Mega Millions Billionaire, Stacey Abrams, Andrew Gillum, Nephew Tommy, Megyn Kelly, Midterm Elections, Bill Cosby, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Oct 24, 2018, 2:45 PM

The CEO talks about how $600 million change his life. Stacey Abrams has her challenges in Georgia and Andrew Gillum has his in Florida. Nephew Tommy has been acting brand new since Ready To Love premiered. Megyn Kelly is the center of controversy with her Halloween comments. Midterm elections are two weeks away and Obama is using his voice. Bill Cosby has been denied a new trial. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about success and more.

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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all ball suit on looking back to back down, giving the more just like the moking buck bus things and it's touble y'all. Do me true good tea. Steve har Yeah, listening to me to other for sto bar quick lit moby. Don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, well by joining with me, honey, say gotta turning in the door. Yeah, you very you gotta turn you to turn turn Robby got the turn out to turn the water the water? Come come on your back at it? Uh huh I sure, well a good monding everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me NW one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show, this one today. I want to share with you. Uh. It's for all of us. It's for all of us. Uh, And here it is. There is a solution to all of your problems in situations. There is a solution to all of your problems and situations. If you are feeling this, are you feeling desperate about something and anxious about it? Are you feeling uncertain about anything? Are you at a loss for words? Are you is your direct shouldn't unclear? How about that? If you can't find your purpose, that's a good one. That stops a lot of people. If you don't know what your next move is, that's to go. I don't. I don't care what it is. If if if the relationship you're in it's all wrong and you don't know how to get out of it, it doesn't matter. There's a solution to all your problems and situations. And that solution without trying to sound like I've been knowing this my whole life, because I haven't. That solution to all your problems. That way to make all your dreams come true. The way around a lot of this and to the weakness that you feel at times, it's prayer, prayer, a connection with your creator. Could that be a thing that's missing in your life. I'm just asking because whenever I get a little bit off track, all I gotta do is think, just a moment, Steve, have you been Have you been praying? Man? Have you been connecting with your creative? I know you're busy, man, I know you're busy, and I know at the end of the day you're done. You're done, and sometimes crawling into bed is all you can manage to do. I've said this. It happened to me last night. Again, I did all of this. But when I look and when I see things not moving, or I don't feel like things are going in the right direction, or I have a sense of being stagnant, all I got to do is retrace it. Because I'm working. There's no doubt about that. I'm working. But I'm a staying connected. Am I using that weapon that's available to all of us my prey? And the answer is usually no? And so I know, okay, okay, man, I'm I'm getting off track hill because see, let me tell you something. Man. The reason the reason I constantly talk to God is because life constantly changes. People who said they was going to do something for you one day have changed their mind the next. Somebody you thought was gonna show up that day called in late, had an accident and couldn't make it. That changes the parameters of everything. The meeting you had set up that had to be canceled because somebody was ill. That changes the parameters the time frame of everything. Because it's all connected. So if I don't stay in constant prayer and stay connected to the creative when these thing's happen, I'm not put in my bid. I've not talked to him about how to handle it. Oh, I'm just not aware of it and what to do next. And the next thing you know, it becomes a little stagnant. That has happened to me. I gotta get back because prayer is the solution to all of my problems and situations. I have found that to be the case now. The only reason I'm telling it to you is because I know if you anything like me slash human being, then there are times that you feel anxious. There's moments of desperation. You have moments of uncertainty. There are times when you feel like you've lost your way, or your direction is unclear, or you or your purpose is a little blurred. You're not shooing anymore, or you don't know what your next movie is, or the relationship you in or the relationships you're dabbling in. They're just all wrong for you. Man. There is a solution to all your problems and situations, and it's prayer. If you're suffering from any of the things I just listed, or any other thing you could think of, just check your prayer. What has your prayer been lately about it? And this is for everybody. I often find when I get that disconnection. Man, my my prayer and slipped off. I started feeling a little bit less, so I gotta jump back on it. I'm just offering you a solution to it, man, and and and and and and I'm giving you a solution that works one of the thousand percent for show. See, I ain't guessing at this one. I'm telling you what has happened in my life, how I did it, and it'll do for you. God has filled with mercy and grace. He knows we all messed up. He knows all of us have done some jacked up things that don't nobody know about. He know all about our past. Man, he know all of that. But he is so full of grace and mercy, so full of fifty fifth chances. But you know the thing about your life though, and the thing I had to come to terms with, and the reason I don't let my my out of the reason I don't let my past bury me. The reason I don't let my past define me is because my past I found out, or just the ingredients needed for me to make this cake I'm eating now. My past is just my ingredients. See you you don't get rid of your past. They theyin't go on know where they are the ingredients, but when you put them with something else, they look better, they taste better, It is better. All of our past are just the ingredients that have become the cake we eating now. Now, if you don't like the way your cake taste, then you gotta stop putting some other ingredients in there. Just because you started off and your cake was messed up, don't mean you can't straighten out the flavor of your cake. You gotta put some different ingredients in there. So let's say your cake is trifling tasted, it's better. Your cake is better. Well, you got to dilute the bitterness. You gotta put some more goodness in there. So you gotta put some goodness ingredients to to take away the taste of the bitterness. So you gotta put some different ingredients in there. You gotta start living your life a little more kindly, a little more thoughtful, a little more sharing, a little more caring. And then after a while, man those new ingredients combined with that bitter it starts overshadowing the bitter taste, because the bitter taste is further behind you now see something that happened to you twelve fifteen, thirty sixteen years ago. Ain't got to be the flavor that's in your mouth now unless you let it be. It's the ingredients, man, If you're sicking away your cake tasting, change your ingredients. Put something else in your cake mix so you can get a better taste if you don't like the way your life taste. Pray Prayer changes things. I'm telling you, I've been here my mama saying for years, boy, prayer changes things. Do you hear me? Prayer changes things? Don't my mama? You said to me all the time. I said to my TV artist, is when they come see me on the talk show, before I walk on stage, I tell them these words my mother said. I said, my mother used to always tell me this, and it's bailed me out, and it might do the same thing for you. I said, whatever I get in trouble, I hear her words. She says, son, don't forget to pray, don't be ashamed to pray, and don't be too proud to pray, because prayer, prayer changes things. And you better believe something. It one hundred percent showed do show he boke it man heading there's a train coming. You don't need no ticker, You're just gett old boy, all you need is faith when you hear the des o harming Now, uh, you remember the late great Curtis Mayfield. Of course I do. Yes, people don't talk about him that much anymore, but he was greatness. Why y'all doing this morning? Good? Good? Speaking of greatness? How well you know? I'm good? You know, excited this morning, energize, you know, ready to get at it another day. None of us won the lottery. Huh no, you you hear me, don't you? A loud and clear Okay. So the winning numbers, the Mega million winning numbers was five sixty two, sixty, seventy and five. They say the winner is in South Carolina. Then they said there's a winner who got five of the numbers right in San Francisco. So we'll see. I think of them. One of the numbers got a couple of numbers on different tickets. I didn't play. I did because if I lose, I'm gonna be so mad. Surely you lost. I didn't play, but I didn't play, so I'm cool. I just set my money man three thousand dollars worth for tickets. My wife would ya wanted at three thousand? I got three thousand from one point six. I've cut that deal all day long. I think I got three numbers. I think I got ten dollars. That's all you get for ten for ten, three for three numbers dollars. I'm not even driving my car back down back with so much attitude here Marjorie won last week. She had four the numbers she won for eighty. That was