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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back all suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like the million buck things in it coubings do me good it Steve Guy listening to mo together for stum, Please, I don't join h joined me be doing me. You gotta turn, you gotta turn to turn turn, got to turn out to turn the water to the water. Go come come on your back, I shall will. Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on, dig me nw one It only Steve Harley got a radio show? How good is God? Man? Sometimes I just I don't know, I just trip on it. Sometimes I think of all of all the mistakes I've made, man, all the bad decisions I came up with. Boy, I didn't came up with a truckload of them, y'all for real. And it's grace and mercy man just keeps allowing me to exist and allows you to exist too. See if you're listening, if you can hear me, then you know you've been allowed to exist also. And you know you you've been through grace and mercy, allowed to steal be here in spite of you know, um, a lot of decisions we may cause us to be in the predicaments when I think we all are dult enough to realize that, or I would hope so. Anyway, you know, it's amazing when you meet people who when every time time something wrong with them, it's always somebody else's fault. They did this to me, or they did that to me, or somebody said this and this caused this, and I don't know why. I can't get nobody I can trust, and I don't know why. You know, if you peel back the banana, oftentimes, really you can always find a role that you had in every situation. Now, I'm not saying that there are not things that are perchance that come upon you, because now some evil people out there to just do stuff till you ain't done nothing. I ain't talking about that. I'm talking about if you really peel back to banana, we've made decisions. Oftentimes they get us in the predicament. You know, if you're in a bad relationship, you know, remember somewhere in the beginning you pick that person, So you know you do have to remember that part of it, your role in it. Why why Lord, you keep sending these people my way. Excuse me, God didn't send nobody your way. Try to remember you pick them. Just try to remember that part and so in owning up to your end of the deal. Here's what helped me the most in my life with my mistakes, my errors, my flaws, my failures. This is what helped me the most. It's the fact that God is forgiving. And God is a god of second, third, fourth, fifth, six chances. I mean, he'll give you chance after chance. If God was God just gave you one chance, we'd all be sunk. If he just gave you two times to get it wrong, we'd all be sunk, all of us. But He is a forgiving god on so many levels a thousand times, one thousand times, a thousands. If it's necessary, he'll forgive you. You know. Now, there's also some consequences with our actions that should cause us to straighten up and not have to be forgiven for the same thing ten thousand times now. I mean, come on, you know, if you got had to get set down for a major major felony, a major major crime, and you gotta sit down for a do some time, that time is supposed to give you a moment of pause, where when you get out, you don't do that one again, you know, you know, something like that. So I'm not talking about the extreme, but I'm just talking about, you know, the mistakes and errors that we make in life. I think his grace and mercy, the way that He forgives us allows us to get back up here. It is the thing that has really really helped me. If you don't let your mistakes bog you down, if you don't let your sins, your mistakes, your errors, your slip ups, your mess ups, if you don't let it break you down, if you don't let it define you, and if you don't let it stop you. That's the greatest gift, one of the greatest gifts you can get from God. That is not allowing all of your mistakes to stop you from forward progress, to bog you down, to make you later all well, I guess saying if I did that, I guess I must not be no good. Listen, we didn't all done that some form of that. See, sin is sin in God's eyes. That's the cool thing, you know, so you know where at least I ain't there, So I ain't that type of person. Hey they did this, Hey, hey man, sin and seeing the God. You know, we all we all fall short somewhere alund along the line, but you can't let it bog you down to the point where it stops you or it defined you. Because the reason that the mistakes can't define you is because we are all a work in progress and that we all have made mistakes, but we all learned from the mistakes, and the mistakes and the failures are often very valuable gained experiences along the way, and that's what they fall. You know, Look, when you're a little baby and you start learning how to walk, when you first let go of that coffee table, you ain't gonna make it all the way over there. You're gonna fall, sit down, and then you're just gonna crawl on over there. Well, then after a while you know somebody to get on the other end, and they call you, and you take a couple of steps and you almost get there, and your fall and then you crawl the rest of the the way. Well, if the fact that you let go of the coffee table as a baby and you fail, if you if that's what defined you, we'd all be crawling today. But that didn't define you. That was a valuable learned gained experience alone the way to taught you this, and life is full of those falls. Now they become a lot more severe at the older you get, they become a lot more They come with a lot more consequences the older you get. But it's the fall, it's the same. It's still the fault. You fail, you fail, and the thing of it is that that allows you to get back up as God is forgiving and if you don't, if you take accept the forgiveness, you can move on. What a lot of people do and what they think when I'm trying to get it to the day is when you make a mistake and you ask God for forgiveness and he forgives you, you don't have to allow other people to bog you down with that mistake. Every time they see you, they bring it up. They want to hold you accountable to your flaws and your mistakes. No no, no, no no no no no no. You have got to let it go. If God has forgiven you, but some people won't, then you'll maybe you'll just move away from them. People see, because it's people. If you if you let people define you by a mistake you made, that's their way of not allowing you to move on, not allowing you to say you've grown from that, or not allowing you to say, hey, well that changed me. That's the thing in my life that taught me the lesson I needed to learn. Oh, I got people trying to beat me up about my past all the time. I refuse to allow that to happen. Because if God has forgiven me for my mistake, for my sins, for my flaws, then who are they? Who are they to keep they go they're gonna keep writing about it. No, no, no, no, man, you can go ahead and write about it, but they ain't got nothing to do with me. Congratulations, great story. And you got to understand that the same way. And then see the second part of it is the reason that I'm able to move on is when somebody strikes me, somebody do dirt on me, I've learned to forgive them a lot faster now, so so I can be forgiven. You know, there's a line in the Lord's Prayer that says, forgive us our trust passes, as we forgive those who trust pass against us, Or some some people say forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debt us. That I've had it both ways, but my favorite is forgive us. Our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass against us. So that means when I go to God, I am asking God to forgive my trust passes. Now you what you're asking God to do, it's forgive you when you trestpass, when you cross the line, when you go outside the morality clause, when when you don't, when you commit us, when you do something wrong to somebody, when you hurt somebody's feeling, you're asking God to forgive you. But then the prayer is to forgive us. Our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass against us. So when somebody come to you and say, hey man, I'm sorry, I did you wrong, I mean, man, we got to let out, We got to take our knee off their neck. So I've learned to forgive people a lot quicker man, And that might help you down in your quest to get up and move on too. Let somebody else get up and move on every time you see them. You ain't got to hate on them every time you see them. It ain't got to bring no rise up in your spirit. Hey man, I'll forgive you. Let it go, do don't mean, we got to be friends and hang out, but I forgive you. I don't. I don't have reaction to you no more. That might help too. All Right, I'm just throwing it out there. You're listening to Welcome to the Ride, y'all on this very very special Memorial Date Steve Harvey Show. I gotta tell you though, man, we got some surprises for you to day. Okay, let's get it cracking. They are here, the ladies that the Steve Harvey Morning Show, best voice in all the radio. Shirley Strawberry. Hey, what's happening, big daddy? Happy Memorial Day to you. Good morning Mommy, Mommy, Carla, Carla, and hey, sexy nephew Tommy. It's Memorial Day. Were barbecueling, duh hoo, I'm barbecuing, ripping du hood. She is here the Hood and straight out of preview calling from what what? What's in Old New Orleans? Be old bottom a old people from Arcasa on Shirley and neither is Shirley. You got some people in artice definitely. Okay, let's stop that d all right, Good morning, Steve Harvey, Hey, my girl, Shirley Strawbery. Nephew Tommy Memorial Day? What up? Do? What up? No music this morning? The food king of the prank anything else is ignorant on this show, you ummy filthy red uncle for Shirley Starbury calling the juke box for real? If Memore Day, Baby, we're gonna make a do what the dude? Yeah yeah yeah, Junior morning? Uh yeah, all right now Tommy, don't like that, big God. Some people just would not get their own damn uncle. You know why when this one sitting right here that ain't yours? The bloodline is different. Mmmm. Wonderful voice for radio. It scares people. Wonderful ignorant as old friend, that's what up? Mister Harvey going on? Boy oh king, how are you hey? Welcome to the radio where you can talk. Yeah, we got to day off. I'm really barbecuing at but we all who came up with this ignorant offing? We do it every year at work. But it ain't don't work, just barbecueing outside of the stupid we here, ain't here? Is it recorded? Ain't it tell everything? They live? No? They not. We're here. No we're not. We're at home. They are not there at the crib. We don't know, all right, We gotta. We gotta showed them we got a job. We're blessed for that. Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord. Yeah away y'all. Uh, we're gonna jam and kick off the official start of summer. It's on the Steve Harvey Morning. We got some special stuff. Y'all. Ain't hurt back cool, I'd be Memorial Day. Hey, you're talking out of your chest. I don't care. I'm excited. I can be excited when you get excited from the dive from the lady trap you shot in your life, your lady, I'm gonna live as long as I'm gonna live. Steve, Yes, as long as the Lord has me on the earth. Talk from your chest. But something though, we got that something funny coming up, ignorant Junior. I got onef of today to be told right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show, all right, coming up right now? May Day. Now, what is this exactly, Steve, Steve, you said it. If you know human, Me and Jay Man we met each other back eighty six. Man, you know what you know? Cell phones, right, So what we had to do was like whenever we wanted to talk to each other, he had an answer machine and I had answered. So we have to call each other answer machine because you know, comedians, you know, you check your answer machine three photons because it's probably to give so you always calling, you know, and back in the day, you could punch in the code and hear your message, play it back, go to the next one, skip, you know, with your little touchtone phone. And so Jay and I developed a system where if we really needed to talk to each other and it was important, we go may day, may day. Then we say the number we was gonna be at between four hours. It could be a pay phone at a gas station, pay phone on the corner, you know, just wherever we knew. And then the other person, wherever he was, would find the time doing that window to get to the phone and call him at that number. Okay, And so that's what I had. Some of the worst may days probably well, yeah mine. I had this habit of writing down where I played, you know, and writing about you know the show, how the show win, and I write my jokes and who I was weird. Yeah, that was not good. That was not good. I used to keep this book close to me, real close to me, like where's my book? I gotta have my book? Well, those other person found the book. Was this other person female. She found the book and even though the spelling was bad, she she just saved all of the soul. The next thing for me to do was to call Steve maybe, and you had to wait for him to call you back, because I mean back, I'm going through it, right, I mean talking to my boy right now. So I'm to pay phone waiting. I'm waiting you don't call, I will go about then I go to the next phone call him again. He got a call and check his messages to call me back. So when he finally called me, all I said, well, he knew about the book. All I said was she found the book and I heard click. Like what all I said was she found the book. I can't help you nothing, there's nothing. She found the book. Done. She found the book. Man, Oh my god, uh may Day, Yeah, the worst man. So that's what it was about. That's how we did it back in the day. You know. So these comics talk the day about you know, the Internet and getting busted like that, tweeting and stuff like that. Man, we paid our dudes back in the day. We paid our dudes. I know who did. We pave the way seriously, cheating wasn't easy back in the day. Somebody had to do it, though, somebody had But you have you have more may days in Ski? Oh, I have way more may days. You answered the phone. Yeah, Steve had a couple may days. Oh yeah, I want to hear. It's got time. Come on. So I was and eight dating this girl. Man, it was like twenty four. Oh, yes, yes, you remember day. Yes, I didn't know it because I was just going in town. I lead her, she got it, she got boyfriend h and uh the dude called me. I mean I mean, I mean, I mean he didn't call me. He saw me somewhere and he left a note on my car and he said, uh, when I see you, I'm whooping your age. Well, you know, look, man, that's fine and good. You know, I'm twenty eight. I'm in nice shape. I'm twenty eight, still had my fighting skills, real sharp. But if I don't know who you are, you could surprise me and I could move because I'm speaking to you. Why he's throwing punch. Oh yeah, So I said, I didn't want to get in the car because I thought the dude was somewhere watching me. Were gonna s so I went over to the payphone bay day. So I had to stand that payphone for six hours to Jane called his machine. So I'm hastening back and potato chips. I mean, you know, little budget items that laught like. I'm visit. But I'm standing talking lot looking for somebody that's gonna walk upon me. I just needed Jay to know where I was going case something happened, man, and I had to tell him the whole story. Some Jay finally called me. He said, Man, what's up? I said, Man, Jay, I gotta do. Man, you know the girl I was seeing? He said yeah. I said, she got a boyfriend. He says, what that got to do with us? Many? Right? I said, He put the note on. He said he gonna so he know the car I got. Jay said, for your next gig as I said, missip He said, started driving night. All right, thanks. Dog got in the car head of the Mississippi. Now I told him where I was going to Mississippi. I said, Dog, get to take me about seven hours to get that. You don't hear from me in seven hours? He got me friends girl, this, her boyfriend were gonna way back Cadillac seats. Man made da and I was hoping that the guy would get him and then I could get that gigs you're listening show. I am Veacon deaf Jam as you know, um past the motown is in route right now. He'll be here momentarily. But of course I am Deacon deaf Jam as you know, um Past the Motown is in route right now. He'll be here momentarily. But of course the one, the one and only Deacon add Noid is here. Good morning, are you can you make to this this morning? I got my mouth closed with my breathing hormayr mouth closed, it's completely closed. Could you before we get started, could you just has to tell us what's around with you. It's not sight. It's in case you think that it's just a birth defect, no signs. No, there's nothing there. There's nothing there that it checked and there's nothing there. I've loved to the doctor and come back and he said, you know what, there's nothing there. And so I'm saying to you, there's that. You're saying, you're clear, completely clear. This is a This is a good day for me today something Some days are breathed heavier than today. Today. It's a very good day. Have you been. He was in throat back that hell out down that really scared me right there. Yeah, he dropped that reverand now yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine. Things good, I'm good, I'm good. Is it a breathing machine? Done? It all sounds like you don't have the will You get used to it? You do, you know, I'm second week, but maybe a couple of years you get used to cheat. Well, do you think used to keep your mouth open? Okay, I'll try that. I'm trying. I never have tried that. It's good to your open trave open. You're open suggestion. Man, that's worse that you can de can add. No, I'm sorry you can't think you get my thoughts together. Listen, we do have some church complaints. Do you think you could make it breathe? It's just one of them. Okay, yeah, let me get started here. Um, it's our annual foot washing day coming Saturday, and uh we need you are passed of Motown to speak privately with brothers. Titus Callaway. I don't know if you know it, Reverendady, but his left foot has only one big toe and one little toe. There are no toe hold in between those two. So h no, no toes in between the big toe and the little toe. Is that what you're saying? He has the big one and the letter one, he definitely should not. Well, that's when I'm saying, definitely not open to sandals. Definitely, that is a that's a weird look. You're talking about something that slides around your foot down the bottom and flip flops are out. Why wouldn't you wear open toes? Sadles that we need you a top with him, speak with him, Okay, I can do that, and now I stay with me. Yes, I'm following you. Yes, because he comes every year to get his feet washed, and nobody wants to wash him. Understand because she was because between them here, I'm here, between the