Good morning and welcome to the ride! Happy Friday we introduce you to IG (J. Anthony Brown) and NUT (Tommy). The Chief Love Officer gets candid with a woman that cheated on her fiancé and liked the outside sex better. We send out condolences to our family Chrissy Teigan and John Legend as they mourn the loss of their baby. Trump and his wife test positive for COVID-19. Is this fake news or nah? Daniel Cameron did not recommend murder charges for any of the officers involved with Breonna Taylor's death. Our favorite Gentleman of Leisure is back with his NFL picks and his shiny suit. Miss Carla will work virtually with our family Magic 104.9 in St. Louis tomorrow to bring awareness to breast cancer. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog thanks those that peacefully protested and reminds us about the importance of the African-American vote.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things in the stubbing me through good it. Steve listening to the movie Together for st Please, I don't join joining me. You gotta use that turn you You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn. You got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water go. Come come on your back now, huh. I show will a good morning everybody. You'll listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Y'all do took of me what I said? But I do like I say always. It just is a constant reminder of how good God has been. So my question to you is what's stopping you from having the life that you want? What's stopping you from having the life that you want? I know a lot of people who have given up on achieving the life of their dreams, but I know they'd still want them if they could get to them. But they just allowed to settle for so many reasons. So who I'm talking to is you today? What's really at the core of stopping you? What is that is it your friends or your associate. Is it the fear of what you think somebody else will think of you if you decide to change. Is it what I used to call the call of the while? Is it the fact that you keep thinking that the thing that you're doing that's providing you these momentary moments of pleasure that really ain't really good or healthy for you. You don't want to stop doing that because you've got just a little bit more something else you want to do. I call that the call at a while. You know, it's just out there. Them streets is calling you, Them lights is calling you. You know, them girls is calling you. Them guys that's on the wrong side keep calling you. You can't seem to make a decision by the right guy. You keep picking the wrong guy all the time. What is it that's stopping you from having the life that you really want to have? So whatever the reason you're choosing, that's the reason that's stopping you from having the life that you want to have, it's no good because at the end of the day, here's the real deal. See, God is available, and God is available for all of us, and God has a plan for all of us, and God wants to vary best for all of us. That's the truth of the matter. So now what we're gonna do to get started having that life? First of all, if it's your friends, I want you to understand something. Your friends can't save you. A lot of your friends offer no real help for you. Most of your friends don't have the answer themselves. I mean, it's just a wide range of reasons and misery love company. So usually when your friends are in a bad position, they kind of like company in that bad position. Your friends ain't going to church, You're gonna be their friend. They don't really want you to go to church. You know, your friends don't pray, so why would they offer up prayer as a solution to you. You know, your friends don't really really get the fact that if you treat people better, people would treat you better. So what's that? So your friends are a lot of times the reasons, you know, to peer pressure of what and then the thought in your mind of what they're gonna think once they find out I don't do what they do anymore. Who cares what they think other than you? I mean, really, you can't let what somebody thinks if you stop you from having the best life you wanted to have. If I went by that theory right there, I wouldn't I wouldn't even be on this mic this morning. I would have never become a stand up I would have had I listened to the people around me who clearly told me when I quit my job to pursue this, boy, don't you quit your job? You got a family, Boy, don't you do this. You ain't got no bit dad, ain't ain't no security in that. Get yourself a job, Go down here and whet your brother go to work over here. I heard all of that. I didn't let that stop me from pursuing this. Why would you allow that to stop you from pursuing your relationship with God so you can have the best life you could possibly have. You gang bang because they've convinced you that this is the family situation and love that you don't have, and they've convinced you that this is your only way, your only source of getting over And then you drum up these ignorant reasons man for staying with it. But they sound so good when you're listening to everybody else you're surrounded by telling you why we gang banging, why we're holding this blockdown? Why we slanging this thing here right here? Why we're letting it go like this here? You keep listening to them when all in your heart of hearts, you know this ain't right, you already know, but you allow that form of the call of the wile that wanting to be accepted by a group of people who trying to get you to accept the way so you can further they progress. To even prove that you worthy to be around them, you got to commit some type of crime to even prove that you're worthy to be around them. Then when you get busted on the crime, what happens to that where your familyad Now they don't come down there to see you, because guess what, they can't turn in their idea to death at a law enforcement center. So now your homies can't come visit you. And then you know your family back out here, they ain't taking care of your family because it's all about them. Then you learn that what is it that stopping you from having a life that you always wanted to have? What is it? Why are you a repeat offender? Why do you keep checking yourself back into that institution? Why? Man, why won't you get it together? Why won't you give God a try? Why won't you disassociate yourself? Why would you continue to be a part of a revolving door system and becoming the farm system for these institutions that ain't got nothing for you? But you keep going back in there, and then every time you go in there, and then your little homies or your gang banging, little little silly little friends try to make you think that's a badge of honor. There ain't no badge of honor. Man, that's one mode. What's one more scratch on that record, That's one mold, That's one more nail in that coffin. That's one step closer to that third strike where you ain't gonna ever get out. It's one step closer to that graveyard. You keep on. Why would you not give God a try? Why would you not go and see what your life could really be? What is it that's stopping you? Because see, I got news for you. There's nothing like waking up free. I don't care who you are. There's nothing like waking up with the joy in your heart. Now, if you ain't gonna be free, get the joy in your heart, the satisfaction of knowing that you accomplishing something with your life. Help somebody behind them bars, get in the program, show these young cats when they come in a better way. But don't you dare sit there man and just ride it out, and man, just go and get the fullest life that you can have. What you know what it feels like to wake up and be on your way somewhere knowing that you have something to accomplish, that you can change somebody, that you can stop somebody from going down the roads you went down. It's a whole lot of ways to make your life better. But why would you not go and have the best life you can have? What is it that's stopping you? Really? Really? So you think that Satan really has your best interests at heart. That Dela thing your mama kept telling you about praying, you wasn't listening. It was you. But you know, it ain't ever too late to get back to that. It ain't ever too late to turn around, It ain't ever too late to get your life together, it ain't ever too late to seek God, and it ain't ever too late to pray. Don't forget to pray, don't be ashamed to pray, and don't be too proud to pray because prayer changes things. Prayer change people too. I'm a witness to that. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is about to begin. We are missing a member of this morning show by the name of Shirley Strawberry. Don't ask me where she at. I don't know, but she takes off so few days that we never question her when she's missing. Her loyalty and dedication for twenty years has been remarkable. Unlike who have been on this show two in particular, they will be backing each other the end time on it. Before we get to them. Ladies and gentlemen, caller forever. Good morning, Steve. I'm also not referring to the next one. Kill spakes better than on this junior morning everybody and they support one another. They are there for one another. Frightfulls. So you saw the movie Dumb and Dumber. Oh, that's how you're gonna do everything. I'm just talking about movie. I like the movie bad boys. Saw the movie Dumb and Dumber. This is egg and nut, Ladies and gentlemen, eg Jan, every youth in the mom in the North, everything with an episode, every nut, what's up? Everybody, not Nephew, Tommies, Good morning everyone. I'm not gonna entertain it's just this man this morning, my uncle, I'm not I'm not buying into all of that. Good Nash too. I made a couple of statements. People agree, they don't agree. Ah, yeah, up, it's Friday. But let's get it. It's been a crazy week, crazy debate, debate. Yeah, that's what it was. Every since wasn't Tuesday, Yes, Tuesday night. Every since Tuesday, it ain't been the same. I'm telling you because I realized this country is in trouble. Yeah, I realize that this guy, it's really not a fit person to be the president of the United States, not at all. What's scaring me is twelve percent of the voting of this population, twelve percent of this population, about forty low forties millions it's gonna vote for. That's unbelievable. Didn't change their mind one bit, a little less son. He won He want the debate, man, he feels that way. Trump feels that he did good. No, no, no, he really doesn't. But he knows he just said enough times and tweeted then it's a fact. Yeah, he'll believe it. Well, this Friday so we could party for the weekend because this week and we're back to having weekends again, because we're back to work. All right to him, We're coming up at thirty two after the hour, asked the clo. Right after this we've asked. You're listening. We're back. It's time for ask the cello. And one of the egg got a question for your uncle. I don't even know it because not Egg, it's Jay. And you're gonna put some spec on Jay. No, no, don't don't let drag you into this going through that first, you know. But but Junior and out a writing partners, we're sick but it and this treat me, Oh my god. Okay, anyway, I do have a question for the CLA. We're all stranded on a desert island. You have saved the women. You have saved the women, Junior, you have saved women? Finished my question? I'm not finished my question. You have saved the women. You have saved Junior. It's just me and Tommy. Who do you come back to get? Are you not coming back? Jay? Remember if if it's no you on a deserted island, why are you in the water? Listen? Well, you know what I mean to say. You know who you gonna come back and say with ship with shipwrights ship, you just gotta save one of us. I got you save me. Now we are we shipwreck you on the island. And I didn't got everybody, all ship everybody shipwreck. I didn't go and I got Junior, took Junior all. I know you. I know Junior might go first. Yeah, I see, I save all the ladies first, Shirley Carler and everybody good. Remember the rest of you losers go ahead, and I probably have to say Monica first because she's gonna be talking to most. I can't do over there because I gotta I gotta hear this the two trips. So Monica probably go first so I can get her hands on the boat so she can talk to the other rescue people. Get whatever you do, don't leave her with me and Timmy, because then we got it. That's so I didn't got everybody at all. Huh, you got anybody I got to come back and get. I have to come back. You know what I'm saying. I'm saying today, I'm already rubbing two rocks together because I know we ain't coming. That's no answer right there. I've been the bill of fire and go ahead call it. I mean, look, I mean, we got enough old pranks to run the show. We gotta love murdered, hit stocked up. We canna make it. Thank you, Clo, love you. What's the questions? Calling here? Corretta? She is an online listener. You asked Jay, You got your answer anyway. This one is from Corretta. I am twenty six and I'm engaged to the man I've been dating since tenth grade. He was my first sexual experience and my only one until recently. My closest girlfriends took me to Miami on a girl's trip and one of our male classmates lived there, so he was our tour guide. He's a big flirt and has always wanted me. My best friend told me I should have sex with at least one other man before I get married. Well I did. I did it with the guy, and he was so much better in bed than my fiance. Now I fantasize about him when I'm with my fiance. Will these feelings go away? No, girl, I mean ever, you you ain't gonna be get rid of this girl. I'm trying to tell you right now, unless you start using myth math. You know, I'm just saying and burn out. Your brain says, you're gonna remember this from now on. Now, if you ain't gonna get on math and mission teeth up at all, that girl, you're gonna be thinking about this man. Oh see, and then you had one, so you thought this high win. Oh yeah, he turned up. You knew he always wanted you any shoulder. So look, you're not married. I understand what you're saying. I think you know. I don't know what. It's not gonna go away, and I'm not saying, but I do think you need to follow the women have to follow the same advice that fathers give their sons. What's that get it out of your sisters, or you're open and get it all out. So if you're not ready to get married, you want to experience a few other things in Miami, then just don't don't get married. I push that date back another two years. This one is from cool Jay in Charlotte. Let me get to this one. I'm a newly married man, but I've also been a kept man for years. I've been having sex yep with an older one for four years. And I get a paycheck monthly from her. My wife thinks I get a I get bonuses on my job when I sell houses. She's very organized and has us on a budget, so she's been asking for all of my bank statements and account information. I've been saving up to surprise her by doing some upgrades to our home. But I'm afraid she's gonna find my big stash of money. So how can I explain this to my wife? Wait, boy, listen to me. This is nothing you can explain. Let okay, this on Steve talking. Now, get the money out that damn house. That's first, Take your stupid little behind you dumb down to a bank and get yourself a safe deposit box, put some fake jewelry on top of it, and put that cash in. Now, you can't run this money through the bank because she won't on your bankers, state statements and stuff. Now you're trying to try to try to fool me. What you're doing this to save up money for the damn or remodel at the house. If you don't quit, line and boy, it don't sound good to me. It ain't gonna sound good to your wife. You ain't gonna explain nothing to her. You're gonna stop this. You're gonna cut this being kept out and you're gonna take this money and put it in in a safe depositive and shut your damn mouth and take your dumb ass home. You can go over this old ass ladies house. You're gonna get caught to stupid ass. Wow, I'm trying to save up enough money to remodel the house. Shut up line money, screw this moment. You run that breakback. Def you talp me, fool back and keep talking to you never should have wrote me. You're listening, all right, everybody coming up. At the top of the hour, Miss Anne is standing by with today's national news and entertainment news Jay Z and Meek Mills Reform Alliance scores a big win with improving California's probation program. We'll talk about at the top of the hour, but right now, Nephew Thomas here with today. A's running that prank back. What you got nip my hip, my tip. We're gonna have a conversation about my tip. Let's have this conversation. Let's go down. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach mister mister Kenney's Yeah, this is how you doing. I'm actually calling you from the seafood house. You you came and had I waited on you. You came and had dinner over here the other night. Yeah, I'm about two nights ago. Yeah, I was your food. I was a service. Um, everything was good. Um, I don't. I don't have any complaints. I always enjoy when I come there. Um, I don't. I never got a phone call from you. Guys. Everything all right, everything, So I'm actually uh, I don't know if you remember me waiting on you, but I actually waited on you. Okay, okay, how you doing. I'm good. Would would you say? Would you say that my service was was was pretty good enough to par Yeah? Like I said, man, everything was excellent every time I come there. The food is great, The service is good. Um, I have no complaints. Everything is is good. Okay, good good deal, A good deal, mister Kennedy. Listen you you if you don't mind me asking, man, if you really thoroughly enjoyed the service as well as the food. And I'm assuming you you come here a lot, so I'm assuming you you really like the food that we put out. If you don't mind, because if I can ask you a question, if you don't mind. Sure, okay, if the service was so good and you enjoyed everything, why why why you why you tip me the way you did? Excuse me? Why did I? Well, you know you you you you didn't even even close to tem percent. You know I would just I just you call. First of all, let me ask you something, because I don't remember giving my phone number, writing my phone number down on any survey. I didn't. I've never taken a survey, nor have I gotten a call from you guys. So how did you get my phone number? Well, I'm just giving a courtesy call, and I'm just curious about you know, the courtesy. Hey, that's fine, but how did you You didn't answer my question, how did you get my phone number? Because I didn't give it to anybody there. So you you you've done something that tota when I went on it, I went on and the research and whether it took to get a number, So yeah, I did. I you know, it was just a bother to me that that you took me the way you did. Well, it's bothering me that you calling me in the middle of the day asking me about a tip. First of all, uh, you said, how much did you say I tipped you. Yeah, I got filled dollar tip and your your meal was at least eight is something plus dollars. You you've done all this research and you got the wrong number. You got the wrong damn number because first of all, I took more than five damn dollars. I used to work the kIPS, bro, so let me explain that to you. I used to work for Tips, and I know what it's like. And then five dollars is no. I mean you got the wrong tayy. You know I've done all this research for no, no, no, you you you mister Kenny. So I waited on you. I'm Kenny. But but you ain't got the wrong kiddy, because Jenny, don't kip damn five dollars. When I go, I balled, baby, I go to the people who because I want to entertain my people. You know what I'm saying. So I don't see but see the problem I'm having. You know, you you you you bringing your people and you want to ball and everything. But you you know you're balling with them, but you short change in the waist down. I ain't short change the damn for look you complaining about five dollars. I give you five dollars, get off the damn phone. Now, would I give you five dollars for I don't keep no damn five dollars. But I got plenty of money. I got plenty of money. I don't need you to call me tell me how to damn kill. I told you man, I used to work for tips. I don't need you to call me. You you would think that if you would, you would think that if you were somebody that worked for until that you would know how to come in and took somebody at least at least fifteen percent. Man, I can't even understand how how you come in, you bawling, you know you don't wrong a couple of people with you, and you leave me with five out. Look here, man, I ain't leave you. I told your stupid I ain't leave you with no five dollars. Man, I left that least twenty five dollars up in that thing called hosting some people. And I want to show my gratitude or something. And you calling me like the wrong damn tip them out and the wrong person. You don't have got the wrong person and calling got the wrong You missed it, Kenned. I remember waiting on you and two other people when you came in there? What when you in there with two other people? Man, who the yell are you? How do you know my damn business? Anyway? Who who the hell are you? Because I'm because I'm the one that way that I always didn't tell yourself the only way, the only way, the only way we could really rectify it. Won't you do this? Man? Won't you come back up here and bring me the tip that I deserve. I ain't coming no, damn when I told you. A matter of fact, when I come up there again, I'm gonna look for your you give me your name, and you give me your managing name, because matter of fact, I'm gonna call up there and come up the other day because I don't appreciate you calling my damn fall by some up and I know good and damn well, I killed good money. Okay, we'll do this for me. Do this for me. When you do come up here today, when you're bringing me my damn putting money, I'm gonna give you a till. I'm gonna get you a till quick callusing people about it tip and maybe make some better service, and you will get a better till I'm gonna bringing your till. I'm bring you the tip of my shoe up, y'all that one of my brain because you got I get into the job today A Bob Clark ain't look here, man, It ain't no problem. That's perfect because I get off at five. I'm gonna come down there. I'm gonna turst. I'm gonna talk to your managers. Then i'm gonna hand you the little that's your money, tip money you wan't tell I'm gonna whop you'all in the parking like. That's what I'm gonna do. You know what, I ain't worried about it to get I want to tip. I'm gonna give you a till quit talking people by the damn till that what you stop doing. That's your till. You see you're known tissing me off. Now, Jo, I'm gonna come down there and I'm gonna who that's what I'm gonna do. Okay, then I'm gonna tell you you gonna I'm gonna do what the one you need to do to help you all my time? Hey, what a man, I ain't worried about nothing, because let me tell you something. If you whip the same way you till I ain't worried about the damn thing. No, check this out. You got the wrong number, but you got the right. But I'm gonna come down there and I'm gonna let you see what it is. Claim see. I try to conduct myself in a nice matter and be professional, but you're about this and you're gonna get it. I got to tell when I'm bob you better weed, come come down, then beat you. That's what I'm gonna do. You're gonna get the real I'm coming down there soon as I get off from work. You better not bring you down now. You better whatever, But you ain't got to worry about me. I ain't what's your name? What's your name? Do you? You? You? You? You gotta be in the paper? I remember your name? What's your name? My name? Timmy? Tim me what because I'm I don't tell me who? Nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got right say what? Hey man, this is a nephew Timming from the Steve Harvey mor to show your boy Richard got me to pray phone call you. You know what, y'all you're gonna got my damn pressure up, man, y'all some steak. I'm gonna I'm gonna get I'm gonna get both of y'all time, y'all be cause y'all ain't right man. You got me hauling in the day I'm doing. My employees looking at me. Man, ain't gonna bee me act like this. I'm gonna kill talking about a meeting so we can get out of company Christmas party together. Man, And you got me the fool REMI, y'all man ain't kiddy, man, I gotta I gotta ask you though, Baby, Come on, man, what is what's the baddest that I mean, the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man, Hey, Man, Hey, listen, take all of the employee to the seafood house. Man, Hey, I'm scared to go down, and now they might they might be scared it. Go with me. It might be a good thing over. They're gonna be pulling out they kills nine, They're gonna they're gonna got the boss. We got it, man, y'all got me. Y'all got it. I'm on huh. Thank you, Jay, Thank you, Jay, appreciate that. Appreciate my partner Crash showing me love. I appreciate that. Thank you. We got great ignorance when you say we're about to cut it off right here, because coming at the top of that, we got national news and entertainment news. That's what I'm doing right there. You're listening, all right, carl Us. So what we got an entertainment news. What's going on today? All right? Junior. Wow, this is such a sad story and it's still trending, probably because you know so many couples have gone through this and miscarriage. We're sending our sincere condolences out to Chrissy Teaguing and John Legend. After weeks of bed rest and other complications, Chrissie announced that they lost their third child. She shared the tragic news on Instagram. So sad. She apologized to the child they called Jack, and Chrissy also thanked everyone for their positive thoughts and prayers. So again and our sincere condolences. You know, John Legend has been a guest on our show. He's like fam he comes on this show. Yeah, I saw that post, man, I was heartbroken. Finished. I know that's that's a whole I can't imagine what that is. Man. I've been up close to it with a friend of mine. But that's a horrible feeling. Our