Good morning and welcome to the ride! There is a lot of stealing going on this morning. The Chief Love Officer has a lot on his plate today. Curtis Jackson is looking to buy The Starz Network. A gunman went down like bird doo doo in Nashville. Steve talks about the added value of a monkey. Katt Williams had Astroworld on his mind while on stage recently. Would You Rather involved boobs and butts. Offset owes $950K to a rental company. Big Dog gets candid about fitness and his Achilles heel. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve explains to us the meaning of being still.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a suit on the don giving them like the million things, and it's to be true. Good it listening to mother for I don't join joining. You gotta use that turn out you you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby, dad. Uh huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show, man, Yeah, I do. Steve Harvey got a radio show because I can't tell it to you any other way because God has been so so very amazing to me. But the same God, and there is but one that same God is. It can and will be amazing in your life if you just allow it to happen. You know. I was somewhere, you know, and I was driving on the freeway somewhere, and I saw bill board and it was a guy in a field on his knees. And on this billboard it said something to the fact, when when you've run out of answers, try prayer. And I was I was going somewhere, and I don't even remember I go so much. Man, I was just going somewhere and I saw this billboard and I thought about that, And man, I cannot tell you how true of a statement that is. When you've run out of answers, when you don't know what to do, when you feel weak, when you are at a low point, when things just seem to keep happening to you, and you don't understand why. Prayer is an amazing weapon. Prayer is available to all of us. Here's a deal. You don't have to go through the all of that you're going through alone. See, I'm talking to men, women, boys, girls, students, leaders, bosses, employees. I don't care what's happening. I don't care what your situation is. I don't care if your relationship is all jacked up. I don't care if your kids and your relationship is jacked up. I don't care if your relationship at work is shot. Your co workers seem to always make you the buddy end of the joke. You always somebody always talking about you behind your back. You're finding it more and more necessary to try to hold your head up and walk past these people when some days you can't even get your chin up off your chest. If you're a woman out there and you've been alone by yourself for so long and you're just tired of being alone, you really want a relationship, you really want to be have a mate, you want to meet your soul mate, whatever it is, whatever it is, prayer is the answer. You are listening to a guy who is a direct recipient of prayer. I can't tell you anything that I've gotten out of that I didn't pray about. Oh, now, there are a lot of things. Hold on, let me backtrack a little bit. There are a lot of things that have happened in my life that I've gotten past without praying, because I think my Mamma was praying from me. And then as this thing that God has called grace and mercy that he just somehow keeps us all waking up every day without foot on some form or solid ground because He's just waiting on us to come to him. But y'all, if you can implement prayer into your day every single day, and I'm talking about put it in there at the top of your day, put it in there middly your day, put it in there when you close your day. Out when you're sitting at your desk and ain't nobody bothering you. That's a good time. Now. Look, you don't have to make no scene. You ain't got to let everybody know, Oh I'm spiritual, I love God, look at me. Oh I'm down, or you ain't gonna do none of that. Matter of fact, don't do it for that reason, because if that's your reason for doing it, that's gonna be your reward. If you want somebody to just say, oh, they pray every you know, they pray at lunch and they had a Bible on their desk and they have a bunch of highlights in it. If you're sitting it out there so people can see that that's what you do, then that's gonna be your reward. Please, no, you, that's gonna be your reward. What I want you to do, it's pray. Ask God for the things the desires of your heart, have a faith, believe in them. But pray earnestly. Man. I mean, actually go at it with saying, hey, God, listen to me. I can't do this without you. I need your help. Listen, man, I know a lot of people that pray. I know a lot of it. If I told you the rich and famous that I talk to that pray constantly, it would amas you. Go talk to God about it. Man. Matter of fact, you have already got yourself into trouble. Go talk to God about it. You can't see no way out. You're in a situation. You're thinking about doing something straight crazy. Pump your brake's partner. Slow down a little bit, my man, Slow down, don't don't. All you're gonna do is make a situation worse. Go over there today and talk to God. Talk to God for real. Just and look, man. You know what. Man, Sometimes I've gone to God and I've just said, Hey, God, I don't have a clue. Matter of fact, I'm so jacked up right now. God, I don't even really know what to ask you for. I just need some help. I'm so deep in some mess right now. Not only can I not see the way out, I can't see my way round. There's a there's a poem calling Victus, and the opening line says, out of the night that covers me black as a pit from pole to pole, I thank God for whatever be from my unconquerable soul. That this line is so deep. It starts off, saying, I am in deep trouble. I'm in a pit, black as a pit, from pole to pole. I'm talking about man. From over there to over there, it's pitch black and and and man, that's man. You've been in that situation before, y'all, because I have. I'm talking about black as a pit from pole to pole. God is there, God is available. God is always standing by. He just wants you to come to him. See, he's been coming to you a whole lot of times. He's presented himself. I can't tell you how many times he's shown you how good a god he is. He's given us all grace and mercy without us asking for He's gotten you through some things. And you looked at him. Who, Man, I don't know how the hell. Okay, that's cool, I'm cool. No no, no no, no, no, that wasn't cool. That was God. Pray man. When you out of answers and you don't know what to do, Pray. If you see some trouble coming, Pray if you already got into it. Pray if you don't know the answers, Pray if you can't see no way out, pray, Pray man, talk to God. Don't make a scene. Just talk to God. All right, very important, you're listening. Show ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show again. One of the greatest songwriters and producers of all time, Roscoe Wallace, involved in a three trillion dollar lawsuit against the music industry for stealing every song and hit he's ever written. Roscoe Wallace is here this morning with another hit he wants credit for. Thanks. Thanks my friend. Tell the Juwi body lawsuit. Here we go. We want to leave the doe ober. I'm gonna leave the do oher. Yeah. Oh, I know you want to close it, but I like it. Oh open, That's why I'm tilling you. I'm leaving it open. I want to leave the door open. Yeah. See Sunny Yeah wrote that child. Credit with him. Go ahead, y'all have a great show in the morning. Be back and Mary with another hit, the rope. Thank you, Bruno mother. What a little Anason. I just call him Anason because he stole that laugh barter his name from Tupac. I'm not gonna let him do that. Ain't nobody to get away with all this. Steelers your name just Anderson. You ain't on Anderson Park. At TUPAC name letter, y'all. Yeah, all right, good morning everybody. Charlie, call it Tommy, Julie, everybody. Dude. Yeah good. You have to go through this too. I know how to do. But we're gonna be calling all the time. They called back to back. Do your phone me back. I want to call you back to back. Ain't Martin. They'd be calling and you want to talk. But it's just five minutes ago. What you what you're doing? I was doing the same. Let me give you some advice. Now, don't discuss this on the air. What U Because they have friends who listen to the show. Margie can call me as many times as she liked. When I look at that phone and I see her name, Papa, I'm over filled with joy. I don't care if fish back to back to back to back. Oh. I want to bite that phone in half, that's all, and chew the glass with my tongue and lips. But the way I got to answer that phone, yeah, it's like, I can't believe you bless me with another damn call. You ain't need nothing but my honor to answer this phone call right here for you to think I'm not answering this as quickly as I can. It is beyond men. When you went straight, when you hang off, that's great as freak boy, that's how you got to do it. You get practicing that now. Yeah, all right, coming up next the nephew and run that frank back right after day. You're listening Stry Morning Show. All right, time now for run that frank back with the nephew and nephew what you got for us today? We are going to make a wish ministry Baptist. This is Terry Man. Help you please, Brother Terence. Yeah, how you doing? I got your your number? You with the over the church. You went to make a witch ministry? Yes, I am, I'm gonna help you. Well listen, I'm I'm I'm actually uh, I'm I'm terminally ill. Brothers, Brother Terrence, and I don't you know as far as what the doctors tell me, it could be six months, another year, But I know my time here is definitely limited. You know. Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but we're definitely here to help you out with whatever you need or whatever we can help you with. So what can we do for you? Well? You know, I truly believe that sometimes people have and you know, I've seen one of the old movies they got with it got a bucket list or whatever they called it. You know, people trying to do things before they leave here. I guess I'm just sitting around trying to figure out what I could do and what I wanted to do before I left this world and went on to what he asked for me next. You know, I don't believe in doing anything unless it's prayed on first. Oh yeah, if you don't mind, maybe you can. You know, before I can tell you my wish, we prayed that the wish would come true. You you you're not doing anything like that. Oh no, I don't mind praying. That's what we're here. F Bow your head with him. Yes, your sir is your head, by your sir, your sir, here the God. We come to you in the umeless way. We know how. Lord, we ask you to touch this young man and every which way he hurt, and then we ask you to deliver him for whatever is going on with him, and let him know that we the church is here to help him with whatever his needs is in his last days. And Jesus's name, I pray say amen with it's gonna do it here now you a member of the church here, I'm new. Well I was a number I still consider myself. Remember it's just been quite some time, tryably over a year and after two years, as I've been able to come, you know, through to my my illness. But definitely I will remember that. Well, that's all right. We're not worried about all that. We just here to take care of your last and final wish. That's what our minister is for. You know. We helps people with with with anything they need, you know, like that. What what all I mean when when people call them, won't think what all of you you are? What all of y'all helped them with? Well, we've helped them with their rent, uh, take them to the store, help them with a utility bill, come out and cut the grass, anything like that they just can't do. Take them to the doctor's appointment. Anything we'd like to help them with, we do exactly that. Okay, Well I pretty much got those things taken care of. I think what I'd like to do between you and myself, brother dying. And I've never told anyone what I'm about to tell you. I've never been with a with with a woman too I'm you know, I'm thirty eight, but I've never been with a woman. Well, I guess that might be a blessing. You might you might be there. That's a good thing. Well, you know, but sometimes you know, I give before I leave. I guess that's a desire that I have. And and and uh, what I wanted to ask you was there is a lady there at the church, and before I leave, I think that's the woman that I would actually like to be with. Well, I don't know if make a wish ministry can support that kind of stuff, but uh, go ahead, let me hear, Okay that the lady that I'm actually interested in actually, uh she works at the church too. When I see she's done him at all? When she's about five nine, and she's probably about a size eight, beautiful long leagues man and and and sandy type of half sandy color for sandy brown man. And I mean she looked like careman. Hold on a minute, what's her name? I think her name Linda? Now hold on, that's my wife. What you mean go ahead and see wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Linda your wife? Yeah, that's my wife. You Sorrence, what do you mean listen, y'all are ministry now. Now, if y'all supposed to be taking care of people, don't make a wish and and taking care of what they want before they leave this world? If that's my wish? What is the problem listening here? You didn't cross every line there was about this man, so I don't give a damn about it. I'm you're talking about sleeping with my Like if I see y'all gonna do something to you, they ain't gonna even be able to recognize you. So what the you talking about? Missing with my wife? Son of um called miss Linda myself and seeing you know I have a problem, wouldn't helping me make my wish come true? God didn't call, and you won't call nobody else that it be the last called you make. I thought y'all were here to relieve people so they can enjoy themselves before they leave this world. You talk about sleeping with my wife? Are you crazy? But but if I'm going to leave here, ain't nobody gonna know? But you want to hut. I don't care if you die. I don't care. You ain't sleeping with my wife and your food with her. You probably gonna go ahead and die quicker than you need to. I thought this was a ministry. I don't cal you would now you won't. They're telling me about daring. Y'all supposed to be a ministry that to help people before they leave a word what it is. But you talk about sleeping with my wife. You got an illness, But something must be wrong with your brain talking about messing with man wife. Ain't nobody don't even know? I think what your wife wants? Something gonna there. Ain't gonna beople the tool y'all. At least you would have helped me before I left. No, I can't help you with nothing. And let me tell you something. I'm not the preacher, I'm not the past I'm not the deacon, I'm not none of them. But if you mentioned my wife, you're gonna know who I am. I'm gonna be the undertaker. Do you understand? I here was too thing, But I got one more thing I need to tell you about who I ain't who asked you? Isn't it the go ahead? Let me here? This is nephew talk me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your wife, y'all me the phrase, no, y'all tell me you ain't recording. This is man's recording. Every last bit of hammer last ain't gonna here. This is Oh god, I got one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the boo radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, thank you, nephew, you almost got it that time for real? All right? Coming up next, asked the CLO. With Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building right after this, you're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Travis Scott has stepped up in a major way to assist victims of his Astra World Fest, and fifty cent is beefing with the Stars Network again. That's coming up in entertainment at the top of the hour. But right now, yeah, we'll talk about it, but right now it is time to check in with Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey. Ready for your love question to this one. Steve is from Bug in Tennessee. Bug writes, I am thirty seven years old and I met and I'm married to a man that is twenty two years older than I am. He has a daughter my age and I hang out with her and her husband often a few weeks ago, I got drunk with them and I had a threesome with them. Both she and her husband reached out to me for a do over, but I don't want either of them. Could this possibly affect my marriage? Or are they wise enough not to tell my husband what happened? Should I tell me to believed from? Well, um, you know, just from all my previous experience. Everybody I know the name bug been a dude. But I'm assuming this is a woman because I'm just it's just a woman. Now, let me ask your question. These people that she had this three so with how they related to Oh, this is his her husband's daughter and her husband because they're the same age. So they invited Bug over and they had a threes Now they want to call back for a due over, but she don't want either one on. Yeah, that threes That was a bad experience. Like that bug rush around up in there and was up in there with centipede and roach and it just got out of hand. I can tell you right now. Look the little