Good morning and welcome to the ride! Hear what Fool #2 as to say about a threesome. Congratulations to all the Fall graduates of 2021! Fool #2 has seen some decorations that just have no business being up. Ever get unsolicited comments from family? Demaryius Thomas who won a ring with Denver passed away from a seizure and we pray for his family. Would You Rather had the fellas torn today. We get Bitterman's thoughts on those two things above because he has the most experience on the show. Gorilla Glue Girl goes viral again. Fortunately, the show ends with Front Porch Mumblin'!
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit on giving them like the million bucks. Things in the stove stood listening together. Please, I don't join jo turn you you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you haven't got to turn them out? Then turn the water the water got come come on your thing? Uhh, I show well a good mind and everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harley got a radio show, this one today. I want to share with you. It's for all of us, and here it is. There is a solution to all of your problems in situations. If you don't know what your next move is, that to go, I don't I don't care what it is. If if the relationship you're in is all wrong and you don't know how to get out of it, it doesn't matter. There's a solution to all your problems and situations. That solution to all your problems, that way to make all your dreams come true. The way around a lot of this and to the weakness that you feel at times, it is prayer, prayer, a connection with your creator. Could that be the thing that's missing in your life. I'm just asking because whenever I get a little bit off track, all I gotta do is think, just a moment, Steve, have you been have you been praying? Man? Have you been connecting with your creator? I know you're busy, man, I know you're busy, and I know at the end of the day you're done. You're done, and sometimes crawling into bed is all you can manage to do. I've said this, it happened to me last night. Again. I did all of this. But when I look and when I see things not moving, or I don't feel like things are going in the right direction, or I have a sense of being stagnant, all I got to do is retrace it. Because as I'm working, it's no doubt about that I'm working. But am I staying connected? Am I using that weapon that's available to all of us? And I pray? And the answer is usually no? And so I know, okay, man, I'm getting off track him because see, let me tell you something, man. The reason the reason I constantly talk to God is because life constantly changes. People who said they was going to do something for you one day have changed their mind. The next somebody you thought was gonna show up that day called in late, had an accident and couldn't make it. That changes the parameters of everything. The meeting you had set up that had to be canceled because somebody was ill, That changes the parameters the time frame of everything. Because it's all connected. So if I don't stay in constant prayer and stay connected to the creative, when these things happen, I've not put in my bed, I've not talked to him about how to handle it, or I'm just not aware of it and what to do next. And the next thing you know, it becomes a little stagnant. That has happened to me. I gotta get back because prayer is the solution to all of my problems and situations. I have found that to be the case now. The only reason I'm telling it to you is because I know if you anything like me, slash human being, then there are times that you feel anxious. There's moments of desperation. You have moments of uncertainty. That are times when you feel like you've lost your way, or your purpose is a little blurred, you're not show anymore, or you don't know what your next move is, or the relationship you in, or the relationships you're dabbling in, they're just all wrong for you. Man, there is a solution to all your problems and situations, and its prayer. If you're suffering from any of the things I just listed, or any other thing you could think of, just check your prayer. What has your prayer been lately? About it? And this is for everybody. I often find when I get that disconnection, man, my prayer and slipped off. I started feeling a little bit less, so I gotta jump back on it. I'm just offering you a solution to it, man, and and and and and I'm giving you a solution that works one a thousand percent. Fust shout. See, I ain't guessing at this one. I'm telling you what has happened in my life, how I did it, and it'll do for you. God has filled with mercy and grace. He knows we all messed up. He knows all of us have done some jacked up things that don't nobody know about. He know all about our past, man, he know all of that. But He is so full of grace and mercy, so full of fifty fifth chances. But you know, the thing about your life though, and the thing I had to come to terms with, and the reason I don't let my out of the reason I don't let my past bury me, The reason I don't let my past define me is because my past I found out or just the ingredients needed for me to make this cake I'm eating now. My past is just my ingredients. See, you don't get rid of your pass. They they ain't gonna know where they are the ingredients, but when you put them with something else, they look better, they taste better, it is better. All of our past are just the ingredients that have become the cake we eating now. Now, if you don't like the way your cake tastes, then you gotta stop putting some other ingredients in the Just because you started off and your cake was messed up don't mean you can't straighten out the flavor of your cake. You gotta put some different ingredients in there. So let's say your cake is trifling tasted, it's bitter. Your cake is bitter, Well, you got to dilute the bitterness. You gotta put some more goodness in there. So you gotta put some goodness ingredients to take away the taste of the bitterness. So you gotta put some different ingredients in there. You gotta start living your life a little more kindly, a little more thoughtful, a little more sharing, a little more caring. And then after a while, man, those new ingredients combined with that bitter it starts overshadowing the bitter taste because the bitter taste is further behind you. Now see something that happened to you twelve fifteen, thirty, twenty five, sixteen years ago. Ain't got to be the flavor that's in your mouth now less you let it be. It's then ingredients. Man, if you're sick, it away your cake taste and change your ingredients. Put something else in your cake mix so you can get a better taste. If you don't like the way your life taste. Pray. I've been here my mama saying for years. Boy, prayer changes things, don't my mama, you said to me all the time. I said to my TV artist, is when they come see me on the talk show, before I walk on stage, I tell them these words my mother said, I said, my mother used to always tell me this, and it's bailed me out, and it might do the same thing for you. I say. Whatever I get in trouble. I hear her words. She says, son, don't forget to pray, don't be ashamed to pray, and don't be too proud to pray, because prayer, prayer changes things, and you better believe something. It one hundred percent showed. Do you're listening? Good morning everybody. It is Tuesday with her, not that far away from Christmas. If you're ready? Are you ready? Who's ready? I'm not ready? Good morning? Shot it Starberry, It's just Steve Harby Morning Show. I'm ready, Jay, let's do it. Let's go. You're ready for Christmas? All the shopping's done, everything's done. I haven't even started shopping, even started, Carlin Farrell, are you ready? Everything's done, everything's wrapped, It's done. Then it's no I've started shopping, though I have started. I will say that tree is up, house is decorated, insiding out all I'm gonna do. You know, the more you put up, the more you gotta take down. So I cut back what I put up this year. That will be my what's on my mind when we come up later on in the show timing. Are you ready? Are you ready? Here? Ready to get ready? Get ready, y'all. Yeah, I'm ready. You know what this year, I'm not really I'm not buying a lot of else. I'm just you know what, no money work. You know the old money works great, it does money, and you don't have to wrap money. You gotta wrap money at all. Money don't need to be wrapped. Oh you mean money as a gift giving it? Yeah, money as a gift, yes, yes, just here some money, you know, I say, I'm just I'm just enjoying the season. And we're here, we blessed to be here. Let's not get caught all up. Then we gotta go buy a thousand different gifts, every different First, that sounds like somebody with a long ass listener there, that's what that sound like. Hate. I know there's somebody floor. You know, you got to