prayers go out to him. That's that's a tough heal. It is that. It is very tough. I've had I had a miscarriage before I was married. Tasha and I we were expecting, and I wasn't as far along as Chrissy was, but it is it's heartbreaking to lose a baby, and I think a lot of couples go through this and a lot of families, so for her to have been so far along, I just I can't even imagine that. So again, our prayers are condolences because Chrissy and John are very open and they share a lot of their family business on social media, and so it's just to see that picture like that, it was just heartbreaking. So again we were lifting you up in prayer, prayer, healing for you, Chrissy. Yea. So let's switch gears time now for tell me something good. Here is some good news. Jay Z and Meek Mills Reform Alliance is celebrating because California Governors Gavin Newsom signed a new bill AB nineteen fifty legislation which drastically three shapes California probation system and gives California a better shot Californians, i should say, residents of the state a better shot at exiting the criminal justice system for good. Reform Alliance campaign very hard for this bill. They sent three thousand emails to the governor. So the Reform Alliance is co founded by Jay Z New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft Rick Rubin and CEO of the organization is Van Jones from cn That that's that's that's that's the business. That's great work, man. Congratulations to them brothers. So putting that time in like that, Yeah, that's good work. That's good work. And also we want to give a shout out trending viral news on social media. Did anybody see comedian Godfrey and his man Steve Harvey with the coffee? Did you see that was funny? That was funny? Did you see Steve? Have I seen it? Everybody I know sent it to me as soon as I got it work this morning. I mean as soon as I got it work yesterday morning. They everybody has sent it to me. Man, you've seen this? My boys in Africa sent it to me. Wow. What do you think though? I text him on his post. I said, hey, man, that that that's so funny when I see you almost slapped the coffee beans out your aid. Okay, guys, we gotta get serious. Miss Anne is standing by. We got hey, breaking news, Watchington DC from the White House. This serious, This is serious. So come on, Steve, look, you know what y'all in light of everything that's going on, you know, we try to keep your breast, but the best way to do it is really to give you the facts. And here with the facts and bring us all up to speed. Is our very own miss Anne. Thank you very much, Steve. Thanks everybody. This is Andrew with the news, and yes, the big news. Starting out right away. President Trump and First Lady Milania have both tested positive for the coronavirus. Just getting up just what you need to know. President Trump and First Lady Milania Trump have both tested positive for the coronavirus. They're quarantining at the White House. Apparently that information came from the President by Twitter early this morning. Both are asymptomatic. Now, the President has been definantly holding huge campaign rallies. You know, neither he nor most of his supporters wearing masks, but nevertheless, Trump's aid Hope Hicks was testified tested positive yesterday, and Trump spoke to Fox News about how hard it is to stay away from people. You know, it's very hard when you're with soldiers, when you're with airman. We're with the Marines and the police officers with them so much, and when they come over, it's very hard to say, stay back, stay back. You know. It's it's a tough kind of a situation. It's a terrible thing. But again, to repeat, President Trump and First Lady Milania Trump both testing positive for the coronavirus quarantining at the White House. Their doctor says they are asymptomatic, they have no symptoms, although Hope Hicks, the Trump's age, she apparently does, at least to a report this morning, have a symptom or so. And she's been very close to both of them. The President again definantly holding huge campaign rallies, actually making fun of Joe Biden recently because he was, you know, holding these virtual meetings. So the President was supposed to go to Wisconsin and to Florida later on today for big, big campaign rallies. His public schedule has been canceled ever since debate. The President Trump seemed allergic to condemning the white supremacy, in fact, allergy to even the words white supremacy. Members of the far right wing groups of Proud Boys have been celebrating ever since then, Feeling supported by the words stand back and stand down. The Proud Boys have been even selling T shirts and other items with those words on them on the internet, where White House Press Secretary Kaylee McInerney told reporters yesterday President Trump met what he said. The President did denounce them. He was asked, will you tell them to stand down? He said sure, And then just yesterday when he was asked, he said specifically stand down, a synonym would stand back, and the President said sure when asked by the moderator whether they should stand down. Meanwhile, Amazon and other online retails have been pulling all that Proud Boy merchandise from their sites. A circuit judge has ordered in Battle, Kentucky Attorney General David Cameron to turn over all the recordings of what went on behind the closed doors in the Grand europe Is seeings them the Brionna Taylor case by noon today we'll see who that happens. And today, as National Guardian Angels Day, yes I need someone on my side. Now back to the Steve Harvey Warning Show. You're listening Steyn Show. All right, it's time to take a look into the mind of Jay Anthony Brown. Don't know. We're gonna finally ever uncle, you introduced the man and gentlemen, the dementive side of the show, Junior, the dog side. Well, once again, once again with my partner in crime, we have decided to get serious and do some good. I'm gonna say what's on every body's mind. That's what I'm gonna say. No, no, no, no, no, no, no no, listen, what's that on everybody's mind? Wayne said nothing about it all morning? Miss talked about it in the news. Miss Anne talked of it. But the big thing is the big thing. Thirty two days before the election, all of us a sudden. Now. I just hope, I hope it's okay. I hope you know there's nothing wrong. But like old folks say, mated funny you old folkus man, my grandmother still say that man man funny, man of funny, here he come. And Uh. The question that everybody asking is this right here? Fake news? Is this fake news? Everything been fake new, fake new taxes, fake news, the virus, fake news, fake news. So the question, I know a lot of people are asking, I hope, we don't want nothing bad to happen to nobody, but we want to know is this fake news? Because everything else been fake news? And what are you talking about? I'm talking about the President of the United States and his wife all of a sudden got COVID nineteen yes, okay, Oh nah, I'm not making fun because I don't want to go down that road. I'm not done. And the Hope Hicks all of a sudden come back Now, I know what Milani has said, Why she got to come back here for what? Why is she coming back? Not what any wife would say? Why? Why? Why she's back? Donald? Why is she back? So I'm just going with the old folks, mighty funny, mind and funny, mighty funny. All of a sudden he not is do you want your mask? Now? Is he come back with a mask? Yeah? Sixty? Yeah? Is it six feet? Do you had rallies? Do it still having rallies? Because Steve what you want? But no, he wants probably he probably wants to get in on this, on this investment. Mighty funny, that this is serious funny Joe in the basement made fun of Joe's mask. Yes, at the debate Joe's crowd. So I'm just saying, is this fake news? That's all I want to know. I can't say, man, you know, but this does question though, how do you move forward from here? Now? Yeah? Wow? Yeah? How you or or is he doing this to get out to debate? Then there's that now you got that. I don't know, moving back with more than the Steve Hurry Morning Show and thirty four minutes after the hour, right as it is, you're listening, okay, Carlos, So what's going on with the Brianna Taylor case? What happointed into the Black Information Network? When addressing the grand jury, Kentucky Eternal General Daniel Cameron did not recommend murder chargers for any of the officers involved in the death of Brianna Taylor. Now. This was during an interview with a w d r B TV. Cameron said that murder charges were not appropriate. Ag Ameron had previously explained that the officers Jonathan Mattling and Miles Cosgrove were justified in firing shots at Brianna Taylor and her boyfriend Kenneth Walker because Walker had fired at the officers first. However, this