Keenan Thompson Interview, Rush Limbaugh, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update and more.

Published Feb 18, 2021, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! It is hard to be a middle aged gangster in your 60's. Big ups to all the MAG's! The Chief Love Officer is unable to help a man who got caught slippin'. Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh passed away from lung cancer on 02/17/21 in Palm Beach, FL at age 70. Keenan Thompson has a new sitcom Keenan that he stopped by to talk about. Our girl from The Talk is here to share the details of her Valentine's Day experience with guess who. Miss Carla talks about the ladies from RHOA being tired of Kenya in Reality Update. Hermes has a new Birken style sandal that costs up to $76k. Today the show wraps up with the crew talking about Texas mayor Tim Boyd, who resigned after making insensitive comments.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bus things. And it's tough to me through goodt listening to mother for st Please I don't join join me. You gotta turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, you got to turn them out to turn. Turn the water the water go. Come come on your thad h I shall will Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey, I got a radio show, just trying to give God some back, just some back of what even gave me, just a portion, you know. Just I'm just trying, man to to show some type of gratitude for all his blessings. I'm just trying to man, just just get it right sometimes, you know what I mean. I mean, man, you just can't do what you want to do and just live wrong all the time. Man, you got it at one point in time, Steve, come home. Man, come on, man, you could do better. I know you can, you know saying, and you know what I had to do. I had to stop saying, I'm gonna try to do better. And I just had to say, hey, man, I'm going to do better. You know, trying it's just to put forth and then if it don't work, well, okay. But if you make up in your mind and I'm going to do something, then trying isn't enough. It's getting it done is the only thing that matters. Since the difference between doing and trying. We're gonna try to win the game, or we're gonna go out here to win the game. Now, trying to win the game means that you could lose. But when you got in your mind made up, most athletes will tell you that they go out there with the full intent and purpose of winning and winning. Only see they don't put the second place finish on the cover Sports Illustrated. Second place don't get you there. You got to win. And now take it out of the scope of athletics, but keep it in that type of type of analogy in life. Man, you just want to you want to win in life, don't you. I mean, at the end of the day, don't you want to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated the life. Don't you want to be recognized for your hard work? Don't you want you know, to be recognized within the bonus structure down at your job. Don't you want to have your plaque up on the wall down at your job? I mean most people do. Some people could care less. Some people don't care about looking good or being their best. And that's cool. But I ain't talking to them though. I'm talking to you. I'm talking to those of you who want to be the best you can be. You know, people kill me when they're getting mad at people here and he Brown knows and he hall up on an employee of them. All man, the dude doing his job to the best of his ability, and he getting recognized for it. What they got to do? It? All that you're talking about because you ain't up there. It's amazing, man, how people describe other people's success. He's so lucky, lucky? Hey man, don't they kind of get you a little bit when people call you lucky? When let me tell you what luck really is, y'all. Luck is when hard work bumps up into opportunity. Some people call that luck. But hold on, let's think about this. If you wasn't working hard, an opportunity presented itself, what would you call that? But see, when you've been working hard, an opportunity presents itself and it bumps up each other. Now people want to call that luck, but hold up here, go to part though to day, ain't paying no attention to Yeah, that opportunity came by, But if you had not been working hard, and the hard work had not ran up in the opportunity, what would you have? No, sir, it's not luck, it's work. It is work, because as a scripture that says, faith without works is dead. But my mama was a Sunday school teacher. She taught me enough. Though. Now I know different between right and wrong, just like you do. You ain't gotta you know. Itcused me when people write a strawberry letter? Am I wrong for this? You know? Gooding? Well, look at let's read your letter? Are you wrong for this? You know you're wrong? What you don't need that's to be telling, you know? But I'm gonna do this anyway. Well, e see, go ahead, though, do what you want to do. But you know what, y'all, here's the best advice I can give you. This is what I really came to talk about this morning, but I got sidetrack because I listened. Get out of your own way. So many of us are blocking our home blessings. We just in own way. We are in our own way. And one of the most dangerous ways you can get in your way is to do it your way, to get it figured your way, and to lock in on your way and just the way it's got to go. Do you know how many people are blocking a blessing? Do you know how long I blocked mine with that mindset? Right there? Look, because it's the way you do it, Do you think that make it the right way? You think jazz, because you'dn't thought on it long and hard, and that's what you really want. Do you really think that your way is the right way or could there be a better way? See? Until I started listening to God and started paying attention to his way, man, I was spending my wheels. Man, I was out here so determined this how I was going to do it. But you know I had to learn how to get out of my own way because just because I could do it my way didn't mean it was the right way. I had to get out of my own way. Just get out your way, man, Now, what what does that mean? That means, see, set your goals, That means have your dreams that I'm saying, set your goals, man, I ain't saying don't set goals. Listen to me. Set your goals. What is it you want to happen? What is it you like to have? What is it you like to be? What are you aspire to? Set your goals and set your dreams. Now take your goals and your dreams to God and ask God to show you how. Man, you can save yourself a lot of pain. Listen to somebody who did it his way for so long. And when I finally got out of my way, out of my own way. When you've heard old people say, let go and let God, you've heard them say that I didn't. I didn't get it, but I got it. Now let go and let God. And it's amazing little saying. Though now you know you may not get it now. It took me a bunch of years to get it too. But when I took my goals and my dreams and my vision to God and I said, God, this is what I hope for, this is what I aspired to, this is what I want to be, this is why I would love to get to. Then I said, help me show me how. Point me in the right direction. Let me follow your footsteps, guide me and give me a spirit of discernment. Show me who wrong? Because I meet people every day. Ain't up to no good with me every single day. Oh man, Man, I can't believe I run up into you. Man, the Lord told me something's gonna happen to me today. Well, see, I talked to him every day. He did not mention you to me. He ain't said nothing to me. He didn't tell me what's gonna happen in mind. Now I don't mean it can't happen because I'm open to it. So really, man, I'm and and please no, I'm listening as well as I've ever listened before. But but get yourself together, though, see no, your goals in your dreams, and then let God show you how to do it. He'll do it. You know. It's so important everybody, that you get focused, that you aim for something, that you dream of something, that you aspire to something. But it's the most the best thing you can do. After you do all that, Man, get God involved in it. Man, talk to him. I mean, why would you not what you got to lose. You ain't got to go down there and make no big scene and run laps around the church and run up there and throw yourself on the altar and scream and flip over and throw money in the air. You ain't got to do that. This you and God, man, This you and God. You know you got to serve and praise Him the way you do it. You gotta let nobody else tell you highs done. It's a personal relationship. People kill me if you don't do it this way. If you don't come here to this church and you don't run around in this circle and you don't get flipped in the air, you don't, Hey, man, you better go have a relationship with God. See what that's about. You understand? Nobody throw you off with all that? All right, All right, y'all talk to him. He loves to hear from you. Today you're listening morning show, ladies and gentlemen. Without further ado, I think that we all have just gonna get it started. You've been waiting, you don't woke up, you're driving home, or you're doing some things that haven't lasted all day long. Ain't none of that in my business. The fact of the matter is you are here to bear witness to the greatest