LBJ NFL, Jazmine Sullivan, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update and more.

Published Sep 30, 2021, 10:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! The CLO as always cuts through the BS and calls people out. AMEN!!! Supposedly LBJ was offered contracts from Dallas and Seattle. Bill Cosby made a very controversial statement regarding R. Kelly's deal. The "Bust Your Windows" singer stopped by to talk about surviving inflammatory breast cancer and her experience with it through her mother. Our girl from The Talk asks Big Dog a specific question about manhood. CNN's Chris Cuomo has been accused of sexual harassment by his former boss. There were discussions about rocks and TV lines in Reality Update. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about time management.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit looking back to back down, giving them just like theming bu bu things and it's not doing me true good Steve Hartley, don't join jo. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your back, huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, Oh man, almost forgot I had one this morning. But I'm okay. I'll tell you who I am in a little bit. You know, I get around. Man, it's so much. But man, good morning everybody. You know today I was having a conversation with my wife last night and we were talking about our plans. You know, we often sit down, you know, just like a married couple. I mean, you know, you know we're married. You know, we have children, we have aspirations, we have hopes, we I mean, we have things we want. You know, when you're married, you know, I mean it's important to sit with your partner. I'm not telling you anything. You don't know, it's common sense. Really, it's important to sit down with the person that you've chosen and decided to share your life with it and have multiple conversations on a lot of things. And we try to make sure that all of our conversations aren't always just business related and always kid related, you know, because that that that becomes it's a part of it. But it weighs so much on the marriage that because that that's the grunt work of being married. You know, your children, your family, your bills, your your mortgage, your your car notes. You know though, what's due, what's coming up, and if you're not careful, you'll you'll start that becomes the focal point of you all's conversation. And this woman or man or person that you've decided to have this life with, all of a sudden, they're an extension of your business, and you guys become business partners or whatever, and and and it just gets so anywhere. I'm just saying that that is important to sit down and have these conversations, but it's even more important to have the other conversation, you know. It's it's important with the person that you're planning on making the run to sit down and talk about other things, you know, on a more upbeat note. You know, we were having a conversation that she was reminding me of what she loved about me, and then I, in turn, was turned around telling her the things that I admired about her and loved about her. And we kind of have these all the time, you know, when we sit down and we talk about the things that we still enjoy about one another, or we may talk about some of the things that we miss in one another. But we constantly had these conversations about appreciation. You know, It's so important man, that the other person feels appreciated. So these things are important. But we got into the conversation deeper last night, and I was telling her about this idea that I had and that I wanted her to help me with and make a phone call for me because she knows these people and I was going to be doing this, and then my wife reminded me of something not once again, you know, as always, you know, when I'm talking to you, I just keep it as real as I can. I don't know the Bible inside out. I can't quote to you scriptures and tell you exactly where it is. I just you know, I heard her say it, but it kind of blew by me. I was, I was telling about something I wanted to make happen, and she reminded me that there's a scripture somewhere, and somebody emailed it to me to day. I'm sure, Well, the Bible reminds us not to be anxious for anything. Don't be anxious for something. And you know, it really mattered to me at that point yesterday that she bought this to my attention, because how many times I've been guilty of that in my past and I've learned better now, but every now and then I need to be reminded, you know. And I think what that what she was saying to me was, you know, I've gotten to a point in my life, and we all should get to a point where. You know, you've heard old people say this, if you're gonna pray about something, then don't worry about it. And if you're gonna worry about it, don't pray about it. Back to this, be anxious for nothing, don't. If you're going to him trust in God didn't do that, and trusting in him means sometimes you got to be patient. God has never been too late. You don't know the plan he has, You don't know. You don't really always know his will. You definitely don't know his route, his way of doing anything. So he's always on time. He's always been there on time for me. He's always been there on time for you. How many times have you thought it was over only to find out it's really just begun. How many times have people wrote you off, those of you who have lost jobs but you are still maintaining. But man, God has already began to turn around process for many of us. Some of us lost jobs and now have better jobs. Some of us lost jobs and now has forced us to rekindle that dream and that vision for business we had. It's sometimes the mishap is the thing you need to make something good happen. See a lot of times we get so comfortable in our life where we we get complacent, We just settling in and when this is it and this is what I'm doing. But in actuality, God has a tremendous amount of abundance for you. He has an amazing amount of things. He has all these boxes packaged up with your name on him that he's willing to ship if you would just align yourself with some of his wills so you could get some of these things. How many times have you thought it was over and it didn't really go over. How many times have you thought, well, this is it and it wasn't it at all. Well, how many times do you thought, well, it don't look like this gonna work out, and it didn't work out, but then something better came along? How many times has that happened? You've got to realize this, man. I was talking to a family who had got displaced from the Katrina thing that happened down there in New Orleans. And Man, when they said, yeah, we got a displaced from Katrina, and I braced myself because the old wo was me, here comes this story. I gotta hear this, and I gotta be encouraging think of something. It was totally different. They totally totally blew me away. Man. The brother said, Man, is actually the best thing that ever happened to my family. And I went whoa And he said, yeah, man, he said, because what happened was, he said, I got settled in. He said, Plus, I was doing some things outside of my marriage down there, he said, I was doing some stuff in the streets. I ain't need to be doing. He said, Man, it all got washed away. We thought our life would never be the same. But he said, man, my life ain't need to be the same. He said. Man. Now we live up here in Texas, we got a house, don't know nobody, he says, I ain't got nobody I know to get into trouble with. He said, man, i'd't rediscovered my wife, how beautiful she really is, how much my family really was counting on me. And he said, man, it's straightened me up. Man, he says, so I gotta tell you, Steve, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Now that's not always the case, but it's how you look at a situation. But just don't be anxious for anything, because God got a fix for you if you just let him work. So just stay on course, stay focused, don't lose faith, don't be anxious. Man, just just stay in the wheel. Let God work with you. He got some great stuff in store for you. You're listening show, ladies, and gentleman wants to Parliament that dreary as I parted week and really puzzled by a single query. I will not do that to you today because that would depress one of the members of this team. So I will start over by saying, I love you all, I appreciate you all. I admire people who are skilled. I admire people who are driven. I admire people who are loving and kind. I admire people who aspire to be more than what they are. That is a description of people I admire. I also admire people who are carrying dary. I admire people who stretch themselves beyond the level of the comfort zone. I admire people who have been an