Good morning and welcome to the ride! The Steve Harvey Morning Show is alive in vivid color. "SHOCKER!!!" The Chief Love Officer helps a woman who has a best friend that is into swinging. Kanye had another Twitter meltdown and urinated on his Grammy. Apparently according to Sports Talk w/ Junior, The Clippers are STILL The Clippers. Donald Trump was called out in Pennsylvania. Our girl from The Talk was quick to remind us of the black folks that went in on 45's backside. There is some real crazy ish happening in Real Housewives of Potomac with Ashley's husband Michael. Carla updates us with the latest on Hurricane Sally. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve simply states that we must go to the polls and vote, straight up.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have a suit on the don giving them like the milking buck bus things and it's good Steve listening to together for stuy don't joy. You gotta turn you are you gotta turn to turn out? You got to turn out to turn the water of the mo Come come on your baby now, uh huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man, o man, o man? How many times I got to say that before I get tired of it. I think it's gonna be a minute, folks. I gotta be real with you, because, boy, that Steve Harvey got a radio show man, clear indication of how God can do some unexpected, wonderful things for you, How he leads your life in directions that you never ever saw coming. You know, I was talking with somebody the other day and they were talking about how Man they were young and they were doing things and they never knew that the things that they were doing as a youngster would come and he helped form who they were today as an adult disguise fifty years old, and you know the same thing for you, if you look back on your life and all of the things that you've done, it helps shape you into who you are now. This is provided now that you take the positive approach. Now when I say look back at your life and see what you've done, that doesn't mean dwell on the misfortunate moments, because the misfortunate moments were necessary. I know it. It's hard to see that when it's happening to you, but the unfortunate moments are necessary. You know, what really makes you appreciate summer vacation is winter work. What really makes you appreciate a walk on the beach, it's when it's cold, it is raining outside. What really makes you appreciate when you're up, it's because you've been down. See if you are up all the time. Just the nature of us as human beings, we would lose our appreciation for because it becomes case surah. Whatever it is, well, it is, what it is is, what what what you take it for? Granted, it becomes expected. But what happens in life's is it has so many twisting turns, and then you learn how to deal with those twisting turns, which makes you now a more experienced person. And then when the sunny days come, man, you go wild. It's really nice outside. You really want to appreciate how warm weather. Just stay in a bunch of cold weather all the time. I'm you know what I'm saying. I'm just this is really really simple and now analogies, but it helps you along the way. Now here's what I came to say today to everybody out there. And this has helped me in my life. I can't tell you what it's done for me, but a lot of people are struggling with moving forward with their future, their future plans, their future goals, their future aspirations, their future hopes, their future dreams. Just simply that your future wants a lot of people trying to have a hard time mapping out their future. Even what I'm gonna do, what I'm gonna be, what I'm gonna make harm or go about it? What do I do next? I want to share something with you that I had to come to terms with. The quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your past. You know, It's like I said at the beginning, You know when I say, it's wonderful to look at your life and review it, because if you look at it, it'll tell you it really helps shape inform you today as the person you are now. If you look at it in a positive sense. But if you dwell in harp on the negative that's happened to you, then that keeps you from seeing the good in the incident, every bad thing that's happened to you, that was a silver lining behind it. I know people who were on drugs who finally, man just got sent to prison for stealing because of the habit. I know cat that's sold dope. Well, he went to prison. He told me one time, he said, Steve. He said, man, this is the best thing ever happened to me to save my life. Now, most people would think, how in the world is going to prison helpful for you? The brother said, it saved my life. First of all, it got me clean. He said, I've been cleaned for five years from sitting in him. That's for starters. I'm cleaned. I ain't still in no more. I ain't putting myself in jeopard and I ain't jeopardizing nobody else. He said. Now, man, I don't went to college. I didn't got a college degree while I met him. Then he was released from prison and the brother's life was completely turned around. He married, he got a family, he got a great job. He'd go to work every day. He's a productive citizen. I mean. So he looks back on his incarceration, even his drug abuse, and it taught him how to appreciate the things in life that he had taken for and was missing because he said, man, my life was just in a blur. I didn't even know what was going on. He said, Now I appreciate every day I wake up. That's what I mean. Even in your missteps in life, there is a purpose for the missteps. Every time you fail, there was a reason for the failure. See what I had to do was I had to learn that all of my failures taught me how to get back up. So I became a very strong and tough person in getting back up. And then I was down and out so long that it taught me how to really appreciate the up. And so I've taken all of that and used it. Those experiences that happened to me, and I became a more experienced person. So next time when people talk about me, who don't know me. It don't shake me because everybody's not gonna like you. Man, you might as well gonna get on this train right now. And so what I'm saying to you out there is the quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your path. Let it go. Yeah yeah, yeah, he left. Sometimes the breakup is the blessing. I know it's hard to break up because now you're loaning you by yourself. But man, but when you're in misery, when you was in that, weren't you in complete misery in that? Now you kept asking God to fix it. But it takes two people to fix a relationship. It don't just take one. It takes two to make a thing go right. It takes two to make it out of sight. You really do have to have two people wanting a relationship to work. It can't just be one person wanting relationship. So you can pray about the relationship all you want. If the other person don't want you no more and ain't gonna act right, you can't make him do that or you can't make her do that. But you steady asking God for a new relationship. But you are yet to be grateful that you are in a position to have a relationship, and you keep harping on the pass. You don't think he hear that. I'm just a dude with a show, and I hear it all the time. Let it go go forward. It's over. You made it, He bought you through it, you conquered, you survived it. Why are you dwelling on it and making it the cross around your neck when clearly he had removed it for you. Now, all you got to do is come on. So if you're sitting behind him walls, brothers and sisters, I'm talking directly to you sometimes. Man, you just got to get it right. All this repeat offender business, that's for? Who is that for? How ignorant can you be to keep giving your life back to the penal system? Be free, man, walk the streets, do the right thing. Ask God to help connect you. He could do anything. You think he can't give you a job? Are you serious? Man? Put some faith on it. Let's move forward, y'all. Let it go. Let's move You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, to Steve Harvey Morning show is alive and vivid color. Shirley Strawberry, Good morning, Steve calling Farrell, Good morning, Steve, Hay crew, Junior killed Junior Sprates morning, U my mentor what nephew Tommy? Ya ain't in the field? Yeah we are Thursday, Thursday, Hey, Jim, we win the game. Start. I'm gonna start tomorrow. Start tomorrow. Man, y'all ain't got nobody in it? Dude, you wow? Well who you got in it? I got Lebron, Lebron from Cleveland. I got some kind of connection. I get go. I'm in the playoffs? Can you just say, Shockley, shock the boy leave many. Do you think there's a possibility it could be the Clippers and the Heat? No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry the Heat and the and and the Nuggets. Do I think it's a possible possible? But I don't think so? What ya Okay, y'all wait on it. I'm calling this one Denver and