The man formerly known as Junior, has arrived! Ladies and gents we proudly introduce Kier. We need to pray for R. Kelly. Sheryl Underwood talks about what's real. NFL has a new policy. The Nephew and Uncle Steve have BBQ tips and The Closing Remarks has a recipe just for you and more!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them like theming buck bus things and it's stubs, y'all to me true good at horten to toather for sto quickly. Why don't you join yeah joint being meat. You got to turn, yeah, don't you? You gotta turn won't the turn turns to you? Love? You got to turn out to turn the water the watery, comey, come on your face got it? Uh huh? I show, well, good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now? Wanting on this Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay. I was thinking about it this morning and I said, um, um, what can I share in a different way today? You know, it creates a challenge every morning to come up with something different. Um. And at times, you know, I feel like I'm reiterating myself and and I am, and I find different ways to say the same thing almost. But I do that because you know, sometimes if you hear it a different way, it impacts you differently. I've heard people say stuff to me my entire life, but somebody came along said the exact same thing, but they said it a different way, and it struck a chord in me. It rung a bell. And so that's what I attempt to do. And you know, some mornings I play back some ones that I think are just memorable or order. I want to reiterate there's nothing wrong with that. So I hope everybody understands that. Today, though I got warm for you, I want to I want to ask you a question, what choices are you making? See, life is full of choices now as creatures. God is the God gave us the humans. Of all the creatures created, the humans, we have more of a power of choice than do any other creatures he created. Fish have to live in water, they have to Men have gone to out of space. Men have gone underwater for days and weeks and months at a time. You know, I mean, we we got choices here. We we we can we can live in a hot climate, we can go live in a cold climate. You know, most animals are created for certain regions, certain climates. They don't do well. And you know, you don't find a lot of animals in in the polar ice, But then you don't find polar bears down in there. You know, South Arctic or the South Equator. So you know what choices are you making? That's what I'm saying, because we all have the power of choice. Now, I've made some bad choices in my life. I want you to understand that clearly. And I still every now and then I'll do myself a disservice with another bad choice. But I have tried to narrow them down through life experiences and and and and reduce the amount of major mistakes I make. But let me tell you something. You're listening to a person who has made major major mistakes in his choices. In my decision making process, I have thrown myself down the cliff. I can't tell you how many times when I decided not to pay attention in college, when I didn't develop steady habits in high school, when I I I chose this woman over that woman, I chose man. I I can't tell you, y'all. I did it. I did it to go over here and get with this girl, this woman over here, when I should not have. Clearly man should not have. But I made the choice to do it anyway. I made a decision. Um, I did some things that caused myself to be homeless for a period of time. I made some decisions that messed up my credit for a long stretch of time. I made some decisions that you know, just had people just kind of, you know, not not even wanting to help me. So the question is what choices are you making? When I changed my decision making process, I changed the entire direction of my life. When I made a conscious decision to look at life differently and make better choices and better decisions, it changed my entire life. I decided, instead of going down the path I was going on, I decided to choose life. First of all, I wanted to live. So I decided I wanted to choose life. So I'm not gonna do the things that could bring about my demise on my death. I'm out. I ain't with this, this is not no. I choose life. Then I made another decision. I said, I choose life, and I choose is it more abundantly? You know what that means. God comes into your life to give you life and give you life more abundantly, So that means just more of it. So I chose that. I said, Okay, man, I need to start talking to God a little bit more because the way I've been figuring this thing, man has gotten me to this point. I ain't really cool with the point I'm at. See, eventually, you just got to be uncool with the point you at. So I chose life, and I chose it more abundantly. Then I chose to start showing mercy to people because I needed some more people to show mercy to me. So you remember why I said. I was going through a period in my life when it seemed like when nobody helped me, nobody seemed to exhibit mercy towards me. Well, I wasn't creating that much mercy myself, I don't guess. So I decided to choose mercy. I decided to choose forgiveness. I started forgiving people who had wronged me, who told me I wasn't gonna mount to nothing. I forgave him who tried to talk me off the path, who went by my mother's house and told my mama, your son, Steve he lazy. He don't want to work. That's why he out there struggling like that, trying to do that comedy thing. I wasn't lazy, man, I just didn't want to work for you. I'm willing to work. Look at me, I work hard, trust and believe that. But I was not willing to work for them. I wasn't willing to take the route they took, so they labeled me lazy. I'm not a lazy person. But I chose forgiveness though. I chose to forgive them because I didn't have time to break them. And then I chose moving forward. I decided that I wasn't gonna go back, that I wasn't gonna live my life in my past, that I wasn't gonna let my past determine who I was going to be. See I was who I was, but I am who I am, and I'm cool with both of them people I really am. I'm absolutely fine with the person I used to be. God got to save you from something, so I'm cool with that. But all that was the ingredients though that got me to this point. So I'm fine with my past. But what I do not do is allow my past to dictate what I am, where I'm going, what I can be. God forgave me, so I forgave myself. I chose to move forward, not stay in the past. I choose laughing. I choose laughing. I decided that I was gonna laugh more every day. I chose learning. I wanted to open myself up to new things. I wanted to open myself up to knowing something that I've never known before. I allow people to teach me things. I chose joy. I decided to quit seeking fun all the time and sit down somewhere and be all right with me. See, I ain't got to go and do no more to I ain't got to go out here and hook up with this person and get this in my life. And man, let's buy this and hook this up. Now, y'all come in here, and we're gonna have some fun. Now. Man, I stopped doing that. I chose joy. I chose to be sitting somewhere with my girl with a cigar and I'm just all right, just me and her. I chose joy. Man, I see fun, You got to go do something to have fun. But joy joys within joyce when you're sitting there with yourself because you didn't connected with your creator, you didn't found something with God, and you're cool with you now. See. I chose to be cool with me. What are your choices? You gotta make better choices. You make better choices. You have a better outcome. You change your attitude, you change your altitude. It all ties together. But we gotta make better decisions. What are you deciding today? Watch it? Okay, be careful, make sure you're making better to start making better decisions today. You're listening to ladies and gentlemen. Now have your undivided attention please, because this is a very very special day. The Steve Harvey Morning Show is going into overdrive. We are talking about love this morning. Yes, oh v E let us begin. Hello Sirley, Hello Steve, I love you. Congratulations Shirley on a wonderful evening the other that other night. You're absolutely yeah, I said the other night. Now you know you want to be picky about what night it was. I'm just doing you see me talking and then here y'all come the other night. Congratulations again, Shirley on being in such an accomplished room of women and you being one of them. A great award show though, because they were covered so many categories. That's what I thought. It was such a diverse. I thought it was really diverse from women to do that. That's really good. Uh, calling for real, everybody, you know you wasn't you was already talking. Good morning crew, Happy, What Thursday, Tommy, what's going on with your food? Top of the morning. Well, I would say this from f last y'all because this is will be the center point of our conversation this morning. Love is in the air, m exciting and new. Come aboard. We're expecting you the love boat. Tommy is captain stupid. It's stupid. Oh you know what you know on that show? Stupid? Your answered, Isaac, I'm too tall to be he was committed that. Ye oh. So the other day, the thing was we was talking to Junior about finding love and a woman wrote a letter. In This letter was interesting because it was directed at Junior. But I took over because you can't seeing letters without sending pictures. But what you can't do is trick us. We're not going to do this with you, and you're not fing to trick my little nephew gat. Now this is Steve talking, So let's not let you ain't gonna getting mad at Junior and all this hill. Just we have some email respondents, and I'm gonna respond to the email respondents on behalf of Junior. Appreciate it. Now we're gonna be using names, so I will be responding real names to put te jor you just don't want to email name, email name whatever you want to use. We I'm we we I'm talking directly to people. All right, well, let's finish this up, Steve. When we come back, we gotta take a break right here. So part two of Love Morning, this is all about Junior and love. Right, yeah, all right, we'll be back at thirty two after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. So, Steve, when we left off, we talked about this being a love Morning, focusing on Junior and his well he's slim now, he's all slimmed down and everything. He's all fine thing. Oh that's right, we gotta call it's government. Yeah, I love Junior two. We love Junior two. Personalizing thing given. He won't take it back now, so so so go ahead. See if you're you're finding love, you're looking for love. So we started asking, and I don't know how it ended up the other day, but some woman said she wanted to date Junior. So I said, you know, she loves his voice, his humor, everything. So I said, hey, skip all that, we need photos. So the photos started rolling in, not just from her, but from other people at all. So let me give you an example of what's happening. So the lady that rode in several people attacked her attack number one email title damn Hull Junior is all miney I lost his weight long time, little sexy. Here's what we don't say, just th this is what th h said. Listen, she's trying to deter you from her looks. If she was serious, she would have originally sent a picture talking about she works with special needs. She gonna need a special need? Is she trying to get with my junior? She thinks she is hold on who she thinks she is? Old help. I'm five ft, I'm taller than Tommy and her email, No, she said she thinks who she thinks she is old help. I'm five feet, I'm taller than Tommy and can out run it. Block her email. Stay blessed and Junior as you. If Junior, you reach out to her, and you're gonna have a special need when I'm done with you, now come on home to Big Mama. A right, And she's referring to the lady that started this. They had to crush. She works with the special needs department. At her church right for her. We're checking emails now and I did some research last night. If you work with the special needs at the church, your minimum ages? How do you know that? I looked it up? Well? Do you mind an older obviously woman, Let's not call him expend because all I'm just gonna be old woman. You do you mind an older woman? Surely? Do I look like I have choice? You got choice? Yeah, you got up the game because we had a very interesting one. This woman by the name of k R k R. This was her email. How my name is um blank blank. I'm thirty three, no kids. I work as a certified nursing assistant, single and interested in getting to no junior. Okay, sound good. That's why I see un taking over this. Yeah, so I'm trying to find out Okay, okay, so this came from s S. Check this one out. Good morning. Heard the Strawberry letter just a moment ago. However, I sent a letter a few months ago expressing interests and wanting to meet Junior. What I didn't response? My name is blank blank, Yes, blank is my birthname. I'm blank. I'm seven years old, currently living in San Antonio. Most will describe me as uh, gregarious and humorous because I love people in extremely outgoing. My interests are working out how intensity training at least four hours a week? Don't killed, Junior? I love to cook and what a saying? My interests are working out how intensity training at least four hours a week? Footnote, Dad, are killed? Yeah that's what I thought. Yeah, I love to cook and can cook. That's a slap at Shirley a time. I am a part time vegan shell and Junior, you just got through doing the d herbs and you know all about this. This is coming together really nicely. Don't get me wrong. I'm not too far removed from meat. I just live a healthy Oh don't eat meat. No, No, they ain't what they're saying. No, she reads your love. Give me go ahead and get run here. Don't get me wrong. I'm not too removed far removed from meat. Blush, blush. I just live a healthy and well balanced and nutritional life that has plenty of flavor. I am an entrepreneur currently working in insurance at the Harvard and a few other ventures that I'm developing. I'm at a point where I'm seeking purposeful connections and look forward to new adventures with people who get it in life. There's never a dull moment with me. I hold true to my principle of treating others that I would like to be treated and being focused on self development. I've enjoyed following Steve's radio show since two thousand and six, but would love the opportunity to date with Junie if anything, but just share a laugh for two. I hope to hear from you. So good. He must be like used to be a service id lost his weight long right, this is what you'll be seeing, lady. She's sitting in the pitch and everything. Okay, nice lady, Julian. Okay, well we got a couple others too. I'll be working on this project project taking this on like this. Okay, you're so serious about the road to sexy, Julian. This is the road alright. Coming up next, the nephew is here. The King of Pranks would run that prank back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news R Kelly thinks he is misunderstood. Yeah, now no cla, cla, but right now it is time for the King of Frank's nephew Tommy would run that prank back. What you got daddy's boat? Here we go running cat my daddy boats gonna do dy boom boom. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Mr. Wilson, Please, Mr Wilson, how are you today? Who is My name is Williams. Well, listen, we've been getting a few complaints are about some things on your property there. Actually I'm with the homeowners Association. Wanted to reach out and give you a call today. Oh, how you doing pretty good? Listen. Um, got a few things I kind of want to discuss with you here that seemed to be, uh, a problem that's taken place in the neighborhood there. Um, it's been auf to our attention down here at headquarters that you have, um a few things on your property that are are not functioning that really shouldn't be on the property. Uh. You have two cars supposedly in your driveway that that are not being used, been sitting there for quite some time. Well, yeah, well one of them I'm currently working on. I'm almost I should have it repaired. I'm just waiting on getting wait, wait and get a little extra money to get to take care of the other cars just function and I just don't drive, but I have more than one car. Okay. Now, you you also have a a a camper that seems to be has been there for at least eight months now, that's that's sitting there. Is that correct as well? Yeah? Yeah, I'm I'm working on getting some storage for that, but it ain't really been there eight months, just maybe around about six seven. And uh, you know, I'm looking at our past records and stuff. It seems like there was a complaint before about the you know, keeping the yard, uh pretty cutting all of that kind of stuff. And I'm just looking at past complaints that I have here. Now the biggest one that I have that that's concerning your property, sir, is uh supposedly in your backyard. Now there's a you have an old boat that's in your backyard. Yeah, yeah, but I don't see that nobody. Well, well, I mean it's it's it's kind of a sore eye for the people. I think. I think you guys backyards actually bump up against each other, and you guys have a chain link fence between the two of you all, and I think the boat is must be just a sore eye for the family that's behind you all. Well, you know, I don't see myself getting rid of that boat. So I got a cover on it. Everybody else got a boat. I don't see what the problem is. Well, okay, here's here's what's actually happening. Mr Wilson. What's gonna take place is this. Now we're gonna give you a fourteen day uh extension uh fourteen days actually to to move the car that is not functioning, the campers well, and definitely the boat we need. We're gonna need those three items. Well, I ain't got no we moved boat. I just told you I was working on so well for stores. Do you know how my stories called? Now the boat, now the care, But I'll get that take care. But the boat. The boat, the boat my daddy gave me, and my daddy gave me that. That's that's the only thing my daddy gave me before he died. Now now I'm not moving that boat nowhere. The boat won't just fine. If I take you down that to the water, it works, sir, And I understand it wholeheartedly. You know, I'm basically I'm just a messenger I have I'm gonna have to get the non functioning car that's not working properly. I'm gonna have to get that out within a two weeks notice, as well as the camper and definitely the boat. Now, I gotta get that out. It's gotta be gone. I'll tell you what I ain't moving. I'll tell you that what you're gonna do, sir. You gotta either move the boat. I'm gonna have somebody come over and haul all of these things away. Well, i'll tell you what. I got thirteen readers why you won't go over and touch that boat? And I got two two, I got thirteen, and then I got another twenty six added on to that. While you won't bring now want me to touch my dad because my dad gave me that bowl, I'll be dad, any of you. You know, I'm tired of you with me instead cross Street Report, because I'm not at liberty to give you the Whose report. So you haven't live to give me something because I know down the street that you know eight months and ain't nobody say ain't to it? So why the hell y'all mean about how to vote in the backyard to my daddy gave me? Sir? The language is not necessary The bottom line is I want to camper out. I want to vote out, and I want the car that's not functioning moved within two weeks on. I'm towing it out. I'll tell you what. I give you a personal invitation to come over him. Put the boat, the campus and the car, and I I will beat you like that's what beat you, sir. H Wow, I'm gonna allow one car to stay. I just want to make sure that you know that I've given you the statement over the phone, letting you know that what what has taken place here will take it. But I ain't move my daddy boat. You're gonna move your dad's stinking vote if let don't bring the loan, but you bring somebody, sir, trust me, trust me. If we come there, we're definitely gonna be bringing authorities with us. My will go to you because I live my daddy ain't now I want you. I'm gonna touch my daddy's boat. That's left me. I got one one thing I need to say to you, sir about this in a situation. Excuse me. All I have to say is this, this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your brother. Up. I got up. All right, man, it's your brother told me, he said, Man, he'd be going eddie with the homeowner socier. He said, Man, just call him and tell him he got to move all this to he said, but most of all, tell him y'all gonna hauld off that boat. He said, he'd killed you behind that dog on both But I love that. I got one more question for you, No, baby, tell me this. What is the baddest radio show in the land. Anything your daddy left? Oh? Yeah, yes, sir, yes, sir yeah. Move that boat. Yeah, moved his boat. You gotta get to him by something that real sensitive. Huh my daddy boat. Well, thank you, nephew. Tell me the Obama's. We haven't mentioned them in a while. Well, uh, they made the news this week because they are coming to Netflix. Former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama have teamed up with the streaming service for a tigear production deal. According to the company, the agreement may include scripted series, unscripted series, docuseries, documentaries, and features. Okay, how much are they getting paid, Well, we don't know about that, but they did sign a book deal for sixty million dollars back in remember that. Yeah, they say, we hope to cultivate and curate the talented, inspiring, creative voices who are able to promote greater empathy and understanding between people's that's what the former president said in a statement, and help them share their stories with the entire world. All right, Yeah, so did your guys hear so with the release of that information that some folks are now boycotting thinking about boycotting Netflix because of the Obama bous Yeah, yeah, because of the Obama Monique minutes so long ago. Nobody out on the band nothing, okay, but I'm not getting rid of mine NETFLI. That's coming up, coming up next. In Entertainment News, R Kelly thinks he is misunderstood. I got the video. I was clear. I don't know what you know. I never saw it. What you haven't seen it? Oh yeah, I never saw it. All right, R Kelly, we'll find out if he really is misunderstood right after this. You're listening to the show. Uh. In entertainment News, earlier this week, t I spoke out about mistreatment he witnessed at a Houston's restaurant in Atlanta. Now we're hearing from the alleged victims. Actress and former American Idol contestant Asia Epperson says she couldn't believe it when the police arrested her and her two friends instead of the security guard, who says she lied about warning them to leave and then dragged them out of the restaurant. She says they were completely caught off guard when the off duty, cup working security took them out of the restaurant and forced them out of the front door. She's lawyered up now and agrees with t i's plan to go boycott the restaurant chain and wants to see the whole thing shut down. Uh, Tommy, I know you agree with Marlon Wayams on this Houston's restaurant boycott. Marlon Willyams was on TMS. He said, just because they got good steaks does not give them the right sending the spinach outside, which this is serious. You know they want them shut down. They can't treat people like when people the recipe that is, wow, did let your uncle did? To be honest with you, I just get so angry at all of this all the time. You always and it's it's it's tiring. Black black people are exhausted, man. Yeah, everybody got no time for that every damn day of life. You're right trending topics this morning, you know, along with Shirley's entertainment news. Uh. The NFL yesterday and their new policy on the national anthem. Personnel on the field shall stand and show respect for the flag and anthem. Teams will be fined if on field personnel does not stand for the anthem. This is unbelievable, Steve. We have much bigger things. I mean, really, you do, man. You mean for the president, for the president. But y'all got a healthcare bill at your time trying to destroy You've done that. Are you saying that's more important? Steven? You're saying you know. Look, you're trying to get rid of the dock them, the Dreamers Act. You're trying to kill that. You want a wall. Everything you're working on. You gotta travel band. Everything you want to do is divisive. Why are the NFL players bother you? If you would address the reason that they are kneeling as opposed to trying to force him not to kneel, If anybody would open up the discussion, why are they kneeling and find out to the man that it has nothing to do with the military or disrespecting the flat. If you all played the whole national anthem that they took the national anthem from which didn't become our national anthem to the thirties. If you take the rest of the point, it promotes slavery and it degenerates black people. It's the second verse. They took it out and said this is gonna be our national anthem. But they took it from the poem that the guy wrote the whole thing. Man, the cries of racism on the back side of that song. Now, if everybody they understood that, man, we everybody would be kneeling if you knew the origin of it. All right, we have to move on to Steve and then all right, let's go to MS and Steve. Ladies and gentlemen, she's here, the lovely miss and Trip. Thanks everybody. This is and Trip for the news, and we're gonna talk about that football thing for now right now. National League team owners, yes, they voted yesterday to prohibit all of their players from taking a knee during the national anthem. Now, the new policy says that all team members as well as those who work on the sidelines must stand during the national anthem, and that if someone chooses to kneel, the whole team could be fine. Now hold on to that. I'll get to that. Back to that in a second. In a statement, the NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell says that personnel who choose not to stand for the anthem can go to the locker room until after it's been performed. Some athletes follow Colin Kaepernick's lead. Of course, you know this, everybody. She took a knee during the two thousand sixteen season, and some other athletes did to protest racial injustice, the excessive use of force by police on unarmed black men and boys, and and some women as well. And and President Trump and his supporters called them on patriotic. Well, the new policy was arrived at without input from the players union. So they say they're reviewing it and they prepared to challenge it. And already the New York Jets say they're saying they'll support any player who kneels, that the team will pay the fine. So anybody in the Jets, he said, their team members, neil, they don't care. They're gonna pay the fine because they're gonna let them. They're going to support them in whatever, you know, protests that they're trying to put forward. Did the Jets everything about hiring Colin Kaepernick or Eric Reed? Think about that? A Trump administration is central to a Trump aministration team scheduled ahead of Singapore this weekend to begin preparations for what is now being described as possible North Korean US summit meeting. In fact, when I asked about the President sounds more and more like he's hedging his best. We're going to see what happens on Singapore, and it could happen, could very well happen. But whatever it is that we will know next week about Singapore, and if we go, I think it would be a great thing for North Korea and Secretary State Mink Popeo says that he remains very hopeful that the much anticipated summit meeting will take place, and the date mentioned as June twelve. Now, this is something a lot of folks who don't know. I'm gonna tell you about it. Um I went, she mentioned it before, you black not have caught it. In the wake of Britain's Brexit decision to leave the European Union, English silmakers are redesigned their country's immigration policy. Now, according to The New York Times, a number of West Indians are being told they are not British citizens and if they can't become citizens, they're gonna have to leave the British Isles. Most effective members of the so called wind rushan generation named after one of the first ships that brought immigrants from the Caribbean over there to fill jobs in post World War Two Britain. At that time, the law said that people from British colonies could stay in England and definitely well now, fuel by Brexits anti immigrants sentiment, many West Indians who have lived in the UK for decades, I'm talking forty fifty years being told they don't have proof of citizenship. So now they've lost access to public housing and healthcare and all that kind of stuff. It's really just a horrible today International Brother's Day. Shouts out to my brother Wayne Trip and all other brothers out there. That's right back with more entertainment Today's trending topics. Twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show yesterday, you know, We had a live strawberry letter about a woman who works in the special needs department at her church and she has a crush on Junior because of his filing philanthrop philanthropy worked with sickle cell and his sense of humor. You're welcome, Junior. Uh and Junior, you did ask for her to send a picture, right, that's what compted by your uncle. Yeah, guess what we have received some pictures in your uncle taking over the love search for Junior. Because what y'all nothing to do with flood in here with all these informations without no photo cafish, nobody did anybody going on a blind day with you? If you don't have a photo, just save only meaning for heart felt letters such as the I have the letters. My name is k H. I heard the radio show this morning Wednesday May on my way to work. I've been wanting to meet Junior as well, but did not know how to go about doing so. Thank you for providing information to possible get a David Junior. I have an honorary doctorate degree in theology. I have a bachelor degree in business administration from Millermot College in Wilmington, North Carolina. I'm currently working in the third largest engineering staffing firm in the nation. See right here, lady, you are you? Are you too much? He preached engineers. You know, ain't nobody be sitting up having to deal cont got the same thought process. We ain't gonna be praying the whole time is simpler than me. This is too much for me, boy head sitting up talking about this doctorate in theology and then the bachelors and bus administrate from Millermont College carently working for the third largest engine She shoped, sister, now what you're working with. I also had my own staff in company. You know, we're gonna take a look at you, though, d It is a legacy from my grandparents, Woodraw and Woody Jones. I'm the overseer of our family church. Uh oversee that's slave. That's a slave, she ride through, And I'm proud to keep the history in our family and do not take the responsibility like she oversees. Educated to the first boy, I would like to get your chance to meet Junior and know more about him. I'm attaching a few photos of me. They are just home photos, nothing spectacling. If you do not like what you have read or what you see I asked not to blaze me on the radio thing. Oh, we won't blaze your sister for that. Yeah, alright, coming out of coming out, we have more crushes on Junior. Hold though, who whoa, whoa. Oh that's a nice looking sister here. Oh see, let's see there. All right, listen, we just found out a lot of women out there have crushes on Junior. We're gonna come back at thirty four after the hour and uh we'll learn some more oversee, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, Steve. You know, we just found out there's so many women out there who won a date with Junior um. And then let me say this, the last email already, uh huh the lady named k h Yeah, the one that you were talking about. Because she, uh, you know, lad, with all of her degrees and all that stuff, I thought it too much for Junior engineer. Yes, come on, what you know she an engineer, doctor degree in theology, got a bachelor degree in busin administration. Junior ain't that heavily here talking to him? And he looking out the woman and overseers and she got her own Stafford company. But Junior. I rolled down and I looked at the pictures. Huh, we need to put her in the run. Put in the run of the just using initials, Carl, Why do we work? We work with these children, juveniles, and I need pictures. Don't be in here, nothing else. Hold on, here's a new body. Okay, come on, okay, here's another one. Looking at Windsor and he This comes from SP. This is from s P. Hello, I'm listening to the show this morning, as I normally do. In her the lady writing in regards Junior. Now, I'm not that lady, but I too have been interested in Junior for some time. My children are grown and I'm single. I do understand that we both must be attracted to one another. So if this is a match, great. If it isn't, I wish him the best in his search for love. PS. I love everything about your show. I've been listening since it first came on the air in l A. You guys keep me laughing. What a nice letter. That's beautiful. An attractive lady you got to be to see she's an attractive in the running. Who put Steve over this? But who else would you want? Somebody? Real? Yeah? She's cute, so she's in the running. I said she's attractive. Okay, okay, but what is it attractive? Is you bearable? We can look at he'd be to your nice right now? That's no, no, I mean no, no attractive women. Attractive is a step down from cute. You're saying cute is like, oh wow. Attractive is wow? She kind of fly, you know things about her? Cute is just she just a little pretty little puppy you. Now, let me ask you a question. But it's equal when when women. When we say a man is attractive, yeah, what that mean he looks good? Yeah? See I don't know what that ain't heard? But go ahead, come on now, junior, let me ask you a question, point blank. Go ahead. This are we ruling Monica out of this? Who was she'd been over there? If you know that she's been quiet? What shelled her eyes every time? But I'm trying to figure out she ain't really stepping up though, Junior, we had to consider Monica. Get the what's your Monica got? How many degrees she got to you don't I talk for safety? Purpose for safety? All right? So that's three. Then we have three right now. Now the one that I recommend what's your girl? That all that? Just sent it in at the last minute. I'm at work. You can see the fire cabinet in the background. Who was that? Which? Which the one is that up? Let's see that picture. He got a fire. I came behind j But you have a lot of interest out lost his way a long time ago. Yeah, I wouldn't ate nothing. It's your first picture you sent me calling, So this is what I want to know. Are you going to let Steve pick the woman for you? You know what, We're gonna work this up. We're gonna figure it out by today. Alright. I look at half finger nail, hold that how you make up? Look on you? We gotta go right now, but we'll we'll be back with the nephew because I could see Evil in that coming up with his prank phone call right after this crazy you're listening to the Steve Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's Today's Strawberry letter. Wait till you hear this when the subject my ex girlfriend is a huge problem, all right, but right now it is the king of pranks. He is in the building. Nephew taught me with today's prank phone call. But you got well, you know, it's that time commencement. All over the country, people walking they graduate. But you know, sometimes you gotta call somebody and let them know you're not graduate. Wait, do you know? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Travads place. This uh, this is uh, my name is Joseph Work Open Student Affairs. How you doing today? I'm good? How are you? I'm good? Listen, you're supposed to be UM. This is your fifth year here at the university. You're graduating and UM in the next seven eight days? Am I right? Yes? There have you got this joint? Okay, listen, I'm giving you a call. We got a bit of a problem here that we want to try and discuss with you, and maybe we can get you over at student affairs and come in and have a meeting with us. But we wanted to bring it to your attention. Now. You took a one of your last subjects was English, uh, and you had an English exam with a You guys are writing an essay? M I R m ir am I correct about that? Yeah? Yeah, that's true. Okay, this see that we got some problems here that the professor, there is actually a single meeting that you may have cheated on this on this essay that you've actually written cheated. No, I mean from from what he's telling us here at Student Affairs is that you may have plagiarized some things uh that uh that we're in your essay due. No, I didn't. I didn't plagiarize nothing that was in the essay. Everything is documented like it should be. So I don't know what you're talking about, especially cheating on no exam, on no paper, nothing like that. You must got me mixed up with somebody else. No, no, no, not at all. You're actually Mr Travan, correct. I mean that's me. But I didn't cheat on no exam that matter. Okay, well, let me let me try to bring you up to speed here at Urvan. What we're gonna need is we're gonna need you to actually come in and talk to us over here at student Affairs so we can try to get this thing rectified. But I will let you know, it's gonna take a few more days longer than graduation. So as of right now, you're actually not gonna be walking uh and graduating with the rest of the students. Do Man, you got me messed up. What's what do you mean? I'm not gonna be walking well until we get this situation rectified here. You're not gonna be graduating with the rest of the students now, dot. I don't know what you gotta do, but you'll need to figure it out or find out what the problem you men. I ain't cheat on know exam then you're talking about Dude, my family is coming down here and you're talking about cheating on an English exam. I look like cheating on an example, and I'm getting ready to graduate. Man, Now, y'all need to fix it, like right now, like today while we're on the phone. We can't do that. It's a little it's a sensitive subject, and like I said, it seems like it's plagiarism. You know, if we can get you to actually come over the student affairs next Wednesday, Man, you got me what you mean next Wednesday? Dude, I'm graduating in a few days and you're saw about next Wednesday. Man, why don't my professor didn't give me a call? Why are you calling me, sir? This is not something that professors actually take care of. This is a student affair situation. Now and it's a very sensitive situation. And what we want to do is try to get this thing taken care of. And if you if what you're saying is actually true, then you're probably graduating. Man. Man, when you see you got me, I'm telling you writing that this is you got me, August. I'm graduating. This to me here too long to go through some my last few weeks of school. And you talk about August, I ain't even time here right here. You don't even say, Man, you didn't even time to hear what you got to say. Man, my family is coming down here from everywhere to see me graduate. I'm my first graduate from my family. You're talking about some tell my cheat on the paper, paper, now a paper? Can you come me? Man, I don't gonna work two and three to see me to this school. And now I'm coming getting rid of to graduate, and you're talking about got to wait un till August a graduate. Man, Hell no, I'm on my way to the office right now. And you can tell whoever the professor is that I'm on my way and he needs to be there too, sir. I can really tell you that we can try and get this thing rectified and earlier the next wednes Man, what's your name again? And where is where is your office? I'm I'm Joe. Okay, okay, okay, okay. So I'm about to get in my car right now and I'm about to come over there, and we're gonna handle it today. And how are you singing to me cheating on the exam paper? Man? Is that is the professor? There's a possibility here? Are you kidding me? Do? I've been here five Yes, I'm the first man to graduate from Colors. Man, my grandma is eighty two years old? Is she coming in here and see me graduate? And you're telling me the somebody seeing on the papers? And I got away till I'll get to graduate. Man, make you tell me, professor to come to your office right now, because I'm already in my car on my way to come to your office. And we're gonna handing this today. Said man, you got me. I don't have any more room or my kids to actually pull anybody in today or she's gonna call me with like this somethingbout you ain't got room on your schedule. Man. Hell now, miss miss whatever your name is, I'm all my way to your office room and I'll tell you. I'm gonna tell you, and I'm telling you front. It's gonna be a problem. I ain't graduating in a few days. You got to deal with me. You got to deal with my family and my mama. We're gonna play this. Think you got it, sir? I under is there a possibility that maybe you playgiarized and didn't know that you did that? You mean the paper was a new sir? Can I can? I can I tell you one more thing? And then and then all that you can't tell you you're not ready to call me with something. I can't graduate with my class after I didn't been this for five years, said myf And you're telling me I can't graduate until August. You ain't got to tell me. I do have one more thing I need to tell you, and then I'll let you be on your way. Okay, man, go ahead? Can I tell you what I want to tell you? New? Go ahead, I'm telling you this. It was nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank phone called by your best free and Brian. What hello? Man? Do somebody gonna playing junks like that? Dude? Maybe you know how hard this five years year. Man, you are the first black male in your family to graduate from college. You're doing it, big boy, man. I know, man, it's been a journey. Bro. I think it's I got one more in your baby. What is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Man, it's that Steve Harvey morning. That young man swoll up, somebody's grandmama coming here something. Yes, they don't even ask who you are. This guy wafered them and uses his hand to knock on my shoulder like he knocking on the door. I said, through what I'm knocking on the dough time, I'm knocking on the guys. He was at the play, I said, Man, gonna help y'all get y'all legs. Really, that's cute, all right, thank you never. The Megan Marco effect. Plastic surgeons, you guys, hear about this. Plastic plastic surgeons are reporting an uptick in people requesting procedures to look like none other than the Duchess of Sussex. Now, Megan Marco like her? Yeah? They figure if they look like her, they can get a prince themselves probably And uh there they're acting they're asking for in particular, they want her nose and they want her legs. This is wrong, This is wrong. That's right. First of all, your nose ain't fitting look like her? Your nose? Do that? Now? Much meat they got if they take the meat from your lips? You okay? Oh, so there you go a lot of women are looking at Megan Markle and thinking, yeah, if they look like her, maybe they can get their very own prince charming. Oh now, tell me you could take some meat out of that high and put them on the bottom of your feet and pick up company. He was gonna let it go, all right. Coming up into the Strawberry Letter for today, the subject my ex girlfriend is a huge problem. You're listening to Steve Harvey show. Well, right now it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on your relationship, on dating, on work, on sex problems, uh, parenting, and more, submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter, Right Steve, did I leave anything out? Need nothing? And anybody that's not clear too, We don't need your letter cause you slow All right, hold on tight Strawberry Letter All right, this is a long one. The subject my ex girlfriend is a huge problem. Dear Stephen Shirley, I have a big problem. Two years ago, I relocated for work. Before I moved, I had a special lady that I enjoyed spending time with. She was a big, fine woman, thick in all of the right places. It's been a year since I had seen her, and I was missing her good loving so I called her and told her I was sending her a bus ticket to come visit me. Yes of us ticket because because a brother ain't rich. What The weekend finally came and I was so excited to see her. But oh my goodness, when this woman got off the bus, I swear I barely recognized her. She had almost doubled in size in the patch here. Don't get me wrong, I like big girls, but she should have told me that she gained a lot of weight. I didn't say anything, and I tried not to look shocked. As soon as we got in the car, she pulled out a bag of snacks and offered me a brownie. I always loved her cooking, so I ate a brownie. When we got to my apartment, I ate another brownie. Then I realized something wasn't quite right. I was high as heck. She admitted that the brownies had weed in them, like it was no big deal. I was sitting on the couch trying to get myself together when all of a sudden, she climbed on me and said she was going to give me exactly what I'd been missing. All I could do was lie there, pinned to the couch. She took advantage of me for what seemed like hours. I wanted to yell out for her to stop, but nothing came out because I was too high. I ended up passing out on the couch. The next day. I told her that I felt violated. She said she could tell that I had had a problem with her weight, so she took matters into her own hands. I couldn't wait to get this big, wild woman out of my house. Now she keeps calling and texting me, and I don't want anything to do with her. How can I get rid of her without hurting her feelings? This is a huge problem. Well, be careful what you asked for. Huh uh? You know what, though, I'm really sorry that. Yeah, it's a long letter. I'm really sorry that you know you feel violated. I really am. And it's not talked about a lot, but men do get violated. In this case, you were violated if you felt that way. Um. You know, if this, if this situation were reversed, we probably have a completely different answer for you. But I will tell you this. She is out of your house, she's out of town, so you don't have that to worry about. As far as the phone is concerned, you don't have to answer her calls, I mean, or you can just simply tell her it's not going to work out. You didn't appreciate what she did and all of that. But maybe as a man you don't feel like you should tell her all of that. Um, but I think you should. I think you should be honest with this woman and let her know that what she did is wrong and how you felt about the situation. And uh, please do not send her another bus ticket, all right, that's in your best interest, Steve. Well, there's so much to this letter. Should I just break it down line by lane because this letter is surely my ex girlfriend is a huge Dear Stephen Shirley, I have a big problem right there, you damn show do and it's about to step down off a bus. So the whole time two years ago, I really okay for our movie. I had a special lady I enjoyed spending time. She's a big fan, thicking all the right place. It's been a year since I've seen her, and I was missing her, good lover, So I called her and told her