Good morning and welcome to the ride! There is Taco Tuesday and then there is Tommy Tuesday. There were two mass shootings over the weekend. Pray for Gilroy and Brooklyn. Lil' Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus set Billboard record of 17 weeks at the top of the Hot 100. Is Trump verbally boxing with Rev. Al Sharpton? Brely Evans calls in to talk about her new show on OWN. Fool #2 murders another one in the spirit of Lil' Nas X. Comedy Roulette is special and funny today because Fool #2 is a comedian and Fool #1 is a comedian. Check it out. We all know about Chance The Rapper, but Chance The Snapper Alligator? Today in J's What We Learned Today, the crew learned that it is a beautiful day in the neighborhood and more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all. BA have all suit looking like the back down, giving them like the milan buck things in it coubles me true good it. Steve Hary listening to the move to other study, I don't join join me. You doing men, You gotta turn hurdy, you gotta turn to turn out. You got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come, come on your fad uh huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Varvey got a radio show. Man, old Man. Old Man symbolizes just one thing to me. Man, It's just a constant remind of exactly how good God has been to me over the years. And I'm thank him for it too, because I realize every day that I wake up that I would be nothing without him. That everything I am that's any good in me, I owe to him. Now. Have I made some mistakes along the way, yep, bunches, bunches and bunches, And will I continue to make mistakes along the way yep? Not as many, hopefully as I have in the past, because a lot of stuff I know better now, but you're still going to make mistakes now, you know. Hopefully I've limited the amount of intentional error us in my life. I've wiped quite a few of those out, But from time to time, because we're human, we're going to make a mistake every now and then. The trick what it is, y'all, it's not to let the devil deceive you into thinking that once you make that mistake that that's it. You can't do it. You're falling off the wagon. You can't reboard it. That's the biggest trick that he uses. He makes you think that if you keep stumbling, that you can't run the race. It kind of reminds me of a marathon runner. From time to time I watch him on TV, and you'll see some people who finish the race, you know, in a in a nice pace. You see people finish the race sprinting towards the finished line. But every now and then you'll watch a marathon and you'll see a runner and the runner is in really, really a bad shape. The key is they finish the race. See, you don't get disqualified in the marathon because you stumble, You don't. They don't. They don't take your opportunity to finish the race because you keep falling. That's not the key. The key is finishing. And a lot of times what the devil does is he makes you think that because you keep stumbling, because you're swaying from side to side, that you know you out the race. Well, that's not the case. And see and then this thing called life, let me help you understand something. Everybody falls. Nobody sprints to the tape in this one. Nobody just runs free and clear as some people running faster than you and all like this. And some people gonna get to the end before you let them go ahead. And when the end come, the end come. I ain't in the rush to get to the end. But in this race, though, when you're stumbling and you're falling, it's a part of it. No one gets through this race without stumbling and falling, swaying from side to side. So don't let the enemy deceive you into thinking that it's over. I try to be encouraging to people because I don't want people to get stuck on this thing, you know, And my walk is very different from a lot of people's walks. And then I know a lot of people who walking in faith the way I'm walking in faith. But my thing in the morning is just to remind those that is not a perfect walk man, that it's not something that's set up where you're gonna be skipping through life scott free without any pitfalls. You know, I keep saying it over and over and over again because, like I said, when I was in DC, my boy Hondo said this to me, and it just kind of stuck with me that the road to construct, the road to successes always under construction. You have to figure and count on the setbacks and the pitfalls. But it's those people that that that that fight through will be the victors in the end. You cannot give up, man, Stop going somewhen sitting down every time something goes down. It's going to go down. It's a part of it. It's going to happen. It's going to occur that are going to be setbacks. If you go and sit down every time there's a setback, that's not how this works. It is designed that way. If success were easy, everybody would be successful. But success is just reserved for those who are willing to fight through, who refuse to settle for mediocrity, who wants something more. Now, don't get me wrong. Success is defined by each individual. So what I may consider to be successful, you may not consider that. You know what Bill Gates considers successful. I might not consider what Michael Jordan considers successful. I might not consider what you consider successful. Your boss might not consider. You have to define what that is for yourself. It may not be monetary at all. You know, your level of success could be tied up in community service. It could be tied up in family. It could be tied up into church. Your level of success could be tied up into boys clubs. It could be any number of things. Whatever your level of success is, you have to determine what that is you and the best way to determine that is to get in touch with your maker, who created you, to find out what your mission and your purpose is so he can put you on track. I just had this conversation with my son and we were talking about getting on the path that God has set up for you. So many times we find ourselves fighting through life because of so much uncertainty, because we have no idea where we're headed. It's like one of my own sayings that I have at my mentoring camp for boys is is that a boy without a male role model is like an explorer without a map. See if you don't have a map laid out in front of you of where you're going when you wake up every day. That pretty much explains the feeling of confusion, the laxadaisical attitude, the lack of purpose, to not understanding your mission because you don't have not gotten in touch with your creator to find out exactly what your path in life is. What are you supposed to be doing? The moment you can identify that is the moment that you get started waking up with purpose, with the sense of direction. When you kill the sense of I don't know what's next or what to do. Now, there's going to be some confusing moments no matter what happened, it's going to be some uncertainty, but at least you'll know where you're going. So if you're tied a waking up feeling loss, abandon confused, don't know what to do, don't know what you're supposed to be doing, refer back to your makeup. Because when he created you, he had a plan for you. When he created you, he had a path for you. Now we've made some decisions to get off of both of those, the mission and the path. But God can get you right back on track. Do that today, asking what you're supposed to be doing and listen. God has all the answers if you form the relationship. Okay, you're good morning, everybody. You're about to listen to the baddest radio show in the entire world, in the world, in the universe, over on the moon. If they had a show up that this would be the baddest show. But we're not doing it by myself. I'm doing it with chilly stuffing. What's up? Shirl? Hey? Jay, Anthony's Brown, Good morning to you? And Carla and Tommy? Good morning? What's up? Calling for around? How are you doing today? I'm doing good Jay? How are you doing? Happy Tuesday? Good? What's happy to yeh? Tom Junior's out of he'll be back tomorrow, but in his place and holding it down my man, Tommy, come on, what's going on with you? Man? Hitting the building? Jim and the Brown Good morning morning to the beautiful ladies. Is Tuesday, Baby, it's a time of two. I'm gonna call it's a time of two. Oh, it's time of Tuesday. I like that to you. I thought it was where if Tom's taco too, I like that time taco. Whatever he says, good, we see, Yeah, I'll have a little club out. I'm like Trump support when it comes to time and whatever he's saying. He's the guy right behind me with the red hat on. He that guy who is that black guy sitting up there with the red that? Well, good Tuesday morning to everybody. How y'all doing? Oh good, feeling real good. Oh it's hot in La. It is very hot. Every it's hot. Well, it's supposed