Memorial Weekend Review, Joe Biden, MTH, Tom Brady and more.

Published May 26, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Has Steve lost his mind or nah? He is singing the quarantine blues. The crew talk about their three day weekend. Former Vice-President Joe Biden is in hot water for comments that he made about being black. The former mayor of Detroit, who was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice may have a chance at an early release. Fool #2 murders another one just for those who are living with someone and are going through it. There must be a little rivalry between Tom Brady and Sir Charles Barkley. Will movie theaters ever come back or has COVID-19 rendered them obsolete? Today in Closing Remarks, Steve feels for us if returning to work for your family, however, he is not feeling too high on those who partied and went to the beach during Memorial Day, plus more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know, y'all sun giving them like the million bucks things in the stubbs stood to the mother, I don't join joining. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you haven't got to turn them out. Turn the water, the water go. Come come on your fah, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Well, I gotta tell you something, everybody, And this is great news for everybody that I'm or share something with your principle of becoming successful at whatever level you choose. It can be successful in the relationship, successful in the family. Successes may be considered to you becoming a homeowner, It could be being dead free. Your ideal success could be sixty thousand a year, fifty thousand a year, one hundred thousand dollars a year, doesn't matter if you're considering it, if you're wanting it, if you have a desire to become successful. I want to share with you the very beginning of that. If no one's ever done it, I'm going to say the beginning of it today. See scripture makes it very clear for us you don't The only thing you need to become successful is already inside of you. It's not an external need. God wouldn't do that to you. He puts the core basis of everything you need inside of you. So if you discover it, if you tend to it, nurture it, fertilize it, and water it, it grows, it branches out. Then it reaches out externally and it starts grabbing things outside of there to make it even bigger, stronger, better, last longer. But in the very beginning, you don't need anything. It's all within you. And if you cultivate your relationship with God, it comes out, it flourishes. Now, let me tell you that thing that I'm talking about is a God given gift that He has given to all of us. We all possess it. It is all within us that everybody has a gift. Had somebody told me what I know now back then, I would have saved myself tons of mistakes. I just didn't know the principles. I had to learn them all well. One of the principles of becoming successful is your mind set. You got to get your mind right now, this mindset is simply a decision that you can make. I can't get it for you. I can tell you what to do, but you got to make the decision. You just listening have to decide. You know what, I'm gonna go on and get at it. I'm gonna stop wrinting. I'm gonna become a homeowner. You know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna stop living check to check. I'm I'm gonna put a budget together. I'm gonna stop stepping out on my family. I'm gonna go home. I'm gonna get it together. I'm gonna stop using you when you make these decisions. That's correcting your mindset. Now. The closer connection you have with God, the more help you get sustaining the mindset. How many times have you started to do something and you stopped? How many resolutions have you made at the New Year and stop by February? Over by me at January? Done in March? Because if you don't have a clear connection with your creator to help you carry out the other force out there, that evil force is designed to get you not to reach your goals, get you not to come to resolution with whatever the resolutions are you made so he can. So you can consider yourself not worthy or failure or unable to do something. But the more things you are able to accomplish, the greater your confidence goals grows. So we got to get your mindset together. Your mindset is a decision that you have to make. When you make the decision, you can begin the process. Your mindset is also a will of yours, a will along with the decision, a will, a willingness to do right, a willingness to change, a willingness to be better. It's going to then cause you to have to make a decision to make a change of direction. Don't go where everybody else going. You got to go your way. Now, you can't follow the crowd. You got to take a less travel path. You cannot do this without changing your direction. You can't keep hanging with the people you've been hanging with if you want to be different because they're not. Then you have to develop an obligation to yourself. You've got to say, you know what for me and my family, or if you don't have a family for me, I owe it to myself. I have an obligation to myself to be the best that I can possibly be, to be the best self that I can possibly be, to be the best father, the best man, the best husband, the best wife, the best mother, the best daughter, the best son, the best student, the best employ ye, the best owner. You have an obligation to yourself to give yourself a shot at the best life you can. That's an obligation. You owe that to yourself. Why would you not live the best life that you possibly could. You have an obligation to yourself. Why would you teat yourself like that? Why would you take yourself and never allow yourself to see the goodness that's already in you, to have the abundance that's been promised to you, to go and explore all the riches out there that's available to you. And but one of the worst ways that you can rob yourself of the joy of your obligation is to keep comparing yourself to somebody else. Because guess what, Man, that ain't your life. You ain't jay Z and Beyonce, you're not You're not Oper Instead, man, that's not who you are. Quit looking around at everybody else. That comparison of everybody else to keep you broken, it'll keep you unhappy. You won't even be able to be grateful for what you have because you steady talking about what you don't have. That's not the way. Man. You have an obligation to yourself to be the best you you can be, not the best them. You're not them. Stop trying to be them. Be the best you. It's cool. You got a nice little house. That's cool. You know how many big houses is empty and feel with hate and resentment. I'd rather have a smaller house feel with joy in it than to go to a big man. Prince got a line in a song that says, I realized in its best disguise, or pretty house don't make a home. Man. Don't you know I know how true that is? So I'm just trying to tell you now. Another part of the mindset is taking dead aim at your life's goals and ambitions. What are they? What are your goals and your visions? What do you see for yourself? What do you dream about? If you knew you couldn't fail at whatever it is you were attempting, what would you go attempting? See? That's what we need to be after. It's a mindset, y'all. It's a decision, it's a will it's a change of direction. It's an obligation to yourself. It's taking dead aim at your life's visions and goals. Come on, man, you got to get your mind wrapped around this thing. You owe it to yourself to live the best life you can be. Come on, man, talk to God. God got something for you. You just gotta check in with him. You're listening to, ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Another song. I just wanna stop. The well ain't right with qua quarantine. I just wanna stop the well, never be the same human again. I just wanna stop Quarentine stop. Ain't no that see stop still in quote tea or stop. Yeah, completely, that's all it is. Geno Vanelli board. That was my jam back in the day. Though. Boy, the well they ain't right without you being I just want to stop. That was my jam. Charley Strawberry, Good morning, Colin Farrell. Hey see what's up? Chr Look at that? Look at that? Look at that, Junior Wanning, everybody morning, Come on around that. Jay Brown. I want to go outside. It may sound crazy, but I want to go outside. Okay, I was there, boy, I was there. Boy, you don't understand that Jay was my jam senior. I don't know what happened. Michelle Hawkins walking to the table with my tray in my head and she had told me she