The crew is live from Chicago and Jay has some questions for Steve about his employment achievements.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all baby all sung looking back, the black dog giving them more, just like theming bus things. And it's tough, y'all to be true. Good to tea. The hor guy listening to me together for stove far to moy. Why don't you join yeah by join with men sat turn Yeah you go. You gotta turn to turn out turn loby got to turn out to turn the wan go. Come come on your back, uh show, Well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harley got a radio show. I have something and it's so describes how I was living. It's so captures the feelings that I had about beginning on the pathway of my dreams. It's so describes how I felt when I was about to attempt something. And I have some striking news for you. It describes often how I feel still today to a degree. So let me tell you what that is. And I know what's happened to a lot of people. Here's an analogy that I um, I've heard a couple of different ways, but I've kind of, you know, fixed it around to where I can uh drink it better. And I think it fits my personality to describe it to people best this way. You know I was I was talking. I've talked often about the urgency of doing something with your life, of of getting started today, of stopping the procrastination and putting it off, and waiting on all your ducks to line up in a row, and waiting until the stars aligned themselves. If if you ain't on such a thing, you're you're You're never gonna get started. I don't really, I don't know too many people who can say that all the ducks just lined up in a row. Things happen. Things happen even when you get them lined up. One of the ducks get out of line, or somebody knock over the domino, or something happens. But here's here's, here's here's Here's the point I'm getting at. God has so many blessings available to you, you who's listening. God has so many blessings available to you from where you are right now. I don't care what you've gotten yourself into or what you've done. God has so many blessings that he can send your way. But you have to do something. See a lot of people just sit around and go man, I don't as something always happening to you. You're always getting a break, You're always doing this, you always do. Man, don't nothing come my way. Listen to me. If nothing ever comes your way. You know why that is. It's because you're not doing anything. I promise you you're not. See. Here's a deal. God has all these blessings he wants to send you, but you got to give him something to work with. Now, come on, you have to give God something to work with. God will bless you. God can touch people's hearts on your behalf. He can move situations around for you. He can align the stars. He can set the ducks up in the road. But align the stars and move people around, and touch people's hearts and set the ducks up in the road. For what based on what have you put forth? Any effort? Have you made a single step in any direction to do the right thing or go the right way? That gives him something to put his finger on. Come on, man, God can only bless you according to your faith. If you have a little bit of faith, give him that, let him work with that. He can do that. You know, man, I didn't always start with these speeches you're hear in the morning. Now, I ain't always had these. I grew to these. I stumbled my way to these. I messed up my way to these. Here. I got it wrong so many times to be able to sign down like I got some sense. I said it often. Failure is a wonderful teacher. Do you know how many times I have had to have failed to have what I have in my head today. I'm telling you, man, it's a process. People get mad at the process. You got to do something to give God something to work with. He'll bless you. But what you want me to bless if you ain't putting forth any effort, any effort, if you just sit down and start. I got a book coming out, I'm telling you, man, that's going to really explain this thoroughly. Man, where you can get blessed from whoever you are in your life, wherever your starting point is, wherever you find yourself wound up, you can get you can get it back from. Now. I've done it, man, by the grace of God, I've done it. I I got got over. Man. I learned some things along the way. Because here's the deal. As long as God keeps waking you up in the morning, he through with you. Yet when he's done, you're done. But if God still has a plan for you you wake up in the morning, He's still got some more work for you to do. You wake up in the morning. So if you keep waking up, man, it's something that God wants from you, would love to have from you. And he can work with you, man, if you just walk towards him a little bit. So here's the deal. I know it's hard for the average person to start because the fear of the unknown is incredible. What if I failed? What if I don't get picked? You know, one of the hardest things I ever did was walking in to quit my job. Oh man, let me tell you about that day when I decided that I was gonna be a full time comedian after winning an amateur night One time, quitting your job, following your dream, going forward despite all the nay says, it's like stepping off a cliff. It's like actually just walking off the edge of a cliff, hoping, hoping. Now not really knowing, but hoping. Hoping is the bad basis of faith. I stepped off that cliff hoping that my parachute would open and allow me to drift down. See, I've never sky dived before, but I would imagine part of the thrill. And I don't know this because I'm not going to sky dive to find out. I think part of the thrill for people is the danger part of throwing yourself out a plane and how it feels to be free falling, but the whole time they're free falling, having this exhilarating, over the top moment, you have got to believe in your heart of hearts, you have got the hope with everything in you that when you pull this cord the shoot opens or else This ain't a good move at all. But you've packed your shoot yourself, you've taken lessons, so you go ahead and you make the leap. Now, the only thing about quitting your job and following your dream is you ain't really been trained all that good for this, and you don't really you didn't pack your shoot, but you ain't never opened it before. So I walked off this cliff, that's what it was like. And you following your dream is like you're walking off a cliff. Now, let me tell you something. Here's the part where people don't never make the jump. They see somebody like myself who jumped off the cliff, and the and and the past. You don't open right away. And I hit a couple of rocks on the way down. I got my back cut up pretty bad. I got my clothes ripped off. They see that three years living in a car, man he got his life toe down jumping off that cliff. I ain't jumping off that cliff. But see what you don't understand is you don't you don't know it. But eventually the shoot will open, and I'm at the parachute opening part of my life. Man, where the shooting open and I'm drifting and I'm able to go over to Paris, guide my shoote over to Paris and glide. I've I've glided over to Africa and seen what it looked like. It's a slow ride down when the pass chute finally opened, or and my back then hill too, and the cuts that I had on me, I remember now I know how to stay away from the edge. But the paraschute and opened, and I'm enjoying my life for the first time. I'm gliding, but I got hit up against the rock. I can see more. I get a chance to see more things. I get to glide and see more parts of the world. I'm living my dream. The pass shote open, Your pass shoote is gonna open. But I'll tell you one thing for sure, it will never open if you don't step off that cliff. You got to step off that cliff, got to get the passchute open for you. But you got to jump. Baby. That's the hard part, ain't it. That question is the end of this story. Right here today, when you're jumping to Steve My Morning Show, one one minutes after the hour, you are about to get turned up, turned out inside out at a round about. This is this Steve Harvey Morning Show, all new, all produced, all done in living color. Welcome to the baddest ride in all of radio. Yeah you, good morning, Steve. How are you good? Calling for real? Hey Steve Harvey? What's up? Hey? Crew? Junior morning? What's so food too? I'm sorry? What up? Man? How you doing money to everybody? Morning? So good? Just got in right, you're ready to go? We just got into What do you mean you just got in? We just everybody just got in right now. I just got in. I just got int your cog. We just got in town. We just got in town. So we just got up and came to work. We were already here. No, no, no, you just landed. What what thelines is the fly in mine? Kind of mine? What flighting number you was? I'm glad you made it safely. Well, you know it's gonna be a big game. Everybody's here in Chicago. The team is here, uh to take my talk show today. We'll we'll just see how y'all accho TV. Don't be acting like you shame Yeah, you surprise CARLTT. Well you think we're gonna embarrass you on national TV? I never know as a oh man. Yeah, I'm just hoping you know, it all go good. You know, phones need to turn them up. That didn't do nothing. He's here. There we go. That's a little bit better. All right, that sounds a little bit better now. I'm oh excited. The team is here to do the morning show the day to Steve Hark talk show. I'll let y'all know what we're excited to stay. Yeah, we have the best boss. Something. I was just gonna say the same thing, the same exact words, the same exactly I know you was gonna say coming from where you came from coming from where I'm from. Yeah, like I left a slave ship or something. You didn't say that he did. Are they calling the crew in case you didn't know that, shade? Yeah, we'll be back. We got thirty something funny. We got a great showline up for you today. Stay with us. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, let's get it. Let's get you. Okay. I guess that's what always though, when you don't know what's going on, when you're open with that last it again, well it's on you. Uh, you were going to do that all the but we don't. There's nothing to set up. Set it up on the brak, Tommy, Tommy, set it up on the brain. Audience don't know what it is. Gosh, this is the moment where we have decided that we're going to ask our CEO anything we would like, any questions. Yes, oh that's the question you want to ask you. I could ask a question now. And what you're need to know though, is I ain't no regular CEO. I know that already. Okay, Okay, run on in if you want to. Yeah, I know I hr is open. Yeah, well why is his voice changed though? When he becomes the c because that's what they do, and they want to let you know the charge. My HR department stands for hell right here. So the question is I get to ask a question? Right? The question is this is my eleventh day here day. I just want to say I really love everybody's great working in so now that I have the man on the phone, a direct question would not be out the way right, So my question is this here's my question. I'm getting ready to ask my question now because I have a question to ask him. The question it go ahead, so schooming, but you asked, really, I just want to make sure you know that this is a question about to come out the eleventh day. The question is I've been doing a good job. You would would you agree that I've been doing a good job. I think I fit in with everybody and I haven't had any none of that. You know, been on time earlier than most people get earlier, way earlier. Yeah, but I'm just saying just I'm just putting out the things I've done in eleven in eleven days. My question is can I have a day off? Yes? Yes, because you would agree that I'm talking more than I would normally talk over there. That's straining you. What's I'm not used to talking? So after two weeks of a day, let's just win on me leving in. Yes, and and I'm diabetic. We're gonna we're gonna see you. Not to mention, we go way back. Yeah, we go way way back. So that that's my question. What is your question? Can I have a day? Because it was so long aftergot CEO? Well yeah, Well let's just go out just a couple of ways. First of all, thank you for the question. The timing of it is a bit peculiar, uh to me as a CEO. First of all, most people don't work nowhere eleven days and then asked for a day off. Come fact that you've been here every day, it's what you've paid to do. And the fact that you've been on time. Uh, it's what radio is all about. So therefore you've done nothing. Strength the fact that we've allowed you to talk more than you've ever talked. Befoar. There's another sticking point in the debate, because that's about to get shut down from me on out because of it's that damn stressful for you. What we don't want you over here doing is stressed now, so we're gonna cut your mic off a whole lot more and get you back and where you can handle next him. Lastly, the fact that you would die bag. You should not have pointed that out to me because I have failed to put that into my calculation when we're negotiating your deal. So from now you and Jill, y'all, y'all sick days. You can take as many sick days as you won't, but they come out your check because y'all sick days. Because y'all sick days is not is not our fault. First of all, Junior was born with his sick days, so he got to take that up with the Lord. You, on the other hand, is type too. Your ass could have prevented this old you're just a big doughnuts salmon eating something. So now your ass want but you need hard using all this is from the fallout. We don't do that on this show. For type two. Type two, your ass h your ass to this hill. So now all your sick no, I'm you got all your days come back and you have is that? What is not? Hey, don't nobody work no way in leven day? Is that for a day off? That ain't very unbelievable. I can't response is longer than your question, so you can't take day off. But dad will come out your check too. And if I was you being a diabetic, I'd say my seat there they're coming out check Okay, yes, sir so CEO. As of this coming uh Thanksgiving holiday, I'm scheduled to have surgery on my right rotator cuff which is torn. So you know, I'm looking at the news and checking out the whole healthcare situation. If this goal sour, is it impossible that the company will pick up the bill on my shoulder because I do need to get my should first of all, First of all, let me playing something to you having a rotator cover surgery and at Thanksgiving and we've got the fall in July. We don't consider that a pre existing condition, and therefore under this new administration, we don't give a damn about So you go in and had a surgery, but I I Medical would not be picking up because that's a pre existing, uh condition. And since you don't. Since y'all is being voted for this man and don't want Obamacare, y'all eatnor ass, then Obama do care. But sir, he don't give a damn I thought since we played golf together, you would look out for me on this. We ain't played golf in a long time, and the way you swaying the club, it ain't got a damn thing due with your rotator. Col Hey see, oh quickly, I know we don't have much time, but all of us have. We only have tists that we ain't got time for that. So come back and you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up next it's church complaints. But I just wanted to ask you you've finished with the CEO, because I did have one more question for you. Well, you know I'm finishing, y'all. Well, you know all of us have kids, um, the ones with older kids like me, Tommy, Jay, whoever. I just wanted to know, you know, summertime. Will there be any summer internships available in this company for our children to work and maybe earn some extra money over the summertime? Yeah? No, excuse me, no, you know I don't think about it. No, no, we're not having internships for employees kids. We have in trouble with the employee kids and walking over here. But we want to teach you can't get what I want? Well, well you know right now, surely we can't get what we want at you right now, So why don't we hear y'all frame up here? You know, and you know, like they say, the apple don't fall from from the tree and yours and right here. See if I'm a doctor now, thank you very much. Relations Yeah, and I wanted to say congratulations for that. I saw that on Instagram. I tried to make a comment, but I don't know how, So I just want to say congratulation. Sherley's a doctor. Now, doctor you you look by as surprise as I did when I got mad, So thank you very much. Such any more for we go to church complain you know you got nothing. We'll go ahead, Junior, what did your conc Well, since they did, you know, replace the healthcare. So I'm like, I'm out because I got a presist. Will you be covering my insurance from him? I'm not just asking for yourself that quortion out now? Will you be okay you had coverage Sickle Sale, Yes, sir, I just want to if you're gonna cover that since they're repenting it and everything trying to I don't think he listened to any of the trying to No, no, no, okay, I was gonna ask for vacation, but this or you get a vacation we do, or you get because I'm looking in about two weeks, I want to go on vacation. Thank you, boss. Too late for two weeks? Uh what happened? No, you gotta ask for that. You got to have third third day noticed to get a vacation. You try to go get that from from me. I just got it from me. Jesse Morris, You're the worth CEO