Live From the Cayman Islands Day Three 02.10.17

Published Feb 14, 2017, 5:45 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all have a song looking back to back down, giving them more like American Bucks things, And it's tough to be true. Good to be the hot guy listening to me toach other for stolen Moby, I don't joy Yeah yeah by joining me. Honey, Saul, you got to use turning, Yeah you go do you? You gotta turn to turn out, turn to you love. You got to turn out to turn water. Want to go comy, Come on your thackad uh huh. I a good morning about it? Y'are listening to the voice. Come on, digon na what it only? Steve Harley got a radio show to date. Let me share something with you. I've had to learn this one over and over and over and over and probably still have to teach it to myself too. This is a hard one to get, but it's one of the principles of success. It's called patience. Patience. Now, I can't tell you how many times I've gotten myself into a jam or a situation because I got impatient, because I wanted something to happen now. So I made a move on my own. I tried to push something I wanted results of it now, and you know, I kind of think that's human nature. I think all of us are guilty of that from time to time. But I was guilty of it a lot. You know. I just wanted what I wanted right now, and I did some things to try to push it forward. Here's here's here's the thing that I had to learn about patients. First of all, success is not an overnight process. It's a long, daunting task. And when I and I'm not saying it to sound discouraging to anyone, but I'm saying it so you can prepare yourself. If you have any aspirations are becoming successful, get ready for the dog fight of your life. Get ready for one of the hardest things you'll ever attempt to do, and that's become successful. Now that those requirements are becoming successful, it's what stops most people once they strike out on the road to success, and they see how difficult it is, how many pitfalls, setbacks, hardships, how high the mountaineers to climb, how deep them valleys get sometimes, man, how strong the current is in the rivers you have to cross, how really icy cold it can get out there sometimes, and man, Lord, have mercy, how incredibly hot it is out there. Sometimes it's it's all of it. Becoming successful is all of the things you could imagine that can happen. It's going to probably happen. Now, it's how you handle it and how you view it determines whether you get through it. How you handle it and how you view it determines how you get through it because it's going to happen. And so what you've got to learn in this process of success, it's patience. That is going to be some days when you're trying to get it right, when you're trying to get it together, that it's gonna be some setbacks, that it's gonna be some difficult days and difficult times ahead, that it's going to be some moments, man, when you just feel like you don't have enough to go on. You can, you will, and you have to. But you got to be patient. See, so many people give up right before the turn can even happen for you. You've you've heard old people say, You've heard the saying that it's always darkest before the dawn, which would simply means, you know, I mean, this is about as pitch black as it gets around three thirty, four thirty in the morning. Five. It's pitch black because it's it's it's, it's, it's I don't know. It's just feel that way, don't it. You know, it's it's darkest before the dawn. Every accomplishment that I've had in my life, every jump in statue, every award, every increment, every dollar climb, every raise, every elevation in my career, all my life, almost all of them came on the heels of a setback. Almost all of them came off of off of a situation that I was working through, that that that was about to bring me down, that I didn't see an answer to. Almost all of my successes, awards, rewards, however you want to look at it came on the heels of something that could have been devastating or something perilous for me. I don't know about you, but that's how it's happened for me. I mean, right when it looked hopeless, when I didn't see a way, here came the blessing. I mean, man, I cannot even tell you. Something tragic was happening in my life when the book came out, Something traffical, trapped or tragic was happening in my life when family Field came along. Something had gone incredibly wrong when I started to syndicate a radio show in two thousand five. I'm telling you, man I and I I don't know why it is that way, but that old saying it's always dark as before the dawn is so true. When I lost something, and I lost what I thought was everything I had, here comes the blessing that caused me to have everything I got. I can't explain it. I don't know why it is, but it's simply to me it's a test of my faith. You know, pe people. Pablo got a song out on this album that he came out with back in two thousands, something called Diary of a Center. I'm not a big hip hop fan, so I ain't trying to flex that information. It's just happens to be my favorite hip hop album I've ever heard. I don't know the name of the song, but one of the lyrics is um he says, uh uh uh. He was talking about being down half a tank of gas, two cigarettes, scraping up change in an ash tray. But I realized it was only a test of my faith and right when he was about to give up something, jumped off for it. But I see, I've been in that situation where I've been down to a half a tank of gas and I was scraping up changing an ass track. I think a lot of people can relate to that. But off the heels of almost all of my mishaps and demises came a success story. Because it is a test of your faith. It is do you really want what you say you want? Are you really determined as you think you are? Are you really gonna trust in me like you say you trust in me? Are you going to wait like you say you're gonna wait? Are you gonna lose your patience and go take matters into your own hands? Because I can't tell you the mistakes I've made like that, I've taken matters into my own hands and had some just messed up everything, just rushing because I wanted now, so I, you know, sign a deal here that ain't really that good a deal, but I'm signing it because I need to make this now. I need to try to push this to happen, and and then and then when the big deal was around the corner, I couldn't cause I was into this little deal had I just waited, man, had I just waited and not not lost patience. What God had for me was just around the corner. And that's what happened to a lot of us. We we lose, we lose sight of what we you know, there's you ever heard, just heard people say, Look, if you're gonna if you're gonna pray about it, don't worry about it. If you're gonna worry about it, then don't pray about it. And that's I was just in that cycle. I pray about it, then wear myself to death. Then where myself didn't pray about it, and I just got all out of scene. But what I learned was that on the road to success, you got to be prepared for it to take a minute, and don't give up, because right when something terrible is going down in your life, there's a bright side somewhere, there is a turning point for you. All it is is a test of your faith. I had two women on my show the other day. We're just sitting on stage just crying, man, because they had been blindsided. Their husbands came in and just said I'm leaving, I want a divorce, and they didn't see it coming, and this one lady was saying, well, who am I if I'm not his wife? Who am I? She had a twenty one year old son, Who am I if I'm not his wife? Well, you know what. The long story. I had some experts here to give him some help and what to do. This guy wrote his wife a five and fifty dollar check and just said here, here it is. I'm not giving you nothing else, and he walked out. I said, oh my goodness, man, this one was devastated, but that there's an opportunity here. There's an opportunity in losing what you think is losing your husband and your primary breadwinner. Is a discuss A is a chance to discover, well who am I? You know, if you've been lost in this world talking about who am I? If I'm not his wife? Well, here's a gonna be a great time for you discover who you really are. And then he could also be a great time for you to discover a man that really does love you and standing by you. Be. All of my successes have come off for heels of great demise. Think about it, y'all. Stay patient, God is all We's coming. You're listening. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Eighteen minutes after that, our surprised we stayed. Yeah, we're still here, lovely day. She couldn't leave when the came in ours We're at the Lovely comfortence sweet, that's a bonus. I did that because Steve Jobs. I like Steve. Yeah, Apple, I said Steve Jobs because I'm trying to come up well. Anyway, we are here broadcasting live from Comfort Sweets on seven Mile Beach in Grand Cayman Island. So blessed to be here because it is beautiful, especially if you came from a cold climate like Steve chic not a cloud in the scale, it's perfect weather. I'm not mad at all. You know what I think they should do with Chicago. It's a beautiful city, got great people, restaurant. I think they should close in the winter, the whole city. I used to feel that way when I was little. I mean shut it down, shut it down for the winter. That everybody come back in the spring or summer. But shut it down with pate. Yes, go someplace warm like islands. Talk to the President because if anybody is saying other than me, he'll say it. When when doesn't start to warm up in Chicago, Jill not now. They don't do spring. They do winter and summer, summer three and a half weeks or summer, then on back two weeks a fall. And it's only crazy. Really, it's amazing how people still live there. And yeah, grew up there, did no I to grew up there. That's why I don't live there anymore. I love Chicago. It's a great, great city. It's not the city we grew up in. Of course, it's quite different now. I mean, you know, with all the stuff that's going on. But yeah, the winters were unbelievable. I mean, you know, we lived for summer in Chicago. You live for summer. You just live for it. Now, you missed the Blackstone Range and the Disciples. I missed him. You missed him. At least you can live, Yeah, but you could come back tomorrow. It's well, you know, seasons are temporary. But they didn't get the memo, not at all. And that lake effect from Lake Michigan. The Hawk bad baby. That's how you know. I'm on the island. I'm smoking a cigar and in order to drink. It's six o'clock in the morning. What is that a margarita? I don't I don't know. It looks like a mar Oh I had one of these in my life. Shares ever had one of these in my life? We have my must. The only time I have vodka's when I'm eaking caveall ice cold vodka and caviall. Is that a good comm that's what you posted. Drink You're gonna switch, tom You're not. You're not a Timmy drink Hennessy, but everything I don't drinking, y'all keep saying. And I've been left him. Man, oh, you left it away from it, stealing your sisters. He left it in the room. It's still in your system. Time. I can not do that because you have drunk as Yeah, like what earlier this week when Tuesday was that about? That wasn't That wasn't what that was. I'll tell you all later, but that was Tommy. We're gonna five mile run. He stirs up the old Hennessy that's still in this drug and he runs every day, doesn't come back highs hell, ain't drink nothing. I ain't seen him drink. He ain't nine. He gave it up, but he got enough in his system drunk moment he got Hennessey that's in the line and his kidney and and if he run an exercise it drifts off into the blue. He needs to drink some water to get that out. Man, go on a cleanse or something. It's go. It's pinot Gris yet. Oh yeah, that's what you drink now and can well you are? That was the latest thing? Is you didn't change just staying to just stay on me. Yeah, it's getting hot now it is. I see, it's out of sink. They both come at the same time. Didn't they knock each other down? Didn't they go away? Oh yeah, its Chris Barrow to fix it some the fixing when you're clothes sticking to you at six summer in the morning. It's yeah, it's hot. Yeah. But it's a big weekend this weekend, Valentine's State weekends. Yes, well it's yeah, yeah, the Grammys. Yeah. Hey, we're working tonight, me and Junior baby Bill, North Carolina Tonight show. Yeah, something I supposed to be doing. I know, that's right. And tomorrow's tupil Lit Mississippi. Right, but we're jumping off our Southern fried comedy tool jumps off tonight and North Carolina. Who's on it? It's myself it's Junior and all our boys from Houston, and of course Eugene will show up from time to time, so you don't you don't name the dude from Houston. We just say I bought us from the carib I don't nobody know. Yeah, well I bought us from the Cariboo. Is you got a good tour going? Who is it? Who the guy? You got? Marcus Wilder? Marcus wild is actually on. You're onaring the Adam Show? Funny, It's all get out. You got a Lisa dick Eli just got to finishing his second uh one man show on Comedy Central. Off the Chain. Billy's a real you can catch Billy's a real on. I'll never be on there. What's the show on MTV? Wild? Who want to talk about your mama? There's your mama? No no, no, I going wild up. I'm going on that to fight. But it's fun. Shout out to Nick Cannon. I just walked out there and just clocking Nick, And you know what on that show? Nothing is everything? Everything? I saw Amber Rose on that one. Yeah, put in work. Yeah, I can't do it. I ain't good. Yeah, I don't see you doing that show. STI because you would get mad, kill everybody. But you're on the team. So you're on the black team and the platinum team. He beat in us, his whole team, and the opposed say something from it. It wouldn't go well, it wouldn't Friday baby, all right. When we come back from the break at thirty four after the hour, Steve something funny, I ain't gonna do good on a while enough because I do that old crap like what your mama did did It's an elevator she did. All right, Get ready for a little known Black History Month facts coming up we go. Boy, you're listening Steve hard Morning, Good morning, everybody coming up next, study something funny, man. This was one ignorant moment we had and you got this phone. This is just one ignorant moment. We're gonna play this for your thirty something funny. You know, we had so many calls posting social media from our caller Otis. Remember when Otis calls, Yes, Kansas City, Yes, oh man, this is your favorite Steve, take a listen to that. Yeah, let's go to the phone. Shirley, who you got all right, let's go to line line to uh, Steve, you donna love this name. I'm just gonna tell you you're gonna love it. Line to otis out of Missouri. Otis Steve. What's going on? Man? What's up? Otis? Man? Yeah, my name is Otis Hooker Baby, I was just hooker, oldist hook But he said all that. Hey, frankball man, I want to say, hey, congratulation everybody coming back to Kansas City. Man, you know, because we because we need y'all, man, We need y'all here. Some some souls have been broken, some some some down people may need to be back up. Steve, you do that, you and the crew man, and then that's what we're here. We know what y'all was only with the folk absolutely man. Yeah, man, that's what we're here. Fault you don't have to go there. Yeah, but thank you Otis. I mean for a wee argo you don't because I'm one of them, you know, I look forward here, my man, Steve, you do get serious and kill people how you feel? So you know if the pressing moss are making man so guess but that don't feel you know? Yeah? Yeah, hell yeah that high gonna be hey, holding you know how I know that how I'm gonna be go to how we know while you've been going. Now that shut the door. Shut the door for you, let all out. That mean you gotta be black? You only hill you're black people. Holiday car they left there. But that's up this boy. You just like your daddy going literally, damn thing. You ain't gonna do a damn thing. All you better do a look, you just better look. Don't come don't come over here. You just better look. It's ZERI to show me stick. I wish you would. I wish you would smack all in next week Friday down in Friday. Now you met Robbie with rob killers. I kill olders. I'll kill him? Or did I be they ever been be talking about? You? Don't talk about it. That's what I'm talking about because that I keep it real. Keep'm That's what I do. I don't go, I do, I ain't know. I'm a I'm a loose monkey, loose market with a midget with a camera. Whats been to happen? Older? I got a hot o a mick I put on you. I ask him who he's picking for the game? Who you older? Or who you who? When you got vibra page? Hey, hey man, oh man, I don't say about this sall Shelly, Shelly, why do you? Why do you start to show you sell you? What are your dad? That's what I'm talking about. Should it always done? You always stared stupid. She'll appreciate your calling on it. But we are made our day. You're listening Steve Hardy Morning Show. I'll t we're back, get ready to coming up at the top of the hour. We're going to the phones. But let's run that prank back time with what you got dreaming of your wife. People liked it, but you know that's dreaming of your wife. You know he scares me sometimes. You you know you ain't never dream of nobody hood even in Graham came in Island. He scares me. You ain't dream about nobody who just mine? You're not you ain't you ain't. You're not gonna do that. You're gonna do something else. Mr funny boy. Okay, hold on, hold on. You ain't dreamed of Morgan Freeman man, And if you have, I'm mad at you him. Have I dreamed he was chasing me with a sickle and a hoody. Morgan Freeman is a little black Morgan Freeman alone. But now tell me to answer your question. I never have dreamed of Morgan Freeman. That's it. You take your head down. I'm through with Morgan because when I met him, I would have introduced myself. Mr Freeman was years ago, though, Ms Freeman, how you doing? I'm Steve hug H. What do you say? Name was? I said Steven? He said, what do you do? Steve? This is a man, a movie star, a major movie sir, a Academy Award winning movie star. Okay, okay, I knew you cause he flipped the car over in this city. God, I didn't believe that either. He's an actor. All right, let's get Torank. Hello. Hello, I'm kind of reach uh Winston. He wants how you're doing? Man? This is Kevin Man. I actually, uh, I work with your wife Ritteny. We we we