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Wh y'all know what time is? Y'all don't know, y'all bag a suit looking back to back down, giving a mong like the mozing buck bus things in its tub, y'all true? Good to Steve how yeah listening to me together for still bard quickly to listen mony, don't you join? Yeah? Yeah? Well by joining me said dot turn be hurting them go. Yeah, you gotta turn't to turn out at the time you lovey got to turn out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your back at it. Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one it only Steve harvey Man got a radio show. Real glad about it too, you know. Um I um, I hope that God always keeps me in the frame of frame of mind to try to be sharing and try to be motivational. And even when it's not felt or or wanted by some people. I have people around me who seemed to not benefited off anything, and I can sit with them and talk to them or take meetings with them to try to encourage them. And for whatever reason, you know, they want to just keep going the way they're going. When you run into people like that, you have to pray for him. You have to just hope that one day, uh that they released the chains on their mind and open up your mind to a new way of thinking. A couple of things I wanted to go over with that I want you to all today in terms of motivation. I want you to be aware of statements or old sayings that have been created that you here over the course of time, and you may be applying them to your life. And I want you to be careful of some of them because some of these old sayings, man, are not designed for people who are dreamers, are not designed for people who have any aspirations of being extraordinary. These are not designs or or or sayings that people who want to be extremely successful at anything or have high aspirations to put these sayings into your life. Let me give you an example. Statistics say that's it. That's the one who want you to be careful about statistics, say be very careful of stats. When a person says, you know statistics say one out of every what see, listen to me. These are things that sound like they're good, sound solid advice, but they're setting you up for failure. And you can't adhere yourself to a lot of these sayings that's been passed down from generations. And it's not scripture. It ain't in the scripture nowhere that statistics say. It's just some people and a lot of people who have lost have come up with these things to justify why they keep losing or why they lost. When I was gott started in the business, there were more stand ups around now than it is today because the comedy boom in eighty four was uh, it was gaining a lot of momentums, comedy clubs, comedy nights everywhere. The statistic that a guy told me I told him I wanted to be on the Johnny Carson Show, the Tonight Show. The guy said, one out of every two thousand comedians ever make it to the Tonight Show. Okay, Now, when he told us that, some of the comedians in the room went, well, wow, man, that's that's rough. Because a guy had also said that there was approximately six thousand comedians in the country at that time. I don't know if it was true. I'm just telling you guy, without the sputing numbers, I have no idea how many it was. But he said one in every two thousand will make it to the tonight show, and he let the air out of everybody in the room. Button be so every night before I went on stage, I used to do this right here, bad pamper bad la la la da Bada pamper bad la la la da. That was the tonight theme song. I was young, opening act nowhere near Hollywood, didn't. I was in Cleveland telling jokes at one night. But that was my thing because I was bent and determined that if it's one in two thousand, okay, why don't I just be the one? Be careful when people say statistics say because they are set up to ful failure. If you're gonna adhere to him, see that one in so many? It wasn't so many people win a lottery. But if you don't play the lottery, you ain't gonna be the one to here. Now when the dude hit you go while he was lucky, but he played here's another one. Maybe it's not meant to be. Let's go one step further. I guess it wasn't the Lord's will. Don't you dare blame God for something you may have not done yourself because you didn't get the proper education, because you didn't do the things you were supposed to do, because you didn't stay to the task, because you quit, turned around and went the other way. Now, maybe it's not It wasn't the Lord's will. These are all statements that sound like sound advice, but they ain't all the time, got nothing to do with you. Stop letting these old fogy sayings get in your way of what can happen in your life. Don't put all your eggs in one basket? Wow, who came up with this? Who came over there? If you don't pour all your efforts into one thing, how are you gonna be great at that one thing? If Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan's Magic Johnson Larry Bird had not played basketball sun up to sundown, Magic Johnson didn't go to Michigan to get an education. Landberry didn't go to Indiana to get an education. These casts was bawling. Michael Jordan didn't go to North Carolina get an education. They went to play ball. They went to do one thing. Tiger Woods didn't go to Stanford to get an education. He went to play golf. As soon as he got good enough, he gone. These are guys that put all their eggs in one basket. See what's what's cool we're putting all your eggs in one basket. Is you now can maximize your effort and laser beam what you're doing. Your problem is all you gotta do is make sure what is your basket made out of. If your basket is made out of faith, hope, hard work, and belief, then guess what, that's a good basket. I'm dumping all mine in it. Because ever since I was a young dude, I've been telling jokes one thing, one thing only. Even when it got ugly and I was living in a car, I never quit telling them jokes. Man. I just kept believing that them jokes was gonna pay me one day. And I'll be dog on if it didn't. I ain't take no time off. Go work at the Walmart, give me a job, go back to forward and big for my job back. Hey man, put all your eggs in a basket. Just make sure that your basket is made up of faith, hope, belief, hard work. Your your basket woven by God what you're tripping for. And then here's another one. Let me throw this on that you always have a plan. B that's another loser statement, why do you have a Plan B? Listen to me, In order to have a Plan B, you have to stop working on plan A to formulate Plan B. In order to have plan B to fall back on. You not have to stop your time working on plan A to apply some effort to have a plan B. So in case plan A on work, you can fall back on plan B. Really, who told you that? People ask me all the time with Steve, I don't make no sense. You ain't got no plan be supposed Plan A don't work, then I just go get another Plan A. I'm gonna put all my eggs in the basket. If you have Plan B, you are planning on Plan A not working. Man, you're defeating yourself. Where is your faith? Where is your belief? Where is your trust? At one point in time, you got to blee that God could do what he say gonna do. Because he didn't done it for others, he will most certainly do it for you. Be careful of these sayings that's out here, that's aligned by losers and people to justify why they are not succeeded. Don't apply this stuff to your life. And it ain't got nothing to do with you. You're gonna mess yourself up. Get your plan A, make it work if it don't ever come to pass, and get another plan A. All right, okay, you're listening to show. We all show everybody live uh and vivid color. So much to discuss? What a weekend final? Oh J's tape is out? Just running Disney Dreamers Academy is Yeah, Cleveland Packer got second places that don't matter. We got a lot to do. Good morning, Shirley, Good morning, Steve. Call up morning Steve, Hey crew morning up? What up? Steve? What our phone? Big dog? And building a Man? Where were you this weekend? Went the sounds Bury Friday nights? Meryn, I'm sorry, I thought you sent me something. You were at the heart. I went there Sunday night with Wi, my wife and kids. We went to the to the Hot Music Award. Oh yeah, it was off the chain. Where was it at the phone? They're always at the phone, Yes, sir, yes, sir, okay, I didn't know that. I didn't know that. It's spring break, brother, I'm about to do everything. I'm about to do the Universal Studio Disney I'm doing. Spring break means nothing to me anymore. I know nothing about that it's your spring break. You have it. You asked me nothing. You go what Steve Man, that's such a joy. I don't have to take my kids to the mall, to the movie over the friend's house. I don't what's yours? See I feel the I think, Yeah, I think they grew up me fast. They grow up to grow up fast enough for me. I thought they was all on a damn delay. Out my house, um dog, I'm I'm so happy. Get out of my house with love, dog, get out my house. A matter of fact, he got some money to move. How about dad? Uh, I'm crying. Hey, all of them out. One of the greatest things that's ever happened. But now they are they often they're having kids. And when they come back, they come back with more people. That's the only thing about it, I tell you with and they can't talk. Starting over again. I saw you at Disney with your little grandson, just like Papa vo. Yeah said, come on, man, we're gonna walk to the stage. This a little bit walk. And I'm a baby. I do everything and top speed. I run everywhere I go to. I can't even breathe. No, yea, it looked like you were dragging him a little bit, and then with his time to go to sleep, he started crying, you don't know what's happening to it down and he's trying to fight it. Yeah, alright, we'll be back. Congratulations to the class of Steve Harvey Disney Dreamers. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, Steve, So it's time for something funny. But first you got okay, yeah, let me give you a little son. Best line I heard this week? Hey man, have you been over to Kirk's Tacos? I said, excuse is me? Have you been over to Kirk's Tacos? I said, no, Where is it that? He said, the place where Lisa Ray was married to? That dude? I said, are you trying to say? Turks? The best line I've heard this week? Hey man, have you been over the Kirk's time? I said, who try? Is it? Yea over that where Lisa Ray was married to? The said, wait, man, you ain't talking about turks this me. You've been to Kirk's Tacos. I'm coming out over that where Lisa Ray was married That do in a minute, Wow, turks? Okay, okay, that was that was good. That was that was commercial for you, right, yes man? Yeah, Steve. I was just gonna ask you kind of recap on the two thousand eighteen class of Disney Dreamers. You're Disney Dreamers class, how was any fun? Tap tell us about? It was nice? You know, eleventh year, a hundred amazing kids. Again, hopefully it was a life changing experience for them to come down here and explore the possibilities and in dreams and imagine, and we discussed. My closing speech was all about imagination and how important it is. And so many guests speakers were as usual or incomparable. Steve Perry, you're Landa Adams, Michelle or your thanks, Alex English, Uh, Jonathan Sprinkles. What's that lady name? I don't never know her name? What's her name? Sonya Jackson, Miles Lord. I was doing names and what's going down the road, and I got to her and skipped over her, and she just dropped her head. My daughters were there speaking again. Brandon, me and b J hung out backstage a little bit. Your grandson he eats his mama has him eating vegan snacks. These little koe pumps, that little puffs of kale. He just cast them around in the Canista, nasty ass snacking. This boy right here, he loves me because when he come over to me, I don't got nothing for him. But I gave him his first sleep Jim over the house breaking in. I gave him a slim Jim. Boy. He was sucking on that meat stick so hard he couldn't if the jar, and he was staring at it. Come on, come like staring at it. I would have been so upset with you if I was. She was, but we was at the problem. The reason she had to hold on to her ain'tle was we was in my house and so my kids already. No, ain' don't need to get mad at this food in his Damn he don't. I don't. That's the one place I have when I ain't gotta be nothing but me. Yeah, we met baby, We eat meat. Come on there, I might feed you meat. All my grandkids and had meat and kid when they come. Why Why does why does b J always want to be in your office? We got Jim slim slim jims in him. I can't he get profile. I had barbecue in there for the little vega, the vegan baby barbecue Did he have teeth yet? Did he have you ain't got teeth? He had his first baby back. At least I gave him baby back. Oh baby, smoke them things right? Oh babies and babies. You can't get babies food like that? What do you mean? I can't get him food like I can't get babies that kind of rich and smoky food like that. So early it was raised like that we got but baby, so I'm still let me back. We didn't have a baby food. Talking about your can't be your ship. Coma has one child. You are learning as you go, that's all we all are as parents. Nobody. I'm through. I'm through learning. And the grand baby is getting beef stick. And he had his first baby back half terrible, He ate three bones. See what I over? When I said he would get sick? Whoa, whoa, whoa, Well, why wouldn't make him? I'm just saying if if all he's eating is vegan food, and you here, you come with the beef and pork, you know, doesn't that changes? It's fine. He has Harvey blood pos. That's where we're going. This meat in his DNA. You know you're really not here, port, You're not listening, boy, my father wanted great Bob, my brother got a catering. Come in fun reals, we we real people. It's in b j's d n A T Bobby Q. Because lost pork is exposed over open fleeing with lump charcoal. It loses all pork property. It is no longer you made up separate all, Bobby Q. That's a whole another meat class, Bobby Q. Listen. Listen, coming up bb yute Reverend Motown and Digging Death Jam Church complaints up next. You're listening to the Steve Brby Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour. I need to clear my throat. Coming up in the coming up at the top of the hour, Ms Anne's gonna be here with you. Uh No, I don't see it, not necessarily, you know. It was a rough coming up the legal stuff in l A. No that I don't think you want that. I don't know, but I don't think so. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss, and we'll be here with today's national news and we're gonna run down the winners from the I Heart Radio Music Awards. But right now it's some Reverend Motown and Deacon deaf jam. They are here with church complaints. Yes we are we Today Cavil was again for incomplicity of a bochery of complete. That's when it ends. Man. We would expect them to be more grateful than they's, but they ain't their fool. We have church complete. Yes we go ahead. I passed the eye the wheelchair way Makers Ministry. We'll be watching cars this Saturday, but they are letting people know in advance at the top of the cars will remain dirty. But yet well we'll look pretty awesome. The members are asking for have price on the Why the wheel chair way makers say they're not dropping their prices for nobody will. The wheelchair way Maker Ministry has never been able to do the tops of cars. So I put into the church suggestion box on last Sunday that since y'all can't do the tops, that y'all would throw in undercarriage washing, cleaned off muscles and models and and and all paying cleaner just go under there. Since you can't do on tops of the car, and then accomplsate for the extra money, Miss, I'm doing rooftops, got it? Got it? Go ahead? You take that note to him, all right, I'm here. We got past your sister Gracie violetta dang yes, who shouts at the same time every Sunday doing your salmon, wants to now get paid for it. She feels she is your official hype woman. That's sister Grace and electa damn we've all we are, me and Sister Grace. You have entered into no such agreement nor ship. Hell we all of my sermons are five field right. She thinks she's a hype woman. She's just caught up in the power. Come on that message. Yes, right, as I do that at some churches that I visit, I don't get a lot of shotting from our very own congregation. Sister Sherlan, Sister Caller have been a witness to these great sermons for years and have become now to the affect and these two dry healthfuls and they don't put money in the church either past and that's that's not a damn quarter. Now. I have been trying to leave you all won't let us. You can't leave because you are a membership. We're the only church with gang rules to blood out goodness. Only where you leave this church, you got to die, pull out past. I don't know. You go here, you tell me to pull. Okay, well let's move along. Let's see. We haven't proud of that carcass. We can't out us the Coradine Miller, her seeing eye dog has a cataract in both eyes. He wants us to get the dogs some glasses. He don't want to give up. Buster. Now, as you know the dog well with it's saying that accidentally took her to a bar and they were both drunk and had to catch the ride home, which was actually across the street. So I'm very familiar with such a core dean, you know, being blood. We had purchased that dog at a discount, our dog, and the church didn't have the money for new seeing our dogs. Who we her dog is whether old that going to the ball wasn't an incident or bust dog Bus of the German Shepherd goes to that ball regularly to be so he can continue on. They put your lick in the bowl on the floor, Buster, Buster