Good morning and welcome to the ride! The CLO calls it like it is!!! We (USA) are going through a bad divorce with Donald Trump. The Chief Love Officer warns about the dangers of saying mean things to your significant other. Wild 'N Out may be coming back to MTV. Lazarus came to The Steve Harvey Morning Show straight from Scripture and now Steve wants to see Moses and Nicodemus to complete the trio. Two things today came from North Carolina. First, a challenge has been issued to The Steve Harvey Nation and second, there is a request for Big Dog to sing a song. Sheryl Underwood stopped by to remind us that souls are still needed at the polls in GA. Miss Carla discusses what happened to Khloe Kardashian in Reality Update. Don't let yo wife's mouth get yo @$$ fired! We see today what Shirley and Popeye have in common when she went (Nissan) Rogue. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog gives us two parts. He talks about what we got to see in real time along with some inspiration.
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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them just like amazing buck bus things. And it's cost me true good Steve har listening to moving together for Steve barn please by, I don't join ya joining me? Have you gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out, turn got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your baby at it? Huh I show will I good morning everybody y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now? But it only Steve Harvey got a radio show man instead of trying to be about the business to y'all, I'm I'm I'm doing all I can. But you know what's crazy in the efforts that I make, I can do more. You know, my father used to tell me something when I was growing up. He says, son, when you've done your best and you've done all you can, sit still for a second and just do a little bit more. Always remember that, he said, When you've done the best you can and you can done all you can think of, he say, sit still for a minute and do some more. And you know what I've discovered in my life, always have a little more. I ain't ever just out out out completely. I can't take another step. There ain't another breath in me, There ain't there ain't another thought I can produce. I'm never completely out, man. Just take a rest for a minute, man, and then just do a little bit more. And that that. I can't tell you how many times that's helped me get over the top. You know. I was watching a documentary about people climbing Mount Everest and how difficult climbing Mount Everest was and how they have on the hill something called like a death zone or killing zone, where the majority of people run out of oxygen and they have to turn back. Well, what's crazy is it's right in view of the summit. You can actually see the top of Mount Everest from there. But it's but it's that little bit that's left that's the most difficult. Now that I forgot all the reasons why they said most people don't make it from there, and more people have lost their lives in that area. Yeah, I don't know what it is. But the people that make it to the top of Mount efforts, they all had to go through that same zone or that same area. But they had a little bit more that allowed them to get to the top. You know a lot of people have had accidents up there trying that, So I'm not even really sure if Mount Everest analogy is a good one. But let's just break it down a little bit more. Let's just talk about life. There's a poem I learned back when I host pledge in. It's called don't Quit. It goes like this, If I make a mistake, I'm just trying to drum it up, So here we go. It says when things go wrong, as they sometimes will, when the road you're trudging seems all uphill, when your funds are low and your debts are high, when you want to smile, but you have to side, when cares are pressing you down a bit rest if you ust, but don't quit. For life is queer with his twisting turns, as every one of us must sometimes learn. And many a fellow has turned about when he might have won had he stuck it out. So don't give up. Though the pace seems slow, you may succeed with another blow. Often the gold is nearer than it seems to a faint and a faltering man, And often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup, and he learns too late, when the night came down, how close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out. It's your silver tint of your clouds of doubt, and you never can tell how close you are. It may be kneel when it seems afar, So stick to the fight when your heart all this hit. It's when things seem worse that you mustn't quit. I remember it because I had a special method of helping you remember stuff back then. But I remember it at that point. My dad has kept me. You know, we often talk about scripture and everything, and then I don't see how I could live without it. But every now and then, man, somebody has a writing. God puts a writing on somebody's heart that delivers a message man that can help people. I use every motivational tool that I possibly can to climb this letter of success or try to be the best fall and the best husband I can be. I've done a lot of changing over the years, and so have you. But change is necessary in order to grow. If you don't make changes, folks, you can't grow. I was a young man on my set. I kept looking at him and a sharp, little young dude just on my set, and he had these dreads and I mean they were they were super long, man will well below the middle of his back, I mean images long. And he kept talking to me, and he kept talking to me and talking to me. So your man kept talking to him, and I said, hey, man, you know you do you're huge self a favor in the business you're in. If you got a haircut, you would do yourself a huge favor. I said, your images everything, man, I said, you keep stopping me in the hallway to try to tell me what you're doing, what you are, but all I see is your hair. I keep trying to figure out what you're doing with all that hair. Man. Now you can feel how you want to feel. But I'm like an employer. I employed people. So when I'm walking through the hallway and I try to think of you traveling with me and you sitting in a meeting with me, I try to imagine you in your suit sitting there talking business with me. And so, just like other employers are, I'm just having a real story with you. So I said, man, you ought to consider cutting your hair, he said, Man, mister Harvey, I've been growing his hair sides a little boy. I said, how hold are you now? He said twenty eight? I said, well, how long you want to hang on to what you was when you was a little boy? You know, if you started growing your hair when you're a teenager. I mean, you're twenty eight now. And I said, so, let me help you understand something. Let me let me ask you something. What does it do for you? He's a man, it's just who I am. It's I said, so you your have He said no, no, But it's a part of me. I say, that part of you that you're hanging on to. What does it do for you? I just like it? Well, dog, I like ice cream, but I fear that. But if I hang on ice cream and eat ice cream every single day, my body gonna reflect that. What is it that you hanging on to that you don't want to let go of? That's prohibiting you from being what all you can be? See, it's hard to be what all you can be if you want to keep being all you was? Don't that make sense to you? So I can't tell you how many times I've had to change, change is necessary to grow. You can't be all you can be if you want to keep hanging on to all you was. That don't make no sense. How do you go forward? If you keep going backwards? You can't stay here and go there? Do you understand that if you want to go over there, you must remove yourself from right here? Oh? I got right here is comfortable, I got right here is safe. But over there's where the shade is over. There's where the fruit is. Over there is where the opportunity is over. There is where the mountain of goal is. So why are you stuck on here? You got to leave here to go over there. You can't be all you can be if you want to stay stuck on who you was. Change his growth is necessary. All let's go. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen. We have an announcement to make this morning. Due to pre show discussions, a comment was made and I thought that I would bring it up this morning. First of all, good morning to everybody callings Shirley, Tommy Mississippi, Monica, Junior's out, and uh Jay is out. Good morning, everybody morning, Good morning. Let me bring up this subject that I heard being discussed before the show started this morning. Okay, Donald Trump not leaving the White House. It's causing our country to experience a bad divorce. As I heard the crew talking, this isn't like a bad divorce. Yeah, I'm an expert at this. I had more to anybody on this show. Yeah. Yeah, So let me assure you that this is a bad divorce, is it? Yeah? All right? We have a man that we don't won't no more exactly, and he won't leave, all right, he won't leave. Insteaded coming down to your job. He talking to the kids, he had work. Oh yeah, he got a key to the house. Lord, I thought I changed the locks. Man. We're thinking restraining order and everything. America is experiencing a bad divorce. America has divorced Donald Trump. Now, a lot of the kids didn't want the divorce, right there you go. It's very true. And they've been arguing with Mama and them. Yeah, why you got to go? Why you got to go? Because y'all don't know what he was doing to mama when he was here. Dad, right, no, not on you, because mama kept things from you, and that's what's happened. Secrets. But some of the kids know the truth because some of the kids was getting the abuties by the abusive man in the relationship mixed marriage, so you know, it happened a lot of the white kids was getting messed over too. That's true. He was just a bad father because he had favorite. He wasn't fathering for all the kids equally. He had come boy. He liked the kids that liked him the most, and the rest of them he didn't like, and so he treated them badly whenever we could, and then he tried to mask it with DA's fine. People on both sides well, were not people we were supposed to be family question. Yes, ma'am, right after this, we'll be going back with more than bad divorce. And you're listening all right. Time to go rogue, which is towered by the super silish road. Steve, please quickly tell us about when going rogue turned out to be just right for you. I mean, look, I can point to so many incidents, but I think probably the greatest, one of the greatest moments for me was a teacher of mine, not just one, but this one in particulate. But hey, I've heard just repeat it in my life several times. You ain't gonna ever be nothing and I just think oftentimes about how many times I heard that you ain't gonna ever be nothing. Look at you. I kept people kept telling me what I wasn't what nobody trying to figure out what I was, But they were so fast to tell me what I wasn't. You ain't that smart, you ain't that good looking, You ain't that you talk too slow, you country, you ain't this, You ain't got the right attitude? You got right? Bahoa? Does anybody have any idea what I am? Though? While you tell to me what I'm not. So when this teacher kept repeating, you ain't gonna ever be nothing, I did say back to him one time, this man he said, you ain't gonna ever be nothing, I said, I know I'm gonna be something. Okay. That was good. And so then I made the decision, through several moments in my life, to always constantly be about the business of trying to be something. It may not be what you think I'm gonna be, and I may not turn out to be what you expect me to be, but I'm gonna stay faithful. I'm gonna keep working hard. I'm gonna roll on you Pardner, I'm gonna go against the grain. I'm gonna make a hard left here. I am roll roll, I'm roking. All right, We're gonna go rogue now, Steve with your favorite segment. It's called as the CLO. It's being sponsored today, the all new one Nissan Rogue. That's right, Tommy, it is the CLO the Klow and this one is from Henry and Wilmington, North Carolina. Are you ready clo Henry? I know, Henry says. My wife and I are forty three years old, and she has a crush on a lot of celebrities. I don't mind her, jokingly saying she thinks Michael B. Jordan is the finest man alive. But I do have a problem when she compares me to these famous men. I always try to eat right and go to the gym weekly, but I will never look like him. Recently, we were watching TV and she said she wished that my chest it looked like Nellie's. They must have been watching Dancing with the Stars anyway, I fired back at her. Listen to what he said to her, though. I fired back at her, and I said I wished her body looked like Jay Low's. Oh. She's been mad at me since then and she said, I was foul for saying that, but it's all right for her to do it. No, it's not all right for her to do it. But see that's the main thing. See what I've had to learn is, man, you got to be careful what you say to your mate, to your partner, because you can't take it back. And you have got to learn how to fight fair. See now you've been you've been doing your little digs at the man. You wish you had Nellie's chest, you know, wish you had tiler money, you know, wish you had this ass swag, wish wish you look like dress? Well, who you want me too? Ain't nobody? Ain't nobody said they want to look like Morgan Freeman anyway. Now see now you need to make up your mind. Do you want me to be something? To see? So she she got it coming. So he got tired of it, and he said, well, hell, I wish you had body like jay Loo shut it down. Now, she mad, Well, see here's what she has to understand. Ain't no fun. When the rabbit got the good. See it's all good when you rabbit hunting, get out there in the woods. And rabbit got the gun. This ain't no fun noun. And so that's it. You know, y'all need to y'all need to make a pack together and say, hey, we're gonna stop doing this to one another because you know you ain't all that and I ain't all that. But do we who we are? I give you an example. MARGIN had a hairdresser one time. It was really funny, and her husband was this big guy, real real big dude man right like really overweight, and she came over to the house and she had cut her hair. He had to be about two ninety three hundred easy. It wasn't solid or nothing, you know, And but she cut her hair real short, like Shirley's hair. And the dude saw it when she came He see her hair. Baby like my hair, he said, hell no, I like long hair. She said, well, I like muscles, but we got each other though, shut it down, baby, to come back. I like long hair. She said, well, I like muscles, but we got each other. And here we all moving on. De Carlo and Hampton, Virginia says, I'm twenty seven and I have a four year old son. I'm trying to fix the relationship with his mom and be a better father. I kept him last weekend and took him to the park. I was about to play a quick game of basketball, so I asked one of my side chicks to watch him. He was drawing pictures and having a good time. I took him home after the game. Shortly after he got home, I got a call from his mom. She said, my son had a little black heart drawn on his hand with the sharpie and the name Shauna was written by it. She knows who Shauna is, and she said she doesn't want my son around me or Shawna anymore. How can I fix this? Hey? Dog? Are you for real? Baby? No, you didn't see this on this boy hand before you getting here. Well, you should have got that off that damn boy head and she gonna write her name on the boarhead. But you're playing basketball, see you trying to get close to your son. You can't take your son to the park and then you play basketball. You're supposed to spend that time with your son. Now, you didn't let one of your side chicks that show. Damn problem right now, Shanna side chick then got your ass in trouble. She knew what she was doing when she marked that baby and send him home anyway, put no damn black magic mark on, no damn baby with her heart on her name. But how you right Shanna on a four year old hand? You know how you know how much a dog on a four year old? Yeah? And it's legible. Yeah she did. You don't listen to me. You need yeah and apologize to your wife and say, hey, I promise you that will never have him again. That was a mistake. But bro, you should spend your time with your son and you turn to have Shanna over there. You can't have your side chick when you with your son. Fau the nephews run that prank back right after this, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour. In National News, Trump is still in denial about the election result and he is acting like a dictator. And Entertainment News Carl is going to tell us about the Big I Heart HBCU homecoming celebration today. Plus Nick Cannon and MTV are closer to bringing back what plus what temmy nervous? Just Nick Cannon that that Nick got me? Okay, Nick Cannon, uh, and MTV are closer to bringing back Wilding Out. Okay, we'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. But right now the nephew is here with run that brank back. What you got for us? Nap, child support help, child support help, We've all been there, little help with child sport. Got little something going on. Need to you know, just need to rearrange this thing a little bit. Child support help, y'all, come on, help me out, help your boy out. Let's go cat though. Hello, Hello, my twek to Darius. This is me. Who's it? Hey? My name is Lewis Man. Lewis. I work at check up that with you. We left you first your first week at the job we met Man, my name is Lewis. I work on the third floor. You'll know me when you see me, you say, saying Lewis, Yeah, Lewis, I don't remember, no, Lewis Man. I met a lot of people on that, you know, that first day, the first week. So I'm just really getting the climatize because it's to the whole situation where I don't I'm trying to remember. It's all good, It's all good. Don't even worry about it, man, answer this hit though. I don't eve been with us now, man, Man about a strong muff. Man. I really enjoyed it, man, just really get the swing and getting the hang everything. So Man, I'm just