Good morning and welcome to the ride! Who got back together? The CLO had a pretty good point when he responded to a female basketball player. A seeing eye dog in The Jackpot Joint of Jerusalem is looking for work and Pastor Motown is helping out. Since Beyonce cut the lights out that one time, we might just have the Blackest show ever. Somewhere in the South, we will get some halftime commentary on the day of the Big Game. There could be an alternative to the COVID vaccine by the end of this year in pill form. "Damn them trees!" Your favorite play cousin gives us the latest in the NFL and the Cardinal bandwagon might get one more. A Turkish man joined his own search party! Today in Closing Remarks, Steve brings us the game changer in success called "why to" and how to apply it.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit on, don giving them like a million bucks bus things and the stuffing me through good oft listening to mother, Please I don't join joining me. You gotta turning. You gotta turn to turnout turn You got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water got me? Come come on your bad, I shall will Good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on digman now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Why because God, God is in the blessing business. If you go get in line, he has something for you. God is amazing. The plan he actually has for you is so far greater than you can possibly imagine. It's really mind blowing. And as I look back on where He's brought me from and what he's currently doing for me, all I can do is tell you is God. That's all I can tell you. Because I tell you right now, I didn't foresee it. You know. It oftentimes amazes me when I listen to celebrities when they interview how they say, you know, I always always thought that this would happen for me, and I just you know it could be true, but for me, it's not that way at all. I didn't imagine it this way. I had a dream of becoming famous one day, but I had no idea it would it would ever get to this. It was a very very simple desire for fame. That is no way I could have seen all this. There is no way I am telling you this is. This has been nothing for me but the grace of God, and all the times I failed, every time I had fallen, he picked me up, He dusted me off, and he kept me moving. It has been an amazing thing to watch God do what he do. As I look back on my history and you sometimes look back on your history, you've got to see, man, wow, what God has done for you and what He's brought you through to enable you to be where you are. It is amazing because really, I mean really real talk now, had He allowed all of the decisions I had made to play all the way out, I can assure you I wouldn't be here today. But God, through this grace and mercy, who had a plan for me, who was just waiting on me to come get in line, and then he was gonna start empty in now he was gonna start shipping out all the boxes in heaven with my name on it. And man, what a great god he is, What a great god he is. And you have boxes of blessings with your name on it that he is waiting to ship. But he needs you to go down there and get in line. That's what it is. It is not that he has more boxes for other people than he do you. He got boxes with your name on it who have never been shipped. Because you will not get in line to go get him. You will not ask God for him, you will not do the things necessary to attain them. We stop our own blessings. Man, I have been the biggest stopper of my blessings than anybody else. I can't really get mad at nobody. I got nobody to blame for my existence but me. But then at the same time, I can't take credit for this. I really really can't. I kid you not. I cannot take credit for it. And if you ever see me taking credit for it, tap me on the shoulder, say Steve, pull up. Remember you said this ain't about you. If you catch me taking too much credit, you have my permission to stop me. Now here. It is the deal though, And this is what I want to get through to today, moving forward while under attack, new level, new devil. You know, every time you go somewhere, every time you try to progress, every time you make a decision to be better, to do better, that's gonna be affrontation you're going to have because it is the enemy's job to not see you go forward, do better. Won't more behave yourself. There is a force that is operative out there that has people working on his behalf twenty four seven. You got a computer, go go read a blog. Just go read a blog. They're busy man, not knowing, but just saying evil stuff constantly. That's a job. Well, here's what happens. I you. We have to always keep moving forward while we're under attack, because the attack is going to always come. If you allow the attackers to stop you, you will lose that particular battle. And you cannot afford this. You know. My father used to say, be careful when you're trying to kick somebody off the ladder, because you got to take your foot off too, and you might slip. And so when people are taking their feet off the ladder, most mot the majority the may't even up own a ladder. They just at the bottom throwing stuff up at you. They are just shaking your ladder. They ain't even they ain't even on your level. Really tell you the truth, they really not. You have moved on far beyond them, spiritually, physically, everything, but they are still shaking your ladder and attacking. You. Keep moving forward while under attack, because the attacks are going to come. If you take the time to stop and address it, you are impeding your own progress. This is very important to understand. Go on about your business and remember Steve Harvey, and remember those of you out there. There is a Bible verse that helps me out every time. And I don't know why. I got it on six different plaques sitting all around my offices. Everywhere I go, I can read it Isaiah fifty four seventeen, No weapon formed against me. Sheall prosper that because this is that he will put me under his wings or protection. And this is my inheritance as a servant of the Lord period. I'm his boy, he my man, so so dig so, so when you coming for me, I have to just rest on that Lord right there, that he got it that no weapon formed against mechall prosper. I'm just like you. Sometimes you know we know better, but sometimes we don't do better. Man, let them say what they're gonna say. When they get through saying it, when they get through writing it, when they get through talking about you, when they get through lyne about you. Guess what they're gonna have to do. They're gonna have to step back and watch your rise. They're gonna have to kick back and watch what God got for you, because nothing God got for you. Can't nobody stop it. I don't care what they do. Keep moving forward while under attack. You know, somebody tell you something. Minister Lewis Fairkhan taught me something very important one day. He says, Steve, remember this. He said. It is a common thing for a dog to bark up at the moon. But if the moon balks back at the dog, the dog becomes famous. You feel me, the moon was talking to you. What did you? How did the moon stop and talk to you? Don't give them that. Let the dog bark up at the moon. Don't you be up there? You go where God got you going. Don't bark back at this dog because the dog come famous because they ain't gonna be able to get to you. But the dog is famous. Now they want to interview the dog. Now the dog guess what he gonna do? More barking? Guess what about you? Man? Gone about your business, y'all. God is in the blessing business all day long. Man, Go get in line, get you some get them packages and boxes ship to you. They got your name on it show one, two three. I've got sunshine on a cloudy day when it's cold outside. I got the month of May. Well, I guess you say, what can make me feel this way? I'm talking about my girl, My girl, That's what I'm talking about, my girl. Good Morning America, Steve Harvey Morning Show starts different every day because every day is a new day. Why would I start at the exact same way when today was not like yesterday? Huh. I'm just asking you. This is the logic behind why I do what I do in the morning. But my expectations for great things to happen remain the same. But I know today will be totally different, and I expect that, and however it goes, I'm eternally grateful