ever changed my plans? I know, all right. I guess bringing grown folks Stark Day is not the question. Only one got kids that qualified for any intern program in here is Tasha and John and Sydney Young Costle, Jordan and Sydney. After after that, we don't even have them in here. I'll tell you who ain't coming up in here. Oh we're here, we know, okay, let's go to church complaas we we were here. Yeah, gathered together on this Monday to allow for all people that come to the j P j J. That's the jack pot. Joe ain't Gerald's allowing chee che hollelujah who obviously is the most ungrateful congregation I've ever heard. Somebody, please tell my brother that he here because he just too much breathing? Man, is he all right? Path and not? Go ahead? Alright, deacon to go? What do you have pafter we have a situation due to sink a demyo this pants Friday, our Latino members worked all weekend here at the church. They have done a tone from Mexico to the church all days. Sunday morning. I don't think you noticed that people were coming up at the baptism pole. They are, they are coming up the baptist You're gonna have to stop this time that we've we've funded the tunnel because of our Latina conflagration, and so what we wanted them to be able to do, which come from Mexico and get the words and they could stay. We actually funded the tunnel as a as a back back lash or the or the or the or the foreseeable coming or the wall. We've already tunnel. Yeah, there's another tunnel that goes straight to Trump International as another tunnel that goes straight to Trump International golf course. I hadn't now that, Yeah, because he he trying to let us not know who cutting that grad. Yeah, so they did pop up, do the work, drop back down. They do not go home? No, no should they? That's right, your brother. I think I'm not sick at all, very healthy. Do have something sick? Yeah? Never never. I have a church at Outspence, so I could put ready here church Clarice and Clara Clarice said, Claire, you know we're the only sign me these twins that are connected at the hip, the only church members that we have the connected hip. Well, this Sunday morning, one of them was sporting the black eye. One of the has a tendency to run off at the hour, you know, just one of them and the black So we're gonna send prayers out for her because she's spotting the black euse something. She said, we know who hit? We don't know who hit. I think her sister hit her all the time they fight. I can tell you back out, No, you made her Now I'm gonna here to clear this sad. What happened happen passed. It happened this weekend in the bathroom they connected at the hill and one of them was sitting on the toilet using it and the other room was there hanging over there and got tired and said you please, And she was sitting over there on the waste paper basket and she just took too long, and she then went the cocks the dead in the eye and you're strong. We share a help, but we do not share our ain't you're still work too much. There's too much said. We got not to eat that here? Weird? Wow that up. Brother Raymond Bradley, you know he's on the astra board and work, but he also works full time at United Alliance. He asked Brother Floyd Rivers to stop moving doing out the prayer. He wouldn't quit move, and he drugged him out in church and now Brother Floyd wants to sue the church. You're gonna have to talk to him. Pas. Well, we're setting up for a special as Decision called it. We'll be back with what is we're doing. Surely it's coming up with you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, coming up miss Anne with our national news and headlines. Of course, also coming up a special edition today. Get ready for this a reality update because I don't know if you saw it last night, Real Housewives. We have to talk about this that's coming up in forty one Eastern, seven one Central. Yeah, we have to term check Carlo special edition of Reality Update. I cannot with you. You were not but it was so good the last it was good. It was good. It was good. It was good. I had Andy Colin on my show the other day. Oh did you really? Oh yeah, he is alright. Uh well a lot of stuff going on in the news, Steve. First of all, congratulations to you because you're Cleveland Cavaliers. They yeah, yeah, the Raptors were sweping. That's all they're doing. But yeah, yeah, they bragged airs rockets and come on up the here we come, we come in. I hope you do right to now. So the Cavaliers, the Calves swept the Toronto Raptors from the playoffs. Now Cleveland is waiting for the winner of the Boston Celtics and Washington Wizards. So you're talking, can I get in? Y'all got right? There was that all that Tony Parker went down? Yes we did. We'll take that. Were talking about Houston host Santa series that you just got in. But all y'all can do is get to You can only get to. Yeah, you're only going past Golden State. Let's go you you kill our dreams. You hate on the Lake on the Lakes. Yes, probably ain't gonna get passed. Probably ain't gonna get past sand and Tone. They're gonna pop, gonna thank or something. But yeah, that'll be the end of y'all. We'll see, we shall see your partner, we shall see rockets, and Boston gonna get y'all a little something something. I think Boston gonna come about it. I hate, hate, hate dog Boston. When I got to see your time, Boston got their hands for washing it. Right now, you must not be paying attention work. Ain't nobody moving the castle? Just come on, we know we know who the hell ain't gonna be damn show. It ain't gonna be the Rockets, And if you're trash, I promise you it won't be to damn right it is. It will be your first and last final since it ain't the first and as far as the one hundred forty third, Kentucky Derby goes and Muddy George Wallace's Mama, dude, there was a muddy track always dreaming. Jay didn't win in year on different name anyway, The horse was always dreaming. Yes, always one point six million. Uh huh, that was that person. Okay, uh see if you know a little something about this. The media was forced to evacuate the red carpet at yesterday's MTV Movie and TV Awards due to inclement weather with no cover alright, with no cover provided. Those on the red carpet outside the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles were pelted with rain and then some hail, and many were relocated to a parking garage to take cover as a remainder of the MTVS pre show appeared to move indoors. That's so uns because it's somebody we need to cover. She is with the news, the loveliness and true Morning with San rained the day before. They should have been ready for Good Morning. Somebody get me. But see former President Barack Obama. He was, well, yeah, he's gonna scream it out again. You know he is. Msn'll probably tell us about this. He was called. He has called on members of Congress to oppose the the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. I told you I know him, Okay, I know him. That's his signature healthcare bill. Of course, he was at a doing a speech at the JFK Library Foundation in Boston yesterday. Uh he gave those while receiving the two thousand seventeen John F. Kennedy Profile Encourage Award. All right, Yes, those are his first since the House voted to repeal and replace Obamacare on Thursday. That was the House. Now it has to move to the Senate. Uh So I like that. He called upon them to have courage in both parties, you know, not let them to destroy the affordable healthcare because millions, millions will be affected by this. Absolutely, yes, and Junior, I think every move they make right, ladies and gentlemen. Nobody was colony. Colony your dad was you know, you know, you know your uncle. That's how where he is. Anyway, here I am, good morning everybody. This is a trip with the news. Good news. Another eight years so Nigerian schoolgirls have been released some captivity by the terrorist group Bocohra. This is the latest group of the two girls abducted from those schools three years ago. Some of them have children. Elebrations continue in Paris, where the centrist Emmanuel mccron handily won the presidency of a right wing and a real lapen rel Pen was dubbed Francis down Trump, and she was trumped out. She was kind of lost out. New Yorker Center Kristin Jilbrand urging her colleagues to reject the healthcare bill passed by the House Representative last week. Up to all of us to speak out as forcefully as we can so that this bill does not pass the Senate and never becomes law. And the top movie the weekend box office was Guardians of the Galaxy Volume two. The Fate of the Universe lies on your shoulders down, whatever you do, don't push this. But what I just said, huh? Anyway, they made a whole lot of money one million. Liben Anne Tripp will be back with Eugene the Butterfly yet twenty