Melania Trump is being compared to Michelle Obama. We hear from the hero in Nashville (Waffle House). Tiffany Haddish gives us her opinion on chivalry. Carla's Reality Update goes over part 3 of Real Housewives of ATL. The CEO tells us why we must convert our dreams into goals in his Closing Remarks and more!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them more, just like American buck bus things. And it's tub y'all me true good to the hearty guy listening to me to other stole hobby. Don't you join yeah, well by join me in doing me? Honey? Do you turn Yeah, you're going to do. You gotta turn to turn out, turns to you love. You got to turn out to turn water water go, comey, come on your back at it. Uh huh, I shall will Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey man got a radio show, man, Yeah, I do. Steve Harvey got a radio show because I can't tell it to you any other way because God has been so so very amazing to me. But the same God, and there is but one that same God is. It can and will be amazing in your life if you just allow it to happen. You know, I was somewhere, you know, and I was driving on the freeway somewhere and I saw bill board, uh and it was a guy in a field on his knees and on this billboard. It said something to the effect when when you've run out of answers, try prayer. That was the billboard, When you run out of answers, try prayer. And I was, I was going, uh somewhere, and I don't even remember. I go so much, man, And I was just going somewhere, and I saw this billboard, and and and I thought about that, And man, I cannot tell you how true of a statement that is. When you've run out of answers, when you don't know what to do, when you feel weak, when you are at a low point, when things just seem to keep happening to you, and you don't understand why prayer is an amazing weapon. Prayer is available to all of us. Here's the deal. You don't have to go through the all of that you're going through alone. See, and I'm talking to men, women, boys, girls, students, leaders, bosses, employees. I don't care what's happening. I don't care what your situation is. I don't care if your relationship is all jacked up. I don't care if your kids and your relationship is jacked up. I don't care if your relationship at work is shot. Your coworkers seem to always make you the buddy end of the joke. You always somebody always talking about you behind your back. You're finding it more and more necessary to try to hold your head up and walk past these people when some days you can't even get your chain up off your chest. That are people out there that are going through, kids that are going through being bullied at the school. You got students in college who know that they want to have a college degree with their face. With so many temptations out there, so many, so many things that can side track them. If if if you're a woman out there and you've been alone by yourself for so long, and you're just tired of being alone. You really want a relationship, you really want to be have a mate, you want to meet your soul mate. Well, whatever it is, whatever it is, prayer is the answer you. You are listening to a guy who is a direct recipient of prayer. I I can't tell you anything that I've gotten out of that I didn't pray about. Oh, now, there are a lot of things. Hold on, let me backtrack a little bit. There are a lot of things that have happened in my life that I've gotten past without praying because I think my mama was praying for me. And then there's this thing that God has called grace and mercy that he just somehow keeps us all waking up every day where our foot on some form of solid ground because He's just waiting on us to come to it. But y'all, if you can implement prayer into your day every single day, and I'm talking about put it in there at the top of your day, put it in there in the middle of your day, put it in there when you close your day out, when you're sitting at your desk and ain't nobody bothering you, that's a good time. Now, Look, you don't have to make no scene. You ain't got to let everybody know, Oh I'm spiritual, I love God, look at me, Oh I'm down, or you ain't gonna do none of that. Matter of fact, don't do it for that reason, because if that's your reason for doing it, that's gonna be your reward. If you want somebody to just say, oh, they pray every you know, they praying lunch and they had a Bible on their desk and they have a bunch of highlights in it. If you're sitting it out there so people can see that that's what you do, then that's gonna be your reward. Please, No, you, that's that's gonna be a reward. What I want you to do is pray. Ask God for the things the desires of your heart, have a faith, believe in them. But pray earnestly. Man. I mean, actually go at it with saying, Hey, God, listen to me. I can't do this without you. I need your help. Listen, man, I know a lot of people that pray. I know a lot of it. If I told you the rich and famous that I talked to that pray constantly, it would amaze you. And that's all I'm saying today. I'm saying you got to check into that, y'all. Just go check God out. Go check him out. You've been to go through something, man, that did you. You can see the trouble coming. Go talk to God about him. Man. A matter of fact, you'd already got yourself into trouble. Go talk to God about it. You can't see no way out. You're in the situation. You're thinking about doing something straight crazy. Pump your brakes, partner, Slow down a little bit, my man, Slow down, don't. Don't. All you're gonna do is make a situation worse. Go over there today and talk to God. Talk to God for real, just and look, man, you know what, Man, Sometimes I've gone to God and I've just said, Hey, God, I don't have a clue. Matter of fact, I'm so jacked up right now. God, I don't even really know what to ask you for. I just need some help. I'm so deep is some mess right now. Not only can I not see the way out, I can't see my way around. There's a there's a poem calling Victus, and the opening line says, out of the night that covers me black as a pit from pole to pole. I thank God for whatever be from my unconquerable soul that This line is so deep. It starts off saying, I am in deep trouble. I'm in a pit, black as a pit from pole to pole. I'm talking about man from over there too. Over there it's pitch black and and and man, that man, you've been in that situation before, y'all, because I have. I'm talking about black as a pit from pole to pole. God is there. God is available, God is always standing by. He just wants you to come to him. See, he's been coming to you a whole lot of times. He's presented himself. I can't tell you how many times he's shown you how good of God he is. He's given us all grace and mercy without us asking for He's gotten you through some things. And you looked at him. Who man, I don't know how to hell. Okay, that's cool. I'm cool. No no, no, no, no, that wasn't cool. That was God. What you're what you're tripping on? Oh? Man? You know I was. I was doing something the other day and now I just came out of my owner. What was that? Man? I said? Man, that's cool, that's cool. Cool, Hey man, that was God. That was God looking out for you, because you're his child. He would love to hear from you. Pray, man, when you out of answers and you don't know what to do, Pray. If you see some trouble coming, pray if you already got into it, Pray if you don't know the answers, Pray if you can't see no way out, pray, pray. Man, Talk to God. Don't make a scene, Just talk to God. All right, very important? You're excuse me, ladies gentlemen may have you undivided attention. Please, well, we will need your undivided attention today because any division of attention will result in brain fusion. You must focus on this show other you will suffer from brain fusion. That's when your mind collapses with the calamity of about to go down up in here. Ladies and gentlemen, surely thank you good morning. How are you for real? So aggressive? Dammit? What I'm cha? Steve Harvey, hey foo and see they went along with it? Anybody gets some of that? Yeah? How are you? Yeah? I was just thinking about Luther songs man, Luther Andre Man. Y'all gotta do say black people say lull. We know who it is. We know you have people who are one name really receive one name accreditation. Lufor Luford. You know who that Whitney Steven Michael loved it. You know Whitney shocking, that's it. You know, you know who the hell who Tommy Davidson get on the band. But when he said it's even gonna be He'll figure Davis, tom You're gonna get to timing, but it's gonna be some mother talment. I ain't even said not a word, not a word a word hashtag two thousand and eight ten but you bid saying who? Though right after I say, you did say who. But I'll shut it down because I didn't want to be the one. But I was confused. Tommy, he was the way he said it with the conviction. He'll figure we expected from you, Steve, But Jay, who's always Tommy? Okay, so wait wait, let me ask Ques. So let's say we're playing family feu top surveys on the board. We got we got eight answers up there. So now the questioning on the Steve will ask is give us the top famous Tommy, No top. The question is top eight answers on the board. Filling the blank Tommy Blank thing gun Tommy gunn Tommy John, Tommy John underwear to Chilly Jefferson, Thomas, Tommy Jefferson. That's call um Tommy from the TV show Power, Tommy Ford, Tommy Tommy Lee Jones, Tommy Lee Jones, won Man. That was a good one of the great actors. He's an actor, Thomas. The train better than training now and that's the last one, Tommy who It's time for something funny. If you haven't had enough coming up next we'll be right back. We'll finished up with Thomas. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, it is time for something funny. Here's part two of family Feud. We're playing it right here with Steve. We are just still stuck on to eight asses on the board, which you've turned into eight teams. Top eighteen asses on the board, filling the blank, Tommy Blank, Tommy Chump, Tommy Bahammam, Tommy from Loving Hip Hop Atlanta? Right about? How about? How about how about Tommy Stupid? That at least puts me in there? What about your boy from Friday, Tommy Lister Deebo that's his real name. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I never heard of him. You know who else? Tommy Lee musician right right right right? Yeah, oh yeah from yeah it used to be married. And you're talking about we're talking about top popular Tommy. He very popular, ain't Tommy? When you said a lot of people without you? How about this team Tommy on the buzzle man goes on, Tommy Brady got one? Well yeah, Tommy Mottola, Oh yeah, yeah, tom Brady, Tom Brady, Yeah yeah, Tom Brady. Are you gonna go to run? Tommy Jacobs who is that that that the dude I went to high school. Yeah, I was gonna say my uncle Tommy, tom Cruise, my uncle Tommy Cruise, Tom Hanks. And now we're going to time My Tommy, Tom Petty, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Yeah, man, Tommy's a lot of people that we didn't know. Yeah, Thomas, you gotta ask. I know, Thomas, Tommy, Can I ask you a question? Yes, sir? Uh what what do you want to be known as? Tommy? What if you feel in it? Blake, it would go Tommy what Tommy? Tommy the Great, Tommy the Great? I mean it just fits me, do you think No, I mean Tommy the Great? Yes, you shouldn't think highly of yourself. No, I mean, but would anybody else know that? I mean, we're playing family Feud? You really think that's on the board? Well, Tommy, time isn't ask Okay, family Feud? This is all radio questions from about us. If you were to describe Shirley Strawberry in one word, we've got the top eight answers on the board. What would it be? Top eight answers one word to describe Shirley Strawberry Jr? Asked Cook mind Jake boogie. Yes, call it beautiful Tommy. Oh, but I went on to say, up what we got everyone? Classic? Oh that's junior, can't cook food? You go on? Intelligent, stylish? Yeah, do you think you're intelligence? Because in all of the Philly is Tommy Blank intelligent? Stupid? Tame Let's do somebody else, all right, pig and gentlemen, we're doing radio questions survey. Top eight answers on the board name two words to describe Jay Anthony Brown, Yeah, anytime, y'all won't man quick quick, that's one. That's one you need to to get. We don't have to be okay quick rhymes with quick sick championship team on petty really funny with yours black bell? Right, you say that on the radio. He's a nice black bass. All right, here we go. And two words to describe Steve Harvey. Top eight answers on the board, All one, one or two to describe Steve Harvey. Let's begin. Let's begin with Thomas Miles. Mother, I had to bleep that hole calling for real, Charley Shawberry, handsome, junior, careless, whatever time, ship black back to you, Tommy My last one or all Lady control I'm the dramatic bropen down to spinning on the ground. No kisses make me deasy in the head. Alright. Coming up next is nephew Tommy's run that brankback, and we're gonna tell you how. Jimmy Kimmel wants you to celebrate his son Billy's first birthday. Wait till you hear this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, guys, details on how you can win a trip to the Essence Festival. Yes, that's right. And then in Tainment News, Tiffany hattris that's our girl. She says, that's what chivalry is dead. But right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. Come on Facebook banded, Yeah, it's the way you say it, Space banded running catch I love. I'm trying to reach mar Reice. Yeah, that's Marie. How you doing, man? My name is Dorsey. I'm trying to reach out to you. You you're on Facebook quite a bit, am I am? I right? I mean I'm on the computer a lot, man, That's what I do. Okay, um my wife. For some reason, man, it seems that you've been having a lot of back and forth on Facebook with my wife Denise, and I'm trying to figure out you know, uh, you know, at first it was kind of cute or whatever. You know, I don't seeing your name on the wall all the time, and you keep the eye end and my wife back and forth, and I'm like, you mean, I am an instant message, That's what I mean. You know what I'm talking about. So my thing is what what is all this? Here? Was a little you know what you said? Your name was? My name Dorsey? Okay, Dorsey checked this out? Man, I got over fourteen hundred plus friends on Facebook. I don't know who your wife's is. I don't I don't recall. I am in no Denise right now, and hey, I don't know who she is. Man. I think you let me, let me, let me bring it to you, what so we can refresh your memory because you're constantly asking her about how things used to be. Remember when we did this, Remember when we did that. You know, it's a whole lot of remember this and not and and you asking her, you know, about hooking up whenever she got tired. Okay, See, I don't even do that, man, I don't even do that I don't do that. Man, I got too much to lose. I don't do nothing like that. Man. You know I could, I could. I can have over thirty out of fourteen hundred friends. Man, I can't have over thirty. Denise is on that? Man? Okay, well I know you what man? Are you telling all the Denisians that you want to hook up with them? Are you telling all the Denians? Remember this? Remember that I ain't telling nobody nothing. Man. Look, I try to live my life as peaceful as possible. Man, I'm not on that. Okay, you know Darius, whatever your name is, man, name is Dorsey, And let's explain something to you. Man, I didn't seen pictures brother of high school pictures of you and a group on the on the site, so I know exactly what you look like. Okay, you say me and who? I haven't seen a group of you all and went to high school together. And evidently you know you wanted these guys. So I'm gonna figure out exactly which one bore so what I was tagged on the photo or something like that? What h have you want to call? I don't know much about the damn all. I'm letting you know is that I got a problem with you, Maurice hitting my wife trying to see about can't she get out what you? Can't she do this? Can't she do it? Look? You need to know Dorsey. Man, it's don't give up what your name is? Man. First of all, I'm gonna toilet and you're calling me early in the morning. What I already got? Look, I'm peaceful, man, I don't even cust No mo Man, you haven't got me out of my out of my zone. Man. Look, I don't know who your wife is. I don't be on Facebook like that. It stayed up in the corner while I'm on the computer doing it. Looks like I'm boring here. You understand. Ain't my wife is Den? You're talking to Dorothy? You understand me. Now, let me tell you something. If I see you on the wall, if I see you, I end and my wife. It's gonna be some more races. You don't even know where I live, dude. Oh so I don't know who I will find that if I found your number. Don't think I won't find you find about your fright? You right, you're right? You do got my number? How the hell did you get my number? Don't worry about that. You're gonna be saying that when I get on your front doorstep. Hell, you find my eye dress? Yeah, you come to my door and see what's gonna happen. Man, And when I leave you, why the hell did you walk my That's what you're gonna be you come on, hello, I'm gonna say this one more time, and I'm gonna say it clear my race. If I see your name on my computer dealing with my wife Denise again, I'm coming to your house and I'm whooping your Okay, Look, look, Darious, I'm an you listen, man, it's fartsy man, Dorsey, I'm I apologize, Dorsey. Look, man, I feel for you, you know I you know, it seems like your wife is on the computer a lot of hay she she, I am in people whatever. But I'm the wrong cat to talk to. Man. You need to talk to your wife. Man. You know y'all need to settle that. Man. Maybe y'all need to go to church, man, talk to the past or something. But I'm the wrong cat. Man. All right, I'm gonna tell you something. Man. You can tell about you feel for me, you understand. Let me tell you something I feel for you. If I see your on my white computer one more time. If I see a baby picture, a high school picture, high school sweetheart pictures, I don't give it. If you play foot ball, a ran track, if I see any picture anything dealing with your name, my reis on my white computer, I'm kicking y'all. Wow, wow, wow, you know women, I don't give up who you is, Darius whoever? I can't even remember what your name is. Man, do not call my house mo, Mo. I don't know who the white is and you know what my addresses trail. Man, you come on down here to Kada, Georgia. You come so I'm saying to you, get you. You have to talk. I told you when I live at do you bring to my door and you see what happens. I get one more thing and I want to say to you. You any guys take up to me? Man, Yes, I do more reefs before I get in my card head over. Now, I got one more thing I want to say. Did you listening? I'm hanging up. Are you listening to make what you got to say? This is nephew coming from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just I pray your boy Chris. Hello, Well you say who who? This is? That? Your timming man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your boy Chris