the Heat's say Denver gonna be what Denver? No, That's what I'm saying. Yeah, you think Lebron, James and Anthony David gonna lose four game? Somebody? I didn't think George and Paul George was gonna lose. Why and Paul George ain't Lebron and damn Anthony David's boy. Okay, I got you all right, and you know, and I'm a Lebron fan. I'm just saying, no, no, no, no, no no no no no, no, no, no, no no. What you're not gonna do to try to be a Lebron fan so you can be in the damn playoffs? Yo? As out the playoffs? I am about you, the one he got John. Do believe that Demver can do this? Now? I do? Would you like to make a friendly wager poor man's wager? Yeah? Sure, I'm not gonna do stuff that you and did he and will see if an hour I'm not gonna do that kind of waging that, y'all. Okay, Well, let you get where you want to play the game. Oh man, hell, I'm down there about right right around fifty dollars. I'm right around now hit it. Yeah, see right there, see that, I'm not at that time? Thank you? What the hell is we arguing about it? Though? You used to argue for Fitt to see you know what you change and a very very welcome change. I'm so happy I ain't aging about fifty At first, you heard a meaningful donation take each other's charity. That way you can write it off. Okay, matter fact on what we do is, why don't we just pick a fan, somebody that that eat, somebody that emails us, and we hit them up and just give it to him. How about that? Make sure they vote. If you do that, well, you gotta be ready now. If you're readys to, you don't getting no money from up now. We're gonna finish yourself when we come back. All right, So coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour U right before the CLO, we asked the clou uncle Steve and nephew Tommy will finish their wager right after this. You're listening to show all right, time now for the CLO. But before we get in to ask the CLLO, before we went to break, nephew Tommy and Uncle Steve, we're placing a friendly wager on the Tommy got a great foundation, I got a foundation. Let's decide how much the bed is and the money go to the foundation. That way, we're talking foundation the foundation underste Let's let's go on and bump it up. Put another zero. Now we'll make a fire. That's true. Okay, see you know what, quit doing this? Rich you're doing you've been doing rich stuff, dog star. We need a comma in this hill. It's so weird. It's for the miles of giving in this for the kids. Yeah, but I need a period in some of these places. Okay, just comm you could do a thousand. You don't, so you don't believe it. We can move on. Okay, okay, okay, okay, let's do Let's do a thousand. Let's do a thousand, just one thousand dollars. Dog No, let's help somebody. Hey man, you blame hey hey, got plenty of money chateau. Hell I'm a shipping plastics cross country. He can't ride and nobody even notice you just posting the pitch on line. No I did not, did y'all didn't see the pitch of it? No, I just sent it to you. Say back to the business at hand, Thank you, sir. If we still have to ask the seal out, well let's go into the clo. We all about this all day. I'm trying to get themselves put some money into the foundation. All right, help when your warriors out, let's go for your love questions go to Steve Harvey FM dot com. All right, this one is from Simona las Vegas Cello. She says, my best friend and I are thirty four years old and we're both professional women. She still loves the party, and I'm more of a homebody. She loves to have house parties with a bunch of weird people around that she's met out at different clubs. This past Saturday, she had a pajama themed party, so I wore a sexy nightgown and a matching rope. I was way over dressed for this crowd because everyone was practically naked. Some man approached me and said it was a swingers party. I found my best friend in her room with a man, and I cursed her out and I left. I feel like she should have told me up front what she's into. Am I wrong? Well, no, you ain't wrong, But how are you cussing? How in her old house? Though? Why she naked? She did not say she was naked. If they in that room, they ain't naked. She was overdressed with a nice nickla jail. Somebody was in there naked at a swingers party. Yeah, because she should have told her Steve, come on, well, she could have told her that hard to cust somebody out in their own house, though, but I agree she should have told him, yeah, baby, when you come over here, just gonna get wild up in here. And he's all every man for a self tag. You went, Oh god, I don't like that type of stuff. I ain't surprise we're swinging. No, I just need one person. I can't do to man proof. You don't know what to do with some ys. We kiss him for ten seconds each. I can't. I can't time it. Equal distribution story Yeah, partner Yeah. Kevin in Colombia says I was dating the love of my life and she broke up with me two weeks before we went into quarantine. I found out she was dating someone new right before our breakup and they were quarantined together. I was heartbroken, and I prayed to get over her so I could move on. I've been dating a new woman for a month and I really like her. Then my ex called me to apologize for how she ended things and said she misses me. I still love her, but I don't want to jeopardize my new relationship. Am I stupid if I start talking to her again? Should I tell her to stop calling me now? You're not stupid, You're real stupid. Say it again. She don't really get it. Yeah, you're not stupid, You're real stupid. Yeah, she dumped you two weeks before quarantine, spent quarantine with another guy. Call you now apologize by the way she dumped. Now you got a new chick. Man, if you go back to her, you're gonna get treated the same way. Yeah, yeah, that's what we would yep. Okay, because there's a lot of stupid going around though, because our president got it, So I mean a lot of people are catching it. Oh no, no, no, you're not gonna that's COVID where a lot of people COVID? Right, all right, Jada and Dover says, I recently ran into a college classmate at a grocery store, and I was surprised he noticed me with a mask on. I had a crush on him throughout college, so I was flattered. He said we should hang out, and he asked for my number. I didn't think he would call, but he did, and we met for coffee the next day. I have gained a little weight since I graduated four years ago, so I don't feel pretty. He didn't seem to mind, and he asked me to go out again. I think I'm going to glam up and get my lashes done for our second day. How important is it to impress a man that I already know? Critical, very damn critical, matter of visual damn. Get them lashes on, Get you some red bottoms, get it jacked up. Yeah, he said, yeah, Jack, you know what I mean. Get on your toes, walk ankles up. You had a crush on him. You didn't gain some weight, that's all right, he'd probably gained something too, been for years. You ain't that big. He loved it. Come on, let's go spott at you in that man. Something looked like it did in college. Yeah. Look at that yak on that thing right now. You know, because the old as people got like like names for stuff. You don't know what it is, but you know it's natty. Look at the yack on that thing right down. She graduated college four years ago. She's not that boy. When you look at that noby, baby, look at that Look at the bad boon on hu shake that monk. Would you help this woman the time I asked you? Right there? Confidence and a beautiful smile is good too, all right? Coming up next, nephew, tell me run that prank back right after this you're listening Stry Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna is standing by with national news. She'll have the latest on Hurricane Sally as the storm battered the Gulf Coast with catastrophic flooding in Pensacola and Alabama, plus an entertainment news. Kanye is at it again. He posts videos of himself peeing, urinating on his Grammy Award. That's in his latest Twitter rant. I will talk about these stories at the top of the hour, but right now the nephew is here with run that Frank back to Kanye, then y'all to Okay, I'll be back, but I'm going to ask you this again, Stolen caugh. I swear to God, we're gonna talk about this pean on this this trophy. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Trevor please. Oh sir, you purchased a two thousand and one navy blue from a use car lot dealership called U car Lot. I don't know, maybe six or seven months ago, am I right? Okay? Now you've been paying notes on this car, I know, for the last six months, and you know I hate to be a burden of bad news. Actually, my name is, uh, Detective Justin, and I'm giving you a call to let you know that the actual vehicle, this two thousand and one Navy bluesh that you purchased, is actually a stolen vehicle. And we've actually been looking for this car for the last I've been pretty much close to a year now, maybe a little over a year, we've been looking for this I work in the Auto theft division. And hold on who you say you argue Detective Justin, sir, and I'm in the Auto theft division here at the police Department. Let's don't I think you got the wrong I think you got the wrong, god Man, because um no, sir, it's it's. It's it's and I've done the trace on on and I know this is probably a shock to you, but we're right on point with this thing. You's got a two thousand and one Navy Blue. You did buy it. You did buy it at the car lot dealership, and that uh, and it's the exact one that the license plate, sir, they do match up. And uh, I know this is a bit of a shock to you, but your car is actually a stolen car. So the dealership, sir, actually sold you a stolen car, and I know you did not know that. I know that it was not any information that you already knew. And I know you thought that you were just purchasing a legitimate car. But you have a stolen car, mister Trevor. And no, no, I think you got the wrong first, because this this car is not stolen for real, and this is not stolen, sir. I can go all day with you and try to make you understand what's going on here, and I know it's probably some some blurry information that's not clear to you, but at the end of the day, your car is stolen. I am gonna have to either get someone to come out and impound it or you No, no, I think y'all might need to go back over y'all records, man, because I think y'all on the real, I think y'all got the wrong person, sir. For real, I'm gonna tell you once and I'm gonna tell you again, you have a car that's stolen that I have to have in my possession by the end of the day. Now, by the end of the day, for real, man, you got sir, you have a stolen car, and you're gonna need to bring that car into the police station so we can get this thing rectified. I am man, for real, Man, hold on, let me talk about this. Man, I don't know about all this she's telling me. For real, Sir, I understand what you're saying. But do you realize you're talking to a police officer here. I am detective. I am detective justin. I am who you are. Man. I'm still hold them. It's no longer, sir. We've had to actually shut them down for the time being until we get quite a few cars rectified that. I've got more than just your vehicle, Sir, that's been that that has auto theft tied to it. Hold on, there's two things. Either you're gonna bring it to me or I'm gonna come get it now. Which one do you want to do to You ain't coming to get for real? Sure, I don't want to have this to have to get go to a level of where it doesn't need to be. But I need to get that card in my possession. Okay, look, look, look, listen while I'm telling you. Okay, you're listening, I'm listening, sir. Okay, look, un listen, somebody gonna take me my three hundred seventy thirvy guys at fifty two cents. I've been paying for the last six months. Unless you're gonna pay me that, give me back my trade ins that get this now, I ain't out here you're talking about for real? No, it is you're coming at me with man. I worked too hard to be keeping up the notes right here. Man, I got that and my rik to take care of, and you come to talk about you take my car because something that happened before I bought it, and what I don't even know if this is true. Like I said, I thank you missing. I think you've got me mixed with somebody else. What y'all just not coming at me talking this. I ain't heard nothing about this before. Sure, it's taking us a while to actually track down the car and actually find out exactly where it was. I've I've tracked this car so for the last eight nine months, and I finally found that you are the one that's actually has it in your possession. It happens all the time. It's an unlikely situation, but I gotta get you to bring it in and I'm I ain't bring you hear me, I ain't brilliant y'all not coming to get from me unless somebody give me my three hunting at seventy seven dollars fifty two cents I've been paying for the last six months plus in my back. Sure, I'm sure you're probably long gone by now. It's probably I'm stopping. Okay, then then y'all can need at least just come with the money. Come with the money. I just don't get in another robs and somewhere else. Sure, I'm not. I can't sit here and negotiate with you. I'm just the detective that's on this actual case. And I know it's a trying situation, but I am going to have to send some officers out there that that do this type of thing. They pick up these cars and bring them into the I wish you would send somebody out here to get my car. And if you can't go with me, you need to find somebody can't And no, Yah, you bring somebody out here if you want to, don't bring somebody. I got here. I don't working too, oh man, I'm working a great ship. I'm putting all the time. They kind of stay late so that man, I'm working through order and try to get this car man, bring God here if you want to for real, sir, sir, sir, calm, I gotta get your calm down. I mean, you get a little out to me and told me my car stoning, and y'all talking about tending to get it from me. Sir. I know this is a surprise, and I understand that, and you gotta great. You got an honest living, an honest job, and understand that. But some people have done some dishonest things and that's what's happened here. I'm bad. That is my problem right there. That ain't problem was dead when I first got it, so right from the problem now, I'm not understanding that. All I'm staying is is your cover with my car. I'm gonna y'all look, that's all I'm saying. You know what, I don't want to go any further. Can I say one more thing to you? Can I do that? What? This is nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your cousin Eric. Who did you to say this was? This is nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Shows. Man, you got pranked by your cousin Man, trouble you all right, old on, I gottat even need a cigarette running. All right, man, let me ask you something. You gotta tell me, baby, what's the baddest radio show in the land. Man, It's that Steve Harvey Morning Show. I just need a few accolades for much you place. You had him going change coming up at the top of the hour. Well that's stupid fresh. Yeah, entertainment and national news right after this, you're listening to and entertainment news. Well, yesterday, here's the story. Kanye had another Twitter meltdown. He fired off more than a hundred messages. He posted a video of him urinating on one of his Grammys with the caption trust Me, I won't stop as he fights to own his own masters. Didn't Prince do this while ago? Not the peeing part, the urinating part, but he was in it with his record company about his master's owning his master. Yeah, I don't want to. I don't want to, but it made me think about ain't nothing purple or nothing. Kanye took the Twitter earlier this week and announced that he wouldn't release new music until his contracts his publisher Sony and Labeled Universal had run their course. Kanye referred to the music industry as modern day slavery. Wow, wow, yeah, you got a lot of us not forget that. You know, slavery is a choice, remember that? Yeah? Yeah, yeah yeah. Ain't you got the People's Choice Award on Yeah, hell no, keep it polished up on the Hilf hey dog on the Emmy, especially my Image Awards, my proudest one. I got the Image Awards because that was from y'all right. You know I will always want it, you know, my people of man to appreciate me, you know, so right there, they own the mantel. Yes, that's rights. Yeah, and it's a it is an honest for your peers. Walk over there and be up there. Tell you right now you're gonna need operation pardon. All right, we're gonna move on and other You're gonna love this story, Stephen other entertainment news. If Samuel L. Jackson is the King of curse words, he's giving you a place in his kingdom. Check this out. All you have to do is promised to vote in this year's presidential election. It's part of the Good to Vote campaign. Samuel L. Jackson says that if twenty five hundred fans prove that they'll be voting this year by either registering, checking their registration, or making a voting plan. He'll teach them cuss words and fifteen count them, fifteen different languages and he is met his goal. I love this. I love that. Go Samuel L. Jackson targeted but different languages though, yes, yes, that's the part. That's part the part. Yeah. I saw something on social media or video where he's holding a cute telling people how to pronounce. I know, I know, but I mean it's a good way to get people involved in the whole voting process too. I mean that's what they're very cremportant here, of course, Yeah, you know, to get them involved, especially you know, our youth are young people who aren't say and I'm asking you from the bottom of my heart, I would love to shadow mister Samuel Jackson. Could you, I mean I'm asking you, could you hook