Kanye West and Trump, Church Complaints, SNL, MTH, 60 Minutes, Mid-Term Elections, Tommy Mobile Home, Thick or Thin Books and more.

Published Oct 15, 2018, 2:45 PM

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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving the mo like theming buck bus things and it's touble y'all. Do me true good to Steve h yeah, listening to me to other for still farther quick to listen, Moby, don't you joy? Yeah? Yeah? Well by joining me, honey said you gotta turning above, Yeah, don't you gotta turn the town the time? By got to turn out to turn the water. Come come on your back at it? Uh huh by, sure will. Good morning everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey Man oh Man, got a radio show, got going for you today. I got going for you today. O kid you not, because this is coming purely from self experience, purely, and it just happened. It just happened to me just yesterday. I lived this on yesterday. You know, I was going through something that I've been going through for a long long time and just weary of it all. And I've been talking to God about it, and I mean for for years though, for years, and I've been saying, Okay, enough is enough, you know, God I'm really I'm really tired. And so what happened was I had had to go through some more of it yesterday again in a situation. But you but you know what, um after it was over, You know, I kind of laid in it for a little while. You know how you've been going through something for so long and then even if it's over appears to be over you you still kind of laying it a little bit, and you know you have a while. Man, I can't believe I've been dealing with this this long, even though even though it's over, this is really good for me. I don't know how you do it, but this was so good for you for me. Have you ever counted, Steve Harvey, how many times you made it? And so that's what I started doing yesterday, and that's what I did this morning when I woke up, was getting ready, I was actually taking an inventory account of how many times I made it. How many times man, I didn't have the rent and somehow I came up with it. How many times I didn't have my house payment and somehow I came up with it. How many times I was out of money, did not have enough, didn't didn't see no way, But somehow I came up with it. How many times I got sick? I thought, well, man, this is right here. I don't know what I'm gonna do, but somehow I got my health back. How many situations I have found myself in? That was I thought at the time, detrimental and diabolical and man so sinister at times. Somehow I made it. I look at all the accidents I've been in, but he kept me. I made it. I think about even the simplest times of like stepping off a curve and almost got hit, but I made it. I was just tripping the other day. I was. I was thinking about the times that I've been hit by a car and it could have been worse, but it wasn't. And I made it through that too. I was thinking about, Man, when they count you out, do you know how many times I've been counted out? He's done, He ain't gonna be nothing, He ain't nobody. See what I told y'all, look at over that they counsel this. He offered that he out of here. He ain't gonna make it. He didn't got fired. Man, you know how many times I've been counting out? You know how many times they didn't wrote me off? How many times have you been written off? Man? But here you still stand? You know you have a tripped on it. Take an inventory, y'all of how many times? Count the times you've made it? What about the times man, when nobody was there to encourage you? But you still here though you have tripped on that? Ain't nobody called you and told you good day? No nobody called you and told you recently thank you. No one's called you and told you how much you meant to them, how much you've done for them? A man, you can make it. Never give up. Keep your head up, man, keep grinding. But you still here, even when nobody have you counted the times man, that you made it? Anyway? You count at the times that you felt like quitting. How about that one you felt like giving up? You kept going? How about the time this is a good one right here? How about the times? Man? When when when when everybody is standing around saying, ain't no way, ain't no way, Steve Man, I can't tell you any times I've heard it ain't no way. And then somehow there is a way. You know why, because he makes a way. You understand, you know how many you know how many times I've heard this one? Right here, Steve, listen to me, Man, nobody ever before hasn't done that. You can't do that? How many times you've heard no, you wan't? You know anybody then't done that? You can't do that? No one has ever done that. I made it anyway. You know they don't normally or we don't normally allow this, but in this case, for you, we're gonna make an exception. How many times have you heard that? Oh, I think I'm on to something. How many times have you heard in your lifetime? We don't normally or they don't normally allow this, but we're gonna make this exception in your case. How many times you've ben't heard that? Have you ever counted the times that you made it? You know everybody out accept me? How how can that be? You know you're the only one that got through this? Congratulations? Wow? Man, I don't I don't hardly see this too many times. But do you realize that normally this is what happened to people. But man, y'all don't know how your name came up, but here you are. Wow, it never happens like that. You have accounted those times I was doing it yesterday, I was doing it this morning. I was just taking an inventory of everybody of how many times I've made it. So what I learned yesterday was when God gets you through something, when he pulled you out on the other side, no matter how difficult or how long it took. When He gets you out on the other side, why don't you get up, dust yourself off, and start tritting what you laying there for man wallowing in it, going over it, recycling it in your mind. So many people can't move forward because we keep recycling stuff in our minds when clearly it's time to move on. It's time to let go. It's time to go and see what God has for you. Stop looking at what you lost. What you lost was probably not your us to have in the first in the first place. Do you know the things I've lost? I'm not talking about losing the love of one or mother or father, nothing like that. I'm talking about innate objects or situation. Do you know the things I've lost? Man, I look back on it. I wasn't supposed to have him in the first place, or they was doing me no good. I wasn't even what wouldn't mine to to lose, but I claimed I lost it. Come on, man, taking inventory, everybody. Start looking at the things man, that God has brought you through. Start looking at how many times He allowed you to make it, and get glad about waking up in the morning. Man, Get glad about your life. Start feeling something positive about your situation. You cannot expect God to continue to bless you if you're not grateful for the things that you have. Why would God sitting down here looking at you upset angry in the waller of what you are not grateful for? You just can't find the scene and find no gratitude in your heart about nothing, but you steady asking God for something. So now you think God is crazy. You think He's gonna give you some most stuff to not be grateful for. Are you kidding me? Why would he do that. He's too full of too much mercy to send you through that. Over and over and over, the more I give my child, the more ungrateful they are, the less gratitude they show. But I'm gonna keep dumping it on them so they can keep feeling ungrateful and show like a gratitude. Guy's not gonna do that to you. Come on, man, have you ever counted how many times you made it? I can't count how many times God didn't got me through something. But when he gets you through it, you can't get up and get on about your business. Don't lay that in it. It's over, it's done, you made it, you survived it. Let's go. Let's go to morning show, ladies and gentlemen. Here we are the Steve Harvey Morning Show on this uh illustrious Monday morning. That's what it is. Good morning, Shirley Strawberry Harvey, callin for Rell, Good morning crew, Hasty Junior, Morning up, Jake, I'm still better? And the damn thing change and late? What was that delay about? Michael? Still better? Tommy, Tom big dog and dog. It's Monday, baby, Let's get it. Let's get it. Let's get it. How are you feeling, Steve? I'm pretty good man, good spider, everything that's going on, I'm good. God is in the blessing business. That's right. Hey, did anybody see the interview with Donald Trump last night? Yes, sixty minutes. We're gonna talk about it. Yes, sir, Leslie s what did you learn? Yeah? I ain't learned nothing. I ain't see it. Okay, while I watched it, and my mouth was open the entire n with him. When you when you're gonna talk to Kanye? Are you're gonna talk to him anytime? You know? I mean he hears your phone. I know he hear your phone. So I don't know. I don't know. Man, he can't be talking to anybody is talking. He has a group of people that he talks to. Well, I'm gonna I'm gonna say this. The theory that people have been saying that he doing all this to sell his album, I just don't see how this sales want soon for him to be relevant. But now I think it's more mental stuff that's going on. This is AFU medication. This