to be hot at summertime. Right. It makes you so thankful you don't work outside and a blessing. Yeah, if we did, we'd have to have a big straw hat on. You know. We salute those that do work out side. Yeah we do, Yeah, we do. Yeah, Carla, you're right, little rufus on the highway construction guys, right, the jackhammers. Jackhammer guy. I have a very good friend who works in construction and she is a beautiful female. Yeah. I'd rather work the flag though. If I'm gonna do it, I want to be on the flag way. You know, the people don't just you know, with the flag and just showing the traffic which way to go, just here, just come on right here, right. I want to be the guy to hold that that thing that loves that sticks or the other guy can see. That's what I want to be, that leveler. I want to be that guy that looks like a cushy job. You know, I don't know what it is he's holding, but the other guy on the other end is in serious you know, construction mode. Yeah, the movie when he tell you the movie, that's the guy I want to be. I just want to be the person that comes when it's all done. Yes, yes, you know the food you're ringing a bail? Yes, up, boy. They have some good food on food trucks, really really do man. I like ice cream. I was on a ice cream food truck, not on it, but I got ice cream. It was the most delicious ice cream. It was homemade. She made it right there. It was homemade vanilla delicious. All right. Listen coming up at thirty two after the hour, sad news shootings at two family festivals, two family festivals this weekend. What is going on in America? We'll discuss right after this. You're listening to show on Sunday something horrible happened in Gilroy, California at the garlic festival. Uh. Nineteen year old man declared war on just innocent people they were just enjoying the last day of the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Gilroy, California, killed a six year old boy, a thirteen year old little girl, and an adult male in his late twenties. Also, twelve people were injured. The Gilroy Police Department patrol the festival grounds each year, attendees passed through metal detectors. The shooters circumvented security by cutting his way through a perimeter fence to gain access into the grounds and started shooting. Police confirmed that this nineteen year old gun men used an AK forty seven assault rifle type. Yeah. AK forty seven. Uh, this this is horrible. I mean, you know, when does it end? Went? Yeah, That's all we can do is just say, you know, the last day, yeah yeah. And it was family day, the last day festival. So that's why the kids were there, the grandparents were there, a lot of families were there. And it's and it's part of a fundraiser for the school district. Yeah, for the unity there. So this they've been doing this for years yeah, for years, and this is just it's just horrible. Yeah, and it's horrible, it's horrible. And this assault rifle that he purchased, what I heard was that he purchased it in Nevada because yeah, because that's illegal to having in California. Yeah. So yeah, what are we talking about? Background checks? Database? You know, having one database to purchase done? But why do you need a K forty seven? Why do you? But when you say what are we talking about? We talk about the same thing over and over again when we have these shootings. It's the same issue that never changes. You know, lawmakers are doing absolutely nothing about. Yeah, yeah, this is this is I mean, it's just another unspeakable crime. Um. And you know, our condolences and our well wishes and our prayers go out to the families of the decease east end of the injured parties. Um, it's just awful, It's just horrible, Carl. Do they think it's two shooters? They think that he had someone weren't accomplice him, Yeah, an accomplice, but they don't know. And as far as a motive, um, they were saying, he referred them to a um UH manifesto for UM um, white supremacists or something that social media on social media, man oh man, anyway, you know again our prayers, uh and other news. At a community festival event in Brooklyn, a gunman opened fire and uh killed one person, also injuring eleven others. Here we go again, all of them in a day after. Yeah, yeah, the same It was the same weekend. It was just this past weekend, a violent weekend going on, and we can't go anywhere and do anything. Yeah what did Yeah? Yeah they got them. Wow half you didn't took somebody at life though. Yeah. So there's no place that's really safe. You can't just say there's no place to safe. Yeah, you can't go to festival with your family. You can't. You can't go to the movie, you can't store whatever, you can't go to the grocery store, you can't go nowhere. It's just awful, you know. Um, And we have to be aware, you know, we have to be aware, you know if anything that might look strange look suspicious when we're out. But I mean, you're not expecting someone to cut through. Question when you going to a place, When you go to the place, did you kind of like look around at people? Oh? Especially at the movie the day. Yeah, when I was at the Lion King, I was joining it. Yeah, whenever someone got up, whether they were going to the restroom or to go. No, go to the movies and relax and escape into the movie. You know. But now you got to watch exactly exactly nearest exit. But go ahead tell me. I went to just took my family to a football game last year and in the stands, uh, you know, a couple of couple of guys and got drunk one road, screaming out another road, and it broke out. So now I've got to get my whole family behind me so I can protect him, because I don't want it to spill over to where I am. So it doesn't matter where you are. It's yeah, yeah, yeah. And as we talk about gun control, control and mass shootings, guys, well, the President um has stepped up his attacks on the city of Baltimore and Representative Elijah Cummings and now Reverend Al Sharpton. Reverend Al says President Trump attacks Everyone take a listen to this. Did I know that mister Trump was going to on the eve of this attack the congressmen from this city and not only the congressman, but the people of this city in the most bigoted and racist way. He attacks everybody I know. Donald Trump, he's not mature enough to take criticism. He can't help it. He's like a child. Somebody says something, he reacts. He's thin skinned and not really matured that well. But he has a particular venom for blacks and people of color. He doesn't refer to any of his other opponents or critics as infested. He does not attack their districts. He attacks Nancy Pelos, he attacks Chuck Schumer, he attacks other whites. But he never said that their districts or their states are places that no human being wants to live. The fact of the matter is Elijah Coming district is the most well educated and middle class aspiring district or blacks in this country. Wow, are you listening? Voters? Are you listening? Yes? Are you listening? The election is November of next year. We gotta get ready to vote this man out of office. We do. Come on, Baltimore, y'all know what election boxes look like. Yeah, y'all got to come out all these other cities he made fun of Yeah, And you know what, guys, we talk about a lot of issues on this show, and the question is um and you can go to Steve Harvey FM dot com and and leave your comments. What what do you think the Democratic candidates need to address tonight before the debate in Detroit at the Fox Theater. All right, let us know switching gears. Nephew Tommy of course, is in the building for run that prank back right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour. Entertainment news Little nas X has the longest running number one song of all time. Congratulations to him. Yes, Plus, Real Housewives of Atlanta star Cynthia Bailey is engaged. Now wow, congratulations, Get that off the market. Yeah that down? Like that down right now? Though. The nephew is here with the prank phone call run that prank back? What you got now? The rain? Scary rain? I love the ring. Yes, the rain make it sound like Lord of Rings. The rain. Run a cat dog here it is the ring. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a dense Yes, this is she Hi, Denise. My name is Gavin. I'm actually the head jeweler here, Diamond. No, how you doing, I'm good? You brought your ring in? What was it? Last week. I actually wasn't here, but you gave it to one of my salespersons, and yes, you wanted to get it resized as well as get it a praise. Correct, Yes, yes, yes, and you don't have to tell him to be a bit praise them on my own. Okay, wow, okay, listen, I actually do to resize the ring. And first of all, let me be the first to say, um, congratulations, when when is your wedding? Thank you? I'm getting married and stuff come there, well, congratulations to thank you. Listen. I don't know how to tell you this now as far as the appraiser less concern, I've looked at your ring over and over and this ring is probably worth maybe fifty dollars. Excuse me, I've been I've been in this business for over twenty years. But you know what, I'm confused on what you just seeing. And I understand that what I'm trying to explain to you is that I've been in this business for over twenty years. I've seen so many different pieces of jewelry and this is something that you that you buy late night on an infomercial for nineteen ninety nine. It's this is a Cubic Sclonian stones and the gold is not real at all. It's like, wait, you wait, you lost me. You lost me as much money as my pen make and as much money as my father is putting down on his wedding or has put down. And you're gonna say, understand everything you're saying. But Denise, honestly don't know. What I need you to do is hold on. Wait, no, no, no, I need you to hold on because we need to call victims. Wait. Wait, man. First of all, I can't wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, hold down, hold on because you wait, wait, wait, what are you trying to what you're trying to do, sir? I need I need you to repeat what you just said to me. Okay, I need you personal stuff man, you oh you hit it. It's personal now, So I need you to hold on. Okay, Oh she calling man? Okay, think think hello victim, I need to listen to this Jewla that's on the front. I want you to hit it. And he just told me what's the problem. What you mean, what's the problem. He's gonna tell you what the problem is. Gonna hit on, sir, gonna hit on. Hello, Yeah, who's this all right? My name is Gavin. I'm from Diamonds, and actually your wife, I mean where your fiance rather, she brought her ring in to actually be resized. Yeah, and we we also did an appraisal on the ring for her, and actually the ring is estimated to be only, in the word to around fifty dollars fifty dollars dollars fifty that's what the man said, sir. Obviously there's some sort of mistakes, sir. Yea, what you got to say about that fifty dollars? That's that's got to be some kind of mistakes. But what'd you say your name was, sir? My name is Gavin. I work here at Diamonds. I'm the head jeweler here. I've been here for twenty years. And there's there's no way that that ring is worth fifty dollars. I know what I paid for it, So obviously there's some sort of mistakes. There's not a mistake. I've been dealing with jury. I've seen it. I and pretty much look at a ring, but I actually went into detail on this one, as I do all of them, and so I promise you this is probably maybe between forty and fifty dollars before his workers. Now, absolutely not. That's that's impossible. How is that impossible. He's a jeweler. You heard him say, he's been doing it for twenty he's the highest. That impossible. I don't understand that all the money that my daddy putting down on this wedding and you don't pay fifty you bought a cheap ring. So no, no, no, I did not buy a team. This is this is this is obviously some kind of mistake. You didn't got it. You show him got that right, You show got that right. So what you got to say for yourself dollar this? You can't I believe that that's right, that this is obviously some kind of mistakes. Oh, it is a mistake. I'm mistaken thinking I'm gonna get married to the man of my dream. I do have the engagement ring that was purchased and bought for your wife. I don't thinking. I don't think you do. I don't think you have my ring because if you have my ring, you wouldn't be telling me this works fifty dollars, sir. I have the ring that your wife, your fiance, it brought in his wife. Yet hold on, hold on. The man trying to explain I'm trying to get to the body. Thank you, so you have me. I don't think he has the right ring. I have the right ring. And what I'm letting you know, sir, is that this is something you buy on an infomercial in the dude, you know, I ain't buy a damn ring on infomercial. I bought the ring from a reputable establishment. I have the receipt, I have the certificate. So obviously the mistake is on your and where the mistakes now here? Search You bought a piece of jump. He's been doing it all these years. How hell he's gonna make a mistake. You come off telling me I bought a piece of jump. I know what I bought. If there's any mistakes that's been made, it's on your end, world, It's not on my end. Yeah. Hold, don't you want to thing that my dad has had too much money for this wedding, but your doll wa pay fifty dollars? Wait till I tell him this? Chill hold on. First of all, I don't appreciate you. I want to tell you this. This is typical case of you trying to put it off on us because you bought a piece off for fifty bucks. I'm a many. Did you do I get fifty dollars worth of a ring? Then he's hold on, let me talk to this. Where you going and get dollars? I never heard of that. So your wife knows exactly where. She's the one that brought the ring. And I'll tell you what. I'm gonna come down there to see the ring that you're talking about. If it's not the ring that I gave my girl, I'm gonna take seventy six hundred dollars out of your because that's so. Now you want to jump on me because you bought your wife a pieces. Come on, you want to put it on me? You you don't tell me what the I don't know what the I spin on the ring and you I don't kind of trying to pull. First of all, I don't appreciate you coming in my household trying to mess my and you want to come at me with this one. I know the ring beta be real. If I were you, mister niece, I would not marry somebody that's gonna be I'm coming there. I'm looking for your puppet. And you know what, you don't get the ring in a right man. You don't go in it. Can I say one more thing to both of you? But I'll tell you what if they did, I want to hear me, and you're gonna have some more problems. This is Matthew telling me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Y'all just got pranked by the niece's sister that that's why she ain't got no man to day. Wow. That's how I'm cool, man. Wow, that's how cool? Time are you about to start? Wow? I think I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I will make it pay a woman's ring. I gotta ask y'all something. What is the baddest radio show in the Wow? The Steve Harvey morn Show. Wow? There we go the ring. So much confusion on that one. I loved it. I loved it him play a role in it a little bit. Ja you notice how you're doing? Let all upset that depression. Thank you, nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment News right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right in today's entertainment news, Little nas X. Congratulations to him and Billy Ray Cyrus. They just rode their horses. To a record breaking distance Old Town Road. Yeah, their jam just broke the Billboard all time record by holding down the top spot on the top one hundred chart. For get this seveneen weeks. Who Yeah, that puts little That puts Little nods X and Billy Ray Cyrus ahead of Justin Bieber's uh, Despascio Desposito and Mariah Carrying Boys him in to remember that one sweet day a few days ago, tmz as little nas how he would celebrate if he passed me, Me and Bieber. He said he would spend time bawling in a bathtub and maybe send some roses to Mariah Carey. I like that, send some roses Mariah carries a way. That's cute. That's so yeah, yeah, Little Nauseas, Yeah that's Posito one seventeen weeks, Yeah, seventeen weeks. That's what all the question. I just you know what I mean, I murdered the song, and you know I didn't really get that much. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we got a little seventeen weeks. I had a couple of days. A good run. Congratulations to him. You know my worry about him though, I want him to be able to do something, to have a career, not just be a one hit wonder and let this be his biggest song ever and not be able to come back back with songs. You know what I mean? Yes, it is, yeah, because this song was so huge. It was his first really huge hit. So yeah, I want him to be able to come back with more stuff. I really do. That's almost half a year, y'all. Yes, yeah, yes, he worked a record. Yes, well, j Anthony Brown, since you brought it up, you are going to murder another hit coming up at eight forty six, seven forty six Central, Okay, so be on the lookout for that sounds the best. Yeah, we'll compare, we'll compare. We're gonna see Jake. I just let him hand. Is that Team Jay not speaking there? We're gonna see it doesn't sound like it though. I'm just saying, hey, you don't help this. I got this all right, Let's move on. Cynthia Bailey, congratulations to you your sports cast a boyfriend, Mike Hill put a ring on it. Yeah, girl, Yeah, they've been dating for fourteen months now. A lot of people say that a fourteen months, she doesn't really know him. Blah blah blah blah blah. Damn it. I know, but I mean when you're older, it doesn't take you forever. You know, you kind of know or you don't know. So so yeah, they dated for fourteen months. Now they're engaged. Mike reportedly popped the question with a five carrot hello Princess cut Diamond at the grand opening of her brand new business, the Bailey Wine Cellar. Uh, I love this H five five J Yeah, that's a lot. Care, that's a lot. You're right. Nicole's daughter Noel was there, along with Hill's two daughters and her fellow cast mates from Real Housewives of Atlanta. Cynthia was surprised by the proposal and broke down in tears as she said, yes, it's likely the special moment will be televised, you think since Bravo Bravo's camera crew was reportedly filming for the upcoming season. I'm sure they'll be there. Okay, no question. We have to shout out Steve Harvey, he introduced, Oh yeah, he did. That's right, put those together, the chief love Officer. All right, Jay, we're gonna move on and get to the news, all right, everybody, this time for the news with miss an Trip. So everybody, this is a trip with the news. Authorities in Gilroy, California have identified the gunman who shot up the annual garlic festival there on Sunday, killing three other people before he himself was gunned down by police, also leaving more than a dozen others wounded. Authorities say nineteen year old Santino William Legamm cut through a fence to get into the festival grounds and bypass security, and once inside, he opened fire with a semi automatic weapon. Chiefs got to Smithy says his officers got there pretty fast. Despite the fact that they were outgunned with their handguns against a rifle. Those three officers were able to say ruined that suspect, and the event ended very quickly. Chief Smithy says they're still looking for a second suspect and a motive. However, NBC is reporting that Lagan recently posted a racist manifesto online entitled might is Right Now. Mighty's Right is a phrase often used as a sort of motto indicating white supremacy or neo Nazism. Among the dead was a six year old Latino boy. As expected, President Trump signed a long delayed measuring a law yesterday that makes permanent a health fund for nine to eleven responders and victims. The fund originally set up right after the World Trade Center terrorist attacks. With this new and improved assistance fund is guaranteed not to run out of money. This law makes permanent the financial support for families who lost precious loved ones as a result of September eleventh attacks. It also provides pensions for those who are suffering from cancer and other illnesses stemming from the toxic debris they were exposed to in the aftermath of the attacks. Revern Al Sharpton meanwhile, is clapping back against the remarks made about him yesterday by President Trump. In a tweet, Trump calls the Reverend Sharpton a racist, a troublemaker, a con man. The Reverend Sharpton has criticized Trump for attacking veteran Maryland congress Person Elijah Cummings, who's also a civil rights hero, and for calling the city of Baltimore rat infested in some place that nobody would ever want to live. Sharpton says he doesn't care what Trump calls him. Calls me a troublemaker, Yes, I made trouble for biggots. I made trouble for him with Central Park. I made trouble with him for birth resid I'm gonna keep making trouble for biggots fars me being a Cohn man. If he really thought I was a con man, he'd be nominating me for his candidate. Meanwhile, The Baltimore Son ran an editorial yesterday saying better to have some vermin living in your neighborhood than to be one, referring to the president as a push to resume a federal capital punishment in the US, US Attorney General of William Barr working on starting federal executions as early as December. And finally, today is National Chicken Wings Day. You were going to do some other roasted chicken wings. You got some soy sauce, you got some salt. Man, he smells good, tastes good. You're listening to show printing political news from our homestation Mix ninety two three in Detroit. We love us some Detroit data. Bash, Don Lemon and Jake Tapper will moderate the CNN Democratic presidential debates two big nights. Get this guy's ten candidates each night live from Detroit at the Fox Theater. You guys know that theater, you comedians, right. Also, yeah, Also, the President has stepped up his attacks in Baltimore Congressman Elijah Cummings and now Revernel Sharpton, and the President tweeted that Reverdel is a con man. H he said he was a troublemaker and that he hates whites and he hates cops. Wow, he's unbelow man. Revernell responded, I you make trouble for bigots. I'll take that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Reverend also tweeted that back in two thousand and six, Trump told him that James Brown and Jesse Jackson that he respects his work. So you changed this. Yeah, that's what he's done since he's been in else over ten thousand lies. So what do you guys think about tonight? Though? In Detroit the Democratic debate coming for Biden? They really are yeah, yeah, because he had a poor showing one joke. She really is no joke. Many she has a plan for everything. She has a plan. I got a plan for that, plan for that. That's what we want to hear most definitely, who's on tonight, Yes, ten to night ten tomorrow night exactly, So who's with Bye? When Biden and again they're gonna be paired up there are Wednesday. I do know they are the second night on Wednesday, and people want to see them together because you know, uh, last time Kamala bested him and they say Joe wasn't as sharp as he normally is. So hopefully, you know, he's prepared, and hopefully they're all prepared. And Joe said he finished start fighting back. That's what he did. I saw that the Spars weekend. Well, they all need to fight. They all need to fight. This is a serious and this is serious time. Yeah, we gotta get we gotta get boy at right and this is serious time. Absolutely, absolutely, this is too much, Carl. I really actually I didn't know how big it was, but I saw on the news not a couple of days ago, how many people really didn't vote this the last election. There's a lot of people. That's why we are on this radio every day asking people and encouraging them to vote. This is important. Your vote matters. Your vote. They don't want you to vote, so listen, keep your comments coming at Steve Harvey FM. Coming next at thirty four after the hour. Our special guest is Brayley Evans from the new hit show Ambitions on the Own Network Night All right, so we'll talk to her. We love Brayley. Yeah, we'll talk to her right after this. You're listening to Stow all right. So our special guest is a very accomplished actress. She's a director, best known for her roles in Sparkle, That's Right, and Being Mary Jane, two of our favorites, but she has also started in many blockbuster movies and TV shows. In her newest role, she stars as Ron Dill. You know you're gonna like it already if you got a name like Ron Dill, all right, you know that, all right? This is her hit TV show on own. The show is called Ambitions. She is joining us to tell us all about the brand new show. It is produced by our good friend Will Packer, and you can catch him all new episode tonight. Please welcome to the show. I believe this is for the first time ladies and gentlemen, the beautiful, the tal talented miss Brailey Evan. Come on here, girl. We don't have to bring him out on this show. Hey Braley, hey girl, how are you? I'm absolutely amazing, Like I'm on fire right now. I'm like literally burning. I cannot believe my life. I'm like, oh my God, but we're so happy you joined us today. Braley ambitions. You can tell us about it, but I'll give him a basic overview. It's a multi generational family drama centered around Robin gibbons character Stephanie and her desire to control the family's prestigious law firm. Tell us more about the show, Braley, Rondelle Evans, Yes, missus Rondelle Lancaster. Well, the story is set in Atlanta, and it's a mix of all these powerful people wanting to control things. Right, So this is what happens when sexy people powerful people get in the same room and everything just kind of come buck Okay, like this show, like this radio show right here. Okay, all right, So Brian White, we love him too. He plays a role of Mayor Evan Lancaster. He's married to Stephanie, who's played by Robin Givens. Yes, so Evan, Mayor Evan will do anything to move his career to the next level. So what kind of devilment, let's say, is Evan up to this season? Let me just say this. Evan plays my younger brother on the show, and he just keeps his hand in the cookie jaws. I could not keep his hand out of other people's wives and girlfriend's cookie jaws either. So he is very mischievous