really enjoyed. This is a great company. Man. Just happy to be a part of something bigger than myself, you know what I mean. So yeah, Man, Well you know what, man, were to get you out, man, because you know all the brothers, Man, we get together hang out on certain nights. You know, we like wance them up. We might we might get out on the thirty minutes you got you gotta come hang out with it, then we gotta get you out. Yeah, Man, Okay, yeah, yeah, I make new friends you know the show man. But I called you though. I called you know there because I'm in a little bit of a jam though, man, And I was kind of get somebody to help me out. Man. And boy, you being a you know, just came into the company. Man. You know it might be something you can actually help me out with. Man, I just you know, I hate to come in and lean on the friendship before we didn't even get started and hang out. Yeah, but I just I just need a little bit of help. Man. I'm just hoping the maybe you'd be opening, maybe helping me out or something. I'm always willing to help us out brow just to fit on what to talking about. You know what I'm saying. But okay, checkts out, man, I ain't really really want to tell nobody at the job, you know, I don't. I ain't really try to let nobody know my business or whatever. But but here's the deal, man, dude, I ain't got myself in a serious jam. Man. I got I got a baby on the way, man, and uh and uh I got that. That's great, man, that's a great no. No, no, no, no, no, no no no. Listen, man, listen, this hit me out though there, I got I got a baby on the way. But this ain't this, ain't this, ain't this ain't this ain't from my wife. Man, you said, oh yeah, oh so i'man a dog and the baby dude, like in the Knicks, you know, six weeks the baby probably gonna be here. But but but checkts out. But checkers out here. Here's what I'm trying to get. Kid. You can do for me, man, is it? Because any way, because I know you just now you probably you probably you probably don't even got your second check yet. You know what I'm saying, so witless. Wait but but is there any way man that you might maybe like clean this baby for me on your on your uh you know when they take the child support out of your out of your check. If they take the child support out of your check without who But no, let's listen to me. They take the child support out of your check. But I'm gonna give it back to you. I'm gonna give it back to you. I just don't want my wife to find out. You see what I'm saying? Man? What wait? Wait? You mean? I mean you're asking me about money out of mind out my check. Du But I'm gonna give it back to you every two weeks when you get your check, I'm gonna get it. Man. Man, you gotta be out of your damn man. Man, I don't even mother know you. Man. Listen, man, I gotta cuts back. I got to wipe the kids of my own. You're about your man, thank god, But Darren, listen to the man. Damn fool man. Human read out who you got of? Human? Reach up? So take somebody out my mother? Check? How was somebody I got? I got my mother, I got a friend and human resource. Damn man, man, some money out of my check. Po Man, I got my own kids to take care of. There's money coming out. How dare check from my own kids? You're talking wrong with you, dude? Hey, you with my damn another anyway? Man? Oh, No, I got your number from one of the one of the guys at the job. Man. We're one of the run guys. Man. No, no, the man one guys. Man. As you have the phone talking this man talk about we got it, ain't got name, we got it, ain't got no man, ain't nuther spot. You can hit me with this boy talk about that. Man, I ain't so I thought this. I thought somebody now gonna red mother stick. It's gotta come out of my damn check. Man. Oh, we're gonna have somebody. What's what's your name? A kid? Who is you name? My name? Louis Louis who Louis? Who? I ain't Louis Lewis, don't know? No, Lewis was fan on Lewis. That's where I worked at. Man. Who we met? We met the first couple of days you got there, man, Lewis. Manis about to take with money out of my check man, And all I'm saying, dog, I'm gonna give you the money back. I don't just stand. All I'm saying is dog not touch my money. I'm trying to do that right now, we're gonna have rob. Hey, Louis, Louis, I how you spelling Lewis? Man l U l o u I n's dog. I'm an eight. Hey, let's take something. I bet not seeing them Lewis in the morning, I bet you that. I bet I bet that you don't do it SI the morning and who cry? A human resources player played with my BA. But then I'm crazy man, trying to hurt my wife killed men down. But I don't trying to get I'm just trying to get you to look out for me. I don't want my wife to find this stuff out down. That's I don't trying to let you look out look out for me. Then look, I'm gonna go out for me and my kids. They take you funny on my check? Do no, just just just can you at least maybe take twenty four hour just think about it, man, It ain't nothing of it cooks out man when it comes to my money. Man, damn man, Hey, I'm gonna tell you what, but I tell you what, You're gonna be that tomorrow morning. Yeah, I'm not. I'm not tomorrow, But I mean what for me? You about to have these white folks see me for full, You're gonna have the seasons. I gavertee you. These white folks, I'm gonna feel on the damn New sty'll playing with my damn money. You're gonna have me show me. And I hadn't been on the job take long. But I tell you what, I tell you what, I'm gonna lose that mother. Somebody played with my money. I guarantee you that I catee you. I don't quit. Hey, let me ask you this man, Do you think Duwayne would have done this for me? Do you think your your cousin, Dwayne? Do you think he would have you? He would have cut for me. For cousins? But what what what the my cousin got to do with this dog? Let me tell you what your cousin. Let me tell you what Dwayne got to do with this one. One is the one that put me up to call you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your cousin, Dwayne Man. This is nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your cousin Duayne got me to prank phone call you brother. I mean man, a man, damn earthly man becoming You know, I ain't. I ain't got myself to check. They ain't trying to get money out of the Yeah, I mean boy, you keep playing somebody gonna wo yo this man? Before we go? Tell me this. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, the even keeping stupid baby, That's what the nephew do stupid all weekend long Friday Night, two shows So Loud, Saturday Night two shows So Loud, Isn't at atl Live Uptown Comedy Corner, one show on Sunday. Still got tikis? Let's go Entertainment, National News coming up next. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Here we Go and Today's Entertainment News. Carla, what you got? All right, Shirley, Let's start things off our HBCU homecoming celebration. It's on and popping right now on the iHeart Radio YouTube channel. You can go and check out the PEPSI HBCU Marching Band Experience. This is so cool. These universities have got together. Hampton University, North Carolina A and T. Pray if you ain't an M universe, pay you know North Carolina A and T and Florida A and M. These universities have got together. It's gonna be so cool to check them out. Then I heard Radio's Beautiful Possibilities. This is presented by ALTA with a live performance by R and B singer Her. We love her for sure and speaking of her, she racked up about eight Soul Train Award nominations yesterday, killing it. She's killing a game, yes and then finally also get ready this evening for the iHeart Radios HBCU homecoming party on the Yard that's presented by McDonald's Black and Positively Golden. It was a special performance, right Tommy from Yeah I'll have a special appearance during that. So go to my Instagram page Yeah Yeah Yeah at lips by Carla, click the link in my bio and check it out. I heard HBCU homecoming celebration all day to day. That's great news, all right, thank you, Carla. In other entertainment news, wilding Out who knew wilding Out may be returning to MTV, as we told you. Viacom cut ties with Nick Cannon earlier this year following an anti Semitic comment that he made on his podcast. Now, Nick is reportedly in talks with the network and there's a good chance that Wilding Out will be revived. A lot of people are happy about that. Chris McCarthy, president of Viacom, CBS's Entertainment and Youth group, said, we continue to follow Nick's journey and I'm impressed by how he's owned his mistakes. Chris went on to say about Nick, he's leading by example. He apologized, and now he's trying to learn and understand and help others to do the same. And that's the kind of partner we work with. Everybody we want to work with. Everybody deserves the right to get it, right to ask for forgive. Everybody should receive forgiveness from God. Now people are not gonna do that. If some people gonna hate Nick from now on, I'm not one of the people. I think that everybody should have the right to redeem themselves. You gonna make mistakes, especially when you're famous and when you're not famous. You're gonna make mistakes