we met a couple of times. Man at uh at the job. I think you might have been taking a lunch of somebody I work like on on the floor above her. Hey, what's up dude? Are you doing today? Man? I'm doing good? Man? All right? What's up? Yeah? Yeah? I wanted to reach out to you, man, and I had something personal. I wanted to h let you about, you know, personal. Yeah, what personal, Like, what, dude, well, who is who is this? My name is Kevin? Uh Like I said, Uh, I work I work on on the seventh floor. Your wife is on the sixth. But you know we met a couple of times, right, Yeah, I know you said that. I'm trying to picture your faith. What's up? Though, don't mean what's up? Okay? You're uh how how is you and Renee's relationship going? Man? What hows y'all's relationship going? What they got to do? What you do? I mean, I mean y'all, y'all. I mean, I'm just y'all been getting along and they need me, Me and Renee? Fine, but what they got? Hold on? Hold on on? You said you want to talk to me about some person. You got some person a boy, my wife? Well the person I'm like, what what I wanted to tell you, man, is that for some reason, man, I've been having uh off and on man, every other day, I've been having these dreams at night, see dreamed, Like what do well? Every one of these dreams man? Renee being them? Really? So? So you you work with my wife, right, and you're calling my phone telling me you haven't dreamed about my wife, but just you know, why do you dream about my wife? Well, it's you know what? You don't work right now? No, I'm not a word right now, but not not no, no, but nothing. Let me tell you something. Don't be calling me telling you said I have a dream about my wife. What's going on with you? My wife? What's your name? Kevin? I'll tell you what. I'm on my way up there right to hell now. No, I'm not at the job. I'm not what you what. Let's let's they get up to try to watch you. W let's our face to faith you. You tell my number? Let you give me my number? Answer the question? No, I asked what I asked one of the guys at the job for your number, man, because you know, I wanted to be man and man and just talk to you. You know, so ye'all sitting there, I have a conversation about my wife on the job. Okay, you know what this is? Uh? The show number my Paul liked. Right now, I'm gonna let me call you right back. Let me go on hold because nothing to hold on. You called him? Come out? You have to treat them about my life. Well, man, I'm just I'm just trying to be real. With you. That's why I wanted to see. Yeah, and I appreciate that. I'm gonna be real with you too. I'm gonna come, but I wanted to want to see how your relationship is going. Man. Man, if you go say what you gotta say, doud okay, because see the dog. If these dreams keep it happening, it must be faith, man, it must be to me and hug meant for each other. Down. I don't know, I don't know what you smoke. I don't know who the hell you are, but I promise you this. When I get off my job today, I'm coming to whoop yours. And if I found out that you know what have they're calling my heart and hanging up. You ain't got better met fact table don't even work? Okay, okay, well okay look look look let me man, man, why is she and all my dreams? Man? Why is she that? Don't know? Why hen you treat about? Why fun? Because you should have looked at that for my wife? What canda do? Is you? Man? He's doing time yesterday looking at me wife? Every day? What kind of work you do? Huh? You you're gonna flow? Is that why she can't beat me for lunch. No, no, no, I'm in the accounting department. Man, No, I don't know were you for be in the book department? That it's about five more minutes. Man, don't you understand that it's got to be fake if she keeps showing up? You know? And then you know what? L on? What? What is your last name? Dude? I got your number. You said you work on the seventh floor or the second flow before you work on I work on the seven flour. That ain't what's your You ain't got something to do? It's on last name? My last name? Well, why is she showing up in my dream? Why is she kissing me? And my reasons? Man, I don't let me tell you something. I don't know what the hell kind of dreams your has happened? But when I beat you up, you gonna swear God you go with your mother to the king dreams. You understand me? When I get to your job tomorrow morning, I don't give it. Who do you call? Let's believe it Wouna be outside waiting for you making love to me. Man, in these dreams, it's just passionate man. Renee love me and I love man. Let's I'm calling my wife's name, calling my wife's name? What? What what you want me to call you? Do you know me? Do you say you know me? Right? So you know why I am right a couple of times? Man? If you know what I'm calling Renee? When I get out there, call with you? Tell you my number. I don't get you my number. Dog you you stop violent. I don't even want to tell you to do they gave me to do? You man to kill me? That you love a dream? Sleep to kissing my wife till they gave you another wife? Why is your wife kissing me back? Kissing me? Dream about my wife? And I'm for the car? She would I get up with you? We need that you can't you have anything else you want to say? Then? Case so? So? So what I'm supposed to do when I'm sleep and she show up? I'm supposed to your way up. I don't give what you're doing yourself all I can. I'm gonna call you a three way what Renee? I want you to tell me what all the phone? Hey, man, I don't even want to go through that. I thought we could call and talk reasonable life like me and though if we don't talk about there what will could come see me? Place the face right now? You're coming on the phone. Come see me right now, Come and see me right the hell now where you met? I come see you. You ain't got away show gad come see you don't want to do it? Man, I'm gonna take some sleeping for your so I can get back to my dream. You couldn't take this floka is what you're about to take? That I got, I got everything I need to know. I will be on the Severn floor to my way for you. I got a special delivery for your You understand me? Now? What what? What? What? Let me call her first? By hey, I call reneeuse me? Don't you call me? How to hear? You get a numb either way? How do you get my wife's number? And let me? Renee called me? Man? She tells you could Oh, oh, my wife's called you, so you will tell you know? Okay, okay, Let me say this though to you. Let me say this to you. Wants to your wife called me and she wanted me to call you. Oh so my oh, my wife told you would call me right? Come right? But but but listen to me. Whis what my wife don't call? No? She she wanted me to call you. I'm nephew timming from the Steve Harvey Morning and Show. Y'all wrong for that, y'all roll for that doll? You know now you're wrong for that. Dog? You tell you something to go to whoever came. I'm out of there. Dog you call? Oh man, you over there, dude, you you oh man, Hey man, I got one more thing that what's the baddest that, I mean, the baddest radio show in the land. You already know what the business is, man, Steve Hardy Morning to Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Showing. Well, this is for the ladies. You know. Valentine's Day is around the corner, and we're gonna tell you some clues where you can tell if he's totally hooked on you. Okay, don't worry about that, Just tell me if I'm right true true true false true true true false. All Right, here we go, Steve. You guys will come right out and say that they've fallen hard. But these gestures are some dead giveaways. All right, he becomes very helpful. Yeah, were okay, Okay, so far so good? Right? Yeah, you know how you guys love to feel needed. You crave that feeling. So when they're when you're hooked, you will invent ways to be of assistance, like mowing your lawn or like changing the oil in your car. And it's more practical than romantic. We know that. But his heart is in the right place right see. Yeah, Okay, you're happy just to hang. A guy is happy just to hang. When a guy is fully invested in being around you, he's content to chill, just absolutely doing nothing. Um touch. So it's a good sign when you start seeing him more often, even if your time together is less planned out. You're just hanging out. You're just you know, you don't have to She didn't here for two hours and not touch. It just says when a guy is fully invested all around you, we'll do something. I watched it, you know what I do Sometimes when they get him go to the restroom. I hit the fast forward on the movie come back forward. Yeah, but didn't put it on. Paula. We're fun to get to the end because you have plans. All right, Well, the whole baby is this I don't know, baby, this movie ain't good. This movie things remind him of you. If he's emailing you funny websites he's found or says he saw something in the story you'd like. It proves you're on his brain full time and becoming part of his inner world at that point. You know, I was watching these two gorillas down there, and I just thought about us. Man. Yeah, that's from from just a big pot belly. He gives you angry at Okay, here's another one. He gives you a sweet nickname. Men only use tender terminology like pet names once they're comfortable being vulnerable around