March for Our Lives, Sidepiece Chronicles, Work on Your Dreams and more!

Published Mar 26, 2018, 2:45 PM

Steve and the crew talk about the student-led demonstration in Washington D.C. They also go over the 60 Minutes interview with Stormy Daniels. Big Dog breaks down the game of a playboy and the sidepiece and also explains how it goes down when there is big money involved. The show wraps up with Steve explaining dreams. They only work if you do!

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon all looking back to back down, giving them just like theming buck bus things and it's cub y'all do me true good to Steve hoyeh listen to mother for Sto Barley. Why don't you join ye by joining me? Said? Do you turn to go? Yeah? You want to y'all go? You gotta turn't to turn turn you lovey got the turn out to turn turn wanter y, comey, come on your back at it. Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah man, one more time. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Why because God, God is in the blessing business. If you go get in line, he has something for you. If you go get in line, he has something for you. God is amazing the plan he actually has for you. It's so far greater than you can possibly imagine. It's really mind blowing. And as I look back on where He's brought me from and what he's currently doing for me, all I can do is tell you is God, That's all I can tell you because I tell you right now, I didn't foresee it. You know. It oftentimes amazes me when I listened to celebrities when they interview, how they say, you know, I always always thought that this would happen for me and not just you know, it could be true, but for me, it's not that way at all. I didn't imagine it this way. I had a dream of becoming famous one day, but I had no idea it would it would ever get to this. It was a very very simple desire for fame. I just simply wanted to become one of the premier stand ups in the country, one of them, not the but just one of them. Because you know, humor is um you know, it's I don't know the right word, but it's an opinion. Some people, no matter how funny you are, think somebody else is funnier than you. I get that. That's I don't have a problem with that. It's some people that did not like Richard Pryde. They didn't they didn't find his brand of humor to be funny at all, because it doesn't it didn't tickle their funny bone. So really, what I wanted in the beginning was to become one of the premier stand ups in the country. There is no way I could have seen all this. There is no way I am telling you this is. This has been nothing for me but the grace of God, and all the times I failed, every time I had fallen, he picked me up, he dusted me off, and he kept me moving. It has been an amazing thing to watch God do what he do. As I look back on my history, and you sometimes look back on your history, you've got to see, Man, wow, what God has done for you and what He's brought you through to enable you to be where you are. It is amazing because really, I mean really real talk. Now, had he allowed all all of the decisions I had made to play all the way out, I can assure you I wouldn't be here today. But God, through this grace and mercy, who had a plan for me, who was just waiting on me to come get in line, and then he was gonna start empty and now he was gonna start shipping out all the boxes in heaven with my name on it. And man, and what a great God he is, What a great God he is? And you have boxes of blessings with your name on it that he is waiting to ship, but he needs you to go down there and get in line. That's what it is. It is not that he has more boxes for other people than he do you. He got boxes with your name on it who have never been shipped. Because you will not get in line to go get him. You will not ask God for him, you will not do the things necessary to attain them. We stop our own blessings. Man, I have been the biggest star of my blessings than anybody else. I can't really get mad at nobody. I got nobody to blame for my existence but me. But then at the same time, I can't take credit for this. I really really can't. I kid you not, I cannot take credit for And if you ever see me taking credit forward, tap me on the shoulder, say Steve, pull up. You remember you said this same about you. If you catch me taking too much credit, you have my permission to stop me. Now Here is the deal, though, and and this is what I want to get through to today, moving forward while under attack new level, new devil. You know, every time you go somewhere, every time you try to progress, every time you make a decision to be better, to do better. That's gonna be a confrontation you're going to have because it is the enemy's job to not see you go forward, do better. Won't more, behave yourself. There is a force that is operative out there that has people working on his behalf seven. I mean, just do dirt all day long. You gotta computer. Go go read a blog. Just go read a blog. They're busy man, not knowing, but just saying evil stuff constantly. That's the job. Well, here's here's what happens. I you. We have to always keep moving forward while we're under attack because the attack it's going to always come. If you allow the attackers to stop you, you will lose that particular battle. And you cannot afford this. You know. My father used to say, be careful when you're trying to kick somebody off the letter, because you got to take your foot off too, and you might slip. And so when people are taking their feet off the ladder, most something more, the majority, the main nam up own a ladder. They just at the bottom throwing stuff up at you. They are just shaking your ladder. They ain't even they ain't even on your level. Really tell you the truth, they're really not. You have moved on far beyond them spiritually, physically, everything, but they are still shaking your ladder and attacking. You. Keep moving forward while under attack, because the attacks are going to come. If you take the time to stop and address it, you are impeding your own progress. This is very important to understand. Go on about your business and remember Steve Harvey and remember those of you out there. There is a Bible verse that helps me out every time. And I don't know why. I got it on six different plaques sitting all around my offices. Everywhere I go, I can read it Isaiah seventeen, No weapon formed against Michel Prosper that because this is that he will put me under his wings of protection. And this is my inheritance as a servant of the Lord period. I'm his boy, he my man, so so dig so so when you're coming for me, I have to just rest on that Lord right there, that he got it, that no weapon formed against Michell Prosper. I'm just like you. Sometimes, you know, we know better, but sometimes we don't do better. Man. Let them say what they're gonna say when they get through saying it when they get through. Right now, when they get through talking about you. When they get through line about you, guess what they're gonna have to do. They're gonna have to step back and watch your rise. They're gonna have to kick back and watch what God got for you. Because nothing God got for you. Can't nobody stop it. I don't care what they do. Keep moving forward while under attack, you know, so might tell you something. Mr Lewis Faircon taught me something very important one day, he says, Steve, remember this. He said. It is a common thing for a dog to balk up at the moon. But if the moon box back at the dog, the dog becomes famous. You feel me, the moon was talking to you. What did you? How did the moon stop and talk to you? Don't give them that. Let the dog bark up at the moon. Don't you be up there? You go where God got you going. Don't bark back at this dog because the dog come famous, because they ain't gonna be able to get to you. But the dog is famous. Now they want to interview the dog, not a dog. Guess what he's gonna do more bark and guess what about you? Man? Going about your business? Y'all? God is in the blessing business all day long man, go get in line, get you something, Get them packages and boxes ship to you. They got your name on it, waiting on you, Steve Show, Ladies and gentlemen, boards and girls, people all around the world. You are listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah man, Good morning, Shirless Strawberry, Good morning Steve Harvey and the Fabulous Caller for Real. Good morning Steve. Hey crew, ha, pitch, that's what you want? That loose Kennon Jay, Anthony Brown, Good morning, Steve Hay you So, where's Tommy? He's on his way out here. Really do you all think he's sliding back a little bit into what he used to be? I don't know him. No, he actually said at the top of the year he changed. Remember how many of you believe the chain what he was? He's so far, so good? What was he He's not? He used to be a hothead Jai and you made him mad. He would shut down, right, Steve. He wouldn't speak to you for two three weeks week old grudges at a time. Oh like he would disappear from full six breaks of the show. Just let's say nothing