Little Known Black History Facts: 02.01.17

Published Feb 1, 2017, 1:17 PM

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All right, here we go. We're back. We're back, Tommy, You're gonna do our first little known black history moment. All right, here it is. This is uh, it was at the mL K Park in Memphis. Uh. You Lugene will Cox and Bernadine will Cox um supposed to be sisters, but now at the reunion found out that they daddy Jerome will Cox is not Bernadine's daddy, but Kevin Bernard will Cox Ill, which is Jeron cou All right now, the problem is Eulagene will Cox told Bernadine, I knew you wasn't my damn sister. Bernadine feelings was hurt. And this is how ancestral dot com got started. This is how ancestry dot com that got started. Found right there you were hurt and crushed because she thought he Ron was her daddy. Ancestry dot com was created by Eulagene and Bernadine. You another fascinated Black history moment. That's amazing, man, Yeah month long, man, and y'all didn't even know where it came. It just cocked up one day. Yeah. Alright, here here's the second one of the morning. One night after hosting Showtime at the Apollo. I was out on one twenty fifth Street because I wanted to go out there and get this rib sandwich. And this dude cooked yeah in halland and these two brothers was outside. Just a fight broke out. Man, I'm talking about. These two dudes was in his swinging like they was in a Western saloon. And it was because you know, a cab had came up and the dude said it was his cab and the dude said, no, it wasn't his gun. And they was just the fighting and reading that fight so hard because it was hard to get a cab in Halem at night like that. And they were just in that swinging their ass off, and uh, the dudes was going at it so hard, and the ladies saying, why don't y'all stop fighting, stop fighting like this? It don't make no sense y'all in here. Why don't y'all share the cab? And so the two brothers got in the cab, just stopped fighting and got in the cab. Now the two dudes fighting was Bert Willis and was fighting Herbert Jackson, not Herbert, and Herbert and the ass scorpion went so hard. Bert beat Herbert so bad and Herbert. Last name started with an H, so he had beat him so bad that the H fell off his name, and all you had left was Herbert, and thus Uber was born. That's why we got That's why we got Uber, right? Did you know that? Did you not? The commercials and didn't know it? You ain't know that. That's where Uber come from birth. William Herbert asked so bad in that cal that he beat the hell out of Herbert and the H fell off his name, and all we left with Uber, And that's how we got Uber today. That's why y'all driving in or asked him over cam and learned so much on this show. These these are little known black history moment. So we haven't got ancestry dot com and wait till tomorrow, learned some mo about little known black history fact. Okay, coming up next, let's run that brank back with the nephew. What you got next? I'll tell you when we come back. How did the pranks get started