Labor Day, MTH, None of Yo Damn Business, Start an Argument and more.

Published Sep 7, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! The crew is clapping, singing, humming and whistling just for you. This is The Nutty Steve Harvey Morning Show. Happy Labor Day!!! What house rules does your wife have for you? Do black people have a certain way of leaving places or nah? Fool #2 murders another one in the spirit of Donna Summer. J. Anthony Brown shows us the different ways to start an argument. How do you know when situations are none of your damn business? We have the signs that the struggle is real. Today in Closing Remarks, we wrap the show up with facts. The crew each give their thoughts on what 45's challenges are leading up to November. We have 56 days left so go and vote!

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them like theming bu bu things and it's not true. Good string to mother forty don't join. You gotta use that turn you gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out, to turn the water the water. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I'll show wid Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and all. It Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay. I want to share something with you that I had to come to the realization one time, and even in the reinvention of myself right now, I've had to come to that and I want to share it with you today. Give it to you. I want to tell you about something that a lot of people do in their life and I want you to be aware of it. Here it is, don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong. You know I said, don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong. You know. The reason I'm saying this is because people have a tendency to once they make a decision about something, or once they decide to go a certain path. They go against all everything, anything anybody says, anything anybody might do, any other ruling they may come across. They shun advice, They don't listen to counsel. They just I made the decision. I'm gonna do it anyway. Don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong, you know. Now here's a sure fire way to tell if you're wrong. If you don't see any movement in the direction you've chosen, if you don't see anything going right in that decision, as if you feel as though you're interrupt if the wall you're climbing seems so insurmountable that you ain't even moving an inch, and every time you turn around you keep getting knocked by down, knocked back down. Don't get stuck on yourself. You know you could be wrong, you know. See, that's why it's important for people to always be open to the reinvention of yourself. You know, you cannot be afraid to reinvent yourself. In other words, you can't be afraid to change. Change is necessary when it comes to growth. There is no growth without change. The more you know, the older you look, that is no growth without change. If you're heading in a direction, it ain't nothing going right in your life, it be the wrong direction. If you're climbing and you're making no headway, could it be the wrong direction? Could you have possibly made the wrong choice. Don't get stuck on yourself because you didn't made the wrong self. It's okay to forgive yourself. It's okay to let yourself off the hook. It's even smarter sometimes to admit that you were wrong. You ever met somebody ain't ever wrong. Have you ever met somebody you talk to, They ain't ever wrong about nothing. Man, They just it's their way or the highway. It's this is my way, this is the I know people like that, stuck on them power trips and all like that. You know what I had to learn how to do. I had to learn how to let them go on them powered trips. But listen to this. Though you're not taking me on that trip. Though you're going on that trip by yourself, I'm going in the right direction. I've decided to stop the way. Okay, listen to this person. This person, I decided to stop doing business the way I was doing business. I decided to stop to allow business being done around me the way business was being done around me. You know what, you know, the best decision I made was to allow for God to have some say so and to offer me his direction. I have found him to be a better driver than anyone else I know. I have found him to know more about the man he made than anybody else who's merely associating with me. I have found it to be a fact that my maker knows more about the vehicle he created than does anybody else. If you if your Chevy break, don't you take it to Chevy. You don't take your Forward when it break down to a Toyota dealership. They not gonna know everything that the Ford dealership would know about the vehicle. You know why, because they're not the maker of it. So now, why are you litting you letting your life being led, controlled and guided by somebody other than your maker. I'm just asking you to let's all take a common sense look at this. So if going to your maker's the best way, the best decision I made in my business was take over my brand myself, and to allow the maker of this brand see without God, I'm none of this. I'm none of this. I want you to clearly understand, I ain't none of this without him. I wish I could have the guts to reach back there and pat myself on the back for what I've accomplished in my life. I wish I had the guts. I wish the nerve of me because I know for a fact that there is no way that I could have manufactured the life that I have. I could not even have thought of it. It's no way I could have told you that this was the route I was gonna take, and this is the outcome because of it. I had no idea, no clue. The one thing I had, though, was an unshakable faith in God. I had an I just kept believing in him. I kept believing that he had something more for me. And then when I touched base with him and asked him to show me what it is what he had for me, Tada, the magic show began. Because you know what he did. He took all my natural abilities that he had given to me, This gift that he gave me, that he poured into me at birth, that same gift that he poured into you at birth. The moment you go to him and let him show you that gift, and then guess what Once he takes what he naturally put in you and put his super his superpowers on top of that, then you have some supernatural things going on in your life and you may not be feeling me. I'm cool with that, but I didn't have some supernatural things happen to me. Every day I wake up some supernatural the man, the rewards of my life, the awards of my life, the accomplishments, the how I'm working, the how I manage it, all, all that ain't none but God. That ain't nothing but God. You can't even explain this schedule to people Sometimes when people ask me, Steve, how do you do it? I go, well, it's what I manage my time. Then at the end of when I get through, I say, hey, man, you know what I need to tell y'all for real, it's God. I don't really know, but I'm letting him manage me. So he handling it. He ain't gonna put no more of it than I can bear. Listen to me, y'all, don't be afraid to reinvent yourself and remember this. Don't get stuck on yourself because you could be wrong. You know, you absolutely could be wrong if you don't tie this to your gift. You will be struggling the rest of your life. You're listening to, ladies and gentlemen, Let's have it your undivided attention. Get it together. Clap from me, so clap, that's so clap now, sing from me, now, hum from me? What's so fun me? Ladies and gentlemen, this is the nutty Steve Harvey Morning Show, clapping harmy, whistling and saying, yeah, Shelly Strawberry, I can't whistle anymore for some reason. Good