Lets Talk Super Bowl!!! 02.06.17

Published Feb 6, 2017, 4:41 PM

The Crew Recaps the Tragic Falcons Super Bowl Loss and Steve tells a short story about a boat, Shirley, and a life or death decision.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag all sung looking back the black dog giving them more just like theming buck things. And it's touble y'all to be true. Good to the horty listening to me, to each other for Stuart to hand quick by. I don't you join yeah by radio join me into period. You do me honey said you got to turn yeah, your you gotta turn to turn the turn you lovey got to turn out to turn the water the water go, come come on your back. Uh huh, I shall well a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now what it only Steve Hardy got a radio show. I was talking to my wife and she said something her father always she should tell her. Uh. Pop Bridges used to tell her all the time, just because you can do something don't mean you should do it. You know, I can't tell you how many times I've had to learn that in my life. You know, just because you can do something does not necessarily mean you should do it. You know, I could tell people off oftentimes, but it don't mean I should do it. You know, I could go here and set the record straight a lot of times, but it don't mean I should do it. Well. I've learned a lot in that lesson folks, and because I have a relationship with my creator. What it's done is it's allowed me or to learn even more how to stay still on a lot of issues that's troubling me. It's taught me over the years. I've learned it the hard way. I do want you to understand that that sometimes it's better to be still, you know, sometimes it's better to just let God handle a situation. That's hard to say. And I know it's hard to say because we think as people. But if I do this, I would feel better. If I do this, they would know it's coming from me. If I do this now, they are feel how I feel. See. But that's not always the best way though, I found in my life. See, sometimes you gotta like old people used to say, you gotta let go and let God. Sometimes you gotta do that. I'm gonna tell you something, man, I learned a lot from my mother being a Sunday school teacher. But you know, at the same time, when she was when I was young, I thought she was just an old, old person just talking to me. I didn't get it. You know how you talk. You know how your parents used to talk to you, and you didn't get it, and they used to always say, well wait till you have your own kids. You would get it then, and showing off you got it. Then, Well I'm the same way. I'm no different you know. I don't have no different life than you. You know, I have no different upbringing in you. I don't have no different different ways that I can live and you can't. You know that I gotta live by the same laws of the land that you gotta live by. I gotta obey the principles of success. If I want to be successful, I got a bam and you know, and if I want to go to heaven, I go. I gotta do what God tell me to do as many times as I can. Now, you ain't gonna get it all right, but he understand that, and I just get on with the best I can. But so many times, man, we get stuck. We get stuck right down man, worrying about you know, how how it's gonna come across and and what you know, you know, kind of going around here because I'm trying to find a way to tell you this that that that you won't get twisted. Hit the bottom line, you gotta let go and let God. You have to allow him to do it his way. See my way, I thought myself to a certain point, but to go further, I had to let God have it. You know. I found out I wasn't all that good a driver. I found out I wouldn't all that good of all explore with a map. I found out my computer skills was oftentimes a little bit off. I found out that my map reading skills wasn't what I thought it was. So I had to let go. I had to let God in this situation. That's that's troubling America right now. Sometimes you got to let go and let God. And you gotta understand that God works in mysterious ways, you know, and right how often had I thought it was over for me? But what God was doing was he was teaching me a lesson. He was showing me something that I needed to know. He was allowed me to experience some things. But he didn't let me go under. You know how they say God and never put more on you than you can buy. He won't let you go under. And but he did not say, you know, it's like the scripture the Bishop Olmer taught me when I was going through that traumatic thing on the internet. Man, it was really really man trying to destroy what I had worked for and my family and this new life to God had presented me. And the devil is busy. Devil don't like to see you happy. So here he comes. He puts you under attack, and here comes internet and everything. And my kids are suffering. But you know, here here comes God. Thot. See, God, don't put more on you than than you can bar. And Bishop Olmer sent me a scripture, he sent me Isaiah forty three one and two. And then that scripture it says to the effect that you can walk through the water the rivers, and the water won't overcome you. But then it said, you can walk through the fire and you will not get burned. Normal kindling set upon your clothing. I learned and something very valuable that day. See God sent me through something, but he was showing me something too. Now he didn't do it. See God didn't bring that calamity into my life because uh in in Isaiah four seventeen, it says clearly that if anyone comes against you, it will not be my doing. But he Now, this is what he promised you when people come for you don't see. And this is what I learned. That's why I have no fear of the people coming anymore, see, because I learned that. But God had to send me through a traumatic experience in order for me to learn that. See, you can't have a testimony without a test you know, understand, you can't learn nothing without a lesson. See. So what he did was he allowed that internet thing comes crossed into my life. But he taught me something. And Isaiah one and two was and you could walk through the fire and not get burned, normal kindling set upon your clothing. So what that said to me was, even though you're trying to do me and it's fire all around me, I won't burn. But when it's over, kindling won't set upon your clothing. What that showed me was and what it taught me was not only would I walk through the fine not get burned, but there will be no signs that I was ever in the fire. There's no signs of it. But now hold up though, now he go to part though that I had to learn even though you can walk through the fire, y'all, And even though you're being flames and scorching all around you. If you trust him, he ain't gonna let you burn. But now hear what he did not say. Though he did not say that it was not going to be uncomfortably hot, wickedly hot in there, He can't say that. He just said you won't burn. And when it's over, it won't be no kidling on your cause it won't be no signs that you was in the fire. See what happened, timmy was after they tried to destroy me. Let me show you what God did from it. Not only did I not not only did they not accomplish what they set out to do, but when they was through with me though, when they was through throwing the gas and throwing the fine, throwing their hate and writing it in line and creating all these names for themselves so it could look like more people was hating. When they got through with all that, Look at me, man, Look what he did to me. Look what he did from me. Because he taught me something that day. And I'm sharing it with you because God will do the same thing for you. But you gotta trust him, though. You got to get in there, and you got to let him do it, you gotta let him handle it. So, just like pop Bridge is taught my wife Margie, just because you can do something, don't mean y'all to do something. Yeah you could go down there and straighten the mouth, but should you though? Yeah, you can go down there and tell them all. Yeah you can go down stand up and make sure they know it's your voice that they're here, and you can get in their face and make a scene. But should you though? Or should you let go and let God see? So before we run all out in the streets and somebody that that that that we forming these groups and somebody go out there and do something crazy, let's hold tight. Now. I'm not saying don't go out there, but you gotta watch who you go out there with, because somebody crazy you could be. You can go down there with peace and your heart. Somebody this side, I'm gonna throw a brick through here and bust a wonder. Hold up partner, hold up thing and what we're down here doing. So see, sometimes man, you gotta let go and you gotta let God. You gotta let God have a situation sometimes and you get it in and do the things that he tells you to do. Now, faith without works is dead. Do we all understand that? Yes, we do. So you have to do something. You gotta be willing to do something, but