me up with something like that? Absolutely not good? Havens no man here, do it. He's a good brother. I like him, love him all right, Steve, I got a baby going somewhere. I got this here. You're not talking to me, are you? Oh? Baby baby? I got this? Hire me like that? You don't say nothing to time and when he says something stupid. Hello, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne trip. Okay, thank you very much, everybody in good morning. This is a trip with the news all right. Sally has now weakened into a tropical storm, but just because it's a little weaker doesn't mean it's less dangerous. After making landfall on the Alabama coast yesterday, has a strong category to hurricane. Flooding is now the problem. Sally continues moving inland, where it's expected to head north to Alabama before swinging east to Georgia, Florida. Now there's a possibility of some isolated tornadoes with it. Sally's already caused widespread flooding, washing away cars, boats, and some homes, and knocking out power already to over a half a million homes and other structures. The family of Brionna Taylor may have been awarded a record high settlement this week over the twenty six year old black woman's killing by three white Louisville policemen, but her mother, to Mika Palma, says twelve million is not enough. As significant as today is, it's only the beginning of getting full justice for Brianna. We must not lose focus on what the real drive is. And with that being said, it's time to move forward with the criminal charges because she deserves that and much more. Manny in Louisville are a little nervous about seeing true justice there because they say, while the prosecutors a black man, he's a protege of Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell. In fact, this guy was prominently featured in the Republican National Convention. So they're a little worried there. The man Donald Trump appointing to the Health and Human Services Department in Mila Computo says he's taking a sixty day leave of absence. He admits that he's said on Facebook Live the scientists at the Centers for Disease Control were involved in sedition against the Trump administration. He also said Trump supporters should buy ammunition because after Trump has reelected leftist hit squads, he said, we're going to attack people. That's what the guy said. Computer was already accused of political meddling when it comes to the CDC's coronavirus response, framing all reports to match whatever President of Trump said. The Trump administration, by the way, going to the Supreme Court on another issue, this one to appeal the federal court's decision concerning this year's census. Last week, a three judge panela Manhattan blocked the administration from trying to exclude illegal immigrants when determining the number of congressional seats based on the census. The New York state filed a suit on behalf of about twenty other states and several undocumented immigrant organizations. In its ruling, the Manhattan Federal Appeals Courts said that it was illegal to delete illegal immigrants from the final census count when it's used to reapportion congressional districts. The Trump administration also in court over its plan to stop the census count a month early, at the end of this month instead of October. And it looks like hip hop is stepping up. LL cool J's a former collaborating sidekick E Love, focusing on registring voters. He's got a company NFOT the New Face of Technology. He's got a bust, and he's taken all over the country. We're moving across the country. We're starting off in New York City with the voting registration drives. You're bringing in a lot of entertainment people sports across the country, all about ground cities. That's Elove. His handle is underscore real E Loovedack to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're doing this a little earlier today, but Junior is here because this is exciting sports talk today. Junior. Wow. Yeah, yeah, y'all already know what happened. All I need Love to start off for me off Shockley. No, but we've mentioned this yesterday that the shocking wird the Denver Nuggets meat the Los Angeles Clippers, and now folks are saying, even with Kawhi Little and Paul George and Doc Rivers, the Clippers are still the Clippers. Changed nothing. They still the Clippers. The two players who were the happiest to see the Clippers lose were Portland trail Blazers Damian Lillard and c J. McCullough. Remember Paul George and Damion Little and Patrick Bedley, they all were beefing. Well. Damian Lillard extended the invitation to the Clippers to go to Camcoon. We already down here, down to hang out. We can bear his hatch. Yeah, man, y'all been in the bubble. Yeah, ain't nothing else going on. And you know what, Junior still waiting on timing to come over that bed because he said Denver gonna be the la Yeah he did. Later he said Differs gonna be the Lakers. Yeah, yeah, la yeah, Clippers yeah yeah. Well no, you ain't gonna say that. The Clippers ain't in it no more. Baby, people. Let's go no man, let's let's pitch. Let's pass some money. Man, you really got faith in them? Come on, you got money quick playing. I'm not gonna do this with you. I know how you've done it to me. You've done this all my life. I'm not a well you don't be scared. If you want to fight all my life. I had to bet five thousand dollar. I'm not doing it no more. Yes, Steve, okay, well that's not appropriate. Two thousand That would you go with that all my life? But I had to fight? Yeah, that's not appropriate. Man. All right, Oh, here we go, here we go, twenty five hundred. That's it. I ain't going up front now, Timmy. I said, if I you said twenty that's just meet in the middle. No, No, I'm just trying to tell you if I if I go, oh, but twenty, I'm getting trouble with my wife. When if ive honey, all I can do well. You know you the man you always telling about how you stand up, you do what you're doing, and this money is for charity. Y'all need to say that. That's what the money three thousand. Yeah, my uncle got the best pendering program in the country. Yes, a great thing. With the warning. Well, let's do something. That's why that five thousand is so important. Man. Thank you to Letta. Take some Let's just tayble to any talk to Jackie. Talk to Jackie as we got to junior. When you in a marriage, you tables, yeah, pin in it? Hey, all right, uh, maybe we'll settle this. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we all saw voters go after Trump at his town hall meeting. Well, tonight this Joe Biden's town hall meeting. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening, all right, here's what's going on still trending in political news. President Trump's town hall meeting from Pennsylvania, when the president was questioned by undecided voters. If you missed it, take a list into pastor Carl Day, who called out the President over his campaign slogan make America great again. Make America great again, take a list. I mean your statement is though, make it great again. So historically, the African American experience, especially in these these ghettos that have been out a red line. Historically, these ghettos that have systemically been set up and treated the way that they have been, the conditions of the drugs, the guns, and everything else that actually created the symptoms for what we see that you profess to be just the democratic cities and themselves, These things have historically been happening for African Americans and these ghettos, and we have not been seeing a change, quite frankly, under your administration, Under the Bomber's administration, under the Bush, under the Clinton, the very same things happened in the very same systems, and cycles continue to continue to ensue. And we need to see, because you say, again, we need to see when was that great? Because that pushes us back to a time, I mean, which we can't identify with such greatness. Well, I hope there's not a race problem. I can tell you there's none with me, because I have great respect for all races. For everybody. This country is great because of it. But when you go back six months and you take a look at what was happening, you can't even compare that with past administrations when you look at income levels and a lot of things because of the job situation where they had the lowest income, the best, the best unemployment numbers they've ever had the black community by far. What man six months? Right? And you know that wasn't even what the brother was talking about, right, he was definitely oh yeah, oh yeah, pass through out of Pennsylvania. All right, Well, tonight it's Joe Biden's turn. He'll participate in a down home meeting and meeting in Scranton, Pennsylvania. It'll be hosted by Anderson Cooper. It's at eight pm on CNN. And remember we only have forty seven days now left until November third. Please go to vote dot org and get registered. It only