is something that Steve Harvey has been saying from day one. The ballistics report found no conclusive evidence that the bullet that Officer Mattling was hit with he was shot in a thigh came from Kenneth Walker's gun. Now, all of this comes after one of the grand jurors filed a lawsuit we talked about that, demanding the recorded proceedings be made public. The grand jury audio recordings are expected to be released today, you guys at twelve noon. By twelve noon, they have until time. Let me say something here, Yes, if you have an inconclusive, oh, ballistics report saying that this brother's gun, they can't tell if his gun is one to shot the officer, it's cause he didn't shoot the officer. They're not gonna be inconclusive about this. See they inconclusive. That's an open statement. It's inconclusive if this bullet came from the brother's gun, it's because they know it didn't. So I'm telling you ballistics, forensic science is exact. People get convicted on that, Okay. So if it's not conclusive that it came from Kenneth Walker's gun. Then where the bullet come from? Y'all shot each other? Question? Y'all shot each other and you can't and you don't want to come to terms with that? Can I say this? The prosecutor in this case can prosecute anybody he wants, to anybody he wants. But the Attorney General didn't recommend it. He didn't recommend it because he's the puppet for the system. This brother man, it's trying to move up in the system. Daniel Cameron. Yeah. President Trump called him a rising star of the Republican Party. He spoke at the Republican National Convention. You guys remember that he spoke at the Republican National Convention and sold it the white couple that brandished him all rifles and stuff when the protests walking past. Yea, they spoke at the How how can you do that? Man? But this is the same guy who said this, find people on both sides, and the exact same dude that would not denounce white supremacy because he will denounce he will. President Trump will not denounce anyone who likes him, right right, He won't condemn whitecy at all. How could you not and be the president? That's part of this crowd. That's why he wanted people. He loves them as a people. If more of would say they vote for him, but they don't. So he ain't got nothing for black people. No, he has nothing, know how. Just go down, Marl of the King. That's why you and quit telling us that your prison reformed builders for us. Let me explain something to you, sir. The majority of people I know are not in prison, nor have they ever been. Hyeah. So this is what you're doing for black people. Yeah, you did it, and it did and it does affect some black people that's locked up. Got it, Appreciate it. Dad ain't for more more friends, you know, and man, and you're getting all of them out right if everybody you rubber it right check l five of my friends go to jail. I'm pretty much nervous, right right. That's your crew. That is your crew. That is it? Coming up next, man, we're gonna switch gears and a nephew, Timmy, gonna be here to with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harby Morning Show. All right, everybody, we're back listen. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's strawberry letter, the subject he left my sister for my girlfriend. He left my stif for my girlfriend. It's gonna be a good winner. But a nephew, Tims. He's here with today's prank phone call. What you got now? Delivering your truck? Delivering your truck? Let's got them? Hello? Hello? Is this Uh? Let's see what I got here on my paperwork? Is this the Wilkins resident. This is missus Wilkins. I'm trying to come by and drop the vehicle off for you guys. I'm her you must have the wrong number. What I got is uh. I've already loaded up the vehicle. Evidently it just got in here to the dealership this morning. I just put it on the truck. I should be at you guys place, probably somewhere around one one thirty or somebody gonna be there, sir. I think you have the wrong address. We didn't. We don't have a vehicle or we in order a vehicle, So I think you might have gotten the paperwork mixed up or something. No, I don't have any paperwork mixed up here. This is welcomes right, Well, this is missus Wilkins. I mean that's my husband. Right. Let me look at my notes on here. I gotta let's see, I gotta g L five fifty SUV Mercedes bends black on black. Got that on the truck. We didn't. We didn't. We didn't wear a car. He didn't. We didn't order a car soon. I don't think. Wait, let me what address are you delivering it too? Let's see here, I got some notes here says this is a special delivery. Please put bowl on top of it. It's a Christmas present and we're going to West Timberlake, West Timberlake. No, that's that's that's not our addressing. You sure it's for a delivery for Wilkins. Well, let's say in purchased by mister Wilkins. Oh here would go going to Uh soundra going to who Sundra? You? Uh? Sandra is his ex wife. I am his current wife. So you're telling me that he orders a car for her Christmas. Uh? This car here is from what I understand, man, looking at the h I'm supposed to deliver the actual title and everything. This thing's been paid in full. He bought her a car. Are you saying there's no soundra there? Man? What are you telling me. I am telling you that it sounds to me if he bought a car or his ex wife. That's how you said. This is Sandra, Sandra, what's that address? And you didn't give me that? Give it address one more time. Okay, wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute. I'll tell you what. Let me try to call this other number cell phone number. I'll do that now. Don't call any other n What I need you to do is bring the car to my house. I'm gonna fix this. He bought her a car. You bring the car to my house and I'm gonna handle it from here. Well, ma'm I'm supposed to take this over to for timber Lake. I'm supposed to take it out there and I'll for timber Lake. You're gonna bring that to my house and we're gonna do here with it white. Here. I'm gonna get Charles on the phone. We're gonna get Sander over here, and we're gonna handle it white. Now, so you bring the phone over here. What's your name? I'm Perkins, ma'am. I'm just sure. I'm just a guy to drive the truck. I deliver these vehicles all day long. Then you're gonna go ahead and deliver it right over here. Bring it over to my house. Now, I'm gonna call her, get her over here. I'm gonna get him, and we're gonna see white hell. He doesn't about her a car? Okay, well, I mean, I don't mean harm. Is any possibility that maybe she just she deserves it and he wanted to give it to its cause she's the ex wife? Did you miss the points that I said I'm his current wife. If he had gonna be buying any type of car, the car should have been for me. It shouldn't be for her. I'm the one cooking, cleaning iron and all this kind of stuff, and he's gonna buy hard Okay, wait, wait, wait a minute, I mean, what time won't you be here with the car I got, ma'am, the deandress I got. I'm supposed to let deliver it off West timber Lake. I'm not supposed to come nowhere else then to West Timberlake. You're gonna bring it to my house. That's what you're gonna do. You're gonna bring that car. It's it's hard. You're gonna bring it to my house. And that's where it's gonna be delivered to I'm gonna fix that, you know what, ma'am. I want to pretty much stay out of this thing. All I want to do is deliver this thing off timber Lake. I see you. I think I was created a problem that probably wasn't even gonna be a problem. You already up. I just I need to know a couple of things. Wait, when did he buy this car? He told me? When that's what he told me? When anybody card this car was purchased about but right at a month ago, but it just got delivered in last night. Also was a special order car? Okay? Well, I mean it's five fifty. It's the biggest shuv they got, okay, I us okay, uh huh. Now wait when he came in that you did you see him when he came in about a car with him? Which somebody was he with you? Ma'am? I don't. I don't work inside the inside the dealership, man, I just drive the cars and deliver them. Well, how much is how much is a car? How much was a car? Uh? We're here? Much says ninety ninety eight? Right right at right at ninety nine thousand dollars ninety eight dash because you said it was paid in full. I don't know how have you charged it or whatever, but it says paid him. What you said it was paid in full? So you mean to kill me this fool that bought a car for his ex wife and paid in full of his ninety thousand? Now was that? I mean? I really want you to try to explain that to me? Is that what you're saying? Man? Im you you asking me to explain some stuff that seems like he needs to be explaining to you. Have had information