here. You throw a time and you get nothing, nothing nothing. Don't throw it down. He's gonna be on the floor. Don't throw anohing. It was crazy, man, as it was crazy. He has he has improved. Yeah, he hasn't big time. But I gotta be honest with you. The mentoring, it's not that supposed. It's it's it's alarmingly absent. But Steve, part of that is you. You don't have time, you know you got You gotta accept some responsibility. No, I'm sorry, I accept no responsible Why hold on? Did you not just come to the set or family feud? Yes? I did, sir. How much time do we spend together? Bam. That doesn't make any attempt here to getting mentored. He's been I am team timing, just putting facts up. You got an apartment out of here in l A. He got a home in Houston. He travels, everybody, got a sell for he can text email. He makes no attempt to be mentored, and just sadly to say, well, no, I'd retract that. And he's on his way to having his career the way he's designing it, and he's just on his way. But it is devoid of mentoring. And I just wanted to say that, Well, it doesn't sound like he's feeling another way. You're open to mentor him, and he hasn't contacted you. Some time, I feel like a mentorist child. What sometimes I feel like a mentalist child. He got to be humming that some more. Well, it's the last week of March. Yeah, we're gonna try to get a crack in this week. This was started in January. I ain't talked with this boy yet. How busy you think? I a busy? Surely you and I have talked. Thank you, we'll be back. You're listening to show? All right, It's time guys for something funny, funny with three comedians this morning. Tommy's on his way. Uh well, everyone's favorite nun is heading to the Final four. The Loyola basketball team chaplain year old sister Jean Dolora Smith a k a. Sister Jean. They just call her Sister Jean. She's so sweet. And the Loyola Chicago Ramblers will be heading to San Antonio to take on the Michigan Wolverines. Stim boys is getting it here, yes they are and balling hard, them boys out a shottown, bawling hard. They're trying to let him have can I do like a little small. You know, I don't know basketball, but I know this is happening. The Lady Gamecocks Columbia South Carolina in the Final eight, about to go to the final floor again after winning it last year year. Yeah. Yeah, that's big, Ja, that's real big. And that's all I know now, So don't we don't don't know. I'm saying who's on the bench and I don't. I don't know that, Okay, but you know too giving a shout out. I was gonna ask you, guys, what did you think of sister? That's the Nune's She's very inspirational to more famous though my first wife you can't get none. You ain't see none. Your first wife was I didn't get none. I ain't talk about none. But she's supposed to be the what is the mascot of the team. She's very I mean, she's raised a shark for ninety eight. Yeah, I'm going like, wow, man, this woman is speaking, she's clear coherent. She knows all that's talked about San Antonio. But Tim Boys is getting it done. Man. You know that's a school you go to when you get picked to go to the big the bigger schools and you know, you know you didn't quite get the big great the Great Pontys held you back. Why are you going down low? You know, just it's something close to your heart. I know what it's like to get in badly. All right, So now all kinds of teams want Sister Jean to come to their city and and visit them. Atlanta Falcons won her Carolina Panthers, and um, she might even have a date with Charles Barkley because he said if Loyola went made it to the final four, he would take Sister Jean out in a date. Wow, I guess she need to be getting if she going to save teams. How to hell on the Cleveland Brown? I knew it didn't call her. They need to be first. And how the hell Barkley gonna understand the depth of this lady's language. Really, I'll be talking all over, but listen, me and Charles talk real good. When we together, we will be right there. Yeah, same vote turn p. So do you guys have like a um, here's a question for you, do have like a good luck person per se or a person? Yeah? I do you do? Yeah? Steve, I was doing my bad damn right again, we all do we go to my rubbed these chicks every week? Are you kidding? Thank you? Thank you very brother Steve and sister. You're not gonna clar man, I'm telling me. So we all agree on this show. Just person Steve Harvey three? Yeah, I can do. I don't even call my but I had no letter. I read it off. I ain't called my father about wanting calling uncle Steve. So wait, so Steve is that magical person? Yeah? What situation you can't get in and he can't help you get out? Even my husband said, boy, we follow a hard time. We got one millionaire and I just want to say it properly. Inn word does it without a cape? He does? Change is never quite up. Yeah, we need to throw that. I like I do. Just see him. I'm changing the number. No, no, no, as soon as it get regular. If I get two phone called, the numbers changing to to to to three phone calls, Hello, Steve, what's uping man? Who is it? Errol? Okay, already no business with nobody. You ain't no row man? What's up with you? Man? Yeah? But opening conversation with Steve got your boy, but you ain't even know I had your number. That's what that's what I hear when I hear that your number? Yeah me who gave it? As soon as we hang onmer gets blocked. He meeting. I'm telling you, man, you can't get me twice. Once I learned how to block a number. Oh that number, you got to come again, but you will that numbers blocked and the stuff you can do on the phone now you couldn't do nowhere near back in the day. You can block a number, Yeah, you couldn't even you didn't even know who was. Yeah. Hey, let me tell you something. They got an app where you can call somebody's number and it will scramble your phone number and make it look like something else. If somebody's blocked you, there's an app you can get used the app punching in their number and then call it through that app and it scrambles your number and it looks like something They got that. Now we're trying to use that app on us. No, that ain't rich, that's real wall Coming up next it is Monday, of course, rebend Motown Deacon death Jam where death Jam they're gonna be here with church complaints it up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the our guys, we're gonna discuss the March for Our Lives marches in Washington and all over the country. Plus ms Anna is gonna be here. She's gonna have today's national news. But right now it is time for Reverend Motown and Deacon death Jam. Guys. M oh oh lord, mm hmm. We gavel on this osportentious day. That's what osportentious day? What does that to do? Author abail tips and notion two critical or just me ain't over? In other words, this is their church. It's full of people. Will complain, yes, any after they complained so long, Yeah, so hard, I'm so tired. Yeah, but yet they come anyway. And the leader of this dis infrench high ungrat fiaciality of an organization is not ungrat for nationality of evil duels is their leader, the bringer of the message. Yeah, Deacon delf that in me past they get Marne ain't get ain't h Did you want me to start smarting? Yeah? What the hell do you think we are doing here? Now? You already dreag your ass in here? Yeah, now you're in here late and unprepared. Yeah, complaint, just start to complain. Yes, sister, commonly to Daniel, I just got released from the correction of her Sunday. She said, Uh, that's she's been made whole again and she is a new creature. As you know. Her nickname is a hot hands. And she's been out for three days. We are missing sixty two Bibles and forty one him books and all the copper that is connected to the plumbing here at the church. Uh. They have voted passed her to put her out, but the last decision will be Yo. Well, I'm pretty sure as everyone else that hard hand hand. What is she stealing Bible for is beyond and me. I don't know if she reselling them to other churches than that, but maybe I'm missing sixty two. Well them copper pipes is for crack, that's for shure crackheads, and male head is still still copper pipe. I didn't know that for sure. Yeah, I wouldn't have wrote it like that if my response had nothing to do with you. I'm not. I'm not at your death when you're coming up with you can't be at mine when I come up with your responding. Next. Let's see here seventy two year old spoon kid Jason. Yeah, Spooky Johnson has just received his g e D. He is not telling people he has qualified to run the after school tutoring program. Uh. Now the problem is, um, he wants to run a school to the program and uh but you know our children is our future and they want you to decide if he is qualified to run this program. Spooky won't be in charge of the children where he wants to tutor the children he came to. What y'all are leaving out is Spooky got his g e D just in heating and out. No, that don't qualify you to teach children basic mouth, English science, social studies, and gymnastics, which we are trying to make a well rounded youth down in here. Our