Good morning and welcome to the ride! The greatest lounge sanger on the planet starts off the show and he got it. The Chief Love Officer warns a lady not to listen to her negative father or else. Dre's divorce seems to take an expensive turn. Congratulations to Nick Cannon as he welcomes another one (Khaled voice)! An interracial couple takes it waaaaaaay too far!!! Is there another lockdown coming because of this new Lambda COVID variant? Mary from 227 was immortalized on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Someone in Tokyo lost their job for inappropriate comments made about the Holocaust. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reminds us of what success really is.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the Milian things, and it's not true. Good Steve listening to mother, I don't join me. You gotta use that turning. You gotta turn to turn them out, turning, got to turn out. Then turn the water the water, y'all. Come, come on your baby. Uh huh, I show will good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show, man, Yeah, I do. Steve Harvey got a radio show because I can't tell it to you any other way because God has been so so very amazing to me. But the same God, and there is but one that same God is. It can and will be amazing in your life if you just allow it to happen. You know. I was somewhere, you know, and I was driving on the freeway somewhere, and I saw bill board and it was a guy in a field on his knees. And on this billboard it said something to the affair when when you've run out of answers, try prayer. I was, I was going somewhere and I don't even remember I go so much. Man. I was just going somewhere and I saw this billboard and I thought about that, And man, I cannot tell you how true of a statement that is. When you've run out of answers, when you don't know what to do, when you feel weak, when you are at a low point, when things just seem to keep happening to you, and you don't understand why. Prayer is an amazing weapon. Prayer is available to all of us. Here's a deal. You don't have to go through the all of that you're going through alone. See, And I'm talking to men, women, boys, girls, students, leaders, bosses, employees. I don't care what's happening. I don't care what your situation is. I don't care if your relationship is all jacked up. I don't care if your kids and your relationship is jacked up. I don't care if your relationship at work is shot. Your coworkers seem to always make you the buddy end of the joke. You always somebody always talking about you behind your back. You're finding it more and more necessary to try to hold your head up and walk past these people when some days you can't even get your chin up off your chest. If you're a woman out there and you've been alone by yourself for so long and you're just tired of being alone, you really want a relationship, you really want to be have a mate, you want to meet your soul mate, whatever it is, whatever it is, prayer is the answer. You are listening to a guy who is a direct recipient of prayer. I can't tell you anything that I've gotten out of that I didn't pray about. Oh, now, there are a lot of things. Hold on, let me backtrack a little bit. There are a lot of things that have happened in my life that I've gotten past without praying, because I think my Mamma was praying for me. And then there's this thing that God has called grace and mercy that he just somehow keeps us all waking up every day without foot on some form or solid ground, because He's just waiting on us to come to him. But y'all, if you can implement prayer into your day every single day, and I'm talking about put it in there at the top of your day, put it in there in middly your day, put it in there when you close your day out. When you're sitting at your desk and ain't nobody bothering you, that's a good time. Now, Look, you don't have to make no scene. You ain't got to let everybody know, Oh I'm spiritual, I love God looking me, Oh I'm down, or you ain't gotta do none of that. Matter of fact, don't do it for that reason, because if that's your reason for doing it, that's gonna be your reward. If you want somebody to just say, oh, they pray every you know, they pray at lunch and they had a Bible on their desk and they have a bunch of highlights in it. If you're sitting it out there so people can see that that's what you do, then that's gonna be your reward. Please, No, that's gonna be your reward. What I want you to do, it's pray. Ask God for the things the desires of your heart, have a faith, believe in them. But pray earnestly. Man. I mean, actually go at it with saying, hey, God, listen to me. I can't do this without you. I need your help. Listen, man, I know a lot of people that pray. I know a lot of it. If I told you the rich and famous that I talk to that pray constantly, it would amaze you. Go talk to God about it, man. Matter of fact, you'd already got yourself into trouble. Go talk to God about it. You can't see no way out. You're in a situation. You're thinking about doing something straight crazy. Pump your brake's partner. Slow down a little bit, my man, Slow down. Don't all you're gonna do is make a situation worse. Go over there today and talk to God. Talk to God for real. Just and look, man. You know what. Man, Sometimes I've gone to God and I've just said, Hey, God, I don't have a clue. Matter of fact, I'm so jacked up right now. God, I don't even really know what to ask you for. I just need some help. I'm so deep is some mess right now. Not only can I not see the way out, I can't see my way round. There's a there's a poem calling Victus, and the opening line says, out of the night that covers me black as a pit from pole to pole, I thank God for whatever be from my unconquerable soul. That this line is so deep. It starts off saying, I am in deep trouble. I'm in a pit, black as a pit, from pole to pole. I'm talking about man. From over there to over there, it's pitch black and and and man, that's man. You've been in that situation before, y'all, because I have. I'm talking about black as a pit from pole to pole. God is there, God is available. God is always standing by. He just wants you to come to him. See, he's been coming to you a whole lot of times. He's presented himself. I can't tell you how many times he's shown you how good a god he is. He's given us all grace and mercy without us asking for He's gotten you through some things and you look at him. Who, Man, I don't know how to hell. Okay, that's cool, I'm cool. No no, no, no, no, that wasn't cool. That was God. Pray man, when you out of answers and you don't know what to do, Pray. If you see some trouble coming, Pray if you already got into it. Pray if you don't know the answers. Pray if you can't see no way out, pray, Pray man, talk to God. Don't make a scene. Just talk to God, all right, very important. You're listening. One two, one two three? I got it? Oh what is it? I got it? Anything you won't? I got it? Oh, hit record, I got it. Made it up myself. I got it. You know what I'm talking about? Got it? Said with me, with you? I got it. Black people know they got it. Have you ever been to a lounge and you yeah, because it ain't a good song and you want the people that's doing it to stop, But they didn't wrote it, and they think it's hot and they just doing it. They never like been to a light like a holiday in lounge. You know. The hotel lounges are done. You do know that, though, Well that's the last time I was anyone. So they don't have the hotel. You're trying to tell me they don't have entertainment and hotels no more, No, they don't know that. In New York, Man Park, the Park, the park hotel. Okay, Well I might be small bars and stuff like that. Yeah, you do know. There's there's like I don't know if I'm telling you or not, but I haven't seen a ramada in a long time. Yeah, those are gone. Howard Howard is still around, and Howard, No, no, red roof still around, nights and is still around, Daisy, it's still around. Hotel six is still still around. So we do them blew up and just ain't stayed there? Is that what happened? No? No, no, no you no no, don't say we see the other two dudes know about these places. You don't want this news to them. Okay, did you ever stay at a hotel? When you open the door, yes, you're right outside. You know there's no I've done that. I've done that. Baton rouge Louis. When you walked out the door and you you can see your car, your car, airport end, night's end, red roof end, if you can see your dough from the parking lot. My boys is going to the home coming that Kent, and they was all talking about where they're gonna stay. So everybody