The Steve Harvey Morning Show celebrate Mardi Gras, discuss the Winter Olympics, Idris Elba's engagement, Black Panther, Sex and the City beef and more.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all baby at all suit looking back to back down, giving them more like the milking buck bus things. And it's touble y'all to be true, good to the listening to me, to each other, for stock, clean to mony. I don't join, yeah yeah, by joining, men say you got to turn? Yeah, you wrong, you gotta turn. You can't turn at the time. You've got to turn out to turn the water the water? Come come on your back, Uh huh, I show will good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, and now come on DIGNI one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show one more time, partner, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man. How amazing is that? How good has God been to me? How good has He been to you? Just check yourself sometimes, just sit up, Just let's run a survey. Just look at your life where it's at. It might not be where you wanted to be, but that's probably some decisions you made. But really, though, in spite of all the crazy mistakes out of made, I mean, man, I I look back at some of the decisions I didn't came up with and and and man, it's it's it's just amazing he let me live. I mean it's it's and and and to exist the way I exist, that's nothing but grace, mercy, favor all that is. That's what my mom a praying for me when I wasn't praying for myself. That had to be it, because, man, I can truly tell you I have made enough mistakes man, stuff you would never even know about, and recovered from them all you can too, and I don't care what you've done. Marvin Sapp has a song out that says he saw the best in me when everyone else around me could only see the worst in me. You know that that's an important song man, especially you know. I want to talk to men today because man, being a man is so so difficult. Please, no, it has been my quest ever since I was a little boy. My father had one ambition, son, I don't care what you do, but when I get through raising you, you will be a man. That's all I want you to be. And he never cared what I did for a living, and it never made a difference to him. You're going to be a man. Manhood is difficult. Now, ladies, just listening to this. I'm not saying womanhood ain't. I don't know what it takes to be a woman, so you know, I'm I'm but I do know exactly what it takes to be a man. So you know, sometimes when you talk to people on the radio, you have to preface things because people are just go he trying to make it look like womanhood ain't. No, That's not what I'm doing. I'm just talking to men today to explain to them to damn by the self and struggling trying to figure this thing out, that you are not alone in your quest for manhood. That is difficult, even though it's interesting. Yesterday, the Dating Game guy, he said the reason I didn't get to say this on the air, but I read his profile. He said one of the reasons he was still single because he was trying to find himself as a man. He was forted too. But I'm i gotta I go. I gotta tell you, man, um manhood is that kind of difficult, and it becomes even more compounded if a young boy does not have a male role model. I've said it a thousand times. I'll say it again. A young boy without a male role model is like an explorer without a map. Well, I have a suggestion for everybody that's struggling with manhood and all of the men out there that are men. This messages for all of us, and it's for me too. You know. I was listening to Joyce Myers the other day and um, she made a statement. She said, sometimes you gotta do the right thing, even when it feels wrong. You know. One of the difficulties of manhood is pure pressure and the misguided principles of manhood. See what God wants us to be as men and what we believe manhood, it is sometimes two different things. Give you an example. I wrote this book for women, right and I was telling them that three ways that a man shows his love, and I call him three p's. We profess, we protect, and we provide. Every man who is a man, that's how he exhibits love. We're not talkie talkie comforting, were not great nurturers. But when it comes down to to it, what we all want to do, what is in our day DNA, is to profess our love for something you as a woman, to protect you as a woman, and to provide for you as a woman. That's in our DNA. Now. Sometimes that gets messed up. And I'll give you an example. Sometimes when a boy doesn't have the proper, real role model in his life, he takes that principle of love that we all possess in us every man, the professing part, the protecting and the and the in a providing part, and we misplay it. That's why gangs exist. Gangs exist off those three principles. What's the first thing a gang member do? He professed, He claimed the hood. That's the first thing you do. This is my neighborhood. I'm deuce, tray, I'm triple h, I'm due d dude, I'm purple, I'm I'm red, I'm blue. The first thing they do is claim. That's professing. That's how we show our love. But it's misguided though. Now we're professing something that ain't even good for us. Your hood, your game, your click. Now guess what. Now we got to protect it. So now as a protection part of our love, here we go. You come down here, we're gonna do this to you. You go over there, they're gonna do that to you. You protect your hood. This is your turf, just all you got. You ain't nobody coming down here with blue owned. Can anybody come over here with red on? You can't come over here with purple on. You can't come over here with black and gold on. And we and we protect that because that's in our DNA. And then what's the third thing we provide? So guess what the gang need money? Guess what we do. We're selling drugs, We're selling women, we're selling guns. It go back to the same thing. Man. I don't know how God gave it to me that way when I was writing a book, but he showed it to me along the way. That's how men love well. When you don't have a role model in your life. Guess what not that love is misplaced, is misguided, It's off track. Ain't no man told you that. Really you're supposed to take this love and give it to a woman. You're really supposed to profess, protect and provide for a woman, not your gang set. Now you're professing your hood, repping a color, you're protecting your territory, shooting people driving by coming over you on your street. And then you provide. Now you are here selling drugs and guns. For the same thing. When a board does not have a male role model, he has a misguided way of looking at manhood. The reason I'm saying is today is cause fellas, this is what I'm saying. Co're tripping yourself out, man and find out the type of man God wants you to be. Here's the deal. See, God created all of us in his image. That means He's put some of our DNA in him. That's wise in your DNA to profess, protect and provide, because guess what, that's what God do for us, because we his children. God provides for us, He protects us, and he professes his love for us. He claims us, he died on the cross for us. He done all that for us. I'm just talking to me, and right now, you don't want to be in your house when the when the cop knocking on the dope. You want to be laying there pc when my doorbell rang and go answer because thein't no police coming over here, cause I ain't done nothing for them to come. You can't go to your dough like that when you got weed in the back, you got crack in the back, you got cocaine in the back. You can't go answering your dough. You hear that, you gotta start flushing tarnts and stuff. Man, that's crazy. I'm just telling you, man, I had to wake up about five years ago. I wasn't doing what God wanted me to do, and then he shook me. He said, Man, I'm gonna bring about some changes in your life. I'm gonna cause some things to happen that's gonna put you in a position. And this time you're gonna listen to me, because if you don't, you're gonna keep living in this pain you've been in. But you put yourself in this pain. I owe no blame to no one else but myself. Please know, I know that. And that's how we really get to manhood. When you figure out what you hadn't done wrong. You can't blame this on none of your exes because you're a man. You can't go my ex dear this. No, No, you're a man. Partner. You gotta take responsibility for yours and yours alone. If you got kids, you got to get to him some kind of way. Write him a letter, send them the money. If she won't let you see it, for the money, whatever, send the money to a mama. Do what you're supposed to do as a man. Do what God wants you to do, man, because he's not letting us off the hook for what we're supposed to be just because you ain't doing it. And if you do it, you turn your life around. Just holding that the fellas today that saw sorry about that. You're listening, ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is Winter Olympic Headquarters. I am watching Winter Olympics. So congratulations. USA is on the board with some gold medals. I mean some medals right now. Uh the medal count. I don't know exactly. I just watch it, you know, as a as a you know, just a conservative watcher. I'm not a fanatic about it, but I do watch it. I love all the Olympics. I watched Little Red when in the first gold medal, seventeen years old. The little boy wanted his gold medal. He didn't even really know