Marty Show on Planet Earth, Ladies and gentlemen. Steve Harvey, Marty Show, Let's go, Sherley Strawberry, welcome back here now Colin Farrell got some power down there in Houston. Now had back in the building. What's happening, King of prank nephew Tommy. He still got some power because he got rich. Had friend. Come on, I'm in the build the top of the morning. I'm here, Yeah, what are you stee Well, you know, I'm good, trying to get my program, giving myself together, get healthy this year, trying to inspire the fifty and up group. Gonna come on, let's stay with it. Got a group of guys that I'm on a text feed with and we went to school together. We decided to challenge each other. A couple old head old gs o J. Yeah, they're just trying to be some you know, some m ags. Some mags trying to go from middle aged gangsters close to mac. That's too close. Mag Wheels, ain't got nothing to do with no damn mag up m ag, middle aged gangster. A bunch of old gs trying to turn back to the clock and be some middle aged gangster. And let me tell you something, it's hard it's hard to be middle aged hard field mile as gangster wants you sixty so, but you're working on it though. I did beat them yofa for the first time. Okay, what is that? Uh? It's twenty six dedicated poses in one hundred and four degrees. Yeah, that's that hot? You cooking? How'd you do? Yeah? I finished? Did We didn't say did you finish? There's a difference. Well, I saw all the poles. How many did you get in the first one? The first one when you started? Yeah, when you stand up and put your hands over your head, I can do that all day. Then what then? But you gotta make your your You gotta make your biceps touched your ears and then hold them straight straight, elbows out. Oh, don't worry about that's it. That's all you gonna be able to do all the rest of it. Who that felt good? Now? I was sitting there looking at them people. Oh God, almighty, I bucked the pub. But I'm telling you, man, I felt really good. I'm gonna go back again tomorrow. Um. But I'm gonna tell you something, man, Um, It's it's the hardest thing I've ever done. First of all, I couldn't do the poses. A couple of my I almost got, but that was all. If someone was just I just started laughing at the lady. Well, keep congratulations, Steve, keep up the good word. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll do some ask the CLO Chief Love Officer right after this. You're listening show all right, here we go, time for the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. Let's go. Marcus in Atlantic City says, recently, my fiance lost a lot of weight, so she looks great, but she has a flat But her sister had weight loss surgery and got a Brazilian butt lift, so my girl wants one. Two. Her sister was at our house and my fiance encouraged me to look at her butt and feel it. I guess I got carried away and squeezed it a little too much. My fiance got mad and accused me of wanting to sleep with her. Sister. Is just a butt, and she told me to feel on it. But the butt was plus, she soft, But I didn't want her. How can I fix this? I don't want her? Well, you could stop lying about that, Marcus. What he wants you grabbed you wanted it all that grabbed and stuff. Yeah, you followed instruction, but it was But see what happened, Marcus was you probably didn't realize it, but when you did it, you bit your bottom lilt. That's what got you in trouble, when you sucked in your bottom loop. He made a noise. Oh I would have not. Yeah he did. This is what he did. Right here, we're there. Yeah, that breathe and that's what costs you. That's all it is. Ma. I can't help you, though, sudn't ask your woman wants you to drag nothing better than that another? And when is that? Chante and Gary? We're moving on, says My mother and I have always had the worst relationship, and now that I'm older, I can't stand her. She's been on drugs for most of my life and the embarrassment, the lies and stealing from me has me bitter. She's been clean for six years and I've helped her out whenever I can. She got saved and she's the very best Christian ever. She quotes Scripture all day and tells me I'm going to Hell every five seconds. How can I be there for her and work on our relationship? Without cursing her out. Well, you don't have to cuss out. But since she's the best Christian ever, why don't you remind her of a couple of things. There's some scriptures that if she's such a great and wants to quote some scriptures you know about not judging, you know, he who is without seeing cast the first stone, you know, forgiveness, understanding, you know how to you don't. You don't guide people into light by blowing out what love candle they got? So now your mama then got it together? Now everybody else held bound had she forgotten? But see, that's the problem with a lot of people who become Christians, not all, but some they get saved and all of a sudden they forget that they wasn't saved right, and other people do. And the only way to win people over and convert people as Christian it's just let your light shine. They can see the Jesus in you. Yeah, and you ain't got to tell nobody you're doing better. They can see it. You've been a junkie your whole damn life, her whole life. Now you don't went down to church for six years and all of a sudden you Jesus, where you're not. She is Jesus. That's what she's talking like, like she ain't got no seeing, no problem telling her daughter she going to hill, Well, wasn't that way you was going a few years back? Wow? Yeah, her dad is pretty upset about it. But don't cur so. It's kind of tough. You don't have to cuss out. Just show her some scriptures since she want to be a Christian, recite stuff. Don't say cash or first Stone. She's don't think of that rock. You don't want to You don't want to turn around that right back where she started. All right, thank you hello for that one. Yeah. Patrisa Tennessee says, I'm a thirty two year old woman and I've had a very open sex life. I have a male best friend that's the same way, and we recently crossed the line and ended up being friends with benefits. We've had threesomes and done lots of kinky things. He loves to see other people satisfy me orally, but he won't do it. It's an issue for me because I do it and enjoy it. He wants to be in a relationship, but this is a deal breaker. Am I tripping over nothing. Well, you don't. You don't know why he don't want to do it. You want me to tell you why he don't want to do it? Because it is wide open sex life you got, and maybe it's just been a little too open for him. Now he didn't watch everybody with you, and he ain't fit to go in behind nobody. That don't make no sense to you. Wow, but see it. I don't know how you say. When I'm sitting him here watching all this open activity, you're doing threesomes and every Well, I ain't fit to be focile. Okay you draw the line, that's why. Yeah, so now you know I'm not doing that, So I don't. I don't know what you're tripping for. We get one of the other people to do it. How many is in this open relationship? Do it? They do? It's well, he don't want to do it. He don't do that now doing everything? Yeah, you want everything from everybody? I think you greedy. She says it's a deal breaker for her if he doesn't do that. Okay, what's she gonna do? Stop seeing it? She says, that's what that means. I'm not gonna stop them. Three she's not gonna stop that. Yeah, but time she got fifteen people in her life probably yeah, yeah, losing one ain't gonna hurt her. You can take three of them out. You still be good. Wide open? What woman? Right? Seeing it go? I've been wide open years wid what what you want? How you whoa? How many is it? Bring them on in hill six? Seven eight? All right, ladies, all right? What'd you say? Your name is? All right now? Thank you? Cello. Coming up next, run that prank back with the nephew right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, miss and we'll be here with our national news and an entertainment news. We'll tell you about Atlanta Mayor Keisha Land's bottom. She feels a little different about the NBA All Star Game being held in Atlanta. We'll tell you about it. And Rihanna. Rihanna is running a billion dollar that's right, billion with a b dollar operation. Okay, right now it is. Yeah, we'll tell we'll talk about it at the top, but right now, yes, she loved her, Yes, yes, yes, right now the nephew is here to run that prank back. What you got for us? Neff Repole man, repollman. We gotta get that call. Let's go. Hello, I'm trying to reach age. Please this hill. Sorry, y'all. My name is uh Robert. I'm with the collection agency. You do on a Sierra two thousand and three GMC truck. Am I correct? Yep? Okay, we don't show that we've had any payments within the last I guess about three close to four months now, and we want to try and stop having to come in and repossess it. Maybe we give you a chance to bring your payment in, but we haven't had a payment from you in about four months, sir Na financial with the other another thing, I don't don't. I don't know what's in the moment. Yeah, I've been planning all the time. It's directed product from our call. We're about that. Well, Uh, I'm with they've they've turned you over to us. I'm with h collection agency, and we haven't gotten anything from I don't. I don't show any uh, any