McCain VS Trump talk - 10.19.17

Published Oct 20, 2017, 10:18 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them just like the Milligan buck things and it's touble be true, good to the hearty listening to love together for steady. Why don't you join yeah by joy into doing me. Honey, say you got to turn yeah, you got you gotta turn't to turn love, turn you love, you got to turn out to turn water wan go comy, Come on your thing dat it? Uh huh, I shure will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man got a radio show because God is in a blessing business. I just happened to be a recipient. I just happened to got a couple of things right, um, and man, his grace and mercy carries you the rest of the way. All you got to do is get a couple of things right, and then his grace and his mercy will take over his favor, his love of you. It's it's already evident. I mean, you know, because so many times we go along without even acknowledging him or conferring with him. In our decisions, and and we look up and we find ourselves in a predicament. And he always comes comes to the rescue. He always manages to show up. He's never too late, he's of a one minute too late. And so in light of this today I wanted to talk to you about something. It's another principle of success um that i'd like to share with all everybody this morning. And once again, these are not things that you don't know or you've never heard before. These are just reminders along the way. And one of the things you have to be conscious of is don't be afraid to change. Don't be afraid to change because change is coming anyway. See, I have a theory, don't be afraid to change because change is coming anyway. You know, everything changes, nothing remains the same nothing, and change is inevitable. Now, you can participate in the change, or you can react to the change. Are you following me? You can participate in the change or you can react to the change. But don't be afraid to change because change is coming anyway. Now, what I mean by that is this, in participating in the change or reacting in the change, there is a difference. See, if you react to the change. That means the change has occurred, and now you have to make the necessary adjustments to the change. Example, the boss walks in, You think your job is good. The boss walks in and hands you a pink slip. That right there, that's a change. Now you didn't participate in this change because you didn't ask for the pink slip. But now you got to react to the pink slip. Whenever you have to react to the change, it's an adjustment period. It almost thows you off. So change is going to come. It always does. You can participate or you can react. Or let's say your boss comes in and hands you the pink slip, and you said, you know what I've been preparing for this day? Always knew nothing. Last forever. I've been working on the sideline on the business idea I had, and I had, or I had several other applications in around town. I was just holding off to see what was going gone. So when they hand you the pink slip, the transition to adjustment you make is a lot more smooth a transition because now you just transition into your new business. I did that you've been working on. Are you transition into the apps you already had in or the contact you made the preparation for when the day they're coming in hand you the pink slip? What stee what did they say? Prize you with it? This is just one example I'm giving you. So you know, let's let's not nick pick the message. So what I'm saying to everybody is, don't be afraid to change because change is coming anyway. So many people are stuck in a rut because of your our refusal to change. I was hell bent on a certain thing going a certain way, and this is how I was gonna go. Well that that I was thinking didn't really fit now in my own personal experience this may not be yours, but in my own personal experience, the things that I've had the most trouble letting go of but needed to let go of with something I wanted when I aligned myself up with the will of God to ask God what he wanted for me. You understand, though, though those things came a lot more easy to me because it was in the will of God. It was what God wanted me to do too. Okay, see what you mean by that? Okay, here we go, Okay, Okay, here we go. Let me see if I can get you an example. Okay, here we go. When things were going wrong in in relationships, for me, what I did was the biggest mistake I've ever made was I fixed. I attempted to fix what was wrong in my relationship outside of the relationship ful filming. Okay, now this is what I this this something I came up with. That's certainly not the will of God. That's certainly not what he wants. But this is what I came up with. So I'm out there working my groove like I want to. Well, now, guess what. That's a cause and effect for all of that too. Your house ain't gonna get better. It can't. And then that ladies room for some other things. And so now and the change come. Guess what, I gotta react to it? Now, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta have a reaction to it. Had I aligned myself up in the will of God, the transition may have gone differently. It could have still ended the relationship. But guess what, some of the pains in and I ain't had to go through. I bought a lot on myself. Sometimes you're pursuing a passion of yours and what God really wants you to do is pursue your gift. So now you're pursuing your passion. Right, you're passionate about golf. You love golf so much. You just determined, but now you've messed around. You ain't made it on the p G A tool yet, and you fortify still talking about I'm gonna play on the p G A tool. Really okay, but you ain't made a cut, you ain't pass Q school, you ain't see It's it's time for you to start thinking of how to change, because maybe you ain't as good as as you think, or maybe you're not as gifted as you think. Maybe you're pursuing a passion. Sometimes, man, we have to change, and we have to ask God what is his will? His will is much simpler. It's a simpler rule. Not going to be easier, but it's simpler. It's simpler. See. See when I wake up Now, it's simple for me to wake up because I know that all a few things that I have to do. I have to click this mic on. I have to be positive. I have to be inspirational, I have to be informative. I have to be uplifting. Got it, that's what he wants. So it's very simple. I don't have to figure out what I'm gonna do the first toil minutes of this show. I don't have to go in and wonder what song I'm fit to play. What all I gotta do is sit down, close my eyes, ask God to help me be who he wants me to be, and for the most part, he tell me what to say. Now, guess what he's done though, to create this in me. I went through enough things in my life. I had enough challenges. I made plenty of mistakes. So I now, at my age, I can turn around and tell somebody listening to me, Okay, this is what I did. This is a mistake I made. Maybe you see yourself in this story right here. Maybe you don't have to go this way. Or this is what I've learned about becoming successful. Here's a principle that I learned. But then, guess what I had to be unsuccessful to get it though? Did not. I had to get it wrong in order to get it right. I had to be down in understanding how to crawl back up. I had to go through some pains to understand what it is to hang in there and how to get delivered from the pain. So you can't have a testimony without a test change is coming. It's inevitable. You can participate or you can react. I much prefer to participate in the change. All right, let's go to ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people from all around the world. You are listening, you know what, to the baddest morning showing the last what you're doing? Man? Yes, so low just threw that in. That ain't mean nothing, random dog thing. It's random, But it's good to do that. As I said, you do it all the time. You do it all the time. Oh do songs like you need to know that? Yeah? They do? Yeah? Okay, well we what what was that he gave? Out? Right? This? I forgot to introduce y'all. How y'all doing it? I was going, Man, ain't nobody excited today? Yeah? Yeah, hey Steve, good morning to you. How are you? Hey? Good morning, Steve shared Junior crew? Was that morning uc? Yeah, Steve? Yeah, did you see TMZ? I know you don't get a chance to watch TV. A couple of days ago, I think it was what Tuesday night? They did a whole piece on you working out? Did you see it or hear about it. Yeah, the trainer Obi TMZ. Yeah, Lisa was positive. Yeah, it really was. They were excited. They were saying, you know that you were working out because you're getting ready for a new TV show. You stay that you were working out though, Steve, you were doing upper body, and they were like, man, look at him, he's got some heavy weights on that thing. You know. They were just commenting. Yeah, yeah, it was. It was pretty cool. It was hardy, Yeah, it was. It was good and it was positive. They were They were inquir because I got him running a drug laundry according to him, but I ain't. No FBI can't see you. Ain't. Nobody talked to me. Ye're laundrying drug money, and uh that's fueling my media impact, right. Yeah. Still stick with TMZ because they got love for you over there. Wow, that's really cool. But somebody sending him a picture of it on TV. Yeah, I mean they had you actually working out. It was it was really cool. It was really cool. And you know, you did about I think you did about four or five exercises upper body, you did shoulders, you did tricepts. Really, you know what my trainer did the other day, Yeah, he counted my sets and reps. I did in total reps my workout the other day. You know, when you do your counts, I did, uh eight hundred and twenty two reps. WHOA? But how much time? Uh in fifty two minutes? WHOA? That was impressed. That's impressive. And that's what I liked because you weren't, you know, like breathing real hard and stuff. You did it with a certain amount of finesse and ease. You know, you had some swag with it. I like that a lot. It was cool. That's cool, And I got to look it up. Somebody find that and send it to Yeah, they were saying, is that his house? Is that his house? Or is that a gym? I was screaming at the TV. Is his house? It's his house? Glad you'll be back. Thirty something funny. We don't even know what that is, but it's gonna be funny. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show, all right, It's time for Junior Struth be tall and in thirty something funny, and then we're gonna ask Steve some Halloween questions. I love that because we all know how much he loves Halloween. Come on Junior truth be talked. Yeah, before I get the truth be told though, But October seven and eight, I am gonna be at the Funny Bone in Virginia Beach. Just won'ta let y'all know. Then, Also on Tuesday, November fourteen, I'll be doing the Jay spot until Jake, you know I'm I'm doing it for free as well, so you got it. Yeah, Jay, it ain't even pay me, he told me, paying me in medication even appreciate that. That ain't really cool right there? Yeah, all of the narcotics I need. But on the truth be told. I know we've been in Houston now for four days, yes, yes, and let me just say this truth be told. I wish we never win now. I can't take my reality to keep calling me. It's your home, you were born and raised there. Yeah, yeah, surely. But the people that I'm related to think that because we own in Houston, that that they have access to all of us. For Steve nothing to come by the house. Stopped thinking we gotta welcome they gotta welcome party. That boy ain't a house for yeah to come by. We're not coming by the house. They out here doing way too much more. Uncle said he really had a dream of shooting dice with Steve. He think that he comes, and everybody at the babershop, you can get your mind. We're not coming through there. Steve. Don't hang like that. We love you. I know what I said in the barbershop about how type me, But that was a lie. Not forget that. I used to tell a man Steve Hee hanging out all time when you see me, you seem not not true. So get your mind. He's not coming by the ballshop. He didn't got no hat. What are you doing in there? So they've been texting you and yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm telling my mone an't talking about so when did you want Uncle Steve showing up. He's not getting some fish. You know I made these locks tail. They're getting gold yall that we've only been in on the Aphoday. He's not coming. This pound cake isn't gonna eat it. Ye ain't gonna eat It's gonna show up with a y'all ful of people. Know how much equipment gonna be in that y'ard when you show up? What all these old people that go be waiting on you? They don't have to roll my my AI wife out in that hospital bed and set up under the tree. She'd be waiting, boy telling well, she'd be waiting on. Don't speak for Steve as Steve he may want to go. I mean, wait, you got another Houstonian on the show call you have same primate? Yea? Is he coming back for Thanksgiving? What they don't They're gonna find out, real fan, Okay, come for us. Dain't ain't nothing to do man, y'all? Which time at coming back? Oh, I ain't bringing that up. They he was born and raised there too. Yeah, he from ain't nobody my family prince by time. That hurt. Yeah, but that you know, I want it to all you going, which is why I brought it up. Yeah, so when we see Tim, gonna make sure Shirley bring this up. Yeah, make sure we keep it around me. That Carlin and Junior were talking about the problems they're gonna had with me showing up and yeah, you want you to say, Shirley, but you know timy they never mentioned Nah. So I'm just telling you I take it from the all right, but he's not coming. You can just get your mone He's not. He's not even that friendly. Is that truth? Steve you're not gonna go down there. Well let me somebody, girl, girl ain't going You're gonna have another problem. You're gonna be disgusted with my amy, with the brist be trying to wiggle him fight. Yeah, sure, I know that, I know. Huh God, when he see that, he's gonna pull right off. Yeah not huh uh, Steve, could you shout out to Ain't ask them her? Oh this is this is a real These are real people. You're real Cynthia cousin, Pooky. Go ahead, they're listening. Go ahead, Just just say how to everybody. Just let him know all our people, just say it one time, just one time, just so we can stop worrying. Just say how to all our people, just one time, everybody. They're all killed, all the spaces, all the pharos, everybody down in ain't his cousins, shawls, all the shawls. That what's up, y'all? Holiday? Okay, that's real. Yeah. They're trying to figure out, I don't know about your family, Junior, my mind, trying to figure out when are we audition in for family future. They're trying to get along the show. They've been practicing, they've been rehearsing to us. They read good answer, good answer. You're not getting you all that? That's in. Let's move on, go ahead, Shirley, all right, that's really funny. All that all right? Steve, We have to ask you some questions because you know Halloween is coming up, so I just want to know. Just go around the room and what costumes would you put us in if we could dress up in Halloween costumes? Jay Anthony Brown, he ain't here today, but he'll be dragging. He'll got the widows peak forward. You just got them too sharp and angry, so he would definitely be uh at that. Now, I'm gonna do everybody different, caller. It's gonna go as a church woman. You gonna go as an usher rush. I'm gonna have one hand behind your back all the time with the white glttles. But you accustom us, now hold up. I wanted to be able to do all that. Can I finish from when we come back? Time a Halloween costumes for the morning. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Mrs Anna is gonna be here with National News and uh nephew, Tommy is gonna do is run that prank back. But first, Steve, did you want to finish our Halloween costumes? Yeah? Jr. Now I got Ja as Dracula to shop teeth and he angry? Okay, callor a cussing usher, yes, like ain'timo damn seen sit your an't seen it? Well? The pastor's talking here, the trade in words, the trade Junior gonna go as a chip monk, yeah, like else small small, got that smiled and big chipmunk. Yeah. I'll be the happy boy's high head body. Okay, Now, Shirley, you know I'm picking stuff that y'all don't wouldn't normally do. You're gonna go as a madam at a broad You the head lady down at the broth. You scheduling hookers, the scheduler, Shelley, Rude Jean, you next up, Come on, Ruth, knock it out the park girl. We need this money scheduling though. Okay, before we get to the prank, we got two more to go, You and Tommy. So what's Tommy's gonna be? Oh, Tommy going as come on, Tommy going as Michaelangelo, Oh from the Ninja Turtles. Okay, we'll be back. Let's get to the prank back shopper at the funeral. Here we go, y'all trying to reach your James James, Yeah, yeah, what's up? Hey? This this is Gerald. I was a pre uh your your friend Chopper. Yeah, and the Chopper just uh passed away last week, right, I know they posed hell the funeral and stuff over at uh at my Baptist church and uh, I don't really know you, but me, Me and me and Chopper and a bunch of rest thos Man we used to hang out at the club not too far from the house. You know. That's pretty much with choppol woold all the time. And at the club any way, what a bunch of us was over at the club talking man and I was we was really when he reached out to one of the family members, you know, and then somebody said you was, you know, kind of a good friend of Hells. And when we we we we decided to call you and see if you didn't mind. Do you think that you can talk to uh some of the family members and see if they don't mind having the funeral at the club. At the club, let me let me try to explain something to you, Jane. What we're trying to do is see, we believe that we believe you said at the club, come on the club. There's a funeral, and I understand it. But see, see Chop Choppa ain't really go to church a whole lot. You know what I'm saying. He didn't really really go long as I've been knowing it. Now, he loved a lord and stuff like that. But there's a church going folks. But I understand. But see choppol woodn't Chopol and Chopper went to the club. So what I'm asking you will less how the funeral at the club? Hell, no, bro, come on, we can't have no funeral at no club, man, Come on. What I'm saying is, though, is that he wasn't really no church going person. I believe that a person ought to be the last words are to be said over him in a place he's more familiar with. You know what I'm saying, player, No, I don't. I don't know what you mean. Playerut, Now, just just gotta be a funeral. This this is this is a church for I go to church and all my folks go to church. Now we we we gotta do this thing up in church. This is a church saying. But you don't feel But