you gotta do something smart though. You gotta do something that God would do. Seele you know some bishop woman and taught me a lot. He had another book out and he said, you know, knowing God's voice or something like that. I'm not sure the title, but I never really knew the definition of how do you know as God's voice talking to you? Well, he clearly made a statement. God's voice has no sin in it. See anything you're talking about whenever you're talking about, I'm gonna go I'm gonna show him. I'm gonna get him back. I'm gonna write a letter. I'm gonna tell him down at his job. If it's sin in it, God ain't in it. See that's you now, God's voice has no sin in it. So when you say God told me, be careful because God, they never told you to go do nothing wrong. That ain't what he told you. And I learned that too. It's a lot, So I'm just sharing it day. Hope it helps somebody today get through a difficult time, because the show has helped me, and I'm just talking to myself now because I got another one I'm looking at. I'm dealing with it through. I'm all good. Please you're listening, ladies or girls player foss mm hmmm, Mortals and inmates, pastors, parishioners, officers, paroles, coal workers, gods, cafeteria employees. But you got the names in the cafeteria maintenance large Jesus. The postal workers. You have to men your postal workers cause something wrong if you don't, why because they bring the mail. What's in the mail that I want the most? A check? Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, that's the shout out to the entire city m hmm of Atlanta, Georgia, the state of Georgia, everybody it did not want the Patriots to win. That's our radio show for today. Thank y'all. See y'all all. We don't feel like doing this spit today because that was some spit last night. Whoa, It wasn't for a while though, Man, it was good for a while. Party in our head, ice cream? Where are your fish taco cheese sticks? Oh you had a spreading. I told you all to come home down here. What were you eating again, Steve? What ice cream first? Though? I love it? Fish poco, come on ice cream waking the spicy and stestetoes like in the commercial jerk chicken wain chicken slide chicken and beet slide of chicken all that? What else was over there? Oh? Hot red Saucer, Hot Red Saucer made mistake and put that on wanted chicken taco. Damn mess my night up. I had to go in the bedroom getting washbol gather yourself, wash my mom. We are broadcasting live all this week from from the Cayman out big, doing it big. Yeah yeah, Shirley Neil, but not here yet, but they'll sare coming, sir, Who be there? Shirley, that's Shirley and everybody else. Yeah, you feel like here we pumped up referral is here and ignorant one is hell mouth or the South? Oh yes we know Mississippi, mom, yea and the Mouth of the South, right, lord geez, I gave her both those names. How much this callear in your sweets? And how sweet it is? How sweet it is? What all this out here? How are the fish tacos? It's h here? Why you why you need all it? You don't never need it, all right, at the point somewhere, what is it? What? Oh good water only flowers up here, girl, get somewhere and sit down. Well, how y'all feel to day? Right? I feel wonderful. Yeah, we just needed a field goal. But to to win like that, I mean, to lose like that, I should say it was. It was painful. It was I know, man, my heart breaks for the foul. Yeah to the man today, they sick, They were sick last night. Yeah, I mean I felt so good. I just said, boy, look at him, Boy, look at him. First three quarters, yeah, said at halftime we need too more touchdown? Yeah, yeah, it was too much time for your boy. Was there? I was there, Steve, Yes, sir, yes, sir. And Houston did an I standing job. It was really really good. But let me tell you that Steve. During warmups for the Patriots, when they were out on the field, they played nas you can hate me now. They could kill less. How they playing you can hate me now. They walked off the field back into the locker room. They showed every one of them faces just mean, you know me, you can hate me now. They know people people were booing them when they took the field. So they know that they're the most and they don't care. They don't care. They just make you greater. Yeah. I thought it was a Patriots home game. It was. It was a lot, but it was a lot of Falcon fans there too, But it was it was s side of the game and the stadium and it was crazy as you can imagine. They were up three, you know, they dominated winning the game. So to the third quartern, Brady say it half time? What did he go in there and tell them what they said? Bill Belichick said they were talking about it in the highlights that he said twenty one is not enough to be beaten by. Yeah, so Steve, it was crazy all of the Atlantis. Oh yeah, I saw you know, celo Us sure ludicrous. I don't know what I'm talking about. Cheap push somebody out in the field, get an extra tacking anything. We just need a feel well that's all we need. Wow, it was over. Yeah, congratulate the Patriots. Yeah, they played an outstanding game. Gotta give it to them. Day off the world. Yeah, I mean that one thing about it. I've always liked Tom Break. I've always liked his style as a person, he's a bad boy. He is take care of his family. He don't will be in no trouble. And it's mom Is and Ill called him Tom to sell out. We'll be back before acts. It's still black history. You're listening about the Steve all right? Uh coming back? Well, yeah, coming up. I should say we have some audio a lot of the interviews from yesterday's Super Bowl game. It was a heartbreak, yeah, from Atlanta Falcons. I ain't never seening like the Patriots. I've watched all you said bad, You've said that. I've never missed a single one. Really, I've watched every last one of them. I've watched every championship football games. This nineteen sixty four, I watched that when the Baltimore coats, when the Browns beat the Baltimore coach, that's last time we had I've watched. I've never missed a super Bowl in my life. That's an amazing thing. Yes, I saw one to three eight nine. I ain't never missed Super Bowl. M hmm, I watched all of m This was went overtime, broh Man. Yeah, that was cry. That was crazy man. Yeah, it was because you lost all your I'll make it right. So we have some sound coming up from the super Bowl. Huh, come on, Oh no, it's your mission, all right. Super Bowl yesterday super Bowl Steve said he's seen every single one he was watching last night. You, Steve, you said you've seen every super Bowl, every last at um Falcon's head coach Dan Quinn a little heartbroken last night, needless to say. Take a listen, Dan, you guys looked like you were well in control. What happened, Well, for sure, it hurts like hell, and uh, our guys battled hard and uh made place, you know, and uh we know how good and what they're capable of doing, and that's why, Uh, you thought this game would come down at the end, and it did. Two good teams battling for it. Um, So you know we knew what they were capable of as well. What did they do that you guys couldn't stop. We don't know if it was one thing, you know obviously that what it took them place, But honestly, just making plays are and that was you know, we gotta tip our hat off to them. You know, we thought it was gonna be about the ball. You know, it came down at the end and they had a turnover. That was you know, a key factor for sure. But uh for us, Um, you wouldn't one thing, you know, we could have done it, you know to say this one thing we would do different. But ah, he's one thing they wouldn't do. Do what me meaning it was more than one thing, I think, Yeah, I mean, you know, you know it was a game like that. There's nobody you can blame. But you know, uh, the office didn't score in the second hand, the defense couldn't stop him in the second hand. That's the football game. If you can't stop nobody and you can't score on nobody, you cannot win the football there. But we can blame the coach for not getting pressure on Belichick, I mean on Brady at the end. No Russia, no pressure. I'm just gonna tell you what really happened. I think this is just my opinion, free to have you. They got out coach, they got the Atlanta coaching staff, did not make any adjustment. New England went in at halftime and came out with all adjusts. You got late till the end. Pressure in the first half, no pressure in the second. So when you're gonna bring somebody, yeah, you gotta get Brady out that pocket. All right, we'll be planning not to lose. Not you go out there, don't go and don't stop nobody you figure. I'm would just do this the same way and hold on. I heard a little bit blue this morning. Do you have any leftover chicken wings? We'll be back. You're listening to Steve har all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne with today's headlines in our national news. And coming up right after this, we're gonna hear from the man himself, the greatest quarterback of all times, Mr Tom Brady. Yes