take care of your wife. You got to take care of your mama, your babies. And then right after that, that's the little but the listeners to be longer than that listens to go long. Man, What about that guy that opens the door at seventy eleven? Should he get a gift? Because that's what he's there for. He's no man. Should you get him and get Okay? Let me ask all this, who do you people that work for you? Um, housekeeping? Yeah, your your lawn service. Yes, are these people that you give an annual give you definitely a bonus like a Christmas bonus or something. And the reason you do that, especially with your housekeeper, because you don't want stuff missing. Especially with your line guy. You don't want him to cut cut a cuss word into your lawn. You don't want that, right, but this helps you out right? Yeah this, Yeah, people who work for you should always get a bonus. Hit the shame on the buss that doesn't give anybody big or outrageous, not big modeled wine. You know something, something trip to I don't want to I don't want to give them something. What did you say, the trip to the buy I'm not buying nobody, no, no, what meaning? Our boss just gave us a trip. We were That was nice, that excellent, that was wonderful, beautiful from my yard man. Though my yard man in my housekeep ain't going to the back. That's when you draw the line, not my yard high. I'll go to wal value something, That's what I do. What do you think, like like five hundred bucks? Is that? Is that a good money, money, money money when you pay them your money. That's what we did. A good look, I'm gonna cut your grass all right. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna start the show off with nephew. Tommy's run that prank back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show all right, time now to start your morning off with the nephew and run that prank back? What you gotten as this is it? This is that classic one where I prank Steve Harvey. That's right. Not nervous at talk, am not nervous at all, all right, little nervous afterwards. I thought my job might have been a little shaky. Thought nger than me. You should know, mighty back almost went to jail that day, am I right? Shirt? It was a lot that day. I don't even know why he's playing this prank. It's so much. Yeah, the memories, the Uncle Steve prank. Let's go cat dog. So what did you say? I'm saying to you right now that he churning on everybody he's checking. Ain't got nothing to do with me, man. That ain't my book. That's his damn book. Put him on the phone is, I can tell him. I ain't always scared of Steve. He ain't writing about you, damn yeh. He even tall on me. He's a tall on my boys. He's telling on everybody. Man, he goes this book, ain't got nothing to do with you, man, No, No, nobody's book, dud got something to do with me. Because everything that Steve didn learn if he was growing up from the hood, telling on everybody. And I'm tired of this. He ought to go somewhere and sit down. No, you gotta be get right with your girls. That if he's stowing my girl, he ain't got no been this coming in my house, in my car, telling every damn thing. Hello, Hello, who who who is this? Who is it? Hold on, man, this Steve Harvey? Who is this? This is your team? Man? Listen here. Man, Okay, I'm gonna fall with your nephew. And I'm just saying this to you, Steve. Okay, hold up to you, dude. I see you on the front of Essence. I see you on this on the family field, on your radio show. So why don't you go somewhere and sit out and quit telling on everybody? What I mean, if from everything Steve I'm riding the car with my family. I'm gonna tell my radio off because you're telling game. We grow up sticking together. If I'm running the little game to make my hands meet or whatever it is, that's my goodness. You ain't gonna run on me, hold on, hold on, old women. First of all, I don't know who you are. I know you're done. I know who you are, and we listen to the show first time. You're gonna do, though, Back up a little bit dull because you're talking to me, please, Steve. Ain't nobody scared of you because you got money on. Just ain't nothing doing no money and I to be too many want to put the minute and just enjoy your life. You're find the perfect right now. You You found the perfect person, the perfect relationship. Okay, that's good. God blemming, don't put God in this. Lead God out of this because you ain't calling from the God ain't gonna so people kill me with that part right there, God bless you. Don't throw God. You don't want God bless me because you're talking too crazy to me. That's for starters right there. But since you're talking crazy to me, let me turn you onto something you aren't that running game? That's your problem. Run your game. You can't get mad at me because I'm doing what I do to man, y'all kill me. You out there doing what you want to do, like you all in this right here. Then you're coming to me because I'm trying to empower somebody. I don't give a damn about you. Man. See on how you want to feel about me. But what you ain't gonna do though, it's talk to me like you clay, because I ain't that. Wait a minute, let's make the player feel fail. Okay. You got the airways, you got the microphone, you got the ability to touch the life people. Okay, and you're just telling you're a walking talking on. Hold hold on. This ain't got nothing to do with the ad. This ain't got nothing to do with the media. This just for me and you talking. I talk to you personally, perstantly, Me and you can talk anything little talk even me in there you call. You're talking all this yet sees people like you. Man, dog, You know why I wrote a book in the first place, because you always somewhere trying to act like you're something that you win. Now you got the sauce on the phone. Now you're trying to menke about money and to me, this just me and you're just two men talking. Now what you want and if there's two men then talking there from one man to another, watch you get go somewhere and sit down it quit telling. First of all, I ain't got to sit down. You are already doing nothing as it is. She was soon as somebody go out and do something, trying to do something positive. You're got someone shaking big chimney wag like you sitting up in here, man, wanting to go to sit down somewhere. I ain't going sitting down, no damn where you can miss me with that. I say what I want to say. And who are you anyway? You ain't even doing nothing. I don't tell me I ain't doing nothing. I tell you what I am doing. I'm trying to do something. Every time I take a step, you take two steps, I can't hang hang hold man? What killing hey? Yeah, you don't kill me. Why don't you quit trying and do something? You aren't killing me man with that? Or you trying to do something? Why don't you do something? Dog? You shouldn't have been really talking to me about what you're trying you. I was selling that same thing to your people. You're trying when your tie to me and trying still where you're gonna do something. I'm doing something right now. You aren't get here on the floor. You're gonna be improving your relationship with your don or whoever you're trying to get it together. But you're on the phone with me complaining because I wrote a book. Then don't read the damn book. You probably ain't read it no way, And don't watch the TV show. You probably ain't working enough to pretty bild no high. And let me wait a minute, Joe. You don't know nothing about me, Okay, you don't know nothing about my finances. You know what I mean. I won't about your finance. Says this about you as a man? Man? Do you know what y'all caim he What y'all do to me? What y'all do to me? Y'all always talking to me on an email somewhere, y'are always on the blog talking about me. You don't even know me. Then when you're giving me face to face, you want to bring up money. This conciss ain't got nothing to do about money. I ain't brought him money one time. It's about man. Who Now, why don't you do that right there? Wait a minute, No, Steve, it ain't about money now because you got it. Okay, because you've got it when you was broke. I bet that when you're at it, I ain't gonna just what yo, And then just went to when I was broke though I was working, I wasn't sitting on the phone crying to some other men by what he meant to me feel with my wife. Yeah, had time I take a step forward. You got me took the two step round. That's why you ain't take a step. But I'll tell you something, because you got frank offense you. Oh god, I'm gonna call you back. Dog, Well, tell me you made it through on that one. You made it through. Thank you. Coming up next, it is asked the CLLO, but we're the CLO is not here. We got a whole bitter man. Ladies and gentlemen. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anne is standing by with our national news and in entertainment news. Congratulations going out to Megan the Stallion. She is now Megan the Graduate. Wow, that was really something special to see her walk across that stage. That's right, Carla is here with today's music news, and we'll tell you who was named Time Magazines Person and Heroes of the Year. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it's time to ask the bitter man, and what bitter man? You're not gonna get any help out of this. I know you're sitting in there. Maybe you help, not at all, not at all? All. Right, here we go. This one's from Kila in Memphis. Kila writes, I'm about to turn thirty in January, and I still live with my parents because they use me for money. My mother is always faking an injury of some sort, and my daddy lives at the casino and spends all all his money there. Between my mom not being able to work and my dad losing money, I have chipped in over half of my salary for the past three years. I'm ready to move on and get a life, but they make me feel guilty. What should I do? Well, until you move out in the real world, you need to keep giving your parents money. You know what rent is, what light bill is, gas bill, food? You ain't paying none of that. You're just giving your parents a little pocket chain. Shut up, keep paying them. Shut get him go enjoy his life. Shut up, Shut the hell up, and let your dad enjoy his life. Right, you've lit rent free? You know how much rent? In? What city? Is? This? Does it say? What city? Doesn't change? Memphis? Memphis rint highs hell in Memphis high hell or not? We don't know prices. New York rent four thousand dollars of money? Missus? I know? All right, thanks for your help. Better man, all right? What hell exactly? Sharonda in a Virginia beach says, my husband and I are both forty five and have been married for nine years. He's been asking if we could do a threesome ever since we visited a strip club on a recent trip to Vegas. I told him Vegas would have been the place to do it, but he missed the opportunity. He's been pouting and won't stop begging. But I don't want to do it in our own hometown. Should I give in to him? How long does a man have to ask for a threesome? I mean, how long you ask for eggs? You go right in any kitchen and make the damn eage the ash for state, will have steak tomorrow? You ask for baked potato? No problem with threeson? What how long this man? But that's the answer to the baby. I like to have a chocolate cake next week, no problem? Should I make it? But as you so, she's asking why we gotta go somewhere? What's wrong? That's the you know what. That's why people work to enjoy their home. That's why you put up flat screen. That's why you get surround sound, you decorate. Why don't you want to do this in your home? This is what your home is for, to enjoy your home. You get it? What up the hell? Now? She wants to go back to Sin City and sin that's what nobody gonna fly. Alloway, Look the threesomes in the city. Why we gotta fly some damn place out to get another person when they r hit that don't make no damn system and everybody. You can get a quiet threesome. They are people who let me get a quiet threesome. Ply all right. I like a quiet threesome, ply all right. I love it, like in the movie, like in the movie Color. You better not never tell nobody to kill your mama, So all right, moving on because he's not trying to help. Telicia and Nashville says, I'm thirty three years old and I was out with a guy I met online and his ex girlfriend kept calling his phone. It wasn't until he answered her call that I got really irritated. He told her he had moved on and she was going to have to deal with that. Is he handling this correctly or will she continue to be a problem if we end up dating. Man, depend on how good that was, depending on how good that ex girlfriend was. I don't know. You might have problems. You have not up to the standards of the girlfriend. You might have a problem. That's why she's calling because and that's why he answered, because it sake is damn good. He's like, whoa, let me answer this. Who remember at that phone? Okay, she's still carling. Damn you gotta answer a good booty, though, you gotta answer, you gotta answer, good booty. But the proper thing to do, the proper thing to do was to turn your back. Hello, I can't talk right now. Are you turning your back to the still in front of her? Yeah, I am. I'm going all the way with the bid. That's it. I love it, all right, So she will continue to be a problem. Oh yeah, she's gonna be a problem, all right, all right. Uh, moving on to Sugar Pie and Monroe, Louisiana. Sugar Pie says, I've been married for almost fifteen years, and I'm having an affair with an older man that happens to be my father's best friend. My father caught me over to his friend's place last weekend, and I told him I stopped by the check on him because I was in the area. My father called me later that day and asked me what was up. I don't lie to my father, so I've been avoiding him. My father would definitely tell my husband should I confess or not? Now, come on over again. He's not here today, but we will continue this right timey, You don't confess a damn thing. But next time you go over there in your daddy shows up, have some medication in the bag. It don't matter what it is. Just have some sort of save or some peels or something, you know, when you go over there, so that he'll know that you you really checking on him. Go ahead, time, what you got what a name like sugar Pie it's just it's hard to resist who already know you what you got that old man, sugar Pie? You know when her name sugar back, you getting all of one of them checks? Yeah, keeping I didn't had a lot of names, but I ain't never sugar pie, sugar let me, let me just make this outter you good. You got me writing and cursed it up in here. Girl. They don't even do that anymore. They don't do that. No, you ket me right. I do like the name sugar pie I got. I don't. Don't make your daddy's friendship with this guy. No, your daddy needs a friend and homeboy I needs a level. So don't tell her dad. Don't tell her this m time she ever lies to her dad because she says, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's yes, Monroe. Are you glad to your daddy? Your first damn time landing your dad. She doesn't like to her dad. She said that she and bad. Yeah, I'm taking a road trip to mon road out what I'm doing? All right, hey, sugar Pie, All right back, thanks bitter man. Coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment of National News. Right after this, you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show, Megan the Stallion is now Magan the Graduate. Congratulations. Megan the Stallion became Megan the Graduate this weekend as she walked across the stage at Texas Southern University. She received a Bachelor of Science and Healthcare Administration. She shared the experience on social media, saying, I know my parents are looking down on me. So proud. This was her IG post. She also said thank you everyone for the love today. So congratulations to her. Yeah, she was serious about her music and she was serious about her education, So good for her. Wait, let me see you walk, let me see you walk. Yeah, yeah, daddy add Also in fall graduate news, Carlo, you spoke at your alma mater's Prairie Views Fall Penning ceremony, and nephew, Tommy, you and your wife Jackie hosted a gala at your alma mater, Texas and M University. So congratulations to everyone. Yeah. Fall graduate season. Yes, that's what it is. We saw you in your purple dress looking on good Carla, appreciate it. It was nice. It was nice. I had a good time with the senior class of Fall graduates twenty twenty one, and it's it's always good to give back. Always good to get news. I won't be performing at Howard University. You want to get in, I just I'm not. I just wanted it because I didn't want to be left out of every day You're so needy and other trending entertainment news. Well, Carlo, you have today's music news. So go ahead. Well, Junior, this is for you, specifically, check this out. Casey, Joe, Joe, Davante, dat uh oh, and mister Dalvin. They are back. Joe to see has just signed a new management deal. Child. They are back, just like you said, Junior, Now check this out. They have signed with the PE Music Group. Now if that sounds familiar to us, all of us here at the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This PE Music Group is management for Uncle Charlie, Charlie Wilson and Johnny Gill. So you know we all are friends with Michael Perrin, who is the CEO of the P Music Group. Junior, your favorite R and B group is back. The ah they are mad about call it is. They didn't call me, but they will be back though. But why would they call you though? Because I'm one of the original members. He's the fifth member. Oh, you one of the okay, okay, let me hear you sing that you were singing. Oh, I've been watching you that you read alone was