the jermanship Buster to the German Shepherd. He was already seventeen when he bought code called Coral old too, so she didn't need a quick dog. And I just figured why not buy old dog for old person? They don't need to spending all his money on the dog and the dog I'll live the customer. I ain't pass why that was our thinking on buying that old dog for sister cold redee pastor? What you got seeing our dog out live the client? What are suppsed to do? Yeah? He just standing. He ain't got nobody to leave. You gotta seat for somebody, you know you just somebody grabbed his harness and needs some help. All right, I now passed it back with me on this one here, this has just come in. Two of our members, Monique and o J, are trying to shoot a movie together called Hypothetically If I had one and want the church to produce the film, it's your call if you think this woul be a blockbuster? Yeah, that's the title is hypothetically if I had one bath. I think they've both spoken in hypothetical. Therefore, well, I don't know where we're gonna be able to show it. They've pretty much killed all distribution chills. I think you should say that, oh you, I don't know. Hypothetically if I had well, their friends ain't gonna be able to see them o J friends is feel getting stabbed and mony friends would go over there, but hell, all the bridges is going. Man in the words that my granddaddy passed that I don't burn the bread with me and then asked me to send about hypothetically did you did you want to do something that hypothetically path Well, hypothetically we could show the film here at church. Okay? Do you think we can possibly getting Netflix to look at this and maybe pick it up? Oh? Hell? Oh you think that first awful five grand half a minute? All right, I don't think around certainly won't come back for it. A lot of people watch all right, miss Anne, Thank you guys. Miss and is coming up at the top of the hour with today's national news. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright. So much was going on over the weekend, UH and entertainment news. Last night, of course, was the I Heart Radio Music Awards. You were there many Yeah. It was hosted by DJ Khaled Chance, the rapper I love this. He won the Innovative Award. UH. Just performances Fire performances for Eminem Cardi B of course was great. The show was fired Tommy, Like I said, you were there, listen to Cardi B except her award for Best New Artists. Then we'll talk about it. I want to thank my man ill. I want to thank my fans party game because because even when I'm wrong, they'd be like, she's still right. And I want to thank my hate is too because because baby downloading myself so they can hear it. It's so crap about it, but it benefits me. Card B. I love her because she is just Cardi B. That's yes, it was fun. It was a lot of fun. My kids had. You know, my son, he's six years old. Guess who he was up jamming with. Had all of them on them bon Joe, that's what he liked. Classic classic, I love it. I love it. I love it. So your daughter had a great time. Yeah, she knew all the words, every little every song came out and there had a good time. My wife had a blast blast We went to We went tom night. Oh I don't know, I'm sitting in some decency. I wasn't down on the floor, if that's what you know. They got a hold on the stage new you know, they got a whole section of people that just stand up the whole night. But I'm talking about like they like the show started five. They was there at three o'clock, standing there until the show. Ye, they're like a third of your age, you know who we would have to be to be down on the floor, that's where we went. I thought he would be down at the pit. That's the music awards. Tom ain't your music? Its? Oh? Is y'all fitting say? It was a hard he worked for, That's what y'all was getting at. Oh no, not at all. I was just waiting hear what you were saying. Where I was. Well, we went to the festival in the summertime. Yeah, in Vegas. We were in um well, yeah, we were like in the sky box. So that was cool too. Yeah, that was really cool too. We have fun. Yeah, how was DJ Kaled as a host? And you know he's gonna bring his son out all the time, the busiest and I'm telling you he's got already he needs a nap. And did he did? He brought his son out? All right, okay, kind of like pass all right, Steve, She's here, the lovely and talented, Oh, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, stop what I'm doing. The lovely miss egg trip, thank you, Steve uh, it's daylight saving time. We're all a little drowsy. Good morning, everybody, This is a hand trip with the news. President Trump spent part of this weekend on the stump in Pennsylvania, and the Chief Executive was there supporting Republican state lawmaker Rick that Cohn's reelection bidna peraps. Not unexpectedly, Trump spent most of his time focusing on his own re election bid. In he addressed his mostly white, mostly male supporters, painting targets on the backs of two female lawmakers. We have to defeat Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Water is a very low i Q individual. Never see hi, you ever seen you? Ever see her? We will impeach him. We will impeach the preath. But he hasn't done anything wrong. It doesn't matter. We will impeach you. She's a low i Q individual. You can't help her. But you have Maxine Waters, and you have plenty of others. Congressman Waters is demanding an apology for that low i Q remark, which he says is racist. You may remember that private citizen Trump said he wanted to see former President Obama's college transcript, suggesting that Mr Obama wasn't that smart and now, According to a former Chief White House strategist of Steve Bennon, though some members of the Trump administration have referred to Mr Trump using words like moron. By the way, the President now says his new slogan is keep America Great. The White House, meanwhile, has announced the package of proposals designed to combat all the school's shootings. White House spokes and rob Shaw was on ABC's Meet the Press yesterday, explained that the President doesn't want stepped up background checks, but he does want better sharing of information. The President has been clear that he does support raising the age of one for certain firearms. There's gonna be recommendations to states, a task force that will be a component of it raising the age as well as mental health. Meanwhile, the state of Florida passed its first bunch of gun control measures in twenty years. Last week, they await Governor Rick Scott's signature. Secretary State Direct Hilson on a five nation trip to Africa. His business come, of course, in the wake of President Trump's reported use of vulgar language to refer to nations on that continent at the movies Black Panther remained tops at the box office for the fourth weekend in a row. It has now passed the one billion dollar mark in ticket sales one billion dollars. Black Panther, directed by a black director, Ryan Coogler, has made over a half a billion dollars domestically, making it the number two superhero release of all time. Black Panther has also made over sixty six million this opening weekend this weekend in China sixty six million in China. Meanwhile, Ava Durnays A Wrinkling Time, I Gotta tell you made about thirty three million. That's not that much, but it was its first weekend and of course it had to go up against Black Panther. However, younger and female audiences are expected to keep supporting A Wrinkling Time for weeks to come, eventually pushing up its box office numbers, so that that's not you know, something that looks very very bad for most people. They feel, well, you know, the people are gonna watch it because it is beautiful. It is targeted at young ladies and especially you know women, generally. Sad news, one of the last Tuskegee airman has died. Floyd Carter, Sr. Was ninety five, the Virginia native of New York City native decorated veterans of Three Wars and later joined the NYPD, became a detective and retired in nineteen eighty. Finally, Today's National Napping Day. Thanks to that switch, todaylight saving time. I feel sleepy too. Back with more entertainment. Today's trending topics twenty miss after the how Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Steve, the whole world was watching last night. I know you were. When O J. Simpson uh confessed more or less his special on Fox and Now. According to O J. Steve, an imaginary friend named Charlie, Charlie warned him. Charlie warned him that Nicole had been hooking up with another man, so they went to her place. O J and Charlie. They went to Nicole's place to confront her, but Ron Goldman tried to intimid ate him with some sort of karate thing. O J. Said, O RAW. Goldman was actually returning the glasses right. He was returning that Nicole's glasses that she had left in the restaurant earlier after he had knocked the cold