good. So you went four out of what six? Yeah? We were in the big one, that one point six nine hundred thousand allar about? Yeah? Well what about tonight? You could do the Powerball six million? Yeah, I might play that. I bought those tickets to even that even? Is that to walk away from everything? To ask? So if you if you spend two thousand dollars worth of tickets, if you win, you just win the one point six billion, I mean, I don't mean it like that, but did you do you even play one point six? Right? Look, lottery fevers in the air. We're gonna tell you who else spend big money on these lot of tickets too. We'll tell you that when we come back at thirty two after the hour right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Lottery fever is in the air. It's everywhere. The Mega million dollar jackpot was last night and then tonight. Now, Steve, tonight is the powerball drawing for six hundred and twenty million dollars. I got my think you got him already. I'm might bust up for tonight. Okay, uh well, Steve, listen to this professional boxer and extremely wealthy person, Floyd Money. Mayweather was spotted in l A the other night buying same amount Steve, two thousand dollars worth of lottery tickets. Okay, Now, Floyd is rather wealthy like you, Steve. He has a net worth of six hundred million. Yes, well, I mean you're rather wealthy. You're you're rather wealthy. Anyway, I don't know what your net worth is. I'm telling you, well, Floyd's is six hundred million. So I mean, does he really I mean, do you really need it after you have already so much money? I'm asking, yes, what did you talk about need? Don't nobody need one point six billion? But oh, y'all want it, don don't you right? We want it? But but I'm saying, if I had six hundred millions that that wouldn't be enough. Yeah, you need more? Yeah, I mean what else can you fire? Door? I mean that's that's that small man? What else can you buy? Six time? You million? That's not enough to live? He already living. You want to leave some mo You got six on the meal. You don't need nothing. We have to need games. He just won't. I won't one point six but I don't need it. But I promise you if you give it to me, y'all can follow me with a kim. I'm gonna do a reality show. Y'all come on following me, because it's about the last time you're gonna see me anyway. Then you'll finally do a reality show. Right brother, I'm telling you right now it six tons of meal or square me straight up? Well yeah, six d and twenty million? So what would you do? What would you do with it? Steven? Six million? Five hundred million goes into this a friend of mines, uh fun and the minimum is twelve percent, So five hundred million go into that right away? That other one twenty what's that gonna do? Give you? Give you a listen though, Steve, that six hundred and twenty million. The cash value is three hundred and fifty four Yeah, okay, whatever, Yeah, give me that. I take that. The cashhot is how much? Three hundred and fifty four point three three Okay, I take two hundred and fifty millions. Put it in that same investment count at twelve percent, and I'm living on thirty million a year interest. You get the check for that twelve months to thirty twelve months, you get thirty millions, and you will still have the two hundred and fifty millions. So you need to counsel some of those people who have won the lottery, ain't I ain't counseling nobody. Don't me. I'm changing my numbers soon as I win, because you all those people who have one and and they're broke. Now, yeah, you see those shows, those lottery shows. Huh so that started. So I got one fifty two left. I got a hundred fifty two millions. Okay, I got a hundred fifty two million. That money to bank, all right, I'm gonna go buy me a new house. I'm gonna buy a new house, probably gonna take about oh tween thirty five and fifty million. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna get somewhere you walk around in it. I'm telling you, I want your breathing hard the whole time. Okay, Now, I gotta hunted left. Look at that, but I but I will. I probably financed the house though you wouldn't pay cash. No, No, you need that for a tax, right though, So I probably financing, put a little down and gonna take that note, and I'm gonna let the interest that I'm making this thirty million paid a note, what's gonna be way cheaper. So I'm gonna use their money my interest, gonna pay the note. I got hunted left. I love how you break it. I'm going i gotta go get me a plane. I'm giving nice youth playing. Probably gonna spend about probably about that. Oh, it's gonna have wonder love on the tail. I'm they're gonna have one that's your nickname. Then I'm gonna have sertified left that sif I'm gonna give each one of my kids, all seven of my kids, I'm gonna give him ten million a piece. Ok. But I'm gonna put it in an investment account that they have to I have to sign off on all the investments. And the only thing they can do with the money is by real estate or business investment only? Oh okay, okay, yes, not give Lori ten million. Now it'll be malls closing for her. I can't give Winton ten millions when when yeah, yeah, weren't probably try to buy a play with History Possi. Alright, Steve, coming up next in Voting News Democrats Stacy Abrams. She's defending burning the Confederate flag. I don't care what she's accused of doing. You have a president that said he grabbing women by the pet I don't care if she said the Confederate flag on fire and went in night while she was in college, skipped that. This woman is qualified. And we got to get to the polls in Georgia and get Stacy Abrams voted in. And we got to get to these polls down in Florida, and we gotta get Gilliam voted in. And I'm telling you you got to get to these polls because this voter suppression thing is real in Georgia. Man, Yes it is. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening Steve Show. All right, guys, last night was the debate in Georgia between the gubernatorial candidates. The headlines before the debate was about Democratic candidate Stacy Abrams, who has defended her action of burning the old Georgia State Confederate flag back in and she was a college student at Spellman. We all know the Georgia State Confederate flag was a symbol of white supremacy. Ms. Abrams tweeted that she was proud to be on the right side of history and who have fought against hate her entire life. Right, I'm I'm your Look, they got a lot of nerve to talk about this Confederate flag when the symbol of that Confederate flag. And y'all can't flip the script on us for this like you did that Colin kapernick uh, Calin Kaepernick or kneeling you turned that into the flag issue. That flag, for so many people represents hatred, slavery, Civil Civil War. If you don't think that they were fighting to keep slavery alive, you're deadly wrong. And that flag represented a lot of pain for black folks. A lot of clansmen carries that flag. If you look at every clan rally they got today, they got that flagg with him. I I do not care that she did that. That doesn't bother me, not one bit. You have the audacity to call yourself the moral party, and then you turn around and you vote for a man who has done more immoral things known publicly of any president ever, and he in the White House. Come and let me tell you something. The the paying off the pawn stars, they're taking the playboyd buddies to your house where your wife lives, all of that. I mean, look, he didn't grabbing women by the pet, laughing about it, telling jokes, making jokes about disabled people, calling Native Americans pokehonness, there goes my African American. I mean, he just repeatedly does everything and so if that's okay with you, then this is okay with us, And it is okay, Steve, with a lot of people what Donald Trump has done. He's got a lot of support out there. A lot of people think he's doing a fine job. He's done some things that he's getting credit for because it's on his watch, and it's okay. Manufacturing jobs are unemployment? Is that all term? You know? The economy is booming? Uh, the tax code that he passed, he's done some things. They should talk about that. But what he's done for the country in terms of unifying the people that he was elected to govern has been horrible, has been horrible. He's not governing all people, doing his base. He's doing. Yeah, yeah, he's governing his base. But the sad thing about it is his base doesn't know. This has no effect on their life. They don't even know it. It's so say it so. So see, we have the Stacy Abrams issue going on in Georgia. Meanwhile, in Florida, now this is according to the Huffington's Post, voters in Florida received a racist robocall from a white supremacist group in Idaho and speaking in an exaggerated, like menstrual type dialect, trying to discourage voters from voting for Democratic Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gilliam. Take a listen to this. Take a listen. Well, hello, the abbe acute Florida. Okay, okay, yes, that's all we play. And you know, because that's enough. Here's what we have to understand that that is a racist component going on every time a black person runs, yes for an office, and he'll be the first black governor of Florida. And so now all the way in Iowa, Idaho. This base of people has this group out that sent this robot call out that's ringing up people's phones in Florida all over the place, and to do something so blatantly racist against a man. Listen to me, We have got to go to these polls to show them that the real power is not in name calling. The real power is not in racism. The real power is not in insulting us. The real power is not in voter oppression. The real power is in voting. That you can vote this type of behavior and suppress