Los Angeles Safer Order, Spring Breakers, Stripper Names and more.

Published Mar 20, 2020, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! It's Friday and Steve talks about his experience being quarantined with Mrs. Harvey. The crew also talk about why Shirley is missing, plus more. Steve talks about being a player in Ask The CLO. Drake self-quarantines in Toronto. Young spring breakers still have not seen the danger of coronavirus. Big Dog gives the guidelines on what needs to be done while in quarantine. We have new stripper names post corona virus. Toilet paper apparently has become scarce and J. Anthony Brown has alternatives. Los Angeles has a new set of rules to live by due to the coronavirus outbreak. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about social distancing and helping one another out, plus so much more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit looking back then giving them like the milan buck things in it not good. Steve to the mother, I don't joining. You gotta use that turn hur going. You gotta turn to turn them out, got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby now. Uh huh, I show will a good morning everybody. You all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. How good is God? Hum? Think about it? Just take a slight inventory of your own life and say it to yourself when you get through, how good is God? Think of all the small things, all this, because that's him. You breatheh that's him. You steal him. That's him. You got another chance? That's him. You ain't out of here. That's him. You got any measure of health, that's him. You think it's more to it than it really is. That it already showed up to be. That's him. All of that. You got any dreams or aspirations, you dream of other things, that's him. All that, that's him. That's him. Him close you got. That's him every time you eat. That's why they had this thing called you say your grace. That's him. That's him, man, that's him. It's amazing when you take a small inventory or how you find out how big God really is in your life. Now, the more you turn yourself over to him, the bigger he can be. For you. See, he'll only be as big as you let him. It's one thing about God. Now, he's a gentleman. He can make you do anything. You know. You get too big for him, you know you you you, you lose your humbleness. He can humble you. Now. God created man with the power of choice. We're the only creature he created that. He gave us the total power of choice when we mate, who we mate with. You know everything, all of it. Man. It's a choice what we want to be, how much we want to make, where we want to live, what climate we want to live in. We can live in cold climates, hot climates. You know, we speak different languages. You can go learn another language. A bear can't do nothing but be a bar He can't go learn how to be a fox. He can't go learn how to be an otter. He just can't an ostrich is an ostrich man. He can't come out of here and fight like a lion. A lion is a lion. A lion eat meat. He can't eat vegetables. I don't care how much meat ain't around. He'll lay down and pull up out of here and die because he can't eat grass. He just a lion man. You understand this that God gave us. We are the one creature he created that has total power of choice. You can make every decision in your life. What kind of watch you like? That's the one you can buy. You want to live in Switzerland, go ahead. You don't like Switzerland, you can move to Miami. You want to live your life a crime, go ahead. That's you. He gave you the power of choice. You want to do right? Come on, So now look at this thing. We are all the results of a series of the decisions that we have made. If we could just identify that the problem is us, we could began the solution. See that's the problem, y'all, it's us. It's what we do. I threw my life down the hill. I can't tell you how many years based on some decisions that I was making. Now I can justify my decision with I wasn't happy and I was doing this and I was in misery, and y'all on that, ye yes to you when you get through. You made the decisions though, and you can look at this anywhere you want to, y'all. But at the end of the day, I'm just talking to people that's really really wanting to improve their position in life. And how do you do that? You got to have a solution. How do you come up with a solution? You got to identify the problem to even began to solve it. But if the problem ain't ever you, how are you gonna solve something that ain't you? See? Okay, let me look at this one. If somebody said, like I got a child of mine, man, I just do right here. Man, I don't even wanna get into it this morning, or I'm struggling with this this boy. But man, you go to people, you're asking why they do so? I just I just wasn't taking care of business. Why I just didn't take care of business? Boy, do you understand that your life is gonna be filled with you got to take care of business. So when you're gonna start, you know what I mean, you can't. You can't. You can't go through life blaming everybody. It's got to be you. See, you can fix you. You can't fix nobody else if you keep getting married and the marriages don't work. Hello, Hello, Hello, could it be you? South only had to sit down and just make that decision. They don't need to be coming on the radio talking about nobody else and what they did to me, and y'all don't know, no, no, no, man, what about the part you played at it? Because see, if you got a good marriage, you got a part to play in that. If you got a bad one, you got a part to play in that. Even if you just get down to you the one pick them? How about that? Mister, mister, I made a decision. The problem is usually within yourself. Do you know That's the quickest, an easy way to fix your life. That way, you ain't got to check with nobody. Here's the beauty of going on and admitting that is you. You don't have to check or clear it with nobody to start the repair process. You don't need anybody's permission. You ain't got to put it before the review board to see if it'll pass. It ain't got to go through Congress. You ain't got to hope that your local politician get their hands on it to make a phone call for you. You ain't got to ask any counselors to come in and sit with you. You don't have to check in to rehab. All you got to do is decide the problem is me. I'm gonna start changing ching me. Identify the problem and start with the part that you can own up to. Once you identify the problem, you can start planning on how to fix it or how to get to accomplishing something. But remember this planning is important. If you fail to plan, then please plan to fail. If you don't know how to make a plan, let's just start with the basics. Just make a list of what you want. Make this list and then go to God in prayer with an open mind and open your mind up to all the clean opportunities that are available here. Why a lot of people won't succeed because certain opportunities come along you don't want to do them. That kills me. Man, when I hear here, I ain't doing that. I know young comedians that come to me all the time talking about Man, what you're not saying. Man, Just take every gig you can no matter what they pay. Well, listen to me, son, you can go make that money that they pay, or you can make the decision to sit at home and make nobody. It's a comedy, a hard business. They ain't paying but one hundred dollars. You gotta drive, drive fifty miles. But if you drive fifty miles and you make the hundred and you stand on that stage for thirty minutes, you are now thirty minutes better than you was the last time you went on stage. Oh, man, you ain't man, they don't pay me, I ain't coming. You ain't going to be a comedian. Man, not not like this, heill. A lot of people just don't want to do what's necessary to do. So when the opportunity presents itself and you open up your mind to it, man, then get ready to go on and do it. Man, identify your problem today, start with the part dash your show. Ladies and gentlemen, let me have it undivided attention. Please. This is Steve Harvey Morning Show, hoping that everybody out there is safe. Do as much common sense practices as you can't. Practice as many common sense practices as you can keep a safe social distance, wash your hands and quarantine, isolate yourself. Man, this thing is real. This thing is real. LA has just issued a safer at home policy, and my wife Marjorie, who somehow then made her own ass the Center for Disease Control representative. So, like I said, everybody, we've just got to, you know, be aware and thank God you can thank God for this that you don't live with my wife. Right now, ladies and gentlemen, all of for real. Yeah, right there, right there, Gonna leave it right there. Jathony Brown, I'm right here. And you Tim Yah, you ain't here. That's all. The other two players on the show are not here for preventive measures. We're just calling them preventive measures and safety. Okay, they find safety, but they fine, So that's all we're saying. But you know, you know, black people don't take fine more than full or five days. Then the question Monday, Monday, Monday, ain't here, And we say the same thing. So he keeps