The CEO tells us the do's and don'ts of living with someone until you get on your feet. The crew brings light to depressing places and situations. Can toilet paper ever truly be replaced? Big Dog has a Top Ten countdown that makes you think. J. Anthony Brown murders another one in the spirit of Ne-yo. Today in Closing Remarks, Mr. H explains why you cannot have a testimony without a test and more!
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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know, y'all bag all suit long, looking back to back down, giving them more like theming buck bus things and it's tub y'all to me true good to the hut. Yeah, listening to me toach other for Stu barn to listen money. Don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, well hobby joining me. Honey said you got to turn hur go, Yeah, you gotta turn to turn turn lovey got to turn out to turn water wan go. Come come on your face at it. Uh huh, I shall will good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice? Come on dig me now want and only Steve Harvey got a radio show? Uh huh, one more time, man, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, ain't God been good to me? Wow? But then again, ain't He been good to you too? Though? I mean really, man, think of all the blessings God has given you. Think of all the things He's done for you, things that you ask for, things that you didn't ask for, things that you were expecting. Being all about all of the unexpected blessings. Man, he just keeps coming with it, don't it. You know what? That's some good news today though, y'all. You know, in the in the in the face of all the world being the way it is, the the evilness that's out there, it just it just seems like that's all that's on the news sometimes. You know, we got we got news of parents not really starting up being parents. We got news stories children turning on their parents. You got, you got everything. The economy, You've got places you thought you should be beautiful places to go now they've got travel allerged. It's it's just it's all it's it's it's all over. But the good news is there's something that you can have in this relationship with God that gives you a way to deal with it all. And I'm not saying that it will it will protect you from every single thing out that is happening, because some things are going to happen to you. You're going to be in an accident from time to time. You're going to make a mistake and fall down from time to time. But man, wouldn't it be incredible to you for you if you understood that you had some insurance in all of this that no matter what happened to you, you know you will cover it. You know, look, insurance companies as good as they are, you know, like our friends that stay Farm or any other ensure his company. You know they do they do some amazing things. Insurance is a really, really good thing to happen in the event that something happens to you. You know, you may not want to pay the premium, but guess what in the event that something happens to you that insurance is absolutely critical. Well, but guess what they cover certain things. You could get life insurance, you can get auto insurance, you can get accident insurance, you can get health insurance. There is nothing that you can buy to safeguard you against life's decisions. You know, if you make a mistake, if you cheat, if you lie, if you if you fall down and you can't seem to get it together, and you make a crazy decision about how you're gonna go about securing an income that there are there are no policies you can buy for that. You can't buy a policy if you stop being the man you're supposed to be, and and and and give up on your children. You can't buy a policy. If something happens as a mother and all of a sudden, you're not the mother you're supposed to be. But there is some insurance coverage out there for you and that relationship that you form with God, that friendship that you form with him, that that alliance that you that that partnership, that that prayer that you put in all the time, there is an insurance policy that you have taken out when you form a relationship with your heavenly Father, when you form a friendship, when you form a bond that protects you, that protects you when these things happen in the event that they happen. Now here's a great thing about prayer. Prayer can head off some stuff from happening. It really really can. Prayer can prevent some things from happen. You know, I'll give you an example in my life. Okay, here we go, because see this is the best way for me to do it. Because see, what I don't like to do is is talk to people without letting them know, Hey, look I'm in this hole with you. I feel where yet? Okay, here we go. I was making some decisions a few years ago because what I thought I was doing was counterbalancing something that was happening in my life. You know, I thought that since I wasn't happy or well for whatever the reason I thought I wasn't happy. If if I, as wrong as I am, wanted to blame somebody else from my unhappiness, that that's that's really if if I make a bad decision because I'm thinking I'm unhappy with somebody, hold a part. Two wrongs don't make it right. And I make a decision to do something wrong, and now the consequences come when I do something wrong. See then that I already know as an intelligent thinking man, as most of you are, that when you do something wrong, that you know there is a consequence for that. I teach that to my son's When you do something wrong, there as a consequence. So as an adult, I fully understood the consequence. And so what I was doing was I was making some decisions that was causing some consequences in my life that was delaying my happiness, delaying my progress, causing my business not to go the way it could go, so forth and so on. Well, what I started doing was I took out this insurance policy called Prayer, and I started putting it in my mix on a daily basis. And then I started putting it in my mix. You know, two three times a day. And then I found myself using it all the time. And then I really started putting it in when when I didn't need any help, when I wasn't in trouble, I started putting insurance and I started making deposits into the bank. I started paying my premiums down. And prayer is like a premium, you just pay in to it. Then when situations started coming up, now it's that prayer that I had put in that in those premiums I had paid, it started preventing me from making the decisions I was making in the past. Thus I didn't have to the suffer the consequences. Thus my businesses didn't have to be delayed in this progress because I had put some payments on some premiums, I had taken out an insurance policy. With my life, my real life. I'm talking about your life where you make your day to day decisions in I'm not talking about see life. Insurance is only good if you die. God has a policy that's avasable, that's available for you. Why are you living see in order foreign insurance policy to pay, something bad got to happen. Now that may be some others out there. I don't know nothing about. But all the ones I got my car insurance, they only come into play if I have an accident. I have an accident insurance policy. You where something happens to me? I got accident, I got. I got my voices covered in case something happened to that. I got that, But but I got to not be able to talk to cash that one. You understand everything. I got homeowners insurance. Don't nothing show up on my homeowners insurance unless it's a flood or fire or thel. Something bad got to happen for my insurance to even make sense. When you take out the policy with your with your heavenly father, when you pay the premiums of prayer, and that's all it costs. Man, it ain't you. Ain't gotta have no money for this policy. I put into the policy. It pays me dividends and benefits for living. Ain't nothing got to go wrong for me to cash in on this policy. I use this policy for good things. I give you an example. I use this policy to ask God to watch over my family when I travel. I use this policy to ask God to bless my sons on their journey into manhood. He covers me I ask God to help make my dreams come true with this policy. He covers me. I asked God for the desires of my heart. He give them to me. I asked God to lead and God and protect me and keep me from making stupid decisions like I used to make. He's all right, partner, stop doing this, stop doing that now. Guess what. I'm not perfect, Steve Harvey, long away from being perfect. I never claimed perfection. Man. Listen to me, y'all, make the decisions to pay your premiums in prayer. Talk to your heavenly father, get you some insurance in your life. And when you have little things like that, keep on stepping. Man. God loves you. Man, Man, I shall hope you talk to God to day because guess what he show would like to hear from you. That's for shows show. Welcome to the ride, Happy fourth? Did you like? Y'all? Everybody