Good morning and welcome to the ride! Bitterman and his inner Busta shine. J. Anthony Brown is not a snitch, but he's telling somebody! Ye is just that and Robert is still trippin'! Fool #2 has the breakup letter and there is some type of theft or maybe familiarity. This situation between Dell on Sonya Curry ain't over yet. Junior kindly let our girl from The Talk know different ways to be more respectful to the relationship. Someone gave back to their alma mater in a BIG way! Inside Carla's Reality Update, somebody in Real Housewives of Potomac is acting brand new since they got booty work done. Today the show wraps up with the crews favorite TV shows.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things in it to be true. Good Steve listening to the other for st Please, I don't join me. You gotta use that turn out you go. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water got come Come on your baby, ah, I shall will a good morning everybody. Y'all listening to the voice, come on, dig me now wanting only Steve Harvey man on, Man got a radio show? Yeah, I do. God so big to me, man, I just have to tell you about it. I can't help it. It's rather obvious to me how big, how good God is. He's absolutely tremendous. He's off the chain. He owned one, he'd be clowning. He'd be just showing out. Man. I'm just over here, just on receiving it. You know, if you're out there, start your mission today, Start your mission today? What are you waiting for? Why do we as people delay what we want or delay the process to begin what we want? Our hopes, our dreams, our desires. Why won't you start your mission? Today. Why don't we all decide together that just individually. Look, you're listening. You got something that you've been dreaming about. You got an ambition of yours that's not yet fulfilled. You got goals you haven't accomplished yet. Everybody has them. Everybody's got them. Everybody's got something that's that's on the table that they haven't yet attacked yet. What are you waiting for? Start your mission today? Stop the procrastination. Now. The procrastination is only hurting you yourself. If you got a goal or aspiration to dream and you fall off track momentarily, you can get back to that because God knows where you're left off. Now. You may have to accomplish a few more things since you stop for a long period of time, but God know where you left off. You can get back on track. I look, man, this dream of being on TV since I was a kid, and it got off track. Now it got off track. I just kept it as one of the dreams, and in some real dog moments when it looked like it wasn't gonna happen, all I was hanging on too was just a hope that one day it could. But that's what faith is really about. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. But faith gives you the confidence to keep hoping. Man, Sometimes it just keep hope alive. Sometimes you heard Jesse Jackson said, just keep hope alive. Sometimes, man, it's just the hope. I was hanging on the hope. And I'm talking about when it got real ugly and funky out there for me, when it looked like I wasn't gonna ever make it, and all of the facts was in and everything pointed in the direction you're not gonna make it. You didn't really messed up this time. Then I sat there and I just hung on to the hope. But man, that's what I'm saying. If you got a dream on aspiration of vision or something, when you fall off track and you want to go get back in line, God holds your place. See he held on to that fum me. He knew I was off tracking how the line, but he said, okay, here's where we stopped. You want to be on TV that when you get it together and you quit tripping and you come in your turn to me, I'm gonna hold your place, put you back in line. Then we're gonna finish your journey that took me a lot longer to get here than I wanted to. But then it was necessary because I needed all of the mishaps to happen to me along the way. So when I got on the radio one day, which I did not see coming, Steve Harvey got a radio show, y'all. That's why I say it every day. See, because of this radio show that I didn't see coming. Naw, I have stories to tell, I got experiences to share, and I can tell you about me better than I can tell you about anybody. And I've been through enough where it's relatable, where enough people can and go. Man, that happened to me. Appreciate you saying that that's what it was for. See, I get it now. See at the time, though I didn't, I didn't like what was happening to me. At the time, I was really in total disagreement with God on a lot of stuff He was pulling off on me, but in essence I was really pulling it off on myself. But through his grace and mercy, he kept me through all of my mistakes, all my bad decisions, all my miscalculations, all my misfires, all the times I knowingly stepped out there, indeed wrong. He forgave me, He said, because man, if you ever come to me, I have a plan for you that it is going to be far and above. It will supersede everything you've ever dreamed of. That's what I did. I just got sick of me, good and sick of me, and I turned it over to God. And then God started working and here I am today. Now see threw it me yet? Nope? Have I arrived? I have jet Nope? But guess what the journey is cool? You know. It's like I was talking to this young brother the other day about comedy and he's really good stand up. You know, this young dude is really good. He said, Man, what is this I feel every night before I go on stage. I don't know what it is. I just wanted off me, I said, sir, listen to me, you young dude. This thing that climbs on my back every night before I go on stage. I don't know what it is. It's got something to do with pressure, It's got something to do with anticipation. It's got a whole lot to do with the fear of falling. He said, what you mean by that? I said, every night I walk out on stage, it's like I'm about to go and step off a cliff. I said, it's a sickening feeling. He said, man, but you do so well. I said, that's because the parachute opens. I say, but I want you to understand something. When I first walk out there, it's just stepping off the cliff. Now these provide a parachute which slows my descent when I jump off the cliff, and I turned it into a glide. And then I take the audience this way and I swing them back over that way. We might swing out to the Colorado Rockies. We may go down to Miami with this joke. We may take it on out to LA and I just swing back and forth till I land softly. The crowd cheers. The night is over with, I said, but it's been too many nights though. When I walked off that cliff and I pulled the cord in, the parachute didn't open. I said. Now I'm just free falling out there for thirty minutes. Ain't no jokes working. Ain't the parachute didn't open. I said, So see that's what it's like for me. And then you know what I found out. If you don't walked off the cliff in life, and you ain't got no God in your life, it's like not having a parachute. You step off the cliff and you just free falling. Now see we all now that fall gets you closer to the grave, right See, were all head into the grave from the moment we're born. But the cool thing about a relationship with God is when you step off the cliff and you got God here a parachute. You're still going down, but it's a nice ride, and God just helps your your descent appear more like a rise and then more like a euphoric fall. Instead of not having no God in your life and you just walking off that cliff every day, free falling. Ain't got no cored you steady pulling you all in the whole way because you've messed around with yourself, and ain't let God come into your life and provide a parachute for you. I would rather have a parachute, since I got to jump every day than to not have one. God has been like a parachute from me. Ask me why where that came from? I can't tell you. But like I always say, most good things that happened in my life that I can't explain. It's usually him. It is morning time, everybody. Baby. If you wake up for me, I wake up for you. You wake up for me. Come on now, baby, if you wake up for me, you gotta wake up. Charley Starberry, you gotta wake up, baby. It is time to wake up for the Steve Partler, morning yours to your buster. I give you were your mask? Where your man? Were you worried? Were your mask? That makes you sound like it sound like you're looking for your mask? But anyway, put your hands together from his collar Forren? What's up? Collar? Are you doing this morning? Baby? She's waving? What's up? What's up? Real less? Happy day? Give my writing, part of partner and my sick buddy, y'all put your hands together, but Junior, what's up? Yeah? The morning everybody? Morning fan? You know what you're thinking about it? Right? Man? We need to start writing on the show something. Yeah, I mean we're shooting here. Yeah, let's start a company something. And last, but not Leazy is the king not king, He is the King of frank since the Thomas smiles, y'all, what's up Thomas? Yeah? Yea, listen you know what you know, we can keep it right here. How about y'all right for the late night Nephew Time and