takes a couple of minutes. Plus you can get all of your early voting information for your state. Vote dot org. Vote like your life dependent on it because guess what it does? It really does? Yeah. Um wow. Just thinking about what the president is, it's almost like he didn't even hear what the pastor was asking me at all, he hearded. Yeah, they did right, They've prepared him as soon as they some about what have you done for black people? Your response is, we had the best numbers ever for African America. You have done nothing for black people. No, nothing, y'all, y'all need to no. But I really think, surely, Yeah, I really think. I really think that it's going to be a landslide win for Joe Biden. Yeah, I really really do, man, because I know so many people just displeased with him. I see his rallies and all like that, but they're shrinking inside. They're they're shrinking inside. And I know they keep finding these black people to speak up for him. But we've always had that situation. I don't even care. You always got that amongst us. They got the Latinos for Trump. How you can be that as a minority and be for Trump when he does nothing for you as a minority. Well, yeah, if they could just show us what they've done. I mean, where is all this stuff he's talking about? It It's nothing? Yeah, where is it? Man? Pick If you work in the medical community, if you were a first responder, healthcare worker, is no way you can vote for him. The way that he knew about this pandemic at the beginning COVID, and he said it was a hoax. He did not even care what this would do to our healthcare system. He had no regards for these people that are on the front lines every single day. I'm just telling you, I'm like, he didn't even care about that. I know, I know. Right coming up next, we're gonna switch gears here with the nephew and his prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the stow coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes afterwards, today's strawberry letter. My subject today is he doesn't like to wash first. This letter. He doesn't like to wash first. All right, we'll get to that in aventa. Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Now? Your husband prescription? He is ready? Hello, Hello, how you doing this? Is uh pharmacy. My name is Brian, I'm the tech here. Uh is mister Donovan Donovan? Is he available? Uh no? What can I help you? Is? Well, he's he's dropped his prescription off about an hour ago. I wanted to we wanted to call let you guys know that the prescription is ready. Prescription for way. Well, he um, he dropped off a prescription. I'm assuming he must have looked like the doctor just wrote this prescription today. So I'm assuming he um seems like he would probably need this pretty soon. So I wanted to let you guys know it's ready. Okay, And what exactly did he get a prescription for him? Um? It's a Moxa Siller Sillan a maxa Hill and we've got him at least fifteen tablets if he could take two tablets a day. My name is Brian. Yes, I'm the technician here at the pharmacy. Okay, well let me okay, Donovan, that's my husband. Let me make sure you have the right Donovan, because well let me let can we check the birthdays? Are you allowed to do that with me? Oh? Definitely, definitely. It's um seventy four? Is that correct? Yeah? Okay? And so what exactly is a Manxter selling for Manxter selling was an antibiotic man So any type of small infections of some sort, diseases or whatever, is it pretty much cures it? So you telling me this nasty then got something and winning got it on my first off, he wanted to seem the doctor and got a prescription under my interest just try them. And he wanted got something you know what? You know what said Brian, I'm coming down there. I'll pick up the medicine. I'll get it and if people want that medicine, he'll check him with me at my counter. Because I got a check and he don't wrote the his nodcast. I'm gonna beat the hell out of this. He do not know, he does not even you know what. We brought it a new ya. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you're you're um? What what? What can I call you about? First? Nain't what's your name? No communist? That's fine, just communist, No communist? Okay. Uh. First of all, I want to apologize. I had no idea that you were not aware of the actual prescription that he's that we've just feeled for him, you know. Just just on a personal note, I'm just curious, is there a possibility maybe maybe you could have given it to him, Brian Noble? You getting you the lost solo mom? Now, first off, you don't call my phone. First off, note you, I'm glad you called my phone to tell me it's my intern, that's why. And then you want to use me of giving that this something? Are you going him? Don't you ever in your life call somebody's fault and this is a court Charles. None of your business? What's going on in my okay? None of your business? You get out of my way. There ain't none of your business and none ain't get it none To answer your question, I've got something for your And if he want to come home with MTDs and you want to ask me if I gave him that cities, Oh okay, what's the manager? Let me see to your managers, ma'am. I was just I was. You know, I'm not trying to be unprofessional. I was just asking a personal question. I should not have asked you something like that, and I do apologize. I should we expect someone to pick up the description. I just told you, I'm gonna be picking out. I'm gonna coming now you know what, blind, You'll know who I am because I got I got a couple of words for y'all. And I still want to speak to your manager. You did. You were very unprofessional and I don't appreciate you coming at me. I'm trying to eat you me. Tell me he didn't gotten you. I std didn't ask me? Did I give us a him and you all up in between mount Oh No, I'm not trying to get all in between your legs. Man. Apparently that's not the place to be considering you guys need a MIXE one, you know, but you're getting you in lost shot. Like you know what, Brian, I still got some souplers left from the first and guess what I'm gonna like them. So, y'all you know how to play games for me? You do not even No, you do not know me. You don't know who I am. You don't know who I know and what I got. I got something for y'all. What does this prescription? Ask? Because I'm know it's not the one by home? I know it's not. What did he take his tripe where? You asked? Because I'm on my way now, I'm uh uh. Would you like my managers here? Would you like to speak with him? Man? Yeah, put the manager on. Put your manager own. I want to speak to one down. I ain't gonna say uh huh, hello, Hello, Yes, Tommy, you're the manager. This is nephew Tommy. From the Steve Harbin War on his show. When you just got pranked by your husband, Donovan, I'm hearing him and you what planks calling me? He needs to be out looking for a job, saying what's than three months ago? Tway with me like that? Got my blood pleasures? You are right? Oh no, I'm coming down now. I'm still coming to get you. I'm not a baby. You can't come get me. Better be glad. I love y'all. So oh my my wife. Don't tolerate no cheat. You know, ain't know crazy, you ain't white, you won't. I got one more thing to ask you know what is the badest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Morning Show. Who y'all good about? All right? The Maryland ain't didn't she about you? But she took it out on you. She didn't waste no time cussing you out. Go right, only I'm looking for I'm looking for I'm looking for a quick between my legs. I'm not talking between your legs because obviously, based on his prescription, that's not the place to be. No, the blank, blank, the blank of blake blank blank, You didn't you don't have to blank the blank the no on me? You blank blank? What you find him all? What the food said? Well, obviously that's not the place to be. I can't believe he said that one. I couldn't believe it. Husband, at the end three months, I ain't got trying to prank nobody looking for a job. That's what he needed to be doing, Donovan, That's what Donovan needed to be doing. I had no idea that prank was going that way. Yeah I should have, though, but I didn't. Come on, Shirley, Now I'm gonna feed him some nice Yeah, we gotta keep it stupid. How you want it to be? You you want to a non stupid prank, I don't think that's possible. Thank you, Thank you. Just trying to do my part, that's all. If I quit being stupid, I want y'all to let me know I'm slacking on my stupid Okay, so let me let me, let me let me just say this. What else you want to do, because that's not gonna happen. So whatever, if he wanted give us something else to notify you on. I want to. I want to finalize this. I want us to solidify this bet that you and I are talking about between you, because I believe that the Denver Nuggets are going to beat the Los Angeles like this. That's a big state in the