listen, we ain't here. Let's quit playing this record. Listen, it's the fourth of you like where you think? I am no good? And well, I'm not here now. Coming up, we're gonna have some of our favorite moments on the Steve Harb Morning Show. Happy fourth, y'all, ladies, and gentlemen, monkey trainers, bad bons, contactus, nous fire either Hi Wire, Trapeez, flip artists, and cheerleader. Have your attention, please arrest of y'all, loser. If you ain't wanted here, what are you doing with your life? Including me? This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show, lives every morning, always in vivid, high tech color on the radio. Yeah it's up, Shirley, Hello, Steve, how are you darling? What's up? Calling? Hey Steve? What's up? Crew? Yeah? What's up? Junior? Food number one? Yeah? And food number two? Where his ass at? But I'll tell you what though, No, you don't just take off in this hill already. You know I already had two scares with him. You know, these people, these diabetes and stuff. You got it. You know, we got to be We gotta be careful, Kath, you know. And then let me, first of all, let me say this hell, This that I'm saying about to say is directed directly at Jaffiny Bran. I don't care about nobody else that has diabetes. Pray for you, hope you heal. But this is about Jay. Is a question, Anthony Brown, in a question for you. This is what I want to know. Do we have to work with the person who can slip into a diabetic chroma and we not know? Oh if we don't know, I'm just saying, what are we supposed to do? You have several remedies you know that you thought were Okay, Hey, look the best I got for Jay. Let me ask you this, do arged? You still work remedy for every disease pranged? It's the same thing for kill j junior crisis. Yeah, he needs to be orange juice. Know, we got all his own juice in here for James. How about did you five I have? I got, I got nine gallants. Do you think it's gonna keep first of all, yes, yea, let ju last a long time. You got to do and keep it shut. We're over one at a time. Yeah, but how long it keeps? Yes, I mean it is a perishable thing. All right. Well, I'm put forward coming up in ten minutes today's comedy segment. Steve is here for it. Uh, he's gonna have rules for when you live with someone until you get on your feet. Okay, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, a report by Zello finds it nearly twenty two and a half percent of US millennials they are living with their mom, which is about twelve million young adult And why haven't millennials moved out on their own? Well, according to the report, twelve per cent of them are currently unemployed. When you live with your mom and you passed millennia range, is that since he has the most kids, I think we should defer to Steve on this one. Steve, you have some rules for when you live with someone until you get on your feet. Now, this is not for millennial anybody. This is for anybody. You've had people stay at your how I have people come live with me, college roommates, stuff like that. It's some stuff. Now, these are Steve Harvey's rules for living with someone until you get on your feet. These are dudes and doptes. Some things you need to keep in mind. Here's one right here. Your goals every day is to make it seem like you there but you're not that. Yeah, that's your goal. That's when you wake up get it in your mouth, Bill, but look like because you get asked to me now you don't want that. Here's another one. This is very important. Your car should never block me in I can't want to go out and I go out there and your car in the damn where you were in that sleep. Yeah, in fact, I got news for you. Your car shouldn't even be in front of the house. Talk up the street and walk down to where you rent free round the corner, park at the up the street, at the parking lot, at the grocery store. That try to make it look like you ain't even got no call. If you're watching TV in the other room. Yeah, your laugh should not be who I can hear laid down the just good bucket. This should be learned how to laugh like this. Let me show you how you laugh from you and other people. You can't be enjoying their TV and all this just how you lave what it is real funny. That's gonna be hard. Yeah, Steve, put me out, that's it. I don't give a damn what you want. Here's another one. Don't let me walk in the house and have to tell you to get out of my chip. Yeah, that's a big one. You should only sit. I'm gonna tell you the areas you are to sit here, kitchen, your bed room, and occasionally in the bank. Don't be taking read material in there what you focus? Focus, stare at the toilet tissue role, How do your business? Get up, get out, get out better? Count the little perforation holes on the tilet tis like that in there? Okay, another one. Take You didn't put it in the fridge. Don't touch it in the that's the man. He bought one color. That's all you reaching the touch. Don't be shifting stuff around looking all the back read labels. You didn't. You didn't put it in. Now get your hands off. I like it. Man. When you come home from work, go right to your rooms. Nothing in here, straight t rooms all down the hallway, looking at all, look at where is this in the picture? That's my damn grand mama. Quit asking about her? Why are you roaming around? Right? So? What is this? Th rules for living with the rules. If you got to stay with somebody until you get on your feet, I'm just giving you some dudes, and don't so you don't stay there the whole time. Listen to me. If I'm watching TV and I get up, walk out that room, don't change your damn rum. Don't mean I'm gone. Don't change that damning there watching it together, not doles off. Watch when I was watching for our dough. Let me on my eyes and natural geographic is going. You're assing here watching all lord, all I should wake up to when I went to sleep, Like, here's one more so serious? Yeah this has happened, not a matter of fact. Let me make this to laugh. You can only have company where the company lives. Come over here and I have a company. Hell yeah, wherever they stay. You're go and be in the up company of your company. All you want, but your company, come neck hell over here, not in my house. Oh, everybody drinking glasses? Oh man, nephew, Timmy's run that prank back right after this, Come on, King of Pranks. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show Up next, nephew, What do you have for us on the menu today? Psc se don't want to know what I mean? Prostate CHECKO. Oh hello hello, I'm trying to reach a h Roger. My name is Greg, I'm a PSC Uh. I got you on my schedule. I'm supposed to come buy of your house tomorrow morning about seven fifteen. I just want to give you a call and give your heads up and let you know we will be there about seven fifteen. From my understanding, you go to work yet? Oh, who, I'm a PSC, sir. I'll be there. I'll be there tomorrow. I got you on my schedule for Monday morning, and I'll be there at least about seven. For my understanding, you go to work at seven thirty and uh, my procedure is only gonna take a couple of minutes. But I wanted to give a friendly call and let you know that I will be by there tomorrow morning. What's the PSC, PFC? What's just PC T s C, Sir, P s C. I will be there tomorrow. I've been in business probably for the last uh, I guess about thirteen fourteen years? Now? What is PSC specials? What you do? Oh you're not I'm sorry you're not familiar. How you got me? Why? Oh? I got you on my list here. I don't know who puts you on here, but you've it's been paid for and everything for me to come by and do my job and like I said, only taking a couple of minutes and I'll have you on your way. How do you get my number again? How did you get my phone number? So? Everything I have I got, I got twenty stops tomorrow and I got you scheduled as uh as my as my first stop tomorrow morning. I don't know. I got your phone number, I do have your address. Are you at drive? Yeah, that's my just but I don't my schedule for nobody to come to my house in the morning. I gotta go to work in the morning. I know I'm not gonna be you right right, my understanding, Well you from my understanding, you pull out about seven thirty and I'm gonna get there teen fifth things. Like I said, you know, the procedure only takes about two three minutes, and and we about every about my information, you know, when I leave home and everything. Who is this, like I said, my name is Greg, I'm I'm a PSC, and I'll be there. Okay, you said that, I really you'll you'll see me tomorrow. I'm sorry. I just want to give your friendly call here on Sunday and let you know that i'll be there. I'll be there about seven fifteen and we'll get you taken care of and then I'll let you get on the way to work. You still ain't telling me what I supposed to what you're supposed to be doing, sir. A PSC is PSC. I'm a prostate checker. And what I'll be doing is coming in and checking your prostate tomorrow. Oh hell, now, you