Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today is the last day of 2019 and Reality Radio is in full effect and in living color. Steve got a Slick Harvey story as we open the show today. Have your ever realized halfway to work that you forgot something? We get to the bottom of who is to blame when cheating occurs in a relationship. The final Comedy Roulette of 2019 has the things people say at a funeral that overdo it. Fool #2 has suggestions for you to get as many people to go to your Kwanzaa party as possible. Is there a way to really hide one's emotions? Who are the most popular sports personalities this year? Steve gives us the breakdown of "all inclusive" in the DR for Sand and Soul 2020. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about good people making mistakes and how fair God is, plus more.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them more like the milling buck things in its cubbing me through good it Steve Harpen to move together for Steve, Please, I don't join, join me, be you doing me. You gotta turn, you gotta turn to turn them out, turn, got to turn out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your bab I show will good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show particular me this morning. Steve Harvey got a radio show feel with nothing but joy and hope about it too. You know, it's a great thing to be able to wake up in the morning with peace in your heart and joy. Peace and joy is is immeasurable. It has a value attached to it, and I have no idea what it is. It's invaluable. It is worth so much more than than any amount of money you can make. Peace and joy. I have not always had that. I have not always been a peaceful person or a person who lived his life in a joy spirit. It took an arrival at this moment. Some people arrive sooner than others. I I had arrived at this point sooner, but I think it was necessary for me to learn a few things too. That's the amazing thing I've learned about life is that instead of reflecting on your past incidences and calling them failures, instead of focusing on the negative and calling them bad times, I look at them now as experiences. I had to have those experiences that were negative, that were good, positive, wrong, even I had to have all those experiences to become, to shape who we are today. We all have to have them. If you look back at all the negative experiences you've had, all the things that you called failures, all the businesses I started that went under, all of the jobs I had that I was fired from, all the shows that were canceled, all of the times I thought I was going to get something happened in my way and turned out I didn't get it at all. When you look at all of it, all of it, hopefully along the way, what you have done as a person is you've taken those negatives and those failures and you've used them for what they actually are. They are experiences, and they've now created in you an experienced person and you know that is worth something. That's then it becomes a positive. But what too many people do is they let the negative things that have happened in their life. They allow the failures that have happened in them lives never to manifest themselves as experiences. And you sit up there and you dwell on it, and you dwell on it until you have this woe is me attitude. Stop looking at it like that, y'all. You go through things in order to become the p that you are today. I'll tell you who you sometimes have to sit down and talk to. Sometimes you ought to sit down to an inmate that really gets it. An inmate that says, man, I've actually heard inmates say it to me and write to me, and they've said things like, man, coming to prison, save my life. Now, those of you have never gone, how can he say a thing like that? But some men, no, Man, I was so far out there that if I had stayed out there, I wouldn't even be here today. This actually allowed me to stop, spend some time with myself and learn some things about me. Now does that happen for everybody like that? Now? But here's a person who was taking an experience that could be considered a failure or a negative and turning it into a positive and using it to enrich their lives. You can do it no matter what your set of circumstances is. I recommend to everybody that you try changing your outlook in order to change your outcome. Everything that happens to you that's negative or you consider failure their experiences. You've got to go through these things in order to have the knowledge that you have today. So I wish that I had come to this arrival that I mean now, this place of peace and joy. But then guess what, I would not know what I know. I could not share some of the things that I'm able to share if I had not gone through some of them. And sometimes that's the purpose of them, is to teach you a lesson because you know, God has a plan for you, He really really does, and eventually he can use you no matter how old you are, and he can use you no matter how young you are. If you just say, Okay, I'm ready to hear your plan. I've tried mine, mine ain't worked out. What's your plan for me? God, what do you want me to do? That's why I say every day Steve Harvey got radio show, y'all, because man, I ain't see it coming. I didn't see that coming. I ain't see this book coming. I ain't seen I ain't seen it. Half of the amazing things that are happened to me, I didn't plan them. I was sitting there, man, ask God for some direction. And then I got smart enough to stay watchful, be a hard worker now because faithful, our works is dead, and it came. And I'll remind you of this. God has given all of you a gift. Every last one of you listening has a gift. God has never created a soul that he did not provide a gift to. God gives everyone a gift, and a gift is not just singing, rapping entertainment. The richer gifts are much more than that. Teachers are gifted people who really have the gift of sharing information. That's a gift, you know, and in that you can become great. You know a lot of people people think that successful and greatness is the same thing. Cornell West said it at my daughter's graduation. He was a spokesperson. He said something so pointed. He said, don't ever confuse success with greatness. The two have nothing to do with each other. See people do termed success about money and fame and all this here, but greatness. Greatness ain't got nothing to do with your money. It ain't got nothing to do with your fame. It's how you conduct your life. It's how meaningful and significant you become in your community, at your church, on your job, to the club scout unit that you run, to the little girls lives that you change, that that little center in the hood. Who are you just one place of hope to so many people and they come back. And I used the example of lou Danzler who passed away in LA who had the Boys and Girls Challenges Club out in LA. And he wasn't a rich man at all, and if you walk by him, you wouldn't even know who he was. But if you look at all the people who have gone on to become politicians, who have gone on to become CEO's, who have gone on to become athletes, that have passed through this man's small building in the hood in La, he was a great. Trust me man prad changes things, I said all the time. But when you see people become I'm successful or great, that somebody praying somewhere may not even beat them. Maybe it's day mama. You know, I think of Tiger Woods and all the greatness he's accomplished. You know they always talk about as farther than all this here, somebody somewhere praying for Tiger Woods. I got cash money riding on that Tiger Woods. Mama is a praying woman or something. My mother was. She prayed me into this place because she should call me all the time. Praying for your boy, and prayer changes things, It really does. Try it today. It can change you. It has changed millions of people. Open up yourself to the greatness that's in you, because God is giving you a gift that the fact that you ain't using it. Who fought you think that is? I'm just telling you you got one, and if you start praying about it, it'll manifest itself and you can become one or two things, successful or great or both. You can make the decision. Today morning show, ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please, This is a Steve Harvey Morning show. This show right here's live. This show is in