that. You're right. That's one of the reasons, you know, I think it's important to play this this kind of thing, because this is the kind of thing that should make you get out and vote. If that, if that makes you angry, get it out and vote, cast your vote, do your civic duty. You're absolutely right, because it's horrible what they're doing. It's they're not talking about issues. They're talking about flat out pure hatred of a person because of the color of their skins. Now, Stacy Abrams in Georgia, we got to get out and vote. A lot of people have been vote, been talking about voting. They're concerned about the number of rappers that's backing Stacy Abril. They're concerned about that. I saw an audio tape of them talking about it on the phone to They have a right to vote just like you do. What are you talking about? But see, listen to me. What we got to do is we got to show up. This is who we are. We are people who vote. You know, we did it in two thousand eight we did it in two thousand twelve. We got to do it again in two thousand eighteen. See we slept it in two thousand sixteen, and you see what happens time. But we've got to get out November six and vide for our right to vote. They really did. They gave their lives. We have to do. It's sickening that in two thousand and eighteen we have to deal with some minstrel white man wants to make fun of this brother down in Florida and he way over in Idaho. Man don't know nothing about himself. He black, and you don't want him in because you want to protect a certain base, a certain and this base is getting on my nerves because that base right there, it's very reflective of the leadership and I'm telling you, man, he plays to them. He goes to these rallies. These rallies ain't to talk policy. It's a comedy show. It's a routine here there telling jokes. He's performing. He loves it, man, he loves people clapping for him. He's a narcissist. Man. This guy is just if you like me cool, That's why he sat up there and he listened to Kanye for so long. How does Kanye get an audience in the over office to talk about nothing? This is the type of plane you are to be on. You like a father to me when I when I put this hat on, it's like the superman Kate. Let a hug man? Man? How easy? How does this red hat feel like a superman Kate? When the words on the hat says make America great Again? And I need to know from Kanye what period does he want to go back to that makes America great again for us? Because the damn Show wasn't his seventies. It damn show wasn't his sixties. It damned show was in the end of the fifties. I was here for all of them. Well, thankfully he's quiet right now. Steve coming up in entertainment news. Megan Kelly apologizes for her black face comments. We'll talk about it right. I'm sick of this now, I'm sick of it. You're listening to morning show. Uh. Megan Kelly has apologized for saying wearing black face and Halloween was okay when she was a child. We'll talk about it right after you take a listen to this, But well, what is racist? Because because truly, you do get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on black face Halloween or a black person who puts on white face for Halloween. Like back when I was a kid, that was okay as long as you were dressing me. But it's like a character. If somebody feels like something is offensive to them, then you should say it. And that's fair game. And I'm to if you can dress up, you gotta be able to take it. One of the things they mentioned is people dressing up like Nazis and is if you think it's offensive, it probably wow. Um. She she made these comments Steve on her talk show Megan Kelly Today on nbc U. During a round table with four white panelists about censoring Halloween costumes. Megan Kelly also defended Real Housewives of New York City star Luanne del Lyceppe, who darkened her skin when she dressed as Diana Ross for Halloween Land. Now, I saw that picture of Countess Louanne. I wasn't offended by it. See, black face is when you take black shoe polish and put it. She just put it on a bronzing cream and put on a white jumpsuit. And after a week and saying I'm dying the Ross, I wasn't really offended by that. I'm gonna just be honest. I saw it. I didn't take huge. Black Face is when you put them black shoe polish on your face and then big white lips. Yeah, that's that's to mock black people. Yeah, well, you know, I mean, I mean, there's right, exactly the history of black face in her culture. Um, this is what Megan said. You know. Now she's feeling apologetic about all of this. Um. She got a lot of backlash, and she sent an internal email to her colleagues. She wrote that she now realizes that such behavior is indeed wrong, and that she's sorry. She's talking about the history of black face. Now, the history of black face in our culture is abhorrent, the wound too deep. She added that she's never been a politically correct kind of person. Yeah we know, we remember you from Fox News. Yeah, but she says, I understand that we do need to be more sensitive in this day and age, particularly on race and ethnicity issues, which are far from being healed. Yes, yes, I mean you know, she said it so fast that you couldn't believe that. She said, Yeah, you're right. When I heard it, it kind of got by Yeah. Yeah, and it's like, no, it's it wasn't cool when you was a child. Yea. And it took you a whole your whole career practically, to realize that this is offensive. They realized that after, they say, never realized before. Here's here's a deal. I play golf with people who are conservatives, right wing. I play, I'm on golf courses with them all the time. It's no way around it. A lot of them have grown up. See what what's appalling to a lot of us is the norm for them. That's why Donald Trump doesn't have any problem saying any of the stuff he's saying, because for him, it's the norm. And when he goes to these rallies, he lets it fly because he's think he's amongst his peers except them, Poe. Ask people out there have no idea that Donald Trump could give less than a about any of them. They don't even understand that man. Donald Trump is about the wealthy, that's all he don't How can he care about the pope when he don't know no pope. How can he care about the pope when he has never bim Poe. This dude, they never had a struggling moment in his life. He cannot relate. That's why he can snatch a baby from a mother at the border. That's why I don't care about stopping no caravan go back home. That's that's why he don't care no by nothing. He has no respect for women. This is who the President of the United States he is. I'm sorry, yeah, I think you know they should have kept Tamaron Hall and making Kelly Spot just left Tamaron Hall. Alright, time for today's headline, Steve Aies and gentlemen, miss and trip and this is a trip with the news. Good morning, everybody. Turkish meeting now reporting that their investigators who found suitcases and clothing in a vehicle left in the garage attached to the Saudi consulate that may have belonged to missing journalists Kamal. The Saudis finally acknowledging that Kasagi died in the consulate on October two, even though they're claiming he died accidentally during a fist fight. The Turkish president, though riskip Urgan, says isn't investigators say the colonists was murdered and then the most gruesome, premeditated way. Our security and intelligence teams have information and these suggest that this was a planned incident, and trying to blame a few members of the intelligence community will not satisfy US or the international community. It will be satisfactory only when everyone who is responsible for this is penalized, and the Turks say they want the killers tried in Turkey. Authorities would also like to see cuss Ogi's body. President Trump claims that the Central American margrants headed here and not just poor people looking for a better life. You have people coming up through the southern border from the Middle East and other places that are not appropriate for our country, and I'm not letting them in. The caravan of migrants who now said the number about seven thousand, most of them Honduran currently forced to camp on a Mexican basketball court with few facilities and no food. The presidents threatening to cut off all the aid that we send to Honduras, Guatemala, and Al Salador if those governments don't get their people to come back home. However, critics say that cutting off aide would only end up forcing more and more people to leave their countries. According to Rolling Stone magazine, the Republican candidate for governor and Georgia Get This, Briant Kemp, caught on audio tapes saying that his democratic challenges get out the Vote operation quote continues to concern us, especially if everybody uses and exercises their right to vote. That's what this man said. Kemp's opponents, Stacy Abrams, would be the first black female governor. Kemp reportedly made that comment at Professionals for Kemp event. When Rolling Stone called Kemp's campaign about the remark, they acknowledged that the event took place, but they wouldn't comment further. Meanwhile, this guy, Brian Kemp is currently Georgia's Secretary of State. It was reported last week right here on the Steve Harvey Morning Show that they decided to suspend come fifty three thousand ballot applications, about seventy that belonging to African Americans. American Public media says Kemp Persians estimated one hundred seven thousand voters from the roll last year simply because they didn't vote in the prior election. He's being sued for leaving more than six million Georgia voting records open to hacking. He's also being sued because of an abnormal amount of absentee bounce and the Peach state mostly belonged to black and Asian vote. This