Good morning and welcome to the ride! We are all the way LIVE and we have a full house today. The Chief Love Officer helps a couple that have music genre disputes in the bedroom and more. There is an issue in Church Complaints surrounding members not wanting to attend Zoom choir rehearsals. August Alsina has a new song with Rick Ross. Tamar Braxton was rushed to the hospital following a suicide attempt. Kanye has his first campaign rally in South Carolina. We mourn the deaths of Representative John Lewis and radio legend Patrick Ellis. Junior has birthday poetry. Trump believes that we have one of the lowest mortality rates for coronavirus. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reminds us to get family members that are registered to vote prepared to vote early and make this election count, plus more.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a suit looking back to back down, giving them like the million bucks things, and it's to me through good it listening to mother. Please I don't join join me. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your thing. Uh huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, oh man, almost forgot I had one this morning. But I'm okay. I'll tell you who I am in a little bit. You know, I get around. Man, it's so much. But man, good morning everybody. You know today. I was having a conversation with my wife last night and we were talking about our plans. You know, we often sit down, you know, just like a married couple. I mean, you know, you know we're married. You know, we have children, we have aspirations, we have hopes, we I mean know, we have things we want. You know, when you're married, you know, I mean it's important to sit with your partner. I'm not telling you anything you don't know, it's common sense. Really, it's important to sit down with the person that you've chosen and decided to share your life with it and have multiple conversations on a lot of things things And we try to make sure that all of our conversations aren't always just business related and always kid related, you know, because that that that becomes it's a part of it. But it weighs so much on the marriage that because that that's the grunt work of being married. You know, your children, your family, your bills, your your mortgage, your your car notes. You know though, what's due, what's coming up, and if you're not careful, you'll you'll start that becomes the focal point of you all's conversation. And this woman or man or person that you've decided to have this life with, all of a sudden, they're an extension of your business and you guys become business partners or whatever, and and and it just gets so anywhere. I'm just saying that that is important to sit down and have these conversations, but it's even more important to have have the other conversation. You know. It's it's important with the person that you're planning on making the run to sit down and talk about other things, you know, on a more upbeat note. You know, we were having a conversation that she was reminding me of what she loved about me, and then I, in turn, was turned around telling her the things that I admired about her and loved about her. And we kind of have these all the time, you know, when we sit down and we talk about the things that we still enjoy about one another, or we may talk about some of the things that we miss in one another. But we constantly had these conversations about appreciation. You know, It's so important man, that the other person feels appreciated. So these things are important. But we got into the conversation deeper last night, and I was telling her about this idea that I had and that I wanted her to help me with and make a phone call for me because she knows these people and I was going to be doing this, and then my wife reminded me of something not once again, you know, as always, you know, when I'm talking to you, I just keep it as real as I can. I don't know the Bible inside out. I can't quote to you scriptures and tell you exactly where it is. I just you know, I heard her say it, but it kind of blew by me. I was I was telling about something I wanted to make happen, and she reminded me that there's a scripture somewhere and somebody emailed it to me to day. I'm sure, Well, the Bible reminds us not to be anxious for anything. Don't be anxious for something. And you know, it really mattered to me at that point yesterday that she bought this to my attention, because how many times I've been guilty of that in my past and I've learned better now, but every now and then I need to be reminded, you know. And I think what that what she was saying to me was, you know, I've gotten to a point in my life, and we all should get to a point where. You know, you've heard old people say this, if you're gonna pray about something, then don't worry about it. And if you're gonna worry about it, don't pray about it. Back to this, be anxious for nothing, don't. If you're going to him trust in God. Didn't do that, and trusting in Him means sometimes you got to be patient God has never been too late. You don't know the plan he has, You don't know. You don't really always know his will. You definitely don't know his route, his way of doing anything. So he's always on time. He's always been there on time for me. He's always been there on time for you. How many times have you thought it was over only to find out it's really just begun. How many times have people wrote you off? There are those of you who have lost jobs, but you are still maintaining. But man, God has already began to turn around process for many of us. Some of us lost jobs and now have better jobs. Some of us lost jobs and now has forced us to rekindle that dream and that vision for business we had. It's sometimes the mishap is the thing you need to make something good happen. See a lot of times we get so comfortable in our life where we we get complacent, We just settling in and when this is it and this is what I'm doing. But in actuality, God has a tremendous amount of abundance for you. He has an amazing amount of things. He has all these boxes packaged up with your name on him that he's willing to ship if you would just align yourself with some of his wills so you could get some of these things. How many times have you thought it was over and it didn't really go over? How many times have you thought well, this is it and it wasn't it at all? Well, how many times do you thought, well, it don't look like this gonna work out, and it didn't work out, but then something better came along? How many times has that happened? You've got to realize this. Man. I was talking to a family who had got displaced from the Katrina thing that happened down there in New Orleans. And Man, when they said, yeah, we got a displaced from Katrina, and I braced myself because old what was me? Here comes this story. I gotta hear this, and I gotta be encouraged and think of something. It was totally different. They totally totally blew me away. Man. The brother said, Man, is actually the best thing that ever happened to my family. And I went whoa And he said, yeah, man, he said, because what happened was he said, I got settled in He said, Plus, I was doing something outside of my marriage down there, He said, I was doing some stuff in the streets. I ain't need to be doing, he said, Man, it all got washed away. We thought our life would never be the same. But he said, man, my life ain't need to be the same. He said, Man. Now we live up here in Texas, we got a house, don't know nobody, he said, I ain't got nobody I know to get into trouble with. He said, man, i'dn't rediscovering my wife, how beautiful she really is, how much my family really was counting on me. And he said, man, it's straightened me up. Man, he says, so, I gotta tell you, Steve, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Now that's not always the case, but it's how you look at a situation. But just don't be anxious for anything, because God got a fix for you if you just let him work. So just stay on course, stay focused, don't lose faith, don't be anxious. Man, just stay in the wheel. Let God work with you. He got some great stuff in store for you. You're listening Morning Show ladies and chiltmen. Let me have it your undivided attention. Steve Harvey Morning Show is about to go live live. Charley Strawberry Hey, good morning. We are all the way live. Colin Farrell alive and