Master P Interview, Sheryl Underwood, GQ, Steve's Voicemail and more.

Published Oct 28, 2021, 10:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! What's a he to you? This round for The CLO was right up his alley. DT Jr. is tactless, tasteless and too soon! Master P is here to tell us about the No Limit Family Reunion Tour. Our girl from The Talk asks a question about what grown adults do. The crew talked about music, movies and forgiveness in Would You Rather. Do you believe in magic? The Steve Harvey Nation gets real and candid on Big Dog's answering machine. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog points out the importance of opening your eyes to receive.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the milling bus things and the coves and be good. It has to other. Please, I don't join jo. You gotta turn you go, you gotta turn to turn them out. You got to turn them out, water the water go. Come come on your baby. Uh huh. I shall will a good morning everybody. Y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now. But it only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Instead of trying to be about the business to y'all, I'm I'm I'm doing all I can. But you know what's crazy in the efforts that I make, I can do more. If my father used to tell me something when I was growing up, he says, son, when you've done your best, and you've done all you can, sit still for a second and just do a little bit more. Always remember that, he said, when you've done the best you can and you can done all you can think of, he say, sit still for a minute and do some more. And you know what I've discovered in my life, Always have a little more. I ain't ever just out out out completely I can't take another step. There ain't another breath in me. There ain't there ain't another thought I can produce. I'm never completely out, man. Just take a rest for a minute, man, and then just do a little bit more and that that. I can't tell you how many times that's helped me get over the top. You know, I was watching a documentary about people climbing Mount Everest and how difficult climbing Mount Everest was, and how they have on the hill something called like a death zone or killing zone, where the majority of people run out of oxygen and they have to turn back. Well, what's crazy is it's right in view of the summit. You can actually see the top of Mount Everest from there. But it's but it's that little bit that's left that's this most difficult. Now that I forgot all the reasons why they said most people don't make it from there, and more people have lost their lives that area. I don't know what it is, but the people that make it to the top of Mount efforts. They all had to go through that same zone or that same area, but they had a little bit more that allowed them to get to the top. You know, a lot of people have had accidents up there trying that, So I'm not even really sure if Mount Everest analogy is a good one. But let's just break it down a little bit more. Let's just talk about life. There's a poem I learned back when I host pledge, and it's called don't Quit. It goes like this, if I make a mistake, I'm just trying to drum it up, So here we go. It says when things go wrong, as they sometimes will, when the road you're trudging seems all uphill, when your funds are low and your debts are high, when you want to smile, but you have to side when cares are pressing you down a bit, rest if you must, But don't quit. For life is queer with its twisting turns, as every one of us must sometimes learn, And many a fellow has turned about when he might have won had he stuck it out. So don't give up. Though the pace seems slow, you may succeed with another blow. Often the gold is nearer than it seems to a faint and a faltering man. And often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup. And he learns too late when the night came down, how close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out. It's your silver tint of your clouds of doubt, and you never can tell how close you are. It may be kneel when it seems afar, so stick to the fight when your hardest hit. It's when things seem worse that you mustn't quit. I remember it because I had a special method of helping you remember stuff back then. But I remember it at that point. My dad has kept me. You know, we often talk about scripture and everything, and then I don't see how I could live without it. But every now and then, man, somebody has a writing. God puts a writing on somebody's heart that delivers a message man that can help people. I use every motivational tool that I possibly can to climb this letter of success, or try to be the best father and the best husband I can be. I've done a lot of changing over the years, and so have you. But change is necessary in order to grow. If you don't make changes, folks, you can't grow. I was a young man on my set. I kept looking at him, and a sharp little young dude just on my set, and he had these dreads and I mean they were they were super long, man, they will well below the middle of his back, I mean images long. And he kept talking to me, and he kept talking to me and talking to me. So your man kept talking to him. And I said, hey, man, you know you do you're a huge self, a favor in the business you're in. If you got a haircut, you would do yourself a huge favor. I said, your images everything, man, I said, you keep stopping me in the hallway to try to tell me what you're doing, what you are, but all I see is your hair. Now, I keep trying to figure out what you're doing with all that hair. Man, Now you can feel how you want to feel. But I'm like an employer. I employed people. So when I'm walking through the hallway and I try to think of you traveling with me and you sitting in a meeting with me, I try to imagine you in your suit sitting there talking business with me. And so, just like other employers are, I'm just having a real story with you. So I said, man, you ought to consider cutting your hair. He said, Man, mister Harvey, I've been growing his hair side a little boy I said, how hold are you now? He said twenty eight? I said, well, how long you want to hang on to what you was when you was a little bored? You know, if you started growing your hair when you're a teenager? I mean, you're twenty eight now. And I said, so, let me help you understand something. Let me let me ask you something. What does it do for you? He's a man, it's just who I am. It's I said, so you your hair? He said no, no, But it's a part of me. I say, that part of you that you're hanging on to. What does it do for you? I just like it? Well, dog, I like ice cream, but I fear that. But if I hang on ice cream and eat ice cream every single day, my body gonna reflect that. What is it that you hanging on to that you don't want to let go of? That's prohibiting you from being what all you can be? See, it's hard to be what all you can be if you want to keep being all you was? Don't that make sense to you? So I can't tell you how many times I've had to change. Change is necessary to grow. You can't be all you can be if you want to keep hanging on to all you was. That don't make no sense. How do you go forward? If you keep going backwards? You can't stay here and go there? Do you understand that if you want to go over there, you must remove yourself from right here? Oh? I got right? Here is comfortable? I got right here is safe. But over there's where the shade is. Over. There's where the fruit is. Over there is where the opportunity is. Over there is where the mountain of goal is. So why are you stuck on here? You got to leave here to go over there. You can't be all you can be if you want to stay stuck on who you was? Changees growth is necessary. All let's go. You're listening? Who? One? Two three? I got it? I got it? What do you mean? I mean? I got it? What about me? I got it? Oo? Do you want something? Come get it? Oo? Everybody all don't want it? Oh? What is it? I got it? I don't know what it is, but I think that you do that? Gumman? Who is he? And what is he? To you? Who? That's when you combine a song, That's when you're writing. Right there, Steve Harvard Martin, show y'all, we got it Shirley Strawberry Colin for Real Junior, better known as to kill One of Mississippi Monica. Straight out from the King of Prank's nephew Tommy, Good morning, everybody, Morning morning Dad. I just thoughted crazy kids say Grand Rising, Grand ride Rise, saying that extra too much, Ye just to say good morning going. Oh you know what else? They say? Happy born day, worth day. Yeah, I ain't got to learn all that. Ye. Hey, man, let me back in. I miss my zoo if I don't know what the hell I did, Junior? What you got man? Yeah, but let me ask you something. Let me just gonna ask you because I got some pray. They need to know. They need to go ahead and turn it on in. Why Why don't it look good to be a player of later in life? Because they think they're doing something. It's not good. Dog, It's a sad sight. It is. It's really hard when you walk into a club and everybody got on white T shirts and you standing over there with a three piece suit on, over with a