Labor Day Weekend, Truth Be Told, 59 Days Away, MTH and more.

Published Sep 4, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today's show is dedicated to all bass fisherman in the world. What is more important personality or looks? Can a man ever out argue a woman or nah? Fool #2 murders another one in the spirit of Johnny Gill. The Chief Love Officer gives a woman insight to what goes on in a man's mind when it comes to breaking up. Junior shares with us the realities of being ugly in Truth Be Told. We have the signs that you are smoking something in Comedy Roulette. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog drives the point home about US being the deciding factor at the polls 59 days from now. Check out Go and vote!!!

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have a suit on giving them more like the Millian bus things. And it's good Steve listening together for Stu. Please, I don't joy by me. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, got to turn them out, to turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby now, huh. I show will good morning everybody. You'll listening to the voice now, come on dig me one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show one more time partner, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man. How amazing is that? How good has God been to me? How good has he been to you? Just check yourself sometimes, just sit up, Just let's run a survey. Just look at your life, where it's at. It might not be where you want it to be, but that's probably some decisions you made. But really, though, in spite of all the crazy mistakes I didn't made, I mean, man, I look back at some of the decisions I didn't came up with, and and man, it's it's it's just amazing. He let me live. I mean, it's it's and and and to exist the way I exist. It does nothing but grace, mercy, favor all that is. That's what my mama praying for me when I wasn't praying for myself. It had to be it, because, man, I can truly tell you I have made enough mistakes man, stuff you would never even know about, and recovered from them all you can too, and I don't care what you've done. Marvin Sapp has a song out that says he saw the best in me when everyone else around me could only see the worst in me. You know that that's an important song man, especially. You know. I want to talk to men today because man, being a man is so so difficult. Please know it has been my quest ever since I was a little boy. My father had one ambition, son, I don't care what you do, but when I get through raising you, you will be a man. That's all I want you to be. And he never cared what I did for a living, and it never made a difference to him. You're going to be a man. Manhood is difficult. Now, ladies, just listening to this, I'm not saying womanhood ain't. I don't know what it takes to be a woman, so you know, but I do know exactly what it takes to be a man. So you know, sometimes when you talk to people on the radio, you have to preface things because people are just go he trying to make it look like womanhood. Ain't. No, That's not what I'm doing. I'm just talking to men today to explain to them that deigned by their self and struggling trying to figure this thing out, that you are not alone in your quest for manhood. That is difficult, but I gotta tell you, man manhood is that kind of difficult, and it becomes even more compounded if a young boy does not have a male role model. I've said it a thousand times. I'll say it again. A young boy without a male role model is like an explorer without a map. While I have a suggestion for everybody that's struggling with manhood and all of the men out there that are men, This messages for all of us, and it's for me too. You know. I was listening to Joyce Myers the other day and she made a statement. She said, sometimes you gotta do the right thing even when it feels wrong. You know, one of the difficulties of manhood is pure pressure and the misguided principles of manhood. See what God wants us to be as men and what we believe manhood is sometimes two different things. Give you an example. I wrote this book for women, right and I was telling them the three ways that a man shows his love, and I call him three pas. We profess, we protect, and we provide. Every man who is a man, that's how he exhibits love. When I talkie talk key comforting with our great nurturists. But when it comes down to to it, what we all want to do, what is in our day DNA, is to profess our love for something you as a woman, to protect you as a woman, and to provide for you as a woman. That's in our DNA. Now, sometimes that gets messed up. And I'll give you an example. Sometimes when a boy doesn't have the proper, real role model in his life, he takes that principle of love that we all possessing us every man, the professing part, the protecting and in the providing part, and we misplay it. That's why gangs exist. Gangs exist off those three principles. What's the first thing a gang member do. He professed, he claim a hood. That's the first thing you do. This is my neighborhood. I'm Duce's trade, I'm triple h, I'm due de Duke, I'm purple, I'm red, I'm blue. The first thing they do is claim that's professing. That's how we show our love. But it's misguided though. Now we're professing something that ain't even good for us. Your hood, your game, your click now, guess what Now we got to protect it. So now as a protection part of our love, here we go. You come down here, We're gonna do this to you. You go over there, they're gonna do that to you. You protect your hood, This your turf, This is all you got. You ain't nobody coming down here with blue owned. Can'tybody come over here with red on. You can't come over here with purple on. You can't come over here with black and gold on. And we and we protect that because that's in our DNA. And then what's the third thing we provide? So guess what the game need money? Guess what we do. We're selling drugs, we're selling women, we're selling guns. It go back to the same thing. Man, I don't know how God gave it to me that way when I was writing a book, but he showed it to me along the way. That's how men love well. When you don't have a role model in your life. Guess what now that love is misplaced, it's misguided, it's off track. Ain't no man told you that. Really you're supposed to take this love and give it to a woman. You're really supposed to profess, protect and provide for a woman, not your gang set. Now you professing your hood, wrapping a color. You're protecting your territory, shooting people driving by coming over you on your street, and then you provide. Now you are here selling drugs and guns for the same thing. When a boy does not have a male role model, he has a misguided way of looking at manhood. Here's a deal. See, God created all of us in his image. That means He's put some of our DNA in him. That's why it's in your DNA to profess, protect, and provide because guess what, that's what God do for us, because we His children. I'm just talking to men right now. I'm just telling you man, I had to wake up about five years ago. I wasn't doing what God wanted me to do, and then he shook me he said, Man, I'm gonna bring about some changes in your life. I'm gonna cause some things to happen that's gonna put you in a position. And this time you're gonna listen to me, because if you don't, you're gonna keep living in this pain you've been in. But you put yourself in this pain. I owe no blame to no one else but myself. Please know, I know that. And that's how you really get to manhood, when you figure out what you hadn't done wrong. You can't blame this on none of your exes because you're a man. You can't go my ex dear this. No, No, you're a man, pardner. You got to take responsibility for yours and yours alone. If you got kids, you got to get to them some kind of way. Write him a letter, send them the money. If she won't let you see it, for the money, whatever, send them money to a mama. Do what you're supposed to do as a man. Do what God want you to do, man, because he's not letting us off the hook for what we're supposed to be just because you ain't doing it. And if you do it, you turn your life around. Just houlding that the fellas today that saw sorry about that. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning show Man, Greatest Morning Showing Up. Today's show is dedicated to all the bass fishermen in the world, everybody that bass fish, bass fish, cropping fish, bucket sitters, brim sunfish, themi lake fisher. Yes, lake fishers, baby, yeah, I love lake fishers man freshwater when I don't deep sea another kind of fishing. We're not doing them yet. We got love for you, but we're just doing that. Bank fisher people have got boats. Look for him, hunt them down. Big mouth bass, small mouth bad Come on, boy, pike walleye. Let's do something. Do you eat them? You eat your cat hell? Yeah? Why know you cut well? I do catch a release on my retch except on Friday. On Fridays it's sad. Yeah, So then what you have to fill your pond your lake up again? No, not sure. They're not making babies now the all the babies ain't gonna make it because big fish do eat little fish. Understand that. Now understand that. Oh yeah, hey dog over here, But I'm a catfish. I want to that damn bass or suck you down? Man that bass? Do you man? That bass? Eat pretty much? Bass? Eat a small duck on the pond, Yeah, yeah, if it's if it's a big mouth bath. No, he won't eat eating. No, no, no, man, a baby duck, a big a large, big mouth bath. He'll hit the duck. He'll eat a frog. Ain't nothing listen anything across that water. Man, you got movement, He hungry. He gonna swallow you. He don't chew, he just swallowed muscles. Do the red you gonna you're gonna? Yeah? Crickets? Bugs? Man, You see them water bugs laying on top of the water. All of a sudden you hear now, would you hear that? Right there? That's it he gonna Surely that's not the noise. Kids, mind, it's not a fishing you're drinking? Where are you irritated by it? Though? It's you don't do this is good? Ruin every not good. They're just annoying. The angriest comedian ever. I don't need no help. What I don't need no hill even just celet it be for me joke. You want to ask sound effects? You dude, Tommy, Tommy, do you want any sound effects with you? If there are animals, I'm doing sound effects. Okay, okay, whatever you were, you and you were Junior, work go Judie Hyote, there you go from Now you work with Julian animals. I'm doing a big Julie. You'll be right back with some real funny right you're listening show? All right, here we go with something funny, Steve Um personality is more important than looks to most people. While a lot of us are overly concerned about how we look, especially when it comes to finding a mate, it turns out looks really aren't everything. In fact, a new poll finds that ninety two percent ninety two percent of people say they prefer a partner with a good personality to one with a great body. Overall, eighty one percent of people say they're looking for a partner with a good personality, while seventy six percent want one with a sense of humor. There you go, Steve with a positive attitude and seventy three percent open mindedness sixty two percent also important characteristic for a mate. So I gotta ask you, Steve, I gotta ask Junior and Tommy. You guys chime into what's the most important thing you're looking for in your significant other? Well, and really how important our looks. Personality is critical, it's absolutely critical. But I'm gonna need you to be cute too though, thank you. Yeah, because of what I'm not going to be doing is sitting up in here with your glass. Just called you nice because you got a nice person Yeah I'm not that. Yeah, I got you nice, but you know you you're you're you're horrid. That used to be the standard. If someone wasn't cute that you'd ask him are they cute? You say, well, they have a nice personality. I mean it was ugly, that's all that meant right away. But now I would prefer personality over you said a great body. Yeah, yeah, because my body got flaws. I can accept the flaw on your body. There ain't no problem. A couple of flaws, you know, so I ain't worried about that. And it was nice in the face though. Yeah, just roll rolling over every morning look looking at that. No, no, no, I don't need something now until death do us part? Yeah, kill me until you die, baby, Yeah, yeah, I'm not gonna do is die every morning you wake up? Well, I mean yeah, I mean for you out of make up to resemble the person in makeup. I mean that, okay. So we know men are visual. We got that. Men are very visual. Women are too, surely, okay, and I wish that's what That's what I was coming to. And you guys, all of you guys, well, with the exception of Tommy, you guys say you're not cute, So where are we now? No, I'm not We still when them not cute and I'm just cute? What what? What what? Tommy? You're not You're not gonna make me ugly. I'm not going that way, Tommy. I okay, okay, okay, Tommy, let me ask you a question. List your flaws. Damn my flower. You might take a minute. Talk a most Tommy. Come on, boy, my shoulders ain't like nice. You know ham strings? Of course it's gone to hell. See your shoulders ain't ain't good. Ain't like my shoulders. Now you got brought you wide? Now you wide? I ain't got that. I ain't got that. I'm shoulders, okay, I'm shoulders from star with their shape. Come on, so far it's your shoulders of the star with their stage shoulders and ship. Come on, listen first of all, I'm not short, but short can be sexy, so let's not let's not kill that. Okay, you don't have to be tall to be sexy. Now, I'm not tall, but I'm not short. No, women don't have to be tall to be sex right. No, I'm not telling about women. I'm telling about people period. There's women, yeah, people, there's there's short they're short sexy women, and there's good looking short of men. What I'm talking about? What we were? We're just at the shoulders. Now, go ahead, go ahead, finish your shoulders. What else wrong? It's another star? Lower back ain't where it ought to be. Got how on it? You know? It's just it's just something. You can't see your lower back because of your other flu shot. It's another Does he need help, Steve, because okay, here we behind. I don't have a high behind. I don't claim you can't see your lower back. If time when you put your belt on, if your belt buckle is lower than the top of your ass, what do you think that's from them? Just bad belts, bad built, bad built. It's what you bad belts. Okay, Tommy, Tommy, Timmy, let me help you with you with your shortcomings. Your flaws is your shoulders. You got a high ass, your short and your profile file. That's all of me. What is your time? What do you mean profile? Yeah, I mean looking at when he turns to the side. I never noticed. Okay, ladies, look at me from the side. Okay, yeah, no, no, do you see anything he talking about? What are you saying? You don't see a jaw line? I don't chin runs straight down into his chest. My son said that, man, I don't. Okay, I don't have a chance. So that's that makes me hugly though chins, I don't know. Yeah, just getting over we should have chins in life. Yeah, seriously, Yeah, I family not famous for that. My profile tore up. I'm must do cheens call got an implant all day? No do If I get a chin, then I look good. You're supposed to be encouraging him. He ain't encouraging nothing. Well, I didn't say I was going to encourage you. I said, list your shortcomings. You seem to be struggling. Show the short, high ass and your profile and your ham strange gonna what is your and you're jumping ability is what are yours? Let's get some I got big lips. I got a full nose, My profile is shot, my stomach cannot seem to get reduced. Okay, we gotta get out this. This could take forever coming up because I know that uh, run that prank back. It's coming up with the nephew. You're listening Stry Morning Show right now. It's time for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got, I'm gonna prank one of my favorite