saying, procrossing every measure. Yeah, what up? What up? What up? Precautious? They talking? Yeah, yeah, tell us what's going on? What's really going on? So we need him in him money? Okay? Oh, they already asking on social media. Yeah, yeah, happening. Yeah, it wasn't really happened. You can tell me when you look, you can tell me what I ain't gonna say. I ain't. It's like, ain't gonna say that. I ain't gonna say nothing except to everybody I know. M And then when they go, when they go, might it funny, it's might it funny? They ain't been there? And yeah, y'all did here Shirley cough that day, didn't you last time? You do know they blame me? You don't, Yeah, I do. Oh, it's everywhere that you oh yeah, oh yeah, oh that's what sir. Everybody said that. It wasn't just you, but you. You were the loudest one. Yeah, I mean you're taking hit on this one. Homie. Yeah, you said something too. Was the David Ruffy. You was a live team Tommy can't shave you on us one? Yeah, Tommy, Tommy, for real, it's you. So I laid bow. But Steve, Steve was in it too, you know, he instigated, he was getting it. Yeah, but you vocal online. I'm going, Wow, man, I'm gonna talk to Tommy. You're covering yourself. Joe I ain't covering myself. I just ain't getting none of it on me. Wow Wow, all right, we'll coming back. We're gonna have some fun this morning. We're gonna start things off and ask the CLO. So we'll get to it right after this at thirty minutes after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, time to kick things off with ask the clo. And that is the that's right, mister Steve Harvey. What you guys A question? All right? Masha from Detroit. She says, I'm a forty year old divorced woman and I've been dating a guy for six months. In the beginning, I explained to him that I didn't want to move too fast, and he was fine with that. But now that we've been together for a while, I don't think he takes our relationship seriously and he's still seeing other women. Every once in a while, I find pieces of condom wrappers in the bathroom garbage can, and I've gone by his house at night and there are different cars in his driveway. Whenever I confront him, he says he's giving me the space I need and not trying to rush me into a serious relationship, Steve, I do want to have a monogamous relationship, but I don't think he does. Is he's just running game on me or what? Well, here's the situation, Mysian Detroit. Now, Mysian Detroit, you told him you didn't want to rush into anything. When you tell a man that you don't want to rush into anything, all you have said to him is I'm not ready to commit to nothing. And you know what he heard me either. See if you say you're not willing to rush into anything, you don't want to rush anything. All he heard was you're not ready to commit. Damn it, I ain't either. Now you can get mad at him, but then he turned around and he hits you with a form of what you said right back to you. I'm giving you the space that you need for you to come around to me, but in the meantime he doing his thing. Now, it's hard to change horses in the middle of the street. So all you can do now is just say, look, I would really like to pursue this and be a little bit more serious. Would you please contact me when you're ready to do the same thing, because right now I know you still out there, but now I'm ready to be serious and somebody's number one, and when you're ready for a number one, would you please let me know? And then you find out where you're staying right away? Why he got kind of represented. He's stupid. He's still stupid. Yeah, yeah, he's gonna make people park down the street. Then when I'm doing ready, then now, ain't nobody fitting the park down the street for you? If you do that, you're less than the number two. Ain't nobody parking down the street when you gotta drive? Well, you ain't. Ain'tybody doing that? Ain't doing all this? Go ahead? Shut up? Tanya in Shreveport, Louisiana. Steve, I am a thirty seven year old married woman and it's my second marriage. I have a child from my first marriage and my husband has two children from his first marriage. Before we got married, he had of a s to me because he didn't want any more kids. I thought I didn't want anymore either, but things have changed. I want a baby and my biological clock is ticking. This has caused a major problem in my marriage, and we're legally separated now since we're a part Would I be wrong to have a baby by my ex boyfriend? My ex has always wanted me to have his child, and he's a great provider and would be a good father. I know my marriage would be over if I go through with this. What do you think my biological clock is ticking? Well? Technically, when you having this thought right here, your marriage is finished because you already know the option you want to take. You want to go back to your ex boyfriend and have a baby with him because he always wanted to have a baby with you. Now does he want anything more and he just wants you to have his baby. I'm not so sure that he's wanting that anymore. So you need to double check that before you walk in there and make the announcement to your husband that who y'all are separated, So y'all marriage over with? And you know, if you knew he had a resectim before you got married, why is that breaking y'all's home up now? I think it's something else to this you're leaving out. But okay, but if you think that you can go back to this other dude who knows you're still technically married, and say come on, let's have a baby, I don't know if he's really willing to sign up for that, oh, hill, enjoy the practice of making one, but you need to find out if he really want to have a baby before you do that. You need to really really find that because he may have a baby and then you'd be stuck. You ain't got no husband, You ain't got no new husband, and you just got an extra child. Is that what you really want? Biological clock his ticket, but your common sense meet is running too. Okay, let's go to Jeanette in Columbia, South Carolina. My man called the police on me because I came to his house unannounced. We were friends for over twenty five years before we became lovers, and I thought our relationship was perfect. Well, he got very upset when I popped up at his house and he wouldn't let me in. I beat on his door and windows, and he yelled from inside his house for me to leave. Then he lied to the police saying I was drunk and hunking my horn and banging on his door and he felt threatened by me. The police told me that I had to leave or they would arrest me. Fast forward to a week later. I am still hurt and devastated, but my man wants to work things out if we're together. Shouldn't I be welcome at his house whenever I want to stop by? What's really going on here? Not because there's another woman in the house. Ain't no black dude. Listen to me. That ain't a black dude nowhere calling the damn police just cause you knocking on the door in the windows. That was a woman in there, and he had to put on the show. That's why he called the police. Put on a good one. He put on the hell of a show because that girl that was in there is important. So now he called the police to get you out of that. The police came and told you you had to leave. One week later, he want to work it out because now he in that girl's face. No more this this this one on one right here, I'm just being real. So what should she do? See, well, your relationship ain't perfect because he was in there with another girl. If he's in there, by said, why would he call the police? Black dudes don't call the police? What what? What? There? You go, Jeanette, that's your answer. Coming up next, nephew, Tommy's run that prank back right after this. You're listening, coming up at the top of the hour in entertainment news, hip hop star Drake is in self isolation and New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton has tested positive for the coronavirus. Plus Miss Hand is standing by with Today's National News, saying to give us an update on what's happening in Los Angeles. But right now it's time for the few time he's running that prank back. What you got now, we got the sick and shutting in is what we got. Call stick and shut in. That's what's going on right now right now, sick, a lot of folks shutting in. That's it works perfectly. It works perfectly, stick and shut in. Let's go catch doctor. So I'm trying to be speaking. You got him? How you I'm doing? I ain't doing too good. You'd have been over there praying for my wife again, right right, right, yes, sir, you know it came over here three times in one week. My wife had already went through the operation and all that. She's gonna be fine. I don't need you over a praying three times a week, because honestly, I think it's something else on your mind when you come over here praying for my wife. I ain't stupid, brood. You kind of hold it, brother, This bloody, this is well. Your wife was on the second show. Didn't lift Iver actually come by? Rever aint man requested that I come by. Okay, he ain't requested for you to bring your black to my house for no three times in one week, man, So you can cut that down with me. You can hold it, brother. I came with sister Georgia the first time. The second