trying to give me be so strong, I really kind with so much. I wrote these lyrics and they sang them, and they started, I don't even get my royalties no more. And you're you're a little early, so your little rasp your voice had. It doesn't matter when I wrote it. I signed perfect. When I wrote shirt, I was in the group. I remember when we put the group together. We was in North Carolina. I was there performing. I said, hey, we should start from Yeah, I know, but I was performing in North Carolina. He started man and just to be safe, yeah, yeah, just to be safe. They're gonna perform only on flat services so that you nobody falling. We just got back together, Jay, don't do us like that. Thank you, Carla, and congratulations Junior and Joda. See all right, ladies and Junior and Judy. Jay, it is time for today's headline. Let's go all right, everybody getting ready for the news. It's time for miss and trip. Okay, thanks everybody, This is a trip with the news. Let's shift to Kentucky real quick. National guardsmen have been joined now by hundreds of state employees and rescue workers from not just Kentucky, but from neighboring states, all are working together. They're looking for survivors of Friday's multi tornado disaster, but they're also clearing the roads and making sure that those who have lost their homes, if they're still in the area, that they have food and in someplace to sleep. Governor Andy Basher says at least four twisters roared through his state and that one of the systems dragged along the ground for some two hundred miles, wiping out everything in its path. So Sadley, the governor, says, it could be weak before the final death toll is known, although what is known is that this guy, this tornado, who was a killer. The ace range is five months to eighty six years, and six are younger than eighteen. And you can hear him there. He's choking back tears there. They confirmed death toll is now sixty four, but that number is expected to rise in rather quickly. Several other states in the South and Midwest were also smacked by a bunch of tornadoes this past weekend, and there are also casualties there. In Washington, a House panel investigating the January sixth insurrection says it has no other option than to issue a criminal contempt referral for former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to the full House. The move comes after Meadows abruptly refused to testify before the panel. He's claiming executive privilege. The legislators wanted to question him about the documents he initially turned over to the panel, but has since filed a lawsuit about and also filed a lawsuit against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to try and block the panel subpoenas about all stuff. Mark Meadows is not the first person from the Trump administration to face contempt charges in connection with January sixth. Former White House Advisor Steve Bannon was also cited for contempt, and he has also since been indicted. The US Supreme Court voted to allow Texas his new abortion law to remain an effect on Friday last Friday while a challenge while is challenged in the courts, but the Texas law bands abortions after six weeks, which for most women don't even know they're pregnant six weeks, and also empowers any average citizen to enforce it. By bringing a civil suit against those inviolation of the new law. But now get this, California Governor Gavin Newsom says he's going to take a page from what they're doing in Texas, but aiming at the gun industry. Governor Newsom says he's pushing for a law in his state aimed at empowering citizens to initiate civil suits against gun manufacturers, gun distributors, and gun sellers. I guess what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Finally, nominations from the seventy ninth Annual Golden Globes announced yesterday. The celebrity making those announcements sometime actor Snoop Dog in a flight being affleck my fault. Stuff A little, just a little they handed out by the way, January nice. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Tommy come on, introduced the President and CEO of Team Tommy. Please, well, you already know what it is. Ladies and gentlemen, put it on. Buckle up, strap up, do what you've got to do, because we're going deep into the mind the one and only Jay Anthony Brown all right, everybody listening up. It's the holiday bundle hotted than the mofo hot sauce order right now. I can get it to you by Christmas. Please do it. I gotta buy maybe seventy five left bundles. Anyway, He's what I want to talk about today. And we were talking about this early in the beginning of the show. We're talking about Christmas decorations. And I think, Carla, you made the statement that the more you put up, yes, the more you have to take down. That's right. So I cut back. Well, I did some research and I found out that these line blow up decorations are about twenty years old, no more more than that. But they're getting out of hand. They're out of hell, clons. The ridiculousness was only in your house or in your window. You saw it. Now you're driving down the street, you seeing Darth Vader next to a big ass candle and the jack in the box. These things do not go together at all, and and and the reindeer bobbing and down. I don't know what the hell that's about. I don't I have no idea what's going on now. And people who have these LN toys out there look out the window and see how your lon toy is doing. Because if it don't have air in it, it looked like Santa Claus have a hangover. Okay, it looks like here looks like her. So oh, just look out the window and see what Santa Claus is doing. It's ridiculous, man, you sometimes Santa claus head is back like that. Man y, yeah, you got you got one wise man. I mean, come on, people, now, let's give me a theme. And these lights. Get these lights? You really don't give a damn about these lights. You're taking a handful of lights. You're throwing them into bushes and you take your hands back in the house. That's all you're doing. There's no theme at all. You just whop back in the house. Lights on one bush. You got one bush? And why would you buy only two icicles that are working on the left side of the house and nobody can see. Why would you strifights? Just strifling up and let me tell you something. Cotton, it's not snow. Okayno, it's cotton. Okay, cotton. All I gotta say, look, you gotta do better with these crew to decorations. Really have got it to do better. Ve ry Christmas babies. I can't believe every year we say this though, are we ever going to be ready for Christmas? All right? Thank you Jay. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, how to deal with rude relatives during the holidays. We're going to keep that thing going. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. Question, Guys, is it really a family holiday gathering if some relative doesn't offer an unsolicited comment about your life? Think about it? Okay, many of us have come to expect annoying, rude or insensitive questions or comments from extended family members who don't seem to realize how inappropriate their remarks are. Year after year. We got to deal with this. So when your aunt starts talking, here's how to handle it, or your uncle whoever, according to therapists. And then we'll let the guys give their response of what to say as well. So say, for instance, your honor uncle comes up to you and says, looks like you've put on some weight. Your response, according to the therapist, should be I'm happy and thank you for noticing. All right, guys, No, no, what's the response? What should they say, I ain't no bigger than your answering. Yeah, you started with stay it again, I have no bigger than your answer. Look, look like you put on something, all right, Look like I'm still behind. I'm still behind. Or you know you're gonna cut off that other foot for that sugar, all right. So this is when you when you have hot holiday gatherings at your house and you have aunts or uncles or just someone who comes up, and they always say, year after year inappropriate comments. For instance, uh, they might say to you, have you lost weight? Oh? You look so skinny. Your response, according to therapists, should be I'm not interested in discussing my appearance. Okay do you think? Guys? No, look I might have lost it, but looked like you found it, were so? Patty added another chin. Since last time I saw you this, that's good, Jake. I got to say, though, what what Junior? I don't do coquaine? That shut the dinner down, right, shut it down? Time I listened. I don't do cocaine, all right. So you every year we have family gatherings, you know, and everything. People come over and there's always someone that says something crazy to you. So someone comes up to you and says you're not drinking anymore. All right. Your response, according to the therapist, should be I have fun just being