Good morning and welcome to the ride! He is the ONE and only and you do know that. The CLO encourages a divorced woman to take a couple steps back as she begins dating after divorce. President Paquiao got a real good ring to it and Steve called it. Could the guy from Amistad and Magic Mike be the new governor of TX or nah? Somebody still trying to get their 15 minutes via Kim K. The Cleveland Browns won. The End!!! The crew discuss "physical friends" and the different situations that can come with that arrangement. Today in Closing Remarks, Uncle Steve talks about the most under promoted principle of success.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have a suit looking back the don giving them like the million bucks things and the stuffings me good it. Steve har listening to move together for ste Please, I don't join yeah joining me. You gotta turning you are you gotta turn to turn them out? Turn you got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your thad uh huh, I shore will a good minding everybody you're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harley got a radio show. Okay, here we go today, folks. This is a good one because today I want to share with you something that affects every living soul, and that one thing is your attitude. This affects everyone. It is your attitude. You know. I don't know if anyone's ever told you, but I mean many of you who listen know this. But there are a lot of people who don't understand a positive attitude can bring about a change. A positive attitude can bring about a change. Well, now here we go with the nay says, well, Steve, what you mean if I'm just positive? Being changed. My MoMA gone. What me being positive got to do with that? Okay, now listen to me carefully. A positive attitude can bring about change. Well, okay, Steve, I hear you saying that, But they didn't fired me. So now what does my having a positive attitude have to do with the fact that they fired me? Well, one more time, A positive attitude can bring about change. Or Steve, I set up in here and gave eight nine, twelve years of my life to this man and he just he cheated on me and walked out. Now what does me being positive have to do with him cheating on me? How that's gonna change that? Okay, here we go again. A positive attitude can bring about change. Now listen to the whole thing. Now, the positive attitude and the change that can happen starts this is to start. It starts within you. See, life is teen percent of what happens is what you do about what happens. Okay, you gave twelve years of your life to this man. He cheated and left you hold in the bag, the kids and everything. Now what does being positive have to do with changing that? Or they came in and they fired you. You lost your job that you was a stellar performer at. But now, how does you having a positive attitude? How does that change things for you? So far? You can use any example. Here's what happens when you have a positive attitude. What it produces within you is a positive approach to life. And when you have a positive attitude and a positive approach to life, it causes you to be optimistic, to have a positive out look, to expect things to eventually turn around, and and and and turn into a positive That's very important because as the law of attraction comes into play, if you think positive thoughts, you attract positive things. If you think evil thoughts, you attract evil to you. You know, if you want for nothing, then nothing comes your way. If you want for a positive attitude, if you want for positive results, if you want for a great outcome, that's what you attract to you. The change will begin within you. So let's take the man that walked out your life and left you hold in the bag. Here's a positive attitude. Okay, two things have happened as positive here. Number one, you've ridd it yourself of someone who is obviously going to be, if not already been, toxic in your life. Cause you many restless nights, a lot of uncomfortable feelings, an uneasiness, not sure insecure purity. You've been going through it with this person, whoever they are. Number One, that person has been released from your life. Number Two, it allows you now to have the someone who will treat you just the way you want to be treated. That's the positive outlook, that's the optimistic way. That's when you're a positive person. You see the positive in things that happen to you, instead of burying yourself under the hor's wrong with it, a old woe is me now? Concept? See a positive attitude. When they came in there and they fired you and let you go, could this not have been just the opening you needed to finally start on a new career path that you've been talking about doing anyway? Could it possibly be a brand new chance for you to get the dream job or dream career of your choice. Could it not possibly be the perfect opportunity now for you to finally finally do something about that gift, about that talent that God gave you, that thing that you love to do. Could it not be the perfect time for you to pursue that? But if you don't have a positive attitude. Then you lay there. Oh they finn to come getting my house. Oh what I'm gonna do now? All this unemployment ain't enough. Oh Lord, when this unemployment run out, what am I gonna do? Then I won't have nothing? And you old woe is me until you become old, woe is me. But if you take it from the positive approach, some amazing things can happen in your life. I will tell you on a personal note, that's some of the most some of the best changes, some of the biggest moments in my life came after a loss. So I don't want to go down on the list, but boy, I could tell you. Let me let me tell you something. When they didn't want me on the radio anymore in La, when they didn't when they when it was sicking the way I did radio out there, and they wanted me gone. And on May twenty, two thousand and five, when my when? When? When? When my deal was done? With the beat out in La. Okay, look what happened though, y'all was gone in May. But in September nineteenth I started to Steve Harvey Radio Network with four cities. You see, But I didn't go old woe was me. I said, oh okay, God must have something else from it then, because if he didn't remove me from this, that must be something else. Same thing can happened when you lose and you and you and you break up in a relationship. Same thing can happen to you. You never know the one God God for you that here you go, here you go again. Now you get put into a situation with somebody, treat you just the way you want to be treated, provide you the whole lot of aspects of your life you knew nothing about prior to that. But you gotta stay positive. If you stay positive, that positive attitude, that optimistic outlook, that that that always thinking God got me no matter what happened to me, some amazing things that's going can will happen in your life. It's a fact. I don't know how it works that way. I just know that's what it is. Positive attitude is everything, y'all. So get off the old woe is mean negativity train because it ain't gonna take you nowhere but down and get get your outlook up. If you change your attitude, you change your altitude. Altitude is determined by your attitude, how high you go, how big you become, how far you go. It all depends on how you think. It all depends on what type of attitude you got. It ain't no, ain't no very very successful, super negative people. It just doesn't coincide that way. If you see that something happened to them along the way, and don't weary. You ain't gonna wear ayboud it because you ain't gonna see them long because you can't stay up there like that. It's just too hard. All right, that's the conversation you're listening. I am about to start the morning show. It's not a normal show. It's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. What makes it abnormal are the components Shirley Strawberry, Carlin Farrell, Junior, Kill Spates and nephew Tommy. That's what makes it different than any other show. You know why, because they know all The show got deep people on it. Period. Now what dropped that, Mike bet facts. Now that we got that out of the way, Welcome to the most abnormal, special, incredible morning show ever invented by mankind. We is it, Ladies and gentlemen, The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Shockingly, the Bugeye one on this shelf, Shirley Stove Daddy anyway, Good morning, stud Good morning, the continuous hood element of the show calling for real keep it one hundred, Good morning, the young upcoming kilt Chick, King of Comedy, Ladies and gentlemen, Junior Space, thank you, I'm morning everybody, Morning, family, the reigning King of Frank's nephew Tommy top Tip Top Top top Tops, and Lord Lord have mercy. One and only, and I easy to you know, people say why you call yourself the one and only? Because I am the one and I am the only one that was made and created by God this particular way. I'm truly the one and only. Now if you want to put yourself in a class or group, go ahead, And I ain't got a problem with that. I am you need to man by him and I accept that gladly. And they claim to being v one and only. Steve Hardy, there no doubt about it. You are too. See, all of us are the one and only? Over six eight billions or how many people on earth right now? Oh what's the number is it? And how many people? You think? Then die? Who that's just getting it up? Says at the beginning. Yeah, they probably billions to billions. Yeah, at all the billions of people to tell you how special you are. Do you realize that none of us, This is how cold God is, none of us have the exact same finger Pretty, that's why you should never compare yourself. That's what man. I'm deeply made and I am the one, and please understand I play you have been saying it for years. My wife on whole Instagram, I'm gonna say it's the wife of the one and only she knows what. Yeah, I am the wife. Oh, yes you are, girl, You're bout right. Steven says. It's about seven five billion people in the world, and no you count them, and the ones has died and nobody's had the same fingerprint. There ain't like nobody else. I've been new that so here all right, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLLO. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it's time now for asked the CLO, Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. This one is from Jewel in making Georgia Jewel writes, I'm in my mid fifties and I'm dating a guy that is my age. He's a hard working professional man, but I have a big issue with his grooming. We've been together one month and on a few occasions I've seen him bite his nails and spit them across the room. I asked if he needed a nail clipper, and he told me he has one that he only uses for his toenails. Well, that couldn't be true, because his toenails along as heck, dating after divorce is so hard, and I compare men to my well groomed ex am I being overly critical. Well let's look at this, your whale groom, ec Dan, won't you no more? See, you have to realize who's ever fault. The divorce was at one point in time, everybody got signed the paper. So there's a particular moment when neither either one of you won't each other. So now you keep comparing yourself to somebody that don't won't you. Now here's the problem with Dayton. Everybody's going to be different than somebody else. Everybody. He has a habit of biting his nails, and his toe nails is long. We've got to do something like that, thought, something Nah, you can work on that. He ain't had nobody working on it. Just say, hey, look, it really disgusted me when you bite your nails and spit across the rule, And it really disgusted me that you got claws on your feet. Now, I'm gonna help you because obviously no one else has taken the time to love you that way, and because you're a professional and make a lot of money and you're doing real well in life. Anybody said nothing, but I'm gonna help you. Can I help you? Most men will accept the help you. But but but first of all, compliment him on what he is before you take him down with what he got the voice knees. Girl, I love you. You are special. You're something thing else you really do ooh you make money? Something your hand something? Yeah, you go to get that pedicure. Yeah, two things I would I would wonder if you would just consider for me. Yeah, getting your nails across the room, because I don't want nobody talking about my man. Because he got a habit of chewing his nails and spending across the room. It's amazing. It's gonna be hard for him to stop. You can't because you can't get your foot in your mouth. No more to him. Last time you had your foot in your mouth, you was a baby. Time he was all right. Moving on. Wanda in Jacksonville, says, my coworker and I used to be real cool. So she was invited to an NFL game with her new boyfriend. I let her borrow one of my designer purses. She brought it back to me at work and it was full of trash and change, and there was a sticky film all on it. She said. She got tipsy and spilled a cup of bourbon on the purse and inside of it. I asked her to get my purse professionally clean so the leather won't be ruined. She refused to and left it on my desk. How can I force her to clean my purse? Oh no, no, no, you can't force her to clean your purse. But two things it's gonna happen. These are the two things that should happen after this. Number one, I never loaned my stuff out to No, damn, how much you like it that. That's number one. I'm not loaning you nothing else. And then number two were not friends no more because friends don't treat friends that way. So theven the two things you out of number one. You learned a lesson. Don't ever loan your stuff. I'll let you use a design a bag. What is that normal? Is that? What women do they do that? I mean you know, I don't know. I mean no, I give mine away like I've given my find the backs of Way to family members, friends. You can't have it. I'm just saying, y'all always say I had a little rich as moments were coming from this here, give it away, design the bags. Ain't nobody want to say nothing about that. That's not I'm not on the same level as you. We talk about whatever level you want. Rachel, let me interject in him. Don't let me do it in a jet. In a jet, what do you want to say? Him? And God is like tight, ain't a boy at getting indicate her time? Oh God, gonna be into that state. Want trouble though, you don't want to trouble. Not at the gate. All right, So clean your own leather bag, ma'am. That's what he's saying. All right, putting your own other brag. Don't ever loan your stuff out again and lose her. That's right, Georsha and Philly says in twenty nineteen, I married a great man and he moved in with me. He sold his house, and he promised to use the money for our honeymoon. The pandemic shut down our plans for a year, but I feel like it's safe to travel now. My husband said he'd rather save the money for a rainy day. I told him, either we are booking a trip, or he needs to put the money in our joint savings account. He said it was his money, not ours. He's living in my house, so I told him that everything is ours to share. Is this a sign that he's not all in? Well, it's not a sign that he's not all in. It's a sign that you all didn't discuss an important thing about marriage, which is finance and how you all should make moves like this. I'm assuming that you are how old are they? And say, but I'm assuming to be up in age? Because if he owns a house and you own a house, that means y'all took the time out to invest in yourself. Down the line, does it mean that he's not all in? No, it just simply means he doesn't understand what marriage is all about. He promised he would use the money for their honey, but then the pandemic shunned that down and now he wants to save it for a rainy day, which makes sense, but the statement of it ain't show money is my money because at the time it was his house before he met you. So he's having a her house. Yeah, but now does he know that that's your house or does he understand that it's our house, Because if he thinks it's our house, then he must know that that's our money. You're gonna have to sit down and have a conversation with him. Yeah, our pastor could help him understand it better. Maybe y'all should go to past it. Yeah, it's a dispute. Thank you, Clo coming up next to nephew and run that brank back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and trending headlines and entertainment news. Kim Kardashian's lawyer has denied the existence of an unreleased second sex tape. Okay, we'll talk about that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Yeah, we're gonna get into it. You heard me. We're gonna get into it. Yeah, right, Steve, But you don't know what also Chris Rock has covid um. We'll talk about that as well, all of these stories at the top of the hour. But right now you hear him the nephew is here, would run that prank back? What you got for his nap? Can I have your kidney? Come on to loan me a kidney till I get on my feet. Let's go kid Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach the brother Conny. This is how you're doing. Brother. This is Diacon Patterson called him from the church. How you doing today, Uh, Deacon Patterson, Yeah, just doing frind and yourself, sir, I'm doing good, doing good. You know the churches behind you on what you're going through. When we were praying for you, man, we know all about the You know you're going in the surgeon on Friday to get your get your prancers removed. So I wanted to give you a call, man, have a word of prayer and let you know that we all are pulling for you, and we know that the man upstairs are gonna pull you through this successful where God blessing keep you, h that, Deacon, God blessing keep you because I tell you I'm going through something here, me and my wife. We've been talking about it, and we've been praying on it, and it she was a wonderful thing to know that your church is with you and y'all thinking about me in prayer. I I've really had to take this to the Lord. This is a serious thing with me. And I ain't never had an operation before in my life, and I know I needed my wife and made it