time I came by myself because she wasn't able to come by, and I only stayed fifteen men, he's time. So what's the problem because I already know what you what you doing? I know you're trying to holly my wife. I ain't show how about your wife? I heard my wife? Why would I happen to your wife? She's part of already know what you already know what you're doing. Man, you up in her show my white wine, wine whine, no body at the house. I already know what you doing. Let me tell you something. Keep your black away from my house? Did you want to pray for my wife and pray my wife? Wait? You ain't wait man, Oh, you can't talk to you about lay hand. That's what you're gonna now, brother, ain't gonna be none of that, and ain't gonna be none of that. You're talking to the wrong brother nine. Okay. Now, first of all, you're not gonna disrespect me and curse me out. Okay, that's not even the way brothers should be talking to brothers. Second of all, if there's any laying on the hands, it's gonna be my hand laying on you. Okay. You ain't being the lady the lady I know trying to lay my wife. If I find it on what you know, not you mess around with my wife, it's gonna be, I know, trying to do crazy. I'm just letting you talk. I'm gonna say it one more time. Keep your black shop around my First of all, I told you once again you can't be talking to me like that. Now I'm trying to be cool about the situation because I know you may be just upset. Okay, I can appreciate that. Okay, I have a wife, and I'll be upset if somebody's coming back to my wife. Won't you won show out with your wife. I do spend my time with my wife. I do you know what I'm saying. I only anybody leave my house. Maybe I don't come out your house, and how let your wife? Are you welcome to maybe come come and come lay something over their own? Huh? God? Now trying to do holder holder, one man, Hold the one man I told you before being disrespectful. Now, that was a very idiotic statement for you to make. Okay, that's what's gonna happen. If I catch your black drip my house again, I'm gonna play this man, and then I'm getting on the phone with you. You your plasters, any more of them because if anybody come by my house again and I ain't there, I'm kicking your black. That's a promise, you know, Just that's it. Look here, brother, if that's gonna be any going, I'm gonna be kicking your I'm gonna lay my hands on you, and I'm gonna give you a good sanctified whooping, and then I'm gonna pray for you. I'm gonna pray to heal you. Just put I'm gonna put up, okay, because I've had it with you, you know. And I only went by to to visit your wife because I was asked to go visit your wife. Now that was a problem you should have caused a pastor. Okay, but you're not going to disrespect me. My wife's to church on the phone. Life. You want to do somebody, you can meet me any place. Well, I've been man. As a matter of fact, I can go anywhere I wanted in this town. If I be at your house talking to your wife, if the path asked me to go, I'm gonna be there. Okay. How you you know? You just you know it's you're like a stupid brother. Okay, you need to come to church. To come to church the one. You need to come to church more off. And that's the problem. You don't come to church more often. If you come to church more off, you wouldn't be talking to me like that. You wouldn't be worried about me and your wife because it must be something wrong at your house. You'd be worried about me fooling with your wife. Okay, So you need to check house. Okay, you need to check How about that? Why don't you do that? Why don't you? Why don't you just check up? Okay? Common see you the one that's cheating with my wife. That's what I'm all I know. Who Tommy Harmy said? You Timmy the one Tommy said, you're the one that's cheating around with my wife. Tommy Who who is Tommy? Tommy who? This is left you Tommy man? But this is never your Tommy from Steve Harvey, Morty show man. Your church member got me to pray ball, but not long for that. You know you're long, You're long. You know, y'all know Highway to Hell. All of y'all you know none stop no, you know y'all just you know, y'all just go. You know I ain't gonna stop. Sign you know I'm gonna go. I'm gonna pay for all of y'all, all of your brothers. And if you Timmy, Steve Harvey brother wrong for that. Okay, I'm gonna check him. I'm gonna check out. I'm fldn't go. I don't talk to you on the moment. I'm pay. I'm gonna say brother, brother, because you go. Man, you gotta tell me what's the baddest radio show with the laugh back Steve Habby Martin Show, and then you have it that's sick and shutty. That's how you do it. I know, I know, I know. Phenomenal. Thanks do we have to hear phenomenal? Every day when it's phenomenal. Yes, I mean I'm not gonna get it, but phenomenal. I'm going to put something together. Call I'm going to put a new seed together calling emergency pranks. You know this is when you have you need emergency laughter. That's what this is. That's what we're doing right man at the house on lockdown right now, everybody will lockdown your home. You need to laugh at something. Man, Come on, go to our tunes and putting a few times in there, watching what pop up about? Three? Hunt up? Man, get your laugh on, get it, don't get it or don't get it on? Why not laugh all the way? You do this where we're going? That's it. We do need some laughter right now? How are you doing? How was yesterday last night at the house. I just try to stay away from everybody. I didn't get I hadn't isolated myself from my sting. I'm sick of them. They had they had that on the news that family members are sick of each other. And we ain't gotten get meat of this yet. You know what, it's either a lot of babies being made or a lot of divorcespen to happen. That's what's happened. But here's the same time. The courthouse is shut down. So if you had a divorce pending, you still married legally, that y'all still together. Ain't that a blip? Yeah? Ain't even I told you I ain't with a no more. I just ain't got the paperwork. We didn't do me finished by say the nineteenth, it was gonna go through. Courthouse closed, bom y'all is coming up at the top of the hour, we got entertainment and national news. You're listening show. Thanks to a night out with Kevin Durant, Drake is self isolating at his mansion in Toronto. Now, apparently k D and Drake hung out in West Hollywood when the Brooklyn Nets came to play the Lakers last week. So even though Kevin didn't play, he made a trip out west with his team, and Kevin and three other Nets players, you know, we talked about this the other day, have tested positive for the coronavirus. So Drake says he is going to self isolate and be in the house because that's how you do it. D. You isolated your mansion, That's that's how you. Yeah. Like the picture of him on the basketball court, Yeah, he outright, when you got enough stuff right? Yeah? Yeah, I'm sure it's a studio there. You can't gonna cut it out, maybe, won't you while you playing get to work? Right? Yeah? Drop quart he can drop quarantine demand. If he won't do he can drop that. But you know what I found. Also what you hear people on house arrest, like two years house arrest? Yeah, m think about it. Now take a whole new meaning now, don't it. Yeah? Yeah, it does, it really does. Yeah, something as simple as they see, they said Steve. They said, no matter how big your house is, no matter how big it is, if there's somebody in there, you can't stand the house ain't big enough? Nah yeah yeah yeah. Facts kept one hundred on that out. Not not me. I'm just saying a lot of people feeling that way. Also, New Orleans Saints had coach Sean Payton has tested positive for the coronavirus. Now, Seawan said Steve, he was feeling sick on Sunday. He took the test on Tuesday and it came back positive on Thursday. And Peyton is in that twenty percentile of new cases. And you know he didn't have any symptoms of cough or fever, and now he has tested positive for coronavirus, and he is urging folks to take this seriously, especially the young people out there. We're gonna talk about that later on. How young people are not taking No, they're not man. They partying, Yeah they haven't. They having dog they're having corona parties. No, sister, they're having corona party. They're having a lot of corona beer and they all standing around. Okay, all right, our kids can't even come over. That's how seid my wife they got the kids can't come over to the house. They can't come over. No, no, my kids can't come to the house. Really, that's but they ain't. That's considered home though, ain't They all got homes, But Margie got all of them at their own home. If they're not home, yeah, but if they're not practicing social distancing and doing all the things. That's why she said they can't come over here. So you're talking to them through the gate, Steve. When they got dog dog dog dog dog, they can't come over here. I feel so bad. I feel so bad. I'm damn miss shame. Let's just if one roll let's just say one roll up and here outside the gate, and you standing on the inside with his asses outside the gate. I can't go talk to him. I'm calling police. You cannot come in now. Oh no. See, that's the only thing they ain't I can