down. You didn't look up, but he said tell Yeah, o J said she fell last night. Yeah J. Whoa and he believes his life. So O J said he grabbed the knife from Charlie. Steve. Well, let's let's take a listen to O J. Let's just go back and do the details. Where did your part in the alley? Park in the alley and you put on well cap and gloves. Uh? In hypothetical, I put on cap and gloves, and um, you reached under the seat for a knife. I always kept a knife and not car for the crazies and stuff because you can't travel with a gun. Wow, for the craziest. Yeah. O J also discussed the glove and not remembering removing the glove at the scene of the crime. Check this one out. You right about removing a glove before taking the knife from Charlie. Uh. You know, I had no conscious memory of doing that, but obviously I must have because they found a glove there. Wow. I mean, Steve, are you spaceless right now? I watched the whole thing. First of all, to do an interview like this talking about hypothetically, but your children, who this was their mother? And you claim to love so much. But you do an interview like this claiming that you did kill these kids and mother. That says a lot about you just as a human, that something's wrong with you hypothetically are not. Yeah, and then secondly, you forgot that it was hypothetical and you was actually discussing the way you felt exactly. Steve, you nailed it right there. How to hell you hypothetically discuss how you felt hypothetically we're talking about all right, coming up next, Wow, j Anthony Brown is gonna murder another hit. Uh yeah, we're cutting here. Yeah, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, Now before we get to jo Anthony Brown, this is really big, big, big news. For the first time, over two movies directed by African Americans held the number one and two spots. Okay, that's big. We're talking about Black Panther, of course, and I'm one with forty four point one million dollars and then a recal in time. You know, that's the movie that starts Oprah and uh Reese Witherspoon. It was directed by Oh Great Jay. It was directed by Ava duvernet Um. She had a one hundred million dollar budget. We understand that came in number two. It brought in thirty three point three million dollars. So congratulations to Yeah, Wrinkling Time is an excellent movie. Oh that's good. Good too. Well, I'm not going to say. And our girl Cheryl Underwood. You know she brought out a theater yet again in l A for a bunch of kids to go see it. Plus corn and drink. Yeah, Steve and Steve did it. Yeah, yeah, all right, come on, Steve introduced ja. I to just popcorn. I saw one board two pulling a box of raising nets and milk DoD just in his mouth. I'm talking about candy just rolling down his shirt free. Free. He got box in each head. You your ants ain't going to the movie. That's how he eat it it free though, I mean, ain't mad at him. That's how you do. You're ready, You're ready, Jack, I am so ready. You know what April the seventh, St. Petersburg Flotter your boy will be there, and then check me out tomorrow night at the j Spot Comedy Club, Los Angeles, cab Petersburg. Where at the Palladium. Really okay, just me I'm just trying to sell at least myself, just myself. No, you got to share the money at the end of the night. Number one movie in the country is What the Black Panther. Number one song on Steve having on the show is what the Fat Panther? Come on, get out, y'all all right here that one day the pack away and he didn't even show his food a lot of time, but it was change his eyes and his stomach just brute starting for seats from stealing treats. He'll bring was taken my diet deal. It's flying around the world. Couldn't bring any board and girls and he'll do it. You know, chudge it's free. That's thatther that. Then he'll bring man your food. That's the that's the that's what he does. That's that. Then he'll bring manual food. That's then that then you because that's what he does. That's that. Then anthem those Steve Harvey f M today For those of you who don't know what that soul, it's limba. That was co limbo. But callimba. Oh yeah about this dass for you all right, gran phone call one day with the nephew Rob would make me play. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after Steve, it's today's Strawberry letter. The subject your Mama has to Go. That is the subject right here, right now. It is the nephew with today's prank phone called what you Got Now. I hate to break it to you, but y'all ain't married. Y'all ain't married. I'm I'm I'm sorry, but y'all ain't married. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Brian. Yeah. How are you doing, Brian? My name is Daniel H. Wanted to give you a call today. You got a minute? Yeah, okay, listen, um, you're you're Brian, Um, Brian, right, you're married to uh Alpea. Yeah. Hello, Hello, yeah, yeah, that's that's me. That's my wife's Yeah, okay, I got a question for you. Hello. Have you guys been married? Going on nine years now? We've been married? Now? Who is this? My name is Daniel, Were you um? Were you guys married a Greater New Missionary Baptist church? Let me see? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the name of that church. Yeah, great by nine years? Yeah, that's right. Why what's going on? What's your questions? Okay, do you remember the minister that officiated your actual wedding ceremony? Yeah? Uh, Reverend right, Okay, I got the right person. I wanted to make sure I had the right person, Brian. So I'm I'm sorry if it seemed a little weird to you. Here's here's what's going on. We've just come up with a new discovery a lot of information that Reverend none of his credentials are true. Everything is false. He's not a minister at all, he never was a minister, and every single wedding ceremony that he officiated is basically null and void. So and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you and Alphea, even though you think you've been married for nine years, you guys are not married. No, no, no, no, not that you gotta have the wrong person, because then that then we got we got married by nine years ago. And what I'm telling you is he he never was ordained. He's never been an ordained minister. He's not a minister at all. So when he performed this ceremony, your wedding ceremony, he had no right to be doing that. You guys are not are not married. You know, you guys have been living in Sin for nine years. Hold on, hold, hold on that. Let me tell you something. I ain't been living and my wife we have been married for nine years. And that man he's a preacher. I'm telling he's a preacher. Sunday Sir. As of today, he has he has no right to be in anybody's pulpit. He has no right to be officiating, whether it's weddings or funerals, no matter what it is, christenings for children. He's not allowed to do that. And we have officially stopped him from doing anything serving under as being a pastor or a minister. We have stopped that. But what I want you to know is that you have been living in sin and you don't you get that. We want to try and get you guys married as soon as possible, so you're not living in sin. Oh no, doc, I ain't been living in no sin. I have been married for nine years. This woman ship been taking care of me and my kids for the past nine Wait. Wait a minute, wait a minute. You guys have children. Yeah, yeah, we got to two kids, two beautiful kids. Okay, then those kids are bastards, satard on. Let me tell you something. My kids ain't, no, bastard. What about your kids, your kids in bastood? No, sir, my kids, my kids were born in wedlock. Your kids have been born out. I'm telling you that man did my service, and he is a preacher. He's a man after God's own heart himself. He hasn't done everything that that he comes for me and my family. He is a preacher, Sir, I don't. I know it's hard for you to to to swallow the truth, but I want you to know, and I need you to be able to tell Alfia that you guys are not married and not as of right now. No, no, okay, so hard a herder now, back in olden days, but before all these, all these colleges and stuff came came about, you telling me that their men making old days, that they weren't no preachers, that they weren't meant men after the cloughs? Is that what you're saying to me? Uh? What what what are you? What are you? What are you? What are you getting at? Sir? What I'm trying to say is back in the older day making the twitters and thirties, they didn't have all these colleges and all these degrees and stuff like these new preachers got these days, that man now he was from back then, and God called them and that's what they went on to. And all them people that they married back then, they did the same thing to day. You don't need no degree to say that that you're a preacher. You don't need no lights to say you're a preacher. Men, my wife would be maried for nine years. My kids have been born in