what hell going on. I didn't want to do seven team. Man, he won this medal. He he don't even really know what's really going on. Yeah, but he want to go. Uh. They took off. I believe the ice skating team took a silver medal in the team and that was good. Uh, but I thought that the American dude got ripped off. Good morning, y'all. I'm sorry, I'm just going on and on about mom morning. I think we have four medals right now, to gold, one silver, one bronze. How's our speed skater doing? But no, um, I don't know the mommy are you watching mommy? Curlin Steve, it ain't it ain't really got underway good yet. But I watches that though, watches that hang in the air like I wasn't confused. Confused has nothing to do with confusion. Was understand when he and he watches Donaldson, Hey, Julie, Well, the reason why they want to get specific with the metal count, it's because it could change. Yeah, you know every day. That's true, because they had what is it a day, Yeah, they're a day and a half or something ahead of other. And then well we got a silver medal in delusion. We've never medaled in louse before ever. I think it's just that little slid, that little thing you made back on first first and you come barreling down that. Yeah, they got another one where you where you on your stomach and your head first. I'm not doing that one. I'm not doing either one of ankle off first or something. Can't just tear my out. But I'm trying to get the skater's name that they ripped off. Man, the little dude from America? Is it Adam ripping? Oh? The first openly gay couple at the Olympics. Is that what? Well, I didn't know he was a couple. I don't dating in a team. He skated his yeah he did, and and uh and they gave this dude a tenth of a point better than him. That was horrible, man, that that dude really beat that dude. Oh so he got snub Yeah, all right, listen, coming up something funny happy Marty Grass by the way, Uh, we're gonna give you guys some questions about Marty Gras, things like that when we come at thirty two after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Al Right, guys, Carla came up with these questions. Uh, she wants to ask you today Today's Marty Grads Fat Tuesday. You know, some wild stuff goes down during Mrty Grass. I want to stay fellas, be very careful answering these questions. It's some people down there serious about this thing. Hill And then I'm gonna take a little jokey jokes. It's not what you think. I'm just saying these people down that they're serious about this Marty crawl man and down there being wallets mobile out. They started, Why did you Why did you issue the warning Stephen, because I've been on stage down there a long time ago cracking on Morty craw Uh uh uh didn't go good. I didn't know black people was passionate about it like that. Oh but you know now, oh man, I just like pulling the shirt up. That's all. That's your own, not mad. No, I like going to the beads, to the latest straight up. Okay, yeah, what I meant ample, Okay, Carlo, you go ahead and ask the guys you wanted to ask the guys these questions, Steve, Tommy Junior Jay. If you had a free pass once a year to wild out and do anything you wanted to do, what would you do? What kind of question is this in? It's a question, Steve? Did you did you? What did you do? Did you say? I can do whatever I want? You ain't got nobody holding you? Okay, answer no, you can ask. I just want to question. I get to do whatever I want, right, get a free path. What go first? And why is that? Jack? I like white women? What? What? How do you think you? Junior? What about you? I can't see this? This is love The single dudes is always interesting. J Let's go jor Okay, Well, first of all, if I'm going down to Marty gral And, I can do whatever I want while whatever I want, whatever, I'm gonna be sitting on a kingcake with a chip, We're gonna already be in cake. Now. That's why marriage, no judgment, not to your face, everybody ground, yeah me, you do the word. And Halley then went to Marty ground were on bourbon, swinging out that window of that strip club up top. That's what we're doing back in forth. What you're gonna be with halle Berry and all you're gonna do is get your ass in a swing. I'm team Tommy loud Speaker is behind JA. We nake it though, Jack alway down everything I do naked. I thought that come what I say, But that's a giver park over here. You can just go down. That's how you get arrested. Trying to get arrested. Get some time, all right, big dog, hurry up first, see from your heart though, man, Come on, I'm gonna need a mask, facial head mask, lips can't be out mush but you can't you won't. And I'm gonna need some gloves. I'm gonna need some gloves. What's that? And I'm gonna need a lot of baby all take that baby oil wherever you go. I'm gonna need about up and fuming. Come on, come on, so far we got masks, baby on the else? What's going downs? Look like the terminator right now? Yeah? Say, are you dreaming it? Just tell you right now. I'm gonna immediately have to ask for forgiveness. I'm gonna have to find a church, throw myself on the altar. I'm talking about chest up to heaven es, wide mouth, Holly, forgive me Lord Quilly. Then after that, I'm gonna have to take a trip to Merchael forgive Muslims around that big place that they go to over there. I have to walk with them. Then I'm gonna need some Jewish people to take me to the whaling Wall? Are you going to all? Yeah? I gotta go get clear called what I've been doing? This mask on? Can you give us a hit? Yeah? We know nothing? Now what? Oh? No, get the men, get it. Who's gonna be on the ituld just be damn shape. All right, well now we know yeah, yeah, alright, coming up, No, no, I think we got it all coming up at the top, I mean coming up right after this. It's nephew Tommy's prank phone call. We're gonna run it back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, MS and will be here with today's national news, of course, but right now it is time for the nephew to run that brankback nap. What you got small favor, Shirley, small favor? You know? You know I me and you need no small favor. That's run that. Hello, I'm trying to reach VICKI Mr Vick, Hey, Vicky, how are you doing. Are you the Are you the niece of of uh? Uh? I think it's ain't ain't your aunt? Yes? Okay? And you you know now you aren't passed away. I mean I mean years ago, y'all passed. It was about five years ago. Okay, listen, I'm over here at the funeral home. Uh my, my my sister just passed away, and uh they gave me your phone number. Did you guys we're going through a little bit of a situation here, did you guys? Aren't you know your aunt was a heavy set woman? Is that right? Yes? She was? Okay, Now they had to did they have to put her in a in a Did they have a bit of a special casket for her? Yeah, okay, that's what we're kind of going through with my sister. We ordered a special casket for for for my sister, and uh, I'm assuming this is the same thing that you guys went through. I called several of her, her children, but I wasn't able to get in touch with anybody. But the funeral home actually had your name on file as well, so they gave me your number where I would be able to talk to you. Is that is that? Okay? Yeah, that's okay. You can speak to me, but you know, let things be a problem. Well listen, uh we we the the funeral is actually in two days and we ordered one of those special caskets, but it doesn't look like it's gonna be in for another week, so you know, it's almost like we're gonna we're gonna we're not gonna have a casket for her. Um, you know, for the funeral, and you know that, like I said, the funeral home told us about you know that, you guys were the last ones that ordered a casket of that size, and you know, me and the rest of the family has been you know, we've been trying to figure out what to do and what to do. Do you think it's any way possible we can borrow the casket that your ain't is in, and then when the casket comes in and we ordered, we can put her in that casket and put her back down to rest like she's always been. Do you think that's? Excuse me? Hello, hello, you think could you repeat yourself? What exactly are you asking me? Well, what I'm saying is, do you think we can borrow your ain't casket? Because you know, the funerals in two days and the casket is not gonna be in in order for us to be able to bury her in a in a casket for you know, to accommodate her size. That's what I'm asking. What kind of that you're talking about? First of all, who is this? Okay? No, my name is Larry, Like I say, my name is Larry. I got you, I got you guys like I said, I tried to call some of her kids, but nobody ever picked up when I called yea her nieces number all file to you. You are her niece, Vicky, right, Yes, I am. Okay, that's what I'm saying. Do you think that maybe you can talk to the children and see if we can maybe used that particular casket? Okay, wait a minute, what the talking about this? The First of all, who who is this? You? You gotta be losing your mind if you think I'm gonna let you dig up my any just to bury yourself stuff. But I understand where you come from. But what I'm trying to say is that we don't have a casket big enough and they were they they let us know that you guys were the last ones that had a casket that you know you're gonna do with us? Dash? You don't trying stuff figuring out? Have you? No? No? Well? Okay, first of all, what I'm trying to do is