paperwork here on the computer at all that we've had any payments made within the last four months. So that's why they've already turned it over to y'all without my permission. Nick another time, my tis my truck over to y'all to pay. Y'all, I don't even know, well, I understand that. Sure. What happens is if you haven't paid it in a certain amount of time, it actually comes over to the collection agency. And that's what they've done. They've actually sent it over to us. UH. They've given us UH pretty much all the information on you. I guess it's a gold this type of color UH CR two thousand and three GMC truck from my understanding, Am I correct? Yeah, that's my truck. Okay. UM. Now, what I'm gonna need from you today, Jeremy, is for you to come in uh and make a payment to us this evening for four months so we can see so we don't have to come in and repossess your truck. And I don't want to have to do that. But if I have to send a record out there to you, I have your address on file as well. I don't want to have to send anybody out to pick it up. Y'all not coming here my truck. And I'm not paying y'all for for new full months. I'm gonna staying my truck all time, every month. That's a deal, sir. I don't want to get in a back and forth with you. But I'm telling you exactly how it's gonna go. Now, I'll come out there and repossess it myself. But I'm telling you what, no, no, look, that's not that's not even where we gotta go with that. Don't be you don't need to be screaming and fussing and chaotic and come get it yourself and all that. The m truck truck that's gonna be that? What? Hang on, Let's back up, because I'm a man, just like here, man, what do you mean it's gonna that's gonna be that? What are you saying? What are you? What are you? What are you saying to me? Son? I'm telling you. Look, look, I'm telling you that I pay my truck note and and that's a fun I don't know, I don't know who are you. Let's get I've already stated to you before. I'm with an agency, and let's get one thing straight. You don't tell me I tell you now. Hey, hey, dude, calm down here on the phone. It don't make no sense. Talment, you know, over the fall and whatnot. You can come, you can come get the truck, my truck right here I work. I'm ready here. You can come. You can come, try to get my truck. You come on here. Sure, I'm already aware of where you work in the whole nine yards. Now I don't. I'm trying to be as uh cardied with you as I can. Now you can clone you're telling about i'mnna get my trouble, and I'll tell you. I'll be saying, so you know you should have dropped and be like, all right, I'm gonna check with somebody, elsen check with somebody else to make sure I'm right. It didn't call me back. I'm telling you you haven't paid anything, That's what I'm telling you. I've got it listed on the computer. You've been turned over an agency and you haven't done it. You haven't done a thing. What are you? Stupid? You? You you're raising your press scream in a hall over the phone like that because they ain't gonna do me me? Are you no good? But you ain't get no money from me? Then you ain't coming from my truck. What a matter of fact, you could come my truck. I'm gonna be on my truck. I'm gonna wait on you. Which are you gonna be there. It doesn't make any difference, Sir. You gotta get repossessed tonight. If I don't get four months payment, Brook, Definitely, if I don't get four months payment brought into me collection agency, your truck will be taken care of. No. Hold on, listen, man, hold on with you kind of trying of serious my truck and parlier you quit cursing at me. That's what's rung man. You got me trusted. Look my truck, right, you come over here and get it for you. Look, you know what. I'm at the point I don't give a about this job. I'm ready to come kick your That's what I'm ready to do. Call him back, Kay, I don't need a little scared hanging up the phone. You're standing here like a man, and you handle your problems. Hey, I'm man, I know make a wok bro. Stop telling me. I'm at work too, doing my job the same way you're doing yours. Make you want to do. I got one more thing I want to say to you before you go. Are you listening? This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by you got you got on my teacher. Man, You are all right, man, I'm all right. I'm I'm gonna trop this roof. Man, I'm talking about cool about trying. She told me, she told me, man, she said that boy loved that truck. Yeah, that's my my own trypretation. Man ain't man, Yeah, yeah, you got you gotta I gotta ask. I gotta ask you. Man. Tell me, brother, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lane. Now you're having ladies and gentlemen the repo man play too much? Yeah, yeah, somebody gotta do it. You've been reposed before? Yeah, I don't know anyone who hasn't been Actually, Okay, oh well I thought you got They said you don't. Nobodyhood Monica ain't never had a car repo tom ain't never had re call. Ain't never had no call before. My daddy had a repos and he told me he told me he got stolen. My mom said, we'll tell you that. Hey, man. They had a deal in Cleveland when I was about twenty four, a dealing. You remember when mopeds was hot. Yep, everybody had mo pads. They had a special deal. You can come down and get one and then pay on it for three months. They had to come get that. Oh why you got a moped repot? They well, well, let me put They tried to come get that. You think I can hide a car good? You know how to scale dog? I hear the moped in my backyard for three weeks. They didn't say it in the backyard under some bushes. I raked the leaves one time and he it. You know it's a mopen. One time, I putting that big ass garbage. Can't and put the top on it. They didn't think you're looking now the note on that though. It wasn't none my forty eight dollars somebody. They wasn't that much. They wont before five hundred dollars they've given away in Cleeve. Oh man, come on, I couldn't afford that. Okay, yeah, that's put that thing in the garbage. Can't put that lead on it. It won't it won't great pass all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have entertainment news and our national news update with miss Anne. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, we have a very special guest. He knows you very well, Steve. Oh, and I think you know him too. It's Keenan Thompson. Keenan Thompson is joining us. Uh. He's gonna talk about his brand new NBC sitcom. It is called Keenan. Yeah, congratulations. Well one of us has a career because of somebody else. Let's take a guess who that could be. You know he loves you. No, that's my dude. Man. Yeah, that's due. Yeah, that's cool. And switching gears. Rush Limbaugh, the conservative political talk show host. He did radio. He has died. Limbaugh announced he had lung cancer back in twenty eighteen. He passed away from lung cancer on Wednesday. He was seventy years old. Wow, Steve, Okay, Um, Tommy, Tommy here, I don't ask me, No, you needn saying that. I'm not saying I need Well, I'm with you, all right. Then we're moving on. How about that? How about that? Shall we? Uh, we'll talk about the NBA. How about that? Despite the pushback of some NBA players, We're moving on. We're moving on. The NBA All Star Game will take place in Atlanta on Sunday, March seventh. Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lant's Bottom has voiced her concerns about the event taking place in her city amid the COVID nineteen pandemic that is still widespread around the country. Mayor Bottoms released a statement which clearly expressed her thoughts on the event. She says, under normal circumstances, we would be extremely grateful for the opportunity to host the NBA All Star Game, but this is not a typical year. I have shared my concerns related to public health and safety with the NBA and Atlanta Hawks. We are in agreement that this is a made for TV event only and people should not travel to Atlanta to party. And so what do you guys think she's right? Yeah? Agree with her for sure. Yeah. I mean in Atlanta, though, people are going to be out. But first of all, for the safety of the players. If you bring in players from all over the country to a place that's kind of open, you know, I mean you just all the players. Lebron has come out and said he doesn't it doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense. Look, the Pro the Pro Bowl was canceled this year. Yeah, NFL Honors wasn't shot in front of a live audience. I did that in an mpt AS stadium. All the sports are catering around this thing. The NBA missed it on this one. They did an excellent job with the playoffs in the bubble, but I think they missed it on the All Star Game here. I don't think it's scape and people traditionally flocked to the cities for the festivities that go around it. It's just gonna be a bunch of people in Atlanta for no reason. They're gonna be throwing. They're gonna be throwing All Star parties, yeah, yeah, yeah, and all those are super spreaders. Yeah, and they usually have President's Day weekend. You didn't even have it then, so just cancel it. Don't make no sense. Many they had the Super Bowl, so you know, hey, the only way it would make sense if they would go back to Orlando and have the All Star Game in the bubble, same way they had the playoffs. The super Bowl wasn't like that. Fans went