clear, the doctor made it clear. I believe I'm ready to go forward. Deacon it was that Deacon Patterson. That's right, Deacon Pson. I haven't. I haven't been. I've been in the church probably about prob about eight months now. You pretty much been out most of the time. Yes, I have been out of you. Yeah. Yeah, so I've seen you a couple of times. But I wanted to call and and and and put a word in for you and let him and you know, let you know that we're all praying for you to church. He's the Lord. Can't you get back and and we know out for Friday. It's gonna definitely be a great success. Yes, and we're gonna give the victory to who the victory. Yes, he's the victory. He Let Let me let me have a word of prayer with your brother Conlin. You don't mind just about your head from him. Father good, we as right now. We asked right now that you touch brother Connley as he goes in on Friday, please put your hands on him. We asked Father that you hold on to the doctor that's getting ready to go and look to put the sertory on. Yes. We asked that you make sure that the doctor it's got a strong eye on that monding walk with him. We asked that that that he got a steady hand and when it got the scalpel in his hand, we asked that you're all own to him please as it goes into a surgeon, because we know comes side them an the victory gonna beloan the brother Conley and the Lord, thank you Lord, we know all of this. But we we we asked that you take that pincres and you remove it out successfuly, closing back up like it will never been into it in before. Walk with Miki. That's what we're asking, we ask your Lord at the same time, ye that they're removing this pincres. As Lord, we asked that your reach around his backside and we asked that you touch his kidney. Lord touch his kidney and make it hold, make it a hundred and ten percent. We want you to make that that kidney like it's been the best kidneys. Deacon. That's deacon, Deacon whoop pack Deacon passion. Yes, you know you're saying that you do, sir, They're just nothing wrong with my kidney, Deacon. I'm doing I'm doing saying the Lord is Lord has been needed. Well, he gonna work on my pincres. That's what the doctor's operating on. The don't tap me forward and that's what they're playing and remove. So read. My kidding is fine. They did what they called when they'm in my eyes and everything else is fine. They ain't working on nothing but my pancres right right right. Let let me say I'm glad you brought that up with this this this on. We want to call you what I want to ask you, and I know we we you know we've never met. What I was gonna ask you was yeah, and I know this is. I hate to come at you in the final hour and you're getting ready to go out certain and all that, but if you don't mind it when they go in on Friday morning and remove that pincers, out. Do you think that that that that they could go in and get one of your kidneys because I need one? Hold hold on? Just meant begging up what you say? What you say? See see see what else? I've been going through myself with a little ailment. And and I'm wondering if if if I need a kidden and I'm wondering if you can give me one of yours when they go in and get your pincers. They're going already to have you open. Did you say you want to him to take one of my kidneys? Yeah, and give it to me because I need one? You need a kidney? Yeah? What what was I mean? You already gonna be landing the open? Wait a minute, mister, you need a kidney? I need help with my packers. You gonna call me with some black that man, This ain't no work in the Lord. Now you say you're a deacon like I said, Dickon Patterson my name. But see what I'm asking you? What you are me? Man? Brother Connelly? What harm is it if you already open and land on t Oh? You ain't heard a dang I saying? Have you? I said? I'll be man, You're crazy. It's hell. Now, what I'm gonna have to do. I'm gonna need to call the pastor because here's something going on here. You say you knew you managed to mister man, you too new to know who you're talking to. What what? What I'm saying is you have two kids too, like you said. You say they did the m R. I don't give up what I said they did. Man, I got two kidneys. You got to one of yours. Bad. That's your problem. Mister. Let me tell you something. I'm trying to get well, and you holding with this. You say you're a new decas you show ills, and you won't be at the church long. I'll tell you that because if I ever get gold to yours, we got some resting to do. What is it gonna hurt for you to give me one of them kittens and both them? If both them kidness is good, It ain't gonna hit him. Thinks you ain't getting my kidney? Man, ain't gonna hit what's wrong with you? Say? Man? All I'm saying is, if you're gonna be olden laying on the table, what is it gonna hurt? Old Man? You're gonna kill them? I'm open laying on the table. What count of a tell you in charge of? Mister? Let me tell you something. Obviously, I need to meet you for I get to the hospital and maybe I can hit kittting to yours and I can tell you that we out you're gonna feeling about that. It's too many games going on in the church to day I'll be you're gonna call and talk to me out of one of my kitteness. Man, I'm trying to live just like you, trying to let the Lord take care of me, because what you're talking about it ain't got a thing to do with Jesus. You can kiss my and get off my phone, that's what you can do. Can I say one more thing to you? What is you listening to me? Man? I don't listen to you, and you ain't talking about nothing that's got nothing to do with what's going on with me. Mister, you're running the game. If I could get to y'all put landing your But can I just say one more thing and then I'm gonna let you go? Is you listening for what? That's this? Nephew Towny from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got thranked by your daughter. Oh Lord have that girl. Lord have mercy. Lord have much Jesus you all right, please forgive me God him Mercy. Whoa, y'all, I'm gonna have to Lord him Mercy. My heart is power petting hill. Lord him, Mercy. Jesus brother, Commy, I gotta ask you one more thing, man, What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land to the Steve Harby more Shoot right now, I'm tut. That's my daddy's favorite, right there? Can I have your kidney paby boy West Palm this week. Man's going down Friday and Saturday, the Nephews in town at the improv West Palm Beach two shows Friday, two shows Saturday, and Stupid is coming. So I'm ready, I hope y'all ready, and we're gonna do this thing together. Put you put your mask only come get it. I got it fake all right? Thank you, nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour Entertainment news right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Comedian Chris Rock has COVID and he's urging people to get the vaccine. Chris tweeted, trust me, you don't want this get vaccinated. Rock reportedly has been vaccinated. In May. He told Jimmy Fallon, you know, I skipped the line. I didn't care. I used my celebrity, Jimmy. I was like, step aside Betty White, step aside old people. I did POUTI tang let me in front of the line. Right, wow, Well he got the vaccination. And he's saying, so many people are getting COVID that got the vaccinate. Fact that they're saying if they didn't get vaccinate, right right, right, But a lot of people, like I know a lot of people have got the vaccination that contracted it. And I asymptomatic. Yes, yeah, I can attest to my in laws who are in the eighties got COVID after vaccinated, and neither one of them went to the hospital. And to this day, my father in law say, I ain't had COVID. Quit quit telling me that, you know, because he didn't feel sick, because he didn't feel nothing. So he wants you to quit telling him he had COVID. He tests positive twice. Yeah, but I ain't got it though. That's what he hung on too, and that was it, and that's the way which your symptoms won't be as severe, So get the vaccination, get it. Yeah, that's why I want to be, not get sick. They say you've got something, but you don't feel sick? Ye right, all right? And other entertainment news if what whack one hundred says it's true there's another sex tape out there featuring Kim Kardashian and ray J. Whack one hundred is on CASEIA wondering who that is. I know we all are. That's ray Ja's former manager, and according to him, the one he has, which hasn't been seen before, is longer and more graphic than the first tape. Okay, ray J has already responded. He says he is not pleased. He says, this ain't cool. I've been staying off the radar, just staying focused and being humbled and thankful for all the blessings I'm receiving. He says, How can I show off growth and maturity if this kind of stuff keeps happening. I'm a father now, and my job, yeah, is to be a great parent and put them first. This is not the message I want to send out. Shaking my head, you know many, great thing? Great thing? I mean, you know what really man. I mean, ray J Wright on spot on message to said, manag, you need to go sit here, nobody ass down somewhere and lead a