got me to prank phone call you dog, wait called Chris Man. Believe it man, real man, Man, you're gonna make me close my Facebook account? Man? Wow? Let me ask you, man, what is what is the baddest radio show in the lands Steve Harvey Morning Show. So you gotta be careful about these Facebook pop You know what I'm saying? Who on? You gotta you gotta see who own your who your your wife or your girlfriends? Who followed them? Always see who's following? Who know what's happening around what I'm saying? Yeah, I know. Why are you talking like that? Going on? Right? Frank talk almost like Spade talking? Yeah, yeah, I got the big joke. It's like that. Look, man, give my lady c D. It's in Walmart right now. Won't he do it? Won't he do it? And yes I will? Frank and everybody all right. So Jimmy Kimmel, guys, Jimmy Kimmel celebrated his son Billy's first first birthday on Saturday. This was after a really rough year of heart surgeries. And everything that we've all heard about. Yeah. So Kimmel was very open, you know, about billy surgeries and has become an advocate for healthcare in America. Uh. He posted an adorable picture of Billy on Instagram over the weekend. He was tasting his his birthday cake and wrote, a year ago today, God gave us this tough little boy. Please wish Billy a happy birthday by registering to vote. Are you going? Okay? That's the best way to celebrate little Billie's birthday. Registered to vote everyone, So if you're not happy, we can vote some of these people out of office. Okay. Alright. Coming up at the top of the hour, I'm going to tell you how to win a trip this year to Essence Fest. That's a that's the fun place to be in the summertime. Take your side, pas done that you will get caught. Go ahead, don't shooting. And our girl tivity had is she said, chivalry is dead? Where are the gentlemen? You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Steve Harvey Morning Show wants to give you a chance to win one of four trips for two to the Essence Festival, presented by Coca Cola in New Orleans Baby July five eighth. All you have to do is listen for the daily key word, then go online for your chance to win. One winner will be selected each day starting tomorrow. Today's key word is essence. That's simple essence E S S E n c E essence. To enter and get rules, visit Steve Harvey s M dot com. And now, speaking of the Essence Festival, remember A Girl's Trip last year was a huge, huge movie for Tiffany Hatters. She of course, was a breakout star of that movie. Well, Tiffany feels like chivalry should not be dead. Um uh that that is the takeaway we get from her rant against TMZ photographer. Tiffany took to social media. She was just going in on a guy that watched her and her girlfriends load these really heavy bags of luggage onto an suv by themselves. Take a listen, let me tell you how bees out here? Okay, uh a fly it's l a fly into Los Angeles l A X TMZ standing there like with the camera, want to take picture? We got our teen thousand bags, all right? The man standing up on the pillar watching me and my girls load this suv up this escalator of all by ourselves. He's stood there and watched us do it, holding the camera, stood there and watched us. As soon as we finished, he gonna come over and be like, can I ask you something? If you don't get my face trying to ask some questions, you could have been helping us. I would have stood there talk to your ass for minutes. I would tell you as I want to, told you to be honest, out have been. I would have told you everything. You would have helped us with these heavy as bags. Your lazy. I know your mama raised you better than that. Standing there. He stood up and leaned up against the wall next to the car and watched us. I agree with I want now somebody's gonna help problems. I don't have a problem. How they do? Man? People just people are so touching. Now, why is she talking that way? Why is she that's? It was? It was hysterical. It was really funny. I didn't have one question though, that why didn't the driver help? I mean not one clearly standing right there right but she was on him because he wanted something that this would be a good end. Let me help you right right now, I could I ask you she could, We could have got a lot of com messed it up for everybody, but you came down in hell. I understand where she's coming from, but she really is not there. There's some good man out there. Man, it really is man to know how to do it the right way. Hanging out, Let me get that done. Yeah, my girl, my daughter, don't do nothing. Now we're gonna do some cussing and ask you what's in We're gonna do that. What did you pack? But we're gonna get it in the car. What's in this? That's just making conversations exactly. There's a good end. You had a chance to get in man and find out whatever you needed to know. No, no, that was okay. I thought it was anyway, tiffany better luck next time with these bags. All right, Maybe the TMZ guy learned a valuable lesson. You need to help out blood. Yeah, you know, courtesy and kindness go a long way. Yeah, So come on, Steve introduced, ladies and gentlemen. She's here, without a doubt, our voice of reason, understanding and facts, the talented ms A and Trip. Thank you, Good morning, everybody, Good morning Steve. This is entered for the News Police and Toronto say that ten people are dead fifteen others have been injured after a man driving a white van jumped a curb and plowed into a crowd of pedestrians. Yesterday thought he's had the driver identified, his twenty five year old Alec Menasian, under arrest, but there's still no word and whether it was an accident done a purpose, of whether it was some kind of terrorist act. In Tennessee, the suspect in the murders of four innocent patrons at a Nashville waffle house on Sunday morning and custody being held on two million dollars bail, twenty nine year old Travis Ryan King was arrested in some woods and not far from his apartment. According to Nashville Police Chief Carlos Laura. Once he was in custody, the detectives went cut off the backpack off of them because he was in cuffs. When they looked into the backpack they had, they saw a a silver Kimber semi automatic weapon UH with for to five caliber ammunition, a flashlight in a holster. Authority say Ryan King opened fire early Sunday morning with a semi automatic assault weapon, killing four people Black and Hispanics, injuring four others, two of whom still listed in critical condition. Still i'll mention of a motive, by the way, But according to a police report of teamed by USA Today, when Ryan King was arrested by the Secret Service last year for being inside a restricted area near the White House, he described himself as a quote sovereign citizen. Now, the FBI described sovereign citizens as a group of anti government extremists who believe they don't have to abide by the laws of this country. They also say sovereign citizens buy into all sorts of conspiracy theories. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracts hate groups and their crimes, say they've written about some ten incidents so far this year linked to sovereign citizens. White House spokesman, a woman of Sarah Sanders, finds herself in a familiar position translating a tweet from the Commander in chief. Of the weekend, the President made some rather bold statements about North Korea, saying that the North had quote agreed to dee de nuclearization, which would be an historic breakthrough. But Sanders is walking that went back. We're not gonna make mistakes from previous administrations. Um, and we're not going to take the North Korean simply at their word. We're not naive in this process. Sanders says Trump did not mean that North Korea had actually agreed to give up their nuclear weapons, only that they agreed that the goal should be to get rid of nuclear weapons on the Korean peninsula. The Defense Residents case yesterday and Bill Cosby's retrial on sexual assault. Over the last two week, Cosby's attorney have tried to paint his accuser as someone he was having an affair with who tried to hold him up for money. The eighty year old disgraced comedian never took the stand in his own defense. Closing arguments are set for later this morning. Finally, today is National Pigs in a Blanket Day. Okay, well, not alive exactly. We'll be back with more entertainment. Is today's trending topics. Twenty minutes after the hour and the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. So, Steve, we want to salute hero twenty nine year old James Shaw Junior from Nashville. Okay, this brother right here showed some bravery when it when we really needed it. He took down the gunman who was naked from the waist down. He was armed with that a R fifteen rifle. This guy went in uh to a Tennessee waffle house early Sunday on a shooting spree. He killed four people wounded four others. Here is James Shaw on the Today Show explaining what happened. How did you manage to wrestle the gun away from him? When I ran through the swivel door, The swivel door acted kind of like AH pushed the gun down, so the barrel of the gun actually bumped down and it was aimed towards the ground. And once it was aimed towards the ground, I held the gun down, I think with my left hand, and I think I was maybe punching or hitting or whatever I was doing my right hand. And then once he released it, at one point in time, he had it in one hand. And then when he had it in one hand, I just took it from him and I threw it over the countertop. And then Uh, I was still trying to get out, So I took him and myself out of the waffle house. I knew My best chance of surviving was