kicking it. What's up? Steve Harvey mourning show four house this morning? That dog old junior boys back morning, everybody mourning, everybody that damn j Anthony Brown is hell. It's on the way live, nephew, Tommy, Yah, you ain't. I'm in the building of the Steve you know that line. We are lying. Ain't got none other than him himself, ladies and gentlemen himself moning, mourning everybody. I like when you well, welcome back to Junior. Happy belated birthday, Happy birthday. Belated birthday, Junior. What you do boy? What you do? Oh? Yeah, you know you did something. You did something. Covide. You act like you ain't doing that, but you did something. If I tell you you ain't got you can't made no plank COVID got all that. Everybody. Birthday shut down right now? Right? Yeah, my son's birthday was Saturday, Winton. Yeah when birthday Saturday? They young? They stupid? They did something? Did they poured eve them on the parking? Oh? I know they went to a restaurant. Hey man, they'm young people. You can't tell him nothing. Yeah, and you know people today. Yeah. But then when I told his ass he can come back over here, not dad, I can't come home to the house now. No, wow, no whatever, your dad. Margorie worse than me. She's the president of Center for Disease Control. I know, getting help. Thank you. She sent everybody at home. If you people in here working, she just sent them home. I'll be going, baby. They working, They mask waring all the way up. So she just tapped him on their shout thank you. No, really, I love you guys to have your mask on in here, man, nobody, it's hard to wear that mask. I was in the gym working out with the mask on. Yes, Abbey hot under that mask. That Abbey hot. When you're working out and you put that mask on, man, i'd rather be fat. Let that be the reason mask. Yeah, that's what I'm and if we're working out doing COVID because I couldn't wear the mask no more. I was an allergic that hot ass f okay man, But nothing special, Jr. No, I'm nothing special. You know. I'm glad to be back. Thank y'all for all the birthday wishes, man fans man, it's so much love. I'm hoping we'll get a birthday poem out of you. Got all Right coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour, and get ready for Steve's Ask the CLLO segment that's coming up right after this. You're listening to all Right. Time now for Steve to help some of our listeners with their relationship. This is our favorite segment, Ask the CLO. You can submit your questions with Steve Harvey f M. Are you ready, mister c l O years This one is for Shun in DC. I like it. Shun says, I'm a forty five year old married woman that loves old school music. I grew up listening to old school music and playing records with my mom. My favorite is Teddy Pendergrass. I can make love to him every night. My husband is forty five two, but he only likes hip hop and rap music. I don't mind listening to it every now and then, but he wants to be intimate with hip hop music on I try to get him to compromise by listening to Keith's Sweat, but he's not even into that. I can't get into the mood to two chains music, and it's messing up my mojo how can I get him to compromise for sex? Stop having sex two chains, Stop having it if you see, if you're a man and you ain't willing to make that sacrifice so you can get yourself taking care of your business, handle make it love you. If you don't have it to wrap, you can't have it. But your girl won't be that. We have so much shod day and needle bak in that damn room. You'd be so sickly, so you would hear nothing I had it. Girl would be so sad. Turn them off. That's a card of all the wrapping we're gonna do. Turn them off. She even like Keith sweat shout out the kid, all right last, So that's it. He needs to compromise. She's right, dog. All she gotta do is I can't do it to that. I could do it to this real good, but I can't do it to that. Not to say that to it all right, Fredo and Tallahassee says, I've been dating a great woman for eight months and I was trying to be faithful, but my old ways caught up with me and I had a threesome with my ex girlfriend and another chick I used to date. I'm only twitter four, so I guess I shouldn't have tried to be in a serious relationship. Right now, my girl saw the video of my threesome on my phone and I flipped out because she went through my phone. Right I'm holding on strong to the defense that she shouldn't be snooping. She's not. He must have listened to this show a lot. She's not trying to hear that, and she will not speak to me. How can I fix this and get my girl back? Bro? You gotta be you're you're kidding me right? Come on, see listen to me. Doc. You twenty four. You've been doing this, seating this girl for eight months, then you always slip back. You had a threesomes with your ex and a girl she knows boom. You recorded it on your phone. She's been snooping through your phone and found it. You're holding strong to the you shouldn't be stupid, But now you can't get your girl back. But you just said you only twenty four. You don't even know why you're trying to be in an intimate relationship. You ain't ready for no commitment? Dog gone and do you You ain't fit to get this one back, though, dog, this one is gone. This chicked and flew the coop. This one's a rap after the video. Yeah, I mean, bro, you can't hold on to that one, so you gotta let that go. No, you've been You've been sitting up here. You ain't posted to snoop through my phone. Correct, she's not supposed to snoop through your phone, but she did, and guess what she saw? Now, you dating her in her mind. Ain't supposed to be having no damn threesome. Threesome on my phone with your EGX phone. Oh, this is a rap. You're lucky you still living? Yes, thank God for that blessing. Man. You you don't do that to me? Well, you won't never bring your friends all this all right? Unhappy in Denver says, I'm a twenty eight year old married woman and I'm unhappily married. My husband thinks at buying me things and five minutes sex is enough, but I need more than the kiss on my head before he leaves for work. I started having an affair two months ago, and my lover shows me a lot of attention, and he has reminded me that I'm special. The sex is passionate. And it's like he taps into my soul when we're intimate. I have been married for five years and I'm ready to get a divorce, but not necessarily to be with my lover. So how can I tell if divorce is the right move or not? First of all, stop lying. You test told me that a man touches you and taps into your soul. So you can even reverse that and say when the man is tapping you, he touches your soul. You can say this any way you want to. But that's what this damn that about. Now you want a damn divorce, but there ain't got nothing to do with that man. That's just a damn lie. That's a lie. You want the divorce now? Yeah, but see, but here's a deal. You need the five minute sex. He buys you things and he kiss you on the forehead before he go to work. Two out of three ain't bad. But anyway, go ahead. So she buying your stuff, yes, do, get a kiss on the forehead and you all you gotta do is try to get this five turn into fifteen and bam you in a healthy marriage. We're good. Because that's just because the bride stuff and kissing on the forehead is pretty good deal after who at that. Now, if you just want to just being there doing Ringling Brother activities, then you got to go with this. Dude you didn't had the fan with. But you're wrong and this whole thing can probably backfile on you. I was suggest talking to your husband about them five minutes. See if you can't stretch it out a little bit more than that. Twenty eight she's been married for five years, she's been married since she was twenty three. Wow, that's you. Yeah, you know if you can get a strong twelve in in Yeah, yeah, compromise, I'm talking about Hella though. I'm talking about about Hella. Yeah, I'm talking about man. Where you up in there? You know what I'm saying, I'm do you know what I'm talking about? You don't? Wow? All right? Thank you as always, moment Cel, We love you. Coming up next, Church complaints with Reverend Motown and Deacon death Jam. Right after this, You're listening Day Morning show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna's here with our national news for today, plus an entertainment news. We are sending out prayers of healing for our girl Tamar Braxton UH and In other entertainment and