myself. What should you say? Yeah, I go, I drink out the U league. I got to keep my eye on you. I love it, Tommy, I love it. I've never seen you sober. This is a different look. But you got junior, Um, I don't drink ian j soAnd that's why I'm not drinking. I would all right, all right? So you know everybody's single has heard this from time to time during the holidays when relatives come over. Uh, so, when are you going to settle down and get married? When you when do you settle down? Your response should be I don't want to talk about my love life. That's according to the therapists. And what do you guys say? No, oom, I got step mate, women, I'm doing right now. I don't really see no time soon, So no, I'm what your response? Yeah? And foe up here tonight at the tennis. So now, man, really, I've been married three times. Really seriously, come on now, Junior, what you got? Oh? You you try to hold a player down? All right? Last one, guys, you still haven't found a job. Yet your your response should be the only job I have tonight to whoop your behind in this game of spade. No job, I just ain't let it looking how now get a job when you still owe me money? All right, guys, thank you, now you're not to shut it down Friday this year dinner coming up the nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject my husband is scarred to come home. All right, we'll get into that just a bit. Husband to come home he ought to be. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Naught? This right here? This this old school right here, This is VENTI okay, oh, because we don't really do this, no mode. But this is old school. This is divorce. Bye, facts, we're less. How you fact somebody some fay let thing you did that? Yeah, well, some somewhere in our garage, y'all still got that old fax machine with the card wrapped around it. You still I got it? This right here has been this. This is the voice by facts, by facts. Let's go cat though. So it was the frogman. I'm gonna help you. I'm trying to reach mister Curby. How are you? I'm good? How are you good? Listen? My name is Casey. I've come by a couple of times, but I haven't been able to actually when I come to the office, you get you out on doing sales, and I've not been able to get into contact with you when I come by. Are you near a fax machine right now? Sir? Yeah, I have one right here in my office because you'm with this super chane and do Actually, I got a little bit of business that I need you to take a look at. If you don't mind something that you might be able to help me out on. Can can I get your fax number? Yeah? No problem? So hang on a second. Okay, hey, Jim, put it down, man, weren't here? That's the one? Okay, give it one second, Hey, go ahead, I'm closed to do it the office by cooking. No problem, all right. It ought to be coming through by now, Yeah, I see it coming out. Ain't closing volume? Man? All right? Hey hold over? Is this you got it? Yeah? I got it? Man hold look and even the fresh couples. Man, sir, this is what I've been trying to come by your office and actually give you for the last four or five times I've been looking. I've been trying to get to you for months as as no other way I could have gotten gotten them to you. I've been trying to get them please you for the last like I said, two months, and I haven't been able to get in contact with you too much much well, I mean, actually, sir, h she can't do anything until you actually have the paper show. Like I said, it's been two months since I've been trying to actually get them too that I'm calling look at that too, month, sir, sir. Actually, right now you are not permitted to give her a phone call. And within the next twenty four hours you need to actually have all of your things out of the house and you need to actually they take your print. I didn't go with you, didn't give everything about my house. I m hell, you see me every day every night or two men and they said, sir, hey man, listen, I'm a good man. She got to the first three. I'm a game dance who did curvy curby Curby to me. Man, listen, I've been there, man, and I feel you. Brother, I do I understand what you're going through. Man, Come when she come buy office? Man, I mean it was it was two months ago when she first came by the office. And you know, like I said, I actually worked for the law firm that that gives me the papers to sit to take out to uh tore you go man taking the papers. So, like I said, there was no way I could get them to I've been trying to get them to you over two months. So I figured the only best thing to do for me to like fax him to you two months ago to tell me she went the time for the person from it when when they came by, when they came by the first time, all I who in the lady? H don't you quiet now that Hey, hey, mister Kirby, look man, I got don't you do this to me? Man? Just this after what could all if you worry about your job, you ain't got to worry about you do this consition? You know why I feel the man? Okay, I mean I know what it's like. Man. I almost lost my mind, you know, but hey, man, I can't I can't subcause I'm a good feel. I ain't remember the filips man all right, and the first papers take everybody could have got got a secretary this after me, she said. She a doctor. Okay, okay, and I and I Man, I understand I may have had a bad judgment on factional you know, but that's why I called and made sure you was there. And I was talking to you on the phone while they was coming. I wanted to make sure you got them. You know what I'm saying. We'll congratulating relations right till we can see it, but always, And mister Kirby, I ain't supposed to do nothing like this, and I lose my job behind this kind of stuff. Man, I mean, I feel where you're coming from. Man, I feel where you're coming. You don't start speaking right well in she watched in that riot. Man looked off the record, mister Kirby, Okay, I feel is off the record. Off the record, man, she came in. All I know this guy is his name was Connors. I think his name was connors Co. I mean a light skinned, tall guy. Ball head got my kind is your boss? Ain't man? You don't like you don't drop it right down? Hold on, hold on, hey, hold on, man, look here, listen to the masten, listen, listen. Tell me, man, maybe I see there here was maybe just gave a ride over there on something. I mean, it ain't it ain't that you. It might not, that might not be what it is, man, that's my I'm holding hold on, wait and wait do wait a minute. Man, you don't even know that. Man, you don't. He's just the person that can't. I don't love you over the text machine. Okay, Look, look man, if you go, I might well gonna tell you everything. If you're gonna go up there, hold on, tell me everything, you tell me my life, anybody. I just got one more thing, and I'm just gonna gonna get off the phone because I see I can't even stop you now got said. I'm gonna tell you you're ready. I heard him. Man, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your wife. I look here, boy, man, oh god, you are right. Man. You got to go against the long working about when you little thing I don't work for. Hey, man, I gotta ask you, man, one more thing, buddy, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Maybe I'm gonna gonna text you off. That's a good pan, that's a good and that relationship is not gonna last. The fact that she did that, you know, everybody ever expert, I know that was a low blow. That was low that was that's how you do it. Facts over the paper work. Yeah, you did it right. I mean you did it right, he said back over the paperwork. Stupid right then, man, Hey, but you couldn't. I couldn't let him get off their phone. Phone. Can't let him get off the phone. He gonna whop somebody behind him. I let him get off. Hold on, you go up there, you go whoop behind Let me let me in this now get right. In New Year's Comedy, laugh Fast, that's New Year's Comedy, laugh Fast is going down and jumps off on the thirtieth Chicago, Illinois. On the first were watching the DC and in Atlanta that would be January the second. Tickers are on selling at all Ticketmaster outlets. The lineup is Earthquake, Eddie Griffin, Cedric the Entertainer, DL Hugley and hosted by Yours Truly nef you Timmy ye and I want to miss it all right, all Ticketmaster out, let's get your tickets. They don't sell right now, Earth quick, Eddie Griffins and your d entertain the DL HUGLEI and me yours truly nef you, Timmy, Okay, Stupid is about to fly. It's about to go in a minute, babe. It's gonna end the year and start the year. That's how you do stupid. You end it with stupid, start the new one with stupid. Congratulations, thank you. Coming up next, it is the Strawberry Letter. Subject my husband is scared to come home. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to CVRBFM dot com and click submit It's Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one. It's for you, Jay, and you never know, it could be yours. It could be your letter. You never know. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is Gaul berry letta thank you, nephew subject my husband is scared to come home. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been married for the past six years to a man that my older sister introduced me to. They met at work and she told me he wasn't her type. We dated for two years and he asked me to marry him, and he promised me the world. We had a small wedding and we went on a cruise for a honeymoon, and he insisted that my sister go with us. She was supposed to bring the guy she was dating, but he couldn't go at the last minute. We had a suite on the ship, and my sister stayed in the guest room of our suite. This was a bit uncomfortable for me because I wanted to be alone with my man. There are early risers, a very early ris so I would get up and they would already have been up, had their coffee, and would be sitting outside chatting. I was very jealous of his relationship with my sister. I told her to give my husband some space, and she said she would, but she didn't stop hanging out with him. She just started hiding it from me. I went to her office a few days ago, and my husband's fedora was on a chair in her office. She said he let her wear it when they went out for drinks and it started raining. I had no idea they went out, and she said, it's nothing to report because it's like going out with one of the boys. Then she said she doesn't need my permission to hang out with my husband. I walked over to my husband's desk and told him I needed to talk to him about my sister. He said, we talked when he came home. That was four days ago. He has not been home since that day. He staying with his brother, and when I call, he gets off the own saying that he doesn't want to argue. I think he realized that he married the wrong sister. Why else is he scared to come home? Is he romantically involved in my sister? With my sister and my sister, you already know the answer to that. You already know, Yeah, both, you already know the answer to that. I mean, the whole letter says it. The whole letter says it. Yes, he's involved with your sister. So much for your husband not being her type. Un she said that early on to throw you off, I guess, but I just don't understand why you've stood by this long and let this happen. They she went on your honeymoon cruise with you. No, she stayed in your cabin with you, and you're sweet with you. No. I mean those two just should have gotten married. They should have just gone ahead and got married and just left you alone. Okay, I just wouldn't want her stink behind for my sister. She's dead wrong for this, you know it. And your husband is dead wrong too. I think the two of them deserve each other. Your husband's ridiculous running off to his brother's house not talking to you. I mean, just a punk, because I mean, come on, he knows he's wrong and he won't be man enough to even talk to you. He doesn't deserve you. I say, let him go and do it now. Just let him go. Let them have each other. This this is crazy, fight for your marriage. You don't have a marriage here, so let's let him go. He has him at home, he's running. No, they're they're secretly cheating behind your back. This is crazy. She doesn't have to tell you because it's just like hanging out with one of the boys. Well, if it's just like hanging out with one of the boys. Why can't she tell you? Yeah, they're sleeping together. Jay. Oh my god. These people in these letters, why do they write it? Just is so simple? It's right there? Are you just seated? The man said, Sirley, could you read that part? Find that part in the letter when he said we will talk about this when could you read? Just read that again? He said, we talk when he came home. He ain't home yet four days. Why are you? Why are you hassling the man? He home? He said he would talk about it. He's building up what he has to say to you. He needs some time to get in stuff together. Read it again, Sherley, What did he said? He said, what, okay, I'm gonna read it. I'm gonna read it. A line before that, I walked out every husband's desk and told him I needed to talk to him about my sister. He said, we talked when he came home. That was four days ago and he's not been home. Oh, it doesn't matter in four forty four days, fifty five days? Who gives it that? He said, we would talk about this when I get a home. Why are you calling me? I'm not at home. I'm uncomfortable talking about this at my brother's house. I'm gonna put my business in the street. We will discuss is when i'm home. I'm not at home. I gotta go, he said. We talked when he came home home. Yeah, yeah, yes, so stupid. It's not damn let it go go ahead, Timmy can't believe our culture an expert earlier, Listen to me, young lady. Wherever a man lays his hat, it's where he lays everything else. Okay, wherever he lays his hat is where he lays everything else. Okay. Now what you got to understand. Your husband won'ts and has probably already had your sister. Do you know why he put Do you know why she was in the suite with y'all so she could hear him? Yes, so when the love of making gets going, guess what she's curious? Now, Yeah, she can feel it. She won't it. It's there. It's a desire. You got to understand that, baby, all right, He talks to her, he drinks with her. You don't know what having foldy started drinking coffee on that shield. They was getting it info they had that coffee. Coffee is always afterwards. You do know that, don't get it in first. Everything he does is for the sister, it's not for you. Just hang on. We'll be back with part two of the Strawberry letter, the subject my husband is scared to come home? Coming back at twenty three minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening show, All right, we're gonna recap today's Strawberry letter, subject my husband is scared to come home? All right. This is by a woman who's been married for the past six years to a man that her older sister introduced her to. Now her older sister and this man worked together. Why didn't the older sister get with this man because the older sister said this man is not her type. So the man married the younger sister. They've been married for six years. Like I said, they dated for two then he popped the question and told her he was gonna give her the world. They went on a honeymoon on a cruise. Guess what, This older sister was there right in the suite with them. I mean, you know, they wake up, have their coffee, go out together, they do everything together. The lady that wrote the letter is very uncomfortable with this, but she hasn't said anything so far. When she did say something, her older sister says she didn't need her permission because it's just like going out with one of the guys. And she said there was nothing to report. Okay. So then the wife went up to the husband's job, to their job and said told the husband that she needed to talk to him, and he said they would talk when he got home. Well, she hasn't seen him in four days. He hasn't been home. Jay so eloquently pointed that out about a million times. So he's staying with his brother, and he doesn't like to talk to his wife anymore. He just gets off the phone. So this is a mistake. And the woman is calling, I mean, is writing asking us do we think that her husband is romantically involved with his sister. All right, Tommy, you wanted to finish your response. All I want to finish up is let's go to the Book of Temptations. It says Papa was a rolling stone. And then what he said Papa was a rolling stone? What is the next version next? Versus what wherever he laid his hat? What hit home? Now you go back to the letter where was the hat? Go back the hat was in the office, okay, on the check where he laid his head. What his home? He has made a home with your sister. Do you understand that Papa was a rolling stone. Where he laid his high was his home. So he has a home with you, and he has a home with your sister as well as a home with his brother. And right now he's trying to decide where he's gonna make his final home. Junior, if your hood yes out, Yeah, my husband is scared to come home. Yes. Let me let me say this about this letter because this video. I don't know why you wrote us this time. You know the answers to everything going on. All I know is I'm not married, nor have I been married. I don't know that, but from relationship sperience, I know this. You can't keep having one name keep coming up. I know that, O. I know that. Did you keep saying I know sisters in this letter? Nine times I counted that sister, sister, sister. Then you say your husband, sister, sister, sister husband, sisters. See right there, I know them too, are talking to each other. I know that. That's what I do know. I don't can't be laid a hat on the chair. I know you can't go