big, big one and the letter one. It's coming though, to hurry up, it's coming. You get quiet. I don't know when you fell off. I don't you scan me? What do you do between the account like one? All right? Here was another one? I as you know the the the death choir song this past Sunday, Um we gonna need you, are reverend. No time to communicate with them that there's only one person leading a song. They all trying to sing lead and not, and the rest need to be on the chorus. This is not good. This is the death choir, and we need one of you all to speak with him. Some one should speak to the death. No, I'm suggestion loud, just as you go in the very loud. Yo, it's only one of y'all. Is that gonna be your approach to talking to the death? Cry? You have the blood right now? When I'm asking you something, where do you go? Just you hear me? You hear me? To stop breathing. I'm okay, okay. If I stopped for more than third minutes, didn't call someone a minute? All right? Ben called someone? Sim good? All right? We have another situation. Listen here, I send it two year old our very own sister isabel A Lowbody, who has been selling moonshine out of her backyard for years. It is now over the Communion ministry. We have reasons for it to believe. This is why everyone is knocked out sleep halfway through service and stumbling out of church after the benediction. Now somebody gonna have to talk to sister Elizabeth Lowbody. I speak to her. Shouldn't get a couple of jobs with that? First of all, they still call it moonshine. They really do itself and it's called yes they do. What do they call us? What's her last name? Lowbody? Nah? Huh, that's her name here, last name strawberry? Nobody. Do you work at the strawberry plantation? Plantation right with me, in the middle of what we're doing. They have strawberry plantations In case you didn't know it, well, I didn't come from one. All right, this is now hurry, reverendad No, this is a complaint about past the Motown Deacon, Deacon Kirby, Deane squad Pump. You're listening morning show. All right, it's not looking good. I mean, we can all agree on this. It is not looking good for the president right now. Yeah. So our question for everyone is have you ever been fired? Because there is talk of impeachment, firing him, all of that. Have you ever been fired? And what did you do? Let's start with you, mister Harvey. Have I ever been fired? Yeah? Yeah? Have I ever been? By the hell I had to get into comedy. I can't catch I know, I got fired man because I just couldn't. No. I never you know, I don't take orders good. I've never been the guy that wanted the boss. Every time I had an employer, I would look at him, and in two weeks I never understood why this person was in charge of me. I just never got it. I've been fined. I've been fired for a lot of reasons. One time I got fired because I had a giant to cleaning john. You know, I was vacuuming and you know, shampooing carvers on floors right before opening up my carb cleaning company. And the cleaning company that the lady came in and ran it and handed me some gloves and said, you're doing tarlets tonight? And I said doing doing toilets were And she said here at this office complex. And I went in the bathroom and it's about, you know, about four toilets in them, and I don't. I don't do tarlets even back then. I'm not I'm not cleaning the tarlet. It's nothing wrong with it. Nothing, I'm not knocking. I'm above it. I just got a thing I don't want to clean no toilet. People that do that, I ain't got no problem. And some great people out there earn a living. I'm not knocking that, but I'm I'm not cleaning toilet I don't want to, and so I just stood in there. I washed out the face bowl. Now, I mopped it everything, and I sprayed some spray on everything, and I came out. So it was her company, you know. So she went in there to check everything after them, and she said, I don't believe these toilets have been cleaned? Did you clean them? I said, to the best of my ability? And she said, well, maybe your abilities wasn't good enough. I said, well, how would you like it done? She said, well, it just doesn't seem like anything. But I think you just sprinkle the disinfecting them because it foamed up, and I think that's all you did. I said, well, yes, ma'am, but you know I did the best. She said. You take a brush, you scrubble into the rim and you scrubbed down the side. That's when it's cleaned. You take that scrub bush you're going up. That's why you had these rubber gloves. Then you take these disinfectant cloths and you wipe them off down and get all up under the seat. I said, right there, right there, all up under the seat. Okay, you're talking about what people ask me. She said, yeah, And what is wrong with that. I said, ma'am. I did the best I could. She said, well, you don't need to be working here because you're gonna be on toilets from now. I took the rubber gloves off. I said, thank you for the opportunity, ma'am. She said no, no, no, no, no, don't quit. You're fired. I said, well, I can take it either way. I ain't doing any damn toilets difference. That was it, man, That was That was my first job. I got fired from. Oh wow, well, second job, second second job. A bunch of times, A lot of times. I didn't mind having people over me, but I always trying to found a slick way to deal with it. So I'm working in this clothing store. I wasn't a tailor at that time. It was my job to make sure they're putting new suits up. And Steve would tell his suits coming big boxes, huge boxes, okay, big enough that if you need a break, you could get in a box and go to sleep and nobody would know you were in the box, right unless they heard you snoring in the box. The box here, Yeah, I was in there. I was a sleep I was out at the top over it, and somebody came back and said, there's a neat bro one one of these boxers is snoring, snores, and so you can look and see me in the box, right, And that's when I had to say clean out my my locker because I was in the box sleep with the lead on. So I lost that job, right, Shirley, you've never been fired, not that I know. Maybe one time one time, but it's not funny or good. They just go ahead. I worked at a pick and pay. I was a stock clerk. And then you know when they got crowded on Mother's Day, on Mother's weekend, which is the first to the month, that's what they called it Mother's Day weekend. That's when all the checks came out. That's the most crowded the grocery store in the hood. Right, So I had to go up and I have to bag. I started off as a bag I was really good. I could bag. I double bag everything. That's that's the real neat package is right weight everything. So every now and then we're going there. So I became a stoker, so I would stock the shells. And this white guy named Leo worked in the dairy department. I scored there and ask him questions because I wanted to work and produce more than anything. Man. And so this dude named Leo worked in uh dairy, and I was in produced talking to this old black guy that'd been running produced for twenty some years. How I got the job? How could I get it? You know, I'm about he's seventeen years old. And the dude Leo came up and started talking. He said, so, what do you want to get in produced for it? And I just said, well, you know, man, I've always been interested in him. He said, look, dairy's where you want to be. Come back here and I'll show you. You know, We're just going back there and we're talking. He's showing me all the dairy stuff now, like I don't won't work with that. Now, I said, I really like produce. We're going back and forth. So he got a little irritated. Not that I was knocking the dairy department, It's just that I wanted to work in produce. Man. I didn't really want to be putting cards of milk on the shelf. I wanted to work with vegetables and stuff, and and so then he kept on and didn't. Finally, man, he said, oh, so what is it you just all of you just enjoy picking things? Oh, hold on, man, what's what you mean by that? I said? He said, I guess it's just inherent though, you know, I just want to pick something what Andy started? Right, you're listening, all right, y'all, it's time again for him. Ladies and gentlemen him. You can do better than that. Steven, say my name, Good morning. Everybody dance him. Eugene, Yes, you, it's Eugene Antwine Ferguson. Yeah, I'm get money to Anthony Brown, Charlie Strawberry, Cala Farrow Junior, and Timmy and the leader of this group. I'm Stephen Harvey. So good morning to every wine. Morning butterfly flap on flap brother, morning butterfly, Jay. You're not speaking. Oh no, I spoke. I said, good morning. No I didn't hear you, Carli, because you talk morning butterfly. Hey mean yeah, I speak good about the individually wasting town. What you what you want? Well, that's how we open the show. The show is running. But I'm not on the show. When you speak in the morning, I'm not like and this ain't the time for you. We all know who we are. Who are you and what do you want? Let me let me ask this question. Who you got a town with a town. I don't like your town, dog, you don't like my tone? I don't like your town. Can't cut his mic? Call? Now what's up? Now? Listen to me, now, Eugie, your mic is and can't nobody hear you? Now? Now you all you here is my tone and we can't hear yo tone. See that's the power we got up in here. Now we're gonna put you back up. Put him back up, cat Ta don't dude that now tame my mic out? Watch yo tone? Why would you? He shouldn't be allowed to turn out