rappers. Okay, this right here, Scarface. Hey, I'm trying to reach a Brad Jordan aka scar Face might have a long number. Who is this hell? Who is this hell? My name is Craig. I'm with our ncr A, that's a No Cussing Rappers Association. Man, I speak to a Brad Jordan. Got the right number. Okay, is this Carface? Should I say? Mister Brad Jordan? I said nc r A No Cussing Rappers Association. And what we're doing is we're shutting down rappers that do all this cussing and this profanity on these CDs. You're bad you Okay, hold up, sir. First of all, I'm gonna tell you this. The My understanding is you're releasing your album coming out that hasn't been you haven't done album since five years from now, understanding, I just want to sit out and have a meeting with you and listen to your CD and make sure it's no crazy lyrics in it because I am with the No Cussing Rapping Association. Yeah, who put you on that? What you mean? Who put me on this? Sir? So you said meet you at I'll tell you what. This is what I'm gonna do, sir, I don't. I don't want to really, I'm self appointed. Okay, So what I don't want to do is I don't want to call jay z A, Jermaine Dupre and get them all in. This is all I want is is to hear your thing here, your CD before it's dry, because what I'm not gonna do, I'm not gonna let it get released if it is not what I want on a CD. From now ncr A No Cussing Rappers Association. We are here to stop all cussing on these CDs. Okay, all right? What you got a big mount in the clown. I want to see you do that. You and how many you and what army gonna do this? I have quite a few people that are following me with the n c r A. There's quite a few, by the fact that there's two hundred and fifty strong at this point of the No Cussing Rappers Association. Sir, you give or take a few, all right, bring them with you. You're gonna need them, sir. Listen, I'm gonna say this to you one time. How can I get your CD in my hand so I can listen to it? Verify that it is good to go to the shelf or not go to the shelf. The one thing I want to tell you is this here. We don't have a fear of any of you rappers. Let's get that out there now. Now, I know your name is mister scar face, but I will put a scar on your face. Hold on, let me, let let me make a real quick to you man. Let me put something on your mind till you can feel you know a little bit better about it. Help to get you some business. Him and you're walking up the wrong tree, home boy. So I'm not gonna play no games with you, but you stay out of momuses. Sir. All I'm saying is I want to hear when you're two hundred and fifty man bottom, you want to hear that what you do download it, I'm not what you you ain't gotta do. You ain't gotta do them. But but naggd not smart. I'm definitely that way. Man. You can definitely have a problem, sir. So I'm trying not to have a problem with your mind. Want with me, You're gonna have a problem, and I'm gonna leave it like that. Man, you can take it how you want to take it. Fris that I'm not leaving it. Yeah, like I'm scared of you, I'm not afraid of you. I am with Scanner, I'm not. I don't give a who you wouldn't man, just to be with whoever you want to be with you look him, man, I'm with n c all A No Custom Rappers Association. I wouldn't you know what your mind is playing tricks on you. That's your mind playing tricks on you. Watch your mom home boy, Sir, I'm gonna say this one time to you, and I'm trying to really keep it formal. Mister scarface. Hello did he hang up? Hello? Calling back, mister, mister scar face, I'm calling back again. Gonna prank your hard and Tommy's gonna win. Hey, why the hell you hanging up on me? You ain't man? Look him? Man for me? Man, Let me tell you something. Man, I ain't no animals here. Fire me, get me fired. I'm not You're not a minute man. I don't want to hear this. Man, ain't yourself employing? I'm I a'mploying my you show all right? All right there, I'm you work for man, But you start my business. Man. I'm with no Cussing Rappers Association, and I did me. I don't give a damn. Who are you with? Homeboy? Look him? Man? You man? He burned up. It's too early for this. Do you want to meet me to square this away? Because I don't have a problem with that. But you're not gonna be cussing on these albums? I mean that. Why you want to meet at home boy? So we can get this? Wait? How do you want to do it? It? Don't make me know. I told you I got two hundred and fifty follow you can give it there. How many people you had? Man? I don't know. You know even you can't even begin to imagine what's trying to go down. If you play these games with me, man, I would help people I'm looking him. Man, I'm gonna put the brakes on this right now, man, because you you you piss me off. You can call me with this like you like man, like you showed enough trying to pull, trying to stop my man. Look him, man, instead of being concerned about what you know, what I'm saying and what I'm doing, Man, you might need to step back and take a look at the condition of these in the first place, and water in that home boy. And I ain't what I said. I ain't got to do with it, all right, I said winning lest man, y'all, y'all put that on me like it's my fault. I know what I'm talking about, and you don't. Huh, what is you talking about? Winning? Linch? What is you talking about? That's I read about it? You know you? Oh you're trying to act like you got more knowledge, didn't meet Now. I'm not trying to act like. I'll tell you what though, And I'm gonna say what I wanted him. Are here you with no no rapping, cussing us, no cuss You know who I'm with? Yeah, I know where you're gonna be with you keep who Okay? Can I say something else to you. You can't sell me. I'm fool with you. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Hartman Morning Show. You just got prank scot face, y'all wrong face where you have? Baby. I'm trying to figure out who offer sitting up there. I'm trying to look up with you real quick. I'm Lord and Mercy. Hey man, y'all got me, got me, I got your face. I'm from the crib. You my whole boy. I had to go get you. Man, Come on me like that. Man, Hey man, let me ask you something. Bro. They tell me you got you got an album for the come out? Right man. Yeah, I'm trying to drop a record, man, but I don't I don't know if I'm trying to drop the record now. Man, y'all got me thinking about the people against custom. You know. I don't say no bad words like that. Yeah to me like I was. But that was a good one, dog, all right, brother? That right there was a good one. Man. Then the album is coming out, man, Why now you got it? You gotta least get a single to me, man, so I can check you out. Yea, I got some I got some good stuff too, man, I got your face. I got you, man, no matter how and no matter how to the No Rappers Customs Association trying to point that blame and at what these rappers is doing. Man, it's a lot to have way for the rappers? Did it? Now? Are you right about that? Now? You know what I mean? That's real talk. That's real talk. Let me ask you one more thing, baby, what is the baddest radio show in the land. Yeah, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man, you already know, and you got me on it too, till Steve, I say, what's handling? Man? That's how prapper right there? All right, Thank you guys, coming up at the top of the hour. We'll have some entertainment and national news for you right after this. You're listening, So Steve, Now, so what does this? Women always beat men at arguments? We know this, but they do because they do things that men don't do and are incapable of doing. Here's some reason that you'll never win an argument. How about the first one you need to understand? And above all else, they don't forget what nothing? They don't forget A dog gone? Now you let it go? She said, I forgive you, but she banked all that information. Women have the biggest heart drive in their brains ever created. Ibm ain't got nothing on a woman's hard drive, baby with sports staff. Yeah, you can't erase their hard drive. It's