you. Yeah, my man, My my daddy one time took us to the zoo and his description of the ranger than that looks just like that's my father. Look at that damn rang of thing. Just like all the animals at the zoo reminded my daddy a relative. They're gonna need them, just a rhino. They're gonna need to look at it. Well, just look slew footage and look like a hard ship. Look at that. I went through the whole zoo of my daddy talking about people go your mama, pastor what hya look at him? And all they ask for me? I damn, what what about the pet names? Is that a true one too? Steve pet name, Yeah, you got your little pet names. Oh yeah, it's gotta be pet names. Can't be nothing sexual like ca' you know, like can't calling it short looking like all that? What can be the nickname? But it can't be you know, like all that, All that can't be your nickname. Now that's sure for all that ain't. Oh it's going to look at all that right there. You know what I'm gonna call You're gonna call you all that? See right there? Ain't good. No, it's a sweet nickname that he'll give you. That's but you know, if your nickname is food related, that's saying a lot about you too, like pumpkin pie, cookie, pound cake, you know, poundcake, roast, you had to go there, roast, sexy or cute? Ain't shoulder cut your girl brought out? All right, I a good nickname. You know, if they got a nickname, they're kind of being cute with you. That's cool. Okay, So you agree, you've you've agreed with all of these. Actually, oh things remind him of you. He gives you a sweet nickname, he's happy just to hang out with you, but he becomes really helpful. M hmm. If you see a man spin on another dude about you, Oh, I'll tell you right off, Betty when he's spining on another dude, even if it's his homeboy. Yeah, if you get defensive bout it or checker dude, he man, no dog all that around my girl ain't what we do. I like it. I like it. Yeah, guys, if he slits your tie, that's a show sign. That's not a that didn't make the list. It's been a sign though. Yeah, well it's cons you know. Some of the list can come from magazines like black Tail. That's all. It's like like you turned the corner heat right there where you being sign? Yeah, that's either shot at your ex that's come back around him. Yeah, that's h black You gotta pick the kids up and he already got him. That's that's a sack that he really care about you or you him in the argument with your kids, and then you hear the kids go, you ain't my daddy, and you're here. I might not be your daddy, but where the hell he has? That's a sign. Sah, he's there, kep the keeper kid you and correcting threatening your his your ex? Do your children? You know when I see your punking as daddy. Yeah, come come in your daddy got one more time. Next time you go over there on visitation, you tell him, yeah, right there, he's a keeper. Yeah, you're listening, Steve. I taught more calls on how did you know your mate wasn't one? Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, we got a lot of calls and posts on social media and the question of the day, y'alls, how did you know your mate wasn't one? M? Or what made you think they found out? They would? All right, let's go to the phone. We're doing this in honor of Valentine's Day next Tuesday. How did you know your mate was the one? Or? Or I love the R got her? And then all right, let's go to line one. Stephen talk to James from Texas. Hey, James, Yes, sir, how are you doing? Man? Hey, samily, how y'all doing? We're doing good? Hey man? When you met your girl? Man, how did you know she was the one? Well? See, I was at the club and I saw my wife far at the table. You know, I was the type of person who used to get it at that time. So when we met, I gave her my phone number. She didn't call me for a whole two months. Wow, And I was like, man, Then when I saw I had an attitude, YEA had attitude, you didn't call me? I went off, she laughing at me. So so when we did get together, she when't got my name tattooed on her chest. I didn't. I didn't see if I didn't get it, I didn't get it for all we knew each other for a whole year. And Steve, Yeah, when she put the name on a chest though, she put I guess it was. I guess you know. Sometimes sometimes you know, God knows what you need. We don't sometimes all the time. Yeah, yeah, all the time him. Y'all dated for a year. Yeah, she tattooed your name on her chest. Yeah, James across the front, James, when you, when you, when you, when you, when you live in, when you live in the way you're living. You don't know the things like that. Now that you know, you know, it gives a different perspective. When we've been married now going on seventeen years. Yeah, yas I manage you something, do you have her name tattooed on your chest? No, sir, No, So if it wouldn't have worked out, she'd had to go put King James on there to make it just walking around with James. Had to put King James. What's your wife's name, Jane, Huh, what's your wife's name? Her name is Debora de Yeah, that's a nice name. Yeah yeah, get that put on your chest, Jane. Okay, I will, I will. I hope you don't go to jail there with deb It sounds like he's still in love too. I like that. M Yeah, all right, James, thank you, Like some of us who getting married and be confused about the rules of marriage. Yes, yes, if you throw a rock, all right, let's go to line too and talk to Arlene from Illinois. Early. Can't get that tattooed on Crew, I love you, Shirley Strawberry, dirty Strawberry letters off the chain. Yes, okay. So the first I want to say, Steve to heck with on the Super Bowl talk. I was thoroughly disappointed in the pistol quality at the commercial. That's all I'm saying about that. I don't want to get you started to just to get that out exactly. Okay, So I want you guys to do this forever. I love my men, and I love my man's dirty draws love to death. He bring it so he bring it doughty. And you know what tim me, I do every two weeks and you know when he's such a great man, he go with me. Look at that he poked the beads in an alkalandrina and batty snacks. I'm there. Ain't that sleep all right? And he bring it to don't it right? I'm nothing to have a dot to draw conversation, but I'm not going to into time like what is laugh? He braying it don't seven forty. That's what happened. You need a grown man loving sometimes you need to happen. You need to happen to you from a grown man on the don't experience. All right, more calls? How did you know your mate was the one? Or how did you know? Uh, your mate wasn't the one? You're listening to? All right, Steve Junior, Tommy, we know you have some stories about your past relationships. Uh please tell us that to this craziest stories ever I got him for you. Hey here, I want to hear yours all us your comedian and one night at the comic he was a young everything. Yeah, still young, but it was two thousand for I just came off stage and this girl told me to come in. She said, you're really funny. You've got a lot of potential, you know. And we started dating. But about three months in I didn't moved in with that's all. It took about three months while homeless at the time. You know, I was not homes home. I couldn't stay at my mama house no more so, so I said, okay, cool, I said, well, look, I don't make a lot of money. I said, I probably I can help out around here with like the light bill, water bill. That's all I had. So we had been dating and money had been coming up short and everything, and I didn't have any money. So the lights had got cut off. That was my responsibility, and she had been paying it. So fast forward, I found out exactly how long a woman will believe in your dream. Eighteen months, that's all she had. I was on the couch, sleep in the dog because the lights were known. She just came in and said, get up, get up, and get out, and she had already packed my stuff. I didn't even know she was in the dog getting close together. She's filled around in the throng, got air sing, put my stuff on the porch with me and called my mama, told her come get your son. He I thought that was the one, But that's it. Eighteen months. If you ain't got I don't care what it is you do. If you're a plumber, if you ain't fixing pipes in eighteen months, they is through. I don't care what your dream is if you if you're a truck driver, you ain't on the road of eighteen months? That dream, isn't it? They don't do it no more months? Tommy man, My worst one is I had a girl. You got mad at me because I accidentally slept with her mama. Accident. But it was an accident, and you are to be able to forgive me for an accident. Now, once you tell me that you're gonna leave the dough crack and you're the second dough on the right, but the way you was looking at it, you was really the second though on the left. So if I go in the second dough on the right and I'm in there with your mama, the lights was all see all this is an accident. But when you ome up the door and see me with your mama, that don't mean we got the break off what we got. You just got to accept the fact that you gave me the wrong direction. How bad you gave me the wrong direction. This is an accident. I accidentally slept with your MoMA. Happened, so you didn't smell a liniment. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, And if you're still listening, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. But the fact that you broke up with me, I continued to your Oh god, you ain't been through nothing like y'all. When we come back after the breaking for that, after that hour time, I got a break phone call you even morning. Alright, we're back coming up at the top of the hour with y'all. Y'all here, you're looking up, you know, y'all get down here, and y'all don't participate no much, Steve. They got scuba diving going on over there in the pool. And yeah, I like the bartender. I know you do. Yeah, yeah, Junior like the bartender. Yeah, she married him. Yeah, I know why the bar has opened this earlier. Yeah, thank you you well hello, Steve, Oh you got pooled? Oh yeah, no, I didn't get no drink cause her drink she making him. She's way too much in here. Ain't no pineapple in here. Listen, ain't nothing but voting. I don't know what the yellow stuff he isn't it ain't pino. I made a stick at you. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach out Kaylin, Kylin. Oh no, she's not here right now? Who's speaking? Uh? This is Dr Albert Listen. I was giving a car. Are you able to leave a message for it for me? Yeah? Yeah, okay? Would you let her know her sessions will be on Wednesdays at seven third What sessions you're talking about? Sessions? Well, actually she signed up for a class. Uh, an eight week class and it's every Wednesday night at seven thirty. Okay, what what? What classes are you talking about? What kind of class? This is? Love etcetera? Have you heard of us? No? Okay, well let me kind of give you a little briefing here. Kaylin actually came in and filled out to take some classes, and um, we love etcetera. So we teach different things. Um, what is it like a seminar or something? Well, you we we teach poor play, intimacy, sensual massages and things like that. And she I was actually here when she came and filled out the paperwork. She said she wanted to screwce up her love life with her husband. Are you her husband? Yeah? Yeah, I'm I'm my husband. But what I'm saying is is it's like a like a joint thing. Am I supposed to be there or something? No? No, no, no, no, this is actually her wanting to Actually I'm uh, if you don't know about it, I'm assuming she wants to surprise you and show you some different things. When when she finishes her sessions? So when did uh? When when did she come in? Like she came in? Where where are y'all located? First of all, Okay, she actually came in a couple of weeks ago and she filled out the paperwork. We're in the downtown area. She filled it out. She said she was very excited. She wanted to do some different things for her husband. We just asked if she gets here a little earlier, probably fifteen minutes earlier, so she can shower and put a robe on, and then we can we can start class. Who whoa who wa whoa whoa whoa whoa? Shower? Shower and rose? What's that? What's that for? I mean, you're not you're not upset about this? All right now? I mean, I ain't got no problem with you know us we mean we know, I mean we married a couple, you know what I mean, So you know anything that spice of spice of the marriage. But you know, as far as me not being involved in her going out dev so and you're talking about taking a bath and robe and all the other stuff. Man, she don't need to be there for no, for no meth like that. Man. Well, no, no, sir, it's nothing like that. I mean, it's it's it's basically a class where people get into much with their with their sensitive side and you get to actually, you know, you learn about four play. What what taking you're talking about a week? Though? Eight weeks? You must leaving? How y'all? Even eight weeks? It's only one night a week. It's only on Wednesday. So really you only have eight sessions, eight sessions exactly. Okay, So why why didn't she had to have a role though, I mean, why she not? Why she just not showing up at to work or whatever. Well, you have to bring your rope, sir. Everyone showers and then they put their robe on and we we actually coached them through. Here's how four play goes. Here's the intimacy. Here's sensual massargy. No no, no, no, fam you you get you getting it twisted. What I'm asking you is you you You're really not explaining yourself enough. Like what do y'all do? Like like a classroom said, if I'm in the class, I'm taking a class. There's nobody touching me. Ain't no, ain't no cold coming off the nobody taking no group showers, kaying on what you got you, saund like, what's going nothing? Nothing like that at all. But we do come in contact with that sensual side. Now she will have a partner in class. She'll deal with that one partner. It's not until the fourth session that we really get into some strong physical contact. What are you talking about? What are you talking about? You're talking about a partner like you're talking about another woman, like some of my teammate or something. What you're talking about you call another dude? Everyone has the opposite sex partner. You gotta be out your mind. You called why are you even? Why are you even calling me with this right here? And you have to understand, I'm I wasn't calling you. I was trying to reach miss Klin. I don't care. Who are you trying to reach man. You call in my house talking about my wife on some role that some partners and and they don't get physical to the fourth session. The kara will be no physical at all, sir. Basically, your wife is trying to surprise you with a good thing. No, no, no, no, hold on you just hold on, gonna get this straighten down real quick. Hold on, wait wait, wait, wait, what are you what are you doing? I'm gonna call my wife, That's what I'm saying. What you don't understand she's trying to It's not good for you to call. She wants to surprise you my wife. You me hand on my wife the way I want to handle it. You hold on, hold on this true. You called me back when you get this message, called me back at the house as soon as you get to sir. Yeah, she wants to surprise you know. Well we got surprised already, all right. The first of all, she ain't gonna be coming down to y'all little sessions. And when you wa do y'all say y'all little do located at again, we love, ETCeteras in the downtown area. How much this thing is supposed to cost anyway? Well, like I said, she signed up for eight sessions. It's it's uh one session per week. It's one hundred dollars each session. She's already paid the eight hundred dollars, sir. She what she's paid him full to do all eight sessions. Man, I know well she ain't paid no eight hundred dollars to y'all. She's starting this coming when she won't be there. I'm gonna tell you that right now. And and if you you got any of that money, you got any of my money down there, you better be coming back with it. I'm I'm sorry downtown, y'all Downtown. I work downtown. So guess what I don't will be there tomorrow to get my money? You love, etcetera. Is nonrefundable when people sign for these classes. You can't change your mind like that. Look, man, that's paperwork. Don't don't tell me about what's not refundable, what's refundable, what's not refundable. If I show up, I'm having my money back right in my aim. Wouldn't make it? Would you feel a little bit more comfortable if I was her partner doing the sessions? Are you married, sir? Yes, I am. You are okay, so let me have a session with your wife. I do a year with your wife, my wife. My wife works with other men in the sessions that find that's fine. So I'm gonna not getting wife down a lot of good you know, you know whatever, and then we're gonna see how you like, sir. I'm not gonna go back and forth. We don't go at the foils. I'm gonna come down there. I don't get my money back, and I'm gonna go out forward with my with my business. And then don't call this. I was no more, don't work if all wife taking name off the Little Leger or whatever, ain't gonna be no classes player. We're nonrefundable. I keep telling you that. Now, who do you think you're waising your voice say so, I'm I'm talking to you. I keep telling you we're non refundable. Do don't tell me it's not refundable if she goes any session yet, No, she has none. Ain't using every year right, didn't use the fervors there. But we've already partnered her up. We already have a partner for her. About that partner, that's the part of the usual wife. How about dad quit bringing my wife into bringing my wife into what I'm gonna bring your wife into what. Maybe the problem is you, Maybe you're not doing what you need to be doing at all. I think you're talking to go coming down in tomorrow to come get money. You better have my money. It's gonna be your please. What am I supposed to tell I don't. That's part of the less He's gonna get it kicked through. Do you know who her partner is, par I'm the only partner she got. We partnered her up with nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man, y'all, y'all pay y'all play man. That's funny, man, Tommy, Tommy is this time? Is this? Tommy doesn't have your time? Somebody up, man, y'all play some money? Y'all playing Tommy too much? Man? We got that. That's wrong. Man. You come on, Joe, talk to me. What's the baddest radio show in the late man? Steve? So bad? You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show? All right, thank