do you understand where I'm coming from? No, that man ought to going on and and the last words are to be in a place he mode familiar with. Not if he went to church, then I understand that. You see bro, Hell no, no, see this his chance to get this stuff right. And we're gonna we're gonna have him up in church in front of everybody. You know, that don't make sense? Who's this again? I mean, who are you? My name is Gerald, But who is Gerald? I mean, how do you? How do you relate to this? Are you preacher or you? No? No, no, no, no, I'm I'm I was friends with Chopper and see I hung out at the club and still hanging out there with a whole bunch of you know, was real good friends with Choppering. We were saying that, you know, Choppers, the last words about Chopper are to be said at the club, because see that's what Chopper would But five six days a week, that's what Chopper was. But what church are you affiliated with? I mean, what? What? Why the hell would I try to talk to the family, make you look stupid in front of the family telling them to put the thing in the club. How that's gonna go off. We'll see. See That's what I'm saying. You know him way more than we do, because see that you're talking about trying to move from a damn funeral at a church to a damn nightclub or strip club or something. No, not no strip club, just a nightclub, ain't. I mean you're talking about having folks travel from across the country and meeting into the damn club. What kind of that? But that's what Chopper was. That what Chopper was. I'm gonna look if I'm the one telling them to rooted to the damn club, You're gonna look like somebody that's trying to I'm gonna look like a fool. No, you're not. You're gonna look like somebody's trying to keep it real when come to the damn funeral. If I will do something like that, Okay, okay, let me answer you this, hitting Jane. Do you think you can maybe get the body and bring it over to the club. Well, I'm just saying before they even do the funeral or whatever, I ain't get the walk in the dog by my don't touch body for him. Now we're just trying to say our last words at Chopper man in a place that Chopper up. No him again? Who do you you get my number? Somebody at the club had your number, said you was grint. But why don't y'all call me? Of all folks, y'all call me, They say you good. You in with the family, and you can tell me in with the family. But I ain't end in the family. Make me look stupid? Hell now, won't y'all? I get all of them to the family. Y'all call the family, y'all tell them that yourself. Man, I won't. I just want trying to get you to brain the body by man and let us know I ain't touching. No, we just want to have one last drink with Chopper man. You have one with your boys and you you get together with them, and y'all talk about bottom and let him know how chopper water, what kind of person with? What kind of person we need? We won't chop up to be there? This chopper, this is Chopper you talking about man. Bring y'all to the church. Y'all need to be up in the church. We want to have a Chopper at the club. Well we know, man, y'all full well, we know. Looking like a fool, at the damn funeral? What this about chopping up? And then I'm writing about Chopper? You'll break Chopper to that club y'all tripping, man, I ain't doing I'm just going to this funeral. I'm gonna tear the sam what I think about chopping And I'm going if y'all want to c in front of town of y'all call the FAIMI of y'all selving this. Look, I got one more thing I want to see. I don't even know you what what? What? That's this? Nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got praanked by your board. This nephew Tommy man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your board told me to prank you. Man. I just know y'all ain't did it, James, this is neph You tell me no, no, man, I can't believe this. No, he didn't. I can't even believe he did that. Hey, man, I got one more thing to ask you, man. What is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Moaning Show. All right, listen, coming up at the top of the hour, Ms Anne will be here with our national news. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, I still want to do Shirley, okay, hospital I mean I decided to change timey and not go as a ninja turtle with no skills. Yeah. I don't want him to go with that, Okay. I want him to go as the turtle on the wax, Your turtle wax. Why that's good? Yeah? That as opposed to a ninja turtle. Yeah, because you don't have ninja skills and be the same thing he's putting on them old ragged ass or pre existing cause he got christ he existed. You know what that now that fit? That's okay because when he got the car, it already had a problem, pre existed. Yeah, that's cute. I'm going to Roscoe. Yeah, yeah, I was gonna say we're Roscoe Wallace gold Nuggets around seventeen. Change a ruffle shirt, crushed velvet, bow tie, never tied? Is it open down to the navel? Hell ya? Tuxed on all him, change cold his head and you want pigeon toad? Right, y'all walk pigeon. Okay, now that we have our costumes, Happy Halloween everyone, Yeah, alright. NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy released a joint statement from the league and if NFL Players Association that said that they held a meeting to discuss the ongoing protests during the national anthem. The statement said the two parties had a productive meeting focused on how we can work together to promote positive social change and address inequality in our communities. In quote, the two sides did not come to an agreement regarding the national anthem. M alright. Colin wasn't invited to attend the meeting by any official from the NFL or any team executives, his lawyer said in a statement. Kaepernick's attorney went on to say other players wanted him to present, and UH wanted him present and have asked that he attend the next meeting with the goal of forging a lasting and faithful consensus around these issues. Mr Kaepernick is open to future participation on these important discussions. You don't need to go to nothing else. You know what Colin Kaepernick need to do. He knows he needs to go to the next Brown's training facility practice and just going the sideline and just start. They ain't got to pay me. I just need you to see what they thought throwing Yeah, you don't need no pads or nothing. He got to speak to nobody. He's just been a parking lot. They just starts sowing so they can see what a damn quarterback look like. Yeah, Kaepernick, you know, has filed a grievance against team owners. He believes that are conspiring not to hire him because of his protests. Were not conspired no more. In Cleveland we come and so that's it. So you're speaking for the Cleveland brand because they're stupid. Have they said anything regarding Kaepernick, Steve and gang? Yeah, they should speak up. All right. She is, without further ado, the very talented news anchor for the Steve Harvey Morning Show MS and Trip. That's a build up anyway, Good morning everybody. This is the entwp of the news and I will get to it. Let's talk about what happened in Maryland yesterday. Please in Maryland say that a guy who opened fire in an office park a little north of Baltimore yesterday morning has been apprehended. That guy killed three co workers and wounded two others. And officials say that this guy who identified as Rade lab Prince, he's the suspect. He's the same person they believe was involved in another shooting after the Maryland killings. It took place about fifty five miles away from Baltimore in Wilmington, Delaware. And that case, cops say Prince shot a man whom he had some disagreements with. I thought he said. That man was shot twice. He will hopefully survive. Just the other day, President Trump said this about a tenant agreement on a bipartisan healthcare bill designed to retain Obamacare's insurance subsidies for the poor. It is a short term solution so that we don't have this very dangerous little period, including dangerous period for insurance companies, by the way, for a period of one year, two years, we will have a very good solution. But we're going to have a great solution ultimately for healthcare. And they are working together, and I know very much what they're doing. Yeah. But the very next day, Trump changed his mind, saying that he could never support something which he calls a bailout for insurance companies. So sentiment art the Leader Charles Schuman says, you know, it's hard to know which way is up with this commander in chief. He's totally inconsistent for it. One day against it the next day. You can't govern, Mr President, You cannot govern a country. You cannot keep America great if you don't know what's in the bills and don't have a consistent policy about them. GOP Santa Lamar Alexander and Democrat Perry Murray had hoped to attract six he votes needed to avoid a potential filibuster. Now they'll need sixty seven votes in order to override and expected veto, and they're not expected to get that. President Trump, by the way, insisting that a Florida congresswoman's claim about what he said to a grieving widow of falling soldier is wrong. Democratic Representative Frederica Wilson said she heard Trump on speaker phone tell the pregnant, young widow of a U. S. Army Sergeant let David Johnson that her husband knew what he signed up for. Didn't say what that congresswoman said, didn't say it at all. She knows and she now is not saying it. I did not say what she said. However, Johnson's mother said that