Lent Sacrafices, $10M Winner, A.D. Dolphin Interview and more.

Published Mar 2, 2022, 2:00 PM

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have all suit giving them like the million bucks things in the stuffings not true? Good it listening to the mother? Please, I don't join jo. You got that turn you you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your tha uh huh, I sure will A good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, here we go today, folks. This is a good one because today I want to share with you something that affects every living soul, and that one thing is your attitude. This affects everyone. It is your attitude. You know. I don't know if anyone's ever told you, but I mean many of you who listen know this, But there are a lot of people who don't understand a positive attitude can bring about a change. A positive attitude can bring about a change. Well, now here we go with the nay says well, Steve, what you mean if I'm just positive being chained? My mama gone, What me being positive got to do with that? Okay, now listen to me carefully. A positive attitude can bring about change. Well, okay, Steve, I hear you saying that, but they didn't fired me. So now what does my having a positive attitude have to do with the fact that they fired me? Well, one more time, A positive attitude can bring about change. Or Steve, I set up in here and gave eight, nine, twelve years of my life to this man and he just he cheated on me and walked out. Now what does me being positive have to do with him cheating on me? How that's gonna change that? Okay, here we go again. A positive attitude can bring about change. Now listen to the whole thing. Now, the positive attitude and the change that can happen starts to start. It starts within you. See, life is ten percent what happens is what you do about what happens. Okay, you gave twelve years of your life to this man. He cheated and left you hold in the bag, the kids and everything. Now what does being positive have to do with changing that? Or they came in and they fired you. You lost your job that you was a stellar performer at. But now, how does you having a positive attitude. How does that change things for you? So far? You can use any example. Here's what happens when you have a positive attitude. What it produces within you is a positive approach to life. And when you have a positive attitude and a positive approach to life, it causes you to be optimistic, to have a positive out look, to expect things to eventually turn around, and and and and turn into a positive That's very important because as the law of attraction comes into play, if you think positive thoughts, you attract positive things. If you think evil thoughts, you attract evil to you. You know, if you want for nothing, then nothing comes your way. If you want for positive attitude, if you want for positive results, if you want for a great outcome, that's what you attract to you. The change will begin within you. So let's take the man that walked out your life and left you hold in the bag. Here's a positive attitude. Okay, two things have happened as positive here. Number one, you've ridd it yourself of someone who is obviously going to be, if not already been, toxic in your life, cause you many restless nights, a lot of uncomfortable feelings, an uneasiness, not sure insecurity. You've been going through it with this person, whoever they are. Number One, that person has been released from your life. Number Two, it allows you now to have the someone who will treat you just the way you want to be treated. That's the positive outlook, that's the optimistic way. That's when you're a positive person. You see the positive in things that happened to you instead of burying yourself under the what's wrong with it? A old woe is me now? Concept? See a positive attitude. When they came in there and they fired you and let you go, Could this not have been just the opening you needed to finally start on a new career path that you've been talking about doing anyway? Could it possibly be a brand new chance for you to get the dream job or dream career of your choice. Could it not possibly be the perfect opportunity now for you to finally finally do something about that gift, about that talent that God gave you, that thing that you love to do. Could it not be the perfect time for you to pursue that. But if you don't have a positive attitude, then you lay there. Oh they finned come getting my house? Oh what I'm gonna do now all this unemployment ain't enough. Oh Lord, when this unemployment run out, what am I gonna do? Then I won't have nothing? And you old woe is me until you become old woe is me. But if you take it from the positive approach, some amazing things can happen in your life. I will tell you on a personal note, that's some of the most some of the best changes, some of the biggest moments in my life came after a loss. So I don't want to go down on the list, but boy, I could tell you. Let me let me tell you something. When they didn't want me on the radio anymore in La, when they didn't know when they went it was sick of the way I did radio out there, and they wanted me gone. And on twenty third, two thousand and five, when my when when when my deal was done with the beat out in La? Okay, look what happened though, y'all was gone in May. But in September nineteenth I started to Steve Harvey Radio Network with four cities. You see. But I didn't go old woe was me? I said, Oh, okay, God must have something else from it then, because if he didn't remove me from this, That must be something else. Same thing can happened when you lose and you and you break up in a relationship, Same thing can happen to you. You never know the one God God for you that here you go, here you go again. Now you get put into a situation with somebody, treat you just the way you want to be treated, provide you the whole lot of aspects of your life you knew nothing about prior to that. But you gotta stay positive. If you stay positive, that positive attitude, that optimistic outlook, that that that always thinking God got me no matter what happened to me, some amazing things that's going can will happen in your life. It's a fact. I don't know how it works that way. I just know that's what it is. Positive attitude is everything, y'all. So get off the old woe is Me negativity train because it ain't gonna take you nowhere but down and get get your outlook up. If you change your attitude, you change your altitude. Altitude is determined by your attitude. How high you go, how big you become, how far you go. It all depends on how you think. It all depends on what type of attitude you got. Ain't no, ain't no, very very successful, super negative people. It just doesn't coincide that way. If you see that something that happened to them along the way, and don't weary. You ain't gonna weary about it because you ain't gonna see them long because you can't stay up there like that. It's just too hard, all right. That's the conversation you're listening to morning show, Ladies and gentlemen, it is upon a se Steve Harvey Morning Show is now here. It means that God has allowed us to see another day, and for that I'm grateful. My cup run It's over. It was funny, But the other day I was listening to a minister I never heard of, can't even pronounce his name. Um and man, the whole sermon was about my cup run It's over. And I've been saying it every since. My cup run It's over. That really helped me. I'm gonna get his name so I can say, ladies and gentlemen, let's get it on this hill. Popping Junior, what's on your mind up today? Ash Wisday, could you please shut his assist this story? No I don't want to do that, Junior, You don't. I don't want to do the ash wist. This story go on. I've always called it ash wisdy. So what else you got, Junior? Okay? Then did they just asked you? Then there's a show on TV. Ass put a k on it? I said, ass, all right, this is a show TV called Merritith First Sight. I don't know if you've seen it, to come on the night. This is where people who have never met each other just meet at the altar and get married. Yeah, have you seen this show? And if you if you haven't seen it, you got to watch it because what would you think if you get to the altar and your bride don't look like you wanted? Well, here's a deal. At first, I thought the title of the show was odd and a bit crazy. But I think every man living has seen a woman before that they wanted to marry right away. Yeah, every man in here has seen a woman that they wanted to marry right away. But as life goes on, you learned that everything you see, or