that I need to know. I'm trying to figure this out right here, because when he's home it is all and popping up in here. Okay, uh, now what's this right here? This is a got a personalized license plate? What? What? What's you say? What you say? There's a personalized license plate here? I guess they'll put those on when I get there there inside the vehicle, personalized license plate, so you have to like special order those, right, I'm assuming it's got love X on here? What you say, h l u v X so a love X or love you know what? Conn me get my stuff together? This is how people get taken killed. I'm gonna get your taste of dealing with this. You know what, bringing part of my house. That's what you do. You bring the car over here. You understand, Bram, I'm supposed to take this to Timber Lake, of timber Lamlake drive to take the about to bring that to my house right now. Anybody gonna be driving a new cart, It's gonna be me. I can't believe that thought enough cost? Do you have my dress here? Oh God, for Copper Forest, that's my dress. You bring that cart over here, and you bring it here right now. I need to be your neck delivery because I'm gonna get on this thought and I'm gonna figure out what's going all over here. I can't believe he both di suffer a cost flow down here? And I got one more note on here too. That what what what? What's no? It says Vernetta. Yes, I'm Branetta. Okay, it says Vernetta. This is nephew Tommy. You've just been praying by your husband, will get Vaneta. This is nephew Tommy, baby for the Steve Harvey Martin's yo. Your husband got me to pray, was about to get killed. It was gonna be so oh my god. I'm gonna need me a drink. I'm gonna need me a choice. I gotta ask you one more thing, Baby, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harry Morning Show. Well, I thought this was over. I was gonna take that trunk and one over, come on back. Nobody love love. That can't bring up the ex wife's name at all. I mean no ways not bring up that. I know you can't. Why are you muffling? Are you talking? Or you saying something? She can't ever ever? I'm like, okay, here, everybody killed. I can't even say Mary, Christmas at mine. I'm just down there. I can't say man, Christmas at mind. I'm down to just have your holidays. Earth's man told up at the time of the hour, right about four minutes after it's gonna be today's trian Mary let the subject he left my sister for my girlfriend. Oh my gosh. We'll see y'all man in four minutes after the hour, Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steven Show. Okay, good people, listen. It's thirty three days until election day. Thirty three days November third is the election day for some stats for some states, it's not too late to register to vote, so go to vote dot org. That's vote dot org and you can also get dates on when you can early vote in your state. All right, thirty three days, people, we gotta get this man out of here. Thirty three days. But now it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on a relationship, dayton worked, sex, parenting, and whatever else you're going through, submitter Strawberry Letters to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. There we go. Just get into it. Go ahead on, Oh, I don't share, this is not here. You know I don't let you do that. When you know, I take it on the island as for you can say, I'm still I'll tell you what. Don't want to do it? Go ahead, go ahead and do it. Buckle up, hold on tight, head is I don't like your right, it's all dry stone. Buckle up and hold on tight. Here it is Callberry letter. That's too much. Buckle up, hold on tight here it is Strawberry letter. Man, you ain't proper. Let's subject He left my sister for my girlfriend? Did Stephen Shirley. I'm a twenty eight year old man, and I need your advice because the only way I know how to solve a problem like mine is with my fist. My best friend since college started dating my sister year ago. I wasn't cool with it at first, but he came to me first and promised me he'd take good care of her because he knows I don't play about my sister. My sister was happy, so I was happy. Well. I'd all changed. Two weeks ago, when a small group of my college buddies came to my house for my girlfriend's birthday. We had a lot to drink, we smoked a little weed. I was feeling good and laid back, so I didn't notice at first that my girlfriend and best friend were missing. Now, my sister was drunk and asleep in my room. I thought maybe my best friend left, so I went outside to see if his car was gone. I noticed he was sitting in his car and it looked like he was passed out drunk. So I walked up to the car and I saw a girl's head in his lap. God, I hit the window. The girl popped up and I saw it was my girlfriend. She jumped out the car ran down the street. My best friend spared off, stopped near the corner to pick my girlfriend up. I called her all night until I finally passed out. I got a call the next morning from my girlfriend, and my best friend was on the phone too. They apologize for how I found out that they had been messing around, and they told me they wanted to be together. Then he asked me if I could talk to my sister for him. I cursed him out and hung up. I woke my little sister up and told her what was going on. She was devastated. Should I move on and let this go or trust my street instincts and beat his ass from my little sister? Yea, all right, Steve. I mean, you know your best friend David your little sister in college. You didn't like it. She was happy, things were good. You had a party for your girlfriend. Later on, you busted your best friend and your girlfriend sleeping in the car with her head on his lap. They took off, she went ning down the street. You broke the news to your little sister. She was heartbroken. So they finally called you and admitted they were together, but apologize to you about how you found out. So you want to know if you should go and kick your best friends behind for your little sister. Listen, it's just a waste of time. It really will be a waste of time. They didn't have the decency to let you know things up front. You had to find out, like like you were on an episode of Cheaters. Your girlfriend she ran away down the street. She was totally totally wrong for that. And please don't get into that. Don't fight, as you know, it's just not good. Violence is not good in this situation. You're fighting for somebody who doesn't want you, for somebody who doesn't want your little sister. Move on, find someone who loves you. Tell your little sister to do the same thing. It'll take time, but it's your ex best friend, your ex best friend, and your ex girlfriend. They aren't worth it. Move on. This is he a car caller. He called caller saying this is not you're fighting for somebody that don't want you. Steve, that's a nice response you gave caller. But there's a line in this show. They're line in this letter that I I so am attracted to what he said. The only way I know how to solve a problem like this is with my fish. I knew you was gonna pick up on that. I happen to see no other way to resolve this at all. I can't see avoiding this ass whoroping under no circumstance. Now, I ain't gonna tell it to you right now, but when we come back, I'm gonna help you understand why completely mm hmm. To justify why I'm gonna say or have said what I said. It's just as simple as that. It's very It's all in the letter. Justification is in the letter, and as I read it, I'm gonna show you how this ass wipe was building up throughout the letter. Okay, don't tell them no motive. We gonna have part two of this asshi. I mean this letter coming up at three minute after the hour. I'm sorry you're listening to Okay, let's up. Let's gonna get to it. Man, just tell them to go in. I'm gonna recap it, but listen to me. Huh. I'm gonna read this letter, and I don't need to recap it because of where I'm gonna read this letter. Yeah, oh, I won't. Uh, Jay, Anthony Brown, Tommy and Kill. As I read to letter. When I pause, I want y'all to say the words Saul, Saul, Saul, and I'm gonna show you how Saul. I'm gonna show you how this letter builds up to what I'm suggesting he do. All Right, here we go, this twenty eight year old man, and I need advice. And only way I know how to solve a problem like mine is with my fists. My best friend since college started dating my sister a year ago. Now, I wasn't cool with it at first, but he came to me and promised me he take good care of her because he knows I don't play about my sister, save I tell it to you in the future so you can get into it. First. My sister was happy, so I was happy that all changed two weeks ago, sah See, this is building Another when a group of my college buddies came to my house for my girlfriend's birthday, we