Keyshia Cole Stops By Show - 10.12.17

Published Oct 12, 2017, 11:04 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag all suit all looking back to back down, giving the mother just like themaking buck bus things. And it's touble y'all to me, true good to tea Steve, how guy listening to me to other for Stobart Hobby, don't you join yeah? Bobby joining me? Honey, same way you got to turn yeah you go very you gotta turn to turn turn lovey got to turn out to turn turn wanter go, comey, come on your back at it. Uh huh. I shall well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. We got a good one for you today. I was thinking about on the way in. You know, yesterday was a really, really trying day for me. There's a lot of work yesterday and I was up. I've gotten so tired at one point man that but you know, I mean, I mean I had no one to to to explain it to. You know, mom. The fellas that travel with me, they just go, they just go. You know, they know where I gotta be. They get me in place, you know. Blah blah, blah. But you know, you know, right about when I'm about to complain about it out loud, I also find all of the incredible reasons that I have to be grateful, and it kind of slows down to complain it a little. It Now, I'm not saying that our days. Man, why I don't verbalize my fatigue or I don't verbalize my man I wish I didn't have to work so hard, or man but but but but but yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. But when I get through with that, I have so many reasons to be grateful that it does slow it down, you know, and sometimes in the majority terms just flat out stops it because I end up laughing at myself because you know, it's so many things are happening to me beyond my belief, beyond what I asked God for. So there's just some extreme blessings going on in my life. But man, man o, man o, man have I paid? And that that's the part I want to talk to you about today. You know, see a lot of people look at other people and they see what they think is the finished product. They don't realize that all of us, no matter who we are, are still a work in progress, that I have many flaws, that I have many problems and have many situations that come up, you know, just like anybody else. You know, I'm no different from that, you know. You know, life happens for me just like it happens for you. It may happen in different ways, but just like you know, if it's something comes up at an inconvenient time for you, it pops up for me. You know, if something happens for me that seems unfair, I know that it's happening to somebody else unfairly. But you know, um, I find myself being grateful the majority of the time. I can't say all the time because I'm a human being, and sometimes I find myself complaining about it all, you know, But but I try, for the most part to stay grateful, to stay focused, and it allows me to keep the wheels churning. But now I wanna I want to share something with you about your road to success. You know you've heard me say this probably a hundred times now. The road to success is always under construction, it really is. So here's here's what I want you to expect on your way to changing, on your way to becoming successful, on your way to achieving your goals, on your way to getting better, I want you to expect many difficulties. Once again, the road to con the road to success is always under construction. I want you to expect many difficulties. But here is the deal between successful people and non successful people. It's how they deal with the difficulties. That's the only difference. It's how you deal with the difficulties, how you handle the setbacks, how well you get up after you've been knocked down. That's happening to all of us, none of us, none of us are exempt from that. You're going to fall, You're going to be pushed, you're going to be run over, You're going to be tackled, you are going to be lied about. You are going to have setbacks. That's a part of the journey. But how do you handle them? How well do you do you handle everything? See? I want you to understand something. When you set out to be successful, he is difficult. Pet Pablo, who I have probably people? What is it about to quote Pete Pablo? He had a uh a rap album out called Diary of a Cinner, and it was really, man, my favorite rap album of all time because he said some things about his life that I could so relate to. I can't think of the name of song right now, but there is a lyric a stands in one of his songs that says, I had a half a tank of gas, two cigarettes, scraping up change in an ash tray, and a voice said, it's only a test of my faith. It said, I had a half a tank of gas, two cigarettes, scraping up change in an ash tray, but a voice said, it was only a test of my faith. It's a deal your faith, which is the belief in things that you cannot see. When you say I'm going to make it, I'm going to be successful at it. I'm going to finish college. I'm going to achieve my goal. I'm going to be a better husband. I'm going to be a better father. I'm going to be a better wife. I'm going to be a better mother. I'm going to be a better student. I'm going to be rich. I'm going to are doing more for other people. I'm going to help the less fortunate. Whatever you say when you're sending that prayer, when you declare that faith, the devil hears your prayer to that. A sad thing about the devil is he's busy seven and he has people that works for him. It's some imps out there that ain't up to no good. You all know them. You've all run across them. They always putting shade on somebody. They always barking at somebody. They always knocking somebody down. These people that they just busy for Satan. What you gotta be careful of is that occasionally you don't become one of those people. See so when these people, when when the devil hears is prayer that you set up or what you're gonna be successful at, then you're faith is going to be tested. He got people man to come in there and try to knock you off that course, so you can get on back to this old woe is me. I ain't gonna ever be nothing. The uh man seemed like every time I try to get back up, I getting knocked right back. Now, once he gets you saying that enough times, then he can start implementing some other programs. Come on, man, let's sell this dope. We can't get no job now here you go. You're off track. You're going you other way. Now he got you, he got you tied up. Now to the poort where he can get you locked up, or he can get you killed and lose your soul. So now he had worked busy he all day. What you got to be mindful of is that your faith will be tested, that it's going to be difficult to get to where you are, and you got to stay in prayer all the time, talking to your creator about strengthening you for the journey. You have to be strengthened for the journey. That's all you're asking for, because the journey is the journey. You can stop asking God to remove all these problems in these situations because it ain't gonna happen these out of test of our faith. This determines how bad you wanted. What I'm saying to you this morning is stay focused, stay prayerful, stay on point, get ready for him. Understand that it's just to test to your faith, that your faith will be tested. But you got to stay the course. Man, You got to stay the course. It's all right, you will be fine in due time, but you gotta give some of this stuff a chance to play itself out. Because nothing lasts forever. Ain't no pain forever. All right. I'm just trying to help you with that, because boy, I'm dealing with it all the time. Stay prayerful, God got help for you. All right, let's go. You're listening to show. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Not happy your attention? Please, people from all around the world listen to this. You are listening to the absolute baddest morning showing the land without further ado. Here is the reason why. Colin Farrell, what's up with your girl? Hey Steve, how are you doing? Hey, Sherlett, Tommy Jr. What's going on? Thursday Junior? Morning up? Tommy? Tom Boon is in the building top of the morning on this day? Oh right, hello Shirley, Hey Steve, how are you doing today? I am good? How are you? Absolutely wonderful things? So happy you could join us? I've been here. Okay, well glad mess with me this morning. Okay, just go on, just go on and on. I can't even do nothing no with you today, it's all anything started. Hey Tommy, Tommy, what's going on with you? Boy? I'm good man, I'm good. I'm I'm listening to my friend over this. You just it's not a little different this morning. Yeah, I'm fine. You guys are crazy. Hey, baby, just something happen. You're all right because you know I'm your big brother. If anything, you're not my biggest brother. I don't want to no, no, yes, I no, you shut your mouth. I am right there. You shut Your mother would never talk to me like that. I'm trying to hear you, good fish, to fight. What's your timbo? When we were two and three and five And that's not true. That's not true. That is not true. And you know it. Don't make us trill all this? Ah, you go too far. Really, I didn't say nothing feeling Steve good. I'm just listening to the conversation Wild Converse station Junior Morning up, Man, how are you feeling today? Man? Man, it's like a superstar baby. No, you know, I don't see myself like that. I just don't you see yourself, Pope. You can see yourself as a loser. What did you see? That's what I'm running from, that real heart in the foot race against poverty. I have nothing at poe In. I've been on that in Weird too long. A matter of fact, I stayed over I felt like I stayed over