example to me of what manhood, fatherhood, and brotherhood should be about. Those other people I admire. Take some time out today and say thank you to those people who have helped you become who you are today, and associate yourself only with those who you aspire to be like ladies and gentlemen. That's how I decided to start to show this morning. How you wanted to show to get started this morning. I'm not really sure that's no business of mine, because only one person starts to show every day, and that is more in case you don't know, that's French, yell bi lingual college and try liness. You hear me English, French and span Ladies and gentlemen. Shirley Struck Barry boy, will be better boy, Good morning, step On, good morning, Yeah, calling for real, see that fridge too, kids morning, Hey there, Hey, that's hood. Uh Nacho's what's happening top of the morning nachos in your response? And well everybody, good sir, we are here. A friend of mine stopped by yesterday. I very rarely get people who stopped by. He called me at all about eleven am and said, hey, man, I'm gonna stop by. I said, okay, cool, come on, it's good to see him yesterday. Had a great time. You've never heard me say that. Yeah, because you're not a stop by the house kind of person. That's what I right now, I don't have one. You can stop by, adobel, So okay, I was in the neighborhood. Can't say it ain't so. Yeah, I had a really good time. Would you hear folk? Who exactly all of it? I thought I was at a different country when I'm man who live here? All right, Well, I'm glad you had company. Steve coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building, right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show all right time Now for ask the clo. We know who that is, the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. This one clo is from Elaine in Philly. Elaine writes, I am a mature woman in my husband and I are separated, so I started dating again. I'm having a great time going on dates and my husband has a problem with me because we live in a close knit suburb. But get this, We've been separated for six years and he won't entertain any conversation about divorce. He says he's trying to help me save my reputation. But I believe it's his ego that doesn't want me dating anyone else. I want to file for divorce so I can be free of him. Why is he hanging on to me? Why you letting you hang on? You don't need an agreement to get a divorce, You just need a divorce. Six years separated, living in a close knit community, you're dating and he talked about he trying to save your reputation more, you don't want me right and what is the reason for the separation? Always remember that, ladies, I'm trying to save your reputation. It's your ego, that's all it is. Why are you allowing this to happen? Go on about your business? You happy, go file on your own yet Now, a couple of telltale things in this set. I'm mature, I'm dating, and we live in a close knit community. This sounds like a senior citizen holder. That's what I pulled up out of that. So what they can date? Right? Yeah? A suburbs. It's a suburbs. Okay, he got retirement home out of that. Mature in the suburb, close knit suburbs. Don't try to throw me off with suburbs in the middle of the town, ain't it. I'm just, you know, showing you how I think you know you inside the mind? All right? Alicia moving on in Gary, Indiana, says, my forty five year old husban been his overweight and he hides food and snacks from me in the house. Since the pandemic, we've both been watching our weight and he stopped working out with me after he sprained his wrist. I've given him an ultimatum to either get back in the gym or we're not having sex anymore. He's more content with his cupcakes than with my body. If this is sign of a bigger problem in our marriage, or is he just addicted to food? Well, we got a couple of things going on. Yeah, I think he is addicted to food. I'm a little bit confused where you said doing the pandemic. Y'all was watching y'all's weight. I guess he was on. He is close enough that he was enjoying the movement. So obviously as he was watching his weight, he loved the expansion that was going on. The excuse for not working out was I hurt my wrist. I don't know what the hell walking got to do with your damn now had food. That's the fat boy syndrome. Yeah, that's the fat boy syndrome. Now let's talk about this. You told him that you weren't gonna have sex with him, Yeah, and that ain't move the needle. He chose the cupcake over you. He might like cupcakes better than he liked cookies. Oh, he like cupcakes better he liked cookie. Let's church say, hey, hey man, let's just move on. Okay, Malika and Richmond says, I'm twenty eight, my fiance is twenty nine years old. I was home Friday night, scrolling on Instagram, and I saw a live video from a jazz concert at the park and my fiance was in a tent with a bunch of people, male and female, popping bottles um. He told me he was going to hang out with the guys, and I trusted him. I called to let him know that I saw him and that I was hurt because he didn't invite me. He said it was his guy's night out. Uncle, Steve, do guys go to jazz concerts together? Or is he up to something? Izz killed the boy. I ain't never been to a concert with a dude. Well one time I did. Ain't gonna like date night. Well here's what happened. We was in Vegas. Sean Day was performing in Vegas, so she invited us to the show and gave us front row tickets. In Vegas, Me, Boomerang, JT and another brother walked down the aisle at the Sea Day Country all the way to the front. Now we got on big as hat and we sat out on that front rowand and you to have no idea how I was feeling as I was walking. Can pass all our faith? Steve Harvey, Steve Harvey, What's up. What's up? It was so many, you know, groups of women and then just men and women, and I felt so damn the place. I didn't even wait on shot day to come out. It was not the look I wanted because you were with a group of guys. It was some women do it all the time, groups of dude sitting up on the front row listening to day Crime and y'all all see a crime. Your love is king King, And I was one of the kings of comedy. You know, this is just whole look, ain't even you know? And were they disappointed when you wanted to get out? Hell no, they all felt the same thing. Listen, man, you know what we look like walking down? Did you have to take your hats off? So the people in the middle, he'll no stronger than pride. Baby, get up out of here, you got get up. I hate to be sitting behind y'all. Ye es, I said that wasn't a good look. So now me and don't go to jazz concerts by itself. So what is up? Well, he ain't really up to nothing. He just got caught in the situation, you know, with females popping bottles. He's not up to nothing. He got caught up in something. But it all it was was he was in the tent popping bottles. That's all it was, and that's it. Don't make no more of it that it is. But you have every right to wonder why you wasn't invited to the jazz club, because dudes don't go to jazz clubs by they sail. We gotta move on. Coming up, the nephew would run that break back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and trending entertainment news. Get a load of this. Bill Cosby thinks R. Kelly got a raw deal. He talking, he talking, we'll talk about it. Former President Trump loses his case against Amarosa, and trending national news. The US government could shut down by mid October. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, But right now, the nephew is here, would run that prank back. What you got for us, nev it is wife it's WCS w CS. That's Wife Correction Services, White Correction Services. Yeah. WCS. You know we correct things that you need corrected in your marriage. Let's go get the Wife Correction Service Hello, I am trying to reach George Police. My name is Marcus from with WCS. UH callin see if we can actually try to lend you our services. We understand that you're having a few problems and want to see if maybe WCS can bring um a better life to you and you can have an exciting life better than the one you have. Now. Who is it? We are with Wife Correctional Services, sir. WCS. What it is is we take your wife for a couple of weeks and we reprogram them so that it's of course you have to sign a waiver contract, but we take your wife and we reprogram them so that they will act in a fashion of what you want them to act. Oh, okay, okay, whatever, c sir. What it is that we've gotten some we've gotten some reports that you've been having some problems with with your particular wife. And we're here in Saint Louis, sir. Okay, and don't worry. We're totally confidential. This is not anything that's going to get out um and and your your names are never submitted. First of all, here's here's something we can do. I can ask you questions because we've been notified that this is probably a service that you would probably want. Now, Um, has your wife ever snapped on you in public and snapped on me? I mean what I mean she My wife ain't crazy. She don't just snap on me. She might, you know, try to check me or say something. You know what I'm saying. She's just gonna snap on me in probably so your wife your so your wife has tried to check him, It's what you're saying. May not check me per se. I mean she might. She might not like some mom doing and might say something about it. But so basically your wife is not in her place where she needs to be old. I mean what you mean plan I mean she might say something, you know. I mean I might be doing something more, you know, might be with my boys and might get out of control a little bit. She might just say something at the time, but she don't just try to all out check nobody. You know what I'm saying. Okay, okay, okay, I'll tell you what. Let me ask you this one. Have you ever just had some plans with your guys We're gonna go out, and had to change your plans because, um, your wife. Well, I mean, if like I'm just coming about hanging out and I ain't let her know or something. She might you know, be like, well, baby already had playing, you know, can you stay home with the boys or something? But I mean, I mean nothing on the regular. You know how I usually do what I want to do. Seems like denial. Okay, here's another one, sir, well, no, listen, listen, hear me out. Now, let me ask you this um has your wife. Let's say, back when Michael Jordan was playing basketball, did you ever miss a playoff game on television because your wife wanted to watch something else. I mean, we got two TVs in my house, man, I wish No. I don't even get down. I mean I might have to watch the little TV, okay, but I mean I usually watch it on the big shaly. Yeah. But but you doing You've been pushed to watching the smaller television. No, I wouldn't push to do nothing. Man. What I'm trying to tell you is, I mean we compromise. We do fifty fifty in my house. I mean, she might get the big TV to watch her stories or something, and I just had to go watch the little TV. Little TV. Do go out of here once to see? We got so cool with that though I'm cool with that. You're here with that, so you're you're actually the one that's programmed. And you ain't nothing wrong with my wife, ain't nothing wrong with within my family? You know, I honderstand Well, let me the reason why I'm asking you these particular questions is because someone has actually let me know the problems that are at hand in your household. Let me ask you. I got one question for you. Here's what I want to ask you. Has your wife ever cussed you out at a family cookout? Hey? Man, hold on, man, you know what you're getting a little personal Man? Is this even legal? Man? I'm here, I'm here. I never heard of this company. Man, I've never heard of this is something new. It's definitely saying something new. I mean, what, don't make me be your guinea pig. Don't don't start out calling me trying to get you know, referral to the clientele or whatever it is you trying to do. Man, don't call me with this nonsense. Partner, and I completely understand it. Wcs sir, is here to benefit you. It ain't no benefit to me, man, getting I look at my personal business one and what's going on in mind? ALSOLD okay, Well, last thing I want to ask you, and this is the last question I have for youna, make it, make this the last I want to straight up. Okay, have you do you do? Do you buy your own clothes? Or does she buy the company? You know what? Man? This man? You whatever company? This is? Dog, don't call house no more? And whatever put you up to this? Whoever give you my number? Talk about my wife? Checked me or got me under control? Got me on lock man? You tell him too, don't call me no more? Are you are you? Are you in denying dog? Noble house? No more. I'm gonna tell you what, George Foreman or whatever it's Marcus's Marcus, whoever you are, George Foreman, Marcus, Hey, I'm gonna tell you right now. I'm gonna find a way. Yeah, I'm located, dog, I'm coming down there, and I'm gonna pushing as you in my personal pure you're ready, you're ready to retaliate on mealiate, but you don't want to retaliate on the problems you have with your wife. Retaliation. Man, what I'm saying, you're calling my house, I'm minding my and as you worrying about who you're watching what TV in my house and my wife checking me in public? I want man, Hey, doll, look, I'm telling you, mister, don't you want to watch the big television? Big TV? Man? I'm comfortable with the TV I got. You know what I'm saying. It's in my room. I gonna get across the bed, watch whatever I want to whenever I want to do. Don't you want to be able to go out with the boys when you went? I want my partners, doll, not a fact you need to get partners? You call asking dumb. Listen what you want to do to me and your wife has already done to you? I see you got to Damn, I'm gonna block what's your phone number? Man? Give me something, tell me where to find you. Why are you in denial? Denial? I'm gonna tell you what's you need to get your wife checked in the wife correction of services so that you can live a better life. Whoever, why man? I need to get a life? Man? Can I get the life? Man? Stop calling me doll? For real? I understand it. Can I say one more thing that you say you can't say as to me? Man? Straight up? Listen to me, sir, yeah, what what? What's his nephew timing from the Steve Harvard The Morning Show. You just got cranked by your boy Justin didn't know what? Oh? No, hey, hey, hey, okay, y'all got me money? What is the baddest radio show in the land. You are even know? It's you, my boy Steve Harvey doing in the morning on the Steve Harvey Morning your partner. Anybody need anything corrected? Now? We're good over here. You sure the two wives on this show? Yeah? All right, you might think, but no, I'm I can call your husbands and see if they want to use my services. I'm just saying, you know, anybody want to do that? How y'all don't know? Let me know, because then it's gonna be another conversation, different conversation. Sweetest Steak, Sweetest Day Comedy Takeover. It's going down octop with the sixteen at Music Hall the Music Hall in Detroit, Michigan. That's Dominique Rodney Perry, Tommy Davidson's Guide Tory hosted by Yours truly me nephew Tommy sixteen Saturday Night take its own sale Detroit right now? All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour Entertainment News. Right after this, you're listening to Steven show Bill Cosby is speaking out um he thinks R. Kelly got a raw deal. Cosby, who was just recently released from prison himself, believes that Robert Robert got a bad deal when he was found guilty in his federal sex crimes case. This week. Cosby spokesperson Andrew Wyatt says that Cosby said the guy was railroaded speaking of R. Kelly, and he blames famous women's civil rights a journey Gloria Alread and systemic racism. Alread represented alleged victims in both Cosby and Kelly's cases. Kelly is facing ten years to life when he gets sentenced. In may Or, Kelly tweeted a statement he said to all my fans and supporters, I love you all and thank you for all the support. Today's verdict was disappointing, and I will continue to prove my innocence and fight for my freedom. Hashtag not guilty what Well, here's here's a problem with Cosby's statement. I mean he mentored me, I mean he taught me a lot. So I'm speaking from a standpoint of all soul just hearing these statements. When you say that R. Kelly was railroaded and given a bad deal, you have to be careful with that statement, because I can assure you something has happened. And when you say that R. Kelly was railroaded and given a bad deal, you must take into consideration that there are some victims here, and you have no excuse when we are talking about children. Look, if two adults are consenting, that ain't none of them my business. That shouldn't be none of our business. But you can't get consent from a miner because a miner doesn't have the mental capability of processing everything that you're presenting to them in such an old, mature way in their young, underdeveloped mind. And we all know this as a fact. I just think he's got to be very careful about that man, because you can't say that Robert was given a bum deal and a bad rap and ignored the bum deal and a bad rap to these girls got stove And look, I got what you're saying about this attorney, And that was something that happened in the cause Be trial that caused this judge to come in. That's real, that really happened but you can't apply that peanut butter to his bread. You can't put that on