guy is running for governor. Here's up Steve Harvey Nation find out of uncle Steve smart than his nephew will be back twenty minutes after the hour Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, Tommy's not here today. Guys. We know that we watched the season premiere Are Ready to Love last night? It was good. It was last night. Yeah, it was on the own network. It was really really good, really cute U. The new dating series is produced by Will Packer's hosted by our very own nephew, Tommy. I think he's on the phone, Tommy, Hey, what's going on. Oh, we have a new name for you. First of all, I'm sorry if y'all don't mind when you addressed me as come with Miles please right there. Please make it through a season. Yeah, one day y'all addressed me as Thomas. That's all I'm asking. I don't think I gonna ask him. We knew he was gonna change that, but he didn't get real Hollywood. See, they didn't get commercial. You listen, you know what I'm gonna play this year. I was talking to Oh the other day and talking to Oh, that's I'm sorry, Mrs oprah Wan, I'm sorry. I'm talking of the art. Oh my god. So anyway, um, oh you know, oh and I talked and you know that. Oh and I yeah, you know, Oh and I talked and Oh wants um me to be a little bit more dressed to her. So uh, you know, you know she called that's all they know. They don't make them type of clothes in your side? Did she know that? Yeah, we have that's that's that's are is making an exception for me. So s R. S R Is actually sending over several different items for me to choose from. Worry my mom. Okay, you guys know nothing. I'm sorry. Stefano Reachie, he's actually uh, he's actually you know, he's I told me to tell you hello. He heard that you purchase his club. He's never met you before, but hopefully supposedly. I'm getting ready to meets Are soon and you know what, Alwa has me taking a private flight over there to actually get to get dressed for my wardrobe for the rest of the season. So you know you're gonna get dressed wet. We know nothing? Do you not know anything? Man? Okay, you're gonna go where to meet Stefano Reachi, Stefano Richie is gonna meet me in Milan? Okay, you know, but says ok on him. He wanted to actually get the measurements himself and make sure my clothes were precise. So that's what's that's what's going on with me, s Are, And you want me to send you want me to send your measurements to him? Tell him to hang on, Steve, hang on Tommy. Okay, no, no, I don't like. I don't know, but I would have long because I need to call the next ten minutes. We'll be back with more of this ignorant phone call, right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, last night, as you all know, as a premiere of Tommy's new show, Ready to Love It is a new dating series is produced by Will Packers, super producer and hosted by nephew Tommy, who, if you didn't hear our last break, asked us to call him Thomas Miles. Yeah, oh and has he changed? W w W What's what's wrong with that? What's what's what's the probably y'all can't say Thomas my house? What's wrong with that? I have a question, Steve, why isn't he at work today? That's that's really what I Listen, listen, listen. Okay. So old wants me and Will to come to Milan. Okay, and she's sending us her plane. You don't have a plane, old guy. Uh, I ain't got it and everything it has rooms in it? Why why you a plane? Don't have that? Oh? This boy? Gout? What episode in this is? You know what? Let me let me just say this. I understand you know what I mean. You gotta really try something to find the things in life because you you're flying ghetto dog. You know what I'm saying you're flying ghetto man quick doing that. So but anyway, always sending a plane for me and will trim. I'm not only no, I'm on old. Okay, you're old today. But it ratings coming, come on now, you could have dog my rating. No, I'm dogging you're rating. I'm saying, if the ratings come out, you know you're gonna be flying on the Okay, but I don't want to say, hey, don't look good, do it? Don't stop this. Really really know what time I actually have been pulling for you. I've actually wanted you to do that. Well, you know, I just didn't know that this change was gonna come so suddenly, not after one damn episode. Oh I knew you was gonna change. Listen, Oh and I have developed developed a very good report. We're starting out. Are these these are? I mean, I can't do all these shows in one day, all Sunday. So you know what I'm saying, No, I want not do Super Bowl Sunday. What I'm saying is, you know when I do, when miss Old wants me to do master class, I will do master class. That's gonna be before you get asked to do a master class. Because if you do it right now. It ain't gonna be called a masterclass. It's gonna heal pop queen and tell him you tell oh your nickname? You call her? Oh, she'll call you button. I think that's her. No, I'm not Button. Okay, listen, mesten me and Wuil are gold and who me here? Wuil? We are going to Milan. But what's Old's last name? What's Oprah's last name? Queer free? Let's see why she said? Just say because you're gonna miss that woman hell right now, right right, okay, it's Ready to Love. Right tell us about the show one more time. You can promote it before we it. I just want I want to thank all my fans for tuning in uh last night watching the show Ready to Love. It'll be back on again Saturday, UH ten Eastern, non Central. It's gonna be the same one or different. It'll be the same one on Saturday. Okay, cool, I'm gonna watching said because I didn't get a chance to see it lastly. It's good. It's growing in sexy. I like it because it's grown in sexy and it's really tell me what you think, because you're gonna give me some great prners on the dudes and don't I and I promise you I will accept what you tell. Yeah. Yeah, you know you've been doing all right, man, right up into this phone. You know you've been real humble, you've been crying, you've been grateful, and then right up until this call after one of them. Now we got to call you, Thomas. Okay, okay, you know I mean you don't feel me like like do you remember when Larry's chrissburn turned into Lawrence? Remember? Yeah, the nephew that was about that. We gotta go Button, Okay, I'm not I'm not prank phone call coming up next. Get Button. Don't talk to me like because I don't know you Ready to love? Hosted by Button. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject it is so good that it's clouding my judgment? Or is it so good that it's clouding my judgment? How about that? Talking about ice cream? Uh? Right now, nephew, Tommy's out. You know that Junior is in with today's praying phone call. What you got Junior? NBA pot. Huh is be a party running? Hello? Hellong try, I'm I'm looking for brand? Hey, brand, How you're doing this? Poncho? Man? I'm want to Marcus his boys how you're doing? Man? Oh? Yeah here, what's up that y'all talked to Markets? Man? He would tell me about you know, the uh the playoff party man for for for Sunday man. So uh he told me if it was cool, I would come through. Man. I just want to call it and how to see if I can be I need to bring anything, uh food or some drinks or whatever. You know you took your friends of Marcus. Yeah, yeah, this is Parcho man, I'm friends with Market. Okay, yeah, yeah, I think it's cool. Yeah yeah, well now you're the great unless, of course you know you're drinking something special, but yeah, it's it's gonna be Marcus and uh you know other boys gonna be here and uh, you know, what are you want to bringing to me while I'll be so Yeah, that's cool, okay, okay, okay, what time y'all starting? Man? He told me like around one. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna be here all day, but you know you're coming through about one, one, two, o'clock. You know that before the game he started with had a you know, have the slas screen going if it's to be laid out. So yeah, just come up through whenever you comes through, all right, just remember man, puncho. All right, I'll be there. I got it, all right? Cool? All right? Hello, hey hey brand yo, hey, punch you again. Man, listen real quick, how much how much food? And and and and and look at do you have? Uh? I think we got a love for for something. It was why what you got going on? What's up? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, I got I got like three boys gonna ride with me. Man, I just want to make sure you got enough over there. Okay, who is this again? This Puncho? You know we talked about thirty minutes ago. This Puncho a man Marca's friends, right, right, okay, Uh, I mean my call you about thirty minutes ago, told you Marcas told me. Yeah that's right. Yeah, I'm I'm sorry for me bringing back and forth. Uh yeah, well, I mean I guess it's all right. So you know, we ain't trying to overload the joints. Man. Just you know, I know Marcus and if you're a friend of his, then then that's cool. You can come. It ain't but three guys. Man, ain't be three guys coming with me? Man, they they they're really cool. Man. Well we we we we we were bringing something to put on your pit or whatever. You know, it'll it'll be good. Okay, yeah, yeah that's cool man. But you know, yeah, yeah, come on through that all right? All right, right, I talked to you. I talked to you, all right. Brat is uh wait is one of the Marcus. It's one of the guys Marcus. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, I got it's it's three guys me, I made four, you know, some three other guys. Yeah. Whatever, man, that's cool. Yeah, bring him through now, come on. It's like all right, all right, all right late hello hey Brad punchyo again. Man listen, hey, I'm I'm gonna bring one more Um, I'm I'm I'm gonna bring one more person with me. Hold hold pumping brakes player, wait hold up, hold up? Now, what's up you market this friend? Yeah? H yah yeah you me and I'm Puncho. Yeah okay, I know you Pocho man, but you're bringing everybody, but just go and Arcis is cool with me. That's my fault. We're go way back. And if you cool with him too, then okay, you can come. You know, I'm trying to have an NBA playoff game. You're bringing the whole NBA with you. No, mom, it ain't like that, man, man, I mean playing't that big. You know, my wife is gonna be coming through here. And you know I got the house played out. I told I wasn't un destroy the place. I just got the doghouse like two weeks ago. I ain't trying to up. So if you're coming through, you come through. You know, bring one or two people with you. But that's it, okay, right, but listen to you. It would not decide me. I ain't gonna bring them dude with me. I'm just gonna bring a little lady from him with me. Man, if there is that cool, I'm just gonna bring a little lady friend. No news. Okay, that's cool. Now you're talking okay, because I know she ain't eat it, but come on through here with her and you know, be done with it. That's fine, right right right. I'm gonna call Simone nine, tell her and tell her that that she coming with me. Okay, what's her name her name, Simone. That's funny. That's my wife's name. Okay, I'm okay, but maybe they'll hook up while they while we're watching the game. Now she ain't here, so I said, and your girls, so that the nail's done. Okay, okay, so check us out, man, I'm I'm I'm gonna reach out to Simone and let I know that we're gonna we're gonna leave it and get over there like about one. And you say it's cool, right, yeah, yeah, it's cool man. That that's a whole lot better than being about up in there. Okay, okay, back yeah yah yeah. Year now and I check this man mine, Uh you know, my friend she she she's married, you know, and and she wanted to get away from my husband for manute. Man, I guess it's been going through so, you know, you know, just keeping way way back back up there, bringing a married woman named small. What are the odds of that? My wife's name is saman Okay, well done, I mean what was this one? Simone? Is the last name? Is? That's my last name? Wait? Wait? Wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold wait wait wait, hold hold on, hold on dog? This this okay? This this Simone is is light skinning. Yeah, you keep on describing her light skin five gone, short hair. That's the alley. Yeah, that's that's that's that's that's how about you doing? My wife? Hey, me and Simone been friends for a minute. Man, it wasn't util like a couple of weeks ago she reached out to me and saying she was she was going through some some some um you reached up to you to tell you that she's going through some stuff with a dude. Well I don't that dude. Okay, okay, you know my wife, hey man, you know about a year, but who counting? You know what I'm saying. A year that's about the time we started an some issues. Yeah, yeah, yeah, come on over this party, hey man, I'm sure we can try to do ticket this kind of situation. Imp My wife. I don't give about you. I don't give me about her either. You know you you know they said, you know what, I've always believed this. There are no mistakes of everything happens where it's close to me. So it's funny how you call me. Okay, okay, listen, man, listen, I get this number. My boy gave no no, no, I get it time. You probably calling to direct from her that my boy gave me this dog. Leave, leave simone out of this. Man. You can't tell me right now. You know I'm not up to call with you right now. I'm not to say. I ain't gonna call that all. Don't don't tell her my wife. Just bring her to the party. I got a guest this for you. I got a three eight, I gotta smith. I got a queston. I got a size fourteen killer and go right up your So you just come on off with this tarp. Okay, hey man, hey man, listen, listen, my boy, my boy gave me your number. Man, so I don't know who my boy is. I I said, he don't know you. Marcus don't know me. But guess who else knows me? Though that you don't know what's say something? Hey Brad, this is Nephew time me man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your boy Marcus got me to prank phone call you what I don't give her this U I'm gonna get up yeah here, hey Brad, what was you gonna do with the party? Man? Damn man, huh, let me ask you something. What's the baddest radio show in the lane. It's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Really all right there that is NBA party. You know you gotta have every Here comes the explanation. You know sure that sometimes you gotta have the NBA part. Come. You know, ain't it wrong with the NBA party? Uh? You know what I'm saying. Just don't want everything? And then you know it's bad. You know c CP three and Rondo could have got along they had the NBA part. Where is he? You know, cute as a button? Just call I was thinking like ugly, like Benjamin is there? That is right there? The size of a baby. He was attractive as he Thank you so so button. That's his new name. But let's see BDB. All right, listen, listen when we come back, it's the Strawberry Letters. Subject is it's so good? It is so good that is clouding My judgment will come back right after this. You're listening to show. All right, it's time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, isn't that right, Steve, Ye, come on, that's it. Yeah, we've been getting a lot of letters. We have, we really have, Thank you guys. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one. Yeah. But the chances they're good. Okay they are who to no one? I know. We get to a lot of them. All right, Hey, everybody is there are times time for the strawberry letta with my friends? Surely strong? Thank you, junr. Subject is it so good that is clouding my judgment? Here? Stephen Shirley, I am a forty three year old single mom of two. For the past year, I have been seeing a nice forty three year old gentleman that I met on the Plenty of Fish dating site. When we met, I told him that I was ready for a relationship, not just to hook up for sex. He said, let's see where it goes. Two weeks later, after talking on the phone, we finally met up and we ended up having sex that first night. Darned, Steve, it was so good, goold that I could not stop. We continue to have sex at least once a week, and he started staying overnight at my house. About six months later, I asked him, So are we together? He said, no, we're just friends. He told me that we should just stop having sex and just be friends because I was getting too emotionally attached to him. Not even a week went by before he was back in my bed. The sex is so darn good that I cannot stay away from this man. But I really wanted a relationship. The whole time we've been together, I have been taking him to and from work. He does not have a car or his own place to live. I also cook for this man and give him money when he needs it. He does pay me back each time. I'm giving one percent of myself to him, but he has the nerve to only like me as a friend. It makes me feel like he's just using me. Is this is the good sex clouding my judgment? What's really going on here? Please advise? Okay, okay, seriously, seriously, if you were here, I would physically shake you so hard, try to shake some sense into you. You know, you may be forty three year olds, but but you're you're doing way too much. Okay, I mean, just talk about over and above and beyond. That's all you, that's all you. You're doing way too much. And I disagree with you. No, he's not using you. He doesn't have to. I mean, you won't even give him a chance to use you because you're right there. Let's let's go down the list. You give him sex when he wants it, You cook for him, you drive him to and from work, he stays with you, and you give him money. What are you doing? What are you doing? I mean, don't you take him to and from work? I gotta ask you that. So why do you have to give him money to It's too much, You're doing too much. I just don't understand. You know, you have to get some self respect. You have to you have none. Okay, you have to stop this. Um, I'm glad you wrote us. Uh. Nothing is that good where you have to lose your your dignity and and your low self esteem. Nothing is that good, Okay nothing, I don't care. Nothing is for you to lose your self respect like that. And that's what it is. It's not that the sex is so good. You're just you're caught up. You gotta get to get you know, get a hold of yourself. Here. Uh, this man has nothing to offer you but sex, and you want much more and he's not giving it to you, Steve Ready, Yes, let's get hello, lor lady forty three, single mother too, you forty three? You met him funny through your old very nice gentlemen on a dating site called plenty of Fish. Keep that in mind. Never heard a plenty of fish. Yeah, I got the idea. When we met. I told him that I was ready for a relationship, not just hooking for sex. He said, let's see where it goes. See right there, you say you're ready for a relationship, not just for a hook. He say, let's where it goes. Guess what you missed that He didn't say. He did not say what he wanted. He ain't even say yeah, that's what I'm looking for to All he said was let's see how it goes. Two weeks ago, by you've been talking to him on the phone, you finally meet with him. You ended up having sex the first night. Donn it, Steve? I know? Let's say what, Steve? Donn it? Steve? I know? Said it was so good I could not stop. We continue to have said at sex at least once a week, and he started staying overnight in my house. Six months later, I asked him, so we together? He's that now we need together. Hell no, we're got friends. He told me we should stop having sex and just be friends