you, sexy nephew. Subject my ex lives with my mom. Good morning, Stephen Shirley. I was married to my ex husband for almost ten years. In two thousand seven, we separated and the divorce was finalized in two thousand ten. During the separation, I learned that he moved in and was living with my mother. He said he was only there until he could get back on his feet. That lasted about eight months. I asked my mother why and how she could allow it, knowing his character, and she gave me the typical Christian answer, what would Jesus do? Finally he moved out and took my younger brother with him. Again. I looked at my mother and soon realized, what's the point. About six to eight months later, I was at her house only to find out that he's back. Me and my daughter relocated about six months ago, and he is still there. My mom has finally seen the light and wants him gone. After almost two years, he hasn't offered her a dime, and he is almost four months behind on child's support. How do I help my mother tell him to take his black behind to his own mama's house? All right? Uh, your mother's judgment is definitely off on this one. I agree with you wholeheartedly. Her loyalty should be with you her daughter period. That was a stab in the back for her to take him in, and now he's finally shown his true colors on those character issues that you alluded to in the letter. I say, I say, just go back to the house. Just go over there and start packing his stuff. It's not that big of a deal. He's not even paying her rent right now. Um, if your dad is unavailable, or if he is available, asked him to come and help. Uh, if you have a brother, if you have an uncle, any kind of male friend, asked them to come over and just help you pack his stuff and move him out of that house, list them to help, Steve, I don't really you know a couple of things in this letter throwing me off. What I ain't I ain't got nothing for you, really? So you know whose side is your mama owned? You know why don't your mama mind her damn business? You know why your dad at all? Listen your mama. I asked my mama why she could allow it knowing his cat? You know you need why is he living with your mama? Where? Okay you ready, don't say that, stive, You don't say what? Thank you, Tom? What you need, Chuck? Your mama is your mama smiling mote is your mama missing church. Yeah's your mama buying extra groceries. Have you seen your mama skipping about this? I'm just asking you why you think he there? Now? Now that now that you don't want to deal with that, let's get to the other parts. This is what makes me see that she gave a Christian answer. What would Jesus do? Okay, First of all, you don't know what Jesus would do. You was not back in the days when he walked. You don't know what Jesus would do. You know, I know one thing he wouldn't do. He wouldn't do nothing to get on my nerves. That's what you got. And getting to all of what Jesus do? What you're gonna be my run for the day. Let me go to the bottom of this left. He been with her two years, he ain't over a dime, and he almost four months behind on child support. First of all, take him to court for child's support. That man working somewhere and he's living with your mama. That ain't gonna look good at no court to law get your child support? How do I help my mother? Tell him to take his black behind to his own. Mama's high First, of all, try changing black behind to black ass. It works way better in a sentence, Steve, what that's what you got out of that? Take your black behind your mama's house. Okay, right, no movement, no movement, But now, hell your black ass to your own mammy house. Man, we're calling her mama, call his mother your manness. Listen, here's here's, here's here's a fix. Hell not take kal take take cal cal your black ass to your damn man its house. Too much that you, I'm telling you, I've tried to stop. We come back. We're gonna go to the old Christians saying what would Jesus do? Well? I got seriously think us things I think he do. Oh all right, listen after the break at eighteen after the hour, we'll have part two as came in Gunfire today. Strawberry Letter will be that you're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. I got part to this Strawberry Letter coming up right after this. Don't go what would Jesus do? People kill me with that one too one thing? I know for show you don't really know what Jesus would do, But let me speculate on just a couple of things. I think maybe Jesus would do. I think Jesus might just mind his own business. Because God is a gentleman. He don't invite himself in unless you invite me in. So, since we're talking about what Jesus would do, Mama, you know, Mama, I don't think Jesus would reward evil. Mm hmm. I think maybe, and I can't say this for show. Maybe Jesus to give him a stroke? Mm hmm. What is gonna talk about that? I think Mike go down. You know, everybody think they know what he would do. You don't know what he would do. Has anybody told you you ain't Jesus? Anybody you ain't Jesus. Jesus might make him homeless. I lived in my car for three years. Why I can't happen to him? He got a card on it. Stay in the car, Steve stayed in the car. Why can't you stay in the car. It builds character, which he's lacking. Has your mama read anywhere in the Bible where it said Jesus let somebody stay with him. You heard at the end, maybe in the manger. He didn't found nobody in that staying with you know what? Come on, I'm just asking you why he can't go live with his own mama. Jesus wouldn't have me. Thank you that my mama was kicking it with my mate. Now that I will agree with you for sure for at least two years with paying no rent Jesus, Jesus wants you to pay time. I can't pay. So the next time Christian comes up to you and one of us says, what would Jesus do, huh looked them dead in the face and said, I don't know what he do, but I do know that you ain't Jesus a man. Is your chariot? Where is your cloud? You post come back on where Easter the bright lights? Since I don't see none of that and we ain't staying in on the street of Gold. I'm just assumed when you please get out of my face so I tear yourself mess. I think Jesus mightself where is your mama? Jesus would have found his mama the little Jesus all right, Thank you, Steve. Today's letter is posted on Steve Harvey dot com. You can tweet or instagram me your thoughts at my girl Shirley coming up after the break at thirty four after the hour. A guy says he stole because Jesus wanted him to be wealthy, Like Morgan Freeman said that Jr. Which is the devil down you're listening to Steve Harvey alright, coming up next, Shirley got a gus as he stole because Jesus wanted him to be wealthy. See he that's half a true statement. Jesus does want you to be wealthy, was this trump? But you gotta understand something that is no sin. Anything God say has no sin in it. That's the first thing my mama told you know. God ain't told you to go down there and slap her if she run her mouth no moment. God ain't told you that. We're lying on the Lord. Al Right, here we go with this stury guys. This guy says he's stold because Jesus wanted him to be wealthy. One man's explanation for stealing billions billions with a B didn't fly with the judge, though. John Michael ask You of Lakeland, Florida, Florida, was busted in mid December after he allegedly set up the wire transfers from what the criminal complaint described as a large nationally renowned financial institution, ask you successfully took seven billion. I'll say it again. That's billion with a beat dollars out of a bank using a fake routing number. Wow. Yeah. Needless to say, he left tracks and was arrested. When talking to investigators, he said he believed his wire transfer scheme would allow him to obtain the wealth listen to this, listen to this, to obtain the wealth that Jesus Christ created for him. But yeah, and that belonged to him. He's inheritance. He's inheritance, and Jesus Christ created wealth for everyone. So the man is looking at five years, just five years in prison after agreeing to a plea deal last week. What well, obviously he didn't get the building, right, you get the building, They got something you can't burning made off. Yeah, five seems like for this. Let me ask you a question, Tommy Jr. If you got a billion dollars, all you had to do was go to prison for five years. At the end of the five years, you got a billion dollars, would you go to prison. I locked myself and I'm trying to tell you now I know where it's that I wouldn't which jail on that though prison which jail I'm at rick Us, Well, I'm at maximum security or federal? What are you? You're trying to say this one. I don't think I'm gonna do it because I know I ain't gonna come out of that. You ain't gonna do it. I ain't gonna come out of that. I ain't gonna make the five. I ain't gonna make the fine. I mean, I'm trying to figure it out, saying they're gonna take you, They're gonna take some time. No, I'm not going to prison for a year. You give me a year and I get a billion. I don't want it. No, I'm not going to jail that long for no billion dollars. I'm doing the five. I'm gonna get out because I ain't gonna bait now for five years. I'm not bathing. You're gonna owe everybody in there that billion. I'm not bathe. I'm gonna be real