there way longer than I need. I was asking God at one point, Hey, God, you really, is this necessary? I have learned the lesson. Teach me something else. You want to learn something? Man? Man, you've seen this movie before, you know. Man? Yeah? Yeah, Like I told you the other day, I say, hey, man, Biggie never was wrong when he said more money, more problems, he said when the hell I showed one to see what the is? You want to know the new problems? You want to experience it these problems I got. It's not a good look asking for the new problem. Hey, so welcome text our Canada. I knew Philly. Yeah, have you been there? I thought you was from Arkansas? Ain't that right? Next though, I'm pushing your butt? Yeah, well they already push. I'm sure it's beautiful. I would love to visit one side of the street, you in Texas, then the other side of the street, you in Arkansas. Just alright, coming up, something funny. Truth be told and Roscoe Wallace is back from the Bahamas. Wait till you hear his story. We'll be back at thirty two. After you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, listen up, everybody major willass carriers safe flip the script then hope you never read it because the contract they made you sign is full of fine friends. At Simple Mobile, we say scrip the flip so you get more high speed data, talk and text with three day plans that started at five bucks and no contract because get nationwide coverage on the lightning fast four g l t E network. You can keep it complicated, or you can mobile simple with Simple Mobile. Check out simple mobile dot com to learn more that Simple Mobile dot Com. Sprip the flip. All right, junior, it is time for truth be told. Yeah, you know what, we've all been there. We've all finished this one place where you got the one friend that's in the relationship, but he acts like he don't want it. Well, she don't want it. They all. All the stuff they talk about is how much they don't want the person. Yeah, this person here, this the person they don't want to be with. No mobive okay, yeah, they don't want to be the person to mobile every song come on, remind them of the person. Look, I just wanted you know, dog dog, I don't even want to be your friend and be No more truth be told because I ain't got time, I ain't miserable, I ain't upset, I ain't hurt behind nobody. Now we can't go eat nowhere because y'all this was y'all's place. Now we can't go We can't go out no more. Care this is where y'all used to hang out of dog. I'm just your friend. I ain't even have spend six hours of my day every time I talked to you. Her name, come up, man, go back and get her. Please, for the sake of both of us. Now you got me calling her? Askid what happened? Why y'all ain't together? No more? Yeah, Now I'm in the relationship because y'all can't get along no more. Please tell me what is the problem, because this is good. That's going on too long. Let me tell you what happens you. I come in the house, I walk in the room. Here in the room, all getting harder than I can hear the TV. Now I can't hear the TV because you and then we're gonna leave in we got to be together. What you're calling me for? Wow, I'm just going to say everything all right now, we're cool, man, you know, we just love. No, this ain't little love. Don't holler back, and that's right, this ain't little right, Okay, I'm just saying, I don't want to be your friend no more. Just find somebody else. That's all you got. There's plenty of people out here. Just find somebody else. You ain't got to keep going through this back and forth. Now this ain't this ain't my relationship. Yeah, he messed around and then broke up with somebody he really cared about. Now he misses. Dudes do that all time. But that's what I'm saying, just admitting, just go don't go back. You ain't gonna be hard for me. I don't even care. You're not trying to make him saying, I gotta put the funk now because I hear all this north in here. What you're doing for? Why why are you calling me? Don't call no more? Then he hangs up, called back, I'm farry, I miss you, I need you. Then I walked in the room. Dog. She ain't working and he't worth having no dog. Just calm down so I can hear the teeth. That's all I'm trying to do. That's it a matter of fact. We ain't got to be friends. No money now she won while I'm calling her. I just want some peace in the house. All your stuff is the truth. To be happening. People be doing this all the time and don't know about to pay attention to it. Oh here you come that happen? Is that your boy Roscoe going on? Everybody? Hey Rosco? Saving to Roscoe? Julia hanging our literally out the allway that Yeah, Jodie got your gallant goo going on? Hey Roscoe? How you doing? Welcome baby good hazy? You know what you little good in the Bahamas? I know, baby, but you know, you know, you know, you know I ain't get you in the hollege. Oh okay, yeah, you know what. Hey Tommy, what's your baby? Rosco? What it do? Baby? Ain't nothing, man, I'm you know, you're just trying to make it all work, you know, putting it together, holdly together? You know what everything everything going? Hey Roscott, what's coming on? How you doing everything? Good? You know you know you know what I'm doing? You making here, I'm gonna making his baby. I'm gonna hit machine roll. Can you tell everybody and text our Canada who you are? Know? Who the hell? I don't know who I think people to take dot Canada need to call me and Tammy? Who the l A? I'm rock on wallet baby, hit maker enough, said Rosco. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. It may not know me. I didn't know my music though, what's your latest? Hid? Let him know? We're gonna be in Miami. Ain't I don't know, Jamie. That's what I like. It wasn't you wasn't me that what I like? That? What I be? I didn't know you wrote that, Roscoe? Hey, yeah, I wrote that. I've been freeing NF. Yeah that little Bruno's o melt Man very talented. Yeah, because I knew it was you know, I knew it. I knew all the people, you know, they're growing up. Yeah, knew his uncle. Oh what was his name? Jubiter? Yeah, what did you meet Jupiter? Well, I met Julie cause I knew his daddy. Oh who was his daddy? Moon? Mama named Ven. Of course they love they love that galaxy. Yeah, they ain't. All the kids out there had a dog. Ain't the damn dog blue though? I said, had something else like that. Baby. That's why I meant. I told the moon one time, Moon and Judah we're hanging out one time and writings. Do you know I told him? You know, you know, I told him on a condo down in my heaven. I don't wake up with no Jimmy. I'm just adding naked little that's a little okay with I had that little Bruno came. But you know I like a little Bruno because they played the band. You know, you got a band to play music, you know, you know musicians and everything. You know, you know, you know, you know. I brought him up the right way. Yeah, yeah, I brought him up right where I had him hang around people in the music industry call it you know here with the five all that time. He's really young though, I know you that's why I growed him up around of music. That where I played him throwing him up. Look at it. He got a little Michael, and he got a little prison and a whole lot of Roscoe with him. Well, Roscoe. We would love to him hear more of this. Got a condo in Miami. Yeah, we're up win no Jamie. But our favorite line, but never you tell me he's run that brank back. It's coming up right before you do that. Though, I'm gonna tell you another verse I wrote that he ain't never you. You're listening Steve Hardie Morning show coming up at the top of the hour, miss and will be here with our national news and headlines. But first it's the nephew would run that prank back, and before that, Roscoe was gonna tell us. Yeah, yeah, you know I wrote, I wrote several several lines of this song. He didn't you, you know, because it was a little bit too much for him, you know, you like experience, had a girlfriend in Manila, wind up needing penicilla, you know, like that line didn't make it in the song, so he would only use it. Had a condo in Miami, woke within now, Jamie, you know it was better than life and a girlfriend in Manila wind up needing penicill Yeah all right, well yeah, I go right there, you know, but we love the song, Rosco. Oh, it's a hot soul right there. That boy was her dad of name again? That name moon is named? You what the mama name? Mom name being name? Do you know? The DJ? No? You know what? And did he did? He had another on line light. I couldn't stand his uncle. You know what was his name? It was you d us But I called him you ain't it. I called him you ain't it because I ain't like it. You're ready time I'm gonna get on out of here. Baby. You do your thing right, all right? I talk to you. I thank your brother. You were in Miami, woke the window. Jemmy met a girl in Manila wind him needing Venicella five hosgo because you it wouldn't be that. I was h I read people running that brankback town support. It is hello, my set, God, Yeah, what's up? What was this? Just pressed the man? Uh me and uh me and men your your X man me and we uh we've been kicking it for the last three months. I'm I'm man. I don't care about you and didn't. We're not together. We're not together, so why are you calling me? Okay, you're no, that's cool right there. I understand all that to tell me that child together something with you. I don't care about what you and do me not together, I don't. I don't give a damn about what you Okay, okay, no, no, no player, I understand that what I was calling you about was you know, you kind of behind like two or three