because I was getting too much emotionally attached to him. You ready for this? Not even a week went by and he was back, in your opinion, boor in here doing it. Oh and he got it turned up. He in the bringing it. And I'm about to tell you what this sex is so damn good. I can't stay waiting this mane, but I really want a relationship. The whole time we together, I've been taking him too and from work. He does not have a call, He does not have his own place to live. I cook for this man and give him money when he needs it. Now, when I come back, I'm gonna explain some things. Now, they say, Well, first of all, let me tell you something. You find him on a dating site called Plenty of Fish, And of all the man in here, you get the one damn catfish that was in there. You bought a damn bottom duelling scavenging naster as cats all fish in the seat, and which one you pull out? A catfish? He ain't working now, he worked, but he ain't got no car, and he ain't got no house. Where do he work at the paper route dog and you're give him money when he needed Do this man have a all right, hold it right there, Steve, hold it right there. Uh, we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour today. Subject is it is so good that is clouding my judgment? Uh, we'll be back right after this. You're listening show. All right, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. It is so good that it is clouding my judgment. Yeah, she'd met this man on plenty of fish. She didn't pulled out the one damned fish. She didn't want a catfish bottom Doyle and scavenge. They've been sleeping together, he just had. She can't stop. She can't stop, She can't stop. Is so damn once a week, six weeks, six months, go back? She finally asked it, man, are we together? He said no, no, no, we need toge. But what do you say? No? No, we need to go? Well you can do from what you told spend night. Don't here we together together? You give me money, We're just friend. May then know we need to we need to stop having sex, just be friend because you getting too emotional. You know, I don't. I don't like to be attached to stuff. You know, I ain't attached to no car. Note, I ain't attached to no mortgage and no payment. You know, I ain't attached to no kitchen nowhere while I'm cooking, I ain't attached to no money. Don't you see me always needing something? You don't do attach The sex is so damn good, I can't stay away from he give me the money back. But he don't have a car or house. He needs money all the time, and you gotta take him to him from work. My question for you for we went on break was where does he work at the paper route. I'm trying to figure out what job he got where he can't get a car, a house, or need money on the time. Now you want to ask me, let me explain something to you about this good sex. You happy? You're having sex with a man that ain't got a car. You're having sex with a man that need a ride to and from work. You're having sex with a man that ain't got his own place. You guys having sexual with a man that can't cook, and you're having sexual with a man that needs money on the time for him. The reason his sex is so good for food. Listen to me, you your entire mind. God, I know you had to bleat that, but that's the best way to say that. There's another reason. See this is called BS that he's given you. This is just BS. Now clean. The way to say it is b S is called benefits screwing because he has to produce the type of screwing that produces benefits. So now he is that giving his all in all, and he got to because he probably working part time. He got time shopping this gig. He don't have the stress that most men have them. A lot of men came perform called the stress. But he ain't got none. He ain't got no mortgage, he ain't got no card. No, he ain't got no kitchen. He got Brono grocery. Why why is he stressing? For? He is free to b S to benefits screw Oh he just in that perform. All his energy is in his sexual performance. He came buy you a coat for Christmas at Burlington. He can't bring you a plate from Stein Maul. He can't bring them kids and yards are taught from wal Mart. He can't bringing you a happy meal from McDonald's and when he do getting money, it's so rare. He died a Chick fil A on the Sunday talking about how to hell there? You know? Money doing the week? You know that they ain't over right, This man that you think you want to have a relationship with, Why would you want a relationship with him? Somebody you got to take care of and can't do nothing for you except good sex. Then that's all it is. It's just good sex. It's nothing, no other benefit to him. And let me tell you something, just going well off? Because you know why it's going well because you're gonna mess where I need something. Everybody needs something every ninety and I don't care who y'all and when you need it. Since that's who you're passing out all you're loving too, you're gonna want it from him. And guess what he gonna tell you. You have to me, monfu, We don't know, we just read. We just rea. You know I ain't got I just bother from money of you last week. Now I can pay you back what I own. You will that help? She said he was a nice gentleman. He isn't not You got to be nice when you ain't got nothing. Well, I'm gonna be mean and I ain't got a way to go. You got to pick me up. What the hell I'm gonna be mean? Fault? You got to be nice. You got to drop me off and pick me up. Understand that he's just getting out. Soon as he jump in the car, he started rubbing your thighs. He was at yeah, as soon as he get in the car, his hand on that pretty thigh. Then you're in his sweating like a runaway. Because big Clifus Jackson Raynard the fourth, he's been to come up in here, Clivus Jackson Raynard the folk. It's fitting to come up in Hill's fence, to be old and out. Would lady wants a relationship with who? He can't do nothing for you or your children. He's a bad example of a man. He forty three. He don't have a car, he don't have his own place, he don't cook, and he borrowed money from you. And he's forty three. You want a relationship with him, you got it. He's doing the only thing he can do and they're screws right. He can't do nothing. He can I'm told you asking for a cope, all right. We gotta go Steve, email us your Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey. Woolf Cope at Steve Harvey FM. Coming up, coming up in about ten minutes, we're gonna talk about voting, So don't go anywhere. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, well, guys, the mid terms are about two weeks away. We talked about this earlier in the show. Last night was the debate in Georgia between the gubernatorial candidates. The headlines before the debate was that Democratic candidate Stacy Abrams defended her action of burning the old Georgia State Confederate flag by while she was attending Spellman College. She was a student there. We all know the Georgia State Confederate flag was viewed by many as a symbol of white supremacy. Ms Abrams tweeted that she was proud to be on the right side of history and to have fought against hate her entire life. I'm trying to understand this woman burned the Confederate flag when she was in college, and they don't want her to be the governor. But you can sexually assault a woman in high school, which is just a year two before college, and you can get on the Supreme Court. I'm confused. Excuse me, moral party, but I'm confused about when do we start becoming moral? When is that flag more important than a woman's rights? But see, as long as it's them, it's cool. So you know, I'm I'm, I'm just really man, wanting someone to explain to me. And if you understand what that flag represented it to black people flag, if you understand what it meant to black people, people of color, people who lived under that flag and suffered major oppression and injustices, murders and rapes under that flag, why would we honor that flag? The American flag I don't have a problem with I do not have a problem with the American flag none whatsoever. I do have a problem with the Confederate flag. And nothing you can say gonna change my view about that flag, not a thing, because I know from years of listening to my father, my uncle's, my aunt's what that flags do it for for them, And you're not going to change my mind about it. Just please get out of vote people. We got to vote, man, You were absolutely take everyone who's of age in your household, your friends. If there's someone that you know that can't make it to the polls because of transportation, drive them if you have to arrange, you know, transportation for them. If you can just get to the polls. This is one of the most important elections in our lifetime. Really, it is, really, yeah, it really is. You gotta vote. You gotta vote. And it doesn't matter if you don't live in Georgia, if you don't live in Florida and you're hearing us talk about this and you think, well, this doesn't affect my stat of this. No, you still have to get out and vote in the midterm elections and elect people that are concerned about issues in your community. There is an election in your state. If you're listening to this radio show, you're in an area, you have to go vote. You have to vote in Montana, right you have to vote. Yeah, if you want to see change, if you want to make a change, vote that is your power. We have got to get a balance in the Senate and the House. We got to get a balance because right now it's heavily leaning right wing and it's not representative of our country. And that changed when President Obama was in office and it was a low vert voter turnout for the mid term elections. And um, when he was in office, what was that two thousand ten? Yeah, and then the Republicans controlled control. Yeah, the Tea Party was born, all