wasn't going to the prom with Heartbreaker, Heartbreaker, I want to go outside, and I was lucky enough to get a dance on that song. What impregnated some people because I was up in the nephew Tommy top the top of the morning. You've unleased him already, so let him ride. Just remember the three words you hired him. Okay, yes, you know what I hired Jay. I hired Tommy too. Great talent. You know, it's been two of the biggest mistakes. We're gonna talk if you talk about the biggest having done something in wind and had to sit with myself with no one to blame. Were here for a reason, Jake, were here for a run, no body at all. Oh, no blame to no one else? Now, HI, real livee all right, get oh jail, come down, tilling you coming up at thirty ten minutes after be our huge, huge crowds gather over the Memorial Day weekend, ignoring social distancing rules. We'll find out when we crow did over the weekend right after this, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Well, yesterday was Memorial Day, which is the holiday that unofficially kicks off summer, and over the weekend it was a three day weekend. Of course, did you all see these large crowds. I mean they were everywhere at beaches, at parts, at bars, poll parties. I mean, what was the thought party that that was? That's in my home, that's here in jim Houston. Yes, I mean people were acting like everything was normal, like there was no coronavirus or no social distancing rules. I mean, it puts it was very dangerous. It puts everyone at risk of catching this this virus, and it has the virus has killed Steve almost a hundred thousand Americans. I don't know what people are I guess Monica Barns sent me the best text that pretty much described it all because it said, I still can't get over how Americans got tired of COVID and just decided it was over. Yeah, that's exactly what happened. Yeah, restless, they're restless, they're tried of being in the weather's nice. They want to get you. I got it, But there isn't a vaccine. There isn't a cure, right, There's nothing that they've come up with that even makes you feel better when you get it. It's a case by casing. Some people die from it. We've got almost one hundred thousand. Yeah, I just can't. I can't take the chance of how I would react to it, to go out and just take a shot at getting it. I mean, we have been self quarantine, stay at home orders. We have stayed away from the virus. The virus is still dead. We've just been indoors. If you go out and just didn't ignore everything that they've been telling us to do, mask and social distancing, you could get the US. And when you see that many people, when you see that many people in one picture, you have got this videos. There's got to be one infective. Seriously, no math. But the people that are complaining talking about we want our countries to be open. We want everything open and let us decide for ourselves about our health. We don't need the government to decide what keeps us safe. Excuse me, miss, listen to me. This is not just about you. We are trying to keep the masses safe. If look if if if if COVID worked this way, you could go out inside and say, okay, I want to COVID so I can get it and get it over with, and then somebody can say I don't want any COVID at all. If that's how it worked, then cool. I say, let everybody make their choice. But that's not how it works. You don't have to want it at all. Right, there's no respect respect a person. You don't have to know that someone's giving it to you. You don't have to know that it's in the air. Yeah, it's Jesse there and you happen to be there where it was at and you got it. That's the problem. And then when you get it, then you have to go to the hospital if you if you're right, you won't take care of you after you go get it. Yeah, then you want them to take care of you. They're already stressed out and on the front lines and taking care of everyone. They need a break too. I mean a lot of them have been in commercial saying you stay home so we can go to work. You stay home and stay safe so we can go to work. But I saw we were talking earlier. I saw that this one lady on TV saying that she thought Steve that she didn't want anybody the maths represented people manipulating her, dominating her and trying to control her. And you know what I say, Clay, right there, they're not talking to just you. This ain't some dude with making a sexist statement. Excuse me, ma'am. Somebody trying to dominate and manipulate you. This is for everybody. Steve got that same rule. They won't stay to do the same thing. They want everybody do the same thing. Ain't nobody manipulating trying to dominate you. People kill me, man when they personalize it and make it just about them control. I wish that this was a matter of choice where you could just make the decision. I want it. I take the corona and then yeah, because I think my immune system could take it and be like the flu, and then I have it. Then I wanted to wearry about it no more, and then I ain't got to wear no mask and that I wish you worked like that, but it don't, all right, And then when you wear the maskts to protect other people that you care about other people. Yeah, you know, it's respect, It's just yeah, it's common decency. It's respect. For your fellow man. I mean it's all though. Any other part is we need a class on how to teach so many people to wear the mask. It don't go under your chin, It don't have your nose over your nose, and it goes over your nose. Your nose shouldn't be sticking out, and it don't go over your eyes. It's just like, the hell is wrong with some of these people. Well, that is your that's the class right there, Jay. You just told him how to wear it. Yeah, everybody says, but you just want to yell at people who are not wearing a mask, but you can't. You let you just want to yell at every ik't breathe. That's part of it. Yeah, yeah, that's im. Sorry, that's the discome my mask. Yeah, got it, got it. My mask is hot. Yes, it's a little been uncomfortable wear mask? Got him my wild. Yeah, here's the consequences of not wearing the mask. And you know, I see people with mask on, and then I look at those pictures that picture in the Ozark Oh Missouri, well and no mask getting free? I just yeah, but it's not about your freedom. This is nothing. You're already free. What are you talking about were too free. You're a damn rules over here. That's why I ask is free and leading in COVID cases and leading in deaths because we free. We're sanging that national anthem, were free? Sang it and bring in the nephew coming up with run that prank back right after this you're listening to show coming up at the time of the hour, Missanna standing by with today's national coronavirus news update. Also in trending news, Detroit's former mayor Kwannie Kilpatrick will be released from prison soon. Come on, yeah, come on, but right now, it is time for the nephew to run that frank back. All right, nephew, what you got for us? I was support late. Let's go catch door? Hello? Hello, my street called? Yeah? What was it? Just prester man? Uh? Me and your ex me and we h we've been kicking it for the last three months. I'm man, I don't care about you and we're not together. We're not together, so why are you calling me? Okay, yea, no, that's cool right there. I understand all that you calling me to tell me to child together something with you. I don't care about what you do mean not together. I don't. I don't give a damn about what you do. Player. I understand that what I was calling you bought was you know you kind of behind like two three months on the child support man, And I told you I was gonna handle this well. I told her I was gonna handle this situation, you know. So now I don't need you to handle nothing. You don't need to be worried about about how many months I'm behind? Who the hell telling you all this? Anyway? When when? When can we expect another payment? That's what I'm asking you. First of all, don't you ever call my phone with that. You understand me. Don't call my phone man, because I'm about my daughter. Man. I ain't trying to ain't trying to handle. I don't need you all my back, and I don't need see on my back about no damn child support because I do for my daughter, man, So don't call my phone with that. Okay, Okay, Well look at is you're working right now? Man? You man say listen here, what what? What? What's your name? Kuston? Real pressure. What I'm saying is you're working right now, and I do whatever it takes to take care of my daughter. Man. So don't you worry about my my job