see them. That's the only thing they ain't did. That's the only thing they ain't did. They ain't brought them grandkids over the grandkids adig and see him say hey, ladies and gentlemen, miss are very much. This is antre puts the news. The number of coronavirus infections nationally close to down ten thousand, which means the numbers are going up practically in every state. President Trump traveled to FEMA's headquarters yesterday. He told the nation's governors that FEMA is sending out more than fifty teams to support US states and territories, and that the disaster agency has been put on its highest response level. Meanwhile, the presidents come under criticism for referring to COVID nineteen as the Chinese virus. Some folks consider that racist, but the Donald back and down. It could have been stopped right where it came from China, if we would have known about it, if they would have known about it. But now the whole world almost is inflicted with this horrible with this horrible virus. Chinese authorities did initially threaten and punish the doctor who warned officials in Wuhan about the virus. That same doctor contracted it himself as he cared for his victims, and he died. By the way, there were no new cases of the virus who poured out of Wuhan, China yesterday. That's the first time that's happened since this all began. And of course Wuhan, China is where the COVID virus began. Now, California Governor Gavin Newsom has ordered everybody in his state, everybody in California, forty million people to stay home. But residents can still go, like to the bank, of the grocery store, of the pharmacy, you know, things like that. Okay, get this. According to National Public Radio, this is scandal. While President Trump was running around telling America that the coronavirus was under control and insisting about the number of people infected, that health experts data on the death rate was false because he had this hunch that the numbers were false, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee was warning a small group of Republican donors rich Ones some three weeks before things really hit the fan about what was going to happen. NPR has received a secret recording as Senator Richard Burg North Carolina spoke frankly to this group about the dangers and fears surrounding what he said was an impending pandemic. Trump said this, it's going to disappear one day. It's like a miracle. It will disappear, and from our shores we've you know, it could get worse before it gets bettered. It could maybe go away. We'll see what happens. But Burr said this, there's one thing that I can tell you about this. It is much more residents transition than anything that we have seen in recent history. Every company should be commiss for the fact that you may have to alter your Trump You may have to look at your employees and judge whether the trip they're making to Europe is essential or whether it could be done on video companies. And again, this was thirteen days before the State Department began to warn against travel to Europe, fifteen days before the Trump administration band travelers from Europe, and President Trump was saying it's gonna go away. It's gonna go away. Hey, for all you Mexican food lovers now stuck at home because of the pandemic, this is for you. A restaurant called Guerrilla Tacos now restricted to take out the owners offering customers the ultimate do it yourself taco kit with a whole lot of sausa and all this other kind of stuff that's spice. It goes for one fifty bucks. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening, Steve, We talked about this earlier last break. You guys, spring Breakers continue to party in Florida despite to plead and request of social distancing. Take a listen to some of their explanations down in Florida. Take a listen. Join us bad. We need a refund, as Marius, ain't that serious. It's serious. It's more serious things out there like hunger and poverty. We need to adjust that. I mean, it sucks, but we're gonna make the best stuff. Enjoy. We're enjoying ourselves. It sucks, and I'm from the water and so this really sucks. However, we're gonna enjoy ourselves. Were having day parties all day. They're not gonna stop though. Hey look man, and that's a problem when you have people saying it ain't that serious, because it is very serious. This is not only this is this is serious worldwide. Do you know, man in Africa? South Africa has banned travel. Nobody can come from Europe. You can't go to Europe. You can't come from the United States to South Africa, and your ass can't go. They ain't got nothing over that South Africa and shut it down. Botswana has closed its borders to outside travel. I saw Steve dog Dimmer Brothers over there. Man, different Africans. They're serious about this. They found two cases in Ghana, one in Kenya, one in court Devar and they shut it down. That's it, all right, cool, I'll tell you what. Yeah, but the young people they're not in this country, Steve, they're not taking it seriously. You know. The governor of Florida finally closed the beaches in Clearwater, Florida, and even the Surgeon General he was on Good Morning America and he wants the younger generation to understand how serious the coronavirus is. He's even called for social media influencer Kylie Jenner to bring awareness. They are playing. These young people have got to understand it's bigger problems like hunger and okay, if you're dad, you can't eat thought, do you understand. Yeah, I'm just saying, come on, man, this this is real business here. I want these young people to get it. Man. And it's not all young people, don't get me wrong. A lot of young people are very very responsible. We're just hearing from them when they make statements like that. And this virus ain't that serious, man? Um? Yeah, yes it is. People are dying. Yeah, yeah, bro, yeah, it really is serious. It is serious. And they could you know the fact that this virus you can have it, no symptoms, you could pass it on. You don't know you have it. They ask you to social distance each other. And y'all out there in the beach all together part man hack You saw the pictures, right, Tommy hacked up type upon each other. Come on, young people, y'all gotta do better. They'll gotta do better, all right? Coming up at thirty four after the hour, Steve is here with his quarantine rules. You have some rules for Steve. You're gonna break it down right after this you're listening to all right, Steve, you have some of your quarantine rules you wanted to share with you. It's just some things, man, that I've been noticing, you know, on social media and just in my life, people calling, asking sudden questions. So I just came up with just a few quarantine rules. And most of this stuff is what people need to stop doing. Oh stop calling people up asking them to turn on the channel you watching. Let me watch what the hell I want to watch. I don't want to watch what you watch it, hey man, credit on hire man. They're talking about this here. I want you to see. No, man, I don't want you. I want to stop asking people how the weather is over there? Who give a damn about the weather over there? The coronavirus is hell, it's hell, dog, better give a damn about the weather over there. Stop asking people do you have enough food? If anybody else asked me, do I have any food? No, we all out. We ain't got a damn. No, we're out of food. Don't drive by pop over. Quit asking me, you know, and men stop asking women to seeing you necking picture man fining yourself something else to do wrong, hey man, and now, and literally stop asking people to stop by. That's why we're in here, y'all stopping by socc it don't hurt by my house. Man, what you're doing? I was gonna pop in click, can't pop in here here, gonna google right here? Stop asking people what y'all doing over there? They're doing a damn thing. Listen, man, if you've been in the house four days, it ain't nothing else to do. You'dn't done everything in your house. You know how to do Neckflix stock ought to be sky high right now? Yeah, yeah, because right now. If you ain't got Netflix, your asses in trouble. I've been because, dog, if you cut the regular TV on your ass is fitting to get coronavised, you are gonna get coronavized and last but not leave. No, I ain't got no damn extra toilet tissue. You're not supposed to ask for that, now, don't. I don't. You can't share my sister eighty three Polot called me, Steve, y'all good on toilet paper? I know you got all in bathrooms in that house. Why is that a concerned? You know? How about how you and Madred doing? How y'all holding that? Did y'all get enough toilet paper? I know y'all got a lot of bathrooms in your house? What is why is that a problem? Asking me by toiletician. That's that's that's the running thing. That's right. That's what's not on the shelf at the store. That is gone. So my brother he in Cleveland, he didn't cut all his utilities off, you know? And can you can't cut lights on heat? Nothing? I said, So brother, let me ask you this man, why you ain't why why can't nobody becausen't heat? Don't in your houses? Though, I'm gonna freeze all the germs out. What I said, what I'm gonna freeze all the germs out? Then he just turn the power