of that stuff. Okay, So and they tried to stop him from doing yes everything, President Obama. So we gotta turn this around. Yeah, we gotta vote. The vote is your voice, your power, you matter. Please vote. That's it. Yes, So Georgia and now Florida. Oh Florida, Um wow. Uh Andrew gillim and he's in a he's in a tight race there, but he's ahead so far. He's running for governor. He'll be the first black governor of Florida. And um if elected. Uh, he's you know, faced racist comments, dog whistles throughout his campaign. Um. The morning after the primaries, Representative Ron de Santis, uh Gilham's opponent, went on TV and warned voters not to monkey this up by trying to embrace the socialist agenda and huge tax increases and bankrupting the state. You caught that right, uh huh quote monkey this up by trying to embrace the socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state. Okay, this is could have said and he used any other words. Yeah, besides monkey, come on, now we know that we know, we know what you're doing. They got cold word, like they know we know him nationalists. Well, monkey ain't a code. Yeah, that's pretty obvious. Yeah, she Trump don't use cold either. He didn't grab a woman by the pete. That's not a code. That's a direct hit. He called himself a nationalist to say it, I'm gonna say it, I'm a nationalist, and he doubled down and said it again. You're right. I don't even know what that means. Excuse me. It's he's trying to say that he's for America and he's not like a globalist and thinks in terms of the world. He's just thinking of America, this nation. What he should say, he's a patriot. Yeah, and that's what he should say. He shouldn't say nationalists. That's no, he's not a patriot. Taxes, that's a good one. Scene. First I was like, huh then you yeah, you nail that one for you nail that one. Yeah, No, he's not alright, speaking of voting, Donald Trump's predecessor wants you to vote. We'll hear what President Barack Obama has to say. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. President Barack Obama is trying to simulate young voters. He responds to some of the commonly made excuses for not voting. Take a listen to some of the excuses and some of the answers. I don't care about politics. Look, I don't care about Pokemon, but that doesn't mean it won't keep on coming back. That's actually what people in power are betting on that you'll check out, that you won't vote, And when you opt out, that's what allows other people to essentially fill that void. It allows them to do nothing about the things that you'd like to see government do. So, if you really want to throw a wrench in their plans, throw them out. Vote in somebody better next. Why bother voting when I can't relate to the candidates? This is actually a good question. For way too long, politicians haven't been representative of America as a whole. But that's changing. This year. More women are running for office than ever before. More LGBT candidates are running for office. First time candidates, young veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, young leaders from across the political spectrum. So this year, more than any other year, you have the chance to change the face of politics so that it looks more like your own, right, That's what we need. Yeah, come on, get up and votes. He's just such a good I mean, I don't understand how really y'all um to sit this one out? This this has to be the most oh voter attended meda election, med a term election in our history. Because if we get out, man, we can change, We can stop this wave of senselessness towards other humanity. We we have a president who does not care about anyone that isn't rich. He doesn't man this wall. He talked about we're gonna build the wall. He to convince these people that this wall is necessary. Look, should that be some type of border controls, Yes, but we need a policy in place where people who are qualified to coming into this country can come. See, ain't no problem if you're coming from Poland, checkos off, Slovakia, friends, Italy. You can come from any one of them countries because you can come over here. What you cannot do is bring your brown body over here without a dog fight, because all y'all coming is criminals. Excuse me, what what? What? But if you come from south of that border and you brown, you Cuban, Guatemalan, Hondurian, Nickaraguin, Mexican, Jamaic, any other thing, any any kind of color man, please get out of here. It's sad. But then the hypocrisy of the Republican Party is what sickens me the most. You act like you're not the one hid these people, and now they've tried to spend it and go. They're gonna take minorities. Need to be aware because they're gonna take jobs from minorities and poor whites. They don't come over here to take work that y'all want to do. And the only reason they can take the construction workers is because the owners of construction workers like hind these skilled labor and underpaying them. Ain't gonna give no benefits. Who you think on them? Come, you think they're all democrats? Huh, that's not true. So now the hypocrisy of not wanting them over here, it's ludicrous because they need them over here to do the farming. They need them over here to keep these restaurants running. They need them over here to keep the kind of the the their construction business a lot. Here's the other hypocrisy. We don't want any more abortions. If you vote for abortion, we're gonna take you out of office. Do you all think for one minute that Republicans don't get abortion? Are you kidding me? You think Republican people don't get abortion? You're sadly mistaken. Here's the other bit of hypocrisy. Uh, we don't want abortions, we don't want images, and we don't want gays to have any rights. Excuse me you you you really don't think that the Republican party who was against gay marriage, who was against these gay rights, being able to inform families and get benefits. Do you really think that are no Republican gay people? You think the majority of gay people is liberals and left wing? Are you out of your mind? Are you kidding me? That hypocrisy that they've created. Now they disguise all of that and they say, we're gonna build this wall, and we're gonna protect our country, and we're gonna make them very cold great again. When was America great? When was when did America used to be better than it is now. I'm scared to ask him when they think that is, because I'm telling you, black folks, if you find out when they thought America was great again, you're gonna be stunned. Your ass ain't gonna be sitting there no more damn lunch counters. If you get back to when they thought it was, you fin to get some Jerman shepherds put on your as you you you really think, I don't know when you think that's gonna happen, Bodner. But Brother back at cud waterfounds, Brother, make America great again as brother, brother off the side walk when they come back. Brother. That's my comment, man, and I'm doing it. That's am I doing it? Come? Yeah? You are? You are surprisingly no cusin Yeah, none of that. So, yeah, we don't have a serious subject. This is a serious time. This country is divided and and we're we're more divided now than ever because our leadership creates defusiveness amongst the people. That he was elected to government by design too, it's no accident, but he's only in office for his debate. Alright, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. A judge has denied Bill Cosby's attempt at a new trial and reduced sentence. This is according to NBC News. Cosby's lawyers argued that the evidence against him was old and unreliable and shouldn't have been allowed at trial. They also said his sentence was unnecessarily harsh, but Judge Steven O'Neill said he found no reason to grant the request. Becausby was recently sentenced to three to ten years in prison for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constant back in two thousand for Wow. Yeah, it's so sad what has happened to all of these women. It's so sad what it's what an iconic figure has become. It's so sad that these women are left to grapple with this for so long, for what happened to them. I cannot sit here, as a friend of his, a man who had a friendship with him, and say that I don't believe any of this is true, because it's just it's too much evidence. It's just too much. It's heartbreaking to have set with this man so many times, learned so many things, having had no idea any of this what's going on. I mean, none of us knew. Really, you know, none of us knew that any of this was even going on. It was shocking when I heard about it, like now, come on, man, because there were no signs of it. But as you got to going along with it, it's just too many people came out. Too many people came out, and it became like wait a minute, man, hold on, don't bill, come on man. And so you know this this retrial, old evidence that was allowed to come in, um oh this last time. Yeah, that's what the lawyers were saying when they was trying to get a retrial. Old evidence was brought in. Keywords evidence. Evidence is facts or information gathered that shows guilt or innocence. That's what evidence is in a layman term. So something happened that they allowed to be said that caused the conviction. And you know, at one point in time, we all have to answer to whatever it is we do or we've done, and if you've gotten away with it, eventually you have to pay. Now it's just hard, man, when you've been a friend to a guy, when a guy has friended you and with no knowledge of it, but just taught me so many things about being on television, help my sons at more House University. And then to find out this is heartbreaking, It really really is heartbreaking, and to see what has happened to this iconic