West, a big number. Now you came a little bitty little money. I'm just seeing these five thou No, no, no, no, I'll doing me like that. Don't my little bit money. Don't don't don't do that. First of all, let's stop the little bitty money thing you got Rose Roystone. Oh you brought that into the equation. It's on Instagram. Bring you change? It was on Instagram, y'all. Surely did you see it on Instagram? Uh? Huh? College did you see it on Instagram? Yes? And in real life? Jie, did you see it on Instagram? I say it on there three times? Oh off for charity. Time you look at it that way? The deal twenty five hundred. Hey, gonna leave it. I can't get in trouble with my dog. I told you, dog, you got five in your own account. We got to ask Jackie. Dog. You ain't got to do with your family. You already know you got I got to ask jack I can't just be what voice was that that that I'm mad? Yeah? That comes from all right? Thank you, guys. I hopefully you'll settle it before the day is over coming. Up next Strawberry Letters, subject he doesn't like to wash first. We will get into it right after then you're listening morning show. Well, guys, it's only forty seven days left until the November third election, so please go right now to vote dot org and get registered. It only takes two minutes. Plus you can get your early voting information for your state. Who want you to stand up and be counted for this election? That's vote dot org vote dot org. Okay, now it's time for my Strawberry letter. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is Distrawberry letter, subject he doesn't like to wash first. Dear Stephen Shirley, my boyfriend and I are in our mid fifties. We've been dating almost a year and are very much in love with one another. Our sex life has its hills and valleys due to his health conditions and his hygiene. He's on medication and we got it regular lated, but we can't seem to get past his hygiene issues. Before bedtime, I like to take a nice hot bath or a shower, and I'll usually invite him in to join me. He never does. He thinks I'm asking because I want to have sex in a tub or shower, but I'm asking because he stinks. He sleeps in a T shirt and underwear he's had on all day. When we met and he was trying to impress me, he always smelled good and had on fresh clothes. Now he's gotten too comfortable with me and he won't bathe or wash up before he gets in the bed. The other night, he wanted for play, so he pulled the covers back. I politely asked him to go take a quick shower if he wanted me to do that. I couldn't get past the musty smell that was coming from the upper and lower part of his body. It wasn't a strong smell, but it's not what I want to come face to face with. If you get my drift. I finally let him know what the problem is and he turned his back to me and went to sleep. He hasn't spoken to me in a few days, and he sent me an email to tell me that he would be staying at his own house for a while since he smells bad and I'm so turned off by him. This is not how this was supposed to end up. How can I get him to see that I love him but not his body odor? Well, I don't know. I mean, you've told him to take a shower, you know, I mean, what else can you do? I mean, I think for me, this is a deal breaker because it's just nasty. It's too I think you must be a really wonderful woman because you sound like it. You sound kind, supportive, loving, understanding. All that, and the fact that you're still with this man who won't wash his bod I mean, come on, body odor is a deal breaker for a lot of people. You really can't make You can't force grown people to take care of their hygiene. You can't do that. I mean, is he lazy or just nasty or both? I just think the fact that you have to ask or suggest or tell an adult to wash it's not a good sign. It's just not This doesn't happen every blue moon. This happens quite often, which is way too much. Who can get romantic, who can be intimate? Who can you know, do for play with someone who stinks? It is a turnoff? He said, he is such a turnoff, and it is. This is just trifling. I don't know what's worse. What could be worse? When you told him to shower and instead of showering, he turned his back to you and got defensive and mad, and now he's emailing you saying he'll be out of the house. Well that's good. Huh, that's a good thing. It is stinky, but out of there. He's not speaking to you. You may love him dearly, but come on, let's face it, you're not going to be able to stand the fact that he stinks. You're not going to be able to do that. So maybe he'll realize what he's miss thing while he's away and get somewhere and take a shower or a bath, get a scrub, I don't you know. But don't take him back if he doesn't do that, Steve, this is nasty. Well well well, well yeah, okay, oh we got a problem him. Yeah, the biggest problem in this letter is both of y'all. In yall, mid fifties, fifty funk is seasoned funk. See when you're funking your fifties, it's been oh you Oh, it's a big difference this funk. You sweat different when you fifty, it's different. Stuff come out your skin. You don't already said. He's on medication and we got it regularly, y'all. Sex life is heals and valleys because of his health conditions, and it's high gi. He owned medication when you when you stink in your fifties and you you own you on medication. Let me look at what's in your skin? Okay, come on, hit us check petericilla both blood pressure, medicine. Oh yeah, blood thinner, you know viagl, you know moxy silling, plan al chittling, juice boy. It's some stuff coming out of his sick ass now, but we can't seem to get past his higien. You know, before bed, just lay like taking nice house bath and shower now usually inviting majority he never does because he thinks I'm asking because I want to have sex in the tub of the shower, but I'm asking just because he stayed. He's sleep in a T shirt and underwear he'd had on all day out that Bobby quing. You just come to bed swelling like charcoal. Whitten me. You crack been sweating all day. You got your same damn drawls say that crack sweat strong and you fifty five, and you old bag, and you taking hot blood pressure medicine. All right, hold on, Steve Well, let first too of Steve's response coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour. Subject of this letter today, he doesn't like to wash first. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Come on, Steve, Let's recap today Strawberry letters, the nasty one. He doesn't like to wash. First, fifty old couple cab funking him. He don't want one cap'n funking. Got all old ass funk mox Is selling, Tyler all Hennessy, Chiddling, juice, Viagla, Peter Seller. He got all kinds of stuff, being gay, got all kind of stuff, got dozed back all been been taking scossel mushy. He just got vixed vapor rob on his chest because he can't breathe good, yeah, yeah, And then he got the nerd and not want to wash. You need to get some of this off for you. Nights staying just full of peals. She's still with him, and then before bed she liked taking nice bath and invite him. He never does because he thinks she asked him for sex and getting the tub. But I'm asking because he staked this man sleeping the T shirt and underwear. He had them all day outside just smoking hands. Now he all up in the bed, smelling like a hundred bake and bending back forward. Get in the fall man and then got them same draws on with the crack sweat on it. When we met, he was trying to impress me. Always smell good, hat on, fresh clothes. Now he got comfortable, he won't bathe all washed up befo he getting bed. The other night he wanted flow forward play right, so he pulled back the covers. I politely asked him go take a quick shower if he wanted me to do that. So that must be you know some folk play Jeff for him. But now what you can't do is you can't boy. You need du if you can't take them draws all the way off. But you gonna hit washed because this fabric and pull your draws off slow, because if you snatch them off, they bust in the flames. The holy step out your drawing for you catch your ass a fire. So now he didn't pull the covers back, funk, just out and loose in the room. Now see when you add them covers on you, it was under the cover. He gonna snatch them off, funk, just up dancing all of a sudden, Brothers Johnson at the foot of the bed with too good time. Get the funk out my face. Get the funk. So now I couldn't get past the musty smell that was coming from the upper and lower part of his body. All the upper part is rough, but that lower part funk. We got to get see this, well, it's all types of things that's happening. It's stuff that's been shut up, zipped up as you walking, but cheeks rubbing against each other hot all day. That's what produces sweat crack. Sweat crack drips down into the draws and soaks the lord part of the underwear. Not a zipper has kept the package all hot all damn day. Now that