security and what I'm doing. Okay, when can I just come when? I just come out there when you get paid next time so I can pick up the child. Man, you don't need to come by nowhere. I tell you what. Yeah, you bring your around. You come, I'm give you directions right now. You bring your phone over here, because I want. I want to see your calling my damn phone talking about my damn daughter. And then we're looking out for the well being of the baby. Man, that's what we What you think I've been doing ever since she came in as well, That's what I've been doing ever since she got here. I've been looking out for her well being. And I'm come just getting a picture. You want to tell me about my daughter well being? Quite worse? You three months behind then, man, a matter of fact, I do everything I can for my daughter. So for you to sit up here and call me talking about it, I'm three months behind. I don't even keep up with that. I send money when I can. I do for my daughter. I do for my daughter for I do for myself. So if I ain't got it to saying that means I ain't got it at all. But give me a second and I'll go get it. But don't be calling me about my daughter man talking about them three months behind. Okay, Well, look here further, I ain't you know, I ain't working right now, so we really need you to go on and get the money over. Hold on, hold a hold on. You ain't working, but I'm might here hustling you calling me about some money. But you over that land over most of y'all need to get out of y'all and do what the hell I'm doing. That's what I can't understand. It's too of you, but it's one of me, and you want to come to me with that. And I told I was gonna handle this situation back being behind on this, you know, just a little child to pull situation. That's all I'm saying. I need you to go on on and give me a date man on when we can expect a paytent. Okay, I'm getting you a date right now. Bring your over here right now and come pick up the payment. I got it for you right now. You just tell me what kind of call you drive so I know, because I don't. I don't want to. I don't want to bust the wrong to put up in my driveway by mistake. I do everything for my daughter. My daughter don't have no walks on the knees. I put shoes on her feet, colds on our back, food in us something. I do everything for her. I don't need you a My daughter don't need you with out. I pick up from school every day and take her to her grandmother's house. So your yearboy, no two or three months behind because she ain't with eut I can see if I went two or three months and see without Okay, listen, man, that's another thing with me and can't talked about. We're not gonna need you to be checking her up from the school no more. I'm gonna be getting her from the school when she I wish I would catch up up in my daughter's school. You ain't picking up my daughter. Man. I don't even know who the hell you are. I told you my name is Preston, Man, but I know Preston. I'm telling you what, man, I don't want you know where Neil my daughter that I'm gonna talks right now because I don't want you know where Neil my daughter. Man, you understand me. I don't want you know where near my daughter. Man, if I can't neil my daughter, I'm gonna whoop your I'm gonna let my daughter know if she leaves me and me and the baby is getting a long firm man. All I'm saying is we just need you to send that renny man. You Hey, y'all. I'm glad y'all doing good because she anyway, but don't put my daughter in the middle of man. Man, I'm just happening to be in between jobs, that's all. Man. Well, you need to get out your and look in between your cheeks and go find you something, find you a manhood. Sitting up there, probably on the couch eating up all up pop tarts and I've only had two of them pop tarts, man, that's all. You ain't proposed to be having none of them because I bought that for my daughter. Man, and I appreciate you eat none of that over that. You need to get off you and feed yourself like I do. I feed myself and my daughter and probably kill Let me trade this here, man, I just want to talk to you about our child. Man, our child. That ain't your child. That's I'm taking you. Ain't you ain't got ey sake? Man, don't you ever say that. Man, don't just ever say that to me. Man. That is not our child. Man, that's my child. Let me tell you something, man, let me tell you something. Put your here to this phone real close. Man. I'm literally about my daughter. I'm trying to handle this like me, and it's what I'm trying to do. You ain't been here the whole time. You're trying to walk up in here and talk about hour. I'm her daddy. Man. I'm just trying to be a good stuff for the man and get them with their child to poor father. Yea, I've gotta get married past. You ain't no man, say, man, say I'm gonna talking in handle this. I guarant no, no, no, no no, no, no, no no no no. You don't talk to me no more. You understand what I'm saying. You talk to me, you're dealing with me. I told you I was gonna handle it, so you're gonna make me mad? No, like I hadn't told you. Now, you don't talk no more. I talk to whenever I won't. We got a child together. You've just gotten the picture. What's you call? No, you don't talk to Camper. You talk to me from now you talk to Preston, I'm gonna talking. I'm had it. Help with trust me. Hey, Man, you don't call man, you deal with me? Do you understand I'm telling I'm not dealing with you with him, Dan, you hear me. The only thing I'm gonna deal with you is my foot up. Yo, that's a man to deal with. Man. Look here, I got one more thing I need to say to you. Man, I don't want to hear nothing else you got to say. Play. I didn't heard everything you had to say. Let me tell you something, man, you want a job? Were hiring right now. I'll put you with the man in charge. I'll get you a job. Nobody want to work with you. Man, I don't like your attitude. You need to work with somebody because you ain't working with nobody right now. I got one more thing I need to say to you. This you're listening, man, Say what the hell you got to say? Man? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning with Them. Say, Man, I don't care who you are. This is I don't play about my daughter. Man, this nephew timed me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your cousin Kendrick. Man. Oh man, I'm gonna kill it you all right? Oh no, man, because I don't play with by my dallar like that. Man. That's my world, Man, that's my heart. Man, I don't, Man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land? Man, the Steve's Harvey. All right, nephew, Lord coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show in trending Detroit News. Once known as the hip Hop Mayor for his swag, former Detroit Mayor Kwamie Kilpatrick was convicted back in twenty thirteen and sentenced to twenty eight years after his public corruption trial. However, now we're hearing that Kilpatrick could be released soon, possibly by the second week in June um so in a few weeks due to the coronavirus. So yeah, I like to Kelly, you're not going home. I know, I know you're not. You're not going you know not. Quami my boy I played golf with his father, took uh kuambly gonna get out of prison soon, ye really praying and hoping that he does. And if he does, we got some things that he needs to know before he get out. Get some stuff, you know, yeah, kwame. Men are wearing that haircuts lower now, so if you you might want to get the prison barber to kind of tighten you up so you get out, get one last barber tight cut. So you come out and here's another one. Kuami. Listen to this here. As soon as you get out, you're gonna meet some of your old friends and you're gonna try to give him a high five. We're not We're not doing that no more. This COVID thing is real out here. All we doing is al bows. Also, I saw you exercising on the prison yard. Them read big old over the head headphones unless you're doing the radio show. They out. They got these things now quamy called pod You just put them right in your out man. You're now krumb me. They're gonna trip you out when you get out, man, but you gotta get you some by the fun I'm gonna see you cover pound. Now here's something else quamming. If you get out, you're gonna want to cut back on a whole lot of your jewelry. You too, Yeah, I want you to do that. And also quamming in them big cross colored jackets and them them embossed jackets and bomber jackets with money on it and all that and pleats and they ain't all those suits got ten buttons on it. All that's out. How many down? Yeah? We