he is. I mean, you got to give it, dude, is the best quarterback? Yeah, yeah, listen to me. It's been fifty one Super Bowls. He's been in seven of them. He's been the m v P four. Have you've been in seven of Super Bowl the dog he's been of the game and then and these games that was going on for he was born absolutely right. When you do the math, come on, the only dude with a better record than him is me. I've seen now I don't win. Somebody gonna have something for me. I'm the greatest super Bowl fan of all times. We'll hear from Tom Brady right after this, and al right, if you're waking up and you missed the game yesterday, it's over. It's the New England, New England Patriots one. Here's quarterback Tom Brady and his speech. It was great. Your father is here for the first time this year. Your mother afternoon was for eighteen months. Galen, she's here tonight. You dedicated this game to her. She has got to peep beyond herself, like, yeah, they're all happy. So it's nice to have everybody here and it's gonna be a great celebration tonight. So um, thank you are fans everyone back in Boston. You ain't we love you. You've been with this all year. We're bringing this sucker home. Yeah, you get caught up in the excitement of it, all right? Was there? Sure? Goods seen this Patriot fans, Steve. They were going crazy. I mean they had the camp I was going crazy and I wasn't. Yeah, they had the camera on Giselle, tom Brady's wife, and she was just shaking her head crazy. Her hair was everywhere. She was instagramming herself. It was so cute. She was so excited. It was crazy. Excitement was there? And remember now, I was sitting on the falcon side. It was just heads were down the first half they were happy. Yeah, it was this disbelief. Yeah, I actually thought they were gonna win the game. So cool. You know what if Monica Mississippi Monica couldn't just get out of my face with her camera trying to build up her little damn followed she got eighty four followed. I got to be all over the South. You know, she'd be asking you to do stuff. Mr Age, Act like you're eating some cabfish. You know, she wants she wants stuff like that on I'm I'm looking at it right now so they don't see we bought it. Well, that's good. And who made the fish tacos? Ah? Were they good? J were they good? I don't even know type of fish. You don't eat fish. Oh you said you don't know what kind of fish it was. I don't know. Uh M. So what about half time, did you guys see Lady Ga Ga? Yeah? Yeah, did we see her? Yeah, coming in from the roof lip. Yes, girl, she did everything you could do in one perform. Yes, you were on the roof. She came down. Do you some flips? She was singing, she got down, she played the piano, she dash, she worked the whole stage. Then she just jumped off something into a hole. It was yeah, she dropped the mic though, Remember that she dropped the mic first. Yea, I caught a football that was thrown to her and then just jumped off the stage. Wait a minute, have you guys seen this meme on Instagram of Hillary and the Falcons jersey and it says, when you think you have the win in the back, you're holding up a football. That's wrong. And it was crazy because when we were leaving the game, people kept shaking their heads saying, this feels like a lection night all over again. This was a nightmare, Like that's what you're compared to these bat pads. It was close. It was close. Five yeah, yeah, I just you know, um, But at the end of the day, like it hasn't made me sick. I'm just I was hurt five, but I refused sick. You know, I don't left football games through that. To me? What did it shocks? Tell my cousin after they lost the NBA Championship in our phantoms and we drive to our mansions so we get over it. Y as life goes on, this show going on me. We're broadcasting live from the Cayman's waiting on the rest of the crew to get here. Tom is supposed to be here tomorrow. Tommy's not here today. Tommy's having Oh I don't know what you call it. I just, you know, I just what's wrong with him? Surely you always call you and Carl's wrong with your nephew? No, no, he my nephew. He y'all boy, he buy y'all food on the road. What's wrong with Tommy? Was was he at the game? Carlor? No, No, he wasn't at the game. He got lost in the state last night. Tommy, I don't know. Nine year old boy, please section one on one. Tommy is an amble alert st They got a picture that ragged ass males and Rodney all over just everywhere I got it. I just saw laughing. Oh at But congratulations to the England Patriots though Tom Brady has done it. Oh he called the Patriots and bull check cold. You gotta get it to them, boys. I just wanted Atlanta the wind. But the Patriots, what they did was unbelieving, that kind of come from behind. All right, hell, you show up a great game. But I was looking at the coach's face, and he did not look promises for the foul And you can't look like that. And you're the leader of the m You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Um, you want to let some of your frustration out, your your joy out, whatever it is. If you want to talk about the game, uh huh. If you want to take he was nervous eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve call us talk about the game. But first Steve introduced miss Anne. Ladies and gentlemen, miss Trip today. You know he I said, ladies and gentlemen missing and Trip. Sorry, we're so far away. You talk on the phone, gang, you heard me. I hear your Good morning, everybody. This is entrepris the news. Okay. First federal appeals judge has refused to immediately reinstate the Trump administration's travel ban, opening the way for the arrival of travelers and refugees from seven mostly Muslim countries today. The first arrivals are expected today mean While the US Justice Department has reportedly until three pm Eastern time to make Trump's case, Vice President Pence tells Fox News Sunday that the way he sees at the court overstepped its authority. We don't appoint judges to our district courts to conduct foreign policy or to make decisions about our national security. Under statutory law and under the Constitution, that authority belongs to the President of the United States. Trump has tweeted quote some bad people are very happy unquote, and the Vice President says in Americans find the President's way of talking about the issue, by the way, refreshing. The President of European Council meanwhile, Donald TOSC has added President up to the list of threats facing Europe. TOSK reportedly made their declaration in a letter to twenty seven European Union heads. According to CBS News, the EU official has put Trump's name President Trump's name on a list that include China, Russia, radical Islam, war and terror. Okay, and at last night's break record breaking Super Bowl fifty one featured a patriotic Lady Gaga halftime show. She'd been asked not to get political. She was a Hillary supporter, so she didn't get political. Bless America. That Stanleyside died through the night with the light, but after that it was all about the miraculous overtime comeback, the Patriots beating the Dirty Birds third four to eight. Patrids run the Super Bowl. Brandy has this crap. What a come back? Yeah, what a comeback? And this is the first ever Super Bowl to go into oti, the first one. Amazing. Now back to Steve Harvey warning show he has done it again. To Brady, it's to be happy for u. M hmm. I mean, you know, I'm a Cleveland boy in my heart, you know, because That's where I'm from. Right, we can't hear my heart is heavy too, sad. Ye, I was too low. I was too low. My bad. I just was really sad. I'm a Cleveland boy and heart, so you know, imagine the bleeding that I've been doing at leash y'all in hand something. Well, you got the Cavaliers, I mean they're the champs in basketball, and somebody to that. All right, you want to go got that one though, I'm good. I'm gonna ask another. You want to go to the phones and talk to the people about the game. Now, but let's go a seven seven twenty nine, Steve call us. If you want to talk about the game, let's go to line one cat and talk to Sean out of Georgia, A Sean out of Georgia. Sean Oh, it says Sean. Okay, hello is your name? Hello? Hey? Who is this? Yeah? In all right, Danny? What's wrong? Man? Hey? Take this out, y'are talking about the football game? Right? Yeah? Hey, listen, let this up. I've been at Atlanta, had the game. They had the game when they got them from the pen of the call on New England, uh pill advantage? Now what turned the game all the way around? Man? They had the Super Bowl? Man, you know, some man, I agree with you. They had three penalties on one drive, all of them after they stopped the third down play, all of them, and all three of them was holding call holding on passing the fifth defensive but number thirty four, I'm so mad at him that drive. But the game ain't number thirty, folks fault. I don't want nobody to think I'm saying that because that ain't his fault. You know, they hold all the time, and we boy at that drive