girl looked like a roach, but Centipede, that man had his hands all over everybody, and so it was not a good experience with her. So she ran up in there they ain't had this orgy, and now she don't want no part of it. I don't think they're going to tell her father, but I do think you have to turn it down. And you need a couple of things. First of all, you need to quit drinking. And then secondly, you needed another name. Quick calling yourself bug. You two damn daughter. You name Dave baby bug if you want that. I've never seen a cute girl named bug. Yeah, we're moving on, Lakisha and Richmond says, I've been going to the same church since I was in my early twenties and I'm fifty one years old now. I used to date the choir director about five years ago, and he told his new wife. She told him that he can't be my friend anymore. And I accepted that. What I can't accept is her rolling her eyes at me at church. She's fairly new here. So I want him and her to find a new church home so I can worship in peace. I can fight it in pastor. And he said, if I have a problem, I need to go. I haven't done anything. Why should I go. You confide it in the pastor, And he said, you need to go. Wow, I'm gonna just tell you something really looketious. Time to get a new church home. I mean, how you worship in peace when you go into the leader of the church and you tell him your situation and confide in him and he tell you have to go because she's not the one with the problems. So how do you worship in peace when your pastor is against you being there because he didn't pass judgment on your prior relationship with the choir director. See he not going to lose the choir director, right, No, no, no, no, he run the choir now that's his new if he's trying to honor that part. But he wants to disavow you from the church because you had a relationship with him, And now y'all k be friends no more, she rolling eyes at you. I lead a church so fast because I don't like him, her all the past and that right, it's hard because she's been going there for thirty years. It's okay, it don't matter. New churches. Churches got pin the seat and it's new people. I don't like the leadership. I don't like what they stand for. That's right, I agree, all right. Moving on to Jacinda and Oklahoma, she says. My sixty year old aunt is my workout partner. She's very direct and out broken. We were on the track running and then sat and cooled down. She started a conversation about body odor and said that I was unbelievably musty and should consider some kind of medical procedure to correct it. I'm sure because my mother told me stories of how my aunt was always musty growing up and wouldn't wear deodorant. I thanked my aunt for telling me, but I wanted to tell her she's the musty one. Should I tell her? I would? I gonna let him know your mama told him when they was kids she was musty. Once you a musty child, you have to become a musty or adult. There's no way around him. You don't lose funk as you grow up, you get older. I'm telling you, I got a friend. He was strong when we was growing up. His nickname was Onion. He garlic. Now that's all I got. This boy run here. We only willing food with him. No more. He cannot come to my house and he couldn't fix the problem. He ain't got no money for the problem. I love him, though, because we grew up together. Now I pay for an operation, whatever it is. But they had to cut his skin off. I don't know how else this could work. Yeah, because it's all in his skin right now, they're gonna have to peel his ass. It's a possible if they both think, because it must maybe run in the family, maybe the whole family. It's the unt. It's the aunt. It's the aunt. Yeah, she running, the funt coming up under her to the point where they sit down. She thinks the other person. I'm telling you, it's got worse. She gott to quit running around. You're circulating the funt. I don't know what track they are, but I bet to be out there by theself after two laps. I'm gonna tell you right now, but you can go to that track any day or the week after two laps. It's people in the infield man gasping. It's it's it's some people that left that track thing in their head covid. I'm talking about left that track with straight I want to ventilating. I'm telling you right now what I know. Go ahead, s all right. My girlfriend and I have a child together, and the only reason I'm staying with her is because I know if I leave, she won't let me see my daughter. I feel trapped in a relationship that isn't working, and I don't want my two year old to see your mom and I fussing all the time. I want peace in my life and I want true love. I will be thirty next month, So how do I move on without any issue? It's gonna be issues, dog, you got to just move on by I don't know what you think. How do you think? How you thinking that gonna be no issues? If you move on, it's issues. If you stay, life has issues in it now. You can be still dealing in this issue and be unhappy, or you can go get you some issues and go somewhere and be happy. I would opt for the go somewhere and be happy with some issues, happy issues period. You could take her to court, you can see your child, you can get visitation. But I promise you I'm not staying here, all right, Seelo, thank you. Coming up next at the top of the hour, it is entertainment news. Right after this. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. Following Friday night's tragedy at Travis Scott's Astra World Festival in Houston, Travis announced that he is stepping away from other performances as he focuses on supporting the victims. Travis will cover the funeral cause for the deceased, and he partnered with a virtual counseling company called Better Help to Help Free Therapy to offer free therapy sessions to anyone that's having a hard time coping with the shocking turn of event. He also plans to refund all attendees of the Astra World Fest. Kylie Jenner and daughter Stormy were at Astra World Fast on Friday, and Kylie released a statement offering her condolences as well. On her Instagram story, she says, Travis and I are broken and devastated. My thoughts and prayers with all who lost their lives, were injured or affected in any way Friday's event, and also for Travis, who I know cares deeply for his fans and the Houston community. Wow. I think this is Live Nations issue. It's it's really a Lave Nation issue, you know. I feel sorry for the victims, especially I feel sorry if it is guy because they're gonna make it about being his fault. But it's it's it's not responsibility. The fire chief thing that No, No, the whole of the fire chief's job is to first of all, you get a permit. When you throw a gig on the permit, it tells you how many people can be at an event. If they let it go over that event, that's the fire marshal's responsibility to be at that event to say, hey, we got too many people. They come on all the TV shows. If you do anything wrong at a TV show, they come through that. You see them everywhere. You got to go, hey, you got too many people in here, what's going on? Shut it down? Let's take account. So I don't know why the fire marshalists trying to go heat bad some responsibility. You're trying to deflect from the city. Everybody gonna get drugged into this lawsuit because of lawyers. They see an opportunity for money, because there are layers, some lawyers who are opportunists. There is an opportunity here for several settlements to be made. They are going to get as many settlements as they can, as many as they can, y'all. And that's the truth of the matter. I like what this young kid is doing, you know, paying for funerals and stuff like that you're not running from. It's good, but I'm afraid of this remark. We're here for all of the victims, anyone who is hurt or injured. I'll be careful with that remark right there, my girlfriend goddamn. But it's it's some it's some greed out there that just playing it. Some people take advantage of bro bro bro. When people see an opportunity at a check. It's just like if you're driving your car and you get rear ended. Yeah, now, if you ain't got your money right you you got I got a case. You hit me in the back of my back hurt. I'm going to little bs car practice. I'm going to take these little muscle actual repairs. I'm going to get this right here, and I'm going and I'm going to get whatever checked. Insurance going to be be cut for me. Now I've been rear ended, but when I had money, I ain't got time for this to go to no damn Kyle practice to guess what I told the truth. I'm fine, just fixed my car. I ain't got time to go down here and play this game with y'all. Right, mister Harvey settlement that you come