months on the on the child support man, and I told I was gonna handle this. I told her I was gonna handle this situation. You know, So now I don't need you to handle nothing. You don't need to be worried about about how many months I'm behind? Who the hell telling you all this? Anyway? When when? When can we expect another payment? That's what I'm asking you. First of all, don't you ever call my phone with that? You understand me. Don't call my phone man, because I don't about my daughter. Man. I ain't trying to I ain't trying to hand. I don't need you all my back, and I don't need be on my back about no damn child sport because I do for my daughter. Man, So don't call my phone with that. Okay, Okay, Well, looking is you're working right now? Man? You man, say listen here what what what? What's your name? Trusted? What I'm saying is you're working right now and I do whatever it takes to take care of my daughter. Man, So don't you worry about my my job security and what I'm doing. Okay? Well, can I just come when I just come by there whenever you get paid next time so I can pick up you know the child. Man, You don't need to come by nowhere. I tell you what here, you bring your around, you come I'm give you directions right now. You bring your phone over here, because I want I want to see your calling my damn phone talking about my damn daughter. And then we're looking out for the well being of the baby. Man, that's what what do you think I've been doing ever she came in as well? That's what I've been doing ever since she got here. I've been looking out for her well being. And some come just getting a picture. You want to tell me about my daughter well being? Quite you three months behind then, man? Matter of fact, I do everything I can for my daughter. So for you to sit up here and call me talking about I'm three months behind, I don't even keep up with that. I send money when I can. I do for my daughter. I do for my daughter for I do for myself. So if I ain't got it to saying that means I ain't got it at all. But give me a second and I'll go get it. But don't be calling me about my daughter man talking about him three months behind? Okay, we'll look further. Of all, I ain't you know, I ain't working right now, So we really need you to go on and get the money over. Hold on, Hold a hold on you ain't working, but I'm might here hustling. You're calling me about some money, but you over that land over. Both of y'all need to get out, y'all and do what the hell I'm doing. That's what I can't understand. It's too of you, but it's one of me. And you want to come to meet with that. And I told I was gonna handle this situation back being behind on this, you know, just a little child to pull situation. That's all I'm saying. I need you to going on and give me a date man on when we can expect a paytent. Okay, I'm getting you a date right now. Bring your over here right now and come pick up the patent. I got it for you right now. You just tell me what kind of car you drive so I know, because I don't. I don't want to. I don't want to bust the wrong to put up in my driveway by my stay. I do everything for my daughter. My daughter don't have no walk on the knees. I put shoes on her feet, colds on her back, footing or something. I do everything for her. I don't need you, and I don't my daughter don't need you. With out I pick up from school every day and take her to her grandmother's house. So a year, but no two or three months behind because she ain't with I. I can see if I went two or three months and see with I. That's another thing uh with me and can't talking about. We're not gonna need you to be checking her from the school. I'm gonna be getting her from the school when she I wish I would to catch your uping my daughters school. You ain't picking up my daughter, man, I don't even know who the hell you are. I told you my name is Preston, Man, but I know Preston. I'm telling you what, man, I don't want you know where near my daughter that I'm gonna talk right now because I don't want you know where near my daughter. Man, you understand me. I don't want you nowhere near my daughter. Man. If I came neil my daughter, I'm gonna whoop ya. I'm gonna let my daughter know if she leave me and to me and the baby is getting a long fine. Man. All I'm saying is we just need you to send that rend man. You Hey, yeah, I'm glad y'all doing good because she anyway but don't put my daughter in the middle of man. Man, I'm just happening to be in between jobs, that's all. Man. Well you need to get out and look in between your cheeks and go find you something and find you a manhood sitting up there, probably on the couch keeping up all up potto. I've only had two of them poptarchs man, that's all. You ain't proposed to be having none of them because I bought that for my daughter. Man, and I appreciate you eat none of that over there. You need to get off you and feed yourself like I do. I feed myself and my daughter and probably still let me say this here, man, I just want to talk to you about our child. Man. Our child. That ain't your child, that's my ain. You ain't got eight sake. Man. Don't you ever say that. Man. Don't you ever say that to me. Man. That is not our child. Man, that's my child. Let me tell you something, man, let me tell you something. Put your here to this poone real close. Man. I'm about my daughter. I'm trying like me, and that's what I'm trying to do. You ain't been here the whole time. You're trying to walk up in here and talk about hour. I'm her daddy. Man. I'm just trying to be a good stuff for the men and get them to a child father. I gotta get married. You ain't no man say, man say, I'm gonna talk to in Helen this I'm arl hold no no no no no no no no no. You don't talk to you no more. You understand what I'm saying. You talk to me. You're dealing with me. I told I was gonna handle it, so you're gonna make me mad? Nothing like. I don't told you now. You don't talk no more. I talk to whenever. I won't. We got a child together. You're just gotten the picture. Don't you call you don't talk to you talk to me from now. You talk to Preston. I'm gonna talk Tom. Had it help with trust me? Hey? Man, let me tell you something. You don't call man, you deal with me. Do you understand I'm telling I'm not dealing with you with him? Day you hear me? The only thing I'm gonna deal with you is my foot up. Yo, that's a deal. I got one more thing I need to say to you, man. I don't want to hear nothing else. You got to say. Player, I didn't heard everything you had to say. Let me tell you something, man, do you want a job? Were hiring right now? I put you in with the man at charge. I get you a job. Nobody want to work with you. Man, I don't like your attitude. You need to work with somebody, cause you ain't working with nobody right now. I got one more thing I need to say to you, is you're listening man, say with the here you gotta say, Man, this is Nephew Times and from the Steve Harvey Morning Say. Man, I don't care who I don't play about my daughter. Man, this Nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your cousin Kendrick. Man. Oh man, I'm gonna kill you alright? Oh no, man, because I don't play by my daughter like that. Man. That's my world. Man, that's my heart. Man, I don't yeh man. Let me let me ask you this here, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Man, the Thieves Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Gwyneth Paltrow Angelina Jolie and Rosanna are Kept are joining the growing list of sexual harrison accusers of movie mogul Harvey Weinstein. This story is just of control here. Yes, yes, yes, yes, I mean it happened over time, like twenty years ago, things like that. Yeah, but you know they're speaking out now of what they had to go through to get a three picture deal or you know, whatever the situation was with this man. Uh. There is now audio of Weinstein admitting to groping another woman on tape, but no charges were filed. Then Weinstein's wife, Georgina Chapman, apparently has had enough. She's a clothing designer. I think after two children, a decade of marriage, and now rape allegations, Chapman has confirmed she is leaving him. She's filing for divorce. Harvey Weinstein was a big financial contributor to the Democratic Party. Former President Barack Obama has made a statement has made a statement on the sexual Harrisman accusations mounting against him. Here's some of that statement. He says, Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein. Any man who demands and degrades women in such a fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status. Uh. The Obama's and Hillary Clinton are satined and shocked by these allegations. You guys didn't know Malia Obama. Uh yeah, she did an internship this past summer for her Weinstein's company. Yeah yeah, she did. Yeah. And as for as for Weinstein himself, he denies all these rape allegations. So they got a tape of him, and I heard it on seeing the Enny other Man. You know, they got a tape of this guy doing this, and they couldn't press charges because he hadn't committed an actual crime. They couldn't. It wouldn't have held up in court. But the tape is very it's just the meaning of this young moment horrible and what she was standing there trying to say no, no, no, and he kept you know, he even told it, Hey, look, they don't ruin your friendship over this with me, don't don't. Very he touched my breast and I was uncomfortable. I'm not gonna do that. Just come on here, I was going with a dude. Hold on. Yeah yeah, well um yeah, he's been begun counseling. So he says he's listened to the community and is pursuing