color. About color and anybody else? All of us are colored anyway. Some shade of something that's true. That's right, all right. Shirley Straw Period good morning and colored man blonde color color for real, Good morning? What's up? Chrom kill space Morning up? Hey Tommy, big dog a dog up, pimps holding it together, baby, y'all doing it? She came in Health and the Change. You know, I was at the HR meeting, So I have you have to do thing differently. I do all my stuff loud. Now, this is reality radio. You. Yeah, I'm gonna change. You have to step about, ma'am you create. I'm sorry, yeah, yeah, according to my HR meetings only family members. Let's go because you know, man, I you know I have to for every show I do, I have to go to an HR meeting. Yeah. Yeah, that's a good thing. No it ain't, but I'm going. You know it's so hard. Well, how you feel today? You know what? I'm pretty good today. You know, got a lot of energy filling up. You know what I'm saying, bouncing that you got it working? All right? Do it? Do it? You don't shake it, shake it, bake it, bake it feeling good? An ain't reme. I've been nigging my whole life. I mean, not just it's just you know, you ever think about changing? I probably can't now. My mama asked me that when I was ten, do you ever think about getting yourself together? At ten? That's my mom ten? You what it's it's heading in the wrong lash. But your mom was able to see you when you made it and got famous in everything. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. They had all them jets. They had Jet magazine, me and and we was on the cover jet. She didn't know how it made it till I got on jet. That's when you're dere. Yeah. She bought about fifty of them and had them fanned out like a deck of card. But you couldn't touch them though. Yeah, you have to invite people over so they can feel. People would touch your jet. Excuse me, that's my baby to the jets. What did she say to you, though, Steve, when you have made it? What did she say? She said, my daddy out to LA to see why I was getting this money from She thought I was selling dope boy no dog. My mother. She didn't know what I was doing, but she did not see how jokes could allow me to send them that much money every week. So she said she get on the plane and go out there and see what that boy into. Because she knew my daddy could figure it out, because my daddy was a hustler. So she sent him out here. Boy, your mum would think, some where's you getting all this money from? I had an apartment? He can't, well, how big is the thing right here? Who stay here? I said, just you and who? You ain't got a roommates. You paid it by yourself. They didn't get to see me make it though. They tried to be too short. All right, we'll be back at thirty two after the hour. It ain't that funny right after. That's pretty funny. You're listening, all right, Stephen. The guys, this is This is a segment Jay Rode called You're halfway to work. When you realize things happened to you get halfway to work, you have what you get up, you got your clothes on, and then you realize you half way to work. You're good for you. Sometimes you pulled up at work, yeah, and you realize, wow, you half way to work, and you realize, damn this Saturday, I should be going that way. You were going that way so so often. Man, Yeah, I didn't been halfway to work. I didn't been halfway to work and realize my phone. Who was on my nice thing? Oh I don't call and say I just ain't gonna make it. I will be late to go back. Didn't get this phone half at home? Yeah, you can't leave your phone out. No, you can't leave your phone. No. No, you are our radio show for four hours. You no sitting on this radio and that phone just out there anywhere. It's not anywhere, it's at your Let me just say this color. If he don't go get that phone, he can't do the next day. Okay, I got it. He got to go get that phone. You half way to work? Uh huh? I turn then I hadn't left the baby after the house. God left the baby on the phone. Remember I was saying my mom, I was working. I ain't gonna kill me because I was halfway to work. One time I realized I'd have left the front door wide. People just ding by looking in the house. His one on. You all dressed up and you look down right, you got your tie on, you jacket, um, you looked out. You still got on your pajama pants. Rest. What is going on with my life? Man? You halfway to work and then realized I didn't brush none of my Damn. What is this I'm smelling? Is that? Damn? It's me, it's me, It's hey Jay Tommy. Uh. I would have been halfway to work and then realized when I get to work, I would have to borrow some money. Damn was imnn have to borrow from somebody? Yeah, somebody I got wanted to kill you. This was back in the day. I've been on my way to work and forgot that I didn't even go home that night. Oh you didn't check in some people looking for what mean you didn't do I just had to go to work from where I was. You never made it back home. No, I love it, love it. Yeah, you had where to work, and you realize I had this on yesterday night. That's house the night before, and you knew you. I have told I told my ex wife that I fell asleep after job in the parking lot and Jeff woke up and run on back into the world. I was so tired. I was so tired. I was so tired. Yeah I've done that. It'll be halfway to work and realize it's Sunday. Yeah, can't you listening to the joke? You got one. Yeah, I've been halfway to work and realize I don't even work here no more. I'm driving behind him to a job. I quit. I've done that. I don't even work here no more. It's out of heaven. I'm going back, Julie, I did this. I don't drove halfway to work and decided halfway I'm quitting. Yeah, I ain't doing that. Just immediately slowed down. Why am I rushing? I'm waiting to quit today. You're gonna quit today? Oh? How about just how about just you halfway to work? You're driving right, you look down and you say to yourself, I am not gonna make it all day in these new shoes. It's not gonna happen. It's not gonna happen. He's gonna quit. Take these off. Yeah, you're gonna You're gonna need a butcher knife, so you know, bad out my feet. I ain't gonna do it. You ever got halfway to work? This ain't really funny. It's just true. You ever got halfway to work and realize you don't like what you got on? Oh yeah, yeah, because your whole day will be messed up if you don't like what you got on you got to feel. Yeah, you ever put something on and had to just tug on it all day? Yeah? Just be pulling on it. Yeah, you gotta sit a certain way for it to look just right. Yeah, that's an uncomfortable Feel comfortable. Now, have you gone back home to change? Ain't no, ain't gone else, but you gotta go back. Get that phone, Tommy, dude. Yeah at the hardy household that everybody to Tommy, my wife has my cold? You my wife thought, dog, my kids, my assistant got the cold? To my phone? Go deeply in love? Are yeah? Deeply in love? I love seeing love la bless you though, man, see that kind of stuff. I just ain't doing nothing ignorant. Yeah, that's right, that's right. SPOS would be a limit at one point in time. It be supposed to be a cut off point. Who says that? Who said that the lord who was starting? The Lord ain't putting no cut off point on the lordly suggested Conanue. Well Tommy, well Tommy's at that fifty year mark, so you say it's time. Oh dog, fifty fifty really too late. But it's really time, man, because you have one hundred, you probably got less left than you ran off your ladies and Jim will be back. You're listening to morning show right now. The nephew is up with run that prank back? What you got for us? Neff something? Gil the drummer thumb hid is hello. I'm telling to me reach uh Richie, Hey, Richie, how are you doing? You the drummer for the for the band. You're saying. It's saying you also the guy that does you manage? You're the manager of the band? T right? Correct? Correct? Correct? What's upp okation? Correct? All right? We want to book you guys for I think it's gonna be in February. My name is Carter. They told y'all's gonna be calling. Yeah, okay, i'll tell you what. We're gonna go through a little check minus Liz here, make sure we on same page, and we got everything's gonna be good that night. But I hear you guys. You got name. I'll tell you something. You guys come highly recommended. You know that, don't you. I appreciate that. We