with how he handles his cabinet and how he conducts his business. So he keeps us all on our peas incusing and as his sister Randelle Lancaster, I don't really like how he does business. With that, I'm planning on using some of his power to get what I need done in the city of Atlanta. Yes, man, you have a restaurant called Felma's Place. That's a family's legacy. Okay, what's see what's happening is see the quote unquote man is trying to so happened when that happened one they try to come down there and take all places, talking about imminent domain and y'all got to give up your land. And I said, they'll see, Mama, them work real hard for this see here, and what you're not gonna do is coming from here and change up our neighborhood in the name of bringing in some new folks. My fight is to keep the neighborhood for the people who live there, and I have I'm doing everything, including putting my life in front of this initiative. So I'm like, you know what we're gonna fight today because it's the mayor, the mayor or the sister the mayor behind the mayor, so you know who who really running thing? We don't know. Y'all got to watch the sea. You can catch an all new episode of Ambitions coming on tonight at ten ninth Central and it's only on Own. Braley, we want to thank you. We love you. I'm so talented. I love you guys so much. You don't understand how much I love you. I've been listening forever and I'm so honored to have this moment with you guys on the line. So everybody please watch tonight tonight tonight. Now here's the thing I'd like to let the listeners know. Okay, if you DVR Ambitions, I need for you to watch it within the first three days because that's how we give you, guys, seasons and seasons and seasons to come. We need to get those points. Watch a business tonight on Own ten o'clock, nine o'clock Central. Yes, thank you, Braley. Ladies and gentlemen, we're following you on the Graham Girl. Braley, we love you. Congratulations, Love you guys too. Coming up next another star from the own network. Yeah, hosted Ready to Live Ladies and gentlemen, our very own nephew Tommy coming up with today's prank phone call right after this. Yeah, you're listening to the Steven Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. These subject Oh lion cheating? Thought again? Send it again, Oh lion cheat? And thought, I tell that's how I wanted to sound something like that. Did I did it good? Don't you? Guys would say, surely you didn't sound right, you didn't do that. But I'm glad I did it right. Okay, But right now, nephew in the building here with today's prank phone call. What do you have us for us today? The Asian clean? Yes, is my favorite one. I love so much. Asian clean Let's come on, kad dog, let's go hello. Uh is this the cleaners? Yeah, it's a cleaner? Is this the cleaners? A cleaner? Okay, I ain't listen. I'll be bringing my clothes to y'all. Out of time. Somebody to mess up a pair of my pains? Oh did the depend you know to see the pens? Say what yeah, depends don't fit you were fitting for you? No, no, no, Now, y'all are not already messed up enough. What I'm trying to say right here is is that whoever did the pants took the belt loops off the pans? But who whoo whoo? The who? The who? The whit the pins? Who the worse? Who the who? The washton you pin? Y'all the people. I told y'all, I want to start in my jeans. You know, I told y'all I want to make sure my jeans stand up by their self. Okay, y'all put the start any But the problem is y'all took the belt loops off the pins? Do you you pick already? Do you back? Say? What do you pay? Yeah? I played all the day on money. Y'all gave me the player. I didn't know the bill Loos wasn't on that until I got home. What what's your name? What's your name? Washington? Why? Washington? What? H what's your first name? Your first name? I don't never leave my first name. I'm always hing. I had to find the receipt to see why you are? What's wrong with your pains? Oh? Why you can't understand what I'm trying to say to you whatever, who who? Who? Who to help you with your clothes? Who the person to help you with the clothes? The lady that I always be in the front is the one that helped me that the older lady, she the one I always helped me. Let me kill. Okay, you did you the way? And I feel the life that you need. My girl. I'm like, oh, I mean, what is you saying to her? No, she's not here? What you do you? I mean, do to speak English? This is an English situation. Okay, okay, she she not speaking? She not speaking? Okay, so I I transplay for her. Okay, she she not here? You want to call count tomorrow? Did we help you with the clothes? Okay? But oh, you ain't understand me. My belt loops is of my parents. We know that. We don't take it. It's not if we don't have to hear. We just watched the close. We don't take that. Did do that? Y'all? Did take the bell loops out? You do? You? Wait? Okay? Okay o? Wait, okay, yeah, wait goa water and I lam suarum. Can you need the man? Who do Nick mcke amst tell you I tell you English? What what do you we try to to help the problem. Okay, I understand you try to help prob but this is an English problem. And then seas what English? So what I speak to the English to you you? I don't understand what you say. I'd say I need you to speak English. You're not speaking. I just speak the English to you. Why you're not You're not seeing? Look you don't worry. Look I'm saying it is right here. Somebody got my damn bill losing it took him out my playing if somebody's gonna put the back out or okay, you don't w w will tell you that we are fixed the pan, okay, and you you'll bring it in and you know then I can do for you on the phone. Okay. You want to have to fix the pan, you have to bring in another day. Okay, No, okay, if it's if it's brank, what you want me to do on the phone? Okay? If I don't have the pan, Hi, I'm going to fix it. You have to bring it in tomorrow. Okay, but the father would be here tomorrow. You bring in okay tomorrow. I it's very busy today. I don't have time to do this on the phone. Okay, I no, okay, y'all gonna fix my pray? No, you don't. You you paid money? Okay, d I always say, I just think it. Okay. You see on the phone and you squeam and you yell, and then nothing I can do for you. Now you're here for to do when you're gonna fix my day on prayer? Y'all pray, I don't underfix anything. Okay. We need to help you, but if you don't want to work with us, you know we cannot help you. Okay, Hey, let me tell yourself, y'all gonna make me come out with there? Wos him? You come here? Okay, you come here and you talk to us okay, and at the police here, at the police here, and then you take it with him. Okay. Where's somebody gonna put my damn brod loose back on my prayers? See that's all I'm afraid, right, Okay? You you don't yeh me? Okay, Well, you don't ye at me? Okay, you want to you under him? He take care of you, Tom you're talking, You're gonna take care of me. The find that he got here. You talk to him and you mas, you mest with him? Didn't he take care of you? I don't do with you? Okay? You better had him down blood? He better. No, he don't have to do nothing, okay because we we're not We're not mess up your pack. We try to help you. You had the problem. You're talking him and he do you gonna kick you? Okay, you're gonna do work. He's gonna kick you. He's gonna kick my. Do tell what you're just saying? Oh? How howler? Did you just say? Yo? Dad? It was gonna kick my? Yeah? Did he could to kill you? And you? We're gonna go to the police. Okay, you go to jail. Okay, okay, look I got something else I need to say to y'all. Is you listening? Hey? I did see your what I say? Did you listen? What's your what? What's the problem? Hey? Do you have a man that worked for you and your cleaner's name John? You want to talk to John. No, my name is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got plank phone called by John that works in your cleaners? What John? John to tell you to call me? What did you? What did yoh call me? Is this Sue? What? What? What is your name? Sue? Yeah, that's my need. You always get mad at John for listening to the radio in the morning round or call you under under radio John got me to point phone call you. I work at the radio show. That that's that's not funny? Kick Lama, don't you Fido and I Radio Garden, sail Wind Lunny, Sue. I gotta ask you what what is the best radio show in the land? Oh? That Steed Steed Hardy Show. Yeah you ted, you tied the Steed to Candia get Washing, I let him belt loop. You know you gotta come out of with something they never heard before? Who took ours of pants? That said? Why no one? Take what? Why? Bro? What? Bell? Whoops? That's a big fact? Why so wrong? And I'm not laughing? Yes you are. This party is jumping off. Miss the party that you don't want to miss. W da As Summer