wedlocks. We were married, we were mad. I read my friends and family day was all there, sir. The bottom line is that that you have been living in sin because you have not been married with your wife for the last nine years. And your kids, I hate to say it, your kids are pastors. Now. Oh now I've told you. Don't say nothing else about my kids. Said, I ain't no cuss up, but don't push me. My kids ain't no bands, says. You're understand me. You don't get me up, sir. I'm trying to give you the truth and try to get you in here and get you married so you will not be living in sin any more than what you are. I am living in no sins. Look, now, you don't make me whoop your a s s you understand men, my wife we are been married for nine years. Don't shoot up here, cord me talking about the way ain't met that that man. Ain't you're understand I get out of my phone. You that's my life. Those are my kids. They have been born in bed life. You understand, sir. So, I just wanted to call and give you the information so that you could probably stop living in sin. That's all I wanted to do. I ain't living a no sin. That's what I just told you. You ain't hear me. I ain't living in no sin. Maybe you're the one that's living a pist of sin. Now. You ain't got nothing else said to me? That man that never nine years ago? They get your a SS on my phone. So I so, I have one more thing, one more thing I'd like to say. You ain't done nothing else to say to me. You ain't get your a SF off my d am phone. Now, do you understand me? I ain't got time for this, sir? Could I say one more thing? What you gotta say on me now? Because I just wanted to let you know that This is nephew Tommy from the Steve harp In Morning Show. Your wife feel got me to prank phone call you. Oh man? Oh lord, it doty uh do y. I almost went in on you do you. I'm gonna let me go down. Yeah, I'm gonna good you say. Put you up to this? Got me to prank you? Man? Wow man, oh man, hey man? You all right with me? Brother? I got to ask you something, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lands, The Steve hartrom On The show Man? The first time you get I hope I'm right there. I've been closed. I don't want to be right to help you. I can't let him get jumped on. I'm gonna help you. That's family. Rum you fight one. You gotta fight everybody there, but not nobody come home. Ain't been in this fighting. I'm coming to the hospital and take the paper up your strong because you ain't gonna be able to move. Mark Nephew was coming to Chuckles Comedy Club, Memphis, Tennessee Friday, said this Sunday. That's to Friday to Saturday, one Sunday. That's Chuckles Comedy Club in Memphis, Tennessee. Mars twenty the twenty fifth, and laying in the cut is elected all go ahead? Is that? What's your name is Prescott? That's Prescott, Yes, Prescott, A little time for you come up. They packed them in there. They packed me in strong alright, got funny as hell. I won't get up stage. Prescott. You got a problem with everybody. That's how my life is. Everybody we like you, that's my life. If you came to Steve Harvest Comedy House, I was in about your comedy club, the nephew Friday said the Sunday laying in the cut is Lexington, Lexington, Kentucky Comedy All Broadway, April fifth, six and stefing tickets own steal, red neck alright, stupid coming to town. Alright, coming up at the top of the hour. You're not gonna believe this letter, the Strawberry Letter for today, subject your mama. Mama has got to go. She's got to get out of here. Your mom's gotta go, alright, too much, she's gotta go. We gotta go to you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Steve. Before we got to the Strawberry Letter, the subject your mama has got to go. I'm the world champion Houston astro are going visit the White House. Yeah, they're going. They're going. They're gonna be in the East Room. Yeah. They will leave their spring training facility in West Palm Beach, Florida, and fly to fly to Washington. The President will speak, and the Astros will present the President with a jersey every weekend, every single weekend. Yeah. So, Steve, you have any advice for the Astros? Yep, don't go take your ass up there like I did. The whole baseball team gonna be a bunch of Uncle Tom's and cool. Don't go up there pass no, no jerseys. Don't go up there trying to help. No damn body called social media ain't gonna look at it. They're gonna tell you that the Golden State Warriors didn't go, so your ass shouldn't win either. I wish they would ask me to kill my ass. I can't stay hill, No faster, Okay, I gonna say another word, just one word alright on that note. Let's move on, Hold on tight, we gotta pull you here. It is, just draw up every letter, Thank you, have you subject. Your mama has to go here. Stephen Shirley. I'm hoping I can get some advice on this issue because it's driving me crazy. My husband's mom has been living with us and sleeping on my couch for the past month. She left her boyfriend because of his drug use and moved in with his with her elderly father. One Saturday, she asked to come stay with us so she could go to church with us the next morning. Well, she never made it to church, and a month later, she's still sleeping on our couch. We are in a tiny apartment and she's not on our lease. My living room looks like a campsite. I can't even have company over anymore. She doesn't clean up after herself, she doesn't help with the kids, slash her grandkids. She doesn't help with the bills, nor does she buy food. She doesn't have a car, so she borrows my husband's car, and whenever I talk about her going back to live with her father, she dances around the subject. My husband doesn't think it's an issue. He says it's his mom and she needs a place to stay right now, but she will leave eventually. If our leasing office finds out that she's still staying with us, we could all get put out. I want her out of our tiny apartment. Dot dot dot, I've had it. Please help. Well, I mean, it's just nothing like being a prisoner in your own home. It's nothing like that. Uh, this doesn't look like it's going to be um a long time before your mother in law gets out though. I mean, it looks like it will be a long time, I should say, especially since your husband and isn't on your side and you said he doesn't think that it's an issue right now. This is a very touch touchy subject because it is his mom. But your husband needs to man up in this situation. Um, he needs to man up. He needs to have a conversation with his mother with you by his side, so you can show her that you guys are a unit. Uh. And you need to talk to her about her plans. And he shouldn't put her above you. He just shouldn't do that. He really really shouldn't. Everything should be done respectively, of course respectively. But I just say, this is starting to cause problems in your marriage. Uh. Your options are to um, you know, you guys, get a bigger apartment. I don't think you're gonna go for that because you don't want her staying there, but um, you know, or drive her back over there to her dad so she can stay there. Pack her up and take her back over there. Steve, Well, so you got tricked. See your mama's husband been living with y'all, sleeping on the couch for the past month. Now this now she left her boyfriend cause it's drug use and moved in with her elderly father. What's your where? She should have stayed here but here The trick came one Saturday, she asked me to come stay with us so she could go to churchwood Is the next morning. Well, she never made it to church, and a month later, she's still sleeping on our couch. Let's just deal with this. For what you should have did was made. I ain't get up and go church. That's first day you're gonna get your ass up and you're gonna go somewhere up in hill. Ain't awhere in the where My dad would walk past that couch and then he ain't going to wakome me in net sleep. Somebody didn't get them to do so, So you should have roused it her and got her up at church. His mom s, I got it all. You will are were You're just doing what mama said. You ain't being me. Come on, Mama, let's go. As a matter of fact, every time you go somewhere, you ought to have her go with you. Work. Huh, work your boys, Mama, she never We're in a tiny apartment and she's not on our least, and my living room looks like a campsite. Then somewhere in the letter, she says, if our leasing office finds out that she's staying with us, we could all get put out. Here is the answer to this. Notify de leasing office. That excuse me. We got too many damn people staying in our apartment, and I think it's some people in our apartment that ain't on the least. Could you come by to them all knock, gonna do and see who am nitch? Thatt ain't snitching? That's obeying the law. Listen, we got a new president called down there the immigrations and tell them you're having illegal on your couch. You don't get it, You don't