let me phrase it this way, all that glitters ain't gold. I'm on here now less revert to some things I've learned joining with me, deacon. Yes, side, Uh, some things that I've had to learn over the years. Yeah. All that glitterle mh ain't gold, don't shine, that's right. Uh. No matter how fine old woman he is, there's a man somewhere sick and tide or her ass. Yes, yes, I've learned. Just because you can don't mean you should. Yeah, I've learned. Don't ask her to marry you if you ain't one thousand percent show, that's nobody to marry you. Why are you performing a lustful act? Don't tell nobody you love them? Why are you laying there having pillot talk? Yes, yes, be well. The signs of a dark future, I've had them all man, at first sight, it be the last damn right there, you see if you do coming up nextran back right after this, right after this, you're listening morning show. All right, it is time now for the nephew to run that prank back what you got for his nap arly in the last break, we just left church past back and I we're gonna go to another pastor. This is repalling the church, Hugh, got dog. We are in your command, all right, all mine clear, let's go I'm trying to reach a pastor, Pastor Wilkins. Yeah, this is the reverend doctor Wilkins. Are you the you're the pastor of Baptist Church, am right? Basti Church? That's correct. How can I help you? Okay? Listen, my name is Daniel, and I'm calling from RCS, which is a church supply, and we have an outstanding bill here that we wanted to bring to you all's attention for like twenty three thousand dollars for your pews that has not been paid. So we wanted to see not to cut you out. Yeah, yeah, Daniel, RCS, Yeah, church supply, sir. That's uh, this is actually where you guys got your pews. Okay, outstanding bill for twenty three thousand, Well, first of all, that's normally, uh, all our standing bills are buy our finance department. You know, you would need to speak to our treasurer and they will be able to hempt you with that sard that this hasn't been taken care of. And this matter when it comes to these pews, because, like I stated before, you guys old twenty three thousand dollars on these ceues and I think this was probably twelve or thirteen years ago, so maybe this was something before you got there, but nevertheless, there's still an outstanding building right now. We're actually going to be repossessing these pews as of early seven o'clock Sunday morning, not far this Sunday morning, though we have the Women's Days Missionary is here today and I also fund it. We have, like our man, you have a lot of things and you actually run it off your schedule. To me, that's that's really not my concern. And maybe your Women's Day or whatever it is gonna get y'all gonna do a standing up because right now we're not going to do it. You're not understanding me. See um, did you say twelve or thirteen years ago? Yes, sir, well, I've been the past here for ten years and you know, you know occurred or you got there. But nevertheless, the bill is still outstanding and these cues need to be taken care of. Now. If y'all don't have the twenty three thousand dollars, then I got to come pick these pews up Sunday morning. Sir. We're gonna over there. You're not hearing me, And first of all, this is my private number how did you get this number? You're your numbers here in the books as a contact. No, this is this is the only only get this out to very few people, and I know none of them will will give our numbers. So that's definitue right there. And second of all, if you're talking about coming in our church sign the morning to take our pews, uh, that's not something you really want to do, sir. I have to do my job the same way you get up on Sunday morning and you have to do yours. I have to do mine. So my job is to get these fees back because you guys are twenty three thousand dollars in the rears. No tyling and tell you I ain't always been been a treat it. Now you're come in my church and you're testing cues. I'm gonna come out that proof it, don't you. I'm not. I'm not here to go to what you used to be and what you are now. I'm nothing to go back and forth with you on that. The bottom line the consequences you don't want to deal with, Signe because you know I hold on, hold on, hold on, let me let me calm down, because you know you're about to make me say some words, and I've been delivered from Thank god, I'm going to deliver them pus away from you on Sunday. Now, I got to come and pick them pews up. That's the bottom line. Do you have twenty three thousand Sunday morning? Twenty three thousand? Understand that's not the issue. The issue is you have no business calling me on my personal phone. I'm in my meditation time right now, trying to get consecrated for you know, my message of as to deliver later this afternoon, so we need all of our puma. Let me ask you something. Do you have the twenty three thousand dollars that you can give me Sunday morning and then you can continue whatever it is you have going on that day. Other than that, I'm gonna have to take them culls. I got to told me your twenty dollars. If you're not listening, Frond, that ain't my bill, I ain't paying it, you ain't touching my watch. I'm not gonna continue to go. Okay, listen, I'm trying to respect what's what's pastor will trying to respect you remend doctor Wilkins. I'd appreciate that you called me in my name, Reverend doctor Wilkins. Okay, Reverend doctor Wilkins. Now, first of all, I'm combing up there Sunday. Now, I'm hoping I only have to lay hands on these cues now, but I gotta lay hands on something else. Then I got to do what I got to You can come on up here, and you said it on the property, that's cool, But you touch them cues. I got some lords in here. They can take that Jesus coat off, they can slay it down. They can get with you, partner. I'm staying. You know what the Jado I walked through the valley shadow of death. I will see no evil. I ain't got no problems. Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. You're talking about coming to me and answer my church because my plea, I'm gonna do what I got to do. Man. Then I'm gonna do what I got to do in the NAMA, right, man, stand up the whole service. Now on which one do you want you want to hamlet? I got I got something else I want to take you. You listen to me. You ain't saying nothing? Side is you listening what you got to say to me? I got to say this to you, devil. His nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your entire deacon boy. What who this is? Man? Well, because this is nephew Tommy Man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your deacon boy got me the prank phone call you. I can't believe this boy made me lose my religion. Sign there man, you hung in there paths, which one of them was Deacon Glover. Okay, okay, okay, I've got some some things I got to talk about you. I wonder how you got my personal cellphone anyway, Man, So well, I'm glad I was put a laugh on your face to Oh Man, I needed to walk. I gotta ask you, man, pastor, what is the baddest radio show in the land Steve Harvey Morning Show. Let me tell you this. I'm gonna keep doing what he's doing. The first minute in the show, Man, I loved that. I really loved that. And really it really blesses the people. Really really appreciate that. Man, he really will. Ain't nothing like a frustrated past. You know what I'm saying. It's it shows stability. You're going to house. Some problems some some some some some some setbacks and some uh situation shots that you're going to go through. All right, all right, all minds clear, Shirley, if you would all right, thank you. Nephew coming up next to is asked the cello. The Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building ready for your love questions. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning show coming up at the top of the hour. One retailer is changing its minimum wage to twenty four dollars an hour in some areas. That's right, right, uh huh. And a new picture of rapper Big Sean leaked over the weekend and went viral. But right now it is time to ask the CLO Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey standing by Claire and Toledo writes, My child's father is behind in child support, so I invited him over for a romantic evening. When things got hot and heavy, I told him he'd have to pay to play. He begged me all night to get undressed, and I wouldn't. Since that night he won't return my calls. Did I go too far with trying to get my money? That's how did you think that was a good idea. That's the way to get some money. First of all three things happened here, blackmail, prostitution, Why neither one of those work out and most are illegal in most places. And now he won't return your phone calls. What that was the dumbest I've never heard that. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You can get child support. The courts make sure of that. Yeah, yeah, surely. Next question, I'm at a loss too far? All right, that ain't too far. That's the wrong way, yeah, period. Devin and Spartanburg says, I'm a twenty eight year old single woman and my mother lives with me temporarily because my father accused her of cheating. I think she really is cheating on him because she's on the phone all night and she disappears during the day. My dad is asking me to snitch on her. And what should I do in this situation? Stay out of it, Stay out of it. Let your daddy figured out for himself what he already know. That's why your mom over there living at your because your daddy know you ain't got to snitch on nothing. He know. That's why your mama living at your house. They grown, but grown people do stuff like this sometime. Ain't your business. You know, he wants you to snitch. He you ain't got to snitch. Everybody know, he knows, she know, you know. Everybody know. Now we know. Yeah, so just stay out of it. Should she should she continue to allow her mom to stay there, because that's gonna cause major problems too. Well, you know, hard to put your mom out. It is very hard kind and that's a hard mama get out. Really don't need mama, Mama, go back to daddy, please, Yeah, all right. Moving on to Barbara and Knoxville, Barbara writes on sixties something divorced female and I went on a date with a man from church. He lost his keys in the restaurant, so he suggested we go home by uber. He got an uber for himself, but didn't take care of my ride. He found his keys and called me asking for another date. Does he deserve a second date? Okay, surely run this back by me. They went out. He lost his keys in the restaurant. In the restaurant, so uh, he called it uber. He suggested that they go home by uber. He called an uber for himself, but didn't take care of her ride and get home. I didn't do it on own. Yeah, probably I'll sell at home. Yeah that wasn't good. And he does so, Oh I'm assuming he picked her up? Yeah yeah, they they went together. Yeah, he lost his keys in the restaurant, so well he's stupid. Yeah, I don't know how he don't see that him losing the keys is his fault, because it is you lost him, and you bought me here, and so you would be naturally expected to be responsible for my safety to and fro and it seemed to know. Well, what he should have did was take the uber to you, drop you off, get back in the uber and go home. It's one Uber, that's how it's done. No, No, you go your way, I go mine. That's but man's But he could have ordered her and uber. But the decent thing to do in your sixties, because I know you know this, take the woman home and drop her off and make sure you see he's safe because you picked her up in that car. So it's a one uber deal. Dog. But he don't need to be fooling with his ass. No way, he losing keys already, we don't even be fooling. He forget for already it's gonna get worse. I agree, I agree, But this dude, is he missing on a lot of levels. Yeah, lose your key in the restaurant. Man. So now he's sixty, he's sixty, He got well, he's sixty. Like Tommy's saying, he forgetful. I ain't saying what that is, but he forgetful. Now after while, he gonna drive off and ain't gonna remember where he stayed. All that's coming, man, he gonna be just sitting up there in the restaurant and you just all of a sudden, you hear water on the floor. Yeah, set up, damn pede on it self. Yeah, just I ain't goin to sign up all this hill get out now? Yeah yeah, yeah, all right. Last one, Shelley and o'calla says, I'm pregnant by a guy that used to date my older sister. We've been sneaking around for a while, but the first time we had sex this happened. I want to tell my sister, but she won't believe it or sympathize with me. I need her support if I'm going to have the baby. Should I tell her or should we tell her together? Question? Yeah? See it from the car. Well, this is terrible bad. Yeah, I would, based on what I know, especially if y'all are black, I suggest texting her. Let's text first. Then let's pull up in the front of her house. Don't go in that drive. Pull up in the front of her house and roll the winter night and asked her to come out and talk. And now now wash her hands when she come out. You want to make sure you can see her hands. So when she come out the door to talk, if you can't see her hands, just pull off. Pull off. You can't see her hand, pull off right now. All the way you could do it is y'all could jest all invite her down to the church and make the announcement in the pastor's office. Don't stand up in that congregation and break that new cross that they just hung up there. You want to do it in the pastor's office, do it in the church. Gonna be a lot of furniture moving going on in there. And you know that call the baby that her aunt was really her mama, but and I'm now your mama, but was supposed to be your aunt. And your daddy is your uncle daddy? All right? Coming up entertainment news at the top of the hour. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the morning show, So now listen to what Target has done. Target has announced that it's raising its starting wage for workers in some positions to up to twenty four dollars and hours. This is at stores and distribution centers in places like New York City where it's hardest to find and higher staff. All right, And the new starting wage is part of a company plan that also includes broader access to healthcare coverage for its workers. So Target cares. Yeah, that's awesome. That is not what minimum wage was. And I was coming out an application age to go ahead three seventy five at the lowest minimum wage. You remember, that's where That's why I started. Yeah, man, at the gap the phone reading what you, I said, Thank y'all for going before me, because I'm in a wage was seven dollars. You had killed yourself. Come get on this dollar thirty five, and I shall remember when it got bumped up to or one sixty five, a dollar sixty five. I was here for the two fifteen. I made two thirty five plus tips as a waitress. How much two thirty five waitress. I cannot imagine yo evil as serving. It worked out. If somebody say something to you, call would and you turn your head like and you tilt your head like you da. I bought home a pizza every day. I have my tips. It was good. It was a lot of work. I had to clean the bathrooms, breakdown the salad bar. I used to clean up this all this dining facility in college. It was an upscale place for kids that had money. I worked in there from twelve midnight to folk cleaning it up. One of the greatest hustles I've ever had in my whole life. I was stealing back. I was still in stakes all winter long. And the way you knew I had steaks. I lived on the eighth floor. I hung the stakes outside in the Kent State book bag, plastic book bag, and I unrolled my wonder and I hung them out the window on the thing. And that's how you know I had steaks. I was selling stakes for two dollars. Yeah, everybody walked by and see that, look up and see that window bag hanging out the window. Because it's cold is hell in the winter. So that was my freezer. So I just kept steaks in there and sold it for two dollars. So after the party, you know, I had my foods I had, I had a restaurant I opened up. After all the parties in my room taking I was the only one work that I took orders and cook. All right, we're moving on and everything that one of the greatest hustles I ever had. All right, let's get to this Big Sean story, because this is shutting down. He's shutting down a whole rumor after a picture of his egg plant was leaked to his close friends group on Instagram uh and made its way around social media over the weekend. This is what everybody was talking about. Where huh the egg plant? What about it? What you say? Where did he get it from? Are you serious right now? Are you really serious? Right now? You are not? He cannot be. So the story and you'll understand what this means. The photo allegedly has Big seawans again eggplant alongside a nine point four inch Nintendo Switch game. When the picture hit the Shade Rooms Instagram page, Big Sean commented, this is not me. But by that time, congratulatory comments to Big Sean and his girlfriend janet Ico were trending on Twitter. Big Sean maintains that he did not post the picture. Apparently this was a big deal, and explains why his