talk show. I mean what, we don't care. We don't care, we don't care. We can't care least m Yeah, but we start right, let's let's talk money first and then we'll right. Well, well, I'm a different kind of guy when it comes to money. Okay, So what that means is if I win, everybody wins. What I mean by that is, let's say they put ten meal on the line. Okay, cool, I'm gonna take five and everybody else gonna get the meal. We're gonna win if you go with that. But everybody go with that something like you know something that want when you do that club and they gonna let me highlights for a minute. Yeah, let me hold twenty dollars. Everybody got a million? Everybody whin it? What? J just know ja that we can't get a million because we're getting nominated just regular writers. Yeah we are immin nominated. But we all right, all right, all right, one point five. We getting that, we're getting that, But we really thought we was gonna win. That was the thing that was the funny part. I was pulling for y'all. Man, I wanted to come to your house and see it on the shelf. I was warned for you. I see faced me like that if the war shows, because we thought we really was gonna win from what I image. Excuse me writing a thing. But now Shirley is saying, what did you say, Sharley? I said, you know, I'm not trying to brag or anything, but I did get an NAACP Image Award. I won mine, I was nominated and then I won for Best New Author. I'm just saying, so, so, so, what are your trophy? Because I ain't never seeing your trophy. Sure it's in the house. You want to see it? Oh, I got it now, so just do me and Jay day to day. I want to I want to un I want to unc a book. You were talking about awards and writing right all right? Coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour. He's not gonna try to help you, but we're gonna ask him anyway, ask bitter Man. Right after this. You're listening to show time now for ask bitter Man. But there will there will be no help. There's a second, it's none there there's help on the side of the show. But you won't get it from me. How about stupid? I won't be the one to give it to. So embarrassing, isn't it? Boy? All right, here we go. This one is from Breeze in Tampa. Breee says, I'm a married woman and my husband and I hang out with several other married couples, and I work with one of the husbands, but he's in a different office. The other day, we got an email about sexual harassment in the workplace, and I wanted to know why we got this email. Did something happen? I asked around, and they said my coworker slash friend was called kissing his boss in the stairwell. I told my husband about it, and he called a guy and told him to keep his head up. I'm upset that my husband betrayed my trust and did that. Since when do men like to gussip we're talk? I had admit, I don't know about these guys right here, but I for myself. If you tell me I'm telling something, damn body. Okay, you're the hold secret. The minute you tell me, don't tell nobody. I got three in line. You. If you started off with promise you won't tell. I will promise not to tell, but I'm telling it now. When I tell, I won't have to tell the other person. Don't tell nobody. I told you this. Okay. You gotta do it that way. You don't just blurt out people's information. You gotta have some coop about yourself. You have nothing, nephew, I'm shocked, you know. She doesn't say, but men can do gossip apparently gossip. But whoever's doing it, let them do it. They want to do it. You know, I get upset when people try to get it in a field while y'all doing it coop. They want to do it. Stop, let him do it. People. If people want to do it, they're gonna do it. They're gonna do it in the stairway. They're gonna do it. In the paper room. They're gonna do it. Let him do it. It's the paper room. What is the pamily it? Relieve the job gotting up in the paper room. They got a paper room. Yeah, let's paper claps they do it. Let him do it. That's why you got paper clips, you got paper, you got a whole persons. Yeah, I called a paper room. Let him do it. Do it right, we're moving on Amber, no help there, Amber and Detroit says. I'm a twenty five year old single mother living with my dad and his new wife. I have no respect for his wife because she was messing with my dad when he was still married to my mom. I recently overheard her telling my dad that I'm old enough to be on my own and she doesn't want a grown woman and a child living in her house. My dad asked her to lower her voice. Then he said he talked to me about moving out. I am waiting for him to bring it up to me so I can go off. How can he choose his wife over me? I don't think you should wait. I think you should be looking for soft boxes right about me, man, I think and if you go to some of these stores, they can fall them down flat so they'll get in the car and then when you get with you, when you stuff all your baby stuff in there, then you Yeah, I would start looking for flat boxes now because you're moving. Okay, You're you're moving. You won't be there, June. You got something to say, Well, I'm right with you because I'm telling you right now like the day to leave was yesterday. That lady won't you out of her house? Yesterday in the time you gotta hear somebody say lower your voice. That's not good for you. And believe me, when they go in the room and close the door, not only are they doing it, they're talking about your ass. Okay, so what else? It's what you gotta understand. The love he has for his wife. Uh, this new wife is far greater than what he has for you. He don't love you like that. I'm sorry, Carlin, what Carlin? What did the man say? He say, did you lower your boys? Talk to He did talk to him about her leaving? So guess what he's already ready to let her know. It's you know you at the benefiction of living hill. And in fact, he told her that he're leaving. You just don't know you And we understand that. But we understand the baby don't need to be seeing this. We got that. But sometimes you know a baby is gonna that's gonna happen. You gotta leave with your mama, And I ain't all right. We're living on I think we did help you know you, didn't you know? She got leave? She gotta leave. You help the dad and his new wife, all right, Lorena and Chattanooga says, I'm in my mid forties and I play tennis with a group of my girlfriends. A new player joined our group, and she's a curving girl. It's and thighs. She looks great. But there's just one problem. She doesn't wear any underwear. Yes, her boobs are huge and bouncy, and her tennis skirts are always too short to cover up her big behind. Her body is a distraction when we're playing. How do we tell her she needs to wear underwear to play tennis with us? You don't need to tell her damn thing. What you need to let us know is where is this game so we can see this what part of tennis club didn't And the rule of tennis is to keep your at on the ball. Yeah, you're looking at up too, muchep you out on the ball. They can't help it. She's everywhere all Yeah, but there's no rule that you have to wear underwear. You don't. Nobody has to wear underwear. You need to cover up. Yeah, if you covered is flying around and stuff. When you try to think it would I think it would make tennis much more interesting if maybe I don't know, he's been winning a two games, not every game, maybe one a two games. That's just me. I don't know about job. But I'm gonna get a flight to Chattanooga. I mean, see what it is. It is Tennessee and Hue. We just start on Saturday at noon. We just started. I'm gonna I'm gonna tay Serena them Daddy with me. Sorry, Loraine, and we thought we could help you some way. But all right, coming up next, the nephew would run that prank back. The ignorance continues, you know it. Right after this you're listening to show Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne is here with today's national news and entertainment news. Kanye files to officially change his name to just Yay. Right now, the nephew is here, we'll run that frank back. What's your goat for us? Ne God's Eyes Ministry, God's Eyes Ministry. Let's go cat dog. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to read Clarence Clarence. Yeah, this clans. How you doing, Clarence? This is Daddius. Man. I'm over at the church. Man aout this church where you're a member of? Right? Oh? Yeah, Hey, what's up? Okay, Hey, I'm with the gems man, and uh you you you actually came to uh this past service, correct Gems the gems, that's that's uh God's eyes missionary. And basically what we do is we watch what's going on, you know in the in the church, who's coming, who hasn't come? And uh, you know, I don't mean any harm, but this this, if my records indicate me right through um my guard's eyes, minister the gems looking at my books, looks like this is your first time at the church this year? Correct? Yeah, I mean what can I do for you? Now? When Pastor asked for all the visitors to stand, you actually did not stand, correct, No, No, I'm remember because you remember there we go. Now you you still work for um uh you you work for them? Yeah, okay, Now what we've done is we've averaged it out that you what what is this? What is this? I mean, what is this about? Okay, I'm on my way to it. So so you probably are you, um, averaging about what between forty and fifty thousand dollars on the yearly basis over there week? I mean something like that. But yeah, go ahead, problem see what we're looking at. Since since you all member, because see you did not stand when he said all members. Since you did not stand up, which what you right there making the you know you you're you're clarifying that you are a member, and you're making about we're gonna roughly say about forty five thousand dollars year, which means ten percent is forty five hundred. Now we looked at the we looked at the books and noticed that you put in fifty dollars in the church on this past east on Sunday. Now, if you put fifty dollars in you know where close set when you're gonna start cutting into this forty five hundred dollars that you ought to be paying your ties? Wait, what's your name? Like I said, sir, my name is Staddus Staddius will a man rock God. Yet you have robbed me where in tie? See you? You? You you are Wait, hold on second. You've got you got all the stuff going on the church. You you got uh, you got hungry people, you got people that need salvation and whatever. But you calling me about about some money that I haven't given to the church. Well, well see, and what your ministry does y'all call y'all spend all morning calling people. My job, sir, as a gym gods I ministry, My job is to keep an eye on what's going on at the church. Now, when are you gonna start cutting into your tie? You forty five hundred dollars that we see. This is why we can't get the extra wing that pastor wants to put on. Because people are like you. This is why. But what you know what? Hold on a second? First of all, let me explain something to your brother Thaddy usself. Whatever the ministry you are with, Daddy is okay, that's fine. Listen, Hey, I don't even have to explain this to you, but let me explain something to you. All right. I'm this is a one job household. This is all we do. This is a one job household. My wife don't work, but my wife comes to church every Sunday. Have y'all looked at her tides? Her ties ain't got nothing to do with you. You understand you have to pay your ties. Will a man rob God? Yet you have rob You are robbing the Lord. Brother Clarence, you know it, man, You know that's you know? And you wonder why people don't come to church all the time? You know, how you gonna tell me that I could be giving my tide somewhere else. I am the secretary. I am the Gem's secretary of God's Eyes ministry, and my eyes have shown me that you've only given fifty dollars. You're making forty five dollars, you dude from the church. Yeah, I don't know if that is something. I'll tell you that who have you been saying? Who is I have? But that's not none of their business. That's that I know. I know, I know. What does it have to do with him calling people and asking them if they're candles? I got this, I got this. Let me handles? Yeah, yeah, you know, I got it. I got it, I got him, I got him, I got I know, I know, I know who? Who who? Who? Who? Who? Who was that? Sir? That's my wife has been paying. That's my wife been paying. I tied. That's right. Oh okay. I don't have nothing in my books that say y'all paid three hundred dollars on the gun. If she said we paid three hundred dollars, we paid three hundred dollars. Let me ask you this, when are you gonna start cutting into defaulted fire with a man rob God. Yet you have robbed me. That is what you are doing, sir, Well, you know what you're robbing me right now. You're robbing me right now of my time. Where I could go out, I gotta be at work. I can't go get dressed right now because I'm on the phone with you. I have to be at work in half an hour. You rob me right now of my time. Let me ask you something. Can you bring your tax return into what I can take a look at it? My tax return? You know, I'll tell you what. I'll bring my tax return if everybody else bring their tax return. If you bring your tax return and pass to bring your tax return, then I'll bring my tax return. We can have a tax return party. When will your tax return? When? Can you? Can you fax it to me? Are you serious? I mean? I mean, I mean, if it's is, If it's not too much to ask, Listen, I'm gonna be honest with you. The next time you do come to church, we're gonna pat you down because we're gonna have to figure out. Oh, hold on, you're gonna pass me down the next time I come to the church and then lay hands on you. Okay, let me ask you this do you are you on salary as the church? Yeah? But what does but what does what does? What does that have to do with anything? I need to know what you ain't get. It ain't gotten you. Look, look, it ain't got nothing where you're gonna bring your forty five hundred dollars down it so we can add it, so we can get the wing put on. I'm part of the gams. You'll bring your money down here, Clarence, isn't it dogs? Let me tell you something. I don't know who you are. I don't know what this ministry is. I'm with the gyms. Where can we expect it? Man? I don't I don't care. I don't give it you know what ever says, I don't care anything about your gym ministry. I don't care about you, man, I don't care about any of that. Where you're gonna play this ten percent? Man, let me take something dollars and just this for real, don't call my house and I'm more with this with this stuff? Is you about to make a brother go off? I mean, seriously, in this economy, in this economy, you talk to me about about me tied and fifty dollars, I'm trying. I'm trying to put a dollar through college. I'm trying to set the sun through private school, and I can't get that done. I'm trying to keep lights on the dude, that have to do with the church. I already told you I don't get ready to hang up. And if you want to meet me and whatever you're gonna do and whatever, then that's fine. Joe. I need to tell you something else about your job. You don't tell me nothing about my job. I need to tell you something about your job, Dude, I hang up the phone. Is there a man named Chapman at your job? Yeah? My job? Okay, yeah, no, na, na, Wait a minute. Chapman is the one that got me to call you. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Your Baby. You just got pranked, man, man, man, man, you got me feeling you got me feeling guilty. I mean, I'm oh Man with the with the with the gym ministry. Yeah, somebody getting read to get beat up at yoh Many. I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, obviously, Harvey Morning Show. All right, thinking if you coming up at the top of the hour entertainment and national news. Right after that, you're listening to Harvey Morning Show. In today's entertainment news, Kanye West is changing his name. He is petitioning to legally become Yay all right, get the con just yayativity with music, ye if it's a song playing sports talented? He missed what is yame? What will be his name? If he got tired of Yay? I mean, because he wouldn't He's gonna get tired. Probably may Probably I would go with Maya. I don't say I think crazy easy. Yeah. Do he still live in the stadium? He's in Chicago. He's oh, so he do a go from stadium the stadium in the stadium. According to the paperwork, he cited personal reasons for the change, and in order for it to become official at California, Judge has to sign off. Meanwhile, the soon to be X mister Kim Kardashian is preparing for his third listening event for the Long Today Delay Donda album. This one is in Chicago, and Kanye is rebuilding his childhood home in the middle of Soldier Field, and he is also planning to give out COVID vax shots for those who want them. Okay, okay, I like that is great. But in the middle of the fields it looks just like his at home, well pictures up and building it. So he go to LA. Is he at the Staples Center? I mean, but I don't understand. He's not at no hotels. He just at all stadiums and arenas. How does he do? I don't understand how you can do. I don't even know how to get an arena? Like? How you how you you ain't yeah or a billionaire? Lh are you legally enf though? How do you airbnb Soldier Field? How? What the number you dive to? Just say I want to I want to live and Soldier Field for a few days. Kanye's I'm sorry, ya ya, you gotta let ya do what you want to do. You have to do them all right, So another entertainment news guys, more damaging testimony in the r Kelly sex abuse trial. One of the two women interviewed by Gail king Back in twenty nineteen testify that he was controlling them right then and there. During the interview. To witness who's only being identified as Jane Doe right now testified that R. Kelly would cough on the set that day to keep them on script script as the taping went on, all in an effort, she alleges, to make sure they backed his denials. The woman also claims that Kelly made sure they weren't allowed to watch their surviving R. Kelly docuseries. She says they had to immediately change the channel anytime it came on TV. She also claimed he once punished