off. But no, no, no, no, you don't understand. He won't cut the heat off. He's cold in Cleveland. He didn't cut all the heat off because he freezing the germs out. Germs can't lasting the cold weather. Dog, Okay, I say, ain't you cold? Cold? It's hell? I want to go outside. It's so damn cold in my house. So I figured them germs wont to go out there too. I finally is the worst. It's the worst, and he's gonna last. This is last one. I'm gonna go to break. What's wrong? Stop asking me how long I think that's gonna last? Like, damn it, I don't know how long you think this is gonna last. I want it over Friday, matter of fact, to the day. I want day maximum next Friday. But if I could give you a date, I would quit asking me. All Right, we gotta get Steve who his nerves are bad? Coming up? Tommy? What today's prank phone call? Right after this? You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming out at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry letter. The subject is I don't want to be quarantined with him. But right now, nephew, Timmy is here with today's prank phone call. What you got now? Yo? Trash stinks? Okay, you're trash thinks trash. I don't care it stinks. Let's go cat doc. Hello. Hello, Hey, I'm trying to I'm trying to read swerve. Yeah. Hey, how you doing? Man? I'm I'm one of your neighbors, but I'm one street over from you. You over the offer? You river trying? Yeah, that's right? This rico, man, How you doing? I'm one of your neighbors on the next street over, How are you doing? Okay, I'm doing good, but how you how you getting my Another one of the neighbors on your block gave me the number. Man. We was we were having a little situation. Wanted to reach out to you. Uh, some stuff going on here in the neighborhood, man, and wanted to try to make you aware of it. Well, what what's going on? Uh? It seemed like, um, well, you know the trash man run on on Tuesday, okay and Saturday right now. The problem is that that that that a lot of people, I guess since the holiday just passed, you know a lot of people got their stuff out on the on the curve already right right now. The problem is that that that they're saying, man, is that yo yo trash is actually really really fouled. It's smelling and smelling pretty bad. And we wanted to call you, man and see if you do not hold you say you call it leave because you smell my trash? Well, yeah, they say, yours is the one that's really speaking. Man. If you could actually maybe put it in, put it back in the in the in the garage until tuesday, you know, trash and no garage. That's why I put it outside. I didn't have enough room in the garage. Okay, what and who is everybody saying my trash saying? Hey, listen, I'm saying I'm not taking you know what I want to tell you. If everybody in the hood got a file with my trash, thank you tell another contact? Okay, what what? What? What? We we we've discussed that too. But listen, listen, we don't want no trouble. Man. If we could just get you to put your trays back in, I'm not moving over trash. I pay rent over here, my brother. Hey, we're not gonna go back, and I'm not gonna go back. Don't give what you gonna do. I'm telling you where I pay rent that. Don't tell me to just over here. Okay, Well, listen, man, aren't you concerned that your trash is thinking and reading through the whole neighborhood. I don't give a damn who smell my trads? Is they got a file with it? Telling them come take it out? Still the end, it's saying out, yeah, okay, whether that's the problem, The problem is that you took it out, and you took it out too early. You shouldn't have put this out till Tuesday morning. And now who tudes money inside it? If I put it out there, it's saying out yesterday, come get it. I'm not gonna go back and forth with you many even damn what you gonna do? You ain't gonna call me telling me take my Yeah, I say, rent over here, okay. How if everybody's smelling my tras out of everybody on the street, I don't know from my understanding, it's just a couple of holes in it and some food or something else that got out. I don't know if one of the roads or a dog got into what the case may be. But you know, we need to try to get your trash in the backyard. My trash ain't going no damn well, and how come you the one you focusing this? How come my next tho? Navor? I ain't called? How come you around the corner and you called? Who put you up to this? Boy? Everybody's smelling it. I was just fortunate enough to get your phone number. I said, well, look, I just gonna call it myself. I tell you this, you and that ain't you my phone number? I'm taking out sea there. It ain't going to Okay what listen, litten, swerve, just what we decide on the case. We got to this situation with you, how I touch that. I just come over there and put the trash in your backyard and do tuesday morning and Tuesday morning, I'll come back over there and take it out that way. All the smell of being in your backyard and you say, you gonna what, I'm gonna come over there and put the trash in your backyard, so to so the smell that fucking I mean, that's that. Let me tell let me take it this the if you come over here, you might well called police. That's who you gonna need. You come over here, bring all of that had a problem saying my trash to come over here and take it out. Man, you I mean you, you're trying. You're trying to You're trying to act like it don't smell. Man, you don't give them if it smell. I'll tell you what I do. I'll go out to fool So when that when that when they helped you out and look here, Okay, but see that's not what the people in the neighborhood want. We want you to give a damn what take walk? I'm telling you what I'm gonna do, and how to did you get my don't have any down? I'd already told you, man, I got your number for one of the neighbors on your street that said they don't want to get should have left one? Right, said me? Which one? Listen? Listen, listen, swerve? Won't you get to the meet of the problem. The problem is your trash? Think, don't how is my chand how the hell y'all tip point my saying out of everybody else trads on the block, and hin the hell you smell? Man? I don't know, man, I don't know what of it. I don't know if you're trads busted open or what the deal is. But everybody's saying. Everybody's saying it, swerve trash. That's that stink. That's too bud plads needs to gon do time and see what I think. It's that chads out there and it's gonna say out there I said it ain't come get it and you ain't coming over there. Okay, Now let's see that's where you run swim out. I ain't rubing over there. I'm coming over there and I'm gonna take that trans to put it in the backyard to too. Now, if you're gonna try to get in my way, whatever, but I got to come on, get the chands, and if I tell you what, bring y'all over here right now, I'll put on my shot. I'm standing on the point right now. Bring at the close. Come on, recover of Rico. I'm Rico one street over and I'm smelling your nash trash man, take your chassh out, make smell. But you ain't saying come take it out. I set you that a listen sword, I'm gonna say this word. Man, I called them back name, excuse me? Talk came about that? Who in the house sold you called me swerved, called me that that? Okay, that's what they call you. What's wrong? Me called what's wrong? Me called you? You donna call me that name? Now you saying my chance thing? Come over here and take the chance out. Hey, man, I ain't I ain't nobody sitting there scatter you swend. I'm telling to you I had to get the man. Didn't not just say you talk about of my name and swear? Come over here. I'm gonna show you what I'm gonna do. Okay, way then then it is what it is bottom nd, I'm on my way over at the moon that damn trash, come up, come over here, come over here moving. I'm on the fort right, Nah, come on over and meet me at about a mask. Thank you trash you got I'm standing right and doing naw. Okay, well, I tell you what I'm on my way, nah, and gets what I'm gonna do when I get over there. You ain't gonna do what you gonna do. I'm gonna tell you my damn name when I get over that. My name is Niphew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your cousin r Reese. Oh thank you. Out of here. Hey, man, I gotta ask you something, dog, what is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, fucking trash man? Your trash. I don't know what your body gonna be quarantine smelling trash before you throw it away? Wash your trash, buddy. Yes, thank you, Jay. Chloe Rocks in there something, man, That's how I do it. Okay, Now time my bags up. You got a little Cloe Rocks in there. You got a little on the time, wrote it on out there. Let's go have a little So but really, when your trash before you put the street and I poured on the collar because you got raccoons and stuff like that, run around, try to get in the raccoon that that clor rocks throw you off. That's cute, blacks, that's cute. Yeah, that's when you can't. Yeah what really? He to move from the hood. So the m on rats. He talking about raccoons, blackcoons getting in there. Problem, recule. You can't stomp on the ground and make a raccoon. Oh they will not know. No, raccoon possum, you get the stomp when if you want to do well, a possom