Trump did say that and she heard it as well. Sergeant Johnson was one of four soldiers killed in an ambush in Nijare two weeks ago. While the richer is supposed to get richer, that doesn't seem to be working, by the way, for the president. In fact, for his magazine's list of four hundred riches Americans shows that Trump's net worth has been reduced by six hundred million dollars to three point one billions of the commander in chief now has slipped from a hundred fifty six place to two hundred place. I know you want to know who's in the first place. Of course, it's Bill Gates. For the straight year, he's worth eighty nine billion bucks. I don't even know Nomon's went that high. The NFL has decided to keep their national anthem, uh their national anthem rules, which says the players should stand for the national anthem, but they don't have to. And finally, today is dressed like a dork day and we'll have Eugene the Butterfly twenties after the hour, stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, listener, the ladies have some things that they're involved with. I think it's very important for us to learn more about. So ladies take it away, all right, Steve. Well, you know October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and it's also Domestic Violence Awareness month as well. And Carla, of course is involved with breast cancer awareness. Uh, and I'm involved with domestic violence awareness. Just to give you some stats on what this really means and everything. It's hard because these two very important, uh subjects dealing with women are in the same month. So uh, in my twenties, you know, like a lot of young women like that and older women too, I was involved in a very violent relationship. Um. Yeah, you know when I wrote my book. I talked about it in my book and everything, and so you know, it's just a subject that's very near and dear to my heart, and especially with young women you know, in college and everything. Stuff that doesn't get anyway. It's okay, I'm no longer a victim. I'm I'm I'm fine, perfect, I'm fine. Let me just tell you guys some stats, okay, because this is a serious subject as far as women go. Every nine seconds a woman in the US is assaulted or beaten, all right, And estimated one point three million women are victims of physical assault each year. Uh. And this is for men one in seven men aged eighteen plus in the US has experienced domestic violence in his lifetime. One yeah, one and ten men have experienced rape, physical violence, and or stalking by an intimate partner in the workplace. Uh, domestic violence victims lose nearly lose a lot of paid work time in a year because they're off because of the violence and things like that. I mean, there's so many stats, so so many stats. I'm a part of the Alma Davis Foundation. When I read these stats, I just it's mind blowing. It really is. It's mind blowing. In high school girls and young women age sixteen to twenty four experience the highest rate of intimate partner violence. Yeah. So you can contact the Alma Davis Foundation dot org. Okay, that's the information. If you want more stats, if you if you're involved in this, if you know someone who is, go to the Alma G. Davis Foundation and you can get help and find out what you need now, Carly, October, as we mentioned, is also breast cancer Awareness month. Yes, I am a tireless breast cancer advocate. You guys know I lost my mom to breast cancer back in two thousand and four, and one case of breast cancer is diagnosed every two minutes in the US, So my message to you early detection is the key. This is about your lifestyle, your your diet, nutrition, exercise, getting your mammograms, self breast examination. We have to fight too in cancer. It's a terrible, horrible emotional disease. It affects everyone, and I want to shout out to the survivors. You all inspire me. Go to my Instagram page at lips by Carla. We will talk more about breast cancer awareness all month long. All right, thank you you're listening to all right? Come on, Steve, you and Junior are here to break it down. It says your kid isn't doing a dang thing in school when the teacher calls, Oh yeah, I've I've out nephews got this phone call? When did you call and say, hey, listen, I don't really want to be disrespectful, but it's best if you just don't show up for the next pe me And it's a waste of time. I thought they like for the parents to be involved. What kid ain't doing nothing? Hey listen, let's just save us all twenty minutes. I got another family. I just don't even show up for the next What are we even talking about? This boy? But that ain't all I got one if you're seventeen in the third grade, like how did he get here? What? How did he get hit the big You don't even fit in the desk. We just want to know how well? I don't know truth, so I don't know what's grady and show it. But it ain't a double ditch. I don't know that much. Now. I saw some crayons in the backpack. It ain't a double ditch. So your kid isn't doing anything in school? When to teach your call? Wow? I didn't really understand the question, to be honest with you. Just want to teach a call? You know, the kids ain't doing a damn thing. It's cool, you mean, just make that phone call when you get that phone calling on the other end. Quite a few yourself personally, I was doing something you thought she was doing. So I couldn't understand why everybody was so disappointed in sixty seven that was your school? Yeah out of a hundred, yeah you sixty seven. I'm going damn, that's an F he failed. I didn't. Seven D is the cut of seven se the D s your seven years to cut off? How did I get a sixty seven? That's what we all would like to know. You stop it said, I'm gonna going to dast to cut off. How did I get a sixty seven? And I tried? What? What class was listed? Lunch? Damn the all of anything? But Jim Jim straight a student athletic. Man, I'll get with it, you know. But like you know, like math. If I got a sixty seven in math and it wasn't but a hundred, why are you failing me because you obviously didn't understand and you missed a lot? Did you study it all? Did you study it? Yeah? Study when at home? Right for? I took your tip and then you supposed it's only be fresh. Why would you study two days before and then the information ain't fresh? Supposed to I knew what I study. Yeah, you supposed to study up until the test. You know, homework, it's called homework. Surely I did all that. My homework was less than that. Oh, like that's unthinkable, Like you ain't never got a forty two? To man, how much red inc is on your And that was another thing? Why are we mocking on this paper like this? Yeah? What is the degrading me fault. That's not all that's ready. That ain't really saying nothing for me. Just put a blue X on it. Junior said, that's not education, that's right, and it's not building up confidence in the student. It's not. No, it's not what you should have got a tutor, Steve. Maybe a tutor would have been able to help you. Mean wait a minute, you mean get out of school and go back in there, and go back in there. Now, have someone come over maybe to your home and and help you with your homework and stuff. I came home to play. Yeah, now somebody coming over to do what understand? Yeah, helping to teach you out teach me while I'm there. A matter of fact, what I said about you teaching hello, I thank you failing me as a teacher when I go home and I don't know what damn thing? What was we in here doing so you'd give your teacher a grade of sixty seven? Are you this health? We got? We gotta go. Coming up next, nephew Tommy's prank phone call. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's Today's Strawberry Letter. You do not want to miss that. But first come on, it's the nephews phone call his prankit. Before we get to that, can I just say, I'm looking at the Twitter. A lot of educators are tweeting us NA Steve. They Mr hot Tower, he played it educator on TV. And no one could exit the room like Mr hi Tower. No one if you offended by wood was said, would you be the professor that we are speaking of? If you throw around? I don't understanding what is they trying to time? Mr hot Tower, you just played education. You just he wasn't fictitious, he wasn't real. I repeat, no one could exit the room like Mr hi Tower. No one will bounce y and Mr hi Tower his favorite word was very, very very Yes. Boys, boy boy, you've provided us with quite a bit of entertainment, right and so you know these people on Twitter, But you weren't educator that was on TV. I didn't. I didn't really didn't have enough education to play the part of a TV technically, don't have the skills to teach nobody. But you got folk books, eight TV shows, one radio show, No no. The new when they got me was how you spell man? Man? When Shirley said, if you spell it, it'll automatically put the line on top of it. Yes, I will. How many times I've used ma'am since then? This week? Just to use it M A A M and then it separates them. Put that line on the apostle. Let's go prank call nephew, got a surprise for us. Ain't crazy? What's your prank about the doctor's visit? There we go, baby the doctor. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Roger place. He's not here. May take a message. UM, My name is uh Mark, ma'am. I'm calling from the clinic from Dr Robert's office and trying to get some information to him. When we do you know when you actually begin? No, Actually I don't. Um, is everything okay? Uh? Well you know everything is fine. I mean nothing that cannot be handled. But um, we were trying to actually get some information to him so that he can actually come back in for the results. Okay, Well I don't. I don't know when I can. He's supposed to be here now. I'm not sure when I can tell you're gonna be back. I'm sorry I didn't ask you earlier. Man, who am I actually speaking with? This is his girlfriend? Uh and your name is Jan? Okay, so, uh, Jan, you don't you said you don't know, you know, you don't have an idea when he'll be back. No, it's trying to make me kind of get a little concerned though. No, no, no, okay, I'll tell you what. This is the number that he actually loved us to give him a call on his results, and we're not getting an answer. I don't have another number on hand. Do you have any specific time I can actually call back and maybe I'll get him again. I'm you're making my my stomach is getting nervous right now? What what is? What is the problem? Well, actually you know what it. His man is Mr Roger came in for to take a few tests, and he took some tests and we actually have the results in and we'd actually really like for him to come back. Anything about I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you, but I don't know anything about any tests. He he hasn't told me anything about going to a clinic or anything like that. I see, So what kind of test are you talking about? Well, I mean, Ma'm I'm not really not at liberty to give you any kind of information unless you're actually on the paperwork, So you know, it's not even something that I can discuss unless the patient has signed off that, uh, you are the next of kid or the person that can that we can give the information to you do I do? And I'm pretty certain, I mean the way we operate in this house, So I'm pretty certain that I'm on the paperwork. So would you please, um, we pull up Roger stuff on computer here and I'll see what I give me one second, please, Okay, okay, let's see now, let me scroll down for next of kin. Okay, I got a Janie. That is me. I mean everybody called me jam, but that's me Jane. Okay, tell me your name again. I'm sorry, what's your name again? Mark? Mark? Like I said, I'm the clerk here at Dr Robert office, and I guess I am at liberty to tell you what's going on. Mr Roger came in and took some STD test st D yes, and I guess at this point I should just maybe both of you guys should come in and wait a minute. Everybody, and everybody wait, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I need you to finish what you were just saying, Well, that's what I'm saying. Man, what has happened is he's been diagnosed with UM as well as you gotta be kidding me. You have got to be kidding me. I'm not hearing this. I am not. Do you do you understand what that means? Do you understand that he lives in my household? Do you understand that that means that he has been dipping somewhere else because I have been not doing anything that would even come close to bringing something to him like that. So it's how parent that this man has been outside of my household and doing when he has no business doing and bring it back in. Man. I'm not I'm not at liberty to make any accusations like that. I cannot say anything like that. All I can say is I'd like for both of you. You know, it'd be good for both of you guys to come in because this is something treatable, it is curable. UM. I don't care about it being treatable or curable. What I care about is the fact that he apparently has been somewhere with some trick and brought something back home to my household. That's what I care about. I do Understan saying that Mr Jannis, I do, but you have to understand my position of what I'm trying to do. I'm just trying to reach it out and and well, listen, you happen to call my house sold you just happened to have to be on the end, on the other side of it. I am sorry, you're getting most of it. But I tell you what what you need to do is you need to make him an appointment and I will meet him there. He will be wait wait wait, wait, wait, wait a minute, wait a minute. I'm sorry. You need to make him an appointment to come out to take a look at these results you're talking about, and guests who will show up at the door before he gets there. I think next kid, wouldn't better for you just to tell him what's going on. Since I'm you know, this is the plan you need to give him. You need to give him a call and to give you a cell phone number. Okay, I got it. Okay, you call him and set a twelve new an appointment. Trust me when I tell you, when he walked through that door and seize my face, he will know. Okay, M M J. I'm not trying to create p let Mr Roger know that we need him to come actually into the building, could give to about the call. All I know is you make that appointment. I would get there before he gets there and his own I'm telling you that's how it's gonna wrong. Do you understand me, Mrs ms Jas. I can't allow any chaos to be going on in the building. I cannot allow that because you're creating. Let me tell you something. I don't care. I could care less about what you feel about it and what you can and can't do. All I'm telling you is you called my I call looking for Mr Rogers. You called his stud to be white. You know what correction correction sud to not be white. I got one more thing I do need to tell you, though, miss you know what I can't deal with another thing. I swear to God don't tell me anything out, but I do have a Just make your appointment. That's all I care about. You make your appointment, make your point. But I need you to ask for somebody when you come to the clinic. I need you to ask for one person and then they will take care of you. Who do I need to ask for us? Okay, you need to ask for nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Because that's who I am. You just got branked by your husband, Roger. You know what. Tell me, tell me, I listened to you everyone I know. Oh my goodness, I am so embarrassed. And wait till I see right. Are you all right? Oh my gosh, I am, I am. I'm done. I'm mad. I can't believe you. I got I got one more thing. I gotta asked, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, the one I wake up to every morning, to Steve Harby Morning Show. Stupid trying to tell you, all right, we gotta go. Coming up next today Strawberry Letter. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, alright. Coming up next is today's Strawberry Letter. You do not want to miss it. But first, Donald Trump, our president, took a tumble on forb the list of the wealthiest Americans based on net worth. He felt ninety two spots to number two hundred and forty eight. Has his fortune dropped six hundred million dollars to an estimated net worth of three point one billion. Yeah, I saw this. This is According to Forbes Now, which published the latest list on Tuesday, the drop puts Trump in a tie with twenty seven year old Evan Spiegel, the co founder of Snapchat. In two thousand sixteen, Trump was number one hundred fifty six on the list with a net worth of three point seven billion uh Forbes. Forbes said it calculated Trump's net worth by going through financial disclosure documents, public property records, and conducting interviews with several individuals to estimate his network. Shrump has claimed that he's worth ten billion, but he's declined to release his personal um tax records. As we all know, still no side of those yet. Nine months into the presidency, of course, Trump's fortune has dropped. He's been too busy making America great again to focus on his businesses. Trump will surely call this fake news. You heard right, The twenty seven year old co founder of Snapchat is as rich as our president. You got Snapchat. Yeah, so he only lost six hundred million. He's still a billionaire. That's one way to look at it. Do you be mad? What I mean? You've got three point seven billion? And oh yeah, you got attitude? Yeah it is. He's still some people that the board ain't doing. He's still a billionaire. Six hundred million. You got some explaining to do. That's a hard hit man out six hundred millions. I never saw three quarters of a billion if you only got three and somebody takes six hundred millions. But you have a lot of money to be able to lose that amount of money and still be a billionaire, still be a billion How do you make that work? You know, like you know, just eighteen we're gonna be all right, we're still at three point one where he is. See, let me explain something deep. When the guy at the top take a hit, people at the bottom take a hit. See, they get rid of stuff from the bottom down because he's gonna stay at the top. So lose six hundred million, some people lose their job. He got his six other million right back. Oh that's how it worked. And it doesn't say how he lost it. Well, it's kind of a conflict of interest for him to have all these other businesses the president right, Oh absolutely, they knew that they voted for. They really did reasons they voted for. They didn't care because they thought he was a great business man and he still is a great business man. And they thought just by mere virtue of his business acumen, he could run the country. I knew you were gonna say that Steve his business. Now get the text and if you won't to Mr hot at best he was a music He's back on that right, all right? Come on, take me to the letter alright? Subject not ready for this. Pregnant by my son in law. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a forty seven year old attorney who was seven months pregnant. I have three daughters that are grown, married and have professional careers. My youngest daughter just moved back home with her husband because they're in the process of moving into a new home. One night, I was home alone and my oldest daughter's husband came over to pick something up for his wife. One thing led to another, and we had sex. We repeated our actions several more times. Close to our final time having sex, the husband of my daughter that's living with me accidentally walked into my room and caught us. This was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. My daughter and son in law won't weren't supposed to be home. Nevertheless, my son in law didn't tell his wife, and he said that he didn't tell anyone else. However, he did approach me to discuss this incident. I am shameful of what happened next, but I ended up pleasuring him too. A month after this incident, I went to the doctor and found out that I was pregnant. I'm not sure which one of my sons in law is the father of my unborn child. My husband is already suspicious about my pregnancy because he got fixed about three years ago. Steve, I don't know what to do. I don't right there. I don't want to break up my family. Uh. Too late, too late, too late. We can't help you. I mean, you've already completely destroyed your family. You've already done it. And the damage you've done with your selfishness, with your lust going after your daughter's husband. Uh, it's gonna leave some lifelong scarves. I mean, really, how how could you? How could you do this? I don't get it. Uh to your daughter's two of them? Uh. I think you're morally corrupt because you didn't just do it one time. You kept going back for more. It kept going back for more. Even one time is horrible, of course, but you wouldn't stop. This is crazy did you Did you say you were sorry for your path of destruction you caused? No, you didn't even say one time in this letter? And how are you at forty seven? An attorney obviously educated, but not smart enough to at least use some protection so you wouldn't get pregnant? Now you're pregnant. You don't even know who the father is? Are you forty seven? Really? I'm just so sorry that you're bringing a baby into this mess. I mean, the best that you can hope for is that God a bought of will forgive you, Steve protection. Ain't even still what is your ass doing? First of all, you said, I'm a forty seven year old attorney. Let's just start. Just let off to right your forty seven year old stupid attorney. You're stupid, You're stupid, you're trifling, your raggedy What the hell were you ever even thinking about? See this, when a woman really throws me into something, let me ask you something. You you got your this This daughter yours moved into the house here and her husband because they find to get a new home, so they wasn't supposed to be there. So one day your oldest daughter, just the one that got married first came over to pick up something for his wife. One thing led to another. We had sex. Let's stop right here. What is the one thing that leads to the other thing where you start to screw in your son in law who is married to your oldest daughter. What is the one thing that got said here that led to something else to where y'all had said? What is that thing that gets said? I want to know what that is because I've yet to hear those words in my life. So now I'm stuck right there. We repeated I actually several more times. Close to our final time having sex, the husband and my daughter was literally accidentally walked in my room and caught us. I'm a little curious about this too. How does a guy accidentally walk in to you and your husband's bedroom? What grown ass man breaches this no trespassingly? Do you understand me? Man? I mean dull for real. So it's a lot going on in this family. I don't get all that moving back here. So what you're getting the new damn house? You ain't coming back over here. But I ain't even mentioned the fact and all of this is going on while you have a husband. That's what's really the cold part to me. Let me see if I can get one more thing in him. I ain't got the time. I'm just starting to get the feeling here. Let me just save it for the rest of it. That's how I'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Houston and Texarcanada are two newest affiliates family members get ready to meet sister O'Dell in about twenty minutes. Wait till you meet her. Oh lord, but come on, Steve, let's go with part two of your response to today's strawberry letter. Okay, now this now, then now, after the dude called him never Nevertheless, my son in law didn't tell his wife and he said he didn't tell anyone. However, he did approach me to discuss the incident. I'm shameful of what happened next, but I ended up pleasing him too. The only thing I can say is how this conversation went. Would look here, I might have to tell somebody, but you know, unless you do me, I might have to tell somebody. But one thing I got to get us attorney credit fou she really know how to shut a man up. This attorney is good at shutting me in up because you got two son in laws just got over there, just as quiet as they can be about this. Here, I'm sleeping with my wife and her mama now with her. You know you're pregnant, and you ain't sure which one of your sons in laws is the father of the unborn light It didn't matter. My husband is already suspicious about my pregnancy because he got fixed about three years ago. Your husband is a damn fool suspicion. Let me explain something to you. If I get fixing there, my wife get pregnant. What's what is weak and to be suspicious about? I'm just letting you know how real folks have your whole family dysfunctional? Up, then, let me just say this here. The third son in law has got to be sitting there sucking. Is some just wondering pret is hit shot after promised laying coming. He's sitting up there like here on the sideline of a basketball okay, just watching them run it. Now. My question is you grow a little bit? You quit acting like an attorney girl? Well, I grow up? What was this woman in this hello? Have you wanted your daughter's husband's What the hell is wrong with you? How much approval do you need to justify that being an attorney obviously ain't enough in your life. Okay, thank you, Steve, but we do have to go. Please please please join me today at one p m. Eastern Time for our Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook. We'll talk about today's letter and I'll have my fresh strawberry pick up the weekend. We'll talk about trending topics as well. All right, Steve, it is time now to introduce our girl from the talk They Didn't Get Me show under Water. Listen, Wait a minute, hold on, I'm about to say some serious stuff and then I'm gonna end with Steve. I saw you working out. He didn't see it yet, Cheryl, He's in it. Listen, White, Listen, listen. You were living on ways. I'm like, what are you looking good like? Fred Williams come hey, Okay, okay, I had named somebody in my age. You know what I'm saying in my age? You know, Fred, We've still find a big ups the CBS, not just because I worked there, but sixty minutes. Let you know, you cannot be the drugs are if you got it, the ability for the d o J and the d e A to stop opious from flooding the community. Come on, come on off the tree right now. Hey, big up for everybody standing up and saying sexual assault and sexual harassment should not be in the entertainment business. Now. We just need the Union sad can after to be a safe haven for women to say this happened to me, so we can nip it in the bud and my right brothers and sisters again, let me tell you what else we need to do. We need to join the football players and let them know you have a right to peacefully protests and should not be threatened with bitching and losing your job because you are an American as well. If you want the football players to stand up for the anthem, everybody got to stand up at the anthem. But you can't force me because that's what America is all about. But don't threaten me for losing my job because I bet you when you start losing because you don't bitch the best players because they also have integrity and patriotism, I bet you change your little rules. Where's the lawsuit for the players agreement? What's up with that? We need to get involved in that. You know something huh has anyone ever read all of the lyrics to the Star Space? Oh, it's a trip. The second Frances Scott Key was being guarded by some slaves and he was a lawyer that was representative slave owners. Oh it's deep. Actually, See it didn't become our star sprinkled banner until the thirties to ninety The song was written and if you read it, it glorifies slavery. Is now we only sing the first part. That's the actual song. It's a hateful song towards black people. Right, it really is right. But see they hiding that right. But if you if they knew the truth, the majority of people wouldn't stand for it. But now, and that's not to say anything about the military. Right, we are pro military. The every war they got, we pro military when we don't even have our rights. I'm on the Air Force Reserved. Betch I was in the Air Force Reserve. You're listening to all right? Are you ready? Get ready? Houston, get ready? Tech Sarcana. You haven't heard of her, but you will in just a few ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together. Or the one the only sister Odell in the building. Hey, hey, lot, ray l Lord low and lo la hear me, hear me, wait