Hennessy is sleeping out all that penicilla that lord body who Now, she said, it wasn't a strong bill. But it's not what I want to come face to faith with. You know, my drip, We ain't got to get in there. I finally let him know that what his problem is to hit the part of that I want to focus him. After I told his little funk asked what was wrong? He gonna he gonna turn his back to me and went to sleep. It's a little He turned his back to me and went to sleep pool and cover up. Wait a minute, now, he didn't put his ass in your faith. You had to get out that damn bed, you know, because you know when you turn your back you bring your knees up a little bit. Now you're in the feet of position. You'd just put your ass in my face. I did know you did it. Still, now his fucking ass got the nerve to be technical. Next day, he said her email, But thank god for that good thing. You didn't drop the note off. Gonna send me an email to tell me that he would be staying at his own house for a while, since he smells bad and I'm so turned off by him. This is not how this was supposed to end up. How can I get him to see that I love him, but not his body. He know now, now he knows. Let him stay at his house. See, if you accept this behavior, you're gonna have to deal with it. I loved you the way you courted me, been with me, used to smell good. That's who I want back. Make me happy and I do whatever you want to do. But you guys to wash something. Now. Listen, I didn't ran a water holes from the side of the house up through the bathroom window. I got that high pressure nose alone. Now what I want you to do it put put your jocket strap on. But I'm gonna need your whole crack power washed Out't gonna get it. No this god holes. Cuse your comments. Today I bought some special car washed solution that attaches to the nose at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up in forty six minutes after the hour. It will be our girl from the Talk, Cheryl Underwood. Right after this you're listening, Steve, please introduce her from the Talk. Ladies and gentlemen, Sheryl Underwood. Thank your Steve Harvey and Steve Harvey bartyself. Family. Well, first, I'm gonna talk about some serious stuff. Did y'all see them black people lighted the Trump's Yes, yes, listen to me. I got it specifically, Alicia, black girl, listen, you told him to shut it up. Get y'all the way about. Oh my god, I was so happy and them let us all get ready for Passer's appreciation for passing America great for us. And Trump looked stupid, he loved, He didn't know what to say. He looks cheapest. See, he didn't have all that billy bad any that he usually have because he had to deal with some people that knew what they was talking about. And I know everybody's really concerned about Florida because they're saying that, you know, Biden doesn't have the Hispanic vote. I want to say to all my Cuban friends, I know we're traditionally Republican on the Cuban side in Florida. What I don't understand is I thought we was anti communist, Am I right? Uh? Steve Harmer communists, Well, Putna is just running up in our country and doing whatever he want to do. So if you if you agree with this, then I just don't understand. I thought Cubans was anti communist and outer Russians the communist nation. Am I all on that? So to me, I think what they need to be talking about is listen. I know that the Dominicans, I know, Mexicans, everybody I know, they're like, Okay, Biden is who we're going for, and then we need to sit down with the Cubans and go, okay, what is your issue? Because Biden is a more He's a better choice in my opinion. The other thing about about Trump that you gotta say science don't know nothing, how stupid is that that's the most redundant thing I've ever heard. Managing the forest. Managing the forest, Hey, dude, almost all the land that's burning is government land over fifty seven percent. That means that's your fault that the forests haven't been managed. See when you're talking to somebody, know what they're talking about. Then you can't running ok tho and flam flam everybody. But I'm gonna tell you something. I'm going with Biden. I'm sliding with Biden and the Postal Male Handler Union, as endorsed Biden and a magazine called Scientific American ain't endorsing nobody in a hundred and seventy five years. Yes, for the soul of the nation, we need to take social to post black radio Solidarity dot com. We need to turn up, to turn out, go blue, be loud, United, to engage. And I need Biden Harris to saturate all of media so that everybody can go out of the vote and get it together and get it And then next week I talked to you about maybe I'm talking to Junior. Maybe by next week maybe. Thank you, We love you. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carla's Reality Update right after this. You're listening, all right, Tommy, let's go introduce our girl. It's that time. She is here. Call A Ferrell with what reality update? All right, thank you, nephew, Tommy. Let's go, because we got a lot to get to the segment. Yes, my partner in crime, Steve Harvey, he's gonna update us on some stuff. For first, let's go Real Housewives of Potomac. So you guys, remember last week I told you the Candice got a text mess from her friends saying she saw Ashley husband Ashley's husband Michael at a strip club and he was over her saying that he has a wife and a boyfriend. Well, Candice and Gizelle decided to you know, Holliday Ashley about this and chop it up with her and let her know and show her the text message from Candice's friend. Well, Ashley read the text message on Candice's phone and then she asked, Candice, you know, was this a good source as this personal, reliable, incredible? Yea, and Canda said she was a good friend, and so Candice she was kind of like looking at Ashley like is this like a normal thing with you in your marriage? Like how do you talk to your husband about stuff like this? And she says, Ashley said, I don't ask questions. She said, I read his emails, his text messages. I sniffed his underwear and everything. You got all sniffling, Come on, junior, Yeah, serious, quite well and yeah, I was like like wait a minute, yeah, a minute, yes, yes, let me credible source. We need to figure out what you do with you read emails, the words of seed, smelling draws at all. And then one time she said he didn't call, he came home smelling like perfume. And then she said, I was upset and he said I'm sorry. I was at the strip club and she said she was pregnant. So this was recently because they just got their lives. She said, I'm very perfume on your draws club. Okay, well anyway, that's what she said. He said about you know, smelling like perfume, and so she asked him not to do it again. She asked her husband not to do it again. So she assumed or presumed that he stopped going to the strip clubs. And then there was a picture that they had of Michael that they showed actually in his underwear in a hotel room waynt Way Mint, who was in the hotel room her husband, Ashley's husband, Michael, they have a picture of him. So did he smile? No, he was from it was from behind, It was from oh they caught him from man. Yeah, but you knew it was him. Well, if it's from behind, it ain't me. Now, it ain't me, man, I don't know who you thought that was, miss me with that It was Hill it was it was because I don't even stand like that from behind. I don't really know what my ass looked like from behind, but that ain't like, yeah, underwear, So yeah, definitely him. So next week we will see she will talk to Ashley's gonna talk to her husband about this, so we will find out. So quickly hit me up at lips to my car love and we'll talk about it. All right, Steve Harvey, what are you watching right now? What's what's your girl? What's the lock up show? Love? Love After lock Up? That's your show? Hell yeah, I found some new bss on. Okay, let me hear if you if you have fallen in love with somebody that's locked up and they are getting out soon, they'll pay y'all to be on the show. Really, what ain't a match on? Now? Bar is horrible? Wow? What? Hell yo? What you like the show? Well? Next week you gotta give us an update on your favorite what couple I Love after lock Up? All right, all right, we'll be back with more of the Steam Harvey Morning Show twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening, Carla, You're gonna give us the latest on Hurricane Sally. What is going on? How's everybody doing? It's oh man, I can't believe it. Another we know what you know. It's just so much going on, climate control, climate issues, the fires, we talked about it last weekend. Now Hurricane Sally battered the golf coast, I mean Pensacola, flooding, Mobile Alabama, all the golf shores Alabama. Beautiful beaches in those areas, very nice beaches in that area. And now the storm is moving uh northeast. If you will parts of Mississippi, Georgia, the Carolinas. This storm is slow, but