her by making her have sex with a guy nickname Nephew as Kelly. No, sure, not, honestly, this ain't funny. I don't like this. I didn't make I'm the messenger. Hey, hey, hey, calm down, don't. R. Kelly account of racketeering and violations of the Man Act. If convicted on all counts, he faces ten years of life in prison. Wow, you know he is really I mean he sexually abused this young man too, then, yeah, you know, if he was doing all of these horrible things, Oh, he gotta go kill him. All right, we're gonna switch gears. Here. It is time now, Jay for today's headline. All right, everybody, it's time for the news with miss An Trip Jay. Good morning everyone, this is a trip with the news Well. The mass evacuation from Afghanistan is now in its final week. Secretary State Anthony B. Lincoln says that some six thousand Americans were believed to be in the country when it fell to the Taliban over ten days ago. Lincoln says that the State Department has been warning the US citizens to evacuate for a while and that the majority of them have now been airlifted out, but he says that several hundred may still be at risk of being left behind. So they say they've been contacting them and reaching out to them by any means necessary. For the remaining roughly one thousand contact that we had who may be Americans seeking to leave Afghanistan, we're aggressively reaching out to them multiple times a day through multiple channels of communication, phone, email, text messaging to determine whether they still want to leave, and to get the most up to date information and instructions to them for how to do so. Now, several flights are leaving Kabel Airport every hour as Taliban checkpoints have become more difficult to get through. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby says that there have now been three helicopter rescues. If you're in evacuee that we can get out, we're going to continue to get you out right up until the end. A federal appeals court in Richmond, Virginia, has upheld Dylan Roof's conviction and death sentence for the racist murders of nine innocent black people whom he shot to death as they prayed inside their South Carolina church. In twenty fifteen, a unanimous three judge power rejected arguments by Roof's attorney that the young white man should have been ruled incompetent to stand trial. In twenty seventeen, Dylan Roof became the first person in the US history to be sentenced to death for a federal hate crime. Starting November first, all of Delta Airlines employees, if they're not vaccinated, they're gonna be charging extra two hundred bucks a month, a surcharge to offset the money that Delta says this had to shell out each time someone comes down with COVID. Delta says the cost of the average hospital stay for the virus has been costing the air carry about fifty thousand bucks per person. The white female ESPN commentator named Rachel Nichols is out of a job because of remarks she made about a black female colleague record on video. Miss Nichols says she thought the only reason that black female sports reporter Maria Taylor was hired was because the station was concerned about diversity. Social media came down hard, reminding Miss Nichols that some white males sports reporters may think that's the only reason she was hired. Miss Nichols now the jump hers showed. The jump is canceled. She's also pulled from NBA coverage. And yeah, you heard it. Kanye West doesn't want to be known as Kanye anymore, not Kanye Omari Westy's gone to court to get a change too. That's all he wants to be called. Yay. Now back to Steve Harvey Boarding Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Come on, nephew, it is time to go up in your friend's head. Were getting ready to take a ride, y'all, deep into the mind, the mind that you probably never benched before. The one and only Jay Anthony Brown. It's going down tonight at the Jay's five Comedy Club to five eighty one Westminchester Avenue, Buddy Lewis and friends. I'll be at the ashtre did Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Labor Day weekend and Riddles Comedy Club in Chicago. Buddy Lewis, Buddy Lewis, all right, Buddy. Yesterday we did a story about a chimpanzee named Cheetah in the relationship he had with a lady by the name of A. D. Timmerman. And I think that's I'm saying it right. What happened, Well, what happened was when they broke up, she wrote him a letter. I got the letter. I'm gonna read it. It's she's hurt. She's hurt. The letters to the monkey. The monkey's name is Cheetah. And for those of you who don't know who Cheetah was, Cheetah was actually Tarzan's monkey's name. And if you don't know who Tarzan isn't we ain't got we ain't got that much time. Here's a letter to Cheatah. Dear Cheetah, Dear Cheetah, I should have left your ass a long time ago. I'm not gonna fry, I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna shed a tear. And she says you must not know about me. You must not know about me. I don't have another one here in a minute. Matter of fact, he'll be here in a minute. And then she reads on, if this is what you want, Cheetah, if this is what you want, you better think think, think, think about what you're trying to do to me. And she reads on, this is this is very sad. She said, Just so you know, everything you owns in a box to the left, to the left. Everything's on in the box to the left. Here's when she said, Sheeta, and that's the monkey name I told you in the beginning. I don't cook, I don't clean, I don't dance. Now I make money moves because I don't have to because I'm every woman. It's all in me. I can do it naturally. That's what she said. And then she says, be careful. You won't take this for granted, because me with you, you could have done some damage. Oh and then she says, you should be glad you live in a zoo, because I would bust the windows out the damn zoo. And she said Jay closing, dear Cheetah, We'll always love you. We'll be back at thirty four minutes after the hour right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well more drama for Steph Curry's parents. The divorce docs claim that Steph's dad, Dell, says Sonia began her extramarital affair with Stephen Johnson during the marriage and prior to the day of separation, and she lied to Dell each time she cheated on him. Dell, in the docs says Sonia is actually living with Stephen Johnson in Tennessee and claims she should not be entitled to alimony because of it. For her part, Sonia says in responding documents that she is not living with Johnson, claiming she's currently living in her own home because Dell will not allow her to live at their home. She's living on her own. Sonia added that she is, however, currently in a dating relationship. She also said that Dell cheated on her during the marriage, claimed he hooked up with different women and that family and close friends knew about it. So there you go. They're both saying they both cheat whatever whatever they say. And that guy Johnson played in the NFL, so he's oh in the NFL. If she if she's cheating, she's with a Johnson. That's all I got, and I say something that was so quick that right every comedian listening is like, I had it to stop. I had it when she started. When you know what, I just I like the family so much. I just don't want to see a drag out. Yeah I don't. I don't need if it's not if it's not working, it's not working. Let's just behind closed doors. Let's figure out how we go our separate ways. But let's do it where we don't just see another black family just stretch. Come on the media, come on, man, let's not do this. Man. Let's let's go out how to shut it down the right way if I get it, if it ain't working, if it's not come on, man, just shut it down the right way. But let's not just everything. Here's something new here we don't want. I don't want to see that three years of marriage, thirty three years. I'm just saying. I'd like to say this though, to you guys, because we're talking about them getting a divorce. If you guys were not married and you got a divorce, so you got a divorce from mate, right now, would you all get married again. I'm done. I already did it me and Carlin's Dirk. I'll get married again. Yeah, really, I'm not. I'm not doing three four five, I'm not doing all that. I'm done, you asked me, Jay, I feel like in this marriage. You know, we were talking about anniversaries and all that. I just celebrated seventeen years. I just feel like with this marriage, I'm we I'm giving my all. We are as one, and I just can't see myself doing this again. I just can't see marrying somebody again if this doesn't done. Said. Let me say this, though, Jack, My grandparents, both sides were together until one passed away. When one passed away, there was nobody else the next one, you know, the remaining person passed away. My mother and fa were here till my dad, till my pops passed away. I am in mine for life. I'm not leaving. I don't know nothing. That's what you said. I've been brought I've been brought up this way. So let me let me. Let me just say this. I see people who do that till death do their part, and you know, maybe some time the