this, this is all for medicine. I'm gonna tell you something that I feel badly for Kanye. And it's not even for me to bash him. I feel badly for him because if you can look at Donald Trump and go, you're like the father I never had. Okay, man, hold dog, what what what is your image of a dad? Well, he didn't have one, right, that's what he was saying. But but but that ain't But that's who you would want other than the money let me say this. As a father, Donald Trump is probably a good father to Vanka and Donald Trump Jr. You know, he's raised him in a way. They've they've had the fluid life. So I guess that's cool. As a father, he cool as ain't seen that. Huh, Kanye ain't seen the dad inside of Trump? Well he thank you, But do you see his kids are successful? Yeah, maybe that's what you're talking about because you Kate, but I don't want my daddy to be that though. Dave Chappelle said he was a genius. He told Van Jones that he thought Kanye was a genius. Dave Chappelle sarcastically, he said he was gonna say anything bad about Kanye. He just, well, he's just saying it, not to say anything bad. He's a genius, and that's a long way from saying you're a genius and not saying anything bad. All right, coming up at thirty two, we'll find out what we did over the weekend, and we'll talk more about the President, Kanye, all of it. Coming up at thirty two after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Show. Well, Steve, you know, Carla and I were in Chicago over the weekend for the Sister Strut this past Saturday, and yes, yes, yes, and for we March for breast cancer awareness. And of course it was carlos a fifth birthday. Happy birthday to Carla. Yeah, it was real good. We had a great time there. Um yeah, everyone at V one oh three. Uh, it was just a lovely time whole station. And so many women came out, so many survivors, so many supporters, just everyone. It was a really great showing and a good march too. We had was passed, really passed. Everybody loves the show. We have to shout out to all the women that were there, the men that were there, like surely said survivors, Cole survivors. Everybody was in it fighting to end breast cancer. And they love love you Steve, they love you, Tommy, Junior Jay, everybody. Yes they did. They did ask about your nephew. But thank you again Chicago. Yeah, y'all, y'all want to tell him what they asked about him about? Well? What, well, what did you hear? You had to bring up? Steve just said they said, how sexy timmy doing that? Is that what they say? But they didn't hit sexy not not sexy. Yeah, okay, with your hand, I'll give you a hand on me. Came up to me and said, Carla, you are so tall. The right there they right, like yeah. Then I heard a lot of people talking much, he asked, I heard that. I'll just say this. It was very cold in Chicago this week. It was degree Yeah, it was like eighty earlier in the week. And then we got there with like forty man, we had on gloves. I wasn't mad. That's what would keep you warm. That's what kept your warm moving around, that wouldn't Yeah. If I had have been up there for that, I would have been in the right alonge. Yeah, but the heat one. But so much love in the city of Chicago. Always always a lot of love there. We alitiate that. Yeah, that's a great Yeah. How did you guys? Do? And and Carla? How was your birthday? Okay, so we flew home, Yes we can Saturday, your birthday? And then how it took me to dinner? Yeah, I went to no restaurant. It's really nice. It's really nice. It's a great time. And then this weekend, because we were in Chicago with the sister struck. This weekend is my big fiftieth birthday party. So you know, the saga of the celebration continues, Baby, we are partying. See I don't, I don't do people like you. Well, y'all birthday all month long? Well because she was working, she was working. I got a birthday. What what was your actual birthday? Saturday? That's happy birthday on the thirteen. So then a week sending, a week later, she's actually going to have a party, and we can't go forward, we can't go she could have a party since she was doing something for such a great cause. So that's like really cool, but like you know, all that normally the week later, gift and all that, that ain't even to happen. And Steve, guess who was on my flight on the way back, Senator Senator from New Jersey, Corey Booker. Yes, yes, yes, everybody was crowded around him. They were like whispering, I think he could be the president. I think he could be the next president. Well he's gonna had to get off them commercial flights. That's the damn show. Yeah, they were. They were kind of all over him. Yeah, because you can't run for president and do that. I sat next to Michael decocus on the plane one time. That was back when I didn't give a damn who ran or Yeah. But it makes a difference now, doesn't it, Especially with the elections come up and everything, where you know, everybody's more conscientious about voting and stuff that's happening in Jogia, Man, and that's that's gonna be. Yeah, yeahs and yeah, and they're doing all kinds of stuff. And it's always the conservatives that's trying this vote of suppression. It's always happens in some poor democratic area. It's crazy. Yeah, in Georgia. It's important everywhere. But please Stacy, Stacy Abrahams is her name, right? Oh no, man, we're going out to the public. Yes, we have to get We are going out because they're counting that we won't because midterm elections usually are load voter turnout. We got. We got to amend the Second Amendment. It needs amending. The Second Amendment needs amending, Steve, How is that going to happen? They just just put a Brett Kavanaugh on the bench. And that's one of the reasons. I'm sure you know for the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms. I'm sure I don't give a damn you can bear arms. I'm not saying you can't, but we got to amend it. It needs amending. It does. I'm in total agreement with you, but it hasn't happened yet. I'm just saying they put another conservative judge, you know, on the Supreme Court. So yeah, terms ever, yes it is. And usually you're right, and usually mid term elections are very low, low, low voter turnout. We got to turn it around this year, we really do. But you know what Kanye said that threw me off. What he's a man because like y'all liberals, y'all just be hold up, man, Kanye, you're a liberal, yes are You're not a conservative? I'm sorry, man, everything about you is liberal. You call yourself a crazy email in the overlaw that's pretty liberal. Yeah, you're in interracial marriage, that's liberal thinking children, Okay, cool. Everything you're doing is liberal music. Yeah, your your your clothing line is liberal. You don't do anything conservative. Man for man, But Cary Sellers, he said, this is what happens when Negroes don't read. Okay, Cary Sellers, man, he was so mad. All right, listen, coming up next, rebend Motown Deacon deaf Jam in the building with church complaints. We'll be back right after this. Yeah, you're listening to the morning show coming up at the top of the hour. And entertainment news Alec Baldwin made his return to Saturday Night Live as President Trump and was that comedy skill crazy just like the Kanye and Mr Trump over office meeting. But right now it is Monday. We'll talk about that in just a few It's Monday. Right now, time for church complaints with the reverend and the deacon. Here we go, Yeah, here will yeah, get in that path, get in there. Hello, good morning, good morning. Uh the ever debolicle River Motown and I am the extraterrestrial Deacon death Jam and the gevel we in the runners of the j p j G. That is the Jack Pott Joint Genals that long change. Che hallello jah. Yes, let us get on with these church complaints. That was the wrong entry old for complete, but I started it also apologize. That's all right, path, that's all right. But we do have some complaints and some issues going out age check. So the diabetic pie eating contest is this coming Saturday. Our our very young brother Nakon brother a know it as you know, Danthony Brown will be a contestant. The paramedics will be on standby. Now if he wins, five thousand goes to the church. Are you cool with him being in this contest? Oh? Hell yeah. As a matter of fact, I've had opened up a booking operation to take bets, and I'm betting that Reverend ad Noid does not win the diabetic pie eating content because there's no where to hell he gonna be able to swallow and breathe at the same time. So yours, I'll be taking bits hakon bed something that. Alright, we got another issue here, pastor. One of our former members, Sister Megan Marco. You know she's married to Prince Harry. He called the church yesterday asking I can we overnight her some color greens and hot water corn bread on dry ice. Evidently they don't have it at the castle. And Sister Erlen Duberry, who cooks our kind of greens for the church, wants I Megan to fly her out to the palace to make it there instead of making it here and sending it. And uh, Sister Sister Bacon wants you to talk to Sister Erlein. For we years because of sister earl Lean. First of all, I want to sign the paperwork to okay that we send it old Ice, cause sister Early getting that palace. That black girl ain't gonna be prince Loan or queen or whatever she is exact well, you know she's gonna end up being the Duke of Early. Literally over there, gonna break you security soldiers hats. Here's