was saying, we're gonna stay at the Hampton End. And I'm not familiar with that at Kent because it wasn't one when I was there. So were all talking. They say love, thank you to come man, thank you. If you ain't working, you might could come. And I I got quiet, and they said, what's wrong? I said, hey, man, let me ask y'all. Y'all stand and yeah, let me ask you some Can I see my dough from the parking lot? They asked, fell out laugh They said, yeah, dog, you can see it from now, said dog, I can't stay there. I ain't gonna get no sleep though, they're gonna be in my dough all night long. I said, no, I can't do it. Bro where you can hear the ice machine? No, we've stayed in the rooms. That all right. We're gonna move on, guys and coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening to show time for asked the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey. In the building, ready for your questions. Courtney and I heart app listener says, I'm thirty and dating a man that's thirty one one, and he tells me all the time that I'm his soul mate. He's all into me in every way. He gives me bass and pedicures, and he even will polish my toenails if I ask him too. He irons my clothes for me daily, and he cleans up the kitchen. If I cook, we never argue, and if we ever disagree, we settle it quickly. Is this letter fall? Listen? He's so different than any other guy I've dated. My daddy says he's soft and won't make a good husband. How can my daddy make such a negative assumption. Yeah, it's better to be soft. Nothing says that the man is daddy. Maybe her father's hard and made me and there is a good husband. So he thinking, because this dude ain't hard, he must be soft. Lady, if you have no complaints, don't let your father create one. This guy's a dream day go ash. Well, can't say that, all right? What I can't say that because somebody I was gonna say, maybe you should ask your mom how happy she's been and how she would feel with some treatment like that. Because your daddy he didn't even do none of that. He's get into that. Yeah, all right? Moving on Kenetra and Memphis. Right. So, I'm a forty two year old divorced woman and I fell in love with a perfect guy, but I ran him away by being paranoid. I had a rough marriage and my husband cheated, so I developed bad habits like checking his phone and popping up at places he was hanging out. I carried this behavior into my new relationship and was always accusing my new guy of messing around. I want a second chance with him, and I want him to know that I changed. How do I start the conversation with him? Lugg? You know what? You know what what? Boy? I was tripping and you know I was. You know, It's so crazy because you know, I know you're a good man, but I'm so stupid. I'd be the changing your phone and you know, you ain't even know. I'd be outside the ball waiting on you. I'll been each other house and I just said, you know, I've just been you know. But he was my ex. He just made me his way. But and you know what, I'm not gonna do that anymore because I think I found what I'm looking for. You know, Yeah, yeah it might work, but I doubt it. Yeah. All right. So Tony in the Bay Area says, I'm a thirty three year old married man raising my two daughters while my wife is in jail for sixteen months. She committed credit card fraud and I was clueless when she got arrested. The problem I'm having now is that she only calls us once a week. If then she calls her mom daily and it ticks me off. Her mom said, she's still ashamed to talk to me. But I don't believe leave that she had a whole side hustle that I didn't know about. So do you think she has a side dude too? Am I being a fool for waiting for her? Wow? Whoa a side dude? Yeah? Well you don't know, but bro, listen to me, credit card. There ain't got nothing to do with a side dude. She might be, you know, honestly, just embarrassed. The mom could be right, I don't know what you got the other dude from because she kept that from him. You know, she keeps secret. So he okay, well, okay, okay, then go with that theory, you know, go with that theory and see how that work out for you. Sometimes being paralel about stuff that you have no facts on it, it's a waste of time. It's like, worried, why are you tripping yourself out about something that you don't even have the facts. But uncle, she lied about that. What he thinking is she probably has some most skeletons, That's what it is. Well, excuse me, but Nephew, Tommy, because you lie about one thing, don't mean that you lie about everything. When I lie when nothing when I lied? Na Sherley, No, because you usually have. You know, when you tell one lie, you're telling another line another. But I mean, I'm just saying this. Because you lie about one thing don't mean you'll lie about all things. Now, if you want to accept the paranoia and act on it, then't go ahead. But the woman might not have nothing to do with no other dude. She called once a week. She in bad. She called her mama daily. How close was y'all before she went in? While not as close as they were? Why was you doing all this anyway? I mean, why was she doing all this anyway? Something else is going on, bro, And now you're thinking it's another dude in the picture. When she went to jail for credit card for all, she didn't go to jail with an accomplish. That was a dude. She went by herself. Maybe we need to see what she was buying with the credit card. I mean, we got hotels on it and a whole bunch of other stuff. Then yeah, see, you know, why don't we just lett mister negativity here. He's a good person. He's raised he's a dad of two, raising two daughters. I don't know how I became negativity. I'm negativity. She just letting him ask all the little negative asked questions so he can break up this family. All right, we're moving We're moving on. I know you agree with him, Jay, because you you ignorant. So I'm moving on. Jay understands me. Let's get to this one. Kevin Huntsville says, I'm fifty two and I recently met a fifty five year old man on an unline dating site. He has never been married, he is one adult child. I am divorced and I have one child in college. I bought a small house after my divorce, and he's living in a one bedroom apartment. We both are teachers, and we're both Baptists. Other than that, we don't seem to be on the same page. To be honest, I'd hope to meet the man that didn't still live in an apartment. Am I focused on the wrong thing? Should I get to know him? Anyway? Cello? I mean, you got every right to focus on what you want to focus on day, your priorities. If you want a man that's a home on at fifty two, then maybe that's one of your qualifications and you can pass up on a good man. If he ain't never been married, maybe he ain't never had a reason by the house, I don't know, or he couldn't live with somebody. He just said he ain't been married. You know, he leave with nobody, you know? All right, well, thank you once again. You could ask mister negativity what he wanted to do about roversial. I can let everybody off, you know, and everybody just break up. Coming up next the nephew and run that brank back. You're listening to Dave Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here with our national news and then the entertainment news. Doctor Dre has to pay and it's quite a bit. You'll see how much in a minute. Also, Nick Cannon, Steve now has as many kids as you. We'll talk about all of this at the top of the hour, but right now it is time to run that prank back. What you got for us NAFF phase drug test phase drug might have faith one last time. Everybody know a faith, but you know they ain't making no more phase do y'all know any phase anybody knows. I know you do phase drug test. Let's go cat. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a faith please. This is she Hello, this is Officer Rodgers from the Probation Department. Yes, sir, listen, now you have been on probation for a little over a year. Now, I'm all right, Faith, Yes you're correct. Now you're supposed to be serving two years probation too. All right, now I'm giving you a call. Actually, I'm bringing you a bit of bad news. And I hate to do this, but you you came in for a couple, um, a couple of weeks ago and did a did a drug test? Am I right? All right now, I don't. I hate to bring you some bad news, but the actual drug test that you took has come back positive. That's a lot. That's a lot. That's a last. Wait a minute, Wait a minute. Now, you came in a couple of weeks ago, you took a drug test. This drug test has actually come in positive. Now what I want to say to you is this, You're gonna have to actually my test wasn't you got hold on a second. I either need you to come in to me or I don't and I don't want to save the embarrassment of having to send a car out to pick you up. Now, embarrassment you're talking about. I gave you some ma'am. Right now, I got you have a positive drug? Tell you have you you you come up positive? Man, Now you're gonna they use mine. We use the one that you brought us now must have been the wrong one. Couldn't have been, man, sir. I'm sorr, sir, but I wouldn't have gave you no bad YearIn it just wouldn't me. Man, I don't want to have it back to jail. I don't even know why you would call me with this nonsense. I got children, I'm trying to do right. I don't know why you would calm me. I wouldn't have gave you no bad That's not me, you said. Fly ma'am. Listen, you have to come in and do another three months now, Oh, sir, yall can come pick me up. I can tell you right now. I can pin your hand if you want me to. Ma'am. Your yearine has come back positive of drugs. Now, I don't. I don't know any other way to explain it to you. You've been actually evidently using drugs again, sir, I'm trying to tell you, I don't you know drugs. I've been team for a year and some months now. You got the wrong that's not my How do you telling you that? How do you know it's not yours? Ma'am? It's got your name on the lid. Everything you have come back positives, whatever dinner you put your name on it, because that ain't my it came back, would have came back good. You can't call me and tell me I gave you some man. Can't call me and tell me that that's a negative, Sir, that's a double negative. It's not a double negative, it's a double positive. You've actually come back positive. Say he has written here on the actual cup. Maybe yeah, I'm more than one faith. No, no, we don't have more than one faith. You're the only thing I've actually double checked out myself. You need to either come in or we got to come out. And all you're behind in here, Well, I need you to come right now because I got some right now. I'm right now. Are you trying to tell me that if I come and pick you up and take your year and now your year is gonna come up negative. Is that what you're saying. Yeah, I'm telling you that, mind you up double positive With that, my urine is gonna come up negative. Man, I hate to I don't want to come out all you're in in front of your family, But you're actually gonna be coming in and you're gonna do three months. That's all I can tell you. You're gonna confident, sir. You got the wrong saying hell or you got the wrong. It's one of the two. Might be both. You got the wrong, you got the wrong fake. I'm letting you positive. IM no positive. I'm trying to tell you I got kids, man, I ain't had no positive. Listen, ma'am, I'm telling you one more time. You either want to come in or want me to come and get you. Which one. Let me tell you what I want you to do. I want you to find out who you have because that ain't money. Don't know. I'm gonna tell me nothing about you got some some that that is not good. I gave you some good At times. I got to pey out y'all keep picking up people, software kids and folks. Y'all had me say some times, Miss m Now, I'm I mean giving you drunk and sad. I want to me, I'm Dad. I ain't getting a bad I'm calling no more like that. And where is my probation office? You say your name is what my name is, Officer Rogers? So I don't know, Officer Roger. Like I said, you might be the reason why it came back posit. You might be the reason I need to speak with mister w that's my probation officers. Officer. Now I have clean at all time. Mister you shouldn't be calling me. I should be calling you because I'm gonna ever DELI. I'm gonna have to come down the hall. You're behind him myself where you can bring your soul and when you came you to bring mister with you here. Let you know I'll have no positive you can come to my job. I got you got Let me know what. There's one more There's one more thing and I need to bring come on right now, come on, I got one more thing I need to say to you. Are you listening to me? What is it? Sir? This isn't the few timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your sister Alan. I know one thing y'all played too much. I'll play too much. But I'm coming to give mister rogers. She gonna get no positive hell out of met me thinking I was doing to us and didn't know about it. To play with people like that, okay for you, all right, Hey, I'm not I'm nervously. It's your sister. She putting me up to it. Baby, Well, when you ever see her, you see what she looked like. I'm gonna beat the hell out of her. I got one more question for you, baby. You got to tell me this. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Huh you hit the damn thing? I did it again? Did it again? Why did anybody doubt it? I didn't, you know. Let's see what confess. Well, here come, big doughter, Big brother Doughter. Here we go. Let's see what he gotta say. Big brother doubt it was all right? Wouldn't? He is the king of pranks. I accept that. Tight on him that, But I called about my business. I have told him what's gonna happen. He ain't listened. He gonna keep treading on that mean water until it happened. So now I'm gonna just be here when it happened. You know, I'm gonna let it jump off for a little bit. I'm gonna help him. But you know, are you saying it's found to happen? Is that what you're saying? Ever, No, no, no, Jay, What he is saying is I'm and whooped. He gonna let somebody get four or five links in for he jumping. That's what he's saying. Well, I gotta make that's what's happening. Yeah, No, that is No, I ain't missing a point missing. No, not, You're you're gonna jump in and help them. That's the point after I get hit four or five times, though, that's not the point. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have entertainment news and national news with miss Anne Trip. Right after this, you're listening to the Nave Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, there's been a really big development in doctor Dre's legal battle involving spousal support for his soon to be ex wife, Nicole Young. After a year of back and forth over whether there was a pre nup in place, the judge has ordered doctor Dre to play close to to pay close to three hundred thousand dollars a month. Okay, what who of god? All the money he's got. You think that's a lot. I don't know. Okay, thousand dollars a month or approximately three and a half million dollars a year. He's supposed to pay that to Nicole's law August first, on a temporary basis until the pair can negotiate terms of their divorce settlement. In addition to the monthly payments, doctor J will pay her for her health insurance, will pay for her health insurance, and pay all of the expenses for the Malibu and Pacific Palisades homes. The payments are ordered to continue until she remarries or enters into a new domestic partnership, or or one of them dies health If she's sick, what is it? Health insurance? You got to have health insurance? Oh my god? So three million dollars a year thor and a half. Yeah, don't forget the half three and a half million dollars year. He's a billionaire, isn't he? And she can't pay insurance out of that? Would she get Look, you heard what the judge said, the questions. It's nothing compared to this. Are you sick? Are you sick? Not at all? It's got to be a deductible. I mean, what do you think. Well, I'm gonna address bitter man and cheapimistic. Here's here's a situation. Come on, I'm telling you right now, doctor dre is smiling from earty. You are talking about three hundred thousand dollars a month. Not much money this man is worth. Secondly, she gets the house, the mansion, and he has to pay all the expenses. Are you all not forgetting that this woman was with him when he built this empire, so she is entitled to a share of it. Also, this is the house where his children have grown up in what man worth? His salts will take his children from their home. That's fair. The expenses to run the house, it's eighteen thousand a month. I don't know if you all remember, but he sold drave beats for close to I think one point something three billion dollars. Uh, he's making somewhere to the tune of seven hundred thousand a year, maybe could be more seven yeah, yeah, seven hundred million a year. If you tell me that, I gotta get this woman three and a half million dollars in them them house I'm talking about all over the place, and I'm sure he okay with giving her that. I think we need to sell this house. I think that's our problem. But made it just me? Where it is just you? Where will they have children? Yeah, they don't live at Amaldi. Kids is grown. They grew up in that house. When you go back to see your mother, you want to go home. When I go to the house I grew up in, we got tenants in there. I have, I have, I have. I have a rude, rude surprise for you. Son. You can't ever get a divorce. I'm not and I'm not. You can't ever get a divorce. You're in the state of Texas. You've been married more than nine years. I got a surprise for you. Oh boy, all right, Yeah, you ain't gonna like it. Listen, we gotta check in with Missanne now, Steve. Ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp. I'd like to divorce myself anyway. I wouldn't get anything. This is a trip for the news. Good morning, everybody. Opening ceremonies that this year's Olympic Games are underway right now. A first Lady Joe Biden's over there in Tokyo, and she's cheering on our athletes. By the way, about one hundred of the six hundred and thirteen US competitors have vaccinated. No spectators are going to be allowed over there either, so it's kind of really going to be real different. Meanwhile, health officials here say that just over the past two weeks, a number of COVID cases have more than doubled across the country. CDC Director Rochelle Willinski says the problem is fewer people are getting vaccinated, and this new form of the virus is a bad one. Compared to the virus we had circulating initially in the United States at the start of the pandemic, the delta variant is more aggressive and much more transmissible than previously circulating strains. It is one of the most infectious respiratory viruses we know of and that I have seen in my twenty year career. The CEC reports that only fifty six percent of American adults have received at least one dose of vaccine. They win majority of coronavirus deaths in the US right now among those who are not inoculated right now. The White House stands with the CDC and saying that vaccinated people don't need a mask, with people who have not been should wear masks to protect themselves and other people. State of Mississippi asking the US as Supreme Court to overturn the nineteen seventy through overweight decision legalizing abortion. A Florida lawyer has fathered suit contending that when cities and state governments maintain Confederate monuments on public land that it's an endorsement of white supremacy that tax ars have to pay for. The suit filed by Jacksonville attorney Earl Johnson Junior, whose father, by the way, was one of the reverend doctor Martin Luther King's lawyers. Johnson's suits argues that the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery, should also block the funding for monuments to slavery on public land. It goes the way I want it, we will finally, once and for all, get the Confederacy off of welfare. Johnson hopes that a ruling in his favorite would take Confederate statues off the public Dole Bootleg Blaze and Oregon, now the third largest fire in that state in more than one hundred years. Smoke from it. Another blaze is sending smoke and haze across the country, and state's dealing with climate change. Everything's dry and mega drafts was making it worse. And finally, the fabulous Marla Gives has just gotten her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She was flaunched, you know, into Jefferson's but she was married on two to seven. Than no place hunting out. Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening, all right, So guys, Steve, our buddy, Nick Cannon is one proud daddy. You got to say that about him. He just announced the birth of his countum seventh son, his seventh child, I should say. Nick posted a picture of the newborn on Instagram and wrote, introducing Zen Scott Cannon aka z Chillen. Nick's children have been a topic of discussion lately after having four children with three different women within a year's time, but Nick hasn't offered any explanations on this. In a recent interview, he said he's fully aware of the situation and having all these children is actually intentional on his part. Intentional. So, hell baby, let me be a millionaire. I mean, I was wondering why Nick had so many jobs like you, Steve. I mean he's got the mass sing a while and out, he's got a radio show. He's coming out with a new talk show. Now I see why yeah, yeah, to support these children. Ay why just talented? Well, of course he's talented. I love Nick Cannon, love him. That's gonna be an enjoyable process th kids. Yeah, enjoying Nick a set of twins with Mariah Carey. I mean, it's gonna be a great dad. So, you know, yeah, he said it was intentional on his part. That's interesting as well. Say that now, yeah, yeah, and there and children are blessing. We got to say that as well. So congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations. Time yeah, time seven. Y'all got a lot in common over all. Y'all both got a set of twins both, you know, that's about it. You have seven children. Talk show, talk show, radio show, radio show, radio radio show. That's about it, wild wild and sometimes about it. Yelp all that. But I mean Eddie Murphy has what ten he has ten children? Yeah, he has ten. So I mean I haven't heard anything. I haven't heard anything from Nick other than you know, this statement that he said he's fully aware of the situation and that all these children were intentional on his part. So yeah, he alently can He's got a lot of YEA God doesn't make mistakes, absolutely not, absolutely no. M hm. So how many ques you grab? Man three? Grown out in the house again, congratulations going out in Nick Cannon coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour. I don't know if you guys have seen this, but we're going to talk about it. The slave master themed engagement photos that are trending. They are circulating. Wait until you hear about this right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This story right here, guys, an interracial couples slave master themed engagement photos are making their rounds across the internet and social media. Now, just have you seen these? Have you seen these? All? Right? In one picture a black man, You've seen it, Steve. In one picture, a black man appears to be dressed in slave clothing as he hovers over to plan a kiss on his white wife, who's wearing a pre Civil War style dress. He put some burlapo In a few of the slave like photos, it looks like the couple is standing on a sugarcane plantation where the black groom is pictured shackled in chains. Okay, I mean this is just so bizarre, so strange. We don't know. They tried to create a storyline for the photo shoot, which is of course insensitive, aunt racist, both of those things. They added this caption eighteen forty two days passed and everything changed. Our love got stronger and stronger. He was no longer a slave, he was part of the family. Wow, that's supposed to make those pictures better. It's to meet to me, it's the same process as being again without that that company they'll put out racist pictures and then they'll apologize from so now they're getting depressed with talking about it, and then they'll probably apologize later run. So it's all about just getting people to see it. But this is like the dumbest thing ever at what costs. It's come on, It's it's a testament to the ignorance of both of them. It's ignorant on her part to want to even portray her potential husband that way. It's ignorant on her part, Aunt. But I'm more disappointed than help I got her coming from her forefathers with slave on us I got it, but yours were slaves, and to make light of it, like you fallen in love with this slave master? Are you kidding me? Man? The thinking of your stupid ass to want to call this white woman your master and then for her to be okay, we're calling her black ass man her slave. Both your sick ass families, and I'm gonna tell you one other thing. I bet you both their families was going, are they crazy? Have they lost a rabid ass mind? No one stopped the comments that were posted, Steve. They were saying they were even mad at the cameraman for taking these pictures. Why don't we just go ahead and make him a slave for sixty day. Let's go on, put him through the course, put him through it, put him through it. Whoop that ass, all of that. Let's put him through it. Since he thinks he wants to be a slave, let's go. It's so beyond the realm of even understanding the atrocity of what that really was the greatest atrocity against mankind for four hundred years. This and the Holocaust were the two greatest atrocities against all of mankind. Nothing compares to these two things here, nothing but the amount of time that we were slaves this country right here, with this constitution right here. Man missed me, and you stupid black ass thought this was good to do. Proclaim your proclaim your love for the master. Man got he was part of the family. What I mean, make this make sense? Why they did it? First of all, he did it because he has no pride or sense of self or dignity. Let's star wars him. He has none of that. His identity is wrapped up in whiteness, his accepted of whiteness. That he was a slave and this master would take him in. That's his whole idea. This whole thing is his black ass fault. I ain't eve mad a white girl, you black stupid all right, listen, coming up next, we're moving on. It's getting tense up in here. We're moving on. Coming up next, the nephew and the prank phone call. I want to right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject is oh no she didn't, Oh no, oh no she did. We'll get into it. That mean a lot, right why we have the let us those four little words, you know, a whole lot. Oh she's so died? Did it? We'll get into it in just a bit, but right now it is time for the prank phone call with the nephew. What you got for us today? Now? Your son peed in the pool? Oh no, he didn't. Let me text some time. One more time. I'm going to say that again. I said, y'all son pee in the pools and manna last Yeah, let's go catch off. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach it. Can you hear me? Yes, I'm trying to reach Anastasia. This is she? How you doing? Listen? I'm Glenn the lifeguard over here at the pool here in the apartment complex. Yes, sir, do you have a you have a son named yes, sir? Everything? Uh yeah, yeah, everything is fine. I mean a quick question, man, we got a situation here with what's we're not we're not gonna be allowed to uh to let him swim here at the pool and the complex anymore. What we got him from me? Your son? I mean, he swims here pretty much every every every other day. You know, I'm always here seeing him swim. But it seems like is you know, we've been trying to figure out who it is. You'll your fun keep peeing in the pool. Slam ain't fool, ma'am. I don't want to get into it with you, your son, And so we finally narrowed down. Your son is the one that's pining in the pool every day, and you know it's really a bad thing. Uh, we can't continue to keep letting them come over here. We gotta ban him from the pool. My son don't pin pool. We ain't nash it like this. Did you check them to be? He's gonna say it's my song? And then the pool? Well, your son is the one to be making faces and stuff, and I know that's what he's doing here in their pin. Your son is the one that's pinned making faces. He'd be making faces, so I know he in their pen. That got to do with them. We shn be making faces? Come too with something you're gonna say in the pool? Got he making face? I'm not gonna go like that. I teach my kids better than that. He ain't no pool, Hey lady, I'm not gonna All I'm saying is he can't come over here and swim anymore. He's banned from the pool until we rectify this problem. When he gonna be in the pool and we all pool, we are gonna be there. And that's a mind remain of fact. I'm thinking I'm kids to the pool. No, we don't a man, I'm not gonna city and go back and forth with you all. I'm trying to tell you it was just right here. Your son has been paying in the pool. My boss wants me to bear him. If he's not the one, then we will allow him to come back later. But right now with singling people out and your son, you know, it just seems like he's the one that's doing it. What's your name? Was? My name is Glenn. I'm Glenn the lifeguard. That's who I am. Now what's the real name? Then? But I was supposed to be calling me. You ain't got a little bit the kind of I'm talking about my son, No, fool, how you neverthing to give I'm not at liberty to give my lad's name. The bottom line is we can't run in the bottom What but you don't live the don't But you can't give me all the name? Okay, listen, I'm not all I'm supposed to do is call you, gonna let you know that we're banned in your son from getting in the pool. Once you're talking about you can't bad my playing the life board, get a real job, a summer job. Did you got a job? And I call him? You said him, you know what, you ain't goody and you can't stop nobody who's come next pool? And we're gonna be damn though tomorrow again. And if you did do your job between that man, let me say this to you. If your son comes to the pool tomorrow and get in the pool, I'm snatching your son out of the pool. I bless you. I wish you would because you don't need a lifeguard. You seat trying a pool. I wish you would. What kind of problem upen? At ten o'clock, we're gonna be there nine Saturday. You got me up? Come out? You gonna snatch my son out of pool? Yeah? Mine? Nobody pool? Yea mine, ladies. The problem is I've heard has been singled out all the other kids, appointing us and saying he's the one that's doing it. Your son is the one that's being humble, he's clearing whatever whatever for Right now, all I'm asking you is is keep your son away from the pool for the next two weeks if we fell, not that that's not him. Will allow him to come back. Okay, ain't me. He ain't saying away pool for two weeks. If you do, he gonna come back and do some mostion pool. I'm gonna telling the whole two weeks with them and go back to that talking about my son to pool. You can tell about his faith. You said what you said, he fo life? You wo the pool? You know so fine. You must not know what you're talking to. I will be there and that to model me and I don't fight my kids. And then I was in the pool too. Don't do nothing. Hang a little kids go without getting him in the pool. Let me tell you something. Don't you bring them kids over there and bring them in the pool. No, none of your children. I don't give it. And what you say, you don't run life guard. Get rid of John. Lady. Listen, lady, I'm not gonna go continue to go back and forth. I got one more thing I need to say to you what I'm done. Okay, one more thing that I'm done. You ain't got to say to me. I do I want thing I do need to say to you what you about to say to me? I need to say this. This is left you Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got Frank from your home boarder. You hello, kid, look man, look it up you timmy doctor man. You want to get this like this? Y'all play too much. Ye'all know y'alla play too black, no play for nothing. I'm walking towards to them now. I thought you was coming to the pool tomorrow. I was coming to the office today and they stay it was opening the five cock. I'll to tell me, I'll call my files myself in the pool. I was gonna come. Now, take care of them kids, baby. I got one more thing. I got to ask, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Give it to him? Okay, first of all, before I ask you awesome questions, give me my accolades. Give him to him. Give him. I especially like that one because I can relate to it, you know what I mean. And that leads me to my question, Jake, how many times, let's just say your adult life, huh, that you have peed in the pool? Oh, Tommy, every time I'm in there, tip it's a badge. Of honor? What's going on? I go just but the best place to pe is from the high Ask if you ever be the triple Lindsay? Is that an Olympic sports should have been? Check? So okay, okay, So Shirley, do ladies like not pee in the pool? I mean, I'm just asking that. Okay. Sure, have you ever pee in the pool? Sure? Yeah? When I was younger, yes, I did so. So Shirley, you ain't been twenty plus twenty plus to nine, ain't Shirley. Stop. As hard as it is to get out all wet and everything, it's just gross to me. I don't do it. I'm sorry, you know what, Shirley. I feel like it's a hazard to to get out and almost and almost slipp and fall and go all the way to the back. I think it's just a hazard. Now now, what I've learned is not to pee in the pool. But when I get out and I'm walking around and water dripping on me, then that's when you you pe in. Okay, not a whole pavement. They're getting it. I've never heard of that. That's just that is if you're smiling in the pool and nut swimming, Okay, it's a lot of chlorophyll in there. It's supposed to. Can you pee in the pool and look directly at somebody and have a conversation with what you do? All right, nephew, thank you? Coming up next Strawberry Letter subject, Oh No she didn't. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter. Well that's for you, Jay. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here right now. Never know it could be yours. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry Letter, Thank you, nephew. Subject, Oh No she didn't. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm in my late thirties and I found out that my husband of ten years has a girlfriend on the side. I've been tracking his car for months and he picks her up from work, takes her to dinner, and then comes home. I even know where she lives, and I've sat outside her house and blew the horn and waved at her. She knows who I am, so it's odd that she's never mentioned anything to my husband. A few weeks ago, I noticed a change in my husband's pattern. He stopped picking her up from work, so I thought they had broken up. I sat outside her house and saw a different man leaving out, and she was in a robe at the door. She noticed my car and threw a finger sign at me. Oh no, she didn't. I was beyond mad, but couldn't do a thing because she might have a gun. As you can probably tell, I don't care about my husband cheating because I barely have sex with him anymore, but in the few times I do, I don't want him giving me any kind of cooties that she may have given him. I don't like that she's giving it up to other men besides my husband, because that's just nasty. I did not go back to her house because I don't want any problems, but I did notice that my husband still sees her. I have tracked him for so long, and I finally decided to tell him about it. I told him He's been followed, track spied on, and everything else. He tried to lie and defend himself, but I told him there was no way to fix this. I let him know that the bigger problem is that his girlfriend is bound to give him a disease sooner or later because she's fooling around with other men. He said, I'm crazy, and he brought up divorcing me so much for trying to help him and keep him safe. How can I fix this? This is a crazy letter right here. This letter makes no sense. Why do you think you have to fix this? You can shut it down or threaten their lives and stop it, but your husband should be the one to quote or unquote fix it. I mean, this is a mess he created, and that's for your husband to do if it is at all fixable, and it doesn't look like it is. He's already thrown around the D word talking about divorce and what kind of marriage is this anyway? I mean, he is a side chick who you know about, and you say you don't care about him anyway, and you don't have sex with him. Really, all you're concerned about is him bringing home a disease In those rare times you do have sex with him. Of course that's a valid concern, But you know, you don't have to stay in this loveless marriage and worry about his side chick having a gun if you roll up on her. You don't have to stay in this. You don't have that to worry about. You're a miserable, he's miserable. The only one who seems to be, you know, having any fun in this thing is the side chick. You know, she's with your man, she's with other men. She's giving you the finger, flipping you off. So again, what is there to fix in all of this? I mean, your marriage is a sham, it's unhappy, and you and your husband don't even like each other. You all don't even like each other. I mean, surely you don't want to spend another ten years of your life in this mess. So how can you fix this? It sounds unfixable to me. I mean, there's no mention of love. There's no mention of anything in here that would make me think that you know that's what you want to do save your marriage, and certainly your husband doesn't feel that way either, Steve, I just see so much in this letter, writer. Yeah, the title of the letter. Oh no, she didn't. What just lady, did you listen to your letter when you wrote it? Did you read back through it? Did you not know that when Shirley got through giving you her advice? Didn't you know I was gonna get this letter and I was gonna do something. I'm in my late thirties. I found out my husband of ten years has a girlfriend on the side. I've been tracking this car from months. He picks her up from work, takes her to dinner, then comes home, comes home to what no hell, no fury, no notes, no, no, no car windows, no, no pausing in the food. No, and you ain't trying to stab him? He come home and then y'all, y'all what nothing? I even know where she lives. And I've set outside of her house and blew the horn and waved at her. What is you waving at her? Full? Why did you? What? Why are you outside this woman out blowing her horn, waving at her? She knows who I am. So it's odd that she's never mentioned anything to my husband. What that's your concern? It's odd to me that she's never mentioned anything to my husband. Wait a minute, that's the odd part. Women. You didn't see nothing odd about him picking up her from work and taking her to dinner, then coming home and you letting him live. Then you didn't think it was odd that when you blew the horn and you waved at her. She ain't come out on y'all talk. She knows who I am, so as odd. She never mentioned anything to my husband. A few weeks ago, I noticed a changing my husband patterned. He stopped picking her off from work, So I thought they broken up. Oh, I said, our house and saw a different man leaving, and she was in the row at the door. She noticed my car and threw up a finger at me. Oh no, she didn't. What hold on, we'll have her two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour today's Strawberry letter subject don't know she didn't. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter subject. Oh no, she didn't. Just one of the dumbest letterators we hadn't hand. Oh no, she didn't. Don't found out your man got a husband, got girlfriend for ten years on the side, and he picked off from work, take her to dinner. Then he come home without any consequences none, He just come home. I even know where she lives. And I've said outside her house and blew the horn and waved at her what issue, waving at her phone. She went on back in the house, so she knows who I am. So it's odd that she ain't never mentioned anything to excuse me my husband, your husband, it's odd that she ain't mentioned nothing to him. I can't believe you ain't saying nothing to us, an, I really can't. What kind of sister are you? It don't even get no better than this letter. A few weeks ago, I noticed a change in my husband's patterned he stopped picking her from work. So I thought they had broken up. Oh, I bet you was relieved about that. You didn't have to go tracking no more. Oh but I sat outside us house and I saw a different man leaving out that she was in the road at the door. She noticed my car. Threw up a finger side in me. Oh no, she didn't. You man at her throwing up at the finger at you skip the fact that your husband been picking her up, taking her to dinner. Screwing huh? And the part you mad at is she had on a robe and threw a finger for you at the dope. She said. I was beyond mad, but I couldn't do anything about it because she might have a gun. Oh on top of all this, Now, you scanned boy, you live in shame and fear. As you can probably tell, I don't care about my husband cheating because I barely have sex with him anymore. Still but barely have sex, but in a few times I do. I don't want him giving me any kind of cooties that she may have given him. Listen to this next ignorant ass line. I don't like that she's giving it up to other men besides my husband. What what did you just type? Lady? You you you you really type this to some people. I mean, you know, if you're telling it to somebody, I could see somebody going, what did you just say? But when you type it that takes an extra level of concentration, and then you press sin you send it to us. I don't like that she's giving it up to other men besides my husband, because that's just nasty. Can I tell you something in this letter, man, This lady is mad at all the wrong stuff. You're just mad at everything the wrong. Damn. Wait. Look I did not go back to her house because I don't want any problems. All the problem is at your house. The cooties is at your house, the cheetah is at your house. But I did notice that my husband still sees her. What I have tracked him for so long. I finally decided to tell him about it, and I told him he's been followed, track spied on everything else. He tried to line and defend himself, but I told him there was no way to fix it. He ain't trying to fix it. I heard in your letter where he trying to fix it. I let him know that the bigger problem is whoa, whoa. There's a bigger problem than your husband cheating on you, taking another woman to dinner then coming home to you. Here's the bigger problem is that his girlfriend is bound to give him a disease sooner or later because she's fooling around with other men. Now, I bet Dada hurt your ass. He said, I'm crazy. He's righting, and I brought it and brought up divorcing me so much for trying to help him. Wait, wait, whoa, lady, what did