funky in jail. Okay. I'm not going to prison for five years for a billion dollars. Okay, three years. No, I can't do it, he said, not even a year. I'd say you could do thirty days, man, Let's go days for a billion. I am to f you to find me the radio fire and little bit shots, to find me underdome and find me the apollo fire me, harpacollars of fire me. And at the end of thirday, I wouldn't give a damn billion. Oh thirty days. I'm in there, man, fast for thirty days in there? You send that come out of there looking like Dick Gregory, but Junior with you five years? Okay, you see how much I got. Now? Have you seen the people come over here for five years and a long time after the third day just to get out of tax truffle? Right now? Oh god, you've seen some people getting jumped on on that show. They're going there in the jail for dame. Hear what you're saying, though, Yeah, a billion dollars, but five years is a long time, a long time. That's a presidential term and presidential term and some change. Right. I'll be fine. You ain't gonna take me. I'm just at the pool smoking. I'm looking at the little baby from to get in there with the water wings. I was watching my grandson. They had me in the food and by myself or half a day, Jason, it went so well I put him in a little water ring, and I got tired of watching him, so I kept pushing him out to the middle of the pool. Here kicked back over to the side. I pushed him back out there after about six kicks, six times back trying to swim him back to the edge. You just fell asleep in the water ring. I gotta picture a little know in the water ring. Just sleep with the horrible I don't like watching him work. Take your eyes off and we come back four days after our plus, we're going to the phone. Let's still Junior the food. It's not a baby ship. You think you're gonna June's gonna let you through. I'm trying to say, what do you think? Did you swim? Yeah? I can swim. We don't tell you something. Nobody on this show swim better than you with that turtle back. I know you. You better be careful because wildlife preservation is looking like, how do you get off the reef? Shut up? What's happened? Tommy? You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's got to be social, all right? Coming up next, we'll talk about the Grammys. Plus it's Valentine's Weekend. Guys and we'll tell you the most romantic cities in the country. I want you to call window. Won't everything everything? What you got? What you got? You know? Not enough? Yeah it's nice, but some candy and yeahs candy? Yeah, okay, and none of that. I just gave you all that for Christmas and her birthday and I don't want to hear that. Let me tell you something, if you if you got Christmas and your birthday in January. Hey, Valentine is gonna be a little week. Okay, Hollo, you think you're gonna be married. It shouldn't be about a material thing. See, now that you're married, you can't break up before the holidays. Let's stick with it. Yeah, you can't quit talking to him? Started imaginary fight. I don't know how to start. Ready Ready A. Demi Levado, who is nominated for Best Pop Vocal Album and previous Grammy nominees Andrew Day Tori Kelly, will join Little Big Town in a special segment celebrating The Beach's Oh That's nice, That's nice Yeah, and the fortieth anniversary of Saturday Night Fever. They joined a growing list of performers that includes Beyonce, Katie Perry, The Weekend, Daft Punk, Adele Metallica, Carry Underwood, Bruno Mars Keith herb In. I mean, the list goes on and on. Anderson took a tribe called Quest and many others. Lead singer Lucas for commer is that his name is also nominated for the Song of the Year seven years. The Grammys will air live this coming Sunday. Man, they came around fast, this coming Sunday at eight pm Eastern five pm Pacific time on c b S. All Right, all right, so, so Kanye West and Drake and Justin Bieber they're still boycotting the Grammys. Yeah, it's kind of a rumor that they are not going to show. I didn't hear about Drake, but they're really saying Kanye and Justin they helped who knows what Kanye Yeah, yeah, he just knows how to keep himself in the news. That's for sure. Yeah, that's for sure. Yeah. Man, they boycotting Justin Bieb and Kanye, but they may not I don't know if it's a boycott or they just may not show, right. They said they weren't gonna They said, I guess they were boycotting, gonna show up Okay, well, my question is said, anybody asked the Grahamys, how what a show? Trust? They believe it's gonna keep moving. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they don't care. All right, here we go with this. Open Table just released their list of the twenty five most romantic cities in America. The list was based on the percentage of restaurants rated romantic by a Dinner Reviews, the percentage of tables seated for two, and the percentage of people who dined out for Valentine's Day last year. Okay, so they based their findings on that. All right, here we go, Oklahoma City, that's where, well they just count. Oklahoma was named the most romantic city in America. Oklahoma, Oklahoma. I never heard nobody said, man, just drive Oklahoma. Never heard that in my life. I mean, you think like Paris, like New York, like Miami. Yeah, but they're saying just America, but Miami, sexy city, Miami, even New Orleans and stuff like that. All right, let's go through him quickly. Twenty Atlanta two, Chicago twenty three, Cincinnati twenty, Indianapolis twenty one, Nashville twenty, San Diego, Philly, number nineteen. Houston. You guys number eighteen, Dallas number seventeen, Miami Beach sixteen, Scottsdale, Arizona fifteen, Portland, Oregon, fourteen, Hawaii, uh Lahnya La, Hawaii thirteen, Louisville, Kentucky, twelve, Charlotte, North Carolina. Eleven. Here we go with the top ten. Baltimore, Maryland, number ten, Austin, Texas, number nine, Kansas City, Missouri, number eight, Charleston, Sword South Carolina, number seven, Richmond, Virginia six, Brooklyn, New York, number five, Memphis, Tennessee. Ste number four. Yeah, that's where Marjorie's from. Yeah, but I don't. Yeah, that's first eight. Wow, I'd like to know what they find romantic. Number three Savannah, Georgia. Yeah, I want to know what's romantic in each of these cities. Number two St. Louis, Missouri. And like I said, Number one, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, it's boom romantic. I'm just saying he's from the most romantic city. Sits someat talking. Shut up before I'll throw you down the skills Mitch won't be hungry then. Now I love you know you're sit down somewhere. So Steve, what city do you think I mean? Just out off the top of your head. Is the most romantic city in America? I think the Beach State so hot. I think San Francisco, l A. I think San Diego's really lemnic a sexy city. Number love Miami, Yes, that's supposed to be the sexiest city in America, right, Miami's number seven. In Miami Beach she was number sixteen. Yeah, OK, I don't know who. I don't know. I'm just trying to figure out is Boom sexy? I have a romantic I got to look at him differently. Now you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, let's go back to the phone, shall we. How did you know that your mate was the one? Or we love the or oh when you got him? Yeah, he was wondering what the hell you was thinking about? That has happened? Oh yeah, everybody's been in one bad relationship where you look at the other person and go, really, man, what was I think exactly? And I'm sure somebody's looked at you and said, what was I think? Let's go to line too and talk to Jesse. Hey, Jesse, good morning morning show. Eyes everybody, Sheryla, Tommy Jr. Call morning, and we're doing good. Jesse. The question is Valentine's Day is coming. When you met your girl, how did you know she was the one Because me and my girl, well, we've been knowing each other teenagers, but we got together. We've been together now with twenty three years, and that's my wife now. And I know she's the one for me because I gave her one of my kidneys. WHOA, so your show you gave her one. I gave all kidney, Mr Harvey, one of my kidneys. But George Lope, his wife gave him her kidney too, and they got divorced right after he got a soul. Then yeah, well right, well he was a fool because I ain't ain't leaving mind of mine, ain't even me And I love your show, man, you're doing great things. I love that pointing thought. Thank you man. Can you are you an organ donor? Do you check the driver's license block? Are you guys organ donor? No? I'm saying I got sick of sette. I can't get you any one, man. Oh yeah, you have it. Oh yeah, don't nobody want you. I'd really go on to see if I can make it without a kid and a junior, kidding, get your kid and you start hurting me. Ain't even hand no damn price. Ye what's wrong with Steve? Take it out? You guys embarrassing me all the time. All right, Let's go to line eight and talk to Jonathan. Hey Jonathan, Uh, sorry to wake up Jonathan. Yes, yeah, how did you know when you met your girl? How did you know she was the one? Steve? I knew she was the one because of all everything that we went through, first and foremost. Let me start from the beginning. Um, I've been following her on Facebook for three years. She's a singer. I've been following her. You