this. The family been grieving pretty hard and I just wanted to make sure that the funeral will be right, and it ain't gonna be right. Don't bring my family gonna feel dig in my any of you show they don't call me with this. Who is the funeral home that gave you my number to add me to use the cassket so you can bury your sister. Who is the name of that person? I can't remember, but it was it was It was a guy. The funeral director let me know that you guys had went through a situation where you had to bury your your your your aunt. Like I said, I tried to call what's your name again? My name is Larry? Okay, Larry? This is this is the stupid I don't know what give you my phone number to call me asking you just done? Can you believe they call her asking me to can dig up they can bury that don't have a casset? Hello, No, no, what what's your fault? No? I understand it's not your fault. What I'm trying to say is what y'all show some sympathy and some love for me and my family going through because we're don't have a cask Like I say, my sister, my souster wasn't was you know, if the heaven was a heavinshep good. You know. My conduleces go out to you and your family. You know, I'm trying to be as reserve as I can with this whole situation. But do you understand what kind of stupid you're asking me right now to actually dig up my un Whose armed, who's been? And what I'm for fun? Yes, because bury your sister. Let me ask you this like this were you, you ain't ain't gonna know she ain't don't know where you for you to say to me like what I don't you're smoking on you smoking crack? What I don't know? First of all, you know what I First of all, I appreciate you trying to work with me, but I want to say this you you don't even have the authority to make that decision if you give me one of the numbers to one of your cousins. The couple. Really trying to be nice and be calm, but guess what, we're not doing this stupid. I'm trying to be nice to you and tell and trying to help you out, but no, you want me to get ignorant and ask stupid with you. I was trying to be nice and sympathetic, but we're not doing it. I'm not giving you another I got the authority to tell you right now, we're not digging up so you can bury yourselfs Okay, so so so so so, that's just it. I can't talk to now. That's it. Now you aren't talking to over, You're talking to me. Okay, I got I got, I got something else. I need to tell you though, I need, I need to tell you something else or you listen, but tell me. I want to tell you this. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning It's your Vicky. Your sister Sheila got me to prank phone. Called you hub. Who is this again? Biggy? Think this is a nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your sister Sheila got me to prank phone. Oh you oh oh yeah, you got me over? Y'all worked up? I'm gonna played any much. She ain't. I got one more thing to ask you, baby. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve hars More Show for y'all anybody keep on? Yeah, I just just gonna happen. Yeah. You never know when you're gonna need a cask. Let's just get yourself. You never know when you go. You would be shot on cast because you never know when you're gonna need one. This is crazy, you know. Don't say it till you've been in the situation. Wait till y'all get you where y'all need a cast. We'll be dead. I'm not gonna really care. Won't he do it? Won't we do it? Frank C D is in Wall Mart right now. I get your copy. Won't he do it? That is me church pranking church people. That's what I do. I prank them to the highest of highest prank stivity, and I do it and I tried to do it. Well, won't he do it? Pranks? C D? Walmart Whirl? Why what exactly? Wow? And Jay, you didn't know this, but he actually went to class to try and get his ws together, but he failed, miserably failed. Didn't work out. We sent him in the winter. Yeah, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, MS and will be here. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, guys, the first black US Olympic speed skater advances to the quarterfinals. Don't you love the sound of that headline? Yes, ten USA speed skater Mommy Biney continue to make history. Yeah, my may Biny continues to make history as she advances to the five hundred meter quarterfinals. Love her energy. She's just so bubbly and just sweet and happy. She's just like yes, yes, yes, the other damn yeah. The first black woman to qualify for US Olympic speed skating skating team. And now she has a shot today to advanced to the semi finals. She's eighteen years old. She secured her and her energy. She is so bubbly and fun and excited and happy to be there. Um. She secured her her spot with a time of forty three point six hundred and sixty five seconds. Wow, that's fast. Yeah, man, I usually don't. I usually don't miss the major's. I missed that. You know I'm gonna be our own reportable for the Olympics. Yeah, I'm gonna do it because you know, Matt Larry, he couldn't make it this year. Some so Mike, Mike, Mike Terko is over there and he's doing an excellent job. But they sent out broker to out all look bad in the skull cap. Man, all look bad in the skull cap, and he's gained that way back. He's too big to be on the ice. But but I lost it back to go ahead. Try you go crazy all over there in the cold with that skull cap on. Don't look like a dead snowman. Damn man, come over man, because Mike Terko was laying it out. Man, he's doing a great job covering everything. Holders over there too, she looked good. Love her. I love this new team they have. I just love that. I'm NBC. NBC should have took me. You know what NB should have did. They should have cut a deal. But I don't want to live in New York. You don't have enough job so that I leave something though, I have to cut something loose. But if they you know, i'd go up there and do to Today Today Show. I don't know. They probably think I don't talk up. You'd have to cut something loose? What would Yeah? I want to hear that. I know you've been I say that radio show, I know you've been stuff that well it is. That's the thing that's in therect conflict with you today, in direct conflict. Come on at six, and what is that's gonna do? I'm going to New York with him. You're gonna be a writer. I'm I'm gonna go anyway. I don't know. I don't. I wouldn't know. I don't think that really has an appeal to me. That's not the format that I would excel in. You gotta get up real early, Steve, that I don't bother me. You're the one is somebody talking about problems getting up? Really was that had trouble with my Mike? What's that? Jay? We talked. I'm I'm saying it and I'm sticking with it. He was here for two hours. It might trouble, but we're seeing that. Hey, stuff happening. Thank you really for staking up for me, making excuses for him. Sure, you always do that. You always make excuses for people. Stuff happened. Steve Is here's good people with more of today's headlines. All right, you gotta introduce her. Steve, Well, you just did it. Lazy gym and ms and is here with more today's headline go aheads. Okay, thank you, everybody. This is entered for the news. President Trump unveiled to his twenty nineteen budget proposals yesterday. It calls for increased spending on the military. Military was totally depleted, and we will have a military like we've never had before. Also money for border security and the opioid crisis. However, most of the document already basically null and void, since the Congress passed its own spending bill last night last week you may remember calling for many of the same things. However, there would be some changes. The presidents long awaited one and a half a trillion dollar plan would upgrade the nation's roads and rails, but it would change the formula for the funding. For instance, while some highway projects are funded like eight twenty, with the fits playing the lion share of that money, the White House's proposal would flip that, with the financial burden onto the states and local governments of the states and governments would have to pay eight percent of what they need, and the government went on the federal govern would only pay. The Democrats say that kind of bill would be dead on arrival in the Congress because states and local governments don't have any money. The Trump administration also seeking to make changes in the current food stamp program, changes that would see the people who received that aid given far less control over the food they can choose to buy. Two more Baltimore cops convicted of corruption charges and prosecutors say they were members of a rogue firearms police unit that prosecutors say robbed drug dealers, conducted the illegal searches, covered up their crimes, and claimed unearned overtime. Puerto Rico's efforts to rebuild its power grids suffered a set back this week, now five months after her came a rear raped over the island, a fire broke out in the substation early this early Monday morning, actually Sunday night, early morning, knocking out power to a number of homes and businesses. Local officials say, though a lot of that power has been restored. Sad news, singer Victimone has died. Victimon made thousands of recordings over the years, and he provided a lot of the background music in the movie Good Fellas, if you remember hearing this in the back as they're talking about killing people. Victimone, born in Brooklyn, died on Sunday in Miami Beach at age