to that game. Well, but super Bowl is outside and you can spread their ass way out seven. It's too late to change it now. If you put me in an arena and six people got COVID, I don't want in the arena. All right, let's go, Steve. Time to check in with ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne trip and here we go. Good morning everyone. This is a trip with the news in the Midwest and deep South still in the thick of it weatherwise. Overall, millions remained after out of power from Texas to Mississippi and from the Florida Panhandles to the Carolinas. The weather is now blamed for at least twenty six deaths, including three people who died as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning. Authorities say one person was killed just outside Cleveland when a snowplow hit his vehicle. In Texas, snow and below freezing temperatures have millions of Texans out of power and now also dealing with water shortages and boil water orders. In fact, Tyler's city official Luanne Campbell says, it's come down to taking care of yourself and your neighbors. If you can, you have water and somebody else's power, share those resources because they need them. Further up the map, Chicago dealing with near record amounts of snow with subzero temperatures causing burst heating it pipes and water pipes, even some collapsed roofs. There have been nine straight days of snow. They're still trying to shovel it out, tying the record in the Windy City with eighteen inches of the white stuff having fallen since Sunday. That's right. The weather is the big story, and everybody's still in the thick of it. The ACP has filed the federal lawsuit against Donald Trump for allegedly conspiring with his lawyer and white extremist groups to try and prevent the US Senate from certifying the results the presidential election that he lost, and the legendary civil rights organization is suing under a provision of the klu Klux Klan Act of eighteen seventy one, basically that prohibits violence or intimidation meant to prevent the Congress or any other federal officials from carrying out their constitutional duties. The case also named Rudy Giuliani and racist groups like the Oast Keepers and the Proud Boys, which have members charged with taking part in January's attempted Capitol Hill siege. Longtime right wing radio talk show host Rusi Limbau died yesterday after losing a long battle against lung cancer. Limba was an unabashed conservative who combined right wing politics with entertainment. In fact, he spoke for a lot of extremists who were horrified by the election of the nation's first black president. I disagree fervently with the people on our side of the eye who say, I hope he succeeds. We've got to give him a chance. I don't want this to work. I hope he fails. Well, Barack Obama, course didn't fail. He was reelected in tw he told by an even bigger marjor and Rush. Limbaugh was seventy years old. President Trump credits Limbo was getting him elected and finally sad news. Legendary Detroit TV anchor Karen Hudson Samuels has died. Karen Samuels a pioneer and giving black Motor City residents a voice in local media. She helped establish a museum that details the legacy of the first TV station owned and operated in this country by African Americans, w GPR TV sixty two. Karen Samuels was sixty eight years old. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show, Hey, everybody has promised we got a special guest this morning. This brother to made history as the longest running cast member on Saturday Night Live. He'd been on SNL since two thousand and three. Whoa, and that's amazing. During that time, he's made a lot of fun, a lot of fun making fun of me on Little Family. And he's good at it's great at it. Always sad. When I saw him, I was gonna whip his ass jump on me. But I love him and we've been friends so long, and he was so good at it, I figured, hell, he keeping me relevant, so I let that slide. But get a load of this man. He's got an all new show on NBC right the sitcom. It's appropriately named. It's called Keenan. We're gonna find out about the show, Ladies and gentlemen. One of the most talented brothers in the business today. Please welcome my friend, Keenan Thompson. Welcome. Good with y'all, What is good with y'all? Thank you for that man, Look, bro, when you've been doing it this long Saturday Night Live cast, Remember that loan. That's that's some legendary status there, boy and man man. Praise God. You know God is good? Yeah, yeah. I mean, you know, I've been very blessed to be able to sit to it this long no and still be able to kind of pulled up with duty while I'm shooting my show at the same time, Like, you know, I feel like you let you on me a long time ago. Get every check they offered you. So that's when I'm doing at Hey, Man, now you just add NBC. It's called You're a Single Dad. The host of a morning TV show called Wake Up with Keenan. I wonder where you got that from. You know, it's just look, man Aventure, I'm gonna to get a check out of this. Tell us more about damn, tell us more about it. Man morning show. It's the number two morning show in Atlanta, and I'm the host of that. But yeah, I'm just balancing my life basically after going through a tragedy of losing my wife and I still have my two girls to raise. So my father in law kind of came down to help me out in the beginning and he just ended up never leaving. And that's played by Don Johnson and got it great. You know that year it's incredible, man, Don is you know, he's an actors actor, so he's still a regular dude. You know, he just wants to talk about, you know, being professional and like telling me stories about the good old eighties in Miami. Man, he got endless, endless good stories. Yeah, he's playing my father in law, not really helping like he thinks he is. He's kind of just in my way. And then uh, Chris Read you know, Chicago's own Chris Red is playing my brother, um, my good brother actually in real life from SNL, so he's playing my brother slash manager. And between the two of them, nuckleheads, they basically are just giving me all the headaches in the world. But you know, it's also the love that those two little girls need to be raised around and stuff like that, and then balancing that work life relationship. Basically, Hey man, hold that thought right there, because we want to hear more about this. We got Keena Thompson. Everybody, we'll be back hear more about the new show on NBC. Uh, Carl Keenan, We'll be right back, Yes, indeed, all right, y'all, we're back with Keena Thompson. He's got a new show on NBC called Keenan, and we were just talking about it. Kenan has a. He has a morning show TV called a morning show. Excuse me, I'm sorry. He's the host of a morning TV show called Wake Up with Gather and he's got two daughters. His wife passed. He's dealing with that, and he asked his father in law, Rick, who is played by Don Johnson, to move in and help. And so, you know, an older man with two daughters. Ain't really know him. Yeah, I asked him to come by and help for a little bit. I ain't asking the mooth bed. He just ended up moving. Now, hey, ken let me answer this man. Because on a lot of shows, you know, the children often think they're smarter than their parents. But in Keenan, your daughters are really helping you hold things together on this show. Yeah, I mean, it's definitely a showcasing a smarter than you give them credit for it for sure, especially when they get to their age. And I just love my daughters on the show. They're real sisters. You know. They're from Atlanta their year apart, and they just couldn't be sweeter, you know. And I've watched them mature very very rapidly. They remind me of me and cal when we was running around underneath you and said back in the day, getting on y'all nerves. That was because that's how I met Keenan. It was Keenan Kale and they came on our show, on The Steve Harvey Show. Yeah, man, and cut loose boy. The moment we had was off camera, a man, what the hell y'all doing? This is how y'all's asses too much? Man? I remember I stopped you from pulling out the parking lot like the first night and made you roll down the window like, hey, man, what you're listening to some Doctor Drea and something. He's like a little boy, back up off my car. I don't listen to no damn rap music. Man. We were just so eager and excited to be in the mix, man. But we learned so much from y'all, man, and I'm definitely putting it to you right now, so I can't thank you enough. What's what's the transition, like, man, from going from Saturday Night Live to the sitcom? What is it? A big difference? Yeah, it's a huge difference, MANU. It's just two different approaches. Like the sitcom is. You know, I come in and I gotta be ready to give and deliver all day, every day, basically Saturday night. I just save it up, you know for eleven thirty on Saturday. But you know, we work hard up until that moment. But it's a little more chilled throughout the week, like the sitcom is. Like every day you're coming in, they're spending money, so there's no time to win. Yeah, and you're the star of the show, so it's not like it's not a lot of scenes that you're not gonna be in. Exactly, I'm in ninety nine point nine nine percent of things. But you know, they squeeze me out of something, let me come in later or something like