know that were the best thing out there. Yeah, it's all good sounds all good sounds perfect. All right. Now let's talk about money, because that's always the most crucial thing to talk about now, you guys, sounds good. You guys are supposed to be what about thirty five hundred for what I understand? Correct, So what time we're starting at. We're gonna start seven product seven thirty, you know, get get that thing jumping off about seven thirty. I think that's gonna be good. Yeah, we could play till like I guess put out ten o'clock, seven thirty teen. I'm correct. Yeah, I'm gonna play something. They're not gonna get going good till about ten. So I'm gonna say I'm gonna say this to you right now. You think you guys could probably go to midnight maybe twelve thirty if I if I make that thing a nine five thousand dollars, sounds good to me, we could definitely work with that. You can work with that. Yeah, yeah, well we'll accommodate. It's gonna be an awesome party. We're gonna we're gonna bring this. Okay, we got that out of the the way. I'll tell you what I think. The main thing that we haven't gone over is we haven't gone over to songs. And that's what that's what's gonna be impartant for this show down. Now you you can. I you got a pin and a pad, you can write this down? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, I write it down? All right? Down, give me a second, go ahead, alright, all right, yeah yeah, I got all right, I'm ready. I just want to be clear you guys, when you go, when you gotta go do gigs, you do have people that want certain uh songs? Am I right a wrong? Yeah? Usually yeah. If you got a request, definitely let us know we could commodate. All right, all right, well here we go, Here we go. I want you to write this down. I got I got something that we gotta make sure this is gonna be doing the height of the party. Here we go. Okay, Friends in Low Places by Garth Brooks. Okay, right, Tennessee whiskey. That's Chris Staithelton. You know that. Okay, I'm not telling that's Jason all Day. Hold off for a second. Is that country music? That country music? Well, that that's that's that's that's everything. We gonna do everything. We gonna do that said country bro. I gotta tell you right now, man, R and B, that's our specialty. Did you not know that? You know what I'm saying? We played an R and B. You did not know that? Oh? All I know is you guys come hard. They tell me. You guys saying any thing in the world. All I know is I want to say that gun country. I want you to that gun country music going on around here. Yeah that, But you know, our specialty is an R and B. That's our specialty. You know what I'm saying. It's not like we're trained monkeys where we could just learn something new last mint like that. You know what I'm saying that, man, man, let's let's get let's get one Let's get one thing understood. You're the person that said monkey, I ain't sick, but yo, yo, I'm just now I'm no. And you know that we're an R and D band. That's our big thing. That's what we promote ourselves as. Let me ask you something, Richie, but he ain't something that he didn't Not do you not want to make the five Towns n that you and I have already negotiating. I don't like being disrespected though. You know what I'm saying about disrespecting you. You're just we're an R and D band. Were all fall a country. You know what I'm saying. Hang it, don't here, Richie. You got something his country music. I have no problem with country music. It's just that we have a full horn section, which doesn't really work with country music. You know what I'm saying. We play R and B. It's not our genre. Well got what you ushould knowing? But if I don't hear uh, let me see your girner old my colds when they an it ain't gonna work for me. I gotta get man, I've gotta get slow burned by Tim Heats. I gotta get all my rowdy friends were coming over by I hain't William. I mean that, y'all. You know what wait wait, wait, wait waite. Kevin over at the Many is tell him Many that you guys can sang anything in the world. And I know you ain't telling meny that Kevin's line, I mean, he's maybe he should have told you explicitly what we do and what we play. You know what I'm saying, I've never met anybody in my life. I'm playing Palm playing Guard Brooks, Chris Stapleton, Jason Now, Dane Brooks, and Nuns, Blake Shelton, Cole Swindale. Lady, ain't you don't sit here and tell me you can't play none of these songs. I want you to get on the stage and sing the songs that we won't go. We ain't got time to find another group. Everybody, what, I don't get a about your stupid party. You know what I'm saying. You came to us to play music, and then we told you what we do. Now, you know, right now, I feel like I feel like we had a standoff and the okay, cold, all right, all right, let me let me talk to my band, all right, because this is going this is going unnecessary too far. You know what I'm saying. Maybe we can make it work, all right. Let me let me let me ask you something. Is Dre the bass player? Yeah? Correct, Okay? Can I tell you something about Dre? What about him? Tree? Got me to plank phone call you? This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Baby, you just got franked by your boy in the band, Dre. Damn, damn damn. Oh, Okay, I gotta ask you something, man. What is the baddest and I mean the badest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Get a drummer? Sign give him. Okay, now stupid, go ahead. Ju Hi, Fride is sad to gon the nephew jump in this thing? Oh did you hear me? Heat neros to come around? What's the Yeah? I just got what? All right? Coming up at the top of the hour. Thank you, guys, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to show. All right, So here's a question, guys, should we really ever blame the other woman or the other man? Now, every time we hear that someone was left they were cheated on with another man or woman, folks, always we always blame the person. Uh, we always blame that person first. Then they blame the significant other, the spouse. We always blame the woman first. I mean, and that's down down through history. So so the question is who really should get the blame? I think there's enough blame to go around, quite frank everybody, Yeah, but you know this is crazy, but normally the woman is always the blame. I mean, when you think about it, down through history, people mostly blame the woman. Yeah. Yeah, so the so then the question is like, okay, so if you're in a relationship and you leave that relationship to get with someone else, whole fault is it Is it the new person's fault, you know, the woman's fault, or is it the man's fault for leaving and hurting his significant other? You mean, but what I mean? But he had to have had you're saying a relationship with this other person before he left his significant other, right, yeah, yeah, so he was cheating? Yeah yeah, Well you know, no, whoever is in the supposed committed relationship is to blame for breaking the commitment. That's you know, look, you don't you Look, you can't blame the other person. The other person ain't promised you nothing. The other other person didn't take no vows. The other person didn't promise you nothing. You'll directed anger should be at the person who broke the commitment to you, who broke your trust. That's your problem now you can feel now if you see her, you're gonna have problem with it. Because she knew that you were in a relationship. Why didn't she leave you alone? That that's the other argument, you know what I'm saying, that's the argument on the other side, Well, she knew we were in a relationship, why was she in it? And she already knew he had a girl or why did he pursue It is the bigger question. But because see, if it wasn't her, it would have been somebody else. Because if he's in the pursue other women business, it doesn't matter that it's her. If it's not her, it's gonna be somebody else pursued, right, Yeah, because he in the pursue game. But the women, so most of the time gets blamed get blamed for that. Women do she knew we were in a relationship that women don't usually blame the men if the men cheat, I mean after the fact. Yeah, but and and they go so far as to take the man back that has cheated on. Yeah, but the woman is outcast. Yeah they threw Yeah, they're done. So you said, blame the person that with the commitment. I agree with