either way. But these mistakes are getting played out into the social media in the public eye. A person should be allowed to rectify herself. The guy what he passed away, But he had the radio show ens Imus when he made the comment about the Rutgers basketball team. Okay, it was vile what he said. But if you can humble yourself and apologize and get it right, everybody deserves an opportunity to be forgiven and get it right. Man. I don't think because you make a blunder it should cost you your life's work in your whole career. If you taped what everybody said, wouldn't nobody be at work. You cancel culture. Culture, that's what it is. We wouldn't be here at all. Christian Empire. Yeah. And in today's national news yesterday, the President President Trump made his first appearance in almost a week as he and First Lady Milania attended a Veterans Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. As we all know, Trump is in denial about the results of the election. White House Aids told NBC News that Trump may accept the outcome of the election without conceding. Okay, we want to care for whatever. Yeah, I don't care what we do. And you know what guys, we can't expect anything else. He's showing us who he is for four years. Be due this classless. He's mean spirited, he's self centered, he's egotistic, he's narcissistic. Yeah, and he's his name is Donald Trump. And he was that way before he was president. He was a butthole on the TV show What What What? You thought you shouldn't get you fired? You fired all the people on your show. You think you can't get fired? Answers right, and they had they had to do what Tommy leave the premises he's gonna leave to But I hope he don't want to, and I hope I hope he. I hope he barricade himself in and I want to barcade himself. Badass pomp paying that with him. Now. I'll tell you what. Ain't gonna stand in that with you, Mike Pence. Y'all ain't hurt nothing from Mike Pence? Have you? He said a word? He said, No, We're gonna win this election because you know what Pence doing. He in real quiet, because what Pen's gonna do is he comes back. Hen Pen's gonna run in four years. Yeah, for sure, I told you about that meme. I saw the fly on Pen's head, said we did it. Shot out the man. Y'all watch what I said. Because all these rumors about Trump gonna run again in four years, Trump ain't gonna be able to run in four years. You get busy Trump to be in a legal wall o wall chair. Yeah yeah, all right. So Heraldo Rivera tweeted to President Trump, time has come soon to say goodbye with grace and dignity. Uh. Meanwhile, President elect Joe Biden picked former Obama advisor Ron Klain to be his chief of staff. Also, President elect biden transition team has been talking to civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump on criminal justice reform and policing. So there, yes, yes, yes, all right, we're moving on. Coming up at twenty minutes after we'll take phone calls. Eight seven seven, twenty nine. Steve, you're listening to the show, all right, Time to go rogue, Carly, you're having a lot of fun going rogue, A lot of fun. What you got bring it back? A lot of memories? All right. So I'm gonna take you back to college days. I was partying Tommy kicking it on campus with a certain group of students we were party and we lived in Banks when Banks Banks Huh, so our party party, party. And I saw my advisor Steve one time. He was walking across the campus. He said, oh, so you're just gonna party. Huh, you didn't come here to get your degree. I said. He said, keep on, Yeah, You're gonna keep on party. And so I said, oh. He said, would you like me to call your mother? I said, say what now, you don't call my mom? Right? So I told my party and crew, look, uh, this ain't gonna work. I got my rogue attitude, broke away from the group, broke up with the group. Yeah, the group decided to study and get my degree. So that's when going rogue went right for me. Got my degree, buckled down, that is yeah, I love it. Yeah. Uh. Teachers, they care about you, man, Yes, and they know who you are. You aren't just the number. Yeah. Yeah, but let me tell you this, Shirly. The all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue is built for adventure, with five different drive modes that could take you anywhere. Let's go Rogue. We're gonna rogue to the phone. Thank you, Carla. See if you're ready, Let's go all right here we go. Let's go just for the namesake because you're gonna love it. Line five, hazardous ride up of Memphis. Let me tell you something. I've always wanted to talk to you. You don't understand. You want my favorite scriptures? Pimp. Yeah, I ain't never met nobody else. Well the other one, you know it happened, he died twice. What's going on? Last? They're doing all right? Man? I'm just glad to talk to you, guys. I've been calling up for a whole week, so to talk to you guys. Good. What's on your mind? Okay, but you want to keep a short breathe beyond um, I want to appreciate everything you guys do. And I listened to I like to listen to the morning inspiration and also the closing remark at the very end, TV our biggest version of my life. I look up to you. I've listened to you that I watched the TV show to Hottower all those days or whatever. And and also I just want to tell you, um um, I'm like Steve Harvey. Then I hope they dragged Don't Trump out of it. I hope they dragged them out of the White House. That's all I got to say. Man, appreciate you. Lazarus choked up a little bit. Well, we got no more time. The dragout is real. Though you made my day. I talked to Lazarus, Lazarus. Now that's all I got to do. Now I'm talked to Lazarus. Yeah, whose all I need to do is talking talk to Moses and Nicodemus, and I'm just I can call it a life board. Well, Moses and Nicodemus call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. More of your phone calls right after this. You're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's go back to the phones if you want to call us eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, let's go to line six and talk to Kevin out of Winston Salem, North Carolina. Oh Hey, good morning, good morning, How are you great? Great in your mind? Kevin? I listened to you guys every morning. You make my day. I'm from Winston Salem, Lord con and we didn't catch that blue wave like we should have. We did a pain, Governor Cooper, but we lost with still us. But what I wanted to call you about was UH time to urge those who are not residents of Georgia. How we could contribute to their campaign to help Georgia to center nominees Center. And I'm going to I want to pledge and challenge your listeners. I'm going to play twenty dollars a piece tomorrow for each each candidate, and I challenge your listeners and those on your social media page to do the thing. Wow, I like it. I like, yeah, yeah, it does. That's that's a great That's a great point to make because it takes money to win these things, but we're gonna get it done. Go ahead, Shirley. All right, let's go to line at two and talk to the nice out of New York. Hey, Venice, Hey Steve, how are you? Yes, ma'am, what's on your mind? I just want to do call to say I love the show. I listened every single day. Tommy is a nut. His pranks are off the chain. Yay, Biden Harris, and just shout out to my husband Pegel my son tego Junior Bondel. Okay, that's it, OK, thank you. We're doing a shout out ye like one. Talk to D and Gary Indiana, Hey d D. All right, let's go to line, talk to David out of Atlantic City, New Jersey. David David, Atlantic City, gambling Baby David were losing? Huh all right? Lavery line three? Dave out of Lagrange, North Carolina. Nothing to play this game? Dave, Dave av Dovy Chanler, Carolina. How are you doing this morning? All right? David? What's going on with you? Man? Um? I called in because I watched your TV show all the time, and there's one song than I never heard you sing on the radio when the phone hits the fan on the show right there? What what? What? You've never heard me saying that on the show before? What? What? What show? You mean? The radio show? This show? Yeah, you've obviously missed several days. Damn dog. Come on, no, we don't do this. Ain't the Saint the Casey CA Song's request like it is top forty? What the people want? Nobody's gonna sit up and all of a sudden just break out with them. When the funk hitched the fat and the people start to jam, come on, get with me, kid with me. When the funk hits the fat and the people start to jam. Well all right, yeah, okay, all right, let's go. I wouldn't do that. I don't just break out saying it. Line one Aurelius in Detroit Aurelius, never mind. I think we lost him. I think we lost him. Okay, I think we lost him. Well we're good. Yeah, more appreciate it. Appreciate it, you know, you say, don't nobody else calling hit no more? When he's Jack in the box request what these jack in the box requests? Where you tink continued, then the jacket box you jump out. But you sounded good though. You can hit it again, really you could. When the fan I love that, Steve, I'll put them on the spot any other time he's seen somebody in this show. But I hope they don't get on the spot. I hope their uncle don't show up. That's what somebody needs to do. Ohs deeply concerned about Ain't saying that? A saying that. Come on, you're gonna be in Atlanta this weekend, right, Tommy, Yeah, this weekend? Up to our comedy corner. Baby all right, coming up, coming up, Frank phone call with the nephew. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, Mary Jane all right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject your best friend is my girlfriend. We'll get into that a little later, but right now the Nephew is here to go. Rogue. What you got now? About to go roll with that? Twenty twenty one, nice san rogue. Certainly, here go my goal rogue. When Going Rod goes right, Okay, here we go. Y'all get a phone call to come out for one week to open up for the legendary Lutha van Draws. I get to do one week opening for the man himself, the greatest crona of all times, open up for Luke the four week. I'm like, man, I'm crying out and done a week. I'm happy to road manage to come to me and say, hey, kid, the boss wants you to keep you. I say, well, I say what about that other comedian? Do you care about him? I said no, I don't even know him like that. And for the next three years, Baby the Nephew was opening up for the legendary Luther Van Joe's. That's what I called when Going Road goes right. Twenty twenty one, Sign Rong, I got the prank phone call for you. Can you bring me some paper. Can't you bring me some paper? That sounds pretty simple, right there, don't it. Yeah? Take a list right on right. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to Charles. I'm looking for Charles. Yeah. This Cholotte, I'm this Luna, this Charlotte. How can I help you? Hey, listen, Um, I'm you boy. I'm on my seat, um um house sitting for reader, y'all okay, okay, yeah, yeah, she told me she was going outtown. What can I do for you? Brother? I thought, y'all down the way, man, y'all, I'm in the house, both our house, Yeah, I think let's see. Yeah, we full houses down Okay. Now, she loved me a number man, love me, y'all know me? And then she loved Miss Dars. No, I try to call Miss Darks, but then nobody answer the phone. Yes, she know I'm in church around this time. Real says she was gonna be gone for a minute. So you say you down there right right? Right? Then she told me if I got into murgency anything, that I could reach out to y'all and call y'all right, right right, okay? Are you are you busy right now? Man? Well? Actually I'm in the middle of cooking my wife from dinner and got some meat on the grill. But other than that, you know, okay, I mean you you you are you able to help me out with something right quick? Or you got you got time for that? Well? Like I said, I'm in the middle of cooking. If there's something I can help you with, I you know, I don't mind coming down there and uh showing you or doing whatever it is that we need to do. Okay, Charlie. Would you have to have any paper, man, any paper? Yeah? I think I got some newspaper. What you're trying to No, no, no, no, no, no, no news playing Let me some paper? You got some paper? I didn't what notebook? Paper? N see man, listen tyl, I like I said, my name is Scotty Man. I know you don't know, man, I didn't got myself in little situation here down here read a house man, and I didn't. Man, I'm in a situation. I actually I'm in the bathroom, man, and it ain't no paper in here. Dog. So you're saying you want me to bring you some toilet paper. I mean, if you're on mind, I'm sitting here. My legs ain't got none of my can feel my whole little body. Man from butt down, I can't feel nothing, man, my feet, everything, and went to sleep on the hold up by this dude down here and read a house saying he wanted me to bring him some paper because he didn't got numb sitting on the truck. Man. Look a here, bro, I'm in the middle of cookie. I wish I could help you, but you know, I mean, I can't tell you about four hours of doctor. You should have run down here right quickly. I'm at the back door open. I used to say, Man, I understan saying all that you're saying. But like I said, I'm in the middle of cooking for my wife. We're having a little special occasion because our kids and stuff going, and I can't to leave her like that just became bring you know paper. Now. What I can't tell you to do is if Rida got one of them tiles or something. Town Man, I'm not using nobody town like. That's disrespectful. Man. Okay, hey, but lawyer your voice. Man, you called them me to help you, and you acting like I caused you to not have no half taken the bathroot. All I'm asking for just and they're gonna taking no more for two three minute run down here right quick and bringing the paper man and then you get on back to your dunner. Well, what you was sounding like? What you need to do? Bro? You said you had emergence. I thought the house of the dogs had got out of you had locked yourself out the house. But I'm not gonna come down there, bring you know papers, because that don't sound like emergences. That's not like some personal And furthermore, you're in the bathroom, just jump up about your clothes, getting the shower and wipe it. So I'm not finding the dog. That's like I said, I'm numb right now, man, I need some help. And so you were to come down then bring you some tilet papers, pick your number. You can't get up out to call it if I want to help you, Lacus Day. That's why I'm trying to tell you I'm in an emergency, man. Okay. Well that, like I said, Man, that don't sound like an emergent. Seem like a little quick fix to get your drawings in. White people with your draws them ain't gonna get you some moth. I mean, I'm not saying to walk full houses down there to bring you some tilet papers your legs. No, I'm high. How are you gonna get up and over there? No, the backdoor is open. All you gotta do is come in here and reaching him and pass me a roll of paper. Man, That's all I'm asking you to do, Miss Charlotte. I understand that, but I'm not gonna come down and bring you the paper. I'm not going to bring you bring me some damn paper down here, man, don't you know man to say? Man? Who the hell you? Thank you? Hidling that you need me? I don't need you? Well, won't you to do something? Man? You see, I'm sitting in a situation the reader left y'all number that Challa helped me while I'm down here your house watching Man. He's crazy. Baby, Man, what throw you You're gonna call me asking me to bring you some new paper? I told you that I was on in the middle of fixing me and my wife from dinner, and you come calling me talking about some paper. Man. I don't want to hear no about and I ain't coming down there to bring you, know paper man, Hello, Charlie, you're gonna bring this paper? Man? Man, Look like I told you, before I asy to bring you know, paper down there. We don't white noes on this street. Like hold on, man, I can't just you can't just leave me here and I'm numb like this to come bring no brown man, no toilet paper because here responsible when he going into the restroom. You too wrong for that. This is set your wasted though. This is an emergency, man, Man that don't soil in the emergency. That sound like a personal problem that you got going on. I'm gonna wanna get off of here, man. You don't piss me off. I don't give a about you being pissed out man, not a same Soon as you get your out of there as you so that you come on down here, I'm coming with You're coming down there the way I am just like this hell and I'm gonna wharp your for not helping me while I'm gonna sit your weight look with in your ump. I got one more thing I need to say to you that I'm gonna do, is you're listening, bring your I got some snakeskin shoes and fit right up in your clean up on only. I got one more thing, is you listening? Man? What the man like I said? What you got to say, man, that's his nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your neighbor. Reader. Ain't this a bank from the radio station? Is this timming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah, I'm a whoop reader. I got you tling my man, you had me. I was going to come down there, man and break it show down and whoop your You better be glad. I'm easy. I can't believe it. Man, you had me. I'm putting on my shoes as I was talking to you. I'm coming down there for real. Some tim me talking about you need me to bring you Wait till I talked to reading, she didn't get it. I gotta ask you, mad, one more thing. What is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvest Show. Y'all played practical jokes on folks. Man, give it to me, baby, give it to me, pranks baby, kid right there. You know what I'm gonna say something. I don't know how nobody gonna take it. But you know what, I love though, But I love the violent tendency of black men. No really, man, No, seriously, it comes from a place where we're from. It's just so many of us that come from that type of environment where Okay, hold up, we've been talking. Yeah, just talking ain't working right. Let's get these hands up. I'm putting my shoes on and fitting the come down and do love the violent tendensease black men. Okay, We've tried to help you. Hey, bro, I can't. And then after that, ready set, let's go. Yeah. I'm surprised at your ability to keep them on the phone that long. I really am never well, he did hang up, dude, he hung up? Oh you hung up? All right? Thank you, NEV. Strawberry Letter coming up next. Your best friend is my girlfriend. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today's Strawberry Letter is brought to you by the all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue gets built for families and it's ready for all types of Rogue adventures with five different drive modes, It's so versatile and can go almost anywhere. Now, let's go rogue with today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please admit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject Your best friend is my girlfriend. Dear Stephen Shirley. I was married for four years, and at first my marriage was great and my wife was sexy, classy and ratchet, so we had a lot of fun together. She was a very sexual woman, so she talked me into going to a swingers club. My wife liked it so much that she started having an affair with one of the guys she'd had sex with in the swingers party. At the swingers party, I found out, and I was so hurt. She begged me to forgive her, and I did, but things did not go back to normal in our marriage. During this time, my wife and her best friend fell out because her best friend refused to lie for her so she could keep cheating on me. The best friend and I became closer because we couldn't believe how my wife had suddenly changed. I spent a lot of time talking to her, and we realized we have a lot in common. She had just broken up with the father of her three year old, so I was helping her work through that. After close to six months of being around her, I started having real feelings for her, but I didn't want to tell her. She beat me to it and said she'd fallen in love with me, and she felt terrible about it. I admitted that I felt the same way about her, and that night we had sex for the first time. A few days later. A few days later, we went to tell my wife everything. My wife wasn't upset at all, and she told me that she's been she'd been sleeping with her best friend for years and we could have done a threesome years ago. My wife wasn't wasn't upset at all, and she told me that she'd been sleeping with her best friend for years and we could have done a threesome year years ago. She said, I'm crazy to believe her best friend would be faithful to me. I was speechless. The best friend admitted that my wife is more than just a friend, but that was all in the past. She said, she's ready to settle down. Should I trust my new girlfriend, or believe my wife. Quite frankly, I don't see how you can believe any of these people. How can you trust them? Everybody's doing everybody and you've been none the wiser. They've been doing it right under your nose. So how can you feel comfortable around your wife or her best friend aka your new girlfriend right under your nose? And you had no idea? And when you told your wife, she didn't even care. We could have had a three some years ago she said, okay, cool. I mean, so that sounds to me like your wife doesn't care about you. I just think you know, what kind of mess is this that you're in? She told you that this relationship with her bestie won't last. Now, your wife did say that, and I say she should know because she dated her first. I mean, she knows a lot more about her. They just don't sound serious about anything. I know people can change, but I think you need a little more time in this relationship. They just don't sound serious and you want something meaningful and real here all right? Quite frankly, I think you should leave both of them, find someone else whose past had nothing to do with your ratchet ex wife. That's my advice. Steve, your best friend is my girlfriend. Now, this dude was married for four years and he said, at first his marriage was great. His wife was sexy, classy and ratchet. Uh, you know we all know what that means. That's cool. You know you want your woman to be you know, styled and polish. Put on your arm in the bedroom. You want you know, somebody else to show up, you know. Hmm, Okay, I got that. So we had a lot of fun together. She was a very sexual woman, so she talked me into a swingers group. What dog, your wife? It's very sexual, So she talked you into a sexual into a swingers group. Now is she sexual? Or is that freaky slash hoish? See, you need you need to come up with what this really is. Your wife talked you into a swingersh group. That's some more damn people. Now is she sexual, which ain't no problem? Or is she freaky slash hoish? Cause I think you need to find out where my wife liked it so much? Here we go that she started having an affair with one of the guys she'd had sex with at the swingers party. That answers your question, Steve. The one that she talked you into going to that. You went down now and you noticed to do because you saw him? What higgo? Higgo? The dumbest line in the whole letter. I found out and I was so hurt. Yeah, what bro you You wasn't hurt when she first asked you to go down now, but you got hurt after you found out she was having an affair. She was having an affair at the swingers club. See, if you have a sexual relationship outside of your marriage, you do understand that's an affair. Now, whether you're at the swingers club you over at Jack Johnson's house, what difference do it make? The slick part was she told your stupid ass to come on down there. You took your dumbass down there? Who with Joe happened marriage. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up a twenty three minutes after the hour. Your best friend is my girlfriend. We'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's get back to this letter. Let's recap. The subject is your best friend is my girlfriend? This dude been married for years to this woman who says very very sexy, she's very sexual, she's classy and ratchet, So do you have a lot of fun? And he says, she's very sexual woman, and she talked to him into going to a swingers group. I want a young man to be aware. I don't know how old alb, but I want a young man to be aware of when a woman tells you she's very sexual and advises you to a swangers club. You can be sexual, but you gotta were about because some of that is freaky slash holish. So be careful when the woman tells she very sexual. And once again now she outside the group. Now she'd then fell in love with some dude she'd had sex with that swingers party. Then this dude found out about that. Now he hurt. You should have been hurt when your wife asked you to come to the swingers club. That your hurt should have went right there. Now you had to go down there and watch her screw another man for you to be hurt and find out she wanted to keep screwing him outside the party. Boy? What boy? How do you think you cut off? Ignorant? Well? Anyway, she begged you to forgive her, and you did, but things didn't go back to normal. During that time your wife and her best friend fell out because your best friend said she refused to lie for her so she could keep cheating on me. Then after that, here we go, the best friend and I became close, so we we now we couldn't believe how my wife had suddenly changed. She couldn't believe it. You couldn't believe it. I don't see why y'all couldn't believe to change, because y'all all knew who she was. Y'all have come to find out how participated didn't change anyway, y'all spend a lot of time talking to realize y'all had a lot in comment. Broke up with the father her three year old, and I was helping her work through that. Didn't know six months of being around her, this dude started feeling something for the girl, so but he didn't want to tell her, but she beat him to it. So what she did was she said she'd fallen in love with him, and she felt terrible about it. Now, this is what people do when they feel terrible about So they felt terrible about it, and then you admitute that you felt the same way, and you felt said terrible about it. So they had sex for the first time I mean, if you're gonna feel terrible about something, work it out, work it out. Let's just have some damn sex. Yes, I know, I feel better. So now they have sex for the first Now listen to this. We had sex for the first time. A few days later, we went to tell my wife everything. What right the boy boy? What is wrong with you? A few days after that, we went to tell my wife everything. Yeah, get it off your chest. To get it off your chest. Just the dumbest damn thing I've ever heard. Then, when they told her wife, she wasn't upset at all. She told me she'd been sleeping with her best friend for years, and y'all could have done it three some years ago. Years ago. Wait a minute, dog, So she been cheating on you with her best friend, took you down to the swingers club, screwed another dude down there, having a fair with him. You go and screw her best friend. Then you go tell her, she said, Oh, as a matter of fact, yeah, you ain't the only one I've been doing her. I've been doing her for years, she