another in pastor excuse me. We are still trying to find out who switched the crackers at communion and replaced them with ex lax. But nevertheless, the church needs another two weeks to add out where do you want to have service this coming side? Oh we're not literally hu did you just because I really don't we we don't need two weeks to not hap. Oh, we're gonna don't worry about that. None of it was it was just older. Is what we're gonna do is we're gonna pine sault everything all right, hand sign everything right. That's pretty much killing all right. Brother Damon Reynolds has purchased a sex robot. He wants permission to bring her to church and let her be a member. She speaks, walks and everything. He says he's going to teach her how to worship as well. So it's up to you about letting her join the church, and that we're not gonna he he had a problem with the robot that's been counseled. Deacon. You don't notice, but he was in a severe accident with the robot. Lady Man's night. I've already gone to them. Oh, I didn't know nothing about no accident. What happened. Well, he wants us to raise money for implanted somehow to the robot clamped down in its goal. He had pushed the wrong button and the robot grabbed him with with them sharp hands look like lobster clause. And so, brother, he's gonna be out. He's looking for replacement. Know that you do better getting He immediately or took all the wire and out of hook back. I right't past the last, but not least. I well just take a brad path. Brother Kanye West is asking to preach on third Sunday at three o'clock. Standing here here at the church, he said his sermon is title. We's gonna be fine if it's we follow us massive trump. Uh, it's up to you pass it if you let him preach this or now I'm gonna I'm gonna surprise you all, and I am going to allow this. Wait a minute, night, I didn't know you were gonna go along with I wouldn't trying to understand what we're gonna do. Keep this just tweeting us right now, deacon. But as soon as we get him and we're gonna put him in a hostage situation. Okay, what we're gonna do is we're gonna get him all cleaned up here at the church, all right, now, we're gonna dry him out. What we're gonna do, Yeah, we're gonna dry him out. What ever wrong we're gonna fix, can't We're gonna introduce another poler. Did we let Kim and the baby come see hi? Well, first of all, well for two weeks. We need to keep him to ourselves. Yeah, just introduce him to his full fledged blackness. We're gonna be We're gonna make him watch Roots over and over and over. Now, now, when he watched it, did he keep the red hat on past? Well? Yeah, I want him to have the red hat on while they watch him, so he can see just how much your option they're brid It was great, It is all right, dude, that. Now, are you're gonna allow him to make music down there in the basement. No, we don't allow rep music. And this here, chick, well, we got to get the boy something to do. Pass. He goes, He's gonna see this as steal and listen, now he can gonna learn. So so he's gonna watch roots and what else? Is there something else he needs to watch? He's gonna find out Trump ain't his damn daddy and don't want to be. That's gonna be some like breaking news to him. Hell, won't Trump as day daddy? And you black, you might morning mash your daddy? He damn show? Don't won't you? And why did Kanye am on that jacket up there? But no way up? Doing next? Alright? Listen, coming up, we have some entertainment news for you guys. It's Monday. We'll be back right after that. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. Alec Baldwin made his return to Saturday Night Live as President Trump. Uh. He did crazy so funny. He did this for a comedy parody of the skin of Donald Trump. A West and Jim Brown's Oval office pre lunch meeting. We all remember that very well from last week. According to TMZ, this skip was especially interesting because they danced around making fun of mental illness. So during the Saturday Night Live skip, Kanye summarizes his main points from the meeting. Take a listen. So in conclusion, our chief of men men shot Rack Trapp Gewards leads to the uniforma male energy trumps my dad. Hillary is a woman and the MEETIA need to start making this president look good. Pupperty School, Hey Jim, you want to add anything? And I got a couple of subtractions that like, the only thing I definitely want to point out is that mental health in the black community is apparently and even bigger issue than our thought conditions with Bill Cosby and old j Simpson. And this is the first time I'm having regrets and now it's stick for me to hug my new day. Come on in here, Dad bringing in get in here, blood checks if you were it's still there, don't check. I want everyone to know I love this man. I love you, Kanye. We've got a lot more in common than people know. We're both geniuses who both parry to beautiful women. We've both definitely been recorded saying in the n word from New York maybe hit Home Runs, Home Runs. You that news like that, you can't miss, man, you really can't thank Kanye for that one boy that was already written. Pretty much. President Trump hates when they when alcohol does him. We didn't you think, Steve. I mean, it's just it's sad, really, but they did it though many they just get after it now. And you know, for Kanye to have been on the show as a guest host like two weeks ago, yeah, and then now he's like they're the subject of the skins. You can't overlook what he didn't know that I was any writer on the show, right, I mean he made it. He made a scene at Saturday Night Live and at the White House. Yeah, so now everywhere he's going. Well, the problem I hate this for Kanye because he's in the news a lot the past six weeks. He's been in the news, man, and ain't none of it good? None of it, None of it and none of it. I gotta tell you something, man, I was watching the report that was saying how a lot of White House aids were embarrassed that they were embarrassed by Kanye's been Is it because the President took up so much time, with all this going on, the hurricanes and everything. You're talking easy for that long. Just let him go. He just let him go. It's like, how could he stop him? He just didn't let him, didn't stop him. He's not that relevant. If you think that Kanye is going to sway the black vote like that, you're mistaken. I don't know who they think we are, but we're not that. No, no good points, Steve. All right, let's let's uh look forward today's headline. Steve, Oh, I'm sorry, MS and trip. Thanks you, Steve, thank you very much. This is and twer with the news. Looks like the diplomatic crisis between the U S and Saudi Arabia is escalating over the dear disappearance and kidnapping or maybe murder of Washington Post journalist Jamalka Shoki. The President was asked about on CBS sixty Minutes. We're gonna have to see, We're going to get to the bottom of it, and there will be severe punishments. Well. Saudi Arabia is promising to retaliate and strongly if the Trump administration slaps any economic sanctions on it because of Kaushogi's disappearance. Kaso, Give, frequent critic of the royal family, walked into the Saudi consulate in Turkey earlier this month to secure the papers he needed to marry a local woman and hasn't been seen since. He's never seen coming out of the building, The Saudi say the widespread allegations of murder are falls. Tens of thousands of people still without power along the Florida Panhandle five days after Hurricane Michael roared ashore. Meanwhile, eighteen people have been killed as a result of the storm. Relief workers are going about the business of setting up distribution points for food, water, and other badly needed items in the hard hit areas from the Panhand of Virginia. A lot of people missing, they say. In Mexico Beach Larida and President First Lady are do in the area later on today. By the way, with only three weeks to this year's critical midterm elections, a new poll shows that more voters are likely to vote Washington posts. An ABC News poll also has demonstrates that Presis and Trump's approval rating is up by about five points. The name of the infamous former neighborhood watchman George Zimman in the News again. This time is because the man who murdered an unarmed, indocent black teenager named Treyvon Martin is going to reportedly pleading no contest next month the misdemeanor charges that he stalked and sent threatening messages to a private investigator who was employed by a company working on a documentary film about the killing. Zimerman will get probation for his no contest plea that basically means he doesn't actually admit guilt. George Zimman has had several brushes with the law since he got off for killing poor Trayvon, including two cases of domestic aggravated assault which were later dropped. Serious has filed for bankruptcy. That means almost two hundred seious stores are going to be dropped. That is closed, very very soon. A lot of retail workers will be out of work. I think the numbers like a d eight stores, some forty six of them are going to close in a month or two. Happy news, The Duchess of Sussex is preggers. That's right, Former Megan Markle and Prince Harry. They're having a baby. The child is due in the spring. Pop Pope Francis has announced the candonization of seven New Saints of the Catholic Church, and they include the late Pope Paul the Sixth he's really credited with reforming