girl alone. Man, Damn, you've been done enough. You know, people always I got more dirt, I got moment your raggedy ass life. Yeah, and her lawyer is saying it's false. Is not true. His name is Marty Singer. He said this in a statement on her behalf that it is unfortunate that people make these statements and try to get their fifteen minutes of fame. Ain't that the truth? That's it. I get so sick of people man trying to bring down another person. Yeah, blowing out my candle ain't gonna make yours brighter. Man, go sit you go back to whereever you were. Did nobody know your ass befolded story? You're not fit to be the dude cause of this story. You're not and whack. But um, I like what ray J said, I really do you know? Ray J was on point. Yeah, that's how you grow up. Yeah, you know, daughters, and that's right, that's right, that's right, very mature statement. I like that a lot. Yeah, but I mean I did see one I ain't know. I mean, why wouldn't I want to see too? I mean, I never can I tell you something? Man, I never saw the tape. I guess I'm different like that. I don't. I don't have no design to watch somebody else having sex for what? Really, no, Doc, I'm not in here. Do you hear, your nephew, I hear. Really we do. We're so different? Say that again? Say that again, Tommy, we what we're so different? Mean Jesus, I mean, why why would I want to see two? I saw Fast and Furious one through ninety I saw all this. Are you built for sequels? I said, Tommy, tom I said, I don't care to watch two other people having sex. That's never been much tried it though, Boy, to me, this is how I know what I don't like you. This is how I know what I don't like. I think for you. Oh, it ain't like I ain't seen two people having I walked in rooms on it. I walked. I was in college. I was in the closet one time. You know, I'm done, dog, I'm college. Dog, Hey man, they had porn on night at Kent State. Oh no, dog, dog, listen to me, dog, this was the seventies, Tommy in the dormitory, they had porn on night. They would show porno films in the in the in the auxiliary room. After college. This was the seventies. You don't understand the seven got parents look at college like we missed that. Wait a minute, Why do y'all need porn on night? Y'all got the internet? You gotta understand. That was major at Kent State. Look many and was on a PROJECTI we got a real what most CDs coming up at twenty minutes after the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Boxing legend Manny Paccio is gearing up for another fight, this time to be president of the Philippines. The Filipino Boxing Icon accepted his party's nomination to be their presidential candidate at a boxing political convention on September nineteenth. Paccio, who is forty two, is currently a Philippine senator, so he has political experience and it is being rumored that he was being rumored to retire after losing about to uh Your Dennis Yugas. In August, Paccio released a statement saying I'm a fighter and I will always be a fighter inside and outside of the ring. Paccio said at Sunday's party event. All my life, I have him backed down from any fight. Nothing if is it impossible, if it's ordained by God? Don't you love that? I'm telling you right now, he's the next president of the Philippines. I've been there before, telling you right now what Listen to me. This is the order of the Philippines. It is the President slash King, it is Manny Paki how, it's Miss Universe, and it's Steve Harvey's not You're fourth, that's the I'm fourth in the Philippine Listen to me. I can't go nowhere overseas and anybody from the Philippines see me discounts seats in the front anything. Wow. Oh, I'm telling you man that when I went out there and gay that crown back to that girl right there, because you don't understand, it's the president, is Manny packw Dennis, Miss Universe. That's the pecking order in the Philippines of importance then you and then Steve Harvey asked him, well, Junior was over there with you, right, Junior you saw. J oh my god, I'm talking about he got all caravans taking him around a caravans well number four. Yeah, that's really cool, Steve. Yeah. So you're saying, without a doubt he'll be the next president of the philip is no doubt. There's no one more popular than this man in the Philippines, nobody. And he's a good guy. Yeah, it's no way he can get beat. Well, he said nothing is impossible if it's ordained by God. He said that the only person could run against him in the Philippines is Donald Trump. And then he'll say that the election was read the big lie, a loser that wow. Okay, yeah, absolutely. I like how he's you know, been able to go to be in the ring and then now he's in politics. Hen he gonna win, make a difference. Yeah, leadership. Yeah, all right. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hours, stay woke, Steve Harvey, Nation, we'll talk about voting registration and what's going on in Texas. Right after this, you're listening to show here's some possible good news trending out of Texas. Former Democratic Senator Beto O'Rourke may run for governor. The Democratic Party believes that Beto can can beat Republican Governor Greg Abbott. Beto served three terms in the US House from an El Paso district before resigning to run for Senate back in twenty eighteen, and he lost that race Raly very narrowly to Ted Cruz. Beto is expected to make the announcement later on this year. We also hear actor in Texas native Matthew McConaughey may run for governor. Too many Texas voters are upset with Abbott telling women what to do with their bodies. Oh my god, with his anti abortion bill, his prohibition against mass mandates and restricting voting laws against minorities. The Texas governor's races next year twenty twenty two. But we want to prepare you now, Get ready now for this election next year. The national voter registration week of action September twenty September twenty seventh through October third. So let's get your friends do this. Texas almost flipped it last time. Yeah, Texas can do this, and the multual Conservatives are deeply afraid of losing Texas. But this guy Abbott, this anti mask campaign, this anti abortion, it's just crazy that we are allowing men to dictate to women what they should do with their body. I do not understand this man. And some of the statements that they make about abortion are utterly ridiculous. Yeah, this horrible Greg Abbot is horrible, and voters in Texas, like you said, Steve, we got to wake up. I mean, Harris County, which is Houston, was blue the county, you know, and so they both turned five Harris. So we got to get the rest of the state on board. This man, Greg Abbot and his leadership has failed. It failed miserably. And I'm gonna tell you something else too. We have to be really conscious of this party because their reador rick is too faisty. They talk about morality, but they turn right around and do the most immoral things you've ever seen. Oh you don't give a damn about people of color, but you want to call yourself a Christian. Oh you don't give a damn about voting right acts, but you're gonna call yourself a Christian man, Miss me. With this semester right here, y'all got all these policies to say this is the party we are. But I'm telling you, man, you're not a party of the people, and you're even less now, Oh they're the party of a few, but they include everybody with this, with these moral principles that they say they're saying on but they don't mean nothing, because let me tell you something, it's equally the same amount, if not more Republicans get abortions than Democrats. See, they m showed me the stat that says democrats or liberals get more abortions than conservatives. They kids is having babies too. You don't know nothing about. Oh you think them little kids ain't coming home talking about they pregnant and their parents are doing something about it? Are you kidding me? A party? Absolutely? Yeah, it's ridiculous. And then the lies, the lies, don't forget all the lines, the big lie, the big one they won and they really didn't win, and just lying about it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, And you got all of them on board with you in this line. We got again, yep again. National voter Registration Week of action is September twenty seventh through October third. Let's get your friends, your family, your boyfriends, your girlfriends, mama's, daddy's, all of that neighbors to register to vote and check their voter registration status right now so you can be ready. Go to when we All Vote dot org for more details. When we All Vote dot org for more details. All right, yeah, next year, let's do it all right? Coming up next, it is the nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today and the subject is I don't like company and he knows it. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. We'll get you the letter in just a bit. What you got for us? Next? A four three relationship? Four three relationship? Yea curious find out. Let's go. It'll be something stuff. Come on, let's go four three relationship. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach my reaes. Yeah him, Hey, my reason. My name. My name is Devin Man. How are you doing this evening? Brother? Oh man, I'm kind of sleeping man working nice bro? What's going on? Who to this game? This is Devin Man. I talked to your wife Kesha the other day. That's that's your wife, right, Yeah, that's my wife. Yeah, I talked to you wif she in right now? No? She not worked, bro Okay, okay, I apologize. I ain't me to wake you up. You work at night or something. Yeah, I'm a crane opera at night, bro, North, people don't call me. That's three o'clock. What's this? What is it? What is a big collect or something? No? No, no no, no, no, no, no no. I talked to your wife, man. She's interested in um this thing we got man called the four three relationship. She told me she wanted me called back and talked to her husband about it, and she gave me the number to hit you up at the house, man and let you know all about the four to three relationship because she's really interested in it. For three relationship. You say you talked to my wife about it? Yeah, I talked to Keisha a couple of days ago. She gave me the number. She said, called him back. He'll be at home at this time. You can hit him up and see if he likes she said. But she definitely likes it, man, And she wanted to see if you would be interested in the four to three relationship too. You know, I want to get your approval on it. Before we went in it further. But your wife was very excited about it, man. She was wanted to get started as soon as possible. And I wanted to see about contacting you and making sure that you agreed and approved on everything. But she definitely wanted to get your blessing and get your approval on it. Yeah. I try to do anything to make her happy, though, but I got to get some some information about this. What is said again for three four three? No? No, it's a four to three. A four to three relationship, is what it is. Okay, Well, if it makes her happy, you know, I'm willing to listen. Okay, Well listen, man, we're probably gonna get started right away, probably Monday. We'll get started on Monday. You'll go through Monday through Thursday, and then uh and then a couple you know, Friday through Sunday, man, and we'll go ahead and get this thing start. I think after a month you'll pretty much catch on everything. You know, there's something's gonna be shipped to the house. Uh, you say, pick up. She shouldn't have mentioned any of this to you. No, man, she's nothing that's to me. Okay, all right, Well, what this is? Man? A four three relationship, Maurice, is this? You know, you spend four days with Keisha and she comes over to my place and she spend the other three days with me. That's what a four three relationship. So see this kind of frees you up, man on anything you might want to do on those other three days. Man, when she might be tying you down. You know, So four them days, you know you would herve but the other three days you kind of have some free time to yourself. But she'll be over in my place on the other three days. That's what that's what Basically a four three relationship is part of me? Say whatnot? I say part of me? You say she will spend four days with me, three days with you. That's that's it, sir, That's the four three relationship right there. Maurice. You know you're you're really gonna like this man, Like I say, she was excited about it. Hold are you serious? Uh? Yeah, I'm dead serious, man, Like I said, Keisha was excited about man. Hold hola name. I know, wife ain't discuss you about relationship. Spinnish fol days with me? Three days? Was he? Man? So you're talking about my wife? No? Yeah, I know it's about meal. Hold up, what name again? My name's Devin, Devin, say bro, I don't play James man. I don't know how I got my number. What's I mean, Maurice, what's wrong? I mean a lot of couples are doing? What's wrong? That's my wife back you're talking to. You ain't talking to no plot? What's about you're talking to? Okay? Well, listen, man, A lot of couples are doing the four three man, give what other couples is doing the hard But my wife and me ain't interested in no phol three relationship. I can't be. I can't believe you off for this? Man? Are you saving? You're calling me talking about all three relationships? And you know I told you I won't at night? Why I didn't know you worked that night? Man, like I said, see when I came over last week, man, hold hold hold on, hold on, old you came over well last week. I know you ain't said a set without thank you for the thing? You bet not? I said you bet not? I said, go ahead, go ahead saying it, go ahead, go ahead, player, you've been talking. Don't stop now, go ahead, my reee. Hold on just getting you know I'm a player. I'm up. Don't said go ahead? I damn all, I'm saying. I came by there last week many by, Well, I came by your house. You come by my house? Okay? Are you at eighteen four? Brill get boy? Been here for the last two years? Oh so you been here? About your health? Okay? Dog? Because because she said, okay, she said, I had to call. You should write because this first man first of all, you know walk he's gonna take you haven't been in my house. I can't play. Okay, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. Okay, If y're not interested in the four to three man, then I won't. I won't be wasting them one more tie? You really? Are you wait time? Calling me? What my little wife don't tell you about she want to go through? She never told me nothing about plea you got the wrong homeball and nothing wrong my relationship? Okay, okay, So why would she tell me she interested in the fourty three man? Give up what she told you? I know. I take care of my dead room, all right. Three? I wish she willie is three days. I wish she would anyway. I know you how you know it? I don't know you for many I don't mind taking off one tonight to sell what going on my house with my cleaning night, working off night. Now I'm gonna ask you again, how do you know us? Man? I know y'all through Tommy Man. Who is Tommy? Tommy Who Tommy Man, Maurice, nephew Tommy. This is nephew Tommy Man from the Steve of been More the show dog. Your wife Keisha got me to break phone call you man. You're talking about the steam hardy show yo. Man, if you tell the little ball ahead the steam Man, I know y'all ain't with me, man, I know with me today, Mantu said, next you tell him now? Why you watch Steve need to be over him slept. That's your battle ahead. But you ain't got nothing nessuper Man. You know I got to go to work to see you. Got to go to where you work at night. Man. All right, all right, my red, I'm gonna let you go back and sleep. Man, But one more thing, dog tell me this man, what is the what's the baddest that, I mean, the bad that's been cute to you? Ain't I wish I was there? I was you you hey, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land, Man Steve Marty Show, three Baby Free relationship. Took a minute for him to catch you on what it was, but once he understood time you said when I came by the whole hold man, when you came about where Sai keep back, I say what I think you say said, I swear to God say, I promise you. I know you ain't walk my fat ass up behind this here right now. I know this is not why I'm up. Broke it down. That thing gives you time for three you three up. You got time for yourself, time for yourself. Man, do some things that you've been wanting to do, you know, But I still keep you up on th you know. Keep That's it, that's it. That's what stupid. That's what stupid looked like right there. That's true, that's what. That's brilliantly stupid. And I know those two don't go together. Brilliantly stupid. That's what it looks like. People see, that's stupid right there. When you say you know they don't go together, but you put them together, that's stupid. No, it's brilliantly stupid, geniusly stupid like that, you know, you don't. Okay, hey, listen, Brilliance and Stupid will be at the improv in WestBam. It's brilliant. I'm brilliant and I'm stupid. Get at all these combinations are prey Okay, we got to go. Thank you, Netew coming up at the top of the hour. I don't like the company and he knows it. That is the subject of the Strawberry Letter. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show Time. Now, guys for it Today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter here that live on the air. You never know it could be yours. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter subject. I don't like company and he knows it. Dear Stephen Shirley, I've been married for seven years to a man that is wonderful in every way except one. He doesn't respect my time or my privacy. I knew him for many years prior to dating him, and we would meet his friends for dinner and drinks when he was in between relationships. He went from relationship to relationship before we started dating because he is the type of man that does not ever want to be alone. He would always say he was out of my league. But he grew on me over time and asked me he wanted to if we could start dating. Since then, he hasn't wanted me out of his sight. It was cute at first, but then he got his family all in the mix. They are very clingy and there's a lot of them. Before we got married, I had to go to cookouts, birthdays, weddings and church with them. I don't see my own family as much as I see his. My husband doesn't understand that I need to have people around me all of the time. My husband under My husband doesn't understand that I don't need to have people all around me all the time. He's a professional chef and partner in a new restaurant, so he works long hours. I look forward to the peace and quiet of our home when he's working, but he seems to think he's depriving me of quality time and I'm bored or lonely. They'll have his sisters or his mom stop by unannounced and they sit and chat for hours. I've had to literally put on my pajamas like I'm going to bed so they'll leave. Recently, his youngest brother asked to stay with us for the semester since we live close to the college. My husband told him he's welcome to stay without asking me first. He knows I do not want to be bothered ninety eight percent of the time, So why does he keep trying to push his family off on me. I definitely don't hate him, but I would love to set boundaries. How do I get my husband to understand? All right, Well, I think it's a little late for that, because you've been letting this happen for seven years now, and it started before you guys were married. You said you went to birthday celebrations, barbecues, weddings, all of that, all sorts of family gatherings. How are they supposed to know you don't like company. You're always around them. Your husband is the one inviting them, though he's very sociable. Isn't he very sociable? Doesn't he know that it's crazy for them to drop by unannounced, but they think you're home because and they know your home because your husband tells them. So you can't and hide in the room or anything and act like you're not there. Your husband already told him you're up in there. So instead of sitting around being mad, being stressed out, you gotta let your husband know that you enjoy your solitude. You got to be serious about this. Tell him you like having your me time. You know things have changed, you know you work and all of that, and you gotta be serious with him. It is very disrespectful for him to invite his brother to live with you without asking you. Come on, now, he can't do that. You got to sit him down and have a serious conversation with him. He's obviously very protective of you that I guess that's why he wants people around you all the time. But I'm sure you can make him understand. So again, I think you got to tell him in no uncertain terms. Steve, Well, you know I always take the letters from the top all the way down. Surely has a different approach. Shirley said that it's too late in this letter, and the reason she said it was because you knew all of this before you married him. But you married him anyway. But if that said, it's not too late and I have some solutions. You've been married seven years as a very wonderful man in everywhere except one. He doesn't respect your time or privacy. I would like to tell you something. He doesn't know that he's disrespecting your time in privacy. He just doesn't flat out know it. I knew him for many years prior to dating him, and we would meet its friends for dinner and drinks when he was in between relationships. He went from relationship to relationship before y'all started dating, because he's the type of man that don't ever like to be alone. And let me point this out. You knew that he would always say that he was out of my league, but he grew on me over time. Now, for those of you listening to what he says, when he says he out of her league, that means she was out of his league. That's what that really means. That she was a little bit too much polished and second greatness for you know, for him, that's what that really means. But over time, he grew on me, and I asked him if he wanted to start dating. Well, since then, he hasn't wanted me out of his sight. It was cute at first, but he got his family in the mix. They're very cleaning, clinging. It's a lot of them. Say, it's kind of like roaches. You know. We get a big family and there's a lot of them, and they clinging at roaches. That's what that's like. And the reason I don't mean it in a negative sense, but that's just the roaches. Let's look at the and you'll see why. You can understand roaches is a always a lot of them. If you see one, you better get the spraying. Because he ain't ever buy myself another quality about roaches. They are well, they are well, I'm just letting him know. And they cling it. They're on the walls, they're on the back of the refrigerator, they're on the floor and the base cabino under the saint. You've married into a family of roaches. And when we come back, I will offer you some type of solution, right all right? Coming up Steve's response his part two at twenty three minutes after the hour, the subject is I don't like company, and he knows it. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Morning Show all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter, the subject I don't like company and he knows it well. Been married for seven years to this wonderful man, and everywhere except you say he don't respect your privacy. But I don't think he realizes what he's doing. Man, And I point this to you in the letter. You knew him for years before, and he was always in and out of relationships. And because he's the type of man that never wants to be alone, he told you he knew that you was out of his league. But then you asked him if he wanted to start dating because you ain't hand nobody, And then he said yes, And then y'all got together, and he didn't want you out of his sight. And at first it was cute, but now it didn't got on your damn names. So nine, he didn't got his family all up in the mix, which means that they're very clinging. There's a lot of them. I equated this before the break, that you have now married into a family roaches, because roaches, and the reason I mean there's not even like you bugs, but I mean just they is always more than one of them. They everywhere, and they all over the damn place. And before you got married, you had to go to cookouts, birthdays, weddings in church with him. You know, I don't see my whole family as much as I see here. Yeah, but your man in the heads though. And remember this is the Roach family, last name roaches, Earl Roaches, Walter Roaches, Charlie Roaches, Gerald, Dan, Sheila Roaches, Keisha Roaches. It's just a lot of them. And so anyway, my husband doesn't understand that I don't need to have people around me all the time. See, he's a professional chef and a party in the new restaurant, Now that's a lot of hours. So he works a lot, and and you look forward to the peace and quiet in our home when he's working. But he thinks he's depriving you of quality time. And you bored and lonely, so here seeing his sisters or his mother to stop by on announced and they sit and chat for hours. This got to stop. And a couple of ways you need to do this. First of all, you need to stop answering the damn dough. Yeah you can. I used to do it all the time. Bill collectors and witnesses they knew when you came to my house, it's fit to be a little it's gonna be a little tricky. Great men, I had a screen door on my house when I first got married, and the door would be open, and the screen door would be locked if you came up there on a Saturday morning, rang that doughbell. We wasn't hard. I walked out the kitchen and look right after screen though. They look right at me, and I turned around and gonna sit back down because I'm not fen to hear this. I'm not fit to buy one. You could asking me do I wan't one. You can get off my poach. I'm all it. So I'm already not going down to the church. I'm chauffing and not go down to the hall. Y'all can get off my poach. Okay, you're gonna have to stop answering your damn dough. I don't care if your car is in the driveway. Yeah you didn't hit, you were sleeping. I don't give a damn they're looking to when they see you looking at TV. Keep eating your popcorn. When they knock on the window, don't turn you know it's them. Man, Why not better to be rude than them than to have them sitting up that chatting five hours and rude to you. You ton't putting you to literally had to put on your pajamas like you're going to bed, so they'll lead. They still don't leave, So why not save yourself the trouble of going through all that while they knocking on the door looking in the one to go in your room and get your pajamas and come back and put Yo Pa Jamma's on in the living room and then turn the TV off and go getting the bed. They got to go home, all this in front of their face. His youngest brother asked to stay with us for the semester since we live close to the college. Bars and told him he welcome to stay without asking me. He knows I don't want to be bothered ninety eight percent of the time, So why does he keep trying to push his family out on me. He don't know how to say no, and he don't