till I speak to you, baby. Good mornings. Everyone was good. Good call it hey, sister all Dale. How are you doing? Good? Good, good, wonderful, wonderful? Everything good? Hey, Junior mornus Dale, boy your oh, it's just some one day. I'm gonna pray for you. Yes, ma'am, you should let my bishop put hands on you, get your voice up like fighting man. You know, now, just put Haynes on me. You know that ain't fighting. You know you can't whoop my bishop. I love, but I'm just letting you know that bishop is a big man, and he wasn't he wasn't saved all his life. That bishop funk Jack Johnson whooping twice seventy eight rounds with Jack Johnson whooping bolting. Yes, Lord, yes, you call him big black thunder. Really good Lord, Good morning Sherley. Well, good morning, sister Otell. Welcome back. Well, thank you for having me, sweetie. Howes everything with you? Everything is wonderful, sister Otell. Everything is really crazy. Yeh, that's good. It might well gets what is y'all talking about? Just wanting? What did he? Oh, sister Odell. You know, I just hate to be the one to bring you know, this sort of news to you, but but wow to since we yeah, it's you know, things happen when you don't show up. Very awten, What did you go ahead and get it over with? Well? Well, first shirt, say good morning to Houston and all of the yeah you have to you know, we own and we are used. Only two new shitties, Yes Texas and we're text na how y'all doing? And Houston? I love Houston, Housty. Here's just so pretty down. Its muggy as hell, no loud, but it's a beautiful city. There's a galleria still down now, man man girl, I love that galerria, a skating ranking that One time I saw a little mat in there skating, had on the white snow soup. She was in there with a bunch of little white girls water. A little black girl had a body on her. She was full built, like she was tady. That little snowman outfit so full, you know, the little white kids snowman super was just hanging on them, look like they had scoffed. So that little black girl was so full of that little snow suit. I said, all right, now you're gonna return the roof off the church when you twitter womber ship gonna be sky high, pretty little black girl. Anyway, that's all. I remember that skating rink down there, and they had a center bun in there. I think it was, yeah, like sit over there, eight two center buns, one time in the food, just sitting there, just eating sweet as they could be. Huh yeah and delicious yea. And I said it. I ate to two shots of oh oh wait, you're a diabet Jeff prevented. I call that prevented mission. I just ate to the bottles, got a kneeling of holes and run on time, shot it straight to the head. Well, I'm glad you're in a you know, a good mood down memory, like a beautiful mood on nostalgic mood um, so to speak. And so please try to remember that because I do have some news to break to your sister. O'Dell uh what you're familiar with? Um? Well, I don't know. You're a mother of the church and everything, but um Playboy magazine, um uh founder Hugh Hefner, Yes, I no, I know, dohh yes, ma'am. Good. Let me tell you girl. You know he tried to recruit me one time. Oh, this is news, Sister Odell. He wanted me to be a playboy bunny. What yep? And what happened where my breath was to be? Okay, I didn't think there was such a thing. I didn't think it could be too big. Well, well easier if I told him, if he knew it, I was gonna have to be on two pages. Well, I'm glad you have such now. I wasn't gonna be the sent a phone just on tupage one page if I needed a page apiece. Yeah, well you know Lucy and Lucyndell girls, you know. Yeah, So I'm glad you remember him fondly, sister O'Dell, because um, you have ner passed away? Um, yes, ma'am. Um you have, yes, ma'am you have nor you have no what he passed away, Sister Odell, natural causes, they said, excuse me, I know you ain't seen Yes, ma'am, I know you. I hate to bring this news to your sister Odell, but so damn you do this When you did ask her to be a playboy, Carla del did she breathing? I hate to leave on this. Did you have it. Don't take all that. I didn't even get a chance to tell her about money. Hall, Okay, we gotta go umbody to ask you to be don't you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. Oh, sister Doll, I don't like yourself six sister Yang when she goes in like this, Jimmy, don't get us some water? And yeah I got water? Dangang, I'm so sorry, sister Dell. Well, I shouldn't hear about this everywhere. And Sister Dill, that's not all you know book, I know you that you got me. That's deal. We are not roll. Please pull yourself together because I have more news. Well, you got to calm down. Yeah, you have to breathe take the water from your shout. Well, sister Dill, um, Well, while you're calming down, I would never do that. Hey, like, no, I'm not in competition with you, Travis right. Well, sister, I try to on a commercial plate, I don't have a chance. I can't stand you. Fuck it, Cister Dill, calm down, now, pull yourself together. I have a question for you, sister Dell. Are you listening? Um? Have you ever watched the show? Let's make a deal. Yeah, who ain't seen Yeah, you know where you have to have certain things. And the host money Hall, I didn't have got it a little black bone and now yeah yeah Wayne Brady not Grady from Sanford Sun. So well money Hall was a host for many many years. Yeah, money Hall left me, yes man, Yeah, I knew his daddy. Oh you did? Who was his father? Well? You know what's this? Your damn howling an illegitimate child. I just wanted to let you know that Mr money Hall also passed away. Uh no, no, bam, you sucking bo oh. I didn't ever try to kill me. Stop swagging. You have been here for a while, sauce your deal. We have to tell you the news. Yeah, he passed three days right after you. Yeah, I am gonna come back and say, body, honestly, with your hugs. Well that's not speaking in tone, but Junior, to hold her back and your nips is so damn you have to pull it in, don't take on. I didn't know you were that close to him. Since I gotta be close, have I know them? You know? To t me here, Drean, you're gonna have to calm down. So you're gonna have to alright, all right about that? All right? No, I apologize. Yes, you were a little harsh. I mentored me funky bug I have. But if you try, you hurt me, hurt you. I didn't try to hurt you. Yes, you your fucking boy. You're doing it again. Now you going again? That much? Talk about all you told me to day? Oh damn, I just said. Playboy founder Hugh Hefner passed away here after this. I'm right back with my what's this real deal? You're not with us every day, so you always ask what's going on? Catch you all call me when you Huh. It's hard. It's hard to tell you these things over the phone. It's better face to face. Yes, I'm very I apologize. If my flip phone got the same your flip phone, you got a big one. I got the word, I got it, I got to vone, I got voter. I'm so sorry, sister Odal. Maybe we can go out for I don't know, um, dinner later or something you got well, I don't know. I don't really drink, but so and I know you're a mother of the church, so that's why I said dinner. Yeah, but I yes, let's see in l A we can go any place, No boo, Mastro's Playboy Mansion, maybe Roscoe's Chicken and waf No boo, what is it? It's a restaurant. Well what they say down issue? Well they serve um like uh yeah, sushi and just yes, yes ma'am, you don't eat well, I ain't eat no fishing, ain't cooking back chilly. No, that's quite obvious. We we know I don't eat sushi. What would you like to go to Roscoe's Chicken waffles? Well, I go to Roscoe's which if you want to, yes, ma'am, we'll go there. And you know I like the one with you know, I want the waffles. I want an extra butter though. Oh yes, ma'am. Okay, yeah, they get your cholesterol. Y. I hope you feel why I got to watch my cholesterol? So you want to get sick? What so you want to get sick so I won't get sick? Can you open your chest up and look at your cholesterol? Ain't you already sick? Sister? Odell? We we do have to run along now, Carlo's reality up to it is coming up? Anybody knew they hadn't already? Yeah, they're not ready. Hand we have not. We have to go since Rowdale. I'll make the dinner reservation. By you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Listen, you really gotta respect Senator John McCain of Arizona. You really do. We loved the speech. While receiving the Liberty Medal at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Senator McCain gave a fiery speech ripping into the idea of nationalism that President Trump has champion. Though he didn't mention Trump by name, he called he pulled no punches and criticizing the political philosophy. Take a listen, to abend the idea advanced around the globe, and our duty to remain the last over the hand ethic people. He didn't mention name, but he made it very clear because what he's saying that is that America has to stay in the forefront on these policies with nuclear, the deal with Iran, things like this. You know the bill that he about, the clean energy, clean energy bill, all this stuff, man, you know the other treaty. You gotta he's trying to dismantle Obama. He just wants to dismount of everything. And he thinks by dismantling Obama's legacy that it'll make he is appear to be something. Dr Field talked this to me, and it's so true. You came blowing out my candle, don't make yours brighter. So you abolishing Obamaca and repealing it, right, but you ain't got nothing to replace it, rate