just two or three now? Also kuami hard streaked shoes, church shoes, gators, crocs, block crocs, square toes, all that out at high collar dress shirts. Uh. Yeah, you ain't gonna be able to you don't here to wear nothing but times him. Listen to me. Quam don't play no R Kelly music no matter now that Now, even if you saw him while you was in there, maybe he told you everything and went down, and maybe you missed the R. Kelly documentary Surviving R Kelly You you might have missed that. And last but not least, this is just for you. Don't do like other formal criminals. Get out, stay your ass off Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, zoom. Don't you ask dare TikTok or YouTube? Hello mah ninety two point three to mix in the d wait no crumby baby dog. All right, see, let's go on to the headlines now try to get serious nobles enter with the news. President Trump made a Memorial Day appearance yesterday at both Arlington National Cemetery and at the Fort McHenry National Monument in Baltimore, with the Commander in Chief not only paid tribute to America's fallen military men and women, but to the people risking their lives every day fighting for the lives of the victims of COVID nineteen. Tens of thousands of service members and National Guardsmen are on the front lines of our war against this terrible virus, caring for patience, delivering critical supply, and working night and day to safeguard our citizens. Meanwhile, Brazil now would be the Brazilians being barred from entering the US because the reports that the coronavirus there is rapidly escalating. In fact, Brazil now has more Corona cases than any of the nation except the United States. NBA Hall of Fame at Patrick Ewing was hospitalized over the last few days with COVID nineteen, but his son says he's been released to continue recuperating at home. As a player, you know, Patrick helped the Georgetown Hoyas when the NC double a championship in nineteen eighty four. He went on to a seventeen year NBA career, mostly with US the New York Knicks. Because I'm from New York. Fifty seven year old Ewing has been the men's basketball coach at Islama Modison's twenty seventeen. President Trump is threatening to take the upcoming GOP national convention out of North Carolina if the governor of the tar Hill State does not agree to allow for full attendance at the presidential nominating count fab that event schedule four four days starting August twenty fourth in Charlotte. Trump complains in tweets at the governor Roy Cooper has not yet fully opened his state. That Cooper doesn't do so immediately, he'll be forced to find another site for his convention, Governor Cuomo, says. Governor Cooper rather says he will treat the event like all others. Right now, gatherings are limited to only ten people. Two lawmakers calling on the federal government to investigate the federal shooting up the federal shooting. Federal government rather calling on the federal government, let me get this straight, to investigate the fatal police shooting of a black female emergency medical tech named Brianna Taylor, and the arrest of a boyfriend California, Santa Kamala Harrison, Florida Cong's from and Lucy macbeth, both Democrats. They're asking Three cops say they were executing a no knock search warrant at Brianna Taylor's apartment and one am March thirteenth, looking for two drugs that suspects who actually had been apprehended at another location, and the family says that's what happens incompetent police. Weren't they went in her house and just took her from us, and for us to just have to find that strength to move on without her, This is going to be so hard and this is only to begin it. And I hope Kenny to know we fight for you too. You did not deserve this. This should never He also shot with his license gun because he didn't know what was going on, but prosecutors has since dropped the charges against Kenneth Taylor. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show. Well, we all know former Vice President Joe Biden has been trending in the news, don't we don't we don't wow that. First of receiving a lot of backlash for his previous morning show comments saying if black voters vote for Trump, then they ain't black. What Biden has sense apology? He should have said it, but I believe it. He Biden, he couldn't see it, and he has the right to say it. Biden has since apologized for his comments and said he should not have been so cavalier. Uh. Also trending political news, Joe Biden criticized President Trump for his weekend golf trip Hold Virginia. Hold on, you know I understood the black comment. You know, I don't think he tried to be beyond. He was talking to Charlemagne and all of this man you know who does a great job of these interviews. He's becoming, you know that that guy, you know what I mean, because he's really a sharp guy on stuff, like they invite him on everything, and you know, I talk with him all the time. I'm really proud of waves becoming. Here's a deal. We have two choices in November. Both of them are white men in their seventies. I happen to belong to several country clubs. I have been privy to some jaw dropping conversations in the locker room at the nineteenth hole on the course. I've been privy to some conversations. What you're hearing or what you heard him say is nothing, nothing compared to what they say. This is just the stuff that you getting to hear clips of folks. Let's stop playing around here. You've heard some of the stuff Donald Trump has said. And if you can tell me that Donald Trump has not trumped that statement times fifty squared. Yeah, And I got news for you what he's really said at Malargo and on golf course and in the boardroom. It's amazing. These are seventy some year old white man. Now do you give him a pass for that? Now? But you also don't give him a pass by not voting. That cannot do. See, that's the thing. You can't take it. You cannot do and use it against Joe Biden because he said something you didn't like, which means, like you always say, Steve, if you don't vote Providen, it's a sure vote for Trump. Hey, can I say this here? And I'm just talking to Tommy and Jay right now in junior we have said some stuff amongst our sails that bet not cannot come out, bet not to go a news feed line. We're done, I know. And the worst one was I do with me? I don't know, Jay, We're not talking about your former marriages. All right, we're gonna take a break right here, and we're gonna come right back and continue this subject. Steve. That's coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So Steve, before we went to break, we were talking about Joe Biden, and you know the comment he made a black voters vote for Trump, then they ain't black. A lot of people were up in arms about it, upset about the fact that he said that. You know, he's apologized, of course for those comments. Yeah, you know, I didn't, and it didn't It didn't really bother me. I knew he was trying to be funny and trying to just talking to Charlemagne and trying to make a statement. I I look, man, like I said, I have heard white men in their seventies and make some statements at golf courses and boardrooms and sitting around joking, and man, that's nothing. And then I just look at what all Donald Trump has said and with no apologies attached to anything before during it. How about this right right now? This is the one that threw me. Hey, there's my African American. Yeah, I went off everyone women search excuse me, you have one? And you know, but but it was so right after the P word comment and and buying the stormy off in pinto that it just get away from you. Yeah, things that he said about it, immigrants, Oh oh, there's so much stuff. But the thing about it is, I think the problem comes in is when people get mad about that statement, especially black people, and we decide to hold our vote back and not vote for Biden because he made that statement. You know what I mean? That could be the problem this coming November. If the you know, that's the problem shouldn't be dangerous. Yeah, and it's very dangerous. And like yeah, and like you say, if you do, if you're not, if you're holding back because you're mad at Biden, then that is a vote for Trump. That's what that is. But y'all come on, now, come on now, these are two seventy year old white men. You really, if you you're gonna be mad about that one, I got news for you. The stuff that's really been said you you would be devastated. Let's let's move past this. Let's find something else, because let me explain something, y'all. The Republican