locked in forever. Remember your nineteen ninety eight that when I got that number your pocket, it was kind of number number that your member here was another You know what we do? We delete information? Right? Yeah? Oh you deleted the men get it off our phone, computer everything. They don't. They don't delete. Why that's stupid. It's called evidence, right, baby, I'll tell you another thing they got. They got a picture or ever, yes, even if it ain't a photograph, it's a mental image they got you. You know, women come off and don't say here's another one, and don't say you didn't say something. You're right, you didn't say it, but your text And guess what you're dumb ass forgot here? It is right here, I got it. I saved you. Here's another reason women always win, because women don't care if you answer or pick up their phone. You don't. They don't. You know, they don't. You know why because all you're gonna find it's pictures of shoes recipes, baby, pictures and half stocks. You're right with me. No ever did on the damn no, no, ain't look at it three seven six five. Here's the other reason you can't win an argument because they can see who you call it on your phone from a mile away. They can. I don't give damn what kind of protective screen you got on that? The black one that you can't see from the side, So who is she? Scary? Here's another reason you can't remember. You can't be winning argument. Why because they remember exact dates, exact dates, with the details with your head, what you was eating, Yeah, what car you was in, Yeah? Where you was sitting. I can't breathe it out, Jay, breathe it out. Another reason you can't win argument with a woman You're ready without even setting it up. They lie for each other. They don't have none of that caller, where was I yesterday? At my house? Immediately we were watching we have to we're watching the Atlanta Housewise, I gotta call Jay Hunk. I was with you and I got to say something. And here's the other reason you can't win because they have one put down that no man has ever been able to top. Here is to put down they use stop acting like some little old girl, except they don't use girl. She just called me just after that. You're shaking to the car. He can't. You can't come back like right now, you just stuck on that. Yeah, stop acting like some little old girls. But they don't say girls. But they don't say girls. Now you up in here all you hear that? We went again. Now argument you ain't got no more points? What actually you was winning the argument down? We know how to shut it down. Wow? Man? Yeah? Why he was like, because there's no comeback. You got no comeback. But let me tell you something, ladies, Yeah, you should never say that to your man. I've never because because words cut really deep. And once you cut a man so deep, how do you fix that? And I know women who have used that on their man a lot, And I'm telling you it's hard to come back for that, because men I come back for that is well, okay, I'll tell you what I know. Somebody don't think I'm a little girl. Yeah, because what that's that's the ultimate insult for man. You just a little old girl. Man can't come back from. Then when you do that to a man, you damnage When you say tom ouch, ouch. Yeah, that one hurt right there. That's how your woman really feel about you. What's bad is when you see a guy get done in public like oh, I don't when you see his lady do that to him like that hurt women see that women women don't like. Yeah, oh man, We'll come right back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, Steve, Jay's here. Let's go, ladies and gentlemen. I bring you this with the great pleasure A man that murders hits relationships and friendships Jay Anthony Brown, Wow. Wow. Johnny Gill wrote a song called Solo Woman, Solo Woman, great song that was underset when he did a video. Great song my song. Along with my buddy Ralph Harris Hawkins Junior, we wrote someone Stole My Woman, so check it out. Who stole my woman? Stole my woman? Someone stole my woman? No, no, no, we had a strong connection, but sometimes I act a kind of me. I wouldn't show you a function and I forgot to meet the haters watching over me because in relation ting yeah, and baby a w southing bland and now you get me crying right, brother, bad man, you're no longer man. So many and Sowell woman, I'm gonna sta stay and mother was believe I'm awaywell, who be taking so full? So many and so whom. I'm gonna have the wire that mother believe I'm every man say when star, somebody win Stones Woman, I'm gonna tell Stone woman may win so much. I want to have to push him without mother believe I'm a didn't it super flow time? So many so much, I'm gonna have to ware believe I'm heavy man, I'm blinding who whoa whoa sto woman? Somebody win Stone my woman, you gonna get after you drinking soup for more. I'm oblige you in both Fie job, I'll be a days by tomorrow night Baby, special game makes me here of this crazy ignorant show Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this you're listening to show. Okay, Steve Clo, Chief Love Officer. This young lady's name is Cara L. Kara L. She's out of Atlanta and she sent in an email to Steve Harvey after Sam. Okay, uh no, she didn't mention her age, but by the questions, perhaps you can tell she said Steve. This is what I would like to ask mister Harvey, because I don't know what's going on with me and my ex boyfriend number one, Steve, Do men have serious conversations with women that they don't really care about or just want to sleep with? That's her first question. You want to deal with that with women? With the women or just want to sleep with or just want to sleep with. Yeah, man have serious conversations with women that they don't care about. Yes, yeah, we're gonna sleep with you. We don't, right, And do women they have serious conversation with women that they just want to sleep with. Yes, that's the most serious conversation you gonna have my whole hearts. That's a big one. Because I'm trying to sleep with you. There is no limits to that. So, yes, men have conversations with women that they don't care about. You can have a friend and you will have serious conversations with women that you just want to sleep with. Yes, very serious. She's young. I love you, but yeah, no, I love you. Yes, yes that's what you girl. He said he loved me. Yes, girl, girl, he said he loved me. And you can get it all the whole time in this session. Yes, can get the hall of again. Do you know what we him stand in the session? Don't can't wait for you to get out of him? Yeah, How do men just up and leave after a long serious relationship because men don't do closure, Men do not need closure. It's over women need closure, most men don't. We can just up and leave because this is it. So the best way to get over you is with another you. Yeah. Nah, that doesn't mean he ain't somewhere hurting and bleeding on the inside. He can be internally bleeding. Oh, he can be crushed, he can be jacked up. But if if we're moving on, we're moving on. Because to go back and talk to this with you is to bring up an old scab, and that's called closure. We're nothing to do that. Well. She also had a question about closure, so I think you answered it. She said, you say, men do not give closure, and she wants to know why don't men get closure? For what? It's old it's the reason men don't give closures, caused it's over man, the high coming, the whynot. It's gonna take us into a deeper level of conversation. We don't need to have. I don't want you no more. But why See now, now you Finn get your feelings hurt and you could possibly hurt my feelings. See so, cause once I tell you what I really think and then you tell me what you really think, now both of us sitting there hurt, and I ain't gonna be able to take what you said nothing. Yeah, you didn't have to tell me because I was small. You didn't have to say that too, right close. Yeah, I told you one that's good and then you spawned on me and said it's caused you small. Now that right there. See, that's why we're not fitting to do closure. I gave you cause because the sex ain't good. But the sex ain't good because you're too small. God dug Hold up all right? And her last question for you, Steve, Chief Love Officer, is if a man leaves and keeps coming back, what does that mean? That means gullible and you allow him to return to the scene of the crime. We leave because we don't won't you. We just wanted something from you, So if we keep coming back, it's because we just won't what you got. We don't want you, We just won't what you've got. And if you gullible enough to let us keep coming back. Then, bam you something wrong with you? If you don't think that much of yourself, then why should we answered your question? Why Steve question? I know I'm telling the truth. Now you may not like the truth, but it is the truth. Why that ain't right, Steve Harby? I ain't say it was right. I said it was true. All right. Up next, nephew with the prank phone called for today. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's today's strawberry letter. My subject today is my baby won't stop cussing. Oh my god. We're gonna get into that. Yeah, we're gonna get into that. Right after the nephew gives us today's praying phone call. What you have for us today? Now, you're not a good home school teacher? Who are you talking about? You? You? You're not a good home school teacher. Let's go, let's go. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Nikki. How you doing? Nikki? I am, I'm mister Daniels. I'm calling from the E Learning Department. Hey, all right, your daughter is Jasmine? Correct sixth grader. Yes, yes, all right, and you've been, um, you guys have been corresponding back and forth with Miss, her teacher. Yes, all right, So here's my I'm calling. Uh. Miss has brought some things to my attention. Uh, Nikki, if you don't mind, who's who's actually helping Jasmine with her schoolwork? That would be every day? What a task? All right? So I hate to be a bearer of bad news, but let me let you know what's going on. No, that's not anything wrong with her computer at all. I've spoken with Miss several times about Jasmine and we've just bawled it down to whoever's helping her with her work is just not doing a good job. You should not be the person that's helping her with her schoolwork. Okay, hold on that what you mean I shouldn't be helping her. That's my child, I understand. I'm saying, whoever is teaching her is not doing a good job as a teacher, you know, And this could affect Jasmine to the point where from the looks of what I've seen and what's been turned in, I truly don't see Jasmine going to the seventh grade. I mean, this is this is is there anybody else there that can help Jasmine with her work? No, she got she got me what's wrong for her work? We got to say because I just taught to her, and she could have told me this, what's what? What? What's the subject? What's the problem? Well, it's all, yes, it is, yes, it is. What's the problem. What's what's the problem? Give me the assignment because I'm I've been working with her, so what's the problem. Everything is coming back. I think the last paper I looked at she got a forty five on it. I looked at some math work it was a sixty two. I mean, if you are the person that's teaching her over there, you're just not good at that. So you all and you could get miss on the phone too, because I don't. Y'all don't got my baby work. And then she got a problems. She can come tease the child. She can open up the schools and get them back, because there's no opening the schools at this point right now, there's no opening of the schools. So she got a problem. If she got a problem, then she can come teach my child. That's what she's supposed to be doing anyway. Okay, But The problem is right now, you're the person that's at home teaching. You're the person that's at home teaching the girl, and it's not helping. So I don't want Jasmine to not make it to the seventh grade. But at this point, that's what it's looking like. Well, look, if I got to teach it this, she's gonna learn it how I learned it. Okay, we're just math. Doesn't do math. They got these kids doing though. She's gonna learn how five times five twenty five. She's gonna learn her timea okay, but we can't learn. Man, you're undoing what we've taught already. You can't take them back. Y'all need to teach it to y'all need to teach a better way. I send my child to school for this. Okay, I'm not getting paid. I gotta cook, I gotta clean on me here with these kids. I'm mean, I'm a mother, throw all these kids and my husband. I don't have time for all of this. So if the teacher, well, let me say this, miss Nick. Let me let me say this, Miss Nick. I don't have time for a parent not realizing that they're not a good teacher. I don't have time to that. Whoever, who are you, whoever you are, eat learning department, whatever you need to come eat, learn my child sauce. I'm not doing it right. Then y'all need to come get over here and do this mother work. Man. If you go in to the seventh grade, if I gotta come up, does when it when the school open back old church, you will see me. We'll go this we got okay, we're going on. You are not a good homeschool teacher. That's the baby. My child is going through the seventh grade. Oh chest, no, who's your print? Who is the print? No? No, while talking to somebody, my child, what's the seventh grade? She gonna get this. She getting this works, and y'all y'all gonna get this work too. I'm not accepting forty five and sixty twos on papers, ma'am, and gonna let you your daughter advance to the seventh grade. That's okay, you're right. I'll check it over. But John need to go to check and if she no, no, no, no once once again, you checking it over is the problem. You're the problem, sir, sir. If she got a problem once you got a mother first, what's you gotta go the first. Let to check the work. What's the difference. Let the tuse to check the work. I'm not calling you no more. And you hold on. What's your name again? You're talking to me. My name is mister Dan. Okay, I'm from the e learning. Okay, I don't give a damn votes for you. I care the first answers me. You get off this phone. I'll call so right immediately, so she could tell me all this stuff you got to tell me. She don't got to hide behind you. She could call me directly. So thank you. Listing Davis. Let me know. Oh it's about to go down. I don't even dare. I don't care no more. Just school. If y'all got an issue, when the way I'm teaching, take your kids back, come teaching the front yard. I'll open up my dot. You could talk to teach my child from my five You got a problem with it, but that's it from right now. I'm all she got. I'm what she got. I'm the teacher. She gonna learn it the way I'm teaching her. If y'all got a problem, y'all got a problem. But she going to the seventh grade or best believed my baby going to the seventh grade. Okay, maybe maybe I just maybe I need to talk to Brian, your husband. Maybe I need to talk to Brian. Oh boy, what you been talking to me? You been talking to me. You don't need to talk to him. You can talk to me. I speak for both of us, So now talk to me. Yeah, okay, Well I just I spoke with Brian a couple of days ago, so can't say nothing to me so as Bran. Okay, okay, but but you know what what Brian said about this nothing? What Brian told me to call you. He told me to prank phone call you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Nikki, you just got pranked by your husband, Brian. These kids been driving me up the wall out understand this up? These kids driving me? Nigga? What man? Look, coronavirus gonna have to see me after it? Is this too much? I decided drinking? Oh lord, co get these kids. Tell me one more thing, baby, it's twenty twenty. Tell me what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. It's the Steve Harvey Morning shown to seven grade my baby five twenty five. Okay, oh this new man. If y'all doing it, if I've gotten to her for that, she's a damn teacher. She posted to be teaching. Oh, my baby going to seven grade when I come down there, seven grade? All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up the Strawberry Letter for today. This subject, Steve, is crazy. You're gonna love this letter, h The subject is my baby won't stop cussin. Taylor made for you. She needs to be Yeah, she needs some advice. I probably would this baby, your mom wrote in JUNI. All right, we'll get into the letter coming up at the top of the hour again. The subject is my baby won't stop cussin. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. All right, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here right now. Buggle up, hold on tight, We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. The subject this letter just makes me laugh. My baby won't stop cussin. Junior says it's about him. We'll see. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a twenty seven year old married woman with a two year old son that won't stop cussin recently, whenever he gets frustrated or upset, he starts cussing. If he falls down and hurts himself, he cusses. If you tell him no, he cusses. I assumed he was hearing these cuss words from my husband because I don't cuss in front of him, so he is not hearing it from me. My husband swore to me that he has not been cussing in front of him either, so I figured the only other person it could be is my mother in law. I asked her, and she said, come on, Steve, you gotta help me with this. She said, here, yeah, I'll cut. That's what she said. Yeah, she said that because he's a brat when you're not around. I was shocked. I couldn't believe that she can't find a way to discipline him without using foul language. I want my son to have a relationship with this grandmash, and she's a wonderful woman. In a lot of ways, but we don't see eye to eye on this. She says she can't help it and we should be teaching him to never repeat what he hears. But he's a two year old and that's what small children do. I told her that she should lead by example, but she said when she is babysitting him, she will do things her way. My husband is stuck in the middle, and he has said his mom is sixty and set in her way. So I said let it go, so I should let it go. He says, we can teach our son not to cuss when he is a little older and can understand. I have a problem with all of this. Yes, his grandma is an authority figure, but it's my son, so I say we go by my rules. I don't want my baby cussing out his teachers, has a daycare. How should I resolve this? Am I wrong? Please advise? I think you're a little bit too much on this issue. Okay, your baby's only two, and I do agree with your husband. I think you should wait until he's a little older and he can understand. I know so many kids, little young babies or children who used to cuss because that's what they see, and children are sponges. We all know that they repeat what they see and that's what they do. And you're right. The mother in law, your husband's mom is set in her ways, and she says when he's with him, when when he's with her, then they'll do things her way. So that's how she puts the hammer down. She cusses at him, and he probably obeys when she does that. He knows what she means when he does that, so when she does that, so I just say, you know, loosen up just a little bit. Is going to get better. When he gets older, he'll stop or at least understand and not do it around you guys. At least you can be hopeful for that. But yeah, the grandmother's not gonna change. You. Continue not to cuss in front of him and let him know every time he does it that it's wrong. He's only two. He's only two. He's going to grow and learn things. Don't worry. It's gonna be all right. He's not gonna be at the daycare cussing out the teachers and all of that. He's not gonna do that. So just relax on this issue just a little bit. He's gonna be fine, okay, Steve, Well, surely, yes. I disagree with everything you said in this letter. I hope you don't you know him to give good advice, But you missed it on this from girl Baby Girl. See, Shirley, the reason you missed it on this letter just because you don't cuss. You need a cusso to talk about a letter that's about cussing. See I'm a cusser, Yes you are. My father was in the top three greatest cusses of all time, all through the Civil Rights movement, everything. My daddy cuss sitting at the counters at Woolworth luncheon cities. My daddy was cussing Wold Connors with them German shepherds and them fire holsers. My daddy was cussing. My daddy got arrested, he was cussing. My daddy came to church he was cussing. So, Shirley, I'm sorry you missed this latter. This twenty seven year old lady got this to you. Old boy that won't stop cussing. When he gets frustrated or upset, he cussed. I do too, when he falled down and hurt hisself. He cuss every time. I fall I could if I tell him no, he cuss. If Marjorie tells me no, I couldn't. If my mama told me no, under my brother cut couldn't let her head thought. So she assumed that these cuss words was coming from her husband, so she confronted him. He said it wasn't her. So she got to think, a the only other person it could be as my mother in law. So I asked her. Did she cuss around the boy? She said, hell, yeah, I cuss in front of his little lad because here brat when you're not around him. So you got upset and thought he should find that she should find another way to discipline without using full letter words. She's a wonderful woman. She's in a lot of ways, but we don't see why not. She says, I can't help it that y'all should be teaching him to never repeat what he is and he's a two year old and that's what children do. Well, Shirley said in her response that you've got the light up. He's only two and things like that. Well, Shirley, we come back. I'm gonna tell you why I disagree with your statements. As I said, he cussin all right, I knew you would. We'll come back with part two of Steve's response at twenty three after the hour. The subject of the letter is my baby won't stop cussing? Another will Steve Harvey. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Drawberry letter. Subject that my baby won't stop cussing. Twenty seven year old lady married, got a little two year old boy to Cusso this is my baby right now. Would get upset, cuss when they fall, Cuss when hey don't get his way, cuss if you tell him, no sport, just cussing. And you found out that it wasn't a husband. So you went to the mother in law and said, do you cuss in front of the baby? Her exact quote to this woman who wrote the letter, one, Hell, yeah, I cuss in front of his little lass. That's your favorite line in this whole letter, in this whole letter, in any Strawberry letter that we've ever done. Yeah, And uh, you know you talk to the mother and said, you can't find another way to discipline him and everything. I don't want my son using five language. And then you know you know that your mother in law is a wonderful woman in a lot of ways, but y'all don't see eye to app and your grandma. Your mother said that you should teach the boy to not to repeat what he's heard. And then you said, but he's a two year old and that's what small children do. Well, let me explain something to you. Small children shouldn't be allowed to custom. Why don't you backhand his little last since he cuts? Yeah, that's what happened to me. Yeah, yeah, she wants again. Here we go. He y'all see herry non custom? Yeah, I said back what you know? Why? God cuss? Yeah? Oh my god? Backhand the baby cut? You not a customer. You don't have cussing babies to knock his little last out exactly what they do to you. Sureley, come to talk about he only two years old. You should wait till he older. Let me tell you something. Cussing, cussing go deep? Yeah? No, And then lady at the end, am I wrong? No, You're not wrong, cause cussing go deep. I've been cussing since our long faulty really, and I've been an advert cussing eight years. Proud to Slotte Solotte outstanding combinations. I didn't put together some combinations that ain't been heard before, and I've