that. Yeah, that's how it should That's how it should go. But it doesn't often go that way. You're right though, Yeah, Well I blame my best friend breaking up what he dated. He ended up messing around with my girlfriend long long time ago. But I blamed his aunts. I did, Junior. Well, don't don't say that time. Everything gets so personal on this show. I'm sure he knows who it is to see. We comedian, that's how we we. The jumps come from this therapy. Jumps that come from that j Yeah, I come back and then I catched them kissing on the couch, like, oh dog. But they looked at me like, you're gonna put that in the kitchen. No, I'm not gonna put that in the kitchen. You you know, you know he look like time though, looking like, ah, you gonna put that down right there. No, I just caught you kissing my girl. Yeah, you went to the store and something. Yeah, and you left them alone in the house. Yeah, and you come but this is your boy. Yeah, you come back over the door. You know that'll see. Oh man, you got to be kidding me. But he looked at me and all this sudden. Man, what's up? Man, you're gonna put that in the kitchen like you're living like you gonna put that in the kitchen, like the drake is going in the kitchen right now. Cocacoa. Yeah, if you whoop back there, like I said, we wouldn't be coming everything. That's how you get paid. If I walk in to my house and my pardner kissing my girl on the couch, Yeah, it's gonna be some hell up in him. It's gonna be some real hell up in him, because dog, my house dog, and you think less of me. You don't even have enough respect for me. You already disrespected me with my girl, and so is she disrespecting me with you. But you're gonna come in my house like I ain't nothing. Oh naw, dog, I promise you me and your asses at walk. But see, and that's normally what happens, Steve, that's normally what happens. That's that's normally what happens. What you just said. But earlier you said it's the responsibility of the one who's in the commitment. Yeah, but see, no if here you see it and see's a double staf No, I get it, but I'm saying it ain't no double standardship. This is what. Okay, go ahead, finish your thought. Now I'm listening to me. Now we're in this here. But now if you might, dude, yeah, and I know you see. Now we got to go into man code. Man code is you don't do your boys girls. There's too many women out here that's available. So now you over here in mind, then you in my house. Yeah, that's what happened to care same thing. Why wasn't that my house? It was her house? Yeah? Well, oh, I was a comedian, you know, I just thought I hand over there. I was with her just for shelter. But it was your friend though. The don't you understand we had to stay at place with fus that this is true? Man? Yeah, where you girl? I love her for places when I was homeless. Man, I probably told about six girls and your im because I had to let me stay definitely, So they come home while I'll be cooking everything, you'll be doing everything. And just just just know that Junior, we can steal. He's still around. All right, all right, we gotta go. You're listening the time now for comedy roulette fellas to come on. J All right, here we go. Here's what we do. You take four subjects, you put them on a wheel, spun the wheel where the wheel stop. Because we're professional comedians, we will do the damn thing uh things Christians say when they cuss. M hmm. Thank you say to your banker when you're overdrawn. M m. The things you didn't know were in the fridge that have gone bad, not until you open it. And the last one is things people say at a funeral, who overdo it? Oh? Sorry, let's bank, let's get that bank. Bank wasn't refrigerator though, let me go saying funeral? Who overdo it? Things people say at the funeral that overdo it? Right? Where did you gonna sit your ass down? That's right in down this funeral, This funeral is so nice. I hate I'm gonna miss man. You know what? He lucky he did because she can't sing with a damning People say at the funeral, who overdo it? Yeah? He show died good? How do you do so good? That little dog went over there? That wasn't even his. Oh that's a black funeral right there? For real? That was fast? Well, you know she was. She was cremated, but she always wanted a hot, smoking body. She always People say, I'm so sad you don't. I'm gonna see you later, no matter where you go, heaven, o, hell, I see you come on. Ain't nobody like I did? No like? I tell you what though, what I'm most interested in seeing how didn't gonna get him to that hearse? You know what? He would have wanted me to sing staying alive. He really would have wanted me to sing he gave me. Did I just tow him yesterday? All right, thank you guys, good job as always, you're listening. All right, Steve, go ahead, Well, now what you about to him? It's pure comedic genius, but I must play a disclaimer. This is going to be a little edgy. He's gonna ruffle a couple of feathers. So I'm just letting you know this. This is Jay Anthony Brown. He asked me, couldn't do it? And I kind of got an idea. I don't know exactly what it is, but I'm in supportive comedy. Yeah, but I'm saying we're doing this with a disclaimer, okay, that no one can call us and say nothing about it. I don't know exactly what are gonna do, but he could ruffle some feathers, ladies and gentlemen. Jay Anthony Brown, all right, what I'm what I'm about to do right now? Every year, a lot of people, good people, you know, meaning good have quanza parties. Now, okay, let's stop right there. Yes, I don't think it's a lot of people. You can go ahead. You must be trying to build this joke up, and I'm trying to not a lot of quans. How about people have a quanza party and don't a lot of people come, and they wonder why people don't come. What I have is suggestions to get more people to your quanza party. Number one, offer a free die she getting anybody who will show up one size fit all right, everybody that shows that quansa party, you get a free being power. If you don't like me, septato, if you can't everybody don't like Okay, now this one is really good. This is really really good. If you have a quanza party, Steve, you can demonstrate what I mean by this. You not have more than two philosophying brothers or sisters at your party. Don't want it. You don't want more than two in there. You don't want to, you know, brothers. Let me say this about this time, this period that we partake of, in this equestrious moment. Yeah, you're defiling or the gratuitousness or the barbarousness of what these holidays are. Two. That's why we celebrate quality. But I dare say, though, brother, you don't want that. We have competulate the situation, knowing that it is far regarically not a capability of scientific split. Let let me interject some sensibility into this conversation. Okay, you don't want a whole bunch of them at your party. Okay, it tends up the move number five. Easer, This is very important, Easer. You know what E's up mean, right, he's up on the incense and sage. Okay, because the back of my nose is burning. How about shoes that like I got a headache? Noxious my green taste, like Saint number two? You want number seven? You want to play something other than the Lion King. And this is npointant that African drummers don't have to play all night long. Okay, they Shirley and last Fornightly, Last Fornightly. Don't tell nobody it's a quins a party. Just tell him come over, Okay, don't have to tell him something you can. I'm having a I'm having a party, all right. Listen, coming up for the nephew, uh with today's prank phone call. That's coming up right Corpe. You're listening to the string show coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry letter. Right now, though it is the nephew's turn to give us the prank phone call for today. What you got nef whack status? Huh wax daddy, Oh my, that's it's early. Okay, Well we gonna wha statu Turley call it gonna get you done. But I'm just draining with you. Yes, I'm gonna say it again. Wax dad. Here we go running. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Owen. Please, Yeah, this is on hi Owen. This is Ramone giving you a call, um where we're just confirming your appointment at eleven on Thursday, and I wanted to make you're a new client, so we wanted to make sure that you were Okay, wait a minute of plutment. What you have a spa treatment scheduled m at eleven on Thursday. You did receive a spa treatment from your wife for Christmas, Um, but I don't remember being set up for anything or any appointment. Well, she's made an appointment for you for eleven o'clock on this coming Thursdays. I'm just calling to confirm that you would definitely be in to the salon. Well, I thought this was like a couple's massage or something like that. So what is the treatment all about what's what do you guys? I don't I understand? Um, well, she's got you signed up for let me look, she's got you signed up for us to actually wax your back in your buttocks on Thursday. And we actually have a special that we have, um a mansillion, which is as isn't for real? Sure we have you lined up for an appointment. If you don't want the appointment, please let us know. Wax my my back and my get that all out of here, man's zillion. But your your wife has set you up for a back and butt hair removal, which is waxing. And what I'm saying is a mansilian is if you would like that, we would remove all the hair from your private area as well. Yeah, try a good man. There's no way I'm getting my private black. What's it like to be hairless like like that? No way, get out of here. Evidently, if your wife has set you up for this, maybe she's not in you. All you have you evidentitely have a lot of hair on your back. I'm gonnasume me. Yeah, I'm a hairy guy. But she's never said anything. Abattist. He likes it, Okay, he calls me a home torill us. He loves it. Well, maybe it's a mix of communication, because this is the thing she's asking us to do, is to remove your hair. Yeah, no, that's not happening. And if she's gonna tell me yourself, and there's no way I'm going in to have somebody ripped the hair off my back and my hands in my private you're kidding me to get the gout of here. This is crazy. This is this is a very professional procedure. It won't take long. We'll have you in and out within forty five minutes. But you're gonna forty five minutes, forty five minutes to rip off all of this hair. That sounds like torture? Should he mean okay? Sure you know. No, No, I think we're done. I think you know we're done. I mean I mean I'm anna sell her to get a refund. It's getting a refund. Okay, they're not gonna be a refund. Now you're supposed to come in and eleven. This is something that she wants you to do. Yeah, I'm not listen to me. I am not getting wax. That's not something a man does. There's no way I'm doing that. If this is for real. I'm gonna have a talk with her as soon as she gets home, because no, no, no, cher, cher right now, right now, you're a disrespecting my profession. That's what you're doing. Okay. Look, I'm not saying I don't. I don't know what this is all about. I don't. I'm not trying to disrespect anybody. But stop why I'm doing this? All right? I'm not getting it back. No, there's no way. Okay. So evidently your wife wanted, or she wouldn't have purchased it from us to have you come in and get it done. Well, yeah, I'm gonna have to talk to her about that. I mean, if there's something she wants to watch, you can wax her private that's cool. But a man has hair. I mean, it's it's well, if she's appointment, then she's serious about getting it done. Yeah, Well I'm serious about not going. So, I mean, you know, I don't know how I explain it to you. I'm not coming in. You can reschedule it for somebody else. I'll talk to her when she gets home. But that's that's it. I'm justife has paid two hundred dollars for this procedure. Did you say two hundred dollars? Your wife has paid two hundred dollars for this procedure. Yeah, no, she said, who's gonna get a refund? You guys, this is wait, sir, Sir Owen, this is not refundable, so there is no money coming back. I will let you know that two hundred bucks. There's no way. You gotta be kidding me to take care off on my back and my two hundred bucks. Sir, this is not very referable. Small here, I don't, I don't do it. I'm gonna get I'm gonna go to the dollars store and get a pack of raisers for a dollar, and she's gonna do it herself, and I'll give her. I'll give her ten bucks. This is good. I'll give her a tip. That's the five FI food bucks. I'm done. I'm said two hundreds two bucks. There's no way, there's no way we are paying that money. And you guys are creeping that money. There's nowhere pay. Do you understand there's no no, there's not a refund, mister Owen. There's definitely not a refund. Mister Owen. Who are you? There's now and I'm gonna Raman. I am Ramone here at the spa and your wife came in and purchases wonderful gift for you for Christmas. Remote, I don't give up. Remote. Listen, now, you're not respecting our professions. You're acting I don't look. Look, I'm not trying to disrespect you, but I don't care about the profession. There's no way that's actually that's robbery. Charging somebody two hundred bucks to rip off hair off their their body. He gets just no way. I'm just not doing it, and I'm gonna talk to her. She's gonna do it herself. I cash because you're disrespecting my profession and you're not coming in an eleven. All were you supposed to come in an eleven so we could watch your back in your body and now you're saying no, there will be nothing. Whack. I'm not coming into eleven. I'm not coming in ever. She's gonna take care of this though. You don't have to worry about it. Ramone. I mean respect to you, but no, I need you to know that show and there is no refund. Okay, I mean this is ridiculous. I don't even know why I'm talking to you. You're cousin Peter. Have you spoken to him lately? How do you know Peter? Peter got me to call you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Hobbin Martin Show. You just you just get out of here because this idiot. Oh. I gotta ask you something, man. What is the badest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Oh, the Strawberry Letters coming up? The subject has lost his mind. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. It is time for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need any advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click Submit Strawberry Letter. Buggal up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject my husband has lost his mind. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a forty seven year old female in my third year of marriage, in my third marriage. My husband and I have been married for five years and he treats me like a queen, but I feel like he hates my seventeen year old daughter. This is his first marriage and he has no children, so it's shocking that he acts like a drill sergeant with my daughter. He calls her lazy and fusses at her constantly about her chores. He expects her to take out the trash daily and do a few other things that I think he should be doing as the man of the house. My daughter is an honor student and in extracurricular activities, so she has a busy schedule during the week. I will admit that she can be lazy and her room is always quite messy, but she is a typical teenager. Despite the way he speaks to her, she is always kind and manerable to him. Her biological father died earlier this year and it affected her, but she's dealt with it quite well. My husband has not stepped up into the role as her dad. He refuses to attend any of her school activities with me. She graduates in June and she's been accepted to a local college that's in our city. She plans to stay at home instead of live on campus because it's a lot less expensive. When my husband found this out, he told me that she could not stay with us anymore. He told me that we are giving her some money for graduation so she can move into her own apartment close to the college. This really made me mad. This is my child and will not allow her to be mistreated like this. I told him that he needs professional help. This is causing problems in our relationship, but my child comes first. He said, I am being too sensitive and that she needs to be on her own to learn more responsibility. What do you think, please help? Well, I mean I agree with most of what you had to say in your letter. Your husband, I think is out of line and he's way too harsh. I mean there's disciplining and then there's just cruelty, just playing cruelty. He doesn't understand obviously that when he married you he also should have taken in your child as well. I mean, she's almost grown, but she's still at