation, Please, let's get Jackie Christie. Man, she gotta have some brown looking baby. You gotta have it. I love you. She will say anything. And I think she bought your girl o g on the show just to fight girl name o. Yes, yes, yes, And she plays football, touch football lingerie league. In this girl yes line woman, Yeah, she addresses real provocatively and sexy she addressed is real sexy. Yeah yeah, But I think Jackie bought on the show for that crazy Hit me up at Lips by Carla on the Gram, Instagram, social media. If you want to comment on my reality update, we'll be back at twenty after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Entertainment News, Steve Father's Day Stories. You can score win here for Brad Pitt, his ex Angelina Joe Lee could lose primary custody of her six children. Now. This is according to the Blast. A judge has ordered Joe Lee to help reconcile her kids with Brad Pitt or else. The Ugeen Angelina and Brad divorce case reportedly determined that the children not having a relationship with their father is harmful to them. Okay, yes, I agree with that wholeheartedly. You need a father, that's real. But they're not taking the kids from the angeline. That's not going well, No, they don't have you need to stop. The judge says that not having a relationship, I'm about to go. We're about they were using Carol's daughter and you know it. The judge said that not having a relationship with their father is harmful to them. He also added that it is critical that each of them have a healthy and strong relationship with their father and mother, and she is also she also must give Brad each child's cell phone number and allow him to call whenever he wants. She's not allowed to read children's text messages and their father or with their father, or monitor their calls. Okay, so there you go. Yeah, there you go. So that's good for the kids. That is really good for the kids and Brad. Yeah, because you know a father who wants to be in his child's life, you know now, I mean, really, man, why why would you deny that? You know he's a good guy, he's not abusive to you order her, y'all might not have made it as a couple, but you got to allow the children, who had nothing to do with this, to have relationship with their father. This is to every woman. You do such a disservice to your child. I got you, thank you making him look bad, But the child can't process this. And I used to do that. I have to agree with you. I used to do that when I was in a bitter, bitter place after my divorce. Oh absolutely, yes, yes I did. I was bitter and angry. I didn't see you, man, No, I was. I was very angry going through it, uh, my divorce. Yeah, you know, I had to realize, you know, your kid is going to grow up here about this. You're talking about her dad. She's gonna look at you know, if he's that bad? What was wrong with you? Mom? I mean, that's crazy. And that's really big of you, Shelvey, to admit that you did that, because that helps people understand that goes up, and I've been on the receiving end of it as a father. It's not I mean viciously said some things about me that really wasn't true, very one sided. But trying to get my son to not, you know, respect me. Absolutely. I wanted her to be mad and not you know, and it works to a degree. Yeah, because they're young, and you know, I had my son say something to me one time and I had to check his ass. Hold up, Pardner, don't you ever think for one minute that you have the permission to talk me in a disrespectful way. That's right, I'm still your dad. I'm your dad. I don't give a damn what she's saying. Right, that's right. You best understand that. Now if to knock your ass out, you're ready. Thanks for the warning. Yeah, I mean, you know, people process it different ways. But yeah, it's not cool to do that, absolutely not. Uh So, coming up next in entertainment news, Camille Cosby has filed for divorce from Bill Cosby. You're listening to the show. Wow, this is a shocker right here, Steve says, big changes are coming. It appears uh like Camille Cosby has had enough of her convicted husband, as recent reports indicate that the couple is quickly heading for divorce, with a long suffering wife allegedly taking the first step. This is according to Radar Online. Camille Cosby, who's seventy or she's left the couple's Pennsylvania mansion, leaving the fallen comedian pleading with her to return. He literally leaving the day. Tommy, this is not the time, Yes it is, it's not. I can't believe it's not the time. Boy. You don't see it coming, my boy, the serious Tommy boy, but want you to stay. He is literally home alone. According to an insider, She even took the staff with her. They're living separate lives. Um, yeah right, our own staff gonna go with her because they're mad at him. That's really sad for this guy, man, because you know, when your wife leaves, it sends a signal, and she's tried to stand behind you. Just it's only so much you could take. You can't keep coming up with new people. Rate Our Online stified that she settled her She settled herself. I'm the only one not joking. I know. I know, because you are, you've been divorced before, you understand what's that. And then you know. Bill Cosby was a friend of mine, and I hate that this has happened for everybody. I hated for him, I hated for all these victims, especially hated for Camille. Yeah, it's an ugly situation, it is. I hated for everybody involved. And it's sad, man that you spend your life building something and you know, the darkness just comes to light. Manah. The site Radar Online specified that Mrs Cosby settled herself into the couple's Massachusetts hideaway with their chef, multiple drivers, and a house manager. Also, she reportedly has some family support as their three grown kids joined her in leaving. They allegedly have not visited Bill Cosby in months. Bill Cosby is eighty years old, Camille as seventy four. As I mentioned, if this story is true, is super sad? Yes, really is sad. Yeah. Bill Cosby is confined to the space and is reduced to wearing an ankle bracelet to track his whereabouts House arrest. Yeah. This all comes a couple of months after um Bill Cosby was convicted of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constant. Why does a O have on the ankle brace he's been convicted of, Yeah, a crime. Yeah, you