like being alone. So now you his wife, and he thinking you cool with it. The little boy can't stay here because it's close to the college. It's better get up on that bus, o berth. They got all types of stuff out now, Oh, berth Bus dormitory. They got a lot of things out that night that you can get cool. You can get real close to the college. You getting that damn done. Your ask could be right there. But we're gonna try all that because you not standing in here, and you need to tell him you want to walk around your house like you want to, and this little boy his brother's gonna inhibit that. And you should never feel uncomfortable in your own house. So why does he keep trying to push his family off on me? Because he thank you lonely and you don't like being at the house, and you're gonna have to prove him that you enjoy the loneliness and just to help him understand better since he don't like being alone. If you don't stop pushing your family on me and don't allow me some meat time, I'm gonna get me some meat time because you already know I'm out your league. And you know this sounds like a threat or damn threat. I definitely don't hate them, but I would love to set boundaries. How can I get my husband to understand? Just like I said, you start by making their ass knock to they drop. Okay, we gotta run Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter a Mary f M drawing, Instagram, role Facebook. Check out the Strubberry and Letter podcast on demand. Coming up to forty six minutes after sports Stalk with Junior. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, Junior is here with sports stock. What you got Junior? All right? First of all, let me just say congratulations again off to Steve and Cleveland Browns for being in the Houston, Texas offer congratulations on a welcome. Well man, they want already they didn't want. Well, what they're trying to do, Tommy is trying to soften the blow. What I may say, Yeah, front, you need to learn that tech say what can't you say? We love? What else can you say? I didn't say nothing, Nah, we just just got in front of it. But also in other sports news, man ways, Cam's gonna play that man? You know? Do you know it's only week two and five? Starting quarterbacks out already? I know somebody he could play somewhere definitely. Okay, let's go down list Carson Witz for the coach he out ain't probably two to four weeks. You can really use Cam Newton. They can use Cam Tyrod Taylor. The Texas Nord knows we can use Cam right now? Lord, did you see our backed up quarterback The first play he the first play he did on Sunday, he tried to ham to a running back that wasn't there. So I don't know we got did We should send him one? We really could use him. I can't even say this board name down in mind, but two a tiger lot bore to two out. That's all. He out with Blues reb he had about two to four weeks. They could use Cam. And did Dalton for Chicago he out. They're not gonna use him because Justin Fields brought them back in to get the victory on Sunday. He's out with a knee injury. And Ryan Vinzpatrick Fitzpatrick from Washington football team, he is out. He has a help. He's probably about six to eight weeks. And his old coach they could really use them because his old coach is Ron Rivera when he was at the Carol out of Panthers. They should bring him in. Yeah, So we need Cam to land somewhere. Best fit though, I probably think would be Miami. I think, yeah, I think he could really his and his dress code goes well with Miami. He can be wild like that, you know, with the kind of the hats and they all all the all the colors and everything colors. Yeah, he fitting in rped that. Yeah, Miami will be a good fit for him, man. And so you also, you know they're gonna probably start talks back up to get the Shawn wantson. Miami might be going back after de Shawn wantson. And this is what we want for they have a masseuse form. I mean in the contract. Hey, they won't save yourself, yourself all that trouble. Let's just get it in the contract, I know, man, Sean Man, look, man, we just want to say we have it in court. Man, That's all I'm saying. But they walked six. Hate that he made the mistake, you know. I hate that he made the mistake. Yeah, you know. And it's for it's for they're saying sexual assault. Um, it's it's a lot that that can be wrapped into that. Yeah, you know, And I just I wish it never had happened, man, true, all right, see we're happening. Thank you, Junior, Thank you Junior. Coming up at the top of the hour. Is your partner your best friend? We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show. Here's a question for you, guys. Is your partner your best friend? Were your friends before you became romantic? Oh? Yeah? You know. It seems despite the popularity of dating apps, most relationships start the old fashioned way. That's right. Most of them do with people who are friends first. In fact, researchers have found that sixty six sixty six percent of people were platonic friends with their partner before starting a romantic relationship. So, Steve, I gotta go to you. Do you believe there are benefits to being friends with someone before you date them? I mean, it is. It's not necessary, but it but it it is, But it's not necessary. And a lot of relationships start the other way first, they get physical before they're good friends. Yeah, and um, I'm right now, I'm married to my best friend because I ain't got none. You ain't got I ain't got no real friends. No, you know I ain't. I ain't. I don't really have no dudes I share everything with. I just don't. I've grown out of that space. I want to ask you this because it's always puzzled me. What about people who are friends? They're really really good friends. We have a lot of strawberry letters about this. They're really good friends, and then they try to be romantic and it doesn't work out and the friendship gets all weird after that. Look, look, look, look, look, I said a hundred times. I'm not gonna stop saying it. If a man is attracted to you, it's hard for him to stay your friend, right, you say that all the time. I don't know how, I don't and I don't know why we keep debating this thing. If a man is attracted to you, it's gonna be really hard for him to stay your friend. It's really hard. So let's just notice. If you know that you're attractive to this guy and y'all just friends, it's just until he see a crack in the door. A physical friend, and he's gonna be physical friend. What a physical friend like a friend with benefits? What are you talking about? We're gonna be physical, but we're gonna be friends, you know what I'm saying. That's a friend. That's a kind of relationship. That's a friends with benefit, that's a sexual relationship. Call it what you want to call it's a sexual relationship and eventually feelings on one one of the parts is gonna get involved, usually the woman, Usually the woman exactly. Yeah, that's what I'm in love. Man ain't nobody sign up for love. It's supposed to be just nice physical friends, says the host. Are Ready to Love from Julia from Radio Tommy and TV Tommy, I got you, I got you. You ain't all the way crazy taught me. Far from it. So Steve, it is still your contention that men and women it's hard for them to be friends without being physical. That is that what you're saying If the man is attracted to you, I've never seen what? How? What just just show? That's that? So then the question is what we just brought up surely with the with the second to be friends? Can you first and then date? And you're saying that if you are friends and that man is attracted to the woman, because said who We're trying to say, if you're gonna be friends first and then you're gonna date, how does that work? If you say men and women can't be friends if a man is attracted to you. Eventually, when there's a crack in the door, he's going to annoy. If he can put his foot in the door and be more than friends, right, than these relationships that turn start out that way can turn out and blossom into wonderful and beautiful relationship, your ship. It can happen then sometimes and that's a great way for it to start because you started as friends. It's a great thing to happen. Now here's a sad part. Ain't attracted to you. Okay, we gotta go, Steve, hold on, we gotta go. All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, we're back, Steve. Let's try to clear this up once and for all if we can, because there's so much debate about this. Can men and women be friends? And once they cross that physical line, can they still be friends? Because sometimes that gets weird. So so let's let's try to clear this up because it is a debate, ongoing debate between men and women all the time. You say, what man did you? And this way I'd be teller. Men and women can be friends only if the man does not find the woman attractive. Or is not attracted to her for whatever the reason. If a man finds you attractive and is attracted to you and is your friend, I want you to understand that the moment there is a crack in the door, a chink in the armor, and he see a way he can fit in and be more