home, she's still in school, so she's a child still. At this point, you yourself said that your daughter is respectful, she's an honor student, she's mannerable with him, she has a busy school schedule, and not to mention that her father just recently passed. Okay, so you have to take all that into consideration now, definitely should keep her room clean and all of that. She shouldn't be lazy. But I haven't heard anything here that says she's any different than any other teenager. I mean, this is kind of this is what I did as a teen. My room was a mess, you know, I could my mom was always calling me to do stuff. Okay, that's what we do as teenagers as we try to figure it out. Yes, I think your husband and your daughter, your whole family should get some type of therapy. I agree with that. You know, I doubt if he'll go though. You have to speak up. You have to speak up more on your behalf, on your daughter's behalf. It sounds like a situation that's only going to get worse. I mean, I understand that he wants her to have more responsibility and all that, and talk to her. Maybe she will move out on her own, but this is just not the way to handle it. He's being mean, and I think he should take out the trash. I do, excuse me, he should take it out, Steve. I mean, do come on, really, bro come on, man, Of all the things we need to tend to in this world, of all these things we need to get right, you've chosen her as to what's wrong in this world. I mean, it's just now. I know this is the one side of let her being written by this lady. But if any of this is true, just as a man, you have to take responsibility to the side of it that we as men have to bear up under. Number one, You chose this woman to be your wife. Your wife has a child. It's a package. You gotta understand that going in now. If you love this woman, then you have to love the things that she loves. Her child happens to be something she loves. So now you gotta get with it. You're not her father, but you can be her daddy. This is his first marriage and he has no children, so it's shocking that he acts like a drill sergeant with my daughter. No, it's not because he don't know how to raise kids. So you're talking to this girl like like a drill sergeant. Are you kidding me? Come on, man, what's wrong with you? He calls her lazy and fusses out of constantly about her choice. He expects her to take out the trash daily and do a further few things, and I think he should be doing this. Man, It out. No, no, no, man, I got four daughters. I've never asked him to take the trash now, they damn brothers better get the ass something, get this trash out. Let me come downstairs and a trash can fool and y'all stay up past me. Now that's how this worked, though, what are you asking you the young lady to grow up to be to fend for herself. She didn't know how to find for herself. Let's look at the upside before we talk about what's wrong with the girl. Let's talk about what's right with she on honor roll. She's law body, and she's respectful of you at all times. That's a good kid. She owned a hot a roll. She respectful that she's law body. This is a good kid. Her room, dirty man, and what bro you out? A line man? You gotta do a little growing up here now, the mom says, I will admit she could be lazy in her room is always quite messy. She's a typical teenager, and that's true. And despite the way he speaks to her, she's always kind amountable to him. We'll get into the rest of the letter when I get back. I'm gonna tell you what else is wrong with your dog, and you ain't got to feel this for me. Therapy ain't to help your ass. You need to change the way you treat this girl, and you ain't got to go sit down with nobody to do that. You gotta stop treating her like a little boy and treat her like a princess, because what you're teaching her now is that a man should be yelling at her, a man should be bossing her, and a man should be making her due. Think that's what you're training this girl right here. That's why you out a line. All right, we'll be back with part two of your response to today's Strawberry Letters, subjects my husband has lost his mind. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on part two of your response to today's Strawberry Letter, My husband has lost his mind. You said you were mad when we left for birth. Well, you know what, I'm kind of angry. Just forty seven year old lady. She's on the third marriage. Her husband and her been married for five years, the daughter seventeen, So he's been in the girl's life since she toiled, and probably a little bit before that. Because you just got married five years ago, you probably dated for a period before that, so he's known this girl for over five years. She had a dad in her life, which is probably one of the things he pissed off about, and it had some type of relationship, but her biological father has passed and it affected her. She was always respectful to this guy. But this guy just talks to her like a drill sergeant, call a lazy, fussed her constantly about her choice, expects her to take out the trash daily. You got a little girl and you want her to take the trash out DamID, And y'all could disagree with me if you want to, I'm cool with it. I don't really mind. I've treated my little girls different than I treated my boys. I've never made them girls take out trash. You know, if you got a man in the house, why is this girl taking this trash out? I mean period? Now, look where you can call it what you want to call it, but you can call it double standards. So you can't be treating it all y'all out that time. Women need to learn how to take care of themselves. The girl is in school as an honor role study. She's seventeen. She's respectful, and she laved body. She's a great kid. She's just trying to figure it out. She's seventeen. Her room junk is so what quit going in now? Typical teenager? Hell, I just quit going in my kid's role to tell you live how you want to live. But don't bring that junk out here in the house though, because our house stayed looking nice because Marge ain't having it. So now you're sitting up in here. My daughter is an honor roles TOD and extracurriculum activities. She's got a busy schedule during the week. She's a little lazy despite the way he speaks her. She's always kind and manerable tim Her biological father died this year and it affected her, but she's dealt with it quite well. My husband has not stepped up into the role as her dad. He refuses to attend any of her school activities with me. Yo, brother, are you kidding me? Your wife has one child? You won't attend none of the school events with her? Why? Now? Look, man, if you don't want to be her daddy, you shouldn't have signed up to be the husband because it's a package and now more than ever, the girl could use a dad. But now her image of a man right now is somebody barking at, somebody making her take out to trash, somebody constantly be degrading her. So now her idea of a man's love is you. Are you kidding me? Man? You're wrong on so many levels. She graduates in June. She's been accepted at local college that's in our city. She plans to stay at home instead of live on campus because it's a lot less expensive. Excuse me, And now she's got the nerd to even in spite it the way you treat her, look out and be responsible enough to say, hey, it would cause you all less money if I just stayed here. Your husband found this out and he told me that she could not stay with us anymore. Bro, are you kidding me? You're gonna throw the eighteen year old girl out? Dog? What's wrong with you? Have you lost your ever loved mind? He told me that we're giving her some money for graduation so she can move into her own apartment close to the college. This really made me mad. This is my child and I will not allow her to be mistreated like this. I told him that he needs professional help. This is causing problems in our relationship, But my child comes first, he says, I'm being too sensitive. She needs to be on her own to learn more of responsibility. What do you think seventeen ain't the time for a girl to go learn responsibility. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. No, I'm sorry. Ain't now one of my kids had to move out of seventeen? Not to them girls. Now, soon as them boys get into their second year of college and they get apartments, they asses can't come back. Don't even look over here. You can ask Winton right now. Damn what they're doing in my room? Excuse me? Excuse me. That's not your room. That's your daddy's new clothes. Yeah, no, I turned no, no, no. Winch's room is daddy's new closet. Yeah yeah. See see you're you're saying them are Laurie just moved out? Lauren still got a rule at dad, don't take my bed, all right, President that she still got a rule. Winch's other room in the la had already been converted. But it ain't your rum. Ain't none of your stuff in him? See sir. First of all, at eighteen is not time for her to go out on her own and learn responsibilities You can't throw a young girl out to the wolves like that. Uh. First and secondly, this is the wife's your wife's daughter. It's a package deal. You can't put the package out because you want to be alone. Uh. First of all, women shouldn't have to take out trash unless they have to, So your ass takes the trash out. Sorry. Right. Secondly, sir, you don't have any parenting skills and you need to develop some. This is not a boy you're talking to. It's a young lady and she needs a daddy in her life right now. Her father passed. She needs to see a man show some love and respect and kindness to her. So she get an idea of what love looks like. For now you throw her out the house. Now her idea of a man is somebody who balks at it, talks in like a drill. Sergeant requires that she takes out the trash and puts her out. So now you didn't put the little sheep out there with the wolves. What you think gonna happen to this little girl on her own who has no real life skills because you won't show her what real love looking You cannot separate a woman and her child that's not the way it works. You are all wrong in every aspect of this thing. All right, more on the Strawberry letter when we come back at forty one after the hour you're listening show. Here we are with this Strawberry letter, the subject my husband has lost his mind. A forty seven year old woman wrote in she's a wife in her third marriage. She's been married for five years to a man who, she says, treats her like a queen, but treats her seventeen year old daughter like he hates her. Here's the deal. He hasn't responded his child, so he doesn't have a bond. He has no bond. But the mistake he made was asking this woman to marry him. Because a woman who has a child, that's a package. You cannot expect to separate him too. A woman is not going to forsake a child. They're not gonna do it, not no real mother. No no no no no no no, you can can't as a what else? Now, hold on, partner, I love you, but you can do what did this baby? No no, no, you're talking about the one she carried, the one she gave birth to. No, no, you're not gonna do no harm to her now, and don't push up, because you're gonna find out that if she got to make the choice, she, like every other animal in a while, is gonna protect the baby. That's her job. And I mean, what a great kid, Steve. I mean, she just recently lost her own dad. Seems like he would want to step in and just try to be there for her. No, he wants her out because this dude is a simple minded ass that ain't got a damn flue on what giving really means. And you have to learn what giving is. And we as fathers have to set better examples for our daughters as to what real men look like so they can have a better example of what to pick when they get out there. So many women are damaged today because of the relationship that they father did not have with them. Yeah, and so many women end up looking for love and all the wrong places because they don't know what love really looked like. Fathers are so important, right and now here you are at a very impressionable age of this girl's life, giving her an example of a man and what it looks like. And it's not a good view of manhood that you can talk to her this way, treat her this way, bark at her like a drill sergeant, expect her to take out treasure, and want to put her out the house because she graduated from high school. Who puts their throat out the house because they graduate from high school? But hell, I didn't get put out my daddy's house when I graduated from high school. And then kind and manerable to him and respectful to him even in spite of all of this, means yeah, he's just some wrong and wrong, mean, cruel guy. He just is something's wrong. That's why I say he should get some therapy. He really should know. Yeah, but see, I don't know what game he played to get her. He treats her like a queen. She says, Dog, you've been had his lady on her fourth man? Yeah, because dog you But the marriage can be saved, you know, because he treats a woman like a queen. But then you got to treat the princess like a princess. Dog, It's real simple. How have you treating the wife? You gotta treat your daughter like a version of the wife, comments to Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening now. According to a report published an American psychologist, people who listen to others without actually seeing them are better able to determine that person's emotional state. The tone of a person's voice expresses emotion more than the face, where it's easier to hide such emotions. Less is more when trying to figure out how people feel, because when you are just listening to a person, you are focused on just that. But if you're both listening and looking, your attention is divided. So, Steve, do you think you're a good listener? Oh? Yeah, absolutely, Yeah, you know, for a man, for a man, I'm a good listener. Qualify that free market. Yeah, I mean, you know, because we do listen differently. I'll admit that I think women are far superior at it. But for a man, I'm a good listener. Yeah, and you have to, you have to be in your line of work. But you know the reason women listen because there's a more of a richer and deeper exchange. We listen just to the point where we can provide a solution and then we wants to move on to something else. Women women dig into it a lot deeper, and Richard, we just try to provide a solution. Yeah, we want all the facts, what happened? What he said? Then? What does she say? Girl? And what happened? Yeah? We don't need all that. What do you need? What we just? What you trying to get out of it? Listen to call him and tell him no m and do get what. I got it down to a sign. I can actually be on the phone with my wife. I know when to say uh huh, what what? Really? And not but not listening to none of but know how to jump in. Let me stop you, Tom, because she's listening right now. So we sure you want to huh, but he's not listening. You better fix it? Who oh my god? Okay, hey we need to go down now. Hm huh. So so your uncle listens to provide a solution. You don't listen at all. I listened to get through the day. What what? What? So you don't care? You don't care what? Where's Jordan? Who? Okay? No? Uh huh? He engaged? He makes her think she's engaging the phone that you got the phone on speaker. You lying and it's just what's sitting down there? And you're just are you acting? Are you acting? Are you in character? Absolutely? Hum say that again? Now they didn't lord ha Mercy, Well what she said? Are you listening to me? What do you say, babe? I'm hearing that thing you're saying. You're gonna hear that part. You're gonna hear that. Okay, Well tell me what I just said. Oh that's what I hate when they do. H okay, okay, Well tell me what I just said. Tell me what I just said. I heard you. Now you're you're trapped at that point. Get out of that. Tell me what I just said. I said, you just said, Tell you what you just say? What I just said? Don't get cute with it, you know what I mean? Well, what do you think I should do? But what you know? I mean? I mean probably really honestly, don't honestly, don't call it, y'all. Just pray about it. So should I take all the money out of the bank. No, No, we need to pray about it, right, he said? No? Very interesting, guys. All right, we'll be back right after this. You're listening to show, all right, guys. So there's this website called morning consult dot com. It came out with the most loved sports media personalities, like a list of who's the most beloved on down the list they found the Eton Manning is the most beloved personality in sports media right now. Now, would you guys beg to differ without Okay now I don't. Yeah, well you know what it is though, his commercial commercial exactly right. Yeah, people