Party don't nick pick the people. Display that's right, and Steve can I say this, one of the main reasons Joe Biden is going to be it looks like the Democratic candidate is because he's Joe Biden and he's been known to, you know, say things like this when he was vice president under Obama and people loved him for it. And now we're nitpicking, like you say, now we're nitpicking the things that come out of his mouth. I think he's being extra careful. Actually, I don't think he's the unleashed Joe that he was under Obama. Look, hey, look what he said after the after the fall for the pushback, of course not he apologized. How many times does Donald Trump apologize so many things that you forget down, y'all. Y'all still don't forgot that he had separated all those immigrant kids from their mothers. See, y'all have forgot about that. Y'all don't know that quietly he trying to push him right on the back over the border, right now, don't nobody to pay attention to this right here? He does so much stuff. He's a he's an expert at deflection that he just does again. And now this conversation about if if, how do y'all feel about this statement? Because I'm hearing people say if he doesn't pick a black woman for president for his vice presidential nominee, that he's finished. How do y'all feel about that? Wow? That I I think just the opposite. I think if you don't think a white lady, he's doomed, That's what I think. Well, you know why, and you know why they say that. I think that um black the black people that are really into it like that, and they think that he owes black people something and all of that. Yeah, and because they know that we as black people are the vote democratically and we're going to put him in the office. Those are the ones that are mad. I want my bigger issue is getting Donald Trump out. Now, whether that's with a black woman or with a white woman. I want Donald Trump out. Some people think him since a black person picked him, he should pick somebody exactly. Well, we come back. I want to I want to say something about that statement. All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and to continue this discussion right after this. You're listening to show, All right, welcome to Steve Harvey Morning Show Politics. We're in there like swimwear this morning with yeah this morning. So go ahead, Steve. You know, look, we were talking about the statement that Joe Biden may if you don't vote for him, you're not black stuff like that. You know, ain't black? Yeah, you ain't. I mean, look, he said it kind of like he said, apologize. Oh look, I don't care. I ain't got no time to get hung upon that. You know. We what do you mean? We ain't black? Man? Come on, man, come on, come come on. He shouldn't have said that. He apologized. How many times if Donald Trump says something with no apologies, we can't separate he and he never will. He's not that guy because he doesn't care how you feel or think. He only cares about himself. So that right, there is a huge difference between him and Joe Biden and the Democrats. Man, we sit on TV and we try to play this self righteous thing and dog him for saying this. We all better get on this. Dog Trump for what he said thing because the Republicans are not gonna do it. If you cut on Fox, Donald Trump can do no wrong. Now, if you're thinking that if Joe Biden picks a black woman for VP, then and that'll mean that black people are thinking that, what's the black agenda? Let me forewarn everybody about you cannot run for the presidency of the United States with a black agenda. They are not going to allow that. Because you are the president of the United States. You you talking about coming here something specifically for black people, You're gonna get ran about it here and white folks not going to accept that, and black folks ain't gonna believe it. So where we are I disagree. I think they will. The fact that they elected a black president twice. I think America would accept a black vice president. That's my thinking. Female who were critical of Obama because he didn't have more of a specific black agenda, ja I was just saying that, I don't think you can expect him to pick that because then it will show a black agenda. I think the problem that this is where I'm afraid of in this country, where because of the election of Donald Trump, because of the potential reelection of Donald Trump with all that he's done, that's so not represented of what you would want as a leader of this country. That how many followers he really have. If I think, and look, I'm gonna vote for Shirley will in our heartbeat. But I'm afraid that white America will run from a black woman because let me tell you why I'm saying that, because are going to be oh no, not before one of us, and then you're gonna go get a black woman and white men. I just don't know how they vote for have her run our country because that is still still sexism in the mind of men and you and you throw sexism and you put any form of racism in it, and we got a problem. It's divided. Do I think them sisters would do a great job. I think the one so he saw on TV with the list hell yell. I think them girls will get up there there and be bad with it. But I just don't think a miracle will do it. But if they get on this ticket, Steve Harvey Morning Show gonna push like champs. Oh absolutely. But a lot of people said that about Obama was a bombay it would be a big health to his running for president in terms of the black boat, in terms of the black I think he put himself in a corner by saying that. Now, by saying it, it would have been better, because now we're anticipating is it gonna be black? Is it gonna be white? Is it gonna be Hispanic? It's gonna be older, it's gonna be you mean when he said, pressure on him? So what do he No matter whoever he picks, he gonna picks somebody not, you know, as opposed to just not putting it out there. And even if he didn't say it, somebody would be made. But you know, yeah, yeah, I saw the list of h and they had the three sisters. This wasn't the list. It was Abrams, Kamla had, and then it was Elizabeth Warren Amy, and and and the lady out of Michigan. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the governor. I'm okay with any one of them. You gotta get somebody where people have proven would have voted for and who has been proven that they would vote for. Uh Stacy Abrams has proven that people would vote for her. Kamala had people voting for her, Elizabeth Warren had people born for her, and Amy Klobcha had not only people voting for her, but she was saying some smart stuff that could have got you. I got a name someone who did not have name recognition, name recognition, all that you said, Steve, I got it. Megan the Stallion, Oh my vote, we vote put on damn ticket. You hired a traffic ticket? What your classico? Joe Biden and Megan Stallion, it's a done deal. Can you imagine walking out Joe when she goes up against Pince Pisce gotta lose his religion. He gonna go, oh my lord, I can't. Can't be just they can't. When he said in the debates, would you have a woman as a running man, he said, of course, if I wouldn't, I will pick a woman. I think that paintity into a corner. But now listen to this though, I think that he could not pick a man. Better agreements out there available. That's what's crazy statement. That's only person that would make a great running mate for him is the governor of New York Cuomo. Oh, he would do it, would and that would squash, that would squash the black woman talk to it would accept that right because he has proven to be a leader. And this is not to say there are plenty of qualified women, plenty of women whit plenty of them. But like you said, women are very, very qualified. It's just that we live in all dominated society. And that's what I'm afraid of with this vote because I'm telling you, man that that for Trump, when you listen to them talk, you go, wait, men, excuse me. You're you're voting for a man who has done some things to his wives over the years that you are wouldn't agree with. And currently, while Mary paid off a porno star one hundred and thirty thousand dollars, hushway with it and walk a playboy bunny into your home where your wife's live and shows her your wife's room where she spends most time. YEA, wait a minute, man, I'm confused here. I'm so confused about that. And for women to turn around and okay that when women are such insolidarity for one another, when they get hurt by men and things like that, I just go, wait a minute, man, you're just ignoring the facts here that that kind of throws me a little. Basically, the woman that had the shirt on that said he can grab my p right anytime. To me, that sums it all up. Surely you exactly right. But you know what women for Trump throws me? Like when I see blacks for Trump. They had that group of young blacks at the White House and honey, and the President has done so much for black people. I wanted to go, Yo, little young stupid ass, what has Trump done for black people? I wish? I wish he was my nephew. So I'm out. I knocked his monk ass out when he came back off that team out, I knocked his monky ass out. On that note, We're gonna move on. That's politics man coming up at the top of the hour. Guys, right about four minutes after, it's my Strawberry Letter for today, subject noisy naughty new neighbor will get into it. Right after this. You're listening to Dave Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letters to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here right now. Buckle up, hold on tight, we got it for you. Here it is strawberry letter. All right, thank you nephews. Subject noisy naughty new neighbor. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a thirty eight year old married woman and my husband and I have lived downtown and a nice condo for the past six years. We got along well with all of our neighbors, but a couple of months ago a single young man moved into the condo next door to us, and now we're having a big issue with him. Since we've all been quarantined. Our neighbor has been into porn and it's driving my husband and I crazy. Every morning, we know when he wakes up because from about eight to nine am we can hear moaning and groaning, cussing, all kind of nasty stuff coming through the walls, and you can hear it in the hallway. He must be watching porn and stereo with his surround sound on. He has a very regular schedule of watching it in the morning for about an hour and then again from around one till two am one am until two am for about up to about ninety minutes. Usually some afternoons he will turn on porn for what we assume is a quickie because it only lasts for about thirty minutes. My husband thought it was funny at first, and he jokingly told me to invite my younger sister over to meet him. I am sure it's hard being single and alone during the quarantine, but we need him to get some headphones so we don't have to know how he's passing the time. We are sick of hearing his freaky one man shows, and I'm about to go to the homeowners association and let them handle it. My husband says to calm down, because the guy will be embarrassed. I told my husband either he has to talk to the neighbor or I'm reporting it. Is there any way we can deal with this in a polite manner. It's getting out of hand, no pun intended. Wow, Well, I agree with you one hundred percent. I mean, you should not have to be uncomfortable in your own home. I don't care what it is, porn, whatever it is, you shouldn't have to be uncomfortable. I also agree that something needs to be done with this situation. You know, if you all do decide to report him, I just say, if you report him to the homeowners association. You've gotta probably have to do that anonymously because it could cause major problems with your little nasty neighbor. It could he might even turn it up louder I suggest you and your husband leave a nice note or just shoe maybe tell your husband you're doing it. Leave a nice note under his door, asking him nicely to turn that mess down. But you know, make it a nice note. You know, maybe you can mention headphones to him. He should try headphones, mention EarPods, you know, put a please and thank you in there. Don't judge him or anything. Or you know, you and the other neighbors and the building could also get together and go to the home association or write a note to the home association. And because it's a problem, I mean it is a problem. It's disturbing, it's too loud. He could turn it down. What's wrong with him turning it down? Why does it have to be so loud? You know, surround sound is booming and there, so write a nice note. If that doesn't work, then go to the home association with an anonymous note. If that doesn't work, get together. You guys got to have a meeting then and somebody's gonna have to say something to him, doesn't He doesn't have to know that it's you. They can do it anonymously, but yeah, something definitely has to be done. I say, do it in the form of its freak note, Steve, I disagree with everything Shirley just said one hundred and a thousand percent. I disagree with everything she said. It ain't your damn business. And why oh why so? I told my husband either he has to talk to the neighbor. But why would you put this on your husband? What? She can't go over there by herself? Why is she going over there? It's quarantine. We're going through it in hill, this boy by herself. See, you got a husband over there. This boy, this young man hearing that by himself. He wake up at eight. He ain't got no where to go. Click click, He got all stormage tapes. L Yeah, but they're moaning and groaning and customs. Yeah, that's see, Charley, you ain't watching Paula loud like that? Oh you better what you ain't. And so the only thing I'm confused about are they listening to him or is it the tapes that they play in that's loud? I think it's the tapes because she said the surround sound. She mentioned all of that. Yeah, see that's the problem. Well, you know, now there's a lot of poorn where it ain't no cussing in it, but it blacktail is all cussings. Yeah, it could be. He got here on blacktail. Blacktail is all customs, its profanity through the whole thing. When I come back, I have a suggestion for this married couple on how to handle it, and um, you're probably not going to agree. So what could it be? Watching again? You say blacktail? All right, say hang on, we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour, subject noisy naughty new neighbor. Right after this you're listening to show, all right, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry letters. Subject noisy naughty new neighbor. What you got? You know in the study your married living in the condo. They've been having a nice time. Then this young dude and moved in across the hall of quarantine. He can't go nowhere, and he into poorn and it's driving herunter because with crazy because he wake up and from eight to nine he cut the point on Now he got it up loud. He got loud so they can heal the people in the point oh tape a spank it. You know they hearing this. Bend me over. You know they hearing this at eight nine o'clock in the morning. So Jay and I are going to do a react with Jay. You're going to Jay. You are going to say things that are said in point one liners that said, And I'm gonna show this couple how to do it, because here's what has to happen. If this young man is getting on your nerves. Yeah, because it's too loud, you're gonna have to outloud him. What only way you're gonna have to outloud him. So what you're gonna have to do. It's since he got y'all's attention, y'all gonna have to get his attention. Now you're gonna hear some things coming from this porno movie. But I want you to knock on his wall and respond like I tell you to. Now, Jay's gonna do famous lines from porno movies. I'm gonna tell you what you and your husband have to beat on the wall and holler back, and then maybe he'll go with damn all right, So now let's go okay, the porno movies out, go ahead. First one is first one? Is this right here? Is that wax hot enough? That's what you're gonna hear. You're gonna hear that that wax hot enough that? Hell no, heat it up some mote what? Yeah? So you are? Hell now heat it up some moat. So yeah, I like that, Steve, I like that. Donna hear this. You're gonna hear this. You're gonna hear this. Is that yellow cold? Is that yellow cold? Huh? It's a cold? Yes, it's comes too cold. It's too cold. It's too cold, it's too cold. I can't do this. Now you're gonna get this is it's all this? I want you to beat on his again, wall, beat on the wall. Yeah yeah. Can you take another strawberry? Can you take another strawberry? I like patients. I like patios. Get some patias. Boy. Okay, all right, you're gonna hear this. You're gonna hear this right, come over here and get your ass really choked. You didn't come on over here, so I can really choke your ass. Come on over here, Come over here, phoe o nine, Come to phoe nine we're choking over here. We're damned kill you? Which right? Here we go? Another you won't, you're gonna love it? You won't creamy or chunk