pocket square dog, Why are you in the club? Why are you still going out? You don't go to clubs. They have places for old people to go. It's called taverns. Now, it's not a lot of them, I know, because it ain't a lot of people still wanting to go out. But if you do want to go out, yeah, they have names that know. This place is for you. Standless, you know, don't nobody name the club after them? No standleys going down the stands, you know, easy talk, easy talk. Here's another club, Smitten, Bobbie Q and tax Service after our joint. I would hang out there. This is where old people go go. Well, there are other old people. Don't go out here with these young people. They know you don't be long here. You cannot be in the club. And one person asked, somebody who uncle is dad? All right, guys, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna start the show off with nephew. Tommy's run that prank back right after this. You're listening show all right, Time to start your morning off with run that prank back with the nephew. What you got nef o God, Well, I don't have, but the name of the prank is bid boot. I don't have big boots with the name of the prince. Let's go hello, Hellong trying to speak to Chanie she's not here right now because I take a message. Uh do you know when she's coming back? Nah? Is this a business calls them? Nah? No, this personal. I need to talk to her immediately. Na, you need to talk to me. It's this a man? Who is this? This is? This is Brandon? Who? Who? Who are you? I'm earnest man? But why do you know? She nice? I got a bit of a situation here, man, And it's basically a financial situation that I'm owed some money from her. So I kind of need to talk to her about about getting this money. Uh, is totally disrupted my whole apartment. And I need to actually see about talking to her about getting this whole problem taking care of what what's the what's the situation, What's what's the what's going on? I mean, I'm basically right now, I'm twenty five hundred dollars in the rears due to due to Schanie, And you know, I need to see if she's gonna be able to pay me for this situation or what. You know, my girl owe you money. She owes me twenty five hundred dollars, twenty five hundred dollars for what I don't even know who you are. First of all, so what's up with the twenty five hundred dollars a man? First of all, my name is Brandon, Okay, and I've been I know, I've been knowing Ni's probably for the last three or four months now, okay, So here you want to know it all in a nutshell is just like this. Sharani's been coming through okay for the last three or four months, been coming over here to my spot, to my apartment, hanging out. I'm just now finding out within the last two weeks, I had to get rid of my couch. I had to get rid of my mattresses because mattress because it's been women do it. Wait a minute, so you're trying to tell me she was in your bed. Yeah, she's been in my bed. Dude, she's been in your bed? Are you crazy? You know where problem is? Twenty dollars You told my girl was in your bed. Now we're not even gonna get into that. You understand what I'm saying, But that's twenty five hundred. You can forget about it. No, no, no, no, no, old prost of all, you're calling here, you calling here, you calling here? And here the dude answer the phone and you still got to the half of her. And it ain't gonna tell me about some twenty five hundred dollars about some mattress. Dude, I'm my my mattresses man, or a thousand bucks full of bad bucks. I had to throw that away. Man, about to worry about no damn mattress. Dude, you talking about my girl. We've been together for four years. I'm about to pop the question on her, and you want to sit there talking about she'd been hanging with you or kick it with you for the last four months. It's about to be over in a minute now. If you want to marriage sinse cool, I don't care nothing about I don't even worry about that now. But you'll talking about some bad mattress man. That's that's a problem. Dude. Ain't wonder if I'm no damn mattress. I don't wonder if I ain't got no mattress right now? My house? You calling mine, dude, I do not call the mattress right now, nor do I have a couch. Do you understand? No, I'm canting about the mattress. Cows, Dude, I don't care nothing about that. Your name, you're saying it ain't Brandon. I'm Brandon. Yeah here Brandon. Okay, you don't worry about it, right because you're gonn find me a real fool. Don't let me find you before you find me. Do you understand what I'm saying? Don't you do? You can have them big bugs and that mattress or whatever answering me fall I care. But what I'm saying is you talk about some bit bugs in event bugs over here? Okay, So what did you see the problem over here? In my place? I don't can't have a problem. She ain't bring nothing over there, first of all. But I ain't need any even a problem right now. You've been over here, man had nobody else over here, the one about who you hand over here. But you're gonna call here talk about no money. You ain't getting nothing from here. Okay, First of all, do check this out. I don't have a problem with you, okay. Me and you cool? You cool? Problem? We alreay got a problem. You're calling me talking about super Sleeper one my brother, Hey dog duge. But once I'm gonna say it again. Me and you cool dog we cool. We're not cool. We're not cool. But the wal I don't handle Denise myself. I'm I'm gonna handle you later. What you do to it? What you're talking about? You, you're gonna handle me. I'm gonna handle you later. You want a mattress, right? Hey? They do? Dude? Want to messiress ahead and marriage Shenis. I ain't got nothing to do that. My wife about my money back man for the for the property of mine that she has ruined. Man, don't worry about that. I'm gonna get you a matxress. Don't worry about that. It's gonna be a cast. Get wrapped around that they do. Dude, why are you sitting here creating the trauma with me? When me, me and you, we ain't even the problem. The problem is Shanique. The problem is you picked up your phone and you crawl here. That's the problem. But you guys, who'll do because you ain't got no couch, you ain't got no mattress. Now you gotta do that because you understand what I'm saying. You know what I see. I can't talk to you. When do Shannie get home? Man, don't worry if I when Shanis get home, I wish you need to worry if I was when I find you. Okay, So so when when I when you're gonna have my money is when you find me because I need my money day. I gonna have you learn how your matress too. Please understand you're gonna be resting real way. Okay, okay, So so let me ask you this here, Man, Shanni's bringing bad bugs over to my house. Leave them all in my mattress, leave them all over my couch. Where I gotta throw my stuff away? Where I'm wrong in man, where I'm wrong. I'm gonna ask you straight up, did you know she had a man? Say? What did you know she had a man? But I mean kind of kind of sort of but not really though you don't kind of sawt of man even you know she got a man? Know she don't got a man? You know she had a man, right and you still windy? Right they do. I ain't got nothing to do with y'all. Man, I'm dealing with these bid bugs. You understand I'm saying. Dude, Do you understand you're messing up a full year relationship? You know I'm a time I put in with this woman, full years. We're about to get what's about to get married and you're calling here with this. What are y'all supposed to get married? Don't worry about what we're supposed to get married, man, you messed that all up. What I'm trying to explain you is, dude, you're calling here on some big bug, which I know she ain't got nothing to do with. But the sect that you told me that she was over your house and your bed, that's over. It's over. Now, you understand what I'm saying. Now we see get home. I'm gonna deal with that. You understand what I'm saying. That's gonna get done with. I'm walking up out of here. But when I leave here, please believe my next stop is to come find your prince of all. How did you get the number to this apartment? That's what I want to know, they doe. She gave me both numbers, the cell phone number in the house number told me, you know, if it's an emergency, call the house. Okay, And this is an emergency. Yeah, that's an emergency. I got learning another on emergency number, Learning nine one one. Because when I coming, now, come on your dog. If you come out on you handle it or you better call the cops. You understand, what I'm trying to tell you. Hey, man, do you think Tommy will pay for the bad bugs? Who is Tommy? I'm just saying, do you think Tommy will pay for the bad bug? It's Tommy, Tommy dog nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Ernest, you just got bright by your girl shot niece. Man, y'all, y'all or hey, it was over. It was over. You understand what I'm telling you? It count o? Anybody anybody come on? All right, nephew, thank you. Coming up next, it is asked the Cello. That's right after this you're listening morning show Coming up at the top of the hour, and trending entertainment news, Donald Trump Junior is receiving