the church and making it more modern. And the Salvadorian Archbishop Oscar Romaro. Oscar Romaro was an activist preacher working for on behalf of the poor in his country, and he was murdered in front of his congregation as he said mass tops of the box. Also the second Week and row venom. Human beings are disposable, but man and symbio combined, this is a new race, your species. Then I'm brought in over eighty million bucks. Here's up Steve Harvy Nation. Find out if Uncle Steve Smart and his nephew will be back twenty minutes after the hour and the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Jay is in the building. Steve. Time to murder another hit, please introduced him. Get m a good one, ladies. I can't I've heard that murder don't be the song right here dedicated to all the ladies we're going through it. I don't hit it. Pull his hands just got them whipping and it's got the ceiling thing on thirty eight degrees. She wakes up sweating and it's the hands the cool all she had in the hot sad winding and reading I want the hot flash on the night and in the hot flash wedding and reading it she had a let a. When you love I mean a hearts. The Ruuler hors red hearts hot hot home lass hot hot hot hot hot hot fleass hot hot. She having a hint sights when and reading what the hot that son been in the heart that when and read it it shall have at that. So when you love h I mean a hearts. The Rutuler horss Uh. You're a genius boy. No he's not. No, he's Carlo Carlo down? Yeah? Are you? Are you? Ladies? Did y'all enjoy that? You know? I didn't say. And you know what the problem is, Steve, me and Jay, you know we talk on the phone, and you know what, I just had my fiftieth birthday this past Saturday, and now you make a murder to hit about. Okay, Jay, did you have a hot flash when you was on the phone? Yes, I did, Tommy, but the whole world knows now, No, you're not and turned the al right, coming up next to thirty four after the hour. President Trump was on sixty minutes last night. Oh boy, did you see that. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve. The last night President Trump was on sixty minutes. He was interviewed by Leslie stall Um. He talked about the country being divided. He said the economy would bring the country together. And then take a listen to yeah, yeah, yeah to what he said. What the President said about making fun of Brett Kavanaugh's excuser, Dr Christine blasi Ford. This is when he was in Mississippi. Take a listen to this. Professor blasi Ford got before the Senate and was asked what's the worst moment, and she said, when the two boys laughed at me at my expense, And then I've watched you mimic her and thousands of people were laughing at her. They can do what they I will tell you the way. Now, Justice Kavan illustraated has become a big factor in the midterms. Have you seen what's going on with the polls? But did you have to well, I think she was treated with great respect. What do you think he do? You think you treated her with greatness, but you seem to be saying that she lied. You know what, I'm not gonna get into it because we want. It doesn't matter. We want. See. See, here's a guy who thinks, I'm not gonna get into that because we want. It doesn't matter. Then he thinks that the dividing this country will be fixed by the economy. Here is a guy who's grown up, never had a tough day in his life, who thinks that if you have money, it solves everything. The problem with the economy being fixed is that to trickle down for the really big money never gets to the common man. If it did, you would no longer have the common man, and the rich boys ain't fitting the head as it's sad man. He thinks that as money and it's okay. As long as I have money in the country is okay. But see, and that's what they're saying. As long as the rich people stay rich and get richer, everything will be fine because we're the ones who provide jobs. That's what he's says. That's what the whole party has built on. The rich people provide jobs and opportunities for the common man, and as long as we're okay, the country will be okay. What he's not understanding is that the money that you pay these people who are what's called the common man oftentimes is not a yeah, they can't make it off. That it's hard to feed a family, provide for your family, then surely then you have to do the next thing that the Conservative Party strongly suggests. That's why they cut out all these programs and stuff. That's why since Obama has been going, a lot of military programs are cut out, healthcare programs are cut out. They got a proposition in California number eight to get rid of all of the extra money that we're spending on dialy centers and stuff. They're gonna close diale centers. People are going to die, but we're getting the money. Because once you're able to get this money that we're paying you, then the rest of the Republican Party feels like then you should pull yourself up by your bootstraps. That's the danger of the Conservative Party to act like everybody got boots when they don't. But the weird part about it, Steve and and everybody is the fact that people believe it and vote for these people over and over and over and absolutely your who he's talking about. They don't see that it's the enemy. The enemy is the other race, and that's what they see. That's what it's. It's Hispanics, it's black, you know, it's that's that's the enemy. And as long as they're doing bad, then it's okay because we at least we ain't them. But see, here's here's here's the problem. Take care of the rich. They trick all these people in these dead states, these poor red states. Alabama's poor, Mississippi's poor, Louisiana's poor. The way they trick the me is they make them feel like they are part of something of the they're the moral party. So they're the moral party. So they're against immigration, there, against gay marriage, there, against welfare. It's moretum on welfare. It's a lot of gay conservative people. And who you think high immigrants to be on houses and pick the food, right? And how they got this out there, that they're taking something away from them. Yeah, like you want to be out there, they get out all right, You all need to vote in this upcoming men term elections. Bottom line, Okay, up next, the nephew with a prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today, the subject I don't do black or broke out right now though the nephew is here. Uh, with today's prank phone call? What do you have for us today? Nev Me and my Jesus, Me and my Jesus reading Hello, I'm trying to reach your sister. How you doing. I'm giving you a call on behalf of Baptist Church. You are a member there? Am I right? Yes? I am? Okay, listen um, I'm calling you. They some of the members have gotten together and had a meeting and wanted me to give you a call. It seems that a lot of them are complaining about Sunday services that go on and wanted for me to give you a call on their behalf so that we can see if we can address the problem and talk to you dilily as possible and try to get the problem rectified. What's going on? It seems like that a lot of members are complaining. I'm sorry, and what is your name? Against? My name is man? I'm not actually a member of the church. I've just been the one that they've been asked to give you a call and try to talk on the members behalf. So maybe we can get this problem, rectify that you that they have uh as far as you are concerned, Okay, go ahead. What I'm just trying to see what this is in regards to go ahead, Well, it seems like the members of the church are complaining about that you're doing too much shouting at church on Sunday, and it seems to be going on every Sunday. You're running up and down the aisle and you're shouting all over the place. And it's me. I've been singled out about my shouting. Wellever Dindy is distracted. Man, you're distracting everyone from me getting the word and listen to the word and being involved in the service. And that's the purpose of the call is to see if we and get you to tone it down something. Okay, So the whole church is complaining about me shouting the way people run up and down them off every Sunday and almost playing cart wheels and flips, and they're singling me out, complained about me. Well, ma'am, I don't know how it is that you can see everybody else doing cart wheels when you're the ones that they say is the one that's doing them. Am I being singled out? Man? All I'm saying is that they're saying that you're doing too much shouting and too much running at this church. Now, I'm just the message. But they can't tell me how to shout. They don't. They can't tell me what's going on in my life, what's gonna keep me from praising God? And they, I mean, they could just they could go somewhere else with that, but they're not gonna tell me that I can't praise my God. They don't know how good God it's being to me. And you know what, I understand that I agree with you wholeheartedly, but it's becoming a distraction. I mean, they was at the point last night talking about should we put some seatbelts on the pews so so you can stay down seat high. They're gonna tell people they can't shout in church, embrace God. What do we call to church? Well, you do come to We need to be trying to plase God and get their own shout on and stop looking at me, and what about what I'm doing. We're gonna need you to quit running up and down these aisles and doing what I'm sorry. You