can damn the catch any He then got away. Yet they do it everybody at the nurse home if they were fast. Really now you're writing, Joe, Yeah, I'm sorry you always caught up. I can't believe he's on house arrest. Man, you're gonna be on be on house. That's the house to do it, man, cause my cousin was on house. Were through all right? Coming up our last break of the day. We're going to close out the show. You're listening to show? All right, we are back. This is our last break of the day. Good day, Uh, Steve, we're ready for your clothing remarks. I'm so happy they're bad. Today. I want to give you all something that came to me. Uh, it came to me this morning. I was been in really over the weekend. I was doing a lot of prayer for meditating over the weekend, you know, just trying to recenter myself off. You know, sometimes I get a little off, you know, I see myself sliding off. Course, I'm forgetting to be grateful as I should. I'm I started working on some things that I want to happen so bad. I keep pouring a lot of time into it. I keep, you know, reviewing my plans and goals, and sometimes you know, your second guest stuff, and sometimes you spend a lot of time just scratching your head trying to figure out your next move. I'm sure everybody can relate to that. How you sit up in here, man, and some of your best laid plans seem to be going a ride and you just can't figure it out. Uh. I was sitting up and somebody sent me this this morning and then it's entitled release, And as I read it, I just want to share with you the thought that I was having when I was reading this thing called Release, and it says, Heavenly Father, I released to you the burdens that I have been carried, burdens that you never intended for me to carry. You know what I read that? It meant something to me, because a lot of the stuff that's on us that we can around here won't even intend for us to carry around. We just canding around cause we didn't took it upon ourselves to worry about it. We didn't took it upon ourselves that this is now this albatross around our neck, when God really didn't intend for that. You know, other people's problems really ain't your problems. They can bring it to you, but that don't mean it's yours. So you end up carrying around stuff that God never intended for you to carry, you know, like you hear your great grandmoma used to say, don't let other people put their trash in your trash can, because you need all that room for your trash. But now you can around somebody else's. Then it goes on to say, I cast all my cares upon you, all my worries, all my fears. You have told me to not be anxious about anything. But rather to bring everything to you in prayer with thankfulness. Man. I had forgotten about that, And when I read that, it reminded me that I shouldn't be anxious about these deals. I'm working on my next move, what I need to get done. Why am I tripping about that? I don't know how it's gonna turn out anyway. I'm anxious about something that I actually have no control over. So I just con said to me, Steve, just turned this over to who got all this in control, and let him have it, and be grateful for what you have. And then it says, Father, calm my relentless spirit, quiet, my anxious heart, still my troubling thoughts, with the assurance that you are in control. Man, Ain't that cool when you turned something over to God and all of a sudden you have a calmness or quiet and the stillness because ain't got to worry about it no more. Then it says, I let go of my grip upon the things that have been I've been hanging on too. With open hands. I come to you. I release to you and well all that I am trying to manipulate. I release to you all that I'm trying to manipulate. So if you let go of stuff, if you let go of a lot of stuff that you're hanging on to, y'all, you can go to God with open hands. If you go to God with open hands, he got something to feel now. But if you hanging on and got a deaf grip on a whole bunch of stuff that you can't do nothing about it, and it's really meaningless, you ain't got room to receive what He got for you. So I release to you all that I am trying to manipulate. I release to you your authority, all that I am trying to control. I release to your timing, all that I have been striving to make happy. Everything I'll be trying to make happen. I'm gonna let you make it happen. Everything I've been wanting to happen at a certain time. I'm gonna let that happen in your time. You do it in your time, when it's your will. For me. It's called release. Just let it go, man, because you're tripping about stuff you really can't control. That's an amazing thing. Then it says, I thank you for your promise to sustain me, because that's his promise to sustain you, preserve me and God all that I have entrusted to your keeping. So now when you turn it over to God and you let him have it, and you release this grip on this stuff that you have no control over, and you ask for his calmness and your quiet and you release everything to him, Guess what, Now you can just trust that you didn't put it in the right hands. You got it in the best hand. So he gonna protect that. Now he watching over it instead of you watching over Now who would you rather hand watching over something? You are God, protect my heart and mind with your peace, the piece that passes all understanding. Father, May your will be done in my life. That was powerful to me, man, And I read that this morning and I said, Wow, I'm gonna share that with everybody because that really helped me today. Man, that it allowed me to let go of something, to let go off stuff that I've been hanging on to, trying to make stuff happen. When there's so much stuff that's out of my control. If you just let it go, turn it over to God and be all right with it, because he's been having you. Why would he not have this? But we grab ourselves and we want to be a part of it so much that we end up getting in the way. So I asked that this will be done in my life, in your time, and in your way, however he want to do it, and whenever he want to do it, I'm cool with that. Stop being anxious for everything, y'all, step back, turn it over to God and let him do what he'd do. You feel me? Feel you? That was good? Yo? Yeah, y'all have a great weekend break. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.