backlash for selling t shirts that say guns don't kill people, Alec Baldwin kills people. Wow. Also another trending news, Banks founder and CEO Sarah Blakeley really loves her employees. We'll talk about these stories at the top of the hour, but right now, it is time for Steve's favorite segment, Ask the CLO. All right, CLO, chief Love Officer, ready for your love questions. This one is from Lisa and Chicago Lisa writes, I've been married for one year and my husband is henpecked. If I don't do things exactly like his mom does it, he's all been out of shape. His mother comes by often and they love to joke about me, and his mother tries to tell me how to organize my kitchen and what type of food her son likes. I don't want to get into any argument with her, so I'm praying my husband or my father in law intervenes. If not, should I tell his mom to shut the heat. The only way to get your husband to intervene is to make him aware of it. Now, I didn't hear in the question where you've told your husband that his mama is in y'all's business too deep and that you really don't appreciate the jokes. But you are married to a hen peck man. You're married to a mama's boy, and it ain't gonna change unless he gets cut from the apron strings. The best way to cut a man from the apron strings is to go on and let him tie herself up with his mama's apron strings and untie him from yours. In other words, sleep with your mama. Next question moving on. ClOH Shalida in a Silver Spring says, I'm a thirty five year old married woman and my husband is very boring in the bedroom. I try to put him in various positions and he makes me feel like I'm a porn star with his comments. We used to be compatible sexually, but now he's fine with the basics and the whole ordeal is five minutes or less. Ja man gets tired of having sex. I grew up in a strict religious home and my husband is my first and only. Would sex toys help at all? I don't know. I can't help you this question right here. I can't answer that first question. Do men get tired of sex? That answer is now? That answer is now not no now in a W with an H on it now hell Now, Well you won't say Tom, ain't no way he can handle some toys if he can't handle these positions, ain't since you've asked, you really can't bring a suitcase here, as don't coming in and start cutting stuff on. If he don't want to change positions, he really ain't gonna want to be changing all these facial expressions and Star, now take your point. Star, Now you start pulling out gadgets, right, lady bull, it only lasts five minutes. Horn on the cobbing its feathers on the rabbit, big jail, Pop, you can't. I'm just telling you, Morrison, go ahead. I'm so sad, which says I've been married for nine years and my wife and I are together. Were together for months during the pandemic. I saw a huge decline in her hygiene and figured she was getting depressed. I'd have her hairstylist come and do her hair, and I even polished her toes a few times. I finally figured out that it's not depression. She just doesn't like to bathe. She still works from home, and she likes to shower a few times a week. I don't smell her. I don't smell her, and I don't want to. So how do I get some soap and water on her every day? Oh? I don't know. I can't help her here, dog, I've never had that problem. I will admit this for the first time. Aucus Steve has never running into that problem, not with a woman now, friends, my sons. Me As a boy, yeah, I avoided a bath whenever I could. I just thought it was a wasted damn time I'm out here playing. Why would I want to come in here and wash when my whole goal is to get dirty? I don't even understand this. So see if you notice, I've diverted this question back to my childhood because I got nothing for you. Man, I don't know. I've never met a woman who's not clean, right, I don't don't you don't want to, Yeah, but I'll tell you one thing. It makes you really appreciate who you have in your life when you see a ladder like this. Thank you Lord for my girl who loves to take baths anytime the day. Stephen, I'm going upstairs take a bath, all right, baby, But guess what I'd rather have that then? When you gonna take a bath? Man in that running water as a hit? You know why? Baby? This bad water? You want it? And what should he do? Steve? Should he just come out and tell her? I don't know what he should do, Shelly, I've never had this. I have no experience at this. CLO don't know, Clo jes don't know. But well, can I just make a suggestion? Oh? Here we go. I'm just thinking maybe when y'all go by the car wash, just say, baby, can you hop out and go through that first? That's soaping water right there. We just need to see just let let that brush come through that. Does something come through me? Yeah? You need to have some sort of conversation with her, all right? Moving on, Banita and Charlotte says, I'm a single mother and my parents helped me out with my daughters so I can have a dating life. In order for them to babysit for me, they make me bring the man to meet them first. I'm twenty nine and I don't have any friends my age that will babysit, and I can't afford to pay a sitter. It's cruel for my parents to treat me like a child, but I have no other options. It's a turn off for the guys too. Is there a way to make it less obvious to the guys I go out with? Why ye ain't the way around that? You know? And I know your mom and daddy old call your name, Banita. She's only twenty nine, Bonita, Nita at twenty nine? You ain't last time I heard that? Would not that dog? So your mom and daddy is Herman and Celestine. Now they're sitting at the dope waiting on Dante to come and meet Herman and Celestine where look at him? So what you what you do for work? These is the old people questions. Wheah, so what you do for work? I'm a computer analysis comprouter? What what? What? You You ain't want to get into nothing that did stay with you? Heating it? Now you know? Can it cause something? You know something you can put your hain't hang your hat on working on a computer. Pol The people ain't got no computer. What you're gonna fix? Then everyone has computer, Sir, Celestine, we got computer, hire Sole said Celestine, say, we ain't got put We just got Microway. Can you fix that? Because that out? Thank you, Clo. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news for you right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at twenty minutes after the hour, Master p will be our very special guest. He's gonna tell us great news. We haven't heard from him in a minute. He's gonna tell us about his No Limit Reunion tour. But first, in today's entertainment news, this is awful. Donald Trump Junior is being dragged for selling t shirts that say guns don't kill people, Alec Baldwin kills people. Really. The investigation continues into the accidental shooting death of Helena Hutchins. It was on the movie set by which Alec Baldwin was acting. Donald Trump Junior used her death as a way to get back at Baldwin. We all remember that Alec Baldwin played the role of President Trump for years on Saturday Night Live, and the Trump family doesn't really care for Alec Baldwin. Um Trump Junior said, screw all of the sanctimony if the shoe was on the other foot, and then he went on to say, f him. He's just like his daddy, ain't he? Yes, you know, man, But you know the crazy part about this and I'm past it. As as ignorant as they are. Take our seventy million people wanted me to be president. Well's just this country, man. We've made a sad We're making sad statements about ourselves in this country, really really sad statements about ourselves. I'm sorry, man, but but let me but let me tell you something though. Oh I believe him. I believe him. I believe him. If you tell me that's how you are I believe you. Oh okay, if you're that ignorant, if you're that racist, if you're that blatantly openly bigoted and stupid, I have no choice then to believe you, and thank you for letting me know. Heads up, man, appreciate it though. That's it in every election, yeah, come on, Virginia, New Jersey. However, they continue to ignore the way they really are. And the only reason I can explain is because that's how they are. I just can't help but think that's exactly the way you are. That's the only explanation for it. If a person keeps showing you who they are and you keep accepting it and going along with it, that's you are. That's who you are, and you're cool with it. So don't tell me you're not racist because you vote for a racist and you ignore everything. Well, you don't ignore it. You hear everything he says, but it's power for the course for you. I'm sorry, boy, that's what you down with. You're ignoring the fact that he's lying. You're ignoring the fact that he has no proof. You're ignoring the fact that this is all a hoax. You ignore everything he does that goes against the principles of your constitution and your country, and then you want us to sit up here and act like it's all right. I ain't. I ain't say it again. I ain't a kid. I ain't all right with none of this mess. No mo man, and I'm calling it like I see it from here on out. I'm done with it. I'm sick