know, I'm trying to stay calm. I'm trying my best. Who Jesus es sure that that's not happy? You can't tell me I gotta stop shouting? Okay, man, But let me ask you. Are you running now? Aren't you just standing still? Talking? But I don't have to run right now? What I'm trying to get you to do? You know? I like if I want to run up and down this street right now, I can run up and down the street and place God. But they're not gonna tell me to stop shouting at church? Can we get you to be a little bit more reserved as what we see? Man? Let me let me go ahead and go further on what they do spirit moves. Okay, well, let me move and tell you what they've told me. Now. If we can't get to the point where you can, you know, tone it down, then we may have to ask you to leave them to ask me Jesus, Jesus, you let them ask me. Why don't they want me to leave the church? I've been at that church for fifteen years. I'm not leaving the church. I'm gonna run up and I'm not gonna on the church. I don't even turn me some flip. Where am I I feel like not not not not not listen. I think that that's all. I'm okay, go ahead, but I'm gonna be there. I'm going to I am going to be there on Sunday. Man, and I have been the person that's been appointed to make sure that you're not running up and down these outs and shotting like this. You've got to keep yourself reserved so people can hear the word of God. You are standing in people's word. That's what you're doing. You're in the whale. If they come trying to send me down, I'm gonna get him a word and it ain't gonna be a God. Put that hands up on me here, No, listen, I'm trying to hear that. Now. You get say, I haven't been in that church fifteen years. If I want to run, dance, shout, jump, whatever I want to do, I'm gonna do it. Ain't nobody gonna stop me. You're gonna have to stop this. This past Sunday was your last Sunday doing it. And you're nothing to do with this done? Like I said, just why let and I'm telling you could tell the earnsues, the deacon void, the deaconess, the minister's wives or who all asks you want to tell, let him put their hands on me and see if I don't sling on them. I'm gonna come right about the spirit and sling on. I'm telling you that now because he's said, you don't really push me that I have tried. I tried. Let me ask you this here where is trying to show that I'm saved and never? But you make it you if you're making me reverted back to my own ways and you you really me out, that's what you're gonna do. Okay, Well, let me ask you this, what is the god at right now? And you where is the one that say it is? The God? Was in me when I was trying to be called you at first to tell you don't be calling me with this polishness. But now you've to make the other sign of me roll he's up. Well, you wouldn't raised it up and there you wouldn't raised it up in me too. Guess what come signing you're gonna set y'all in that pew and you ain't gonna you know when you call yourself an the pew. Okay, all right, I'm right. We're gonna see how where I'm not sitting at pep matter fact, first thing, signing, I'm going the past. Oh yeah, deacon you are whatever your name is. I'm telling about it how you need to lose. I would be talking to Pastor myself and letting him know about this situation. You don't talk. You don't know we can call pass, just pass. Don't you don't talk to Pastor. I talked to Pastor. Past don't this short sympting Yes, Like I said, I'm telling you Jesus, you feel old Jesus, not not not not not See just like this here you see how you're calling on him and you standing yeah, because I'm calling on him to kidney from just really going to cuss you out right there, because you've been really hitting my nerves. I got one more thing I need to say to you, lady. You know what you better say real quick cause you're gonna talk to this operator that's his nephew. Timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prag by your girl. You're not. You know, I'm I'm I'm gonna ki. Okay, Jesus, I got one more thing, baby, Let me ask you something. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Y'all cool with that? Who? How I do this? The opportunity here me and my Jesus. How I want to thank everybody for uh in Toledo, Ohio, for coming out hanging out with your boy this past weekend. Yeah, I was at the Funny Bone and we did that thing. And I appreciate y'all coming out to see the nephew. Next is Tunica, Mississippi. The nephew is at the casino in Tunica, Mississippi, November ninth and tip, and I'm gonna have to ask my uncle about this one because I ain't never been up there. Grand Rapids, Michigan, November twenty three. Yes, sir, that right there is Black Fry and the nephew come to town. How y'all feeling about it? Wait? Tell me, did you mention what casino in Mississippi? I didn't say because he wasn't in my phone, and I knew you were gonna ask me that, and I knew he was gonna see some people just going out in dry around today. I knew you somebody was gonna see it, but I had missed it up and I'll be there alright. He damned near me like that. All right, Thank you? Never up next to Strawberry Letter Today's subject, I don't do black or broke. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. It's time for today's Strawberry Letter. People, and if you need some advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey at them dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter, right Steve, yep, exactly, alright, let's go then. Now let's go buggle up, hold on tight, We got it for you. Here it is. It is the Strawberry Letter subject, I don't do black or broke. Dear Stephen Shirley, I have a loving heart and always try to help others. That being said, the other day, I was in the discount store buying toiletries to make packets for the homeless. I keep at least five packets in my car at all times, and I give them out when I see the need. So I was in the checkout line, and there was a couple in front of me. I overheard. The lady asked the clerk how much was tax on a seven shirt seven dollars and nine cent shirt. The cashier told her sixty nine cents. Both the man and woman started looking everywhere for the change. I eased over to the man and I tried to slip two dollars in his hand. In sounds like a good gesture, right, Well, no, I couldn't believe the sugar honey iced tea that happened next. The half of that was with his The half of that was with this man loudly accused me of pushing up on her man. I told her that I was just trying to help them out. She told me she didn't care and that she didn't appreciate me in her man's face. I apologized and told her that I should have given it to her, but the man was closest to me. The man was thanking me and apologizing, which made her go off even more. She was so upset that she left without buying the shirt, but kept my two dollars. Well, I was so mad, I yelled, look, you call a green eating insecure EBT card carrying half of I'm married to a white man. I don't do black or broke. I don't want your broke but man, like I said, that's what the letter said. Like I said, I have a loving, caring heart, and I love black people. I truly hate people with this kind of mentality? What's wrong with our people? I know I could have handled this differently. How should I have responded? Well, well, it's you and I can't wait to hear yours. Thank you, Steve. Well, it just doesn't sound like you love black people. To me, it doesn't sound like that at all. Sounds like you hate them. And I definitely question the part about you know, all this love you have in your heart, especially for these people you called cold green, eating insecure ebt car carrying what you called her that I think you were wrong. I mean, I just don't think you slip another woman's man money. It's just not a good look, good intentions or not. Uh, it just wasn't a good look. Any other woman would have been upset with you too, because when she looks over and sees you slipping some money in her hand, what is she supposed to think? Like what she thought? You're pushing up on her man, and you know you threw it out there like that because you're married to a white man. I mean, you just won't convince me that that you like black people with this attitude. I mean, how should you have responded? You ask? If you really wanted to help, you could have offered to give the two of them the two dollars. I've seen that happen many times in the grocery store if people come up short, the person behind them might say, Oh, don't worry about it, I got it, or I'll pay for it. Or you could have simply given it to the cashier, if you could have said you were gonna give it to her, or given it to her discreetly. I just don't think you would have reacted. I think you would have reacted the same way if someone tried to do that to you and you're a white man, that you so proudly speak up. Steve, there's my answer. Well pretty good, surely. Oh here's the deal. This is Lettuce kind of crazy a little bit. She opens a letter by saying I have a loving heart and always try to help people. Didn't she start telling you what type of loving heart she has? And she has a loving heart for the homeless, to keep five packets in a car just in case she runs up into somebody. So she in the check outline. Now this is her loving heart. Her loving heart is for homeless people and should keep five packs. She in the checkoutline, lady behind a shirt. They asked how much is taxes? They don't have the money. So you