can't run. So no, you can stand you down though he can stand you down, Racuna. Look at you like what, I'm in the trash? What? What? Now? What? Really? What? Let me finish? Okay, I'm in garbage. What I'll be out your hair in a minute. How old is this chicken? Man? How long your hand is? Chicken? Looks like that commercial? Do Do Do Do dough? Yeah? I love it, I love it. Thank you, Okay, go ahead. I was gonna say, if you know you in the house she locked up. You know, listen to some pranks man and try to lift your spirits a little bit. Go to iTunes and look up the Nephew man and get your laugh on. All right, thank you, nephew. We got the Strawberry letter coming up. Steve will read the letter right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on a relationship, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letters. Surely Strawberry is out today. Steve will read the letter and I'll respond, Let's get to it. Let's go to man. Don't let that, that's for sure. I don't care for his Hey, hey, hey, hey, old ass just ain't got nothing to do with you, man, Shirley Man. Now he don't want No, you're the one ran Shirley off. Now you're trying to act like she's still here by giving her her intro. I don't want your damn intro, and you can't run me off. Who hate wow? I mean, who hates it intro? Who hates an intro? If you've ever been introduced like this, ladies and gentlemen, A man who needs no introduction, and until you've had that happened to you, you need an introduction. That's why I pass on mine. Thank you very much. Let's get on with this. That a subject. I don't want to be quarantine with him, just like I don't want to be on the radio with them too. I don't want to be quarantined with him this Stephen Sherlly, I'm a thirty eight year old single mother of a nine year old son. I love my son with all my heart, and I've done the best I can to discipline him and instill great morals and values in him. But he is just terrible. His behavior is the worst of the worst, and he may not make it through this quarantine with me. Since he started elementary school, his teachers have said that he has a major attitude problem, and as a very selfish child, he makes up excuses for his bad behavior, always says his teachers are picking on him. I've observed him without him knowing it, and he is bad as heck in class. I have had him tested for behavioral disorders, and nothing's clinically wrong with him. Now at school is shut down, he's home with me. I can't deal with his disrespectful mouth and am and him ignoring what I tell him to do. I had to go to the post office on Monday and he passed by McDonald's and he told me he wanted to burger. I told him we had food at the house, and he yelled so loud at me. Almost had a heart attack, and he threw a balled up napkin at me. I was trying to gain my composure, and he grabbed a standing wheel and we almost ran off the road. So now he's endangering my life and his. He does not respond to me taking his PlayStation or taking his TV out of his room. He needs help with anger management and stiff punishment. Whatever I'm doing is not working. The other night I found him outside on the back deck at eleven pm. He said he needed some al I can't watch him twenty four seven and I don't think I'll make it through the quarantine living with this little devil. I don't have any relatives that would take him in. I need some tips to discipline. You can you please help me out? Man? Please? Wild Steve Well, I'm gonna quickly give my answer because I know you can handle this one. You are thirty eight year old single mom of a nine year old who needs discipline. The teacher has said your son has a bad attitude, he's selfish. You've observed his behavior at school. Now you're at home with him quarantine, and you know you've had him tested for behavioral disorders and nothing is clinically wrong with him. He is disrespectful. He threw a napkin at you because you wouldn't stop at McDonald's. He grabbed the steering wheel while you're driving. You've punished him no video games, you said, no PlayStation. He left the house still, going the back porch to get some air without your permission. You say, you feel like you were just quarantine with this little devil. Where is his father now? This son of yours, he needs his father or a serious father figure in his life now. Would also want to suggest maybe some serious activities like football, basketball, But I know it's tough right now with the quarantine going on. You're stuck. You're stuck in this temporary situation. But once things get better, once things have gotten better for you, you need to put him in a mentoring program. He is nine. He already has no respect for you, so it'll only get worse as he ages. A real father figure or a mentor is the only answer for him. And you know, Steve, this is what you do, your father, your mentor. I mean, I started the mentoring programs for situations like this. How much time do I have so I can tell you this. I have two full minutes, So here we go. Yes, Carlin's hit it dead on the head. The main thing that's needed here is a father figure or a male role model introduced to this young boy asap. You've got it's got to be a coach, a school teacher. You go down there one hundred black men, or do some great mentoring work across this country. They have big brothers and little sisters organizations out there that could be of service to you if you don't have any relatives, like you said in the letter. But you've got to get this young man in front of a man. He has a problem. The problem is usually a cry for attention. This is usually something deeply wrong and he wants attention and he's acting it out now. The part that he can't be disciplined, that's not true, but we can get into that later. But when you have a young boy. The danger with boys not being disciplined is as they get older, life becomes their disciplinary and it comes at a major cost because if he don't start practicing discipline, the police gonna give him some discipline. The system will give him discipline, and boys out in the street can give him some discipline, and they discipline don't come the same way yours will. It will have catastrophic results. The police beat you, shoot you boys out on street now shooting and killing each other, and they go into prison. You've got to get him a real role model. When I come back, I'll give you some suggestion. At twenty three after the hour you're listening to. Every part of you deserves to be shown off, including your under arms. If uneven under armed skin tone is holding you back, Dove can help. Co created with real women, Dove Even Tone antiperspirant helps restore under armed skin to its natural tone while providing forty eight hours sweat and odor protection. These unique formulas are infused with vitamin B three and one quarter moisturizers, giving you soft under arms while restoring your skin's natural tone and just one days, throw your arms up and show off. Those under arms. Okay, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. Here's a thirty eight year old mother. The boys bad started elementary schools. The teachers said, he's a major attitude problem. He's a very selfish child. He makes up excuses for us bad behavior, always telling you the teach us picking on him. Then you didn't went to the class and observed him when he ain't know it, and he's bad as heck. You didn't had him tested for behavioral disorders. You found that ain't nothing really wrong with him. The schools and shut down. Now you can't deal with his disrespectful mouth. A nine year old to his mother with a disrespectful mouth, and you can't deal with him. And then he ignores what you tell him to do. And then on Monday y'all passed by McDonald's. He said he want a burger. You told him we had food at the house. He holling at you so loud you almost had a heart attack. He threw a balled up napkin at you. You tried to gain your composure. He grabbed a staring wheel and we almost ran off the road. He does not respond to me taking his PlayStation or taking his TV out of his room. He needs help with anger management and stiff punishment. Whatever I'm doing is not working. Then the other night at eleven o'clock you find him out on the back deck. He nine years old. He needs some damn as what nine year old need? Al? He nine? He need AL. I can't watch him twenty four seven. I don't think I can make it through this quarantine living with this little devil. I don't have relatives that will take him in. I need some tips to discipline. Can you please help now? Now, for those of you that a new school, don't listen to me. For those of you, yeah, don't listen to me, do not listen to me. But now I've told you in the previous things such as Carler, he needs a male role model immediately. But now this part about talking disrespectful to his mother, This is part about grabbing stewheels and hitting you in the face with paper, balling up paper, throwing and hitting you in the Facebook paper. And then he's not responding to taking his PlayStation in his TV. I don't know why we ain't try to ask whoop me? Yet? Because see, I just don't know why that ain't come up yet, because if I don't have any relatives that are taking me, I need some tips to discipline