of the hypocrisy of this country. I'm done sixty four years of this. I've seen it all. See a man with the people, don't say I was around with the no colored water fountains. I was here with the colored only washrooms. I was here with the go around back. I was here with the UK eat at this lunch counter. I was alive for that. We couldn't go downtown and eat at certain places during certain time. I used to ride the bus with my mama downtown in Cleveland. I saw it. You don't tell me. I don't want to hear it. I'm through with it. Tired of being patient. Why we got to why we got to keep waiting. We're tired of y'all today with this racist mess. We're tired and sick and tired today of you denying voting rights and acting like you know, we're sick of all listening. I'm telling you right now, we're voting. We're voting. You woke us up last time. We're voting. It's it all, y'all gonna be out. Kemp will not be governor in the state of Georgia. He won't be not a stay running ya, don't kill who run against him, stay woke up. Just paying attention to whoever it is, right right, all right? Well. In other trending news, A great Boss thanks founder Sarah blakely is Um. Wow, she really proved how much she values her employees. Blakely Um surprised them with ten thousand dollars each. Ten thousand dollars each. Wait, that's not all. She gave him ten thousand dollars and a pair of round trip first class tickets to anywhere in the world anywhere. I'm listening to me, don't get excited about that. As soon as I get this billion, I'm gonna do the exact same thing for y'all. I you, yeah, I said, she the best boss in the world, not along as Steve working. Exact soon as I get this billion, I'm doing the exact same thing for y'all. Yay, that's so good news news. Yeah, I'm telling you say for him right now. Lord, keep him healthy, Lord, keep his mind, give me strength. Lord, bless his bank accounts, all of them. Lord. I'm if you cover him. Father pneumonia, go away, go away, code, go away, man, We ain't gonna get see. So that's kind of what happened to her. Blakely recently signed a billion dollar deal to sell her company, but she's going to remain a significant shareholder. So how much did she sell it for? For a billion? She signed a billion dollar deal? Okay, this radio show right now, it's anybody. Anybody come over here with half a billion all these people only shows, all right, Well, thank you for the love. Coming up a twenty minutes after, we'll talk to Master pay because he will be our special guest right after this. You're listening to show. Hey, everybody has promise. We got special guests this morning. It's a family member man. In the early nineties, this guest right here created his own record label, thing No Limit Records dominated the hip hop charts, with all of his albums and albums on his various artists on No Limit Record label, and by nineteen ninety eight, Forms magazine listed him as the tenth highest gross and entertainer, and to date he is considered one of the wealthiest and most successful icons in hip hop. In twenty twenty, he released the No Limit Chronicles documseries on beet and this year he's launching the No Limit Family Reunion tool. We're gonna find out about that tour to day. That's why I here, ladies and gentleman, the legend himself in the building. Family member, Ladies and gentlemen. That damn master p morning boys, up, y'all was up? Hey, what's going on? Man? It's been a long time. Hey, man, let me say this before we start this. You wanted the dudes man that I truly say, I right, mind, I really do. Man. Your work ethic, your grind, your hustle, your ability to reinvent yourself, and your consistency. I mean, man, you ain't ever off the landscape completely. You ain't ever out the game. I've just admired your work, work ethic. Man. I just think you wanted to want of the real, real cold catch that come out the South, that to land in Hill Popp And I just wanted to say that to you, brother, So thank you a man. I appreciate it. Steve Out yesterday on Instagram, I recluded when you said about being in the right environment for your seed to grow, and it's so two. People don't realize that I had to lead my environment so my seed could grow. And I tell people all the time, don't be afraid to change, grow up and better yourself and even cut off the bad weeds to get to where you need to grow so you'll see could grow. So, man, God has blessed men and my family and all. There's no limit Reunion tour. It's all about giving our soldiers and soldier rest they flowers while they're here. You know, life is too short, man, We're gonna lost so many people. So this reunion tour is a celebration, is not a concert. Starting in Atlanta on November thirteen, It's gonna be incredible to Nashville to South Haven members to Dallas to Houston. And people don't realize this concert is gonna be so little. We're gonna relive the nineties. But all the proceeds from this concert that's going back to help Hurricane Item victims in Louisiana. People still need water power in Louisiana. So we're doing this for a great cause and we're gonna turn up with the Nolan the soldiers. So if you buy a ticket, is your way of giving back. And I just want to help my people. Louisiam. Wow. When we come back, we're gonna talk with the Legend Master P about the tour, who's on the tour, high came about and all that. Stay with us, y'all when we come back. We got more with Master P right after this you're listening show. All right, y'all, we're back, uh and we got uh special guests this morning, the Legend Master P. And he's got the no limit of family or tour and it's back together now. He's got the no limit reunion tour. He's in the cities. Now, let me tell you this. On November six, let's start it off. We had November fifth year. No, let's start at the fifth. November fifth, we in Baltimore at the Royal Farms Arena. On November six, we're gonna be at DC at Doc Constitution Hall, a place I know very well. Y'all get your tickets now. On November thirteenth, Hot Lanta, Georgia, we're gonna be at the State Farm Arena. Get your tickets now, because this is a celebration, as he said, November nineteenth, Nashville at the Municipal Auditorium the night the next night, on November twentieth, we're gonna be at the South Haven, Memphis in Landa's Arena. And then the twenty sixth of November, we're in Dallas, Texas at the Trust Center. And then on November twenty seven, we're gonna be in Houston right around the corner from Callers House. We're gonna be in Houston at the Smart Financial Center. Stop buying, say how to call it too. Let's talk about this tour, man. You put this together to it's a twofold situation. So tell us who all we got on the tour and what we're looking like. It's gonna be Mia Actions, Silk Jocker, the Serve, Mercedes, and also mac Oh Mac just got released after twenty years, so we're gonna celebrate him on the tour. There's a lesson. Man. We're still praying for my brother's c to get release and come home. And anybody listening to this, man, I want y'all to know y'all need to make the same mistakes we made. We want y'all to better yourself. My whole life is about making show my kids get to live a better life than get a better start than I had. And I got my son Herty. He's at Tennessee State University is at HBCUs. And you know a lot of people talk about HBCUs, but you know my son turnout ucla USC to go to Tennessee State and you know he could get to the NBA from Tennessee State. He gonna show the world as he can do that, and we know we just need to support that more. I mean by tickets going to these games because the money that they make from these games, they're able to put into the education system. So I want to see us be able to develop and grow our coaching, our people about through education. And people think that I'm successful because the money. No, you lose money all the time. But education and wisdom is what keeps me going. It makes me the sustainability to be able to come from privaty, come from nothing, but nobody can take my education from me. And that's how I'm able to maintain and put my trust in fate and God first. But I don't live for the money. Steve, but I pray for wisdom. Wow, they don't know how far we go back, y'all don't know, man, Man, Steve been all in Los Angeles helping. Was this game violence? I mean, we've been doing this long time. This man just humble and he kind of like just killed. But we didn't try to help some people. And he know we we know, we realized we can't help everybody but the one. Yeah, we've tried to help get on the front line, man, and that's why God has continue to bless us. And we've been able to overcome so much that a lot of people normally wouldn't be able to overcome. I mean, and it's been just want to thank you, my brother, because I know you don't get the praises that you should getting. I know you're donn whorl by you like me. We just do what we gotta do. And but that's right, man. It's a blessing brother to us to still be here and still be able to be relevant and do what we're able to do. That's right. That's right, man, That's that's a true statement. Man. I appreciate you saying that, y'all, and listen