souare hosted by Yours Truly. That Kappas are in town and Philadelphia Cappaside Fraternity Incorporated. There's a party going down hosted by Yours Truly. It's at the Grand Ballroom at thirty eight Old one First District Plaza, in Philly. August third. I'm on the plane Saturday morning. I am headed to Summer Breeze Comedy Show Sagonaw, Michigan, Sagonaw, Michigan, Huntington Event Park at the Dow Event Center. Show jumps off seven o'clock and then August thirtieth and thirty first, mister Harmonica, if you would Labor Day weekend, it is Bethesda Blues and Jazz supper Club and that's the background plays. I will let you know that I would be at the Bethesda Blues and Jazz Supper Club to Friday and to Saturday. What's your harmonica? Me? Please? Thank you right, thank you, Jay, and thank you Nephew. I can't wait to see your set. Yeah, I can't can't wait to see your set. Jazzy Neff, All right, listen, we're coming. He doesn't have any rhythm. And I got coming up to the Strawberry Letter jokes, got up call coming up the Strawberry Letter subject go lion Chet and thought we'll get into that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for Today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on dating, on sex, on relationships, on parenting, on work, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. It's just that simple. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Hold on tight, um, what What's what's going on? So tell okay, let's take that, bring it back more time. Please, let's do it. Bug it up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry letter. He did it subject Oh, lying cheating thought and thought. Huh, I don't know what it means. So y'all those hes over there right those? Now? What would a bunch of aches be together? All right? Listen, Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a fifty eight year young woman and I have been involved with this man since two thousand and seven, and he's a lying, cheating thought. We are not together right now, but I can't get rid of him. When we were together, he cheated on me over and over and the worst part was when when I got addicted to smoking weed. We stayed together and tried to work it out because I loved him. I'm dating again and I am happy Finally, he is dating a twenty seven year old girl, and he is doing her the same way he did me. Mind you, he is fifty five years old and has been married three times, so I'm not sure why this little girl is trying to date him. Just last week, he texted me and asked me to come to his house so we could have sex. He said he misses my body. His little girlfriend saw the text messages and it ended up being a big mess. He told her that he hasn't seen her talk to me in months and he never even dated me. We were just acquaintances. It's like he was trying to put her on a pedestal and make her feel like she is the only one that really made me angry. So I want this little girl to know that he is a real dog and she has no idea how he cheats and lies. She is too young and she has her life and future to think about, so she needs to get away from him as quickly as possible. I'm sure he will be trying to get in touch with me again soon, and I plan to send his little girl friend and every message he sends me. Am I wrong for trying to help this little girl out? Or am I doing too much? I don't want to mess up my new relationship by focusing on the old one. But I am so upset that my ex acted like I was nothing to him. Surely, how should I handle this cheating thought? Please help? All right, First, you gotta stop, you gotta stop, and then you gotta stop. Okay, you still have feelings for this man? I mean, how do I know this? Because you mentioned him in every other sentence in the letter. Okay, you gotta let this go. You gotta stop, and you gotta stop, and and you gotta stop. All right. You're fifty eight, he's fifty five. So what if he's dating a twenty seven year old? Why is that any business of yours? Right now? When you're in a relationship and you're happy, Why is this bothering you at all? So what he tuchs you and asks you to come over and have sex with him because he misses your body? He didn't say he missed you. All right, you want to go over there, don't you? Well, don't go over there. Yes, you're doing too much. You still have feelings for this man? Uh, you don't. Don't. Don't try to trick us and make us think that you're concerned about this young girl because you're not. You're not You're you don't. She has her future to think about. What do you care? What do you care? What he's doing? Let him be you. You're you're mad because you think that he made you look like nothing in her eyes? What do you care? You wouldn't care if you didn't still have feelings for this guy, So you need to admit that to yourself. Yes, you are doing too much. Get somewhere and sit down. As my mother told me many many times when I was what doing too much? In her eyes, you're doing too much? You're what are you getting mad for? If you weren't, if you didn't still have feelings for him, you wouldn't be mad getting angry in all of this. You're in a good relationship. Don't mess up the good relationship you have by focusing on this one. You said it, you already know the answer. You wanted us to coast line with you, or We're not gonna do that. We're gonna tell you what's right on this show. Well, at least I am. I try, but okay, she's too young. What do you care? What do you care? Leave this man alone? Go on with your life. You're a fifty eight year young woman. You have said this. You are in a relationship. Concentrate on that. Okay, you're so upset that your ex acted like you were nothing to him, Well, so act like he's nothing to you. Let it go, period, Jay. Hello, No you're not at home. I just want to leave you a message on the phone. This is thought. Yeah, come on over here. Hello is me again. So this is some really good loving and some really good weed. I know you calling you all these messages. I'm calling you. I'm calling back, and I'm not gonna get it up. I'm thinking about your body, and you know, once I started thinking about that body, and then I get that weed in you. You know how you act. I just can't can't forget it, and just can't forget it. Hello, ordered order the pizza, and you if you could get over here before the pizza, get over here. We got good loving pizza and weed. Now how you gonna yeah me again? I just went out and got some boxed wine and got that boxed wine, boxed wine. I know you like box wine. Pizza's already here. I'm gonna put that in microwave by time you get here. And the door it's open. Okay, I talked to you later. I love you. Yeah. You see how stupid that sounds, ma'am. All right, you don't want this to be your life. Okay, come on, let this man go. Well, we'll have part two of the Strawberry letter. We gotta hear from the nephew and Hanna we gotta here Part two of the letter. The subject is oh, lying cheat and thought. We'll be back at twenty three after the hour right after this. You're listening to the show. All right, guys, So let's recap today's Strawberry letter. Subject, oh, lyon cheat and thought. I love saying that. I love saying that. I'll get to say stuff like that a lot. All right, here we go. Fifty eight year old fifty eight excuse me, Your young woman wrote this letter. She's been involved with this man since two thousand and seven. He's fifty five years old. She calls him a lying cheat and thought. They're not together right now, but she can't get rid of him. When they were together, he cheated on her over and over again, and the worst part was he got her addicted to smoking weed. They stayed together. Try to work it out because she loved him. It's nowhere in the letter doesn't say he loved her. Down a few paragraphs, it says that he texted her to see if she could come over to have sex with him because he missed her body. He never once said he missed her, he loved her, any of that. Now he's dating a twenty seven year old girl, and and she says he's doing her the same way he did he did her. He's doing the young girl the same way, cheating and lying on her anyway. So what she wants to know is should she bust him out? Should she just focus on her new relationship that she has, or is she doing too much? And you know, of course she should focus on her new relationship and not try to inform this young woman of what's going on or what kind of person he is. That's none of your business. Your business is your new and current relationship. Okay, let them be. Stop answering his texas, stop answering his phone calls, and go on with your life. And all right, So we heard from j. Now you all right, all right? We heard from Jay. Jay may come in intermittently. I have a feeling throughout throughout this segment, but nephew, I have a feeling Carla, But nephew, what you got ain't here to help the