Hill. First of all, it's nine year old boy. Can't whoop you. I promise you he can't. Not If you get mad and strong. When a boy does not honor his mother, you are raising a boy that's gonna be abusive to women. A woman is the first A mother is the first woman a boy loves. Most boys will die for their mama. Most boys when it come to their mama. Dog, you can't because it's the first female he's ever loved. In most cases, that is the case. Your boy don't see it that way. See, he does not understand the importance of significance of having a mother. A man can teach it to him if a man was on the scene. Wait, what did you just do? I can't imagine any of this that he's done. I can't imagine doing this to my mother. I couldn't have did this to my sister. I couldn't don no paper hit my sister with it because I was raised by disciplinarians that first of all, women were off limits. He don't know this. I don't know why. You gotta right, You got to try kicking his ass though. I don't care what people say, Steve, you can't recommend doing that nowadays. You hit I don't give a damn bout what nowadays. I will knock your ass into the middle of next week. Do you hear me? What are you talking about? He grabbing, staring wheels backhand his little man. I knock you are to knock it, and plus see you the mother, y'all got rights. I don't understand. See mothers you to carry this baby for nine months, ankle, swollen, stretch marks, weight, game loadedness, hand prenatal care. I don't We can't even relate to birthing pains. And we men know nothing about this. So I take my hat off to women who give birth to people. Wait a minute, that's the most incredible thing to be able to do on earth, and you disrespected the one person that bought here. Every mother should have the right to knock your ass. I wish you would, Hey, man, if my sons talk to my mom, Man, my boys would never do that. They was rains different. You had never raised your hand to your mom. Let me explain something to you. If you raise your hand to either one of them, I'm kicking your ass rightfuless really just saying it. But you cannot. No matter how I feel about a woman, I've never been physical in any shape, form or fashion with the woman in my life. And I'll be damn if I'm gonna let one of mine. I don't give a damn what she say or what she do. I don't care if she throw your ass in the float up against the wall, shut your head in refrigerator door. When you come out, you're better not say nothing to do, but you're not doing that. He need his ass, woman, but you better get this boy some help in or role model, because the system got something for him as soon as he turned into a teenager. They're gonna check it all right. If you want to comment, go to Steve harvefl I'm on a gram and Facebook and coming up at forty six after the hour, we're gonna switch gears. Tommy is here. You got something for the dancers? You got you got something? You got strippers right after this you're listening morning show? All right, Tommy, what is it that you want to say? It's about to be eager. This is you know, you know I have love for the strippers. You know what I'm saying so um strippers are gonna now have new names after the coronavirus has been contained. When you go to the club, there will be new names, all right, there will be no more glitters and sent them. Yeah all that, yeah, poorsha, All that's out. Now call them what you're going here, Ladies and gentlemen coming to the stage, put your hands together for coron naja. Yea, yea coron naja in the building. Baby, there you go, there you go. You also get a drum rolling. You will hear ladies and gentlemen coming to the stage. The one in old li vussa. That's right, varussa that comes from virus barussa. Then come on now get you Yeah, he's stupid coming to the stage. Put your hands together. Far pandemica, pandemic, that's what from the word pandemic, pandemic. That's that's all right. Here we go, ladies and gentlemen coming to the stage. Quarantino. Quarantine is in the build. Come on our quarantine gone girl, and do what you do. From the word quarantine, we have quarantina. No shut up. We don't need you to explain it. Just I ain't got to explain this one. Oh, check it out. Coming to the stage, ladies and gentlemen, pally in the building. That dain it's clean. Alright, alright, that's my top what then my top five? Five? Yeah, but that's in high class strip club. In the hood strip club. The name gonna be a lot more direct. Come into the stage. Vaccine he's in now. Call she healing powers. Brothers, get your money right, she got healing powers. Man in him. Ladies and gentlemen, put those hands together, get ready to get ready, to get ready, get ready? Who is that? Who is that? That is? Oh post? What's up girl? In case you're positive, step eyes in the building. Yes, yes, yes, ladies, Welcome to dust is here. Ladies and gentlemen, come on now. You know you need it. You won't it and you've got to have it. Gentlemen ivy oh no, oh no, no, all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, solutions for men of the house when there is a toilet paper shortage. We'll be back. You're listening to show Hannock buying spurred by fears, i should say, of the coronavirus lockdown has affected plenty of families. Even did you hear about this? The California governor the governor of California. His family are just like other families suffering from folks who hoarded while grocery shopping, and folks are about to run out of toilet paper. So, guys, you have an idea or it's just Jay, it's they're missing a lot of papers that are out there that you can use and stop running looking for doltvan. But we out wallpapers, a lot of wallpapers, lots of it, rolls and rolls of wallpaper. The new newspaper is just sitting there, just sitting there. Get you about four five stacks of it, cut them up small. You know what else is missing? Steve, wax paper. Nobody's using wax paper. Man, it's right there, it's right there. You know what else? Seller Fame, get you some sellers, fan and boy and boy, do what you got to do? Okay, we gotta worry about to paper. Yeah, I'm give people suggestions for toilet paper because we out. So you gotta use other papers, all right, construction paper, Now you gotta break that down. Yeah, that's got that's got to be broken. That's got to be that's got to be soaked. Stop, that's gotta be soap, lemon water, what something? What you got? Well, you know it's gonna be a little rough. But if you go to home depot you'll get some sand paper. You can have sa if you I mean, you don't have to w if it's keen. I tell you what. Everybody got the davil never used in that drawing, the kitchen. You got them all stacked up. Owners manus, yes, get you some of them owners manual is true that you own never you don't nobody use the owners manuals and warranties. Okay, okay, I got a new a new post its post its boy, is that it's real? Shot you got? Yeah? You need you need? Yeah? You got what you got? Shot? You know what? Jay? If you get uh that paper with them coupons on it and rough on that thing up real good right there, that that coupon might write the right there, that's a good one time. Because why are you at that register? Does if you get you a roller, that receipt paper, if you can steal at if you can save better yet, save your receipts. Okay, save them? Yeah, ain't nobody using them? No more? Get I got one, sheep, I got one? Ain't nobody using. I got one in right, I'm okay, illuminum foil? Are you out of your mind? You go somebody that ain't that ain't right? Jake, Jake, that you know that enough paper? You don't the paper you put your bare foot on when you leave a nail shop. That nothing flip flop that's soft enough. That might work right now, if you get your four five flip flop papers, I got I got two more for you. I got two more for you. Oh, come on, old last letters. They got to be soft letters, the old ones, right, and can I do the last one? We're gonna drum roll cat if you really get desperate. It ain't no paper, Okay, this is the one that's gonna do it for you. Let me do that bag inside the cereal box. That bag inside the cereal box that hold the cereal. Yeah, that seal out of that m and eat them cereals. Girl, Get them damned apple jacks in your bowls. I ain't coming up. We got you're listening to show well, Steve, you know you are in Los Angeles and they are implementing what seems to be, you know, coming for the rest of the country. Sooner than later. A twenty four hour mandated quarantine for all the residents to help flatten the curve. We keep hearing the medical experts talk about flattening the curve of the coronavirus pandemic. So LA residents will no longer be able to leave their homes around the clock for the next month, and that this is according to the Mayor of Los Angeles, except for medical reasons and grocery store runs. It's called the Safer at Home Order. So this coronavirus, yea, it just came out last night, man, and they implemented. It's real out here. So now there are medical people who are allowed to move around. And they didn't clows off public transportation because they just can't do that. People have to get from one side to the next. It's got certain jobs that you can't stop doing. So the rest of it, man, it's like it's