it? Peanut butter? Which one you won't? Creamy or chunk it? Which one you won't? Which one you won't? Just put it in here, don't give a damn what it is, Just put it in here. Wait a minute, get the spoon, herman, her man, always her your hand, get the spoon. You don't go, you won't, you won't, you won't shoot? Or a belt? Which one you won't? Harder? You're gonna have this? A little young board? Next? Still going? Damn? What you messing them on? Oh man? Man, that one moment, both of you. I just want you didn't know that every time everything, that's how you do it. I'm here, we do, here, we go, Here we go? Man? How about that? Am I being in that leg far enough? If I've been that leg far enough? If I bet you far en up? Put it on my ear, Put it on my hear enough. Put it on the ear. Come on your leg back you go further back then? Knock which she was over here? Get your heel out of me? One more one more. All right, I need to know are you tied up tight enough? Are you tied up tight enough? Huh? Change boy with your podcast? Where the change out? Change it? You know? I got one more? I got one moment. That's a cattleprod. Cattleprod write in your ass? You like that, a cattle prod write in your behind? Now you're doing it? Now? Are you doing it? Now? Boy? That's what I've been waiting on. Put that hot? Oh me, scol me. All I can smell is my I smell ski Yeah right, we got it. Guys. Thank you. Tell us your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey f them on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up the forty six minutes after the hour, ja Athony Brown has released a new fire song. We're gonna talk about it right after this. You're listening to show a right to jay. Uh you're here. You got a new song? What's the song? I heard? It's fire? Now. Here's the problem I have when I bring out music like I don't think I get treated like other people way and introduced music. I don't get an interview. I don't get you know, I don't get the shout out, and I'm constantly producing music. I have produced a lot of music. I've been awful a while, but I just want to be treated like Anthony Hamis says, you know, I want to be treated like that. This is an original song and I want the same love. Right Well, Steve introduced them. He's a star. Can you play or another damn friend of mine? Come on, Jay, It's not gonna end insult anybody. It's dedicated to people who are living with somebody and they're going through it. Hit it. You know. I've been keeping my eye on what's being recorded about the quarantine. A lot of songs about how we're gonna get through this, how we're gonna make it, a lot of positive songs and wash your hands and all that's good. I have a song to day that really speach a group of people who are really going through it. The song is dedicated to you. I think you know who are. I'm not sick with the virus, baby, but I'm really shit of you. I'm not sick with the virus baby bad, but I'm really shit of you. Every day we standing together one day is like too, I'm not sick with the virus baby back, but I'm really shit of you. I can't stand it when you sick. I can't stand it when you talk, and it gets some nerve when you get up and walk. I'm not sick with the virus, baby bad, but I'm really shit of you. I don't know. I can't take it. I love father, God. Somebody tells you hate the very existence of you. My boy's greatness, you hear me great The bitterness is just overwhelming. It's like, man, he don't write uplifting, so don't have one. I'm not sick like when you when you talk. All right, Uh, coming up next, we'll talk about this golf thing with these superstars that's coming up at the top of the hour. And Junior is here with sports talk right after this. You're listening to show, all right, come on junior Sports Talk with junior ladies and gentlemen. What you got, Junior, Shirley. We've told you this before. This is not sports talk. It's just something we heard in sports all right, because we ain't got no no right now. Yeah, all right, y'all heard about it. It was a rainy day, but it was a great day for the match champions for charity. Uh, Phil Mix and Tom Brady, Peyton Man and Tiger Woods played over the weekend for a COVID nineteen relief fund charity. At one point, they're doing the game, Tom Brady, uh ripped your pants? Not to mention, not to mention. Charles Barker decided to talk to Tom Brady taking this. Come on, man, I'm gonna get you some shots. Man, I want some of you. It ain't over yet. Wow. Hey, hey ma, I got shut your mouth. Yeah, wow ahead, Tom and Junior. I want to thank you for calling me and reminded me to look at it because I saw the whole match. Yeah, man, it was good, wasn't you know? Tom Brady? I mean, man, they all played golf. You know well, man, I mean Tom Brady had a rough front nine, but who ain't who he couldn't find the fairway, but who ain't. I've spend the whole game looking for my ball before. No, man, I didn't went through a case. What is your telling about? Case? Leave twelve or sleeps three? Dog? Junior, that's dog, dog, That ain't impossible. Dog. Let me tell you something, man. One time I was in Vegas, alazone. I think I was on a part three. It was over water. It wasn't simple shot one hundred and seventy one hundred, one hundred and sixty some yards. And I can do that, man, five balls in a row in the water, five in a roll, Man, and you keep trying to prove it that you can do it. That's and every time I swung and I thought it was perfect swing, and that ball just drifted, drifted. This would look like in a whole. So I just get a man Conker five in a row Man, that's sounding. Yeah. Why was Charles Blocker? Right? No, he don't play. He just out there. He not you know, I never didn't see his bogy challenge. How it didn't go good at all? It's Charles. You've seen Charles Barkler swing. He's not really impressive. I don't know if he's fighting with the stick. So you don't do so, Junior. He was trying to make a bogie. Bet that he wouldn't make a bogie was on. Yeah, he didn't even make it. Charles just be out there. I don't even know what he did. You know, the bar sometimes the bar, you know, hey, hey, hey hey, the bar sometime hey, you know, you know Kobay Kobe play. Uh you know, you know Tim Brady, pat everybody in the faunaway h Hey, hey, hey, Charles, why are you out here? Watch? Hey? Dog? Charles used to be a really really good player, man, but he developed him in his swing and he couldn't get rid of it. He just come down and he stopped. But Charles used to be a really really good player. Something happened. He developed a yep and he and mentally he just can't get rid of it. I just don't get over it up. But you know, charles stomach is at the same level of it. Dad might be with the crime. Its right in the Gotta let him that Jun. Now I'm talking about sports. Should quille O'Neil man, Doc, have you seen how great a shape should kill? The god? In man? I haven't shock man. I ain't seen sha dog dog, just quarantine dog. Look at Shack. Good for him? Shack saw we heard in sports alight? That's all? It was, too okay. Coming up, we'll have more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Jansony Brown, this story is for you because you love you some movies. Okay, not necessarily in that order. Right? Will movies be will movie theaters jay be a thing of the past? Is the question. Movie studios have been offering some of their new releases through streaming services during the coronavirus pandemic, and it seems most people really really like being able to watch new movies at home. Could I ask us question, guys, what does that mean streaming? What exactly what they referred when you watch it on Netflix? Yeah, like you can see it on Netflix, Amazon, yeah, Prime. Yeah. So how does the movies? How do the movies economically make money versus going to the theater? Did they get paid when they like they buy the movie at home or something? They're selling movies now you have to buy the movie at Yeah, you can rent it or buy it at home. Yeah, and then you pay for the service as well. But some of these steaters have a line of real estate that they got to cover, you know, twenty one, you know, thirty five theaters. That's hard to fill that back up. When we come back over this, Oh but I love going to the movie. I do tell you. Yeah. Yeah, but that's saying no, that's saying that drive ins might get a little bit more heard that Tommy, I've heard that that would be cool. Yeah, I'm actually going to drive in movie up. Hell yeah, joint back, Yeah, I love Well, We'll have more of the Sea Varvy Morning Show and some trending