Maxine Waters, Nicki Minaj, Rev. Al Sharpton, Steve's Names and more.

Published Jul 21, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Bring 'em out. The Earl of Ottingham tells us how he really feels about Kanye running for office. The Chief Love Officer tells the truth about going past 20 minutes for the long haul. Nicki Minaj has a baby bump. Congresswoman Maxine Waters from Los Angeles was monitoring officers in her district. Kanye missed the deadline. Trump mentions Rev. Al Sharpton in controversial rant. Junior speaks about James Harden in Sports Talk and Steve has names of people born before 1970, plus more. Inside Carla's Music News, Kanye is the focal point and mental health is also touched upon. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve addresses the the causes of voting registration being down and how we can turn it around and more.

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