in, I don't have time take off from my job to go down here. See what I get paid on my job? What y'all offend? Give me them? Defendn't be two different numbers, so I can't do it. But now a person who needs money, they don't look as soon as somebody real in. You adn't see that they didn't hit that car. I understand getting out of round. I do. I understand getting that just break out a run. I can't pay for that. I can't pay for that one right there. Tommy didn't know what would happen if I rear ended somebody. Oh yeah, I know y'all come up like I swear to god, I wouldn't know y'all be it worked over all, right, So we're gonna move on fifty cent. You know he's always up to something, right, and this time fifty is mad at the Star's network. He's been mad at them before about power Well. Fifty says he wants to buy the Star's network that he helped to build. Fifty found out that Lionsgate is looking to sell or spin off Stars, and he took credit for boosting ratings and building up its current slate. He tweeted, wtf is this no raising canan, no BMF. What do you think made their stock jump? I gave them two hits back to back, shaking my head. These people the crazy, smart as hell, but no common sense. Shortly after Fifty tweeted it, he jumped into into the comments, claiming that he's gonna look into buying the Stars network. A little later, he aired out some of his issues with the company, which he called an s show. Okay, and then he suggested that they sell it fast. It's always hard to tell. It's always hard to tell, though, if fifty is serious or not. He sounds a little serious on this one. But what a network? Do you think he has the money to buy a whole network? I think he has money. He don't need all of the money, He just need a partner. Go get it. He can buy Stars. He has enough people who could believe in him, some big boys. They could go get it. Yeah, you know, get it. Put them on the map. Especially, we don't even know what Stars was, right exactly, I didn't know about the network. I'll say, not like that. He put it on the map. Yeah by alabauta weather channel, right, oh yeah, buy an Alabata weather chapel. Yeah, anything has a price, all right up next to Nashville pastor tackles a man waving a gun during church service. Wow, we'll get into that at twenty minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening, all right, guys. A quick thinking pastor in Nashville on a hand full of church members tackled and disarmed a man that was waving a gun during Sunday morning service. This happened at the Nashville Light Mission Pentecostal church, where congregants reported that the pastor was at the aultar praying with church members when a twenty six year old man took out a gun and told members to get out of their seats. The pastor tackled the suspect, and other members helped the pastor hold the man down until police arrived. The suspect reportedly was not a member of the church. He was charged with fifteen counts of felony aggravated assault. Good did you see past it all? Yeah, that's look like we must have been a cornerback back in the day. I like protecting the flock. Now, surely you read a statement that I felt was incomplete. Well, you said the man was tackled and disarmed the rest of that story should have said tackled, disarmed, comment, stumped yeah, pistol whipped yeah, and crushed by a pue Yes, and then a keyboard on top of that. Now, but that he then called the police. But let's go over this again. Tackle this on stumped Yes, sir, pistol whipped yes with his own pistol. You bought it in him? This must this okay, just the one we use it, pip and crushed by a pue. Yeah, at least on his legs. Yeah. When we been saying, but sir, how is he under this put officer, We don't know. He rolled under the him Now when we're whipping his behind, how long before we call the police? Well, we gotta give each member a chance to express theirselves. Yeah, you know it would him. I'm in there, and when uh mother Harrison come out the back, we're gonna see what she wanted to do. She suggestion she and a hover around. She gonna roll up and slapping. But normally she would pray, but nonsense, this ain't the praying time right here. Different laying of hands here, that's gonna be very different than that. While he was laying with his legs crushed under the pew. Mother Grayson came and baptized him. We could not explain why this boy was wet. Pastor thought fast, he moved. I like Pastor man, that's sure. Yeah, that's that's the thing. You know, A great leader. Yeah, but he was. But he was in shape, though, Sirley, you can't do know him, But said Passton, I don't know. I don't know if he's in all that much shape, but you know the Pentecostal church he was. However, he was so he got saved. That's what he was when he tackled him. All right, Amen, on that note, y man, and I'm coming up. We'll have more of the Sea Harvey Morning Show at thirty four minutes after. Right after this you're listening to show. This is a crazy story. If you guys heard about the special teams coach for the Texas Longhorns football team. Allegedly, coach Jeff Banks is dating an exotic dancer who is professionally known as Whole Assassin. Okay, and she features her pet monkey in her act on stage. Come on? What right there? Come on? When I said the word monkey, told y'all he would go. Now she She's also appeared as a guest on The Jerry Springer Show, and apparently she had a Halloween haunted house theme set up for or tricker treaters last week and her pet monkey bit a kid who is tricker treating. Now that part isn't good, but can you imagine getting attacked by a monkey while tricker treating? Um? This is crazy to that. I asked the guys, who's the most interesting person you've ever dated? I ain't had nothing like this here, I ain't had nothing like that. No ripple with a monkey. I never dated a stripper, but I did date a girl that was a pole of Sassin though a whole nother story, but she wasn't a stripper. No. Oh, okay, what is your obsession with monkeys? I've never operated in a room with a monkey, but I know the added value of a monkey must be high. And because that, see, you don't really know what this monkey going do you know, as trained as he may be. You know, monkeys do have their own thoughts, right, you know, Monkeys cuddle, Monkeys kind of react like people. You know, monkey do sexual favors. You've seen that on tape before. So if you bring a monkey in him. The monkey gonna do the most. Now that's why I don't say I want to be in there with a monkey, but I do know people who bring monkeys you really gonna open yourself up to something you not read it cause they're quick. A lot of things happened to you and you don't even know what's happened. And then and then like monkey hand, like they decide like a monkey hand by the size of tommy head. And it's very quick hand and a little at her hand with all the little fast fingers on them and hitting that next thing. You know, it's just an activity just too much. That's why I always bring up a monkey. Yeah right, And it's just you know, because they got them big ass knuckles and the big ass tipsy fingers. Always look they get they tipped to their fingers is big and they knuckles is big. That's so that's why you like monkeys. Unpredictable. That's well, yeah, in your room, he can't be in nine. See the stuff I like in the room with me and stuff I had to control bachelors of ants. You know, uh, spam, you know stuff like that, Sam, Yeah, you know, spam, spamly greasy. It provides the slickness, but then she got the monkey there to assist, so he's in the room. So you got to deal with that, the coach and the girl, I mean her. Yeah. Don't you know how many men that went to a strip club and end up falling in love with the stripple happened? I don't know why. I believe you eight hundred dollars later. Listen, Wow, went last time you've been to a strip club? About five years ago? Yeah? Yeah? And wow that long? Yeah? When's the last time you? Last weekend? About five months ago? I think what you mean? You think? You know? Really somebody asked me something. I really you really need to think about this, allegedly better some better words cannot be this damn stick. It is no way let me say I'll passed by that, Okay, I just f fix it. Yeah, well, and I'm stupid for going five years ago. I asked Junior, I did not ask You asked me, Yeah, but you said that long. All right, we gotta go. Thanks, All right. Up next the nephew with the prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to st Morning Show coming up right about four minutes after the hour. It's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject is he says, He says Now he says his fantasies are normal. M we'll get into that in just a bit. Right right now is the nephew stepping up to the plate with today's prank phone call? What you got for us? Now? I'm trying to build my stupidity up as I you know, as I get closer to Jacksonville flaw to this weekend. So I'm still at a pretty high level. Yeah, because I'm trying to get it as high as I can. So when I hit that stage, said Friday night, I wanted at a level full of just I want to peak out, I really do. I want to get as ignorant as possible and then just just take it all the way over. But we're gonna start this thing with n W eight end W. Hey, Now what you think that means? Right? They're good, they're good, they're good, They're good. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, This this this ain't easy, This ain't ice cube or drained none of him. This right here is in word abolish end word. Abolish you at that stupid level this week? Yeah, you're gonna be prime w N word abolishes let's go Cat Doe. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to read mister fears. My name is Andrews. Is okay, how are you doing, sir? Everything going good tonight, man, I'm doing fine. Word um wow, Uh sir, listen, my name is once again, uh Andrews, and I'm with n WA, which is in word abolishers. And as you know, the N word just got buried and we're trying to keep that successful and trying to do as much as we can for people to not use the word. It's been brought to our attention that you have been consistently um using the word even after we've buried it. And what we're wanting to do is, first of all, ask you to stop. And we don't want to take any other actions which could mean not only burying the word, but also burying the people who use it, such as yourself from and I told you I'm late for work, man, you please, I say, I want to say, I ain't got time to be listener. N w A y'all need to go listen to a rap record or something. I'm calling my s I got to do. I'm man, I understand that, sir. We're just asking you, sir, can we could you possibly not use the N word? Go ask somebody else, call somebody. Elsen't bother with it, I say, I say, I stay, call me with this. Go with you crazy n I ain't never heard of y'all, sir, do you? We're just I know it's I know it's a process, sir, but we're asking you that if you could just possibly just quit using the word man you, I'll use whatever the hell I want. I don't know you, You You don't know me. What the hell you how you know I use the word anyway? Sir? Could you please not call me that? You? How about that? I said, don't call me that that. Don't get me bent out of shape about it? All right? You sound like a stupid I got to what I've said, Uh, I tell you, I got to do man, I ain't got time to play on the folks. I'm trying to make sure that here in this country from now, the word is not used anymore. And for you to do this, for you to continue to go against the grain, we gotta put a stop to it. I don't have a problem the type of that's who I am. I'm a good gristling grain type of I don't have a problem burying you along with the word. Oh look, dad, you're calling crazy boy bury me. I'm gonna bury you. Bury hatchet in your back? How about that? You don't like that? Dude? Na with attitude? That's what your ship call. It's not it's in wa. It's in word abolishers with attitude? Stupid? Who made up with my apologists? Sell apologist apologists? You stupid. Don't call my phone. It's in Look. You gotta talk to me with some respects. Talk to me with some respects, sir, get no respect for me because you call my phone. Stupid. You called me. I don't know how you got my mother. I was spending this much time talking to him. Stupid. You sound like a dumb calling somebody's phone. CO cost nine one one to get you from here, So don't get your swamp him. Oh well, I'm right here. I ain't moving. I live right here in thirteen on one. Come see me look it up as you can't find it. Get your GPA right here. Can I tell you another thing? You can tell me whatever you want to tell me. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got pray by your brother Marcus Spence Man, you are crazy, dog. You're crazy, y'all. Oh cupid, y'all crazy? Amen? Amen? What's true? Hey? Look at your brother. Martha's told he told us, he said, I bet him five hundred dollars he was gonna use the N word before the month was up. Man, y'all can't just, you know, told it like this, you know, but you can't just told m Something on me made it take time. It's like stop smoking cigarettes. It take me six months just to get it out. My sister. Time about your brother, said, he said, I promise you my brother Calvin is the craziest person I know. He said, he gonna go off as soon as you call it. I might be the criz said he know, but that some of the craziest on the radio. That's for damn this one and Calvin Dooman favorite man's work my man, dog. Yeah, hold up, work on the word, all right, work on the old time, bro. I'm gonna try. I promise do a fast. Try to fast for about two weeks without using it, all right, fan, Okay, Yeah, that's a good. Let me ask you what is this boy? What is the baddest radio show in the land? You got to be kids don't like that. It's the Steve Harby Morning show man every morning. How about that? All right? Say for now you say, folks and people and y'all try. Oh my god, favorite Calvin is offen. He didn't waste no time. But Tommy, when you got mad, Dough, that's my favorite part. When you got mad? He say, are you mad? Now? Dog Like he wasn't even phasing him. But I'm like, my favorite was at the end when he found out when you told him, and he can say he kept saying it, but can say, excuse me, Oh excuse me, man, my bad right here, all in my bad. I'm sorry, man, Oh my god, stop going against the grain. And I'm gonna go against grain. Quick came on my phone. Put a hatchet in your back when you're here, hatchet they dude right there. Man, he bought it. Man, you got a problem with him trusting the league? Oh man, that's it I have. I'm starting that I'm getting I'm gonna be as ignorant. Today is the day is Wednesday. I'm just gonna keep getting ignorant. I'm gonna be ignorant a getting to mar Friday. I'm gonna be at the all out height of it. And then Friday nights, seth m'clock, Jacksonville, Florida, All my god, Nephew, Tommy and Friends comedy show. You do not want to miss it. It's the Ramona ball Room, Pavilion whatever, Roma Pavilion ball Room, Key Screwing net weed a Ramona Pavilian Ballroom and Nephew is in town. Two shows Friday too, Saturday, Jacksonville, Flaw the tickets on sea right now, so that stupid level has started. So by the time I land, Oh my god, ignorance. All right, man, thank you, Strawberry Letter coming up. He says his fantasies are normal is the subject. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and just click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air. You never know, could be yours. It's time for the Strawberry Letter. Thank you, Steve. Wow you introduce me. Thank you Hey, before we get to this letter and the subject and everything, just want to warn you if you have small children listening and everything, you don't want to hear this one. Okay, just put it like that, turn the kids away, all right. Subject. He says his fantasies are normal. Dear Stephen Shirley, My husband and I have been married for almost six years and he's my best friend. We are inseparable and we have not spent one night apart since we got married. Our sex life is really good, and occasionally we'll have a third party come in and join us in the bed. We like to film home movies of us walking around naked in our home, and we also record our sex capades, and we enjoy watching our home movies. The only problem I'm having is that he is insatiable. Nothing we do can satisfy him. It's like he's always trying to top our last experience we roll play. And his fantasies have gotten bizarre lately, so I need your help. He likes watching videos of people having sex wearing animal costumes, and he has videos of various animals having sex with each other. He watches porn for hours, and he said it's what's got him through the pandemic. We're also usually naked around the house, but lately I want a robe because he likes to have me lie on the couch so he can eat his food off my chest and stomach. It's a turn off, but I want to keep him happy. He has a few celebrity crushes, and he's called me by their name more than a few times during sex when I when I tried calling him, try to get through this. When I tried calling him Steve Harvey during sex, he didn't like it one bit. But yes, yes, yes, all right, I'm gonna try to get through this again. He has a few He has a few celebrity crushes, and