that I'm here for it. I hope you are too. This is the dog Gone Dad Gummick, Steve Hardy Mouth functioning, moaning show, sharing a strong ben with a little dysfunction, thrown in, thrown in, Good morning, Steve Colin Farrell, I'm still stuck on my girl. Started with attempts every day, baby, good morning. You better know it, Junior. That was a temptation. Slap you through this, Hey, Junior, just having to know you to know that I was watching. Um. I was scrolling through Instagram and b two k is back together. Oh yeah, I saw that, Yeah, and apologize to a Marion on stage. I had no idea the old him an apology and two yesterday and I saw it and I said, okay, that's what happened, the beef and squashed. Yeah. I had no idea to y'all all years. I had no idea. And I've been with them young dudes a bunch of times, man, because they was coming on my shoe and everything. Y'all met them all in the movie and then I became a little sideline mentor. But I just did not do a good job of mentoring. They asked at all because they weren't listening anyway. J Anthony Brown, what's up, man, I'm with you. I didn't know they was beef either, had no, nephew, time in the top top. Let's see we can get told to see back together now we're working on some and y'all are no No Casey and Joejoe beef and go to work. But the us love each other only falling out. They do his own stage. Your ass out there tonight, you hear me? Wait till we get out there with this Step Over tour is back to Step Over. I think Fizz dated Amarian's baby mama. Yeah, April, Yeah, oh girl, yeah maybe Steven. You gotta watch Love and Hip Hop Hollywood. All right, all right, we'll be back with the cello, asked the cello at thirty two minutes after right after this, you're listening to show. All right, it is time now for ask the clo. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. This one clo is from Terry and Saginaw, Michigan. She says, I'm five ten cur every model, and I met a handsome man recently at a youth basketball camp. I played ball in college, so I volunteer as a camp annually. When we met, we played a game of horse and I won, so he had to take me out. That was the bet. He took me to a sports bar and he had on basketball shorts, footies and slides, and I was dressed like it was a real date. We've been hanging out for three weeks and I feel like one of the boys. How do I get him to notice my breasts and other assets? Hey, oh, sister, have you ever thought that the reason he's treating you as one of the boys is because that's how he sees you? And he met you on a basketball court doing a bet in a game of horse and you won the horse game? Did it ever curry you to lose that game? Yes, just to feed into the stupid male ego. But now you to whoop the man? Now the bet was and who made the bet that who lost would have to take the other person out? Now he lost, he didn't want to lose his soul loser, And maybe he don't He just see you as one of the guys when he comes to flip flopping the basketball shorts. Y'all been going out, but y'all, what else y'all doing? Y'all y'all y'all doing anything like man and woman, boy girl, or y'all just going to sports bars? How do I get them to notice your breast. That's easy, That ain't hard. Go ahead, okay, if you want him to notice your breast, there's something called cleavage, and once you expose cleavage, we gonna notice it. Now. We got couple experts on the show. Okay, that could show you ways to do it if that's what you want to do it. But we could take the faux fools that's on the show and show you how to do it. Now, Sirlen, we may not have a show if we could do it, but Sarlyn Caller, like on the radio show, they don't do that. No, no, we don't And move on. Okay, are you done with this advice healing? Yeah? I think you are. Angela in Waco. As we move on, says, my five year old son came home from school and told me that his teacher as a big behind. Now, I hadn't seen this teacher before the pandemic because my ex husband registered our son to return to school recently. I want to see his teacher and he was correct. She's gone somewhere and had a butt lift or shots or something. I don't think she's effective with the tops anymore. If she has a five if she has five year olds, talking at her big booty. Oh, Carla, you want to say it? Am I reading too much into this? Or should I speak to the principle this? This is none of your business. God. See, the problem ain't the lady the wind and got a butt in the problem is your damn boy. See we called that's what your boy focused on. That ain't that lady's fault. And that ain't none of your business. It has nothing to do with her ability to teach. She's still effective. It's just your child notices butts. So what do you want him to do? You have a five year old boy. There's some educated big butts out there, man, they really are. But if she's knocking stuff out of her dask, that might be a problem with you. I mean, we don't what Jay even she's knocking stuff off the desk when she changed around, or if she walking down the aisle and knocking kids glasses off their face, that's another problem. Here comes miss heywood duck. Everybody. Yeah, she's looking for a piece of chalk and it's stuck on her butt and she's looking around for it. Actually be a problem if every time she right on the blackboard and turn around and talk to the class, and she erased it. Now we just now now we messing with the education at the kids. But until that happened, this ain't none of your damn beds. And that's probably why you' yes. And that's probably why your husband went up being registered to him by herself because one of the other husbands had called up denser. Man, you got this. You didn't ate me killing garden. Take him up there myself. Let me let me take jo on some lunch today and go sit with it. Just go sit within in Virginia Beach says. My husband and I have been married for three years, and he was best friends with my sister and have been trying to date me for years. I finally felt for him and we sealed the deal, and now I'm pregnant with our first child. My hormones have me crazy, and I get irritated when I hear my husband and my sister telling stories about their path. It bothers me that she's closer to him than I am. What it seemed like, what I seem like an insecure woman if I asked my sister to back away from my husband a little bit. Of course, of course you're going to seem insensitive, and you're going to appear very pregnant, because if you say your hormones is all over the place because the pregnancy, which I know nothing about, I have to take your word for that. So now you know you didn't have no problem with him being that close when you was deciding to go with him, and now all of a sudden you have a problem with it and it gets on your nerves. I don't know what I can't help you with, just because will it stop after you you have the baby? I don't know, See I don't. I can't. I can't feel the hormones into this. I don't know how to do that. Thing will get back in balance, okay, See I don't know nothing about that. Thank you Carling, Thank you Sherley. But in the meantime, I'll see something stay unbalanced. So I have been witness to that too. Her nerves are on edge a lot. You irritated, all right, all right, thank you, Cielo. Coming up next, church complaints with Reverend Motown and Deacon death Jam. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, and trending news. The super Bowl is four months away, but everyone is talking about the big halftime show announcement plus an entertainment news Great Great's Anatomy star Ellen Pompeo got into a shouting match with Denzel Washington. Will tell you about what happened? What that? Oh yeah, we'll tell you about Oh you didn't disloyal. It's coming up at the top of the start, at the top of the hour. That story is right Now, it's Monday. It's time for church complaints with Reverend Motown and Deacon death jam full we today we'll make radio for his full stupidly while we see it here in inaugural of the anticipation of today's evaluation. Oh, I know, I know, I am ladiship in the Gentleman's we is about to get into or what is this? Or complaints from Bill jack Hart doing drew his deconduct? Jim with two this or this week's are ungrateful? This all right? Let's get down the business past the eyes sister, But Lenda Jones got a weave put on her eyelids. She fell asleep while she was getting it done. When she woke up, she couldn't open her eyes. Now she's asking the church for a personal assistant until she can get the strength to open her eyes. That's so that's a new pass. Well, we don't have any personal assistance avail. But brother Reynard who passed last summer had a sea and our dog or that it's been out of work since Brother Reynard's demise and soul. We go down to the kennel because we've been paying this kennel bill and get that sea and our dog out and just put him back to work. All right, but I cannot training now he's been put away on a minute, ain't he Well, we ain't got to war. But she got a eyelashes. She can see, she just can't see good. She can't get him up. So you don't need a fully trained seeing our dog. You just need a dog with harsher capabilities and you could yeah, like for example, when they get to the curb and they step off, he don't stand now and and keep you from stepping off. He barbed. But let you know it's a trump coming and you want to go out on out there you on your own right right right right right right, raised lids out. That's what you needed there, all right? Pastor the the usher boyd. They are asking if it's okay to use scooters to move around doing service since the pandemic they are, they not used to being on their feet that they lined, so they want to be able to ride scooters around and change them take people to their feet. We're not going to be able to do that because when we were sued by sister Perneil, you know, she had off weight condition and she had a hover around at the church as an usher, and then other overweight people would want to ride with her, and we ended up replacing eat hover rounds that year. And you just cost the church too much money. Yeah, yeah, because she wants they see one ride and they wants to ride to their seat and then hover rounds ain't built for that. So I'm gonna have to say no to that. All right. Let's see he has sister Merlen Reynos, who is seventy six, says she wants to have one more child. She said, asked pastor would he consider being a donor? So pastors, I don't need anybody kid to her. She won't to hell? What what do she mean by don't don't or don't? Now? She wants u you the artificially in exmination path, yo yo yo will at seventy six and who is just a kid? Decon this? Sister Merlen Renos tell sister Merle, I have never ever been attracted to her in any way the word either to participate in that type of at all. We can't be ugly like that passing now you no, no, no, no, no, no, no no no. She can't be ugly after that, the whole problem. Yeah, so you can't come up with these ideas at seventy six and come to me with it. I can't help you. I'm not attracted to her at all. That's enough. Her and her brother was sitting at service three weeks ago and I couldn't tell which one was her brother? What what do you think? Why you're not doing it? I ain't no way I can. I can't fal see myself for the fal seeable future. All right now, all right, let let's him passing. Our sister Rod Leader burns she lost her two dogs, Mac and Jack and Uh to high blood pressure, proudly because she was feeding them table food. But listen, she wants a full homegoing ceremony for him, and then asking for you to preach the you legit past. Yeah, we don't do dog going homes. We don't do that for dogs. Dogs go to heaven. We don't know where dogs go, nor do our care. And you know what kind of dog was the deacon? I don't know. I think Mac was a Saint Bernard, but I think Jack, uh huh, Mac was a Saint Bernard, but I think Jack was a uh what was what? One of them? Lie? But door retrieve us. I think that big dogs that sat Bernard's gonna need a big casket. Well, not necessarily, not necessarily. If we do a close casket, he won't need a big casket. Poor dawn brother ellery Pines, who's been blind all his life, as we all know, has come into a miracle. He has been rathlessly gotten one hundred percent of his big in back. He has seen his wife's sister Cellsteine for the first time ever and is now asking for a divorce. Sister Cellstein wants you to talk to him and see if you can. I knew that was gonna happen. I knew that was gonna happen. See sister Cellersteine is friends with the seventy six year old that wants to have our official systemated baby, and both of them together well The good thing about this is the lady with the eyelash problem that you talked about. There's no two dogs available to cheese. We gotta go. That's the outside to that right. Two dogs is available for coming up at the top of the hour. Thank you, pastor, dog is fresh? Would you? Trending Entertainment and National News. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show and Trending Entertainment News. Everyone is still talking about the big super Bowl halftime show. The super Bowl, we know is a little over four months away, but now we know who'll be performing in front of America during halftime. The All Star Pepsi super Bowl fifty six Halftime Show, put together by the NFL, Pepsi and Rock Nation, will feature get this line up, guys, Doctor Dre Snoop Dog, Eminem, Mary J. Blige, and Kendrick Lamar. Alright, this is a lineup all yes, yes, yes, some shady and don't. One of my favorite rap songs of all time, Yellow Brick Roll. I still listen to that when I'm working out because I love that story. I didn't know this, but this is gonna mark the first time they'll all perform together. Um and Doctor Dre said, this is this opportunity to perform at the Super Bowl, have time, show um and to do it in my own backyard will be one of the biggest thrills of my career. He says. I'm grateful to jay Z Rock Nation, the NFL, and Pepsi, as well as Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Mary Jay and Kendrick Lamar for joining me in what will be an unforgettable cultural moment. The Super Bowl goes down February thirteenth, twenty twenty two. It's so Fi Stadium in Inglewood, California, England. They went to the West Side to get the best. This nice man, that's the show right there. But jay Z Rock Nation partnership with the NFL, you better recognize the power of hip hop. That was big, that was and I just wish they had done R and D like this, like maybe Charlie Willson and some of them boys would have gotten Okay, well that ain't gonna happen. But that's never gonna happen. Never never happened. But this is just a testament to the dumbest statement I made in nineteen seventy seven when I heard hip hoop Hotel holiday Inn. I turned to the him that I was standing next to me and said, this would not last long. They're not even sang it. I said that out my own I remember the day I said, we just at a party kids state and they played it, and I turned to the dude that said, this ain't gonna last long. Dog, they ain't even sing it. I know everybody in here like this, but y'all can stop all this dancing. This will be over shot. Forty years later, I swear to god, I remember making that statement. I know exactly why I was at a house party. Man as Silver Oaks, I mean, I mean a Silver Medals, and I remember when it was playing. I said, okay, yeah, I'll see what y'all doing. Yeah him him, hop boy, and look at the naya. Who's gonna stay with that? All right? Moving on my style culture, good money, I'm missed stolen. Let me get to this story, guys, because this is all right? And other trending entertainment news, Twitter is dragging Grey's Anatomy star Ellen Pompeo, she plays Meredith on the show, telling her to get somewhere and sit down. She recalled on her podcast a time when she had a shouting match with none other than Denzel washed Shington on an episode he directed. He directed on an episode of Grey's Anatomy, Ellen Pompeo and Denzel disagreed on how an actor playing a patient should apologize to her character Meredith. Ellen yelled to the actor, look at me when you apologize, look at me, and that wasn't in the dialogue. Denzel wanted her to stick to the script, and she said he went ham on her butt. He was like, I'm the director, don't you tell me what to do? And Ellen said I was like, listen, mother, mmmm, this is my show, this is my set. Who are you telling you barely even know where the bathroom is. She said the fight was the result of two artists being passionate and fiery, but called out Denzel's lack of experience, saying, Denzel's a movie star, right, he doesn't know crap about directing TV. Who come on, I'll just say this and get out the way. The