really love his commercials. Yeah, the most love is Serena. Okay, all right, I'm not mad at you about that media personality personality. Yeah, that's Serenata. People love Peyton Manning's commercials, Tommy and Serena has a couple of commercials out. That Lincoln commercial is really cute. But anyway, they love his guest appearances. Anna's shows. Now. Rounding out the top five are Al Michael's, Dan Patrick, Jim Nance, Charles Barkley, what yes, my man? Yes, if he was here, he probably say something like this. Ernie ain't fire right now, Shack ain't making in the top five, Henning not in there. I'm only in the top five, That's all I need to know. Hey, what about Stephen Finish, Steve A. Smith not in the top five. Ain't none at him in the top five. Thank you, Charles, and congratulate, Thank you very thank you. You're one of the most loved sports media personalities. Okay, all right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey Steve, what you got? All right, y'all? Check this out sand It Soul Festival next year. On Labor Day two twenty, we're taken over the hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Punta Conor for an all inclusive experience that you won't forget. Okay, what do I mean when I say all inclusive? I mean your food is included at all nine of the restaurants, room services included, all the snack balls, all your alcohol is absolutely free. All your event tickets are included, Your transportation to it from the airport is included. Unlimited resort credits which can give you Spire packages, gift store items, golf, and a whole lot more. That's what I mean by Austin all inclusive. We're bringing you a list entertainment, comedy shows, pades, domino's tournaments, pool party, cigar, lounging, makeup and have expo and concerts. And when you get done with all that, you can head over to the Hard Rock Casino and try your luck. That's where Steve Harvey will be. Now here's the big thing now through December thirty. First, listen to everybody. You can reserve your package for only a ninety nine dollars deposit. That's a Christmas gift. Somebody can open up and go, Baby, we're going to pull takana. You feel me all inclusive saying this Soul Bam ninety nine dollars, So give us a call one eight hundred six eight four twenty twenty five, eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five, or go to Steve Harvey sand and soul dot com. I will see you Labor day out on the beach, kicking it. I'm gonna go sign up right now, hard, kicking many, gigging. I'm gonna sign up right I'm talking about flex stuff so hard catch cramps. Yeah, I love it, love it, love it. Ninety nine dollars specially all the way to December thirty. Put that down on it. Put some money right now, Put some on it, baby, put some on put some I got five on it and put it on you. Ain't I like that? Get your brownie point shooting weekend if you do that this week? Yeah, man, Oh I think I love him. You got some shoes for Christmas? Our girl. I'm going to potocon how you know, because he put on different conversation. I like that's cute. Oh me, I'm going all right, thank you. We will be back with closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this at forty nine. After you're listening here we are last break of the day. Um, Steve, you have some closing remarks to leave us with. Yeah, this is how do you get the right equipment and tools and things you need to start out on the road to success, because everybody could do it, but you have to make the decision. Well, one of the ways is is I mean, at one point in time, just on a spiritual note, we gotta make some attempt to be better. I mean, come on, man, you can't keep doing wrong intentionally. You can't just knowingly be on the wrong side of the law. You can't intentionally just be out here just messing over folks and expect and expect goodness to come your way. I mean, none of us can do that. What I'm wrong, I'm making mistakes. I can't expect, you know, things to go my way. You know, if you're out here and you're just messing over folks, you can't expect not to get messed over. You can't live a life for crime and then be asking for the blessings of God. God can't bless your mess, man. He can't put his finger on that. Lord. As I go out here, go with me heaven, as I robbed this bank? Whoa old partner? Partner, partner, Slow down, slowdown. Let's think about this for a second. All of us has a good and a bad side. Most of us know the difference unless you're ill. Most of us know the difference between right and wrong. Most of us have some type of conscious. Most of us do. Not to ignore your conscious doesn't mean that you don't have one. Most of us are. If we make mistakes. You knows there's no remorse, no nothing. You just don't. You don't care. You're just going about your life doing what you want to do. It don't work. And you know why it don't work, man, because God can't putting nothing into that. Somebody sent this to me, and I'm gonna share it with you because it's what we're talking about right now. Nobody puts money in the vending machine when it's out of order. Don't nobody do that. You're sitting up. It's got a sign on it and it says it's out of order. Nobody puts money in the vending machine when it's out of order, So why would God put something in you when you out of order? Nobody puts money in the vending machine when it's out of order, So why would God put something in you when you out of order? Now? I'm not saying that God won't put something into you if you make mistakes. I'm not saying God won't put nothing into you if you ask for forgiveness, because he will, because He's done it for me and millions of other people like me over and over and over again. God for gils. God. God is in the help you get it together business or wait in man, Hold up now. Nobody puts money in the vending machine when it's out of order. So why would God put something into you when you out order? When he knows you ain't even trying it? See, God ain't crazy, He knows all. He knows your heart. That are good people who make mistakes all the time. I'm one of them. I think I think I'm a good person, but I make mistakes. Man, you can be a good person and make mistakes. God know your heart. But if you out here intentionally walking around, stepping on people, messing over people, using people, manipulating people. But you want something from God all the time. Come on, man, you don't forgive nobody, but you steady asking God to forgive you. So you just go you don't. So he gave us the Lord's prayer. So he gave us the Lord's prayer. But we all ignore that, and it's two versions of it. Forgive us our trustpasses as we forgive those who trustpass against us, or forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. I've heard both versions. I like trustpas assid because it means to go over the line. So forgive us out you're talking to God. Now this is the Lord's prayer. Forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass against us. So now you don't forgive nobody, can't nobody to do you wrong and ever say nothing to you again. I'll show you. You're gonna fix everybody to do something to you. Ain't no forgiveness, but then you do something. Now you're up in God's face telling about forgive me, Lord, I didn't mean. But let me explain to you how he gonna do it for you. Now. He gonna forgive you as you forgive those that need forgiveness from you. So give us our trust passes as we forgive, forgive us, our trust passes as we forgive, those who trust pass against us. That's clean, that's fair, that's fair. See God is fair man, He's very fair. Ain't no loopholes in him. He's fair. If you do this, I can do this now. If you ask for forgiveness, he forgives you. Now, when he forgives you, the cool thing is, he wipes the slate clean. He don't bring it up no more. I get. Many times I've used that. I can't even count the times I've used that. So now I'm just asking you, why would you not try to do better so God can do it for you. God is going to bless you. He will if he knows your heart is in the right place. Because good people make bad decisions all the time. Good people make mistakes all the time, all the time. But if you know your heart, he'll bless you. Get just try to do better, man, All right, let's go that's my clothes remarks. Y'all have a great weak here. Yeah, well whatever. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.