he's called me by their name more than a few times during sex. When I tried calling him Steve Harvey during sex, he didn't like it one bit, and neither did. I keep me out all this isn't a nasty stuff, y'all. Take my name, damn letter. Things are getting out of hand, and I told him a lot of his fantasies are not normal. He said, I can't switch things up on him, depriving him of happiness in the bedroom. I'm warning he might cheat on me if I don't continue to play along, Can you please give me some tips on how to transition into a normal sex life. I want children, so it's time for us to have a normal household. Please help me out. I'm with Steve, don't be bringing his name into this because this is just nasty. And the thing is, you know, he doesn't want you to switch things up on him, And he's right in a sense that it's really hard to stop doing this kind of stuff once you've started. And you guys are doing a lot of crazy mess. Your husband really is doing the most. It's too much. He's all over the place. You guys are having threesomes. You guys have looking at people with animal costumes on, and then you're you're looking at animals doing it. You know, I guess that really is what insatiable means. I mean, nothing can satisfy your husband, mister freakye free, come on, regular sex doesn't get the job done anymore. He needs help, That's what I think. Seriously, you wrote us, but I think he needs some serious help, like you know, a sex edition therapist or something like that. He's got to do some work here. I mean, there's no way you can keep up with all this going on, and I think it's only natural that you're thinking about normal things now. You can't bring a baby into this mess. The problem will be convincing him these you know, the stuff has got to change. He's probably gonna just want to keep doing it in the bedroom. No, you're you're getting over this, you're growing up, you're maturing, you're changing, And until then I would just wait, wait, wait, wait to try and have children if you guys are even still together, because you want to stop and he doesn't. Steve. First of all, this is foolishness right here. This whole letter is stupid from top to bottom. It's not a redeeming moment in this letter. It's nothing I really even care about. I'm gonna just tell you flat out for a WEE can start this here. I'm gonna read the letter and answer it. But I ain't got no help for you, right. I don't know what you're gonna do. I really don't, because from the beginning of the letter, all this is both y'all's fault. All it is y'all bought this foolishness on yourself. My husband I've been married for almost six years. He's my best friend. We are inseparable and we've not spent one night apart since we got married. Okay, okay, our sex life is really good. In a case, we have a third party coming join us in the bed right there, right there, that's the beginning of the end. This don't ever work out. I've never heard it working out for anybody. Once you introduce a third party into your marriage, it usually don't work out. And it ain't even got to be sex. If you keep introducing a third party into your marriage, it's gonna interfere with the marriage. But y'all brought everybody into the bedroom. Y'all like filming home movies of us walking around naked. We record our sex capades. We enjoy watching movies in our own home movies. And then she say, the only problem I'm having is that he's insatiable. That's not your only problem. But okay, nothing we do can satisfy him. It's like he's always trying to top our last experience. He can't top it without you. We role playing. His fantasy have gotten bizarre lately, so I need Joe. Hell not right here. You know. We tell jokes about monkeys and all this his stuff but you just said his fantasies have gotten bizarre lately, and I need your help. What does me and shely Finn to do? Right? All right now? Jokes about having a monkey in the room and a spam and the other admit, but that's all. I don't know what to tell you. We come back there. I'm gonna tell you something. Part two of your response is coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters. Subject he says his fantasies are normal. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to morning show, All right, come on, Steve, Let's recap today's crazy Strawberry letter. The subject he says his fantasies are normal, and please be aware nothing normal about this letter and his fantasies are the normally. Y'all been together six years year in seth really your best friend. Sex life is really good and occasionally we have a third party coming join us in the bed right out to dribble. That can I tell you that ain't normal. I'm just sharing this with you. That's really not normal. That's really not how it works. We like film home movies, us walking around in our home naked. That's not normal. That ain't normal. We also record our sex capage and we enjoy watching our own home movies. I know people do that, but once again, that ain't normal. The only problem I'm having is that he's insatiable. Nothing we do can satisfy him. Is like he's always trying to top our last experience we role playing. His fanties have gotten bizarre lately, so I need your help. His fantasies have gotten bizarre lately. Well, I don't know how you think we're gonna help, but let's see what you're talking about. He likes watching videos of people having sex wearing animal costumes. That's not normal. And he has videos of various animals having sex with each other. Let me tell you something, y'all sick. These ain't fantasies. This is a sickness watching animals. Are you kidding me? What's that? I don't even understand. Yo, man is sick, and you sick for sitting there going along with this. Uh. He watches pawn for hours, and he says that's what got him through the pandemic. Uh, we're still in the pandemic. I don't know if you notice enough, but it's still the pandemic going on. That we may not be on lockdown like we used to be, but that's not what's what's so this is still going on. I take it right now. We're usually naked around the house, but lately I've won a roll because he likes to have me lie on the couch so he can eat his food off my chest and stomach. It's a turn off, but I want to keep him happy. How to wait a minute, what spaghetti off your chest? How big is your breast? How you keeping us spaghetti? How's you keeping this spaghetti on your chest? I'm not understanding that. Who got a bowl of soup on your stomach? What's doing? How big is your belly? Buddy? What is we doing right now? Because who the hell can cut a piece of meat loaf on your day of stomach? I'm not understanding that's right here? How strong of a woman over you? He a lady? How that his French fries on you? And he just snacking? I'm not understanding this? Bright him? These eggs is hot? His hell, he can't flip them over? Hoods? He cooking on you? What? I don't even know what's going on right here? I'm just trying to think of these foods that you got in there laying on your something. He just got Chinese food just on your stomach. What are y'all in here doing? Hell yeah, hasn't turn off how this food is hot. He has a few celebrity crutches, and he's called me by their names more than a few times doing sex. When I tried to call him Steve Harvey doing sex, he didn't like that one bit. I know that. YE know that because you've been in the room. I don't want in this letter right here. I'm really I don't even want to be on take me out your crush list, Wines. I'm only crush list. This is too crazy, especially I'm not following these animals. I'm just telling you that right now. You had to mention my name before these damn animals out of accepted a lot better. Want you to watch the animals, And then he gonna bring up Steve damn name in the damn letter. That's where we draw the line. And I ain't gonna follow all these monkeys and koala bed has and all this here, all these slots in here having sex and you wanta bring me up all right? Here we go. Things are getting out of hand, and I told him a lot of his fantasies are not normal. He said, I can't switch things up on him, depriving him of his happiness in the bedroom. I'm worried he might cheat on me if I don't continue to play alone. That's you're wary. You need to be worried about this next plate that's fitna be on your bam. I thought, I'll be damn concerned. I don't know what is he feel to lay on my breast this week right here, and I'm kind of this hill because I don't know what he in there fixing this pizza for. You know that pizza too damn hot to come in here and lay across me like this cat sitni been here gonna eat this catfish off my chest? You better I don't like catfish up on me like this him, But that's what you can you. Please give me some tips on how to transition into a normal sex life. No I can't. I won't children, So it's time for us to have a normal household. Please help me out. Lady, ain't nothing fit to be normal with this dude. Y'all not fitning have no normal household, and I got two women on the show would tell you this right now. If you do have a baby, you ever had to worry about this normal because that baby fitting to cut all that out. You ain't gonna have time to do none of this. And y'all don't need children. Y'all don't even need to stay together. And I don't even know why you want this man right here. You never mentioned how much you love him. This crazy. Anybody going to Holly watching Hally monkeys and eight snakes in here having sex on your team tonight, eating all this damn stupid ass food right he can set up. He got this yellow on you now. You don't know what to do. He keeps boots scraping your stomach trying to get all the yellow into this spoon right here. I don't won't know, Tappio dat We gotta go. You can leave us your comments on Today's letter at Instagram. On Instagram at you're cutting the childlings up on me. I'm just gonna tell you that. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on to Man coming up next fort Trending Stories and entertainment news. Right after this, you're listening to Dave Harvey Morning show well. On Saturday night, median Kat William stopped his comedy show. He stopped it down after a fan passed out. Someone yelled stopped the show, prompting Cat to take a break as medics tried to revive the audience member. Kat waited patiently on stage at the KFC Yum Center in Louisville, Kentucky. He was pacing around talking to the crowd while the medical emergency was handled. Kat cautiously told the audience, I'm sorry if I won't move on, but that Astra world stuff. I mean, we can't ever continue till we know somebody m f and good these are his words. I'm not going to be leaving with that on my conscience. Just take five minutes, thank you, sir. I hope she's just having a baby, that's all. So. I mean, you know, as comedians, I mean you gotta think differently now, Junior, Tommy Steve when you go on stage, you know, right, what do you think you fall out when I'm speaking, I'm walking and I'm getting in the car. Leave. Yeah. Wow, you say stopped the show. The show gonna be stopped. It's not gonna resume. You ain't gotta worry about stop animal show. The show is in the car. Yeah, but you know, I've been I've been fortunate. Of all the years of performing, I never had an incident. No one passed out or anything. I don't know if he did. He's in the back of the dog. I see. My whole goal on Kings Comedy was to make you pass out. So I didn't know what, you know, I want you laughing so hard, you just man, I've seen people stretch out, laying the flow, hollow fall. Been my whole goal. Yeah, been my whole goal. So I don't really you know. On the King it was let me tell you, we could not breathe. It was moments, that's right, man, but the greatest. So I'm I don't really know what to say about all this, you know, um yeah, but I'm glad he was conscientious enough to go ahead and stop the showdown to see what was going on, you know, and if it does happen, you know, you'll be more aware next time you're watching your eye own the audience. Yeah, exactly. Have good security everything. Yeah, I have somebody to pass out at the start, don't. I think it's because they check came and they couldn't pay it, but I did have somebody past. Those are the drink Manimum. You're trying to pay your bill up falling out right at the end of the show. Come on, you're gonna pay Bruce. You owe Bruce for this to drink minim. You're gonna pay Bruce. Okay, yeah, all right, guys, coming up at the ton of the hour, blue Cheese that as used to Harvey, you're still trending with your stylish new looks. We'll talk about it while you're so fly at sixty four. We'll talk about it at the top of the hour. Right now, you're listening to show, all right, So, Steve, you opened up, you know, recently about your hesitant hesitancy and your fear about looking old. You know you don't want to do that, and you say that's what motivates you to stay looking stylish and to stay stylish. On the latest episode of your Facebook watch show, Steve on Watch, you reveal that you don't intend to let old age come for you. You said, I'm not well, you can say it. You're not just gonna sit her over here. No, I'm just I'm not gonna let it come take me away. I'm not just gonna sit here and just be old and just you know, I'm just sitting here. I ain't trying to work out. I ain't trying to stay flexible. Man. You do some pilates, do some stretches, get in that sauna. You gotta do something. Man, You got you gotta eat right, you got to try, you gotta get in a fight. You know, just let it just come take you away. I'm sixty four, God with it. On my next birthday, i'd be sixty five years old. Man. Yeah, but I don't want to be looking and feeling. I don't mean walking off slow and then over and you know, now, if you had some injuries, I got that, but you know, just old. Yeah, you ain't gonna just be old like like you ain't gonna be sitting on no porch with your friends nothing like that. Mean doing that. For about five minutes, you said, now, now, Junior, I sit out there. You know, if we got some cigars or something, I sitting on porch and anybody. Yeah, but it's just a sitting there. It's a difference between chilling playing that's my coffee, old man, and watch traffic go by exactly. Yeah, you said Steve, you don't want to look old, you don't want to walk old, you don't want to dress old. And your special guests for this particular episode on Steve on Watch were the Silver Fox Squad. They're famous on social media for being well dressed older gentlemen. Yeah. Their mission is to inspire others of all ages through their power of style and fashion. And the crew made you, Steve, an honorary member of the Silver Fox Club. So you've been getting a lot of attention, you know, on your I'm older than all of them, are you? Now? I was older than all the Silver Fox Wow? Wow, let's so you attribute that to your just your attitude about it all. And yeah, I mean, like I said, I was older than all of them. The oldest guy was fifty six or fifty three. I'm sixty four. Yeah, so they look up to you. I mean they came on the show. Was really cool man. Sitting there talking with them. I just had such a high respect level for their men, man for you know, keeping it together. Man, they work out, they stay in shape, you know, you know, I just they were inspirational to me. You know, I'm in a constant battle to stay fit though I'm that's my that's my achilles heel. Has always been my war trying to stay fit because I got two problems with that. I'm very busy a lot of the times, and then I travel traveling, throse a lot of things off. Man, it just really does. You're eating gets thrown off, your workout program gets thrown off. I'm intermittent fasting that gets thrown off. You go to another time zone, your diet change is a little bit, you know, And so it's a struggle. But I gotta keep finding ways. This time. I'm so committed though, to the holiday, not mom, so committed to not blowing up this holiday. I'm not gonna do it. Man, I'm not gonna spend the whole Christmas break just eating whatever I want. I'm not gonna do it. Okay, I'm not. Are you talking to yourself? Yeah? Yeah, I'm trying to courdge me right now. You're trying to get I want people go, Steve, don't eat that you saying on the radio. But when they bring that dressing and out there and well, I'm gonna eat that on Thanksgiving Day, that's going to happen. And your oysters and your egg nog all of that, that's gonna happen. Okay, But the day after them, you know, he leftovers. What are you gonna do? I'm gonna do Turkey, rich, rich people. Time for congratulations to you and of course to Ellier stylist for keeping you so fly. Steve. We'll have more of trending news stories and more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after right after this you're listening show. Okay. So, rapper Offset of the Megoes is on the hook for close to a million dollars over a Bentley Benttega that he reportedly failed to return with late fees a six hundred dollars a day rental. That fee has now ballooned to just over nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Platinum Motorsports in La claims that by keeping the vehicle for longer than agreed upon and refusing to make payments, he costs the company at least one hundred thousand dollars in revenue except a hundred Yeah, a million dollars looking on two more million? You