minutes after the hour, stay you're listening, ste Good morning everyone, Stephen time. He's Shirley carleege Jr. J Anthony Brown, Um, everyone, everyone, it's oh my god, it's just a beautiful, beautiful Monday. And peek back to the morning. Good morning. But what's up? Hey everybody? It's going to be here and all of us are going to be on the top shell today. So I'm excited about that. Ear Why you're not gonna be on the top. No, no, no, no, no, yes, I am I got my hell, I'm time together and everything. I have everything together. You're not gonna be on the talk show today. It's Tommy called J and J Brown. I went shopping yesterday. You're not gonna be on the show. You then, now, Stephen, I about jagging everything. I am so prepared. Yes, So what were you gonna Mber? I had some jaggings, you know, getched. I thought the entire show was going to be on the top show about laughing. All the people gonna be on the show. We're not no characters coming, But that's not the entire show. I carry a full yeah, no, no, you're a character with None of the characters are gonna be on me but clothes. No, they ain't gonna do it. Ain't nobody still you go do? That is not gonna be there. Old Dale ain't gonna be there, Ralph ain't gonna be there, and Nowhere ain't gonna be there, deaf dam ain't gonna be there, and you ain't gonna be there. But I thought I was ain't coming. But I thought I was more to you all than the rest of those people. I thought I meant more you're not. You're not. You don't mean that much. Let me move on. This is okay. I gotta memory feet, I gotta take this stuff back. I can't match. So I'm wanting you help. Um, I have started production, well I have. You know, I'm starting to write my own book. It's um it's called Floating My Feelings, and I'm I'm at the beginning stages of floating my feelings. It's just you know, it's butterfly thoughts. But I'm floating my feelings. And Stephen, I'm gonna need your help because I want you to turn me on to to um. What is the name of the book, plays Schuster or whatever. I want you to get me with them Simon interesting, so I can so, I can you know protody over there? How you did folk book? Three bucks that are not about over there? That doesn't make no sing when we come back, Steve, because it wouldn't Simon Schuster, Well, don't you something? Yes, you do murder. You're listening to string show all right? Coming up next, it's Jay Anthony Brown with another murder, another murder to hit the song. Well, that's one of the thing about the murders that hits is to take the song that's already out and totally destroy it. The name murder the hits at least key song, We've Got Something in Common a great song, very good song. I love it, but the song is dedicated to people who have nothing in common at all, yet they remained together. Sometimes you just get sick of him. You used to be my line, but that's sometimes. Oh, stay you and dead fed up. I don't want to try. If I had a brick touched my shoe in your head. I hate you. I hate you that you and a group and I'm a fool and not my book. Time for you to move. If you stay away, I might just want to kill you. I know you, I know you. You just can't take the truth. We ain't got nothing in coming. I'm just being honest, will you. We ain't got nothing in coming. Hell, I'm being honest, will you. It's time for me to set for self free. You bring the head out in me. I will be catching. That's deep is such a stupid It's time for me to set for self free. You bring the head eut in me. I hope catching next to is such a stupid We ain't got nothing in kind, and I'm just being honest. Ain't got nothing, we got nothing. I'm just being you bring the hey, I didn't need hope where you ain't have nothing in coming with Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's amazing. You realize that. I think when they walk in the door and they when they come back from wherever it is they've been, and they come back and they go, hey, that's it right there. That's what I can't stand about your when you say, hey, how you doing that? Gets how you doing? See that's the thing that's making me man right there that you spoke good morning. What's so good about it? If you hear ye murdered that one didn't get to that point when when the relationship is ending, everything is wrong. Yeah, all of it's on your last nerve you everything they do, the breathing, just the way you breathe. You don't like a breathing. My girlfriend can stand away, her husband shoot his food. She was done. They divorced shortly, shortly. You choose something one more time, you get on my last I had a girl. I had a girl told me she didn't like my cologne. And never did you know? We was only like David for like you know, about five or something like that avon why Devin by Devi? Oh yeah that was that was colder stuff out smell in my life at that time, at that time. Oh yeah, okay, yeah, that's a big when Laga fail hit the scene. What the coldest the coldest stove bat all time? Were Polo? Oh, get out of here. Totally disagree, karate kidding you anybody you rufe brute by fabru j It's not a colona. Just love the wed smell touched it red? Are you kidding me? Got some touching? I I wish we had time to tell right right now. That's a great one. Alright, coming up the nephew and the prank phone call what you got? I got one. I'm gonna keep it stupid, I promise you the ba alright, coming up the strawberry letter subject guys, I can't believe he cheated on me. That is the subject. But before we get to the letter prank phone call, what you got? Ne No, I want you all to allow me to just be stupid for a moment. You know I'm not. I know I'm not stupid all the time. Woke up, Shut up, shut up, hey, Junior. We've tried to get you to stop as a matter of fact that that didn't work. You know what? Sure, I think you just mad because you had to pay. You'll be a last night editor dental. That's all that is. Uh No, whoa junior? Yeah? JN do to thank you. J don't care much. And I wouldn't have done where I went, Norman, but I didn't know y'all was over there pain. That's my friend. It's very nice friends outside, but over the pain. I'm gonna gone yourself, sweet im. He's taking on my title I used to pay. Come on, who am I right? A wrong? Have to pay for they? Then? I mean you? No? Not if y'are dating m We got a date and I don't ask him? Yeah, no, I mean no, if you're out on the date, of course you pay for the lady. But we were just dinner as friends and co workers. Yeah, I pay for your dinner. Calls your co worker calls simply cause y'all expected when the check came. Y'all don't touch you. They don't they do the hands don't move. No, No, they get to drinking real slow out their glass. Wrong, We're like over there, get it all night, h and I gotta pull you, y'all repo man, repo man, everybody knowing. Hello, I'm trying to reach you, please. Sorry, my name is uh Robert. I'm with the collection agency. You do on a Sierra two thousand three GMC truck. Am I correct? Okay, we don't show that we've had any payments within the last I guess about three close to four months now, and we want to try and stop having to come in and repossess it. Maybe we give you a chance to uh bring your payment in, but we haven't had a payment from you in about four months, sir. With the other another thing, I don't, I don't, I don't know what the moment. Yeah, I'm playing all time from we're about that. Well, Uh, I'm with they've they've turned you over to us. I'm with collection agency, and we haven't gotten anything from I don't. I don't show any uh any paperwork here on the computer at all that we've had any payments made within the last four months. So that's why they've been tending it on already turned it over to y'all without my promnion. They can't never tell much my truck over to y'all, y'all. I don't even know, well, I understand that, sir. What happens is if you haven't paid it in a certain amount of time, it actually comes over to the collection agency. And that's what they've done. They've actually sent it over to us. UH. They've given us UH pretty much all the information on you. I guess it's a gold this type of color UH CR two thousand three GMC truck. From my understanding, Am I correct? Okay? UM, Now, what I'm gonna need from you today, Jeremy, is for you to come in UH and make a payment to us this evening for four months so we can so we don't have to come in and repossess your truck. And I don't want to have to do that. But if I have to send a record out there to you, I have your address on file as well. I don't want to have to send anybody out to pick it up. Polish up. You're not coming here my truck, and I'm not paying y'all for for new full months. I'm goner saying my truck all time every month. That's a deal, sir. I don't want to get in a back and work with you, but I'm telling you exactly how