gymnastics team took last place last year in the church nationals. Right, one single baby girl that we could toss high up in the tow. Now we've started the nutrition program, get these little heavy dude, a cut is down on the program where we can get one of these girls to get on on top of the Pin't made only two level high, right, we only we only kids were down that high out of ours a basis. That's that's a little TOSSI cheer with them, call the baby cheer with the championship to the travels and everything. We can't get but six of these in the damn van. We put them in there with their mama. That van four. We can't care a whole team. We had to make three trips lass that passed. They the Chilian team is asking that we get some new uniforms because they they need some new ones. You know I need them. They didn't throw out the moment. I have asked y'all to stop letting sister Ferguson make these Chilian offits because she keep using cotton and thread. You gotta get spread dex, some lockwoods where she's been using the old road materia. That's where she's been used. That ain't gonna stand up under the heavy duty, cutest das routine. Uh. At one moment before you were late. Not now you can't hear, But did nobody know that you don't have time for nothing? Then nobody and everybody knew that because we said it. Yeah, but we know he's late. We're not dwelling. Were pass and I was waiting to see him. Netflix was going cow hey, listen coming up at the top of the hour, protesters demand gun reform at eight hundred plus rallies around the world March for Our Lives. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, President Trump was in mar Lago over the weekend. He was golfing while millions. Yeah, you don't even have to say he golf He was so quiet this weekend. Millions of protesters meanwhile, demanded gun control h laws. During the March for Our Lives protests this past Saturday, survivors of the deadly shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida delivered a resounding message that Washington's in action on gun violence is no longer acceptable. Protesters were shouting never again. Take a listen. My name is Naomi and I'm eleven years old. I am here today to acknowledge and represent the African American girls whose stories don't make the front page of every national newspaper. I represent the African American women who are victims of gun violence, who are simply statistics instead of vibrant, beautiful girls that's full out potential. For far too long, these names, these black girls and women, have been just numbers. I'm here to say never again for those girls too years old, powerful may alright, it's a new generation of activists. Man Martin Luther King's granddaughter, nine year old Yolanda Renee King, spoke about a fight for a great generation. Many celebrities marched right along with the protesters, including George Clooney, Paul McCartney, Kim and Kanye Miley, Cyrus, Andrew Day Common and Jennifer Hudson closed Washington Mark with a in Washington by singing a gospel rendition of Bob Dylan's The Times They Are Changing, and Steve, one of the survivors, said to the leaders, skeptics and cynics who told us to sit down, stay silent, and wait your turn, welcome to the revolution. Either represent the people or get out stand for us, or beware. You know this this generation is the one that's gonna make a change when it comes to ease, uh the n r A. I've was listening to Rick Sentatorium on CNN, and what's amazing is he's saying, you know to the fact that you know, in in in essence, all they're doing is protesting and trying to bring out some meat, trying to bring about some meaningless gun laws when there are so many other things that need to be addressed to make our schools safer. And I was just looking at this guy because they will do anything to deflect the attention off of the UM, the N I A and UM this guy down here in Florida, this ruby dude, uh that they all over for accepting N I A money. You know, I mean he he wants to applaud these kids, but then he doesn't. It doesn't he don't. They want applaud the kids, but they don't like the kids solutions that they're offering. Because all of the solutions that these young people are offering up our solutions that would stop the sales of assault writer and up the age and require more validation before you can purchase the gun. And n I don't want that. They want to keep making and selling assault rafle Assault rifles were created for war. Here's another thing. The Second Amendment was created in a time where people were not walking into You couldn't walk in the church and kill everybody in the church because you had a musket gun. Your ass had to take a pellet, drop it down in there, pack some gunpotty in there with a stick. In the store forty people ain't gonna sit there and let you shoot their head. You might. You can get one bullet packed in there and walk in that church and shoot. You will not get a second round off. So now you can have the Second Amendment. But we've created weapons of mass destruction. I don't mean like nuclear but I'm talking about when you can walk in and fall so many rounds per minute, it's for killing. Yeah, it shouldn't be allowed, ladies and gentlemen, without a doubt, the best news person in all of radio this and trip. Thank you very much, Steve. Good morning everybody. This is a trip with the news, and we do have a lot to talk about. Thousands of young people from all over the country descended on the nation's capital on Saturday, denouncing President of the members of Congress over the lack of new gun control laws they say they want to change. Everyone have been touched by the cold grip of gun violence. Understands for those who still can't comprehend because they refused to six minutes and twenty seconds with an a R fifteen. And my friend Carmen would never complain to me about piano practice. Alex Schefter would never walk into school with his brother Ryan, Elena Patty would never, Kara Lgren would never, Chris Hickson would never, Luke Hoyer would never, Peter Wang would never, Alyssa Alhadaf would never, Meatow Pollock would never. The White House issued a statement praising the marches for exercising their First Amendment right, but the President issued no tweets. Demonstrats in Florida called out Republican Santa Marco Rubio for accepting they say reported three point three million dollars from the n r A and A. Students set up kiosk at their demonstration where people could register to vote. By the way, there was several special guests, but there was one adorable little girl named Lander Rene King who wowed the crowd. You see you. Land is the granddaughter of the late Great Reverend Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. And while reminding every one of his dream she said she had one of her own dream. Enough is enough fascination. That was nine year old Lander and a King. Besides watching, they were also student anti gun demonstrations in New York, Florida, Minnesota, Virginia, Colorado, Paris, London, Berlin, all over the place. At the box office, specific Rim came in at number one over the weekend, come winning twenty eight million dollars over Black Panther. But nevertheless, Black Panther has now become one of the top five highest grossing films in US box office history. It is now the highest grossing superhero film ever. And finally, today is National Spinach Day. More entertainment, Today's trending topics, Twin Miss After the Hour and Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. There's a new generation guys, new generation of activists, including nine year old Yalanda Renee King. Who is she? You might hear the last name and think, oh, is this the relative of the King's will you will be exactly right. She's a granddaughter of civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr. And Coretta Scott King. Little Yalanda is the daughter of Martin Luther King the third. Yolanda stood alongside Jacqueline cora In, a seventeen year old student who survived the shooting at Stoneman Douglas, Florida High School, and she spoke, take a listen, granddaughter, Martin endor King, My father had a dream that his four little children will not be judged by the color their skin, but by the continent of their character. I have a dream that period. Landa spoke about a great generation and this young lady is following in her grandfather's footsteps advocating for change and peace. Wow at nine years old. Love, Yes, yeah, we gotta keep a watch on her, keep an eye lander Rene King. Do these kids make you feel in any way that you failed Joe children? Yeah, we were. We have failed ourselves as humans. Yeah, yeah, yeah they do. They're so bright, they're so articulate, and you're so passionate doing it inside and dolls, dolls, jacks with my sister, front with my sister, just baking cookies. I was making clothes for my dolls and combing their hair and doing all the things. Yeah, I had a knock in my yo, yo, jake. And we're looking at what these kids are confronted with stuff at different times, for sure. And this and this young lady, Landa Rene King, she talked