the honeymoon. Sweet, I ain't never been on a honeymoon. I ain't never been mad. But I know you ain't fo be three people in there. I know that. That's what I do. Know. Yeah, I know that's a show. But your sisters name keep coming up. All I know is this. If you want to figure out why your hub won't come home, I would just look at sisters. When he when he said he was at his brother's house, he wasn't. Now he called from your sister house, just going over there, carside that I don't know. One name can't keep coming up by two people. I know that I've been there the same name. No, that's that's that's very true, Tunior. Yeah, so here's a question for you guys. Why didn't the sister just marry the man anyway? The older sister, why didn't she just hear him? She said he was he didn't know he liked her that much when they finished mat Yeah, he had just the sisters said. And the thing about the hat, Tommy, you don't always take your hat off sometimes you might want on. What I mean, I've worked with a hat on yeah, working with oh yeah, Oh yeah, I don't had it on back with sideway cock to the side. I don't want hat. Yeah, if we never came gets it gets in the way. So you gotta get some real and if it get and if it get better, if it get better, you can put the hat on. Huh you know what I'm Yeah, well you wear hat now. It's like a coffee table just says your hat right there. Yeah, she allowed her sister to comment and stay in their honeymoon. Why come on? Okay, here's the other question. Does the older sister remember she They were all planned to go on the honeymoon together, but her, the older sister's date, backed out at the last minute. Does she ever have a date in the first place? I don't know. Listen to him, I don't know. Once you here, once you hear somebody having six, you want to be a part of it. I don't know what it is when you hear it and you just physically hear how to get in the room. You want to be a part of it. You know, I want to get in there? How can I get it? I want to I want to sound like that. How can I get in there? All right, we get it, We get it. Uh poster comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on de Man coming up in forty six minutes are here in Sports Talk right after you're listening. All right, it is that time. It is time for Sports Talk with Junior. What you got Junior? All right, Stralie. Before we get to the scores from this past weekend, I want to send um uh my condoces out to the Mayor's Thomas family. Uh. He passed from a seizure in his home here in Atlanta, right outside of Atlanta. Um Man, he was. He played nine years in the league. Man. He played with the Denver Broncos, but he's most known for the number eighty eight the mayors. Thomas played one year in New York for the Jets, and he played one year for the Texas Man and uh, really talented guy played at Georgia Tech. And I just want to send the cadozes out to his family. Man. We're gonna miss him, number eight eight De mayors Thomas. Man, appreciate your brother. Thank you for all the work you did, and he did it the right way. He was not a bad guy as he did the right You know what, Junior, I see so many football players saying that Peyton Manning. Everybody just talking about how such a good guy he was. Yeah, won the Super Bowl with the Broncos with Peyton Manning. Yeah. Man, so those out to his family. But let's get some of these scores. Man over the weekend Week fourteen at the NFL. All right, I don't know why I did it, but the Browns actually beat the Ravens. They went up twenty two, and he bet against his old team. They actually wore brown twenty four, twenty two over the Ravens. All right, the Titans, he did this too. The Titans beat the Jaguars twenty to nothing. The Chiefs beat the Raiders forty eight to nine. Here we go, Saints. Let's go Saints Nation thirty to nine over the Jets. See that. Wait a minute, he's another pig cos. I don't know why he does it to himself. The Falcons beat the Panthers, Oh my god, twenty one. What is he doing? He didn't get this one right though. The Seahawks beat the Texas as expected, thirty three to thirteen. He was at the game, timing. I called I called Timmy and then he was I'm at the game. Why at the game. Why was it a struggle? Timmy? Were you struggling at the game? Do you know what? As long as they got ice cream, hot dogs, cotton, candy, good man and man, that's about the state you can do. Because it's got to be hard sitting that stadium though, watching the Texas lose that whole all right, here we go. We got the Broncos over the Lions thirty eight to ten. The Chargers beat the Giants thirty seven to twenty one, and we got the forty niners over the Bengals. That's a shock of twenty six to twenty three. The Buccaneers beat the Bills. I don't know why, Steven over thirty three to twenty seven. In over time, you can't bet against Tom Brady. Man, Tom Brady did that, Man the Package over the Bears, Man Sunday Night, forty five to thirty. Those are our scores for Week fourteen. Is looking like we don't know what's gonna happen. Man, when you think it will be the Super Bowl time we got Temple Temple, I can think that. I think Temple making Temple and if I had to just really cross my fingers Arizona. Uh, well, Temple NFC. So in the AFC all I had you did ask Junior? You did ask? I did ask you? I do that? All right? Thank you. We'll talk about marriage and divorce coming up right after this. What take my mic out? You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. Well, yesterday we talked about doctor dre and Nicole Young's divorce. We're not sure about the status of Faith Evans and Stevie Jay's divorce, but we do know that Faith does not want to pay him spousal support, and we now know that Kanye doesn't want to divorce Kim Kardashian. Well, here's a recent survey about divorce from bestlife dot com that included more than ten thousand respondents, and its results show there could be benefits to tying the knot when you're younger. Researchers find the risk for divorce is lower for those in their twenties, and as you get into your thirties and forties, the chances of getting to worst go up again. They conclude that for every year you marry after age thirty two, the risk of divorce could go up by five percent, and they find a sweet spot for your age when marrying. Those who say I do between the ages of twenty eight and thirty two are the least likely to get divorced. Okay, so there's your window. Twenty eight to thirty two, those are the people that are least likely to get divorced. So here's the question, and you know who this is for, Jay Anthony Brown. How old were you when you got married? That's your first question, So listen. Do you think it was too young, too old or just right? And did you divorce your spouse and go on to have a better relationship afterwards? Go? Jay, Okay, three times I've been married. The first time I've married was very young, probably twenty years old. On I think that was definitely too young. You were married at twenty Wow, Jay, oh man, I don't. I have no idea, I have no one. But out of the three divorces, only two speak to me, and this particular time. Yeah, so the first first one, I don't know. But I can always say this, I can. I also only say this any time I've gotten married, and any time I've got divorced. It was me. It was me. I placed to blame I placed. I know. I tell you one time I was getting married, I'm standing up there, going, how can I get out of this? No standing up there looking at the minister like of wishing it was a trap door is during the ceremony, you know how to look. You know you're not supposed to be married. When your best friend says, I'll catch the next one boom boom. You know you know you're not supposed to be married. When your daughter says, hey, Dad, we leave right now and gonna have a party. We ain't got to do this. You know you're not supposed to be married. When your mama said I don't like her. I'm put that on everything I believe I do, not not your mama. Dog. Wow wow, I was not supposed to be man married it it works for people. I don't mind going to weddings. I like to see people who are totally in love. That's cool. You know. You know I envy the relationships of the people who are married on this show. But it just ain't for me. You know. You know, if marriage was like for three days and then you go somewhere, I could do it works. You got three days, okay, But on that third day. On that third day, I need you to get your back together. Man, even Jesus got up on the third day. Okay, Jay, let me ask you this though. Yeah, you said it. You Okay, you've admitted that it's you, right, So what can you do or what are you doing right? What have you learned about yourself? I want to get married. I need, I need at some point when we're like hanging out and stuff, you need to go home. That's what I've learned. Yeah, we're in day four and maybe maybe a week, two weeks, but we're