name is Big Sean. Uh So there you go. Now are you getting what eggplant means? Oh? My nickname big Daddy. They don't have that emoji? Thought or was it him? He's so cute? My emoji was a thor Hammel. Really, so what would you do if a photo like that gott Lee of you I really came. I'm going to deny and say it ain't me. Yeah, I'm gonna well, why my mom ain't long enough to get back take self? It's too much just just be a big black photo. I would have to have somebody take my photo because I travet had taking a self at one time. With that just close, nobody could tell what it was. I need a selfish stick and then I could take the picture. Gotta get gotta get back off me. I'm just saying, I know all. I'm saying, you got a bad guy to get up off me. Shout out to Detroit Bigot big Yeah. Moving saw him at the iHeart Music Festival. He was great on stage self. All right, good news for TikTok users. We're all addicted to it, whether we make videos on TikTok or enjoy watching other people's videos. A folkesperson for the app has confirmed that TikTok now allows users to create videos up to ten minutes long, and hopes to at least even more creative possibility. If you're a creative around the world, son minutes to do your thing now and my son incredible with that. You know how to edit it, do everything? He got it? Can you monetize TikTok? Yeah, yeah, we gotta go. Coming up at twenty minutes after the hour, it is our Wellness Wednesday segment with our special guest, a d Dolphin. Right after this you're listening to show everybody. Uh look, we all want to live a healthy lifestyle, and most of us, well, we got a few of those stubborn pounds that we want to lose, and we all would love to look and feel our absolute best. I know I do, but we start making excuses sometimes and we end up putting it off. Well, folks, we've got to wait for you to stop making excuse uses and getting it done. Joining us Now, it's mister d Herbs dot com and he's gonna tell us about the d RBS Full Body Cleans. It's the only cleans you will hear us talking about on this show. Please welcome my dear friend and brother, mister A that damn d Dolphin brother. Welcome this morning. A D hey man, I'm doing good man, You've been all right, Rachel my favorite chel absolutely Shirley. Yes, let's get it started, all right. Ad Listen, there are thousands, and I do mean thousands of great reviews of the DearS Full Body Cleans online, and these are from people whose lives have been changed since doing this cleans. Uh. Is there one success story a d Is there one success story in particular that stands out to you? You know what? We just had a recent guy by the name of Rashid. It's funny because he came into office straight from his doctor's office because he had just recently found out that he was pre diabetic. His blood pressure was running real high, and he's about thirty five pounds overweight, and he wanted to know what could he do to kind of get himself together, And we recommend the beer and full body plants, and within twenty days, he is no longer pre diabetic. His blood pressure is returned to normal and he's lost about twenty five pounds, so it definitely has been a whole complete do over for him and his body. Wow. Can I tell you something now. I can tell you man that I've heard this from people before, because what you eat can get that a one C number down. Absolutely got to get that number down, and you can do it with this. And I tell you something else. My favorite person was the woman that came on the Steve on the Steve Talk Show, because you know, you know on TV how you do makeovers ye before and after and when they come around the corner after you look just like it before. You know, this woman came around that damn corner and I could not believe her. That's the best one out And see, yeah we got and hang on one second, ad we got more. We're talking about this so you can get yourself together by summer and get this d full body cleans in your life. We'll be right back, because I took up all the time talking my damn self. We'll be right back right after this. You're listening show, ladies and gentlemen, we're back in our special guests this morning as our longtime friend or mister A d Dolphin who is the owner of the world's leading online full body cleans. It is called the de Herbs fully by the clans. Surely, well, you know a d You've heard the saying a family that prays together stays together. Well, all of us on this show like to cleanse together, okay, meaning we've all done the Derb's Bull Buddy clints at the same time, and that's how we keep each other accountable. So I gotta ask you. Do you see that a lot? Like in groups and stuff, it's better to do it with someone with a partner. Absolutely, So we literally having offices of twenty five or more people doing the clans at once, and I'm here to tell you it's nothing like an accountability partner. They usually push you further than you would have gotten on your own. So it's actually a beautiful theme because you're getting healthier. It's always good to do it with someone. Yeah, con test for it, and you have to be accountable to someone, right, Yeah, So do it surely with someone just ass fat or fatter. That's what I try to so I'll be able to see my results quick. I don't like doing it with then people. It looks like that's still on it. Yeah, that's a good point though, then people need cleans is what cleans as well? Um, so a derbs has been around for over fifteen years now and you've sold over get this number, five million formulas. So that begs the question why has de Herbs been so successful over the years. It's really timpulturely it works. I mean, you're talking about a product that's geared towards weight loss that's going to do exactly what it says it's going to do. Think about the benefits. We're talking about weight loss between ten to thirty pounds, a huge boots to energy, stronger immune system, clearer skin. You'll be able to focus and concentrate a lot better. The de Earth full body cleans has been around for fifteen years and have been changing live for fifteen years. Yeah, and you're right. It is unlike other cleanses. You can eat with it. You can eat your fresh fruits and your fresh vegetables, and you know, I mean so and that's a complaint of a lot of people with other cleanses. They can't eat, they can't chew anything. So that's why this one is so special and it's worked for all these years. It's unlike any other cleans. That's all I can tell you. We've all been on it. We've all gained you know, better health from it and lost the waste from it. So there you go, Steve Harvey Nation, you heard it here. If you want lasting weight loss, better health in twenty twenty two, you need to start by cleansing your body from the inside. The deerbsful body cleans will flush out those toxins that are dragging you down. They will have you looking and feeling better, having more energy than you have had in a very long time. Trust me, I've done it. De Herbs will help you lose that toxic waste. So you can lose that toxic weight. Go to derbs dot com right now, get a nice discount and check out only for our audience now by using promo code radio. That is the letter d herbs dot com promo code radio. Or you can simply pick up the phone and call eight six six four d Herbs. That's eight six six four d Herbs, No more excuses, that's de herbs dot com right now. A da thank you always for getting us healthy, cleaned me out of mint days. He has cleaned me, and thank you for cleaning Tommy out right now. Wonderful morning, all right, Ad, and once again, thank you for cleaning Tommy out the right way, because Tommy will buy something off for Shell and from Amazon and just be up in here sick. So thank you, Dalthy. Yeah yeah, yes, he does way again. Go to DRBs dot com right now, get a nice discount at checkout. It's only for our audience. All you have to do is use a promo code radio the letter D now herbs dot com promo code radio or call eight six six four D Herbs. That's eight six six the number four D Herbs. All right, we can do this in twenty twenty two and a D. Thank you you keep us on track to keep us hell again. Do it before spring. I like it a springtime flen. All right, second, now we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up about four minutes after the hour. It's my Strawberry letter for today and the subject is I'm here for a good time, not a long time. Okay, we'll get into that in just a bit. I wonder what that's all about. But right Now it is time for the next you and the prank phone call for it today? What you got for us? Nap. You know, there are a lot of famous quotes that have gone