ain't coming here and check my prist day. I get my pricetate checked by my doctor. Who who was you talking about? Come to check my class day? Not at my house? Main't come to check my And you know what, I get this all the time. I get a lot of people that that are in denial, A lot of men that that that claim that they I heard my price state check just or beginning of this year. Man, you don't need to come to my eye checking my pride state. A lot of people, a lot of men are in denial saying that they got it checked and they got it a lot of times we find out they haven't. And and and there has to be a reason. If I got you on my list and it's paid, somebody has paid a hundred and twenty five dollars for me to come out there and check it, well, you should be happy you paid hunts on the five dollars just to let's job you have to do then, because you're not coming check my price state, sir, I'm gonna check it now. I'm gonna be about there tomorrow and I'm seven pen. I'm putting my rubber glove on with a little bit of jail on it, and I am going to check the proper state and then I'll let you get on the work. Well, I tell you what, the rubber glove ain't gonna know where there met on. Well, I tell you what you raised over my eyes if you want to, it ain't gonna be pretty and it ain't gonna be nice with you in your rubber glove. Stick a rubblettle when I'm done with you, don't be coming about my high time by checking my price state, Sir, sir, do you realize that this is the leading calls the black men? Did you realize that I understand that the black men three out of five black men a lost every year. So you ought to be very grateful that someone that's sending me by there to check it and make sure you're okay. I'm grateful that I can pay for a doctor that I go to every every once a year. Man. You don't want to turn to my hottime by sticking on ruble glob of me Man's phone with you, sir. So I'm not gonna sit here and go back and forth with you My job is to give you a friendly call and let you know that I'm coming, all right, not tomorrow morning. Listen, I don't want to hear anymore tomorrow morning. I'm there seven fifteen, and you're gonna get your prostate check whether you like it or not. Where you don't buy here, then I show be here. You buy her back? Thank you bad enough to come over here and check my prostay you buy it. I'm gonna make it so you just be ready at seven fifteen that you're gonna get your prostate check. Case col you come on over if you want. You You know my address and all my way time I go to work and everything. You you buy your back, don't if you want to. I don't care if I gotta come over there, sir and hold you down and check your pros state. I'm coming to check your prostate at some fifteen to morrow morning. I'll tell you where. You bring your ball over you do you think you know who I am? Would I need over there? You come on over here, and you do what you gotta do more, then you're gonna be checking something else beside of me. You're gonna be checking your on you bring your I don't know if you want to. If I don't get your pot of hell, be coming to my hound today. Baby, baby, you can somebody talking about I needed prostate check or something. Somebody on the phone timebow, I need a prostate or something. You bring your I'll tell you whether I'll be here when you get here. You bringing over the fifteen in the morning, you won't walk it over here. You might be weird away from this you bring if you want to, I'm gonna have my glove on the morrow, and I'm gonna be checking your propstate. Tell you if you in the morning where you want to tell about checking the price? Stay, You're gonna be checking you on prid stay because I'm tell you where I got something. You come over here, you buy your bad You think you're bad enough to come off here and check some I'm over here, you come on with it. I got one more thing I need to say to you all. You're listening. But what there you got to say to me? Now? You told me it's not what you got to tell me? Now are you listening to me? This baby? Down over here, You're gonna be here. I'm gonna be over there. But I got one more thing I want to say, Are you listening what you got to say to me? Man? That's his nephew tim Me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your homeboard. Who who who you say you was? Again? Hey man, this is nephew Timming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man, your homeboy got me to prank phone call you. Chris doesn't Harvey that time me. But man, you are Roger boy. Y'all about to make me go out. I don't want to who the hell don't come out or somebody how to do a post kick the glabasis like that? But yeah, yeah, so got me man. I'm gonna get him back. Boy. I can't believe you do me like that. I'm gonna go check state. You only think you get here checked on the regular. I want to ask somebody to come check mind. Hey man, I got one more thing to ask you, man, what else? What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man, Steve Harvey Morning Show. A right, thank you. Now, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve is here with some depressing places. Steve, uh I was thinking of some depressing places. You can be the places that get depressing. Like it's depressing if you're in the car with somebody and they got the radio player some music you can't stand, but you can't say nothing because it ain't your car. Man, you can be the prayer. You'll just be looking out to win. Let your face be up against the glass. You're gonna like three years like this. I tell you something else. You ever throw a house party over three people show up? Man, you're just in there. Man, you know the sandwich is just drying out with the two picks, and man, that's pretty bad. I tell you something else depressing because I gotta go to Marrow in Atlanta. If you go to the DMV and you number one, foe two six, and they only on number eight seventy one, it's six hundred more people for that's yeah, I tell you something to depressing. This was me at Winton one time, watching your child play sports. But they ain't work for damn. Really, Winton was on the basketball team. I've never been so embarrassed in my whole life. You're not to take off piano or something did leave. No, I was. I took him off the team. You take him on. I took him off team. We're gonna keep it. Just say what you do. I can tell right now you can't play bass. I've been working with you, and this is team just having these little white kids shaking and baking you. I'm watching. You're crazy. Now, You're not gonna do that to me. You're not gonna do that to me. He just out here shaking it, baking y'all tweeting league, breaking your risk. Chasce up by your horby. Now. I took him right on office to man an come on three twenty one and still came step back and knock out. I took him off, he got out give only it's right here and I'm sitting next to the white board. Father, What do you mean, hey, great move, Caleb. He took by a white boy name came right now, you're coming out of basketball. Ain't the white boy ever been in the NBA named Cameo. I'll tell you another place that's to press. What's that? If you go to a sandals couple resort by yourself, everybody hut up eating you over there eating you on your night. Everybody woman find I'll tell you another depressing plate right church, if you know you're going to hell, goodness is a hard place to sit in here, Pastor, fire is don't this about me? Hell? Fire in a way you're gonna make it To tell you another depressing Is this about me? Pastor? Here's another depressing plate. Tender? If you ugly, you tender, and you ugly, it's so many white You ain't never you've been on that three weeks. Ain't nobody to swipe you and kept you yet you swipe, don't swipe back. That's depressing. That's pretty bad. You don't tender and you just ugly. Yeah, yeah, that's the pressing. That's bad. It's depressing. When the male man show up, you think he got your income tact return he hand you smoe damn be you think I'm gonna paid ease? You ain't see nothing in your bad check your bag feeling price? Right now? I know something that could be pretty depressing. You get that pregnancy test kid from the drug store and pee on it and it ain't the color you want. Problem. That's pretty depressed. Yeah, father, Lord, mess up your whole day. If you go right on there and get a no one. Don't you You bought three of them? Damn it. I'm paying from the word. I had them lined up one time, about eight on all of the same color. Wow. See will you really manage to bring the show down? Yeah? Just remember if you've been on tender two weeks, ain't nobody swipe you yet? You need to check yourself. Take that photo off. We'll try to bring the mood up a little bit. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve introduced Jay to Murder. Oh wont to ladies and gentlemen, here this food is with murdering the damn his what's the song by Neil good Man? Good Man? Yeah up, huh oh be the other man or the man or the goodness all I want be okay and all you get from me baby, and I ain't get from me baby. I don't want to be the other man, other man other gunness all. I won't be baby. It's all you get from me, baby bad? It's I ain't get from me, lit it. I don't have to pick my phone up every time I see the car, it don't matter where man ent on it and the drama showing up, and my mom said, hold up all in my kids, do you know him? Right time on? I gotta little Many man at the jello. I'm a you and you I want to do. I do everything by myself because I'm free. My patience thing some baby and the nerds. You been the working. But we made a promise to know against heard, and now you're getting mad. You said I hidn't desert check. You don't seem to understand. I don't want to be the man or the man or the son of want me. Can't you get from me? Babe? I didn't get from me, babe. I don't want to be the man. Many We love it, thank you, Arab Harkins, junior boy, and we get it. Hey man, round Harkins. I gotta give him man, please do man, just do music. We do songs. Whatever you want done. Man. You know what I really like when you sit out on the piano and you sing. Man, we got to do that. We got to do that, oh man. But I gotta get up. I gotta get it. I gotta practice up. Man. You know that song is ready I've seen you do it. Man, you break he didn't that Apollo too? Yeah, a little bit sad. You know nothing player, they've been trying to tune the piano. I just go over there and you can play. You need to use that. Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty four after the hour. Everybody's been asking me since I'm from Cleveland, Steve, how you feel about Lebron leven Cleveland. Well, Lebron gave everything to the city. We went to the finals four years in the row. You can't ask for no more than that. And he bought a title to a city they had one in fifty two years. I've been there the whole time. I wish Lebron the best. He's with the purple and gold now that's good, and least the colors is good. He's a Laker now, got big shoulders. He gotta live up to a lot. But he Lebron James, we gonna do no, I'm not. I'm pulling for the Lakers now the cow we won't be back in the championship for years. You're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show. Okay, there is a new trend that has people throwing away toilet paper. You don't need that anymore. Uh, don't even think about it. There's for something called a family cloth. What's that? It's basically reusable. Keyword in this reusable small cloth squares if people used to wipe and then they put in a bath, then they put in a basket. There's such a big trend where there are a lot of different options on the market. Wait wait, wait, wait wait wait. So so if I come to your house, I'm going to use your clothes? Now, okay, a lot of things wrong with that question you just asked me. First of all, it's wiping. Okay, no, not to my house, no, no, okay, here, let me finish. This is really a big trend. Now there are a lot of different options on the market that come in a wide variety of patterns. Toilet paper make a difference, all right. Toilet paper is one of those papers that staples that people rarely leave the grocery store without. But it seems that more and more people are turning away from the standard toilet paper now and there they use these family cloths because their environmentally safe. What these people? What I listen, this is a new trend. You're going to be hearing about this. Let us be the first to tell you about this. So pannicky, I am especially about bathroom stuff. No, for what happen when you get in in Suley. You don't forgot your clothes. It's in the basket, didn't you Just hear me say they throw it away and they put it in the ask if they use it, and then they put it in. Understand that the same person uses the cloud over and yeah, the family it's called a family cloth. Don't we love to his house and he's got initials on the towels. Don't use don't you gotta grab you know you're not supposed to use those good towels. Not that's what you're talking about. When when it says he and her, why do you keep looking at I didn't make these? Okay, let me store I just I'm just the messenger here, guys, But I can't help but think you got these closes. Man, I would like to be in the house when you hear somebody to say, who did you use your mama quill? You didn't use the coda grandmamas wild Wallace can't use the cloth. She don't need a bed spread. Okay, some people just only use the cloths for number one, that's it, okay, but number then they go back to the teep he number you called a TV. You got it? You got you called up that it's got. Yeah, I'm trying. People are Indians, lea girl, you're throwing me all Native American Native Americans. I'm sorry, I don't know the correct Well you should by now, okay. But when you love some house and you see a sham wow in there, you just go wow. Normally doc yeah, but yeah, some people just use them for that, but other people use them for everything. The microfiber, well, let's see, they're they're just cloth, okay, some cloth. And what color they come in? You don't want white? Do you want white? You don't want that's probably gold color. I don't even know when the clean. And on top of that one, if you didn't put your clothes in the bath, yeah, you gotta look, you just set you us on the counter. Somebody got to wash their face at the ball. This is just the reason now you have to go around with bigger purses, Carla, because you got to call it carry your own toilet paper, no toilet paper, because if you go to someone's house and they just have a cloth your own t peek. Yeah you're on. Yeah you have to. Yeah, we wipe when you travel and you go through T s A. You need to let them know that wasn't in that and don't get it mixed up with the dish cloth whatever you you see, how happen in there, washing washing dishes, went to the bathroom real quick, left that cloth and that I taste difference. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show and your man Steve Harvey, do you think you're smarter than my nephew Tommy. You could qualify for listen to this one million dollars. Go to Steve Harvey FM and get the details on how you can play smarter than Nephew Tommy. Here's a deal. If you're smarter than nephew Tommy, you win one hundred dollar gift cards and you have an opportunity to open the safe and win one million dollars. If Tommy wins, you will win a twenty five dollar gift card. Just go to Steve Harvey F FILM for details. The winning starts this Tuesday at seven a M. Six twenty a m. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter. But first nephew and the prank phone call. Come on now, well that's right here. That's all the fellas that to the barbershop. When the barber is cutting your hair and his he is private be pushing the chair, it's an awkward feeling most me and no about it. This is the ball. Do you know what I'm talking about? You? Yes, I know exactly what you're talking about. Man, You got to you gotta sit in the barbershop with your arms folded. That's almost in your lap. But is that because his hands are occupied in your hands? Yeah, so he rotates the chair with his and that you can't stand that. I can't stand that. That's crazy. It is the bober shop, Brady, how you doing? Man? My name is Dennis Man. I got a hair cut from you a couple of weeks ago. Hey, listen, um, I wanted to get an appointment with you. Man. Uh like I said, I was there a couple of weeks ago. Man, my first time getting haircut from you did real, real good jobs. I want to say thank you for that right. Do you have any um any time available on Thursday? Yeah? Yeah, for sure. What's what's what's your name here? Bro? Dennis? Man? Dennis? Okay, Dennis? Why Dennis? About three o'clock, man, something of that nature. I mean, you know I only work apportmans. You know three o'clock you'll be there. Okay. Hey, I got a little bit of situation though, man. That happened last time I was there. I kind of wanted to talk to you about it, man, because it kind of called me off guard. So I want to do how I let you, man and see if we could rectify the problem. For I came back up there. What happened? What somebody dispect your something? I mean, what else to do? What? What? Um? It really was somebody? Man? It was it? It was it was actually you. Whoa, here's deal? Man? When you was cutting my hair, when it when it was time to turn the chair, you didn't turn the chair with with with with with your hand man. See brainy man, you you turned the chair with your with your private part. Oh, come on safe. I mean I'm a professional man. I've been doing this fifteen years, right right. I don't think it's anything deliberate. Man. I think you just do it unconsciously, man, because you know you'd be leaning over on the chair cutting, and I think you don't realize, you know, you'd be turning the chair with your private part instead of doing it with your hand. Man. And see, my hand got caught out there, and I saw it