that, you know, but I ain't sinssily had a whole day off that everybody else has a had off. So it is what it is. I can't be mad. It's all black. I mean, congratulations, man, I mean that's you know, to be in the business this long as you have and to still be working and still be relevant, that's a real testament to your talent, man, because you just can't stand this game without the talent, you know, and to change. Man, if you're super talented, you a legend on Saturday Night Live. You've done so many shows, you got the new show. It adds everybody Tuesday night, so don't miss it. This coming Tuesday, eight thirty Eastern, seven thirty Central only on NBC is called Keenan. Keenan Thompson going to make that money. Player. Well, wait a minute before we leave. Let you know, let's let Keenan tell them when the show was gonna add impression. Let's do it that way, Let's do it. That permission is that Yes you can, sir, Yes you can? Okay, okay, cool, all right. Just so y'all know my show, Keenan, my good friend show. It's coming on Tuesday at eight thirty only on NBC. It's sometimes on Peacock, but mainly on NBC. So check them out. Player, That's what I'm talking about. There you go, Katy, Hey Kee, this time I'm gonna let you go. I'm kicking Tom's ass. Afternoon. Hey, congratulations, man, I love you boy a man, Thank you man, love you too, my brother. I love y'all, appreciate ya, thank you, thank you. You're listening. Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject is my brother's mistress is my girlfriend. We'll get into that little later. Okay, this letter marinade on that, but right now it's time for the nephew and today's praying phone call. What you got for us, nap. Let's do a little shoplifting before we get to that letter. Just a little bit of shoplifting. Okay, yeah, some shoplifting. That's right, that's the title. Let's go care. Hello. Yes, I'm trying to reach a Tanya. Please, Hi, Tanya. My name is Daniel from the head of store security here at your job. Yeah, listen, I'm trying to see Um, I'm gonna have to I know today's your day off. I'm looking at the schedule here. It seems that you don't come back in until Saturday. I'm trying to see if it's possible I can get you to come to the store. There's a bit of a situation I want to discuss with you. There's about eighteen hundred dollars worth of merchandise missing from the store. Yeah, it's about eighteen hundred dollars worth of merchandise. And we definitely know that this is a in house situation. This is not someone walking in shoplifting. This is definitely an in house situation with employees who have evidently been shoplifting from the store, taking things, and we want to get down to the to the roots of the problem. Okay, well, ma'am, it's uh, it's been brought to my attention that there's a possibility that you may be part of this situation. And I ain't thief. I don't steal. You don't call my house accusing me. Is still I stole listing from nobody? Okay, Well, my hangar man, what I'm trying to do is just trying to you, trying to say out and stole something and I stole them. Okay, wait just a second, now here, do you have a sister named Cynthia? Yeah, what about it? Well, now, it seems that here on some of the footage that we have on camera, that it's a possibility that it seems like you're s's actually wearing some of the merchandise that we sell here in the store. Okay, just because she wears something that we sell in the store, don't mean that I stole it. Well, we don't see where she's act. I backed the footage up as far as I could. I don't see any footage of where she purchased this particular merchandise, and my assumption is maybe you gave it to her. I gave her And just because you don't see what somebody purchased it don't mean that it's been stolen. Okay, here's what I'm gonna I'm gonna just get to the chase of this, Tanya. What I'm gonna have to do is this if I can't get you to come to the store. Man. And matter of fact, here's another question for you before I go any further. You have children at all? Tanya? Yeah? I got children, wife? Do you Is it possible? Because I'm missing a lot of baby merchandise as well? And you know what, you know what you really cruising for this morning? Okay, because you don't call somebody on the off day accusing them of stealing. Okay, here's what I gotta do. Are you coming into the office so I can talk with you. I'm not coming no where on my off day. Well, then what's gonna happen, miss Tanya, is I'm gonna have to actually come to your home, check your closet. I'm gonna have to check your kids and see if they're what check and see if they're wearing merchandise that comes from this. Come to my house if you want to, and they gonna take your somebody here in nobody back. Excuse me me. You heard what I said. You heard what I said. You don't call nobody. I bust my death store. I bust my to death store. You understand me. I work hard for y'all. Okay, you've been busting you. You've been busting you car here excusing me of stealing. I ain't so from nobody. I don't have to steal. That's why I work all that. You understand. I think you've been busting your butt. Taking stuff is what you've been doing. You've been from nobody. You understand me. I do not steal. I'm gonna call I'm over there. I'm checking your closets things, but it ain't no cease, you understand. And I'm checking your babies as well. And I'm making check my babies and see what happens. You put your heads on any damn thing in here, and see what happens. Okay, I don't want to have to drag your butt here. Oh you're gonna drag somebody. Oh, now, you threatening me. I don't want to drag by of your house. Security guy. You tough security guy. You like your job that much you're willing to die for that? Huh? Who said anything about me? Die? I did come over here, and that's what's gonna happen. That's what happens when you put people on the off days, you get hurt. Okay, I get a couple of damn days off, and y'all gonna call me with this one. So are you threatening me? Now? I'm threatening you. Then you just call and say you was coming over here. Yes, I did bring you. I'm doing security guys. I'm all, don't let me tell you something. Okay, I'm getting you. I can have you brought up on charges. You know that, Bring me up on charges and see what happens. Want you to see if you get that first. I'm on my way over there now to check you. When your kids. You understand me, I'm over here to check me and my kids and see how they checked you. Somebody here, let me tell you something. You got to tell me. You ain't got nothing to tell me, You ain't got nothing. Why don't you go ahead and tell me what you took. Maybe I'll go light on you. I'll go like I'm stupid or something. You don't sound like a damn food. Why don't you tell me what you took too? I bet you teaching your little kids over there how to steal too. Aren't you what what you teaching? Kid? Hey? Hey? Hey, hey? Now you want hey hey, hey, hey hey? Don't call me with this on my stay. Let me tell you one mother, Are you listening to me? I got one more thing to say to you. You ain't got nothing else to say to me? Are you listening what this is? Nephew? Timing from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got prank your sister sit to you? Okay? Okay? Are you and that broad want to play games? Okay, y'all want to play? Right? Y'all got Joe, y'all got joke. I got Joe for both of y'all around here taking care of her and all her little ugly gonna play with me and I all day? All right? Tell you tom me? She told me, she said that timmy be be pranking people. You can't abody get me that on crazy stuff that come to people. Don't know somebody calling and tripping with this? She told me you couldn't you thought you couldn't be got that's all right, y'all got me good? Well? I love you, love you, Tommy, I got some bug like a right. Let me ask you one more thing. What is the baddest radio show in the lands Steve Harvey Morning Show? Oh? Tom Me, you know what I hear a lot of on your tapes when you be when you be pranking to people. The dude to be on the that work the board for you, that controls the phone calls. Cat he been in the background, holland can't be back there, Holly Man, Hey man. She was adamant about one thing. I don't steal. Yes, right, that's why I work. I don't steal. An't know you checked that I don't steal. But you cruid? Just tell me what you did? I go light on? Is your food right? What? Tick? Want? You gonna tell me what you took you? Boy? She was so mad at you. You're gonna talk to me like I'm stupid. You just gonna, Hey, Tommy, that was slick ass level. You just gonna Timmy what you took out on not the confession, but your kids to steal? Baby? What did you teaching them? Glass kids? Your She stunned. Your ass with that one. That Oh man, she stunned you that she was ignorant. Boy wait, I see my sister black head, I got something for her sitting her ugly. But kids, I love it, I love it. I love it. Good one good one. Team should re enact it real quick. Yeah, we're gonna take We're gonna bring one of your kids out here to the stow or something. I don't know, I could have won a little further. Come on and see, well who you want me to be and to reenact me? You be the late All right, I'm ready. We may have to bring your kids down here and all they closing there. Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait, you're gonna bring whose kids? Wait? Your kids? We're gonna bring your kids to the stories you're talking about rollo spanking. If those your kids, you come up here and get as I want, aileen or see what happened to your ass? To go, guys, thank you. My boyfriend's mistress is my girlfriend. That's the subject of the Strawberry letter. Back after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This month, we salute all black everything. We recognize the culture that sets trends, creates the moments, and moves the world. This Saturday at six pm Eastern. Check out Living Black, featuring performances by Roddy Rich, twenty one, Savage, janet Ico, and Kirk Franklin. Watch this Saturday at six pm Eastern. Go to Steve HARVEYFM dot com Living Black for more information. Steve Harvey FM dot com slash Living Black for more information. Check it out. All right, yeah, that's very good. Huh yeah nice. All right, it's time now as we switch heres for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com. All right, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Let's go buckle up and hold up tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. All right, thank you, nephew. We've been waiting for this one. Subject. My brother's mistress is my girlfriend, Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a forty two year old single man, and I have a good job and my own place. My brother is a married man with three children and many mistresses. He always brings his mistresses to gatherings with the boys, and I told him that's probably not a good idea because most of them are bad and the boys try to holler at them. I talked to him many times about the cheating, because he's always using me as his alibi. Two months ago, I was out with my brother and one of his miss stresses was there. She was six feet tall, with an all natural looking big booty, flat stomach, juicy chest, and pearly white teeth. She didn't have a makeup or lashes, and it was like love at first sight for me. I spent the whole night getting to know her, and my brother didn't seem to care. After a few drinks, she asked me if my brother is married. I told her the truth. She confessed about spending a weekend with him out of town and said she's only dealing with him because he's paying for some car repairs for her. I got her number and we went to dinner and she came back to my place, but nothing happened. We've been inseparable for the past month, and whenever my brother calls her, she rushes him off the phone. I asked her why she's still dealing with him, and she said it's just until her car is fixed. I offered to give her half the money, but she declined it and said it's the least he can do. I'm fused as to why she still talks to him and she's willing to take his money. If something's going on, she needs to be honest. My brother will find out and due time. But I need to be sure she's not playing both of us. What do you think is really going on with this woman? Well? I do think she's playing both of you. I mean, why not your brother, because you know, I'm sure the sex is good and the excitement of it all. I don't think the money is that big of a factor because it can't be. I mean, he's just paying for her car repairs. It's not like it's a brand new car or anything. And really, how long how long does it take to get your car repairs? Seems like her car has been repaired for a long long time. Here all right, And as far as you go, she knows you like her. She knew you liked her from the first moment you guys met so and she knows she can have you too. So why not. I mean, I think it's double standard with men and women, of course I know that, but don't judge her too harshly because you're wrong too. You're wrong. You're going behind your brother's back and seeing his side piece. Come on, now, I know you said your brother's married and didn't mind that you talked to her all night when you first met her, But most men are pretty very territorial, and I just can't see him being happy when he finds out about you getting with his mistress. It just doesn't make sense. I mean, I know you said he has a lot of mistresses and all of that, but if he finds out you're with her, this can't be end up pretty. So you need to figure that part out. And here's a question. Is she worth as six feet tall, big booty, flat stomach, pearly white teeth woman. Is she worth causing problems in you and your brother's relationship? I say no. I mean, I say no. I say no. There are too many beautiful women in the world. Go get one of them. Leave your brother's mistress alone. Steve, Wow, Oh, surely that's not the answer I have. It's a lot in this letter. You're right on several levels here, but not being a man, I understand, but I'm gonna look at this from another angle because the blame lies in a few places. Yeah, ok so let's start there. My boyfriend's mistress is my girlfriend. Not. Here's a problem with that statement. If the brother, I'm sorry. If your brother's mistress is your girlfriend, then let me start right here. I'm afforded to year old single man. Okay, got a good job in your own place. Why are you single? Throwing me a little bit with Okay, you all that you know you ain't gonna business being. My brother is a married man with three children and many mistresses. This is the key to this whole thing, Shelley. Many mistresses, and he brings them to all the gatherings with y'all boys. And you told him it probably ain't a good idea because most of them is bad. I'm talking de some fine girl and your boys try to hol at him. Now. You didn't talk to him about the cheating because he keep using you as alibody. And two months ago you was out with your brother. One of his mistresses was there. Y'all. Old, y'all go out a lot, y'all need to stay your ass home for starters. Are they some years old? Always out. She's six feet tall, all natural booty, flat stomach, juicy chests, pearly white teeth. Okay, I got you, I got y'all know that love at first sight for most people. She find him. Thank you got it. So when we come back, I'm gonna tell you what got you, and then I'm gonna tell you a few other things. All right, we'll have part two of Steve's responds coming up for twenty three minutes after the hour. My brother's mistress is my girlfriend? Is a subject back after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. We love this subject. My brother's mistress is my girlfriend. Let's go all right. We got this forty two year old man that's single, he got a brother that's married with three kids, and he got a lot of mistresses, which is gonna be the key to this whole thing. And he always brings his mistresses to the gathering with the boys. See, he's an exhibitionist. He like everybody know, he's still a gutted showing out you' you ain't really supposed to do that at all, but you know, he want to show he's still got it. He's swinging with the fellas. He know they'd be gawking at him and everything because the CHICKSI bringing around is bad. You told him it ain't a good idea because the boys try to haul at him, and you don't talk to him about the cheating, cause he always used as an alibi. All right. So one night you go out with your brother and one of his side pieces was there, one of his many mistresses. But this one caught your eye. She had all natural, big booty, six feet tall, flat stomach, juicy chest, pearly white teeth. She didn't have on, no makeup or lashes, and for you, it was love at first sight. Okay, I got you. I got you. That you, Jessica Rabbit was at the damn party and you saw her. I got you, all right. I spent the whole night getting to know her, and my brother didn't seem to care. Well, let's cause your brother was out trying to get a few more mistresses. That's what he went out for. Yeah, he wasn't exactly counting on her to be there. So if he didn't care that you was talking to her, he making moves. He moving around the club, that's what he'd do. Now. After a few drinks, she asked you if your brother was married. What she asked you? Your brother married? You told her the truth. She already knew this dog, because number one, why don't she get upset? What he's married? What? None of that? All she did was confirmed me with you, and what no get upset? She confessed after spending the week Now, why would she tell you this part? You know, if she found out your brother was married and didn't get upset, and then she told you she confessed about spending the weekend with him out of town, and she said she's only dealing with him because he's paying for some car repass for her. So then you got a number, and y'all went to dinner and she came back to my place. Nothing happened. We've been inseparable for the past month. And whatever my brother calls, she rushed him off the phone. I asked her why she's still dealing with him, and she said, it's just until her car's fixed. Now, surely asked the question, why is it taking so damn long to get this damn car fixed? And I figured it out. Shelly it's called she got four five calls, a lot of cars. Yeah, she needs all of them fixed. Yeah, she know it's time for tuning up. You know, she's been a mistress before. That's how she got all them calls. And so she got several calls, and he gotta get fixed all of them this week, was tuned up for one of them. Got to get in for a service check next week. Then she got to