see some people in need and you try to help. You slip the guy two dollars. She see it and go off. Now you were wrong for sliding this man the money. You know that, okay, But and you think it was a good gesture. I understand technically what you're doing is right. How you went about it was wrong, okay. Well you couldn't believe the sugar hunted ict to have next. Now, I was reading this letter and I was thinking when the subject says I don't do black or broke, I thought you were white. But I was wrong. Sugar honey iced tea is a black statement. The health funk that was with the man, that's another black statement. So now I know you black. Accuse me of pushing up on her man. I told her you just trying to help him out. She said she don't care, and she didn't appreciate you in your man's face, her man's face. I apologize and told her, now you so far, you're doing the right thing. You apologize. I could understand you're calling her health. I got that you apologize to and you told it. You probably should have given it to her. But the man was closest to you. And then the man he thinks, I'm thinking sorry about this and the side is going out, which made him moment. Now, without buying the shirt, she kept your two dollars. Now here comes the loving heart right. Look, you call it green eating insecure e b T card can helper mhmar. Now let me ask you something, because now I know you black. What made you assume that she loved call it greens? And what made you assume she was has an e b T card? You just assumed that with your loving heart. Then you said, I'm married to a white man and I don't do black or broke. Like I said, I have a loving heart and I love black people. Oh so the black people that you love you assume have call it green eating tin and they carry EBT Cause now you love black people, but not enough to marry one. See, and that's what and I'm telling you what you said. It ain't nothing wrong with Mary who you want to, but you can't tell me I don't do black. I'm married to a white man. I don't do broke. That's reverse racism and you just used it, and it's people like you. While we're in the shape wind today, hang on, Steve. We'll come back for part two of your response at twenty three after the hour Today's Strawberry Letters subjection I don't do black or broke. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. It's really simple. This woman says she has loving heart. She helps the homeless. She met a couple in the store buying the shirt. They didn't have enough money. She slipped two dollars in man's hand. The woman went off, cause you're gonna be giving my man to get out his face. You apologize you're doing all right. Uh. Then you told her you should have given it to her, and then you said I love black people. She kept two dollars and walked out the store. This is where your love for black people turned. She walked out to doing you mad so mad. You told her you color green eat insecure e b T card carrying helfer, I'm married to a white man. I don't do black or broke. I don't want your broke ass man. Now, you just handed the man two dollars. Then you tell a lady I don't want your broke ass man. You don't kind of give her. Yeah, you're a funny giver, and you're married to a white man. You don't do black or broke. Wow, that's an interesting statement. I really don't have nothing for you, lady, except to just go. You love black people, but not enough to marry one. So your blood for black people is limited because it's been prejudiced by your thoughts that black people are insecure. Call it green eton and EBT car card carrying people. Now you can say like I said, I have a loving heart and I love black people. I truly hate people with this kind of mentality. What's wrong with our people? Well, the same thing that's wrong with you, because you one of us, see you black, but you hate people with that mentality, You know, the mentality we hate. We hate people who don't love us enough to want to be with us. We have people in our race like you who look down on others because they don't fell on some hard times. So now since you think they call it greendy need b TCA and caring people, you don't even want to marry one of them. So now, congratulations, you have a white man. Ain't nothing wrong with that, do you, sister? But don't tell huh you don't do black or broke? You what what do you mean you don't do black? That be like? For example, let me get you this example, lady. Let's say I helped the homeless and I got my little fire bags in the car like you. But I'm driving along and I see some homeless people, but I decide that I don't do white, So now I don't help the white people out skip their homeless. These bags is just for black people. See that's what you're saying. I don't do black or broke, like those two go together. Well, I want to say something to you. All of us on this show happened to be black. Ain't now one of us broke? Not now one of them? But she don't do it because we're black. Lady, you're sad. You're sad the way you hand it. Help man, Yeah, but you're not gonna change because you have this, You have a self hatred about yourself that's carried over into the rest of the black people. So that's why you figure if you go get a white man, that'll fix it for you. You're steal the black lady in your stuff. She's better than white people carry EBT cards too, at the insecure they like Coller Greens. Yeah, you race it on so many levels. I'm talking about jobs. It's it's like my grandmother said, you think white ice cold hunt. Yeah, you're right, that's it's just it's sad when people are that way. Man, Yeah it is. And she thinks it's okay. She sees nothing wrong with it. Surely I thought it was okay, good enough to write a letter like we would agree with her. I hate people like that. How should I have handled it? You're handled wrong? First of all, Yeah, you're handled it wrong. Shouldn't have told us you don't do black people. I do. And she tried to to sugarcoat it by saying she helps the homeless. Right, But I do black people all day long, o day, and white people do do white people to work, thank you very much. Yes, I don't mind doing white people. Think it was wait, and I wait, some of your best friends. Some of my best friends are white. And let me tell you, I take this black money I get and I hang out with white. But she's trying to make it like the lady. Something's wrong with the other lady for going in. You're slipping her man some money, and Bawn wentf I'm sorry, walk away from it. It's not a good look. You're a strange woman slipping her man some money. Anybody would have reacted. Any woman would have reacted like that. One died. Be the reason she don't do black or broke because she may used to be black and broke. She thinks she's better now that she has a white man patriot. That's a reflection. Yeah, yeah, that's that is sounds like, hey, y'all, I know my um, I know, I know my casino. Now, y'all, I just tell you, really, what do you mean from when you were doing the prank? I was gonna be no ney, They're help you. What I'm telling y'all gonna be in sitting in this segway good. Let him go ahead. Remember I'm telling y'all, I'm gonna be way back, way back when about thirty forty five minutes ago. You've been talking about that on the Strawberry Ladder. Well, I thought we would do with it, like Okay, I wait, really all right, listen, guys, we gotta get out of here. You can email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts, you know. Let you on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM. Coming up in ten minutes. The upcoming mid term elections are very important. We'll talk about why right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, Steve, So we all have been talking about this. This will probably be one of the most important mid terms ever, probably in in our lifetime and our history of voting. UM just a few days away, only twenty three days away now from November six. The Democrats need twenty three seats to take the House away from the Republicans, and they need two seats to get the Senate majority. Alright. The President was on sixty minutes last night. He talked about climate control North Korea. Not to mention, he said he trusts Kim John Oon Uh. He said the economy is good, and that what is and that is what is going to bring the country together. Take a listen, please, I do trust him. Yeah, I trust him. That doesn't mean I can't be proven. Why would you trusted? Well, first of all, if I didn't trust him, I wouldn't say that to you. Wouldn't I be foolish to tell you? Right here? On? Sixty minutes? And then we fell in love. Okay, No really, he wrote me beautiful letters and they're great letters. We fell in love. I want to read you his resume. Okay. He presides over a cruel kingdom of repression, gulags, starvation, reports that he had his half brother assassinated, slave labor, public executions. This is a guy, you know all these things. I mean, I'm not a baby, But why do you love that guy? Look? Look, I like I get along with him. Okay, and I loved him. Okay, that's that's like, you know, it's like an embrace. Well, let it be in a brice, Let it be whatever it is to look, let it be whatever it is. I get along with him, really well, I have a good energy with him, have a good chemistry with him. Look at the horrible threats that were man, No more threats, no more threats, no more threats to you. He's still enslaving and starving his people. He doesn't he doesn't care. He