out the corner my eyes. I saw your private part coming towards my hand. I moved it just in time. You understand, but not not see? Then I'm not understanding something. But because I don't, I don't. We don't operate like that, mind, yes, because you know I don't make mistakes like that. But I mean, you know I don't know you. You're sure you're talking to the right person, man, Yeah, I mean ain't you the third chair on the right when you walk in the door. Yeah that's correct. Okay, that what I'm talking about, man. And you cut me two weeks ago, and like I said, I really like my hair cut, so I wanted to call back and rectify this problem. But you know you're gonna turn the chair with your hand and not your pride part. If not, we're gonna have a problem. Okay, bro, Now I feel it, and I understand your your complaint and everything. I mean, I'm not understanding what you're saying, but but I don't do that, you know, I mean we we will be glad. You know what I'm saying. You another cut or whatever. You understand me, you know, but but I don't move nobody no around with my problem. Man. So that's just not me. Okay, I understand what you're saying, but I want you to hear what I'm saying. If you put your private on there at all when I come in there Thursday, then I promise you're gonna jump up and we're gonna have a problem. Well what let's see not now now right there? And I'm not I'm not feeling that jump up having a problem because you know, you don't really know me like that. Bro, you know what I mean. I'm trying to be professional here and and solve your little issue that you got your understanding, But I ad just jumping up and stuff you're talking about doing. I don't know. I'm trying to come in and get a nice hair cut and walk out with a nice hair cut. What I don't want to do. It's come down there, you're leaning, oh, put your private part, well, I got my arms in my hands and I gotta help you. Now, that's what I don't dude, you're starting. You're touching the wrong, talking about what you're talking about. I'm touching you wrong. You touched me wrong two weeks ago when you put your private on my hand. Man, I don't know how to touch you. You feel to say what I don't talking to you? Know? Hey, dog all, I'm trying to say. You're the brother trying to come in and get his hair cut and walk out feeling like a man, and not walk out feeling violated. Man because you didn't turn the chair with your private part all up against my hand, in my elbow and stuff. Man, you know what I'm saying. You know I'm trying to talk to you. But let you don't run me wrong. I ain't no punk flying here. And you understanding they ain't no punk flying that. Then't keep it off my hand. Let me tell you something. Oh yeah, stupid. So you're understanding, and look quicker play over here, salon. It's a brother shop. I hear what you're saying, but let me explain something. You We're you using your hips and your private section like a pinball machine and I'm gonna tell you right now what I will put something on you. You come on, understand me? Play. Come on, dude, I'm just trying to come and get a hair cut. I'm trying to get a hair cut and walk out of there like a man, feeling like a man. I bet you open you know, I'm gonna open you up. Boy? Do you want to stay here? Now? Now? You know? Now? Come on? You know? Tell you how to do something to your what's the one to be salon? This is a brother shop? Good? You understand me? What? I ain't got time. I'm not saying, damn O that I got something. I have a cut, right and I ain't got tiling. You're running your dumb back over here. You're gonna come over here to to stay. I bet you did. I don't go. I don't do it. You feel you know what? You man? You'll come up, come on your show and you come up to you. Okay, okay, I'm gonna putting my real name on my shirt. Them you want to know what my real name is. That's what's up. That's what's up. Then you might want to you want you want to know what name gonna be on the shirt? I want to like. Then the name on the shirt is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Shown. Say oh man, say bro my bad many. I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land man the morning Watch your pelvis? Man? Wow you oh all you bob is out there, Come on the chair with your hand which show me JR. Let me sea maybe cutting, you know, maybe in your head. But then when they trying to rotate that wait wait, let video they're cutting. Then all of a sudden he's a hold off for the rotate and they tiding to win like that and your hand be right there ten times of that per hat cut. Hey man, we got proplem like Hula Hooper. Yeah you know what I'm saying. Yeah, yeah yeah, moving up him Yeah, female bubble, Oh come on, Hula who me? I love female barbers. This is how I know I had a bad hair cut one time I was at a white club and it got y'all out. Who cut your strawberry? Letter? Coming up? You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for today's strawberry letter. If you're in the situation and you need some advice, all you have to do is go to Steve Harvey f M dot com and submit your Strawberry letter, and Steve and I might read your letter on the air. All right, let's go, Tommy, buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry letter. Alright. Subject, don't hold my past against me. Dear Stephen Shirley, I have a question and I need your advice. When should I tell a new love interest that I have been to prison. I am not the average parole though. I am an older woman that served a lengthy prison term as a first offender for transporting drugs. Since my release from prison, I've earned a degree and I have a great career for many years, I own a home, and I'm an upstanding member of my community. No one would ever believe that I have had a considerable amount of my life controlled by the Department of Corrections. So when is it appropriate to disclose this information to a man. I don't want to share it up front because I don't want to be judged unfairly. I also don't want to wait too long because I don't want to shot the man in my last relationship. My man did not hold it against me. We broke it off for other reasons since him. I met a man and we were talking about people being in prison and he had he had strong views against it, so I didn't pursue anything further with him to avoid telling him about my past. I want desperately to be in love, but I'm afraid to be open and honest with guys I meet. It may not be you know, it may not be that big of a deal, and I'm worried for nothing. What are your thoughts? Well, um, I think the timing is everything, and I think you should be honest with him, And you're right you shouldn't wait too long if he's a new love interest. I'm assuming that you guys are dating and going out to dinner and such things. So even though it's hard for you to bring it up because you don't want to be judged, you know you have to bring it up. So one night at dinner as early as possible, you know, if not the first date, the second date, go ahead and tell him. You know, people have to like you for who you are. You You you did what you did, You paid your debt, to society. You spent many years in in prison. You said, now that's over. You know, everyone gets a second chance. I think you deserve a second chance, and you've proved that with your second chance you've become a better person. You say, you're an upstanding member uh in your community, you own your own home, you've you've had a great career for many years, you have a degree. So I mean you're you're clearly a changed person. So if the person who you're with uh liked you, and uh, you know, if you once you tell them, excuse me, they like you for who you are, They're not gonna hold that against you. I mean, there have been many people out there that have on time and have gone gone on to do upstanding things, and I think you're one of those. So UM, tell him, tell him as soon as possible. First, just if not the first date, definitely the second date. Steve. First of all, congratulations on picking yourself up and turning yourself around. Shall I not say yourself? Let me say praise to God for picking you up and turning you around. That God is in the forgiving business. God is in the delivery business. God is in to make your dream come true. By you are a result of that, the fact that you're an older woman and you serve the lengthy prison term as a first defender for transporting drugs. You've earned a degree, you have had a great career for many years, you own a home, and I am outstanding, upstanding member of your community. No one would ever believe you did a considerable out of time control by the Department of Correction. So when is it appropriate to disclose this information to a man? I don't want to share it up front, and you shouldn't. This is nothing you need to share upfront now. Surely gives good advice. I happened to disagree with sharing this with a man on the first or second day. First and second day don't mean I think you reveal