two mates died the same. I just how the hell they do that? That's what I mean, you know it's that done. I mean, because somebody what I need to sit me down and explain. How do you how do you look at that person and go I can do ten more years after that? I just I don't don't know. Don't you mean it when you're saying your vows? Don't you mean that vow? Surely? Can I just say something to you? Yes, at this one time I was at a wedding which was mine, and I was and now what's said to myself as it was going on. It was my wedding. This is not gonna worry. This is not you say that at the altar. I'm I'm standing up, walking down, walking down there, and I won't say which one because they were all lovely women. I'm like, this is not going work. Coming up next to the nephew in the prank call. Coming up next the nephew in the prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Day Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today, the subject my sugar Daddy ain't sweet no more. What we got into it? Well, we'll get into it myself. Come on, right now the nephews in the building with today's prank phone. Call what you got now, my daddy's boat, My daddy's boat, and let that float. Let that float for a mine, Let it float. Let let the boat float for a minute. You got it? Call it, you got it? My daddy boat, you got it. I got it, Junior, you got it. My daddy boat, got it, sir, my daddy boat. Ben had it, Daddy Brown. Let everybody read it? All right? Then, buffal up here we go. This is my daddy boat. Let's go get down my daddy boat. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a mister Wilson. Please, mister Wilson, how are you today? Who is it? My name is Williams. Well, listen, we've been getting a few complaints, sir about some things on your property there all. Who are you with? Uh? Actually I'm with the homeowners Association. Wanted to reach out and give you a call today. Oh well, how are you doing? Pretty good? Listen? Um, got a few things I kind of wanted to discuss with you here that seemed to be a problem that's taken place in the neighborhood there. Um, it's been brought to our attention down here at headquarters that you have a few things on your property that are not functioning that really shouldn't be on the property. Uh. You have two cars supposedly in your driveway that are not being used, been sitting there for quite some time. Well, yeah, well one of them I'm currently working on. I'm almost I should have it repaired. I'm just waiting on getting wait, wait and get a little extra money and get it take care. But the other cars just function it. I just don't drive, and I have more than one car. Okay. Now, you you also have a camper that seems to be has been there for at least eight months now, that's that's sitting there. Is that correct as well? Yeah? Yeah, I'm I'm working on getting some storage for that is. But it ain't really been there eight months, just maybe around about six seven eight months. And uh, you know, I'm looking at our past records and stuff. It seems like there was a complaint before about the you know, keeping the yard, uh, pretty cutting all of that kind of stuff. And I'm just looking at past complaints that I have here. Now the biggest one that I have that that's concerning your property, sir, is uh supposedly in your backyard. Now there's a you have an old boat that's in your backyard. Yeah, yeah, but I don't see that both bother nobody. Well, well, I mean it's it's it's kind of a sore eye for the people. I think. I think you guys backyards actually bump up against each other, and you guys have a chain link fence between the two of you all, and I think the boat is must be just a sore eye for the family that's behind you all. Well, you know, I don't see myself getting rid of that boat. So I got a cover on it. Everybody else got a boat. I don't see. What's the problem is. Well, okay, here's here's what's actually happening, mister Wilson. What's gonna take place is this. Now we're gonna give you a fourteen day extension. Fourteen days actually to move the car that is not functioning, the camper as well, and definitely the boat we need. We're gonna need those three items. Well, I ain't got no where to move the boat. I just told you I was working on so well for storage. Do you hear my storage called? Now the boat? Now the camp I'll get that take care. But the boat. The boat, the boat my daddy gave me, and my daddy gave me that that that's the only thing my daddy gave me before he died. Now now I'm not moving that boat nowhere. The boat won't just fun if I take it down that to the water. It works, sir, And I understand it wholeheartedly. You know, I'm basically I'm just a messenger I have. I'm gonna have to get the non functioning car that's not working properly. I'm gonna have to get that out within a two week notice, as well as the camper, and definitely the boat. Now, I gotta get that out. That's gotta be gone. I'll tell you what I ain't moving. I'll tell you that will plan what you're gonna do, sir. You gotta either move the boat. I'm gonna have somebody come over and haul all of these things away. Well, i'll tell you what. I got thirteen reasons why you won't go over and touch that boat. And I got two moon two to thirteen twenty six. I got thirteen and then I got another twenty six added on to that why you won't bring Now want me to touch my dad to vote because my dada gave me that bowl. I'll be dad, any of you. You know, I'm tired of you with me instead Cross Street will report them because I'm not at liberty to give you the name who's reporting my phone? So you haven't live to give me something because I know you know eight months and it ain't nobody said saint to it. So why the hell y'all mean about how to vote in the backyard to my Stata gave me, sir. The language is not necessary, sir. The bottom line is I want to camper out. I want to vote out, and I want the car that's not functioning moved with them two weeks or I'm towing it out. I tell you, when I give you a personal invitation to come over him, put the boat, the campus and the car, and I I will beat you like that's what beat you, sir. Wow, I'm gonna allow one car to stay. I just want to make sure that you know that I've given you the statement over the phone, letting you know that what what has taken place here, mistakes will take it. But I ain't move my daddy boat. You're gonna move your dad's stinking boat. If I don't bring the loan, but you bring somebody, sir, trust me, trust me. If we come there, we're definitely gonna be bringing authorities with us. My mind will go to jail because I love my daddy. Ain't now one of you gonna touch my daddy's boat that's on he left me. I got one one thing I need to say to you, sir about this in situation. Excuse me what you got to say? All I have to say is this. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your brother. Man got up. I got to pull up all right, man, Your brother told me, he said, Man, he'd be going eddie with the homeowner socier. He said, Man, just call him and tell him he got to move all this too, he said, But most of all, tell him y'all gonna haul off that boat. He said. He can't even having that dog on boat. But I love that they know that, they know that. I got one more question for you, though, Baby, tell me this, what is the baddest radio show in the land? The Steve Show? Come on, baby, get the practice out. But but you know, but it don't matter. Though Jake. No, it don't matter at all because that was daddy's boat. That's all that mattered. It was my daddy boat. That's the only thing. My daddy left me with, the ragged head boat. And all y'all is going down the nephews coming to town September twenty four and twenty fifth. I would be at West Palm Beach im prop take it her own sale right now, twenty four twenty fifth, two shows each night, get them white of getting this good. I promise you you will hear those famous words and show business. You were here sold out, all right? That's right. September Land in the Cup October sixteenth, Detroit, Michigan. Yeah, I gotta line up for your baby. I already told you my girl. Oh Dominique is Dominique a beast junior Dominique? Yes, all right? If Rodney Perry of beast, I'm just saying, is he a beast? Yeah? Okay, Tommy Davidson, Oh the beast was full of beast. God Tori is a beast for show Baby, and it's hosted by yours truly nephew, Tommy. That right there, it's October the sixteenth. You don't want to miss it. That's in Detroit, Michigan. Detroit, Michigan. Tickets are on sale Red not Laying in the Cup in November, Jacksonville, Florida and dating. O. How yo, the nephew's coming to town then it is. You want more information, go to my website Thomas Miles dot com. That's my real name, y'all. Ain't it? Did y'all? Not it? I gotta I do have a real name. Okay, it's Thomas, my my goodman name. You know, after a print, you know, my body feel different outter print, you feel all right? Thank you? Nephew. Coming up next my strawberry letter. The subject my sugar Daddy ain't sweet no more. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steven Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter. That's for you, Jay live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right now, right here, this one right here. M buckle up and hold on tight. We got it pull you here. It is the Strawberry Letter subject My sugar daddy ain't sweet no more. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a twenty eight year old single woman. I'm involved with a man that is thirty one years older than I am. He told me he was separated from his wife when we met, but that was alive, so I set guidelines for how we conducted our affair discreetly. He is handsome and loaded, so anything I wanted or needed he had cash. I told him I wanted a house so we'd have more privacy, and he helped me buy one. I pay the mortgage from our joint account he set up. I'm the only authorized user on the account, so he has no access to it unless he goes through me. I think he truly loves me, and I have experienced how a real man should treat me. The sex is decent, and I've learned a lot from him. He's a solid man of good character. Our affair went on for close to two years, and then his wife filed for divorce and everything changed. In the divorce, he gave his wife everything she asked for and all of their assets. Basically, he said, it's just money. And he can make more of that. He said he's looking forward to starting over with me and moving in with me soon. I almost choked on my soda. I told him that he's moving too fast and the ink isn't even dry on his divorce papers yet. That's all I could think of right then, because I wanted to flat out tell him that he's not moving in to my house. He also said our joint account would have to hold us over for a while, and I almost choked again. I reminded him that the account is mine and that's how I pay my mortgage. He called me selfish and said, now that the tables have turned, I need to do my part to help keep us afloat. He forgot how this thing is supposed to go. My sugar daddy is broke. Am I obligated to take care of him till he gets back on his feet. Well, of course you are not obligated to take care of him, but he sure did take care of you when, like he said to you, the tables return. So if you don't want to help him out now, don't but go on and get out of this relationship because clearly you're no longer interested now that he's broke. I mean, I could not have been clearer. He said he can make more money, and I'm sure he will. But here he is thinking you and him meant way more than what you say you guys are to each other. This man was just your sugar daddy. He was just your sponsor. And when the money went dry, so did you. Okay, Now he wants you to throw him a bone. Well, as a saying goes, when it rains, it pours, sir, And that's what's happening here. He got a divorce, he got cleaned out, he's broke, he has no wife, and his mistress as one foot out of the door. These are some of the things that can happen, sir, when you cheat. He wasn't complaining about you being selfish back then. Look he's thirty one years older than you. Okay, so he should know how life goes. There are no guarantees. He gambled, he lost. Harsh but true. Now it's over. He's a big boy. He'll be fine, he said he can make more money. He'll be all right. Tommy. You know you are a prime example of a ragged in number two. You really are. You're a prime example of a ragged dead number two. He didn't took care everything he needed to take care of for you, for you. Now the sugar then ran a little low. Oh can't it happens? Now? He need you? You not there? What kind of number two are you? See? This isn't what I'm talking about. I didn't said it a thousand times. When a two don't know how to handle being a two, you're not gonna be there. You're not gonna be there to comfort him, to help him go with he's going through. You can't do that. What kind of deuce are you? You're supposed to be the rock. You're supposed to be the rock, and you're not the rock right now. All you care about is you. You are a selfish number two. And fellas, I hope y'all listening to this right now because you really need to hear. There are some selfish number twos out there. There are, but if you get into a pickle, get swear they really might not be there for you. So I want all the fellas to listen to me. Clearly, you need to check and make sure your number two is a ride or die, because guess what. The sugar then't got low. Now she ready to go, sugar. You know I'm just calling it sweet and low. It's sweeten low. He's still sweet. He's a low right now. He gonna come back up. He's gonna come back up, but you got to ride with him. He don't got you a house, he ta't care everything you need, and then you're gonna ride out on him. That ain't cool. You are the worst number two. All your number twos out there that need y'all to listen, don't do this. Don't do this. Don't do this, but all your number twos out you don't do this. This is so disrespectful to the game. Whatever, go ahead, Jack, I'm sorry, Jake, I'm stuck. Let me. Let me just coming from coming from somebody who knows a cover old players out there. You did not set this up in the beginning when you laid this out to this young lady left. Now look at him. If I get sick and I lose my money, you're gonna come through. Now. If you had said that, maybe that would be that would that would be what when you can't come back? Now? Go I lost all and they all sound like that. So that's why I'm doing that. Boy, I just lost my money, and I want you if you can help me. I ain't anybody here to help your ass out. No, you don't get helped out. No, you out. When a splendor daddy loses, he loses. What is a Splendi The daddy that's a sugar daddy would diabetes? Dude? You do you at the game? Partner up game, don Jay. We'll have part two of the Strawberry Letter coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour, the subject my sugar daddy Ain't sweet no more. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show. All right, guys, we're gonna recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject my sugar daddy Ain't sweet no more? Twenty eight year old single woman wrote in she has a sugar daddy that's thirty one years older than she is. He told her when they met that he was separated, but come to find out that was a lie. So she set guidelines of how they conducted there so they can conduct their affair discreetly. She wanted to be a little more private, so he set up where she could get a house. She pays the mortgage out of their joint account so their wife their wife his wife divorced him. He gave her every everything since he took care of his sugar baby. He thought that his sugar baby would take care of him because he gave his wife everything. No, no, no, that's not how this works. She almost choked on her soda, saying, no, she doesn't want him to move in. She doesn't want him to use the joint account. That is her account. That's how she pays her mortgage. He called herself. Now that the tables are turned, he told her she needs to do his part, her part to keep them afloat. Uh no, he forgot how this thing is supposed to go, she said, And she doesn't want him. Her sugar daddy is broke now. He said, he could make more money, but right now he's broke, so she doesn't want him. She wants to know, is she obligated to take care of him until he gets back on his feet? And nope, does she's not. And Jay, you were saying, I was saying, look at this, let's look at this on paper, said we put this on paper, a broke sugar daddy. You put a broke sugar daddy on one side, and then a fine thirty year old and let's do some divisions. How many times would a broke sugar daddy go into a fine thirty years old? None? Zero, none, Partner, I don't know what you did in man, but back then it was called rithmotic. I don't know what you did. How you didn't learn a damn thing. You broke, you out, You lose. You can't even pick up a woman with a look at him. I'm I'm a little broke, but one of you to help me. The game you stop, and it's got to be the game you in with Layer. It's like when you go to the club. You go to the club when at the end of the night and the things up, what do they do? They cut the house lights on and start stacking the chairs. They're stacking the chairs on your ass. It's over with partner, It's over. I'm done. Yeah, my sugar daddy ain't sweet no more. Yeah. Better question is do I care? I really don't even care for this love. I really don't because I don't. Why are we even having the dude lost? He like what Jay said, the dude lost. You lost out because she's twenty eight. She don't have the experience to be with an older man. Like that for that lost she's not fitting to push you up no ramp, for no wheelchairs. She can't do all that. You need a miss definitely in your life. For Miss Lenda. You need it good little. You need somebody up brown your age. You need somebody thirty one years older to do that. If you had, like a Miss Doris that she gonna be there, she would have been there, you know what I'm saying. So what I did with the letter was I found some lot of numbers. I'm gonna play. I'm gonna play one, twenty eight, fifty nine, two thirty one, twenty eight and twenty six. That's what I got out