people a microphone? Cut it off. See that's what happens. See that right then, don't come in here, boss and nobody around. This is our show. Shirley, Carla, Junior, Jay and Tommy, You two Bossy and me my cutters mic back up. I am a part of this, yell just as well. And you didn't damn that out of that. I'm having my Peak Yellow and Blue Barbecue party. I want everyone to um and that are red, white and blue. I do peak yellow and blue. We're doing Peak yellow and blue um Barbecue Part I don't know if they're making fan of meal. But anyway, the Future Brothers are gonna be there. Bag in God Butterfly, do you think? Yeah, the Pink, Yellow and Blue Barbecue Party. The Future Brothers are, they're gonna be there. They always do all the catering and they they grill everything you want. You know, they have the name of the Comedians a Future then be there, the Future Brothers and they're dressed in future color and they you know, it's sad, and they do all of their cookies. Don't say that, Steve, don't say that. Hello. Anyway, anybody wants to come to the Pink, Yellow and Blue Barbecue Party. It's going down on Sunday and we're gonna have a party and the Future Brothers are going to be cooking. They have great quality food, oh man, the Future body. And they got their own special South. Their souse is incredible. They got they specially made it. It's all in the South, it's all in the top. But they're me it's so tender, very very tender meat. That's what you want. You want tender meat, and you want to go South. Anyway, all right, we gotta go. Jay is up next to Murder another kids, as you're listening show. All right, Charlie back, it's time to get it done. It's time to do what this boy came over here to do. He doing way moding that, but you know, bought for one bit. He muscle his way in overhead. Cut out all this damn talking on this there. I'm sorry. All right, we got a fresh one for you today, Steve. I don't think Shirley for coming up with the concept of this Shelty Charlie Wilson song. Now, his song is Blessed. It's about blessed. It's about being thankful for what you got. My song a little different, it's about being stressed. There's a lot of stressful situations out there. Do you just got out of one? Just got out of one? So here we go, stress, not blessed, Steve Harty money show man. I'm just a bundle of bad nerves. Man. I'm shaking all the time. If you give me a glass of milk, man, I give you butter back. That's how much I'm saying. I want to go nowhere, standing house all the time. I adn't take packages in mail. No, you don't know, and people scared. I don't stand in the yard. Ain't away, but I might do it Sunday. It's laying by my side. Damn. I just people fighting on the freeway, crazy me and the scream. I don't bother them, My God, enough on my flea. I'm afraid to be laid Mary. No, I might give him better. So I get high to get by drinking, and I can't any night. And so we've been looking my hand. You see me cry because I ain't got nothing but better love. Ask me I do and I'm stressed. Yes, I put the letter D in the word deep russ. I always have a drobbing in my hole. My Yes, I'm stressed, Yes, I'm stressed. Yes, don't ask me all I'm doing. I'm a mess. Yes, my side piece pass to pretend any jesh ever, says her on my face. Yes, I'm stressed, Yes, I'm stressed. Yes, it's me. All I'm doing. I'm stressed. Yes, I'm put good at a D in the word deep Russ. I always have a drobbing in my hole. Yes, I'm stressed. Yes, I'm stressed. Yes, don't ask me how I'm doing. I'm a mess. Yes, the side piece past to pretend any jes see a smile up on my face. Yes, we do it. That is how we do it. I'm stressed. I'm stressed. Is that a car wreck? Car crack? Keep it throbbing in my chick and it was give me a glass of milk. I'm shaking my hard. I'm gonna give you back. But that was a great jack. That was good reason what you say. You showed us a positive Yeah, shake it again. I'm sure I am all right. Check me out, y'all com prep shell Underwood the first of the fourth. Uh, and I should be there. We're gonna Roachell on the fourth, alright, wod Los Angeles, California. Man, I'm stressed about that. Wow, Jay, about everything, Steve, I mean, things seem to be going well with you lately. Stressed about anything? Yeah, a good week? Yeah, last week I can understand. But this week Friday, I mean, it's more coming. But you know I ain't. Oh, it's more coming already. I already know what the mission to some people is. But I ain't very stressed. I'm sick of some mess. I'm sick of summer. It is mess. Yes, starting to look like I'm less, but all I mean sick this mess. I wish they would get a life phone calls coming up. Yeah, you're listening morning show. Alight, y'all we back coming up at top of that. We got strap letter. But come on, food, what you got? I find to get you one? Now you ain't ready for this? Oh? Yes, right here? Okay, maybe I need to do a disclaimer. You're going there. Well, let's hear the prank. We'll see we're here. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a carry. Yes, this is carried hi carry. My name is Oliver. Oliver. You uh put in an application with with the employment agency about looking for some work as far as being a lifeguard for the summer this coming summer. Oh yeah, I did. Okay, have you had much experience being a lifeguard? Yeah, I've been doing this for a while out back, since I was like eighteen I got my CPR certification. I've had as many as like two hundred people at one time watching them. So I'm good. I'm good at what I do. I love it. Okay, okay, Now for my understanding, you're in college right now. I'm studying too. What are you studying. I'm studying to be at r N and nurse. See that's what I do. I love helping people, so like being a lifeguard. That gives me, you know, some kind of hands on experience with people outside the hospital. So it's good. It's good, very good, very good. Well, i'll tell you what. I've looked over your application and I've checked everything out thoroughly, and I'm very excited about maybe getting you too. I don't know if you're familiar with it, but public pool it's actually in subdivision. There's two pools there. Are you familiar work, I'm familiar with it. They're they're near where I live. Yeah, okay, Well, there's actually in the back of there's a gated community and that is actually the particular property that I'm talking about you coming out and working for us there at the pool site for the for the whole summer. We want to start actually on May first, and we want to go all the way to probably the last week in August. Are you Are you capable of taking on a job like that from Monday to Friday, And if we can get you on Monday to Friday, We're gonna actually hire some some more college students for for Saturday and Sunday. What do you say, Oh, I say Okay, that sounds great. Weekends off, yeah, yeah, exactly. Now we start off from we want you from twelve to six. There's actually classes that take place from ten to twelve, but from twelve to six, it's open to the entire community, and we want you to be the lifeguard there. The job actually pays twenty five dollars an hour. Wow, you would be our head lifeguard and we would we would want you to be there from you know. I mean if you start at twelve, we'd actually like you to get there around eleven thirty, you know, just just to be prepared and be the overseer and make sure the other lifeguards get there on time. And you know, we'll go from there. Now. Carry there's only one catch that that actually comes along with this job that you definitely have to do and carry out as far as your duties are concerned. We want you to work an additional four hours from six to ten at night, but it's gonna pay you fifty dollars per hour, so you'll make an extra two hundred dollars. How do you feel about that? Man? I feel good. I mean, with the recession and everything, I can use that money right now, especially during the summertime. Okay, now here's the deal. This is in a gated community like I told you before, but also it's gonna be adults at night, and there are actually gonna be swimming nude. Yeah, they're gonna be swimming nude. And what they asked is if they're gonna be swimming nude, they want to make sure that the lifeguard that's protecting them is gonna be nude as well. Okay, I'm ana certified lifeguard, I'm CPR certified. I'm a student. I've had other jobs, but nudity wasn't on my resume and and I understand that wholeheartedly. But we're talking about you possibly making seventeen hundred and fifty dollars a week. How do you feel about seventeen hundred and fifty a week for your nursing school. I'm sure that'll that'll definitely pay for it throughout the entire summer. That should be a big health shouldn't it? Yeah? It would, But I mean, I mean, are are you How do you feel about trying it for a few weeks and then you know, how how do you feel about that? I don't know, but I mean, you're gonna watch over with some adults who are actually just gonna be nude in the pool, and you're nude as well, up on the big chair that overwatches everybody. Seventeen fifty I don't seventeen fifty carry, you know, I don't think I'm gonna be able to do that. Seventeen fifty carry. We're talking about four hours of you being nude along with some other people that are already knew. So, I mean, what's the big deal. You know? What we need you to do is come down. We're gonna do some drills, some lifeguard drills to make sure that you're definitely qualified. But we're gonna make sure that when you do those, you