a better path. Yeah, he's saying that UM and the company h they're looking into changing the name of the company altogether from that counselor don't don't work with that. That's what I said. Well, I guess his point, and now I don't mean to speak for him, is to say that he's trying to move trying in the direction of, yeah, getting his life together, you know, because he's been this has been going on because this man practically ran Hollywood. Yeah, I mean, but after you give you know the reason you change it it now because you call right, yeah right, you know, you know if you want to just keep it one hunted, Yeah, because y'all hadn't release these tapes, you would probably still be doing it. Yeah, you know, but you know that's that's that's what they talk about in Hollywood, that that casting couch. People don't think that's real out here. You got to be kidding me and I for I for one, young girls about that all the time, because everybody out here got a card, and everybody out here is a producer of some kind. And you know what I mean, people out have met with a producer card. Ain't done a play nothing, dog, ain't shot of commercial for their kids, lemonade staying. But they got to produce a card. And you gotta be careful because you know they just guide you the wrong way. It's really crazy with I mean that boy right there, Yeah, he was major r all right, Steve miss Anna is here with the latest news on the deadly wildfire that fire. Want me to come on in and take over the company? Man, I'll probably are gonna be the CEO. Thank you. Probably probably ain't going to do you have the time to do it, probably because my nain't Harvey. So here they're gonna take that. Here, they're gonna bring a note we have to go to miss A nasty ladies and gentleman ladies and gentlemen, the very dignified miss A trip. Thank you very much. Guys. Yeah, well I'll green lights and scripts. Just let me know. Okay, this is answered for the news. Everybody, Yes, talk about the wildfires. They're still burning, believe it or not, out of control. They've been doing all week across northern California's Wine country, and officials now say at least twenty one people are reported dead in the NAPA and Sonona Valleys, while some two hundred others are reported missing on accounted for their hoping by the way, that most of that two hundred, so those people that maybe they just can't reach anybody because maybe their cell phones are not with them or something like that. Some eight thousand firefighters meanwhile, they're battling what turns out to be at least two dozen blazes, and they're already considered some of the most destructive fires in California history and estimated thirty five un at homes in business, however, it would be destroyed. Puerto Rico, the number of deaths from Hurricane Maria now risen to forty five. Of the island remains that without power. They're trying to address that. Those several new contracts have just been signed to bring it engineers to help, including adding pay incentives for faster work. President Trump lashing out the news media again, this time an NBC report that says Trump and a National security meeting toll aids that he wanted to increase the US nuclear arsenal tenfold. The President tweets back. He calls the pure fiction. He didn't say that, and says when all the fake news coming out of NBC and the networks. At what point is it appropriate to challenge their licenses. That's strankly discussing the way the press is able to write whatever they want to write and people should look into it. Well. The FCC does not license television networks. Meanwhile, the NFL, refuting Donald Times, claimed that the commissioner, Roger Goodell, is finally demanding that players stand for the national anthem. Apparently they say that they should stand, but the rules don't say that they must stand. The owners that we're going to get together next week. For the first time in history, the Boy Scouts of America will allow girls into his program. Starting next year, girls ages seven to ten will be able to join the Cubs. Older girls will be able to reach the coveted rank of Eagle Scout. And finally, today is International Moment of Frustration Screen Day. You know you felt that way once in a while, just a little bit of a scream Anyway, this is hand Trip. Will be back with EUGENEA Butterfly twenty minutes after the our Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve, please introduce the butterfly. Do who you know the butterfly? Closer? I said, do you know the fly cover? Dude? Oh dude, you know do but to lie because I show? Oh dude, good morning everyone, Steven, Thank you, Tim like that was beautiful. Good morning to you. Charlie Carlin. You're Tommy letter fluttery morning morning. But that was that beautiful? That was purely beautiful. Listen, I got you want to hear. I'm odd you know the bood fly? Oh dang, you know the but to fly? Because I h ha ha, dude, who you know the but off fly? If you know him? Seeing man a man? See made a man, same man? He made one more turn? Amen, little time a man soft? Don no Amen, Solf done. Now he's trying to get get a segment in. Look at the time with me, Julie. You well go ahead, butterfly. I only have twenty seconds at this point. Good morning, Shirley Carlin Junior. Time me, Stephen, butterfly, butter flutter Hurry, hurry, hurry to what I couldn't do that you didn't know? Five seconds again tomorrow. I don't want to butterfly. I'm sorry, do your se your time's up. Thank you. Thank you, butterfly. Listen when we come back from the break up to thirty four after Things you say to yourself to keep yourself from slapping someone. Okay, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. This segment is called things you say to yourself to keep you from slapping the beat out of someone on your job or anywhere really anyway. See, you need come on, Steve, you need to know things that can calm your nerves. See that's what a lot of people don't know. You need calm. And now all this ain't for everybody, but I'm sure out of the ten or so that I'm gonna listen, you can come up with something that fits you. These are just I'm gonna just give you some little woossa moments that you can kind of say to yourself to cleep from slapping the sugar honted iced tea out of somebody down on your damn job. You'll be wanting to down at your job. This is for those of you that work a job and you wants to really slap the sugar honey iced tea out of somebody down at your job. Thieves. Are some things you can say to yourself to just keep you. I'm slapping them and they're losing your job. You're just going down the list created you say these to yourself. I got two kids in college. Yeah you need that people that kids your job. Here, got another one right here, already got two strips on them for life. Here's another you can use right here. Oh, I just got this job. Yeah, I just have to shop and how does that work? For eight months? I just got this job. But he got about one more time to say something, one more time on time, and I'm gonna slap to sugar honey. But I just got the job. Oh oh, I'm close to the time that I ain't. Just right here, I got one more year in his In one year, you're gonna get a pension. Turkey. Go watch just hanging there, man, watch the turkey. Here's another one right here. There they go from frozen. Yeah, let here go another one right here for a lot of y'all. And I'm gonna just go and sit in my car smoking joint. I'm gonna just go sit in my car smoking everywhere. I know it's not legal, but you're just trying to keep your job, trying to make sure because I tell you what ain't legal. You slapping sugar honey iced t scares me every time you say every time. Yeah, come on, just sing a song to yourself, or you can just try to nothing but the blood amen, or just make up youself. Lord, hold my hands, put them deep into my pocket, my hand, put them deep into my pocket, my hand, put them deep into my pockets. For I slap the sugar honey iced tea out the same melody as do you know the butterfly? But I like it? Yeah, here's the one that to keep you from slapping the sugar honey iced tea out of ok. Lord knows I can't go back to jail. I can't go back to jail. I just couldn't stand it. I just couldn't stand it down. Then, oh I can't go back to jail. Oh but I want to do something. I beat him, does something. I'm sorry the show, but I can't go back to jail. Or realization right there, you're saying, so those are things that you can use on your job. You can say to yourself, if you from slapping the sugar honey iced tea your co worker, let it go all right, thank you, sir. Coming up next the nephews frank phone call right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today Strawberry letter. You don't want to miss that. But first it's time for you the nephew Come on with your frank phone call. Let's go. Huh drug test every title drug test? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, drug test. It is. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a face please Hello, this is Officer Rodgers from the Probation Department. Yes, sir, listen, now you have been uh on probation for a little over a year now, all right, faith, Now you're supposed to be serving two years probation. All right now, I'm giving you a call actually bringing you a bit of bad news. And I hate to do this, but you you came in for a couple, um, a couple of weeks ago and did a did a drug test? Am I right? All right now, I don't I hate to bring you some bad news, but the actual drug test that you took has come back positive. Are you That's a lot, that's a lot. That's a wait a minute, wait a minute, now, you came in a couple of weeks ago. You took a drug test. This drug test is actually come in positive. Now what I want to say to use this you're gonna have to Actually my test wasn't positive. You got hold on a second. I either need you to come into me or I don't, And I don't want to save the embarrassment of having to send a car out to pick you up. No, not embarrassment you're talking about. I gave you some was good, ma'am. Right now, I got you have a positive drug test? You have you you you come up positive. Man, Now you're gonna we used the one that you brought us now must have been the wrong one. Couldn't have been, man, sir. I'm sorry, sir, but I wouldn't have gave you a bad year and it just wouldn't. Men, I don't want to have it back to jail. I don't even know where you would tom me with this nonsense. I got kildred. I'm trying to do right. I don't know why you would call me. I wouldn't the game you know bad? That's not me. You should fly, ma'am. You have to come in and do another three months now, oh, sir, you can come pick me up. I can tell you right now. I can pin your hand if you want me to. Ma'am, your your urine has come back positive of drugs. Now, I don't I don't know any other way to explain it to you. You've been actually evidently using drugs again, Sir, I'm trying to tell you I don't use no drugs. I've been clean for a year and some months now. You got the wrong That's not my How do you telling you that? How do you know it's not yours? Ma'am? It's got your name on the lid. Everything you have come back positives whatever, thenly you put your name on it, because that ain't my it came back, would have came back good. You can't call me and tell me I gave you some mad Call me and tell me that that's a negative, sir, that's a double negative. It's not a double negat it's a double positive. You've actually come back positive face he has written here on the actual cup. No, No, we don't have more than one faith. You're the only thing I've actually double checked out myself. You need to either come in or we got to come out and all you're behind in here. Well, I need you to come right now, cause I got the right now right now. Are you trying to tell me that if I come and pick you up and take your year and now your YearIn is gonna come up negative? Is that what you're saying. I'm telling you that you're up double positive with that, my urine is gonna come up negative. Man. I hate to I don't want to come out all year in in front of your family, but you're actually gonna be coming in and you're gonna do three months. That's all I can tell you. You're confident, sir. You got the wrong saying. Hell know you got the wrong. It's one of the two. Might be both. You got the wrong, you got the wrong face. I'm letting you. I'm trying to men ain't had no positive Listen, ma'am. I'm telling you one more time. You either want to come in or want me to come and get you what you want. Let me tell you what I want you to do. I want you to find out who you have, because that ain't money. Don't tell me you know, I'm going tell me nothing about you got some some that that is not good. I gave you some good that time I got to to you out. Y'all keep picking up people, software kills and folks. Y'all had me says time miss much drink Now, I'm I've been giving you and you stay. I want to with me. I'm dad, I ain't getting a bead. I'm coming no more like that. And well is my probation office. You say your name is My name is Officer Rogers. I'm don't no officer Rogers. Like I said, you might be the reason why it came back us. You might be the reason I need to speak with Mr. That's my probation officer. Now I have clean at all time. You shouldn't be calling me. I should be calling you because I'm gonna evidently I'm gonna have to come down the hall. You're behind in myself. But you can bring your and when you call you can't. Let you know. I have no positive you can come to my job. I got you got let me know what. There's one more There's one more thing and I need to bring all right. Now, I got one more thing I need to say to you. Are you listening to me? What is it? Sir? This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your sister, Alan. I know one thing You'll played too much. I'll play too much that I was coming to give Mr Roger. She gonna get this no positive out of me thinking I was doing and didn't know about it? Are you trying not to play? Okay? For you? All right, I'm not. I'm nervous. It's your sister. She putting me up to it. Baby, when you ever steal you see what she looked like. I'm gonna beat the hell out. I got one more question for you, baby. You got to tell me this. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Morning I got her ripped up. Don't two months? Yes, you do? You went there, she went all the way in. That's how you do it, though, because you know most people off guard. Tonight is going down Mama's Boy Salsbury, Maryland, Baby at the Civic Center. The nephews in the building, get your tickets if you don't have them yet, because I promise you you will enjoy the hit stage play Mama's Boy. I didn't told you. Everybody and the Johnny Gear Sherlott Merdik Little ro Still nephew, Timmy. Oh, and I was told to say this. Eugene is in the show. I said I would at least trying to be nice. Trying, y'all, I'm trying. The Butterflies is nice, Tommy Tomorrow night, Sippany Hall, New Jersey. Baby, you don't want to miss it. Yeah, forget all that time. Oh, how's robbing? Robin is fan? J y Did she talked to you? Yeah? Yeah, Jack and me and Jack ain't go hang out? He said about what? What did she talk to you about? Oh? She just loves how talented I am. Un she really does. I believe that what we're talking about Robin Givings the actress Tommy that's in the play with you. Yeah, I'm talking about But what does she actually say? Not what you're here? Yeah, I mean so crazy. She thinks I'm a phenomenal and you voice change because to Thomas, Yeah, I told him we would. I told him we would call it one day. If my uncle will allow it, we'll call and talk to him. Y'all ask whatever y'all want to ask? Tommy, what time do we go on tonight? What is she what is he thinking? She said, come on, what time? Listen what that's been? That's been? But I am both fromm to figure that one out, that one out. You got those two mixed steps. Man. He held his coffee right up under his mouth. Come on, oh lord, alright, coming up in about an hour, our friend and family member. We love her, The one and only Keisha Cole will be our very special guest. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Steve har coming up next Today's Crazy Strawberry Letter. You do not want to miss this. But first, last night in Pennsylvania, our President Trump gave his major speech about tax reform now. According to c Ann, the President gathered truckers and business leaders to highlight his plan to cut middle class taxes, lift the corporate tax burden, and to ignite soaring cost The President said to the truck drivers, when your trucks are moving, America is growing. The tax reform initiative is crucial for the President's hopes of finally getting a major legislative victory before the end of his first year in office. They want him to do something, have something to show for his fs year so far, because the clock is ticking and nothing so far but a bunch of distractions ugly means crazy tweets. For if he wasn't tweeting, we could get some bells pass. It's just so much separatism is being done at this level. What's amazing though, I think that's throwing people. It's just the same thing that was done to President Obama, except it was done a lot more covertly. Now what has happened is this president so openly discusses everything in the form of tweets. We can actually see what's going on and it gets to play out in front of us. Yeah. I really think this president Steve is just the president for his bass. The rest of American you're on your own or something, but here but here to CoA. He delivered nothing to his base, you know, well they think he is though, they what what what of day? What has he done for them? I mean the whole thing with the NFL, you know, flipping it and making it seem like they're that's cool that don't put a dollar in their damn pocket whatever. You well, they don't think they think it does. You know, I don't know how do they cling to everything he says? Don't get him no money? They think that. Yeah, and Charlottesville, you know, I mean with your head, with your head up your butt though you can't really see. I've never had mine in there before, but I bet it. Dog. Let's move on. Come on, nephew, let's get to this letter. Please buckle up, hold on time, we gotta you here. It is straw Berry letter, subject thirty second man. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am currently in a relationship with a gentleman who brings me flowers just because runs my bathwater, gives me back rubs and foot rubs. So what's the problem, you ask? Well, the bedroom is a thirty second man? To do a disclaimer for the kids? Okay, she just here on the side what you read, you're here. If you got kids listening, you might not want him to listen. Well, the bad stuff's over with now. Well no, not really. I mean they don't know what that means. Yeah, so that's why you didn't have to do it, and you didn't need to disclaim. I'm just telling what girl. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. So what's the problem, you ask? Well, the bedroom he's a thirty second man. No exaggeration, this extreme, This is extremely frustrating to me since I was in a six year relationship with a thug who cracked my back, had me calling Mary, Jesus and Joseph and calling him big Daddy, as I experienced la petite morte every time we were intimate. The problem with that relationship was the way he treated me outside the bedroom. He would cheat, flirt in front of me, and lie. So I decided I needed to be treated well at all times, not just in the bedroom. So I left my thug for this gentleman. I am not one to cheat. But Lord, a girl is frustrated. Some advice, please, some advice, please before I lose my mind. Sincerely, frustrated. All right, I mean this seems like kind of like a no brainer to me. And from the way you wrote this letter, you're really really smart woman. I can tell by the way the letters written. You know, you put a little French in there, and you know with the la petite morte and all that. Uh, don't be so smart though that, you know you're stupid. Sometimes you have a good man here and uh your words, a gentleman who brings you flowers just because runs your bath water, runs your back and your feet and all that. So so you have something to work with. So barring any medical condition or anything, I say, talk to him, uh, nicely, very nicely. You can teach him, you can tell him what you want and maybe you know this could be the man for you. But I definitely say, communicate with this man. You can tell him what you want, ye tell him, teach him. I won't mote. I mean, it may be a medical condition. Medical I'm just saying. That's my response. Go ahead, yours. Next, it's not a medical condition, it's a mental well, maybe he needs to see pologist. He already. Who excuse me? We just got in here. If that's I'm supposed to be saying that, why are you saying my line? Why are you doing? Excuse me, sir, sir, I'm supposed to he's just third, No excuse Mr. Mr. My eyes supposed to be in back of my head and not you already already already already, we're just think lawing out of music. Just you ain't even theme at over you, ma'am. I understand your frustration, I guess, but I mean, first of all, I was I would love to know how old this woman is that that would help me. I'm gonna guess thirties because of what she said in the letter in the way shop. But you found a gentleman just runs your bath water and brings you flywers just before give you back rubs and foot rubs. The only problem is he's a thirty second man. At first, I thought you were saying that his climactic moment lasted for thirty seconds. I was going, oh my god, who is this guy? Oh my god, if it happens for thirty seconds, you'll lose your mind. That has to be over with within ten seconds, or else we snap. I have never been able to grit my teeth that long. I wrack every tooth in my head. If I could get it to last for thirty seconds, I'm talking about that moment of explosion, That's what I want. I want to just tear my own damn here. That's what I would do if I could get it. I often wondered why God didn't let it last longer than that. It's this work for this brief moment, this ten seconds of explosion, if you could just let it laugh for two minutes. But that when I was younger, I know, when the hell I could have took two minutes to that. I ain't uh. Steve will have part two of his response to today's Strawberry letter will be back in twenty three after the hour. Oh lord, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve second Man. And she had and she got in her life, but she didn't give up her thug because a thug was in the bedroom being more brilliant than needed obviously outside of the bedroom. Just he cheat on the flirt in front of a lie to him. So your option here is to go back to the liar cheatah player, or you can hang in there with the guy that gotta treat you as blue excellent. But he just only thirty seconds in that bed. But thug thug was cracking, she said in the let him back cracking. Okay, that's just a little extreme, but all right, got you calling Mary Joseph and the Lord. Yeah, I don't know who Pepper the pew was, whatever it was. You're saying, what is there? It's French? What'sop? What do you got a point? If it's French, it's for people say orgasm. It's French for orgasm. It means it needs a little death, a little death. Little peppermo what is it, morte, I think you'd be better. I'm describing me with peppery with it now. That's that's my dude right there. But you know, lady, I mean, you know, look, I can't tell you what, dude, I think. My only suggestion is set your man down and get your man folk play game up. You know, get it, get your sportified minutes of folk plated not you know that mouth gonna have to develop some other strength, gonna have locked y'all trying to get you all in this mood and everything for the thirty seconds he got. And then maybe y'all just used the thirty seconds. Let's pay all you know strong thirty. Yeah, just just have a hell of thirty. Just maybe that's it. Maybe you're just gonna go with his hell of thirty. But he needs forty five fifty four minutes of folk play all of it. He made him have to get a suitcase? What a suitcase? What's going on? One time I had a little while the thing I had going on? One time the girl had a little pink suitcase. You bring it out head, all kinds of stuff in a flashback with just playing with them, like like five little trucks and stuff. But this is interesting. What do you do with that scared stuff? Get your suitcase? Comegain But you d holders right here for me and hit the switch and went she HOLLI thank you, Steve, thank you, thank you. You know you gotta go reminding you. Please to join me today at one thirty PM for Strawberry Letter The After Show live on Facebook. We missed it last week because we had to go travel to the Bahamas, but we are back and strong this week, so join me today one thirty Eastern time. You have some fans for that in the Bahamas. Yeah I did. Yeah, they like appreciate it, appreciate it very much. But right now it's time for our girl, Cheryl Underwood from the Talk Sure gonna see the movie. Marshall. You got this movie now, Brothers and sisters, we need to stay woke. We need to go five tin deep even during the mattenee. Look at your ticket stuff. Make sure it's say Marshall, because they will trip on you. You will get another ticket stuff you're talking about chaw Yeah, man, he killing it as young third good Marshall. Let me tell you who you're gonna hate. Huh talk show? Did he talk about the movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah, did he ask about me? Stay? You know what I thought he did, But I was talking about something the kind of like I heard him. That's good to know they asked about me because he playing third good Marshall really good. But I'm gonna tell you who you gonna hate k Hudson, whoa you're gonna hate uh when Yeah, you're gonna hate her. But I'm gonna tell you who killing the game? The little boy that on on Frozen, what it played he played, the lawyer that worked with I'm telling you the movie is so good you gotta go see it. I'm not gonna tell you the whole story. Let me just tell you the Kay Brown that's a bad boy. Listen Tommy the couch scene. You will be like, oh, smile and hey man, let me tell watch the movie to the bitter end. You're gonna see somebody that you recognize a member of Omega Sci Fi Fraternity Incorporated. At the end of the movie. It's gonna make you jump out your chat to tell nobody what what you in the movie? Don't tell at the time. It's Stephen the movie, Sheryl, do not tell that. Don't co sign on that chill, Timmy, it's Stephen movie. Hey, speaking of attornities and sororities. I'm talking to the Atlantic Regional Conference in Atlantic City this week. Hey kid, the Day you Die, Tommy. Hey, hey, speaking of love, don't forget to get your tickets. I'll be in Chicago for the Sweetest Day Comedy showing at the Airy Crown. Hey, I want you all to get these tickets. Come to be talking about everything, Harvey wins thing Harvey. Yeah, it's sweetest Day. It's the sweetest Day. What It's a holiday that's made up for your sweetheart. You're sweetie. Yeah, that's what It's fun. It's like, hey, guess what, okay, uh shirlt Carlin. I'll be talking about everything. I'nna be talking about how President Trump just be talking about people and then they get fired. We're gonna talk about Harvey winstre and while Bill Cosby like get off me, then me like, so, don't forget watch the movie Marshall this week, go five, ten, twenty deep, look at your ticket. Stuff. Let's make this movie number one. And it's talking about third Good Marshall and the work he was doing with the N double A C. P. Shout out to the n double A c P high lights your girl. I'm out stay Harvey, all right, thank you, Cheryl. Coming up next. As promised, our girl will be in the building. Kisha. Come, you're listening Steve Morning Show. Hey, y'all, that's promise. She's here. We got our special guests. This is our girl. She's an award winning platinum seller, platinum artists. She's a singer, she's a mom, she's a TV star. Her highly anticipated new album is gonna be released on the twentieth of October. It's entitled Keisha Cole, and she's here to join us to day to talk about the new project and the lead single, Incapable. Let's find out what she've been up to. Come on, y'all, family member, y'all show your love for our girl, Keisha Cole. Well, good morning, morning, good morning. Getting beautiful this month. Thank you you too. I like that lip club. It's really pretty. Thank you guys. Women women, you got our pearls on that thing. Yeah, I did like her lips. I don't know the color, yeah, I mean Gerald, Yeah that's trouble. Yeah, yeah that sounds I could go to hell. Both apologize. I've been good. I've been great. I've been great. I've been great. Well, girl, you got some stuff