him. You know, you cannot ignore the victims in this case, and it's too many. Yeah, they did a whole movie about it, Surviving document a documentary. It was a victim after victim over repeated behavior, so the same kind of behavior. They did the same thing to all of these women. Yeah, justice for the victim LA girls. You know we already said in the media. However, you know that we feel that people don't care about what happened to young black women and girls. So justice for them. And his statement R Kelly with the whole innocent innocence I'm still still be quiet, sir, Yes, innocence. You are you kidding me? You have more trials to go Chicago, This isn't over there, and ten years to life in this particular trial, he's got more, but he got to go two more times. Ye, So what does that tell you, Tommy? Repeated behavior in different parts of the country over see. Look, man, I know that attorneys to pile on I get that, I know attorneys to blost to that case. I know prosecutors have done some stuff to us in terms of systemic racism since we got here, we all are very familiar with that. But you can't give him enough real evidence to pile on the other evidence. Come on, you gave him too much real stuff. We got films. We have a woman this is going to get her mama out of a dough, and it's filmed and the girl wouldn't come out the dough and she talking to her mom in the hallway. That wasn't That wasn't reality TV. That was a documentary. Yeah, So to say he was railroaded Bill Cosby, Please, hey, when when R. Kelly did the interview with Gail King and when them two young girls sat down and R. Kelly would in the hallway clearing his throat, that was controllers and don't say and then the girls came to court and testified to that it was It's like, ojay, he wouldn't sit down and be quiet. Oh he's gonna say something tomorrow. Trust he's gonna say something to mow. Yeah, but you still won't shut up, that's right. And can't say something about Andrew Wyatt his person attorney. Are you for real or dog? You've got to be able to say to your client, Hey, man, I don't think this is smart for us to do this at this time. Well, you're Bill Coffee's representative. You have to be able to say that. Somebody got to be in your circle to say, Yo, man, you find to say what, Well, we don't know that. He didn't say it, and Cosby said what he said anyway, No, No, Cosby said this. Yeah, but Andrew Wyott, the attorney, the spokesperson, somebody in your camp gotta be able to say, dog, you find to say what. But what I'm saying is we don't know that. They didn't come mister Cosby to beat I know that, but he stid The quote came from Andrew Wyatt, and somebody got to say, man, we're not doing that. Yeah. I'm telling you, when you are, when you're famous, you gotta have people around you, man, that tell you the truth. If you don't, you're gonna let your fame, your ego getting your damn way. Like that's what's happening here. All right, We're gonna move on. Coming up for twenty minutes after the hour, we'll have sports talk with Junior Lebron James news Hunt. Junior, we'll talk about it right after this. You're listening Dave Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, brace yourselves because Junior is in the building. Not with the poem, sadly, but he is here at Sports Talk, which you got Junior okay, well, doing a recent interview on the Many Brothers simul care my man, Lebron James says he was offered two NFL contracts now, one of the contracts being from the Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones himself. Take a listen, Jerry Jones offered me a contract. Also. Pete Carroll did as well in Seattle during our lockout time, and it definitely got my blood flowing again, got my mind racing again thinking about the game of football, you know, being out there on Sundays. But you know we're able to get a deal done in the NBA and I was back on the court no time, but I definitely thought about it. I still got the jersey too that Jerry Andy Carroll sent me from twenty eleven. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Lebron James gonna play in an NFL. Who was this is that? When he played tight end? How big kids? You can't wait till you in your thirties, Gonna put them showing the paths out there with them boys out there. That's a whole another sport. When you play the high school too, though, didn't high school. I played in high school time in your right time. He's a big boy. He could take a hit one time. See when you were in high school. I saw the footage of him in high school, the biggest one out there. You're not fit to be the biggest one out here in the NFL. No, no, no, no, no. They got you. They got a lot of you out there, and they fast fast, dog. It's physical. It's physical. Yeah. The linebacker that's covering you run the same speed you do. Hello, I got my money on Lebron like I ain't got a quarter anymore, splashed all over that damn. One of the greatest basketball players. He will be on the Mount Rushmore or basketball. But in taotball, you go over the middle one time and watch what they do. You do them safeties and stuff. Man, Lebron just ain't what. I don't care. Who sent you a jersey? Not playing? I sent you jersey. Ain't seen you know, patch, didn't they It's the pads, And it's very different in football than basketball. You know, going across the lane in basketball, it ain't be five. It's eleven out here. Football is a collision sport. Yeah, also Lebron, he also made news man. Lebron revealed that he did get the COVID nineteen vaccine and said it was the best choice for him and his family. So, you know, Broun, but he's not encouraging anyone else to. Yeah, well, you know Wiggins and beal ass Is gonna get this vaccine and you're not gonna be playing. And Kyrie Irving with this foolishness talking about he just won't play no home games. He's another one. Somebody need to sit his ass down, and you stopped talking. We're moving on. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour tomorrow kicks off breast cancer awareness Monster Carl and I will talk to our girl R and B singer Jasmine Sullivan about the more Than Just Words initiatives sponsored by Novartis. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. In twenty twenty, breast cancer was the most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide, while breast cancer screenings dropped drastically, Black women are at a greater risk of dying from breast cancer, and we know that early detection is key. Well, No, Vardas has a great initiative that promotes equality in breast cancer care, beginning with black women. The initiative is more than just words and joining us as a passionate breast cancer advocate to tell us all about it. Our special guest is a musical icon. She won Album of the Year at this year's BET Awards for her new album Hotels, and she's gracing the cover of the July August twenty twenty one issue of Essence magazine. She's an amazingly talented and oh so beautiful woman. Please welcome to our show the incomparable Miss Jasmine Sullivan. Oh my god, that was an amazing intro. I have to take you everywhere for the intro. Thank you so much, Jasmine. We know that you're very passionate about breast cancer awareness. You reveal last year that your mom battled inflammatory breast cancer for two years. So how's your mom's health. My mom is doing so much better. You know, we're taking it one day at a time. I feel like breast cancer you always you can never get too confident because you know you never know how things are going to end up. And I want to be conscious of the people who are still going through their diagnosis right now or they're getting you know, reoccurring diagnosis. So but she's doing really well. Early detection is the key. Yes, it is definitely the early detection is key, and especially for Black women. With these numbers, black women are approximately forty percent more likely to die of breast cancer. Just let's talk more about more than just words? Uh, this initiative give us a quick overview of more than just words. Yeah. So, More than just words is a Camp Pain partner with Nive artists that's committed to promote health equity and breast cancer and really just urge Black women to get mamograms and get screenings and to take care of themselves. And I'm passionate obviously because my mother was diagnosed a couple of years ago, but also because I love Black women and I think that we are the best things since life's bread and we have love you. I guess so, Jasmine, how is more than just words addressing this? Because this is action? So can you talk a little bit about that please? Yeah? So, more than just words is um campaigning with the leading hosts experts just about continuing these conversations talking to our family members, talking to our mothers and our aunties and our grandmas, because I feel like as a Black community, we don't talk a lot about health, and we have to because you have to know where you're coming from. You don't know where you're going. Absolutely, I think too in our community black women, the generations. You know, you talked about your grandma's and your untie's, Jasmine, and I think for us we get as black women, we put everyone else's needs before ourselves. Yeah. So one way they can find out information is by going to www dot more than just words dot us. I found out so much information that I didn't know even with experiencing it with my mother, I didn't know a lot about all these statistics that I've learned on the website. So definitely go there and like we said, just continue to have these conversations. One more time, go to more than just words dot us, more than just words dot us to find out more. Jasmine Sullivan has been our special guests. We love you and continued success to you. Thank you guys for having me. I appreciate it. Coming up next, the nephew is here with the prank phone call. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject he's not equipped to handle me. All right. We'll get into that in just a little bit. All right, he's not equipped to handle me. Right now, the nephew is here to handle this prank phone call for us? What you got for us? Nas, Yo drunk husband? Yeah, yo, drunk? All right, let's go straight to it, yo drunk us. But let's right Hello, you gotta hold on an okay, all right, I got your phone. I'll give your wife a call. Hello, Hello, a right right now. You're inebriating, sir, okay, right now, to be taking you in, but I'm not gonna do that. You let me. I'm able to come and pick you off. I'll let her come get you, all right, all I'll ride. It's gonna office. The bride's gonna put you in his squad call. I'm gonna call your wife. I've got the phone, dolling now all right, okay, Hello, Hello? Who is who am I foosh with? Please? Who is it? This is Officer Daniels Offer Daniel you just called from. This is my husband number? Who is who is officer. Then I am Officer Daniels Many. Your husband's actually been pulled over and he's been uh, actually he's in another officer's car. He's he's a little bit of kneebriated here and we're trying to see about getting him picked up. I'm trying my best not to take him in today, so I'm trying to be a good Samaritan. I'm trying to get someone to come and pick him up. Hold on, hold on, hold on, back up, back up. You got my husband? Uh what I got here on the driver's license is Kenny Kenny, and he's with you now. He's actually an Officer Brian's squad car right now. So he was actually bobbing and weaving out on the road and we pulled him over. He's not creating any problems. The young lady wasn't creating any problems. So what we're trying, what we're trying to do is get somebody to come and pick him up. You don't have my husband because my husband's didn't work, so he can't be in the officer Brian in her car. And did you say tim again, did you say somebody's with Kennedy? That was a young lady in the car. Man, we're actually letting her go because she's not inebriated from a look though at somebody. She's calling somebody to pick her up. Now, man, No, I can't believe it. Kenny, and I know that dirty song gotten a back in my car. That's my car. And you said that he had Timidus officer Temmidus look at that and telling what she looked like. If that'd not be that, that'd not be the one I think she I have no idea. Excuse me, ma'am. I know about it in my cause he's supposed to be working. I'm sorry, Jack. Jasmine, okay, you're Jasmine? Okay, no, just we'll talk to your moment. Yea, her name is Jasmine. I'm not sure who she is, but keep them keep it, yeah, holding that time I get there. I'm on my way. I'm on my way right now. Hey, Bridget, I want you to watch these children from the time I get back. I'm going to see if I can give me a ride up to the truck stop and I'll be back in a minute. Hello. Yeah, Hello, I'm here. Yeah, I'm here. I'm here. Okay, man, listen, I can't I can't stay here too much longer. I can. I can say maybe another fifteen twenty minutes. Somebody come to get the car, and but I gotta keep moving here. I'm just trying to do another because I'm all my way. I'm all my way. I'm all my way. I got my purse in my hand. I'm all my way to that fuck stop, please don't take that nowhere, because I got something for his And when I get there, I hope like hell, and ain't they they's been calling to with me all through the night. Leave for the attack. Get there because I got some things that I need to take care of. This thing. Don't move the squad car to I get there. I'm all wait right now, right now, I be there in a minute. I well, that took my time picked up there. To date, we have had arguments over this. It better not do that. If better not, I bet you, If bet not be her, it better not be here. I'm all my way. I'll be there in a minute. I be there. I get them. Okay. Well, now here's a guy that was with Kenny. Let me close not she can hear me better? Man. Here was another gentleman that was in the back seat of the car that was riding with Kenny and the young lady. I don't give it. I know other rider with Kenny. Just make sure he's there when I get there. Okay, okay, Now do you know who this other gentleman? Do you know Nephew Tommy? I don't care, but I know Nephew Tommy. Nephew Tommy sent to you. This is Nephew Tommy from the Steve waved morning, your baby. Your husband Kenny got me to Frank Fall called you man, who got if you've got? You ain't kidding because just going to happen to kennon next you time to was gonna go down to bank Head in two eight to five and ten. When he gets home, he's still on. Oh my god, you aren't. Oh my gosh. Now I'm gonna check what you at times? Oh man, he told me. He said, man, my wife don't play, he said, my man to pray my wife. You aren't said, I'm good time, I'm dood. I'm doing what career though he didn't work. We don't. He didn't work. Hen't work here work? He in your call at work? He worked. You're Benn, be it worse, Hey, baby, tell me is what's the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Holling Marty Show. I don't know. I think I think she don't want. I think she kennon behind before. I don't know why. I don't give in the back seat, bet not be. You ain't got in the back seat because he had worked. Man is your husband, Kenny? Yeah, it was a young lady with him. We let her go. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, Wait a minute, back up. What was her name? It bet not be who I think it is. It might not be the car. We didn't had conversations about her. I know he ain't get up in my car. I'd be right down there. I'll be down there a minute. Stay with the man. But if you're looking for love, I got it for you. On Friday Night, Ready to Love. Yeah, okay. October the fifteenth, the new season jumps off Washington, DC. Ready to Love hosted by Girls Joy you know, hosted by Thomas Miles. Okay, there's a difference between Thomas Miles and nephew Thommy. That's a difference, so come out. Difference. Oh my god, you know, Timmy, Timmy, you know, playful, stupid, ignorant. You know just ain't got no sense. I'm just sorry. I'm trying to wait on to describe now describe Thomas Miles. Oh my god, very very serious. Uh, holder forgiven, no nonsense tempered difference between two Thomas Thomas Miles is hosted Ready to Love. Okay. I told with fifteen premia of our new season, Washington, d C. We are in the nation's capital and you do not want to miss it. And uh, I'm impressed. I'm impressed with my contest instead to be joining the show this season. You don't want to miss it now, Washing DC? Who we got some turns. It's good, chocolate city, baby, twist turns, curveballs, beautiful ladies, oh my god, and ladies, you will not be upset with the men that are on the show either. So it's gonna be good. Y'all gonna like it, Okay, baby, Hey, maybe you know what I've noticed though, I'm I'm really alarmed at some of the theories that people have about dating and relationships, and it just thoroughly explains why they ain't got nobody. I remember some of the thought process about how they think a date are to go, how they how they think a woman ought to be and a woman, how he ought to be and how we're gonna be with each other. And they have such offbeat thinking processes that it explains why they're on the show. Pipe Dreams Though, pipe Dreams. All right, thank enoph you coming up. Strawberry Letters. Subject he's not equipped to handle me. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now, and you never know, it could be yours. It could be yours. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. All right, Thank you, nephew. Subject, He's not equipped to handle me. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am married to a man that was my king, and he messed it all up by having a female best friend. He didn't have a physical affair with her, but he had an emotional one, and he shared intimate details of our marriage, good and bad. Then he encouraged her to call me and have a talk with me about how unhappy he is in our marriage. When she called, I got so teed off that I invited her over. I made sure my husband wasn't home so I could drag her around my house by her dirty wig. She knew that I was crazy, so luckily for her, she brought her sister with her. There is no way I could handle them both. So I sat in my own house and listened to this woman tell me was lacking in my marriage and what irritates my husband. She went on and on for a few minutes, and her sister finally broke her silence and told her own sister that she had a lot of nerve to come up in my house to do to do that, and she ushered her out of my house. I yelled to the woman that I was still going to beat her tale if I see her out. My husband got wind of what has so called, but he did and he didn't come home. He texted and said he'd give me a day or two to cool off. In the meantime, I sent a group text to three of his closest friends with a video of how he's not equipped to deal with me in the bedroom. In the video, he wasn't able to perform and he was getting frustrated because his little man kept flopping around his friends all set, all sent laughing emojis, and said he'll never live this one down. I got revenge, so I'm cool. But he's furious and claims he had good intentions. He's not equipped to handle me in or out of the bedroom, and he shouldn't have told our business. Are we headed for divorce? Or can we move past this? Woo listen. I think if you get past this, it will be a miracle from God. Okay, it will be a miracle from God. You already know two wrongs don't make a right, and they absolutely do not. But what you did was so wrong and it was pretty much unforgivable. I mean, what he did was horrible too. I'm not letting him off the hook at all. He should not have shared your intimate details, none of that. Your husband was wrong to blast all that to his bestie. But at least all he did was run his mouth. You You disgraced and humiliated him by showing his private parts to his boys. I just don't see how there's any coming back from that or his little man. I said private parts, but you called it his little man. Huh. The only one who seems to have any sense in this whole letter is your husband's friend's sister, who checked her sister for being at your house and for disrespecting you, and then ushering here, ushering her up out of your house again. I don't know how you come back from something like this unless the Lord himself intervened. Otherwise. I think you guys are done and your marriage is over. Steve. I think it's something wrong with every single person in this letter, every single person in this letter, and I'll tell you why, and I don't I don't know what. This ain't gonna He's not equipped to handle me. This woman writes in says she's married to a man that was my king right there. If this was your king, and this is who you chose to marry, and this is how he is, and then this is how you treated him. I showed would hate to be your slave because this is how you treat the king. Lord ha mercy. This letter is doomed from the get go, y'all, but he messed it all up. By having a female best friend. Now, he didn't have the physical affair with him, but he's emotional. This fool. He shared intimate details of our marriage. He didn't say that. I'm saying that. He shared intimate details about marriage, good and bad. Then he encouraged her to call me and have a talk with me about how unhappy is in our marriage. Okay, how stupid is your king? How stupid is your king? Hate Fellas? What woman would you have call your wife to tell your wife what's wrong with her and how unhappy you are in your marriage? What man listening to this show would dude that stupid ass move like? I thought? Nobody? Okay? Cool? What she called? I was so teed off that I invited over. I made sure my husband wasn't home so I could drag around my house by her dirty wig. She knew I was crazy, so luckily for her, she brought her sister with her. Wow, now this is kind of crazy. What a housewife show? Is this? Because you going over another woman house to sit her down to tell her about what's wrong with her in her marriage. There's no she bought her sister with her. Luckily for her, she bought her sister women, and there was no way I can handle them both, so I said in my own house, and I listened to this woman tell me what's lacking in my marriage and irritates my husband. She went on and on for a few minutes, and then her sister broke her silence. Her own sister said she had a lot of nerve to come to my house and ushered her out of my house. But as something wrong with your sister too, though, because I wouldn't went over that with you in the first place. Wait a minute, hold up, sister, you cann't do what you finn't go over his house and tell her what's wrong with them? No, we not once again. You need some better people around you, like so we'll not come back. I'll tell you the rest of them. All right, we'll have part two if Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after subject He's not equipped to handle me, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter, the subject he is not equipped to handle me. We didn't got to that part yet. Woman married to a man, she says, her keen, but he messed it all up by having a female friend. This dude has been telling this female friend everything about his marriage, good and bad, and then asked the female friend of his to go and talk to his wife for him and tell her what she's unhappy with in her marriage. This dumb woman calls up this man's wife arranges to meet with her, but she knowed a woman crazy, so she gets her sister to go over that with her. She gets over to the house proceeds to tell of the woman was wrong in her marriage, until her sister couldn't take it no more and told her you was wrong for coming over here, coming up in this house and ushered her out the house. I yelled to the woman that I was still gonna beat the tail when I see her out. Okay, this one who is mess right here? See you out where. My husband got well into what his so called buddy, this female friend did, and he didn't come home. And he texts and said he give me a day or two. The cool law that's because he know how crazy his wife is. He'd know if I go in here now, all hell gonna break loose. This is how crazy this woman is. But I mean, really, this sister right, yeah, well, you come up in my house talking to me about me and my man. I mean, she bosts have a problem. But the gall of this stupid so called best friend to go to this woman's house. But then the utter stupidity of the husband for asking her to go talk to his wife. It's so many fools in this letter. I don't even know where to go. Calm down, Stephen. Now here's where the letter take a dog turn. In the meantime, I sent him a group texting three of his closest friends with a video of how he's not equipped to deal with me in the bedroom. In the video, he wasn't able to perform, and he was getting frustrated because his little man kept flopping around. His friends all sent laughing emojis and said he'll never live this down. I got revealed, So I'm cool. I don't understand this group of people. I don't understand this group of people when you send a sex video out, lady, ain't you any I'm just I'm just curious. So now you have sent his video all his friends saying he ain't gonna leave us down. So now they've been to tease him. Now you say I got revenged, so I'm cool, But he's furious and claims he had good intentions. Then you say he's not equipped to handle me in out of the bedroom, and he should and that he shouldn't have told our business. Now you saying he ain't equipped to handle you in or out of bed room. Ain't nobody can handle you out of bed room? But in a minute ago he was your king, So king did something early on, someone was working to make you want to be queen all. Wouldn't nobody else ask your crazy ass to get him married? One of the things, are we headed for divorce? Or can we move past this? I don't like, Shirley said, I don't know unless you have an act of God come in here. I don't know where y'all think y'all going. Why y'all still want to be married? First of all, he's not married to his best friend. His best friend is another woman. Your man is so weak that he don't have enough sense or gumption to come and talk to you about his own marriage. You so crazy, he can't talk to you. She's so crazy she come over the house to talk to you. Her sister crazy because she came over here with the house but then her sister realized what it