gotta be naked as well. Okay, what what Why would I have to do some drills naked? I'm already a lifeguard. I would I need to drill? And I understand that. But in order we for our particular property, we gotta make sure that you're actually prepared and ready, you know, I understand. Well, that's the way it is, Carrot. We need you to come down and do some drills. It's not gonna take a long probably about a half hour. You come down, you get undrafted you get in the pool and we make sure that you're all abide um to swim, nude, to handle to saving somebody's life, nude, the whole nine yards. But I mean, what if my family come to that, you know, carry I you know I can't go back and forth with you. I can't now. I know you you you know. I looked at your resume. I looked at what you were doing and what you're pursuing in life, and I thought this would be a great opportunity for you. But I can't be here. I mean, I can't do that to my family. You can know. No, wait a minute, hang on a second. Now, you can't tell me you can't do it now? Oh yes, yes I can't. You get your down here in the morning so I can get these drills done, and I want you naked when you get here and get in this pool. You're understand me. Who the hell do you think you're talking to? Are you some kind of pool timp? Life glod 'm the resources herd pimp. You're new timping me. I don't have to come down there. If I want to come down there, you gotta bring. You can get out of here tomorrow and get in this pool and do the drill. You think you're talking to I'm talking to you. You get your man here tomorrow. You duty true need to do. It's gonna get you a Pamela Anderson Baywatch because I ain't a true gach. It's what are you doing? A new grass stop for you all freaking I don't know them. I don't know them people. I don't give it. Who you know? Now, you get your down here and you take the job. I'm not coming down that to y'all. Fuck so tomorrow and swim new and life. Go ahead now for a bunch of runchy I don't know you take your times to I'm trying to be nice to you when you come a house with that no. But because I'm not that kind of a girl, you got me. Okay, you need to go get you a Pamela Anderson Baywatch. You know DeepC diving. I don't know what you need, but I'm know what you need. You set your black down here tomorrow. Who I'm talking to you? Who you think you're talking to? Who I'm talking to you? Do you think you're talking to I got something I want to say to you. You're listening? You know what You've got a grayhead and stare because I'm buying got this phone in your face right now. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend. I just sank you, baby, your girlfriend, Frank, she's gonna have one lest float. I cannot believe she gave me like this. All right, I gotta ask you something, baby, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning Show. All I want to know was it a home run? Stupidest? On course? That's all I don't used to describe that when you ask us, and I mean it was a home run and stupidity and you getting your button beat down. Yes, it was good. Yeah, I just need to make sure stupid it's own course, that's all me nervous where you make me nervous? All right? Wait till I call your husband, then you're gonna be nervous. Magafest June thirty, don't miss it a time to laugh, Dallas, Texas at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center. It's going down June thirty, hosted by Yours Truly and the one and only headliner, Cedric the Entertainer. Tickets on sale right now. Come hang out with us, Maga, fast, clean comedy all night long. Is that gonna be rough for you? I know it would go for Jack. Oh not cushion? Yeah? Well so so do you have to practice not? You know, your your show? You have to practice. I got to practice. Yeah, you have to practice not cushion. Yeah, I got. I'm gonna make show. I don't make no honey, Hey y'all do it what? You can't talk right here? N can't talk right now? That that's me at last weekend Strawberry Letter coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, we got the Strawberry Letter coming up next and it's a crazy one as always. But before we get to it, NFL Cornerback Antonio Cromarty became famous or infamous, if you must say, back in twenty ten when he appeared on the show Hard Knocks and named all the many kids he's fathered with different women since then. He reportedly this is great news. He reportedly got a vasectomy, which doesn't seem to be working well though, especially considering his current wife is pregnant with his fourteenth childteenth child. Yeah, according to report, he had of asectomy after ten kids. Now ten kids, he had one, and since then he's added four more to the family, including a set of twins. Lacy Fertle. Yes, it's especially amazing because, according to the American Urological Association, the odds of a vasectomy not working are one in two thousand. Yeah, I mean at four kids. Yes, Yeah, he didn't think we stopped after five or six. He walked by you. You get pregnant, man, you'll be playing football to he's six, So that happen. Yeah, he'll playing out of game, myself, my home after somewhere what some that would hurt. Yeah, but we gotta find out what's gonna stop this. At some point, I need to plug in it. That's what it means. Yeah, man, I saw this story yesterday. That was pretty I like it. He's a hell of a football player. No, he's got fourteen hell of a nice guy. Man. When you talk to him, Man, nice guy, hell of a ball player. Man talk articulate, really sharp guy. Man just got kids, man, Man, a lot of several different women. Yeah. Yeah, ain't no Walgreens, No one. Well you got them any women. He's very engaging. One thing he does have his conversation. He's not boring. No, he ain't boring. He's married now. Yeah. Yeah, but didn't get that many women, Brittany. He's very talkative. But you know, I mean, there are a lot of women out there that, you know, try to trap those guys. They didn't get pregnant. But fourteen though, jeez, when do you stop? You don't, he's got to stop, which I'm going to let me. Y'all got to get a trade. Everybody ain't going to Somebody ain't gonna make it. Somebody gonna manage a Wendy. Yeah, all y'all are not done in college, and two of them gonna be statistics. I would actually open up an adoption agency at my house. You just come get one at eat. Let's go, let's buckle up, hold on, tight head is start. Thank you Tommy subjects. He doesn't call anymore. Hello, Stephen Shirley. I met a guy about a month ago. We met at a restaurant he co owns with a friend. We sat there for the whole night, chatting the night away, and left in the morning. He got my numbers from a girlfriend of mine just before we left the place. He then called thirty minutes later to find out if we got home safe. The next day I called him, we had a chat, and during the week he proposed to meet again with me, but he didn't pitch. I don't get that part. I don't get that, but anyway, buddy didn't pitch. That's what she says. Then called later to apologize as he had to present reports to his manager. In the same week, Friday, we met again at the restaurant, then later went home, and the next week he called and told me he wanted to see me, even if it was only for a minute. By that time I was on my way home. I called him again. We chatted, then we met again at the restaurant and he offered to give me a full body massage, of which I rejected him nicely. Recently, he doesn't call at all. He doesn't get back to me like he used to. Can you please advise advise on what I can do without compromising myself in this situation. Warmest regards, Laredo. Oh okay, Laredo. If what I think happened actually did happen, then that could be and it's probably why he's not calling you anymore. You said you guys met at a restaurant then later went home. I gotta ask you if you meant that you went home together, because that's certainly what it sounds like. But then at the end of the letter you said you don't want to compromise yourself. But if you guys went home together already, then I'm assuming you compromised yourself earlier in the letter. It's a little confusing right there for me. And there's a lot of stuff going on, a lot of stuff happening really really fast. You called him the next day, You immediately called him the next day. It sounds a little eager, a little desperate to me. That's just that's my opinion, you know. And I have some other questions. Why was he presenting reports to his manager if he owns the restaurant. A lot of confusing stuff going on in this letter. Also, you called him again. He asked you for a full body massage. You rejected him nicely. See again, that doesn't sound like you know, you guys went home and got busy. I don't know. This letter's confusing to me, Steve. What do you think you can at least get started. This whole thing is just a mess because your letter is sporadic. You've given us information out of order, incomplete, And anytime a woman writes incompletely, it's because she's intentionally leaving something out. You're the most You're the most thorough communicators I know on earth. You all will tell it all because you all's gift is probing and digging and getting into the depth of the conversation. So when you read a letter from a woman who has an incomplete letters because she's trying to pick the information she's going to share with you and leave out other information, you all are the best at it in the world, communicating and talking. So how she didn't wrote a letter that we don't understand, it's