get the other one. Then all change, you know. Then otherm gotta get their ties rotated. They're gonna take them off, get all these cars fixed. Plus he gotta he gotta work this money out because he gotta piece meal a lot of money because he got three kids back in the house. He ain't rich. So yeah, she got a fleet. So now, and so I offered to give her half the money, but she declined and said it to lead. He can do well if a man is still paying. The only reason a married man is still paying is because he's still playing. Yes, So now you and your girl that's been unseparable, is still dealing with him. You don't just get the money off of Hey, how you doing link Uh no, No, So she's still dealing with your brother. But when you're over there. She rushed him off the phone. I'm confused as to why she still talks and is willing to take his money because she got to keep servicing him to get the money. Bro, what's wrong with you? Same reason you offer to pay half, you're willing to pay half? Why because the natchal booty and the juicy chests and the pearly white flash stomach six feet tall got you digging in your pocket? Don't give it down? And if she put that makeup lashes on? Who? Who? What? We're dealing with him? So now she wouldn't take it? If something going on? She needs honest, honest dog? What are you asking for you? This chick has no morals. She's dating a married man that she knows is married. You confirmed it. She didn't get upset. She's still talking to the married man because of money, and now she talking to you because you didn't offer money. She needs to be honest? But how are you stupid? Are you just what you want? Player? My brother will find out in due time, okay, but I need to be sure she's not playing both of us, she or one of y'all. Boy, that don't make you no damn difference, y'all been a separable and you know that man and she got two suckers on the hook. And is you and your brother now? If you think Chief going to be true to you, go ahead take a shot, as long as your brothers fixing them calls. All right, listen, Thank you. Leave your comments on Today's letter on Instagram at Steve Harvey FM. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. I'm coming up in ten minutes our girl from the Talk, Chryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's introduce our girl from the Talk, Sheryl Underwood. Thank you, Steve Harvey, Hey, Cheryl, Sheryn Scribey, what's going on? Shrolaprells, Yes, Cheryl, what's happening? Thomas? What's the girl? Steve Harves and the Steve Harvey Nation. Let me tell you why JUNI ain't here right now? That's right. But I said half didn't do dirty baby, So you know Valentine's happened right Sunday, right, that's right. So I'm gonna tell you how I went down. I'm gonna tall. First of all, I know y'all don't think it was gonna happen, but it happens. What happened? What do you mean, chryl me and Junior? Oh, it happened. Happened. Yeah, that's why I ain't at work. Let me tell you, yes, yes, yes, oh, let me tell you how I went down Steve hobbing o hero. I knew it was gonna be a night of love because I walked in. The lights was off, maybe the weather electricity, but the lights was low. Right. I walked in calling for RELs, and I knew what was happening because Barry White playing your game Baby was on the concette player not my lord, my Lord, my Lord, Errol, my Lord, and timing I smelled the baby. All that Junior had heated up in a fun dude plot, Shell and Colin were slid all over to that house he should have placed slipping in the darkness, because that's what. Then the gifts that that Junior gave me, tom Me listen, man, I know he in love. First he gave me a portable metal wing stand wig stand. Why because as soon as I walked then he jumped on me so hard the wig flew off and it was thirty five dollars worth of synthetic hair on the floor, just like that, just like that synthetic. Then he gave me a hitting pad, Steve harmit because he knew he was about to blow my back out, So I had to get propel what I'm so in love, just tearful. My cousin Gladys work at the dispatch over Amazon Claudas and candy was coming, so she had already put the word out. Oh hell yeah. It was so many gifts coming that I was hanging off the side of the Amazon delivery van like like James Earl Jones in Claudine. Hey, you better say it alright, like say, happy Violentie Day to my love. Junior. You made my love come down, baby, James Jones. We gotta call hour coming up. At the top of the hour, we'll have Reality Update with Carla right after this. You're listening, all right, Tommy, come on, Let's introduce that girl. She's ready, she's back. Let's go, let's go. She is here. It's Carla Ferrell with what Reality up? Yeah, yeah, thank you, few, thank you. Share the girl. Steve. Here we go. Let's talk about Real Housewives of Atlanta. So the ladies are so oball Kenya as being the host of this girl's trip to South Carolina. This is the longest trip ever. But from travel arrangements to the room assignment beef with Marlowe ordering a crab cake sandwich just for her, not the rest of the guests that and not really even wanting to just hang out with the ladies and have fun and play games with their pj's. She just wanted to be with her daughter one night. And that reason was not good enough for Candy because all of the majority of the women in this particular group, this particular season, they all have babies. They all have young babies, young infant, toddlered little girls, and so they feel like, well, we left for our babies to come on this trip that you're hosting, but then you diss us one night to go be, you know, with you with your baby son. Candy, she tried to talk to Kenya, and Kenya broke down and she admitted that she's really having a hard time holding it all together, you know, Shirley dealing with a divorce from her husband Mark. Oh yeah, yeah. So Kenya asked, you're right, yes, yes, So she admitted to that. So she asked Candy and the new friend to the show, LaToya, to take over the hosting duties, if you will, of the trip. So, uh, during this episode, you know Porsche, during this particular season, you got to see Porsche, she you know, being involved and and marching for justice for Brianna Taylor. They showed Porsche doing that. So they got to watch the actual news footage of the grand jury verdict of you remember when that happened. How disappointed that we were no justice, and so you got to see Porsche talk about that. She was hurt, she was upset, you know, Porscha was arrested. She stood firm and marching with the family, and the lady's just talked about, you know, the lack of justice for Brianna Taylor being black women in this country. So it was it was a deep moment. But then later on the ladies went to dinner and Drew the new cast made up the show. She tried to talk to Kenya and tell her about the mood of the trip and how it's negative and she doesn't understand how y'all just be beef in one minute, y'all cool the next She's like she's trying to figure all that off, Kenya went off again after dinner. It's like, what's going on? So next week, get ready Cynthia's surprise bachelorette party hosted by Candy. Oh you know what's going you know, come on if it's a surprise, how y'all already know? Well, that was a promo to promote it for next week, and no, and then the show. Candy got the ladies some lingerie and different outfits. Sythia somewhere that boy right now, her husband. You gotta have your boy your mind right when you go up in there, hatch all to Todd, a bad boy, Candy hardest man of the yell I gave Todd man, ye man, she'd be advertising swings and stuff, hanging out. Boy, Todd gotta be a bad man. A man Todd is Man of the Year from Uncle Steve. Go ahead, Todd, Candy's husband quickly, I'm gonna switch gears to talk about The Bachelor. You know. The host of reality competition dating show The Bachelor, Chris Harrison. He is stepping away from the show for a while. This comes after controversy over his defense of a white contestant. Her name is Rachel Kirk. Conall photos of her attending an anti Bellum before the Civil War type plantation sorority party. So he kind of defended those pictures. This happened back in twenty eighteen. Well, you gotta keep in mind this season on The Bachelor, the Bachelor is a brother for the first time, Matt James. So step aside, period peace. Chris Harrison trying to defend those pictures. All right, that's reality update. You can hit me up at Lipspark, Carla on the ground which you got, Shirley. All right, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after. Thank you, Carla. Right after this. You're listening to the show. So you guys are familiar with Birkenstock shoes, right, They're not sexy, they're just comfortable. They're you know, not cute, but them. Yeah, they're called Birkenstock. Well, anyway, we all know about the well you heard of this, Steve. They're like um sandals, take at big buckles on them. They're just comfortable shoes. Well, for lack of a better that if you can identify with earth shoes, yeah maybe you can say they're similar. But I know you know this. We all know about the Ermez broken bags. Well, a super exclusive new shoe is out and it's at Birkenstock style sandal. It's made from destroyed birken bags. Okay, the shoes are sold check out this price for between thirty four and seventy six thousand dollars. Stop. And