buy? Yeah, it's only three million. I hope he got out of what he needed. Did he get it? I don't know how you ain't talking to these people. That can't be a true story. That's got to be made up. It's no way. Nobody's that irresponsible because you for a rental. You are now up to nine hundred thousand. It ain't that important to be seen in that car. But what if he just forgot I wouldn't forget a six almost costious? Almost in his head. I'm sorry, you're not forgetting a rental. It's a Bugatti. Yeah, ain't but a few of them in the world, So so what's your advice? Look, they got a man, it's stupid. I don't believe this story. It can't be true. Million dollars you got? All right, Bill, have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour? Would you rather up next? You're listening to all right, it's time for another round of would you rather here we go? Would you rather have a partner with perfect booths? Or would you rather have a partner with a perfect But you got to go with that booty? Ya come on, crazy booty over boobs? Which one? No, I don't care about that, but but but man, you don't care about no perfect Okay, I see Junior thinking I'm going with I'm gonna have to go with Buck. That's important. Yeah yeah, okay, let me ask a black man. You don't have that. We don't have a relationship. We don't do the flash, don't do flap gone done. Yea, if this relationship didn't even start, Because when you walk away, it's important. I have to have something to look at when you walking away. Yeah, it's when you leave, and it's what I'm gonna miss. So are you saying women should stop paying all this money to get uh breast enhancements and do their butts instead. No, I'm not saying you should do yours. I've never suggested anybody do that. But you know you just asked the what if question? What would I prefer? You know, we can get a commissole. We can fix all that that's going on top, don't you know? We get one of them lifts, camasol, We get a camisol. We can get you know what they called boost the air. We can get you know, we can get some makeup to paint cleavage your own. I've seen all this half right here. We can get some pad you know, you throw, you can throw some stuff in the floor. What you got to have though, and that overhang, it has to hang over that's if you ain't got that crease under that God black man everywhere agree with you? Sure we already already looking flat screen TV. I don't already do that, man, we don't do flatbacks. I'm telling you all right, we're wod you rather? Man? Would you rather be great at sex and have a bad body? Or would you rather be bad at sex? And all the way I've missed it. I missed it, Shirley, start over, I missed it. Would you rather be great phenomenal at sex but your body's jacked up that it? Would you rather be bad at sex and have a great body? Now I'm there now, I might well gonna go with a cousin. And yeah, did you say you're there? Now? I'm that now different? Yeah, I'm damn there a right now. I'm pretty sure some people would see me necking and go, m okay, ain't no problem. And I bet if you laid I don't know your pink it gonna change. That's all I'm saying. That's all I say. I ain't I ain't bragging about nothing. But if you get laid down your opinion to me gonna be different. Now I'm not fitting to have no great ass body. I ain't forgot it too late for you, ain't ever been fined. Be fine, you're listening all right. Here we are our last break of the day, guys, on this Wednesday day, getting down to the holiday. Man, I can't believe. I know, I can't believe what Thanksgiving it a couple of weeks. My neighbor's next door already have their Christmas lights up. Hey, it's stories have Christmas stuff in it. Yeah, cracker barrel. When I drive past work every day, this has a Christmas tree in it right now. Yeah, they were putting I was happy to October Halloween. That's what I was trying to say. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so it get ready. We always say, man, it's it came so fast this year. We always say that, But here it is. I'm just waiting on Donnie Hathaway. That's all I'm waiting there. That's when it's sufficient. Hang. That's my favorite Christmas song of all times. Yeah, such a classic. All right, Steve, I don't know, you know, I really struggle today with my clothes on them all um, But I'm going to talk about something that I'm going through personally that might help people along the way. I'm learning. I'm in the process of going through something right now, and I'm starting to really understand when you hear religious people are spiritual people are ministers, are sermons. You hear about be steel? You know, being steel to me was always a little confusing. I'm just gonna be honest with you, because being still to me means to do nothing. But the older I get, the smarter I get, doing nothing is sometimes exactly what you need to do nothing. What I've learned about being still and doing nothing is I now remove myself out of the way of what God is doing. See that is an incredible lesson that he's teaching me. Right now, I have something that's going on in my life and I do not really have the answer for it. I really don't have the solution. I really don't know what to do. But normally what I would do is I would get active trying to do something. I would immediately innately as a person and as a fixer and as a person who's pro active, I would immediately start Okay, I don't know exactly what to do, but let me question these people. This person this situation. See what I can add to that and bring about the result I'd like to have, even though I really don't know how this outcome is gonna work and I don't know how to fix it. Well, I'm learning now what they mean by be still. Being still is not bad. It gets you out of the way of what God is doing. And that's I'm learning this lesson today because something is in front of me and I really don't have the answer. I know people think a dog because Steve, you got this and you got that, and you give out all this advice. Sometimes the motivator needs motivation. And I don't care who you are, you ain't bigger than life. There's not a person in this world there's not faith with temptation, challenges, tribulations, trials, hardships. That person does not exist. I don't care what he got. I don't care what his title is. I don't care how many awards he got. None of us are exempt from that. Let me tell y'all something, man. Celebrities got some major problems, just like you got major problems. These problems defer, they differ, but they're there and they're very much the same. They just had different levels, but it don't make your problem any less, and it don't make theirs anymore. And because you got fame on money, that don't give you the coping skills for life. I'm sorry. I wish it did, but it don't. And what I'm learning right now is how to be still. And I was learning the lesson. But then a buddy of mine this morning, Bishop Getty's out of South Carolina, tell him how. I say, Hey, man, just pray for me. I'm going through something. The message he sent to me was just be still, and man, it ad meant the world to me because that's my dude. Man. He came on my show years ago up in Chicago with his daughter. It's a little fun segment we was having on dating and everything. But here and I became friends, and Bishop Getty's out of South Carolina. He became a guy. I haven't seen him since, but during a week go by, we don't text each other. A couple of times, and most of the times he's texting me to encourage me. But every now I knee and God to put something on my heart, and I just text him a moment of encouragement because I know sometimes the motivator needs motivating. I know somebody at the top needs some encouragement. So I'm saying this to encourage all of you that being still is a good thing. Being still is an act of faith. Being still now in my life doesn't mean I'm not being proactive. It's saying to my heavenly Father, I trust you, I'm willing to yield to your will. It's the Lord's prayer, our Father, who are in heaven, How will be thy name, thy kingdom Come? Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Man, it took me a long time to figure that prayer. But that's a bad prayer, man, if you really understand it. And I just wanted to share that with y'all today. Sometimes being still is a good thing. You ain't got to try to be all might and get proactive. Just be still, watch and see what God is doing, because He's always working on my behalf, whether I can see it or not. Man, I feel good about that. Steve Harbor, I got to go, y'all because I got to go be still. See y'all to morrow for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.