because she then left some stuff out. But she trying to figure out. But now how does she clean up and fix this mess? Well, I got some news for you when we come back, ma'am um. And you probably not gonna like this answer right here, but this answer is the truth because you are a chapter in the book and sport fishing. Oh, she's the chapter in the book. That's why I wrote it. I'll explain it to you when we come back. You're listening. Twenty one minutes after that, I here's a letter. He doesn't call anymore. You know, ma'am, you left a lot of information out of your letter. U Laredo or Larado, whatever your name is. You met a guy about a month ago. You met a restaurant he co owns with a friend. Um, like Shirley said, if he co owns a restaurant, why is he um feeling out reports to his manager? Uh, the owner don't feel out reports to the manager. The manager feels out of reports to the own. Here's see, here's what he's Here's what started this whole thing. Ladies, be careful of this right here. We chatted the whole night and left in the morning. He got my numbers from a girlfriend of mine just before we left the place. He then called thirty minutes later to find out if we got home safe. See right there. You're impressed by that, and then he called to make sure I got home. Ladies, listen to me. Don't be totally impressed by the things that we automatically do in the beginning. These are things that guys are automatically taught to do in the beginning. Don't be totally impressed with that. I mean, it's nice that he does it. This region's troublesome. If he does it, that's the red flag. But please don't bring out the band just because he called to see if you got home safe. Hell, that's routine. Player move one on one first night, okay. Then the next day I called him, You had a chat. Then he proposed to meet you again, but he didn't pitch. I think that's mean that they he didn't show up, he didn't play. Then later called to apologize, and in the same week we met again at the restaurant. YadA YadA. The next week he called told me he wanted to see me for a minute, but you was on the way home. I called him again in the restaurant. Then he offered to give you a full body massage, and you rejected him nicely. Now recently he doesn't call at all. He doesn't get back to me like he used to. Can you please advise on what I can do without compromising myself in this situation? Okay? First of all, what's wrong if all y'all deal was chat a few times at the restaurant, at the house, he offered to do a full body massage. You told him. Now now he don't call no more. Okay, then that's the chapter in the book that spurred the sport fisherman theory. He's fishing not to keep but to throw back. Now you are a throwback, not because of the actions you did, but because he just not looking for someone like you. Here's the deal. See, it seems like she did everything right. I agree with Shirley. Did you sleep with the guy when you went home? What does that mean? But if you didn't, you've done everything right enough soul that you found out he was wrong. See, ladies, that's what you gotta get yourself in the position to do constantly. You've got to do enough of the right things and then you'll find out if the guy's wrong or not. Is it not better to find out right now that he won't call you than if you didn't broke off the cookie? Yeah, gave him your time in a short This is only a week or two were talking. But now she's so distraught she didn't wrote a letter because she can't figure out what's wrong. It's nothing wrong. You figured out that he was wrong. You did everything right. The guy's talking. He didn't call you back walk away? Yea, she was feeling him though, and she just wanted to right quit feeling it because he ain't feeling you exactly. He's not that into you. All right, email us your Instagram us, your thoughts on today's letter at my Girl, Shirley. Okay, switching gears now, Steve, here we go, Jay Junior, Tommy, Carla, everyone. Imagine a world where former First Lady Michelle Obama had never become our first Lady. Now. This is according to a new book, Barack Obama proposed marriage to another woman before he met Michelle. Now. In his book The Making of Barack Obama, David Barrow says that Barack actually popped the question to Sheila Miyoshi Jagger twice and got rejected twice. This was before he fell for Michelle. Garrow also claims that Obama believed, even when he was in law school that he'd be president someday. All right. However, the author added that the love between Barack and Michelle is real and it is profound. I believe that you can see it. You can see it, you know. Yeah. So Sheila Miyoshi Jagger white, Yeah, she's she's um. She When I saw the picture, they said she was white. But she looked he would. Yeah, and that's also what they said. But that's also what they said in the book, the book as well. Yeah, they said that if he had his eye on the presidency, that would have been no, no, no, no would. But she's the one that she'd be mad because she herself India. Yeah yeah, yeah, she could have been first lady. But that's life, you know, that's life. But he got the one. He was posted head, he was a beautiful family and everything. Actually he was being stupid. He'd have made a mistake if he had married her. It blew everything. He wouldn't He didn't know, Yeah, he didn't know. He couldn't even no idea to playing that odd had he had your idea at all? What was gonna happen? Him? Here said even when he was in law school, he was gonna be president, not not Sheila Jagger though, no feeling me osha, Yeah, yeah, this is because jagged rounds with and that's would have been a lot of stuff. She married to Mick Jagger. Night. That's that's a lot of reasons why Tom didn't. That's the listen is adding started he hired me because I don't understand what I knew why they won't let Jay talk that I was confusing. I understand stuff come out of his Damn wow, this damn man, it ain't even appalling. Man, Hey, man, let me tell you something. I had this couple on my show, these four sisters. They was all women on the show from a place in Georgia, coming Georgia. And the lady on the end good looking women. Man, all of them count thick. They're good looking girls. The one on the end, her job was she tastes moonshine. She a moonshine sampler, you know, and you know moonshine is illegal, but they still running it down in Georgia. Yeah, so everybody in the county bring it to her for her to taste it and tell him if it's good. En of course missing in it. And so she was a really bright chick. Though she had another job during the daytime, but she did all the moonshine testing on the weekend. And her other sister was crazy too, these two women. Man was so wild on this show, man, And they were so crazy, man. One on them party all time, on them drink moonshine. So the bit between it was, oh, I said, man, y'all crazy. Yeah, sweet crazy, I know we could they both be talking about how crazy. I tell you how crazy I'm You said, most people meet us and they go and they go, oh, most people meet us are shocked, and a Paul. And then the other one said, and I'm Paul, and he she said, and I'm shocked. You're listening right now. It's a new segment called am I Being Petty? So you just want to know is situation going on in your life? Are you being petty about it? Jay? Where you at with this? Okay? I go to my friend's house. They got a nice big screen television. Huge when watching when watching the movie, and sometimes when you watch a movie, you don't hear what the person says, right, So you say, could you rewind that? And he says, rewind is five dollars extra? So yeah it is. It costs. Yeah, it comes. You mean the cable to the cable companies charge you extra for to rerun. So he says, I don't have that. So well I left because I don't like I just can't sit and watch television with somebody who don't have rewind. It's an insult. It just noo. It messes up my spirit. Yeah, am I being all I'm asking? Is am I being picked? Yes? Okay. So my girlfriend, you guys know her Tracy, through a fiftieth birthday party for her husband Saturday night. So Nesto and I went. We got all dressed up and went. You know, of course they have food and everything. Why is it everywhere we go Nesto piles his plate when he goes. I mean it piles his plate to the ceiling more than he needs. Yes, just I mean it's embarrassing. Does he eat all the food? Yes, and then he goes back for seconds. I think he's hungry and he eats. So this time he asked me, could I go get dessert. I just got up and just went and got in the car. I was ready to yes, car, I just left. I was that was embarrassing. Do you know they had, you know, like a Mexican food spread. They had talking nice nice. I mean it was really really nice. But I mean, he's got to come on now, be really really. I was in the car. I was in the car and it was going. I had started. I started the car up. Okay, okay, big patty, Yeah, sorry, and my blood pity come on the day, probably the other day was Mother's Day and came over, okay, and I was eating a pint of hogging doss, Sir and a little Noah. He walks up and he seen me, so he go man. So I put a little bit in his mouth. His sister Rose must know the tone of it. So she heard it. She came around. Then she's not in front of me, Papa. I crea because she could talk a little bit. So I give her a little bit of ice cream. Morgan's daughter Ale, she looking for Rose. She see the ice cream line. She get it. So now I ain't got the hold pint to my second, which was my plan. I'm