nine. And finally, portraits of former President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama now hanging inside the National Portrait Gallery. Each was painted by a different artist, but both were black, and Mr Obama joked about how he tried to get the artists who painted him to make some changes. I tried to negotiate less gray hair, and is artistic integrity would not allow him to do what I asked. I tried to negotiate smaller ears and that didn't either. They're on my Facebook page. We'll be back with more entertainment in today's trending topics at twenty seconds after on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. As we mentioned today, is Marty Gray. It's that Tuesday and tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Balantine's I've said it once and I've said it again. Balantine. The guys listen up. Yeah, Steve recently broke down some Valentine's Day dudes and don't well, can I just say that I'm I'm set for tomorrow. Yeah, I'd have made the plans. I tell you about it, But she might be listening and it'll blow the surprise. But it ain't really, But huh what doing? I'm gonna do something nice, man, not really nothing expensive, just really nice and thoughtful. What what? What bothers me calling? When he says, I'm not gonna really spend no money, I'm just gonna do something night. But when he say that, that's still seven eight thousand. Now it's reality. I'm not hating on it. I'm just saying that what we're telling us, you just doing some night, something nice and some flowers and a car. That's something okay, that can't happen that, you know, I'm gonna get flowers. Flowers dot com thing cut everyone, she gonna sheep plugging. Yeah, she don't get flowers. Ain't no doubt about that in several places. Ain't no doubt about Now that's so romantic, Steve, Now that I like, what's wrong with the flowers? Wait, wait a minute, in several places. I gotta fix that's very romantic. I gotta fixed up. Yeah, man yourself. So how many different rooms is flowers? He dog? First of all the house. The house is gonna be dubbed with her flavor favorite flowers. Okay. So if I put flowers in the kitchen and she to the first one, let me playing something. Don't bring your little flowers over here. No, I'm just asked. Go ahead. If I buy my wife some flowers and I put him in the in the big family room, I got some flowers. Now when she goes to the bathroom, Kate, I just moved and flying to the bathroom. You make a big moves whenever she go, would she go? I get tired. I tell my son, well, your mama go take these flowers over you showed. And do you know that Jay is single, be doing nothing this Valentine's Day? So keep on listening to Team Tommy. Yet you can take a picture of those flowers and spread them over the house. Tommy being cheap and just put flowers in her bathroom, in her bedroom, in the kitchen, in the family room, and whatever room she frequents. Okay, so if I got a dozen, do I just break them up and move rods. Listen, listen, Tommy, you're hopeless. Comedy Roulette is coming up next. We'll be back at thirty after Wants. You are listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, guys, here we go. It is time for comedy Roulette. J. Please explain, very simple. We do this every week. It's very simple, very damn simple. Give us five subjects. Put those five subjects on a wheel. Spun the wheel, spun it fun, Bunny, the wheels stop. We do the damn Okay, alright, well let's go. Let's get the spunning ben J. You know spunning classes. I'm taking one right now. Alright, alright, here we go. Number one, ice cream, number number two, all that fried food. Number three, nice easter suit. Okay, we're still easter. It's not because it's not even easter. You tell the number four. I didn't get dumped and I'll tell you why, and then number five, number five things weed smokers say. Give me that one. Let me come on, weed smoke, Come on, weed smoke. Oh no, till four. I didn't get dumped, and I'll tell you why. Right, I ain't get dumb. Day well, okay, right before Valentine's Day. I want to if you stutter when you said no, no, no, no, no no no. I didn't get dumb. No no, no no no. You understand if it's said like that, No, I can't get dumped. I can't dumb. I'll tell you what I thought about this, and I'm gonna tell you right now. For me personally, I've never been dumped. She left, she left. I ain't get she live doctors, when you sit down at the table and talk it over, and she left. I didn't get dump. I didn't get dumped. She said that she was joining the service, so she's gonna be gone for about She just didn't. Won't you know what I'm saying. I ain't get dumped though, No, she she going to the Marines. No, we're playing comedy roulette. Come on, it's Valentine's Dan. I ain't get dumped because her birthday is the fifteenth. That's where he got back to Mary at least you right right right. Here's something you never hear a man saying, which means he got dumb. She just wasn't ready for committing it. That's yeah, she wasn't ready. We'll never hear you say that. I'll tell you what. See. See, I ain't get dumped. Her job I was changed, so now she's working nice shift days. All right. I ain't get comedy really like, come on, nephew, what you got Look, I ain't get dumb it see here to deal her mama, her mama, Neil miss Muslim, and they don't see it. We can't go to church together. But that's really what it was, Thine. It was you know, because I go to Mount Zine, you see, but she go to the Jewish. But I didn't get dumb. It's just it was a religious situation. Because you read it Steve Harvey, you didn't. I didn't get dump dog. She always wanted to be a nun. I didn't get dunk. I'm just too much man. All Right, we got time for one more Steve. You want to close it out comedy Roulette for today. I didn't. I didn't get dump I just say no about the operation. It's open. Wow. All right, if you're gonna ended on that note, happy valanc Uh. Nephew Tommy has a prank phone call right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's Today's Strawberry Letter. But up next, nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got now? The draws at the retirement home? I like how you saying the draw at the retirement home? Buddy, Okay, we didn't got down to the draws of it. Now let's go Hello, yeah, oh yeah, who's this? Who is this? This is attorney David uh huh, all right, this is after me, Anthony. I was giving you a call. You used to work at the uh Senior Center. Then, I right, okay, we got a bit of a problem here. UH are you familiar with Mrs Yes, older lady, that that Caucasian lady that's here at the center. Okay, now we got a problem. I know you retired in UH in December, but there's cleaning out her room, cleaning up her room. There's been some uh men's underwear found here, and she's saying that it's yours. Well, then you got a problem called I don't know where the ladies are that no here here at the center, sir. They're claiming that. Then at the center you find the ladies and men underwear. City was mad or whoever and whatever and whatever. Now, I don't waste my time with that. If you're gonna call somebody, call somebody to get the state now, but don't waste my time with you. Have a nice day. Wait just a minute, sir. I don't want to have to I don't want to have to get officials to come down there, your sir, Mr. Just listen. I don't want I want to I want to try to do this without your wife finding out. But we need I got a few questions I need to ask you tell your wife. Man wasting my time? Come on, call it back, dog, Hey, this is ours. Please enjoy the music until I answer Hello, Doris's boy. He didn't cuss up, but he keeps hanging up. So, so I need I need you to help me out. I want you to uh call from your phone and put us on three way and say, hey, you need to talk to these people. Okay, Hello, Hello, this is ours Tony's right here. Um. I've told him about this situation with so I just want him to clear it up so you can stop calling him. Okay, yeah, so I this is an attorney, David. Is he available? I can speak with him? Sure, hold on the second David. Hello, Mr Tony Anthony, could you possibly tell on me what's going on? Why we would find your your underwear and miss uh in her room? How do you know what you underwear? I'm sorry, sir, I said to underwear, Sir, I don't I didn't work here the younger the lady is saying that it's actually your underwear that's been in her room here at the retirement home. Well you got the room. This is a bad time to be messing with me. And where is you at anyway? Sir? I'm down here at my office right now. Do you need to come and see me? Yeah? I need to come see you. What are you offer that what seems to be the situation because I'm getting I'm getting your hostile. You're sounding very hostile right now, sir, Well, I'm a hostile individual. Okay, call me something about some old lady. You gon call me about somebody. Call me something about when you see yo. Yeah, sir, you're gonna watch your tone and you're gonna talk to me like you got some sense. Man. I ain't got to watch nothing. I'm an old man. I ain't got to do but die. I don't even pay taxes. What you want? You want to do something, you go here and only do it, but don't be on my normal Okay, Well, I want to tell you this, sir. Yes, this is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Marning Show. You have been pranked phone called by your girl that's standing right there with your daughters. I would have kicked