direction was not about TV or movie. The directing was about acting. And when we're talking about who knows a lot about that? I would venture to say him because as you said, her name, that her photo don't even pop up in my mind. I have no idea what this. I don't know, you know, television at a school. Yeah, but she don't tell them. The visual don't pop up in my mind, nor do it pop up in a lot of people's mind there. Everybody is thank you the fact I got Academy of Wall raised anatomy. Ain't got nothing all make man to pass. And I mean, I mean like I mean, And Denzel is a cool dude. He don't You don't hear about him? Fine off, So let me ask you, cause so did she just tell that story on her podcast past? And it wasn't say with that one for Saint elsewhere, that show wouldn't even be on. It wouldn't even be on. Yeah, that's Denzel's first show on. Yeah that dot the show started. Shut up, some damn one telling her you don't get it. But I didn't say, Oh that's man, Yeah, I barely know what a bad room is. Then try just too passionate. People that ain't got hing to do with that, what a bad write it. Once you say that to me, I'm gonna turn and just pee right there. Once you say that, you think you can say this to me? Come on, come on, this. Yeah, people were pretty upset on social media about that one. Steve just sounding disrespectful on her part. I don't think I don't think it's that nobody, nobody, nobody heard this at all. If Denzel Washington blows up on the set, that's news worthy. It is, yes, it is all right. Moving on, Coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, we'll look into the mind of je Anthony Brown. Right after this you're listening show, Come on, Steve, introduce your buzz that dog goal Jay Anthony Brown. It is the Atlanta Comedy Theater, twenty second, twenty third in Atlanta, Georgia. I will be there. As stated earlier in the show, the halftime show this year at the Super Bowl will be probably the blackest ever since Beyonce cut the lights out. It ain't be in this black. But with that being said, that being said, yeah, across America, there'll be some sounds and some things that will go on once that halftime show stops. I will do this in my Southern voice, so you'll know where in America that happened. You'll hear stuff like this, Hey, Hey, let's see what's on Fox. Okay, could you turn it on? Fox. Just turn it on Fox real quick. When the halftime show shows up with all these blackens, somebody hit the mute. Somebody pleased, hit the damn mute. When the halftime shows come on this year, somebody will say in America, damn eminem hell, I thought he was with us? Oh my god. When the halftime show comes on in America, somebody will say the Snoop Dog is the only one I know. But I know he was a rapper. I thought he was a cook because with that white lady. Anyway, somewhere in America, somebody will say this, guess what, we don't lost the halftime show. And last, but not least, when the show comes on across America, somebody will say about Mary Jane Blige, What in the hell rung with her legs? Is she all right? Can she walk? Why she walking like that? Hell going on? Somebody will say these things when the halftime show comes on across America. That's all I gotta say. I'm done, We've done. Why don't we have any country Western music? What happened to get country in weston? Half time? Yeah? How many he watched? Yeah? Yeah? But it had probably the most multi start. Now they've had bigger, They've had prints on that thing. You know, They've had Beyonce on the thing. I mean, look, they've had But I think when it comes to multi multi stardom on one stage level, right, they won't know who doctor dre is because Doctor Drede most famous for what he does behind the scene. But but that dude right there is he is hip hop for real. Yeah, and Snoop and eminem he's a beast. Yeah. All right, we gotta go, guys. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steven Show. Trending medical news. We've all heard that the vaccine could possibly end the pandemic, but a lot of people will not get vaccinated for whatever reason. Well, pharmaceutical company Merk just announced on Friday that their anti viral COVID nineteen pill could cut hospitalizations or deaths by fifty percent. Now. The drug is called malnupiaver malnupiaver, which will kind of be like tama flew and it can be given to the patient when they first developed symptoms, slowing the spread of the virus and perhaps stop people from getting really, really sick. Medical experts said this anti viral pill, along with the vaccines, could transform COVID into a treatable illness. Mark is seeking FDA approval, hopefully by the end of the year. So there you go, a pill, all the shots peels. Yeah, whatever you got. I'm so sick. All that's on my night stand already. But you know what, man, I just look, well, skip it. I've said all I need to say about it. I got a family number that ain't took it. I've never Yeah, family, we all do the Hey, don already. Ain't want you at my house. You you have a real problem pandemic. Take your lands in the non vaccinated room. That's what you not the kids table. Yeah, that's outside, right, yeah right, I got nice little covered area outside out there. It might be raining. You don't care. Yeah, you can't dressing people. That's a lot though. I mean, I think though, if you take it like tama flu, because if you ever had tama flu, as soon as you get sick with the flu, if you take tama flu right away, it can help you. If you wait, eat, if way shot right tama flu, it won't help you. So maybe people that are scared of needles, Yes, I like to make this statement. I mean, if I was afraid of a needle, I bet you I'm more afraid of a ventilator. Yeah, that's the gold. Now you're thinking, you're thinking smart, but they don't think like that. They think they're never gonna get sick because it's not real. Yeah, I believe that virris is real because or some pole to believe that that it's not real. It's fake, all of that. You know, it's political, all of that, all of that, or some people just feel like they weren't sick, they didn't get sick, so they're not gonna get it, do you know what I mean. So it's like, well, I'm not gonna get it. I'm just gonna mask up or whatever. Yeah, exactly, Tommy keywords yet and then the people, this is a free country. It's my body. If I don't want to take it, I'm not gonna take it. It's it's a free country. Let's let's start the argument I heard on the internet, and they add an s to it that internet. Internet. Well, the company Murk Tommy is seeking FDA approval, hopefully by the end of the year, so we're looking probably twenty twenty two next year. I'm taking that peel on both ends in the mouth and this apository, I'm putting it in both sides. I tell you, I'm gonna be on time for you to step in here. After he said that that, we just can't let that go. Just t that's the only way. Yeah, I'm asking everybody. Would you take it that way? The only way you could take it? Yes, whatever it takes, man, I'm talking about. Just try to relax. Here we go. Shut up. See mister Harvey. Stop greeting me your teeth. You're making it worse, mister Harvey. Mister Harvey, listen, we have other patients waiting. I'm trying, man, I'm trying. Hold on, hold on, hold on, I'm trying. All right, we gotta go. Coming up next, it is the nephew with today's praying phone call. Right after this. You guys are crazy. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's today's Strawberry Letter, the subject he's got a weak mind and other things. We'll get into that in just a little bit, but right now, the nephew is here with today's Praying Phone call what you got for his NAF Oh stupid you want me to be? You know if you lay that out from me, you know because I got grey, I got levels of stupidity. You understand what I'm saying. If you try to, if you try to flow with me, you were always a level ten of stupid ten okay, every day, right, I mean it measures up like like when we when we go in jay mine, we go deep. You see, now we're friend to go to the stupidity level. You're going to level ten this right here. You need one of you. I'm going to stop you right now. Neither one of you should be using the rod deep when you're describing yourself. Mind. Go ahead, you can keep going, but let's let's cut this deep out. Hey, that's my brother and we deep together. Okay, we deep. I just asked you double deep with double due. All right, here we go. This right here is K dog K dog. Let's go cat dog, Come you go dog and dog K dog right here? Hello? Oh yeah, I'm trying to reach I'm trying to tea this apparent. Who's this this ky? His uh? His brand his branding? Your brother? Then? Yeah, that's my brother. He locked up while what's up? Who cause you know who Hey, look, I just got that. I was actually, uh, I was locked up with your brother. We was on the same two together. I was, uh, you know that was kind of like my ford right there, I took kill of Uh. He told me that he was he had been writing you to tell you and you was, you know, letting you know how I had been taken care of him, you know, uh, while we was locked down or whatever. I know he don't get off for another couple of years, but like he told me that when he was writing you that you know y'all that already got is situated that you know, you was gonna take care of me when I got that, So you know, I, like I said, I just got out last night and I wanted to come by and pick up the first ten grand you know sometimes this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait how much did you you just say tenny grand? Yeah? You know, I mean he told me he had already wrote you and told you what was up. No, bro, I ain't talked to my brother over a year, dude, so uh ain't hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, right, you know? Okay? He told nah, you know he had told me that you you got me straight with the first ten grand when I first get out, and then a couple of months later you hit me with the list ten grands and just twenty grand. Wait, wait, that's twenty grand. Bro. I got a wife and kids. I got a family to take care of. Ain't no, I ain't got ten grand to deal with. I gotta feed four kids and the wife. Okay, okay, So what you hold on? How how old hold him? Man? So what you're saying, Brandon was lying to me the whole time. What I'm telling you is just locked up eighty man to say anything to say to the Ain't no ten grand over here, Ain't no twenty grand over here. You want to get in, Brandon gonna need to wait two years till he get out and deal with that. Get no, no, no, it ain't it ain't it ain't been the end. Ain't been a fall like that player. Hear what's sensed to go down? Okay, Nah, I'm coming over the frad. So coming over ten grand? The first ten green is old old frad. Now what I got the first? First of all, what you need to know is just right here, I don't kill nothing about going back. My thing is just right here. Just pay for supposed to be rich and took care of your brother all these years while I was up in there keeping people up off of them on the third till. And now you're been to come to me. You're friens to come to me. Nine. I hadn't put it in his work, is now y'all ain't been to play up. It ain't been. I'm like this, Yeah, that's what I'm telling y'all. Doesn't put it in work to provide my family, me and my wife work. And you telling me that you're trying to come over here Friday to get ten grand that I ain't even got for that's locked up. Hey man, look I'm not I'm not. I'm not Benau first of all. All this backing pool, but like this hill, this ain't nothing. I do you understand. I don't do this. I don't go backing food. I don't let you know what it is. It's ten green being on Friday now if you need to try to reach out to your brother, is uh locked in? You didn't talk to him. But like this deal, I'm coming looking for Terris, you know, looking for my ten grand that this this that's lady, ten grand, I put some tims up beyond you come over here to my house, to my family, to about you're going to get ten grand with my no grand brother is locked down. Hold on, hold on, because see you're gonna you're gonna reve around and take this you know way what First of all, what did you just say on him? When I get over with us? What you say? You you bring your to my house with my family here, I'm gonna put some tims up yere? How about ten thousand dollars and then another ten and a couple of months you lost so damn blind, I ain't got the grand. I've worked my often. You're gonna tell me that you want ten grand? Another ten grand in a few months of taking care of my brother while he locked up. Nobody tell you take care of him. That's a girl. Man. Let him take care of themselves, Me and my family and the bell just out of so much I'm dumb. Hey, hey, hey, do look at I'll understand I only you've seen but you, but you got to look at a mine for the land. Three and a half yells. I've been over here taking killed and he telling me y'all gonna take kill me so so here, I don't know what's going on. What I do know? Ill though, Fried? This Fried, I'm coming to get team Graham from Teners. So you got the six this right here. Anyway, you're gonna feast so I and that just is right there. Come Fried, I'm in I'm in front of your house. Down what wait, huld on? What hund on? Kate Dog? You say your name, Kate dog? Baby? From the third decade down from the third till three tills on the side of my left. I don't done three decades. You probably don't want to everybody in the street and then jail. You got my but I'm gonna tall you something you bring over here to my house, try to me, my wife and my kids. Thing gonna go down like you think it ain't gonna go I'm gonna give you a thing I got. Then some you come over here. You're gonna be laying down, Bro, I'm gonna be what gonna be laying down? You come over here and try to me and my family and my kids. It ain't happened that way you Okay? Then that's then that that's where we're at. To him, baby, then we just we just gonna set this up a Friday, and then because they don't maybe know, I don't know. I ready to tell aunt. We gotta wait to no Friday, kay, dog, we gotta wait to fid I meet you somewhere. You're gonna like you think it's gonna go down once I get you anything I got and lay you down. I'm gonna be in there with my brother Brandon whooping his putting me into he doesn't got yourn o't call you. Hey. You know, first of all, you ain't got the ten grand. You might well going on brain you not anyway get this need to get you out here and get a job like everybody else. I don't care how long you've been in and everybody got a job. I'm busting you won't tend to be work for that ten grand and get your shot here and wash cars such grand. Hey, man, you know what I'm gonna tell you? Know what your your brother? One thing ain't about him? He was right about you, though, he was right about you. You know what I'm saying. I'm gonna tell you what thing else he told me about Joe? What what the hell did he tell you about me? He told me to tell you who I really will. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your sister Devita got me to prank phone call you. Who is this man? This is this is this is nephew Jommy man for the Steve Harvey Born to show your sister the Vita got me the prank phone call. You get them? I didn't. I hadn't lit up a cigarette in the house. I couldn't smoke in the house, the Vita. I'm gonna get hut you all right? Man? I am you had me on ten. I'm like ten. Brand I'm gonna come to my wife. Man, it's all good. Man. I gotta ask you. Mother is bad and I mean the saddest radio show in the lane. Man. You know what it is, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're gonna make me go to see my brother. Now it is holidays, I'm gonna have to go see that man in jail. Man. Huh, the building, baby came too much. You did an eleven. I asked for a ten, but that was an eleven. I think I love my man because he was committed to one thing. I don't care what my brother told you, but if you come over him message with my wife and my family. I don't care who asked you the whoop in the tier three in the street. You probably gonna when you get here, I'm gonna give you all I got, then some. I'm gonna lay you down. I'm gonna end up where my brother whoop his aunt. Come on, he had worked the whole thing. Oh my god. All right, thinking of you coming up next Strawberry Letter. He's got a weak mind and other things. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air. It's like we're going to read this one right here, right now. That's for you, Jake could be yours. You never know, you never know. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is Strawberry Letter. Thank you if you subject, He's got a weak mind and other things. Dear Stephen Shirley, I've been with my man for about five years, and he is a nice, kind hearted Christian man. We met at a work convention and he told me that he was divorced. This is all we have in common. It took me a few years to notice how he's clingy and soft. I hate to call a man weak, but he has no backbone when it comes to putting someone in their place, including me. He is at his mother's beck and call, and she gives him her grocery list every two weeks for him to shop for her. It's okay for him to take care of his mother, but she is able body and she goes to card games and church so she can go to the grocery store. Then there's our sex life. He's always whimpering and moaning softly, and it's a turn off. I know you're wondering how I stayed with him for so long, and it's because I just started noticing he's a week in bed. I had an affair on him, and I got my back readjusted and my spine aligned in the first two minutes of sex. This was a manly man that talked nasty and did all the things he said he was going to do. Now I'm at home dazed and confused. Right, I'm sorry you had a moment sor right now I'm at home dazed and confused, and I don't want my man and to touch me. I want badly to leave my boyfriend and be with the new guy. But he stated up front that he was only in it for the sex. He knows I'm starting to fall for him, so he's been doing extra in the bedroom to get me hooked, and he jokes about it afterwards. I wish there was a way to teach my man all the things this guy knows. I asked him if he wants to watch porn, and he asked what has gotten into me? I almost told him what it was, but I held back. Now I can't sleep and I can't get the new guy out of my mind. Should I keep settling from mister week or just break up with him? How important is sex in a relationship? All right, we're gonna go back just a moment. First of all, what is wrong with getting grocery for his mom? Every two weeks she gives him the list, He goes to the grocery store, gets the stuff, and drops it off. I mean, he just sounds like a good son to me. But you're trying to make it out like he's a mama's boy or something. That's not the case here. It really isn't as how important sex is. I mean, it's not the most important thing, but it is definitely up there in the top three to five. Okay. Whether it's important to us or not is not the issue, though, because it's obviously very very very important to you, and so much so that you've cheated on your man and are considering leaving him for sex, leaving him for a man who told you out of his mouth that all he wants from you with sex. He told you that upfront, okay, and now he jokes about it with you. So what are you willing to do for sex? Is risk everything? That's what you're willing to do. That's stupid, That is definitely not smart. And I do think you can gently teach a man what pleases you if you're both into it. That would not be settling, as you call it. It would simply be working on your relationship, as many committed adults do every single day. But you're too busy thinking the grass is greener with this other guy, and that to me has disaster written all over it. For you because he so much has told you he doesn't want you, and you're not gonna change him. You're not, Steve. Well, you've been with your man for about five years now. Your subject is he's got a weak mind and other things. How this than lasted five years? You asked me that in the letter, But I really want to know how to hell this than lasted five years? He's nice, kind hearted Christian gentleman. We met at a word convention. For convention. He told me he was divorced. And that's all we have in common, right there. This your fault. This your fault because he was a kind, nice Christian man. You know how many of them out there. But you wanted him. But that's all y'all head in common from day one. That's no reason to start a relationship. It took me a few years to notice how he's clingy and soft. I take a few years. But okay, I hate to call him man weak, but he ain't got no backbone when he comes to putting somebody in their place, including me. Women don't like that. Women do not like weak men. Okay, he's at his mother's beck and call and she gives him a grocery list every three weeks for him to shop for her. It's okay for him to take care of his mother. But he's able body to she able body to go to card games and churchill, she can go to grocery store. This is a mama's boy. I don't care what Sharley told you. This a mama's boy. He's weak, he's soft, and he clingy, and he had his mama's becking call. This is a mama's boy. And how do you become weak and clingy and soft by hanging up under your mama. He never grew out of it. But you picked him because he was a nice, soft Christian man. Now that's what you got, little soft dude, not the Bible. That's great, But then your next line is, then there's our sex life. See he's swear the little scriptures and everything because you want something else to happen. And here and here he knows all of the scriptures. He knows psalms. He all up in the Book of Ruth. And nobody read the Book of Ruth in the words saying Ruth. But he all up in Ruth. All right, we'll have part two of Steve's refunds coming up. A twenty three minutes after the hour, subject he's got a weak mind and other things. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject he's got a weak mind and other things. Yeah, this woman got this man, she say got a weak mind and other things. They've been together five years. The only thing they got in common, according to the letters, that they've both been divorced, and that's all they got in common. Took us some years to notice. He's clinging soft but he's at his mama's back in call. He go get her groceries every two weeks. She's able body and everything, but he can't stand up to nobody, including her. He has no backbone. Based on this lady that wrote the letter, and now we dealing with a mama's boy. Then here we go. Then there's our six. He's always whippering and moaning softly, and it's a turn off. I know it is. See I don't nobody wanted And if somebody is that that's whippering and moaning like when he used to fall off his bike, He's gonna lay on his mama's lap, See this's what she got. This is what mama's boys do. They whippering, They moan, and he's weak in bad now here we go. I hadn't to fawn on him. And in one affair. Listen to what happened doing this affair. You ready for this, because this boy wouldn't have been here weekend in moaning and whippering. In one affair, she got her spine a line and her back readjusted. All listened two minutes of six. This boy, right, he'll was laning it. You don't want her. This was a manly man, that nasty and did all the things he said he was gonna do. See that's y'all asked me a long time ago, what is the number one rule of manhood? And what did I tell y'all? It was, do what you say you're gonna do. Everybody will respect you. He told, huh, I'm gonna just your damn back and re aligned your spine. And guess what he did. He went right up in that and did just that. Because you weren't dealing with this little weekends boy you got, you was dealing with Tha, the god of thunder came up in there with a hammel and was just up in that doing everything he said he was gonna do, aligning your back and adjusting your spine and some other things too. I bet now I'm at home. Days didn't confuse because your eyes is looking at each other now because you don't know what every time you shut your eyes you think of him. Your eyes is looking at each other. And I'm confused. And now I don't want my man to touch me. Now you don't want a little weekend that was good? So good? Just feels Oh baby, that ain't what Thor, the god or wonder look the Thor, the god of love was in. Now we're ham all crazy, ah, just opening up your nasal passages. So now I want badly to leave my boyfriend and be with this new guy. But he stated up front he was only in it the sex. Well, he told you that ain't don't need to leave in your man for him because he don't want you like that. He knows I'm starting to fall from him, so he's just been doing extra in the bedroom to get me hook and he jokes about it afterwards. I wish that was a way to teach my man all the things this guy knows. Well, it's not I can just tell you that right now, he's not Don't even go in there and put this pressure on this last boy, because he's gonna be do none of this right