right there when they got them three penalties on third down, let me third ninety man, the first touchdown, man, it was good. Yeah, New England's first touchdowns. That what you're saying, j Yeah, yeah, Danny, Danny, you're gonna be all right. Yeah, Okay, I'm gonna be all right. Let's go to line three. Take you Dan, Thank you, Danny. Line three. Talk to Adam out of Pennsylvania. Adam, all right. Let's go to line to speak to Nicholas out of DC. Nicholas, Yeah, man, what's going on up? Ain't nothing, man, what's happening with you? Talk to me about the game whatever. I think the only thing doing about that game was they careful. They thought he hit the broil, the ball hit the brown. Yeah, that was everything. I don't think they was come and I don't think anything but the only thing I do things that help them. Mm hmm. No, you can't go with that, bro. I hear what you're saying. I don't think we can put this on the rel. All the penalties I saw him call was a legitimate penal. I can't put that on the rel. The ones I saw, I didn't see any bad call, and now I saw a missed call because they held a falcon. Yeah, that face mask that stopped the drive when they threw a penalty on the falcon. They face mask that. Boy, Now, how they missed that. I don't know, because most people when they run in one way, don't help them turn their head all the way around and look back. People I know don't run like that, especially pro Yeah. Now I had a partner name come on with the Day, Jimmy Donaldson. When Jimmy Donaldson ran, his head turned around because he was normally being chased, he could run looking back faster than anybody. I knew he'd be all the way around, just be running full speaking more of your phone calls when we come back eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. We'll be back at eighteen after you're listening to Steve har all right, um, who feels out? Did you report? Now we have a human resurce department. We're gonna go back to the phones. Eight seven seven, Steve, we're talking about the game. No, you're getting too real on this reality. I don't even noticed the podcast. Eight seven seven and twenty nine, Steve Collins. I want to talk to Steve Rubber. I'm a bird. Let's go to the phone Monica Food Today, Line three. Let's go to Adam out of Pennsylvania, Adam, Good morning, entire Steve Harvey crew behind the changes as well man, My comment is, uh, well, first of all, I just disagree with you, Steve want to uh Brady being the best. I mean Montana. I still think it is the best because today is the pass happy league and the rules is a little different. So Montana got feed up a little more. They both can take regular players and tournaments. Check it. Uh, Mr Badable accept that you don't. Yeah, yeah, I'll coached again, just like like Belichick did. Uh the Steelers they I'll coach them in Atlanta. Should have kept up the pressure the way they beat up here and Rogers disrupt at them. They let down. They got comfortable, complacent. Mm hmm. Yeah, I agree with that, all right, Adam. I mean you're right. Tom Brady wouldn't take them at the balls. And I'm starting the room. Come on, we gotta have some to fight when we talk to the Patriot. All right, Adam, thank you, thank you, thank you. All right, let's let's let's go to line Uh let's go to line seven and talk to Marlon out of Kentucky. Marlon, good morning, lady, see JR. Hurry hurry good. My comment the coach of the chick he said it wouldn't be one thing that he would change. Well, I agree with Steve. With the three holding calls in the row that led to their first touchdown, I would change that and the controversial call on if the ball was down on the completion. As I watched it in slow motion several times, it was a complete path. It was. It was incredible how he managed to still focus on the ball and make sure it didn't hit the ground. But it went off a leg and off of arm, and right before he hit the ground he had it. So, I mean, it was a good game. I'm not a fan of either team. I just like to see a good game. Yeah, good game it was. I'm from Cleveland. I'll show you pain. Y'all just started to deal with y'all. I really need y'all need to gonna get past this. You know, said were still mad about the lost Yeah, y'all don't even understand what pray for? Two years of prank? What the game? Game is over? You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah, thank you Shirley for telling us. Scared to call? I think they should call. Yeah, well, this is everybody calling eight seven seven. They might as well. I call it just half of the you're so bad mercians. Did you like? Okay? Comment on football game and the commercials that they're the worst commercial for one except for one. Let's see the stick. All right, let's go back to the phone that people want to talk to you, Steve Let's and if you've got a favorite commercial, Yeah, yeah, let's go the worst year of commercials ever. Let's go to line six tot to Phoenix out of Illinois. Phoenix. Hey see you? How you doing one thing? Crew? Yeah? Coming on the game? Is that I told you about at my church. I wanted the Land of to win, but the only way they can win Knox, they had to knock Tom Bright out of the game. Got only got two New ex And I'm like New England. New England run the score on you. They don't get relaxed. If they beat you, they're gonna beat you by a hundred. And I just got tired. And I just get tired of New England women all the time. I wanted to land to win, but I want my money. You don't knock Tom Bright out, You're gonna lose the game. You're right, I said that today. I said I won't Atlanta to win, but I'm scared. But Tom Brad and it was sad man. How I was watching the sideline change in the second hand. The coach of the Falcons told the story. I looked at his face. He looked peaking, as my daddy was saying, boy looking peaking. A little sick, a little little scared, a little under the weather, a little scared. Yeah, wow, hey, you know what we were talking about? Commercials Okay. The two that we voted on, what well we love the Cam Newton commercial commercial was great, okay, and the Ford commercial. I love the Ford commercial. That was actually my favorite commercial in situation. They got there when that little boy got twisted up on that big we don got in helment, call between the bike and down the ball and get it out. But the little black boy was me. I was pulling my shirt off one time, the shirt off. I damn the key on myself. I failed out with a shirt over my head. I don't know where I will Okay, so no one, no one saw the Turkish Airlines commercial. Let's see, I was at the game. Any of the commercial starring Morgan Freeman. Thank you very much, thank you. I want to sleep. That was my favorite. That was the best Morgan Freedman commercial. Freeman. Uh huh, yeah, who else it was? It was some commercials were I didn't understand why they spent it. Thank you. That was my favorite. Though. I'm just saying, okay, we'll be back. Don't don't don't. You're listening morning show coming up of the top of the hour. Strawberry letters. Subject my husband is trifling, but I love him. Don't say it again, trifling but I love him. That's a Strawberry letter. We got a trifling coworker. Y'all still love him. We're here, you're talking about the nephew. Yeah, I'm gonna just keep saying it. Listen to me, y'all. If y'all don't get nothing else from me, do not hide your family. The last comment we heard was y'all thank all. The still try to make it but to work. You mean, yeah, all right, we're still taking here for everybody. Just put their fall eight seven seven. See the thing about Russian it was the real at L boy to his heart, he was condolences go out to usher hanging there. Man, you know they listen to me. Let me, let me, let me send some condolences to the State of Georgia and all yall Falcon play. This is from somebody from Cleveland, Ohio. Learn how to deal with Listen to me, Linty Moordy, you have scot to learn how to handle these defeats. Man, licking your stomach gets sour, flipping all up and down. I am from Cleveland. Oh man, we ain't one a damn thing. And all I kept hearing in the game last night. The little dude for the Falcons, the wide receiver. They come talking out of him, the other one, Taylor, Taylor Gabriel, tell of Gabriel cut by the Cleveland Brown. Oh yeah, we got too much damn talent. Cut Gabriel, he down there in the Super Bowl, just climbed. Then they had the center, the center for the Falcon. Yeah, Mac cut by the Cleveland Brown. We didn't. We had two Super Bowl players in the Brown. We didn't cut the I'm so sick of Cleveland. So Falcon fans take console in this. You have not lived. It's in the pain that I had. It's all right, the Hawks ain't never won one. But how long had the Hawks been a run? Since? That's not helpings hurting. I'm just telling them you ain't from that, But you gotta get pass this oh, they had to Steve. Last night at the game. They had this big video presentation, y'all, Samuel Jackson, this whole big rise up, dirty Barry. Oh my god, listen