music news, August Alsina drops a new song. It's called Guess What Entanglements? Of course, what else would it be named? Right? But first, it is Monday time for Reverend Motown and Deacon def Jam. They are here with church complaints. No you don't go for I go. I moaned for you moan, okay, well just we're going and moaning. Well I couldn't call you, was already moaned. Yeah, we gabol every Monday morning to show the yill ungratefulness of the entirely congregation. Jesus called church complaints. That's right. They are led by him. Now, yeah, who is they complaint? But I'm not I'm not. Just go ahead, all right, pastor here, we got the Minister of music since wrote and since he said, if you can't come to zoom choir rehearsal, okay, uh, then you can't sing in zoom service all right now if you But he wants he wants, uh, he wants you to get him the right to be able to do this. If they do show up trying to sing, he wants you to be able to give him the authority to put them on mute. Past it, you're like, you can't come. If you don't come to rehearse them. You can't just show up at zoom service and start singing. He wants to be to put them on mute. If you wasn't a rehearsal, that's that's not I'm going to have to give him my consider If you're not at the zoom rehearsals. Yeah, you can't have a zoom vocal part in the zooming of the choir. I agree. You shall be put on mute if you can't make it to the zoom rehearsal. I shall be put on mute if you can't make the zoom ReHO. I muted him last week, my damn show because I couldn't believe what I was here. Ain't. Yeah, that's when I'm talking, my pa. I'm so glad you heard it, because I didn't know if you heard Lord of Monty. People need should be standing next to someone else to get their note. A lot of off keys sank you better. I pass it. The members are asking you, pastor to put the news in the background during the zoom service so they can see what's going on in the world, why you are preaching the sermon. They won't you to have the TV. You understand, Path, They want the TV behind you to have the news on it then in so we can get the news and the service at the same time. We are not interrupted my sermon with news. President. Two things, whether I'm zooming or not, it's gonna be happy. The president is still ignorant, and we'll be saying ignorant stuff throughout the year. And as a right now, the damn coronavirus ain't going to know whoel right, right, and which is why we zooming in the first place. So why would you need to look at the news as to why we zooming? Because your ass is you can't come down hill preach YEA social distancing is the reason we zooming now. And I get that. But what they wanted to do, Path, it's not only are they wanted to hear your salmon, but they also wanted to see the news at the same time. What what what? What? Well? What I want to do is go and have a cigar and a glass of scotch down in Romo, old cigar ball. But we can't do that now because y'all fools down here in Georgia won't wear your damn mask. And now we're right getting down again. Then the governor fuck ass trying to sue Keisha and Keisha trying to save everybody in life, and the damn governor packs so far up a trump boot departs and not to mention, damn Kanye just said, have it, have it tough and ain't free nobody what it hit black ass. But but that's why we're not having news behind me while again we wait, wait, slow down, now we started happened? What there's a lot Kanye ain't how to Kanye ain't getting there. That's what we all want to know. The news. How he got in the race. Anyone taking this obliterated food? Yeah, like we already got one. Yeah. He had a campaign rally in the Carolina to have said, Harry Tubman, he ain't really free slave. She had him working for other white folks, he said. And what he had all what he said he had on the bulletproof vest or a straight jacket. I couldn't tell which. You know he has not had his medication an that ain't got a damn thing to do with medicine. No stupidity, there is not appeal for that. You should know that, a man, we need you to talk the sister Shandra Whitnaker. Now you need to speak with that. She shouted doing service on Sunday on zoom. Now the proud of this pastor. He had a very nice blow zone when we when when servants was going out. But when she shouted, she didn't have nothing on from the neighbor down. And that's the problem. But you gotta have to do You got the talk to her. I can't address this unless I have the zoom footage. So you're saying you want to see Italy in order to or issue a proper comment. She right there, right there, right there is the reason we're not gonna head the news on while I'm talking. After she shouted, we got people, we got people shouting. Ain't got no clothes on from nick down, No, no, from the neighbor down. There was perfect. And then he was jo stood up and forgot she was rooming from her house and zoomed all just just but just zoomed her whole but just zoomed. Did well it was it wasn't but you got you got Kanye y. It's too much, amen, Pastor. All right, well, thank you, pastor, thank you. Deacon coming up at the top of the hour Entertainment and National News. Right after this, you're listening to show in Today's entertainment news. On Saturday, August Alsina dropped his brand new single It's called Entanglement. It features Rick Ross. We all know, how convenient. Yeah yeah, right, we all know entanglement. This thought to sound like a game. Come on, Shirley, Well, he's trying to make money off of it now, I mean, and he was hurt. He said he was in love, all right, but check it out though we all know. Entanglement is the term that Jada Pinkett Smith used when she described her relationship with August on an episode of Red Table Talk with Will Smith. Some of the lyrics from august song include the definition of entanglement is when you tangle in the sheets. Ricky Rose's lyrics on the song said, um will power and being jaded. So you know on the slide too, there's too much a capitalists right, can be worried about what alcoholic song? Ain't gonna make that much money? Oh you don't think? I mean, you know, first of all, it's hard to make money off recordings anymore because people they steal the music. You know, nobody's streaming you know they're streaming, but I mean how many. I'm just saying, whatever the money you're making, is it worth that? And my answer is a flat out note. You can try to capitalize on something and make money. Just remember that girl that did the little sex taping was hanging on the shower curtain. Oh me, me, me, you know where she had. Now she's still on loving him. Yeah, she's on loving hip hop Atlanta. You're still doing what she was doing before the sex tape. She's still doing that. Yeah. No, I mean I don't care that about the office. I'm in an entanglement myself. What what do you You've been on vacation. You got entangled when you were on vacation. Yeah, I'm dealing with COVID. Oh found up with you got COVID, Junior. No, I'm dealing with it the whole thing. Tom, Just COVID. It's just COVID. Right now, everything can't go nowhere. I can't do nothing. That's an entanglement. Oh because we do you house. No, we thought choose with an older woman. Yeah that's what we thought, Junior. You were in love. No, just just tied of this, just uh huh. Yeah, Rump said it. Be going in a minute. So you got that. Yeah, he said when the twelve hundred cas is gonna be down to none in two weeks, y'all say he's gonna build a wall, gonna have clean coal, all of it stuff. So yeah, you got all that to look forward to. Wow. Well lies just to be say anything that comes to his head, whether it's truly he's saying anything that he'll think he'll get him the votes in November and make him win again. Also on Entertainment News, Um, we're all sending our prayer of healing out to Tamar Braxton and the entire Braxton family. Tamar was rushed to the hospital in Los Angeles on Thursday night after she allegedly attempted suicide. Police and MTS yeah this is so sad responded to a call from the Ritz Carlton Hotel and when they found Tamar in her room unconscious, her boyfriend told them that she may have overdosed on unspecified pills and alcohol. He explained that she'd been upset earlier in the day and had threatened the idea of suicide. The Braxton family is asking friends and family and fans for their prayers and we definitely are sitting out Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we do poem for