not sharing this ice cream with three of my grandkids, and I didn't want to. So what I did was to stop him. After about four bites each, you know, my pint starting to get away from it. So I figured the best way to get him away from me as I took a big glob of it and stuck it in Noah's mouth, a big glob and put it in Ale's mouth, and a big glob and put it in uh rose mouth and gave all them brain freeze, yes, yes, net through something. So they were trying to work out that's severe things between the eye and they just got on away from and I finish heat and I'm just trying to figure out without being petty. Yes, yes he was, Yes, he was ja his grand babies. He was being petty. Can I ask your plan was to eat ice? Can buy yourself? Right? That's what you want? Yes, that's all you want it? Now you want? He was being babies. The fact that they cute against I love. I love that. Yeah, I got one, y'all. Okay, so Steve, yes, we've been hetty. Okay, let me ask you. Am I being petty? So you know how it is? You know, we got friends, you know, different levels of living lifestyle. Let's just say so. My girl she called me. She's been herring her man. They've been budgeting and playing and they got a pool. They got a pool. They was like, she didn't want me to see it till it was time. Everything was ready. So she's like, come on, girl, let's sit outside on the deck, have a glass of wine. Chop it up, catch up, girl, I'm on my wake got over there. Do y'all know? Ill walked outside. This girl got an above ground pool. No you're not, You're not being vetted. She said, you know you're not. I would say something about me calling I've been grimming over the wall to see. Come on, what I'm doing ain't to get your leg into You're not climbing? You feel me? Do you feel me? Is down on that one. I got to climb over everybody see your backsackol. She was like, Shirlette, fatty at all what people in the bub brown pools need to do? What needs to be said on the phone and above? Would you like the climb in? So right? So she's looking at me. We got the wine glass of the wide bottom. Let's just go inside. I don't want to set outside with all these bugs and stuff. I didn't know what to say, okay by being patty, Yes you're not. You're not being patty. I'm your name on the pool, Marco marcol Hell no, that's what it is. He said, I'm not climbing. I knew he would see it my way. I gotta get my leg up over my shoulder. And I don't have a pool and I don't have in my house. I'm feel the same way. But when I get one, it will be in ground sharing. Yes, I didn't told myself, you know my groin trying to get into you're listening to Harvey Morning Show. All right, nephew, weekend confessions. This is all your nephew. M Yeah, I'm not here to help you. I'm just here to I just want to hear what you're going through. Give us a call. Eight seven and seven twenty nine, Steve, it's time to confess whatever you did over the weekend. Don't calling here. What's your real name? Find you another name and just let it all out and let the nephew here what you going through? All right, let's go to the phones line one. Let's go to James out of Tennessee. James, what's going on? Man? What's going on? Man? What's happening? It's all good, man. My confession is that man, my girlfriend. She's always hanging out with friends and family on the weekends. You know, she's always going out of town with him man weekend. But when I try to do it, you know, there's a big problem. There a big argument about it. You know, I can't do what she do. When I do the same thing, she do the other problem. So this weekend, she decide she's going to hang out with her mom and her sister. I said, cool. I gotta work, but I really didn't have to work, so I decided to go to Atlanta. You know. So when she called me, I told her I was at work. I couldn't talk on the phone normally, that's how it is when I'm at work. But I wasn't doing the type of work I was doing. So when she got back Sunday, you know, I came back in with my work clothes on, and she's like, how it worked this with guys? Oh? Man, work was good. I got all sweaty and where they worked, so work with doid man? So you made it through. She don't know nothing. I don't know nothing, man, Keep going back out of town next week? Yes, her, so am I you too? Going back to work. Always keep them work close in there. Keep yeah, keep them work clothes in the truck, and keep them sweaty so you can put that on when you come in. Yea little over time. That is not good advice about what he said? You stupid? I get back then round? How much? Man? Yes, hey, ja, I got a character for your called uncle over Man. We have enough characters on this show. Characters we can't get on the shows we get them. Cagness platinum. Thank you. Let's go to line two and talk the TJ out of Kentucky. He's smart. He didn't give us his real name DJ. They were going on run good morning, Good morning, man, what's your confession? All right, don't judge me, man, but look I ended up skipping out on the Mother's Day bill yesterday. Man. God no. Now, first of all, we get there, they say it's a little so no, twenty five minute wait. I'm cool with that. I know it's Mother's Day. They sit us down. It takes about fifteen minutes just for the server to come by. They don't apologize for my drink was wrong, So I'll just order to order Sam Adams. They gave me a bob like, I'm like, all right, whatever, just get just give me a gim bean. You can't mess head up. Just Jim being neat, waited about another about fifteen minutes for that order. The food. My youngest daughter's fool was burnt. My oldest daughter's fool got there about fifteen minutes later. I'm going, this can be real. So it actually took another server to come by, like are y'all all right? Like all right, cool? So you know what I was like. My wife was just completely fresher. I said, go ahead, go to the car. She looked at me, like, what are you doing? Sit? Just go ahead, go to the car. She was like, what are you doing? Just go to the car. Now, I know everybody know what the supermarkets. I went here and bought some gift cards because you know it gets little kroked points whatnot. So I bought a little fifty dollars no gift card. I look at the build, I'm like, all right, one hundred and fifty dollars and I'm about thirty I'm about thirty feet from that front though. I slipped that gift card in there. I said, it's about two hundred dollars on that gift card. Like all right, they went all the way to the back. I just slipped out, and my wife knew about it. My wife let me have it last night. You didn't wait wait, wait wait, I'm a little loft. Anybody missed something. The bill was one fifty, right, the bill was about what? The bill was about one fifty and you left a gift card that was two hundred. No, I told you there was about two hundred. I got it. So she so she bought a hundred dollars show. Uh huh, okay, I should have tipped the other waiter that helped you. Yeah, so wrong. You think they might come looking for you? Well, you out of that drug your ass. I own a restaurant, you need your ass. I left cutting off my wife. That's what really just caught as a restaurant owner. No, no, Jay, you agree with everything we can. I always agree with you, Jay, A man as you. Happy Mother's day? Do you what? All right, Let's go to line three and tact to Keisha out of Illinois. T share, Hey, cruise. That's Carlos Shirley, Um, Tommy, Julia James. It's a lot of y'all right. Yeah, we're crowded. Uh huh. What's your confession? Baby? So my confession is, first of all, I can write a Strawberry book with my confession, but I'm a summary down. Um. I found out that my husband he was cheating, and he's been cheating the whole time he was married. He's been married for three hens. So I decided, Okay, I'm a patient person. I didn't get the information and just so ballistic. I'm as amazing and I put it in my arch a little like Okay, this is what I was gonna do. So the weekend came and he worked nights, right, he worked like all night into life early in the morning, so I don't see him into the next day. So I was taking him to work. I had to drop them off, and I was like, look, I don't want to do this no more. I don't want to be married. I don't want to be with you. I had he had. I had handed him my phone and I was like, I got something to do and I got some wet a dot and he was like, how are you with me about? Why do I want to leave? And I was like, no, I'm I'm I'm leaving. I'm gonna put your stuff out. So when I got home last night, I got every thing, I mean everything, and I put it at all out, put it all out on the purse, left went over to somebody else's house and I won't then when he came home this morning, so I don't know what happened. Oh God, hey, you're listening to show? All right, all right, all right, weekend confessions, baby, Yeah, we were talking to Keisha, right, and before you close out the confessions, I have one Timmy to go ahead and finish up. Oh okay, okay, yeah, let's go. We're going back to Keisha. Keisha dropped her husband off at work and told him that it was pretty much a rapping, went home and packed all his stuff and put it outside. Keisha, all right, baby, so that's just it. You ain't gonna is he gonna even be able to get back home from work? Oh nah, because I'm not going to get his old dusty self. Let me tell you something, this man, it should be a whole other show about how people cheat on Facebook. The brother then cheated with everybody, from the lady who gave us a dog to one of my students parents. The dude