said. Um. And then no, So I guess y'all went to tell your girlfriend that you and your her best friend is an item now because y'all in fell in love at the six months, right they went to tell his wife. He would tell the wife that you had heard her best friend and you her hood. We go together now and she ready that. Now your wife tells you that you're crazy to believe her best friend would be faithful to you, and your wife should know. Of course, she's an expert. The best friend admitted that her and your wife was more than just friends. But that's all in the past. Now, she says she ready to settle down. Should not trust my new girlfriend or believe my wife. This is all the Net asked people in this letter, just a bunch of Wait a minute, I believe my new girlfriend or my wife. Boy, that's not your wife. Your wife is dating your girlfriend, which was her girlfriend. Your wife is dating the man from down at the swingers club, and ain't no telling what's going on. You never did mention who you was doing down at the swingers club. You never did put that in the let him you sleeping with the best friend. Y'all couldn't wait to go tell it. Then your wife couldn't wait to tell you that she've been sleeping with her too. Now your girlfriend want you to trust her. Christy, she just want you what we gotta go see Cheryl Underwood coming up in forty six minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening show, all right, Steve, come on, Chryl Underwood. That's what I'm talking about, Steve Harvey. Let me tell tell you something. While they hand counter votes time and I didn't judge you, Let's give a hand clap to our sister jomp to stigma theater Stacy Abrams from bringing Oh did she not do her than baby? Yes, register almost a million people to come through for us with that vote. Now, while we shout out people, Steve Harved, I gotta shout out and hand clap your brother of Omega Sci Fi Fraternity Incorporated. Not just because I know him personally, but every time he's oc any news show, he got Omega SI fire right next to him. Jim Clapart came through King. Let me tell you something. When Jim Clapanna did what he did with South Carolina, and we had already been saying that Biden Harris was the winning ticket, right, we already knew that. Then we had to get the power of the Divine nine and Black Radio Solidarity dot com that come together for the soul of the nation. Take souls to the post. We turned up that turnout. Seventy seven million plus came out to vote. Did they than baby? We did what we had to do. Now we got to do it again. Why because we need these two Senate seats. We need thee two Senate seats in Georgia. We need Osoft, We need Revn he member out five offer. So he's ice ice Baby Tomming too cold, too cold Warnock. We need this brother, So we got to come out and vote. Now. Some of the Republicans and the Trump supporters they enabling the president by kissing his behind because they think he gonna come out to Georgia and campaign and bring out the base. Well, that ain't gonna work. We need to make no knack. Mitch McConnell, Senate minority leader. Why that no knack? We need to make a minority leader by voting in John Osoff and Reven Alpha five Alpha brother Revn Warnock to the Senate. Kamala Harris would break our all time and President Biden will get his nominees confirmed. The blackest hot Georgia. So we need everybody. Zatas I need y'all to stroll to the Phoe Cappas get that King Twirl told the pole, I need everybody out there at five beatis sleeper, but especially my sorrows. Zata five batam and let's continue to run this Boston, the House, the Center, at the White House, Black Radio, Solideverty dot Com. Let's do this, baby, Georgia, We wit you baby this Chryland with him out, Steve Army Nay Cheryl. Reality Update with Carla right after this you're listening to. All right, nephew, come on, introduced Carla Farrell. All right, let's get ready, ladies and gentlemen, buckle up here. She is Carla Farrell with what Reality Update? All right, thank you, nephew. Here we go. Real Housewives of Potomac. Well, Karen Matt Monique for lunch to tell her that the girls were going on a trip to Portugal and you're not invited it like dang, yeah. Monique was like, that's not cool. She was trying to play it off, Shirley, but her feelings feel they were hurt. Yeah, they were hurt. Anyway, Monique is you know, she kind of looking at Karen though. You need to pick a team. Pick a team. You want my team, Team Monique, or you want team Candice. You know, still issues, Yeah, she won't. She's playing in the middle. Still issues from that fight. Anyway, the ladies arrived in Portugal and Ashley is sad. She's kind of missing her baby and she was upset that her husband, Michael got home late, you know, to relieve the babysitter. He was like ten minutes late, but she was upset about that. But you know, he got caught cheating. Yeah, so I think that's where. Yeah, she was really trying to figure out where have you been and why were you late? But he really was only ten minutes. Like moving on, Karon feels like Gieselle isn't everyone's business, but she never brings her man, pastor Jamal Bryant to the group, And yeah, and she's true. Karen does have a point there, and Gazelle's girl, Robbin, agreed with Karen. And Robin was like, hey, you know, we bring our men around, Our men come to the group and hang out. What's up with your men? And you know, Gazelle was looking at Robin like wait, wait, wait, wait, you want my team no matter what, no matter what, you ride with me, but Robin had her own opinion and that when I move, you move just like that. Okay, hey, DJ, bring that back. But anyway, Jazelle got tired of Karen saying that Pastor Jamal Brian is not around the group, so she facetimed him at the lunch table. They were at a restaurant in Portugal, and she FaceTime Pastor Jamal so he could say hey to the ladies or whatever. So we will keep you posted on what's gonna happen next week. While don't get in it, JB. Stay out to what you're doing for the law and keep it moving. Pimp telling you getting that reality show it's gonna be a mess. And then keeping up with the Kardashians. Moving on Chloe. The latest episode, Chloe had COVID. She was battling COVID nineteen. She was quarantine in her house for you know, a long time. She was really, really sick. You know, Chris was concerned and she couldn't take care of her mom. And this is kind of like when the pandemic first happened, you know, in early spring. And so you got to see the Kardashians in each of the family, the sisters what they were going through, and Kim Kardashians said, being home with her kids, four kids, it was too much and her kids were getting on her nerves. And that's a real moment, a miracle, Ryan, you were not a bad parent. Voice that, Yeah, yeah, I didn't like my kids in hell and they've grown. That don't make you a bad parent? Shot up quick calling me what Kim was like? Damn, you act like you know everything else any other time. What's wrong? Now? Are we talking about Kim? Are you yeah? Kill Yeah? Right, Steve. And finally, let's get back to the Real Housewives of Atlanta franchise. It's coming back December six, but word has it that production had to be halted or paused for a little while because there is or there was a production member who tested positive COVID nineteen Yeah what yes, Hey, can I say something with this? Thirty seconds? Hats off to the Family Feud team and to Tyler Parry Studios. Tyler has found a way to make it very, very safe. We did the entire season and completed it at Tyler Parry Studios. Ye, not one single positive case of COVID and we were there every day all day. Congratulation Tyler Parry Studios and Fremantle for doing a wonderful Jawa Haling COVID and we'll be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. I don't know if you guys heard about this story, but this is terrible. A former Google executive and president of a San Francisco Bay area school district has stepped down after his wife made vulgar comments about Kamala Harris on Twitter, alleging she is only qualified for office because she's a black woman. His name is John van Verlo. He resigned on Sunday as president of the last Lamidi's Elementary School district in Menlo Park, stating he needed to focus on his family. His wife, Meredith, meanwhile, had tweeted about VP elect Kamela Harris, saying all she needs to be qualified is a black pe Why. Yeah, no brain needed, no brain needed. Yeah yeah, a woman has more brains than you will ever imagine. She's Afish, more than you ever have. And I did some research on this woman. She was a former youth pastor. This woman, this vulgar. Yeah. Yeah, she's the head of the Venoy whatever their last name is, Family Fun, which is nothing. That's just a title. That's it. But her apology, Steve, what about her apology? Because she hadn't taken her medicine? Right when you when you don't take your medicine? Racist, she said, some of you know I suffer from a debilitating neurological neurological disease. Horrible. Yeah, come on now, I'm not gonna take my appeal in the morning. So y'all tune in. All right, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. I'm