you and the whole family. Wow, all right, Steve. Time to move on and get to some headlines, please, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Tripp, thank you very much, everybody. This is Anne Trip with the news and here we go. According to reports, the coronavirus is spreading faster and affluent. Some boy was like Orange County, California now than in LA County. That's a switch. The La Time says it. Over the last week, Orange County, as well as two other suburban neighborhoods Riverside and San Bernardino, have reported higher COVID cases per capita than LA County. However, President Trump is downplaying the uptick in the nation's corona infection rate, telling Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday that it's just an uptick in testing, not disease. Those cases are young people that would heal in a day. They have the sniffles, and we put it down as a test. Many of them. People are going to get better, and in many cases they're going to get better very quickly. Cases are up because we have the best testing in the world. That's what he says. In New York, Governor Andrew Cromo, however, suggests the Trump administration is sick within competence, as he puts it, House Democrats are demanding that the Justice Department open investigation into the Trump administration's use of force against peaceful protests in Washington, d c. And in Portland, Oregon. They want to know why so much force had to be used. Two white men in Indiana have been charged in connection with an alleged July fourth assault against the black man where he says they've tried to lynch him. And there's the video as part of the incident of v ox Boker happens to be he's the victim. He's a member of the Monroe County Human Rights Commission in Bloomington, Indiana. Finally, America lost two great men on Friday, Georgia Congressman John Lewis and the Reverend Lardy Tindell or CT Vivian. Carsman Lewis and revn. Vivian were in the forefront of the legendary struggle for racial justice in this country. Both men worked with the Reverend doctor Martin Luther King. Lewis at the age of twenty three was the keynote speaker at the historic March on Washington in nineteen sixty three. Two years later, he was nearly beaten to death by state and local police on what became known as Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama. Pictures of what happened that day helped galvanize support for the Civil Rights Act of nineteen sixty five. Congressman Lewis. Reverend Vivian meanwhile worked alongside the Reverend King in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and also, like Lewis, Reverend ct Vivian was also a freedom writer, which meant he rode the buses and sat in at races lunch counters. Later in life, both Congressman Lewis and the Revern Vivian were awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by the nation's first black President, Obama. Lewis said it was like an out of body experience. Representative John Lewis died at age eighty on Friday after losing a battle with cancer. Reference at Vivian died of natural causes at age ninety five. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show Well, Kanye West was in Jay Anthony Brown's hometown, his home state, I should say of South Carolina. He was in South Carolina, his home state, for his first campaign rally in North Charleston. Kanye worried security vest he had twenty twenty shaved in his hair. He addressed issues of gun violence and abortion. But what we couldn't believe was what Kanye claimed about abolitionist Harriet Tubman. Take a listen, please, So that's a Stephen move with Harriet Tubman. Well, Harriet Tubman never actually freed the slaves. Jesus had the slave over for all the white people. Can I just say something? Can I just say something? We don't need this right now, Kanye. We're trying to win a real serious race in South Carolina. This is what I want to do right here. I want to find the pilot who flew his ass dying there and beat his ass. That's that's who I want. That's how I want to find the person who gashed the plane up. I want to be his ass too. I want to find the limo driver who drove him to the event, and the person who rented the event to Kanye. They all need their ass beat right done. His history though for him to say that this Harriet didn't free nobody. You already said, no, he know history, no history yesterday. The only person who can verify with Harry, don't stop, y'all. Can I just tell y'all this, he's already He picked out his cabinet in the birthday party, in the birthday birthday party. Secondary of prison reform, DMX, give me a break with this? Come on? The second is this haircut? Second Haircuts and Salon Secretary of Haircuts and Salons, Stephen A. Smith, Lebron Jane and Tiffany had his what give me a break? Secondary of entertainment Monique the new neighbor yet haven't made it yet, so yet, Secondary tear of sound words and spelling Floyd Mayweather. That's secondary of tax reform, sect TX reform, West Snipe. But last, but not least, Second Trace relations, race relations Nick Cannon. No, we're no, We're losing by a landslide. All right, thank you, Jay. Time to switch gears again, coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, because that's what we do on the show. We talk about the extraordinary, I mean extraordinary life of service as we honor civil rights icon Representative John Lewis. Right after this you're listening to show. Representative John Lewis passed away on Friday. He was eighty years old. UM Congressman Lewis's death comes several months after he revealed that doctors were treating him for stage four pancreatic cancer. Representative Lewis served on the House of Representatives for more than three decades, more than thirty years Steve. According to the Black Information Network, Representative Lewis was one of the original freedom writers. He was the youngest keynote speaker from the nineteen sixty three March on Washington. He was the leader of the Bloody Sunday March in Selma, Alabama, back in nineteen sixty five. And I want you right now to take a listen to Reverend Jim Clyburne of South Carolina. He's going to talk about our hero and his friend, Congressman John Lewis. You know, miss John Lewis. But John Lewis will be forever in our hearts, in our minds, and yes, in our souls. I'm doing this tape doing Sunrise because I do believe that's the sun set on John Lewis's life. Last night the sun rises on a movement that will never die. Thank you, John, rest in case her brother. Wow. Yeah, you know he was who holded his entire self to for the for the right of justice and equality for black people. I mean, this dude man was so well respected in Washington. Everybody respected him, you know, with the exception of the President, who he respects nobody. But and you know, because the things he said to him when he confronted him about you know, take care of your district before you come up here talking to me about anything. That's the type of president we have. But John Lewis Man was a cool dude. The last time I saw him was at the beloved event a Chick fil Avery did together in Atlanta at the Mercedes Being Stadium and Bruno Mars performed and we had a funny moment on stage because we were on stage together. I brought him up to do this presentation and this lady came up on stage who was part of the presentation, and she's at the dancing and she tried to cozy up under John Lewis. Dad. We're on this big stage, and I stepped in front of him because I was on stage with It was it. No, no, no, man, you can't be up here dancing with no damn body. Donald Trump see this, you your ass gonna be a tweet. He didn't tweet about me. I ain't. I can't lose my political career. So it's kind of a cool moment we had. But he was always man at the forefront of the fight for justice and equality for black people. He didn't care how you felt about it. He didn't care what you thought. I mean, this dude was the real frontline soldier. And if it wasn't for John Lewis, we are not where we are today in terms of civil rights, the Voting Right Act, integration, housing, schooling, prison reform. This man right here didn't miss out on no causes. Yeah, he was that guy. One of the great men that will go down in history as one of the great men of civil rights. That's so true. It's so sad in a sense because he's always been there, you know what I mean. There's never been a time when we haven't there in civil rights and things like