gotten results. If you don't stop this board from cussing, I got news for you. He's never gonna stop. He's not. You should nip it in the board right now. Cussing is a habit, and it's a hard habit to break. So, Shirley, I disagree. The lady is right. She has every right to be upset. And the grandmama talking about when she with him, she got to do it her way. Stop cussing at the baby. Stop. But you know why your son ain't gonna say nothing because he knew gonna get his ass cussed out at the He he knows if he going out to Bernardete and tell Bernardete Paul this cussin Bernardette burn nice bonkers, burnt burn, nice bonkers b B B B. So, Shirley, ask me some questions. I'm gonna be a two year old. I'm gonna answer the question. Cussin and y'all bleep out to custom. Come on, enough, come on, it's time to get your bath so you can go to bed. Come on, come on, Bobby, I ain't take a note bath, Bobby, what's your now? Get it and don't forget. I can see what Bobby I ain't sish cabably is not speaking that clearly too. And hurry up, come on, hurry up now so we can get to bed. Don't if I won't go, No, come on, Bobby, let's put your jammies on. I don't like the pump. All right, all right, come on, get in bed. But before you get in, say your prayers. Come on, we gotta say your prayers. I don't like nobody. I got to pray for the pump. Bobby, all right, get in bed. I'm gonna turn out the light. I know how you don't like the light off, but we gotta start turning this light. Turn the light off. Mommy, you know I ain't nothing. It's time for alight. All right, keep keep this cussing. I'm gonna tell your daddy you keep it up here. Ain't I find scared of his grandma? And Dan ain't my real damn Danny over. Bobby, get in here, say your prayers, get in this bed and go to sleep. And if I don't, you're gonna, Bobby, I'm gonna whip your butt. Okay, keep on here. You're gonna get your little bit, but all right, you do so you ain't never been a customer, so you can't dissipate in this letter. It's little Bobby, I'm gonna beat your ass, all right. Listen, post your comments on today's crazy strawberry letter on Instagram and Facebook at Steve Harvey. A grandmama said you wasn't as a mother. Check out this robbery letter podcast. Man, all right, more of this crazy ignorant show Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this you're listening to show? All right, this time for something funny. Let's go to Junior with his truth to be toned. Oh I hope it's another poem. No, no, surely it's not. To listen. I did something. I did do this though last week, you know, last week got to we would talk about, you know, being ugly. So I went called my family up and just took a poll. I just want to know what they really thought. I called my anesism cup and came back up. Not all right, you possible? But what really hurt my fittest on how fast sad? But I just discovered right after they called me ugly, compliments started coming in, you know, you hard working though you know, you know, you know, yo very good, you know you know, I mean it was all this stuff can come back. So I discovered it truth be told, Oh when you ugly, people really love you for who you are. They really love you, you know, I mean, they just can't coming back. They're like, yeah, yeah, you ugly, But listen, that's not what count. This was on the inside. Got encourage, you gotta gun. This was remissing me up. I had never heard this. My great aunt say, yeah, boy, you're ugly, ugly, but you come from good Stop. I ain't never heard what you come from? Good Stop? Me? Who told you that your grandma great? Ain't my grandma? That mean is your grandfather's grandfather got sold for no why? But when you really don't feel bad for people really do love they they let one or two friends I have ain't with me because I look they just like you, because they know they know, and I know I look in the mirror. Every time I look in the mirror, I know they no doubt, no doubt. You know. I thought maybe somebody in the found me king a man. My mother told me a long time ago, you're not gonna be an attractive man, because you just don't have good look at me and always babe yourself and wear nice clothes that work and get them girls something else looking at me. Right, you're not going to walk in the room and nobody going. Dude, ain't talking about you know what? I noticed that every time you do hear that, it ain't never you know's how quiet Tommy. Tommy don't like it because Tommy is the one boy in that family. I just was shocked. So how would you just Okay, did you ever think about if you were cute? I mean, I'm not saying you're not. No, I ain't have a power pot. You know what does a dude you just you know, yeah, my life being a whole lot different, like if if I'm just light skin, I have a different legal light. We'll be back after this. Okay, you're listening to show. All right, it is time for comedy roulette, Jay, Tommy and Junior come on. Jay quickly said this every week. It's the same thing you test our comedy ability. Yeah, put five steps on the wheel with a wheel stop will let it rip because that's what we do. Baby. Here are the five subjects. Thank you Jay. Number one, People who don't like planting. That's me, that's me. Don't that on my plate? That is not banana? All right? Number two, stop lying you're smoking something, all right? Number three, whiskey breath. Four People who geting get on other people's nerves. That's number four and number five. I thought they were dead already. I thought it was a just say that. All right, come on, let's go the wheel, let's do it. Stop? Did it all? Really? Did it all? H Stop lying you're smoking. I know you're smoking something. We've been at this light for an hour and a half and you ain't moved. Everybody is passing us and we still sitting here, and you got that daze look on your face. You something. Don't tell me you ain't on that. I know exactly. With my family, somebody got on the phone with me and said, I'm thirty six months pregnant. I said, hey, I know you smoke myself that baby. Three okay, put you put your put the phone to your stuff and let me talk to this day. I know you smoked on I ask you, I ask you who you went to the party with, and you said it was you and scoop it. Dude, you're smoking. You're really smoking on something. Man, You leave out somebody's house and you get to the stad when you head down the steps and you look back and your boy just standing there looking at them steps, and you gotta go. Come on, dog, it's just some steps. Come on dogs, step man, What the hell going on? Yeah? YO know I had a dude do that. Just stop that the step. I said, boy, your head so high coming, just step you. You ain't high, but your eyes are crimson red. Really really, you ain't smoking nothing nothing. Your eyes are crimson red. You're smoking something. I'm gonna tell you. Tell you know, they really smoking up when they've been missing for two weeks and they come back like they just left for a teen minutes ago. Okay, you smoke up. Everybody looking for you. I know they're smoking because they always show right before the holiday. When you decide you're gonna wash your hair, you go in the bathroom. There's a sink there, There is a bathhood here. Why are you in the tarlet you smoking? Ain't come up sick ground with your boys talking. He waited everybody get through it. He says, you know what, I think I'm going and buy that new But guy, yeah, I got it. He's smoked himself. You tell me you ain't smoking them. But it's a lot of little, dark, little whole, little burned holes on everything. You have everything. You take one shirt out, it's got burnt holes on it. You pull another shirt out, it's got burnt holes on your cock seat, burnt holes everywhere everywhere. But you ain't smoking. Coming out more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right. We do the countdown every day because we want to make sure that we're on top of it and you're on top of it. Fifty nine days left. Remember when it was over one hundred days. Well, this time it's going fast. It's fifty nine days