it's gonna go. Now. I'll come out there and repossess it myself. But I'm telling you what the partner. No, look, that's not that's not even where we gotta go with that. Don't be you don't need to be screaming and chaotic and come get it yourself and all that the trucks that hang on. Let's back up, because I'm a man just like you. Man. What do you mean it's gonna that's gonna be that? What are you saying? What are you? What are you? What are you saying to me? Son? I'm telling you. Look, look, I'm telling you that I'm paying my truck note and and that's a fun I don't know. Let's get I've already stated to you before. I'm with Tan Agency. And let's get one thing straight. You don't tell me I tell you now, hey, do come down here on the phone. It don't make no sense talking, you know, over the father whatnot. You can come, you can come get the truck, my truck right here I work. I'm ready. Come, you can come try to get my truck. I'm already aware of where you work in the whole nine yards. Now, I don't I'm trying to be as uh cordial with you as I can. Now you can. You're talking about conna get much truck, and I'll tell you I'll be saying much so you know you should have dropped it and be like all right, I'm gonna check with somebody. I want to check with somebody else to make sure I'm right. I didn't call me back. I'm telling you you haven't paid anything. That's what I'm telling you. I've got it listed on the computer. You've been turned over an agency and you haven't done it. You haven't done a thing. You you you're raising your touch, scream and over the phone like that because they're to do me me. Are you no good? But you ain't get no money from me? Then you ain't coming my truck? What a matter of fact, you could come for my truck. I'm gonna be on my truck. I'm a wait on you what It doesn't make any difference, sir. You gotta get repossessed tonight. If I don't get four months payment, definitely, If I don't get four months payment brought into me collection agency, your truck will be taken care of. Lord on, hold on, listen, man, hold on. You kind of kind of serious till you quick cursing at me. That's what's wrong, man, right outside. You come over here and get it obviously that way for you. Look, you know what. I'm at the point. I don't give a about this job. I'm ready to come kick your That's what I'm ready to do. Call him bad kake. I don't need a little scared hanging up the phone. You're standing here like a man, and you handle your problems. I don't make a week, bro, stop calling. I'm at work too, doing my job the same way you're doing yours. We'll make you don't want to do. I'll come get I got one more thing I want to say to you before you go. You're listening. This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harpy Morning Show. You just got pranked by you got on teach you are all right, man, I'm gonna talk this roof. I'm talking about cool. I'm I'm trying to She told me. She told me, man, she said that boy loved that truck. Yeah, that's my true, my ownest repretation. Man a man. Yeah, you gotta but you gotta pretty good. I gotta ad I gotta ask you, man, tell me brother, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lane. And don't forget that. The nephew will be in Dallas, Texas. It's going down Wednesday at the Junior Black Academy of Arts, and let us. I am in a play called Mama's Ball And that's me, that's Eugene, that's Robin Gibbons, that's Jackie Harry from the list goes, I don't know what are you in the plane? You know I'm not the boy? Are you the mama? I'm not. No, I'm not What make you think that? No, I'm not the mama. I'm a police officer and to play Uncle Stad. And Eugene is in the play as well. Mama's Boys Wednesdays opens up Wednesday, and no, Eugene is not by my stage. At the same time, almost almost that was good. That was good. Almost. So it's going down. I get your ticket on sale right now. Yes, sir, you can get him at ticket masks. I don't care where you get him. I'm back with my old promoters. Mr Marvin Webston was alright, alright, thank enough for you, Stubberry letter up next subject. I can't believe he cheated on me. Nothing in common. You've been cheated on before? You take Oh, I took it very well. Yeah, I want to kill him. Well, we know who keep calls right, allegedly I'm new allegedly any proof of this allegations, Just stay out all these conversations. Have you ever cheated I've been in sixty nine for show Take my mind out. You don't get in and I don't like that without Yeah, okay, Strawberry letter up next, can't believe he cheated on me? Who you're listening to, Steve Harvey Morning Show, Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry letter. Subject, I can't believe he cheated on me. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been dating my guy for almost three years. He's married and I love him beyond words. There has never been any talk of him leaving his wife, and I don't ever pressure him to do so. We spent the night together for the first time ever this past weekend, and the experience has made me love him even more. Here's the problem. Twice in the past six months, he has walked in on me cheating on him. I was not in the act, but I was getting dressed both times. I naturally took responsibility for my actions, but only to find out that he's been cheating on me as well. It wasn't really a surprise because I had my intuitions, but he's always denied it. I refused to argue about it. What should I do? I can't imagine my life without him? Please help? What? What? What do you want us to do with this? I mean really, Yeah, you're in a relationship with the mayor guy. He's cheating. You're cheating. You guys have nothing. You you have nothing. There's no trust, there's no loyalty, there's no commitment, there's no love in this relationship, even though you say you really love him after you spent the night with this married man. Come on, that's lust and and it sounds like you guys have some sort of open relationship because you guys are doing everyone. You're doing it. He's caught you cheating twice or putting on your clothes afterwards twice. You've caught him, although he's denied it. Um, this is just a mess. I mean really, really, really, what do you want us to do with this? Uh? You can't imagine your life without him. Well, why don't you try it? Okay, try to imagine your life without this married, cheating guy. Try to imagine a better life for yourself. Okay, Uh, stop seeing this married man. He's not going to change. You're not going to change. The cheating is not going to stop. You're still going to be number two, number three, number four whenever he can get to you in his life. Okay, you've already wasted three years with this guy. Let's not make it for alright. Uh, this is pretty much I don't even know why you would write anybody with this, because we don't have a solution for you, and you're actually not even looking for a solution. What what? What do you have? Nothing here? This is nothing. Ain't nobody lied to nobody. I don't hear nothing. Okay, I'm sorry. I discomnect that I didn't hear anything. It's just this is nothing that you have. You've been dating the guy for three years. He's married, and I love him beyond words, right down the old man line where we post what. That has never been any talk of him leaving his wife, and I don't ever pressure him to do something. He's not leaving her. We spent the night together for the first time, and and this past weekend and that experience it made me love him even more. Okay, here's the problem. Not not all, not at all. The problem is everything. You didn't typed up till you said, here's the problem. The problem, Lady White. Twice in the past six months, he has walked in on me cheating on him. Walked in you putting your clothes on. Both times I was not an act, but I was getting dressed both times. I naturally took responsibility for Micael, who else was in there. He walked in there with you. Okay, I'm gonna get to my asks in a minute. I wasn't surprised because I hadn't meant to then find out he's been cheating on me as well. He would he married, did cheat? Girl. It has been in three years ago. I found out he cheated. He married. He'd been cheating when you when you, when he saw you. Y'all you've been cheating. Hell, stupid ass letter. But he has denied it. I refused to argue about it. What should I do? I can't imagine my life without it. You have nothing with him? Is deal? He's married? What should I do? You should figure out the difference. You should start, just start by learning the difference between right and wrong. Just try that, just just some basic information. See your whole letter wrong and you're trying to work something right out of this. We can't help you. Look, everybody make mistakes. We are judging, but you are. You all out of bouncing. Then you don't know how you can get in bound. You gotta get on the field. You're playing the game wrong. You're cheating with this man. We can't do that. I can't imagine without life without him. You have nothing without him. All right, here's the whole relationship is built on nothing. Here, let's let let me just lay out a couple of facts. Maybe you ain't thought about this, you're ready. Here's two things. He ain't your husband, and you ain't his wife. Oh man, hurt. That's it. That's that's the truth. Ain't your husband? Yeah, and you ain't his wife. Here's the other thing. He has a wife and you got two other men. That's crazy that he'd have walked in on you getting dressed, really crazy. Now you didn't find out he didn't cheat it with somebody else, and he'd been cheating with you the whole time. I just don't. Yeah, he got a key, Come on there, what he wants to I can't imagine my life without him. It ain't nothing with him, right, ain't nothing with him? You know what? I bet you I would get to imagine in my life without trying it. You know what he needs to do. But see here to hear the sad part about this dude, he gonna get busted. He's gonna lose his wife over you, and you already seeing two other men, this dude, and to throw his wife out the window over you, and you can't even get yourself a husband because you with this other woman's husband. Don this is a disaster. Why are we still talking about this letter? St I don't know. Surely asked me a question about this letter. Let me just get to I mean, you know, just of people. Just just's just so you know, women out there will understand it. She said in the letter, it wasn't really a surprise to her that he was cheating. H but she had her intuitions. Okay, listen to your intuition, right, didn't she listen? Yeah? But see, but they ain't intuitions. You don't even need intuition to know he cheating because he's been married with you for three years. He already cheating. That ain't intuition. That's an admission. It ran with intuition, but it's merely an admission. We'll be back with the rest of this. I don't even know what part two you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Can we be honest? You go ahead. I don't even say that. I have nothing to say that. I mean why you're not trying to do right. You can't imagine yourself without him in your life, so please help you trying to find a way to keep it okay, then just keep seeing the married man. That's all you gotta do. You help her with that. Now I'm helping her. Keep saying she don't want to help, She don't want to stop. She can't imagine her life without him, and she's not pressuring him to leave her husband, I mean his wife, because she's seeing two dudes on the side. Herself such a mess. She just doing what she want to do, and she liked doing it a lot. So now that you haven't, all it is, here's a deal. You're gonna pay for that. That's a cost to this. You're gonna pay for it. They hate to tell you this, but you're going to pay for that. Everybody does. When you do wrong, you gotta pay for it. It comes in one way or another. Man help me, God help, I don't know about to see what I get it right? No, Tommy, what do you what do you? Yeah, she's she's cheating, but ever then she's cheating in the wrong places for somebody to keep walking in. You gotta find cheat where you can let the door. Yes, both of y'all really stupid. You and j just see him say something stupid. You can't wait to agree with him. But that was even before I got here, before you even got down on the show over there, over there, I listen, I'm up. Tommy's absolutely right. I mean, don't you agree that if you're gonna cheat, you need to cheat in a place where nobody can walk in on you. And then none of this would really be out right now. We wouldn't need to be talking about it wouldn't even be a letter and issue the doll before you be. You's know what I'm saying, and these other men. That's her preparing herself to have something to fall back on. You have to be to fall back on something. Quit pause, let me check the door. Right. Do you know Jay the tummy recently just got married. I'm aware of that. That's a surprise. The fool. I didn't know to what level cheating me love to man, That's all I'm saying. Now. They don't, they do, they don't. Yeah, that's asinine what you just said right there. You guys heard about this beef between Gladys. Well not Gladys, she just got into it. But I read the Franklin and Dion Warwick Gladys something about this. Yes, yes, yes, we love Okay, Gladys has weighed in, uh between it's between Aretha Franklin and Dion Warwork. Like I said, it goes back to things that were said regarding Aretha not attending Whitney Houston's funeral five years ago. All right, Uh, this is so crazy. On a recent on the recent Daytime Emmy Awards, um, she said she knows both women. Well, this is Gladys Knight speaking now and seems to side, uh just a shade more with Dion Warwick. She told them, I know my sister Dion. It ain't nothing to her now, re meaning Aretha is a little bit different. It's just one of those things. Everybody got their little knickknacks going on. Dion's gonna tell it like it is, and re is gonna be sensitive and cause a whole lot of riff wraff. What happened was Dion said that um Aretha Franklin was Whitney's godmother basically, and Aretha for she for some reason, she took offense to that, saying, yeah, she was too busy to be anyone's god Yeah, don't call me god mother was too busy. Yeah, she was offended by that, and glad, it's just put it all in perspective. She sided a bit with Dion. Like I said, she says, Dion's gonna tell it like it is, and Reid's gonna be sensitive and cause the whole So, now here's what we've learned from this story, Folks. Old people shouldn't beef because old people don't beef. Good beef is about old stone. Who gives a damn? Who was whitney god mother? Yea, Dion said, you to god mother, really don't want to be to god mother because she's too busy. Too busy them is old ass beef. Good thing about old beefs ain't nobody's gonna get shot. Congratulations, you're listening. You're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Show. You know what's coming up. It's Monday, you know it is. Uh huh, it's time Steve for the Nephew's weekend confession. Because I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. That's all eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, call me. The booth is open. Yes, Ain't I love Jay? It's stupid what I love? Stupid and no love in it. That's the part I like. Al right, Well, as promised last night, if you saw Real Housewives of Atlanta, Uh, it was one for the record books as crazy. It was wild special edition Carla of Reality Update. Uh, let's go and we go get ready to get ready, to getting ready. It's special edition of Reality Update. Child. It's a crisis going on. We couldn't wait. All right, here here's the t y'all lives lass. You ain't got to lie cray al right, Pedro, she's just been lying to Portia. Oh my goodness. And both Porsche and Candy they broke down. Did you see it last night? It was the reunion Round four. Four episodes of the reunion of Real Housewives of Atlanta Portscha. She just actually confessed that it was Phedra who told her the lie, claiming that Candy and Todd wanted to drug Porsche, and you know, yes to her, did say she just lies for no reason. I mean, listen to this though j date rape allegations, Steve Candy. It was just so much last night. Take a listen to what Candy is saying to Phedro once she found out, take a lesson. I just can't believe she would do that, Like she and I had escalated over the years, But to say repeat and say I would drug somebody, it's just like multiple levels to that. It's like she as a person who knows me, knows that I don't do drugs and deal with any thing with any trucks. But then on top of that an attorney, why would you repeat to say somebody you know? Somebody? Do you know? People was under my comments to my hashtag Candy a k A. Briel Cosby, Wow wow wow, And Phaedra said nothing. No, she just sat there kind of all no she it was and you know how Candy is. She even talked about this on the reunion show about her brand and her reputation. Yeah, and for you to spread lines like that. She tried to deny it a little bit. Phaedra said that she heard it from the streets. Yeah, yeah, and she was kind of, you know, repeating what she heard. And then Portia was crying. It was really emotional from the streets. Yeah. Yeah. And then you're gonna repeat this, but you were crying. Wait a minute, I was crying last night too, why because chaos swell, that's reality up. They had tears of joy for thee. Meanwhile, Porscha she was crying and and hugging Phedro and just telling her that I would never say that about somebody if you didn't tell me that. And then no, she