you just say so much for trying to help him? What are you trying to help him for? What are you trying to help him? Do so much for trying to help him and keep him safe? How can I fix this? Wait a minute, let me make this perfectly clear. You're a fool. You're a fool. How can I fix this? What are you trying to fix Why are you trying to help him? He ain't trying to fix it? But see you mad at all the wrong things? Lady? You mad because he picked up and you ain't you mad? You ain't mad because he pick up from work and take her to dinner and then come home. You ain't mad at that. You you really mad at that. It's odd she ain't never mentioned to her husband that you blow the horn and wave at her. You what you mad at is she came to hord Dog after another man left with a robe on and she threw a finger up at you. That's what you mad at. And you mad at your husband because you're trying to help him. Man Cabou, you are a fool and you should stop being a fool. You a fool for him, and he ain't crazy about you. I don't know why you want this man as your husband. I don't know what it is you call yourself trying to fix. You have nothing to fix. You've told this man he cheats on you, he told you you crazy, and he brought up divorce. Now you want to fix it, to go back into what lady, Stop being a fool. Stop being a fool. Let this man go. All right? Thank you, Steve. Look leave your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Instagram, at and Facebook, and at Steve Harvey FM. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand as well. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this you're listening to. A Houston hospital has its first case of the Lambda variant of the coronavirus, but public health experts say it is still too soon to tell whether the variant will rise to the same level of concern as the delta variant currently raging across the US. About eighty three percent of COVID nineteen cases in the US are from the Delta variant, and the vast majority of hospitalizations are among unvaccinated people. That's according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Lambda variant on the other hand, has been identified in less than seven hundred cases in the US, but has been labeled as a variant of interest. Studies suggests that the vaccines currently currently authorized for use in the US are highly effective at preventing severe COVID nineteen symptoms. And we all know this and deaths across multiple variants, getting vaccinated still remains the most important factor in stopping the virus deadly effects and slowing down new variants. Now here's a question for you, guys. Do you think we're headed toward another lockdown, another mask mandate because there's still a lot of people shot. Listen to me, I have made the final decision. I'm going to encourage black people to get this vaccination. Stop calling me and telling me your theories of why you don't think we should. Let me give you a couple of key people in my life. My in laws got vaccinated. They're in their eighties. They just celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary. They contracted COVID from their living from their from their nurse that comes to their house every day. The doctors told them, and everybody knows it is because of their pre existing conditions. Had they not been vaccinated, they wouldn't have been celebrating their sixtieth wedding anniversary that they just celebrated last week. A very good friend of mine who works for me, who was in his forties, did not get the vaccine was put in quarantine for ten days. Today, after twelve days of quarantine, he was admitted to the hospital. I am praying for him. His words to me was, man, I wish I had got that vaccine. I am telling you all, folks, I don't care what the theories are. You should go and get vaccinated. It is proven that it lessens the symptoms to the point where it doesn't get severe. But everybody that I know that has not taken the vaccine has suffered, and I know some people who are not here anymore. Now. If you're willing to take that chance, go ahead, but you may pass on this virus to somebody that you really don't want to lose, who may not be as strong as you. So I am suggesting to all people to go and get your vaccination. Period. Black people are dying twice as much, and we are suffering from severe conditions three times as much. All right, I mean well, said Steve coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right. The creative director of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Tokyo was fired yesterday. This is one day before the event is set to take place, so much as going on in Tokyo right now. His name is Kintaro Yobu Yashi. He had previously been a member of a popular popular comedy duo. He was terminated after a video of a comedy routine he performed back in the nineties surface in which he appeared to joke about the Holocaust. We found out that mister Yabu Yashi, in his own performance has used a phrase ridiculing a historical tragedy, said the Olympic Organizing Committee President. We deeply apologize for causing such a development the day before the opening ceremony and for causing troubles and concerns to many involved parties, as well as the people in Tokyo and the rest of the country, he added. Uh Kobe Yashi's dismissal is the latest in a series of high profile firings and resignations of officials involved in the Tokyo Games. So yeah, he's done, he's done. I'm kind of on the fence here. Yeah, I wanted to ask the comedian. I mean, oh my god, man, who was this guy? Probably not as knowledgeable, probably wasn't where he was where he is in life now. Yeah, I mean, look, people, you gotta get saved from something, you know, and you're losing your job, just person. You know, if he apologizes said, hey, look man, I was younger than I was, on the wrong side of the thought process. You know, that's not how I feel today. Oh my god, is something I would never say today. And you guys, especially as comedians. So yeah, I mean we talk about this a lot on and off the air. You know. Are there some things, some subjects that you shouldn't you know, touch upon. Are there things that are off limits? You know, sometimes you would think the Holocaust was one in Jay. There's a lot of la there's a lot of things. Go ahead, tell me, I'm I mean, I'm back on stage. There's a lot of things you're scared to talk about, you know, you because of the climate, Because of the climate. You know, you guys know we did it on this show for years. I did Eugene. I loved it. I love a character. It was fun to do it. It's a scary thing to do now you I'm afraid to do it. I think I'm on I think I'm going to offend somebody, so I just don't do it. I think it was I think that character was completely harmless because we never you never made any sexual references, you never made any sexual derogatory remarks. You just use a humorous voice tone. And for us to have to stop doing that for safety purposes, what's just ridiculous, man. But it was just ridiculous for safety purposes. That's the thing where you have to yourself for me. You can't ask me about Steve Harvey, Tyler Perry or Tim Journa. I don't have not a damn thing to say. They all put money in my pocket, so I ain't got no jokes, Okay, none, not at all, not a one, not none. So that's what's off limits for you. It's what you're saying. Yeah, but you know, look, I mean it used to be nothing was off limits, right except for your own personal preference. Like I never used the P word on stage, nor have I we used the N word on stage now in my personal life. Being honest, that inn word flies around, whether profusely, but out on stage. No, man, it's not for general consumption amongst me and the dudes I come up with. That's a different turn. Yeah yeah, but now you can't say it, no bet. All right, we're moving on, guys. Coming up, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, we want to send a big congratulations out to a living legend. We all know and love her. We grew up with her, Miss Marla Gibbs. That is correct. On Tuesday, legendary actress Marla Gibbs received her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and July twentieth was officially declared Marla Gibbs Day in Hollywood. We know her work, it's fans of her decades. She is best known, of course, for starring in the seventy sitcom The Jeffersons as Florence, and the eighties sitcom Two to seven That's Mary, and many other classic shows. Ninety eight year old, I said ninety eight year old Norman Lear, the producer that developed the Jeffersons was present for the honor. He said to Miss Marla Gibbs, there is only one you, ma'am, and I'm thrilled to be here for you. Love you. You added time to my life and for that I could not be more grateful. Thank you. How nice? Wait, very nice, lady. Yeah, thanks, I've met all of them. I've even met Norman Lear. Oh wow. I met Norman Lear at a function in New York. Man. We were receiving awards at the same time. Yeah, this little hat on. I walked him and said, man, just thank you. You gave me some dope moments for Marla Gibbs, living legend, great woman, the beautiful sister. I met all of them. Sherman Hamsley, Isabel Sam, I've had both Folk our show, to Steve Harvey Show. Wow, very fortunate man to have met those people. Man legends like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, congratulations again to Miss Marlott Gibbs. And we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour right after this you're listening show, all right, Steve, introduce your friend. He's here, Ladies and gentlemen. The food Saint Petersburg, Florida, July at the thirty first at the National Armory, Saint Petersburg, Florida. I said it right, It's correct. Anyway. I just was jotting down some things, and the question to all of us today is is your country? Is you country? Here we go? Have you ever put your lips on a window fan? Yes or no? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, hell yeah. Have you ever eate raw cake battery? Yeah? Hell hell yeah, hell yeah. Have you ever taken a toilet paper roll and went did in dit in? Yeah? Have you Have you ever drunk water out the spick it not the water holes straight up to the speaking all the way up to I don't know. I don't know is that speak because you really cuntry? Go ahead yet? That's why. Yeah, here we go, Here we go. Have you ever sprayed anything on a bug that wasn't bug sprayed? Hell yeah, solved the hell out of the bug. I jammed a bug. I'm so bad with some furniture sprays. Some pledge was shining, all right. Have you ever ate shaved ice out the refrigerator? That's the best ice, but you know you know that I just got someone laid in it. Man, but we didn't get a damn we ate, But don't nothing taste like that. It's so good? Right? Yeah? Have you ever played in a box? What? Sliding down the hill in it? Just impty gass box? Yes, all right, here's another one. Have you ever laid your clothes out the night before schooling to mine? Have my husband? Oh that's still happened, just the other lay clothes the other day. What are you talking about, y'all? Dress? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, ste No, we don't want the same office. We have stuff that's similar. Y'all. Ain't got no shirt. Y'all ain't got no shirt that say Steve on the back. And Madre you're you don't having sure say hears and hers and y'all pointing Eddie Jenny your hand. You don't have all. Okay, this is the last one. Is the last one? Okay, last one. Have you ever played a serious game? That's my car serious? I mean to a fight might break out? No, no, no, no, no, no, no fault done broke out? All right? Coming up, our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey, our fearless leader at forty nine minutes after the hour when we get back right after this, you're listening to show. All right, guys, here we are at the end of the day for our anyway. Yeah, it's the last break of the day. A long work of week, a long work of week that we put in, and here we are now we can rest on our laurels. I'm all all the work we did through the entire week. You come here so less that you don't even know that the phrase ain't a long work of week. It's a long week of work and came often. You know the order and which there slogan it said. But you want to come in on the back end of the damn week, so you don't know what the hell the work was. But I'm I can just say this, I'm just as tired. I'm just this tired. Wow. From from what Jay I mean as well, it worked all week, I might as well because I'm just a damn tired wow. Thank you Saturday. Hey, y'all, Uh, let me say this to you as a closer remark. I don't know how long I can talk on this subject, but I try to feel some time. Hire, But you can't afford not to chase your dreams. You can't afford not to chase your dreams. I know exactly how it feels to want something, to not know how to go about attaining it, but yet and still still wanted. I know what that feels like. I know what it feels like to have an idea of how to get it, but it seems so far away that it seems like you ain't gonna ever get there. I know exactly what that feels like. I know what it feels like to have no idea whatsoever, what to do next, what's my move? What should I do? I understand exactly how that feels. I understand exactly what it feels like to want to chase something and have no idea what to chase should be about. Okay, so I'm clear on all those fronts. I gotta tell you something. You do know, you really do. You've just given up on the hope of it. You've just stopped the pursuit of you, stopped thinking that it could possibly be a reality. But you do know what you want to chase. You do know what you could be if there was no way for you to fail. What would you be? You know exactly what that is. But What you can't do is you can't life. You can't let this thing called life beat you up and make you give up or stop the pursuit of it. Because I have news for you. This thing called life is gonna keep on coming. It's never ending. It's a learning experience until you leave this world, all of us, no matter who you are, no matter what place you in in life. The Bible says, a man without a dream or vision shall perish. We are all in pursuit of something or should be, and if you're not, you need to be. You cannot afford not to chase your dreams, because what's the alternative of not chasing your dreams? What is that? Man? What is this settling for mediocrity? What is that about? What is just going along with it and seeing how I go? What is that about? Or should I ask you the question? How does that feel? But then again I can relate because I know how that feels too. I would rather chase my dreams and be on the constant hunt for him than to never ever expose myself to them, never ever pursue them, and wonder what should or would have could have been my whole life. I'm not gonna do that. I'm gonna get after it, and I'm asking you to do the same. Get after it. You ain't gonna want to be rich. That don't ever have to be your dreams. Maybe you just want to have a better life. Maybe you just want to be able to take care of the necessities in life. Okay, cool, I got that. Maybe you can't see nothing else for yourself, but you see something for yourself, and you got to start the pursuit of it. Come on, y'all. Success is not fame or money. Success is living in your God giving gift to its fullets. That's what success he is. Success ain't how far you've come, but how far you've come from where you started. That's what success is. A lot of you have experienced success, but you're so wrapped up in where you not that you forgot where you started from, and that where you are such a big jump from where you was that you don't forgot that. Hey, my friend, you are already successful. So sometimes you got to stop and give yourself a little handclap. Now every now and then, you got to stop and pat yourself on the back, because I got you may not be where you want to be, But how about the fact that you ain't where you was. Now I'm asking you, I'm imploring you, and I'm there. I'm asking you to consider this now. It don't make no sense not to chase your dreams. It don't make no sense to be mediocre when you could be something else. Look, you ain't got to be Oprah. You ain't got to be Michael Jordan. You ain't got to be Tiger. You ain't got to be Michelle Obama. You ain't got to be Brock. You ain't got to be none of them people. But how about if you just turned yourself in the best you that you could be. Man, do you understand the gratification that comes with that? Do you understand the warmth that you would have just to be able just to take your kids shopping every now and the end to the mall Fellas, just to be able to take your family to McDonald's, down to the playground area, you know, let your kids do something like that. It ain't got to be something spectacler, make small, intricate goals, reach inch by inch. Anything's a cinch. But in the meantime, you need to start thinking about that big pitch of them dreams. It don't make no sense not to chase your dreams because being mediocre it ain't no way to live. I wouldn't done it. It ain't no way to live. All right now, I talk to God about all of this. Get some help, get some counseling. We'll see y'all tomorrow. Talk to God. He'd love to hear from you. Bye for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening