Uncle Steve opens up the Humpday edition of The Steve Harvey Morning Show with talks about his diet. Jussie Smollett gets all charges dropped. Wendy Williams mental health is not getting any better due to her husband supposedly fathering a child with his mistress. We are giving friendly reminders for Sand and Soul because the event is selling out fast! We have a Rosie O' Donnell story about on the job crushes and The CEO has his share of memories on the job as well. There is a new male contraception pill that is said to be effective and easy on the libido. When it comes to relationships, when is it appropriate to discuss "what are we" and put a label on it? Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO talks about dreams and goals, plus more!
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like the Millican buck things and it's cubbing me true good it Steve to move together for ste Please, I don't join joining you doing me. You gotta turn hur you gotta turn to turn them out, turn got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your fad h, I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me NW one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show, this one today. I want to share with you. It's for all of us. It's for all of us, and here it is. There is a solution to all of your problems in situations. There is a solution to all of your problems and situations. If you are feeling this, are you feeling desperate about something and ain't anxious about it? Are you feeling uncertain about anything? Are you at a loss for words? Are you is your direction unclear? How about that? If you can't find your purpose, that's a good one. That stops a lot of people. If you don't know what your next move is, that's to go, don't. I don't care what it is. If the relationship you're in it's all wrong and you don't know how to get out of it, it doesn't matter. There's a solution to all your problems and situations. And that solution without trying to sound like I've been knowing this my whole life, because I haven't. That solution to all your problems. That way to make all your dreams come true, the way around a lot of this and to the weakness that you feel at times, it's prayer, prayer, a connection with your creator. Could that be the thing it's missing in your life. I'm just asking because whenever I get a little bit off track, all I gotta do is think, just a moment, Steve, have you been have you been praying? Man? Have you been connecting with your creator? I know you're busy, man, I know you're busy, and I know at the end of the day you're done. You're done, and sometimes crawling into bed is all you can manage to do. I've said this, it happened to me last night. Again. I did all of this. But when I look and when I see things not moving, or I don't feel like things are going in the right direction, or I have a sense of being stagnant. All I got to do is retrace it because I'm working. It's no doubt about that. I'm working. But I'm I staying connected. Am I using that weapon that's available to all of us? Am I pray? And the answer is usually no? And so I know, okay, okay, man, I'm getting off track him because see, let me tell you something. Man. The reason the reason I constantly talk to God is because life constantly changes. People who said they was going to do something for you one day have changed their mind the next. Somebody you thought was gonna show up that day called in late, had an accident and couldn't make it. That changes the parameters of everything. The meeting you had set up that had to be canceled because somebody was ill. That changes the parameters the time frame of everything. Because it's all connected. So if I don't stay in constant prayer and stay connected to the Creator when the thing's happen, I've not put in my bid, I've not talked to him about how to handle it, or I'm just not aware of it and what to do next, And the next thing you know, it becomes a little sta agnet that has happened to me. I gotta get back because prayer is the solution to all of my problems and situations. I have found that to be the case now. The only reason I'm telling it to you is because I know if you anything like me slash human being, then there are times that you feel anxious. There's moments of desperation. You have moments of uncertainty. That are times when you feel like you've lost your way, or your direction is unclear, or your purpose is a little blurred. You're not show anymore, or you don't know what your next move is, or the relationship you in or the relationships you're dabbling in. They're just all wrong for you. Man, there is a solution to all your problems and situations, and it's prayer. If you're suffering from any of the things I just listed, or any other thing you could think of, just check your prayer. What has your prayer been lately about it? And this is for everybody. I often find when I get that disconnection, man, my prayd and slipped off. I started feeling a little bit less, So I gotta jump back on it. I'm just offering you a solution to it. Man, and and and and and I'm giving you a solution that works one of the thousand percent fust shout. See, I ain't guessing at this one. I'm telling you what has happened in my life, how I did it, and it'll do for you. God has filled with mercy and grace. He knows we all messed up. He knows all of us have done some jacked up things that don't nobody know about. He know all about our past, man, he know all of that. But he is so full of grace and mercy, so full of fifty fifth chances. But you know the thing about your life though, and the thing I had to come to terms with, and the reason I don't let out of the reason I don't let my past bury me, the reason I don't let my past define me is because my past I found out, or just the ingredients needed for me to make this cake I'm eating now. My past is just my ingredients. See, you don't get rid of your pass. They ain't. They ain't gonna where they are the ingredients. But when you put them with something else, they look better, they taste better. It is better all of our past are just the ingredients that have become the cake we eating now. Now, if you don't like the way your cake taste, then you gotta start putting some other ingredients in there. Just because you started off and your cake was messed up, don't mean you can't straighten out the flavor of your cake. You gotta some different ingredients in there. So let's say your cake is trifling tasted, it's bitter. Your cake is bitter, Well, you got to dilute the bitterness. You gotta put some more goodness in there. So you gotta put some goodness ingredients to take away the taste of the bitterness. So you gotta put some different ingredients in there. You gotta start living your life a little more kindly, a little more thoughtful, a little more sharing, a little more caring. And then after a while, man, those new ingredients combined with that bitter it starts overshadowing the bitter taste because the bitter taste is further behind you. Now, see, something that happened to you twelve fifteen, thirty, twenty five, sixteen years ago ain't got to be the flavor that's in your mouth now less you let it be it's the ingredients. Man. If you're sick, it away your cake taste and change your ingredients. Put something else in your cake mix so you can get a better taste if you don't like the way your life taste. Pray, prayer changes things. I'm telling you. I've been here my mama saying for years, boy, prayer changes things. Do you hear me? Prayer changes things? Don't my mama? You said to me all the time. I said to my TV artist, is when they come see me on the talk show, before I walk off stage, I tell them these words, my mother said, I said, my mother used to always tell me this, and it's bailed me out, and it might do the same thing for you. I say, whenever I get in trouble, I hear her words. She says, son, don't forget to pray, don't be ashamed to pray, and don't be too proud to pray, because prayer, prayer changes things, and you better believe something. It one hundred percent showed. Do you're listening, Just ask My voice enters your ear drum. It is on cracking, popping, doing that down, being bounded. P Yeah, shout the strawberries. Good morning, Colin for real. What's happening? Yo? Morning up, nephew, Tommy, what's different? What's the huffing and puffect? Yeah, what's going on in your life? Just everything? You know, nothing but everything. I'm just say, just freeing everybody, now, that's what. Just letting everybody go. Now, I'm with it. That gives me hope. Next time I'm up on charges, I've got ever disce Hey, it starts at the top. Okay, the president dog going right, completely exonerated, So why not don't Jesse. Yeah, I'm happy for Jesse. I wanted to take a place so we wouldn't have to do no time. Now they didn't drop the charge. Yeah, you didn't have to do any of that. I ain't hit nothing, he said. Though, y'all got y'all heard what we have it coming up, coming up, yep. That's one thing I like about coming to work. I can find out what the hell going on yesterday right away. Though. Yeah, you gotta wait. We gotta fight you on this own. Yeah, I don't be knowing nothing. I'd be at work. How you feeling, stick, you know? I feel pretty good? You know, I'm happy. I'm healthy. Oh. I love to hear it when I'm blast happy. Uh, the vegan thing is over. Whoa, yeah, my doctor took me off of it. Oh he did you have to do what she did? You ain't something as soon as it was though, Stay your boy, shop it baby steps. Just ride no bike like me. You got a real eye could upset your stomach later. I'm from the country. I didn't have some stuff in here you would never put in your body. Yeah, how steak going upset me? It's grass? How was it still? The first first foe bikes? I was crying? You went back first foe bies? I was crying. How long has it been since you ate some steaks? January? Oh? You know the exact day date. Wow, it's probably been longer than that since I hate steak. I was even fished in. Oh why did you? Why did you start eating meat again? Step? What? I started? What? And it was doctor's orders? She told me on what Yeah? My doctor y said, oh you know that's gonna take a lot of vegans off. But I told y'all this one wonna be my lifestyle. Okay, So what were your sides? Broco just had steaking broccly Okay, all right, okay, I welcome back. Man. Were glad to Hey, I had a vegan meal tonight. My diet is really a pagan It's called a pagan diet. It's a combination vegan and paleo type. Oh okay, that's heard that. Okay, none of them were diets to me. I'm just calling it eating hill. Yeah yeah, I'm just I just won't live. Well. You look good a bottom line? Yeah, all right. Look coming up at thirty two after the hour, Jesse Smallett, Steve, all charges dropped. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to. All criminal charges against Empire actor Jesse Smallett have been dropped and his record has been wiped clean. Wow. That is according to his attorneys. A judge also granted emotion to steal the case, so we won't even get a chance to see what's in it. Okay. Less than two weeks ago, small Lett pleaded not guilty to sixteen counts of disorderly conduct for allegedly lying to police about a hate crime. The prosecution agreed to drop it as long as Jussie agrees to perform community service and give up his ten thousand dollars bond. Small Lett has insisted he is innocent take a listen. First of all, I want to thank my family, my friends, the incredible people of Chicago and all over the country in the world who have prayed for me, who have supported me, who have shown me so much love. No one will ever know how much that has meant to me, and I will forever be grateful. I want you to know that, not for a moment was it in vain. I've been truthful and consistent on every single level since day one. I would not be my mother's son if I was capable of one drop of what I've been accused of. This has been an incredibly difficult time, honestly one of the worst of my entire life. But I'm a man of faith, and I'm a man that has knowledge of my history, and I would not bring my family, our lives, or the movement through a fire like this. I just wouldn't. So I want to thank my legal counsel from the bottom of my heart, and I would also like to thank the State of Illinois for attempting to do what's right Now. I'd like nothing more than to just get back to work and move on with my life, but make no mistakes, I will always continue to fight for the justice, equality and betterment of marginalized people everywhere. Nothing to get down. What do you mean they seal that they can't what's it flexa seal? I mean we can't go in there and look at none understand it's over, baby. Yeah, I don't really appreciate all that, ain't He ain't even thank the lie family home fire, thank us. We've been standing behind you know who, come home, your brothers. Everybody's right. You ain't even say none, by the live brain, your ass back home here. If you won't it, you ain't gonna be in this week's eat. Where's Lucia's daddy? See? You know, you know when I said my whole thing, you know, the whole thing. When I was looking at the whole thing, I said, I said you. At first I said, damn Jesse, But then you know I look at him too African, and I know right there they wasn't wing one. I knew right you had more, that you had more one cut, something about more than one cut. So you know that one? That's that was? That was all I was trying to tell. Lose. You you knew I got gold. You know, you know you gotta gold. Light on the board called you know whatever, you know, when the truth come out, then everybody's gonna have to jump a ship. Oh what did he say? Lucia's daddy just saying mine? He just said that everybody gonna jump ship on him when everything didn't go down like it did went down, right, that's all he has about to cry always. He can't even do it like that. Man, we'll not lose you, you you know, don't worry about it. You know, hold the whole thing and the whole thing is you know, he free what you know what he says, that's the whole thing. The whole thing or the whole thing is Daddy free. That is just said. All he had there was he he ain't gonna do no time. The Lion family can't a full normal time and everything because we already criminals. Now, what I need you to do is stop saying line. Just stop saying lyne because it sounds like you said that like the family line. Oh and that's what I need your whole over that don't don't matter of fact, don't say I ain't no more to some more this blow over. I don't know what you're saying. Nothing else do you do? Just be quiet, you know, let all killer do all the talking from him. Oh God, Well, listen to the the mayor of Chicago. Uh. Robby Manuel called, uh, he's mad. He's calling the decision to drop the charges a whitewash of justice, and Chicago PD Superintendent Eddie Johnson said, the city of Chicago is owed an apology. Take a listen on financial costs. There's ten thousand dollars doesn't even come close to what the city spent in resources to actually look over the camera to gather all the data. God for all information that actually brought the indictment by the grand jury, how many many multiple different charges. The second is what I would call the ethical costs. This is a whitewash of justice. M m. That's the mayor right there. Well, she know looking at them, you know mental mirror. You know I need Steve, please not Lucia's daddy. But not Lucia's daddy. Get out of characters. Well, see, here's a deal. I got that the mayor's mad. I got that he's talking about the money that a city spent. I got that he's talking about it being a whitewasher justice. But at the end of the day, mister Mayor, the state of Illinois, the City of Chicago. This is your judicial system. This is your judicial system. This is not Jesse Smullet's now. This is your and your judicial system dropped all the charges. Now, if y'all's case was that tight, you know, man, y'all could have bought it, but you dropped all the charges. Now, you can't be mad now as the mayor talking out of whitewasher justice and all that, I mean, yeah, because it ain't go your way. It's it's way too many young black men that have lost their lives took employees of different states around the nation, and they get to go home and they they they they were killed by state employees, city employees. So you know, if you're gonna if you're gonna call this a whitewasher justice, we show got to call all that other mess a whitewah. Come on now, so you know really true now for real? Now hold up, Jesse go free is a whitewasher justice. If a police kill a black man and he go free? Who whats that? What's that? What's that? And where are you when that happens? Where are you? Where's a press conference? I don't hit no males talking about that all right, Steve. Yes, it ain't even hurt nobody. I don't even really give it but himself. Yeah. President got off from the Mullet investigation. Where we at? Yeah, all right, we're gonna switch gears a little coming up next more fun. The nephew is in the building. Wou run that prank back? Right after this? You're listening. Coming up at the top of the hour, guys in the entertainment news more on Juse small Lett's case. All charges have been dropped in case you haven't heard. And boy, this is a sad story right here. Wendy Williams husband's mistress has given birth to a baby girl. It's rumored that she has. But right now the nephew is, Yeah, to rush to run that prank back? Nephew, what you got? Oh? Well, I guess this is it? Can I claim your kids? Right? Her story? My story? Can I claim your kids? Here? It is? Be running the back? Go ahead? Cat? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach uh Devin, Devin y, Hey, Devin, how you doing? Man? My name is Curtis Man, Curtis. I was trying to reach out to you. You your your your son? Uh he plays a basketball with my nephew. Man, your son is the one that's on the on the Blazers little league basketball team, right, yeah, yeah, everything all right, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah everything. Man. You know they got a game Saturday and everything. I've seen you a couple of times Man at the game. I don't know if you remember me, Man, uh, light skinned brother about about six foot. Yeah, I probably met you up probably miss you know, i'd be so intense with the game. But yeah, what's what's going on? Um? Uh well, actually, man, wanted to hoult you about about your son. Man, um you you? Um? Are you? Are you? Are you working right now? Are you currently working? Am I am I working? Like? Yeah? I am working? Actually, I mean I mean, I mean, I mean you have a yea a steady job is what I'm asking. I mean, yeah, yeah, what you what you get in that though? Like you know, I thought you were calling about the basketball team, like uniforms. I know, we got a game Saturday. You know sometimes they want donation for sneakers and all that, like you know, no, no, no, no, no, no, what I was asking? So so, I mean you you got a regular nine to five job you go to all the time. Yeah, I got a nine to five, I mean is kind of crazy. But I was just kind of short. But you know I still I still work. I mean, while I was going on, you need a job or something? No, no, no, I'm just checking. Man. See what I wanted to get at you about man and seeing are you gonna are you gonna clean your son on your income tax? Did year? Hold on? Bro? Now you said, am I going to claim my son on my taxes this year? Right? I mean, like you know, as a dependent? So you asking some real personal questions now, you know, like you're the guy that you just that you know me from the basketball team that my son is playing on, Blazes, you know, and now you doesn't jump from the Blazers to do I clean my son on my taxes? And do I have a steady income? I mean like you know, yeah I got I got a steady income and I'm claiming my son. What I mean what You're trying to get at Bro? Well we'll see man, what I was thinking. You know, I just want to read you seem like cool dude when I saw you at the gym. Man, what I was gonna ask you, brof you know see right now, Man, when I get through with my taxes and stuff, I'm gonna have to owe about eight hundred dollars. But now see if I clean a child as my dependent, man, they're gonna get me by twenty two, twenty three hundred. You see what I'm saying and what I wanted to get at you about, man, is you know you let me clean as my son, you know, so I can gonna get this good money? Bro? Bro, Bro, I mean, what do all due respect? Bro, you're talking about you want to clean my son on taxes? Hold on, but I don't even know you. You're talking about you seeing me at my son's basketball game. You might be the police for all I know. Bro, he sounds like the police. No, no, no, no, it ain't it ain't. Ain't nobody gonna come at your sideways like that. Man. I ain't ain't trying to come like what I'm trying to say. Man, they're trying to hit me off of this eight hundred. Well see I can get twenty three hundred, man, I kick you down two fifty. You understand what I'm saying. Man, there, batterie two fifty. You're crazy. Now you sound like a joke, bro, because now you're insult to me. You're telling me you want to claim mom now for somebody with you old money. I don't even know you food so I can make two fifty, Bro, I ain't trying to be on a brother. When I claim my kids, I'm getting the same exact like you're getting. I'm getting twenty three hundred two. So what doll of like taking two hundred dollars from I don't know you know what I'm saying. Okay, but I'm the one stuck over here paying the eight hundred. Man, I'm just acting. Ask you to look out for a brother. Man, you say, yeah, look out. You know my check being cut from forty hours a week to thirteen hours a week, and I still got these little blacks to me for Jordan, Michael. Jordan never put us back. That's why I'm trying to hook you up with two fifty. Man. Damn, you don't even see a good thing when it's coming at you. Bro. Bro, I don't know if you're talking about bro. No. Two to fifty. Bro. When I claim me too little, I'm getting twenty three hundred dollars a piece. Bro, What you think I'm gonna take two fifty from you for I don't even know you like that. So, man, you ain't got it. Yeah, you ain't got a trip. Man, Then if you was my bro, you're my people, you know, maybe we could do a little something. I can understand that. But Bro, you ain't gonna get me no two fifty when I'm getting the same thing they offering you point three hundred. It's comment money, bro, So what is I'm supposed to do? What am I opposed to do? Devin? Tell me that. I mean, Bro, what you supposed to do is go how your seed? Clean that little every year and you will get what I get. Please, look that I'm seeing in clothing every day. That's what you're gonna have to do. My hours done got cut from forty to fifteen hours a week. I had to go pick me up the little side. I'm stand. You gotta change your ways. You out here trying to get me locked up for government scams. But what I'm trying to do, man, is get this eight hundred off my back. Dog, That's all I'm trying. Man. Ain't nobody trying to get no trouble man. But you're still talking about getting you eight hundred and getting me locked up. Now you got me I'm out here working hard to support my kids, man, but I ain't gonna sity and go through that's what you know. More man in the city and go through this. What your nob is You're gonna help me with this money or not Brian helps you with Bro. I need I see you on Saturday. Bro. I'm gonna you up. Bro. I'm timing you. Brother. I need your son soldier security number right now. That's what I need. Bro. Let me tell you something broad. What you look like. Bro? You said you a light skin and he's gonna stop six foot bro when I see you, when I step in that gymnasium. Bro, I'm on your bro. You ain't on that. You ain't on blazing. I'm gonna blaze the Lakers. Bro, you better bring that damn soldier security number. I think it's a game. I'm gonna comply them, Okay, Cool. I got one more thing I need to say to you. You're listening to me on my phone, Bro, I don't even talking to this fool. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Man, is you listening to make say your last statement you want on your tombstone? Bro, this is nephew tim me from the Steve Harvey Martin shout, you just got prank baby, ha ha? Who is this this nephew? Time me? Man was up? Devil? Who you got me out here? Hey? Man? You got hey? Do you got a boy that you work with? Name? Ye? Crazy? Put me up to this man, Man, I work all man, keep doing what you're doing. We need good daddies in the world. Brother, Hey, one more thing, man, I gotta ask you. You gotta tell me, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? Steve Harving w Yeah, crazy man, I'm anna beat Now. That's stupid at its best right there. You know you when you said it's best, you just got to going on. You're a little love too. That's stupid at his best. Top of your class, the top of your class, top of my game, sir, all right, thinking that you coming up at the top of the hour. Her entertainment News. You don't want to miss it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, guys, an entertainment news. Boy, this is a hard story right here. Wendy Williams, her husband Kevin Hunter, is rumored to have a mistress Sharina Hudson and miss Hudson gave birth to a baby girl over the weekend. Uh. Sources close to Wendy said, this is a crazy situation. Wendy is in a halfway house fighting for her sobriety. Meanwhile, her husband is at the side of his mistress who is giving birth to a baby. You're were you doing? Yeah? I mean you'll recall. Wendy returned to work. She admitted to substance abuse issues. She denied any turmoil at home. You remember this, she said. Marriages are not easy. Don't ask me about mine until you see this ring is gone, meaning her wedding ring. She said, an innate going nowhere, not in this life, lifetime end quote now now now. According to the Daily Mail, Get this, Wendy's husband's uh, Kevin Hunter. His mistress has given him several ultimatums, insisting that he leave Wendy so he can settle down and start a family together. Uh. That's what his mistress wants to do. But Kevin tulsherina, he cannot leave Wendy because she's paying all their bills. What what what? What? What isn't he a like an executive a producer on the talk show? Um, all right, I like to wow. Also yesterday, there were reports that Wendy was rushed to the hospital after a relapse um after reportedly being found drunk in a bad way before she was brought to the hospital. This is crazy story. Yeah, we're wishing Wendy the absolute best. This this is terrible right here, this is terrible. I mean, you know, it's I hate to have to even report stories like this. But sure, yeah, hey, sure the rain ain't going nowhere, but he is, man oh man, Yeah, if this is true, I understand her getting drunk. I'm sorry, I understand. Yeah, you know. Can we just congratulate the baby being here? Well, I'm just it's just under these circumstances though. You know, this is crazy. I mean, it's not the baby terrible if this is all true. Yeah. And then for Wendy, it seems like she's trying to, I don't know, stand by her. Man, but if he's doing you like this like this, yeah, come on now right here. So this ain't gonna be in hot topics. I've just asked you what she do topics? Hot topics, that's that's one of her Yeah, I just I feel so bad for her. I really really do this. This is terrible, you know, and she's got you know, if it's true she's going through and um, you know, we just got to pray for it. Just pray for it. And the baby is innocent. Um, you know, it's just a horrible situation all the way around. But a lot of people, you know, I understand Junior, what you were saying, because she this is what she does, and this is how she got another celebrity. Yeah yeah, and their situation and their husband and infidelity or their spouse. This will be a story on her show all day. So yeah. Yeah, and it doesn't not it's sad, It don't feel good. Does not anybody want to say carma or anything like that? Oh no, not now. I mean people have said that though, Junior, So you're not far off. Yeah, a lot of people have said that. But I mean, I just hate to see anybody going through something. You ain't trying to kick nobody when they No, I'm not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all. And she used to be in radio, she used to be a colleague. So yeah, I just I'm sorry. I can hand no baby, man. Lord. Yeah, all right, we're gonna move on. Time for today's headline Steve, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Ann Trip, Thanks everybody, this is and Trip with the news. Well and what was a surprise to most yesterday everybody's talking about it. Prosecutors in Chicago dropped all charges against the actor Jesse Smallett, who faced sixteen felony counsel disorderly conduct for allegedly staging a racial and homophobic attack against himself two months ago and then falsely reporting it to the authorities. However, the Empire actor insisted he never ever lied. I've been truthful and consistent on every single level since day one. I would not be my mother's son if I was capable of one drop of what I've been accused of. I am a man of faith, and I'm a man that has knowledge of my history, and I would not bring my family, our lives, or the movement through a fire like this. I just wouldn't. So I want to thank my legal counsel from the bottom of my heart, and I would also like to thank the State of Illinois for attempting to do what's right. However, the Chicago Police Chief doesn't agree with that assessment, and neither does the mayor rom Emmanuel Men and women who will come forward and one day would say they were a victim of a hate crime, who now will be doubted. People of faith, Muslim or any other religious faith, who will be a victim of hate crimes. People of all walks of life and backgrounds, raise ethnicity, sexual orientation. Now this casts a shadow of whether they're telling the truth. And he did this all in the name of self promotion. All prosecutors say they believe small It did file a false report, but decided to drop the case anyway. The House Judiciary Committee has approved a bipartisan resolution that would direct the US Justice Department to provide the FBI records on an investigation against President Trump, and the measures expected to go to the full House for consideration. Legislators are after agents records related to any obstruction of justice or counterintelligence probes against Trump, and both parties want to see it, but for different reasons. The Democrats want to look into any alleged obstruction of justice by Trump, Republicans are looking for evidence of anti Trump bias. The National Emergency Declaration that the presidents using to gain access to the billions he wants for his promise. Board of Wall now remaining an effect until he removes it. Basically, House Democrats were unable to muster the votes needed to override Trump's veto, falling thirty eight votes shorter that required two thirds majority. Earlier this month, Trump vetoed a Congressional resolution that would have blocked the measure. The National Emergency Declaration allows the president to shift billions in federal moneies to the erection of his campaign promised board of Wall. But not everything's over. Not everything's over. There are still some lawsuits related to the issue that must be resolved. So called bump stocks now officially banned in all fifty states. Bump stocks are the attachments that enable semi automatic rifles to fire scores of bullets with only one squeeze to the trigger like an automatic weapon. So the owners of suited up attachments were given ninety days to either turn them in or destroy them. That ninety eight periods over calls to ban bump stocks swelled after a gum and used and killed a shifting people, with one attending an open air country music concert in Las Vegas. Finally, just so, as you know, on this day in nineteen eighty eight, the drug viagra was invented. Just thought you'd like to know that. Now back to Rita Hobby morning show you're listening to show, all criminal charges against Empire actor Jesse Smallett have been dropped and his record has been wiped clean. A judge also granted a motion to seal his case. The prosecution agreed to drop the charges as long as Jesse agrees to perform community service and give up his ten thousand dollars bond. Smalltt has insisted he is in ascent take a listen. First of all, I want to thank my family, my friends, the incredible people of Chicago and all over the country, in the world who have prayed for me, who have supported me, who have shown me so much love. No one will ever know how much that has meant to me, and I will forever be grateful. I want you to know that, not for a moment was it in vain. I've been truthful and consistent on every single level since day one. I would not be my mother's son if I was capable of one drop of what I was accused of. This has been an incredibly difficult time, honestly one of the worst of my entire life. But I am a man of faith and I'm a man that has knowledge of my history, and I would not bring my family, our lives, or the movement through a fire like this. I just wouldn't. So I want to thank my legal counsel from the bottom of my heart, and I would also like to thank the State of Illinois for attempting to do what's right now. I'd like nothing more than to just get back to work and move on with my life, but make no mistakes, I will always continue to fight for the justice, equality and betterment of marginalized people everywhere. Well. The mayor romy Minuel is calling the decision to drop the charges against Smallett a whitewash of justice, and Chicago PDE Superintendent Eddie Johnson said, the City of Chicago is that what an apology. Take a listen on financial costs. There's ten thousand dollars doesn't even come close to what this. He's spent in resources to actually look over the camera, gather all the data, god all information that actually brought the indictment by the grand jury many many, multiple different charges. Second is what I would call the ethical costs. This is a whitewash of justice. Wow, So that's what feels that was the mayor talking. You know, like I said earlier, I'm not really sure that he has the right to say this is a whitewash of justice. When so many black men get shot down, unarmed, not doing anything by police officers around this country, and when the police officers go free, that ain't called the whitewashing justice. Maybe I don't know what whitewasher justice mean. I do know what justice means. Justice is when you get what you deserve, and I don't see enough police officers getting what they deserve when they kill these black people out there. So Jesse Smollett didn't hurt a soul. It cost y'all some money probably, But you gotta wonder why did the prosecute a drop the charges. You know, yeah, I mean they saying he got to do community service in four fitt to ten thousand dollars. You know, I told her I'd to pleat it down to that fine. You didn't even have community service and probation. But he don't get probation and his record get white. Well, coming up at thirty four after the hour, when we come back, I will talk more about Jesse and why the charges were dropped. Right after this, you're listening to First Assistant to the Cook County State Attorney Joseph Maggots, who replaced Kim Fox by the way, when she recused herself from the case, says they dropped the charges because Jesse Smollett doesn't have a violent criminal history and lying about the alleged attack was not a violent crime. I repeat, it was not a violent crime. Take a list. Do you believe there was a racial homophobic attack on Jesse Smalllett. We stand behind the investigation in the facts that it revealed. What is semmy It means that we believe he did what he was charged with doing. So you believe that he lied on the police report. Yes, this was not an exoneration. To say that he was exonerated by us or anyone else is not true. M there you go, yeah, so yeah, and this is according to TMZ. Now Jesse Smallllett as already we were talking about the community service and all of that. Jesse Smalllett is already logged in a total of eighteen hours of community service. He went to Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Push Coalition this past Saturday and then Monday at the Black Aids Institute. I wrote a letter in support of of Jesse. Well, then, I mean, you know it is that seems like I'm not really knowing. I'm just asking. It seems like to me, because nobody's being crystal clear about what happened, that was some type of plea cut, some type of plea deal was made. Well before you you need to do well if you do community service and you got to pay the ten thousand dollars, but you get your record erased. I'm not I'm not knowing that. I'm just saying it sounds like something was cut, some type of deal was cut behind they were satisfied. Well, listen to me. I mean, I'm not saying. Look, I don't I'm happy that the young man is off. I really am, because he didn't hurt nobody. I didn't want to go to jail time don't make no sense. So we got way bigger problems this. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, you're going up to the White House. Yeah. When he do get home with his family though, and they shut that dough, it's all gonna it's all gonna hit the fans. Don't you do that, No Mo, whatever you did, don't do it again. Well, don't buy no Mo damn sandwiches. At all. We mean this just we flew all the ways Chicago five times for it. Oh look you got mama crame by tended too much that your head down Someway. Also Fox Entertainment, of course, that's the home network to Jesse's show, Empire Up. They said in a statement that Jesse small Att has always maintained his innocence and we are gratified on his behalf that all charges against him have been dismissed. So there you go. So I guess that means, yeah, he'll be back on Empire. Yeah. But if you didn't do nothing, do you you don't you don't you get your money bang right from your bond. If you didn't do nothing, did you just suck your chasty? That always means something. Yeah, it could have been a part of the deal. You know, you put up ten thousand dollars bomb, but we did go through this process all these hours, so we're gonna keep to ten thousand. I don't know if he volunteered for some community service or they had him do some community service. Well that was some mode to it too, and all the charges is dropped. There was sixteen charges, but they were off for disorderly counting. You know what I say, We move on, charges drop, move on, like you said. But but like you said, see, I know right, there's so much other stuff going on in the country, and he didn't hurt anyone. I'm perfectly perfectly fun said that from the beginning. Yeah, yeah, okay, um, listen. Coming up next is the nephew with his prank phone call, and that's coming up right after this. I can't wait for this. It's always gonna be something ignorant prank phone call right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, subject married and celibate. Don't don't go to gil. But right now it is a nephew here with today's prank phone call. What you got, neph What you got? Oh? You know, I'm always creating some type of business, Shirley. This right here is mobile baptismal poo, Mobile baptized mapool. I slide by the inn the morning, going on baptize. You're going on the work, and I gone on to my next customer. You don't understand what I'm saying. Mobile Baptiste Mapool let's hid it. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a mister Wilson's how you doing. My name is brother spring Water Man. Listen, we uh we we got paid to actually come by and do some services to for for you by some friends of yours, and we wanted to actually call and see about scheduling and see what you had available services. Well, y'all plan on cussin grad which I do. What kind of services you have? Actually, sir, you've got some friends that have actually spent a great amount of money on you. And what we do is um we have a Baptismal Own Wheels Servey, and what we do is we go and we uh we baptize people at their home. And Baptismal Wheels has been it's a new um company, but we've we've baptized over a thousand people. Now we have a truck with it which actually has a baptismal pool on the back of it, and we actually come to your home and we will baptize you in your driveway and and make you hold again. So we've hostess brother Water, Brother mcain, I'm sorry, I ain't frewater Freenwater. What you want to come to my house? And give me a baptism in my front yard. We want to baptize you right there in your drive where your friends are paid for the services. And my friend, what a friend will pay for me to get baptized. Man, I've been baptized, are already, doc. Well from my understanding, sir that but then that you you've had some some bumps and bruises and and and they seem to uh to believe that you need to be Washington coming again. I mean, that's all good, that's all. That's all. It's all good. But I mean things are I mean think that matter that it made? Man, I mean I've been baptized, I go to church. You know, Uh, me and the Lord don't have no problems. I mean we all have setbacks. But for you to pull up with your pool in front of my house to say you've been a baptize me, that that doesn't make any sense to me. Doc, I mean six seeds, sir. Sometimes when some people are not able to go to the House of the Lord and get baptized, you know, we're making a lot more convenient for you. But we can actual need no convenience. I don't need no convenience. What I need convenience for you asking me to come to my house on a Tuesday, So that's tied me in my driveway? Does that make any sense to you? Brother water? I mean, come on, if you really sit back and think about it, does that make any sense to you? Further? First of all, so that that that that's brother spring water. But what I'm trying to what I'm trying to see the water is holy water spring water. It doesn't make no difference to me. You can't come to my neighborhood and baptize me in front of my home. So what is all that? This is? This is what your friends are talking about that don't give the day? Was my prayers are telling you man that anybody which which one of my prayers don't recommend you to come to my damn house. So I'm and I don't let me that you don't even make any sense to me. You understand that I'm not I'm not at any liberty to tell you who actually is uh because of my dam house that baptizing me, But you can't tell me who the hell I gonna see you? But you're not there? May come all, you don't even come on? That that makes it for you. God, Come on, that doesn't make any no way in the world. I'm gonna allow you to come and bring your phone in front of my house and baptize me. Then I'm asking you ask as you you supposed to be a pastor, you supposed to be baptized, and I'm asking you, Okay, what's a friend of mine is sending you to you know, letting you know I need to be done. How you'll tell you how that liberty? Sir? All I want to know. Basically, I've already been paid. I'm coming. I'm baptizing me. Then back time, I'm going to baptize you on Tuesday in your driveway. Man, I tell you was did you come to my house in front of my driveway? You better bring the old congregation. You understand, you better bringing the deacons, the brothers, the sisters, and they have my head. Did you think how many you got ties? This is the problem. This is what your friends are talking about. This is why you need to be baptized and cleans it again and washed in the blood of the lamp. This is what's wrong. You need to be cleansed. That's what's wrong with you, mister Wilton. What's wrong with me. Now, what's wrong with two is calmly in the middle my horse to day telling me I need to be back tip in front of my house. If I need to be backtip, don't get some only water, I go down to the church. I don't need you come in front of my house making old ertas we aren't you afraid of some white sheets talking about to the backsifle from understanding, from my understanding, From my understanding, mister Wilson, you missed two Sundays already this month, Sundays. So man, I can't go anywhere and get the water. I don't need you coming here because you tell him I miss two damn Sundays. I'm gonna miss that Sunday two, sir. All I know is I've been paid to do a job. I will be there Tuesday morning at seven o'clock and we will baptize you before you go to work on two. Before you would I tell you what you curting like a seven o'clock in morning. I swear on your lord, I'm gonna bust you. You understand me, you would not courting my house telling me you would have backtipe. Now, I don't give a damn who paid you you understand I was drying your in a ward matters, bringing you your teachers, everybody. We're gonna wool caught you. That you understand. I'm all of this anger and all of this, these problems you have within you. We are going to burge your body and get it out your system. I don't want your tas. I tell you what. I tell you what brother, swing water, bring water. You're gonna get baptized. So thusday morning, I won't give a damp who pays you, who calls you bring your Ti'm gonna you know I can't kill you. I'm gonna trying, y'all. Say, I got one more thing I want to say to you when you listening to Gotta matter, I'm very you ain't got to say to me. I gotta go. You understand you ain't gonna wrong thing I want to say to you. Is you listening to me? Whatnot? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harby Morning. So you just got pranked by your boy Mason. Hello, man, let me check your something. Man. Let me tell you something boy, y'all, y'all was about brads man, I say, head man, I was about to act a fool on y'all because y'all would have showed the crib. You understand me, what time y'all ain't got just better to do? Didn't sit around here and just with people during their day. Man, I ain't never thought y'all could give me with this. Who the hell goes around bapties of people as like middles on whilly? I baptized people with a pool on the back o your f one fifty. I gotta ask you something, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? You know it's the Steve Harvey Moran the show? Can I baptize anybody? To day? Anybody want to be baptized? Man? Right in the driveway junior to the to the baptist the pool truck, I dip you down, get you right, save you for you go on in the morning. Can baptize the churches? There's too much trouble. I guess this is the only goal. Everybody came, everybody coming to church. Yeah, that was the letter. You got to go out and get them. That's it, baby, go out and get it. Talk by that, especially them that ain't making it. Come on now, let me come on by then. Dip you down, dip you down, You go go on in their chain clothes and get on the work. Y'all don't know nobody, y'all. Y'all don't want to hire me to dip nobody down. Now we're good, y'all don't want to be baptized. No friends, y'all ain't got no friends, ain't made it the church in the last six months eight months, need to be saved again, rededicate their life. Y'all don't know that we did ours in church, yeah, and so did our friends. Well, if you're in a glasside, Pennsylvania, you want me and some more to baptize your Saturday, April thirteenth, we're gonna beat the baby. It's the Keswick Theater. We got two shows, one at seventy one at ten. Tickets our own sale right now. In then April nineteen, Knoxville, Tennessee. That's a Friday night at the Knoxville Civic Auditorium. Me and the one and only Bruce Bruce will be in the building. Tickets own sale at all, ticket Master. Out of Liz. I'm baptized, all right, thank you, nephew. Up next it is a Strawberry letters subject married and celibate O we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click Submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up, hold on tight here. It is the Strawberry Letter subject married and celibate. Dear Stephen Shirley. For the past twenty three years, been married to the nicest guy in the world, and I have always tried to be the perfect wife and mother. In the beginning of our marriage, our sex life was perfect, but over the past seven years things have drastically changed. In twenty eighteen, we had sex maybe eight times in the whole year. I counted them. I don't think he's cheating because all he does is go to work and come home. If he goes out, we go out as a family. I just don't think that he is that he's interested in sex at all. He is completely complacent and I've stopped initiating sex because I get tired of him telling me to move all the time. Move, he comes to be yes, he comes to bed to watch TV, and that's how he falls asleep each night. When I told him that I need sex regularly, he told me that sex should not be everything in a marriage. That shocked me and her me to the core because I'm only forty five years old and sex is everything to me. It made me feel inadequate and if he's tired of me, And as if he's tired of me, how does he expect to just stop having sex with his wife and it will be okay? And nothing has changed with me physically with me, I am the same size I was when we got married, and I have aged well. I confide it in my older sisters about my embarrassing little secret because I needed to know if this is normal behavior in a marriage. They told me that it's not normal, and they think my husband is lame and needs to step up as a man. On the outside, our marriage looks so perfect, but on the inside, I'm constantly craving intimacy and sneaking around to have special times by myself to fulfill my needs. I can't live the rest of my life in a sexless marriage. How can I get my husband to see that this is a problem and we need help. Please advise. Well, you're right, this is a problem. This is an epic problem. You cannot live the rest of your life in a sexless marriage, and you shouldn't be expected to. I mean, you've been married to this man for twenty three years. You said in the beginning the sex life was perfect, but over the past seven years it hasn't been. You can count them on your both hands how many times you've had it. That's a long time to go, you know, without sex on the regular. I'm not a man, obviously, I don't know exactly what's going on in your husband's head, but usually sex is the thing that healthy, red blooded American men think about the most. I mean that's what I've heard. Guys. Yes, guys, Okay, yeah, thank you. And although you didn't, this letter makes you think about it. Although you didn't say, um, wifie, but um, I'm gonna say it. I say your husband may have ed. I mean, he just might have that. It rectiles his function and he probably needs to see a doctor. I mean, I think you need to look into that immediately. I'm definitely, definitely glad to hear that you haven't changed physically. You said that in the letter, and please do not blame yourself. You guys are both in the marriage. This is an US problem. This is a wee problem. You need to go to a doctor and find out what's what's the problem. You need to I know, I know, I said, we I know. Anyway, that's what I think, Steve. Wow, Oh lord, Okay, twenty three years you've been married. Nice guy, try to be the perfect wife. You had the marriage, sex life perfect. But the past seven years things has happened drastically. In twenty eighteen, we have sexy eight times a whole year. That ain't good when they know the number, fellas, that is not good when she knows the number eight times last year we had moved sixton that. No, he didn't eight damn time. She don't think he's cheating because he worked all the time and he comes straight home. I don't think that he's interested in sex at all. He is completely complacent, and I've stopped initiating sex because I get tired of mood telling me to move all the time. Well, that's that's crazy, Steve. Could be another problem. I think he got ed that's what I think he got. And I think he's messing old boiled and so he comes to bed watch TV and how he and that's how he falls asleep. When I told him I kneed sex regularly, he told me to the section not be everything in the marriage. Well, where do it fit with you? Though? Yeah? If sex ain't everything in the marriage, where should it be? Y'all just want the piano in a sandbox? What y'all want? Slid as a seesaw and a drum set? Make up your mind, partner, Let me go back over this, y'all. The past seven years day sex was good, but some stuff happened. In twenty eighteen we had sex maybe eight times the whole year. Like I said, once they know a number, you in trouble. She says, she don't think he's interested in sex at all. He's completely complacent, and I've started initiating sexually. I got moved, girl, gone, girl gone, what you're doing? Nah? Not now? Stop? Hutch and me, damn you wear so when you hear that? When when I told him when I need sex regularly, he told me the section not be everything in the marriage. That's the hell of a statement. That shocked me. It shocked me too, ma'am. I'm reading the letter, damn, and I'm shocked. Section not be everything in the mann? Well, what is in that fault? Then I need all of mine? And now I know that shocked me and it hurt me to the core because I'm only forty five and sex is everything to me makes me feel inadequate. And if he's and as if he's tired of me, I think that might be it, though I think that's got a lot to do it. I think after seven years people get a little comfortable with each other, and that's why we have the seven year itches to syndrome that happens to people at the seven year mark, they start start want to scratch that itch. Is he cheating? Do you think? She says she doesn't think he is. But we can get into that when we come back with part two of your response to Today's Strawberry Letters, subject married and Celibate. We'll be back at twenty three after the hour right after this you're listening show, All right, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. Married and celibate. Yeah, she's both married, but daily has six eight times in two thousand last year, Yeah, she wants him to do more now well, yeah, this is a new year. Yeah, Steve, She said she doesn't think he's cheating. Do you think he's cheating? She said, all he does is go to work and come home, and if they do go out, they go out as a family. Well, I don't think he's cheating. I think he might have ed. Oh I think he tired of And she says, how does he expect it to just be okay? To stop having sex with his wife? And it'd be okay. Nothing has changed with me physically. I'm the same as I wore, the same size I was when we got married. Ain't nobody the same size? Damn? Sorry nobody? Uh Steve, Huh, she said it, she's the same size. She lyes. Sure he's telling the truth about everything else, but just that she's lying. She gained no way. She said, she's the same size. Everybody looking at mirror and think they to say everybody that same size I was in high school. But everything else she's telling the truth, but just this one line she's lying. Well, she's lying a couple of times in the letter. Where else they told me that it's not normal and they think my husband is lame. I confided in my older sisters about my embarrassing little secret because I needed to know if this was normal behavior. And man, they told me that it's not normal, and they think my husband is lame and needs to step up as a man. On the outside of our marriage looks so perfect, but on the inside, I'm constantly craving intimacy, sneaking around to have special times by myself to fulfill my needs. So she going somewhere by herself to fulfill her needs. And once you tell it to that to him here, cracker, right now, that's what it is. Okay, I'm still stuck on I'm the same size as I was when we got married, and I have aged. Well, we need to bring in some evidence, whateverdence can she provide? Yeah, like a picture? She send a picture addressing here. Although I'm taking her at her word, you gotta make some evidence in front of me. Your shoot, the evidence is in the letter. Everything else you believe that she said in the letter, and just this one line on the same size I was when we got married and I have aged, Well, what you want this age? Well? Yeah, like let's see your shoe from like two thousand and sixteen. Then your shoot from two thousand nineteen. We are not blaming shooting. Your foot got water in three years. If your foot didn't got water, there's more weight. What is she gonna do about her husband that's not interested in having sex with her anymore? And his eed that's the problem. Yeah, I do too. That well, we're all in agreement on it. I think so too. So when that happens, Steve, why why won't he go to the doctor? I mean, or and get some bills? Right? Working? Men? You guys are many three men? Is working? Okay? But what about your fellow man? Oh, I ain't never asked my homeboy? Dog, you ain't. I can't pay that conversation up? Men? How that comes? Don't have it? You all don't? What nah? But Jim, I'm dysfunctioning? What okay? When it started? We don't who? You all are so infantile and juvenile? They are so I mean, But what advice would you give someone though? That's the issue? Another man, What would you say to him if you know, if you suspect he has ed? I mean, would you tell him to go to the doctor and get some bills? Or what? What's up? Dog? Huh, ain't nothing up. Let me okay, So y'all conversation where y'all boys, and you'd be like, yo, man, my old lady tripping. You know, she didn't want to get busy all the time. I ain't got the strength of the energy. Y'all don't have them kind of man. Do you know that Joseph is about to fire off and this cart man? What you ain't ready for that one? Because the manto your ego, let you admit that. They just won't let you admit that to another man. But if I find out somebody going down there, bring me a couple of them peeled back dog, Just let let your boy hold some of them. If you're going down there to the doctor. Huh yeah, yeah, I want to couple. You want what dog? If you're going down there, telling me seeing you two of them yellow peals and get me to them? What a yellow pill? How do you know what color they are? Oh? You know what, I ain't got nothing to do this. Let them go on. Man, you knew what color was? You? Red? And a great white show colors? So so okay, so we have something here. She needs to tell her husband to go to the doctor and get some yellow pills. According to Tommy then Mill Graham. You know the strength of the prescription ten mill of Graham. Wow. You can't ask Phillis to help you with situation. You can ask Yeah, I've just learned something on this show. I definitely have like we fight before you get started up, take your jump o cable and hook them to your backside and see if you can't jump yourself back. I'm gonna as on the games yellow try now, yellow yellow pills ten milligrams. All right, Look, we gotta get out of two drink a lot of walk. All right? Have you heard it here on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We're here for you. Okay, email us your Instagram as your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM. Coming up in ten minutes. Crush on your co worker anybody anybody? Uh? And we're gonna tell you more about the twenty nineteen Sand and Soul Festival and the d Ara when we come back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Junior, It's all about Sandon s Husco. October tenth through the fourteen. Wait stop right there, stop wait, stop right there, October ten through the fourteen. You know what, Marjorie Harvey at Carla Farrell's birthday. Okay, okay, Hard Rock Cafe pot. Uh huh, he's about to do it. Uh. First of all, you say it now, you you can verify this. Two hundred and fifty six pools twel you verify that as soon as I won't get there the women. I stopped counting one hundred and nine. Oh man. We got the tars of joint comedy show start on a Jay and Tony Roberts hosted by men. Then you got my man. I can't lee y'all pool this off, Anthony Hamilton said, Anthony, I can't be lean Sharlene having him concern. Then we got Showtime Athon Apolo, hosted by the one and on it Steve bring him out. I'm talking about the one and not the same man bring them out. The same man that hosted and brought out Lord himself, The same man who wrought out all the kings of comedy, the same man who brought out of every musical act you've ever known, will be host this Showtime at the Apolo Show your love. He's going back to his rooms, ladies and gentlemen, who, oh my god, we got a red party? Do we have a red party? Yes? Yeah, Oh my god, I think red man. I can't wait a minute. Wait a minute, you mean my shirt gonna be off? We're just wing jacket. I'm channeling my inner Shama more. I'm going for it. Got yeah to go to Steve Harvey's saying that Soul dot com for all information. And I don't know if I remember that phone number. Eight hundred six A four twenty eight twenty five, that's the number. Tell him again, shirty. I thought he was gonna hear it. Eight hundred and six A four twenty eight twenty five number. Reserve your room now. Over a thousand rooms have already been south. This event is going to sell out. You do not want to, I said, reserve your room right now. Go to Steve Harvey, sand and Soul dot com. Or you can call eight hundred sixty eight four twenty eight twenty five October tenth through the fourteenth, stand and Soul two thousand nineteen and Pontacana. And when we get back on the fifteenth, don't ask us what happened. I'm gonna be mad. It is sand socom oh yeah, all right. So I can't believe you're gonna be that sexy, but I'm all right, I'm here for it. You're gonna look like Shamamo. I'm gonna do it. He goes to the gym every day every day, my dream. All right, So I'm now yeah, all right, we're gonna switch gears here. Did you guys hear this? Rosie O'Donnell said she had a crush on The View co host Sabeth hasselback back in the day when they were both on The View. Yeah. Rosie was quick, however, to clarify that her crush manifested itself into a mentor role. It wasn't in any sort of my romantic type of way. You know, she didn't hit on her anything. Yeah, so this is what we want to talk about now, Steve. You have so many jobs. All right. When was the last time, I'm sure it was before you were married you had a crush on a co worker. Yeah, I'm coming in here, and I'm cute. That's the first time I've ever heard you say you were cute. Yeah, let's go, let's do this. Every job I'm here, you here, Yeah, you know what I'm looking at all for? You right over. You got your own cubic ya. Where were you when you said you went by this woman's desk every day and you said I love you? Where was that? Remember? Oh you're talking about the job I had? Yes, where were you working? You just left Orlando? What are you talking? Oh? That was it? I love you every day every day to the same woman. I love you, I love you. And what was she doing that? Ain't sexy? Everybody so here but here we all the same. But what was she saying? She wouldn't say nothing At first. I just wore it down. I just wore it down, just kept that pressure on. Love you, I love you. That's it. That's all you would say, Yeah, that's all. What's Ain't that a lot? I mean, yeah, I love the workplace. Yeah, yeah, you know. I want to tell I love you today till finally she just said, why are you always telling me that you love me? I said, because I do. I said, you can't tell me how to feel. You know, you get arrested for that night. I want to know people. Oh hell, you go straight to jail. Yeah. Did you ever get with her? Though? Yes, I love If you lead long enough, Julius, I was relentless man. Once you coming though, Steve, you are committed to it. I have about man, man, my mouth women up ya you just Butter Scott. Okay, that was a good star in the lands. Y'all here at Butter Scott. Now we've learned a lot that we have. I'm trying to try and Junior, let's see. Because your voice is higher than Steve Let's hear. Hey, hey Charlet, huh, Hello you Charley have the same effect. We gotta move on. I love Hey, your voice is so different. Hey, you coming up at the top of the hour. A male contraceptive pill, guys, closer to reality than we think? And how long does it take for a couple to label their relationship? We'll talk about it right after this. You you're listening to a male contraceptive pill. Guys, maybe one step closer to reality? How about this is according to US researchers. They say their experimental pill appears to be safe while reducing levels of hormones key to sperm production. UH. Scientists say our results suggest that this pill, which combines two hormonal activities in one, will decrease sperm production while preserving libido. UH. Doctor Christine Christina Wang is a co senior investigator of the study. She's professor of medicine at Los Angeles BioMed Research Institute. Researchers also said that safe, that's what it's going to be called. Safe reversible hormonal male contraceptive should be available in about ten years. So I gotta ask yeah, ten years, they gotta dor research. Okay, we need yeah something I'm gonna be in the research part. I need these. That's what I was gonna ask you. If you were younger, would you take the pill? No, I'm taking as soon as they come out of They've been saying things about me. I'm getting called names. What do you mean you're talking about? Well, you know what I'm saying. They just saying, they just calling me names. I think I'm gonna need these. What you know what I'm saying? You know, they called me, you know, like, no, a little little you know, a little too much, you know, you know, a little aggressive? Oh you know yeah, okay, yeah, junior, you're not doing well? Yeah, slow me down, all right? Well, ten years. Take this one in that yellow when I tell you about early take them together, kills the pills ten Miller Graham, take these together. Oh, I'm the strawberry leather, the yellow pills, the yellow pill. Take the yellow pill. You're such an expert on pills, Tommy, I just chemist. I'm a chemist. Would you guys put your sons on phil Would you do that? It's a it's a contraceptive pill for males, now for men. Women have been taking them three years. You got some. I don't see why not? Well yeah, I mean you know if you can help prevent with pregnancy. Yeah, I take. I think the big thing is it is it doesn't have any side effects. Don't always have to ask though, don't nobody kill? Maybe did tell you when you get in line for the viagrass, sealysis or anything else, they'll tell you the side effects. Nervousness, you could feel the faith and die. What by the way, see death is a side is the yellow one? Okay? Biagra is a blue right because you said that before on this show. You need to raise a blade with that blue one. What what do you mean? What's that you got to cut that? You got to cut that fall different way. If somebody come in your house at the wrong time, it looked like the dovehile, you got to cut that thing different. How strong is it? That thing is proud. We'll make your heart jump out your chest. You got to watch that thing. Excuse me, I'm not trying to get into your business, but I do want to say that you are a young man. What's happening? Oh no, no, not Just like I said, I do a lot of researchers, you know. I try to hemp people's scary expensive time. You're even younger. What do you want to know for it? Depending on your deductor, But junior, you get it at the beginning of the year. Yeah, you got to get this ride. I told novem and get you a bush of come January, January a hundred in front of all of piece. You don't want to fool with him in January because it's not covering yet. It ain't covering yet. Man, we ain't went to the doctor. And no, you got to wait. I told no, women gonna be about eight dollars. And that's what you heard. That's what That's what I'm here, that's what that's what's on the street. Stay about here. I ain't quite feeling all that hot. Just trying to right now. You're a genius. No, that's it. I just want wow, that's when you look inside somebody medicinebody, Wow, this stuff broke up. Why are your medicine? But I don't touch that. You're messing up stuff. Ain't nothing broke up. That's deliberate. Lead that alone. So don't take it full strength. That's your advice. Not that blue one. No, no, no, don't do it. But that Viagra extra strength. You don't need an extra strength, Yeah you don't. I don't believe in that commercial. They shouldn't make that that viral commercial. Ain'tybody that happened? Oh wow, we've learned a lot on the show today. You take that blue one if you want to. You got to get down there to that hospit. But that's not that's not for you, man. You got to cut that thing. And you found this out through trial and error. I heard this is just the streets. But you remember that old razor blade, your dad of you that you know that that single one? Oh yeah, oh you're talking about like a scaling knife. Yeah, I think that. I think that's what I mean. It's scaling. Okay, you take that and you scaled that blue peel scale it and you heard all of this on the streets. The old man, know what they're talking about. But I mean he heard how to cut it in. I didn't cut the blue off the peel. What kind of knife is preforated for late knife? Oh wait, what time I have cut the blue off and forgot what that was. I thought that was Tyler Now boy bad. I thought it was bad and just yea, wow, wow, I found out my wife don't love me like that. I can't be fooling with something you don't love me not like that. It's too much Tommy in the streets. Have you heard about like, is there like a generic brand? Oh? Yeah, you don't have to get to the name, especially if your deductible ain't kick, then you don't want to get this. You want the generic. That generic look completely different. But you have to write on your bottle what that is because you get my age, you'll forget what's in there. Man. You take the long time you think you up in there taking a clarity? Man? Can you get in likal form? Time you show you wandered a liquid form? Junior, listen, cut that blue off of them, crush that thing up, russell water in that body and shake it wrap. Look coming up of the Steve Harvey Morning show right after this, so lords you're listening to. All right, So Steve, here's a question for you, since you're the CLO, the chief love officer. All right, how long do you think it takes before couples, you know, have the talk about how to label their relationship? And I'm asking you that because a new study, this is according to a new study, uh, it says that it takes on average six weeks to have what you know, what we are talk and to label the relationship. Well, you know, when you have to talk about your relationship and putting labels on where are we going? You know, isn't it kind of what are we doing? You know? What? You should have it? That is at a restaurant? No, no, no, no no, I said, you know, like when when and what time in the relationship should we have it? I think ninety days? Okay, I think for a woman's sake, I think a woman has to get a determination, get some type of idea of where this is going. Okay, when she finds out out, just give it up because that's ninety days. Well, you know you don't have to do it, you said, as a guy, a minium mighty, don't mean give it up? But you know, um, ninety days, you should have an idea where it's going. You have every right to know and ask a man what it's the head? Okay, another question, Steve, how should they bring it up? How should you broach that subject? Final? Damn text messages? That's for you know. You know, if a woman is curious about what the relationship is, she got to bring it up. If a man wants to define it, he needs to bring it up. But and how should they do? That? Was my original? Hey, where we're going? Just right out with it? I said, where we're going? What is all this? What we're doing? In that tone? No, but that's the man, because that can't be the woman. Well, hello, wait, surely don't rush pass that. Wait baby, that could be I'm just asking too, though, Steve, don't you think that? I don't know for women sometimes they might feel it's kind of awkward or they don't know how to do that to just come right out with it and say, hey, where we going with this relationship? What are we? Yeah that you just saying come right on out with it? Well, I mean, you know it's you could try to like round about So can I ask you a question? Yeah? My girlfriends are starting to ask me, what type of relationship is this? What should I say? Okay? You know what should I be saying to people? And let him give you an there, Yeah that's what. That's now, that's what I wanted. Now, yeah, how that's what. But that's good, clo, that's good. So wait like ninety days to even bring up the talk and kind of eas into it. You're saying, kind of easingto it, right, ninety days, ladies, you have every right to be able to say, okay, so what do we have especially if ninety days you start passing out that cookie. There's no reason for you to pass out the cookie and not understand what it is. Okay, you know, if we if we're in a committed relationship, you should know that. I'd want to know that before I passed out the cookie. Yeah, right? Is this some monogamous relationship? Are we committed? Are we exclusive? What is it? I need to know? Okay? You know that makes sense, don't it? Oh? Yes, yes, yes? And then you say when you want to bring the subject up, you kind of ease into it, you know, just slide it to him, you know what I mean? Hey, look, you know we've been dating for a while, and my girlfriends and co workers are starting to ask me what is this we have? So, I mean, how would you like for me to address you, describe you what I'm talking to other people, you know, kind of put it on them a little bit. Yeah, and what and what should the woman say if the man asked her? Or will a man ask her that question? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, of course dues they want to know. And what should the woman say? You know the truth? I mean, you know, a guy could say, hey, baby, look, we've been at this for a little while. Are we exclusive or no? And then if it's exclusive, you gotta tell him yes. And if it's not, then you just got to say, hey, no, it's not really exclusive. I'm seeing some other people. Okay, all right, Well than exactly. Thank you, CLO. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this you're listening. First assistant to the Cook County State Attorney, Joseph Maggots, who replaced Kim Fox by the way when she recused herself from the case, says they drop the charges because Jesse Smallett doesn't have a violent criminal history and lying about the alleged attack was not a violent crime. I repeat, it was not a violent crime. Take a list. Do you believe there was a racial homophobic attack on Jesse Smalllett. We stand behind the investigation in the facts that it revealed. What does that mean. It means that we believe he did what he was charged with doing. So you believe that he lied on the police report. Yes, this was not an exoneration. To say that he was exonerated by us or anyone else is not true. There you go. Yeah, so yeah, and this is according to TMZ. Now Jesse Smallett as already we were talking about the community service and all of that. Jesse Smalllett is already logged in a total of eighteen hours of community service. He went to Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Push coalition this past Saturday and then Monday at the Black Aids Institute. I wrote a letter in support of justice of Jesse. Well, you know what I mean, You know it is that seems like I'm not really knowing, I'm just asking. It seems like to me, because nobody's being crystal clear about what happened, that was some type of plea cut, some type of plea deal was made. Well, yeah, technically before you you need to do well if you do community service and you got to pay the ten thousand dollars, but you get your record erased. I'm not I'm not knowing that. I'm just saying it sounds like something was cut, some type of deal was cut behind they were satisfied. Well, listen to me. I mean, I'm not saying. Look, I don't I'm happy that the young man is off. I really am, because he didn't hurt nobody. I didn't want me to go to jail time. Don't make no sense. So we got way bigger problems than this. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, you're going up to the White House. Yeah. When he do get home with his family though, and they shut that dough, it's all gonna it's all gonna hit the fans. Don't you do that no more. Whatever you did, don't do it again. Well, and don't buy no mo damn sandwich at all. We mean this just we flew all ways to Cogo five times for it. Oh look, you got mama crame by too much that your head down someone also Fox Entertainment, of course, that's the home network to Jesse's show Empire Up. They said in a statement that Jesse small At has always maintained his innocence and we are gratified on his behalf that all charges against him have been dismissed. So there you go. So I guess that means, yeah, he'll be back on empire. Yeah. But if you didn't do nothing, do you? You don't you don't you get your money bang right on your bond. If you didn't do nothing, did you just suck your tasty? That always means something. Yeah, it could have been a part of the deal. You know, you put up ten thousand dollars bond. But we did go through this process all these hours, so we're gonna keep to ten thousand. All right, we'll be back with one more break, our last break of the day, and some closing remarks from Steve coming up right after this. You're listening all right? Here we are last break of the day. But Steve, now it's time for you to drop some knowledge with our closing remarks. What you got for us today? Yeah? Today, I want to remind everybody of something, uh that gets overlooked from time to time. But if you want to be successful and you want to be happy, if your happiness is sometimes as it often is tied to your success, and if your success oftentimes as it is, it's tied to your happiness. The two kind of go hand in hand almost, but now you have to be using your definition of success and not somebody else's. If you're using someone else's definition of success, you're never going to be happy, whether they've aimed too high for you or they've aimed too low for you. If you're using somebody else's aim, you're never going to be happy because those two are, I'm sorry, tied together. I'm happy if I'm successful. If I'm not successful, I'm not going to be happy because I'm gonna feel like there's something else I could be doing for my family, as something else I could be doing for my future. It's something else I could be doing to make it work. And so my success is tied to my happiness, and my happiness is tied to my success. Now do I take times off from all of it and just sit around and be grateful and happy for where I am? Of course, all the time. Gratitude is a huge part of the principles of success, as oftentimes to overlook, yeah, I'll often sit around and just smell the roses, just take a breath of fresh air and go mad. I'm awful grateful for where I am God, not meaning that I don't want more, but I oftentimes stop and thank him for right where I am, because where we are is pretty good compared to where we were. But now, with all that said, let me share something with you. If you want to be happy and successful, you are going to have to put out of massive effort. Period. Stop thinking it's going to happen any other way. You have got to put out a massive effort. You gotta get at it. You gotta grind, you gotta want it. It's got to burn a little bit on the inside of you. It's gotta make you uncomfortable not being where you want to be. You got to have a I'm gonna get it attitude in order for it to get got. Period. You gotta have a I'm gonna get it attitude in order for it to get got period. That's the deal. No substitutions, no alternatives. This ain't sugar. You can't use splendor instead. This ain't sugar. This is life. You have to go get it now. All no alternatives, Well, you can pick some alternatives, but you're not gonna be happy and successful. You got to get a little bit of dog in you. I'm sorry, everybody got to have some dog in you. You gotta have some bite back, you gotta have some fight. You're gonna have to have a little bit of kick. And sometimes the kick has to come from yourself. You can't to quit looking for other people. Always give you that little kick in the red to get you started, that little jump started in the morning, to encourage you. What if they need encourage it. What if they adn't get they jump start for the day and you're waiting on they call and they're encouraging. Word, man, let me tell you something. These are people that you're waiting on to help you. People fail all the time. Every person needs gonna Lord, God Almighty. So that might be one of the mornings where they need him and they don't have nothing for you. Take your faith out of man, put your faith in God and get at it. You and God can make it. That'd be great if you had a friend along the way, of course it would be. But sometimes you're in a pattern where you gotta learn that it ain't nobody but you and him. Sometimes sometimes you just need to know it ain't nobody but you and God. That really ain't a bad place to be. It really ain't. I've got some of my best results out of my life when I just asked God for the help, when I didn't call nobody else to see what they thought about it. When I've went to God, just God, I've gotten my best results. I'm just gonna be honest with you. But you got to get added though. Squ Quit expecting God to just bless you with something and you ain't giving him nothing to put his finger on the touch. You make one step here, make two. You got to be a producer out here. You got to go out of here and get out something. Quit asking God for a job and you ain't putting no applications in. Stop wasting his time and yours too. It's like the story of the man said, you know, I've been praying. I've been praying to God to hit the lottery. I've just been praying to the Lord to hit the lottery. One day, the man just kept hearing him say that. He said, well, do you play the lottery? He said, no, What kind of prayers are You're praying to God to hit the lottery, but you're not playing the lottery. What that don't make no sense. If you want God to touch your life, give him something to touch and effort put in a request. Be sincere. But I decided that I'm gonna attempt so many things that's within my gift and in my realm, that I'm gonna ask God to bless me with his grace. He got something to blast. He just keeps all making stuff happen for me. He just keeps on opening doors for me. He just keeps on putting the right people in front of me. All it may look like the deal ain't gonna happen. That's often haims many of them of the day always, But man, you got to get a shot. You got to get off your butt and get at it. Ain't nobody prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.