down in the black community. There are some nice famous quotes that that we still use to this day, and this one right here we still use it. Every one of us on this show has used this quote. The title is don't let them wife folk get your ass for yesterday. Yeah, we all said it. Don't let them wife folk get your ass for. Uncle Stevens said it, Junior has said it. Shirley, who you think, don't curse? She said it, trust and of course I get your ass for like a here go, let's go, cat dog. Don't let them white get your word. Hello, Hey, I'm trying to reach yourrell. Yeah, that's the real who is Hey, Jill? This is Drake. Hey. You you work the you work the day shift, right? Yeah? I work at the day shift. I'm last year. What's right now? What's going on? All right, I'm on I'm on the night shift with with d Sean and Jamal. I'm on the night shift. Then. I don't know them, but is it something like that? Work? Brother? What's going on? Yeah, yeah, we got a problem. So listen us on the on the night shift, we're here that you supposed to be telling everybody that we ain't doing something right. Listen, when we get a load in at the dock, we check that load in, we filed it like we're supposed to file it, and then we put and then we take the fore clip and put everything where it's supposed to be. That's what we do. What I gotta do with here, brother, because they're saying they saying that, they saying that, you saying that we ain't doing our job right on the night shift. Who is they? We got the wrong person, brother? Who is they? Wine? You? You Turreil? Right, yeah, that's Treil. But who it is they? And I ain't saying nothing like that? Okay, so but let me let me let me go, let me go clear up like this here though. Don't let them white folks help you get your here here. Who brother, No, I'm telling you right now, if we get one more complaint, but they talking about the night shift ain't doing something right, I'm gonna tell you right now, we're coming up there to the day's shift and you're gonna get your ass when you're gonna let the wife folks help you get your talking about brother some wine. I ain't making any complaints. You bring your black down here, then you're talking about somebody. Come on down here, put this pointless of your alight broody. You can you can do all this wolf and you're doing right now. You can do all this wolfing. What I'm letting you know is one more complaint go down about somebody saying something about the night shift. I'm coming up their person down here there, man, I ain't trying to hear all this bullet. I'm not worse right now. You called me with this bullet. I don't even know who you are talking about the night shift. Matter of fact, don't come down doing the day shift. I'll wait for you to come to the knight shift. Well, you can do what you want to. Don do with the double and who works that double. Whatever you got to do, it don't matter to me, Terrell, It don't matter me. All I'm saying is you're gonna prode you leave. Don't call this bush. Why why are you running your Why are you running your mouth? Why are you running your mouth? Why are you why are you running your mouth to the wife, folks, time by, we ain't doing our job on the night ship. You're gonna call somebody I was gonna call with them now so so so what why are your voice getting high because you're lying thinking talking about we're calling with this? Hey man, you're working, you're working. I'm working to night. I'm working. Now you give you to night. I'm gonna say over, I'm gonna work the double just to whoop your okay, well come get this double whooping dn Okay, come get this double because we are already then found out you the person running your mouth and the wife folks. Time by nice shift? Night shift ain't nice? Shief ain't put this way? It was supposed to go nights hif ain't ain't checked this all the end right, knight shift, nights shift, you blame it. Why don't you stop stopping people stop saying you messed up? Stop up, and people won't complain on the day's shift. It sounds we were messing up on the knight shift. That's what I'm telling you. Boy. It probably needs to fire you. Okay, okay, okay, cool? You know what you know what how long for you get off? Man? How long for you get off? How long for you get off. I'm working a double. I'm getting paid for with your nice Come on, any boy? All right, cool, cool, let's say no more so how your wife Cynthia doing? But how you know my wife? How's she doing? Do you know my wife? I'm saying, I'm just saying, I'm asking your question. Cruising for a bruising you're really cruising for a bruson? I don't you know my wife? Man? H I'm I'm going to tell you. You want to know how I know you? Why? You want to know how I know you? Why? Yeah? You know my wife? To real? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning, to show your wife Cynthia got me to praying phone call? Yo? What real? Slowdown? Slowdown, slowdouse, lowdown. This is this nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning, to show your wife Cynthia. You almost got so who boy? I was sixty nine shout this boy, God, you damning got me fire. The whole fact that you're looking at me right now. I might have to check you. Just listen if I get fired. Hey, Hey, this was nephew Tommy. Yeah you see your show? Yeah not young something right now el do me a favor. Man, You gotta tell me this baby's twenty twenty. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, but Steve Harvey's Warning show. Oh man, y'all got me. You're gonna mess around? Yeah, you know, but but you know what I liked about him help you. He invited you down immediately. There was no hesitation say hey man, I don't do stuff like that. Come on down here then, yeah, work a matter of fact, I'm gonna work a double. I'm gonna stay here, get paid. Black you be already sick man. Voice went up about four octaves. Julie, I think I think he went hide in you. Junior, Yeah, because you own his nerve right back. I would love to hear Junior in the argument I've heard I've heard. It's funny. It's like it's kind of like listening to Oh Books Wunnygan with Daffy Dump and you'll Simmity Sam walk in and fog Horn leg Horn is trying to calm I'll say, I'll say, I'll say, Son, calm down. You know that ruth to be trying to talk Junior boy that what he was sweating guy. Sweating guy, sweating guy. You know you, Cell, I'm telling you right now, you Cell, you ain't what you want. He again, You're gonna get it. Channing again, He's gonna get it. You better listen to my voice. I gotta pay, I gotta play it. Anything checking out, checking out, Wow, I love it. I really believe you with my I really believe you. My lever say this my nineteenth. Don't come about my dad. Well, we all be about my dear. And I tell you what we all We'll go now listen, coming up Strawberry Letter. Listen. The subject is I'm here for a good time, not a long time. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEFM dot com. All you have to do is click submit Strawberry Letter. We could receive your letter and read it live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. And you never know, this one could be yours. You never know, so buckle up and hold on tight, we got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you, nephew. Subjects. I'm here for a good time, not a long time, okay, Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been married for almost fifteen years, and when I met my husband, I was twenty six and he was thirty seven. He was more like a father figure to me then. Back then, because I grew up in a house full of women that were headstrong and didn't need a man for anything, I was determined to be different. So the first real man that offered me a dreamline, I jumped at the opportunity. The fairy tale was real for the first three years. Reality set in and I started to have children and he started stepping out on me. I used to follow him and act a fool on him with my twins in the back seat. Then it all stopped when he got an incurable infection and had to tell me to go get tested. Thank heavens, I was not affected or infected by his nastiness. That was almost five years ago, and that's the last time he touched me. We've been coexisting in this marriage since then. We sleep in the same bedroom, but all of his belongings are in the guest room, and he shares a bathroom with our twins. They haven't heard us arguing years, so I hope they're having a happy childhood. The sacrifice was wearing on me and I needed some good sex and attention from a man. So I got a boyfriend two years ago. He's married too, but he's ready to get a divorce. He is not as complacent as I am, and