to me y'all. This man throwing this tool to give back to help the people in Louisiana. Every time you buy a ticket, it's going towards the fund to help the people in Louisiana with all that they've been going through with the storms and the poverty and everything. So listen to me. Go check out the No Limit Family Reunion Tour. It's gonna be hot, Master, Pete. From the bottom of my heart, man, keep doing what you're doing. Man, you a legend and we know it. And you're gonna get your flowers while you live in two Soldier because just like you're trying to give it out to these artists, you're gonna get yours. Brother, you deserve it. Man, Thank you for calling Pete. I appreciate you, my brother. Salute y'allah. Yeah, give it up from Master Peak. Ticket available at ticketmaster dot com. All right, coming up next, it is the Nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject check the subject out, guys, my boyfriend's brother's girlfriend and wife. That's a lot going on right there. We'll get into that in just a minute, but right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Nev Are your lights on? Are your lights on? Okay? Let's go Hello. Hello, I'm trying to read it. Who's calling this? This? They call me Pepper? I live. I think I actually live in the apartment behind you. I think my my apartments are up against each other. But you are you in? And UNI? Who want to know? Actually I want to know. I'm calling you. I got a little bit of a problem. I actually live in, uh which is the apartment that that's our apartments are backed back with each other. And I don't know, man, but you are so right, yes, okay, And here's here's what's going on. It took me a long time time to figure this out. But when you come home in the evening and you turn your life down, my my oven and stove come on, and I'm talking about every out on my stove is on and burning hot. How do you know? That's because when I turned my life home, I just I mean, I didn't figured it out. It just seemed like every time I mean, I hear you when you close your door, and at every even I'm like, why is my oven and my stove coming on? And I'm talking about my whole kitchen just hunting degrees in there, but under stove being on like that? Okay, did you call maintenance? From my understanding, I'm only listen. They're not gonna get to me for a couple of days now, so I'm not I'm asking you, you're on mind to not have your lights on until they come get this pix. Okay, So you asking me not to turn on my lights for three or four days, and you know, to sit in the dark. Well, I'm just saying it's only gonna be for a couple of days. I know it's a little bit of an inconvenience, but I mean, I can't be over here in the house you know, damn about to burn down. Are you listening to what you're saying? You're asking me to sit in the dark. You know I got a baby. I can't sit in the dark. Okay. I mean, y'all have any camels or something y'all can work with or something like that. Um, I have to give my baby food milk. I mean, really, you want me to sit in the dark, and you don't want me to turn anything on. You know, I gotta feed my baby. I understand, and and and in much respect to you in your ch much respect. But what I'm trying to explain to you is, I mean, we have to look at the big hazard here. The bigger hazard is is that I'm over here with fire on. Okay, First of all, where you getting this wee from? I am I involved in your situation. I am not the one that's going on house. Your life is patched in some kind of way to my oven and stove. Okay, But I still I don't have anything to do with that. You know, you need to call management whatever. But I don't have anything to any with that. And I want to know, how do you know when I get home and turn on my lights? I mean, like, are you looking at my window or something? Are you a peeping tongs? Do I need to call nine one one? You don't need to call nobody on me. Now, what we need to get somebody over here and fix this other into the stove. That's what we got to get done. But until the end, right now, you can't turn them lights off. Oh I'm turning on my life. I mean, I know you ain't trying to regulate what I do in my house. For listen, I'm gonna tell you just like this here, I'm gonna need you to keep them lights off until meeting this get over here into now. If if if I see this stove come on and all these our eyes on this on this stove come on, then I'm going to come over there and we're gonna directify the problem. But I cannot have just coming on now. I'm not no, I'm not, no, I'm not. I'm telling you not to turn the lights off. That's what I'm asking you to do. Well, I can't sit in the dark and I'm gonna turn on my lights. So you know you're gonna have to deal with it. No, I'm not going to deal with it. You're gonna have to actually turn the lights off. Now, I understand. Do you have somewhere you can go stay? To me? Do you have somewhere you can go stay? I'm not leaving my house. I don't have a problem. You and the one with the problem. I'm not going to leave here and then you turn it on and then over here and knock on my door. You think you see firing your stove. You're gonna see some fire. I can show you some fire. Okay, listen, I'm trying to with as calmly as I can. Okay, I'm trying to work with me calmly. Okay. The only thing you're doing right now is you're trying to tell me what to do and run my household. Okay. If you're not gonna work with me, then this is what I'm gonna do. Already found out where the breaker is. I just go and just turn all the power off so you don't have your powwall it off. Wait a minute, what num? You can't turn my break off? Are you crazy? I got to do what I got to do. I can't start no far round. You get my phone number anyway? I mean, how you know my name? My number? Artist? You know what? I'm about to come home and he's gonna put the foot up your I don't care if he put your in the of it and we set you on fire. What you're talking about, You're gonna damn turn the break off. Let me. I'm trying to tell me and prevent a fire for the whole complex. And you're up and you're trying to commit Uh, This is like arsen for you to turn that on. I don't give a you don't want you already got a problem, So I'm just gonna ask you to the fire. You call me and again, I want to know how you got my num. Look, I'm not going to sity go on in this little small turns is is that we got a problem with your switch. When you turn it on. My closh got the all the hole on the stove. The problem. It's about to be a bigger problem when my man come over. I put a foot off your I don't know who you thank you with me, but it's about to be on. I don't know how you got my number, but you called the wrong today. Okay five, I got one more thing else I need to say. You got to say, because I'm tired of listening to you. Are you listening? You ain't saying? I want to hear to day you calling me with all this his nephew tire me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by yours husband? Are you wait a minute? Hold up? This is who this is? Nephew time me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your husband got me the prank phone call you. Are you serious? It's just for real. I don't believe it. I can't believe it. You are. I'm know I was ready to put a foot up in somebody. I don't believe. I just got pumped like this. Okay, I gotta ask you one more thing. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvard Morning Show. You got it? Come on, come on, come on, love her. I'll tell you what though. I'll tell you what though. You don't call the wrong house today. As soon as I tell my man, he gonna come with it and put his foot straight off in yo, straight off, You've gonna call the right house today. This is I don't give up. Some people care about that, other none of that. Hold on, hold on, hold on? What is this? We got a problem where that comes from? It's okay. As soon as my man get home, you're gonna call. Will you think I ain't gonna argue with you? But I got somebody he gonna come great over there. I know who I'm married too. That's always good when you know you married to somebody in Yes, I heard Margie tell somebody one time. I can't tell this to my hus So let's what else? What else you got I can't tell this to him? Go ahead tell me, Yeah, I gotta let him know what stupid is going on. You know, stupid is moving around the country. That's a comedy show on. That's Stupid on tour. Okay, that's Jacksonville, Florida. November twelfth and thirteenth, Friday and Saturday night. The Nephew is coming to town. That is the Ramona Pavilion, behol Road day know Howio's November the twentieth at the day Ohio Convention Center. The Nephew that's Nephew Tommy and friends coming there to stand and act a dog on fool. I ain't never been to dating, but I promise you when I leave, y'all gonna be like that boy. There's a damn fool. I'm coming to act a damn fool in dating as well as Jacksonville, Florida. Tickets on old sale, red nap stupid man, it's been Jacksonville, Florida. I told you at the Ramona Pavilion ballroom nor then we go to Dayton, then we go to Data. Yes, sir, November to twentieth that's the Dayton, Ohio Convention. Yes, all right, nephew, boards up in everything, Tim, what thank you? Coming up next, it's the Strawberry Letters subject my boyfriend's brother's girlfriend and wife. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Attention, attention, Steve Harvey, Nation, stay woke. Election day is Tuesday, November two in Virginia, New Jersey and thirty three other states. It is time to vote early for your state and local elections. And that's what we do. Now. Go to when we all vote dot org to register, to check your voting status and to know your voting rights. That is when we all vote dot org. Get to the polls, yes and vote. Yeah, all right, I'm President Obama and President in Virginia. In Virginia. Quote what excuse me for asking this question? But what's the election in Virginia for first the big governor governor governor? Okay, cool, it's a very big one. And Virginia. Let's go. Let's go Jersey tuesday, Virginia Tuesday. Let's get out to vote. We're voting in all elections. A matter of fact. We'll give you the names of who to vote Fall exactly. Yeah, damn that voting. We're gonna tell you who to vote Fall when you get into booth, you know, immediately. Yeah. Now I used to go into poll. I don't know who it would John Awesome, got your jacket? Got you? Yeah, got you. That's important, Steve, because this is where we need to show up in these kinds of elections, you know, as well as general elections, with these local elections. Yes, definitely again, go to win. We all vote, all right, guys, switching gears. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve ARVEFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like I're gonna read this one right here, right now. You never know. It could be yours. You never know. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject my boyfriend's brother's girlfriend and wife. Do I need to do it again? My boyfriend's brother's girlfriend and wife. Dear Stephen, Shirley. I've been knowing this female for over twenty years and into our early thirties, we went to the club on weekends and messed with a lot of high profile men. I got older and wiser, so I left the fast life, and now I'm in a great relationship with a nerdy man that I loved dearly. I dated hustlers and crave the fast money back in the day, and so did my girlfriends. One of my girlfriends in particular, saw that I was in a steady relationship and she decided she wanted a nerdy guy too. I set up a blind date for her with my boyfriend's brother. I had just met my boyfriend's brother and I didn't know he was separated from his wife because he was living with my boyfriend at the time. So of course he and my friend hit it off because she's a master manipulator and played right into his nerdiness. My friend would drive this man crazy sexually, and we would hear him hollering from down the hall. Then his wife came to the house one day, and I felt bad. She was sweet and said she was going to fight for her marriage. Back in the day, it would not have faced me, but I like this woman. I didn't tell my friend that the brother was married because it's not my business and I didn't want to be messy. The brother is working things out with his wife and we go on double dates often. Then after the dates, my friend comes over and pleases him all night. My friend is in it for the gifts and money, so I was letting her do her thing. I was really trying to stay out of it. But the other day my boyfriend's brother told me he is glad I hooked him up with my hood rat friend. It hurt me so bad that now I think I should tell both his wife and my friend. What's up? Do I owe it to my friend to tell her what this guy thinks of her? Wow, well, you definitely shouldn't tell his wife. But if you do tell your friend, you know, I got to ask you this, What does she care what he thinks of her? You said yourself, she's only in it for the gifts and the money. If you tell her anything, it should be that he's got a wife that he's decided to get back with. I mean, I doubt if she'll care about that either, because you seem to be the only one who's changed from how you used to be. With men. Your friend hasn't, and you didn't say she had. I would encourage you, though, to tell her that she's married, because if the wife does find out, that's gonna hurt her. It's gonna mess her up. She's trying to fight for her marriage. And you said you liked this woman and she's sweet and everything. And I think you know, if this continues and the wife finds out about her husband, the wife is gonna blame you or find some kind of fault with you because the other woman is your friend. She's your friend. You brought her into this situation. That's why it is your business. People kill me with that isn't how my business. I'm not in it. But you're the one that set up the blind date, you don't, you know, try to distance yourself now. As her friend, you should be the one to tell her. Your boyfriend and his brother obviously care nothing about her brother. Man can could have told her himself, but they think she's a hood rat. So, UM, I guess maybe that means she doesn't need to know since she's just coming in for the gifts and you know they have that arrangement. But um, you know you're her friend. You know her best. So how do you think she's gonna take the news? Will she even care? How to give some money more important to her and to you? I say, um, it's not a good look when you've changed your life around and you're still hanging out with the same people you used to do dirt with. Okay, not a good look, Steve. Wow. It's a few things to unpack in this matter. First of all, Shellley your response. I'm in agreement, though, let me just get that out the way. So that was an excellent response. You covered some things I would have covered, very very proud of it. So it's a lot to unpack. But of course, you know me, I opened my box is a little bit different. So I'm gonna point out a couple of things that said in the letter that's not written in the letter, but's written in the letter, but you have to know it to say it. That's what I'm here for. I'll be back to say what's really in the letter that she didn't want to say, all right, at twenty three minutes after You'll be back with the strawberry Leather's subject my brother's boyfriend, my boyfriend's brother's girlfriend and wife. That's the subject. We'll be back to get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letters. Subject my boyfriend's brother's girlfriend and wife. Well, this is an interesting letter. This lady's been knowing this other female for over twenty years and all up intoday, early thirties. They used to go to the clubs on weekends and they mess with a lot of high profile men. This is the wrong definition of what these guys are. High profile me in our celebrities, athletes. The dudes you mess with are not high profile. They're high income earners, but they're not high profile. They have to stay under the radar because of the business they're in. And I'll show you why I got older and wiser, so I left the fast life and I'm now in a great relationship with the nerdy man that I love dealing. Congratulations, young lady, you've grown up. I would like to congratulate you for this. I dated hustlers. Now let's get back to high profile. Hustlers are not high profile people. They're high income earners. High profile once again, are celebrities, ball players, politicians, hustlers are not high profile. They big in the club, but after that they get low low. Okay, so you dated hustlers and craved the fast money back in the day. Basketball players and celebrities and politicians don't make fast money. So we're dealing with dope boys here, folks. Let's just understand that. And I craved the fast money back in the day, and so did my girlfriends. So y'all used to play the game with hustlers. That was the life. Everybody changes. One of my girlfriends particularly saw that I was in a state of relationship. She decided she wanted a nerdy guy too. Hey, all right, so you're starting to influence your friends. This is going great. I set up a blind date for her with my boyfriend's brother. I just met my boyfriend's brother and I didn't know he was separated from his wife because he was living with my boyfriend at the time. Understood no problem here. So of course he and my friend hit it off because she is a master manipulator and played right into his nerdiness. She know what to do. She'd been playing with hustlers, fast money boys. Boys playing with the nerd ain't nothing. He ain't even got the tools. My friend would drive this man crazy sexually, and we could hear him holling from down the hall. So little nerd down they're just getting turned out all the way. He just in the hill down here, holland he don't know what's happening to hill. She doing dope. Boy moves on a computer tech boy. She doing good stuff to the silly cone valley boy, and he don't know what, dude, He just down the hall, Holly. Then his wife came to the house one day and I felt bad. That's because you've changed, young lady. She was sweet and said she was gonna fight for her marriage now. Back in the day, or I would not have phased me, but I liked this woman. You know why I wouldn't