figure. Yeah, it was hard to watch him go into the courtroom and to the jail and be led away like that and everything. And then, you know, on the other hand, it was like, well, finally justice for the women. You know that he's Yeah, on the other hand, so you know, you're just torn. It was. It was a tough time still is you know. Yeah, and he's in prison today and we all grew up watching him. You know, he was America's dad at one time, you know. All right, well, alright, well, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Lottery fever is in the air. It's everywhere. The mega million dollar jack pot was last night and then tonight, now, Steve, tonight is a powerball drawing for six hundred and twenty million dollars. You got him already, I'm might buy stuff for tonight. Okay, Well, Steve, listen to this professional boxer and extremely wealthy person Floyd Money. Mayweather was spotted in l A the other night buying same amount Steve two thousand dollars worth of lottery tickets. Okay, now Floyd is rather wealthy like you, Steve. He has a net worth of six hundred million. Yes, well, I mean you're rather wealthy. You're you're rather wealthy anyway. I don't know what your net worth is. I just I'm telling you ain't six Well, Floyd's six hundred million, so I mean, does he really? I mean, do you really need it? After you have already so much money? I'm asking, Yes, what did you talking about need? Don't nobody need one point six billion? But oh, y'all want it though, don't you right? We want it? But but I'm saying if I had six hundred millions that that wouldn't be enough. Yeah, you need more? Yeah, I mean what else can you buy or do or what? I mean? That's that's that small man? What else can you six hundred million? That's not enough to live here already living some you got six on the million. You don't need nothing. We are to need games? He just won't. I want one point six but I don't need it, but I promise you, if you get it to me, y'all can follow me with a camp. I'm gonna do a reality show. Y'all come on following me, because it's about the last time you're gonna see me anyway. Then you'll finally do a reality show. Right brother, I'm telling you right now, six hundred mill or square me straight up. Well yeah, so what would you do? What would you do with this? Steven million? Five hundred million goes into this A friend of mine, h fun and minimum is so five hundred million going to that right away? That other one twenty what's that gonna do? Give you? Give you? Listen though, Steve, that six hundred and twenty million of cash value was three hundred and fifty four okay, whatever give me that. I take that cash shot is how much three hundred and fifty four point three three? Okay? I take two hundred and fifty million. Put it in that same investment count at twelve percent, and I'm living on thirty million a year interest. You get the check for that twelve months thirty twelve months, you get thirty millions, and you will still have the two hundred and fifty millions. So you need to counsel some of those people who have won the lottery. Ain't. I ain't council nobody. Don't grow me. I'm changing my number soon as I win, because you all those people who have one and they're broke. Now, coming up, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. As as a nephew, Tommy would say, excuse me, Thomas Miles, we're heading toward the benediction for this show today. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, you know what earlier in the show, Um, I told you this new surveys out. It's about millionaires and it says, if you want to be rich, be positive. Uh. This is according to a new survey. Like I said, millionaires do their best to stay away from pessimists. Okay. The survey found that nine out of ten rich people make it a point to be around people who are positive and focused on success. So, you know, I gotta ask you, Steve, is that true? Do you live your life like that? And? Uh? You know what can we learn from all of that? Well? I mean you really, you really, if you want to be successful, you're going to have to associate yourself with other successful people, then not hard to find. They're not that hard to find. There are a lot of success driven people. You gotta be willing to strike up conversations. But in order to do it, for the most part, most people have to be willing to step outside of their comfort zone. Walk up to somebody who you think is successful and introduce yourself and just say, hey, look, I've never met you. I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm so and so I've noticed you around here. Congratulations. Man. If we could ever get a chance to sit down and talk while I can learn from you, I sure would appreciate that. I don't want anything. I just want to learn maybe some principles of some of the things that most successful people are willing to share that information. Most successful people don't want to give you money, but most successful people will share that information with you to make you feel uhh, I mean, you know, to feel as though they're contributing to your success without being the success. You know what I'm saying. I would much rather give you some advice that can carry you long throughout your life than to give you ten dollars so you can go body t shirts them how to fish. Yeah, it is very true. One of the principles of success. And this can go along. You can ask me a couple of questions like that, Shirley today, because that could be part of our closing remarks. Because people do want to be happy and people do want to be successful. But you've got to be prepared to get uncomfortable. What do you mean by that? You have to understand that becoming successful is extremely uncomfortable. It is, listen to me, extremely uncomfortable. It is not easy to be disciplined. Discipline is simply doing everything you have to do, even when you don't want to do it. That's discipline. Well, that right there is uncomfortable. Getting up every day all the time. Yeah, making every eating, going to all the seminars, making all the classes, taking all the phone calls. You're gonna do. You're gonna do all the phone calls, all the meetings. You're gonna sit there and listen to every pitching proposal. You're gonna do the things. You're gonna read success books. You're actually gonna apply the principles of success and try to live. You mean you tell me you're gonna change the way you eat, so you can feel better and think more clear to clear, which will help you become more successful. Oh no, I'm not gonna do all that. People don't want to be out of their comfort zone because I've heard many more people say, oh, I'm not doing that. I don't feel like doing that today. Stuff. That's the beginning of not being successful. I don't feel I ain't doing that today. I don't feel like it. Everybody has those movies. I get them myself. But for the most part, nine point nine percent at the time, I go ahead and do what I gotta do. Now, if I move something off, I'm gonna get it done. But we gotta put it in an of the time slot. But I'm gonna get it done. But I don't leave nothing undone. Well, we know that you have more jobs than anyone. You know what, go ahead. But I did want to ask you this, Steve. I think we touched on it earlier and we didn't get a chance to complete it. But you've made it. Uh, you know, for for a lot of us who know you, and for a lot of people just in general, your fans, and you have made it. You know, You're what success looks like. So are you done by no stretch of the imagination. I'm not even I'm not even third and away there have you ever has anyone ever asked you, well, how much more money do you need? Well, I don't need any more money. Okay, no, I want a lot more. I don't need no more. What more do you want? What is it that I don't I have not provided all the opportunities I feel like that I'm capable of providing. I can't be on any more TV shows, but there are people around me who can. I want to be able to provide those opportunities. There are people who have some great business ideas that I would invest in that could turn into something big. I have yet to find the right financial partner that has more than I do, that's willing to put some money with my company and go, hey, now, let's be partners and let's go do this. I'm always looking for that. I am looking for in a way that my wife and I can send these ten thousand kids to college, full scholarships paid. We made a din in it, but we're not close to the ten thousand that we set out to do. I want to change thousands of boys, a lot lives a year. I really let me change that. I want to change a million boys lives a year as opposed to hundreds I hear, And what you're saying, what I hear is your legacy. This is your legacy you're working on like I'm working on that a great deal right now. I want my children's grandchildren to know money, and that's important for me. But I also want to leave a footprint deep enough where I have mattered to people. You know, I just want to matter to people I would not I'm not gonna matter to everybody. I'm not naive, but I want to matter to people. I want to move the needle for people who are less fortunate than me. I want to teach as many people as I can and share the information with as many people as I can that don't really have anybody in their life to tell them the principles of success, or anybody in their life to just tell them, man that you could be just how you are and have relationship with God. That's important things to me. I think those are lofty goals and reachable goals. And can I tell you one other things for all Steve, every contest no purchase necessary, void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eight years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show H