this that you haven't thought about Representative Lewis, or he hasn't spoken about it or just been, like you said, Steve on the forefront he's always been there, you know. So his legacy will live on forever. Yes, just like President Obama said, Charlie, I mean to cut you off. His legacy will live in a remarkable way. You know. His life man just a hero basically absolutely absolutely over thirty years, right yeah, with a great career, great yeah, and life yeah, and just just one of the guys that as we go into this movement, we can learn so much for the way he handled a civil rights movement and his his his ways and methods. It'd be great. That's what we learn from people like that as we go forward with this Black Lives Matter movement. That's right, Steve, And coming up, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry Letters subject. I love my man, but I'm cool with his ex wife too. Okay, I love myne like that though, cool with his ex wife. Right, Dear see, that's when everybody getting a loan. That's what I'm talking about, and that's the kind of world I'm trying to I'm sorry, Wait, to year the letter, but right now the nee hear them? What you got Frank phone call Deborah Kay, Deborah Kay, Deborah Kay. Okay, we are not ladies. Ladies, all your ladies listen up. Pull over, you know, if you're in your car, pull over, because we're about to do some hair right now. We are in the middle of Deborah. Hey, we're on our way to one of the baddest hairstyless in Atlanta, GA. This is Deborah. Kay. Take a listen. Hello, man, I speak to them. Let me tell you something of you. My name is Wayne. You did my aunties have us today? And now I don't know what you did. I don't know what kind of glue you'd use with weaves or whatever. But my auntie had and fell out in church today. I don't I don't even use glue because I don't even know why you're coming at me on the side tip anyway about your auntie my aunt My auntie is Deborah and I have fella dogs glue nineteen ninety two. You some glue glue? Po you thank you tripping with Look? Let me tell you what look, let me say this to you all. I'm saying you gotta say you gotta say, because I'm serious about my week. You're coming at me with some glue. It's just not some glue. Be that melting on the side of you. Ain't well, that's what happened. And I fell off in service and all the church member it's sitting there laughing out. Well, she shouldn't have been. Maybe she's trying to keep the devil out of her because she don't open this shouting hard anyway. But I don't swit, no clue. You ain't in the city and talk about my ain't it? And her Jesus, don't you talk about how she shout? I don't even know this glue. They call her miss Debra. I don't know no miss. She just got her hat done from you yesterday. How you gonna sit here and act like you ain't cutting yesterday? God, you're just blue comment telling a real woman and call me tell me mistake? How a mate? I'm because I don't have no never and I ain't us glue. I'm going to tell everybody in Atlanta, Georgia not to come to your house minute, use like one minute. That's my livelihood. You No, I don't need you? What is this? You? My name is Wayne. I don't know white. Look you're white. I know you don't know Wayne, but you you don't. I got a broken name, big Jay, and bring Wayne, Bring bring twine. Look, look, let me tell you something. I don't want no problem, but I will throw these hands if I got to what then ain't on the toll? Look here, look here, I ain't got time to tell yo any whatever. You ain't the mistake and what me? Then? Look you don't get me out here on good Sunday. I just came from church. It's hot as hell, and you're telling me you ain't got no joy do today? Do nothing to do? I got to find out why my ain't it half farther night in church? And it ain't me so called somebody else in that landtop because I'm I am the fish two. But when you ain't you, you must not be it right now? You got people have fall night in church and glue following all off on the pew, don't y'all ain't it probably glue her own? And that's not the white fellow not gonna tell you right now. I'm the hottest pilot in't that naptop? So devil? Ain't nobody if I if Hey, I ain't do a hat. I don't up hal you call in and everybody in that lampo dad say you the same sight. Look all I'm saying is you're the messed up my ain'ting hair. I want to get it rectified. I need you, first of all to call and apologize to her. Apologize. Have you got a rotial human drinking on some Jesus use with y'all ain't and that's why you want Michael Jackson and you ain't a devil seeks to or wherever her name milk. Look, let me tell first of all you go you're gonna respect my ain't it? Okay, whatever you say, her name is put up. I want you to redo my ain't and half for free and get all her money back from the first time she paid you. I don't know who hold on, I don't know who this who. I don't know who you are. I'm why are you coming? Wain? Look your Wayne, I'm gonna go ahead, I'm gonna hang up in your face. Now hold up. I'm jeb nephew. Waine. Nah, I ain't fit two years old. Now you ain't gonna respect your elders how you expect to be blessed. You say you just went to church. See that's the problem. You're calling me on Sunday, got me cussing like this. I got one more thing I need to say to you before I get off the phone, because you wasted a minute. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morn Show. You just got break from your girlfriend. Got me what's up? Your girl told me? She said, trust me going off the first twelve Secker Family. Hey, baby, man, you don't do no, you don't do no glue. No, I don't know glue. I don't. I don't tell you. It's too high. All right, baby, ain't nobody. Ain't nobody half fell out of the church that you still? They say you the bomb down there. So I just wanted to call and make sure I prank my girl. Shed one. All right, baby, answer one thing from me. What is the baddest I mean, the baddest radio show in the world, The String Show? And then you have it, Debka, debor Kay keep on here? Can I do this? Can I do one Gotta Go? Jay came up with a bit called one Gotta Go? Can I do one Gotta Go? Yeah, I'm gonna do one gotta go, y'all tell me what you think. All right, here we go, Jake, you can you can only go to one concert, just one, Whitney Houston, Luther, Van Dross, Prince or Michael Jackson. Who's got to go? You know what? It it's not which one gotta go? Jay? Which one do you go to? I'm going to Whitney Houston. But but but it's one you can't go to, right, No, no, no, you can only go to one out of all four. You can only go to one. I know, Whitney, Luther heard Michael. You frustrated, You frustrated, keep saying the full time like, ain't nobody got I'm going to Luther's first. Uh huh. I'm going to Michael second, Uh huh. I go to Princess third, then I go to Witness. I'm not going to Princess at all. I don't have what time, I had much time on my hand to be in one damn place. I just don't. I can't. I can't be at a concert for seven hours. I just which one you're going to? Jay? If you could only go to see Luther, I'm gonna go see Luth, you dog, damn Okay curly and call it. I'm coming to you next, Jim Man, I'm Prince was the first person that came in my mind. So I gotta go to Prince because all right, and I've been to all I've seen all of them. Yeah, I love them all. Yeah, call going to Prince. I'm going to see Prince Daly beloved when day, Joe, your boy, junior boy, you got Whitney, you got Prince, you got Lutha, and you also have the one and only Michael Jackson. Y'all probably not gonna like my answer, but I'm not going because you didn't say jealousy, so I'm not going to nothing. I don't want to whop be all right, thank you that you it's coming up. It's the Strawberry Letter for today. Today's subject I love my man, but I'm cool with the ex wife too. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it's time now for the Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice in relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click Submit Strawberry letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Pop your paper, Pop your paper, buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is berry letta thank you nephew's subject. I love my man, but I'm cool with his ex wife too, Dear Stephen Shirley. I feel like I already know my answer, but I want your advice anyway. My partner and I have been dating for seven years, yes seven. We are both divorced and have adult children. He is sixty three and I am forty nine. His ex wife and I have become good friends, and she has told me that he is a good man, but a terrible husband. We live in a big, beautiful home, but it's in his name only. He treats me like a queen in front of others, but behind closed doors, he's a different man. His ex wife cheated on him because he was gone a lot as a fireman. He told me he took extra shifts to take care of his family, but his ex wife said all of his extra shifts were with women all over town. I believe what his ex wife tells me about him, and he can't stand that we're close. I have continued to try to work it out with him, and we are finally talking about marriage. There are only so many issues with him. There are so many issues with him. He calls his ex wife a garden tool, and he gets upset if I try to defend her. He says I have misplaced loyalty. Then there is the issue of him being a Trump supporter, and he has contributed to his campaign several times. Our finances are separate, so I'm not concerned with what he does with his money, but I don't know how he can support the current president. I will be fifty soon and I want to be sure I am not wasting time with this guy. I hate to uproot and start over, so please help me. We have great sex and he is a great father to his children. Is that enough to stick it out another seven years to make this relationship work? Okay? This letter is about a whole lot of stuff. I mean, it's a lot dating for seven years, friends with his ex wife, who says he's a good man, terrible husband, Trump supporter. All those things you know, stick out to me in the letter. But like I said, it's a lot going on in this letter. I'm assuming you want to marry him, but you know, why have you been with him this long seven years without a ring or anything? Are you still trying to figure it out? Are you still trying to do that? I think it depends on who you believe. Do you believe his ex wife because she does know a lot, but she did her dirt too, so can you really trust her? Is she trying to get back in there. I'm sure that he doesn't want you guys to be friends. I'm sure about that because of what she could still reveal to you about him. I mean, you know, and do you love this guy? Do you love him? Never want to hear you mention that. I don't really hear that. In the letter you say he's a Trump supporter. That bothers you. Um, you know, behind closed doors, he treats you differently than he does in front of people. In front of people, he treats you like a queen. That bothers you. Um. The good things you do have to say about him or not many? You said, he's a great dad and the sex is great And you want to know if this is enough? Well? Is it? Is it? To you? Just these two things? And um? I'm gonna tell you, I don't think so. I think you need a lot more to make a good marriage stick and a good marriage work. So um, I think you know you asked the question, should you spend another seven years with this guy? It doesn't look like it so far. I would have to say no, Steve, I don't really see the redeeming qualities in here. I don't. I don't know what why why you write us? You're dating this guy seven years, he's sixty three, forty nine. You don't became cool his ex wife already. This is starting to not smell good. She told you that he's a good man but a terrible husband. Okay, we live in a big, beautiful home, but it's in his name only. Well, y'all just been dating for seven years? What? What? Who? Who? Name? You wanted to be in? If I'm dating a chick for seven years, I'm not putting her name on my house for what. We're not married, all right, but keep that in mind. Okay, Now he treats you like a queen, but because closed doors, he's a different man. So I don't know if he's mistreating you. I didn't quite get that his ex wife cheated on him because he was gone a lot as a fireman. So I guess she told you that hump, So she cheated, since y'all cool, she told me she cheated because he was going the lives of fire. He told me he took extra shift to take care of his family. But his ex wife said all of his extra shifts were with women all over town. I believe what his ex wife tells me about him. Really, didn't you just say she cheated on him? And now all his extra shifts was with women? Well, this, let me ask you a question. This big beautiful home that he got, all his extra shifts was with women? How he get the big ass house? I mean here, fire me, you say, which is a great job, great career, a lot of great people fire fire people first, right, but he had to work some extra overtime to get this big beautiful house you're talking about. But you still want to believe her? Hind this story right here, this story state, Yeah, you know, and he and he can't stand at y'all close, Yeah, because she's telling everything. It's his past. Yeah, all right, hang on Steve. Part two? All right, all right, coming up, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's subjects of the Strawberry letter I love my man, but I'm cool with his ex wife too. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening morning show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject I love my man, but I'm cool with his ex wife too, which is none but trouble. He sixes you forty nine. You're both to boys, You got beautiful kids, adult kids. Mr Ex. His ex wife has told you he's good man, but to tell her husband, you all live in a big, beautiful home that he's bought. He treats you like a queen in front of other people, but behind closed doors he's different. His ex wife cheated on him because he was going all the time working as a fireman. He told you he took extra shift take care of the family, but the ex wife said all the extra shift women all over town. My question became, how to hell he get the big ass house, did it? See? Now, that's a working man. As a hard working man, somebody got to work to get a big, beautiful home. All right, And you believe everything the ex wife tell you I'm curious about that, and he can't stand that you all are close. I have continued to try to work it out with him, and we're finally talking about marriage. You're trying to work out what with him? See I don't, I don't. I didn't see what you were trying to work anything out. The only thing you keep doing is going on what this woman and told you that he's a good man but a terrible husband. So and you said he's different behind closed door. So I don't know what it is you're trying to work it out, So me and Shirley can't get your advice on that. He calls his ex wife a garden tool, and he gets upset if I try to defend it. He says, you have misplaced loyalties. Well you do, you do? That's a true statement. Now. The last thing he's being that you have in trouble with he's a Trump supporter. Now that's where I got to get off this as swell this whole thing, just with the hell. I don't really give a damn how many poles he didn't slid down as a fire man. I don't care how many houses he didn't build. I don't really give a damn what this woman say? His man did? He a hard working man. He didn't built a big, beautiful house you live and I got all that, but his ass. It's given money to the Trump campaign. Right there, I'm done with his ass. I don't know him. I don't see how you can live in the same house. She said that he has contributed to his campaign several times. Our finances are separate, so I'm not concerned with what he does with his money. I would y'all not gonna be able to live together. You're not gonna be able to marry this Trump support. I can't tell you that right now. The fallout fitting, Yeah, I mean, we're all day, we're sitting up here. We got COVID, we ain't working, we can't traveling. No, damn well, we got a Muslim band. We didn't build a wall, we didn't kill the Docker program. You don't like black lives matters. You want to keep the Confederate flag. He lucky the Trump supporter. I don't know. Come on, lady, this this is all anyway. I will be fifty soon and I want to make sure I'm not wasting time with this guy. It just sounds like a huge waste to me. Yeah, and I have a solution. I hate to uproot and start over, so please help me. We have great sex and he's a great father to his children. Is that enough to stick it out another seven years? Are you doing this in seven year increments? Because I thought you said I was trying to get mad, so you're trying to hang it out for seven moment. But I have a