morning, Steve. Your eyes it's your eyes, Shelly, Close them and then track, Yeah, close them and then try to whistle. Your body can't have a bunch of stuff bulging out at one time. I know you can whistle with those lips. Okay, let's I can't whistle, you can. I can do way motor whistle though. Hi. Colin Pharrell, all right there, good Monday morning. What that means you wish? Junior? Good morning? Up morning everybody. J Anthony Brown, what's good on Steve? Howday? What's happening with your boy nephew? Tommy? Yeah right here? What's what it do? It's Monday? Baby? Yo? Well, I would say, how is your weekend, but you didn't have one. So on same another day, I got the quarantine blues. I'm so tired of staying at home. I'm so tired of being alone. Won't you help me, girl, just as soon as you can. I just wanna go on a plane. I want to go somewhere. Dun It, I go to the stove, dun It. I'm tired of goal when dunn it, I go to the park. But baby, where is Yeah? You just sit there. It's just you're just sitting up here and going straight nutty. Yeah. I do have a friend, though, Steve, that's going to Vegas tomorrow. Okay, that's stupid. I think so. And I love Vegas. I mean I understand wanting to go, yeah, but I not yet. Yeah, how are they doing that like every other gambling table? How does that work? You're wearing masks? I do know that. It's not a commercial where they at mak Son. Let me touch the chips? How do you do it with your hands? But somebody else hands was on that chip? Oh that, I'm gonna have gloves on. I'm gonna have a restorate of mask. I have an oxygen tank. I just have fresh oxygen in my nose and the mask. All right, Uh, listen, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, more of them. We'll talk more right after this. You're listening to show, all right? So, Steve, the other day you told us that Marjorie does not like for you to eat in bed, and as a matter of fact, she doesn't allow it. So we have a question for you this morning, and for everyone all the guys in the show. Does your significant other have a house rule of rules that are very serious and if you make them he or she will kill you, not literally, of course. But let's start with you, Steve, he got more, let's stay with him. Yeah, let's start and finish with you. Steve. Yeah, I know, I know for show, I can't leave that damn toilet seat. That's automatic. That's yeah, that's death on the spot. That's not even nothing new. A matter of fact, I didn't even feel comfortable saying that. A lot of that's that's that's very common. That's a house. But have you heard he guys say, well, uh, you should put it down, you know, look before you well, that's crazy. I said that the last time we was in Africa. You said what you said? What you said what she said. Yeah, we was arguing about the toilet seat under mosquito Nick, and I thought I was so sick of her talking, and I said, I tell you what, next time you go in there, you let it back up. Have you lost your entire month? And how did that go that evening? I don't. I'm telling fellas right now, don't say that. I don't say it. Listen to Uncle Steve. I'm just don't say that. Why can't we win that? That's not it's no argument to win to because I gave up. It's made to go down anyway. It's not made to be up. Well, why is it going up? Hello? Hello? I don't even know. I don't even understand why, why to put it up? To use it? I don't even get that part. What you want us to be on the top o? You don't think. You don't know why we got to let the lead let it up. It's not that much when it's down, it's not that much real extra room. You don't understand this aim at doing them that ain't good. You don't know. You don't know if you're gonna get some unexpected spray. You don't know. You ain't never had you ain't never had a split decision. Yeah, hello, Yeah, I know it's a mystery that will you go to the bathroom in the dark and we start peeing that don't hear water? You got am? I? Oh? Hell? And I peeing on it immediate. I know I'm peeing and I don't hear nothing. Have my PI on this road and you can't find the light switch? Yes, oh, no water ended. I've been standing that. I've been standing that peeing and didn't hear no water and leaned over the cut of the light switch on heat all over the glade, air fresh he y'all on I was Washington, but left but left the pet on the soap. I just didn't. I didn't see it. It's real, so real that you can you can wake up the next morning look at the bath and be like God, but see Shirley and Colin. See y'all don't have little boys. No, y'all didn't have little boys. Now and I would quit asking why this the toilet seat need to go up if you had a little boy, I'm thinking, God right now, I had a girl. Yeah, he ain't even I don't even think we try. It doesn't sound like straight in the water it doesn't sound like Uh, well that's true. Were the wait until last minute? Anyway? Yeah? So as we're pulling it out, is already p Yeah, yeah, none of these are lies. I'm here to any of you in the way. You in Trump man, I don't know. But if you rap where I'm going, you're in Trump. I didn't know it was all of this, did you girl? Y'all? Hall a boy? No? But women, women can hold it better than men. Yeah. And we can cut it off when we're even Yeah, we can cut it off whole service. No, I can't cut it. Okay, well, we can cut it off. But I'll tell you what you know. You kid me out your back. I clamped the shot if you want, don't blow your kid me out your back. Good morning. Ain't gonna believe you don't have to go to the hospital. Part. What's wrong with Steve Sugar trying to shut it off? Now, when you're a little boy, you can clamping shut. But if you're grown man, you clamping shut, you're gonna go to the hospital. You're gonna do ye. My little boy cold he got them he got cold as is fit to get that minted. Being about you guys, you're gonna have a risk. You're gonna have a risk. Bracelet on this. You got something with you, just so you know, just so you know, we don't have We don't have to cut off the little boys got and we ain't got the speed they got. We ain't got none of that. We might stand there by seven minutes. Who now they got good nice stream pressure, push out everything good. Yeah, we don't have that. It ain't the same force. It ain't. Yes, I guess when I was a little block and push your coke can up the street? Yes, yes, uh yeah, yeah, I can write my name in the day. I go to barn room night, sound like ice cubes going into what say? Sweet? Really all right glad look at the time, Um, look and listen. We want to hear from you. What are some house rules your significant other can't break or else? Go to Steve Harvey FM and all social media and poster comment coming up next to nephew in the building would run that prank back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right now, it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. Hey, nef, what you got for us? All the pair it's out there across America. This is for you. You are not a good teacher. You're not You're not a good teacher. Let's go cat. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Nikki. How are you doing, Nikki? I am, I'm mister Daniels. I'm calling from the E Learning Department. Hey, all right, your daughter is is Jasmine? Correct? Sixth grader? Yes? All right? And you've been um you guys have been corresponding back and forth with Miss her teacher. Yes, all right, So here's my I'm calling. Uh. Miss has brought some things to my attention. Uh, Nikki, if you don't mind, who's who's actually helping Jasmine with her schoolwork every day? What a task? All right? So I hate to be a bearer of bad news, but let me let you know what's going on. No, that's not anything wrong with her computer at all. I've spoken with Miss several times about Jasmine and we've just bawled it down to whoever's helping her with her work is just not doing a good job. You should not be the person that's helping her with her schoolwork. Okay, hold on, what do you mean I shouldn't be helping her? That's my child. I'm saying, whoever is teaching her is not doing a good job as a teacher, you know, And this could affect Jasmine to the point where from the looks of what I've seen and what's been turned in, I truly don't see Jasmine going to the seventh grade. I mean, this is this is Is there anybody else there that can help Jasmine with her work? No? She got what's wrong for her work? Got to say, because I just taught to her, and she could have told me this, what what what? What's the subject? What's the problem? It's all yes, it is, yes, it is. What's the problem? What's what's the problem? Get me the assignments, because I'm I've been working with her, so what's the problem. Everything is coming back. I think the last paper I looked at she got a forty five on it. I looked at some math work, it was a sixty two. I mean, if you are the person that's teaching her over there, you're just not good at that, admitted, So you hold on and you can get missing on the phone too, because I don't y'all don't got my baby work? And then she got a problem. You can come teach the child. She can open up the schools and get them back, because there's no opening the schools at this point. Right now, there's no opening of the schools. So she got a problem. If she got a problem, then she can come teach my child. That's what she's supposed to be doing anyway. Okay, But the problem is right now, you're the person that's at home teaching that. You're the person that's at home teaching the girl, and it's not helping. So I don't want Jasmine to not make it to the seventh grade. But at this point, that's what it's looking like. Well, look, if I got to teach you this, she's gonna learn it how I learned it. Okay, with this math. This do math they got these kids doing though, she's gonna learn how five times five twenty five. She's gonna learn her time tax. Okay, But we can't learn man, you're undoing what we've taught already. You can't take them back. Y'all need to teach it to y'all need to teach it a better way. I send my child to school for this, Okay. I'm not getting paid. I gotta cook, I gotta clean off in here with these kids. I'm being a mother, throw all these kids and my husband. I don't have time for all of this. So if the teacher, well, let me say this, miss Nikki. Let me let me say this, Miss nick I don't have time for a parent not realizing that they're not a good teacher. I don't have time to that. Whoever, who are you, whoever you are, E learning department, whatever, you need to come eat learn my child scause I'm not doing it right. Then y'all need to come get over here and do this mother work. O. Man, if you go to the seventh grade, if I got to come up, does when it? When the school open back old church, you will see me. We'll go this. We got okay, we're going on. You are not a good homeschool teacher. That's the baby. My child is going through the seventh grade. Oh che No, who's your print? Who is the prin No? No, when talking to somebody else, my town is on the seventh grade. She gonna get this. She getting this work. If y'all y'all gonna get this work too. I'm not accepting forty five and sixty two's on papers, ma'am and going to let you your daughter advance to the seventh grade. That's you're right. I'll check it over. But y'all need to go to che and if she's no, no, no, no once once again, you checking it over is the problem. You're the problem, sir, sir. If she got a problem, once you got a mother pieces first, what's you gotta go the first? Let you te to check the work. What's the difference. Let you teach to check the words. Damn you, I'm not calling you no more. And you hold on what's your name again? You're talking to me? My name is mister Day. Ok Okay, I don't give a dawn votes for when el n I care because I'm the first answers me and you get off this phone. I'll calling her so right immediately so she could tell me all this stuff you got to tell me. She don't gotta hide behind you. She could call me directly. So thank you. Listen days let me know. Oh it's about to go down. I don't even dare. I don't care no more. Just cool. If y'all got an issue or the way I'm teaching, take your kids back, come teaching the front yard. I'll open up my dough. You could talk teth my child from my five You got a problem with it, but that's it from right now. I'm all she got. I don't what she got the teacher. She gonna learn it the way I'm teaching her. If y'all got a problem, y'all got a problem. But she going to the seventh grade, or best believe my baby going to the seventh grade. Okay, then then maybe maybe I just maybe I need to talk to Brian, your husband. Maybe I need to talk to Brian. What you were talking to me? You've been talking to me. You'll need to talk to him. You were talking to me. I speak for both of us, so now taught to me? Yeah, okay, Well I just I spoke with Brian a couple of days ago, so can't say nothing to me so as Brian. Okay, okay, but but you know what Brian said about this, because he tell me nothing. What Brian told me to call you, He told me to prank phone call you. This is Nephew till Me from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. Nikki, you just got pranked by your husband, Brian. These kids been driving me up the wall. Understanding this up. These kids driving me crazy. Man, Look coronavirus. Gonna have to see me. I think it is too much. I decided drinking. Oh lord, can get your kids. Tell me one more thing, baby, it's twenty twenty. Tell me what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. It's the Steve Harvey Morning Tell me you're crazy? Okay, coming up? I know, all right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Actually it's you, nephew. With black people leaving? What is so Shirley? You know it's about some people leave. They make a scene when they leave, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, all right, some people leave and you just never know, you never know they left, They just gone. But us, you're telling about us as a race, us as a race, we make a scene. You understand I'm saying. We make a scene like this right here when you're leaving the funeral. Jake my name ain't even on the program. Go look at your granddad to come on, we're leaving up out of here right now. I'm telling you, right now, we out how we ain't on the program. How my baby ain't no pat Yeah, that's us. Yeah, you know when we leave, when we leave a wedding. Whoa I said that, right, doesn't when we leave a wedding? Look here what I said it? When I wouldn't didn't know I was saying it? When we leave with what wedding? How come I ain't got no place to see it? Just so you know that, ain't you? That baby ain't joys. We out of here. I'm just telling you, we out of here. We like, this is black people. When black people leave was seen. We actually make a scene when when we leave the movies. Why I can't bring my own food in here? It's my food, it's my food. I leave it. I'm gonna tell all y'all the girl dying then since I got to go. Oh, we gotta make it about us, don't. This is us, baby, this is black people. We make a scene. Look here, we're leaving the Little League game. Okay, my baby ain't playing the whole game. What did I pay hain to fight out? The fuck ain't about out for you? Come on, chump, chump, let's go on, let's go, let's go, let's go back. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. That is us, you said, Chip, come on, we get you another team. Baby. You ain't got to put up with this. Here where your uniform in the school? Tomorrow hill. When black people leave the job, we're gonna make a see, that's how we do it. It's a good thing you fired me because I was feel to quit anyway. Truth be told, Truth be told. Let it d no loud weather I leave. Hey, hey, I leave a Friday coming. I got to say come this Friday though. And just so you know, I've been hit ten years and I'm stealing something every week. How about that? Yeah, country in because I've been stealing? How about that? So I'm five grand up? When we leave a restaurant, why do black people sit there in order the highest thing on the bill, knowing they ain't got it in their pocket? Who does eating photo dollars? You know, I ain't got no tip money now that ain't gonna grab some mints and two pic on the way. But why the waiter waitress gotta suck? Yeah? Yeah, when we leave, When we leave a store, were gonna make a scene. Oh yeah, I didn't even know that they had explorations on coupon I didn't even know that. Okay, I don't know why y'all tripping out of dollars now any damn? Wait, why is y'all tripping being back in your for yad? They don't expire? Why do y'all the dollars store? Black people leave a scene. They make a scene, and I can add one, add one? Come on, yeah, when they get put out the strip club? You know, something like that? All I had with phote dollars. Why can't I stay and here? You look that you keep picking your foe back up? I had hold out. I can't just stay here and look at put money down. I would put money down. We are a trip. Yeah, we always have to make it about us. Oh that happened yesterday. I was at this taco place and the lady apparently she was there yesterday, so she bought the exact same thing, right, So she gets it's a soon as I walked in. How you doing, I'm like, So she check out. The lady wrung it up. So it was nine dollars the day before whenever she was there, but it was eleven yesterday. So she said, well, why is it eleven dollars? And she said, well, ma'am, you got an Instra order of chips in caso. I got there yesterday and she said, well, let me see the receipt. So the girl pulled the receipt out and she gave it to it. She said, yeah, but they didn't charge you for the caso for the cheese yesterday. Well, that ain't my problem. I'm not been getting though two extra dollars because the ain't in charge. I want to pay that. I said, here we go, But she on the phone the whole time, she said, I don't want the caseo. When the chips just rang up the taco salade. Man on myself war and always standing behind that person too, always and it looked like and it looked like you with him people when you stepped back two feet, got back and started looking around. I'm trying to let other people in front of your gown, man, trying to separate it. Right, all right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Jay is in the building. Steve. Time to murder another hit. Please introduce him, give him a good one. I'm scared, ladies, I can't murder. Don't the song right here dedicated to all the ladies. We're going through it. I don't know, hit it cool his hills just got damnpen and just got the ceiling thing on thirty eight degrees. She wakes up swearing and the cool all. She's having a hot slash wind and reading I want a hot flash, Hollor Night been in the hot flash wind and read it. She has a heart left love behinds I mean a hot flash hot sash. Read the heart last hot flash hot hot hot hot hot hot flas hot hot hot. She having a hotslass wind and read it, I want the hot blass hollow Night been in then hot last wind and read it your genius boy your No, he's not, No, he's Carlot Carlo. Are you ladies? Did y'all enjoy that? You? No? I didn't say. And you know what the problem is, Steve, me and Jay. You know we talk on the phone, And did you have a hot flan when you was on the phone and get inspiration? Yes? I did, Tommy, but the whole world knows now no, you're not. And turn the out all right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show, right after this. You're listening show all right, Steve our very own Jay Anthony Brown, it's always here with the foolishness. Can count on him. And he's got details on his brand new book, tell us about it. Just finish my new book, Steve, and it's called one hundred and one Ways to Start an Argument. Um. Several chapters in the book. Um chapter one. You know, laugh on the phone for no reason, just just laugh. So yeah, it would start an argument. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Chapter chapter seven is a real good chapter. Take a shower in the middle of the day, just just showering. Yeah, what are you going? Shower? That's on Sunday. This is a good one for Sunday. Say say I'm going to a different church by myself. That's what you say. Sure, it's gonna be on. Ways to start an argument, Yeah, put an empty bag in the closet and just walk away. Just put it up and just walk away. Yeah, what's that. Don't worry about that. Don't go up there, don't go up there. It's what you mean. Don't go up there, don't go up there. A Ways to start arguments, say this phrase right here, This really works. Say I'll be right back and leave, Just leave, Just leave. Where are you going? I'll be right back. Don't worry about where I'm going. I'll be right back. You mean, don't weary about it? Yeah, just walk out of here. You just praised right here on the phone. This really gets an argument. Say good job, Beckett, I'll see you to mar and then came up the phone backy with the good hair? Back why the hair you got to your courage? Backy, damn, good job Becky? Where she do so bad? But your blacks starts to be commenting on it? A new book How to start an argument? Ask your mate, your lady, when's up? Where's your friend coming over here? You know when Mike, she hain't been over here? When she coming here? She sing? Oh oh no, Yeah that starts argument. Yeah he's a pretty good jay. Argument Yeah, ways to started argument. No matter what movie she says she want to go to, you say, oh I seen it already. Oh your job, you're going the movies now? Okay, time to go see. Yeah, I've seen that. That's I've seen that. I've seen it. I seen it. Here's another one. Here's another one. Ways to starting argument. You own the phone and you laugh real damn loud and then you stop whispering. And this is why he's divorced. How to run somebody off? One? Give me one, give me one. I put it in the book head buy your wife some running shoes color? Yeah, man, yeah, by some running shoes that it. Yeah, all of a sudden, all of us sudden in the middle of the day, you put on a clean shirt. You woke up in one shirt and put on another? What you change your shirts for? I cannot just put on a new shirt? No, no, no, you cannot. What's wrong with all? Can just go up the book? Ja? Can? I just had one more last one moment? Really? Yeah? Come on to start an argument in your house, guaranteed. Come on. What come in from work and pull your pants off and ain't got no draws? All right? Thanks Jay and Steve. You just command you up next with today frank phone call. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harpy Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject is my husband's friend can't stay here. But right now, nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got for us. Now to truck try what's that toe truck driving? Yes? To character here it is lazy and total truck driver running. Canny man. They did it, blew out the whole electrical system and old hello. Hello, I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying to find Candy. Who is this? It's scanny man. Okay you you are you the guy with the toe truck. You're you're the toe truck driver and ask me trucking. Okay, hey, man, you jump started my girls call three days ago and blew the old electrical system out. Man, I did, old on, hold on, let me get back to my truck. You said, I did what man? You do jump people's vehicles when they when they got a stall vehicle. Don't you what I do? I jumped vehicles? Okay, So you actually did my girl's car about three days ago. Man, you just started her car. But now when you you over jumped it, it's what you did. Okay. You didn't blow out the whole electrical system in the whole car to dad board, everything is just completely out. And they tell about this's gonna be by fifteen hundred dollars to get this thing. I'm sorry, now what was this? My name kimned man? But you Mr Ceila, Man, you jump started, you over jumped hard car. Well just wait, wait a minute, Cannada. There's no such thing as over jump in a car. You can't over jump a car, man, Man, let me tell your couch now. I whoever told you that? That's just now, that's just hey. Let me tell you something. Man. You overjump my girl's car, okay, and you blew out jump a car? Well, you mean you that's what you did, man? You didn't blow out the entire electrical system, the entire dad's board, it's completely dead. The people at the dealership saying it's gonna take fifteen hundred dollars to get this thing backed up and run it, well, you may want to take it comew there. So they're trying to riff you off. There's no such There ain't no such things over jumping a car and blowing. And if she drove off that day, then she should be fine. I've jumped plenty of cars. I jumped cars all day long. People always need to jump I know one. I've never overjumped it system. Look, you overjumped this car, okay, and that's the reason why it's completely shut down. All the fuses have blown out, everything is completely dead. You over jumped the car, and now it's a fifteen hundred dollars And the reason why I'm calling you is you should be the person paying for this. No, no, hell no, no, now that's sure ain't gonna happen. I'm not gonna pay for something I didn't do. You did it. You don't want overjumped it? Man, You overjumped the car. I don't over jumped cars. Now that and now wait a minute, and now wait, just one man. Man, I'm not gonna argue with you. I jumped cars all the time. And you mean to tell me I overjumped your You you're a you know what you're gonna get you? Well, if I don't get this fifteen hundred dollars, I'm sorry. You said what You're gonna get your swoop. If I don't get this fifteen hundred dollars to take care of this whole car, in the whole electrical system, well, I tell you what. I'm over here on Martin Luther King right now. Name you're talking about whooping somebody? You bring it tone over here now, I don't forward youthing cars and I'm gonna hold you know money, and you're only fifteen hundred dollars. You cut your son of but you only pit hold you. So let me tell you something. You'll be in for a long day. I will take this toe truck and ram it straight up your and I'm not playing with you now, I don't. I well don't talk to people like this, and I should have held don't appreciate it when someone talks to me like that, whooping. You gotta let it. You know what, You're gonna mess around and get your little cold truck told off something. That's what's gonna what and you're gonna get you whoop in the mix to all of this. Man, let me tell you something. I need this fifteen hundred dollars today asks formorrow so I can get my girl cost Fecuse I don't owe you well that I jumped this car off at because that's exactly where I'll meet. Yet you you drop my girl call off at her job. She was downtown at her job. What street? Because I'm down there a lot, I don't know what street there, but she see where downtown? See that's your troblem. You're such a dumb she don't even know what treat its own. And you know I don't want you fifteen hundred dollars. You are crazy, and let me know what I'm fifteen hundred. I'm gonna get this fifteen hundred out of you. Now, you're gonna make a decision on which one you want to do. If you're gonna bring me the fifteen hundreds today or tomorrow, how you'll whooped? You got your five o'clock tomorrow, son, You ain't gotta wait on tomorrow. I made my decision right now. I ain't gonna happen. I ain't ever gonna happen. I don't owe you, And if you can get it out of my son, you can have it. But I mentioned this much, you bet it back a lunch. It's gonna be a lone mine for you, buddy. I don't care how long it's gonna be. You're gonna get a feel teen hundred dollars woman, that's what you're gonna get, candy or candy man. You're gonna play. You're gonna play the fifteen hundred dollars. You call me what you want to call me, son, but I tell you that fo you'll call me something else you country. Listen, Son, I've got to go. I got work to do. I've got somebody outside rate waiting on me right now to hook up the car. I ain't got time to be arguing with you, sir, all right now, if you really want to find me, you really want to find Candy Man, everybody out there knows how to find me. You understand me. So if you really want that fifteen hundred dollars, Son, you come and get it. But I ain't got time to be sitting here arguing with you all today. I got work to do. I gotta get back out of this truck. I got one more thing I need to tell you, and I want you to put this in your mind, good and strong or you living. I'm gonna listening to your son over. You ain't gonna say about me giving you fifteen hundred dollars. I'll tell you what I want to tell you. This. This is Nephew called me from the Steve Harvey Morning to show you just got franked by another record driver named you know you know what. You're listening to this because I owe you fifteen right let him use you? Hey, Hey, hey man, have you all Margie showed me something today and I'm gonna get to it. But it's how can you tell when a child is raised by older people? Man? I heard something so funny over the weekend, and so I wrote them down. I came up with the top three ways to find out if a child it's being raised by old people. Okay, okay, what you got? He real little? Now about seven years old? I can't okay, Dante, Dante's time for you to come in the house. Well, let me get on in here before I have to say something that seven year old Dante. This you know you're being raised by old people? Away ground right here? Dante? Where's your brother? I gotta keep up with him like I ain't got enough to do. Yeah, old people, Dante? How old are you ill be? Eight? Come next Tuesday, Lord Willie? Yeah, ib eight, come next Tuesday, Lord Willie. That's true that eight year old boy. They asked a little boy this shit? Well I only use it, and I'll be eight come next Tuesday, Lord Willie. He must stay with his grandpa. All right, Thank you, Steve. That was fun. Up next Strawberry letters subject, my husband's friend can't stay here. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show Time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice and relationships, work, sex, parenting, dating, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click Submit Strawberry Letter. Steve is back, Tommy. Let's go buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject my husband's friend cannot stay here. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a very happily married woman in my early fifties and I have an issue with my husband's longtime friend and fraternity brother. My husband's friend lives in another state for work, but he loves to come visit all his buddies in the city that my husband and I live in. When he comes to town, he would take turns staying at different friends' houses. His first visit to our new home was earlier this year and he stayed the entire weekend, and that was okay as a one time deal. Since then, he started alerting my husband that he would be in town and would need a place to crash. We're all a tight knit group of friends, and I know he wore out as welcome at another couple's home, so he set his sights on our house. I told my husband that I am totally against him thinking our home is his weekend getaway. This put me and my husband at extreme odds, and my husband told me that he feels like it's not his home because I make the rules. My husband claiming he's making up excuses whenever his friend mentions he's coming to town. I think that my husband is being absolutely ridiculous. We're adults in a nice new home, not a frat house. His friend can easily afford a hotel room every month, but he is too cheap to pay for it. He'd rather stay with his fraternity brothers than save his money. I don't mind if he comes by the house to visit while he's in town, but I do not want his company at my house every other weekend. I love my husband and I don't want to continue to fight over this, but I am very firm on my beliefs. Am I being selfish? Please advise? No, no, no, you're not being selfish, not at all. And that's coming from a person who absolutely loves company. You guys know how much I love company. But no, you're not being selfish. Nothing you have said is wrong. No, your husband, your house is not a weekend getaway. And yes, your husband is being ridiculous. Your nice new home is in a frat house. That's crazy. I mean, what do your husband and his frat brother not understand about this? I don't get it. If frat can afford a hotel room, then frat should get a hotel room. If he can't afford that, then he needs to stay at home. He's already worn out his welcome with another couple that's in this tight knit group with you guys. As far as you and your husband and all this fighting and everything, your husband husband should be happy that you're being very hospitable to his frat. You're welcoming him into your home. You just don't want him to stay there and make your home the weekend get away. I don't understand what the problem is. Your husband needs to grow up. He is now no longer in a fraternity. You guys are in your early fifties. Come on, Steve, lord, lord Lord, welcome back. Ain't this woman to come back? Yeah? Well on, behalf of Tommy and myself. We show hoping this ain't a QR cappel. But it damn shows sound like somebody I know, Lord Cheese father, God, Please don't let this be a queue. I didn't say it's gonna be half of Tommy. Lord, don't let it be a new please, Lord, but this show sound like one of them. To me, let me dig into this letter. One of my friend brothers is listening. Will tag your answers it. Oh, I'm a happily married woman in my early fifties and I got an issue with my husband's longtime friend and fraternity brothers. See all of the fracts that end in sigh, cappa alpha, si and o't maga side fire that rhymes with sigh and fi also rhymes with it to the Day I die Ka, side to the day out, dow mega SACI fire to the day out That So, now we fifty, we come to town. Yes, he takes turns staying at different friends housing. First visitor, I knew home was earlier this year. He stayed then tire weekend and that was okay, but it was a one time deal. Well since then he didn't start telling his husband that he gonna be in town and he needed a place to crash. Now you say we all a tight nick group of friends. But he didn't wore out his welcome out the other couple's house. See they're tired of his ass. Yes, yes, see they're sick and tired of his ass because it's different now. So now he just said his house. I'm gonna get into why it's different than a minute. I got some funny stuff about this hill. But let me tell you see, now he'd have said his house on set his side, So in your house to prom she having is she just said our new home. They had just moved in and they've been working, saving their money like good folks, got themselves together and got themselfs a new house. That his ass comes now he want to call him and he want to stay over there, and he got ran out to other people's house. Now now I told my husband, I'm totally gives him thinking our home is a weekend getaway. Now you and your husband's at the odds. And he told me that he feels like it's not his home because I make the rules. What dog it ain't. It's her house too, though, and if she make a rule in the house, we can't break the rule. My husband claims he's been making excuses whenever his friends mentioned he's coming to town as you should. I think my husband being ridiculous. Damn it, he is that his depart we're adults in a nice new home. Correction, y'all ain't adults, y'all fick. That's different. You adults when you thirty, hold on, Steve, hold on you fifty, you fifty, stop saying you in the dunk holds the damn near dead well. That part two coming up at twenty three after the hours. Subject of today's Strawberry Letter. Mind subject my husband's friend can't stay here. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject my husband's friend can't stay here. Here's this fifty year old couple and bought themself a nice new house. Now, dude got a frat brother that that don't like spending his money, so he's staying there by the house. All the frat brothers when he comes to town. Now there's one couple and got sick of his hands and told him he ain't coming over there normal. So now he just set his sights on y'all house. Now the problem is this couple and just bought the house because they got a new house. So now that she just setting up brother, now I'll now hear his ass car frat bro. But this is different though. She says that the husband is upset and saying that he feels like it's not his home because I make the rules. What dog it is her house. She get to make the rules, just like you get to make some rules. But if y'all's rules conflict the person to make the rule win, That's just how I go. Man, Marjorie say, I can't eat in the bed. Now this is my house. I make all the payments around him. But her rule is you can't eat in the bed. So guess what. I can't bring no food in there. I bring it in there if I want to, the whole whole lot won't be happy. Don't bring it in there. I bring it in there if I won't do Yeah, that's what you tell us. Yeah, not only will you not be eating in the bed, you're gonna be doing damn thing else. Yeah. Okay, So my husband claims he's been making up excuse when it friends mentioned that he's coming. I think my husband is being ridiculous and he is because we're adults in a nice new home, not a flat house. His friend can easily afford a hotel room every moment, but he too cheap to pay for it. He rather stay at his frat brothers and say the money. Now. I don't mind if he comes to the house to visit when he in town, but I don't want to come to my house every other weekend. And you are absolutely correct, lady. I love my husband. I don't want to continue to fight over this, but I'm very firm on my beliefs and I being selfish. No, you're not your husband is now. I'm in a frat that we swear by or make a sci fire to the day. I do. But you can't stay at my house. Can't no frat brother come and stay at my house? No, I ask me feel how you want to feed all team? Dog team dog team? Not getting my house? We not I'm sixty two. You're an adult. See I'm not an adult. I'm sixty two. I'm well pass a dulthhood. See you got you got young adults, you got young adults. Yeah, you got grown ass people. You got senior citizens, and you got old ass people. That's how you break it down. I'm fighting it, but I'm damn near one