into that third week, fourth week. You gotta be yes, see ya, I've seen me. The best words in the relationship is see ya. I've seen a marriage that works. And just what what? They live in two different houses and they're right next door to each other. The lady our craziest thing I ever seen, But they it worked. I could do that. Yeah. And and separate bathrooms for sure, I've heard, but not, thank you, Jay. All Right, We'll have more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, get this and this is crazy. This is trending though. Tessica Brown is back. That name may sound familiar too, or she is another hair problem. We know her as a gorilla glue girl. Exactly what happened there? All right? This time? Remember before she got the gorilla glue stuck in her head, she needed a doctor to remove it surgically. Her hair grew back, she was looking good, looking fine. Well, this time A TikTok with almost three billion million views shows that she has the opposite problem. Now. Tessica's hair is falling out after she burned her scalp while using hair dye to try and conceal some gray hairs. Okay, she wanted to dye her hair so she could cover up her gray. Well. The solution, yeah, the solution to her latest problem was a combination of platelet rich plasma and stem cell therapy. Now, doctors think she'll stop losing her hair soon, but it'll be several months before she can dye her hair again. Um, she says at this point she'll stick with organic hair dye. At this point, I'm just scared. Stick with yeah, stick with words. Well, it's crazy, right, me and Jay ben Ball for years. You know you can get used to this too, you know you can. Gosh, if you're a do over here, we got we got room. Come on some hats ye all right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show thirty three minutes after the hour. Would you rather coming up next? You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show? All right, guys, it is time for another round of would you rather? Let's just get right into it. Would you rather? Have dinner at Magic City Strip Club in Atlanta? Really? I don't, I don't care what else you're going to say Mastro Steakhouse with their famous buttercake. For no, it ain't better than the cake they got yet that magic. Haven't seen the cakes inside of Magic City and you can look at and get a good meal. Wings and cakes. I actually touch these cakes and on the real tip the food that magic ain't that damn good? But who cares? No, no, no, Jake, women, it's crazy many good. What I tried to Jake, We're going to the helpful Magic City? Make wings stop? Say what they doing over that? Ain't you going magic? See that there's an actual chef knock cook, a chefulinary wow jacket everything on he and there and I little the Mama that right there on the Frida, the MoMA, everything everything, I go in there. All right, we're gonna keep with the food thing for just a bit. Would you rather eat nothing, nothing but chocolate cake for the rest of your life or would you rather eat McDonald's fries for the rest of your life? Chocolate cake or m or McDonald's fried I mean that's all you can eat, though, I'm gonna go Yeah, I can't keep doing that chocolate. It was a vegetable vegetable fries, but I need them fried when they first come out, thought, yeah, we eat Jay can't eat these, Yes, he can't do He gotta do the knt k eat the cake for sure. Can't eat the cake. He's diabetic. He can't. Yeah, he can't do the friend or the cake. It's not fair for Jake Fris it is it is. Yeah, all right, here's another one. Would you guys brother go on a date with Meryl Streep or Angela Baskett Angela basket for what? But but Tommy, now, look, you're an actor. You're an actor. You know Meryl Streep and you know that'll be hard, and Angela they're both You didn't put I'm sorry, you don't put me down for the white woman. I'm sorry Martin, white woman put Jay down for Merrill and me and Tommy to be down with antwer baths. If I sit down Merrill Streep, he'd be so quiet at table. I don't know what to talk to her about. Classic now class. Well, thank you, guys. That's that's another rest. Would you rather coming up next? We will close out the show. It is our last break at forty nine minutes after. We'll be right back right after this. You're listening show? All right, guys. Here we are last break of the day on this Tuesday, counting down Christmas. We're getting there. It's getting there. Yeah. I like that time between Christmas and New Year's that that I love those days. I never I don't know what day it is between. You never know. You never know what any days I know you can eat whatever you want. And I love watching movies. I love watching movies during the holidays. I'm saving up. What's your favorite movie? Favor movie? What's your favorite movie you watch? Oh, that's easy for the holidays. The Temptation, hands down, hands hold up, have Heartbeat? Yes, that was my favorite until the Temptations because the Temptations are real. David Ruffin was real? Are you s Kane was real? Not real? Dump wasn't real? What Rob Boy wasn't real? Y'all know I feel about the Temptations. Y'all know I watched that movie. Yes, Christmas every year, every chriss And what about the five heartbeats? You feel something for the fire heartbeat, not like a feel for the Mighty Temptations. It's not the same. Ain't nobody see you oldest have no's not the same. It's just Christmas is covered. Yeah, that's my favorite time. Yeah, I'm gonna be he gonna do. Y'all have got to come sit out in front of my grandmother's house. You just sitting in the driveway talking. Man. It's fun. That's what I'm looking forward to. Man, that all day. Ain't nothing like porch or front house talking? Man? What are you talking about? When you know what everything It starts at the end of the meal. It starts in the kitchen, and then he goes to the living room, and then he goes to the porch, and then it goes to the front yard with the door open. And that could be another seven hours of conversation. Right, but let me tell you this. Okay, when you are on that front porch, the most classic thing is when people are passing by. That's it. Yes, So give me an example. What are we talking about? You know that that's ken of really you know, he just you know, he just got out too long ago. Start right, Hey, how y'all doing good to see y'all. Can't believe y'all made all right now? Yeah? Yeah, you know what's so good about front point? He ain't you started tasting? You know she did got out. You know the sun I told you, They tell me, They tell me. Now he got a white woman up in that happen. I was gonna, you know what's so good about front porch mumming? The people who are driving by can't hear you, so you can actually say any damn thing, stupid ass. Okay, man, I'm gonna I'm gonna give me a lot of that over. I'm getting a lot of that. Nothing like that front porch mom looking, boy, he got a white water. I say we do that tomorrow. As we do that tomorrow, front porch, bummling, you want more of it tomorrow? Tell man? The best thing in the world, Man, sitting now. You know you know, you know, you know her whole and no hot water in the house. Look at him, look at him, just driving water in the house. Come on, tell me you know her whole bottom real with fake you know that, you know what. I knew it, how I saw a smile. I knew. I said, the bottom white than the top. I knew it. I know it, I know it. I tell you right now, she says, she fools nobody Front Porch, mumbling I love it, I love it. We're doing it. We're doing this card when he drives because you got a big ass hump in his back. Hey doing no no, hit it, hit it. The vonte come in, going in and look up under my bed and bring me one of them sprites under that. Don't you mess. Don't tell me about that's part of front porch, bubblic that that's that sprit sprite. Ain't gonna tell me here he goes go and then't give me one of them big towers and boys driving back here trying to look up in my dressing. The bigg ass towers out the bathroom boy knock Cosco costs from going in and get that broom in there. Let me see if I get this out of my teeth, I can't get that. I haven't got tween my teeth. This got to be some Kroger chicken. I don't know that's what it is. You don't shut up. I eat as much shockolate cake as I want to, going and getting another piece of the chocolate. K don't worry about she ain't running nothing. Talking about people as they walk in the house. We saw, Yeah, good to see you, Johnny, glad to see me Christmas. Still on that dopey He's still on that dope he loves They say that Reba Joye going with a woman. She's alway different under that funny All right, guys, another one down. Thank you so much. We love you everybody anyway. We love you guys. Bye. Thank you for all Steve every contests. No purchase necessary, avoid where prohibited. Participants must be legally US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.