was crying and hugging. She was she was sitting right next to she was hugging Phedra because she couldn't believe that her friend would betray her, Like she said, she felt betrayed. Yea deep, yeah, that's it, Carla. She felt because she was sitting right next to her and it was like, you put me in this situation. And so she was just crying and then Phaedra was trying to comfort her, I guess. And but it was just Candy was upset Pedro and then they took a break. Steve, this is the part that got me. So they took a break from the taping and Porscha was upset. She's back there crying, telling her sister and what happened. And then Candy is talking to Todd, her husband, and the other ladies came back there with me while Phedre's getting on makeup to her hair all of that, and you know who broke down broke down too. She had nothing to do with broke down. She broke down to. It was. It was very emotional when they get rid of her. Do you think she's gonna stay on the show? And I don't know. There's so many rumors that uh Phaedro did not get her contract renewed for the next season, but there's rumors out there saying she is coming back. So you just ain't about to jump on nobody. She's got to come back though, after this, she's got to come back and try to you can't get rid of it was so deep yesterday and it really was you are wait, wait, what breaking news to do? You know, just walk on at me out, Well, you might as well y'all be the only married couple on that. No, I didn't say me or my wife. Oh no, just you know, no, just me. I'm just gonna do a walk on. You're gonna walk into Sandy walking somebody to keep you getting something to drinking, just walking. I'm gonna make a sandwich while they're they're talking, and if they talk to me, I'm gonna act like on him Steve and what I'm gonna eat the sandwich the whole season, the whole season. I'm gonna walking by just a scene after scene, I'm gonna walk by with this hell say so? Anyway to wrap that up? It was crazy. Portscha apologized to Candy. Portia apologize to Candy for spreading those that I mean, you know, and then Pedro She says that what can I do? I apologize, and um, the person that I'm most concerned about is Porscha. This is what Phaedra said, And I'm sorry that I heard Candy as well. But all I can do is apologize. I can't change what happened. And I think all of this drama kind of really started when Candy made a claim that Porsche had been unfaithful to Apollo. Do you remember that before Apolo went to prison, and I think Phaedra has been trying to get back at her, get back at her ever since then. That's what I think it's going on. I went to prison and found true love. I remember that. Yeah, I remember he found true love, found true love. So that's reality update on Real Housewives of Atlanta reunion for last night. He didn't find that was crazy, So coming up we can confessions. I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, the booth is open, baby. People confessed like they were confessing last night. Need to call confess? Get it off your chick. Who's gonna call me? Boom? You're listening to the ste Harvey Morning Show. It is time for the nephews favorite segment every Monday. It's called Weekend Confessions. Were you calling let us know what you did over the weekend and then you tell it to the nephew because what nephew? Because the nephew is not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. Open. You don't need your real name, none of that. Call me now. Eight seven seven nine Steve. All right, let's go to line three and talk to John out of Alabama. John, I do morning. What's going on? John? What's your man? What's your confession? I'm good and trying to finally get out to house. Man, I don't really go out to win. So my mom wasn't gonna go ahead and tell me to going out to the club. Man, So I decided to go ahead and fall on out there, and we get out there with them, I say, all of ben, Now, I guess I turned up. Never was hot in mag We get to bunt drink and this thing you know, see wave wave way more hot tunch than I am. Man. I didn't even know how to control that fits the way. And so every time I get to talk in the hard time to calm down all these things she's telling me is it's nothing really that I can do, see my mama. So that's the that's I said, stick tep and drinks. Man, I can't. I can't real at the cooler to mus that man got to see you. It's going weird about herself. Hold on, hold on, hold on, Joe, what was your mama doing at the club? How turned over? We were turning up? Man? Were burning drink, listening to the music. My friends came on and everything, man, But my spension was I had to leave my mama in the club. Had to leave my mama in the Mama forty three. So so you love Mama the club, somebody else had to come kill him. I had to leave Mom and the clube. Mama is strong, and I didn't want her to be mad at me. I owe her money, so I don't need her coming at me. Funny, so when she got a list to Little too above my level. You know, I don't get drunk for some reason. I don't know how to get drunk. I don't know how Mama got too drunk. It wasn't even late, man, It's about eleven thirty or two o'clock. Ain't an't even relation. And I had to leave Mom in the club. My mom sorry at one time, Mama made it home. Ohn't even though I had a call. Morma called me yesterday, I say, eight o'clock in the morning, but it was happening. It wasn't say. You know, she didn't have a bad attitude about us severn now, so I hope that she's not mad at my hot little to him and now all right, and I like that all you got drunk with your mama just a little bit, just took it away again. Yeah, well, you don't get drunk, but mama got drunk. And you don't like seeing your mama get drunk at the club. The club, but you can go to the club, which your mama is amazing because I can't do that. He left her there? How old are you? John? Didn't I tell you all his mama four to three? I alway is your mama? My mom is five? Tommy club nail the drug Junior. Yeah, real cluck. We'll take care of your mama. Y'all going out for Mother's Day to the club the mother date. You might not want to be cool with me after that, I know, so, I mean we can go out another time. But I don't know. I I don't know about cool. I don't know about the club. No, mo, Yeah, that's not really a club holiday Tommy Mother's You think you think your mama was acting bad at the club? What did he take to the strip club? She's about to show out? Oh my god, I think I'll make your rad Somebody said, are you are you back again? Thank you? John? All right, let's go to line too and talk to Christian out of Florida. Christian, good morning, good morning, how you doing good? Good? How you been? We're good, We're good man. What's your confession this morning? So, my girlfriend and I for three years, just moved down here from beautiful Oakland, California, over here in Florida to genuinely get our lives right. Well, my mom has been down here for like three months now, and I noticed she started acting weird and I was like, all right, And then next thing, you know, my mom's boyfriend stopped coming around to my girl was mysteriously going to the next thing, you know, I find out that my girl is talking to my mom's boyfriend on the lolo. And then um, my girl comes back and she's like, yeah, you know, I've just been working over time. And I knew in my head she was she was full of it. So, um, we're over at Okaloosa Island near Deaton on the high and where there's no where, where there's nothing like where she can get ahold a hold of anybody like a phone or anything like that. And I'm like, look, I know what you didn't and I know where you've been, and she's like, no, you don't. I'm like, yes, I do. And then she's try to get married hard to hit me, and then I pulled over and just left on the side of the island. Well come, we'll come to find out. I think moving down here to Florida was the best decision of my life because I fell in love with a beautiful black woman. And now I don't know if I could be any happier in my life. But my confession is I had to leave her on the island, and I don't know where she had. Know I'm hell happy now she probably still on the island, though nobody on the island. You know you can't get off the islands. Well, uncle Steve, you say, what island? Oakloosa Island on the way to destiny? Something you my boyfriend picked up that you did? Said you just opened the dope. No, he though he got what you want? Yeah, yeah, you want, He says he's in love with a beautiful black wirm hurting her. How does your mama though, Christian? What what's happening? How's your mother? Man? My mom's good. She's actually she's back in she's back in California. Now she ain't dealing with that stuff. No more. I'm down here about my lonely with my new girl. So I'm happier than ever. Man, let me ask