he's pressuring me to leave my home and be happy with him. I have to remind him that we're together for a good time, not a long time. He said, I'm wasting my life, and my kids are aware of our dysfunctional marriage. I know all of the cliches, like the grasses and greener on the other side, but I've had a great time on the other side, and the grass was nice. Would i'd be selfish to leave my marriage and enjoy my life with my new man? Well, I just got to say that here we go again. You know you didn't ask us our opinions two years ago when you decided to get this boy friend, or when you were in this loveless, crazy marriage, But now you're asking should you leave your husband for him? I have to tell you this is not a game. You are still married and you do have kids. So why didn't you leave your husband when he first started cheating on you, or when he brought home that incurable infection that you called it? I mean that was the time to pick up and get out. I mean, now you're so called boyfriend who is still married, I might add, who is pressuring you to leave your husband? I mean for what This arrangement has been working for you guys for years, which in and of itself is crazy. But I say, if you're gonna leave, please don't do it for this boyfriend. I mean, leave your husband and your marriage because it's run its course, or because you don't love your husband anymore and you want out. Those are the reasons. You know. You would leave because he's been cheating on you, because he brought home and incurable infection to you, not because your boyfriend is pressuring you and you got to think about it. Like your husband, your new man is also a cheater, and chances are he will cheat on you too. Remember he's cheating with you right now. So in other words, you're not even leaving your husband for something better. This is just a different cheating situation. You need to think this one through a lot more before you make any major decisions. I do know your marriage isn't working, but you need to think about this before you make any major moves like you're thinking about Steve. Let me start my letter by laughing. I have a totally different perspective here. I'm going to share it with you and why I feel this way. I'm not here for a good time. I'm here for excuse me, I'm here for a good time, not a long time. Well, lady, you wrote this noting this your title, But I think you need to be thank all this. I really really do, because I've got to. Let's just deal with the facts. You've been married for almost fifteen years. You was twenty six year Hunds was twenty seven. That's eleven years older than you. So right now have fifteen years. That makes your husband fifty two, and that makes her forty one. Correct or do I have that right? Yeah? Forty one fifty two, that's right. Yeah, you grown now. He was more like a father figed to you back then. He knew more than you. You grew up in the house of headstrong women all that didn't act like they didn't need a man, and you wanted to be different. So the first real man you met that offered you a dream life, you jumped out the opportunity and Lord Ha Mercy, their fairy tale was born. Oh here it is Cinderella. You know, the Slipper, snow White, Rapunzel. All of them humped it, dumping your man had a little lamp fairy Tale, Nita Baker one of my favorite songs, fairy Tale, Lord Ha Mercy. The piano solo in that. If you got time, look up Anita Banker's fairy Tale, one of my favorite need to Banker songs, and listen to the long version with that piano solo winning Lord Have Mercy. It's worth a listen. Soul teacher Steve Harvey just took him over the ship. That then reality set in. I started to have children and he started stepping out on me. Used to follow him and act the food with the twins in the back seat. It all stopped when he got an incurable infection and had to tell me to go get tested. This is where we must stop. Yeah at incurable infection. You you my ass. Part two of Steve's responses coming up. It's twenty three minutes after the hour of the subject for today's Strawberry Letter, I'm here for a good time, not a long time. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject I'm here for a good time, not a long time. I'm gonna do a recap, but it's gonna be a quick one. Twenty six year old girl marriage a thirty seven year old man who's more like a father figure. She grew up in a house full of women and they were all headstrong, and she was determined to have a different life. The first real man came along, treated a good She jumped out the opportunity and it was a fairytale marriage. It all worked out just fine. It was going great up into three years, and then she had babies, and then she had twins, and then he started cheating on a stepping out. She used to follow him with them twins in the back seat, and at a food it all stopped. And this is where we stopped at this ladder. Last time it all stopped when he got an incurable infection and had to tell me to go get tested. Thank Heavens, I was not affected or infected by his nastiness. That was five years ago, and that was the last time he touched me. Hallelujah. This is where the letter took the turn that I needed it too. Once you come home and you tell me I got to go get tested, once you say that all bets is off, Once you come in that damn house and you tell me that I got to go get tested, and I know what you're talking about, all bets is off. But now you'd bought your ass in here with the one thing that they ain't got no damn cure for what. Now you haven't told me this. I really don't know what my reaction gonna be. But let's thank God that times are changing with this, that people have opportunity to live long, healthy lives now. So let's let's thank God for that right. So appreciate that. But now that's the last time he touched I know gonna hear where it is because if I go down here, I get tested and I'm clear clean, that's God's grace in my life. What you're not touch me, I hit the way I'm shocked at That was almost five years ago. That's list time it touched me. We've been coexisting in this marriage. That's not gonna happen. This is old which, but you've ben't take your nasty ass somewhere else. We've been coexisting in this marriage since then. We sleep in the same bedroom. What didn't you tell me I had to go get tested? Why are you and I are sleeping in the same bed for what you bet? Now? You're told had not hit the back of my leg. This is how disconnected we are. Your hand can't sketch scrape across my back, not sin. All his belongings are in the guest room, and he shares a bathroom without twins. They haven't heard us all getting years. So I hope they're having a happy childhood. Well they probably are. The sacrifice was wearing on me. And here's the part where I agree with I needed some good sex and attention from a man. Well, I don't agree with that part, but I do agree with you I needed some good sex and attention. I agree with that one one hundred percent. So I got a boyfriend two years ago. He's married too, but he's ready to get a divorce. Now I understand what happened here. You're in a bad situation, you still have a feelings, and so you stepped out. I understand that. And you stepped out with a married man, which leads me to something that somebody told me one time. He said, facts, change ain't no robbery. I'm taking something that be long as somebody else, and you're giving me something that be long as somebody else. That exchange is not a robbery. So now this man is ready to get a divorce, and he's not complacent as I am, and he's pressing me to leave my home and be happy with him. I have to remind him that we're together for a good time, not a long time. Well what is your plan though? You're not having a relationship with your husband who came in and gave you an incurable disease, and this is the one you're having a relationship with. He said, I'm wasting my life and my kids aware of our dysfunctional marriage. They probably are. I know all the cliches, like the grass isn't greener on the other side, Well that's not true. The grass is greener wherever you water in it. You water in the other side of the fence, so it is greener over there. Because that's where you're water in it. All ain't got no water in y'all marriage. He already down that share in the bar room with the twins. Daddy, you stink, you know, stuff like that getting said up the hallway, so you know what I'm saying. But I've had a great time on the other side, and the grass was nice because that's where you water in it. Would I be selfish to leave my marriage and enjoy my life with my new man? What's selfish in it? You have an incuble