both of y'all. Why do you do that? Time? What's wrong with you? Man? Man? You know this ain't no good time for me. Man, I don't have time. Man, you messing with man. I'm i'm i'm I'm in the studio. I'm in New York City. Man, yak. Where you get a chance when you're going back your siling you stopped through tripping. Let me I'll ask you put your picture on so I wouldn't know what you look like next time might see you. Oh man, you got you got, but you my son noticed. Woman, you got the wrong one. You should have had somebody else. They ain't gonna work. You couldn't get that craziest hell. Hey, well I got yourself from Ms Darth. Hey, I gotta ask you one more thing, Mr Anthony, What is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? You know what it is? All right? Man? Come on now you're not then you leave your drawers somewhere. You know what I'm saying. I ain't the only one that left my draws somewhere. Digia, you ain't been doing nothing. What I didn't even notice? What did I do with him? I had him on when I left at the time at home. You can get my latest prank c D in Walmart right now. It's called won't he do it? It's me pranking turr to people. Get your copy days. If you're timing in Walmle, okay, don't tell me when you put one out, do you immediately start working on the next one. Is that how that goes? I'm trying. I always try to put a theme together on what the next one would be, like like I've been thinking about I've been thinking about like school teachers, you know, and you're saying theme, You're talking about the brank CD, the prank CD, like I think you should do other stupid people like prank comedians because they can't take a joke. Why is that, Well, because we're so used to joking that come at us. We're sensitive, sive and Steve Harvey cannot Oh my god, Steve present coming not included what you'll do. Yeah, but like for instance, he's just what you tell. You tell you text us all the time. You expect us to get right back to you immediately, immediately. So the other day you text Monica and she texted you back. Can't talk right now. I'll let you threaten. What are you talking about, Jay, he can't take a joke. I quit. I quit texting because I feel a certain kind of way when you don't hit me back, and he don't hit you back soon as soon as you expect me not to get upset and please doing convenience hearing the joke telling bsiness, not in the joke taking. Let's be clear, let's do you know Yeah, that's right. Take your little joke over there with somebody who you know up falling. Yeah, we don't so we don't want to hit jokes. I don't understand that to me, I'll tell you, okay, is the first thing Junior is like that though, I'm what you can't like that? Why would you do that? You know other people, Suley, There's plenty of people out there. Did we write jokes about and fault? It's way more than why are you over here with your specialist? Who he got time for your little antics? Seeing? Plus what you think funny ain't really funny because it's telling you. That's why it's not funny. It's funny how he came up with, Suley, it ain't you don't never be heavy, It ain't well thought out, it ain't nothing. It's just be a little simple as how dare you judge joke? I can't judge because I write them for a living god, girl, you're not able to laugh at yourself sometimes all the time. Listen coming for what coming up At the top of the hour, we have today's Strawberry letter and it's one of course you don't want to miss. We'll be right back. Didn't that be about this? You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, well, happy Marty grad day. It is Fat Tuesday, Carl. For the guys, you're from New Orleans, when you've been there, spent time there, your husband's from there. What's going on? I'm sorry, London grad. That's yesterday. That's Monday, Marty Grass Today, Tommy Tuesday, Martyn Tusa be lonsdy Okay, Tommy is there're a stupid dayDay, so stupid Mattie. Marty is Tuesday in French, No, London, Losy lives. And then we'll be on the weekend to be land Land. That's right up there with Londay. But we got to do a shout out. It's Fat Tuesday, Mighty gra shout out to New Orleans. We we got a lot of listeners in New Orleans, Alabama. Yes, yeah, okay, okay, who experts Alabama? Alabama? They fight about that right to all out war run to listen to me. It's all mobile got. You can't take that from they got. They got Mardy Gral and they got that building on Airport Boulevard with the sign that go round and the label on the top that they played in that damn battleship out there. You try to take one of them three things where your best friend is from. Steve's from Montgomery, not Mobile. No, no, yeah, that is definitely morself. Yeah, so we just want to say happy, I have some friends down there. All Uh, that's the first time we ever saw all black audience. Steve was in Mobile, That's right. I started that. I was first wanted to start a radio night down there, BLX. I started a radio audience down there. I was the first walk. Really it had all black audiences. We just do all white clubs. I mean all white audiences. I meant to say, and that was the only that was the first place in people to start it. Were you something all black on Tuesday night? Then y'all can thank Steve Harvey YouTube pioneers. We appreciate an until I started black radio night down in Mobile nine b LX. What'ston boys name? Skip Cheating was down there, Grig Street was down now Tony Brown I think, yeah, yeah, he was down there, and then it was a sales dude name and I'm looking at his face. Great, great, look at us, man, were on the front, poor dolphin stret you should be on dolphin streets. All right, let's get to the letter. We'll think of it. I still don't know who started Monty, but okay we when we're nothing to help you, don't go to mobile anytime soon. That year A strawberry A subject needing Big Daddy's opinion. Getting morning, Steve Harvey and Crew. I'm writing this letter because I'm a thirty year old single mother of one who finally decided to be in a committed relationship after being married before divorced and then the dating game for a few years, so I've had a little time to free myself. The man I am seeing is also thirty years old, and we've been seeing each other for five months. He's sweet, patient, well mannered, giving, hard worker, willing to compromise, very affectionate, and is a Tony the Tiger great lover. The only thing is that he has five kids by four different women, ranging from eleven, five, four, three years of age and seven months. Don't get me wrong, I knew all kids and parents at the very beginning, but now I have strong feelings for this man. He explained to me that he had all those kids with that many women by circumstance in relationship, in relationships with some and flings with others. He also states he has never found a woman worth settling down with prior to meeting me. He is definitely a man I've seen with my own eyes that he takes care of all his kids and spends time with all. My issue is, I wonder could there really be a future with this man. I haven't had any baby mama drama just yet, and I hope I never will. He and I communicate about that as well, and he says he has it all under control. I care for this man and want to have a future one day with him and his small football team, But is it possible with a man with so many kids? Thanks so much, sincerely, needing Big Daddy's opinion. Okay, to you, I say, slow your role, hold up just a little bit. Okay, five months, five months. You know you've only known brother man with the five kids by four different women for five months, and five months is not a long time for you to get to know a person, but it is enough time for you to know what he wants you to know, you said, He explained to you that he had all these kids with so many women circumstance. Okay, what does that mean? I really really don't know what that means. And here's my question to all of that. Hello, Mr Tony the Tiger great lover, why are you Why weren't you using protection? Why? Eleven five four three? And then you have won seven months old and you've just been in a relationship with her for five months. I'm saying to you, young lady, take your time. Watch what he does, not what he says. He might claim to have everything under control in that statement right there, bothers me because usually when they say that, they don't. But with all he's got going on, plus adding you and your child in the mix, things could very well start to unravel at some point. So you just need more time. Okay. He might be a good man and he may have changed his weights, but five months I don't think you can tell that, especially, you know, with all these kids and stuff. Just hold on, Steve, big dog, I have something for you. Started right, because I only got a minute. Your third eye is working, huh, simple though. Let me tell the people this though. If you want to comment on the Strawberry letter, it is posted right now. All you have to do is go to Steve Harvey dot com, click on the Strawberry letter and just get to type in Okay, Just like that, we'll be back with Steve Harvey's and you can go on the website and read everybody's response to Yeah mine, you will heal. You can't read, you can't type what I'm fitous? Be not you? Oh just saying on the website, you know does she said need and big daddy is opinion. That's what I said from you? What I what is? Be that down? Soon as I can't say it again. Be that down as soon as I can't there to pfing the tag up. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's go. Let's get to this part two of your response to today's I do we do subject needing Big Daddy's Opinion. Good morning, Steve Harvey and crew. I'm writing this letter because I'm a thirty year old single mother of one who finally decided to be in a committed relationship after being married before divorced and in the dating game for a few years. So I have had a little time to free myself. The man that I'm seeing is also thirty years old and we have been seeing each other for five months. He's sweet, patient, well manned, giving, a hard worker, willing to compromise, very affectionate, and is the Tony the Tiger great level. The only thing is that he has five kids by four different women, ranging from eleven, five, four three years of age, and seven more. Don't get me wrong, I knew all the kids and parents at the very beginning, but now I have strong feelings for this man. He explained to me that he had all those kids with that many women by circumstances in relationships and some and flings with others. He also states that he's never found a woman worth settling down with pride to meeting me. He is definitely a man I've seen with my own eyes that he takes care of all of his kids and spend times with all. My issue is, I wonder could that really be a future with this man. I haven't had any baby mama drama just yet, and hope I never will. He and I communicate about that as well, and he says that he has it all under control. I care for this man and want to have a future one day with him and his small football team. But is it possible with the man with so many kids? Thanks so much, sincerely needing big Daddy's opinion. Where he got this letter? Really is about one thing to get out here called Tony and here's tiger is out standing. That's really what it's about. Tony and his tiger doing their thing. That's really what this letter. But let's please make no mistake about it, because any woman is willing to overlook all of this right here, dive headstrong into this. Let me tell you something this about Tony Duller. Now listen to this. She's thirty years old, finally decided to get a committed relationship because she's been married. The boy has been a day game, so she says, I've had a little time to free myself. I got news for you, lady. You're about to be unfree in a minute. You're about to be tired of your Damn they're gonna be a hostacause you're free. Now you marry this man with all these kids, and then you're the man I'm seeing heat fatty. We've been seeing each other for five months. Did she go into this? He's sweetie, patiently manned giving her hard working when it come by very infection, and his a Tony Tiger. The only thing is he got five kids by four different women. Are y'all feel the same way about it? All? Five of y'all feel the same way about Tony the Tiger, patient, hard work and affection, and does stop all that he Tony the Tigle bed is you're an overlook. He got flaws. You ain't missing no falls. That's cluzy in the bedroom frying that breaking come back, that breaking need to be fried. That's all it is. You know when to flipp it, You know how high to cut the heat on. They know how to crispy claws. You just can't see you. Come on, couse, he toned in the damn tigle. He got striped keep better than the bowl of corn freaks with frost. Don't you get through making love? Y'all just sit up in frosted flakes in the bedroom. Now listen to pass me. I've gotten wiping your mouth and everything. Listen to this right here. The only thing is he got five kids for different women. Then he go that they ranging from eleven, five, three and seven months. This boy been this stupid since he was eighteen, d the math. He ain't learned nothing. He did it at eighteen, He came back at twenty five, did it again at twenty six, did it again at twenty seven, took a break, came back, popped another one out of thirty. He ain't learned nothing. He don't know that. He can stop at Walt Green, CVS. Rex Store, wal Mar Target, the convenience, stole the liquor storebody selling the condom. Now at the truck stop in the bathroom, you can get a common but turn it. Tiger ain't got tired. He too busy being a tip. Don't shop at the drug store. Tigers, Jeff walk around wild. Okay, here we go. Now let me tell you this right here. He explained to me that he had all those kids with that many women by circumstance. Uh, lady, he had all them kids with that many women by having Tony the tiger sex had the one no circumstances. They were having sex. He didn't have all these kids by circumstances. He had them by having sex. He hasked some with relationships with some and flings with the other. Well, Tony just been flinging his tiger all round time time. That's what you call a freaking See. Tony been walking around town flanking his tiger out all over town. Now big tig on you. Tiger got stripes on the claude, big teeth. He didn't lock down into your thing, and now all a sudden. Tony Tiger is patient, he's sweet, he's well managed, he's giving, he's a hard worker. He's winning them. Then all this. Either you've didn't have a baby yourself, I got news for you. He just had a baby that seven months. Y'all been dating each other for five Tony still do the mouth on this, Like, by the way, go to the doctor your damn self. You need to try to find out if maybe you ain't got one in the other. This is the most fertile man I've ever met him. Mind. He's a baby making machine. And you're about okay, now here we go, let me tell you cut the music off. Listen to this right here okay. He also states that he's never found a woman worth settling down proude of me. He's definitely a man. He is. I've seen with my own eyes that he takes care of all of his kids and spends time with all of them. Well, let me ask you something. Anybody you know got five kids by four different women all over town. When has he had time to see you, thank you, time to keep driving tween all of them houses. When does he go out? Time for you? And since you've only been dating five months, I got a real shocking for you. This your first Christmas with the man. You ain't gonna get a damn I got for you? He got by Alright, See, we gotta go. You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at My Girl Shirley and please join me this Thursday at one thirty pm Eastern on Facebook Live for the Strawberry Letter at Live after show. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Steven Show. All of Black America cannot wait, cannot wait this weekend it goes down. Black Panther is in theaters this Friday. We're gonna talk about that. I'm gonna talk about America, every everybody. We're going to talk about that. But first I have to ask you, guys, if you saw the portrait of President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. They were revealed yesterday. They were revealed yesterday, the National Portrait Gallery that's where they're going to hang in Washington, d C. As two new editions to its collection of presidential portraits, former President Barack and First Lady Michelle. The portraits were unveiled yesterday. They're now part of the only complete complete collection of portraits of presidents outside the White House. The portrait of President Obama was by artist Kahnde Wiley. It featured Obama sitting in a chair with his arms folded with like this lush green background. You guys see that right flowers? Who artist? His name is? What? Steve Wiley? And and President Obamas? No, his name is kid? Do you crazy? Man? I thought? A phone rang? And then Michelle Obama's portrait, by artist Amy sherrold Uh features the former First Lady in a seated position, wearing like a geometric pattern dress and against a light blue background. Why because this artist was saying, that's how she paints people of color. She paints you know, she paints them gray. I guess because of what the color gray represents. She's an African American artist. Yeah, she paints she plaints mostly African American people. And she didn't say, well, I mean that's the artist's vision. That's the artist vision. Yeah, that's that's the artist's vision. He said that he wanted the president was saying, the artists wanted to paint him, you know, kind of like a king high above uh everything in a throne or mounted on a horse or something in President Obama said, I have enough political problems right now. I don't need anything you bring it down, bring it down. Yeah. So anyway, so they'll be hanging the two new portraits in the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, d C. There you go, I mean these is these is the photos. Ain't no votes or nothing. Oh you mean are people voting on the photos? Means just the photos? Yeah, these are yeah. Yeah, these are the photos that will be hanging. Yeah. Yeah, that's what they're going with it. I'm all for Yeah, it's it's yeah, okay, so what the artist says it looks like and so you can't argue with that. Alright. So now back to Black Panther. Guys. Uh and like you were saying, Steve, all of America is anticipating Black Panther. Yeah, opens in theaters Friday. It's only it's only sci fi move I've ever wanted to see. Yeah, I mean, is this our first black hero like the superhero Black Lightning? Black Lightning? Is super fly? Superflyabout I reported from The l A Times described Black Planther as a superhero movie about why representation and identity matters and how tragic it