have faced you back in the day because you was different. But you changed now. And once again, congratulations. Everybody changes, and I'm glad to see this city, young woman. I didn't tell my friend that her brother was married because it's not my business, and I didn't want to be messy like Sherley said, Well, it is your business because you introduced him. They wouldn't even have no business if it wasn't for you. You is the reason he down the hall, Holly, you're the whole reason he downed there, and you knew you had turned him on to a master manipulator. And she knew how to play on his nerdiness because she knew how to play on hustlers and dope boy. So now, because it's not my business, I didn't want to be messy. The brother is working things out with his wife and we go on double dates often. Then after the date, my friend comes over and pleases him all night. My friend is in it for the gifts and money, so I was letting her do her thing. So you know what this is right, because it's always been that way with her. She hasn't graduated you have, but you still associating with her. I was really trying to stay out of it. Once again, that's an unbelievable statement when you the whole reason it began. So now you on a bag out of it. The other day, my boyfriend's brother told me he's glad I hooked him up with my hood rat friend. It hurt me so bad. Why I hurt you? Why you hurt? Because I think I should tell both his wife and my friend who's up? Do I owe it to my friend to tell her what this guy thinks of her. It's how she acted. You can't get mad at this guy for calling what he sees. He knows she in it for the gifts and the flashiness and the things. He knows why she down the hallway and she only come over late at night. That's a hood rat move. So now you're mad because he does said that about your friend. But you set your friend. I'm knowing this what your friend to see. You can't. You can't grow and keep the same way. You can't grow and keep the same friends. In order to grow, you have to go. I'm sorry. Your friend is what it is, and he called it just like is happening to him. But do not tell his man's wife. And what you should do is tell the brother, Hey, look, tell your man I'd have met his wife. He needed to leave my friend alone and tell your friend to quit coming over here trinking. That's what you need to do. But do not tell the wife so they can work it out, right, all right, Steve, thank you. Post comment on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey Rated and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six minutes after the hour from the talkeet is our girls Sheryl Underwood. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve introduced our girl from the Gentlemen. Here's Sheryl Underwood. Thank your Steve hard and all to Steve Harvard Morning Heel family, everybody working at Steve Harvey listen. Okay, it's my birthday weight. That's right, Junior, get it together. So um, since it is, here's my question to everybody. Y'all gonna start at first. Is there something you do now that when you were younger you thought you'd never do. Now, let me say it for me. For me, is getting a good eight to nine, maybe twelve hours asleep every night and we'll planet in advance. Yes, I don't know nothing that break into my sleep as soon as the sun start going down. Calling Ferreras, you're done sticking forward? Oh no, I'm already in the bed. I was in the bed about three fifteen. But what is it that that now that we older where our parents age when we was like, oh they're so old. But now I got to get about eight hours asleep and we'll wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom drinking water. You know what I'm saying. But what do y'all do now that you oh that you thought? I ain't never man, I used to party all night long with the bulls in eighty five tells okay, so I got I got one for you, sir. I didn't never think this Sunday evening, I got to watch sixty Minutes. I had no idea. I used to hate walking in the house with my mom and then watching sixty minutes. Now I got to tune in and see what's happening in the world. As soon as the clock start ticket sooner clock letting the style Scott Pellett. You know they'll be in that bowl garden, people kicking indoors, embarrassing people on their jobs. Man, I love sixty shout out to keep get my check, Hey, I let you care. I now sit on the sofa with a woman tucked under my arm, watching something on TV that I have absolutely no damn interesting, no damn And watch the whole thing. And do you get interested? Steve? Do you get interested? I try to be you know, some of it makes you interested, and you find yourself asking questions he's something I do now anything I've been doing. Paying the whole bill at the restaurant what used to be, Yeah, it used to be. I'm paying my half and we just have to talk talk about bill. I pay all my bills now for they call as soon as I get them stayed. As soon as I get paid the whole thing. They called me. You want us to cash this? Yeah, thank you, thank you so much. The hour, we're going to the phones to check Steve Harvey's voicemail right after you're listening Harty Morning Show. All right, Steven, it's time to go to the phones and check your voicemail. You can call him at eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, Here we go. Calling number one is from pine Bluff, Arkansas. See what's happy? Man calling from pime Bloof, Arkansas. Beat Man one three. Hey, got a question, man, say if you got married and your wife email had her and her name minute and when you got married, she still using don't you think that's a problem. Let me know, Yeah, straight out of pine Bluff. First of all, thank you for calling and listening to the almighty station down there in pine Bluff. Your damn right, it's a problem. His name can't show up at nothing coming on this hill house up in here. It can't come on the email. It can't come on none of the many. It can't. If his son was in there, his name got to go. Can't nothing mail come up in here? Off for him? Is it a problem? Yes, it's a damn problem. Get yourself a new email, send it out. But what you're not fitting to do is your ex be up in my face. Your ex can't come in my house, no kind of way. The new came up in hell. If you want the old, can go on, get him back. But I'm the new. Can it can't happen in here? Unequivocally, that is a damn problem. And I'm saying it right now, and I'm using a little ain'try tone to it because I'd be mad if I was you and for her not to understand that it's something wrong with her. I'm gonna change my email. I'll tell you where it. Let it ring on this computer again, James and tearing at Yahoo. Doctor. Nah, you got to get a new email. That's easy to fix. All right, Let's go to trust the calling number two, Trust the tisty. This is Teresa. I just want to say your show has really helped me mental depression, helped me with my mom. You guys are great. I don't care when anybody says you are entertaining and uplifting. Oh Freddy Old all your step, thank you, Steve Nice. Well you know I mean listen, that's what we're here for. We are here to give you that uplifting moment. Look, you get enough of the news. We're not a news station. We have really four great comedic minds on this show, all with different angles of comedy. And for us not to use it as a waste of time because no other morning show has that. We have working comedians on this show. Three of them are presently touring. Why would we not take advantage of that. So listen, this show is geared to give you a break from the monotony of this world, and we're gonna get back into that more and more and more. Laughter is essential. It's great medicine. It releases and dolphins in your body, and you feel better when you laugh. Now, look, when it's time to give you the important news, we're gonna be that for you. When it's time to give you the information you need, we're gonna be that for you. But the rest of the time. We're in here for something else. I come to work. I try to get you to spit stuff out your mouth on your window, in your car, yes, on your computer screen. That's my whole goal. To spit on people in the car. We've all done that, to have some people on your job saying, hey, hey, all that damn no, what is you're doing? You want them what timing? I want them to pee on themselves where they got to turn around and go back home and change that not what I'm trying. Yeah, we wanted to laugh so hard on this show that you forget to take the baby to school. Now you and the baby both at work. We don't care. We don't long as laugh. Don't. Ignorance is the key. Yeah, all right, man, that's what we want straight to. We're not apologizing for it. The we're gonna but that next commercial break we're coming, y'all need to talk about because they was talking about this on this other whatever we died eight what we do seeing in his own foxes own go watch you wherever you're looking at. We're in here for Holland. All right, thank you for your phone calls. Eight seven Holland twenty nine, Steve, We'll be back with more other Steve Harvey Morning Show twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We can't get