disease that a man gave you five years ago. Y'all have no relationship whatsoever. Y'all don't argue because he can't believe you're letting him stay there. You have a chance of happiness. I personally would take that chancel. I jump on it. I take a shot at happy. I'd at least get I get my husband. I don't see why not. But that guy that he wants a divorce, all right up? Please me and you do the Strawberry letter so people can see both sides exactly why we do the Strawbay Let him leave and then okay, answer. Please leave us your comments on today's letter on Instagram and Steve Harvey FM and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast undermand Up. Next it is Junior and Sports Talk right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time now for Junior and Sports Talk, which you got Junior All right, Shirley. Before I do that, let me just remind everybody in the Dallas Fort Worth area coming to the Texas State Theater April first, April Fools Comedy jam My Man, Earthquake, Bill Bellamy, Bruce Bruce, Ryan Davis, and Sean Tay Wayne's Man. We're gonna be into building a April Fools comedy show. Well, get your tickets and ticketmaps dot com. All right. With that being said, little HBCU Sports News South Carolina States women basketball coach, I've you heard about this? Ardre Smith was five last Thursday, a day after she sued the school in a federal court allegend Title nine violations and discriminary practices at the university. Now. Smith has led the women's team for the last four years, okay. When she was dismissed, she fithers suit asking for a response to the Freedom of Information Act request in January, seeking documentation that South Carolina State gave more resources to the male athletes, coaches, and teams than it's women's program players and coaches, so that is she's also saying that she's alleged that she was paid thirty thousand less than the South Carolina States men's basketball coach when she was hired. Throughout her tenors, Smith has said that she was provided fuel resources than the men's program at the historical was Back college, so visiting men's teams changed in the women's locker room. And then the suit said that while the pumas for the women's game were not permitted to use the men's locker room at the arena, So that's what she's suing forth, All that's true. I believe it's. Now here's a deal. Now, once you sue the school you cannot work in, you do know that they Yeah, that would be a problems that's normally immediately right out. Yeah that right after you sue us, you know you ain't working him. So I'm not gonna Yeah, it would be no shocker here. But do I agree with the sister. I think so, because that's the problem with women's soccer, that's the problems with women's sports all the way around and the way they judge it. As you get paid less, you have less attendance, it's less facilities. The facilities for the women are different. It's different. There's a huge disparity, the disparity when it comes to the way they treat female athletes versus male athletes, and that has to be corrected because at the bottom line, they are athletes, and so why should you be treated less? Absolutely, but let me tell you something. Them girls in there, man, they bawl it. And I would bet money I had a high school got kid talking to me. Man. Our team accrushed them girls. No you won't, you won't. Oh, no you won't. No, you won't. They're gonna hand you your ass. Boy. They can bother, oh y'all, Oh, y'all can out leap them. But they run in real plays, they got real sets. Yeah, they're gonna do something to y'all. Y'all go out there with them pro girls. You fin to get your feelings hurt because they threes is legit. Jim girls, get your ankles broke too. I'd have seen they got handles. Yes, well we've be hird, all right, thank you Junior. Coming up at the top, of the hour. Okay, Steve the nephew has some questions for you. You want to asking. We'll get into that right at all. You're listening to show, all right, So timmy um I mentioned earlier you wanted to ask you your uncle something here. You got some questions. This question, Shirley, This question is for uncle Steve, but it's also for everybody. All Right, we know what we know what time it is. If you had to give up something for lent, if that is something that you practiced, what would you be giving up? Its yell? What would you be giving up? Well, give up something. I've never done it before because I don't really understand what giving up for means. But if I gave up something for lint, I would give up the LT roller. I'm just and just let have its way. Yeah he said this fool said roll off my clothes. Yeah I would. You're gonna get have its way. I'm gonna give up the net roller for forty days, no more roller for me, because he's better. You know what I'm really I've never I've never known what that was. Is that for Catholics? It's for Christians? Yeah? I did it when I was little. Yeah, we used to do it. Give up the sun. Oh that's Oh, that's for advanced Christianity. The last thing I gave up with advanced. Yeah, I think that's for because I I just do entry level Christianity. I'm not at that. But you're gonna give up the roller rolling. That's brilliant. And let Len have his way though, and just in that way I can participate that something I can do and you know, and complete and just let Lent have his way. Next question, junior, Yeah, I thought about this time. You know, I'm gonna give it up. Now I'm already doing it. So I've already been given up. But I'm giving up kissing. I mean here by myself already. Ain't nobody to kiss mighty well for another for the day. He's not kissing nobody now, I'm already I'm already actually inland. I can't get up. Well, I'm already here. Every days, I don't know what I've been none the day, go by home kissing? Well, you you're married about myself? Did married too? Yeah? Yeah, I'm already not kissing now. So I leave a house, I got to go all the way back upstairs kiss upon I leave you leaving Steve. Yeah, baby, I'll talk to you. Lady. You're forgetting something. Oh man, you got to go back up there, not for that walk I yeah, Sley probably shriving up, pletic, probably sugar. So you're just not gonna eat them. No, I can't eat stuff without shirt. Call them coming your way, or we're giving up philantic. You had to give up something, what would it be? Maybe no alcohol? But then that won't work because yesterday was fast Tuesday and then I had swamping right back Hurricane daquery type. Wow, come back to me. I'm come back to you. What you gonna do something? Yeah, you know I'm gonna give up winning drawls for that many days, you know, just feel for the days of no drawls. I think I'm gonna be a lot more comfortable. I ain't done just commando Geronimo or whatever they call it. Yeah, I'm not. I'm not gonna be dude. I'm just going too many people around me. You're gonna be uncomfortable. That's just it's just I don't want y'all to be that uncomfortable. You can wear pants. I'm gonna wear pants. I wear pants every day, But you say you don't want us to be uncomfortable. Nobody gonna know you ain't got draws on? Though? Who who's not gonna know? If I don't have no draws on? The secret is out. You're gonna quit acting like you This man didn't go worry or something. Man quit all that I ain't got I'll tell you right now, I got draws on. You know that? Thank you for damn show. I'm gonna also give up cooking since you sugar boring, oh man, already, Well when you're about to make Nesto cry, but tears of joy, sheer joy? This is you say, Nestar, I will give up cooking. This is what he's gonna do. Show what mop in his hands? All right? Listen, um, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Talk about millions at twenty minutes after right after this ten million dollars. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. What would you do if you won ten million dollars? Twice? Twice? Okay? Just three years after winning a ten million dollars lottery one, Hernandez Uniondale, New York has done it again. He purchased his latest lottery ticket at a stopping shop. In Himpstead, New York, and he cashed out his ten million dollars ticket for six point fifty one million. Hernandez issued a statement saying that he's still trying to spend the first ten million that he won back in twenty nineteen, so he's one too. Now, Wow do we need Wow? Who doesn't ask your question one at a time, Shirley, If you had twenty million cash, non taxable, would you quit this job? Probably? Yes, I'd spend more time with my family, my grandkids, my daughter, all that. Yes, yes, I would call. Yes, it's just a matter of what time. Yeah, as soon as it hit the bank. Yes, I thank you, Junior. Twenty million. You're leaving the job with a new headline, stunting with a new headline. Tommy, I'm calling them white folks on the weight on there. Well, I'm going to get the money. I'm calling that. I ain't coming back up in him. Yes, that'd be yes? Are you no? I'm staying work tomorrow. Yeah, twenty million is not enough for you to wait? What else do you won't? What do you want? All right? We gotta go. I want to play around And would you rather right after this? You'd rather come to work. That's what you're listening to morning show all right. Time now, guys, for would you rather here we go? Would you rather be the ugliest person in the room, or would you rather you've been you've been doing? Or would you rather be the least funny in the room? There you go? Yeah, here you go, Tommy. I'm gonna gone like I'm gon over here with y'all. That's what I thought, you've been over here. The only confusion is in your mind what you want to be a R b ugliest person in the room or the least funniest person in the room. What you want to be? I'm gonna be here first. That's not an option. Okay, all right, I think we're clear on that one. Would you rather have dinner with your ex? Or live in a tiny house? In a tiny house on the corner of the wolf of the tiny house? With that point the only thing I got to sit on. Yeah, put me in there and shut the dope. What about you, junior? I sent house with no windows. You're all in the tiny house. All right, We'll go to tiny jail, Shirley, a little tiny handcuff, shuld I live in a tiny tiny house house all right. Would you would you rather take cold showers for three months? Or would you rather connect your phone in the car? You know, when you're when you're with your being to be I'm being to be shriveled up every day, looking like a prone all day day. I'm chrome, baby, I'm gonna connect my phone. Yeah, I ain't up to I'm good, I ain't up to know. Oh I can connect it. But I'd rather shrivel up. Yeah, on your phone, hey, dog, But I'm gonna tell you I got some partners that call while I go. Dog, I'm on to speak in the car with my girl. I have to tell him that, Yeah, you have immediately got some partners. Why I have to say that too. I have to say that too. All right, let it be the random thought because I can go ahead. Shot. Would you guys rather a sixteen hour road trip in an RV or a four hour flight on Spirit Airline. I'm gonna see the sights on that RV. We gonna, we're gonna get on this road for st I'm gonna getting in that RV for sixteen stopping at truck stops. All that you're only on Spirit for four hours. Gotta fight five we're getting you know who else on that plane though. That's the problem with speed, it's the other customers. Yeah, it's four hours of that. Especially me sitting back there, I don't saying what a funny thing I've seen you on family few. We'll be back with the last break of the day and at forty nine minutes after the hour, of course, Steve Harvey, we'll have some closing remarks for us right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we are last break of the day, guys on this hump day, and it's been a good day. Thanks to Adie Dolphin for stopping by, keeping us healthy with the herbs as always. And uh, Steve, you have some clothing for us this fine Wednesday hump day. Say no, I don't know. I don't Sully, I don't have any closing remarks today. I was wondering about that on the commercial break and I didn't come up with anything. I was trying to be fine out something that I could be inspirational to people. But sometimes let me just go at it this way, I need to inspire myself. So and so what I've decided, Oh, here's something I can share with you. I was on Sunday. I was stumbing through the channels. I was up and I was watching listening to a Bishop Jake's sermon on computer Sunday, and then I listened to a Joel Oldstein and I was stumbing through the TV and I ran up into a pastor that I've never seen before. A white guy had on jeans the churches in Georgia somewhere, and I saw a guy in the orders with a baseball hat on. It was one of those types of and I just had an interesting name. I don't remember it, but his sermon was about my cup runneth Over. I'm gonna get this guy's name, because this guy, I really really liked him. I'd never heard of him, never seen anybody. Just stopped through it and he was preaching about my cup runneth Over, and I just felt like he was talking directly to me. But as he got to talking, I found that he was talking to so many people, because you know, I think when you think of your cup runneth Over, you think yourself of having too many things. And I think when you think of your life in terms of things, you miss the blessing of what your life is actually full of If you are a person who has loved ones around you often, that's a blessing. If you're a person who has your health in check, that's a blessing. If you are a person who has enough to eat and that's extra in the refrigerator, that's a blessing. If you're a person who when you get your check, you have enough to make a stop at a fast food play, or buy yourself a game, or watch a movie, or go shopping, that's a blessing. But you gotta quit comparing your cup to other people's cup. See Oprah's cup is huge. Your cup may not be that being, but your cup can still over runneth If you look at life the right way, your cup runneth over. If you have hope for tomorrow, your cup is full. Do you know that there are people who have written their life off as hopeless and taking their life. The fact that you've never considered that, the fact that you have a chance for tomorrow, Your cup is full, man, it really is. If you have food in your cabinet, your cup is full. If you've got if you have anything that you can be grateful for, if you can find yourself to be grateful, for something. Your cup is full, your cup runneth over. See, I thought he was just talking to me for a minute, because my cup runneth over. I'm really fool, man, I really really am. But as I listened to him carefully, I saw more people in that congregation raise than they had and starting to clap. And then he made the obvious statement that summed it up. He said, you ain't got to be rich for your cup to runneth over. That sealed the deal, And that's what had everybody's attention, because we have a tendency to think that it's all just about economics or money or extra money. But it's extra love, it's extra relationships, it's extra time, it's extra it's extra feelings, it's extra friendships, it's extra everything. Man, that's what that means. And I was just caught up in this sermon. Man, when I get this guy's name, I'm a share with you. But man, and it also when you wake up and you say, my cup brothers over, it sends such a feeling of gratitude through your body that it makes you feel better. Y'all, instead of looking at what you don't have, think of the things that you do have. Let's say you're on the market for a house and you stay in an apartment right now, or you just want a bigger apartment than one you have. Can you remember the other one though? Can you remember one you had before that? I know you want a new car, but let me ask you something. Can you remember the time when you really wanted the one you had because the one you had before that wasn't as good as this one? Remember that? Can you remember that? Can you remember when you didn't have any children and now the one you have as difficult is child rearing can be? Then you look at the blessing that walks past you every day. Can you realize, ladies, that you made that human being. You did that. If it wasn't for you, that person does not exist. You did that. That's major, man, that's major. That you're a mother, that's major. Fellas the fact that you can provide for your family and come in there and secure them a place to stay, food to eat, TVs to watch, they talking on phones, brothers, that's major. You've accomplished something. You're a man. You're not only taking care of yourself, You're taking care of yourself and everybody. You're responsible for your cup runneth over, you fool, you're doing a full time man size job. Your cup runneth over. I don't care who you are. If you look at it the right way, I bet you your cup runneth over. Start being grateful for what you have, stop looking at what you don't have. That's my clothes and remark today And if you did didn't like that one, I don't know what we're trying getting tomorrow, because we'll be here, Lord William, we'll just try another one tomorrow. Have a great day, tom guy. Loved you from you. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.