outside. Mind you, he was pretty, he was nude, and he just had to jacket on. So I didn't know if he had another weapon on him, like a knife, or he might have had a handgun. But I knew if I could get outside that I would be all right. Yes, to remember his name. I gotta get outside, yea. Often the stump all the manure out you. I just gotta get your ass outside, man right on. Yeah, remember his name, James Shaw Jr. Only twenty nine years old. Okay, yeah, we see you know, we saw yesterday on the news the suspect was captured, Travis Ryan King. The police did capture him and he has been arrested and he is in custody. The FBI or the authorities have seized his weapons before. He has been troubled with the law before, and at the White House there's he has a record, this young man. And the authorities returned his weapons back to his father, and his father obviously evidently gave the weapons back to his son. And here we are. Yeah, the broad took that gun, threw it over the count I'm gonna separate you from James Shaw Jr. Years old, Hero and the FBI had been following this guy. You've already been to the White Yeah, and he been in trouble before with the White House. With the White House, and he thought Taylor Swift was stalking him or something. Yeah, so he had some mental is. Taylor was too busy doing the remaker sip after Let that go. Alright, it's time to switch gears. Guys. We're gonna have some fun coming up in ten minutes at thirty or four after the hour, Stephen, the guys are gonna make you laugh with comedy Roulette. That's coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, let's go. It is time, guys for comedy Roulette. Love comedy Roulette. Jay, let me break it down. Steve, I got too we got new people. You know his nerves are bad. Will we take five subjects and put him on the wheel. We spun the wheel? Which stop? We will do the damn thing? All right? Here we go the five categories. Number one excuses people use who owe you money? Alright? Number two doctors don't always know what they're talking about. Number three, why are you talking? Your team sucks? Okay? Number four? Oh, number four, um, I think I took the wrong pill. I think, okay, and number five, and that's when you realize you were lost. Okay, I spend the wheel cap. We'll see where it stops. On come on, doctor doctors. Yeah, like I took the wrong pill, stopped the number five, guys, And that's when you realized you were lost, Just when you realize you love. Yeah, we got to turn the music down so you can't constant. You can't it can't. Nobody concentrate with just loud. Yeah, y'all see me lost. I'll tell you when you know you loved time when you try and the streets signs so from English to the right, you can't even trying to figure out. I don't even know what is this still main, That's all I need to know. Let me tell you something. When you're riding and you in the middle of nowhere and you see your sign, it's say ten miles to the Jurassic pall Man, your answer, lost man, Jurassic Pard. I should know so many of these. Yeah, when you're driving in and you mutter to yourself, don't damn house. Yeah, here's when you know you come. You make a right turn and it's a no exit, it's you right in the coach. Yeah. This is when you know you any time you got to put your car in reverse and look over your shoulder all the way back when you ride and you see one store and get out and new white man say you got in where you as? That's scarier. You get out of stop side and you go, what a tree that used to do? Right there? It was a tree right right when you're driving and you stopped. And the guy said, cherius, like the last time I told you, keep telling you the directions, directions. It's how you know you I'm done this question time too, when you tell you gotta lean out your pass in your window and say, my man, my man, my man. You know you lost when you sit there and you said, you know what, I'm gonna leave my car and from here, I just don't know where I'm doing, Because how you know you lost if you ever say these three words right here? Excuse me, little boy retracted, excuse me, little boy talking to yeah, excuse me the little All right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's Today's Strawberry letter. But up next, nephew, tell me has a praying phone. Called Plus, we're gonna tell you about a former NFL player who was criticized over his daughter's prom picture. That's all coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Guys, right about four minutes after it's today's Strawberry Letter. You do not want to miss it. But up next the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got nex, Yeah, you know, everybody deserves to have any type of occupation that they want. Okay, right, it's right here. The blind barber, the blind barber. Yeah, I'm trying to reach you. Uh that run the buck Yeah you now you run the barbershop down there, aren't you? Okay? Now, I'm trying to see if if y'all got any uh bootrontals down there. Well, I can come in there and cut them how I've been cutting how a long time. I want to see if y'all got some room down there. They tell me you might, you might have had something come available. I got two booths open right now, you need a boot. Yeah, I'm trying to get in there and get the cutting on you. Now, how much you charge for for boothront on a weekly basis two hundred dollars a week, two hundred dollars eight hundred dollars a month. That they're good because your two hundred. Now, when can I get down there so you can meet me? You know, when we can show me around the shop so I know what I'm open from eight to seven to the two sad? This all right, because I want to see if I can maybe meet you there so I can get down and you feel my way around. Well, come on, then, what I want to ask you? Do you mind doing for me? Do you think you could possibly put up some ramps where you got steps at and uh and your phone? Can you take your mind if you take the phone and put it in BREI for me? Oh wait, wait, wait man, what the hell I need to put my taking ramps side and putting phones in the brill for what's going on with you? Well, I'm I'm blind, but I still don't you know, I'm not gonna let that stop me. You know I'm still gonna no, no, no, no, hell no, man, you wait minute, you what I'm blind? But see but I've been cutting my hair for over ten years, and folks say my hair could always look good. So I just figuring I'm gonna start cutting half now, Oh well, yeah, what you might cut hand. It might be some good that you do, but just ain't cutting on at my shop. Not being glad that ye ain't that jock man? What ain't got no problem with that? But but you you just can't do it that. Well wait, wait, not because nothing. You can't do that. You can't scriming it from people you're calling they got some type of handicap blowns Tom you listen, ho let me call you something. Man. I'm not trying to be trying to put you out of being a dog doing what you need to do. But you just can't do that my shot. Man, I can't be calling discrimination, discrimination, scrimination of what not? Not it not a job. You just can't do it. But listen, not that I know how to cut, how I know how to give folks aligning and stuff like. Now, I ain't trying to use no rays or nothing like that, but no, man, come on, dude, listen. Can't you fryingself to get into was trying to cut out? Well, this is something. This is what I like though, This is what this this I feel like. This is my call you can't do it in my shot. I'm sorry, No goodness, see now that's what I don't I don't care to hear something like this here now I've been I got the qualifications and I'm able to do it, and I want to be here to come now now. And I told you when I felt what I tell you, I said I wanted to feel my way around. Didn't I say that I don't need to feel your way down. I need you to be able to see what you're doing. I mean, I don't care about you bein't able to cut no aft being blind. You got to be able to see to do that. This could probably do to do wonders for your shot. People to come from miles around to see somebody like myself cutting that kind of what I said. I heard what you said. But what I'm saying with you now, what you what? I don't want you to do it make me mad about this, but but this because I don't you know not not You're don't get mad about something a bit blong to me. I'm I'm offering and you call me you're blind. I can't help you when you run. May go on with that. Now listen, I'm gonna tell you this here, and I'm gonna tell it to you straight. I'm coming down. Did that barbershop, I'm gonna feeling boots out and I'm gonna start cutting. Now what one thing I don't want to do and have to get into no tussle with you now, I don't want that about getting trusting with me. But did you bring you in my shot that much? You're gonna cut it? It's gonna be some play you move around, But I'm coming down there, and I'm coming down that is evening. Now, what do you know? You na keep you with my shot? You're gonna You're gonna get you what by blind man is what you're gonna do. You ain't gonna see it coming either. You hit it? You not as long as I got the money to pay my boot rent. You don't give a damn. I don't want your money. You can't. Man. You understand what I say to you. I'm understanding what you're saying. And if I got to call the law about you being discriminate, law, you can call anybody you want to call that money. You're not gonna do that. You understand what I'm telling you. Now? You bring you goodn't I'll be waiting on you. I'm coming down that this eating and I'm coming and I'm coming to up y'all because you got the name the discriminade gives me. I don't know