solution to this right here? What is it, Steve Teller? I think you should start seeing his ex wife. Huh wait, wait, you're just friends right now? Oh don't y'all always say that's how the best relationship start as friends? We do well, y'all friends, y'all love each other. She trying She either trying to get him back or get you with all these stories body exactly one or the two. So why don't you just start seeing her? He's gonna really hate her, then he doesn't want Yeah, he gonna really hate y'all live. But you believe everything your girlfriend that the woman tells you about it. I don't. I don't see what you want with him, especially the Trump supported mess. I got back to you. I'm back. I'm my ass is out. Yeah, if I was dating a woman, and a woman told me I have something to share with you. I'm a Trump supporter. How do you digest I'm not digesting that ordered meal we at right a matter of fact, I'm gonna walk out whatever campaign money you're fit to send me him and pay for that damn food because I'm in the car. Yeah, what about I'm in the car driving off. She's a Trump supporter. But the sex is really really, really good. Great, And how you do that? Yeah? Yeah, because Kelly and Conway, who works for the president and her husband, you know, their opposite. Her husband does not. Yeah, and Kelly Anne does. I mean, and they're married. She really really finds and the sex is great and the sex is great. Well, I come over there, but I had to leave right away to be no cunning. All right. Listen post for comments on today Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook and coming up in forty six minutes after the hour, He's back Junior with his birthday poem right after this. Yeah, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, happy birthday to all of the zodiac signs of cancer. Okay, cancer time right now? Happy birthday to you. Yeah, and a happy belated birthday to our very own Junior. His birthday was on Saturday. Junior is here, and of course he's got a birthday. Hold the fort too, Yeah, right now, I was a kid. Let me tell you, I wish I was forty two. Boy. Man, you know what, man, I'll tell you what if I could go back like that to forty two. Stopped at forty two time, But I do know what, Jay, I could fix some things at forty two. If I could go back to Junior, you got I want to be too again? I got you wouldn't want to be forty two nor more. Hell no, okay, okay, okay forty two with the money you got now and the woman I got now? Okay, cool, Mama can't get them too at them too. I wrote this yesterday, you know, but it was very important that I did this. Y'all. Check this. This is called I named it too. It's called Junior's Birthday Palm. These titles be deep. I don't even I had nothing else at the time. Here we go. Yesterday was my birthday, and I'm just glad to say the man upstairs allowed me to be here on earth. Just one more day. Yesterday was my birthday. I want to thank y'all for the text. So let's hope this virus is gone so we can do better for the next Did I say yesterday was my birthday? Yeah? In case you didn't know, well, I'm saying it again on this morning show. Yesterday was my birthday, and to celebrate. It's not too late to give a gift or even a birthday cake. Did I forget to mention yesterday was for me? It's a lot of different when you get older. It is not the same when you was three. So beat the drums, sound the horns, let the big parade, and mom and dad. I want to say thank you for that night I was mate. Oh and one more thing yesterday with my birthday, dull dog that brought tears to my eyes. I don't know why y'all ain't in here. Only to your eyes? What nobody while you enjoyed that? Thank you, Happy birthday, Junior. Coming up in the top of the hour, it was good. President Trump claims COVID nineteen is coming under control. Is Florida's cases surge? What is going on? We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show, President Trump pledged that the coronavirus was coming under control. On Sunday, Florida reported over twelve thousand new cases of COVID nineteen, the fifth day in a row the state has announced over ten thousand new infections. The virus has claimed over Yeah, over what he's saying we did though, Yeah, he said it. Virus has claimed over one hundred and forty thousand US lives total since the pandemic started, and Florida, California, Texas, and other southern and western states shatter records every single day. During an interview on yesterday with Chris Wallace from Fox News, the President talked about the current state of the virus. Take a listen, Aaron, Russia and the European Union has us on a travel band. Yeah, I think what we'll do well, we have them on a travel band. To Chris, I closed them off. If you remember, I was the one that did the European Union very early. But when you talk about mortality rates, I think it's the opposite. I think we have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world. Week, Well, we're going to take we had nine hundred deaths on a single day. We will take this week. Ready, do you contribute? Please get me the mortality rate. Kayley's right here. I heard we have one of the lowest, maybe the lowest mortality rate anywhere in the world. You have the numbers, plush because I heard we had the best mortality rights out number number one mortality. Right. I hope you showed this in Eric because it shows what fake Okay really really didn't country. Yeah, he's just gonna lie to the end. He just gonna lie all the way to the end. Well, you know, like the UK leader said, you cannot lie and think your lies can resolve this issue because just by making false claims with the number one, we have lower's mortality. Kelly, can I get those numbers? Thinks? No, Man, it's not fake news, it's not This is on Fox. This is on Fox because Fox is affected by this. The coronavirus is from Fox. The coronavirus is Chuck Willery. You can get on there, we all you want. And now sad to say his son has it. I don't want that. I don't wish that on nobody. But now he's coming around. He said, Wow, this is real because it's not a hoax. It's very very real, you know, in the beginning, I think all of us we are we're hearing about the coronavirus. Now all of us know someone who has had it. All of us know someone first year, which we were just hearing the reports. But now all of us know someone who's has it or has had it. Yes, a classmate of mine from Kent State passed this week ADALTA from COVID. Crazy man. Despite these record levels of new cases nationwide, the Trump administration is still pushing for schools to reopen in a few weeks and resisting a federal mandate to wear masks in public. I'm worried. I'm worried about school. Hold on, hold on one second. As a matter of fact, her name was fake Calahan. Oh, she went to Kent State with us, and she passed us. She was assist. I want to assist from Delta Sigma, thetum Fake Calihan passed from from COVID. So you know, like I said, we all know somebody go ahead to it. Yeah, No, I'm just I'm worried about school, Steve, I'm worried about in August. You know, my I have a my son is nine, my daughter is is uh well, by then, she'll fifteen, sixteen years old, and it's time for them to go to school. And I don't know what to do. I don't know if I'm supposed to keep my kids home and they do it via zoom, or do I let my kids go to school. I don't know what to do. Man. I'm I'm just a parent, but I'm I'm so concerned about their health and their well being. And I don't know, just like all the parents that are listening right yeah, I do not know what I'm supposed to do right now. Well, you're amosed to keep your children safe and help is what you're supposed to one day? Yeah, all right? Coming up more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening to show, all right. So earlier we talked about the loss in the passing of civil rights icon Congressman John Lewis and his extraordinary life of service. Well, we also want to offer our condolences to our whu R FM family in Washington, d C. On the passing of w h u R family member Patrick Ellis. Now Patrick Ellis worked with w h u R since the early nineteen seventies and he hosted, Yeah, the number one rated Sunday morning gospel show. It's called Gospel Spirit. Patrick was a public affairs director and throughout his tenure at w h u R he spearheaded many impactful community initiatives. And again we say our condolence is going out to the staff at w h u R FM and the