always ready to go rogue and the all new versatile twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue is perfect for someone like me. Perfect I'm always on the go, and it has five different drive modes that fit would ever kind of mood I'm in when I'm behind the wheel. Check out the twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue. And while you do what, While you do that, I'll tell you about my rogue attitude. This is something I never do. Had a party at my house. A friend came over, brought this. This is when I was singled back a few years when I was single. She brought this guy tall, a handsome guy, really cute. Right, so stepped outside of myself a little bit, went rogue, flirted with him, talking to him, you know this is my house, foods over there, blah blah blah, go and get you. He never said one word. Finally he looked at me and said, you have a little piece of spinach right right there on your teeth. Just just embarrassed beyond words, right, just embarrassed beyond roads. That was my going rogue story. Good news is look at me now, same friend introduced me to my current husband, and we're happy. We're happy. We're happy. Wild though, to tell you the spinish cause when the dude, when it's food and your teeth, we gotta make sure it ain't a cavity. First he was cutting it. If you call it spinish, and it ain't. No, no, that's the color of my tooth. That the gay. Right after that, I wouldn't got my teeth whitened. All of that. You know, I love my dentist. But anyway, check out the all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue. Nissan Rogue. It's a great car. You'll love it. You will. And she me and you, Shelly, we got the same Dennis. You love him and I had it and he loves you so much. He always asked about you. I don't even know why he talked to me. I cutched him out so bad last time I was see. Oh man, he don't have no gas. He had that drill. You need mo mo gas and mo nocin. I need all that. Now do you need all that just to get a cleaning? Oh? Yeah, he need a period on a check up. Just a check up. He needs, I mean a basic six month cleaning. And if you hear me gagging, take your hand out my damn mouth. Man, No, I grab your n I grab your hand, I help you. I kind of that with me. Yeah, And he said, man, thank you so much, Miss Harvey. He was so much better. She says, Steve, you got to quit cussing that people that's trying to help you. Okay, Hurting and helping don't sound like it to go together. All right? Coming up our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey. After this you're listening to all right here we are last break of the day on this Thursday, and we can say it again, what a day, What a day? Yeah. My closing remarks today, y'all, is going to be a couple of things. First of all, I want to talk to you about this vote that's coming up in Georgia, where I happen to live. This is very very important. Now we've proven something to ourselves. We actually saw it play out in real time as the polls clothes and the vote got counted. We saw in real time that it was down to Detroit. We saw in real time that it was down to Philadelphia. We saw in real time that it was down to Atlanta, and in all three of those cities. The vote in those urban dwelled dwelling areas, those urban residents they called it, which is black. We prevailed, I'll vote counted, I'll vote mattered, and I'll vote reflected, and caused a change in this election. He was winning in all of those states until they came to us and voted. Now, listen to me, when you when seventy five million people vote, it's not just black people voting. Well, we're not saying that it was a lot of people. A lot of Native Americans voted, a lot of Latinos voted, a lot of whites voted. There's not seventy five million black people in the United States. So hats off to those non people that weren't black. I'm not crediting your vote at all. Don't think that's what I'm doing. I'm trying to encourage the black vote to continue because for so long the black vote has been taught and thought of amongst ourselves that it didn't matter what we saw it play out in real time to where y'all it matters, and you saw it in real time. Keep looking. They still counting in Philly. Do you know that this man is over fifty thousand ahead of this man now? And you know what, they still counting Philly and Pittsburgh. Do you understand that they are still counting in Georgia and we are fourteen thousand up. You know what they still counting Atlanta, decalb Fulton. Do you understand that's us Detroit ran them out to Gymman in Wound, k Wayne County. Our vote matters now in this Georgia election. We have a real obligation here because we have two candidates, ass Off and Warnick, Raphael Warnick and ass Off. We have to get to the poll and make this count again. And we have the numbers to do it, but we got to go. And like I was calling on black men before, we have to do better. Now we showed up. A lot of brothers showed up. That ain't what I'm saying, but the but for those who didn't. In the words of Offset, he felt like he was a part of something. Be a part of this. We are going to finish this job, and we are going to send Donald Trump a parting gift. Not only are you leaving the White House, you're gonna take them two cented seats with you. That's our goal. Simply put it and and and look, man, it was a lot of people voted against him, a lot of non African Americans, soul, I appreciate it. I think it's only don't hold me to this number. But the last time I read about it, it was thirty five some million black people in this country. Seventy five million people voted him out. All black people can't vote because we're not of age. So the thirty five million, it's even we played a major role. We can do it again. Now that's my vote. We've got to go. We have a short time to register, but we got to vote. We got to vote. We're gonna keep talking about this runoff is gonna go in our behalf. Now, this second part of my closer remarks is inspirational. I want all of you today now, this is not for negative people. This is for regular, everyday people as out here work and trying to become successful in trying to be happy. I know you have dark moments in your quest for success and for happiness. We all do. We all have dark moments, dark seasons, dark periods. We have bad days. I got it. But I want to tell you something to help you do something that I was talking to the Morning Shore about this morning. I want all of you today to take inventory. I want everybody to just think back on twenty major events in your life. Your first child, your first time going to school, your first car, the first time you got fired, your first time you got a job, your first marriage, your first divorce, whatever it is. Think of twenty major events in your life. Think of them, write them down if you have to, but go them carefully. And once you do that, what that does is it shows you something. It shows you that God has been with you the entire time. Because I'm sure in some of those major events and decisions that you had to make that were sometimes where you felt like, man, I'm not gonna make it, or man, I don't have an answer for this, or man, I don't see no way out. But can I tell you something. God was with you the entire time. See all of those moments, whether you think of that's been major in your life, those twenty and if you're old enough, you got way more than twenty. I have like several thousand of those moments. I really do, but I'm just asking you to look up twenty of them, right, And so when you do this, it causes you and lets you know that not only was God with you, but he was capable of seeing you through because of every bad day and every bad moment, every critical decision, every misstep that you've made, you have survived every single one of those. Your track record for surviving bad days is one. So listen, moving forward, we have the evidence from our life existence, from taking inventory. We have everdence that God is good. We have evidence that he is real, and we have evidence that He is ever president. Don't you doubt it or think for one minute that God has ever left your side, because even when you didn't call on him, he got you through it. Even when you didn't particularly asked him, because he had a plan for you. He kept you anyway. He gave you this, this unpurchasable thing called grace. He gave it to you. Man, He gave us awesome grace. He gonna get us through this. He gonna get us through this. This ignorant message is happening in the White House. You can't just make a decision that you're not gonna leave, You're not gonna participate. So what so what he's not participated. Quit letting that trip you out. He got to go. Just like everything else. God has been good the entire time, and he'll bid for the rest of the time. Those are my closing remarks. And if you take inventory, you have proof. I'm good. Donald Trump included I'm good. For all Steve ivery contests, no purchase necessary. Avoid were prohibited. Participants to be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules. Visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.