going on, and I'm telling you you really do. But let's talk about this new album. Is it's it's entitled Keisha Cole The eleven eleven Reset. It's entitled eleven eleven Reset. I named it that I got signed to Epic Records UM in October of last year, and I named it eleven eleven around March, my son's birthday. And then like three months ago, I found out that I was born at eleven eleven. And the whole meaning behind eleven eleven, which is kind of ironic, is that there are angel numbers and you're kind of aligned spiritually with your destiny, like everything is happening for a reason, you know what I mean. So, um, I thought that was pretty interesting that I found out I was actually born at eleven eleven. Am. Yeah, wow, I don't know when I was born. What time? I keep telling you, Tommy, don't nobody know because you was given to us man opening showing you on the board. Yeah yeah, he won't know what time. I can't tell you what time you got to the house. That cold, That is cold. This new single incapable? What what was your inspiration for this song? Uh? Past filed relationship of course, you know, just I mean coming to the realization that you know, sometimes it's really not you. Sometimes it's just the fact that you just are in ca both. You know, I can't been trying to help you, help me, help you and you it just ain't happening. So at this point, it's child not employed. We just call it a wrap and just call you incapable. That's it. A lot of women should come to that conclusion because women always try to find out when something happens, what did I do? How? How could I have fixed this? Because you're such nurturous and sometimes it ain't you right. Well, you know, it's always a process. You know, I won't say I didn't go through that uh stage in um the situation, but you know, I mean, you know, time goes by and you come to a realization that this is just not gonna eas either gonna break me or it's gonna make me better and not to be better. So absolutely doing the part that I do the music, That's what I'm gonna let you do the love and hip hop six Okay, you know, Keacha, we've been watching you on Love and Hip Hop Hollywood and I love you on the show. You're very classy on the show, You're keeping it real and you and your husband, your ex husband, Daniel Booby. I'll just say this, Keecha, You're very mature for how you're handling this situation with him talking to your ex about dating other women and how did you get to get to that point though? Jesus, thank you. I just got I just gotta thank him because you know, there were times that I just couldn't get over it. You know what I'm saying, And actually what you see is what what I what I've been getting, you know, from pretty much. I won't say the actual like the beginning stage is like, but you know a little and you know it's just I mean, he you know, says that he was young, but I've recently spoken to him about that, and he said that he would probably be ready, um by the time he's thirty five or thirty six or something like that. I don't know what to be ready, Yeah, he said like something like that. I was like, oh, well, that's as nice as you know, put a number on it. Yeah, I'm not ready. So she told me back in the day we got married, right, that would have worked out perfectly. I think the thirty something, that's what she don't even care back, yeah somebody out. Yeah, but but Steve Keasha is such a strong woman. You know, she's been through a lot. You have been through a lot in your life, and that's why your fans are so loyal to you. They can relate to you on so many levels. You sing about your pain, you're you're talking about your life, your son, your ex husband, and it's just real moments, real life that that you're dealing with. And now you just found your dad on the old love going a new love come. You know, it just it just happens. I don't know, it's just the blessed that I just I don't even know, because it's just a beautiful feeling to have seen him for the first time, you know, to realize that. Thank you, Yeah, man, you thank you. She's over drawn flowers. Yeah. So he was a boxing legend or a trainer or yeah, actually yes, ain't that something I said? So you just over here got money. That's the old time I've been struggling. This is crazy. We need to come on and pay me now. Well it was cool. Why watching that moment, you and your dad just having a moment and get to know each other because your whole life you didn't really know who your dad was, and you know, you found them. So yeah, stick around. We're gonna come back with more with Keisha Cole right after this. Don't go nowhere. I like this conversation. You're listening alright, We're back with our girl, Kisha Cole brand new album coming out October eleven, eleven Reset. Yes, and she told us the special meaning yes, and that you were born at that time. Yes, yes, yes, yes, Yes, it's beautiful. It's a beautiful meaning. It's a beautiful positivity. So yeah, and the single is called Incapable. Yes, yep. We released the first single, um You, featuring Remy Ma and French Montana. Now we're on the second single, um and it's called Incapable. And I think that it's a great record. I mean not only because you know, like I wrote it with my brother, but you know, but because I think it's like it helped me to just like it's one of those records you just feel it's like, wow, this is like something you know, and um, I love those kind of records when I'm recording. You know, and we feel it too. We feel what you feel because I mean we said it earlier. You just keep it one. You speak to us about whatever you're going through. Love that I gotta gotta keep it real. Well, I'll tell you what we're gonna do, y'all. Let's do this. Let's play the new single, this is incapable. Set it up. This is my new single on a Steve Harvey morning show. It's called incapable. It's time of you. There is myself you love because I wasn't leave you. Even my family know the truth. Ye You've taken me out on the circles like you know you do. I've called all my food. They said, don't call me plinging. No, you're really through. But every time it feels like this could be the last time, isn't good Goodbye? I give this one more try. It's hard because they say that if it's true, Luck and never need was a capable and capable all of me to me back. He came a Molly cap all of love and life. That movie capa bay during capable. So next time you cry, my number will be changed. You will always be sad that I knew. Just go on the pain. Hey, but any time it feels like this would be the last time. Who is the good good mine? Fucking this for my try. It's hard as they say that it's true and never need When the came, we came all of it me back. He came a bully capable of other life. The bully came up all of it back. He came a bully, came up all the other life that it was a making a boo even though it wasn't mis stop too. We cred a say because it ship pulling card all about sand fire. I love the song. I love it, thank you, really good song. Thank you. Just talked to my mama. I was born at eight twenty three in the morning. And do you see anything in my numbers? Eight twenty three? Let me think about this. I gotta google it. I just google Angel. That's the time that we opened that damn de that's what blood that is. So what that did is that made you that made us all late for work? This baby boy, shut up. Yes, it's actually financial wealth and prosperity into your life. Angel number meanings. We'll look at that. Well, it worked out for me me finding your little lass show work for three. I want to say, I want to do do you still do the Family Show? I want to come on the show? Oh you want to do or you wanna do Celebrity Family. Yes, we can do that. I wanna go on that show so bad. And my mama keeps on asking me Lord Jesus, Frankie's coming on to what you have your family against Anthony Anderson. M Wow, going down. Let's run this single up to the top of the charts for Keisha. Yes It's good. Everybody in the Steve Harvy Nation, go to iTunes right now and buy Incapable. Yes. Then when the album come out on the twentieth leven eleven by Kesha Cole to Yes Yes Are, you could just go to iTunes right now and preorder it because it is for sale. Yes, let me just do. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show now. According to a report published an American psychologist, people who listen to others without actually seeing them are better able to determine that person's emotional state. The tone of a person's voice expresses emotion more than the face, where it's easier to hide such emotions. Less is more when trying to figure out how people feel because when you are just listening to a person, you are focused on just that. But if you're both listening and looking, your attention is divided. So, Steve, do you think you're a good listener? Oh? Yeah, absolutely, you have to, you know, for a man. For a man, I'm a good listen. Qualify that, yeah, I mean, you know, because we do listen differently. I'll admit that I think women are far superior at it. But for a man, I'm a good listener. Yeah, And you have to, you have to be in your line of work. But you know the reason women listen because there's a more of a richer and deeper exchange. We listened just to the point where we can provide a solution and then we wants to move on to something else. Women women dig into it a lot deeper, and Richard, we just try to provide a solution. Yeah, we want all the facts. What happened? What he said? Then? What did she say? Girl? And then and then what happened? Ye see, we don't need all that. What do you need? What do you need? We just what what you're trying to get out of it? I'm listening, call him and tell him no, and what what. I got it down to a sign. I can actually be on the phone with my wife. I know when to say, uh huh, what? What? What? Really? And nothing? But not listening to none of but know how to jump in and let me stop you Tommy, because she's listening right now. So are you sure you want tom huh what? He's not listening? You better fix it? Who oh my god? Okay, we need to go down now. Huh. So so your uncle listens to provide a solution, you don't listen at all. I listened to get through the day. What what what? You don't care? You don't care what? Where's Jordan? Who? Okay? No, t uh huh? He engaged? He makes her think she's engaging to the phone. You got the phone on speaker. You lying and it's just sitting down there and you're just are you acting? Are you acting? Are you in character? Absolutely? Say that again? Now that did what? Lord? Ha Mercy? Are you listening to me? What do you say? Babe? I'm hearing that thing you're saying. You're gonna hear that part. You're gonna hear that. Okay, Well tell me what I just said. Oh that's what I hate when they do. Okay, okay, well, tell me what I just Tell me what I just said that I heard you. Now you're you're trapped at that point. Get out of that stick. Tell me what I just said, I said, you just said, Tell you what you just say? Tell me what I just said. Don't get cute with it, you know what I mean? Well, what do you think I should do? But what you know? I mean? I mean probably really, honestly, don't. Honestly don't. Probably, y'all just pray about it. So should I take all the money out of the bank? No, No, we need to very interesting guys. All right, we'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here's a question for you or or a statement. Even women are nicer than men? Question Mark, Well, we know that for the most part, you know, women women are nicer. Yeah, yea. And researchers at the University of Zurich have made an amazing discovery. They say that women are kinder and more generous than men. And uh and it's biologically so they say, naturally it's like that. Yeah, yeah, I agree with that. They ain't that doing no steady for that and uhh. The researchers found that men and women's brains react differently to selfless and selfish behavior. Did you want to say something here, Steve? Uh huh, surely ask carl a question. She'd go and answered as a woman, and I answered as a man. Just ask anything. So, Carla, what time? What time do you think we'll be able to wrap everything up today? Um? Well, we'll probably get through, maybe in about fifteen minutes or so. You know, we got a couple of breaks to do. You have something to do today? Yeah? I was thinking, you know, I just wanted to Um, I have a meeting in about an hour. So okay, well we don't want to hold you up, so we'll get the crew together and so we can wrap things up so you can get on with your day and get to your meet. I appreciate that I knew you would, but I want to check with you first. All right, okay, no problem, same question to you, Steve. What's your question? So, Steve, what time do you think we'll be able to wrap things up today? If I be right there, I don't know about it? Kill me. Well, I have something to do in about an hour or so, Well, what are you doing? Here right now, you guys, right now, another question. Let's see what's the temperature gonna be today? Because I wanted to know what I should um put on. It's going to be a little more chilly than yesterday. UM. Let me look that up for you, surely because I got that weather app. And then I'll see what the temperature is gonna be is going to be in l A. Do you have that app? Thank you? Know well I do have it, but I left my phone. Okay, so I'll look it up for you. Thank you. I appreciate that. Yeah, yeah, hey Steve, Um, what's the weather going to be like today? Do I need to areous sweater or something hot? Throw something in the bag for later. It's the tone, I don't care care. You know what stopped me? What the fact that you said you left your phone. I was there, and that's where we stopped right here. You didn't get your damn phone, tom Tommy, Sureley can leave her phone at home. It can ring. He can pick it up. All that you. On the other hand, we'll catch your flight back this right. I was wondering why you were so quiet, You were so like vocal of the first question. Send you with that one, huh, we are not you. I left my phone when I was married before. I left my phone at home one time and I go out all the way downtown and realized I didn't have it, so I headed back. Yeah, my ex called my boy that I went and goes tell him I got his phone, and if he wants to see this phone intact, I need his code right now. M h okay, hold it right there. We gotta go to break. We'll be back to finishing this story with just one more time. You're listening to all right, here we go with just one more thing, and we have to wrap up the show today. So Steve, go ahead and finished. You were telling us a story about your phonel. I'm almost downtown. She calls my dude and go tell him I got his phone. If he wants to see it intact, I need his code. You getting his code? I can't give you the code. What did you do? Why? Back home and it was no longer intact. I swept it up, put it in uh sandwich bag, Joe back downtown. They didn't know the game I did. I reached in and got that same card out. We don't got me a brand new phone. What you need that sim car, that sim card, that same card in there man, back in the day, they was brand new. All thank you Jesus. Do it? You took your phone into the shower one time? Or I got a rope and a zip lock bag and I hanged mine around my neck. You ain't gonna get it. You ain't feel to get it. I had a partner was in there taking a shower his phone, right, he ran through the glass. Do to get it? All right? Jun, you're young and single, Yes, you feel the same way about your phone. Yeah, absolutely absolutely, but you're single. Yeah, but still though well, what is in there? Which you mean was in there? What's in there that you guys don't want to My life is in there? So the contacts? What what's that? I got a partner that sleeps with his phone, duff taped to his thoughts, feeling that off every morning? Are his legs waxed? I'll put table on my tape. You put tape over your thumb before I go to sleep, because you know it takes the thumb print open. Yeah, yeah, you sleep, you will sleep. Your wife put your thumb on your phone. It open it. We've learned so much today about the guys that we work with. I got a partner that was only run one time. He took sand paper and took his frank of prince out. Yeah, ain't gonna get it there, man, I can't go back to jail. He's saying paper the damn prints off of his nail and me and put a little burn on him and got hisself freed on off. Man. So lady, let me ask you something. So y'all, y'all just leave your phone. I mean your husband leave their phone. Y'all go in their phone anything like that. Go on this phone for what. I trust my husband like like like this here, like if your phone, your phone dead and you want to use his phone, Yeah, I can use. I know the code. Say you mine here, you're mine? Yeah, you know the code. Ye, Marger got the cold to my phone. All my kids got my code to the phone. Yeah every last. My husband has two cell phones. Yeah, nothing in there that I'm trying to hide. I used to have three cell phones. I only got one now, man, How different dude? Back then? I needed to what do you do with three phones? I know what I could do? You carrying a man bag though, that's right? Three phone? You gotta know what's ringing? One one for the white, the other one one was for business and the other one was for pleasure. Yeah, I can't y'all can pick y'all man, phone up? Ain't no product? Well what I mean, what do you think is gonna happen? Nothing? My girl picked my phone at one time, I broke it up like an NFL pass incompletely strip. You hurt yourself, girl, Trust is amazing, Yeah, I mean, and and I just don't have any problem with that, you know, but you have to grow to that point. Yeah, yeah, you know, and junior at this stage of the game right here, I don't need that. So I ain't got She could pick up my phone, look at it, read and she got my code. I don't care because I'm through. I'm through, man, I'm out. And then you know, once you have that a lot of time, it makes you not even care. You don't want to go through it whatever. Yeah, you're not curiously, I mean, if you trust that person, you trust you even though you're through, can you least keep old? No, you can't that then you're not through if you do. I'm not through, looking man, she picked my phone version. I don't sit that the whole apartment building on fire for a phone. Yeah, I need everything. I need something else to happen. I need something. You go, I'll take her. I'll take a shoot. Yeah, I'll take a shoot and bust my own window just for a sound or something. Can you try jesus, I'll tell you about that time I was in the car and that phone switched from the eel piece in my ear to the to the bluetooth in the car. Oh, driven to a ditch. So you'll risk your life? Risk surele over your phone. Surely she picked my phone up and she died two numbers. I'll cut my pinky fingers right off. She could put that phone down. Though you're your single? Yeah, yeah, I know, I know, Oh man, I know. Well, well, what have we learned? What have we learned to get your sales car? Not a little stress? Wherees time for everybody? Have a great weekend? Yeahurday? So not let you make it on Thursday. I'm aut mentally I've checked out. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.