lady. The lady wants this girl to know. You understand. So it's certain things you got to do, but you got to be really willing to take the risk. Okay, go over there next time he called out your body, go over there, have sex with him, but leave your underwear in the bed. Do that, okay, if you really won't hurt a no, send your body part pictures, you know, like half a as Send that to his phone. She gonna get that half a not a hole. Half. You couldn't have said one cheek. Okay, it's the same thing. Here you go. Here's what I want you to do. Now, get y'all a picture in the full act. Okay, take that and make a poster with it. Mail it to the house, you see, because you won't hurt to know so bad. This is how you let somebody know something. Now while you in that whole act, video a little bit of that. Send that to his mama and them. It's a way for people to find out if this is what you really wanted. Huh huh. Don't don't she want him? Don't she want her to know, But why would you hurt this young woman who's in this relationship? She twinted something. She'll bounce back from this. Okay, she'll bounce back from this. She'll get through this. Don't we want huh to know? Isn't that what the letter is about? She wants the woman to know, right, she wants to woman to know to get back at the man. You'll know once we get this booty over there. At anytime there's a booty delivery, it's pretty much an understanding of what's going on. Am I right around? Right? We want that? I think she should stay out of it. Why does she have to I just think she should stay out of it early because he belittled her, and the woman has to know. Now you have to understand you ain't never been be a little before when somebody had to know, she's been belittle she has to know. We have to get this message out text now, it's the methods. Okay, text half a behind and you get what you're looking for. I'm trying to help, But don't you think she's going to mess up her current relationship. Concern is letting this woman know that. But her concern is she said it in the letter. I don't want to mess up my new relationship by focusing on the old one. Okay, So let me tell you something that I shouldn't be telling me. There's an app called Duo. Okay. This app allows you to video whatever you want to video, and then in twenty four hours it disappears. So do what you want on the duo. Opp send it. She'll see it, but she ain't gonna be able to hold it like something incriminating some of evidence. Only it's gonna leave in twenty four hours. You see what? How you? I just put in some red light bulbs. I told you he'd be back intermittently. I knew it. Are y'all agreeing with my app? No? You know, ladies? Does the app work for you? No? Want her to stay out of it? I want her to just you want her to stay out of it. That's not what she wants to do. We're trying to help her. Let's help her get accomplished what she wants. She wants the girl to know. Now, can't we send some behind over there so she knows? Because nobody is filling the cheek, the half of cheek attention that I think she deserves half, but over there so she knows half of ass matters, not a whole. But we ain't trying to God, it's not half a cheek. Hey, all right, guys, we gotta get out of here. You can email us your Instagram. He's your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey f M. Or you can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour, Jay Anthony Brown will what murder another hit? Right after the weeks you're listening to Steve show an honor of Little nos X having the longest running number one song of all time, Old Town Road. Little nas X beat out Justin Bieber and Mariah Carey with Boys to Men One Sweet Day. So our very own Jathony Brown is here to murder another hit. So Jay, uh, you're in good company. What you got? I got his song and it was written by my nephew, Ralph Hawkins Junior. Thank you, y'all tell me what you think. Which one is the best? Play it plays? Play? Come Broke down again? Gotta kiss the bus again? Can't win? Can? Yeah? I gotta kiss that bus to work? I gotta do. I'm gonna ride and through my buckets. So I gotta take that bus to work. I gotta do. I'm gonna ride into my buckets, so you know I'm ted of off around Bud. I gotta get do work. Got my geet a boot, son and my feet A really heard. I just missed the last bus to drive a Sami way Mom. I'm standing at the bus stop, sweating like to stay was I'm to tell me something when there's another US coming. Want somebody to tell me something when there's another US coming? A child some bots, dude, I gotta get paid. A buss said he would find me if I ever shortly? Ain't the world is getting to me my life should be. I'mved, hey, sitting on my bus. I got some gum stuck on my boot and want somebody to tell me something when there's another bus coming. Want somebody tell me something when there's another bus coming. I gotta getst that boostore I gotta do. I'm gonna ride into my boocket, So I gotta take that boostore I gotta do. I wanna ride into my buckett. Wow, that was good. That was real good. Yeah, let me he's so talented. I'm jay. That was good Jay. Yeah at least yeah, twenty weeks and don't let anyone tell you any differently. Okay, Okay, we got you, Jay, thought is gonna come behind them compliments. All right, thank you, Jay, thank you. We love it. Coming up at the top of the hour, comedy Roulette. Right after this. You're listening to morning show time now for comedy Roulette. Guys, let's go Jay. All right, you take four subjects, put them on the wheel wherever it stops. We can make it funny. We can do the damn thing. Now we shot at comedians. That's okay, But Time is a comedian and I'm a comedian. Don't matter. We're short too, but Timmy is a good comedian and I'm a good comedian, so it don't matter. We can do the damn thing. Come thunder wheel wedgetop. We'll do it all right. Things you say to people who owe you money and you see them shopping and getting new stuff. What you say when you get a gift that you gave to somebody and they give it back to you. Things you're over here when your neighbors have thin walls. Excuses you make when you're significant other doesn't get along with the in laws and or vice versa. Now we spend the wheel. Oh yeah. Things you say to people who owe you money and then you see them shopping and getting new stuff, you gotta be you gotta be subtle with people who oh you man, you don't want to hit them real high. You will like So, I see you day got a new glass sign, But you can't see to pay me my money. Yeah, where you go? I see where I see y'all. I see y'all went to six Flags. Huh. I wish you could see that six hundred dollars that you six six Oh, I see, I see y'all got a new two hundred and twenty in flash screen. I get the picture. You just not gonna pay me, can't you say to people who owe you money and you see them shopping and getting all kinds of new stuff. Oh, I see your cell phone back up and working. Huh. I wish you called me by my money. You called me by my money? I love Oh man. I was home last week and I heard y'all had a barbecue. It look like you had a lot of people over there. So maybe you can meet me at the bank and pay me my damn money. Yeah, yeah, I heard I heard y'all went to see the Lion King. You know I'd be lying if I say it I didn't need my money. I love this playing words. Things you say to people who owe you money and you see them shopping and get stuff. Oh, oh man, you know what I just noticed that I see you cheese and with your new teeth. They look so nice. So when I won't get my cheese, how about that key words? Yeah, so you got you some nice bowls head from Yeah, we'll turn it up out to see if you can hear my money coming this way? Oh man, I saw your wife the other that man, she had on a new wig. You know how many extensions you need before you pay me back? My damn? Don't you say to people who owe you money you see them shopping and getting it's been brought to my titching that uh you're going to the comedy show at the Jay Spot tonight. It don't funny that you ain't currying me? Is that funny to you? I'm cracking up. Congratulations, I've seen your wife's pregnant. When that's good because it looked like we mopen screwed because I ain't gonna get okay, okay, so so so, so I'll see what we're doing. So you didn't. You didn't took the kids shopping for new school clothes? All right, all right, all right, you know what I'm learning. You just not gonna pay my ass. That's why I'm thank you to people who owe you money and you see them shopping and getting new stuff. Close it out. J Anthony Brown. Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright. Oh I see you got a brand new cut. You thought you could drive all the hen drove off my damn money. All right, thanks guys. I was greatness. Coming up, more music, more fun on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back in twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Printing animal news we all heard about. It's funny. I love this story. This this alligator called Chance the Snapper. You all heard about the story. Wait wait wait wait, Okay, that's an alligator and they named him Chance the Snapper. The uh this is an alligator, Like I said, It was caught in the lagoon at Chicago's Humboat Park. Uh. Well they do have we do have some good news. Chance the Snapper named of course, after Chance the Rapper, he's now living at the Saint Augustine Alligator Zoological Farm in Florida. Chances Snapper had a thorough and examination by the veterinarians from the University of Florida. The vets reported the Chance the Snapper seems healthy and was well fed, but they were waiting for blood work to come back to be sure. This is just like a human huh. As for the infamous reptiles age, the farm said, there's no way to tell, because alligators grow according to how much food they received and the space they have. The expert's best guests between four and six years old. All right, we'll have more of everybody. Get out of Chicago fashion. He'll be a pair of shoes and a built real damn quick. Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Printing political news from our homestation Mix ninety two three in Detroit, Love Us some Detroit Data, Bash, Don Lemon and Jake Tapper will moderate the CNN Democratic presidential Debates two big nights. Get this Guy's ten candidates each night live from Detroit at the Fox Theater. You guys know that theater, you comedians? Right? Also yeah, Also, the President has stepped up his attacks in Baltimore Congressman Elijah Cummings and now Reverendel Sharpton. The President tweeted that Reverendel is a con man. He said he was a troublemaker and that he hates whites and he hates cops. Wow, he's unbelow man. Reverendell responded, I do make trouble for biggots. I'll take that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Reverend also tweeted that back in two thousand and six, Trump told him that James Brown and Jesse Jackson that he respects his work. Oh so you changed this ye yeah, yes, what he's done since he's been over ten thousand lies. So what do you guys think about tonight though? In Detroit the Democratic debate? They really are yeah, yeah, because he had a poor showing one joke. She really is no joke man. Yeah, she has a plan for everything. She has a plan. I got a plan for that. I have a plan for that. That's what we want to hear. Yes, most definitely, who's on tonight? Yes, ten to night, ten tomorrow night exactly. So who's when Biden and again they're going to be paired up there are Wednesday. I do know they are the second night on Wednesday, and people want to see them together because you know, uh, last time Kamala bested him and they say Joe wasn't as sharp as he normally is. So hopefully, you know, he's prepared and hopefully they're all prepared. And Joe said he finished at fighting back. That's what he did. I saw that weekend. Well, they all need to fight, they all need to fight. This is a serious this is serious time. Yeah, we gotta get, we gotta get and this is serious time. Absolutely, absolutely, this is too much. Just amazing right now, Carl, I really actually I didn't know how big it was, but I saw on the news not a couple of days ago, how many people really didn't vote this the last election. There's a lot of people. That's why we are on this radio every day asking people and encouraging them to vote. This is important. Your vote matters. Your vote. They don't want you to vote, so listen, keep your comments coming at Steve Harvey f M. All right, coming up our last break of the day and Jay's what have we learned today? Segments coming up right after this at forty nine minutes after you're listening to show. All right, here we are, last break of the day. As I always say, it's been a good day, good Tuesday words in the words of mister Roberts. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. And we had a good day to day. We did we did? He just say Roberts or Rogers Rogers. It's mister Rogers. Mister Robinson is Eddie Murphy's version, right, yeah, mister Roberts. That was a funny bit though it really really was. It really wasn't a movie about mister Rogers life. Yeah, Tom Hanks, yeah, previous it looks really good. Yeah, it looks good. Yeah, look good that Tom Hanks does. What right? Yeah this is true? This is true? Right I met him? Oh you mad Tom Hanks? Really yeah? He was on the Home Show. Wow. Wow. Senio gave him a leather jacket like a hip hop jacket would eight ball on the back day, Yeah, something like that. You know, Oh those were hot back in the day. We the stuff you wore, like the did you went cross colors, Timmy? Yeah, yeah we were and we were then proudly Yeah. Let me tell you guys something. All of that is back now. Like my daughter, that's what they that's what they wear now. They wear all the nineties and stuff from the eighties. They wear all of that. I love it. I love it. And let me tell you, I was shopping with my daughter and she one of these stories that she likes, and they sell all that kind of stuff, and she goes and you know, mommy, the eighties are back. It's just better now because we have like better technology, you know, a long long time ago when you were you know, back then, like it's old like old. I just looked at her and the lady behind the behind the cash, little girl, little girl, what the cash here? Just shook her head, just kept bringing up the stuff like, ain't that so? I do not I do not miss going to school because I wore husky jeans and tough skins. Wow, that was from sins, that's right. The word husky was on back pocket. This bold husky. Now they're called kurvy. But yeah, but by the time I got the eighth grade, we had hidden just hit Calvin Klein and enjoyed as lord designer jeans. Yeah. Can I tell you what I did? To my kids. I worked in the tenlor shop where we sold Calvin Klein and designer jeans, and we had to take the labels off because it was a wholesale store and they didn't want you know, I would take the labels off so them on cheap jeans and get them to the kids. They had no idea. All right, Jay, I think it's yeah your segment. Let's go everybody. Every day we go around a room and found out what you learned today. So, Sharleystrab, what did you learn today? Well? I learned a couple of things, but I'm going to point this out. I did learn that it's never too late for love. Okay. Sometimes you know, we struggle, especially in the black community with black love and things like that, and we always want to point that out. And you know about black love, we just do and love period, So it's never too late for love. I'm talking about Cynthia Bailey and her now fiance Mike Hill. After dating for fourteen months, he popped the question, she said yes, and they're going to get married, and I I just love that her daughter was there to share in the special moment, and so were his daughters. And I just think you know, it's never too late for love, So don't give up on your dreams of love and having that special someone in your life. It can happen. If that's what you want, it can happen, never too late for definitely. Well, I learned that the entire city of Baltimore will be headed out to the post. Come on, come on, Baltimore, I mean the whole state of Maryland. Let's get this done. Let's get this done, and we got business to handle for the twenty twenty election. And I am very confident that Maryland will not let us down. That's what uh, nephew, tell me what you learn today. I learned if the President of the United States run over that messing with my boy, Al Sharpton, you're gonna get dealt with. Okay. Oh yes, yes, he does not take biggotry at all. He is trusts me, he doesn't, that's my dude. Yeah, he's good. That head red on and be ready for battling it. But he's battling you know that head down. Man. He ready to battle, man, he ready to get up in there. Well, I have learned on the Steven Harmant Morning Show today from the Strawberry Letter once an old thought is consistent of getting back his woman. He calls on the phone and he leaves a message, I got sketties over him, making so come on over him. I dad to eat the pizza by myself. But come on over here there. You know you want this. Come on. It's too high. That's too it's a such thing. It's too high. I got sketties and meat balls. And if you don't like that, I got some ty ryman. You know you like that. This show is so ignorant. That's strawberry. Let Jay. Well, I think Murder the Hits was the best thing to day though. Yeah, but NASA, I know I congratulations again. All right, listen, we gotta get We gotta get out of here. Guys, we love you. Thank you for listening every single day. We appreciate it. Thank you. Bye. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.