stories coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show in Trending Detroit News. Once known as the hip Hop Mayor for his swag, former Detroit Mayor Kwami Kilpatrick was convicted back in twenty thirteen and sentenced to twenty eight years after his public corruption trial. However, now we're hearing that Kilpatrick could be released soon, possibly by the second week in June. Um so in a few weeks due to the coronavirus. So yeah, I like that because Kelly, Kelly, you're not going home. I know, I know you're not. You're not going you know now, Kwamy, my boy I played golf with his father too. Okay, Kwami gonna get out of prison soon. Yeah, second week. Really praying and hoping that he does, and if he does, we got some things that he needed to know before he get out. Get something stuff. Yeah, quam me, men are wearing that halfcuts lower now, So if you you might want to get the prison barber to kind of tighten you up so you get out. I get one last barber tight cut so you come out, and here's another one, Quami. Listen to this here. As soon as you get out, you're gonna meet some of your old friends and you're gonna try to give them a high five. We're not We're not doing that no more. This COVID thing is real out here. All we doing is al bowls elbow. Also, I saw your exercising on the prison yard. The gread big old over the head headphones unless you're doing the radio show they out. They got these things now, Kuami called pod You just put them right in your out man. You no kumit. They're gonna trip you out when you get out, man, but you gotta get you some about I'm gonna see you couple poun Now here's something else, quaming. If you get out, you're gonna want to cut back on a whole lot of your jewelry too much, Steve, Yeah, I want you to do that. And also qualming in them big cross colored jackets, and them them embossed jackets and bomber jackets with money on it and all that and fleets and it ain't all those suits got ten butteons on it. All that's out coming up our last break of the day. Hold on, yeah, I got it, I got it, I got it. It is the last break of the day. Crazy, I'm steal alone. Actually time he rang an alarm and of course whole school t Yeah, and of course also coming up in forty nine minutes after the hour, some inspirational closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this you're listening to show all right, here we are last break of the day on this Tuesday, the day after Memorial Day. It's been a good day. We talked a lot of politics today. We had a lot on our hearts today, huh so much. But just remember to wear your masks and wash your hands. That's all we asked. Stay safe. So please wash your hands. You've got to really, you've got to understand, y'all. Listen to me. It's too many commercials on TV. It's too many famous people. It's too many educated people telling you is too many mayors telling you to stay home. It's too many well thinking, well wishing people who care more about your safety and your health than to get the economy rolling. I understand you want to go back to work. I get it. I would risk going back to work to save my family too. I ain't gonna lie to y'all would But partying has nothing to do with saving your family. Going to the beach ain't got nothing to do with saving your family. Those types of things you can avoid. That's just being You can't even ask nobody to watch over you in that circle of circumstances. If you were forcing yourself to go back to work to take care of your family, I get it. But this other stuff you don't need to do. I was talking to a friend of mine and I was reminding him. He was asking me, he always checks on me, he's a man. How you're doing man? And he was kind of struggling a little bit today. And I mean, I have my moments in this quarantine. I'm not gonna kid you, it's been I've had a couple of moments where, you know, I just I just want to get on the plane, man, I just want to go somewhere, you know, I want, I want, I want, I want to go do something. You know. I don't have a job that I hate, so I don't mind going back to work, you know. But I've had some moments and I was talking to him and he was he was saying he was going through it today, and he was asking me, how do I handle it? And one of the ways that I handled the quarantine and the whole COVID situation is I handle it just like I've learned to handle all of my dark moments with gratitude. Joy and depression cannot reside in the same space. So what you have to do is you have to replace negative thoughts within the words of Joel Oldstein, with power thoughts. You have to start thinking yourself out of your circumstances, because if you allow negative thoughts to process and to exist, they flourish and they grow. And negative thoughts turned into negative results, and negative results turned into a negative life, and a negative life turns into a negative existence. And if you stay there, you start thinking some horrible thoughts. I choose not to think of myself in the middle of a crisis. I try to look at myself. What miracle is God working in my life? That I'm about to be a part of what miracle is going on in my life that I'm participating in, because man, it's got to be something to this, because I mean, if you're a person of faith and a believer, you know you've got to know that God didn't bring you this far to leave you. Right I was thinking about how I was handling it, and I think I've said on the radio before, I'm not in the middle of a crisis. I'm actually in the middle of a miracle. So what I do is when I find myself in situation that seems a big, harsh, a little bit unbearable, or I don't see no way out, I start thinking of all the times God has brought me through when I thought there was no way, and I wanted to remind people of how I do it, because throughout the Bible there are stories of people who were in chrisy situations that turned out to be a miracle. And so I go to those moments right there, you know, when when I think of when I think of Daniel, and they threw Daniel in the lions den as a form of punishment, and Daniel was thrown into den with nothing but hungry lions. I don't know if you could think about this, but that's that's a moment of crisis right there. That had to be a moment of crisis. Well, the next day, when all the kings and rulers opened up the hatch to look back down there, Niel was sitting up against the wall and all of the lions was crouched in the corner, and no harm had came to Daniel. Because what Daniel had done is when he got in this moment of chrisis, he went to the one source that he knew about that acted and performed at his highest level in chrisis moments. I remember the story of Shadrack, b Meshack, and Bendy Gold got thrown in the fire or furnace or fire, and none of them got burned. I'm pretty sure if somebody throws you in a furnace or fire, that's a chrisy situation. But when you put God in the mix, it turned out to be a big miracle for them. People. You feel me. I know when Samson was one of the strongest men, but then he got involved with the woman and all of a sudden he lost his eyesight in his hair, but all of a sudden and the last moment of strengthen he called on the Creator he would found himself in the middle of a miracle. When Jonah got swallowed up in the belly of the whale, I'm pretty sure that was a Chrisy situation, but it ended up all too well for him. I mean, when Joe was covered with balls from the heads of his from the crown of his feet, from the crown of his head to the tip of his toes, and the devil was challenging him and took everything from him, and then Job ended up being one of the wealthiest men in the world. He was in a crisis. What about them five thousand people that was in the middle of a desert, starving and they all they had was five fishing two loaves of bread, and they all ended up eating. I'm pretty sure they were sitting there looking, going, man, this ain't enough food. Just a crisis. It ended up being a miracle. When Pharaoh was chasing Moses and the people across the red across the sea and all that water was being held back then people running across that ocean floor, you don't think they felt like they was in the middle of a crisis. Now, they felt like that, but when they got on the other side, they found out they was in the middle of a miracle. God can perform miracles. If you just believe you ain't really got to be sitting over here in a crisis, you could actually be in the middle of a mirror. He's done it before, why would he not do it again? Great marks for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show.