get it. Mama took downtown right away. Plastic times required, drastic measures. I don't even see why we're worried about this. Here. You can get her out your house, You can do it. Shirley said her husband needs to man up. I disagree with this because you all have to understand. So you can't man up. If you're mama's boy, you can't be mama's boy and my man at the same time. Women, y'all need to understand. Quit asking your alma's boys to man. Do you understand? Okay, I'm just gonna say that to you. Now, let's get a couple other things straight. She don't clean up after herself. What you should do is make it worse. Put some more stuff on the couch. May Car had to clear the couch off to even lay on me. Do what's the bowling laundry up in there? You say it's a tiny apartment. Put the iron and board crossing. I don't hope you gotta start you set the table in there on top of the couch. All right, Come on, we'll have part two of your response coming up Steve A twenty three after the hour you're listening to Steve Show. All right, coming up in about twenty minutes, we'll talk more about the o J situation. In case you missed. I don't know who missed it, though the interview, the o J interview, A lot of people missed a lot of people aren't interested yeah, yeah, that's true. But a lot of people saw it, a lot of people thoughts. We'll talk about that, but come on right now, Steven, give us your response, Part two of today's Strawberry Letter. Your mama has got to go. Your fama got to go. She left her boyfriend because the drug used to moved in with father. I didn't want to stand sad that. She asked, did she come stay with y'all so you can go to church next morning? She didn't even go to church. But she's still sleeping on our couch. And we got a tiny apartment. She's not on the our lease. My living room looked like campsite. So now here's what we have come up with. What have we ways to get rid of your mama? First of all, notify the leasing off Okay, let them know that there's someone in your house that you did not it on the least and they stay in there. Well, ma'am, do you know him? I think so your law to come by and knock and see for yourself. And oh, by the way, they are in illegal age all of that, and just to make sure they get out of there. I think she Mexic No, that's how you get them out quick because we got Trump in the White House. Now this our Mexican mother in law gonna look a little bit darker than you used to see it. But do not let her complexion throw you because she's been in the sun. So now well it's too late, we can't. Secondly, she doesn't buy any food. So here's the next method of getting hurt. Stove hug. Put a padlock on the refrigerator and combinations on the cabinets. Yeah, put one of them coin operated slots on the bathroom though where it now cause money to go in there. And if she do go in there, charge her for tarlet Yeah, we charged it for tle quarter sheet. Quarter a sheet a dollar oftentimes won't get it there. Your quarter to get in here, but that ain't a surprise. It's a quarter a sheet that's gonna wipe you out. And we need the money first. Yeah, man, next thing you need to do is you okay, First of all, let me do this right here. She doesn't have a call. She balls my husband's call. Okay, ain't mal ride call uber yourself. Have them park out front. Let that be the take off point for all they ride. And what she needed called to be on side that's the take off point. Have an uber driver outside your house. My husband don't think is oh. And then next, get her a bus pass, but not just any bus pass, a Greyhound summer bus. Get her ass out the house and out the city at the same time. Tell her where to catch it. She get up on the next thing, you know, she in no caroline. Everything looking good. Uh, my husband doesn't think this is an issue. Now we gotta deal with your mama's board. Your next statement, when you get undressed and come out the show with neck it is I don't feel right us in him making love with your mama in the house. Shut off the love making. We got to do something. Next thing you wanna do is immediately inform him that he is sleeping on the couch too, and your mama share that because you ain't sleeping in him on. Here's the next thing you need to do to make shore she get her ass out. Remove one cushion off that couch, that center cushion out that couch, and throw it away. You can't rest no more, no, because the couch ain't that long. Once you create either, you take it out the middle. Even if you try to bring them together, it ain't gonna because I'm just I'm going out on live him to say that his mama is a little heavy. Why cause most mama's ears. She a little heaven No, most mama's ears. So now we've done all the things we do to make it illegal, let's do a recap. First things. First, we're gonna notify the leasing office, let her notice and the illegal immigrant in there, and according to Trump, we should bring in ices. Okay, now that's right there. Tell her and then tell elisan office. She is not a dreamer. She way too hold. Don't left her no loop holes to jump through. She is not a dreamer, She's a schemer. Just get I asked in some Trump stop cut here them all. I can't do this with you no more long with your mama in there. I think that's the third. Made him sleep on the couch with Hull. Here's another one. I just came to make that couch totally. Take one league off the couch, especially Rock. We gotta get out of here. You can email us your Instagram what's your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at my girls? Surely and don't forget coming up in about ten minutes. Um, you're gonna break down, Steve, You're gonna do this for us and move the dog in there on the couch with put the dog bling it on the couch. All three on the minute. We're gonna talk about o J and the interview that he did yesterday on a Fox. Yeah. Pretty much. He confessed that he did it hypothetically, of course, but pretty much he confessed that we're out, we gotta go, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show, all right, listen. Coming up at the top of the hour, it is back. Guess what's back, nephew. Weekend Confession. I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you going through, so called temmy, if you want to confess eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. This is Steve's favorite segment, you know. Yeah, So okay, Steve. So last night you watched the O J. Simpson uh interview the Lost Confession. Yeah. According to o J, an imaginary friend named Charlie warned him that Nicole had been hooking up with another man. So O J and Charlie went to her place to confront Nicole, but Ron Goldman tried to intimidate him with the karate thing. O J said, So, o J, grab the knife. JA looked at him and said, oh you think you would mine? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, he said that on the interview. Yeah, that's what he said. Oh, oh you think you would mine? And what did Charlie say? Well, well, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie Day forgot right, let's take a listen to o J. Let's just go back and do the details. Where did your part in the alley? Park in the alley and you've put on weld cap and gloves. Uh, And hypothetical I put on cap and gloves, and um, you reached under the seat for a knife. I always kept a knife and not car for the crazies and stuff, because you can't travel with a gun. Right there, right there. We lost the hypothetical right there. Yeah, yeah, we lost Charlie in the hypothetical. The yeah, in the hypothetical. Did Charlie sit in the Yeah, he was in the car. Also, O J discuss the glove right about removing a glove before taking the knife from Charlie. Uh, you know, I had no conscious memory of doing that, but obviously I must have, because they found a glove there. M hmm, so they're okay, I must have. I mean, this is crazy. How did you? First of all, how does your memory go out on hypothetical situations? Right there you go? Now all of a sudden, he remembers, though, I must have because they found one there. But wait a minute, now, whoa, whoa? Remember this is hypothetical. Oh J. You know this guy, he's so arrogant, so wanting to be loved and accepted, so he thinks he's so smart. He's really he's not a smart guy. He's not you know, he's not a great guy. That made a mistake. See, great people can make a mistake. There's some forgiveness for that. But you abuse this woman repeatedly. This wasn't a one time I was drinking, I lost my head. You repeatedly did this to this woman. This wasn't a one time. In faces not excusable whenever you do it. But you know, he just never, he never. He just repeatedly did this to this woman, even due I wish. At the end of it, when they the grave, the cemetery called the oh uh, Nicole's family was saying, oh J's out of dude. Graves starting he's screaming at the grave because he was still angry, Steve, he was still angry. O j was