than your friend, or you'll do that. Absolutely, he will unequivocally. Now, can you start a friendship that way and it blossom into a relationship? Yes? And you know why the blossom into a relationship because he's been attracted to you the whole time period. Now here's the sad part that you don't want to hear. If the man is not attracted to you or find you unattractive, you can be his friend. Okay, all right, we'll be debating this for centuries to come. All Right, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it's time now for ask the CLO chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. This one is from Jewel in Macon, Georgia. Jewel writes, I'm in my mid fifties and I'm dating a guy that is my age. He's a hard working professional man, but I have a big issue with his grooming. We've been together one month, and on a few occasions I've seen him bite his nails and spit them across the room. I asked if he needed a nail clipper, and he told me he has one that he only uses for his toenails. Well, that couldn't be true, because his toenails are long as heck. Dating after divorce is so hard, and I compare men to my well groomed ex am, I being overly critical. Well let's look at this well groom ink didn't won't you no more? See, you have to realize who's ever fault. The divorce was at one point in time, everybody got signed the paper. So there's a particular moment. Who are neither either one of you won't each other? So now you keep comparing yourself to somebody that don't won't you. Now here's the problem with Dayton. Everybody's gonna be different than somebody else. Everybody. He has a habit of biting his nails, and his toenails is long. We gotta do something. Nah, you can work on that he ain't had nobody working on it. Just say, hey, look, it really disgusted me when you bite your nails and spit across the rule, and it really discussed me that you got claws on your feet. Now, I'm will help you because obviously no one else has taken the time to love you that way, and because you're a professional and and make a lot of money and you're doing real wale in life. Anybody saying nothing but I'm gonna help you? Can I help you? Most men will accept the help you cut me with them. But but but first of all, compliment him on what he is before you take him down with what he got. Nice knees. That's girl. I love you. You are special. You're something else you really do ooh you make money? Something something your hand something. Yeah, yeah, I got two things I would want. I would wonder if you would just consider for me. Yeah, your nails, because I don't want nobody talking about my man. Because he got a habit of chewing his nails and spinning across the room. Amazing, it's gonna be hard for him to stop. You can't because you can't get your foot in your mouth. No more to him last time you had your foot in your mouth, you was a baby's time. He was all right, coming up. It is our last break of the day. And also at forty nine minutes after the hour, we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this you're listening to show all right, here we are our last break of the day on this Tuesday. It's been a good day, um and Steve, this is World Gratitude Day, World Gratitude. That's amazing. It is that. Yeah, I've never heard who did they just stought this? Well, yes, I don't know. I haven't heard the world. I've never heard the World Gratitude Day. And I've been alive a lot of days. But you know, man, that's a good thing, you know what. But it's also a reminder, and you know what because I think one of the most under promoted principles of success, because you know, look, you go to a lot of success seminars and things like that, and you go to a lot of places. You know, people spend money to learn how to get into real estate with no money down. People find ways to buy these different training programs to better yourselves or increase your lifestyle. People do all types of things. I mean, and I ain't mad at you. I don't blame you at all, because you know, I got into Amway because they said, you know, you could become a millionaire basically selling soap. But it was a bit more to that when I got into it. But I learned more about the principles of success from Amway that I did from anything else. And am Wi should contact me one day because I would be a great speaker at Amway because I just involved in it for almost three four years. Just a suggestion putting that out into the universe. That's how it happens for me, though I put it out there and in all of my trains and all of my learning about success. Like I said, one of the most underpromoted principles of success is the principle of gratitude. See gratitude man, It's it's a way of putting into the universe. And I'll start by saying that, or if you're spiritual enough, it's a way of saying to your heavenly father, thank you for these many blessings that I often take for granted. You know, the simple act of waking up every morning, do you understand that you do not have the ability to wake yourself up in the morning. I'm sorry you don't. You can set your alarm clock, but a lot of people don't answer to Bill when your alarm goes off. God shakes you, wakes you up in a life allows you to hear the alarm. To say thank you for that alone is a very simple thing to do. But how many times do we forget? How many times do we forget that? How often do we forget that breathing is not a given? You can ask people who have asthma. They will tell you in a heartbeat the significance and the importance of breathing, man, because they, from time to time can lose get shortness of breath. And it's a frightening thing. Man. I've had two children with asthma. I used to suffer from bron kill asthma. It's it's it's it's a crippling thing. So those people are grateful for things as simple as breathing. People take walking for granted, But talk to somebody who came or whish they could. And I'm telling you, when you are thankful, when you offer up your gratitude to God, what he does is it causes him to go ahead and allow you to have more things to be grateful for. I am telling you, man, it is the lack of gratitude that stops most people from getting to the next level. I'll give you an example. Let's say you have a job that you really don't care for. Let's just use this as an example, and you have to get up and you have to go to that job every day. Now, and what you're doing is you complain about the job. Man, I can't stand working. I'm so sick of this job. Jobs get on my nerve. This job makes me sick. Well, now, guess what. Let me ask you a simple question. Why would God give you another job that you might complain about two So guess what. Let's just leave you where you are and just let you just be right here, because if I give you another job, you ain't gonna be grateful for that one either. But listen, even though you don't like the job, you don't have a good enough sense to be grateful that you're working. You don't think it would be a smart move to say, hey, God, listen, I'm not where I want to be, but I should appreciate where I am. Thank you for this opportunity to pay my rent, to make my house notes, to pay my bills. I'm grateful for that now, Heavenly Father. I wish I had a job I like. I would love for you to send a job that I love my way, but I am also grateful for the fact that I'm working. I'm telling you you'll get a new job, but if you never thank him for the one you have, and you show a lack of gratitude for what that job, you may not like the job. Let's just think about what it does. Though. It does keep a roof over your head, it does keep you moving, it does keep the basics covered, and you're eating every day, but you're not grateful for that because you're so busy complaining about it that you never thank him for it, and you, in turn prohibit more blessings from coming your way. I'm telling y'all this is how it works. If a person came by your house to borrow a cup of sugar every day and took the sugar and never said thank you, how many days could he come back to your house and ask you for sugar without you saying, holder, man, you come by here every day, get a cup of sugar. You ain't gonna say thank you nowtime. I'll tell you what. Don't come with this your last couple of sugar. Now, that's what people do to you. Suppose God did that to you. Do you imagine the trouble you will be so on what they are calling National Gratitude Day. Don't wait on the government to give you National Gratitude Day. You better wake up with it every day. Thank God for everything he's done for you. Now that don't stop you from asking him for more, but at least it sends the message to him that you're grateful for what he's done for you, and that will cause him to do more things for you to be grateful for. It's a simple principle that's oftentimes overlooked. Stop overlooking gratitude, be grateful, and watch God open up the windows of heaven to pour out a blessing that you won't have room enough to receive. Steve Harve isn't living witness to that, y'all? Let the church amen, Amen, have a great day, y'all for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.