the whole letter. I got a lot of numbers I think I need to play because once because she singles she twenty eight years old, you add twenty eight, uh to thirty one, you get fifty nine, and then heat thirty one years older. You know twenty eight. I don't know where I got twenty eight from, but its own here and playing it, and I got twenty six for the day. So that's what I got. ID at a lot of numbers in here, you know two two for two years. You know it's sliding. You gotta look at these signs when you see them, they're here fight but here, ain't nobody help him? Thank you? J Yeah, so Jay, you seem to be the most experienced in this for some But I mean because he said that, yeah yeah, So why why did he get caught up like this? I mean, what happened? He lost? She's out shirless, young good, loving. No do that to you. When you get some young good, when you're not smelling white diamond and liniment and knee rub and all that stuff. Oh my god, No nobody back hurt or nothing like that. You're gonna get sprung shirlette. So you know, he went into the and gave it all weight. So it's over with. You can't play like that no more. You know there's another old player out there waiting to scoop her up. You lost. If you ain't got the money in the game, you can't get any game. You know, like when you go to when you go to the casinos, there's a certain machine you can play if you got that type of money. You can do the penny machines, or you can do the fitted dollar machine. He's on the penny machine. Now, yeah, stop thinking you're cute and she wants you for you. Yeah, yeah, she didn't want him for him. She wanted him for the money. When the when the money don't reside no more, you know, when it don't reside, it's old and the money was right, that's right, My sugar daddy even broke. Yeah, he needs to play these numbers. I gave out handsome and loaded, handsome and broke. I can't believe my two boys did not stick up for the sugar daddy. I cannot believe this right here, I can't stick The game is, timmy, That's that's what the game is. That the all right, listen, let me put this, Let me put this. All right, you broke, sugar daddy. Go to the club. See how you come out. All right, we gotta go. Um. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM on Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letters podcast. Under Man coming up with forty six minutes after the hour, our girl Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carla's Reality up. David. Right now, Jay, please introduce our girl from you know, you know, I have to introduce my sister in blue and white. What what's up? That's what I'm talking about. That's what I'm talking about. Hey, David Brown, Look, okay, I'm sorry. I'm just disrespecting Julian. See, this is the reason that I'm on the show today. I'm disrespecting Junior by speaking to Jay first before I speak to What's wrong with y'all? Y'all? Okay? Good now, hold y'all learning something while y'all listening to me? Why y'all listen to me? Okay, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, m okay, hold on, okay, get ready now. Now. A lot of the men who listen to the Steve Harvey Mornin Show say that I am not as respectful of Junior as I should be, and if I don't watch out, I'm going to lose Junior. Oh so you're gonna be respectful to day? Is that what you're saying? Oh? Oh, I'm almost Vanessa Bell Callaway and coming to America. Yeah, I'm almost whatever you like, whether you like, whatever you like, I'm almost that. We are on a worldwide radio show. So I am trying to set an example. So Junior, I'm going to stop talking and let you say some of the things that you would like me to do to be more respectful of you, your manhood and our relationship and fellas calling right now for the things that sherline Underwood, I need to start doing so she won't lose. Junior. Put a poll up, Carla, put a pole up on social Fia. You had to do it, and next week we will be reading the top to go the audience say I need to be doing to keep my man, Junior. But Junior, what do you think I should do to win and keep your love? Charl I really think if we could just cut back on some of the phone calls every three minutes, we probably could get a little call members dog every three minutes. Man, you have had your phone. Because she said what you're doing, I said the same thing I was just doing. I ain't. I can't. I can't move that fast. Let me just tell you, okay, spite, he's misrepresenting what is happening, because I have a regular phone, a backup phone, a rotary phone. I got I got the first flip Oh yeah, I got that BlackBerry, so I got at least five six phones. I got the big garage door open the phone when they first came out. So I'm calling you on Autumn falls because I need to make sure your needs is met. That's why I get to call you all the time. I don't know why you don't like this type of attention. No woman has ever felt that way. If I could get on a satellite and make sure that you get the Cheryl sut girl, we'll call you coming up in Reality updated right after Charlotte, you're listening, all right, Temmy introduced that girl. She is here, ladies and gentlemen, she is here. The one and only call a Ferroll with what reality update coming in hut. Thank you, Shirley. I love it coming in. Yes, I love coming in high too. All right, here we go Real Housewives on Potomac. So Ashley, she joined the ladies you know they sail on this trip and Williams bird Virginia. And she also agreed with Gazelle that Wendy has been doing the most since her boob and her booty plastic surgery job, so to speak. Anywhere you know Giselle and Wendy they're beefing. And then there was drama when Ashley told Wendy about the rumors that they're on a blog that Wendy's husband Eddie was cheating Eddie Eddie. Yeah, yeah, it got ugly. So take a listen. When Wendy kind of went in and was specifically talking to Giselle, take a listen. Why are you looking at man? I'm looking at you because it was your ass having the conversation with Ashley. Did you tell her what I said? I said it was awesome. We didn't believe there was any five room truths that of you coming to me as a woman, you decide to talk to Ashley, and so I'm putting your ass on notice because what you're not going to do, let's be very clear. If you're not going to play with my husband's name, don't for my family? Who All right? Then what did she say at the end, say you're not gonna play with my husband's name? Is that? What was it? Yeah? And then she said don't blank with my family and then there was more and for the second time though, Yeah, it got it got ugly. It got really really ugly. So we will see next week. I think it's gonna get worse and I can't wait. We love it. It's gonna be good, right, Real househoves of Petomy Junior. We'll talk about it after you watch it, Shirley, it's our show. It's so good, all right. Moving on Loving Marriage Huntsville, Maurice and Kimmy. They had a great talk with the new castmate Tiffany and her husband Um. They talked to him. They talked to both of them about you know, Tiffany kind of told a little rumor that Maurice's son was caught vathing at school, and I liked Tom Maurice just sat them down and said, what you're not gonna do. It's very you know, gossip about my son. We're not doing that. So he kind of checked them and she apologized Tiffany and she even cried a little bit, and her husband kind of apologized. So I like to wait more Reese handle that, because you just can't be just saying stuff. It's one thing to say stuff about grown folks, but when you start talking to people about their kids and they don't even know you and you're talking about rumors, oh, you're gonna get checked immediately. It might, yeah, So I like to weigh more Reese handle it. Though he was cool about it, and a quick question, it's getting checked them and put on notice, it's just the same thing. They both need to ask yes and yes. Now you have clarity. It's the same thing. Destiny and Melody they are beefing and they'll not be It was so crazy that Melody she they had a talk Destiny. Melody went over Destiny's house and then she brought her a big thing, a big watermelon as a gift. And so after this heated discussion, they decided to cut the watermelon. And Melody said if the watermelon was sweet, then they would be friends, and then they wouldn't be beefing anymore. So they tasted the watermelon and it was sweet, and so they hugged. That was crazy to me, So yeah, we couldn't cut no plum the watermelon. It did look good. It looked juicy and look good. So that is loving marriage, Huntsville. I'm running out of time. We'll chat next time about Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Garcel get to the bottom of Erica Jane, because I still don't believe nothing she's saying and I think she's in a lot of trouble. So we will talk about that next week. So you guys are watching hit me Up, Atlip spark Carla on the GRAM and we will talk more. That's reality Update. What's you guys, Shirley girl. All right, thank you, Carla. We'll be back right after this to twenty minutes after you're listening to this. Stave Harvey Morning Show. Tell me something good. HBCU News out of Huntsville, Alabama. Alabama A and M University recently received an unexpected surprise an anonymous alum. An anonymous alum gifted the school with nearly two point two million you heard me, two point two million dollars. That was the largest in the institution's one hundred and forty six year history. The donor also included a letter of gratitude, saying, this is my university and it has afforded me opportunities beyond what I could have ever imagined. It has been my life's mission to make a sizable investment in my alma mater, the letter reads. The graduate also challenged other alumni to who can make a similar gift, to do so nice. That's all right, take care of your HBCUs. I love it. Don't putting pressure on other people. You just give your money. You can do what you Yeah, I love it. Support your yeah, I love it. I didn't know y'all was gonna do a story about my donation, but I mean, you know, I didn't know. Y'all didn't really want to bring it up. You know what it is, You're so modest. I mean, gosh, I mean I thought you went to pray of you. I did, and then what happened? Yes, you know, just lies. Yeah, it's just taking as it is called. I can't tell you whyngratulations. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in thirty three minutes after Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well. More drama for Steph Curry's parents. The divorce docs claim that Steph's dad, Dell, says Sonia began her extramarital affair with Stephen Johnson during the marriage and fried to the daily separation, and she lied to Dell each time she cheated on him. Dell, in the docs says Sonia is actually living with Stephen Johnson in Tennessee and claims she should not be entitled to alimony because of it. For her part, Sonya says in responding documents that she is not living with Johnson, claiming she's currently living in her own home because Dell will not allow her to live at their home. She's living on her own. Sonia added that she is, however, currently in a dating relationship. She also said that Dell cheated on her during the marriage, claimed he hooked up with different women and that family and close friends knew about it. So there you go. They're both saying they both cheated. Whatever whatever that guy Johnson played in the NFL. If she's cheating, she's with a Johnson. That's all I got. And I say something that was so quick that right. Every comedian listening is like that, I had it. Stop. I had it when she started. When you know what, I just I like the family so much. I just don't want to see it out. I don't if it's not if it's not working, it's not working. Let's just behind closed doors. Let's figure out how we go our separate ways. But let's do it where we don't just see another black family just stretched the media. Come on, man, let's not do this. Man. Let's let's out how to shut it down the right way. If I get it, if it ain't working, if it's not, come on, man, just shut it down the right way. But let's not just every day here's something new here. We don't want to I don't want to see that thirty three years of marriage years. I'm just saying I'd like to say this though to you guys, because we were talking about them getting a divorce. If you guys were not married and you got a divorce, so you got a divorce from you made right now, would you all get married again? Yeah, I'm I'm done. I already did it. Me and Colin's dark I'll get married again. Yeah, really, I'm not. I'm not doing three four, I'm not doing all. I'm done, you asked me, Jay, I feel like in this marriage, you know, we were talking about anniversaries and all that. I'll just celebrated seventeen years. I just feel like with this marriage, I'm we I'm giving my all. We are as one, and I just can't see myself doing this again. I just can't see marrying somebody again. If this doesn't you put so much into this one right done? Coming up, it is our last break of the day that day, Fresh out coming up in forty nine minutes after the hour, we'll also close out the show right after this. You're listening to the show. All right, guys, here we are our last break of the day on this Thursday. It's been a good day, it's always yeah, grateful to be here and all of that. Well, um, our last story involves someone that the ladies are very familiar with. Attention ladies, if you couldn't get enough of Simon, the Duke of Hastings, remember him from Bridgerton, we'll listen up the actor who played him, reggae John Page, is the latest celeb to collaborate with the Calm meditation app and you'll now be able to listen to him read you a bedtime story. Don't you love that? Ladies? Yes, what a way to get put to sleep? Really in that? Yeah, absolutely would do that. Yet but an old man by trying to buy your drink you didn't get at your face? You know it's too well Jay Well anyway, smooth British accent is going to narrate a thirty two minute sleep story called The Prince and the Naturalist. According to Calm, the tale is set in Old England and it is about a naturalist and it's royal pupil who find that nature is the best teacher. But does it really even matter what the plot is, we don't not at all. We don't care any of that. We just want to hear reggae Jean Page's smooth, sexy voice. So here here's my question. Naturist? Did I say naturalist or naturalist? Naturalists even either way? But nature is the best teacher anyway, That's what I said. So what I want to pose to you three gentlemen, is, are you guys planning to audition to do any sexy bedtime stories as well? Since it's out there, you may as well. Yeah, all right, you and you're let's start with you right, No, surety? Do you hear me? Well that's here you say you can lower your color? Call? Do you hear me? I think this is this? This what y'all y'all want me reading? Y'all? Bed started with this? Boy? Try let's try try all right, bedtimes? Here we go, sure, close your eyes, it is here. Let's listen to. He walked in, look the dead in the eye, said where you've been? She calmly replied, nowhere, been here the whole time. He brought her in for a woman embrace. He looked there and eye again, this time with more passion, more love, and as they kissed. He ain't it. I've talked about drop dead, fading, hit the floor hard too. Okay, here we go, tell me you want to go now, you want men to jot? This is the bedtime short, Gather around, Gather around. If I was you a get up in check and see it that damn dough it locked. You don't know those out there? Yeah, get deep up under them covers because the boogeyman might be coming niggd. Yeah, and put a towel down by the floor so when you see you won't see the light when he walks by. Yeah. Pleasant dreams, dream of and I'll and I'll be in your dreams too. It was going to hell and I don't. Don't put too much pressure on, but let me see. Oh, for the night before Lazy Day, everything was right. I had to check myself because I knew the next morning I couldn't wear no white. It was hard. It was a struggle. It was a thing I don't. I don't like this. I'm sorry, Okay, we can stop. We'll stick to reggae. Jan Page. Thank you guys for coming. Uh the man, we give it to him. For the night before Christmas, I can't really made me think, oh man, we stay, We're staying in our lane. I vote for another story. Did you say you had a question first? Jake as well, it's not really a question. I just was gonna share with y'all some of the stuff I like to watch on TV that I know it probably makes a lot of people sick, but I love. I don't know if I'm it's early, people might be breacer. But that Doctor Pimple show, Oh my god, the old I love that show like a good black man man. But but it is is the question, how do you have a lump on your shoulder for eighteen years and you don't go see the damn doctor. It didn't start out that size, It actually got bigger and bigger and bigger. Why don't you go? I don't know what is it? What is it? I don't know? It could be anything, But why would you wait that damn long? What? What makes you wait that long to be on the show? I love that show. I can't watch that show, but bust I watched The Breathfast. I love that show. I love that show. Illow and green stuff coming out that that in Law and Order, I love that too. Which law and Order? Though? Which one? Uh? The old one, the old Jackie. But you you got to catch the lawing order when they found the body. That's it. You gotta stop. If you missed the first two minutes of the shop, there's there's no there's no sense of watching the show at all if you don't miss If you don't catch that first two minutes of lawing, there's no reason for you to watch it. You need to sit around and wait on the next one. A little bit. I'm SVU though, I'm over there with Ice Tea. Yeah, yeah, they're good. They're good. I mean, he's really good. I can't believe Ice Tea became a cop. I just can't believe, you know what. I don't think I can believe it either. Man the city, Yeah yeah, he was a new jack cop. Then yeah, I all right, Jay, take us down, everybody. We'll see you tomorrow bright nearly on the Steve hothing on and show what I then Now. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show,