right, And the FBI profile is said, that's the thing about abusive people, because they have to have control. Even if they kill you, they're now mad at you because they lost control. You're gonna be hand in my grave? What you're not gonna know? Yeah, you're you're dead, You're probably not going to All right, here's Oja talking about his anger. If you're angry with a person upon their death, when they die, it's not like that anchor disappears. But right, and and and because of the nine one one call, when I'm yelling at her about what's going on, it was like I want It's almost like I want to say I told you, didn't I tell you didn't? They say to you what, Yeah, I want to talk to child, because CHILDI know that's what we need to You were you were just listening to Charlie. Yeah. It was so disturbing to me. And the fact that he kept laughing thing, you know, it was just it's like, what are you so happy about? It? Almost it was her fault for making him that angry. Yeah, Yeah, that's exactly what it is. But I mean, I've always said he did it ain't, but just do right here, man, if you're the guiltiest sounding, innocent person I've ever heard in my mind, and you're the dumbest and you and you and you don't get it, and you don't care about your children, because there's no way you release this book and say the things you said, and and those children's mothers is gone and the vicious way that she was gone, and he's because he only thinks of himself. There's no way you should do that to the kids. You know already did it to the mom and the other boy. Let me see in Flora. Let me see if I see today, Well you Vegas now Flaida's happening. If I see him, I'm gonna cutting run. You're gonna do what what? Jay cut to the left? Man, Yeah, if you didn't get a chance to see it, but it was it was a confession, yeah, because he said he grabbed a knife and then he said I grabbed a knife from Charlie. Why that took so long to be released, Well, they didn't release it. We hold okay, Tommy, listen, they had this interview, they were going to release it to promote his book what if I did it? Okay, they stopped him from doing that because they didn't want him to make any money on the book. Well, well, did you after listening last night? Would you be would you buy a book? Then? Hey, we gotta go. We can. Confessions coming up? Call us at eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, it's time now for your favorite segment. It's back weekend Confessions with the nephew introduced him. Let's go look at I'm not excited about this call nowhere it's going. He ain't trying to help you. He did want to hear what you're going? Are you kicking it off enough? You with you? Kick it off? All right? Here is mane, here is mine? Now? Since over the weekend, I saw the movie to Shape a Water. Oh yeah, I have. I'm confessing to y'all. Okay, I'm ready to have a relationship with a mermaid. I ain't saying something here in l A. I'm going. I'm for the next three photos. I'm gonna go swimming in the Pacific because they gotta be somewhere near heat. Buying me a mermaid. Ain't no loving like mermaids left. You gotta have a sister. You gotta have a sister. Man. She got to be fine. Jake sious right now. Who don't want a mermaid? Who don't want one? You ain't never kissed on the water. You don't know what that's like. I know what fish man like? Team. Tell me, Jake, this sandwiches she could bring back. All right, let's move on, Steve. You gotta confession. You gotta confessional. I have a confessional. H come on, this is crazy. Uh well, yeah, I heard Mickey Mouse talk this week. What did he say. Well, we were actually on the parade and they set him in the middle and next to him, and every time he turned, his ear kept hitting hitting my head and it started scratching my head. It just hurting me. So I told Mickey, I say, man screwed over a little bit. But he just kept on waving and everybody turning. Every time I turned with him, bigg as he to scrape up against my ball head again and starting the ear take my head. So I leaned over again, I said Mickey, I said, hey, man just screwed over, just a little bit from him. The Disney rep turns around, said, Mickey has to sit directly in the middle of the car. He cannot move. Mickey has to stay directly in the middle middle of the car. So I had ink paying in my sport coat? You did? I stabbed making the side of the legs. Just wasn't that hard. I didn't break the skin or nothing like, just stabbing on the side of that. Yeah, And Mickey said the F word. Come on, it was like that. He said, what do you say? What is your confession? Jaye? Okay? Down here at Disney, Steve introduced miss what is her name? Miss Incredible? Yeah? Yeah, if that is not the finest white cartoon I have ever seen in my life, I'm torn in my cartoons? Who is it? Betty Rebel? Jessica Rabbit from the Stones? Oh dog, Jessica Rabbit? Yes, yeah, are you all kidding me? Right now? The rabbit Jessica Rabbit was drawn. Fine, so they can help, but I can't handle murmis no, no, no, not up something alright on Jessica Rabbit's And this is really Junior, you have one before we go to the phone. All right, I do have one. I got to admit this. This is probably not cool to do down at Disney, but I did it all weekend long. You know how you ride to ride and go through once and then your heart has come up for you to get out. Yeah, it's a kid waiting to get old. I pulled my heart. It's bad down. I'm blowing again. Kids. Wait, no, he can't do that. What are they doing? Mom? Mom my son? I did it five times. The kids was losing name. Man, you can't go twice in the roadway the rule. Your mama can't save you. All right, we have brought we can confessions back in case you didn't know me. You have another one, Steve. Come on, I got finished taping the talk show. I've walked through the park and had ice cream staying right there, and I wanted that Mickey Mouse shaped ice cream sandwich. Yeah, I said, the dude behind me gonna pay for it and want nobody back then, right, Stave, Hey, I had it. Do ain't handle money over all? Right? If you have a weekend confession, hit us up eight seven seven, Steve, let's go to line three and talk to Craig. Oh yo, and morning Craig. What's going on? Man? Hey, I've been trying to get on this thing for years. Man, I just got on him older him. Man, My confession is bad. Me and my wife are avid booty watchers. Yes, and we judged the booty on the contract to shape the side single. And you know, it's very very fun and it's and it's it's um when you go on the same accord with your significant other, it's very beautiful. You know you made me sit up in my chair. Boy, are you tearing up? Oh my god? Man, I love it, brother, I love it. Man, And you and your lady do this to gel. No, I'm forty four years old, so you know, I gotta keep myself excited. You know what I'm saying. My wife keeps me excited. But we get more excited when we see a plump vot booty. We gotta go eight seven seven Steve, We'll be back with more weekend confessions. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're in the middle of weekend Confession, Steve, your favorite segment, of course, call us eight seven seven. The port has lit up, though. Let's go to line one. Talk to Dario out of South Carolina. You're nerves, Steve, your how are you doing good? Good good what's your confession this March? My confession is I was doing from shopping over the weekend and I needed to get a TV. So I got the TV. I went through self check outline. When I got home, I started looking to receipt because, um, it was kind of cheap for me. So when I looked over my receipt, I didn't see the TV on it, and I realized I didn't scan the TV the checkout, so I gotta free TV. No, you stole a TV. But what Tommy, you ain't puposed to judge on help? Remember I'm not I'm not helping. I'm not helping at all. You're gonna take TV back? Dog doc. I think I'm gonna keep it walking. Watch some family shoot on them at a bigger screen. Thank you, Goodario. Let's go to line too and talk to Liddy out of North Carolina. Lity, Hey, how ya doing? Good morning? Good morning. What's your confession baby? Um? Well, I was complaining to my friend about how I needed to knock my cord webs off and they introduced me into codes pins girls and uh backup, introduce you to what they introduced you to? What you heard her close pens clothes pins on. I didn't. I didn't say it again, little does she leave my girl on her girls clothes? Oh, CLAYMP things? Okay, I couldn't say the real thing. Yeah, they can deal with the over clothing. Okay, so you got the clothes pins on your girls, So tell me about that. How did this weekend? You did that? Lily? That's enough? Yeah we can all right, Let's let's go to line four and talk to Karen. Karen, Hey, good morning. What's going on? What's your confession? Care? Wait? What we have another color? What phone? Convinced my husband to have a sister wife? What wife? What's