this information to a man once you all are about to be intimate. Then the relationship going somewhere, y'all just talking and dating. What is this now? If you feel like it's about to get intimate, then you need to reveal this information. And I'll tell you why. Because a man is now more vested in you, He's developed feelings for you without, as you say, being judgment Because remember the one guy she was liking and she tried to share it up front. You know, uh, he set up and had really strong feelings about people that have been to prison with his Ask Carl, he's out, you know what I mean. So that has happened to her so rightfully. So she's concerned about running off a good man too earlier. So first and second date is out of the question. I disagree. I think it's something you keep. Let a person get to know you, get to understand how you are and feel you without having that information to taint who you really are, because it can happen, cause people are human beings. I got Should nobody judge everybody? Should faith take your faith value for what you are. That ain't how people operating. Let's not be naive. So simple you wait until you're about to become intimate and then you drop it on period. Now anybody don't like that information, I'm sorry, but that's when I would do it now, any question, Shirley, I've been to the pin. You say that right there for y'all star. Now when you when it's about to become intimate. Now, I don't have any questions. We we do just to I guess no, I guess we do disagree on that I think you should the earlier, the better, you know, and and give the person, the other person, the option of whether they want to continue the relationship. People do have strong opinions about you know, people who have been to prison. So I just say the earlier, the better, timing is everything, of course, and you know, give them the option of whether they want to hang in there or get out. That's my opinion. Hanging out for one relationship. Yeah, gotten a degree, got it. We'll finish this woman, Okay, all right, we'll be back with part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hours you're listening to Steve show. For those of you out there who own a car in a home, you know more than anyone else, those things didn't just fall into your lap. You made it all happen by staying on your grind and working for and now it's time let's stay farm do the work of protecting it with your own personal state farm agent, because they understand just how much at home car mean to you and will always be that to help you when you need him. Stay Farm, here to help the hustle go right, and here to help life go right. Good morning, this is your boy, Kevin Heart, wishing you all a happy being saved. Fourth of July and you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Joe. All right, Steve, come on, let's go with part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter subject don't hold my past against me? See and the reason I think that the well this woman is questioning she needs some advice because she's been to prison before for a large part of her life, and she's wondering when is the right time to inform a man that she has been to prison because she's not the average parole lead. She says, she's an older woman, Sir, the lengthy prison time as a first defender for transporting drug but since her release from prison, she's earned a degree, she has a great career for many years, she's a homeowner and an upstanding member of her community. No one would ever believe that I've had a considerable amount of my life controlled by the Department of Correction. I think you have a fabulous story to do. I think that you are a story of redemption, overcoming, forgiveness and God's great I think you have an incredible story to tell. I think if you told that story, if you peel back and remove the layer of secrecy. As the story, this is my story, this is what I'm from and this is what I've become. More people would resonate with you. I really feel that way. Now. As far as dating a man, if you don't want to take that route, then I don't think you should tell him on the first or second day. I think you should wait until you're into about to become because you all know, Okay, when I get him, when I see this, women know what? What? What if they're gonna have sex only for you know how we get to that? What? What? While we talkt him? She already if you listened to the letter, it's not a woman like should she wait to the both uns? Where's my team? Jay? All day? Don't you? Ada? Makes sense? One more time, Jake, because I don't believe what you just said. I don't believe you said what you just said? She should she wait to them both Una? I know you like what you see, but don't mind fight nack it though. You know that right you hired him, Steve and the other one is your blood story as a story redemption and overcome to write a book about it to mentor young girls to go into prisons and tell your story. I think your life has great value to I think your story, your past, is your story. But you can stand up and make the announcement. I've held this from you off for so many years because I was a shame. But I'm no longer a shamed. I'm actually proud. I'm actually filled with God's grace now and I want to share story. In nineteen I was convicted for drug traffic I got caught up in a situation I was young. I've been to jail for twenty years. I got out in two thousand five. Now a lot of people gonna start clear, not come on hard. Some people there, okay, so the ones that are left right, So we're gonna see some walk out. But give the people that those little ones that are with them. Okay, do Christians anyway? But dog, couldn't we tell them like right after we do? We can you tell me? Then? Let's keep through it your way. All that ain't on my mind. I don't want jail on my mind. Why we do? I know you enjoyed it, but that's how it's gonna go. Jack, It's going down now, it's coming up. Taking the motor you you got caught up, junior, I got one more, Just one more? You yell out lights out, I'm sorry. There a big sign or something like, could you roll over and get my paints? I'm under the bid. You laying on my pain. I agree that she has a great, great, great story. We just we disagree on when she should tell him. Yeah, but I think story and just take the take the whole veil of secrecy off of it, man, and tell your story. See if you tell your story that keep people from telling Yeah, you tell your own truth. You reveal it what they're gonna say exactly. She used to sell truths, Well, yeah I did. But he saved me. God gott to save you from something. I think you have a great story of redemption. I say, pulled back the curtain yourself and walk out on that and who's gonna be, What you're gonna be, what you'll find out? Who you cool people? Is right? That's all you gotta do is it's pull the curtain back on that plane and let him sit there and watch that for a minute. You'll find out who what you do? You can sing, oh don't you knew that? Sound working on the chain? Dag? Really? My people in her life though already know it though, because she has to. I mean, you know they gotta do background check because she's all yeah, she has a great career from what you ain't so fast? Baby? Your head all the way in your boat? What are you walking the restaurant? And get up against the wall. Yeah, and walk along the wall until you get by the kitchen. Go? And why did you put that in your pocket? What is that about? Why are you so skinny? Why is your favorite movie? Where is that? I don't want to watch nothing? Hey? Why is you filing your button? Now? What is you putting tape on the butt? Night? Guy? Know it wouldn't take him loong? You it all right? Listen, we gotta get out of here. Email us her instagram as your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at my girl shortly why Coming up in about ten minutes, Steve has ten things that your ex should never see you do. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Come on, Steve, ten things you have for us that your ex should never ever see you do. Let's go. These are things fell us that you don't need Joe X to see. Happen to you. You're ready for the first she cannot see you better be driving it. She driving back in your ass at the books. Lo what here's another thing she beat up. Pull up at the restaurant and your ass is the valet. What what? Here's another one. She cannot be driving down the freeway and look over there and your car is broke down. Another these are things that your ex cannot see happened to you, y'all in line at the Walmart, she be hand you and you don't know it in your car. Don't go through. God, you turn around and it's hurt. That's why I left you in the way. You there's another thing. Your mama can't see. You happen to your girl. Your girls, I mean your girl, your ex girl can't see this happened to you. You're to move back and to your mama. She ding off some pack to your mama for Mother's Day. You ask him about the basement with the hot shooting and a wife beater and a white people pack of cigarette behind you you damn janny and a coat on because ain't no heat. And here's one that you can't have happened to you. She find out no hold on this happened to you. Your AXT send you a text that was meant for someone else while, but the text say I'm in the shower the doors open, followed by I'm sorry, that's cold. That's defer man's it's that crying. I'm in the shower the doors open, followed by I'm so that was nothing. Here's another thing your X can't find out about you if you don't mess around and lost that good as y'all. Uh, she walked into you. You now you're down at the windy you replenishing the salad ball. She and there with the kids, right, mama, ain't that Mr shut up? That's cold. That's cold. Man, you come to check walking. It didn all went bad. But here's my favorite one of ball drumroll cat Ladies and gentlemen. This is the top thing that's your ex can never see happen to you. What it is your new girlfriend look just like your brother dog man man that out. This is my new lady. Excuse me? You know you can't let him to see you do gay ever? Ever? Ever, ever? Ever? Can I never have a movie? You got it going on? What you don't want her to see you do? Out there cleaning Porter Potts clean Porter pot You don't want husa. We broke up now you don't like you cannot be the mascot at the birthday part. Cannot walk away and sitting there no spongebobs wear fancy her baby birthday part cannot be that is he checking what you're doing and check it job not be at the credit party the man. They're not gonna go for that. Your ex cannot see you rummaging through a trash. You've lost all your shame. Everybody else ch case. She cannot see you riding around town on your car and you got that little doughnut on that he got new money. Your ex case see you. She had to stop. Yeah, she can't see you pull up next to her. You don't know it's her. You're on your brother bike. Oh my god, like hey, trying to make it to work. I'll tell you what you can see. I'll tell you what she can't see. She got the kids and pull up to McDonald's Windy and you work in the window. Your order placed of recognize, say hey, here is one that really hurt. They cannot see you with your shirt open. It's a flip flops in a y'all they cannot see you over there. All right, get it together, guys. Wow, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, Steve, this one's for you, Jay, Tommy, your This segment is for the ladies. This is called Jay Ways to get a man to stop hollering at you, okay, because it gets on your nerves, right lady, Oh yeah, and you hold you know, just aggravating you like red bone red cat. Ye want to cut all that out your life. Ways to get that done. Start coughing uncontrolled off the real I'm talking about, get us to walk like, Yeah, I got one, Come on him. You don't go nowhere without your grandmama. You'll decease grandmama. And ask grandmama, grandmama? You thinking you right at all time, at all that, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what when you get the mac in real hard. You said, you know what, I gotta go get some depens real quick. I'd be right. I hope they got my side still in right, I'm taking this. This is for the ladies. The guys are telling us the waste that we can get men to stop hollering at us. Okay, steve a fake test result on your chest that says you have v D that right away, that it's way back in the day. You guys, yes, yeah, yeah, how you get it? You you you, you'll understand, you know you got it. Act like you're talking on the phone and say, hey, don't make me shoot you again. These are ways for the ladies to get men to stop trying to holler at them. Leave you alone. Don't let him get too in. Don't let him get too hollis in starts scratching right up under your when you start leaving streets. Yeah, just start scratching. He don't know what that scratching about. Come on, nephew, go in the closet and get butt naked and sit Indian style and burn some incense. Start I'm killing right there. I promise you had to run his ass straight on. Yeah, yeah, yeah, come on, help the ladies. When you walk up to your start talking to you say, look, look, he ain't gonna do nothing, but my ex is crossed the streets watching. He ain't all do that like seem right up, Come onte together, tell him you got seven kids and the two oldest is still standing at the house. When he starts talking, Listen, I need to charry with it when you come to court with me. I need somebody to test when you come to court. Right there? All right? What are we doing? Guys? Waste to get men to stop holiday to leave you alone, stop bothering you? Right looking dead in his eyes, and said, you know what I really want to hook up with. I want to be upfront and tell you I am on the more for that. Which one you want? Right there? I got both? Which work? Which one you won't? Both are scary. I'm sorry before before you asked little thing, can you help me lift my call from my husband? What happened? Don't worry about I just need your help. Get him my mother? This over. I got one looking right now, acid, you better step back. My girlfriend's there, jetherous like a more physical approach when they started talking to you, because I know something that just turned me on. If you see him and he starts talking to you, hock and spit from the fram get all of it. In the first it was coughing, hey baby, and make sure right right he go, he gonna walk right away. You want to stop talking to you? Yes, it's doing. Thank you guys for your health. These are ways that men we can do these things and make men leave us alone and stop trying to holler at us what you got or just standing there look at it and start peeing. Right, just be right back and just looking so you know where that happens. Continent, Yes, just oh he's so gone. Oh I can't believe this is happening again, Draw this from your own experiences. That's okay, Yeah, that's what it's sounds. All right, come on closing out. Yeah, this is easy. This is simplest ladies. This one's right here. If you don't have the courage for a lot of stuff and you just want to find it, just get this dude out your face. Here's one simple way to do it. Develop bad. Oh oh yeah, that's a one coffee onion. All right, listen, uh it's coming up. It's more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. A new study suggested writing a to do list before bed could improve sleep. Okay, it really does. I got this from Steve. Steven said, you know, write it out and it really does help you know what you're gonna do when you wake up, you have an idea of how your day's gonna go. I'm gonna do this, and then you see yourself accomplished stuff. I didn't. Never finished the whole damn list. But I'm just saying, you know, you get a start editing because I do write list, but not right before I go to back, and I don't have a set time to do them. I'll say that, all right. Study participants who spent five minutes writing a list of things they had to get done fell asleep nine minutes faster than those who wrote a list of things they already accomplished. It is believed that making a to do list may offload those concerns, resulting in less worry before bed. All right, uh. Study out of Baylor University split fifty seven university students into two groups, with both groups asked to take five minutes before bed to make a list. One group was tasked with writing a list of all the things they had to get done in the day or days ahead, while the other had to write a list of what they completed the previous day. Both groups were told to go to bed right after making their lists. So, Steve, here's your question. Do you have trouble sleeping? Are you constantly kept up worrying about things you have to get done? Sometimes? You know, I do have trouble sleeping about the worries of you know, my life, what I need to do, what I'm trying to accomplish. You know, I have moments like that. It's not often, but I do have moments like. When I have it, it's usually the reason I don't know whatever you're trying to accompan dog, I've got a lot that I'm trying to accomplish this year, though, good question. Good question. To revamp and reorganize my company to make it more efficient. But one of my goals is to hire really top flight people because I've I've been generous to a fault. I've given people opportunities who have taken advantage of that. Uh, And then you know, I feel sorry for their families and stuff, and I keep them on way pass when they should be gone. And for the first time, I'm having a system put in place where people are accountable for accomplishing certain things and if you don't, then you lose your job yourself, and it takes the onus off of me having to fire somebody if you don't perform up to the requirements, then you lose your position. So so so will you actually tell them or you have someone you have someone you know I have fired. I mean, you know I have things in place now. I'm not so bogged down with