doesn't care about the atrocities against the North Korean people. It has nothing to do with him. All he wants to do is stopped and the nuclear weapons program. If he does that, he'll consider that a success. Now, would that be an accomplishment, of course it would. Of course it would to get them to stop nuclear building of bombs and and and stop all that. All of that would be great. But here's the problem. America has always stood up for democracy around the world. So you can't love a god. I know why he loves it because he's trying to get something from it, just like why he thinks there's good people on both sides over in the Charlottesville because he's trying to get something from him a vote. It's a part of his base. If he thinks he can get something from you, he loves you from Kanye know, he thinks he's gonna get the black vote. That's why he's up there talking about and then the guy. I'm not really well versed on this, so I just heard a piece of this. Kanye asked him to pardon a guy ry. I don't know how many life sentences he got. But I don't. I don't. I didn't really understand that right there. That was an afterthought. Somebody was telling me, I don't know what. I'm glad though. I'm glad Colin Kaepernick didn't go down there because Kanye he was asking him to go with and remember that, yes, you have the meeting he wanted to set up. Right. Yeah, we're all glad he didn't go. Well. Yeah, and other chance, he's a smart guy. In other election news, Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacy Abrams has aut and this young lady right here is on it. Okay, yes she is, Yes she is. She's accused her opponent, Republican Secretary of State Brian Kemp, yes, of voter suppression. Adams has called for Kemp to step down as Secretary of State following a report that said Georgia put on hold, put a hold on more than fifty three thousand voter registration applications, nearly seven and ten of them belonging to African Americans. Not a good look. Okay, here is stay see on MSNBC explaining why her opponent Kemp is wrong. Take a listen. He's wrong. He's wrong, and how he approaches the right to vote. He's wrong in his aggressive attempts to dissuade people from voting, because voter suppression works in two ways. One is how he does it, which is to stop you from actually being able to cast a ballot. But the second is by creating this miasma of fear where people are afraid to even exercise their right to vote. That's what he did down in Brooks County, it's what he did in Hancock County, That's what he's done all over the state of Georgia. But our campaign is grounded in the belief that if we tell people they have power and we show them how to use it, they will wield it and we will win this election come on behind in spite of him cheating and holding votes because he's in charge of the voting rights in Florida and he's running for governor and Georgia, and they say that's wrong for him to be doing that, and it is wrong. It's a conflict of in definitely, absolutely a conflict of interesting and she knows that She's pointed it out. The sad part, though, is and the sad part of it is the Conservatives parties. They're absolutely brilliant at spinning everything. Yes they are. They always have been, Steve Yes, and and they will find a way to spin it unless we get to these polls and vote. They can't spend it if they ain't in office to spin. No, sir, there has to be a change in Georgia. There has to be uh and everywhere. I mean, we got we gotta show up at these polls. I mean, we really do it, like we tell you something. If they can make a change in Alabama, yeah, yeah, the way they do that's a red state for shoot, that's right, that's right. We got to go to the polls in Georgia. Alright, So go to the polls in November six, please please please Coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna switch gears. J Anthony Brown is here with he'll tell us about it. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Show. All right, Jay, you're here with a segment called thick book or thin book? Please explain or thin book. I have never written a book like my boss has several books, A four, four books, three. I'm doing some research on writing book. You know, I need to know if this is going to be a thick book or a thin book. So here we go, black friends that down Trump has, that'd be a thick book, a thin book. Wants to pay. That's that's a matter of fact. You ain't gonna do that. All you gotta do is play that video when he was out on that Tom back talking about that goes my African Americans. That's the end of the book, right, it's a flyer. Yah, it's a flyer, all right. Dance tips by Masterp thick book book tips. I remember when he was on Dancing with the Stars. Yeah, all right, here we go again. Skin Lightning tips by George Wallace. Thick book or thin book? A thick book? I think a book right there, boy, because he's gonna have to do some explaining, alright. Make Up tips by Michael Blackton does a thick book or a dude right there? I like Michael black but I think, though, okay, how about this one. How to put bass in your voice by Junior? What do you think a real thing like that? Couple page, just a couple of pages. You got some bad I'm using it now. A thick a thin book, thick a thin book. Cooking tips by Shirley volume several volumes that's on a paper because and at the end of it, she's gonna try to cook something I turned into a TV show jam gonna turn to a fire. I'm hitting everybody. Here we go raising tips by timing. You go to hand, give me track and running that. I'm hitting the body, so get ready. I really give a damn about my collar for rel What you think? Oh that's thick? Thin? What is it? Sick or thin books? These are I'm letting you know. These are thick books or thin books? Books or thin books? Did I give you white women to have dated? Jake? Is that a thick That's probably a thick book? Maybe I'm hitting what what stick of thin book? Comedy tips by Nick Cannon. You're throwing rocks by Jake. You're a cannon at Nick Cannon. That hurt another friend, Steve, we've lost. You ain't going on the show. No, I'll never be on the Wilding Out I never. Alright, alright, alright, here we go, last one, last one, thin books, thick or thin books? I guess I should pack up after this one. Thick the thin books Hit Tips by Steve Harvey. What do you think hair? Tip by Steve Hard He had a lot of hair and now he's now we got but we got the mustard. Now we got the beard. Now I got I got one last one for you, Ja, This ain't a good week it man radio employment by Ja, try to be a check book. Another one for j another book of Jay comedy clubs. I can't go back to. Got good mon to show a bad money shot who turned on real quick, big lips, a bad hip. He's on the roll now now, yeah, what what I got wanted for Timmy? Don't do it too too long to put it together? I know, dog, I know you saw me trying to put it together and it ain't coming together and it ain't gonna be yeah, and then you're gonna force you. You ain't gonna say it with confidence. It ain't gonna flow. Yeah. And then one of the girls who saying we waited on that, and then ugly that would be my work wife that do that. Let's do that one here, I got one. I got one. When the joke takes too long by Junior, how about that pick? Yeah, he's start throwing rocks at us, but you know, uh alright, they open to hit hit me. President of the CEO of your team. Okay, Tom, Tom joining, will you take me back thick book? If Jay's writing it thick, Tom's writing it thin. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright. Uh so on the break, guess what Nephew just remembered something? So nephew you're up, tell us you know what I found out exactly where I am November ninth, Intent, Because last time I told y'all I was gonna be in Tunical, Mississippi. But of course I knew somebody was gonna say it. What what? What's the name of a casino? Timmy? And I did not know it? Okay, but it is the Fits Casino f I t Z Fits Casino. I'm there November ninth Intent. That's Friday and Saturday. The nephew is in Tunica, Mississippi. I got my information together now, okay, But I asked the question pertaining to the day, did you please two hours later? Can I answer? Please? Yes, I'm await on the commercial break task good. Oh that's so nice. We have plenty of time, Steve, go ahead, No, I mean what you have two nights? Yeah, they do it at the casinos. Yeah, how many seats in there? We didn't know the name you think it was. Well, I thought he might have got that information. If he got two nights, what they could do a lot of times, Tommy is uh, you know in casinos because they have so many players that come through there. They comp a lot of tickets for players because they just want them to come to the show so they could walk through the casino. The yeah, yeah, kind of like that. So because like if it's like a sea them, you know what, I'm glad we own that because I gotta I really do have to ask you something. It's it's it's me now, I'm gonna ask you right now. I'm just gonna go and put it out. I ain't gonna even hold on now before I get into this show. Pray for me, all right, Dear Lord, please put the right words into his mouth and let Tommy have ears to hear and the I'm gonna here wherever he says. Okay, I'm gonna do it. I am, I am, but I'm I've been thinking about this. I've been thinking about this for like three weeks now, all right, so check this out. So my roommate from college, he come hang out with me