I who came you? Mom? No, you're nothing doing. I don fix you. They give me. They give me this number and said you is the one that do the hiring round the barber shop. You don't call my personal number. You called my shop? Don't you money? No? Not nothing? What different do that make if I'm something looking for a job, see that? Damn you don't call my personal phone shot That's where I do my business. This is what's wrong with black folks. Nine day you don't call my personal numb What the hit wrong with you? You understand me? You can't get the same for me. You're gonna watch you done with me? What you're gonna do. I'll tell you what I tell you one thing you're gonna watch. You're gonna watch me get on your just why are you gonna you can't say? Hang up on you? I got one more thing I need to say to you. This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvard Morning Show. You just got pranked by your cousin. Man, you ain't no good. I got to ask you, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvard Morning Show? And go easy on when you see him him play man on. It could happen, why not? Why not? He can feel his way through your blind man. Yeah, a little bit you get could it look like somebody I've had a couple of hold tight, hold time, y'all give me a second. Let me say this right now, because this is important. This Saturday night eight, Montgomery, Alabama. It's going down me Bruce, Bruce and the one and only you Ge and Twine Forson is in the building. Montgomery, the gump. Y'all better get ready because stupid is about to come to town because on sale right now, Montgomery performing Arce sitting here we come. What y'all face now, I don't care what y'all doing? All right? Thank you, nephew. We appreciate that. Listen, guys. Former NFL kicker and CBS commentator J Feeley, you guys know him well. He's come under fire recently for a picture he took of his daughter and her prom date. The problem Twitter had with the picture is that Feeley was holding a gun, and he wrote, wishing my beautiful daughter and her date a good time, a great time at prom hashtag bad boys. Feeley tweet at the picture and has received so much criticism that he issued an apology. What I got a problem with that? But they ain't got no problem with what Trump doing. When he get on there and get the tweet no secause the football player. You can attack him with no repercussion. You tack this president ours he gonna retweet about you hashtag bad boys. Remember that from the movie Yeah, from the movie Yeah. Alright, coming up at the top of the hour, Today's Strawberry letter. You know, being a mom is like a thousand little jobs all wrapped into one amazing responsibility, from trauma nurse to afternoon mathematicians. Somehow moms do it all. This Mother's day. Show her how much you appreciate her. With one eight hundred flowers dot Com. One eight hundred flowers will give you an exclusive thirty six for thirty six offer thirty six Storby roses for just thirty six dollars. Pink orange, laughing all lack Man one hundred flowers. They picked these flowers in the Prime Man. Fresh order to day from one hundred flowers dot com is what your mama would like? Anyway to order thirty six Storby roses for only thirty six dollars, go to one eight hundred flowers dot com, click that radio icon and enter code Strawberry. Hurry because this offer ends Friday. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in about an hour. Guys, Carlo is here with her reality update, Real Housewives of Atlanta Reunion Part three, Carlos. Yes, Lord, that deserves a dunt dunt dune. Yes it does, Yes it does. But right now it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. Now remember, if you need some advice on your relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, parenting, and whatever else you might think of, submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter A very important. Well. I don't know if we can help you, but none of us can. He's unhelpable, Steve. Anybody getting in that week, buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject. If I kid roses one more time, Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a wife and a mother with a great career. I love my husband. He is the best friend. He is my best friend and an amazing father. But sometimes I feel like he doesn't value me. Before we got married, I knew he wasn't very romantic and he didn't pay attention to details. Over the years, I realized that he does not get me. For example, I have never liked red rose this and he knows it. But throughout our marriage, for every occasion, I get red roses. I've never complained about the roses because I feel like it's better than nothing, and I've told him my favorite flowers are lilies. When he brought me my engagement ring, he got the ring that best fit his budget and not the one I want it. When we have sex, if anything new or exciting happens, I am always the one to initiate it. I've always had a high sex drive and I told him, But I guess he thinks I've changed. I've never denied him sex, even though I only enjoy it occasionally. He seems bored a lot during sex, and it takes the joy out of it for me. I am I am attractive, and men notice me when I'm out. I don't play into it because I have no desire to cheat on my husband, but it feels good when other men notice me. I want my husband to enjoy spending time with me. I've talked to him about his attitude towards me, but he still falls short. But if I get red roses one more time, I'm going to flip out. What can I do to make my situation better? Please help me? Well, the letter isn't just about getting red roses. It's about a lot of things, but you kind of made it about red roses. It's about your husband not being very romantic. It's about your husband not listening to you. It's about your husband not paying attention to the details like you say, uh. It's about you not being happy in the bedroom when you guys are intimate. It's about a whole lot of stuff in this letter, but you put it on the red roses, I mean, and that could be the catalyst for all the for all this stuff. You know, if he listened to you about the red roses, maybe he would listen to you about other things. It just sounds like, you know he's not listening to you, and the way you make a sound. He just does whatever he wants to do. You also through and here and here about your attractive to other men, and you don't want to cheat on your husband, So that's going through your mind. But um, because you said you feel good when other men know does you you want your husband to enjoy spending time with you. It doesn't sound like he doesn't enjoy spending time with you. It just sounds like you guys have some communication issues going on here because you tell him one thing, he doesn't listen. Uh you know, I mean he is, he does, at least by you roses. So if you tell him you like lilies, have you shown him the kind of lilies you like? Have you taken the time to tell him? Okay, I don't like these, honey, Well, why don't we flip it up? You know, switch it up. Anything new and exciting in the bedroom. You have to initiate it. So it just sounds like everything is a problem, not just the red roses. I think you guys need to sit down and have a serious conversation because he's not listening. You're not getting through communication. I think is your main problem. Steve. Here's the problem in this letter. It's very very simple, and you said it at the outset, which made me not understand the rest of the letter. I feel like he doesn't value. Before we got married, I knew he wasn't very romantic and he didn't pay attention to detail. You knew it. He showed distant before you got mad. He didn't turn into this dude. He was that dude. You married him anyway, thinking you could change him, probably like so many women. But like the minister told me, one thing, the only thing that changes the day after you getting married is the appearance of your left hand third finger. Now he is the exact same thing that he has being over the years. I realized he does not pay attention to detail. For example, I have never liked wrote red roses, and he knows it. Yeah, but your problem is he do He liked red rodes. Red roses do something to him. He loved red rod I always dreamed of giving a woman red roses. That's in his mind. So you're gonna get these damn red rolls. Hell, you don't. Who don't like red roses? They everywhere they're on the parade route. But throughout our marriage, for every occasion, I get red roses because he liked Red Bros. And he didn't decide a long time ago. This ain't about you, this about him. I've never complained about the Roses because I feel like it's better than nothing. You got to say something. You can't be married to a fool like this and then don't tell him here fool. I'm sure Ms Miles tells time and all the time, you're a fool. What the hell? What what are we doing? No pretty show? She says that to him. Tommy, you're a food because she no really what I'm just saying. If you're mad to a fool, you don't never tell him that. You don't think Madred has said to me? Why is your ass so crazy? You don't think she said that to me? Oh minute times? You don't think one of Jay's x Y and ever said to him black ants don't need to be mad. I don't think they said that. All right, listen, you know what they wanted Junior's girlfriends. They said, you're sick again. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up in twenty three after the hours. You're listening to Steve Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's get into it with part two of your response to today's drawberry. This woman, if I get roses one more time, you're married a man that don't pay attention to detail. You know you're sitting up in here. You're mad cause he didn't brought you roses. Now, I know. Shelly was saying, you know how many women don't get nothing. Well, hell, if you're getting what you want, it's if you're getting what you don't. Won't Ain't that the same thing? It's nothing? Hell, yeah, you might will not get me on flowers. I hate the damn flowers. They thank to me. He coming in every the red roses. Now, she's never like red roses. She's never complained about the roses because I feel like it's better than nothing. Well, you should have complained. I've told you my favorite flowers are lilies. He may not even know what it literally said, and Shirley said it better take by the flowers and showing what you like. You're married to an isfnorant person. Damn, when he brought my engagement ring, he got me the ring that best fit the budget and not the one I wanted. Here, when we have sex, if it's anything new or exciting to happen, I'm always want to initiate it. I've always had a high sex drive, and I told him, But I guess he thinks I've changed. I've never denied him sex, even though I only enjoyed occasionally. Oh so now he ain't bringing it. See there was really wrong now. I didn't notice this in a letter until I just read it. Not all is you coming in here with the wrong damn roses, the wrong flowers. You brought me a ring out in Like I told you, I had a high sex drive. Now you in here and you ain't in here frying this bacon the way I like getting me fried. I like my bacon well done. You in't here leaving with all these raw edges on this bacon. I like my bacon extra crispy. And your asses in here that is second microL waving this. I don't won't know, Steve Harvey, easy baky. I want my bacon fried on both sides. Long time. You can fry my bacon in two minutes. Two minutes. Ain't gonna cut it in here. That's what's wrong. Ain't got a damn thing do with fly. Everything is wrong. He seems bored a lot during sex, and it takes the joy out of he bored. He bored because he's doing nothing. I ain't ever board, you know why, because I'm in here with tricks. Because tricks ain't for kids, not in this and not in a day room. Man. Tricks trick down. It ain't rubbing any hire. Trick is for grown up And I got plenty that's around. Had you in here doing things you never thought would doable. Put your knee up on the nice thing old right there. Take that lamp shade off, the laft hand in here. Watch what you take two corners up of that sheet off. Just take two corners off. Watch you go. Put one hand on the window, hold on, hold on to the window, but pull the curtain back. That's too far back. Closer just a little bit. I'm now standing right there. I'm gonna go back over here by the door light. If you can unscrew that. Put some of this. Put some of this hot baby, or on the bottom of my right foot, your right foot. What about the well, I'll need that for traction. Now, everybody ready, I don't know where we're going out. She's weird. There ain't nobody fit to be bored up in hill. I have ideas. Bite down, on this hill. What uh? What is that? Not anything? Don't worry about it now. Surely here's the one mistake you made in the letter. You said that she's attracted to other men. I think she stated that she feels good when other men noticed me. It does that she wants attention. I want my husband and joy spending time with me. I've talked to him about his attitude towards me, but he still falls short. That could be the problem his height, because that that could be it right there, But he's still falls short. He's still fall short. If you're a little man, you ain't gonna get all that. I'm just saying, just en case that that's but if I can get rid. But if I get rid, rolls one more damn time on top of the arly as ring. I'm like the fact that you ain't frying this baking like I want to bring them thought. I'm gonna take the roses. I'm gonna flip them upside down. I'm gonna push all them thrones up to wear sun. Don't show give me them roses one more down. I'm going to flip out what I have to do. Listen to me, you have to flip out he's not getting these conversations you're having. You have to flip out because he don't listen, and it's about him. You want in there making sex exciting. You gotta flip out. He listening. You got snap crocking power. You rice Christmas with milk on it. Next time he bring the red roses in there, just at the top of your loan. The next time he brings she bring them red roses in there at the top of your long I don't won't know, m l if eff and red iff and roses, no effing bone what start whipping him with the thrones, yes yesterdays and you just walk out. He'd be rolls panels all over the floor. He got cuts on his all from and you're the custom out option. Rose take the fun. Alright, Steve, we gotta go and I'm going to here watching Porto take on good manner him knockingna base on this girl? Email us or Instagram, what's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at my Girls Shirley and please join me this Thursday at one thirt pm Eastern Time for the Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook. Okay, that's all right, Steve and Jay Anthony Brown. You guys are gonna re enact a typical situation. Sometimes when you come home from work, you just don't want to talk right away. Okay, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up in the top of the hour, Carlo's Reality Update is coming. But first, uh, Stephen, the guys in the show, we're talking about this the other day. When they come home from work sometimes, I mean sometimes they just don't want to talk right away, but not right away, So Steven, I know Steve and Jay did a reenactment when the husband comes home from work from a long day at the office and the wife wants to talk. And I want to point out that Jay plays the wife in this segment. Take a listen because work, oh damn day. Basically, you don't want to talk. You just want to come in and not talk to nobody. You don't understand that. How come you don't want to talk? What I'm saying? He had go? How it go? You just walked in the house. Hey baby, how are you doing? I'm doing good? How would your day to day? I'm tired, I'm beat up. Man. Who's the day's rough about? Go into it and nothing? It was just a long day, baby, you know I get sometimes I just gonna sit down and cheer or get my thoughts for a minute to myself. What happened? It was just a long day, you know, just long long like a long like what I mean, long like how like? But I've been down there all day now, just been there all day? If it been there all day working, I got two jobs and just got home. You're just a long day. I'm just tired. That's all We'll have. On the first job. Just tell me that ain't nothing in particularly happened, you know, it just was so you were that all day and you're telling me nothing happened. No, I no, not nothing meaningful happen. So something did happen? No, baby, listen, listen. What I'm saying is it just it was just a long day. Was just that, you know, you know, just the day to day got in the way, and it's just tired of something happened that you don't want to tell me about. Ain't nothing happening that I ain't wanna tell you about. I'm just trying to tell you ain't nothing really happened. But just what I'm just I'm tired. Well, you know, you sound like you're yelling. I mean, you listen to right the look, I ain't. I ain't trying to. Look, I'm not yelling. If I did forget, I just want to what happened to the second job? What happened? Hey, Look, I'm tired, I didn't have a good day. I'm just gonna go on in here. I'm watching a little TV and he let go. So you don't want to talk? And that basically what you're saying. You don't want to talk. So I ain't see you all day and you come home and now I want to talk. You want to talk to me? Is that? Is that basically what you're saying. You don't You've been talking to all other people all day when bouts at work though I'm on work, Well, I just want to chickaby, I don't want to chill work. How there's no talking. Well no, I just want to cheer, not just want to cheer for a little while. Don't you have a talk show? You have two shows? Just talk if you come home, it's just no talking. That's well. I got a radio show to do, radio show, dinner do to talk show, and I got a brief in and I do meeting. You're talking to meeting, y'all talking to meeting. You're talking the show. Yeah, you're talking to radio shows. Yeah, but you can't talk home. I'm trying of talking loud. Okay, now you're getting loud. You get loud now, yeah, well you ain't listening. I'm listening. I'm trying to talk. Now you ain't me. I'm my voice raising because you're not listening. You know what, forget it, just forget it, just to get the whole thing. Forget I asked, get it all right. Now, I don't want to talk to my mom. Okay, I'm going in here, Sam ever, I'm I'm not talking to you no more. You don't have to worry about me talking to you. Okay, when you're coming from now, I will not be talking about Okay. Let's see how you like that. You don't want to talk, then, I don't want to talk. No, no, no, no no no. I tried to talk, but you didn't want to talk. Now you want to talk, talk baby, I'm going in here and just sit down the chill because you can't talk to me. All right, baby, just just look look, look just whatever you said, I didn't even know. Are we talking. I was going to hear you said you want to talk to me? No more? Okay, then forget it. Now wout to talk. Let's stop. You don't talk to me, and I won't talk to you. All right, that's good, that works fine for me. Ever, now he walks away under