to me all in paraise where you fit in the half in Cleveland? You know in Atlanta, you ain't got to spend all this money. We spent a lot of money. Now. Hear the funniest thing. I heard what somebody said, because you know, whoever win, they have on Super Bowl Captain Super Bowl T shirts. Somebody said, what happened to all them T shirts when you don't win the Super My boy said, they send him to Africa. It's a little boy in Gaza Land. I'm gonna be running around ash niked with just a Falcon Championship. You know that's all the way wrong thing out and everything at sitting in the creek with a Falcon two thousand seven, Falcon two thousands and Super Bowl because you don't never see them shirts when they don't win. Now, yeah, these shirts go and it ain't don't need to throw them away because somebody needs these ships. They can like, you know, take off the A and be uh lantin it. Can't make it Land Land Falcons. That ain't so all they're gonna send him over there though, So is that's your way of helping the Falcon fans this morning? That's that's it. That's the silver I think they feel like, you know, ain't a way to help y'all. The hurt is real, Yes, yes, So all we can do is just understand that you ain't the only ones Falcon fingers. I love y'all, man bout the big hug and you know, and no, ain't no hood gonna help today. Well, meanwhile, that will help better than what you're saying right now. I'm not really trying to help. I'm just trying to get you to understand what happened to you. Gotta get past this here, because I'm gonna tell you right now now. The Falcons, the players, I feel for them because they are pain yea like nobody else. The coaches kicking himself because we were talking about some of the big Super Bowl fiascos, and just the other year when the damn Seahawks was playing the Patriots and was down there on the one with fold dog on down and then fool Pete Carroll tell Wilson to throw the ball and the Patriots in accepted it in the end from from the ones that are giving it to the beat him there, Ah, man, I understands on the twin why we didn't run the ball too or three times kick the field goal? We gotta shot that's it. Who are you talking about. I'm talking about the Falcons. They had it on the twenty. Remember they had got sacked. He got sacked and got backed up to the fifty. They put him out the field goal rain we had. He got sacked so fast he didn't even have time to throw it out about and they got mad wanted to. Commentator said, now this is where Maddie Ice got to be thinking. He can't take a second. But what the hell was he gonna throw it though he had just stepped back. That was a mistake. Mhm, the fumble. It was so many so steve a lot of people. I'm on social media right now, some of the Falcon fans. They're still talking about that play. Where did he catch that ball? Oh no, that was he caught. I'm not gonna lie to you. I watched he caught the ball. What y'all quit talking about? Did he catch the ball? You saw the instant replay from all sides. The ball never touched around. That red sticky glove was under the ball. It was great defense by the Falcons. The Falcons played. He got a lucky bounce and he stayed focused and he called the ball. But the Falcons had played great deal. They had three. But the Falcons played a great game for the first half. And then I think after that, I think the three holies and three penalties on the first drive and kept that drivel and it was over with on the third down three times, and they kept getting extended to play you first down. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning show. Boy Salons knows she did her things. She performed during the Super Bowl first good for her. Love that song? What is it? Juniors? Crazy in disguise? What I get? All? Right, Well it's that time. Y'all sit back relaxed, this time for the strawberry left. Yes, it is, sir subject. I love the subject. My husband is trifling, but I love him. One more time. My husband is trifling, but I love him. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. Dear Stephen Shirley, I've been married for ten years. The first year was good, but it has been rocky since we've been through affairs, missing money, and him hanging with friends without calling sometimes till four a m. We have never set goals and barely talk to each other. When we do talk, he doesn't look me in my eyes or he just won't respond. Our finances suck. I have to pay for almost everything. I try to make him share the responsibility, but that led to utilities being cut off, car repo, and foreclosure. He also doesn't buy me gifts or compliment me. He barely spends time with our children. If he is home, he is sleeping watching TV. Prior to getting married, I finished grad schooled on a how, owned a house, car and rental property, had investments, and started my own business. Unfortunately, I have lost all all of this, including my good credit. He has not finished college. We went to counseling after the first affair, but now we can't afford it. Friends and family tell me to leave, but I have lived by Matthew eighteen to twenty two, forgive seventy times seven. Overall, he's a good guy. Everybody likes him, and I still love him. He says he loves me, but I don't see it or feel it. When is enough enough? Please? Help. Enough is enough when you feel the need to write Steve and I about your problems. It's way more than enough. Okay, enough is enough when he's doing all this stuff to you and his family. And let me say this. You mentioned in the letter he's a good guy. He's not a good guy. Okay. Good guys don't do this to their wives and family, Cheating, lying, stealing, not talking to you and the kids. Come on now that good guys don't do that. You're delusional. Stop making excuses for this man. He's a loser and you need to stop letting him bring you down. That's what you're doing. Look at all look at where you were in life before you met this guy. All right, he's just not worth you losing everything over. I mean, and think about your worth. Aren't you worth much more than this? Don't you deserve better? You know, where's your self esteem? To let him bring you down like this? You've worked so hard, Um, you know you have to set some sort of example for your children. Don't let them just see this man do all this stuff to you. Don't allow this. You can still forgive him. I'm with forgiveness all day long. You can still forgive him but you still have to move on with your life and and not put up with this foolishness. What do you mean he stays out with his friends and doesn't call until four in the morning. Come on now, no decent yeah, married man would do that to you. Don't allow him to do that. You're just letting him walk all over you. You gotta grow. I'll just say, get a backbone. How about that, Get a backbone, stand up for yourself. Come on now, he doesn't buy you gifts, he doesn't compliment you. I mean, so you feel like crap, you know when you're around him because of all this stuff. You're in a bad marriage. You are in a bad marriage. And I use the word marriage loosely in this situation because you're doing everything he's not doing anything and reaping all the benefits. Um, that's all I have to say. Get out and run as fast as you can from this situation, you know, and and and build a life for yourself and these children. You've done it before, you can do it again. You just don't need anyone in your life that's going to bring you down. Steve, I'll okay, Well, let me just uh do this a little bit differently. Today, I'm gonna go through this line by line for her, obviously everybody else I they're gonna see exactly what we see, so I ain't gonna surprise nobody. I've been married for ten years. The first year was good, but it's been rocky ever since. That means nine years of what I'm about to read you. We've been through affairs, not one affairs with the nest missing money. That's because of the affairs, money gonna be missing. The garden tools are explicit. They cost money. They cost money, cost they godden tools. Mm hmmm. And him hanging with friends without calling the friends was the garden tools sometimes to four am. Garden tools is up that time of night. Be those of you working ladies and out they're making away and raising kids. You you're in the bed at four or you're getting up at folks, but you stay out with garden tools to four am. We have never set goals and barely talked to each other. He can't set goals with you. He is with them garden too. When we do talk, he doesn't look me in my eye mm hmm, because he been out with your God, and that look is gonna be in your eye and when you talk to him, he just won't responnd O financers suck, it's causing he's garden to codden tools calling money. You got to buy gas, hotel rooms. Mm hmmm. I have to for almost everything because he ain't got no money. I tried to make him share the responsibility, but that led to utilities being off cut off, car repo at a foreclosure. He doesn't buy me gifts one more time, causing who garden too? He doesn't compliment