that? Well? You know I want we have another wife in the house. You want another woman in the house with you? Of course, I'm confident about who I am and what I have to offer you. A nobody did want it? Did you? Ugly? Shut? A boy? Ain't nobody fit to pay for No? Two? So what your husbands say? Did he agree with it? Um? He's contemplating. I mean, I don't know why not? You know, I'll watch him, you know, do other women sometimes? Right now? Everybody got good luck with me? Thank you that you never get this time class called come on, sir, I don't know if we have time, but uh yeah, we don't have time. We'll have more of God, we'll have more of this coming up, this foolishness right here. Yeah, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. We're back with more weekend Confessions with the nephew. Because what I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. And man, I say, you haven't helped a person that has called I'm doing my job. Let's continue with this human down slide. Yeah, let's let's go to line four and talk to Gi out of Kansas City, g G. What to do? What's your confession? How you guys? My speron is want to what do I have? You have two wars. I don't even have my choice tuning. I would like to do whatever you want, like I seen like three. Both can be like next, I like, I have good morning baby. The next month you say that I ain't leaving. I you're nothing to get No two damn me and the little together that's nothing to happen. Is he helping though? Right now? Help? Okay? Thank you? G No that like your uncle. All right, let's go let's go line six. We're gonna talk to Shelley out of Atlantay. Go mona sounding. Good morning baby, what's your confession? Good morning? Well, I had a little, let's understanding, the tussle with the deacon over the weekend. With the deacon, what, yeah, I had told well, after church, I was just explaining I needed a few things done at the house because he's sort of a handy man, you know, like my windows and stuff with stuff and whatnot, and um, so he came back to do that, and um when he come in and everything. You know, I'm hospitable, as they say, I offered them to, you know, something to drink. I told him he go ahead to the fridge while I get out my sound, you know, clothes. And I noticed when I come back that he had a honeycount. So I said, no, no, no, I didn't you know, diacons don't drink con of him. But anyway, he needed to go ahead. I'm sorry. He proceeded to go ahead and do the work. And so I was upstairs, you know because like I said, I must have changed my clothes and everything, and then all of a sudden, packings upstairs. I said, well, you finished being, you know, because I'm gonna pay him to leave. You know, I pay him to leave, and the next thing I know, he goes for my neck. Yeah, I like keeping the kiss on your neck. Yeah, kiss on my neck. I don't know. If he had done something else to my neck, it wouldn't be deacon wouldn't be here. So I just so you know, I said, but what's going on? Deacon? I said, wasn't that wasn't the hone And he's built something to me that was shocking. He says, no, I understand, you've been selling them for five years now on He told us to the pastor, so what kind of church is going on now? Was confident. Yes, he proceeded to do something else, and then I was able to meet him, and the deacon was ready to leave. He felt, you need I'm not catching no cases. He was okay, he got up. Yes, he apologized. He probably understpped because I got in there where it belongs. Then, you know, he apologized. We gotta go. Oh my god, when we come back, we're gonna close out the show. We'll be back. You're listening to the String show. All right here we are, last break of the day. It's been a good day. Just one more thing. Steve is back with his closing remarks. Please enlighten us, sir, what do you have for us today? Well, um, here's something I thought would be helpful to people because it has been really, really helpful to me. Um, I want you to know the difference between two things. You're gonna have your plan and you're gonna have your goals. You're gonna have your goals and you're gonna have your plan. Please do not confuse the two, because your plan and your goal is not the same thing, and you must keep them separate and apart in order to be successful. Out here, see, so many people lose sight of the goal because they're so focused on the plan and they want everything to go as planned. They want to get all their ducks lined up in a row, and they want to just start knocking them down like a domino effect. And now they are and all of a sudden, there at the goal. That is not how life works. It's successful that easy, h I wish it was, but it's not. So What what do you mean by that, Steve, when you say keeping the goal separate from the plan. Let's say you're on the East coast, Let's say you're in the Carolinas or Wilmington's Beach somewhere and you want to go from there. Let's say you're in New York. Let's just make it where everybody knows. Let's say you're in New York. You want to go to l A. But your plan is to go down take nine south until you get to the twenty, and then you want to take twenty all the way over as far as you can. Then you want to drop down on the tin and then you wanna take that on in the l A. Ready break, that's the plan. But now remember the goal. The goal is just l A. Now what you have to be prepared for in life, just like trying to go somewhere, sometimes things are gonna happen. Sometimes there's bad weather, Sometimes there's a detool set up, a road block. Sometimes just a natural catastrophe occurs. Just things happen in life all the time. Now, on your way from New York to l A. Let's say you run into weather, a catastrophe or data just close the section of a highway. What you go gonna do? See you you now have to make an adjustment in the plan. The goal is still l A. But now the adjustment has to be made. So now what do you say? So now the plan has to change. So now you can't get on twenty no more and ride it all the way across. Now you might have to take nine south all the way down to the Tin. Then you might have to get on the tin and go from Jacksonville all the way over to l A. It's gonna take you longer. But the goal is l A. Too many people get hung up on the plan. When my plan is to go to school. Now, then when I graduate, I'm gonna do this. Then I'm gonna go get a job at this. Then I'm gonna go work here. Then i'm gonna get this right here. Then I'm gonna go there. And as soon as something happens along the way and the plan grow grow goes awry, they change the plan and the goal or well, I guess it wasn't meant to be. Oh, I guess that wasn't the Lord's will. I don't listen to me. The goal and the plan are two different things. You've got to keep the two separated. I'll give you another example. Let's say you want to become a millionaire, and you decided that the way you're gonna become a millionaires in the music industry. Also, you set out, man, I'm gonna sell albums, Well, guess what. Selling albums is a hard way to make a living now, because guess what, y'all know how to steal music now. So these young people have sabotaged their own selves. So now they're the most tech savvy group they've ever had. So now they didn't take their way to where they can't even become the musical icons they want to be, because now all their music gets stolen as soon as they put it out. But your goal, what's to become a millionaire? So maybe the plan has to be adjusted along the way. Your plan and will constantly constantly change. Listen to me, your plan should flow like nature. I don't know if you've ever looked at nature, but every aspect of nature I look at, I very rarely see a straight line in nature. I very rarely see perfectly straight line that goes from a long point away from one another. I've never seen a very very long, perfectly straight line in nature. No river is straight, no ocean is straight, no wave is straight, no cloud is straight, no ripple in the water is straight. No blade of grass is straight, No bushes or straight, no trees or straight. No birds fly straight, No birds wings are straight. Nothing I see no animals legs are straight. Nothing I've ever seen in nature is straight. But yet nature is the most beautiful thing out there because it has contools and movement to it. Your plan has to have contools and movement to it, and sometimes you have to adjust the plan. The goal can still be a million, the goal can still be l a but be prepared to make adjustments along the way. And just because you make adjustment, those that have to change the goal, It just changes the route to get to the goal. Those are my clothing that should be helpful to somebody to go. Yeah, it helped me. Thank you. Yeah, you have a great weekend. About it's coming and I'll be off this weekend. Yeah. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening. She will stay in the Horday Morning Show