the technical aspects of my life. And that's one of the things that I've been doing wrong. For years. I've been involved in every aspect of my life, which helps me because I want to have no but it worried it's just too much micro managing in terms of being involved in everything. Right, I don't micro manage because I do give people to freedom, but in giving them that freedom, they've taken advantage of my business. And so now they know I'm busy, so they never perform and they just keep getting their check. You know. It woke me up. I realized, I said, in my company, I'm the only person who has to come to work. Other people can miss. I have to perform and I have to make the grade other people don't have. I have no one else in my company has to do that. That stops in two thousand and eight. That's on the tree. Does that answer your question, nephew, A right, coming up. It's more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty three after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Sty've introduced Jay to Murder. Oh too, ladies and gentlemen. He's here. And I say this begrudgingly because we just don't never know how that's gonna go. Don't go, ladies and gentlemen. Here this food is with Murder in the damn hit this week's murdered hit? What's the song by Neo good Man? Good Man? Yeah, uh huh song? You nowhere near that nice knowing you know in your Neo hit it the other man or the man or the gulness on I want me okay, and all you get from meat, baby, and I adn't get from me, baby. I don't want to be the man, other man, other gulness. All that won't be baby. It's all you get from me, baby bad. It's ain't get from me lit. I don't have to pick my phone up every time I see it. It don't matter where man on it and the drama showing up and my mama said, hold up all in my kids? Do you know him? Right time on? They got it? Damn man. We met at the Jello. I'm saying, who I want to feel. I do everything by myself because I free my patience days some baby and the nursing, n the working by we man have promised to know. He gets heard. And now you're getting mad. You said I hid and dessert check. You don't seem to understand. I don't want to be the other man or the man or the good it's on the wan be okay. No you get from me, babe, back I adn't get from me, babe. I didn't want him be the man. Man they were hold on aunt up there, love it, thank you, junior boy, and we get it. He mankins, I gotta get him, man, please do man, just do music. We do songs. Whatever you want done. Man. You know what I really like when you're sitting out at the piano and you sing, we got to do that. We got to do that song. Man. But I gotta get up. I gotta get it. I gotta practice up. Man. You ain't got to know that song is ready. I've seen you do it. Man did break he didn't that apollo to Yeah you done a little bit. Sure we get we can't dave, we can't take you know nothing. But pio player. They'd be trying to tune the piano. I just go over there and sit down and stars, you can play. You need to use that, you need to use that. I gotta brush up, don't play. No, no, no, I don't want to be man or man. All right, great job always coming up, coming up Steve's club using remarks at forty nine after the hour, Gather round everyone you're listening to all right, here we are last break of the day. Thank you all for listening. As always, Steve, come on and take us home with your closing remarks today. I have some really really good information. I'm really really pleased with this line of thinking because everybody has them, everybody has to deal with them, everybody faces it. It's just so many people lose the point of it. You know, the thing about going through something, I think you can go through something better if you know there's a point to it, you know what I mean. People go to the gym to work out if they're trying to get to a certain point. The moment you don't see the point of it, going to the gym becomes ridiculous to you. It becomes harder to you because it's all of a sudden, it doesn't make sense. So what I want to show you is how to look at the point of something. And the thing that I'm gonna talk to you about is something that everybody faces when they're trying to be successful, because everybody is going to go through some difficult times. Everybody. I don't care who you are, You're going to have some difficult times. Everybody is going to have some challenges, challenges, difficulties, setbacks. You're going to have this. But listen to me. All of this is part of the process to succeed. When you are presented with these setbacks, these difficulties, and these challenges, I want you to understand what they actually are. They are actually test. Everybody gets tested. The reason you have to have the test it is because tests are presented to you to see if you're willing to go through the process. It's merely just to see if you're willing to go through what it takes. The challenges, the setbacks, the difficulties, the tests are just there to see if you are willing to go through the process. Now, in being willing to go through the process, it assures you something that when you pass the test and you reach your goal, that you will have a level of appreciation for it. I'll give you an example. Somebody use your card. I don't recommend that they're not gonna take care of your card or where you do. Because they didn't pay for they're not making a note on it. They didn't have to struggle to get the down payment. They didn't have to make sure their credit was right. They didn't walk in the bank and get turned down a couple of times, didn't go back and fix their credit. Now they got up. That's why if you rent out your room to somebody, they're not gonna take care of your room like you take care of your house, because they didn't go through the process to get it. All they wanted was the room. Because they didn't have to fill out the credit report. They didn't go down here. They don't have the mortgage. They don't know what it took to have to own this house. That's why they didn't take care of their yard, because they've written. Some people who writt don't take care of property because they ain't days. Now that's not all writtens. I'm just talking about the case of some Because when you go through the test, it causes you to have an appreciation for now. The tests are necessary. The test teaches you things. The test provides you with a lesson. Tests are merely lessons. You're gonna see these tests again, and when you see them again, they won't appear is nearly as difficult because you've already taken the test before and you've already passed it. The test also strengthens you. All these tests you have it, it's strengthens you. It's like lifting weights. Oh it's heavy right now. If you put them fifties in your hands, that's heavy weight. But if you keep lifting fifties after a while, you can lift seventies. But the fifties. But guess what the fifties did. That was so hard that you felt like dropping, and you need to spot it. They made you stronger. Though the tests make you stronger. The next thing that the test does for you is it makes you experienced. Because now that you have these tests under your belt, you know something you can turn around and share with people how to get past the tests because you've seen them before. This is the reason that you have challenges, setbacks, and difficultures because you are being tested. So when God gives you the thing that you're asking for you will have a level of appreciation for it. You will have learned the lessons that it takes to maintain it. You will have been strengthened by the process, and you will become experienced by the process. Here is the last and main thing that the test does. For these tests that they're presented to you. Old people have said it a thousand times. You cannot have a testimony without the test. How can you share this experience with anybody? How do you tell a young person what to do if you ain't been through nothing. How can you teach me how to play golf and you don't play golf? It's impossible. You can't be the swim coach and you can't swim. I'm sorry you can't. You got to have gone through the process. It's the process and the test that gets you to the point. But you can't have a testimony without a test. You'll have nothing to say in your life. If you've never passed any tests, you will have no story to tell. So all of you that are being tested, you're working on your story. Now, what story will you tell your children? What story will you tell your grandchildren? What story will you tell young people who need memery. What story will you tell people who they look up to you and they think you've got something, What story will you tell You've got to be tested to make it happen. Past the test, deal with them and you'll be fine. Those are my closing remarks today. Have a great weekend. Thank you, you have a great for all. Steve. Every contest no purchases SERI void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.