nothing. So now you're just killing the subsidies that help poor people get the medical attention that they need. So you kill that all because you said it was going to implode, but it's imploding because you're rushing it. So now you don't do that. You ain't got the tax reform being made. You're trying to kill doctor man. This is stuff that he did to make America great for real. So not a slogan of let's make America great again. It's not starting to sound like something else. It's starting to sound like, let's get back to America the way it used to be. Ye Reagan said that to make America great again. This is unbelievable. But you know, I respect John McCain, so yeah, yeah, they've always called him the maverick senator anyway. Uh. He was introduced by former Vice President Joe Biden. Uh this year's chair of the National Constitution Center, Senator McCain, you know it was di use this year with an aggressive form of brain cancer and has acknowledged that his prognosis is not good. In case the Obamacare repealed votes didn't tell you, McCain has declared himself an enemy of Donald Trump. McCain maybe one of the last true statesmen we have left in Washington. When other senator, Republican senators and people in Washington, uh don't agree with them, they don't speak out like Senator McCain does. You know, they just when they don't agree with the president, when they don't agree with Donald Trump, they just tweet he put out about McCain. Though, what do you say, which watch it? John? You know I fight back. That's like, yeah, yeah, he it's just mind boggling. I mean, the things he he chooses to tweet about and talk about when there's so many more important things to discuss. But he's just full of distractions to keep your your mind off what's really going none in the world, jump cages, jumping to look here, Fred, you can pick a fight if you want to. But I've seen a lot of presidents come got the presidents go still here. Yeah, but I'm gonna tell you something I've never seen. I've never seen the conversation that I'm having about impeachment before, like this from his own party, that there's rumblings. Man, I just don't know. Yeah, even Banion said he has like a thirty percent chance of completing his turn. All right, we gotta go. We'll be back. Some jams, baby, some jams. You're listening Steve Hard Morning Show. Hey, y'all, we're back. You know what, Let's change subject a little bit because earlier we were talking about Halloween car. This was crazy, and I think y'all need to hear this. Check it out. I decided to change time and not go as a ninja turt with no skills. Yeah. I don't want him to go with that, Okay, I want him to go as the turtle on the wax Your turtle. Wh Why that's good? Yeah? That as opposed to a ninja turtle. Yeah, because you don't have ninja skills and be the same thing he's putting on them, old ragged ass pre existing cause he got he existed. You know what. That No, that fit because when he got the car, it already had a problem that pre existed. Yeah, that's cute. I'm going in Roscoe. Yeah what Yeah, I was gonna say Roscoe Wallace, Nuggets, gold nuggets around seen change a ruffle shirt, crushed velvet, boat tip never tied? Is it open down to the name? Hell yeah, TUXI don't all him change cold and you walk pigeontoad. Right, Okay, now that we have our costumes, Happy Halloween everyone, Yeah alright. NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy released a joint statement from the league and if NFL Players Association that said that they held a meeting to discuss the ongoing protests during the national anthem. The statement said the two parties had a productive meeting focused on how we can work together to promote positive social change and address inequality in our communities. In quote, the two sides did not come to an agreement regarding the national anthem, all right. Colin wasn't invited to attend the meeting by any official from the NFL or any team executives, his lawyer said in a statement. Kaepernick's attorney went on to say other players wanted him to present, and wanted him present and have asked that he attend in the next meeting with the goal of forging a lasting and faithful consensus around these issues. Mr Kaepernick is open to future participation on these important discussions. Don't need to go to nothing else. You know what, Colin Kaepernick need to do what he knows. He needs to go to the next Brown's training facility practice, just going the sideline and start. They gotta pay me. I just need you to see what they thought. Yeah, the side. Now you don't need no pads or nothing. He got to speak to nobody. He's just been a parking lot. They just starts throwing so they can't see what a damn quarterback look lot. Yeah, Kaepernick, you know, has filed a grievance against team owners. He believes that are conspiring not to hire him because of his protests. Were not conspired. No more, we open come and so that's it. So you're speaking for the Browns. You're speaking at the Cleveland brand because they're stupid. Have they said anything regarding Kaepernick, Steve and you and they don't want a damn game? Yeah, they should speak up. You're listening to Steven Show. All right, here we go, last break of the morning. Just one more thing. The night at Thursday Night football, Kansas City Chiefs at the Oakland Raiders. Why do you say that, Steve Couse, boy, they playing ball, Oakland really playing ball. They had a little stumbling mishap. It's Carl Caine. I don't know if Carl I think he's gonna come back tonight. Is he coming back tonight? Is it? As I thought he was out for a while. Okay, let me let me check that out. But the Chiefs though, man Dave Daddy lost last week to Pittsburgh. But still that ain't bad man one. But Oakland played Kansas City tough though they play him tough, man him. So I'm from Cleveland, I'm not We're not gonna win this year as Cleveland won anything. No, no, because we won't hire Capping. Nick I told you what he needs to do. What you need to just go to the Browns practice tomorrow and just start throwing, just in the parking lot, just in the parking You're probably illegal for him to get inside the walls of the camp, but just go out there and start throwing while the players is walking in. Hit him with passes. But Steve, he just can't show up to the Cleveland Browns practice facility and just start. I know he came. I'm telling you what he ought to do. Take a risk, Take a risk. Yeah, you took a knee. Not take a risk going up there. You might end up taking a job because we ain't got nobody. Nobody has to take a chance. And a great player like Colin Kaepernick, Damn Cleveland Browns. I agree. We passed on Deshaun Wasson King. He killed us this past Sunday. He did. We got these people out here, ain't nobody never heard of We gotta run a rib and she was running down a few times. I don't throw it to me. Wow, this has been some some football. Yeah, she's been more to damn saying for me. I'll tell you what else it is, Steve, It's something that you love. It's National Pizza Month, according to a new survey to any percent of responding said if they could eat only one food for the rest of their lives, they would choose pizza. The survey was done by the California Pizza Kitchen. It found that one of millennials eat pizza five or more times a month, and thirty three percent of millennials say pizza would be there go to meal for date night. What's your favorite pizza, Steve Harvey, I know you love pizza. Talk about it, talk about it. That Pizza Hut. Get your supreme Okay, don't even mess around. Get the supreme at Pizza Hut. Okay, if you go to Domino's, I got to Okay, I got to it Domino when I'm feeling a little extra special sausage, Canadian ham, black olives, m hallapenos, and pineapples. Wow, you like pineapples? Pizza on that board? Girl, you can't talk. I call that Hawaii meets West Virginia kind of crust. With that just regular regular crust. Now you're ready for the other one? Double pepper ni double sausage, mushroom onion, double cheese, and extra tomato sauce with just crushed pepper flakes. That's the other one, that Domino crust. Yeah. Now if you're gonna eat that mellow mushroom whole week, he's passionate about this. Spe extra chicken, mushroom onion. Okay, who else? Lou mal Noddies Okay, classic sausage, deep dish Okay, are you mad? But he's aggressive for show? Now, what don't you like? On your pizza and chovies. Okay, I'm with you. Now you can put anything else. So I don't really care for baking on pizza either. Can you eat it cold? Steve the next day? Not outright out the refrigerator, but if I had left on the counter, yea overnight leaving the pizza. Yeah, yeah, I'm done a minute time. Don't I do it all the time? Stop? Walk right up that first thing you buy it in the morning. When you get out, it's a piece of pizza right here, man, look, oh god. And then all I do is remember how good it was last night, man, Ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, I'm gonna celebrate this month from pizza. You can't get no pie on you on the workout regiment. I know, I am. That's why. That's why I can't working out. I'm working out. Tell you the slice of picture ain't perfect. Now it's eight twenty eighty perfect, and it's pizza month. I gotta show the people how to get at it. Ladies and gentlemen, y'all have a great day, have a nice weekend, okay, because I show will Why do you have a problem with me saying it's gonna be a NAE. Bring your as go for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show.