like real critical. So it's happening. Man, It's gonna be this way for a little while. We gotta get used to it. It's a new way of life, has never happened before, and we just gotta get used to it. And so that's what it is. And so you know, man, we just have to adjust nobody likes it. But there's an upside to it too. You gotta find that. So but but find find you a room in your house away from everybody, and you might make it through this. Just but get away from huh Jesus, you realize, right, yeah, you're just this. Can I have this area? You have another? Here? I see you sometime this even well be back at thirty three minutes after the hour you're listening. All right, Steve, you have some of your quarantine rules you wanted to share with you. It's just some things man, that I've been noticing, you know, on social media and just in my life, people calling, asking sudden questions. So I just came up with just a few quarantine rules, and most of this stuff is what people need to stop doing. Oh stop calling people up asking them to turn on the channel you watching. Let me watch what the hell I want to watch. I don't want to watch what you watching. Hey, man, cut it on here, man, they're talking about this here. I want you to see. No, man, I won't want until I want to stop asking people how the weather is over there? Who give a damn about the weather over there? The coronavirus is hell, it's hell, dog, stop asking people do you have enough food? If anybody else asked me do I have any food? No, we all out don't drive by pop over. Quit asking me, you know, and men stop asking women to seeing you necking picture. Man, find yourself something else to do, and man and look and literally stop asking people to stop by. That's why we're in here, cause y'all stopping by social justiccing stick it don't hurt by my house. Man what you're doing. I was gonna pop in click, can't pop in here here, gonna google right here. Stop asking people what y'all doing over there, they're doing a damn thing. Listen, man, if you've been in the house four days, it ain't nothing else to do. You haven't done everything in your house. You know how to do Nickflix stock ought to be sky high right now. Yeah, yeah, because I'm telling right now, if you ain't got Netflix, your asses in trouble. I've been wearing it. Because dog, if you cut the regular TV on your ass is fitting to get coronavised, you are gonna get coronavized at last, but not least. No, I ain't got no damn extra toilet tissue. No, you're not supposed to ask for that, now, don't I don't. My sister eighty three Polock called me, Steve, y'all good on toilet paper? I know you got all in bathrooms in that house? Why is that concerned? You know? How? How about how you and Madred doing? How y'all holding that? Did y'all get enough toilet paper? I know y'all got a lot of bathrooms in your house? What is why is that a problem? All right? Coming up, it's the last break of the day. It is the last break of the day. Very good, Jay Anthony Brown. Steve's closing remarks, Yes, very good at forty nine after you're listening. All right, Steve, it is the last break of the day. It is the last break of the day. Thanks for that, Jack. Yeah, you don't know that. I didn't remember he did it twice. It's not bad, but Steve, it's been some kind of week though. Well, you know, as we look at this, um, all I'm thinking about is the way to view this situation. I mean, it's dire. This is a real situation. And when I hear you know, look, they're trying to make young people look back. Some young people don't get it, but it's some grown ass people that ain't getting it either, you know. It's just a whole lot of people that's not understanding that we all got to pitch in to help one another get through this. This ain't just a about you. This is about everybody pitching in to help each other. When you practice social distancing, it's not just for you, it's for everybody else, you know, Because here's the problem we have right now in the United States. Not enough people have been tested, so there are cases walking around that no one knows. So we're gonna get a big swing or surge in cases in this country. We can get ready. Don't be alarmed because we're gonna see a big swing in cases in this country. But by practicing these common sense rules, by practicing these things that they've implemented, because this is a big crisis right now. When they shut down Hollywood, when they stop sports, when they stop March Madness, when they shut down the NFL, the NBA, listen to me, they're serious, man. There. People don't stop making their money. They don't stop making them but Hollywood don't stop for nothing. This is serious business. Jobs are closing. So now you've got a lot of people who are suffering economically because of this. But it's a problem that we all have to bear equal responsibility for. This is not a poor person's problem, This is not the middle classes problem. This ain't rich people's problem. This is our problem. We have a problem if someone else is negligent in their behavior, negligent in taking that vice, seriously, negligent in keeping social distancing, negligent in washing your hands. This could affect anybody, anybody, and you not even know it. And once you don't know it and it gets up on you, it can be severe. And the older you are, the tougher it is. And if you ever create existing condition or we can immune system, it's more difficult, y'all. It's just real simple here, man. We just got to buckle down to this when nobody ready for this. Nobody saw this coming. We had some warning shots, but we don't have the type of leadership that responds to warning shots. You know, we got a leadership that's talking about it's a hoax. Now, am I blaming him God Trump for this virus? No, I'm not doing. I don't care for the response. And then I also want to make this point right here. We live in a capitalistic society, which is a major problem. We're not responding to this like China, because China, the rulers of China just said, this is what we're doing, and that's what we did. They started testing everybody in their cars, they started building hospitals, they sent everybody home. Blah blah blah blah blah. They're coming on the other side of it. Now. We got to pass bills to release funds to pay these companies, to make more respirators, to make more mask to find the vaccine, all of these things. Companies have to be paid because we live in a capitalistic society, unlike China, who can just say we're doing it this way and ain't nobody got no vote, this is what we're doing. We've got to buckle down and help our leadership, who is not who acted reacted slow. They're trying to jump on it now, but we don't mess around. It got behind the eight ball. So we got to lend our part because if you get this dreaded virus, you blaming Trump ain't gonna help you. It's just not. So we've got to take matters into our hands and practice some of this stuff man, and like old people say, this too will pass. It really will, This too will pass. Now, it's ugly and we're gonna lose some people, sad to say, but you can do your part and your share to make sure that you limit this as best we can and pray to God that it don't be you. And so as we look into this, try to find the upside to this. So what I've had to do is I've had to take this time and I said, well, I don't need to sit around complaining about I want to go somewhere because you're not supposed to. It's not smart too. You could go somewhere and get exposed by a person you don't know. Because now they've discovered that it's passed through the air. You ain't just got to touch something. It can be in the air. You can get a droplet or something like that. However they explained it. But I decided, hey, man, you know what I might as well do. Might as well work out a little bit more, you know, get on some type of program, give myself in a little bit better shape while I'm off. You know, hey, I ain't got a shave. I'm looking at the upside. You know, I ain't got to go to rehearsal. I ain't got to sit in no production meetings, you know. So hey, I'm just making the best of it. I'm in here cooking with my girl, earl, or at least watching her cook. You know, I'm just making to when outside the day, did a little exercise outside in the backyard, you know, just spend some time, just some more meditating, you know, take this time and do you get yourself together. I don't really want to be off work. I actually like my job. But there are some people, man, who this break right here is gonna be good for you because you don't like your job. Now, we're gonna lose some money, but guess what, we're gonna get past that too. Because all of us in here have been the mad less than we have now before. We will be fine. Make something out of this. Man, can't complain about it because it ain't going nowhere. Let's do something great, be safe, be smart, and God keep you and keep praying, keep praying. Man, That's all I could tell you. Those are my closing remarks. Have y'allselves weekend man, it's here, didn't man? Yeah, I'm weekend man. You need to get piece of chicken and we've leaken s Batass might lose a little weight. Hey y'all, have a good weekend. Man. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.