enough of the featured article in GQ magazine, Steve. We love the headline Steve har the style icon. We're proud of you too. So Steve, please tell everyone how to check out the article about you and your stylist in GQ. Just go to GQ dot com and hit the search button. You can type in Steve Harvey. And I appreciate you doing it because I'm gonna just be honest with you. I got to prove to people something because you know it's people in the department. Well, he's he real, leave that and hein Look we know him from family feud. We know him. But does he move the needle? Okay, all right, I'll tell you what. I'm gonna show you. Who move a needle? Right here? I sick to Steve Harvey Nation on y'all goole to play with us. You change the election last year? We did that. We did that, so I know good in hell, Well we can crawlse a little disturbulant church turbulence on your website. So everybody right now that is listening, just go to GQ dot com and type in Steve Harvey and go to the article and click it on. He got to read it, and then go back and do it again. Do it ten times today, aggravate them just wearing the hand a little people down there? What is always click click? Because I told y'all, y'all they know who you was messing with. Steve Harvey, Nation real. Everybody, please today go to GQ dot com and then type in Steve Hardy and watch the magic hat who they playing with? Manife and ask y'all no more? Just do like I tell you now, uncor Steve said, get off the comproto uncor Steve said, GQ dot com, Steve Harvey, what are you doing now? Get it on there so I can read what they said about it coming up? Would you rather? At thirty three minutes after right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here we go with another round of would you rather? Would you rather be forced to listen to the same ten songs on repeat for the rest of your life? Or would you rather be forced to watch the same five movies? On repeat for the rest of your life. No, I'd rather listen to the same ten songs. So I say that, Yeah, I'm I'm gonna have to watch the movie. And I knew you would say that we're gonna have y'all shank up in now. You understand that. Yeah, Call a Purple gonna be up in now, Godfather gonna be up in there, Brave Heart gonna be in now. You ain't got a movie with Liberty in there yet. You're gonna be depressed. Now listen to the same ten songs. I'm good. I like it. You're gonna listen to Joda see for ten damn. So yeah, I'll be good. They always rather do something different than me. Come on, wasn't it all right? All right? Here we go. Would you rather accidentally text your boss one of those sexy pictures you know, sexting? Or would you rather accidentally leave your pastor a very sexy voicemail message? So it's your boss with a picture of you. I'm going with the pastor or your pastor with a sexy voice is I can't send nothing. I don't send that to kill me and your relationship gonna change. Fun I'm talking about about dog all listen, mentoring coming over for cigars. All that's out. I can't do it. You got your little self laying on your lap. You're gonna send me your whold of dog hold part? What it was you say? You already you already know we had a boy do that? Oh yeah, hello, we don't do that over here by former. Yeah, shouldn't do this with you? No, we're not doing that open here. So you're gonna you'd rather send your pastor a sexty. Hey we can. We can pray about it later, you know, ask for forgiveness. God forgives yea my past as a woman. Then you know what it is side that. But now you see, you know, you know what we're working with over here, soda. Wait, now you see what we work working with. Yeah, I'm just you know, I'm working out with the past and I can't mess my money up. Yeah, see passing, you can ask for forgiveness your bass. You may have to look for another job, another job, and you got a lot of jobs. All right, that's what you're rather for today. Coming up next, it is our last break of the day, and of course we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are, last break of the day on this Thursday. Yeah, close to Friday, right getting them. Yeah, you messed me up. You said Friday. I thought it was it. It ain't. No, this is Thursday, but it's close to Friday though. This is Tommy. Yeah, day's on out of it anyway. Yeah, like I'm sinna be off. Yeah, hey, y'all, so check this out. Me and the crew was talking and I just want to share something with you. Um. In my closing remarks, listen to this, Opportunities abound everywhere nowadays. Now listen to me before you take the Steve, what opportunities. I don't see nothing happening COVID and did this and I've been down for a year. They don't seem like nothing out that anybody hid it as a hiring for you to stop stop, I said, opportunities abound everywhere in spite of COVID, in spite of all the companies losing of in spite of all the jobs that's gone, do you realize that are people still being blessed during this time. The some people who can tell you some incredible stories. Now you can be one of those people. If you open up your eyes to receive. See instead of opening your eyes to point out what's wrong. Just think, if you open up your eyes to possibilities. See, they're your eyes. You get to control what you look at. Now you can look for everything that's wrong, or you can look for things that are good. It's up to you. But opportunities abound everywhere, but you got to open your eyes to it. Listen, folks, me and the crew was talking off air, and I'm just telling you, man, God is in the blessing business. God is in the recovery business. God is in the help you get your life together business. God is in the forgiving business. God is God is in there. You can do it business, but you have to make a step, you know. Look, you can be all the Christian you want to and apply all the faith, but faith with our works is dead. You've got to do something. Listen to me. If nothing is happening in your life, do yourself one favor and ask yourself, what are you doing about that? If there's nothing shaken, nothing popping, nothing happening in your life. Just simply ask yourself, what are you doing. I can assure you you're doing nothing now. I ain't talking about what you're thinking about. I'm talking about what are you doing. Listen, y'all, it takes some effort. God will bless you, but you got to give him something to bless. God can put his finger on it, but you gotta give him something to touch. God can move mountains, but you gotta have one. Man. Don't just be sitting out on flat ground too. I ain't nothing happening with me. You're not doing anything. It's really simple, and I ain't coming down on you, and I hope you don't take it that way. I'm just trying to be encouraging that opportunities are bound everywhere, but you got to look for him. Open your eyes to possibilities, and don't just have your eyes talking about what's wrong. Stop going around showing talking about what's wrong. Oh woe is me? Yeah? Oh whoa is everybody? If that's how you're gonna look at it, But come on, y'all, things change when you change your attitude. Its success starts in the mind. It starts in the mind. You know, Sheryl was on the radio to day joking about, you know, being old and got to get that ten twelve hours sleep? You know, I know she was just joking because I know Sheryl Underwood's work ethic. That girl ain't sleeping or where twelve hours that girl on the hop to hustle in the grind? That's a joke. But when you sleep, sleep is good for you because sleep allows you to dream. But you only make dreams come true when you awake. So it just stands to reason to me, whatever dreams you haven't, to make them come true, you have to be awake. So now which one to make more sense to you? Sleeping or get up? I mean, if you have the dream, you got to get up to make the dream come true, because if you stay asleep, all you're gonna do is keep dreaming. You got to put forth an effort, man, and the effort has to come from you. And it's up to you, it really, really is. It's not up to anyone else. You can change from the prison. I've seen it done. I can't tell you how many times it's people in prison changing, because change happens in the mind. It's people who become better people when they get out. It's people who become better people in there. They decided to change to be a better person. Now if they can do it, what's your excuse? You're free? Are you kidding me? You're free? You have no excuse. Once again before I close, If you're sitting in your life and nothing is happening, nothing is going on, nothing is moving, nothing is popping. I guarantee you if you look at yourself closely, it's only because you're doing nothing. What are you doing? Time is ticking, It waits on. No man, the clock is moving. It never stops. What are you going to do with the rest of your day, the rest of your week, the rest of your year, Get a plan and start moving towards it, man, Because opportunities are bound everywhere. You just got to open your eyes and see them, because they are right there. But when you see them, you got to make a move. Those of my closing remarks today. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show,