had a lot to drink, we smoked a little way, and I was feeling good and laid back, so I didn't notice at first that my girlfriend and best friend were missing. Now, just so I can want you to understand what's Saul. Saul is an acronym caller. We're building up to the sau saul stands for severe and squiping. This we saw it. We saw wood. He saw in the wood. This story is a chop of wood. We saw it. My sister was drunk and asleep in my room. Saw so I thought maybe my best friend left. So I went outside to see if his car was gone. So I noticed he was sitting in his car and it looked like it just looked like to me, he was passed out drunk. You know, the seat was reclined, his head was back, and his mouth was widled. So, see that's passed out. He wasn't his head killed to His head was back, mouth wide open. I walked up to the girl and I saw a girl's head it his lap. So my day. Oh so now I'm first I'm thinking to myself, my boy dog out hill putting Neil work. You know that my dog love dogging. I wasn't sure if he was passed out or not. So I hit the window. The girl popped up, and I'll be damned. So the girl that popped up was my damn girl. Now at this point in the letter, my best friend sped off, stopped near the corner to pick my girlfriend up. Let's back up for a minute when I'm not on the window, and the girl popped up and I saw it was my girlfriend. Ain't nobody going no damn dam an, nobody jumping out the car. Ain't nobody speeding off. You ain't dropping it in gil, you ain't putting it in reverse, You ain't running down no damn street. Oh that's fitting to happen right in the driveway. So let me get back to the saut letter. The girl popped up and I saw it was my girlfriend. She jumped out, the car ran down the street. My best friend spared off and stopped near the corner to pick my girlfriend up quick, calling her your girlfriend. I called her all night until I finally passed out. I got a call the next morning for my girlfriend and my best friend was on the phone too. So way they apologize for how I find out, and they have been messing around, and they told me they wanted to be together. South. Oh give this pack ass gonna ask me? Can I talk to my sister fund him South South? I custom out and hung up. Then I go in here. I gotta wake up my little sister and tell her what's going on. She devastated. Should I move on and let it go or trust my street and his team and beat his ass from my little sister. You can whip his ass for your little sister, and we call it himself your damn Fred for being over your house, for drinking you all your liquor, smoking up your weed. You gotta come over here for screwing heart, and then finally letting me know all the all kinds of me about far the eight reasons in this left you need his ass? Who comments on today's driver Aleta at Steve hr fl on Instagram and his book, And don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letts podcast. Older man coming up at forty six after the hour pimping with his NFL picks. Right after this, you're listening Step Morning Show. All right, everybody, you know it for time and it's time for the NFL picks. Like everybody seeing pipping? Well, Samnew? Was Samnew? What's happening? What's happening? Oh, what's happening? Pippot ain't what's up? Ain't something? Everybody? What's going on? To pipping? Everybody? Good? Good chocolate? How you doing chocolate? What's up? What's happening? Pimping? Ain't nothing? Anything good I'm a man to doing he's straight, he's doing good. Thanks for asking Scoot to scood to schools up? Jake? What up? Pipping man? You shopped to day boy? I'll tell you about it the minute by the thing. What's up, Jimmy? What's up? Pimping? How you doing? Not mine? It was a little bit of training I was. I call him Pitt Pip and training at a little bit. Ain't nothing like that? Man, everything every thing? Man who tell us about Listen, this is my tenth year of being you know, clean, Oh now just clean? Okay. And so what I'm doing is celebrating, you know, because you know, I just this is like a you know, see over year for me, you know, So I'm celebrating. So all this my whole suit today is luminum fault? Who make that? Who make that? Oh? You think Reynolds don't go to Ralph Lord for rentals? Rap? That's all real? Loving Pippitt Man. You ready to make these picks? Yeah? Yeah, it's gonna j all right, Here we go man Baltimore Ravens at the Washington football team. We didn't come on, Ravens. You know what's loss? Kansas City, Betatum, Washington and he ain't daddy. Yeah. Ready, Los Angeles charges at Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Oh, that's gonna be interesting. No, but that boy Brady, I can't back him. Tampa Seattle Seahawks at Miamikins in Seattle Seahawks at the Dolphins. Oh the Dolphins is playing this shiar old people when Russell Lilson is playing like a maddened football game. Damn he step on the field. Who that nobody hit? Minnesota Vikings after Houston Texas, Well, you know two or three. Really, I'm really really pulling for the Houston Texas on this one. Name a lot of y'all because I don't can in buy no Minnesota man. So come on, Houston man, Come on, a matter of fact, man, since I said, then let's just go to Brayton, come back to meditate on this win. We'll be back before fell picks with Pippin right after this. You're listening, all right, Pipper, We're back man, Houston Texas. We appreciate the support we need that. I got you, baby, I got you fine this year. Come in, yes, you is real? You really are all Saints After Detroit last oh man, Detroit stung on last week Detroit shop. Now they're playing the Saints, gonna be ugly, man, when they're playing at in Detroit. I'm concerned about this one. This is gonna be my up up in the air game. I'm gonna go either all with this. When you don't get one week, yeah, this is give me. Yeah, got to pick them my heart and places. Here you go bad, This is gonna make you proud right here. We root for you on this with Pier Cleveland Browsers the Dallas Cowboys. It ain't gonna be cleaner Dallas Jacksonville Jaguars at the Cincinnati Bengals. Damn. Now, I need the Jaguars win this, but the bengalson came close, man, So I'm gonna go out on the limb. You don't even though we're in the same division. I'm gonna pick the Bengals, man, because that boy barrels ain't nervous at all. He's not ended after this coach. At the Chicago Bass Our Chicago got a quarterback now, man, bass Baby, Yeah, got rid of trio. What you call I called him triscuit Arizona Cardinals at the Carolina Panthers Our Arizona man, that little boy that little dude, hurry playing him. Go ahead, all right, New York Giants at the Los Angeles Rams. New York Times at the Los Angeles Ram. I'm scared of this game. Ain't here but brocling out for this season. I mean, you know, so I man to go with your Rams him alright, Buffalo Bills at Las Vegas Radus Buffalo Buffalo Allen manstand. I told the Browns to get Josh Allen and say Kwan Barkley. We could have got Chakwan first and then got Joss next. They won't. They won't. Baker Mayfield, he an't playing like nothing. Nine in her everybody on Mayfield. Alight, Curtis, go ahead, Patriots. Patriots at the Kansas City Chiefs. This is good with him, man, dog down. Let me explain something you. Oh damn shocker, New England's the Kansas City in the upset game of the week. Whoa NaN's gonna then? Shocker Wow. Philadelphia Eagles at the San Francisco forty Ninets. You know the NINAS is gonna win. That's what I show. Hate to say that because I love Philly man, lot of pimps. Something and everything and and if and if and if Philadelphia win, I'm my next outfit is gonna be in honor of Philadelphia. I'm gonna wear a whole cheese steak and my cop, my my collar gonna be onions. Pimpant man. Okay, man, that is man. We got one more game. The Atlanta Falcons and the Green Bay Packers stop. Can we can? We stop for Atlanta? And okay, you know this is a special pimp prayer. Let me pray for Atlanta. Dear Lord, forgive them people and with them birds on their helmets because they've been flying around like they're a football team, and they flies around for three quarters and a half and then all of a sudden they quit being a football team and become ushoes taking people to the end zone. And let no scout they got the back. It is bad that we get We got stry. Morning Show got up at twenty minutes after the album with trending news. You're listening to show, Okay, carl Us, So what you got going on? Girl? All right? So October is Breastcancer Awareness Month and I am participating tomorrow with our station in Saint Louis Magic one on four nine Sister Strut. Obviously it's going to be a virtual celebration. But we are going to celebrate tomorrow online. I want you guys to go to sister strut stl dot com. Sister strut stl dot com. We are