in Houston at the house, and he told me about a couple of aggies texasan um, a father and a son. They bought some property in Odessa, Texas. Odessa oil is booming like crazy, and it's going bananas down there, all right, it's bananas. There's not enough hotels to accommodate all these people that are doing this, that are that are working the whole oil industry. So, um, they bought eleven acres of land. They wouldn't got a half a million dollar a longe. Okay, Uncle, they went and bought eleven acres and they created a trailer park, a whole trailer park where it's six hundred dollars per trailer per month, per month, they're gonna have enough for a thousand slots. You can make sixty g's a month, all right, and the oil is gonna be booming down there for the next five six years. So I said, that's eleven acres. Let's not go that far into it. Let's go by five six acles and do the same thing. Yeah, I cut back lit. Now, now you came in on the dal Lux. We go get twin as me and people hold on. I have a series of answers for you. All right, Oh please don't let me down, Steve. We prayed and everything. We'll be back with mar morning right after this. You're listening show, alright, Uh, the soger continues. Before we left off, the nephew asked his uncle a mentoring question. All right, Tommy, just kind of quickly, let let me do it, okay. So I asked Uncle Steve about I heard about, you know, all industries booming in oldest of Texas, and some people bought some land, eleven acres of land, and before half a million dollars got alan for half a million, and they can have a thousand slots six hundred dollars a slot on a on a trailer home park. Alright, everyone would pay six hundred dollars a month in a trailer home park. You're gonna you're gonna lease out of thousand of them. You can make sixty g s a month and you can make your money back and then something. So your question to your uncle is, so my question to my uncle was if I did this with like five six acres, Let's say I only went and got two hundred fifty three hundred thousand, not alone? What is this a good investment or not? Okay? First of all, in all series, mhm, just let me ask you something. First of all, your friend that came to tell you this, here's a question number one in business? Why would he tell you? What? Were you just talking about it? I mean, but this is a great deal. Now, why would he tell you? I'm just asking you don't have to answer the question. You think he's sucking with me. No, I'm just saying when a person has a great idea, why why he starts? Why he's spreading it around? And he ain't in yet? He made your money to get in? Uh? I mean he just want he won My best friends on we talked all the time. We talked about a lot of Okay, eleven acres cost five hundred thousand dollars. He gonna put sixty trailers on it. No, no, no, you got that wrong. Answered a thousand trailers on? He gonna put a thousand trailers on eleven acres? Boy, how have you ever seen eleven acres? Man? How are you gonna put a thousand trailers on eleven acres? They're gonna stack him? What I'm saying, shut up, Jo, this is my investment. Shut up, I mean Tommy, Tommy. But yeah, you know, okay, hold on, man, And maybe I missunderstanding something when you say trailer What do you mean? I'm telling about trailer homes? You know, like like mobile homes. You mean you mean like a trailer park, like a trailer park. Yes, bro, how in the world can you put one thousand trailers on eleven acres? I told you to shut Tommy. That's Tommy, Tommy. I'm actually telling you let me do this. That's very tough to do. Man. You know them. It can't be no side you and you and you have acres and you know, you know, you know that. I have let me a piece of land that's exactly eleven acres. Okay, how many do you think you could have on eleven eight? Uh? Couple hundred maybe maybe that's it. Have you driven through one before? That's so close together? Man, Tommy, there's no room to put the propane tank. Well, you gotta have a profane I know exactly where you're going. Okay, Okay, hold on, Let's say you could put a thousand trailers on Lemon Makers. Do you know how many trailers at you. Okay, all right, Look, we'll come back to finish this up and close out the show right after this, last break of the day. Get it in like the buildings. All right, Look, we'll be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, guys, here we are, last break of the day. Now, let's finish up this conversation between tom possible investment. That's where we're at, in the middle of loser monopoly. Be quiet. Okay, So Tommy that I told you he's gonna buy eleven acres for five hundred thousand dollars half a minute. That's very doable. Understand that. But he gonna put a thousand trailers on it and charge six hundred a month for each trailer. So you think that they're gonna take in six hundred thousand dollars? No, No, sixty No, sixty huh Okay, they're gonna bring in sixty thou dollars a month. Yes, how they how they gonna get the trailers? No, you don't understand. People are renting this land. That's what they do with trailer home. You rent that that space. So you see what I'm saying. Yes, you think people gonna drag their trailer to these land makers. Uh, that's what Okay, Okay, I'm gonna show you what's happening. I'm honestly, I'm gonna show you what's happening with this eleven. I'm gonna come back and show you to it on paper. I'm so you're not you're not. You're not investing in the trailers. You just want to buy the land. You're just buying the land. And people get the trailers, and you do charge them six hundred a month to park there, right, and you have slots set upst got it? I got it? Okay, Okay, they got water, they got electricity. You gotta make sure they set I ain't trying to talk you out of it, but let me just walk you down this a little bit. Okay. Now, you're not in on the oil. No, put is the big boom. You ain't in on selling the trailers. You ain't risking the trailers out, none of that. You're rinting the patch of land from them to park the trailers. Yes, sir, because oil is booming. And what's this name? Odessa? Odessa Texas? Now let me ask you so how much aill you think for to come out text. I don't know nothing, but I know all I thought they was coming out. It's all booming, but I don't know nothing. Boy, how long or are gonna be going on it? Tommy? How many people can come to Odessa? Listen to me, this ain't Dallas, this ain't Houston. How many people can come to Odessa? That would justify you having that? Lad? How long is the oil gonna last? And how much all is coming out? I can tell you how much all coming out? Can I can I see a question to that one. If you don't know nothing about all, then you don't need to be done. You're all ask your question. Here's my question, and this is a serious question. Me. If you found out how many trade trailers are actually being sold down there? On how many trailers, how many trailer parks are already down there? And you know, then you can find out where the trailers are coming from, because uh, you said a thousand trailers. So so Jack, here's the deal is that the oil is supposed and I'm just standing how it was given to me. All is booming so much that they don't have enough hotels in that town to annominate all these people they can't house them. And these people are these guys now are bought this patch of land and they say, hey, we're gonna create a whole trailer home park where you can just pull up park, pay your six hundred a month, and there it is. And I'm like, what damn all I gotta do is buy some land and put some electricit and some water on it, and some gays. That was my Do you hear yourself? By the time you by the land, pay the note back, vide the electricity, and provide the gas. Do you know how much you're gonna have to pay to get that thing ready to take houses? You got put up lighting too, And I know you're gonna split the k with about eighty friends unless they covered wagons, then you know. Okay, hold up, hold up, we don't We don't have to continue this tomorrow. I've done some research. Here it is. I just told you an acre land is how much forty three thousand, five hundred sixty square feet, right, Each parking space requires one hundred and eighty square feet to park. A trailer requires one hundred and eighty square feet. One acre of land would accommodate. Wow, two hundred and forty two parking spaces one acre would create you know what I'm saying. Okay, but now listen to the whole time, whole time parking spaces with no no surrounding space. Okay, so now you're gonna have to put these septic tanks, but you gotta have I forgot about that time. You gotta put septic tanks underground. But the but the margin is pretty close though on who forty two? Of course this assumes now listen to me. Of course this assumes no turning lanes and each parking spot is right next to each other. This would be Tom is bad guy trail La park. Tom listen to me. People can't even open their doors. They do the door, Tommy, you can't even open your dayn dope trailer park. Go ahead to please. Hey, y'all listen. I know y'all probably happier than I am right now. Y'all have a good weekend. Boy, I don't I don't know how you'd be doing this. Man, Will you meet me in Odessa? I ain't got no money from the day and if I would be in on somewhere. Don't you trying to get in on the oil? What is you moving on the contry. For all Steve Every Contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.