left until the November third election. So please go to vote dot org. That's vote dot org so you can early register, early vote. Get that out of the way, so you can say I voted. Fifty nine days left until the November third election. State, go to vote dot org. We've got to get it done, man, this is this is so serious show. You know, we gotta tell people don't hold your vote. I don't know if people realize, Steve. I mean, we're saying it every day, but how important this election really is. We can't take Junior four more years? It is, no, sir, no, no, I really and well you know, and why would we if we have the power to change it, exact, the power to change it. So why would you take four more years of this? Really? I can't let my nephew see this for fo more years. Yeah. You remember Steve was talking about the kids and some of the kids in this generation and how the only president they knew was a Barack Obama. That's my daughter. She was born in two thousand and eight. That's the only president she knew, you know, the first black president. She was like, he was my only president, you know, that's who she grew She like, what's going on? Right? We got a vote, guy, We do do our part. Vote dot org. Fifty nine days left. All right, coming up, we'll have more news and more trending stories coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening show, all right, Steve, Jay's here. Let's go, ladies and gentlemen. I bring you this with a great pleasure. A man that murders hits relationships and friendships. Jay Anthony Brown, Wow, Wow, Johnny Gill wrote a song called Solo Woman, Solo Woman, Great song. I was underset when he did a video great song my song. Along with my buddy Ralph Harris Hawkins Junior, we wrote someone Stole My Woman, so check it out. Who stole my woman? Stole my woman? Someone tell that stole my woman? No, no, no. We had a strong connection, but sometimes I acted kind of me. I wouldn't show you a faction, and I forgot to meet chill the haters watching over me, causing that relational yeah and beating the worst southing bland And now you get me cry right through the breath. Man, You're no longer man. So many stole woman. I'm gonna stacey and mothers believe I'm an every man whom he taking so fullow time, so many and stole. I'm gonna have to wire hi mother believe I'm every man blanding when star somebody whin stone stole a woman. Stolen woman, Yes, so I have to push him believe I'm didn't get super follow time. So I'm gonna have to ware believe what every man. I'm bull whoa whoa whoa stole woman? Somebody win stole my woman. You gonna get after. You're gonna be drinking soup for mother. I'm oblige you in fire all right, coming up, it's Steve Harvey and his clothing remarks. You don't want to miss it. At forty nine after the album, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are, last break of the day on this Friday, last break of the week. Actually it's Friday. Yeah, these weeks are flying by. We started this thing. What mid March? March? Yeah, no, I mid beginning. Yeah to me, no vacations this summer, we didn't have none of that. Yeah, March nineteenth was my last day of taping TV and we just started back. So wow, that was tough, man. It's right though. The whole summer is gone. Yeah, spring and summer. Man, I normally take my wife and kids somewhere. That was out. That didn't happen everybody. Yeah, yeah, my birthday this summer. Nothing do you normally be on? What with him? The Mediterranean? But have ye now the ocean don't ever get in it. But how about this though, Steve, you don't even hear about Italy having a hard time with the coronavirus anymore. Like oh no, no, no, no, no, why we have a lot of friends in Italy. They've they've completely recovered just about they steven have cases, but they're back to normal. It is open, pre is open, Milan is open. Uh. The shipping clothes back out again, everything because they shut the country down, their social distance, they wore their masks, they washed their hands, and it wasn't an option, right and it wasn't. That's our problem. That's our problem. You allow every governor to make different decisions across the country. Well, well, now, hold on, aunt Tommy. Uh, but he didn't just he didn't let governors make their own decision. He strongly suggested to the Red Dates that they reopened. He never wore a mask, which, as a leader, set the example. So guess what they were talking about. That's my civil rights not to wear a mask, you idiot. And so they turned and then they said that democrats and the left don't want to open back up because they want the economy stay down for political purposes. No, man, it was for health reasons. Man. But the reason you wanted it open was because of political reasons, so you could get the economy stimulated again, because that's what you were running on was a strong economy, but the strong economy is at the expense of lives. We are over one hundred and sixty thousand people gone in this country, and this is America, So just wrap your mind around this number, y'all right? And because we don't we mask, Steve, that's why the children aren't in school. This is why our kids earn in school because people would not politicize this whole mask thing. And we let these children down in the spring of summer and they can't go back to school because of that. But President Trump he's insisting that school's open. If you don't open, he won't fund you. And the reason he's doing that because he has no children that have to be exposed to corona. Did you get some schools that have really open, Steve and these people already and they in red states many y'all listening, Yes, we are. They in red states because them ignorant ass governors is trying to be his all up in his behind, trying to make sure that he sees them doing his wishes. Indeed, this thing doesn't care about how much money you make. It don't care about your position in life. It don't care about your race, creed, or your sexual preference. This is a problem that's facing all of us, and our leadership has failed us miserably. And no, it's not our governor's fault. It's our governor's fault for being led down this dark path by this Republican president who pressed on all of his Republican constituents to follow his lead. And that was wrong of him to make those governors think that they had to do that, because if you don't do what Trump says, then he come after you. And what he did to a lot of these governors was flat out wrong. He forced the opening, he wanted schools to go back in. It was all too soon, and it was all for political reasons. And now this man has the audacity to talk about Joe Biden and talk about he is against God. Are you kidding me? Man? What are you? What are you talking about? That's he's gonna hurt the country. He's gonna hurt God. Man. This man right here, y'all, this man is so unpresidential. Listen to me, Steve Harvey Morning Show listeners, you have to get to the polls. You are the deciding factor period. I'm listening to all these ball players talk about voting. Man. I'm so inspired by these young people, man, because they're serious. Now. Is he behind in the polls, yes, but let me remind you all four years ago he was behind in the polls too. He wasn't winning nowhere, and he wound up the president. Don't get loved to sleep by these poles. Damn these poles. Poles don't vote. And you've got to understand that this is a part of voter suppression. What they oftentimes like to do is make you think that the old opponent is so far ahead that you say, well, he got it and you stay home. Ain't how this is working this time, man, we have to vote. He's not the right person for this job. And if you think he is, man, it's because you got on blind this man, you're not looking at this thing the right way. It's okay to be conservative. I don't have a problem with that, but him, though, he's the guy you want to represent, I find that hard to believe. We vote him November fourth, It's over. It's a rap. Thank you vote dot old for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to show