about you know, see what we talked about last week with my daughter with doing lockdowns at school. She talked about dealing with that. So that's what these fourth graders are dealing with. Like you said, Jay, this is what they're dealing with, this part of what they're dealing with, And this is unbelievable compared to what we dealt with. I mean, the biggest thing we deal with. For me, I know, my jobs, Bamba that was his name, to bully, taking my lunch money. That was it. And now for you that was yeah. Me and line of Cotton and Henry Ware. I was trying to figure out how to keep our teacher from coming to schooling next day with this day I'm spelling for There was a plan, that's what we was going through. Yeah, school's safest places, the safest place you can wait there all day for your mama to come and get you wait there at the school. And Lee Brown came to school. It was troubled to take off work. Oh my god, school, my job talking, you're listening to show and you know, give me that and I just remember you wouldn't handed over and uh so he did. And I was like, turn around, drop him, you told do trying to turn around and take off his pants? Yes? And did he yes? So he turned around and pulled his pants down a little, you know, he had underwear and stuff, and and I just gave him a couple of swats. Man last night? When is that he's last night? I'm guys whoa Everyone was watching Stormy Daniels. She was interviewed by Anderson Cooper about the affair she says she had with Donald Trump in two thousand six and two thousand seven, and she said, never used a condom. Yeah, he didn't like those things. Did you want to have sex with him? No? But I didn't. I didn't say no. I'm not a victim. I'm not. It was entirely concentral. Yes, yes, you work in an industry where condom uses is an issue? Did did he use a condom? Did you ask him to? And that's all that's playing all through the White House man every TV. That's what I'm saying. You get that. Last they talked about the hundred dollars hush money and more and they must make her. Take a listen to this, and then we're going to talk about the playmate Karen McDougall as well. All right, take a listen. When Anderson Cooper asked Stormy why is she doing this interview? It's part of talking wanting to set the record straight. What is the record need to be set straight? Because people are just saying whatever they wanted to say about me. I was perfectly fine saying nothing at all. But I'm not okay with being made out to me a liar or people thinking that I did this for money, and people are like, oh, you're an opportunist, you're taking advantage of this. Yes, I'm getting more job offers now, But tell me one person who would turned down a job offer making more than they've been making doing the same thing that they've always done. And Stormy Daniels is seeking a ruling that the confidentiality agreement between her and the President is invalid, in part because Mr Trump never signed that. The President's attorneys are seeking to move the case to federal court. Um Steve, is that is that legit? Though if he didn't sign it, is that legit? Uh? Well, I mean you know you can't. You can't legally say it was him because his signature is nowhere on it. All you have is a picture of you two at a golf tournament. But you have to bet the question, beckons, why would his lawyer pay this woman hunting thirty and they don't know each other or have her met, So why is that? And so quite naturally it's a cover up. But then I mean the hundred and thirty thousand dollar comes into play because they got a temporary restraining order, a temporary order to block her from talking. Now, where did that come from? Okay? But let me ask you this. If she took the hundred and thirty and deposited and used it, should she not be saying anything? Right now? Well, that's what it was four and that's what the agreement was for. Right It's an d A. It's a settlement that you're supposed to honor that talking though, she came out here and that's a opportunity for her to make millions book deal, rights to this, rights to that, But she can't do that because she's blocked. But now you know, but then that's why they're suing her. Trump's team is going to sue her for twenty millions. All right, nephew, tell me is up next with a prank phone call? Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry Letter. These subjects situation ship. Check it out. Now. Then they were very slowly okay, out situation ship at the office. But I'm next. The nephew is here. He's here with the prank phone call you, Shirley. Okay, I gotta run this again. You know I did a new prank call Black Church Quez where the white guy had joined the church. Yea, yeah, you know we played a Friday I got Oh my god, Black Church Queens, Heidie. This is Grant, Grant, Um, Grant Stevens. Right, Yes, this is brother Lewis Finnley. I'm calling from my side and mission there Baptist Church. You you and your wife just joined a couple of weeks ago, am I right? Absolutely? Yes? Okay, So now listen, um, I wanted to reach out to you. I know you guys have started the uh the orientation, and from my understanding you you finished one one class of the orientation. You've got three more to go with that, right, yes? All right, alright, alright, So first of all, I want to say welcome to other side night, and and I hope you are enjoying yourself. And I know that you and your wife are a mixed couple. You your Caucasian and she's she's black. Are you Are you liking the church so far? Grant? Absolutely, we really are enjoying it. We completed our first orientation and uh yeah, so far we're really enjoying it. Okay, Okay, did I kept you a bad time? I don't work right now, but it's okay. I've got a couple of I've got a couple of minutes, Okay, Okay. I just wanted to call you, man. I was worried I know you because I don't think you noticed, but you are the first Caucasian to join our church, and I just want to make sure you kind of knew, uh the language, and and just just kind of knowing what the Black Church is all about. And there's certain sands and different things I think you should know, so that uh you know, I just don't want you to say that the wrong thing while you at the churches, that makes sense, Uh okay, okay. So so what I wanted to do, like I wanted to give you a little Black Church quiz so you can kind of maybe if you could let me know where you are. You know, if you want a lower level or a high level. It's for being knowledgeable about the Black Church, like still this blank in for me, grant And if you don't matter, I just want to take a libity of time, and I let you get back to work. But first of all, give a blank to God. What what we're what we're going in that blank right there? First of all, give a blank to God. All I can think of to give, give thanks to God. Uh No, see that's wrong. See that's wrong. See to see what it is is. First of all, give an honor to alright. Remember, first of all, give an honor to God. You got that? Okay, yes, yes, okay. First of all, give an honor to God, who is the blank of my life? What? What? What? What goes into blank? First of all, give a God who is the blank of my life, the love of my life. No, No, that's that's that's that's wrong. First of all, give an honor the God who is the head of my life. Do you sure? I'm sorry? Okay, I was just are you sure? Are you sure about that? Oh? I'm definitely sure about I don't don't don't. What I don't want you to do is question what what I know. I'm from the Black Church. I know. No. No, I wasn't. I wasn't questioning you, sir, I wasn't question. I'm sorry. I've just always heard it that way. But okay, so so I'm trying to give you the understanding of knowing what the Black Church is about. You know what I'm saying, I understand. I just I appreciate it. I'm just apologize. Okay, no, no, Look, I don't know these answers obviously, but I've got a meeting. I gotta get to here in a minute. Like like this, I'm curious if everyone in the church gets these phone calls well waiting, waiting in a great I know you have a meeting, but what's more important You're meeting or knowing your position at the Black Church? What was more important? I really don't have time for this right now. I can't believe it's actually happening. Like did you did your pastor even know that you're calling you right now? Well? No, I took the livery of myself when I realized you was Caucasian, that I would call and try to help you so you would know what to do when you're in the Black Church when people are saying certain things you Okay, okay, grant if you don't like, just do this fun the grant, Like, do you know what hooping is? Hooping? Like? Who are hooping? Uh no, hooping is when the pastor is at the end of his sermon. So listen to this. Good God, I don't like the do that funny? If you if you would grant oh love? Oh god, oh no, no, no, no, no you let's come on you when you women? Oh good, got out of like I gotta be. I can't believe I'm doing this. Oh oh yeah, oh God, almighty? Okay, great. Do you think maybe it's possible that you can have some testions before you come back to the church and I can prepare you more. Hey man, let's listen. You have caught me at a really bad time, and I'm quiet, honestly, just so frustrated. Like I've never heard of a quiz like this. I'm really offended. And you also to be like, do you guys not want me to go to your church anymore? Like a matter of fact, dude, you should be calling my wife right now. She's black, but she should already know the question. You're the one don't know who I'm gonna call. I should call you. I am at work right now. I have a meeting to get to in just a minute. I don't know what you're doing, and I hold on a second. I have got to close my office store. This is so embarrassing. I have never ever see the phone call like this in my life, and you better be lucky. I mean, I want to talk to your pastor. I am going to talk to him next Sunday. No joke. Why didn't mean for you to get hotstyle like that. I didn't mean you. I don't mean to upset you and nothing like that. What can I can? I can I say something else? Tell you one last thing and I have to go. Okay, I just wanted to let you know that this is nephew. Tell me from the Steve hormit on on this show. Don't wipe Caroline got me to prank phone call you shut up? Shut up. I am so sorry. I am so sorry. Are you good? I'm alright, man, I'm alright a little embarrassed, but I'm all right. Gret you gotta do it for me one more time? Oh oh no, no, yeah, okay, man, look at do this from me? Tell me what is the baddest I mean, the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvey Morning Show all the way? Was I wrong for that? Yes, he's gonna go to a black church needs. You need to know what this stuff. White folks need to know if you're gonna join a black church. You got to come on, you got you got you right. Timing absolutely, but he tried to hoop a little bit at the end. I was trying to some things Black people need to know if they're gonna join the white Absolutely right, that's true. Coming here with all that, we don't do that and what yeah, running around the church and you don't feel anything start that. You never even we don't speak like, hey, we don't hey, jibber jabber, come on, chip jabber. Hey. My next stop is Lexington, Kentucky. That's the fifth, sixth, and seventh of April five six seven. That's comedy. My next stop is Lexington, Kentucky, Comedy All Broadway. That will be April five six. Let me say this though, I gotta say this, thank you, Memphis, Tennessee. Six shows sold out, every single one of them, jam pack. I just don't understand why Netflix is not calling me. I don't get it. I have sold out six shows, fried To said the Sunday I added a show on Sunday Night. Why is metfis the second most undecorated you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. Remember, if you're in a situation and you need advice, please admit your letters. Is it Submit your letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com. Steve and I could be reading your letter on the air just like today. Bugalab and hold on tied. We got it for you here. It is the stroll very Letter. Alright, subject situation ship at the office. There's Stephen Shirley, my coworker, and I have developed feelings for each other. The problem is he is already in a situation ship with another coworker. They've been together for more than four years, and he says they're not sexually involved, but they spend a lot of time with each other. He doesn't call it a relationship anymore because he says he feels trapped by this woman. He says he doesn't see the situation ship going anywhere, and he has no plans to marry her. He told me that he won't let her go completely because he knows it will crush her. She knows that he and I are really close, and she suspects that we have feelings for each other. When she asked him about us, he denied everything. He honestly has a big heart and he is torn. He um, this is the first time I've fallen for someone this hard, and I want him all to myself. But I would never wish heartbreak on another woman, so I'm being patient. Sometimes I wish I had never gotten involved with him so I wouldn't be in this dilemma. He has basically told me he is not going to end things with her anytime soon. So what should I do? Please help leave him and let him go. Okay, honey, he's lying to you. He's lying to her. The only one benefiting in this situation, ship as you call it, is him. Okay, He's getting the both of both worlds, the best of both worlds. He's the office player, and he wants to keep you both. He's telling you he's not sleeping with her, but listen, he is. I mean, it's been more than four years. Come on, That's why he won't let her go. He says he doesn't want to crush her, but it's more than that. He's been with her all this time. When she asked him about you, guess what, he denied everything. So this situation. Ship you're in with him doesn't mean a thing to him. He didn't acknowledge you, he didn't claim you. He lied again. But listen this last line, very last line in the letter. He has basically told me he's not going to end things with her anytime soon. That line is the truth right there, and you need to listen to that. But you're not listening. He said he's not going to end things with her anytime soon. You got to hear what he's sang to you. Okay, you gotta hear that. That's your answer right there, Steve, perfect Shrilly, I don't even have to respond. Really, I could just let it go. That's perfect. Yeah, I mean really, we could end this letter right now. But sometimes people need to hear it a little more harsh almost, See, I'm a little bit more harsh a lot of people. You know, Shelly, everything she touched on, all the points, she didn't miss nothing. They've been in a relationship for four years. He he says, they're not sexually involved. What the hell? You know? Been with somebody four years? What? Man and decided he don't want the most sex m So he just in a sexless relationship from more than four years. That's what he's telling you. Oh excuse me, was in a sexist relationship until you came along. Now, what you didn't type in this letter is you just type y'all involved, y'all have him sex. That's what it is. He doesn't call it a relationship anymore because he says he feels trapped by this woman. Trapped if you ain't married and you don't live with how you're trapped. He ain't trapped. He whipped, quipped, can appear to be trapped at times. She then put something on him. Now he can't leave. Now he's telling you he trapped. He ain't trapped, he whipped, and they still having sex anytime. You ain't having sex with him, he having sex with her. Shirley, it's Shirley said right. It's the office player, and you have failed forward. He says he doesn't see the situation going anywhere, and he has no plans to marry her. Why would he marry her when he the office player? No, he don't see the situation going nowhere. But she ain't going nowhere either, And he tells you that later on in the damn letter. I think you wrote this letter, not cause you confused, But I think you slow. I think, oh my god, you almost maybe. Yeah, I think that's what he told me, that he won't let her go completely because he knows it a crush you. So let me ask you this, How do you hang on to a woman just a little bit? Well, let me tell you how players hang on to women just a little bit with a little bit of hope, as in promise you this could be something. So you buy time? How else do you how else do you uh keep her? What's what's the line? He used? Uh? He said he just won't let her go completely. So now instead of having sex with her all the time, he had bought you in the picture. So now he just occasionally having sex with her. See so now that's what he means. But he can't completely let her go. He he can't completely let her go because he whipped. Oh he may even have thoughts of letting her go, but he can't let her completely go because he whipped. This is the part she needs to come to. She knows that he and now are really cold close, and she suspects that we have feelings for each other. Okay, she know y'all really close, and she suspects y'all have feelings for each other? What's stopping her from knowing? All this? Just asked me that tell me what the hell? She knows? He and I are really close, and she suspects we have feelings for what's stopping her for knowing? For damn show, you want me to tell you what it is? He telling her, ain't no with y'all. Yeah, exactly, telling her that it ain't what it looked like. I know what you're thinking, but that ain't what it is. We just worked close together. We're cool like that. We're just friends. That's how. Then, she says, when she asked him about us, he denied everything be damn, he don't even know your ass is over it? All the type skirts you, the water work, all that section to have with him on lunch and all listening. He don't even know your reality. You're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's get to part two of today's Strawberry Letters Situationship. Yeah, she got this man. She didn't fail forward her job. He build in relationship with another coworker for four years, talking about he ain't happy he trapped by this woman. He told me he won't let her go completely because if she know it a crush r he can't let her go because he will. That's what you're seeing right here. We know all being wooed before she knows that he and I are really closer. She suspects we have feeling for each other. Suspect what hell? He suspects? What you suspect when you're gonna know something? But I told you she slow, so we gotta bad with her. When she asked him about us, he denied everything. They don't know your ain't They're not gonna re enact this in a minute, but let me finish this frost. He honestly has a big heart, and he is told, Oh, he's so hurt about you. I can't see me get to you. But she got me trapped as soon as I can get myself because I don't want to hurt him, you know, just like I don't want to hurt you. I'm torn between two lovers and I can't get out. So what he needs a medic alert badge around his damn that help our fallen and can't get up? This ass is lyne. I would never wish heartbreak on another woman, but you're doing stuff that can cause hard. You're just like the woman that was on seeing and the playboy bunny that was sleeping with the president. I would never want anybody to do that to me. I'm so sorry, I'm hurt. Well, you've been in the health of house. Sometimes. I wish I had never gotten involved with him, so I wouldn't be in this dilemma. But you did. He has basically told me he's not going to end things with her any time soon. So what should I do? Please help stay down and continue being the victim, and remain in this dilemma and keep looking up the hall way and just that he's been sleeping with it for years and now sleeping with you. He told you ain't going No damn, stay down, don't do nothing, live with it, deal with it. Be strong, girl, don't let her run you offer being number two. You're locked in a number two girls, you better hold your ground. You're gonna set up here and let No. Number one make you feel no, make you feel uncomfortable about being sackered. Still still, you got to be number two now, Shirley. But baby, she listened to me, I don't even know Stanley. You do know her because we're all in the same office. Baby, just because we're in the same office. How that look how I'm gonna see her and you see, y'all we're on the same float. Yeah, I see how you'll be looking at her when she'd be going to the water fountain. Did that's because that's because I'll be looking over there, so a lot of water don't get on the floor because I slipped over that one time. Fix it, Stanley, fix it? And did you tell her about us? Stanley? I didn't have to tell her. I know she had asked you about who I was. Yes, she asked me, and I told her that I loved you. Well d she suspected anything anything? Stanley Shell, which one issue? I'm the one who wrote the letter. See, I've been playing you as my chick. You don't know, yes to be the chick to want me to write the letter? Okay, cool, Well, if you want to be the one wrote the letter, let's go from that. Go ahead, let's go. Okay, you want to wrote letter? Go ahead? What's what, Stanley? Do she know anything about me? Does she ask you anything about me? Stan Yeah? Yeah, yeah. And I'm trying not to hurt him. I told her how I feel about you. But Stanley, will you tell her you don't know anything about me? Then that hurts me? Stanley? Well, baby, if I tell her everything, she gonna kill herself. She's already said she'll step out on the fire came jump her ass home. What Stanley, I don't want to want what you want me to do? Kill somebody? No, I don't want that. I can't go to jail over there. I don't want you to go to jail, Stanley, because I don't like her the other women. Baby, that's why you got to be quiet, because you got to listen to me. Listen to me. Don't say you don't want me to say nothing? Stanley? Hell, no, girl, you trying to She trying to bump you out your spot? What Stanley? Are you? Are you gonna leave her? Leave her? We've been together four years. This woman in a crush on if I leave Stanley, I don't like hurt any other women. So that's why you got to be quiet. I don't why. Let's see, you don't want to hurt Listen, you don't want to hurt her. But what about me? Stanley? I love you too? And how many times I told you I love you? And I want to get married. One day, stan listened to me, I can't nobody get married. Well, I want to get married. We don't get off work to five thirty, courthouse clothes at five and then listen, we'll need this man actually gonna do noting, but ruin what we got? Well, what do we got? Stanley? What do you got? You got your spodker? You want you too, but I only see you at the office, Stanley cancer. I got special time with her because she stop killing usself. Well, I don't like hurt any other women. Stanley, I don't want me to kill us. We got to go, hey, baby, what's happening? Who is she? Let me introduce yourself, Lady. Do you know my name? Stanley? Hi? How you doing? I don't want to hurt you but me and Stanley is because I don't like hurting other women. I said that in my lattict I said that in my letter. I had said that's a dud a little So we gotta go see. I mean you did good, Thank you, Thank you, my acting coach. Don't forget to email us or instagram my girl shortly with your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter. Coming up next, It is the side piece chronic with the boys. That's Jay, that's Junior, that's Tommy, that's Steve. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, boy, it was so compelling Stormy Daniel's interview last night with Anderson Cooper on sixty minutes. Learned a lot from that interview, but we are here to learn even more from the fellas. This is this is bad chronicles. The number two should never be on the front news. This is bad. This is she was sixty minutes. What you work in an industry where condom uses is an issue? Did did he use a condom? Did you ask him to? She told she said, never used the condom? Yeah, he didn't like those things. Huh Is this a crisis? Guys here? You guys all look so worried. Right I'm not even innocent. I'm nervous. Three number two last night and let them know. Don't you do that? What did you? You let them know? What? You don't do? Nothing like this. This is not, you know, a model for you to be looking after. Right here, This is not what you do. Number twos. Be quiet, you know she had nothing to lose. What would have been nice if the cable company would have fixed it. So number twos couldn't even see this number I can't get on my TV. You know what the interview does, ja? It gives number two is too much courage to test. Here's the problem. Come on, she's not a number two. She was just something to do. He gave a hush money. Na, she and the news. The number two was the playboy girl. Oh, Karen mcduga. That was an ongoing meet me three four times a month, flying places, coming to the apartment. That all that that that's a number two. Stormy ain't a number two? You know what? Do you want to be educated? Yeah? See, first of all, let me say this, porn stars can't have numbers. No, what do you mean you're a number? You are right? They can't be numbers because they give out numbers. You may be number eight this week, you could be number twelve this week. I mean, I ain't gonna be no damn right there, But I'm not. But I'm out. Well, you won't be in the adult filmmaking business. She's good. You won't even know where you are. But I ain't even now though you want to be first, I want to three, but I ain't gonna be no, damn twel Okay, no, I say I'm not. I'm not. It's wait a minute, they're rules to this number you are. I don't know, but I don't know, man, want to be no, damn well you know what, paun Stop don't ask what number you are because you'll be hurt. You don't Yeah, what what number? Don't? I don't have you you you can begin with the high end, the minimum number twelve and we're not a single ditch. You need to Hanley O business and don't be asking to do your job and tell your daddy I said, do what you paid it, and don't believe out of that, don't believe. Then she said, all right, here's the question. Here's the question. Question seriously serious, Why would you be be with a porn star in the first place? Nobody wants to answer. Yeah. Afterwards and before, there's not a whole lot of talking. You know, I'm gonna you paid this, we do this. I'm gone. Yeah. But also, Jake, you're about to do something you ain't never ever done, Thank you very much. You're about to do something being the guy that guy you've been if you would be a PA, you ain't done none of this before now. No, no, you're not. But it's about to be good. That's gone. This is a sex it's gonna be done without attitude because you don't say, here's the money, hold the attitude. Come on crawling with your question. Okay, so good. Let me ask you this question. So, if you've had dormy Daniel said, it wasn't a fair President Trump, that's not a mistress. That's not number two. If he was married, No, no, no, there was no See first of all, they don't have text messages and all of that. There's no ongoing communication. But you know a number two has significance and relevance. Yes, oh my god, boy, I asked question. So it's not the pawn start. She wasn't relevant or real to him. It was just something to do. Yeah, I mean, look, it's like look a look, you know y'all y'all tripping. Listen to me this dude. No, I want you all to understand it. In the world he operates in these billionaire boys, this is normal what y'all talking about? Now, it's not normal for pawn stars. That's not normal. Most cats would on a more graduated, elevated level playmates Playboy Bunnies. Yeah, you know, he that's what. But that's been his world. They don't know what the number two this dude, listen to me was on the cover Playboy. He owned the Miss Universe paget. Why would you be a billionaire and buy that? Why would you buy that and your Playboy? Because Jack Pott, you get to be around some of the most beautiful women around the world. Okay, all right, here's another question. Don't get it. Go ahead. I'm not understanding why they weren't in a fair relationship. It was just doing it calling that's it. It was just doing it anytime one, two and then just doing it. I don't like it when people don't understand it. But okay, okay, listen. The Playboy bunny they went to functions. They would go out to dinners, go to farm that's number two. Yeah. Yeah. The porn starle not going to events. Okay, you can't run the risk of running into nobody. That no hook. All right, we'll be back with more of the show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're continuing our discussion on the side piece chronicles. This is interesting though, Yeah, Steve you're you were breaking down the difference between a porn star and a higher grade I guess of like a playboy playmate or something like that. Or you know the women, the kinds of women that these billionaires and the billionaires and these really powerful men. And I listen to me, this is not all billionaires, these are not all powers. But if you're playboy type dude, then that's this is how the game goes. You're gonna have a number two that you can take places to be seen. It. It's like Mob rules. All mob had a wife and a girlfriend. Yeah. Yeah, Saturday night was the wives night out. Friday night was the girl's night here. Come on, good fellows, come on. I mean, that's how. That's how it's done. It's a system that's been going on system for a long time. This this has some way as how it's done. Sure number two still though she's not black women? Is that what your mother? I mean? But it's happening to black women. You just don't know what, but it happened. If you listen to me, if you get into that big boy league, they have rules established on how it's done, and they teach you to the catch that's coming up. Into the big boy league. That's all it is. Now, that's not everybody, and that's not a large percentage of everybody, but the ones that's doing it, they have a way of getting away with and we do I mean, and they do it well and they Yeah, Steve, I wanted to ask you. Now, you know, this is dominating the Stormy Daniels Donald Trump uh story. This is dominating the news from sixty minutes. Yeah, from sixty minutes and everywhere, I mean, everybody's talking about it. It reminds me of when Bill Clinton was in office in the whole Monica Lewinsky situation. What is the difference or is there a difference between It's a huge difference. First of all, Donald Trump was not president at the time, and they didn't pay the money until before the campaign got started. This was like years ago. He wasn't the president. Number one, Donald Trump has released no statements concerning right. Bill Clinton was the president, was the sitting president, and sad, I did not have sexual relationships with that woman. He said it in front of the Judiciary Committee when they asked him about it. Now, cool noo. Now that's a difference. Now both of them married. True, Now legally, it created a problem for Bill Clinton. This right now, what they're trying to do the Trump has turned it into a legal situation. But as long as Trump be quiet, he ain't got no legal situation. He kee, but he gonna be quiet on this way. There's enough noise going on at the house. He can't be tweeting. He ain't. Now, let me tell you something. He reckless. The man ain't stupid. The man ain't stupid. He ain't gonna make no comment about this now. One thing about it. He's the wrong president. He makes some crazy statement, but as a player, he know the rules. So so that's the difference you're saying between President Clinton at the time and um Donald Trump now absolutely the president. He perjured himself. He lied in front of the man. That's the difference. And it was in the White House. See that they think they act like that White House is like the mosque, or is the a Buddhist temple, or it's or it is the Mecca, or it's uhk it ain't. It ain't, man, it ain't. They listened to me. The clue klux Klan has been in that White House swearing in President Mm hmm. That's a fact, huh, racism exists in that White House. That's a fact. Things are done and said in the walls of that White House that would shock the average person. That's what that is. It's not it's not this sacred place. It's not. We really need a lot of senor debauchery go down and now that might well be in Put the White House in Vegas. Put it right down the way. The act that need to be in vacant. Say something to the number twos. Man, don't let this affect him. Please say something to them. I don't want I don't want them to build down on it. I can't I can't speak speak to the two. Anybody can speak to the twos. It's you hold on one side, anybody, Okay, okay, big dog, can we like doing saying and so? Okay? And pump to Connor. Can we have a resort for the number Two's that way? Hey, hey, these people are having a good time and just for couples. No, thank you, hell no. If you want it's a good way to put them in one place. I mean all the number two tell you how you listening to me? Why don't you In time of y'all got plenty of money between. Why don't y'all slime over there and put them up in the room together. I'm in the hotels. You have, Steve for the understanding, though, really I got two hotels. Put them in one. Come on, no, I'll tell you what they for regular people. Y'all put them in more. But when you put them over there, tell them what they over the fault, tell them why they ain't over the other. One changed? And yeah, I'm right I changed. Listen, we'll be back with more of this crazy in your show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, we talked about this earlier. There's a new generation guys, new generation of activists, including nine year old Yalanda Renee King. Who is she? You might hear the last name and think, oh, is this the relative of the Kings? Will you will be exactly right. She's a granddaughter of civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr. And Coretta Scott King. Little Yalanda is the daughter of Martin Luther King the third. Yolanda stood alongside Jacqueline Corrin, a seventeen year old student who survived the shooting at Stoneman Douglas, Florida. High school. And she spoke, take a Listenne, granddaughter of Martin or Kin. My grandfather had a dream that his four little children will not be judged by the color their skin, but by the continent of their character. Dream Landa spoke about a great generation. And this young lady is following in her grandfather's footsteps advocating for change and peace. Wow at nine years old. Yeah, yeah, we gotta keep a watch on her, keep an eye, Landa Renee King. Do these kids make you feel in any way that you failed Joe children? Yeah, we were. We have failed ourselves as humans. Yeah, yeah, yeah they do. They're so bright, they're so articulate. I'm so passionate doing it all inside and Jack come front easy with my sister, just baking cookies. And I was making clothes for my dolls and combing their hair and doing all the things. Yeah, I had a knock in my yo, yo, Jake. And we're looking at what these kids are confronted with a different times for sure. And this and this young lady, Landa Rene King, she talked about you know see what we talked about last week with my daughter with doing lockdowns at school. She talked about dealing with that. So that's what these fourth graders are dealing with. Like you said, Jay, this is what they're dealing with. This part of what they're dealing with. And this is unbelievable compared to what we dealt with. I mean, the biggest thing for me, Bamba that was his name to bully taking my lunch money. That was it. And that was the biggest playing for you. That was what Yeah, me and Lana Cotton and Henry Ware was trying to figure out how to keep our teacher from coming to schooling next day with this damn spelling. There was a plan, that's what we was going through. Yeah, school be the safest place. It's been the safest place. You can wait there all day for your mama to come get you. Just wait there at the school. And then Lee Brown came to school. It was trouble. I had to take off work. Oh my god, school my job for talking, talking talking. Now, my mama came to the school and all my years, twice did you get your butt? Both times I didn't get a bud woman, I got damn there, Ni lady No seriously almost left him there. I know my mom could not take off work and come up to school. You see them to nurse nurse shoes get up coming there, and she wasn't a nurse. Listen, weren't even coming out clear, But what I clearly I was saying, he down here, all right, coming up, we're gonna talk about Sister Jean and the Final Four. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, we talked about this earlier. Uh well, everyone's favorite nun is heading to the Final Four. The Loyola basketball team chaplain year old Sister Jean Dolores Smith a k A. Sister Jean. They just call her Sister Jean and the Loyola Chicago Ramblers will be heading to San Antonio to take on the Michigan Wolverines. Them boys is getting it here, Yes they are. And I'm that balling hard. They're trying to let him have I do like a little small you know, I don't know basketball, but I know this is happening. The Lady Gamecocks Columbia South Carolina in the Final eight about to go to the phone for again after winning it last year year. Yeah. Yeah, that's big, that's real big. And that's all I know now, So don't we don't know I'm gonna say who's on the bench, and I don't I don't know that, Okay, you know, to give a shout, I'm giving a shout out. I was gonna ask you, guys, what did you think of sister that's the Nune, that's yeah, and she's very inspirational to I know, more famous none than her though my first wife. You can't get none. You ain't see none. Your first wife was none. I didn't get none. I ain't talk about none. But she's supposed to be the what is the mascot of the team, and she's very I mean she's raised a shark for ninety eight. Yeah, I'm going like, wow, man, this woman is speaking, she's clear coherent, she knows all talk about San Antonio. But Tim Boys is getting it done. Man, Goola. You know that's a school you go to when you get picked to go to the big the bigger schools, and you know, you know you didn't quite get the big great point, the great pointys held you back. You know why you going down? You know, just it's something close to your heart. I know what it's like to get in badly. All right, So now all kinds of teams want Sister Jean to come to their city and visit them. Atlanta Falcons won her Carolina Panthers, and um, she might even have a date with Charles Berkeley because he said if Loyola made it to the final four, he would take Sister Jean out on a date. Wow, I guess she need to be if she's going to save teams. Hid the hell on the Cleveland Brown? I knew it didn't call her. They needed to be first, say bro, And how the hell Barkley gonna understand the depth of this lady's language. Really, I'll be talking all over Barkley's. Me and Charles talk real good. When we together, we'll be right there, same vocabinet. So do you guys have like a good luck person per se or a person? Yeah? I do? Yeah, I was doing my bad damn right we all do? We all go to that's my go to rubbed these chicks every week? Are you kidding? Thank you think you're a very brother, Steve and Sister you're not, man, I'm telling me. So we all agree on this. Showers Harvey coming up. Steve Harvey will have closing remarks at forty nine. After you're listening to the Steve Harvey show Blast break Up. The day been a pretty good day, interesting day, and Steve, your closing remarks are back. We love them. What do you have for us today, Steve? All right here here it is for today. This is a really uplifting one. I just want to talk to you for a minute about dreams, because everybody has them. But dreams are so so important man, because there's a scripture that says something to the effect that a man without a dream or vision shall perish. A man without a dream or vision shall perish. So I mean just everybody has to dream, and everybody has to envision something. It is the thing that pushes us forward. It's one of the most important motivating factors in your life today. The hope that things will change from you, change for you from what they are. Now, that's what it is. You dream of one day owning a business. You dream of one day of climbing the corporate letter. You dream of one day becoming an attorney. You dream of one day of being a superviovor, you dream of one day driving a certain car. You dream of one day owning the house of your dreams. You dream about traveling around the world. You dream about the man or the woman of your dreams. You dream about the family you've always wanted. You dream about being happy, You dream about being successful. You envision yourself with a lifestyle uh that you've always wondered about, and seeing other people living. You envision yourself somewhere else other than where you are. Everybody feels the those things, man, But let me explain something to you. As motivating as that is, as motivating as dreams and visions are. Dreams don't work unless you do. Get me now, Dreams don't work unless you do. I was reading a book by Michael Straighthand. Michael straighthand has got a book out call or Wake Up Happy, And one of the subtitles on one of his chapters is that too, that dreams don't work unless you do. I am telling you, man, that that is such a true statement. Nothing comes to a dreamer but a dream unless you work. Dreams don't work unless you do. Nothing comes to a dream about a dream unless you work. Man, You've got to put forth a serious effort to make your dreams come true or the things you envision come to fruition. You've got to put forth a massive all out of salt on it, and why not what else you got to do? I would rather be working on my dreams and visions than to be sitting there watching my life go by day after day after day after day and doing nothing about it. Even an inmate that's incarcerated can get in a program to take his mind outside the walls to further uh and better himself. So in the event that he does get out, he least comes out with something that they can't take from him, which is knowledge. How is it that those of us that are free don't have enough sense to try to do something to better ourselves, our position, or our plight in life? Oh man, you've got to be kidding me. All you got to do is dream. But dreams don't work unless you do. Now. Look, it's not easy to make your dreams come true. It's really not. I'll tell you that. But I'll tell you what'sn't that's not easy to do. But I'll tell you what's harder than do that, be nothing, Because I have been both. I have worked so hard to make my dreams come true, and I've sat around being nothing. And I got news for you. Sitting around being nothing is hard, man, It's so restrictive. Even if you think or something, you can't do that. You can't go to stone and get an ice cream because you have sat around and decided to be nothing. And how do you become nothing by doing nothing? It's hard being nothing, man. Now, let me tell you something. On your way to your dreams, you're gonna hurt. You're gonna hurt along the way. You're gonna have some regrets. Man, I should have stayed on my job by set up here and jump trying to start this business. I had a job to keep a steady income coming in. You may have some re regrets one day, you may even consider in quitting one day, But don't you do it, because the moment you stop working on your dreams, your dreams stopped becoming true. Dreams don't work unless you do. If you work as hard on your dreams as you do on your job, can you do you imagine what you have? Can you possibly imagine what you be? That's what I always you say to myself, Why am I working this hard for somebody else when I can work this hard for me? Now, I'm not knocking a job. That's not what I'm saying. Because sometimes you got your dream job. Sometimes you got the job of your dreams. I applaud you. I'm just talking about your dreams, though. If you dream of something other and more than that, when you're gonna go Now, if you got your dream job, clap clap. And now millions of people who are working their dream job, or they're working a job that can get them to their dream. So this is not an anti working statement. This is just about what it takes to make your dreams come true. A man without a dream or visions your parents. I have one simple philosophy in my life, Steve, Why you work so hard while you got so many shows? Why are you always doing this? My philosophy is very simple. I spend all my time building my dreams so when I get some time, I can live my dreams. I've always dreamed of traveling around the world, going to places. I've always dreamed of being relevant to somebody. I've always dreamed of being important to my children. That's why I works so hard. Those are my dreams and visions. What are yours? Dust them off, and remember, dreams don't work unless you do. You did. It's my clothes remarks for today. Y'all have a great weekend. We just started. It's Monday boo. All Steve Harvey Contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal u as rasident at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visits Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show h