is was heading and at least had to common sense talk out. Now, you so crazy. You took a video on your man's little man and send it to his three friends. Now they're laughing at your man, and you figure I'm cool. Now I got revenge? How simple minded are y'all? It's bad? So this is the real Housewives of Green Metal Oaks, Insana Sila, because everybody and it's not it. It's crazy. Yeah, so, ma'am, I don't care that you hit it for divorce. I don't even see why y'all marriage. You don't have a marriage. He's not married to his best friend. You're not his best friend. You've been willing to do that to embarrass your man. He don't like you, he's scared of you. You crazy. Why don't y'all just go y'all separate ways? Yeah, make no damn sense? Yeah, man, stop writing us. Let's see, Steve. I don't know. I think the sister. I like the sister what she did. She may not have even told her why she was going over to this woman's house, but once she realized what was happening, then she said no, no, no, no, no no no, no, no, no, no, no no, come go with me over his wife's house. But she knew they were friends. They're best friends. The man and the woman is best friend. Right, That's what I'm saying. The sister knew that we're going over here for what because he wanted me to talk to her. No, no, no, We've done. Yeah. I mean the sister ain't ain't really the cause of the letter, at least's system. I guess after she realized what was happening here. We gotta get up at you. Maybe that's it. I don't like. We gotta go. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up at forty six minutes after the hour from the Talk, our girl Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, it's Carla's Reality Update. But right now, Steve, it is time to introduce our girl from the Talk. Let's good, That's what I'm talking about, Steve Harvey. Now, Steve, I got a question that's really directed toward you, Tommy and Julia, not Carlin Shirley. You know, I know, you know, we ladies of the group and everything, Monica, everybody, we are ladies. But I got a question directed toward the Fellas. But it's really something had to me. Okay, So the tire gauge in my car went off right, and I always panted anything to happen. I'm like, oh, I don't know what to do, right, because back in the day used to be like a shade tree mechanical dude, you go to and go, what's that mean? And then he would go, oh, that means slow leak or whatever. He's tired. But what it made me think about is how manhood seems to have changed when I grew up, because I didn't really realize how young my father was. My father was twenty one years old when I was born, but when we were little, we thought our uncles and everybody were older men, you know, like my uncle Clip saying, ain't just my dad was my dad's best friend. But it seems like manhood has changed. Then they got the study come out that says that college for women is sixty percent women going to college forty percent meant so then that is a discussion of our marriage pool, not saying that you got to marry somebody who went to college. But it just seems like the I don't know, outward aesthetic of being a man seems to be evolved in a different direction. You know, you used to had the dudes used a street news, but there was an honor to that. You used to had the hard working, regular go to work dude, and there was a stability to that. So, Steve, I want to ask you. I don't want to ask Tommy. I want to ask Junior. Do you feel that there's a different representation or nuanced to manhood? Steve, I'm asking you absolutely, Okay, absolutely true, And I believe that it is because I believe that it is because we have allowed our society to dictate and allowed for too many other versions of what manhood has always been to exist and to flourish and to accentuate it, and so therefore it has just created too many different angles and so now you don't really know or women don't really have a clear view of what it is anymore. And I feel for women because we don't give you a clear view of what manhood isn't anymore and what you can expect. Yes, yeah, how do you want to come back for the right you want to do that? Okay, well we do that? What not this one? When we come back next time? All right, Cheryl, We'll continue this next week. Part two coming up. This is good, thank you, and Carla's reality update coming up at the top of the hour right after this. You're listening show. All right, Tommy, she's here, introducer. Let's go. It's time, ladies and gentlemen. She is here the one and only call a farel with reality update coming in hot. All right, here we go, nephew. Check this out. Real Housewives of Atlanta. The show is not even back yet, but a lot of the cast members have been in the news this week. All right, Cynthia Bailey is leaving. I told you the rumor that I heard that she was leaving the show, and she is. Say it ain't. So. She posted yes, Junior the insta announcement on her Instagram page, and she didn't really give the reason for her departure in her announcement. She just said, it's time to move on to my next chapter and I look forward to sharing it with all of you. So there you go. Cynthia Bailey is leaving Real Housewives of Atlanta after eleven seasons. Yes, yes, she's simply beautiful, simply gorgeous. All right. Porsia Williams is really in love with her fiance Simon. They were in Vegas with her best friend, you know, Shamia, she's a friend on the show and Portia. She bought her fiance an engagement ring in Vegas at Tiffany's. She put it all on Instagram, and uh, it was real emotional. He was crying and she was crying and they what what, Junior, go ahead? Crying over the ring. YEA been nice. She bought him a ring. Now she has an engagement ring. He got her ring earlier. I think it was like in May, earlier in the summer. It's a big, big rock, it's huge. But she got her fiance a an engagement ring. Yeah, yeah, go ahead. Did you hear when she gave the man the platinum American American Express give him whatever? I did see that she showing her platinum card all of what, Steve, you got your arms folded? What? Yeah? I'm like, I don't gay whatever he wants. Okay, that's the TV line. Maybe for a spin off show that she's uh, you ain't money? Go ahead? Max has no limit. I know some people that can say that. I do know some people. I say that, but that that you got to have another getting whatever he want, and then whispered to him, don't don't get it, all right, So moving on to right right, But he can't get a car, You're crazy, Steve. Kenya. More, she's doing her things. She's on Dancing with the Stars and she is killing it doing the chacha with her partner Brandon, and she looks really good on Dancing with the Stars. I'm I'm voting for I'm rooting for. Go ahead, Kenya. Now, there's also a rumor that Acon, y'all know Acon, the music rapper, the producer. He believes in polygamy, and they're saying that one of his wives that's going to be on the new season of Real High Swives up Atlanta. It is rumored that he has four wives. Okay, that's what I said. Yeah, yeah, one is enough. Yeah, it's gonna be interesting. Yes, it is going to be interesting to check out Real Housewives of Atlanta. All right, let me move on quickly. Real Housewives of Potomac Giselle Huh. She threw a get together outside because her house is being remodeled in her driveway for her launch party. It was a mess. The women were arguing. Candas drive She tried to make nice. Yeah driveway, Yes, Steven was in the drive. Now let me ask you somethingbody driveway. Okay, is it the driveway where you pull in one end of the house and drive around the front and pull out the other side. No, it's a pretty long driveway. It's it's back. No short driveway. Job to turn around. You got bag outs, Messa come out here and motor car. Well that had to had to go. We gotta go right, you call as to go all right, Thank you, Carla. We'll have more of today's trending stories and more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Say it isn't so. It is turning into a really bad year for the Cuomos, both Andrew and Chris. Now, just a few weeks after Andrew Cuomo stepped down as New York governor amid sexual harassment allegations, his CNN anchor brother Chris Cuomo, is now feeling some heat. His former producer on Cuomo Primetime, who left abruptly back in March of last year, reportedly asked to be taken off the show because um she felt Cuomo's behavior was threatening, and she was reassigned. This new revelation comes a week after his former executive producer at ABC News alleged in an our bed piece that she was touched inappropriately by Cuomo at a party back in two thousand and five. Supposedly, Cuomo grabbed her but at a Christmas party she was standing there with her husband and said, I can do this to you now that you're no longer my boss. Wow. All