you a question. What are you saying you're dating a beautiful black woman now because you are your girlfriend with white Oh no, I don't date white women. Don't even like white women. I'm Mexican, he cleared up women say that. I mean, who don't like white women? When they do that, I'm distested with him already my spirit, I'm he's all up in my spirit. Christian here here Jay's book. Say what they do white women? People who pay for you want? Christians said? He's Spanish man, he like you. Yeah, you got him a sister now, so good, Thank you, Christian, thank you. Let's go to seven and talk to Matt out of Virginia. Crazy you're listening morning show? Uh huh, I see your hand up the confessional weekend. Let me just tell you right now, team man, um, this rid ain't even about me. Just concerned about somebody though. Man, my great uncle just got married over the weekend. Yeah, he's sent me a picturing him and his wife asked me what I think? I ain't type it back, but I swear he married Jehosa fan, what straight out the Bible? Just hold just like jehosta fan, you know what is yours about? If I just said jumping je host effect. But I saw I'm talking about Jake looked like she carried the front left of the art. I'm not. I'm just telling the Bible says, tend to add whatever it is, that's what it is. Not attractive woman, No, not at all. Look just like him. Look just like him. Yeah, they both built the exact same one. That be you know, ankles falling out of shoes. You know. Yeah, he's happy. I mean, but if you're looking at you, I mean, we just want to say about it. If you love you, love you, you should love you. What are you gonna say to him? Ain't gonna say that's it. I'm not saying. I'm not even going over there. What's the confession? Yeah, he married Jump at your host I'm talking about. Look just like she carried the front part of the ark of the Covenant, the front left. Is that your brother? No, that's my wife. He was happy. We looked like just like each other, each other, just like I just didn't know what else to say. All right, thank you, we're coming back. With some topical stories. A lot of stuff going on in the news today that you guys need to know. Alright, the fight the Saturday night not a fight, Julio saysar Chevez Junior, Chevez Junior and Canelo Alvarez that Saturday night. Right, I didn't see it, but you guys saw it was a straight good behind. He did not uphold a family name and at all know he really man, it was very, very, very disappointing fight because there were lots of times where he had a chance to at least just throw a punch, not hit the man. Just swing at it. That's all I was looking for. If you just swing. But if you're spinning a round and you throw twenty one punches in a three minute round, you're not trying to hit nobody, but you're you're running. Actually you're running. No, No, you're throwing those as you run in the audience, yelling And even though he was speaking in a language I don't understand, you knew what he was saying, fight fool. You didn't have to know to know what he was saying to his son. Wow, No, it was one sided. It was twelve rounds of one sadness. Yeah, man, I mean, and nobody was in danger getting knocked out, you know, but I mean, but he took some punishment, but he didn't try to issue. No, he didn't hit this boy. He didn't hit this boy. Canelo looked like he hadn't even been in the fight. What did you think he was trying to tell him? When he was standing up in the corner between round he wouldn't even take a seat. Yeah, I have the between rounds he was standing up. The whole world me. Both of them started like that had to sit out, all right, I need to sit out. She was, I sho, can you stop both of them? It's only one man in there. No, it's gotta be two guys, and then beating me up, and the referee was telling Chavs corner, Hey man, I'm gonna tell y'all something. I need to see something because right now here just out here taking a whipper. Yeah. Why. It was a huge disappointment. He wasn't saying anything in the corner, and every time they got in the corner to fight, his trainer was saying, season got to throw some punches, you gotta let you and you got to fight. You got to fight. You got to throw some punches. You have to fight every round. He was saying the same thing. He get his ass right up there, getting that cross position and just hold on. Jesus, he used to be good at one time. I've never seen a lot of fights of his. I'm thinking in the ringing his record is outstanding. He just say fault, no damn body. So he got scared of I don't know who was training him though he was taller in Canelo. But why would you been down and put your head right in front of bro? Why would you do that at all? And then we're gonna stay in the fight center of the ring and we're gonna outbox Canal. What weight class was this? Middle really? Yeah? So Canelo Albarez was the winner though unanimous, but he didn't he didn't. He didn't win around. Yeah, he didn't score. He threw three times. He threw six hundred some punches. Canello the whole fight. All right, coming up next, We'll have just one more thing, just one more thing right after huh last bread? Ye all right, keep on smarty pans. Wow, what a day. Huh yeah, last break. We're gonna do the top show. Baby, what I know, I'm sleeping step in to the show. That's really great, step so much. You know, I'm a little nervous, you know, you know when you're working around you know, you know people that ain't you know that I can barely hear you, you know, you know how you work around people ain't been on TV. But yeah, yeah, okay, you're afraid we might embarrass you. Yeah, you don't be honest with you at home trying. Let's bringing your family. You know there's that one FAMILYE is that why five years we as a group have not been on your show. It's been five years and we Okay, I get it. Hey, listen, Can I say thank you to Virginia University of Lynchburg das v u L Go Dragons. I want to say that. I want to say thank you to the president, the beautiful doctor Cathy Franklin, and all of uh the faculty of the staff there. They were so beautiful when they gave me the doctorate degree, the honorate doctorate degree, honorary doctorate degree. I just want to say thank you, guys. What a wonderful, wonderful school. Thank you, thank you, thank you Doctor Strawberry. Yeah. So I'm gonna be working a lot with them in the future, probably set up some scholarship funds things like that, because it's a great school. It's a great school, one of our historically black HBCU. Thank you guys. I love you, guys. Go Dragons. That's my school. Now, that's my I don't know when if you're gonna call me, I mean, you know what happening. Well, look, well let's let's let's let's put it out there. Who famous has come from? P V Farrell looking around? Yeah? What you call Carla farre Terry Ella's from in Vogue? Okay, yeah, you're contemporary girl. What's that girl on the reel? And Lonnie Love Love Lonnie? Yes, yeah, we were there together. Okay, so there you go. Steve Harvey. So what you're saying, Stevio? Somebody? Dr Farrell I went to I went to Denmark, text Colinbia, South Carolina and South Carolina, Denmark. I know I am most by far, by far influential, famous, first to ever graduate from technical college with a tailoring degree. Yes what? Yes? What? And you can't make pocket? Can't make pocket don't? Sounds like the gospel plate Mama can't make Mama ain't made cats. But I can't make fucking that's funny. Have been a whole life. What was the problem with the pockets? Man, come in pockets and to play with Trust me, they look easy because you got him in there. And look at your pants at the inside. They know Joe, Wow, that is zippers. You just flame elastic? Was my friend? Are you getting no? No? Jay walk up in the club with everything in his hand, tees, wh medicine, Nope, he got into Oh yeah, yeah boy, you're gonna throught, gonna have I ain't got nothing. You really invented draw string? I'm the Yeah. Yeah, you know think norms too. For the hospitality they gave you yesterday, Me and my sister, she was so happy, very nice. And you know what, we need to thank our home station right here in Chicago, V one oh three, thank you, Thank you did it. Yeah, the whole crew, thank you. If we get down there early, we can go on to Steve dressing. He got in. Now I'm just taking you. You ain't really got to get dressed. You get there because he got unbelievable dude, what your ties is too low for you? For real? That's why I always cuddle. Yeah, last time I was in took some loose change. He was just sitting there. Guys. He has this like meditation room to go in there and get it yess and chill and everything. So we got to check that out room. You'll have a great week. For all Steve Harvey contests, No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.