entire family of mister Patrick Ellis. Wow, true legends. Man. Yeah, man, this has been some kind of year. Yeah, and you know what, you know what's crazy about it? Call it it ain't over. We still don't know what else has got left. I hope there's no more drama in this year with other teams. Well, we started, we started this year losing Kobe. We lost Kobe Bryant at the beginning of this year. Then we got COVID, and then we got bees something coming from Africa. It just keeps going on and on. You know, it don't stop. Man, Like I told my children, this ain't the worst year I've ever had. All Right, And on that note, Steve, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour right after this you're listening. Representative John Lewis passed away on Friday. He was eighty years old. Congressman Lewis's death comes several months after he revealed that doctors were treating him for a Stage four pancreatic cancer. Representative Lewis served on the House of Representatives for more than three decades, more than thirty years Steve. According to the Black Information Network, Representative Lewis was one of the original freedom writers. He was the youngest keynote speaker from the nineteen sixty three March on Washington. He was a leader of the Bloody Sunday March in Selma, Alabama, back in nineteen sixty five. And I want you right now to take a listen to Reverend Jim Clyburn of South Carolina. He's going to talk about our hero and his friend, Congressman John Lewis. You're gonna miss John Lewis, but John Lewis will be forever in our hearts, in our minds, and yes, in our souls. I'm doing this tape doing Sunrise because I do believe that's the sun set on John Lewis's life. Last night, the sun rises on a movement that will never die. Thank you, John, Rest in peace her brother. Wow. Yeah, you know he was who devoted his entire self for the for the right of justice and equality for black people. I mean, this dude man was so well respected in Washington. Everybody respected him, you know, with the exception of the President, who he respects. Nobody. John lewis Man was a cool dude. The last time I saw him was at the beloved event a Chick fil A we did together in Atlanta at the Mercedes ben Stadium and Bruno Mars performed and we had a funny moment on stage and this lady came up on stage who was part of the presentation, and she started dancing and I stepped in front of him because I was on stage. Where was it. No, no, no, man, you can't be up here dancing with no damn body. Donald Trump see this, Your ass gonna be a tweet. So it's kind of a cool moment we had. But he was always man at the forefront of the fight for justice and equality for black people. He didn't care how you felt about it, He didn't care what you thought. I mean, this dude was the real frontline soldier. And if it wasn't for John Lewis, we are not where we are today in terms of civil rights, the Voting Right Act, in Gracian housing, schooling, prison reform. This man right here didn't miss out on no causes. Yeah he was that guy. All right? Coming up, it is our last break of the day. Bring yours up, all right? And coming up at forty nine minutes after the one and only Steve Harvey is here with some closing remarks right after this. You're listening to show all right, here we are our last break of the day on this Monday. It's been a good day. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's been a good day. Every day. What a day? Yeah, all right, Steve, you can let us have it with Hey, you know, um something on your mind. Well, you know, I just kind of reiterate to make sure that we get focused here. The election is in November, and we need to get focused. We need to make sure that all of us are registered voters, and that everyone in our family that is of age is a registered voter. And then we need to prepare to vote early. And if you don't vote early, we have to make sure we show up to vote on that day. This is probably one of the most important elections of our lifetime. I think the election of Barack Obama was one of the life time achievements for me personally and for a lot of us, because I personally thought I would never live to see the day that a black man would be president of this country. I was wrong. God is good. But this election right here is so important for us because we are we're in a time where this Black Lives Matter movement can really take form. And the reason I'm saying that is because first of all, we have more than just black people fighting this cause right now. I went online to Nike the other day and the first thing that popped up was Black Lives Matter. I'm watching a lot of companies pay attention to it now talk about it. And now it's the time to do something about this thing. This is the wrong that can be right it over a long time. Now. I'm not hearing much in terms of government policy right now, but I see a lot of corporations trying to fix some things. And so this this movement has really taken hold, and I really to appreciate the young people's efforts out there. With that being said, we've got to make sure that we get the job done in November, that we've cast our votes, that we make ourselves heard, that we put a stamp on the Black Lives movement, we put a seal of approval on the Black Lives Matter movement, because black lives matter most when we have to be counted. Black lives matter most when we show that we can change the direction of an election. So we've got to get this thing done, and we got to be focused, y'all. None of this foolishness. This Kanye running for president in twenty twenty making statements about Harriet Tubman didn't really free slave, she had him working for other white people. This type of these things. Are we kidding me? We ain't had We don't have time for this, We really don't. J Anthony Brown said it best off the air. We were talking. We ain't got time for this man. This is a serious election coming up in November. We have a president that is so divisive, and he figured since he's not gonna get the black vote, he's gonna make sure he gets every divisive white vote that he can, so he uses rhetoric that incites his base. He's saying that black lives matter in the Confederate flag is freedom of speech. He's not saying anything one way or the other. He doesn't see how we allowing these people to erase our history, our history. See this history that Donald Trump is talking about. It's what his hat was about in the beginning, that make America great again. His view of making America great again goes back to a time period it just wasn't good for us. But he's comfortable with that, and that's what he's trying to do. Now. This is what he's trying to do to get reelected. If you let him win again and he doesn't have to concern himself with being reelected, Wow, what measures would he take? I mean, he's done some astonishing things as a president, sitting on his desk, posing behind some beings, I mean, stuff that you've never seen happening in the White House, negative comments about people, directly people's appearance. He's always lashing out as some African American, whether it's the movement, whether it's Colin Kaepernick, whether it's the athlete's kneeling. But it's always directed as something we're doing because he knows how to stare up his base. We've got to get serious about this in election, y'all. I'm not gonna stop. I'm not gonna stop until everybody says, you know what, He's right, We have to vote. We've said it before, over and over and over again. But y'all, I can't even tell you how important this is. This is so important for us as a people, because I'm telling you, we can send a message. See the way they lobby for our votes and then get in there and do nothing. See but this time though, they think we're gonna be disinterested in the election, but we're gonna fool them. We are very interested in this election. We are tired of you never having said anything about Aubrey's death. You didn't say anything about George Floyd's death. You didn't say anything about Eric Gardener. You haven't said anything to make the oppressed people in this country feel any better. You haven't said one thing to make black people think that you even would consider anything that they're possibly feeling because you don't. And since you don't, we don't need them. And we're gonna prove it in November. Watch watch I got money on us for all Steve Harvey contests. 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