right, guys, let's get out what you got. I just want to know what a husband was doing when she got just standing there. Maybe he didn't see it. He didn't, No, he saw that. I don't think that damn party. Party. Heard about this party right here? Party? No, No, just a just a gang violence site. Manages. Shall get all your money right now because I'm going to close this broad at Okay, Well, well yeah they are. Uh, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Morning Show all right time. Now for ask the CLO. We know who that is, the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. This one CLO is from Elaine in Philly. Elaine writes, I am a mature woman and my husband and I are separated, so I started dating again. I'm having a great time going on dates, and my husband has a problem with me because we live in a close knit suburb. But get this, We've been separated for six years and he won't entertain any conversation about divorce. He says he's trying to help me save my reputation. But I believe it's his ego that doesn't want me dating anyone one else. I want to file for divorce so I can be free of him. Why is he hanging on to me? Why you're letting him hang on. You don't need an agreement to get a divorce, You just need a divorce. Six years separated, living in a close knit community, you're dating, and he talking about he trying to save your reputation. Boy, you don't want me, and what is the reason for the separation? Always remember that, ladies, I'm trying to save your reputation. Dog is your ego, That's all it is. Why are you allowing this to happen? Go on about your business. You're happy, go file on your own. Yes, Now, a couple of telltale things in this set. I'm mature, I'm dating, and we live in a close knit community. This sound like a senior citizen holding. That's what I pulled up out of that. So what Yeah, suburbs and Thieves is a suburbs. Okay, he got he got retirement home out of that suburb. Close knit suburbs. Don't try to throw me off with suburbs of the town. I'm just, you know, showing you how I think you know beside demand. All right. Alicia moving on in Gary, Indiana, says, my forty five year old husband is overweight and he hides food and snacks from me in the house. Since the pandemic, we've both been watching our weight and he stopped working out with me after he sprained his wrist. I've given him given him an ultimatum to either get back in the gym or we're not having sex anymore. He's more content with his cupcakes than with my body. Is this a sign of a bigger problem in our marriage or is he just addicted to food? Well, we got a couple of things going on. Yeah, I think he is addicted to food. I'm a little bit confused where you said doing the pandemic y'all was watching y'all's weight. I guess he was on. He is close enough that he was enjoying the movement. So obviously as he was watching his weight, he loved the expansion that was going on. The excuse for not working out was I hurt my risk? I don't know what the hell walking got to do with your damn coming up? It is our last break of the day on this Thursday, and of course we'll have some closing remarks of forty nine minutes after from the one and only, our fearless leader, our captain of the ship, Steve Harvey, right after this. You're listening, all right? This is our last break of the day on this Thursday, last break. Yeah, um, yes and Steve, yes, what do you think of today? Well, I'm ready my closing remarks. Today, I'd like to talk to people about a question that's oftentimes asked with me. Steve, You always working, You always busy? What are you doing it? Why do you work like that? Why are you always how do you do this? How do you do that? And look, I'm not bragging here. I get the same twenty four hours that everybody else gets. I'm not awarded any more dayd daylight did nobody else? Sunrise for me just like it do for you. It's set for me just like you do for you. I don't get no extra I can't control time. The Bible says time and tide waits on no man, it ticks for me just like it ticks for you. What I want to offer everybody, though, is a way to look at this thing though, And it's a simple process. It's just called time management. You actually have a say, soul and what you do with the time that supported you. Now here's the upside. If God wakes you up in the morning, it is a sign that God is not through with you yet, which means that's still more for you to accomplish. Now, us being the human beings that we are in the creature that He created us to be in, the only creature that He gave complete total of choice. So now you get to decide what you do with this opportunity that's been given to you on a daily basis. I need your attention here. You get to decide what you do with this blessing called time that is presented to you every day. So stop looking around at what somebody else got, and always tell about how they do this, how they do that when you have your own set of twenty four to concern yourself with, and just maybe they gotta going on because they spending day twenty four a little bit different. So I invite you all to start controlling your time management. I'm inviting you all to start looking at how you go about your day. Now, I got the three ws I'm gonna talk to you about. It's the what you spend your time on, the way you spend your time, and who you spend your time with a whole That's the whole story, y'all. In time management, all you have to do is answer these three questions. What are you spending your time on? Where are you spending your time, and who are you spending it with. It's the what, where, and who of time management that I've started to concern myself with that began to change my life. See, what are you committed to? What activity occupies your mental space, what activity occupies your daily space? What are you committed to? If God has given you this blessing of waking you up every day because He has yet more for you to receive. Ask yourself a simple question, what are you doing to move yourself in a direction to receive what God has done for you, this incredible blessing called this gift of life? What have you done today? Oh? I know people don't like hearing this, but all you got to do is ask yourself what am I gonna do today? Where am I going today? And who I'm gonna spend my day with, and watch at the end of the day, you can determine whether you're moving forward, sideways, standing steel or going backwards. Or you can even just determine if you ain't going nowhere. But people have to be honest with they self. And this ain't me saying I got it all together and this is me talking to me all the time. I got to constantly monitor my time management, what occupies my mental space and what occupies my daily space. If you hang with people and all they do is gossip, guess what You're gonna be a gossiper. If you hang with people that's always talking about business, you're gonna discuss business. If all the friends you hang out with are only into physical fitness, and that's it. You're gonna go to the gym. You got to go to gym. If everybody you hang out with shoot dice and gamble, guess why y'all gonna be someone shooting dice and gambling. That gambling is win some, lose some, but it's mostly loose song not hard it is to become a professional gambler because you don't control enough of that situation. So that's what you do. That's why you end up, and that's who you're running with. Y'all. You got to change the way you manage your time. You got to start caring about this day. You got to quit letting me all these days slip by where you ain't doing nothing to progress yourself. You're not doing anything to make yourself better. You gotta stop that. Come on, man, God is inviting you to a life of abundance, and he invites you to this life of abundance by waking you up. Every day. It's a fresh invitation. Every day you got a ticket to the ball. Waking up is like having a ticket to the ball. Every day. You get to go to the met gallat every day you're invited. Now this gallot that you attend is up to you. You have to determine what you're gonna do today, where you're gonna spend your day, and who you're gonna spend your day with. You have to say so with that people has locked up. I know people who are locked up who have gotten together and said this is what we're gonna do today, this is where we're gonna spend that time, and this is who we're gonna hang with. I know some people that have come out of prison and gotten better. So what you're gonna do, I'm just asking you how you gonna manage your day in your time? Those are my closing remarks today. I know I've upset some people. Sorry, see you tomorrow. I was just Uncle Steve, just trying to help. I'm sorry to say bye. No, I'm so sorry. I know it. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to show