me because he didn't use them all up on them scanches. Ah. He barely spends time without children, this trifling low life. Ye man, not God uses all over there and with the kids. Now, if he is home, he sleep or watching TV. He tied, didn't you just said he out the four o'clock in the morning with them scally wags and out all night with them witches. You're smelling like them witches. I'll come back, he said, he was. She knows he's this dude, right, and then at the end she said he's a good guy. Yeah, what what? What? What letter you read? You're listening all right, We're in the middle of this strubber He letters, subject my husband is trifling, but I love him. I love him. We'll got to part two. Respond the Falcons off. All right, Steve, let's finish up this strawberry letter. And my husband is trifling, but I love him. You know she's talking about all this stuff that this man ain't doing fast and missing money. Told him he hanged with friends without calling sometimes the four M we never said goals, barely talk. When we do talk, he don't look me in the eyes. He just won't respond. I find answers suck after pay for almost everything. I tried to make him share the responsibility that led to the utilities being cut off. Car repo forecolder. He doesn't buy me guilt so compliments me. He barely spends time with our children. If he is home, he's a sleeper watching TV. Now listen to this. Prior to getting married, I finished grad school, I owned a house, a car, rental property, had investments, and started my own business. Unfortunately, I have lost all of this, including my good college, my good credit. He has not finished college. Okay, now I resent that. What resent? Because I didn't finish college. That's the only part in this letter hurt me. All right, We went to counseling after the first affair, but now we can't afford it. You know why, because he keeps having them. Friends and family tell me to leave him. But I have lived by Matthew eighteen two, for Gil seventy times seventy. You ain't Jesus, You are not the Lord Jesus said, for Gil seventy times seventy. But he also said there is none perfect, no, not one. So I do twice. That's all I got for you give yeah, I do twice, one times, two times. One yeah, I do too, one time too. I forgive you twice. And after that, I ain't got nothing. That's seven times se me I think is that. I don't know what that's for people that stay in the Bible. I live a lot of my life outside it. She's gotta so she's got a twist overall. He's a good guy. What did you write this letter? Where in here did you say good guy? Everybody likes him because they ain't living with him, and I still love him. Why he says he loves me, But I don't see it off that cas he don't love yourself. He loved him Garden too, and she doesn't love herself. These Goden, tools ain't loyal. You're listening show? All right. We have some wonderful callers who have been holding for a minute. We're gonna get to them right after this. Call us. What you tell us, what you think about the game, the commercials, all of that. Yesterday eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, I don't love her. Okay, okay, thank you for holding, guys, and you can call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steven, let us know what you thought about the game and the commercials, all of that. Let's go to line seven and talk to t out of Tennessee a t out of Tennessee hopefully, good morning morning through um ste If. I wanted to tell you this. I'll ride and die with you. I love me to Steve Harvey and his Morning crew. But when you came to the game, I had to separate myself for a many I was so disappointed you was rooting for a lamb of fat So why while party myself from my roll A little song and it goes a little something like this is the story of a man named Brady who has some hitters. I love the song. There was a group of several people together on their wrong They said you're deflator and you're a cheater, and they will never ever ever be a believer. So the story of a man named Ready who has it own. Oh go, that's how we want the school first. A right, I don't like the song. I like I like me to Yes, don't call him. It was cute. It was cute girl, it was it was cute Brady get by, but we got all that. It still wasn't thank you. All right, Let's go to line Let's go to line three and talk to Sheila out of Georgia. Sheila, Yes, hello, good morning. I am so hurt. I am. I can hear it in your voice. I can't even only sleep. I got to work early, said like thirty minutes. I was getting ready to take off for the parade. I'm just so hurty. Did you throw up listening to this lady song? You know? I really just wanted to tune that. I still don't like Brady, but we have t shirts on the way. My working don't even watch football, and he's like he hurt. He didn't know why he was hurted was not to them. You know, we can keep the shirts. We're just gonna happen to say, put almost on there Atlanta almost keep a little champs pencil that in put a pen in that. Wow, Tommy did the same thing, you know, because he's stupid. He didn't he bought all in Miami T shirts. Oh yeah, oh the year that he lost the NBA championship. Yeah, yeah, twelve or something. Okay, thank you, Sheila line for let's go to Melinda out of Illinois. Okay, Hey, let's right, knew it. Don't be hanged. Don't be being mad at me. Hey, okay, now you stopped that, because let me tell you what happened. This is what happened. Anybody believe in Jesus. I don't know who Tim Bready served, but the man has though a lot of tribal and tribulations and see God gave him grace and mercy on that. Because there's no way we should have won the game. But when God is ain't that killed tain't nobody blockt fam bam bamp not stopt it. Okay, because Jesus ain't that. Jesus was man Ryan God too. Yeah. The people killed me with that. Wow, Melenda, they did have the same chore. Man. He came out saying, showed them shut the hell up. That's why they do that. Man. They booed him get on our stage and that thing. You don't, no baby, listen to me. They booed Roger good Dale. Yeah, that's who they booed. You see how he said a few words and let me get out of here because they're gonna end up throwing cans at me and everything goes but that trophy. But just would have wanted like that quarterback. He did a good job. He's some credit. Then he got m d T. So that's all he's all for his matching. Get a head car and going up to here until one of my matches, and nobody go about that. They get in their fantoms and drive to their mansions. Win or lose. Thank you girl. Let's go to line one and talk to Bonnie out of South Carolina. Yes, Falcons, let's see good morning to oh like to say that. Um. I agree that there were some problematic cars in the game. However, I think Atlanta's inconsistency also helped them lose because they left from um what they were winning when they first started out. The defense was playing man man and it was playing strong and um, the Pagers can't do anything. They were shutting down Brady. They were shutting down the one. They were setting down the passes. But in the second half, right before the second um, the end of the second order, they changed and started playing zone, which allowed Brady time to think and to get the ball off. When they went in the locker woman at halftime, they shoot have regrouped and looked at what got them where they were. Instead, they came back playing the same old Zoe getting Brady times and and I don't know why they didn't know. I will say this to you. Let me say this. They went into the locker room. They were winning, right, they came back out and they did the same thing that had them winning. The problem was to England winning there and made several adjustments. True that quarter came after sitting up in their stairs. The Falcons didn't make any more adjustments. They did the exact same thing. But see they started playing zone. Zone gave gave Brady time. When they were playing man and man Brady, they were in Brady space when he was allowed to get a passed off with the person that caught the ball, they stopped him right there. They couldn't get anywhere. But when they started playing zone, I mean it was like I told my husband, I said, this is over with the tay whim with this. What does that mean? Zone? Man? Man covered? I know. I'm just like, it's too deep for me right now. That's a man. You just own an area. Okay, thank you, Bonnie, Yeah she is. You have explain it to me, Jim. I mean, I love football too, but I didn't know all that. That was too deep for me. It was like, what, I just know, good game when all I know it's Tom Brady within their locker room and deflated them balls. I don't kill nobody. That's why I saw all the way you can come back from twenty five down. He took five to ten pounds of pressure active ball. All right, now the nephew is and here's it. We won't be doing weekend confessions. More of your phone calls. Yeah, let us know what you think about the game and uh about the commercials all of that. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve eight seven seven. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Back to the phones, we go, Line eight. Jeff out of Texas. Okay, let's go to line one. Stephanie out of Texas. Good morning, everybody, Morning, Stephanie, Hey, step what's up? Hi? Um? I just want to give my little two cents on the game. That was a good game and I was going for the Mountains. I am not a brain fan, but if that boy I can come back and get that when he deserve it, he deserve it. But you have to give Freeman Jones Ryan then boys, they played ball. They had some good plays. That Jones has some catches. Man. I was like, go boy, you go boy. But if Brady came back to get it, you gotta give him his credit. Now. I mean that's why I say you gotta get him, man, because you can say what you want to. Tom Brady is to football equivalent to Larry Bird. He was from Boston. Oh man, they hated Larry Mercy. You couldn't do nothing with him, nothing with him if you want it to. Tom Brady is in that category. Man. He's just he bawled them. The quarterback touched the ball every place, every single place. And can I just say, since Stephanie mentioned Freeman, Morgan Freeman had a great commercial. I don't know if you say it was fabulous and he looked very sexy and what was it again? It was Turkish airlines. Which where ain't nobody going? That's not the points nobody give damn about Turkey? Why do you hate I'm Morgan Freeman. It's not Morgan Freeman. I don't care, you know, why do you love him so much? What are we going? Ain't nobody going to Turkey? And why they put him on the commercial? Thinking about the last Man? And if you do go to Turkey? Yeah, that was my favorite commercial. Thank you. He said that five times. And Roley Mohammed was over there with us and my boy Roll Rob Mohammed was with us over in the Philippines and the travel band hit. I told him, I say, man, you probably want to get back here. You just told him like that, Steven to make some calls because your might not be able to get back in and you boarded Joe flight. Let's go to line for it. Talk to Kevin. Y'all went on to go. I'm Steve Harvey. I'm getting on the plane. Yeah, nothing Harvey everything, I got global entry. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna get in Kevin morning. Yeah, how y'all doing the pick? Yeah? What's going on? Man? Which comment? Man? So I'm telling you one thing. I'm a I'm a New Orleans Saints fan for one. So the dirty third and the new or the state of a personal you know, a little bob, we're going on, right. So we're sitting down at the game in New Orleans watching it on a big ol projective screen with the fan of the friends right fighting the game and we're looking at how stuff and looking real good and beating out on the on the page. It's pretty good, you know. And then at the end of the game, once they lost the game, right, all my brothers got together, like, man, what's the put up? Put the between a dirty tub and a dirty third? A dirty one, a dirty tub and a thirty third a dirty tub or cub cub like tub after you get real shaking and sucking the get real clean. Yeah, what's a different dirty tub and a dirty bird? What's the difference? The third? They too gotta ring the funcus. Look at that the things they got a ring has a ring? Oh that's cold. Thank you. Kevin eight Jeff out of Texas. I was going to see you. Hey, what's up man? Hey? What about the Patriots? Man? Yeah? What a bottom boy? Hey, I'm like this man, I'm off Tom Brady fair you know everybody's throwing Stalton Pepper on his name, but this dude, I mean like they needed to sit back and let the man do him thing. You're watching the quarterback go from greatness the legendary right there in front of your last night he did he did. You know what happened was I think that you know the letter funk because that had to me bandwagon Jopper So at the end, it can carre it all, y'all, lords man canna carry you can care all the put it around here to any people. And that bad that you know, the wagon got a little too heavy checked over. You know, well you know to counter that. The only reason you're on the bandwagon cause they didn't been seven times. Yeah, you know, you don't get on the bandwagon for somebody to just make it one time. You're just hoping they won't. I was hoping, like hell at level one, y'all want everything you're said about Tom Brady is cooling that thing. But you ain't got the call here, no damna from some Texas you ain't ever been about. Hello. I just like great players, man, I mean everybody. I just like Tom Brady, I like I like Joe Munchanna. I mean, the dude, you don't pass all of them. Believe that written on the string, and so you are here to look at that in this day. But I think that Tom Brady is great. Myself, I wanted Atlanta to win, but I was afraid of Tom Brady. Damn Patriots because they linds away. But me and my boy said it half time, hey man, we need two more touchdown. That was too much time for talking. I didn't feel good. Man. Then when then then the Patriots that first three and out, but that drive where they came down, they got them three holding calls and three two on the pass in the fields. Now one of the holes on the little dude and went cross the middle and his gloves was on his arm. That wasn't a whole that was that was just football. But the rest of them, number thirty four, Oh he was doing. Yeah, he backed the back holding. He was actually he would really playing town. I'm just let me just say this, if you ain't from Boston, don't call in here, routy. Just here'shaw basing that lamp. You ain't ain't child, You don't even have no lobsters. You ain't been down the main. You ain't you don't even go by the Kennedy Center. You ain't even up there. You don't know nothing about can't tell us what the tea party was. What we love new edition. That's yeah, they're from Boston. Wahlberg is from Boston. Yea Ben Affleck Matt da Matt damon holiday. Oh Boston a great city. You know they're strong up there, ain't man? That football team is what it is? Yeah, I mean they won. They wont y'all think, y'all sick? The Falcon players, yeah night, they in a pain that's unbelievable because they had had it. They had it. What can you say? That's all I'm doing is discussing it because I really don't give it that. Get in your phantom and drive to your you're listening, harnow, Yes, it is alright. We've been going to the owns all morning. People want to talk about you're tired of it. They want to talk about the game. They want to get in Yeah, alright, eight seven seven. Steve Handling is wrong. Just let you know. From Cleveland, I can tell you how to get through this. Oh. The Falcon fans, yeah, y'all, y'all, y'all don't want to hurt Eve, a light topic and pain yearn Oh, the Falcons fans are waking up, Yes they are after all that party last night. Let's go to line. Yes, they're waking up. I mean the Patriots fans. Uh Line one. Cora out of Tennessee. Yeah, let's hello, hey, cor Hey, now we find that we find this almost over. I'm gonna just go and teach a letter folcons how to deal with this. I'm from Cleveland. I can help you to it. Go ahead. I'm gonna just start counseling people. What can I do for your care? I'm the first first, Seve. I want to say, miss t the one with the song, the bride song, I love, I love absolutely. It was a beautiful song. It's a very beautiful song, Steve. Then you love it? Yes? I loved it too. Yes. Yes. At the end of the day, minus of the flighted balls, everything that everybody is trying to say, you have to give Tom Bright in his post. Yes, he is the greatest. Yes, thank you for calling. Let's go next. Hey, j good morning, how y'all doing, Jay? What's going on? What's your opinion? Man, Steve, I'm from a LA I'm living Alta about from New Orleans, so we weren't going for a many ways. So I woke up this morning frobbed me from Steve Harvey Beckon. I mean blt. I'm riding around the level looking for the rides up flags and laughing at all. Oh that's cold. Yeah, thank you man, that's one way to get over it. Don't care about it, Thank you very much. Three Mrs Luke counseling people who don't know how to lose outline three. Terrants out of Georgia, Terence, What can I do for you? Terrance? What's going on? The man? I'm from Georgia and it and it hurt me when I saw that comeback starting to coach, and then I thought to feel a salon who was saying in my m yeah, well let me tell you something, man, get over it. That's your past it. Get pat and start getting past it now, because it ain't gonna change. New England Patriots and Super Bowl champs for a plethora or reasons, and not one of them is your damn fault. Let's get past all right, thank you. Let's go to line three and talk to Terrence out of Georgia. Terence. Oh, let's go to line four. I'm sorry. That was Terrence line for Lashawn out of Virginia. Lashawn, good morning, seeing Harvey Morning Show. Hey we're good. What's your comment? Baby? Well, my first, first, and foremost, let me say I'm a Davis Cowboy fan for life. Let's get that out