his bil and he so he thinks, and he said he being a husband, answers crazy. And then she follows him in the room. Yeah, she says, I just have one question. I just I just had one more question to ask you. Why don't you want to talk to me? What did I do? Yeah? What did I do? Because I didn't do anything to you? No, you ain't did nothing. I just told you I had a long thing and you said you didn't want to talk. I said, I'm going to hear the chill and you to follow me and asked me again, one more thing. I got one more thing to ask you, Columbo. Yeah, come on, well, okay, so one more time under my breath, and I don't think she can hear it. So I said to myself, this helpful crazy. Oh I'm crazy. Now I'm crazy. Now I'm ready. I want one. I've been crazy, but I'm crazy. No, I ain't say he's crazy. I didn't say he was crazy. No, I'm pray No. I said what I'm gonna shay you crazy, st I'm gonna show you crazy. No, I don't know what I said. This crazy. You know I said this crazy. You want to see it, I'm show it to you. What I'm looking at? Wait what he's already looking at? Every man who's winning way with good laugh when you get at work. Okay, Oh my god, that's it right there. You hit us up on social media at Steve Harvey f M. If you want to join us, if you feel the same way, let us know how you feel, uh, Steve Harvey f M. Okay. Coming up to the top of the hour, Carlo's Reality Update. She's gonna talk about the Real Housewives of Atlanta reunion party. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, ladies and gentlemen, and it is that time. Carla fral is here with reality at date. Yeah, thank you that for you? All right? So it was explosive Part three of Real Housewives of at Land, very explosive. Kim Zosiak, the ladies just went off on her and baby that he needs to not hold back. I mean the lift gloat up. I know that, who Kim like my mother? When you said that, No, Ki, Kim lips, they look a miss man. She got the injections, yes, is that a question, Jay for Really, I haven't seen the picture. It looked like Shirley Lives on her face. May that be really? No? No that j J said, they looked like you live. No, she didn't get that much. We're talking lips. She had my lips on her damn face. She wouldn't be able to breathe. White lady would fall out. You can't be depression. Plus you don't even know how to hold it. She's my Joe line, all that story he wanted he lived about five pounds. This is poor your face that you need a face lift to be able to holy live and make a smile a little thing. Yeah, yeah, way too much, too much, too much, all right? So anyway, kid Nini went in on Kim, and the ladies felt like Kim was wrong for roach gate, remember that the video. She was there, wrong for that, and then she accused Nini from being on being on drugs and it was just a lot that they felt. The ladies felt that Kim did not take responsibility for the stuff that she said and the stuff that she did during the season, and you know, Nini called Kim a racist. It was heavy. It was ugly, ugly, ugly last night. Yeah, So moving on, and like, well, you know why they said Nini called Kim a racist because of the whole roach gate thing. You know, when you're saying and so what Candy was trying to explain to Andy, you know, it's pretty much where you're saying, well that you owe Nini's house. Her house is dirty. You know, black people, the project, you got roaches. It was that kind of thing that Katie was trying to explain. Yeah, why Nini felt the way that she did. So moving on, Andy asked, your girl Charay j j Okay, all the fellows Okay married Tommy. I could be team Charai, Candy on the team and be mad. I'm not. I'm not in that. You could gotta be on that team. Go here, go here. You can't be on the team with us. Of all of them on the show, I think Cynthia Bailey is the flies. She's so beautiful. Yeah, she's beautiful. Cynthia is beautiful. I'll tell you what else I like on this, Like, yeah, but I love how they joke around. Cynthia and Candy are booze. Yeah, yeah, they are boos all right. So she is engaged to Tyrone and Andy asked her if she was engaged to Tyrone, and she said that she wants to be engaged when he gets out of prison, and that he's going to get out of prison in two years, but we all know that it's really four years and his parole was denied and he's not getting out in two years. So there you go. So, you know, everybody was kind of looking at sheid, like, what's happening with you and this guy? Anyway, back to Kim, Kim said that everyone is jealous of her because of the fact that she had a spin off, Don't Be Tardy for the Party, and she had a skin care line that made fifteen milli million dollars. Kenya was like, if you made fifteen million dollars, why are you're sitting on this couch with us? So it was just a whole bunch of drama. Andy asked Nini if if Kim and Nini could be friends again. Nini said no, so hard y'all know what those oh, you know at the soccer games when they said go that no, so long she was through with it. But the real drama was after the show. After the taping the reunion show, Kim was in the bathroom crying to her husband and Andy was in there taking the listen. Kim felt she she felt like Andy didn't look out for her. So take a listen to this meeting in the bathroom after the taping, and like, how much kind of person to take? There wasn't even one positive question for me? Was ham heard? Like? I didn't think it was all bad. You have the control to say stopped at the crownd and not even shift. You did not found another white woman sitting on that mother, because nobody's dumb enough to do that. I'm so upset with you. Yeah, it's like I just didn't feel like you stuck up for me or it helped me with them getting up on me. I don't want you feel like that. I don't. I definitely want you to feel like that. I didn't have horse horse stuck. I just didn't feel like you were really sticking. I was trying to grab King because she was really doing to your kids. She wouldn't and I don't know if I expected you didn't just thought I put it off before you got out there. I'm not here to fight nobody's battle, but Nini has everybody around I honestly, that was horrible, like put yourself in my shoes and African American women just handled like I couldn't even speak on my mind's in WorldWind. So there you have it, so kill well. It ain't no need to talking about put yourself in my position with all these African man and you know how many of them was on there when you got on the damn animal white women on this show, neph you want to get on Beverly Hills and New y'all, you're gonna have to move. And what about what she did? I mean, who does that? They wanted her to be, but I thought she tried to make it like Andy, you didn't protect me. All these black women and Andy's white, and it ain't gonna get in that with you. You on the show, Andy, ain't on the reality show. Up on each other too, in each other's behind. Yes, all right, so that's reality update. Hit me up on lips, Carlo, you want to continue the conversation, take them lifts all. It's too late. What if everybody this your boy? James and a round for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Talking to you about Headlina Taco Tuesday going down at the jp Los Angeles, California. That's Headliner Taco Tuesday at the Jay Spot, Los Angeles, California. Get your tickets on the event right Taco Tuesday at the JASP, Los Angeles, California. Watch out there now you're listening Steve Hardy Morning Show. According to tim Z Guy Kelly, and Conway says, First Lady Milannia Trump is a superior first Lady and the country is lucky to have her. That's right. Conway was asked about reports that Milannia has gotten the cold shoulder from US magazines while former First Lady Michelle Obama appeared on at least a dozen during President Obama's eight years in office. Because uh yeah, well you know why, Conway said, Millannia. It's such a superior and excellent first lady. This country is so lucky to have her. She proceeded to rave about Milania's achievements, calling her a wonderful role model for women and girls. I don't think she needs to be on the cover of a magazine for everyone to see. How wonderful her work is well, look, look, all you gotta do is talk about Milannia. Don't You can't compare her. They do it all the time. But see, that's not what you should do. It's just like what Donald Trump is trying to compare himsel off to Obama. It's not gonna make any sense. And what he's trying to do is he's just repealing everything Obama did. He has a misconception that if he blows your candle out that it will make keys bright enough. Man, you still just a flick a dog. It doesn't matter what you say about Obama, how many of his policies you undo, is not gonna make you a better president. They should stop comparing Milania to Michelle because it ain't none. She is her own first lady. Now, I'm not knocking her in any way. In any way am I knock knocking Milannia because I think that the I think that the first ladies and the kids should be off limits. They didn't do it with the Obama's at all. But because they didn't do it with the Obama's, I'm not gonna get on that bandwagon. Our problem is with the president. She ain't making no policy. She seems like a nice lady. She's very well dressed. That chick can bring some outfits. She's very well dress. After that, you know, just let her do what she do and we'll decide if she's a first class first lady. The public will decide, not the Conway lady. You can't make us think nothing about something she ain't doing. She's an superior first lady. She's superior. The country is lucky to have her. We don't. We don't feel that way about