they're made by request only. Okay, yes, Kylie, yes, yes, yes, yes, your feet are out and just covered by some big straps with some big buckles. Kylie Jenner, Kylie Jenner, you know one of the Kardashian sisters, she got a pair. Hers costs reportedly seventy five thousand dollars. All right, So they are basic black pebbled leather Birkenstocks with the Ermez logo on the side. So if you had it, if you could just fantasize for a moment, would you buy a pair of these shoes? Why would you do that when you could get the damn bay We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, time for the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building let's go. Marcus in Atlantic City says, recently, my fiance lost a lot of weight, so she looks great, but she has a flat butt. Her sister had weight loss surgery and got a Brazilian butt lift, so my girl wants one. Two. Her sister was at our house and my fiance encouraged me to look at her butt and feel it. I guess I got carried away and squeezed, did a little too much. My fiance got mad and accused me of one to sleep with her sister. It's just a butt, and she told me to feel on it. But the butt was plus, she soft, but I didn't want her. How can I fix this? I don't want her? Well, you could stop lying about that, Marcus. What want you? Grab? You want it? All that grabbed and stuff? Yeah, you followed instruction, but it was But see what happen, Marcus was you probably didn't realize it, but when you did it, you bait your bottom, lilp. That's what got you in trouble. When you sucked in your bottom, lilp. He made a noise. Oh I would have Yeah, he did this, This is what he did right here, we're there. Yeah, that breathing that's what cost you. That's all it is. Mark. I can't help you, though, shouldn't ask your woman wants you to grab nothing better than that? Now? And when is that? Chante and Gary, we're moving on, says My mother and I have always had the worst relationship, and now that I'm older, I can't stand her. She's been on drugs for most of my life and the embarrassment the lives and stealing from me has me bitter. She's been clean for six years and I've helped her out whenever I can. She got saved and she's the very best Christian ever. She quotes scripture all day and tells me I'm going to hell every five seconds. How can I be there for her and work on our relationship without cursing her out? Well, you don't have to cuss out. But since she's the best Christian ever, why don't you remind her of a couple of things. There's some scriptures that if she's such a great and wants to quote some scriptures you know about not judging he who is without seeing cast the first stone, you know, forgiveness, understanding, you know how you don't you don't guide people into light by blowing out what little candle they got. So now your mama and got it together. Now everybody else hail bound. Has she forgotten? But see, that's the problem with a lot of people who become Christians, not all, but some They get saved and all of a sudden they forget that they wasn't saved. Yeah, right, and other people do. And the only way to win people over and convert people as Christian it's just let your light shine. They can see the Jesus in you. Yeah, and you ain't got to tell nobody you're doing better. They can see it. You've been a junkie, your whole damn life coming up. It is our last break of the day, and of course Steve Harvey will have some closing remarks at forty nine minutes after right after this. You're listening, all right, guys. Here we are last break of the day on this Thursday. Um. Praying for everyone that's affected by the winner storm, the heavy snowfall, the icy power outages and water shut off. Be safe. Yeah, I think I feel like Trump is behind this whole weather thing. How come I feel like this is his fault too, I really do. I think he has something to do with that too. The governor of Texas leadership ineffective leadership is for sure, that's for sure. Wasn't there people in a Texas town that said only the strong survive? And he was tweeting out all this stuff, Um, Colorado City, Colorado. Yeah, he resigned. Yeah. I was like, Okay, that's not encouraging, hopeful. These people are without power, and that's what you have to say to them, Only the strong survived. And a boy, oil, horrible, horrific what he said. It's just horrible to say that. I don't. I don't, I don't. I didn't hear what he said. One of the things he said was only the strong survive. Doing this mess that we got, doing this whole weather situation to residence. Yeah, he called them lazy, saying they were looking for handouts. What are you talking about? People need power in electricity? Oh oh oh, that's those are the words of a man with a generator. Yeah, he said, he's perfectly tired of people looking for a handout. Um, no one owes you or your family anything, nor is it the local government government's responsibility to support you during trying times like this. Sink or swim, it's your choice. What see but right there? Yeah, God, but as he should. And yeah, that's you know, the Republican mantra is every American should pull him up by their bootstraps. But that when you take it that far, he's going pad goal. You know what I mean. It's just people, man, who say stuff out loud. That's totally inconsiderate. Losing powers nobody's fault. The cold weather. It's hard to deal with. I don't care if you hercules. You can be a WWFF wrestler or NBA star. If you get hit with this cold weather that has struck Texas and you are without a power, you are in a situation children don't don't can't deal with stuff like this, you know, Steve, it's already hard being poor. Yeah. Yeah. If you don't have electricity, you step up and come up with a game plan to keep your family warm and safe. If you're having no water, you deal with out and think outside of the box to survive and supply water to your family. If you were sitting at home in the cold because you have no power and are sitting there waiting for someone to come rescue you because you're lazy, is a direct result of your raising that was that nothing you can do. That's what he said. That's nothing a class of people who lost their power in electricity, that water and power. It has nothing to do with that. It's that it was trying to privatize. And see but what you're just saying right there, caller, what you just saying ineffective leadership. Him in a leadership role saying stuff like this. See this is this is an example of what happened when people get in power who have never served people before, who has no clue what it's like to serve people, to have a heart for what other people are going through. And the only way to have a heart for what other people are going through is involve yourself with people who offer didn't go through store. That gives you the empathy that's necessary to become a great leader. That's what's the whole problem with Trump. He's never had a rough day in his life. His roughest day was filing bankruptcy. Do you know what that means? You had something to file for. Poor people can't file bankruptcy. They have nothing to file for. And so you in a leadership or capacity where you are in a governing position of people who are people who need help sometimes. And it's not that people are lazy and wouldn't pull themselves up, but their bootstraps. The problem is if your boots ain't got no straps, you have a problem with getting gripped. And then your other problem is when you ain't got the boots and if my boots are in four feet us to know who there is nothing I can do. I'm sorry, but it's people like that go ahead. You know what it is to see when we talked about before when Trump, when we was dealing with COVID and we were just talking about leadership and leaders being honest with people. And every time leaders are not honest, the truth comes out later in disasters and things like that. So for the whole thing in Texas, what has happened is the leadership was not honest with the residents of the state of Texas. They did not prepare these power plants for this type of storm because it doesn't happen in Texas that often. So when it doesn't happen, you kind of make these residents think where we're good or everything that's going on. Then when everything shuts down, everybody's like, well, what's going on? We've had snowstorters, moorfire. Yes, we've had snowstorms in the state of Texas before El Paso two thousand and eleven, same thing, same thing. So you didn't learn from your mistakes because you didn't care. You didn't care. They only care about making money. That's it. That's right. They don't care about helping people. That's part of their mantra. It is not to help. That's why, that's why. That's why Biden right now is struggling to get this big stimulus package passed because he can't get the Republicans to go along with it because they think it's too much money. But it's too much, but the leadership doesn't want to spend that much money, but the people need it. A part of this package is to help small businesses. Yes, yeah, yeah, he's got he's got a mess on his hands. He really really does. All right, Steve, we gotta get out of here. See your mom For all Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, avoid where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit at Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show,