celebrating our survivors, co survivors. We're bringing awareness to breastcancer, breastcancer awareness aware. This is power, y'all. So this is what we're going to do tomorrow. I'll be doing it every weekend in the month of October. The weekend after that I'll be doing Sister strut with Chicago would be one h three. So, hey, cancer does not quarantine ladies. Men, we have to take care of ourselves. We have to go to the doctors to get our Mamma Graham self breast examinations. We still have to take care of ourselves. All right, Sister strut st Louis. I will see y'all tomorrow virtually, Sister strut stl dot com. Thank you girl. That's that's important. Yeah, where does it? Where does its important? And men can have breast cancer to so men, yes, absolutely discriminating. Then no, it doesn't and and it doesn't quarantine. We still got we got one take care of ourselves. It's been one crazy week. It's been a crazy year. Yes you believe it's October, Tommy January. It's been ruling all right. Coming up in thirty three after the hour, more trending news, topics and music. Right after this. You're listening, all right, it's time to take a look into the mind of Jay Anthony Brown. Don't know. We're gonna find the ever uncle. You introduced the man, ladies and gentlemen, the dementive side of the show, Junior, the dog side. Well, once again, once again, with my partner in crime, we have decided to get serious and do some good. I'm gonna say what's on everybody's mind. That's what I'm gonna say. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, listen, what's that on everybody's mind? Queen said nothing about it all morning, Miss talked about it in the news, Miss talked to it. But the big thing is the big thing. Thirty two days before the election, all of us a sudden. Now. I just hope, I hope it's okay. I hope you know there's nothing wrong. But like old folks say, might and funny, you old folks say that man. My grandmother still say that might man, funny man. And funny here he come and uh. The question that everybody asking is this right here? Fake news? Is this fake new? Fake news? Taxes? Fake news, the virus fake news? Fake news? So the question I know a lot of people are asking, I hope. We don't want nothing bad to happen to nobody, but we want to know it's this fake news because everything else been fake news. And what are you talking about. I'm talking about the President of the United States and his wife all of a sudden got COVID nineteen Wow? No, yes, what Okay, come on, I'm not making because I don't want to go down that road. I'm not that. And the Hope Hicks all of a sudden come back? Now, I know what Falani has said, Why she got to come back? Hill for? What? Why is she coming back? Like what any wife would say? Why? Why? Why she's back? Donald? Why is she back? So I'm just going with the old folk mighty funny, mighty funny, mighty funny. All of a sudden, he not Do you wear your mask now? Is he come back with a mask? Yeah? Sixty? Yeah? Is it six feet? Do you have rallies? Do it still having rallies? Because we just say what you want, but yeah, no, he wants probably he probably wants to get in on this, on this investment. Mighty funny that this is serious, man fun Joe in the basement made fun of Joe's mask, Yes he did at the debate Joe's crowd. So I'm just saying, is this fake news? That's all I want to know. I can't say, you know, but this does question though, how do you move forward from here? Now? Yeah? Yeah? Or or is he doing this to get out to debate? Then there's then we got that, Now you got that? I don't know. Coming up, it's our last break of the day. Will we get in there? Don't you ask for another damn break? Okay, because no more breaks. Plussible health with Steve close up the parts at forty nine minutes after the hour. You're listening, Okay, family, who were here? Last last break of a week? Man, we get it. What a full work week, man, a full week of work now it's Friday, full week for us. Go ahead, Carlin, go ahead? Wow, wow, yeah, yeah, I just caught onto what you were talking about. Yeah, second day, go ahead, Carl. Well, listen, guys, you know we've been saying it all week. We were saying it today today, thirty three days until election day, November third. Earlier this week, Tuesday, we watched the debate. We all watched it. We were exhausted. It was unbelievable. We were in shock to see the president at the level that he was. It was embarrassing. Actually, But I want you to go to vote dot org and register to vote. Listen. We've been telling y'all vote dot org. Steve. Last week on National Voter Registration Day, one point five million new voters registered at vote dot org. One point five million new voters. Outstanding job. But we need something now that's right there listening to this show right now, to join them, join your friends, join your family members. Is not too late. Go to vote dot org and register to vote. It's not too late. Some states still allow you to do it. Okay, now, all right, listen, everybody, We are in a position here to make a difference for those of my listeners who have relatives are making the statement that my vote don't count. Your vote doesn't count only when you don't cast it. They count, every last one of them, and the more of us to take the attitude that we're gonna honor our ancestors and forefathers for dying to give us this right to vote, to be a part of the decision making process in this country. We have to vote. Now, I'm talking to that person. Now, I want to talk to the person that's out there protesting for Black Lives Matter. I want to say thank you. I want to commend you for your efforts. I want to commend you for your peaceful protests. I understand anger, I really really do. I have had many bouts of that in my lifetime. But these peaceful protesters are moving the needle in the right direction in order to get what you have been marching about, in order to get what we have been complaining about, in order to bring about what we have known since we got here over four hundred years old, that there is racism in this country, and that we have been a participant, at a victim of it the entire time we've been here. None of us are immune to this, none of us. I've yet to see the vaccine for racism. We are all affected by. I don't care how much money you get. That will come a time when you will be faced with it. Now in light of this right here, if you are angry about the way things have gone. The only way to get black lives to really matter, the only way to get them to really really respect us. The only way to bring about all the changes that we've been marching for is to vote. Marching draws attentions and raises the issue and shows the power at be that we are aware of this and we are sick of this. But nothing sends the message clearer than when we vote. Because I'm telling you, everybody touts the African American vote. We got to start controlling it. Everybody wants it. Biden's campaign was dead and to Claybourn brought it back to life in the Carolinas. It was dead in the water. Man. We are very very powerful voting block. People of color can determine what happens in this country. If you are sick and tired of what you've been watching, of what you've had to witness, of what you've been hearing, of the way that this president behaves, that he won't denounce white supremacy, He won't. He didn't do it. They gave him a chance. He pays less taxes than you do, and he keeps saying because he's smart. Set me tell you something, man, That's why the Democrats are always talking about we're gonna make rich people pay their fair share because they know that the super rich have a bought a lot of loopholes as they can jump through. But all of the loopholes that you jump through are not clearly legal. I'm just gonna share that with you, because if you claim to be a billionaire and you make all this money, but you're telling me you pay seven hundred and fifteen because you took losses, how do you explain your own plane, your condos, your high rises, your state down in Florida. Are y'all kidding me? Come on your own. We're gonna make a difference. We all can make a difference. We have got to vote. I'm proud of the basketball players at NBA to the NFL. I've never seen these many athletes involved. I've never seen these many performers involved. I've never seen these many non African Americans evolved for a cause that affects people of color. But we have a chance to make the real difference at the polls. Let's get to the polls and vote. He has to go. I don't want another full years of cutting on CNN. See what he did today. I'm tired of his tweets. You can't tweet from jail oh Man. That's outstanding, Sir, profound, All facts ain't like Let's see you Monday. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.