know, I would like her uh pictures here and there. I would see her at different events. So when I found out, you know, she was singing somewhere, Steve, I put on the best cologne, A canfin, I put on the best blaze acafin, and I went. Because I met her in church, so I went. I heard the sing, we worshiped, and from there on I walked up to her. She's a very private person and you know, everybody don't get a chance to talk to her or she's very private. So I went up to her. I introduced myself. I said, Hi, how are you doing? I grabbed the hand, I said, how you doing? My name is Jonathan And if you don't mind, I would to take you out and I would like to, you know, take you out on the date. So fast forward. We ren through so much. We've been through so much I can't even get all into it. But she stayed after everything that we went through, we went through some childsom tribulations, and she stayed. So as of October this year, uh, the twenty second, and the Sunday, we will be getting married. You did something. Yeah, I I can admit I did some things, but I'm proud to say that I learned, I grow from and I can see myself our relationship as being Steve and Margie's because she enhanced me. She enhanced my my intellect, she enhanced my wardrobe, and you know she looks out for me and she just don't say that just because she means it. So I said, one day, I'm going to have a chance to tell the whole where how much April Ricks means to me. So I get the day is the day that April Ricks means the means the world to me. She's my heart. I can't breathe without I can't walk with my boy. We're like, you can't breathe without her. That's how you that you gotta feel that way about somebody's daughter for you, due you don't feel that way. You're supposed to feel that way about somebody brought up. But if you can't breathe, but good is you? You're dad? He can't breathe without so he went if he ran to the stone, damn what but she ain't left him. He's talking about trying to live without the woman, something obviously don't know nothing about. He's really stupid. I don't know why. And the Caymans out of the country. It's national. It's not just the message. All right. When we come back from the break at eighteen after the hour, we have the pas masters in the building past the Motown Deacon Death jam. You didn't we should do the top twenty five big but cities in America? Is that romantic? Because has to be the most romantic? All right, all right, we'll do that. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up next pastor Motown Deacon Death jam in the building in the building, Yeah, alright, don't matter who it is. We won't to talk about the biggest real ends we've seen it. Uh what church revival me? Come on path Uh, I want to begin with at Langton, Georgia number one. Bring up. I don't know. Oh they had a girl that could put it in for you if you didn't have fixture flat Yeah, yeah, yeah, I call it fixture flat factor. Yes, yeah, that's a but we're talking about now. Uh passed that on my list. I don't know if you've seen it before, but there is some rump shake ups in Dallas, Texas. Yes, yeah, that that that that that that is. Excuse me, trilli, but boo delicious. If I must say in Dallas, uh would have to go with pine bluff ar consult church immediately tell me my pine blood panther. They ain't bluffy. Oh so be I know you I have been an't seen it. But if you go to the Queens and it's shot North Carolina, I left my heart, yes I did. And just a couple of mores. One of the largest booty capitals I've ever seen, large Richmond, Virginia. They rich on but these are all southern. Now that's going on and finish it, Charley mill Fish can I see well has but you I'm so tired right now, alight, overwhelmed, overwhelmed, but over that board and started the machine of making them serveboards next door the people five minute Scooba diving. Listen, you've benna have four people missing on that damn motion. Now they only wait to a boat that's transitioning. Okay, thank you, Tommy, no warning, just out of it. Yeah, okay, we get it. We're done. You know some more buts that you want to add some But I'm good straight because we come back at thirty four. After that, I'll be quiet. Timing. Back to back jail. You're listening, Steve Harvey, morning shout. All right, we're back. Let's go with these back to back jails. Come o, cat and let's go. Hey y'all, what's up. We come back. We got just one more thing. Our last day on the island. We've got to get out of here, back to work. You're listening, Steve Harvey, morning shout, coming up. We got time for just one more thing right after this soul all right, I love just one more thing. And I know you're tired. I know he is. He've been drinking. He wants to go surfing sounds like all right, here we go. They're often debates about real words. I mean, we have it a lot on this show right as of now. Ghost is also a verb. It means when one person in a dating relationship disappears on the other's ghost. Yeah, yeah, this is at least yeah, at least at least according to the folks at Miriam Webster. Also newly newly added to the dictionary, face palm, face palm or smashing your hand to your face in a show of embarrassment. Yeah, we do that a lot on this show. Uh, the practice of crashing someone's photo with a photo bomb. We all know that. And you crash a picture or humble brags? Now what is that? Microaggression is on there too, so are true? They're throwing shade and binge watch it growing shade. Yeah, we know what binge watching is. There are one thousand new entries in all how they get chosen officials with Miriam Webster note quote, All of these words have been observed, collected, and research, with many examples in context used to write definitions that explain both basic meanings and specific usage. There you go. Okay, so we got throwing shade bene watching y'all got some words I want to add because well we know he is, Oh yeah on the show. What is m What is like? You like certain things? You have certain isms about you because used to have a lot of But I'm going I'm going she didn't mean that. Surely it's about to be payingful. Come on, Steve, y'all. Let huh, y'all. Let y'all y'all at his house. Y'all at his house, y'all at the stop way too much? Okay, some serious? What Anna and Na like the name he said, you're not need You're gonna have to sit down because you get hid out here. I thought that was a woman's name. No, that's er Mom. Okay, I n His list was gonna be Oh you know it's gonna be stupid because he stands these every day. Yeah, put together, Yea and Erma. Gotta sit down. Won't back walk back, Like if you went somewhere you want them to walk back, won't back. Won't back. I don't walk back. Say what you want to say, but we don't want you back in here. Won't back back. Want you want you back, just won't back. Won't back, y'all, lad I love y'all. That Yeah, I love that y'all. That won't back is um and what was is? I'm going on? I'm going I'm gonna. I can't. Don't look over here, Carlin. Okay, well that's good. We got some new words for the weekend. Uh, Erna Wow? What is it? Erna? Harley? Oh, Carlay? I know that one like Carlay? Something hotly oh, partly part like sunny. But it's partly cloud partly partly partly cloud. Okay, hold it though, huh, hold it? Hold it down? What yeah, yeah, I got that? Can come on in there, hold on, hold you got one journey. I'm surprised you eve didn't know that one? Yea? What why? I got a situations I got to worry about. I gotta try to figure out how I'm to get time me through customs when I'm coming here with your Turley's. You've been filling out the phones and hoping you came out. But Jun you're doing alright. I'm good. There's one of the guys or anything. Weather is great for we flash great, gonna be gona. We're gonna both be fighting on the plane. Do you meanybody know how much they charged toring. What say that again? Anybody here on a five five hour energy? That's what I well, I thought, he said, Does anybody in here have a five hour energy? Oh? No, I need to Well, let's we had a great week this week. Yeah, broadcasting line from Comfort Sweets on seven Mile Beach and Grand came in island. Thank you guys so much for having us back. Okay, so roses candy on a gilt Yeah, yeah, yeah, hello. He still got the words with the dictionary. Hello? What's hello? Hello? Yeah? All right? How you doing? What is that? Heaven? Habit? Hell? Just making up right? Something to go? Well, go ahead and tell him, see, come on, we had a good week, so you gotta tell him, well, it's been a great week here in the Caymans. Junior has uh calling for the bartender. But I think that dude that work in the kitchen, I think he owned it though, Julia, thank you many to beat him out because he just always in that fiddling. I've been watching that, but you know that don't stop us though. He come on, man, yeah he's just in that fiddling round. Pull a Harvey on you, I love you, and then leave her. It's just another I love it. One month before we go see exactly, m Zachary, exactly exactly. We know what that is, medicine, and you're gonna need it like zany what you're gonna need medicine If somebody goes exactly because your breath smells exactly like a crap, have a good weekend, Bye bye. We love you. For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.