there. Well, y'all saying in it? So what else you got to say? Y'all? Season been over? You got you a hut? The Cowboys is at the house with the Browns. It was a good game last night. I was all in my feelings. I didn't want Atlanta to win, but they didn't. I don't want to con see that Tom Brady was as the best quarter pack. I don't want to con see that New England is the best pit. I don't like them. I hate if I'm being my feelings and yes I'm being right. Okay, Now listen to this alcohol last night? That good. Now, you don't want to give Tom Brady being the best quarterback in the league. He is. You don't want to give New England credit for being Super bro champions they are, y'all. Don't want Donald Trump to be your president. He's not my president, but he is the funny fifth president of United States. You see what all we got to get over. At least the Patriots ain't got a damn band on travel Steve al Right, we have all these phone calls. People want to get it out, they want to decide. I'm turning these phone calls in the council therapy sessions because a lot of y'all don't know how to take this loss from Cleveland. You need to talk to somebody been losing his whole damn life. Two of the players as on the Falcons team doing the Super Bowl. Every time that little dude number eight team made a catch, he was cut by the Cleveland Browns, like we got too much damn in the center, he got cut by Cleve alright, Well, who did we keep Johnny Man? We'll take more of your phone call off this. Does he still play Johnny? You're on the run. On the run. He's a fugitive. Do you ever called me messy again? And he's so missy? Come, let's go back to the phones. Let's go to line one and talk to herb out of Pennsylvania. I'm doing counseling for calls because obviously a lot of you people don't know how to handle this loss. The right way. I'm from Cleveland. Let me help her business names herb Herb. Yes, what's your comment? Her? You know I listen to you on the show. You know. I appreciate everybody off there, you know, but you know, it's hard to have faith in New England because you know, you guys here been caught cheating nor than once. And I say this here, I'll say this here. If your wife or your husband got caught cheating, it's hard to have faith in them again. And I do say this here. If you can ban peoples for baseball for life, for gammons, Cheating and gammons go hand in hand, you should ban these guys for life. And it goes all the way up to the owner. Thank you for calling. That's a totally unacceptable and irrational path of thinking. We will no longer be accepting this type of thought process. What the hell that got do? The damn game last night? The balls was fine. Ain't nobody to have a copy of the playbook? So what do y'all know? Who your president is? I don't know how you accepting other patriots? And Donald Trump is our president? Do you understand me? Man? We got a ban on travel, he doing every day he said they're gonna do. Let's let's get a grip on this right here. The new Patriots is the champs. Now I can help you with this. Stop all this. They cheated and should be banned for life. They not. They not a matter of fact. They fit to get some rings made. Not rings. And here's the upside of this whole thing. All Atlanta founding Super Bowl T shirts. Some little half naked boys in Tanzania are gonna be running around with there. They're gonna have on no draws, no past, no shots, and no shoes, but they're gonna have on some land of file and two thousand seventeen World Championship T shirts. The rest of them gonna go to Romania and they're gonna sun the Turkey and it's gonna be and some of them gonna go down to uh Equador. They let a lot of inmates West stuff like that. You ever look at them all in the third world country prison? The speaking of Jesus Christ Superstar T shirt. And yeah, speaking of Turkey, Morgan Freeman's Turkish Airlines commercial. We'll be back to close out of the show. You that's right, okay, We'll be back with just one more thing after this I got turned all right, Oh just one more thing, alright, yeah, World Champs. One one more call before we get out. All right, let's go, Yeah, let's go. All right, Let's go to line three and talk to Dana out of North Carolina. A good morning, good morning. How are you your comment? I'm doing great. The ultimate therapy for the Falcon fans would be to drive down eighty five and take up Carolina fan too much. Okay, drive to drive up eighty five and take a Carolina fan too lunch. That's really nice, baby, that's really good man. You're trying to talk to Falcon fan. Man, I'm actually a panther's for him. But the guy you trying well, Cam had a great commercial yards Oh yeah he did, and so did Morgan Freeman. But Cam did too. Yeah. I don't know how you guys don't see it, but anyway, yeah, we loved Cam Newton's commercial. It was good. But Morgan don't know. You sure he can? He just listen to the show. I'm his biggest fan. And all right, Dana, thank you. Uh. Let's go to line four and talk to Marketsha out of d C. Carlos, carl Oh my goodness. I love you guys so much. Hey um and like Steve, oh god no, because he I'm gonna have to work with him soon. He doesn't know this, but I'm telling you so, I'm sorry. I just gotta say this me personally, I feel like the Falcons they just got too comfortable. That's like a relationship. They got in and they got comfortable. That's just my opinion. But the iceing on the case was that four years of bad hair commercial. People say they didn't see it. The four years of bad hair commercial. What I don't your head and shoulders? It was called hair hair here? You know what thought? Oh are you? Are you talking about the super Bowl commercial? Yeah? Four years of bad hair? Oh? Oh got you? So? I surely care about if Morgan Freeman was that commercial. I didn't see it. If it wasn't it, you know, Let me teach you all a little something about making phone calls on radio stations. Try to connect your information, because don't just call in here and have random mass thoughts that's out here. Just Steve, you're supposed to be. This is the therapy call you're supposed to be. I'm gonna give her therapy because you're just in here talking about the fucking and then whatever, and then it's called years of bad. Hell where that come from? You didn't you gotta say? And then you know, my favorite commercial was the one about four years of bad. Then we can stay with you calling here tripping us out. Yeah, that trip. We trip enough this show to listen to this. But it started out saying, well, Sirle and Carla, I love that part. Oh yeah, and Hay, Steve, I love that part. I'm just saying that ain't bother me at all. I like crazy people. We got time form, Yes we do. Line five Keith out of Alabama, Olf, you got to be kidding me. I didn't got on the radio with Steve. This is come on man, okay, But anyway, yeah, man, I love y'all. Oh brother, you don't know bother. Been about to sit the level medion phone call out of me. Never got to the show, but I love at your pain anyway to me stop wasting time. I feel like the craziest part of the game was when your boy really needed a field goal so we didn't have to go to over time and he ran it out. They didn't even want without fairste rend it out. Man. That was crazy, no urgency. But in the way other than that, thank you for going to see the on the trump Man because if you wouldn't go any problem with see stead ste keep it going man his chip many do. Let me tell you something you better believe I do. And like I said last time, I said, in the words of the Temptation, I know you want to leave me, but I refused to let you go sitting up in here because you're ignorant. Don't know. Let me stop. Yeah, yeah, just chest bump him, keep it moving. Yeah, just like that, cam uh down a little babies. They're trying to give it to it. And Daddy said, if that's a beauty, my son, Cam love that. I love that conversion. We have time for one more hands and then he said he threw that ball so hard. I've over. I'm over. He saw. Kim Newton said, now common it was really good that. Yeah, let's go to line eight and tuck to Lisa out of North Carolina. We gotta go quick, Lisa. What's your comment, Darling, Good morning, Steve, Good morning, Shirley in the morning. Crew. Um, see, first of all, let me just tell you real quick. Last night, my husband from Georgia. I'm from Detroit. UM, I'm not in too much into football, but he's a diehard Falcons fan. He's sitting on the recliner, hands going up, cheering and only thing missing what's his pom pom. When that got to the second half on, he saw that Salcons was not gonna be able to pull it through. We had company in the house. He turned the TV to Lawn Order and went to bed. He said, you, I got to tell you this here, but I got to leave you with this because Sea Drew's eleven and one says, now, faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Because Steve, I have to take you back to two thousand and eleven. We gotta go, baby. Yeah. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.