being busy. Okay, so when I had him the phone, it was a bunch of screenshot of his Facebook messages to the chick. So he's just he just couldn't understand, like, oh my god, oh my god, you can't explain that you've been well, but he's you've been going in his phone. How long you've been going through his phone? Oh look, I go in the brother's phone. But it didn't even matter that I was going in the brother's phone. He had a whole Facebook alias cage that he was like doing everything with and the brother was so that everything was there. Okay, what is she calling her husband? But the brother? Brother? You through she she she's really through you. Now we know she's through men calmed, she's calmed. Hi. Yeah, she's called. As a matter of fact, my cousins that I'm relieved the brother gonna be going. Okay, brother once you referred to as the brother and you're the husband. Yeah, yeah, you're damn yeah, you go. You're gonna keep the dog too, baby? Yes? Yes, where's the dog going with him? With you? The dog got to go with him, especially if you're gonna be uh messing with the lady who didn't game us the dog. Yeah, you don't want that dog. Know that you're going to turn that dog and Michael Vicker? Boys, can you check me to Michael? I get treated better over there. The dog don't even know why. It's got to go. We're with you, girl. We know two people through. Yeah, good luck and Monique, let's go with let's go with line six, Um, Tommy, let's go to Kevin. Kevin, good morning morning, how y'all doing this morning? Good man, real fast man. When you got a lot of time, what's your confession for my confessions. I hooked up with my married X over the weekend. Married. Okay, Kevin? You married? No, I'm single? Okay? Is she married? Yeah? Am a degree? Damn? Go ahead, Kevin. The thing was dy. I went out right and went to a certain club and we met up. You know, I was sitting at the barn having a few drinks and she came up and she recognized me. So we got to talking right. So after we left the club, man, man, just hang on, we got to hit all these is carryovers. We'll be right back. You're listening Steven Show. Yo, what's happening? Man? This your man Mike Keps And when I'm riding down the street, I don't listen to nothing but Steve Harvey's Morning Show. All right. I love that we are in Weekend Confessions. We got Kevin still on the line. Yeah. Yeah, that was a line six cat Kevin, Yes, sir, go ahead and finish man. Yeah, Well, like I said, and I got the hotel room. Man, I'm gonna just put it like this, Toment. It was fifty Sage Darker Part two. Just put it like that. You put some work in, didn't, Yes, sir, I don't know how she made me proud? Sir, did you make me proud? Yes? I did, Yes, I did it. Now you're married. That's married, Kevin. No, man, I'm curious, okay, I'm single by me the next day and wants to know if she should tell her husband. I told her that was up to earth and I hung up the phone. No I should tell her. Huh what now? She like? Ah, I want to help you, not Kevin. You don't care. Kevin, you don't care about it. But my thing is that that was on hurt. I was not there looking for it. It h Yeah, a weapon, that's what you think should be. Yeah. You think y'all gonna hook up again? Man? Probably not? Oh okay, after that, after that, tell your husband come in. Yeah. Where If she tells him and he comes looking for you, well he doesn't know where I stared. Soon she might tell him where else. Well I got something fun. If he do sound good on the phone, this is crazy right here. You're done, Kevin, he's done. Be safe. He put is a great work partner. So he's done. We're clear. He's done. Right, all right, Let's go to line four uh and talk to Jonah out of Mississippi. Jonah, good morning, Good morning, how y'all doing his morning? Good morning, good morning? What's your confession? Okay, tom me, you want somebody else? Do you savement? Dog? I'm good. Yes. My partner had me to deliver his mother, I uh, Mother's Day present because he hadn't worked. Okay, I got I got there and I guess she had just got out the shower. She came to the door. She had it fully, I mean she had a big long housecoat. Dog. I gave a little gift and then she said, but you want something, some breakfasts. I said, well, yes, ma'am. I don't you know. I good with that. She picked her plate. I sat down at the nook to eat, and by the time I heard her yeah, and she had burned her hand on the stove. I rushed in and to help her out, and I happened to step on the coach house coach and it came open. Yeah, and uh, I'm like, oh, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, and kind of turn her head and she was like, maybe that's okay, but you you act like you ain't never seen a woman before. Yeah. And I'm like, well, yes, yes, ma'am, but no, ma'am you know, and she said, I want to look at don't act and um I put in we can we come back to Jonah the best confession. You're listening. She shout, all right, we're back weekend confessions. We got Jona on the line. Jonah went by his boys mother's house and drove off with Gil. She cooked him some breakfast. She burnt her hand, he stepped on the him of the house coat. Everything came open, and that's where we come back to Jonah to get the rest of the store. Yeah, Jonah was on line for a cat Jonah Line four out of Mississippi, Yester. And after the house coat came open, like I said, she came home to me, and it was more or less like what you're gonna do now? I felt uncomfortable, But after she made the first move and grabbed me, yeah, and it was more like attention. Hey, Yeah, I had to go for one another. And she just kept the burnt hand in the ast the whole time. She has an island in the middle, and she put her hand under the water and threw one leg up on them. So she was taking care of the head and taking care of you at the same time. Yea, So your sir, multi tasking, incredible, Mama. The leg up on the island, that's how long was you over there? How long did this go on? Thy five? Forty five minutes? Go ahead, Jonah, Now that's how you bring over mother's to day president just like that? How does she look there? Attracted lady well preserved for her age? Okay, I ain't like George Wallace's mama. Right the head out of the hold up, Jona. Jonah, you stood up and put in work for forty five minutes. Yes, sir, Well, I'm a man. This boy man, that's right, John. I think Johnna just found freedom, he said, I'm not man what you're talking about? Last time you put it in forty five minutes standing straight upward with a nap I could. Okay, So John, let's talk you. Let's talk about your boy, because this this is one of your partners. What mama right? Yes, sir, yeah, that's I know you feel a little bad about that part. Huh, yes, sir, Yes, sir, you ain't told no no, no, no, I got but are you going back over to Mama's house though I don't know about that one you reckon? You may go then? What it sounds like John Coffy. I mean, if my boy go I have to go with him, if I mean, you know, but other than that, No, but you're gonna tell me when when you're boy go out of town, you might not slide back by that. Just check on him. My dad sounds like John Coffee, like the drink Suhill. No sucking over there for real, played to the rest of the you know his ship blins. I mean, you know, if I keep popping up like that? Oh yeah, So what would you do if he asked you to take something else back over to his mama? You just have a fit. Can't over him? You can't do that? Yeah, I might have to make an excuse up. I don't I don't know well, you know, I just I don't knowe. How is his mama? Man? She between fifty five and sixty Oh them good number boy, and she's well preserved for her age. Yes, yes, thirty nine. You're the man. You're the man, goes in the fifty five forty five minutes your record, He said he didn't know. Sure. I had to give it how he could understand it. When you reckon, you may go back, well maybe gotrectly after while, right, but you has been a little while ago. For I went there. You got anything to take over your mama house, I ain't doing that. I live, will not be forth right. You gonna tell you said I live, will not be forth right about it. Save slave and talented man. He just made it. He just made freedom to family. That stuff must be good. Turn him to a slave with the guard. Ain't gonna hush the leg up on that island. No suck, Jone, your real name is John Confident? Okay, Jone is my name? Man. I don't know him to give advice, man, but you ought at least swing back a couple of times to check on mama. Man. Just make sure see how mama doing. Get you some more breakfast, and get that leg hiked up on that on that island. One more tap. Oh, I'm supposed to be turning out, not getting turned out. You're going to back over there and stop laying you know what? Calling from there right now in the kitchen. It's just crazy. She upstairs and some ups or so that leg. What did you say? What does she get back with that prescription? It's gonna be okay. That's your profession of your chance. I appreciate your collar, man, I have a good day, all right, I reckon, I reckons. We will hush now, hush man. Okay, it was a good day, A good day. It was a good day. One thing about it. Afterwards, though, I don't feels no waste time, long lined, I steal those feels no waste time. Come on, Jane Cleveland couple. I didn't die though. We keep the call. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary board where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Visitsteve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.