is when those things are denied to people. Adam V from buzz Rey BuzzFeed wrote, director Ryan Coogler has harnessed the superhero movie and a really fun one to explore profound ideas and create vivid images of black excellence that so rarely ever make it to a giant Hollywood movie. Check uh and Steve, I know we can't wait to see this Black Panther movie. And Chadwick Boseman, we love him. Stop by your daytime TV talk show and you asked him some um quick, rapid fire questions. Cha are you a morning or a night person? Night? Describe yourself in three words, let me see or or or or I got this, I got this. What's the first thing you do when you get up in the morning, pray, meditate? What is something that many people take seriously but shooting pocket tickets? What's your biggest addiction? The show Narcos? Oh Man that's my show man, that show. Yeah, Narcos. I can't stop watching it. Like I watched the I go back and watch Owen's and everything. But Netflix, Narcos. It's a really good series, man, really really good. All right, let's go. Uh, what's your all time favorite song? For all we know, Donny had the Way? Oh this boyfriend to make me tell up? Man? Man, thank you, man, somebody knows something about some damn music. What's the last thing you liked on social media? There's a video of this Jamaican dude singing this song ku komba in it. Kom You need to look this up. It's beautiful, cook it up, don't worry about it. Cucumber but kukum. Yeah. What's your favorite movie quote? You used to be beautiful, Sam Jackson, Jackie Brown really yeah, to Robert de Niro your greatest achievement, Oh, man, just being alive right now, but like just being alive to being alive? Yeah, I like that too. Man. What's your last thought before going to bed? Thank you? Yeah, that's a good thank that was great. We loved Chadwick Bowsman, a great, great actor, so talented. You think you could have played Black Palty because that pretty good here all right, coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna talk about women in the workplace. They need to start getting along. Come on, ladies, come on, sister. You're listening to the Steve Show, all right, Steve, So you know the TV show in the movie franchise Sex in the City, Right, you've seen it before, right? Okay, Well, the actresses on the show and the movie they're beefing. Um sadly actress Kim Yeah, yeah, yeah, sadly. Um. Kim Cattrell, her brother passed away recently in her co star Sarah Jessica Parker, did an interview and Sarah Jessica Parker offered condolences to Kim Cattrell, but Kim responded in a tweet, this is Kim talking. Now. Let me let me make this very clear if I haven't already, you are not my family, You are not my friend. So I'm writing to tell you one last time to stop exploiting our tragedy in order to restore your nice girl persona. I don't need your love or support at this tragic time at sarka Sarah Jessica Parker, Wow, that's a lorning. Yeah, that's right there. You got one moment. Yeah, last time. Yeah, don't need anything, don't want it, say something else. While she's grief stricken. We said this, so she's really serious that your last time, leave us alone. I saw don't come for me. One of the worst funeral ash I've ever seen at a funeral. Really. Oh yeah. A dude came to this girl's funeral that he had broken up with, and he came to the funeral and the family didn't think he should have been now o lord, and there we started, boy, and they spotted him right for he was walking by the view of the body because that ready, yeah, exactly how I went, I know. And I could see the whole family over there. I said, god, dog, And wasn't nothing I could do. Man, That dude went over there. He was heartbroken. He was crying. It was his ext girlfriend. He crying. Her brothers toom saying, but what is you crying? Fault? I said, Okay, damn. He used the data she did that he cared about her. They broke up, but he heard to show us respect. What you crying? Fault? Hmm? Oh you're trying to cry for all the time you made her cry? Oh? And he said, hey man, I'm really sorry, bro, sorry for y'all's loss. My mama don't need you telling her you sidy fire lost man. She need to just get up out of here, partner. And that's how I started. When you hear partner at the funeral yeah right there. No, no, no, no, they waited until he got out because because her mama was sitting there. But the brothers all got up and followed him out. Wow. I was out in the lobby of the funeral home trying to get him out the dough m oh man, they're just got there talking to us some man. What's you just gonna get in your car? Man? Oh man, I just can't to show my respect, Steve. They had to talk to me like this. I said, hey man, why don't you just gonna get in your car? And damn doors open up by saving probably too late to get in the cart. So then what happened? They whooped his ass and you didn't pull him? Whoa dog? Whoa? I tried to get to dude in the car were me and him wasn't that close. You don't really know. I didn't really know him like that. All I was out there was doing just trying to get him off into the car. I saw the heat swelling up in there, and I just tried to get doing the car. Wet dog. Hey down, it wasn't my home and my homeboy and nothing like that. Partner come up on the same block and he's been a hunting trust street boy. We all had been up in there, but you wasn't one of my block cats. No, I ain't got enough, I told your answer getting the car, ain't were whooping? Is asking the funeral directors out there pulling on people. He grabbed the brothers and brothers, brothers, brothers, he said, hey, man, get your damn hands off me. Then you grabbed me one more time. Down the other two brothers and steady welling on this dude, he said, but you grabbed me one more time. You're gonna get some of this right here. He said, Well, all right, then the funeral director, don't you think sometimes you know, well, um, she wouldn't have wanted, you know, the deceased person. She wouldn't have wanted you guys to act like this at her funeral, and all probably wasn't sure. She probably wouldn't have wanted that, But she kind of quiet though, and she don't know s. I know that, but I'm just saying, you have to govern yourselves accordingly. Yeah, that's what I would work. And then the mama came out there. She was, this ain't the place for that. Stop. And then that's when they stopped. The mama made mama, mama getting it here and this girl's laying up here, y'all in here fighting like foods set in him, and them dudes got right on up in there. Man walked in there, straighten their little ties or black. Ain't nothing happened, Yes, ma'am, I said that went on in there whom I left a dude in the hallway, that's that's on him, Like mama, I figured she was talking to me. You had to go. Yeah, I'm already tried to stop. Want to ask women didn't work, but I'm not gonna do a stand out in his hallway. Then she said, didn't not say get in here. You didn't want to get run on that with miss Wallace right in there, didn't and somebody holding you. That's when you get hit. When I'm in when someone won't stop it, that's what I like. You see him. I told him, just gonna get in your car, I'm in here trying to play. Hey man, I'm dusing that sound a little wrong. Why don't you just go head on? Well, I hope that changed him as a man, if he was mistreating her or whatever. Like the brothers said, I hope that changed him for future relationship. I knew the relationship. It wasn't abusive, you know what I mean? They just broke up. Okay, Oh no, man, he wasn't beating that girl or nothing. He never here. You come to that funeral, but they were so grief stricken that you broke up. You know, Sarah Jessica trying to show up at the funeral. I don't know if she's trying to show up at the funeral. I think she was just offering her condolences. I don't think it would be a good idea if you want it. You really know she knew. Well she's not a funerals too, because I've been to one of them. Oh yeah, yeah, Doc from walth West, Virginia. Fight everywhere, all right, look, we'll be after this everywhere. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Steve, you were saying that you saw a fight. What was this? Now an country yeah, country people have very similar ways of settling stuff that I think is very similar to the urban community. Well like, for example, our performing to this place called Buckets. I told you about this place. Headed pool table in the middle of the room and they set fold away chairs around it, and he had a stage. He it was a card table. So just take a card table and be in your closet that you flip the legs he folded and under and put crystal lights on and said, that's the stage. I'm saying, I'll be there but two inches on the ground and then if you step off of get back up on the stage. I got that visual. I have that visual. Okay. It was a trailer park up the street. Now I ain't saying that where they stayed, but when all of them came to the club, they all came from that direction. I don't know. I can't safe for show. But it was a lot of houses up there. It wasn't tied down on wheel and with hitches on it. And most everybody came was in a pickup truck, wait overalls and a lot of stuff. Said John, deal, that's all I'm saying that. That's what it was. So I finished perform and got my little money. I go to hotel. The next morning. I'm leaving and I'm passing by buckets and I see the club on the outside sweeping, just a regular whish broom sweeping, not a push broom. And it was a truck, one pickup truck in front of it. So I stopped to thank the guy for having me that night, just being nice. He's a maaze nice guy, made one funniest people. Everything come out that I wish you well, and I really do, thanks for coming. And he looked over and he saw the pickup truck. He's saying he was sweeping. He said, I got sweep right here. Let me get this fill out of his truck. So he took the broom and he knocked on the window. I want. The dude was sleep and he knocked again, and so he said, I don't know, I on my window again with that broom. Well that that right there to somebody stay up the street. Now I'm just assuming he staying up the street in them you know places with the hitches on them. That's like an invite. He said, don't knock on my wind again. So he took that broom and a pap right on it again. Now he rose and wander down and they have an exchange the words. He said, I just need you to move up because I'm trying to squeet. So the dude said, didn't I tell you nothing? Knock on my wonder, He said, I just dead come on. So then he opens the door and puts his foot out the truck sack right across the head with that damn and broke, and then stepped back with the remainder of the broom like I got more for you if you keep walking. He said, what next time I see you swing at swing at swing at broom at mcgid. Next time I see you, I'm gonna show you something. But he got on back in that truck though, Yeah, yeah, and I stared Dan Bucky said it son, mm hmmm, And I just went, let me just get my black ass in this car so I don't have to fill out my police report I get arrested. Yeah, and I just drove off and never been back there. All right, More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and Winter Olympics coverage right after this. It was in the trailer park up the streets. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning show. Alright, guys, the first black US Olympic speed skater advances to the quarterfinals. Don't you love the sound of that headline? Yes, yes, USA speed skater My mate, Biny continues to make history. Yeah, my may Biny continues to make history as she advances to the five hundred meter quarterfinals. Love her energy. She's just so bubbly and just sweet and happy. She's just like, yes, yes, yes, the other damn yeah. The first black woman to qualify for the US Olympic speed skating skating team. And now she has a shot today to advanced to the semi finals. She's eighteen years old. She secured her fun and her energy. She is so bubbly and fun and excited and happy to be there. Um. She secured her her spot with a time of forty three point six hundred and sixty five seconds. Wow, that's fast. Yeah, man, I usually don't. I usually don't miss the major's. I missed that. You know. I'm gonna be our own reportable for the Olympics. Yeah, I'm gonna do it because you know, Matt Larry, he couldn't make it this year. Some so Mike, Mike, Mike Terko is over there and he's doing an excellent job. But they sent out broker to out all look bad in the skull cap. Man, all look bad in the skull cap and he's gained that way back. He's too big to be on the ice. You go crazy all over there in the cold with that skull cap on. Damn man, come over man, because Mike Terko was laying it out. Man holders over there too. She looked good. Love her team they have. I just I'm on NBC. NBC should have took me, you know, we should have did. They should have cut a deal. But I don't want to live in New York. You don't have enough jobs, so that leave something though. I have to cut something loose. But if they, you know, i'd go up there and do Today Today Show. I don't know. They probably think I don't talk up. You'd have to cut something loose, would Yeah, I want to hear that. I know you've been. I say that radio show, I know you've been. Well, that's the thing that's in direct conflict with you today, in direct conflict from come on at six, and what is that's gonna do? I'm going to New York with him. You're gonna be a writer. I'm gonna I'm gonna go anyway. I don't know, I don't I wouldn't know. I don't think that really has an appeal to me. That's not the format that I would exhale in. You gotta get up real early, Steve. But that is somebody talking about problems getting up that had trouble with my mike. What's that? I'm I'm saying it and I'm sticking with it. He was here for two hours. It might trouble, but we really see all right. We'll be back with Steve's closing remarks, coming back at forty nine after the hour. You don't want to miss him. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we are the last break of the day with just one more thing and Steve's closing remarks. But before we get to that, Steve and I can't wait for those j J spot Tonight. What's going on? Jay spot Tonight. It's all going down with Lunil Lou's Funny this week. Get your tickets from the event right to Jay's Body anyone West Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, California. And a big celebration for Paul Mooney and honoring Mr Dick Gregory. You can get those tickets on events right right now? Okay in Los Angeles. That's pretty good. That's nice. You thought of that. I did everything that happens. Then it's me. No, Neil is my my manager comes up with a lot of good stuff. Oh she's very yes, yes, y Kevin Hart soon one day. What's your day? You said? Thank big? Steve always says, think big. That's what I'm doing. He's coming one day. Hey, dog, if I came, could you get them cameras? What cameras? Oh? No cameras. Oh there'd be no camera. No, they don't get to worry about that. They would never know. And the phones and the phone, they would never know you was in there. You show up. We're talking about thinking big. Jay, damn Kevin Hard. I got Steve. He's bigger in the stand up world right now. He's not bigger standing up. He would shout out to Kevin Hart him, But did check comes from here? Okay. Today's closing remark is another level of inspiration. I tried to all I've been trying to in part this year. I want to talk to you about one of the keys to success. I want you to listen to this carefully because this can apply to a lot of people, because a lot of people get stuck. A lot of people are stuck in their plan because they've committed themselves to the plan, and the plan has to work no matter what. So I'm gonna keep working the plan. I want to remind you of something though, that as life changes, plans change. I'm not saying that the goal has to change, but I am saying that the plan to get to the goal has variations to it. Look, you still may have the goal of becoming rich or famous, or you're becoming successful or owning the business or owning a company, or moving up the corporate ladder, or completing your education or getting the degree, or or finding your relationship or getting a family and getting your family back in order. Whatever your goal goal is, the goal can be the same. The plan has to have variables to it because life moves, you. Know. The thing about nature is nature. I've noticed one thing in nature. There are no straight lines in nature that are know, the most beautiful things I've ever seen are in nature. But I don't recall seeing any straight lines in nature. All rivers being and turn all mountains elevate with curves and plateaus. Even the world is on the curvature everything, every wave pattern is different, every beach is different. There is no smooth land. It all has slight variables in it that are no straight lines in nature. But that's what makes it beautiful, the variations, the variations, the movement of the earth and of nature, and of water and of land and of air, of sea, of mountains, of desert, terrain, it's all moving. It changes, it remains beautiful. The desert is the desert, but it changes. So One of the keys to success is reinvention. Never be afraid to reinvent yourself. Reinvention is one of the keys to success. I don't know too many people are success who are stuck on the route they've chosen to take and will not deviate because they just so hell bent and determine it on doing it this one set way. Well, that's good, that's great determination to have. But you need to take that determination and apply it to reinvention because you can reinvent yourself with the same amount of determination still get to where you're going, just take a different route. Never be afraid to reinvent yourself. I've done it. In my career, time and time and time again. I'm always looking for the variables in my life. When I'm trying to get it one way and I don't see that it's happening, and I've done everything I can do, maybe it's time to start looking at another way to take it. Because I gotta keep telling you, man, the definition of insanity is to keep doing the exact same thing and expecting a different result. That's insane. You cannot keep doing it the same way and expect a different result. You just can't. Reinvention is one of the keys to success. Open your mind and your heart to another route, in another way. Once again. You don't have to change the goal. You don't have to change the objective, but you may have to change the route. You may have to change the course of action. It's called reinvention, y'all. Reinvention is the key to success. All right, y'all have a good with me. I hope you enjoyed that. Hope that helps somebody out there to day. Closing, thank you, yeah for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.