packing a lot of rain of a slow storm is worse. Yeah, yeah, so has man a. Yeah, just dumping rain. So we gotta pray for our neighbors in the Panhandle, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, the Carolinas. And if you want to help our neighbors in the Golf coast, we always tell everyone, please go to Redcross dot com or you can text the word Sally to nine zero nine nine nine to make a donation ten dollars donation or whatever you can afford to help with these areas. And also too, Late Charles is going through too. I keep hearing stuff about Late Charles. Hurricane Lauren. It did a number on this. If you will help our neighbors in Louisiana to go to Redcross dot com. Just win, right, Yeah, A couple about what almost three weeks ago. Hasn't been a month, Yeah, it hasn't been a month. It's been about three weeks. Yeah, protect our palette, Planet twenty boy. All right, thank you, Carla. We'll have more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to This Day Morning show. Yesterday, here's the story, Kanye had another Twitter meltdown. He fired off more than a hundred messages. He posted a video of him urinating on one of his Grammys with the caption trust Me, I won't stop as he fights to own his own masters. Didn't Prince do this while ago? Not the peeing parts, the urinating part, but he was in it with his record company about his masters owning his master Yeah. I don't want to. I don't want to, but it made me think about Kanye took to Twitter earlier this week and announced that he wouldn't release new music until his contracts his publishers Sony and Labeled Universal had run their course. Kanye referred to the music industry as modern day slavery. Wow, wow, Yeah, you got a lot lest that, you know, slavery is a choice, remember that? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Ain't you got the people's choice of water? Yeah? Hell no, keep it polished up on the ship, hang Doug, and on the Emmy, especially my Image Awards, that my proudest one. I got the Image Awards because because that was from y'all right, you know I will always want it. You know. My people a man to appreciate me, you know, so no man them right there that they own the manteauk. Yes, that's right. Yeah, and it's it isn't dad? And see what happened to you for your peers. Walk all right now you're all right, we're gonna move on and other you're gonna love this story, Stephen Other entertainment news. If Samuel L. Jackson is the King of curse words, he's giving you a place in his kingdom. Check this out. All you have to do is promise to vote in this year's presidential election. It's part of the good to Vote campaign. Samuel L. Jackson says that if twenty five hundred fans proved that they'll be voting this year by either registering, checking their registration, or making a voting plan, he'll teach them cuss words and fifteen count them, fifteen different languages, and he has met his goal. I love this. I love that, go Samuel L. Jackson. But different languages though, yes, yes, that's the part. That's part. Yeah. I saw something on social media or video what he's holding a que telepeople coming up our last break of the day, So lest break of the day, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this you're listening to show, all right, before we get to your closing remarks, Steve, let me make this correction on a death announcement we made the other day. This was my fault. I gave you wrong information. Earlier in the week. We mistakenly said that co founder of the group Cool in the Gang, Robert cool Bell, passed away, but actually it was his brother Ronald, who was also a co founder and a singer and producer of the group. He was the one that passed away at sixty eight years old. Robert cool Bell is very much alive. Our apollo geez and condolences go out to the Bell family. Please forgive me, please, no problem, Shirley, I'm not talking to you. Oh that's how you want to do it exactly. So uh we're ready, Yeah, yeah, we are as always and as I promised, we are on a mission. On the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Me and the entire team are committed to get all of our viewers listeners out to vote. All of you. We have got to vote. This is not the one to sit out, y'all. If you do not vote, you are casting a vote for who you don't want in. Are we clear about that? We are. No one cannot vote, but it's especially us we have to. It's very very important. I just don't want to see the same thing going on for four years again. I just don't. This has been the worst four years of a presidency I've ever lived through. I've even had presidents where I didn't care what they did. You know, back in school and all of that, I didn't care what they did. But as an adult, no one has done the damage that this one has done. No one. I've never seen a man more noncaring and openly about it. He don't even try to hide it or play it off. We got to get to the polls, y'all. It's just as simple as that. We don't have time to play around with this. We cannot tinker with this guy. This man is dangerous for us. So I don't know what else to say except please vote, Please get out man. Let's make our lives really not only matter, but make them count. I'm telling y'all, we'll get treated totally different once we start showing up at the polls, because they're gonna have to, because once we start showing up at the polls, we decide whose sheriff, whose district attorney, who's all of this? We just gotta get out and vote. That's all I want to say about it. Vote dot Org. I'm not gonna do the whole break on it because I'm feeling redundant, But I don't mind being redundant because I gotta get everybody to vote. Vote, vote, vote, vote vote. The Republicans and Donald Trump are sending out text messages to so many phones, man, saying save our country. Stuff like this man, the students. He's on a mission. Man, he's putting out bad information. That ain't that that if Joe Biden, if this would Joe Biden do does not have a safe America. This that's going on now will get worse. If Joe Biden getting no man, this is going on as positive you. This is your watch. We gotta vote, y'all. That's all I gotta say. Tommy Junior, anybody got something you don't say to me? Ask me so call you summed it up? Well, brother, get out of the vote. We gotta ask me a thing. Still ain't decide on the bed. Yeah, charity on the yeah, yeah, charity bed. This is me. I think that the Denver Nuggets are gonna be the Los Angeles Lakers. It's just my and I said, let's make a bet, a worthwhile bet, and Uncle Steve and I said, you got more money than that because you got the Rose Royce and you got po five of them. And we're not gonna sit here and count the little one I got. Now, We're not gonna be sit here and talk about Carr little Well, yeah, it's roy it's a what it's a big ass Rose roy They don't make looks as can Can we leave my car out of it? Can we just say twenty five hundred and it goes to a charity. That's it mine or yours? Whoever wins now? I said, five thousand Timmys and we started three started at fifty dollars. It started, you started at fifty one. Now we have the number where I got to ask my wife, can I do this? Three thousand? You got your own money quick lying I'm at twenty five hundred. Just just come on, bet on who you're gonna bet on? Three thousand ends now? And said that to you? Now, do you have three thousand s issues? I think Lebron listening now and then he gonna get offended, and he ain't gonna like me when he see me. And I'm a fan. He started like you, man, but I'm a Lebron fan. I don't want him to think this because I bet on the clip, I'm on the on the nuggets that you know. But Timmy, he's still gonna like you. Man. Was not the love. When they see you, they think you'd be just a cute ball boy. I'm older than them, hous, I'm cute. What is you? I ain't trying to be cute to them. They think I'm something little ball ball boy. I ain't no ballboy, Julian. Now you're gonna stop that right there now. I ain't okay, come on, I ain't no ballboard. Twenty five hundred that's gonna fix this right. Let's fix this right now. Thirty two hundred, this right in the middle of five? What is this thing? What is this? Thirty two hundred? These uneven numbers? What are you doing? Or even it up? Three thousand, let's go. I don't, I don't, I can't. I can't do Jackie's a jackieze. I could do anything on twenty five hundred left. I can't do nothing but that without her approval. So, I mean, you got a wife, now understand where I'm at. Twenty five hundred, man, I could do that and she ain't gonna it ain't gonna ball to her. Did you suck all your teeth or one of them? Just to do we have a meal? Twenty five hundred. I'm riding with the first game, Junior, tomorrow tomorrow night. Okay? Would you want to wait till the game? Oh? Wit? I say? Three thousand, man, Junia, can you spot me that on the five? Yeah. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.