of them. Last. I'm damn there. Grown ass people, senior citizens, old people. So now let's just be real. You can't stay in my house. And you want to know why you can't stay at my house because old people different than young guests. Old guests is different from young guests. What do you see? Young people? They go out and you gotta give him a key to get back in. Somebody gotta be up there, gonna rain the doughbell. They wear your asks when they come to the house. Who is that downstairs? Maybe that's Pooky back. He got to get in three o'clock. Old people stay there. Old people sit around. Old people watch TV with you. Old people want to change your channel. Old people need pajamas. Needed my feet cold? You got sicked, girl. You gotta extra t shirt out down? You got a fresh shirt I can wear. Now. You gotta do laundry. Young people eat a lot of food. Young people just be in there eating, eat anything, want to get pizza all that? Old people different. Old people got died to restriction, clean stuff out the frigerator. They allergic to nuts. You can't serve no dairy now they got gas because they laptose intolerant yo, ask you got dairy and everything? The whip potatoes, no getting there where you put cream in there? Now he's just in there. Fine, all be the laxative. Now he needs some monium ad to stop the die real. You're just all too much old people. Young people come to your house down here? What temperature it is? Old people want to be over that message with the thermometer too wall in hill? It's too cold in hill? What temperature y'all keep it at? Old people ask questions, what y'all light bill? What kind of toolitician? Y'all? You y'all ain't got no double plot. I keep breaking through this single. Ain't you in the hotel on the same word? You go? Steve Email, email us, your Instagram us, your thoughts got to Steve Harvey FM. Or check out the Strawberry Letter on the podcast on demand. Okay, coming up at forty six after the hour, Steve's back. In case you haven't noticed, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, you had a few more thoughts on today's Strawberry Letters. Strawberry Letter and the different this old frat brook keep coming over his house, and the lady don't want it. You don't want old people at your house like I will telling you p old people different, Tom says some on the commercial break. Old people get up early. Yeah, oh yeah here, don't drink. What are you doing your room? Te y'all got sweeten lope, sweet lope? Don't tell nobody you sweeten load anymore? Now that's all I use in sweeten lope, sweet and low. Didn't you hit about to cancel with no rat? Dog? I ain't no rat. I'm a dog quick barking. Grand kids is upstairs and they scared. Then you come home. His old lass sitting up there. He don't know how to work the thermitstat that he got it hot his head in the house. You come in the house. He's sitting there there watching TV. He ain't got no shirts you he's sitting up in there with no shut hold your wife, come out to kitchen. Is he in hot? Man? I don't know what happened that thermitstack. He's scaring the grand kids. Dog quit bark man. Yeah, you all hit Tommy, Tommy boys all been hain't man. You ain't got no canes around here where we can do that's around, break something in my house and break body when they throw the cane they dropped it. Yeah, I got kids. Man, Come on, man, I love you, but don't come in here. I love it. I'm not with that everything he got to love. Yeah, you got some sweet load. You ain't scaring the standing the doll the do But is this every time every time he addresses you see it's the bark dog. It could be it could be too much house. Just in my house. It's Steve, just me team. It will set out a hot like a man hot. No more. Oh my god, team need that sweet load. I get on my nurse for you to go. We ain't got no sweeten load. Man, I've been through all the cabines. Y'all got none. Else. You're listening morning show, it's time. None of your darned business. Say, if you see going down, it ain't your business. It's none of your concern, none of Like if you in the barber shop, you've been going up for years. Yeah, and you see somebody take somebody else's customer and didn't your damn ben it? Why are you? Why are you in there? Yeah? Yeah I didn't. You didn't like from the other guy. Yeah, just move on with your life. What your life? That's not that has nothing to do nothing. The fact that the other barber's feeling's gonna be hurt. That that has nothing to do with you. He ain't getting this, chick. I'll tell you what if you go in the grocery store, turn your card down, our phone, your black parents choking the kid that ain't down, yeah, back up, yeah, yeah, go down to our five, then get you because you can get some of that choking. Yeah, they ain't got nothing to do. I ain't it, sir. You know I don't even bean. Hey, what's going on you? Yeah? Hey, I wouldn't chuck that kill a battles I was you, Well you're not me? All right? All right? The kid can really be hurt. Guys, Ye can't go down to ask what's going on? It's none of your damn That little boy no good in hair would while he getting told you not to touch nothing, and here touching, let's touch. You didn't broke a damn job for yeah, choking? What you gotta tell me? You see, somebody put a cold, nice real by and baked potato in the refrigerator at work and can't wait for lunch time. You see somebody ever about thirty minutes for lunchtime, going there and eat all that stinking baked potatoes That ain't really you don't know what they're going through, Gonna have no idea. They might be hungry lunch. Ye, he's hungry. You don't know what that other man going I know the other man's gonna be bad with you. Get your small cooler to keep your meeting you don't you see your girlfriend? You see your girlfriend fiance? Yeah, at dinner? I point another woman. Come on, that's probably more than likely a business done, none of your damn how does that concern you? Go buy your gift and go to the wedding like you're supposed to. Damn, go at your gift. But when they register that and it's gone, ain't your fit your cameraphone? I shouldn't say anything. Oh, that's snapping the photo and sending the people like she wants to hear that want it. You're gonna mess up her damn day? Now? Why would you do that? Yeah? Why would you mess up the day that she's been planning for her whole life? That's you coming in here because you ain't got nobody you buy your damn You're evil and nasty, evil and nashic. You're just evil and nashty. You standing next to a guy right, y'all in the bar. Y'all standing in the bar. And he's on the phone saying, baby, I got to work late. I'm working late. I'm knock out this last um the report, and I'm coming on home. What that got to do with you? Right? Yes? How does that happen? How does that affect you? At the bar? He's lying, Jay on the other end, has nothing to do with you. What his wife needs to hear about this paper? She need a reason why he not gonna be home at six once? No, he's saved, so he got to give her reason. He and his voice makes her feel calm and reassure that nothing has happened and nothing to happen. To come on back down. I'll tell you what happened. Me and my neighbor having an issue right now? What you got man? It ain't my funt and it's none of my damn business. Got the pizza man, got the numbers confused on the apartment. I'm three thirty you three h three? He put it to three thirty I ain't the post. That's a blessing. Thanks, just is having more than once the first time. I gotta feel it ain't gonna be the last year. All Right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. Okay, Jay, quickly you are here with what toughening the boat? I wrote another blood my latest book gets called you might be toughing it out. If chapter one, you might be toughing it out. If you've been riding on your spare tile for six months, you might be toughing out chapter four, it is a good chapter. You might be toughening out. If you make dishwashing liquid, when you put it in water and let it dissolve, you might be toughing it out. You just put you put soap, put soap in the dishwashing liquid, and you you never had that done. Okay, you might be toughened it out. If if if your debit card gets turned down at the dollar store, you might be toughing it out. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right. That's a pretty tough you may yeah you lit dollars. Chapter of this, chapter eight, you might be turughning out. If you got one light bulb and you got to take it from room to bloom, lub, I'm talking about break a light ball in hill. Hey, Hey, I'm trying to see the toilet tissue. We got a chapter on that. You don't have dollar paper, You got napkins from Wendy's mcdund Chapter fourteen is a good chapter. All right, we'll be back with more of the steam Harvey Morning Show. Right now, you're listening even Harty Morning Show. All right, Jay is in the building, Steve, time to murder another hit, Please introduce him. I'm scared, ladies, I can't heard that murder. Don't the song right here dedicated to all the ladies you're going through it. I don't know hit it pull his head is goddamnen and just got the ceiling thing on thirty eight degrees. She wakes up sweating and it's hands the cool all. She's having a high flat wind breathing. I want the hot blass Hollor night been in the hot flash wind and read it. She has a heart let many love hints. I mean a hot flash the bruler heartass dhint hot hot blas hot hot hot hot hot hot blas hot hot hot, she having a hotslass wind and read it, I want the hot blass hollow night, been in the heart last wind and read it it s have a hot that came to many? Uh, your genius boy. No he's not. No, he's Carla Carlo. Are you ladies? Did y'all enjoy that? You? No? I didn't say. And you know what the problem is, Steve, Me and Jay you know we talk on the phone. And did you have a hot fla when he was on the phone get inspiration? Yes? I did, Tommy, but the whole world knows. Now, No, you're not and turn the at coming up the last break of the day, Steve will have some closing remarks for us. Don't go anywhere. We'll be back at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening to all Right, here we are, last break of the day, Steve. Guys man, it's been a good Monday. Yeah, it's a great week. Go to vote dot org something. Are you all getting a sense from people that you know that they are really angry enough, that they're really engaged enough to want to get to the polls? Yeah? I am, Steve. I am with the people. I'm not asking about you. I'm just saying in general, what's what's the sense you're getting from people? They're excited, especially with Kamala Harris being picked that really, you know, took it over the top as well. People. Yeah, people are fired up about voting. They really are. What I don't see I still don't see that you fired up. I don't see that. I don't see the kids, and I don't know when you're in the rust, I see it from the you almost Well, then that means we have to do more to convince them up. This is important. If that's not the case, those are the same kids that were marching. They're going to vote, and people have the attitude that it doesn't matter what you do. Trump, we are going to vote and we're going to vote you out. We're determined that you have gotten And he knows us. He knows everybody is against him, everybody. I mean, you got people who are on his side. But he feels yeah, he knows. He feels that you're right, Jay. And I'll tell you what, Steve, he feels that I hang around my friends, the frustration, you know, what drive people to the polls or what? What? What issue are they going to be voting on For my friends, it's the pandemic. It's the fact that these children are not in school has affected a lot of people. Unemployment, the fact that they have to find childcare. I have friends who are teachers who have to send their kids to school because they have to go to school. Even if the kids are online we're doing virtual class, the teachers still have to go to work, so they got to go to the class to teach the kids online. So they send their kids to school. And you had no plan for these kids. Nothing the lot of leadership. But you know what, I think Carl is absolutely correct, and that's that suburban mom crew that he's trying to desperately appeal to. Now with the term with the scare tactic, which is all he knows how to do, intimidation, devisiveness, scare tactics. He's saying that I'll keep your suburbs safe. Yea, like those people that said those inner cities rioting and looting. I'm the law and order president, and I'll keep your your suburbans, your suburbs safe. Here's what mister living in a bubble doesn't know. There are tremendous number of black people that live in the suburbs a lot, a lot. That's not the fear. See, he's creating a fear. Nothing's creeping into the suburbs. Wow, if you have crime in your city, you have crime in your city. I just think that. I think also that those young people that were involved in that big drive for gun control, that shooting that occurred down in Florida. Yes, those those children are a voting age. Now they have not forgotten. They've stayed in touch because see now remember back then it was what are you gonna do about the guns? Partners? And now it ever was a big fight. Well, all that's diminished because what took over the fight was Corona and then Corona came and allowed us to see Aubrey and Floyd die at the hands of racist Ye. And so now right that we came back, but those people are still there and still angry and college absolutely correct, absolutely correct. These people that are sending their kids to school, and now there's one hundred thousand new cases in these schools and children are going to ICU because you said, if you don't open these schools back up, I'm not going to fund you. You said that I'm gonna take another area. I'm gonna tell you another area that he's gonna have issues with two college university. These kids. I'm gonna tell you something about sports kid. Yeah, Hey, I'm a parent of an athlete, Tommy's parent of an athlete. These athletes who had no plan for these kids to play in high school, college, their careers. These people, these kids train a long time and you have nothing. They can't and all he does distract and Trump has managed, he has managed. He has managed to affect everybody in a negative way. Yeah, everybody, everybody that way. Yeah, And I'm not trying to be funny. Please don't take it that way. But I want to know what your rich friends think I do. That's well, I'm not I'm not I'm really not trying to be funny. Corona has affected everybody, the black, the white, the Asian, the Latino, the rich, the poor, the have and the have nots. Corona has been the ultimate equalizer because people with money have been dying. And so there is a concern. Now, rich friends that I talked to, they can't stand Donald Trump, even the ones who voted for him. I've had a conversation with reached people going, yeah, I voted for him because I'm a conservative man. I needed certain judges in there and stuff he said. But the things he's done to this country morally, they say, I'm not sure we can recover, and I'm not going to vote for this guy again. Let's go vote dot org to get all your voting for all Steve Every contests. No purchase necessary, void wear prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.