here. He is who he is. You have weak men, and you have strong men, you have smart men, you have dumb men, you got good men, you got bad men. You got a weak one. You said it, and you're not. He nothing to come up here and do this here. I asked him if he wants to watch pawn, and he asked me, what's gotten into you? Well I could have told him what they got into you? Thor fu fuck the god of fund him far got into you and adjusted box and realign this fines and in that with his hammer. That's what then got into you. Now I can't sleep and I can't get the new guy out of my mind. Should I keep settling from mister weak or just break up with it? How important is sex in the relationship? Well, I don't see how you're gonna stay with him because your mind is my mind. My bode is here with you, but my mind is on the other side of time. Come home, Oh messing mute around. See, you can't keep your your body's here with a little weak boarder. But your mind is on a thought of God and love thunder over on the other side. Now you say, how important is sex in the relationship? Well, it's not number one because the most important thing in the relationship is love. But right after love, that sex, right after love. All right, Thank you, Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, we'll talk about Christmas trees, the stories just for you, Steve, talk about Christmas trees and some others to this. Yeah, oh yeah, get it now. No, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, October means a holiday season has officially begun. A first Halloween. Here's a costume alert. By the way, there is a sex syat Bernie Sanders costume for sale just in time for Halloween. It includes a greatcoat, cozy mittens, and a face mask to mimic Sanders the way he was looking in the twenty twenty presidential inauguration. Yeah. As far as what makes it sexy, you ask, Well, here we go. The luck doesn't come with any pans. Okay you yeah, what you think, Steve, I missed the whole thing. You don't remember Bernie Sanders his stance at the inauguration? Yeah yeah, and it was a meme on everything. So that's the Halloween outfit. Yeah, no pans anybody wearing on this show. Well, um, Steve, this story is just for you. As we move on, the Christmas tree promotion Board wants to assure people that despite some issues during the year, there should be plenty of trees to go around for the holidays. You know, talk about I don't hear about Christmas tree short and aren't trying to get none of that tree? I know, I know he's so serious about him. Growers did face some difficulties during the growing Rowers as what is this story about? Shit, it's about trees and Christmas, and they're what they're gonna say, Well, what is they trying? All right now? Listen, this is what had happened, Steve. They faced some difficulties during the growing season that included a heat everybody had COVID go ahead. It was a heat wave and we had a rough fan. Damn them trees. What else? Well, the tree suffered burns, Steve, That's what the problem was, burd Yes, have they seen the number of lives we've lost during COVID Yes, Saint about no damn trees, now go ahead, can you let me get it out? How about growers suggests this is a good year for people to try something new since size and she's variety may differ from years past. I'm not trying a damn thing new. They expected natural looking trees, which were more which were more open and layered, to be more widely available. You got to get an artificial treat. That's that's what I'm saying. That's the thing. Look at his damn artificial treat. I bet somebody better bring me a big ass treat. They have to have artificial trees that smell like real cheese. Damn what they smell like? Jay, you get Sports Talk with Junior at the top of the hour. Right after this. You're listening morning show. All right, Junior, what you got in sports talk? Okay? It is man, Let's see I did this week. Boy, it wasn't bad. Oh you're nine a six. He's nine six right now, man, not the fourteen to two last week. But yeah, but I had some major sits in there. Let's go through a man. Washington beat the Atlanta Falcons thirty four to thirty. Damn Falcons. Man, y'all messed up one of my parlay picks. I had the four underdog teams picked. I was fitting to win thirty two hundred dollars and the damn Falcons with forty six seconds. Man, whatever, Atlanta, all right? Houston, Texas got drove forty to another but nothing. All right? We got to Chicago Bars beat the Detroit Lions twenty four to fourteen. Damn Detroit. But here when you picked big dog thirty six to twenty eight, the Cowboys over the Panthers. Man, and it wasn't looking good, but that dark Man. As much as I don't like the Dallas Cowboys, as much as I love Jerry Jones, all the former players, Emmy Michael, yeah, crime, I love Dak, I like Zekiel, I love I love jer I just do not like the damn Cowboys. But they thank you for that. Yesterday, here we go. Man. We got the Dulphins losing to the coach twenty seven to seventeen. I didn't know Winch was playing. I would have picked the coach my bad. Yeah man, okay. The Giants, oh they off the zero, they got it off. They got their first win of the season over the Saints. My husband so mad today. Today, big day for the Chiefs. They beat the Eagles forty two to thirty. You called it up, okay, but he'll go one. This is explaining this one man. The Cardinals beat the Rams thirty seven to twenty. Man, that that surprised me. But I'm gonna get right back on the Cardinal bad wagon. That was quick. That surprise you. This was surprising. The Seattle Seahawks beating the forty nine Its twenty eight to twenty one. Yeah, yeah, yeah, now can well you know what Cleveland Browns over the Minnesota Vikings fourteen seven, and that's all that matters. That's all that matters. Yeah man, they go one man emotionally returned back to New England. You know, Tom Brady did it again. The Buccaneers beat the New England Pagers nineteen seventeen. Last minute fiell go missed by New England. It's a win. It's a win. Nobody shocked by this one though. The Packers over the Steelers twenty seven to seventeen. Many you have. It's the time for being Roethlisberger to go. No, I don't. Can I hope he's stay Yeah if they keep yeah, stay stay we got we got the Ravens over the Broncos twenty three to seven. Man, what a crazy enter that game? You being picked? That on you? You're on a hot streak, man, But what about tonight? Who who is it tonight? Come on, man, Las Vegas Raiders and the Los Angeles Chargers. School be a game, man. But I'm just gonna tell you right now, I'm gonna have to go with you to go to the Ram Raiders. Man, Raiders. Yeah, you know that both go. You know what I'm saying. That's yeah, there's a Las Vegas Raids Ram Raiders and that's getting me good. But I didn't. I didn't. I didn't pick this week give it to me game. But if I had to be a betting man, it's hard because is that is that Stefford that's out there at the Rams that it's a Charger that's justin Herbert? Oh oh oh oh, this is the Chargers that's play Yeah yeah, hell no old Raiders man. Yeah yeah, they't her No, no, no, it's it's it's it's it's it's gonna be a good one man. But I'm with you, Uk, I think the Raiders got this man. It's just something different about this team this season. Man. They look good. They look good. Offensor, Derek car didn't. He took a lot of criticism. This boy's showing up this year. Yeah, I'm Luke man. I'm a little disappointed because I had a great I had picked a lot of underdog teams. I picked the Jets, I picked the Giants, I picked another one, and I picked the Foukers, and my I was fitting wind thirty two honey and Danie Fulkers lost with thirty two seconds through it. Y'all answer all right, guys, thank you, Junior, Thank you, Steve. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In weird News, a Turkish man who joined a search party to find a missing person was happy, really happy when the person was found, and also very shocked to learn that the missing person he was looking for it was himself. This is how it went down. Fifty year old man, listen to this guy's fifty year old man got drunk one night and just wandered into the woods. I mean, you know how that happens, right? His friend reported him missing, prompting locals to form a search party. After hearing about a missing person, the man decided to join the search party, not realizing that he was the one reported looking for him. It wasn't until he heard others shouting his name that he realized what was going on and replied, Hey, I'm here, here, I am, it's you found me. How you look for yourself? That is how many times has it happened? When you get drunk and wander into the woods, You look for your damn self. Man, know where I was, But to look for myself, that's that's the other level of can I not find me? Look behind the rocks? Pep? Have you ever been drunk and wandered into the woods? Are you kidding me? Yeats coming up? More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty three minutes after right after this you're listening to show? All right, it is time now for ask the CLO. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. This one CLO is from Terry and Saginaw, Michigan. She says, I'm five ten, curvy model, and I met a handsome man recently at a youth basketball camp. I played ball in college, so I volunteer as a camp annually. When we met, we played a game of horse and I won, so he had to take me out. That was the bet. He took me to a sports bar and he had on basketball shorts, footies and slides and I was dressed like it was a real date. We've been hanging out for three weeks and I feel like one of the boys. How do I get him to notice my breasts and other assets? Hey, sisterhood, have you ever thought that the reason he's treating you as one of the boys is because that's how he sees you? And he met you on a basketball court doing a bet in a game of horse and you won the horse game? Did it ever curry you to lose that game just to feed into the stupid male ego? But now you're the whooped the man? Now the bet was, and who made the bet that who lost would have to take the other person out. Now he lost, he want to lose his soul loser, And maybe he don't. He just see you as one of the guys when he comes to flip flop the basketball shorts. Y'all been going out, But y'all, what else y'all doing? Y'all, y'all, y'all doing anything like man and woman, boy girl, or y'all just going to sports bars out? How do I get them to notice your breast? That's easy, go ahead, o the okay, if you want them to notice your breast, there's something called cleavage, and once you expose cleavage, we gonna notice it. Now, we got a couple of experts on the show that could show you ways to do it if that's what you want to do it. But we could take the faux fools that's on the show and show you how to do it now, Sirlen, we may not have a show if we could do it, But Shirlyn Caller, like on the radio show, they don't do that. No, no, we don't And move on. Okay, are you done with this advice healing? I think you are coming up. It is our last break of the day. We'll have more tomorrow. Today we're out, okay, all right, And in forty nine minutes after the hour, we'll have some closing remarks. From the one and only, our fearless leader, our Captain Steve Harvey. Right after this you're listening to all Right here we are guys on this Monday, our last break of the day. This is it. Like Jay says, there are no more, We're out. I have some closing remarks today. Um. I was thinking about something and I said, wow, you know what, man, I want to share this with people because I had to readjust my thinking. Uh and once I did, that change my success process. And I often hear people making excuses for why they're not successful. So my closer remarks to day is to help you with that part of it. Right here, Listen to this, y'all. It's an adjustment. It's a mental adjustment that you have to make. It's a slight change in the way you're saying things. So here's what I'm saying to you. Stop making excuses why not? Listen to me carefully, stop making excuses why not? And make those excuses your why two. See, I've thought about this thing, man. Most of this excuses that I've heard from myself and from other people. If you took those same excuses that you're using as why you're not accomplishing something while you're not doing something why you're not successful. If you took those same excuses and turn them around and made those excuses your why too, it would be a game changer. See, you need reasons why you should be successful. That's what you need. You don't need excuses. You need to find reasons why you should be successful. Listen, If your excuse is i'm poor, well I would do this, but I ain't got I'm poor. That's a good reason that you should use to make more money. See, the thing that you're using as the excuse should oftentimes become the reason or the motivation if you think about it. But it's up to you now you have to make that adjustment. So if you're sick and tired of being poor, that's a good reason to want to be motivated to make a little spent more money. Now, if your excuse is I don't know the right people. Ever heard that before? Man, I just ain't I just don't know that I ain't met the right people, then that's why you need to start associating with a new group. See, you're not knowing the right people can't be the excuse. It has to be the reason for you to do something else. You need to start associating with a new group. You know something. It's easy to meet people, It really is. It's easy to meet people. You've met all the people you know. How hard was it? You just went to where they was doing a certain thing and you was participating in that certain thing, and then they became an associate of yours. You have to change that. You have to use those same reasons why not to turn them into the reason why too. Your excuse is no one ever taught me how? Well, if nobody ever taught you how, then don't you think that's a good reason that you need to train and educate yourself. See that excuse of nobody ever taught me how? So what they got the Internet? Now? You know you can google anything. If ain'tybody ever taught you how, this is a perfect time for you to train and educate yourself. Stop using these excuses for why not and get these reasons and use them as the why too. If your excuse is your family, your excuse is your family? My family? This my family? That excuse me get some friends? See, you actually get to pick your friends. You were born into the family, and if you were born into the wrong family, pick yourself some friends. Association brings on participation. My family I love them to death, but I can only go so far with them. We can only talk about certain things. We got to stop. The conversation ends because they're not going where I'm going. They don't they don't want what I want. Now, I got some other friends I can bring all these subjects up to. So stop using the excuse that, well, it's my family. Skip your family, get yourself some friends. You get to pick those people. I don't know what to do next, that's your excuse. Well, that would be a good time to develop a relationship with God, wouldn't you say? If you don't ever know what to do next, If you're stuck because you don't know what to do next, this excuse is a good reason to develop a relationship with God, because guess what, I bet he knows what to do next. Trust me, I had to turn that way many times. I'll be turning that way today. I don't know how. I don't know how I'm gonna do that. I just don't know how I'm gonna do it. Then, guess what, this is a good reason for you to use your faith. I don't know how I don't see how. I don't see how I'm gonna make that happen. Well, you need to develop your faith. Faith is the belief in things you cannot see. I didn't see my life I have today, but I faith that I believe that I would have some type of life. And then He messed around and gave me exceedingly abundantly over all, I thought, I asked, that's the beautiful thing about that relationship with God? And let's how about this right, I don't have a plan. Well, if you don't have a plan, guess what you need to dream. You need to dream about something to put a plan to stop using your excuses why not and take those same excuses and make it your why too. Come on, y'all, it's a mental adjustment. All you have to do is changed the way you think from negatives to positive, and the results immediately will follow. It's automatically done that way. Thank you for listening, And if you didn't listen, it's okay too. I'll have something else tomorrow. Maybe it out of hit home. Y'all, have a nice day. See you tomorrow. Talk to God. He'd love to hear. Fun for all Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show.