her husband. It's her husband we should having Trouble's trying to escape. Actually, he's trying to get out. Yeah. Man, the happiest they've seen Milannias when she was leading President Obama at the funerals funeral. Yes, but she looked happy at the funeral. She looked happy. Is that happening around people? People? Right? Yeah? Yeah, I'm you gotta imagine your husband. It's all over the news for having a relationship with a playboy bunny who he took to his apartment in New York, with a porn star who he paid a hundred thirty thousand two. This is the news. You gotta deal with that, You gotta deal with hearing this woman talking about passing by your room, looking in your house. Why are you married? That's that's rough. Not even though it was twelve years ago. More whw many of the years ago. It's still. Man, that's tough. It's humiliating. That's tough. And I feel for her because you know, look, this this is who the president is. Man. She dealing with it. Well, you know, Jordan Peelee is doing part to it. Get out, you know that's the movie. Yeah, that's about the first lady in the White House. That's what it's about. Are trying to get out. I'm just trying to tell you what part to all about. I didn't know that, nephew. All right, Uh, we'll have more of The Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Steve Harvey Morning Show wants to give you a chance to win one of four trips for two to the Ssence Festival, presented by Coca Cola in New Orleans baby July fiven through the eighth. All you have to do is listen for the daily key word, then go online for your chance to win. One winner will be selected each day starting tomorrow Today's key word is essence. That's simple essence E S S E n c E essence to enter and get rules. Visit Steve Harvey f M dot com. And now speaking of the Essence Festival. Remember A Girl's Trip last year was a huge, huge movie for Tiffany hat As she of course was a breakout star of that movie. Well, Tiffany feels like chivalry should not be Yeah, um, that is the takeaway we get from her rant against TMZ photographer Tiffany It took to social media. She was just going in on a guy that watched her and her girlfriends load these really heavy bags of luggage onto an suv by themselves. Take a listen, let me tell you how is out here? Okay, uh, I fly into l A, flying into Los Angeles l A X TMZ standing there like with the camera, want to take picture? We got out teen thousand bags, all right. The man standing up on the pillar watching me and my girls load this suv up, this escalator of all by ourselves. He stood there and watched us do it, holding the camel still there and washed. As soon as we finished, he gonna come over and be like, can I ask you some question? If you don't get the by my fights trying to ask questions. You could have been helping us. I would have still there, talk to your last minutes. I would tell you. I want to tell you out, to tell you everything. You would have helped us with these heavy aspects. Lazy. I know your mama raised you better than that. Standing he stood up and leaned up against the bar next to the car and watched it. Wow, told you I agree with when I watched watch somebody's gonna help problems. I don't have a problem. They do, man. People just people are so touching. Now why is she talking that way? Why is she? It was? It was hysterical. It was really funny. I didn't have one question Hugh that why didn't drive a help? I mean stop one clearly standing right there right but she was on him because he wanted something that just watch this would be a good end. Let me help you right right, I could ask you to. We could have got a lot of messed it up, everybody, but you're caming down in hell open. I understand where she's coming from, but she's not there. There's some good man out there. Man, It really is man to know how to do it. The right way, hanging o. Let me get that. Yeah, yeah, my girl, My daughters don't do Now we're gonna do some cussing and ask you what's in it. We're gonna do it that. What did you pack? But we're gonna get it in the car? Were damn what's in there? But that's just making conversation exactly. There's a good end. You had a chance to get in man and find out whatever you needed to know. No, no, that was not okay. I thought it was all right. Coming up our last break up the day and Steve's closing remarks, we'll be back at fort nine after you're listening. Here we go, last break of the day. Steve Harvey take us home with some enlightening closing remarks. All right, Uh, today I want to share something inspirational to all of you again. Uh it's I want you all to understand something. It's not that I know everything, because I don't, but I have been through quite a bit. My life has been or a walking testimonial. If I'm allowed to say that, I am a walking testimony of the power of prayer, what prayer can do to change a person. I am a walking testament of what grace and mercy is because God has forgiven me thousands of times. He has poured into my life above and beyond anything thing that I ever really imagined i'd have. You know, it amazes me when people say always knew I'd be here. I can't say that, because how can I say I always knew I'd be here when I didn't even know here existing. I had imagined some things, but I am beyond what I was capable of imagining back as a child. What how would I know any of this? And so what I want to talk to you all about is a couple of things that it takes to become successful. And if you're willing to do a couple of things, you can be successful. One of the things is first things First, the Bible says, a man without a dream or visions your perish. So first thing, you gotta want something. You gotta have some dreams. But after you have these dreams, you have to convert the dream into goals. The only way to convert a dream into a goal is to start planning how to make the dream come true and then start taking the necessary steps towards the goal, which can still be your dream. Now here's a cool thing about taking that step in the right direction towards your dreams. Your dreams can change, which means the goal will change and your dream will change along the way because you're going to get exposed and see some things that you didn't even know existed before, and you'll add that to the vision board, and then and then and then and then you make that a new goal. It's just gonna be a lot of that. And so you have to keep on pushing. You have to keep pressing forward because all of that is going to change, Trust me, it will. So you gotta come hurt the dreams into gold. That's simply making those dreams have a plan of action. The next thing you're gonna have to do is you're going to have to be willing to give up some free time. You got to get rid of free time. Time is something you can never get back, and free time often is wasted time. I'm not saying you can't have no free time, because everybody needs some free time, but you gotta limit the free time until you get to where you're going. See when you see a person who's wealthy taking some time off, they've accumulated some stuff where they can take some time off. But if you check to check, you ain't got that. You don't have that. See, wealthy people accumulate time and wealth, so they have a reserve. So when they're out of work for five eight weeks, they still got income coming. They still got money being made. But for those of you that's on the hustle and the grind, you gotta cut into some of that free time. Take some of that free time and turn it into productive time. See is p T time? See FT is free time, but PT it's productive time. And you've got to swap those two out so you can take advantage of your times in the day. People ask me all the time, man, how you do all that that you be doing? I got the same twenty four everybody else got. I've just decided to remove some of the free time and replace it with productive time. And then here's the deal. I spend all my time building my dreams, so when I get some time, I can live my dreams. Do you understand me? That's the exchange that you have to be willing to make. Y'all. Success is not gonna walk up to the door and just present itself in the basket ring the door bill and walk off. And you open it up and there is the mailman. Don't drop it off. It's a grind and a hustle. I say it all the time. The dream is absolutely free. The hustle is so separately. I'm on the hustle. Man. I invite you to get on the hustle, and folks, you can do it. You can do it, man, if you, if you, if you swap out some of these free time for productive time, if you take all this stuff you dream, nothing comes to a dream about some more dreams. Eventually, you gotta swap those dreams out and replace the dreams with goals. If you're dreaming of a big house, you gotta make the goal in a big house. If you're dreaming of owning a business one day, you gotta make that owning a business a goal. It's gotta be a necessity. You gotta want to be successful like you want nothing else. You gotta want it. You gotta breathe it, you gotta dream it, you gotta live it, you gotta eat it, you gotta taste it. You gotta want it. You gotta get funky to get it. You got to get funky to get it. Man. You got to have a lot of dog in you. So if you want to be successful, convert those dreams into goals. Keep on dreaming, and just keep converting them into more goals. Take some of that free time, get rid of it, and turn it into productive time. You can change the course of your life. That's the truth stake, alright, Steve. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, hysit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Stay Harvey Morning showm