that I was sending her a bus ticket to come visit me. Yes, a bus ticket, because a brother ain't rich. Two things here when you busting them in, when you busting on the end, we are already dealing with low budget love. You like the school you busting on me, and they bust kids to sleep, They bust freedom riding. We're busting boycottie. You don't do that in modern day, but you somehow manage to bring that all the way up. We stopped busting back a long time ago. You still doing it now because this is low budget loving. You must deal with another old saying you get what you pay for all right now? See, First of all, what woman you know willing to get up on the bus. I don't know, sove weest come on now? Spirit, well we'll see, come on train something we can't finally came. I was excited to see it for Oh my goodness, when this woman got off the bus right there, you keep here that sign. When this woman got off the bus, Now what you expect you've seen bus riders? The last time you seen the finance bus ride? Ain't talking about every day like you know, commuting on the train and nothing. It's fine women all day on trains and but I'm talking about the car the bus from a cross state line. When the last time you've seen the fineance bus riding a cross state lines? I challenge you. This woman got off the bus. I swear I barely recognized she had almost doubled in size from the past year because she missed you. So she been eating. You like big women. Don't get me wrong. I like big girls. Okay, well we'll we're gonna get to like it. But she should have told me that she had gained a lot of weight. You didn't ask, Your cheap ass just sent the bus to You didn't ask because she didn't have to volunteer. Oh you want to see me here, I come. I didn't say anything, and I tried not to look shot. Here. I didn't say anything, and I tried not to look shot. You can't take that look off your face when a big person getting down off a bus the whole side and the bus go down. When she stepped on that last step and you saw that bust look like it was coming through our it's hard not to look shocked when somebody finding turnover. Damn. All right, hang on, Hang on two of Steve's response coming subject My ex girlfriend is a huge problem. Right after this. You're listening, Steve. Hey, everybody's your favorite play cousin junior. You know, I was in the electronic sections of Walmart the other day, you know, checking out mobile plans, and I saw that Walmart Family Mobile just got even better. The plans are better. Walmart Family Mobile now has unlimited plans starting at just eight a month. That's twenty four dollars and eight cent a month. That's some serious savings, people. And the coverage is even better because it's powered by t Mobiles nationwide for g LTE network Coast took Coast. You don't believe me, check it out for yourself at my family Mobile dot com. The best value in wireless just keeps getting better Walmart Family Mobile. All right, Steve, come on with part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. My ex girlfriend is a huge problem. Let's this man used data woman a year ago, missed her love and he liked fine, thick women. He sent for a bus tickets. She got on the bus, and when she got off the bus, all hell. He couldn't believe that she had doubled inside. So that's where we are, okay, But I want to bring to your attention gain show me the last fine person you've seen on a bus crossing state line. That's my challenge to people that ride the bus. Look like they ride the bus de terminal. In the terminal, you know they in him. Yeah, it's a different crew. They don't have looking. They have clothes, laundry baskets with closed stuff to them and duct taping. That's how they travel. All they're closed in grocery bags and afties, zip locks, afty number one. Yeah, all right, now she had gained a lot of weight. I ain't say anything, and I tried not to look shot. It's hard not to be because you say little stuff to yourself. Oh that's when they move Jesus good, What the hell do I ain't got no extension for the suit. It's half off to kill herself, slam on well, she don't need a bad Yeah, this is what the stuff, he said is. As soon as we got in the car, she pulled out a bag and snatch and offered me a brownie. I always loved the cooking, so I ate a brownie. When we got to my problem, I ain't another brownie. Then I realized someon wasn't quite right. I was high as hell. Yeah, and she knew it too. She gave you the brownie to get you off your game. She didn't brownie's got you looped. Now. After she did that, she admitted that her brownies had weed in him, but like it was no big deal. I was sitting on the couch trying to get myself together, when all of a sudden, she climbed on me and said she was gonna give me exactly what I had been missing. Just about your buster he phone, I am a FINNI bringing up bring uma got something for You're gonna get it to you. That what you want to do? What your boss? Then? It is all I could do is lie there, pin to the couch. You damn right, your pin she doubled the size. She whipping your ass. Actually, actually, what's happened to you in the middle of that room. You don't even know it. She didn't pin you. You're the rest of the match. You've been out. She took advantage of me for what seemed like hours. Anytime you want to you don't want to do something seemed way long. You're probably there about eight minutes, felt like any high big just getting it to you know what the hell going on? I wanted to yell out for her to stop, but she couldn't. You know why, because she had your pin. She cut your wind off. Big people know how to work they weight. She got this wight on. You tried to yell out, but every time you take a deep breath, she it came in your chest mote, so now you can't even take a deeper and then no, that's pressed up. So you tried to yell out, but her big ass had your pin. Nothing came out because I was too hot. I ended up passing out on the couch. You got choked out, is what happened to you. Boy, You got passed out because you got put out. Next day I told I felt violated. She said that she could tell that I had a problem with her weight. You know when she could tell when she get down off that bus because you try not to look shocked, but your ass was. You know when you first see your woman, who lord ain't ain't ain't a good steak? Whoa lord not? Whoa whoa? Means stopped? Now she keeps calling and texting me, and I don't want anything to do with her. How can I get rid of her without hurting her feeling? This is a huge problem, damn right as a huge problem. But here's the first thing you do. I don't want to have anything to do with How can I get rid of her without hurting her? Still, you can block her number, or you can just get a whole new fund that you got to get drafted because big people don't give up. I'm tell you right now, people wear yours. So now what you want to do is you want to block her and you want to get a new number. Only a problem you can do it. First of all, you got to stop buying bus tickets. Don't buy another damn bus ticket. Busting her in is the first beginning of all your problems. People, was getting off the bus before her, didn't it clue you in? This crazy looking at it? People? So when she got off the bus, what you thought she's just gonna be the rare light jumping down off. Look the same light. Yeah you thought some angel we're gonna come out of this bust. No, hear her, big gass, come Steve, she will double the side. See Shelley, your fine sister. You can't double though, antybody fen to do you and double Carling. You can't double, Monica, you can't double. You can't double. We deal with we we we we work with your where you're at. Everybody got it going on. But what you can't do with double up? I can't all of a sudden be three hundred pounds spect to keep my ass on TV. Ain't that much damn counter sitting up in here swollen. Now I'm looking like Keenan. Look at the clap and see what I'm saying. I can't all that weight. I'm fat, fat as board three hundred pound. Now I'm doing Keenan on Saturday Night Live. Oh my damn ship. See what I'm saying. Yes, he is not told him all right? Well is that your okay? That's your respon to today's Strawberry letter. Yeah, yes, and call it and Monica travel just know that y'all answer be coming in on the bus. Alright, Stee, we gotta get out of here. Email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at My Girls, Shirley and today there will be no Strawberry Letter live after show. We're going on vacation, guys, Yes we are. We're going Yeah, no show today. I'll be back next week in Eastern time. Alright, coming up in ten minutes, our girl from the Talk, Cheryl Underwood in the building. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Steve, come on, introduced our girl from the Talk. The One and Only, Ladies and legitimate prepare yourself with one of the great minds at all of comedy. Certified food ignorant at a highest level. Ladies and gentlemen, dedicated to Z five. Put your hands together for sure. You know it's Steve Harvey. This is what I'm talking about, Babe. This is a good day to day. And before I shout out, when I might shout out, come on down the chuckles in Memphis. We got six shows. I need the money. Why because I gotta have myself together for Sandy soul. Look at exercise, eat vegetables every day, and I found a little girl named Brittany gonna braive my hair. Thank you Steve Harvard Morning Show and especially KJLH. Now let's go to what's real today. Hallelujah. We might have a sister be the governor of Georgia. Let's go to the poet, as we say in Chicago, early and often, I'm voting every name I got, my government name, my African name, my black pether was gone to name name. It coming to America. It's going down, brothers and sisters. I think that girl can win. And what we're seeing is a lot of women are running for office and this was gonna work. It's girl Power's sisters doing it for our sales. And I hope that this sister can become the governor Joyce. So let's register and vote. Let's go, let's go, let's go to the post. Let's drive some souls to the polls. Now, while we're talking about what women can do, let me tell you what you should not be doing. Taylor Swift, girl, I love you, but do not touch the elements you cannot remake. September. Listen to me. I was so hurt, and I love a girl. I love what she's doing. I know what you trying to do what you can't touch that. Look, we forgave O'Brien when he remade Still Water by the Fault Tops because he was singing the song for Soul Trained. He was doing theme song, so we forgave him. But everybody don't need to be remaking everything. Taylor Swift, we love you, girl, but don't have us going to the Black Empowerment meeting when you're messing with the elements earth, wind and fire. Yes, is the worst of a song I've ever all. Seriously, I wanted to kill myself. Yes, why would you? Redo don't need renown, he don't, They don't need you. And the lady that wrote it, it's another lady that wrote September she got frizzy hand. Yeah, listen to me. She slowed it down and don't be fun. Where's the horns? Got that damn deliverance like a pig. Listen to me, I'm supposed to being deliverance. But you know, Burt, we don't say. Look ned baby got the part he was supposed to get. Listen to me. You can't remake. See that's some groups we don't want you to touch. Don't touch the Iss the Brothers Boys to Atlantics. Don't touch go for your guns. You can't touch that. Don't touch no Early Smoky Robinson and the Miracles really don't touch none of Stevie Wonder unless Steven say, don't touch nothing. Who y'all think they should not touch? What music? Luther can't Redoun, Quickney, Whitney, Michael Jacks. I've got a chance to wrap up, But you can't say that Michael Jackson not the greatest entertainer that ever lived. We grew up with Michael Jacks. The things you can't do. It's a couple of silver songs you can't touch. Bless me. Wait, wait, wait, Chad chance of good dude. He said whatever he said, he said that Beyonce better performing. That's a argument right there. That's a that's a soul full restaurant argument. Right. No, no, no, listen to me. Beyonce and I have seen them all is the greatest female performer of all time, of all time. I have seen them all. Yes, I've seen Whitney, I've seen the Supremes. I saw uh Tina Turner, I saw a wreathough, I've seen a need to Break, I've seen shot Day, I've seen Shock can't. I haven't seen the emotions. I haven't see everybody. The greatest female performer of all times women, she the greatest, the greatest thing. In the middle of park in a rainstorm, That's what I need to know this. She is singing in the middle of such a part like Dona Ross did in the rainstorm in a cat suit. That's performing. Sorry, Now, the greatest diva, the greatest living diva is of all time, the diva of all this, but the greatest cooking diva. That sign is patting the ball. I need some Poe. I need Patty Poe, I need Patty. Play white minute. Yes, yes, dude, Michael as Michael Jackson is the greatest performance. He's bigger than anybody could ever get. Let's see, this is what happened when old people talk about music. They up Motown. Motown made me want to get a curl and a glove and a sparkly jack had all that. That takes nothing away from Beyonce. Nothing away right here, Oh, don't touch mad for me to say it, it's hard to say she was a better performing than Mark. I love Mavi Gay don't not sing it, we you know, but Beyonce could sing to the That's what makes this girl incredible. She could, she sang, she performs, She a visionary. I would put her as the second greatest performance, second grades performance. Yes, yeah, sorry, Joe, to see is not the greatest band boy, Yeah no, it's Michael is Michael Beyonce? Then jo I don't I don't see well, first of all, to be drunk and make music like that, speaking on it, speak on it and don't touch pour power with Lenny Williams. Look in the top five, look like in the topic I gotta go. I gotta go. Sorry, Steve, I mean cut you out, but I got to go. Shut up. Thank you, Cheryl, We love you girls. Up next, Steve has more on junior crushes. Yes, yes, yes, let's do enough for here with the Memorial Day barbecue dudes. And hey, that's right, come getting and grilling tips. We're gonna do all that right after. Come get it. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Alright, uncle nf are here. You know it's Memorial Day weekend this coming weekend R three y y so lovely. So you guys, you unc and never have some grilling tips for some of the grill the rules and all of that. Yeah, let's get started. What you got. Do you clean your grill? Uh? Not that much. I really just I really just brush off the residue from the last time fall into the flame. Yeah, but I don't clean the grill completely. Don't clean on that heat hit it that he hit, I put I put that grill over that fire. Five kill all germ and just but it leaves. I'll take my steel brushing clean it. But I want that season and and there you do. Now walk me through this. Walk me through marinade and a slab of reel. Now, marinading a slab of reel for me is very simple because you can do it overnight, but it's not necessary. I do like the thirty five forty five hour long process. The first thing I do, I go down to Walmart and they got this thing that can peel the skin off the back of the reels. First day, the little the little thin layer skin that that's real chewy. I takes that off. See I peel that off. Keep going. I'm listening because this is how you really get your meat to taste right. To take that skin off that's on the bones side of the reels, get you feel like and you should be cooking. I only use a dry rub. That's all I use. And I have a special dry rub that I use. All right, so you put that on. How long you just let that? Now? First, I got my fire outside going right, But I prefer the big green egg. That's what I got you. That's the best way. Then once I get that coals down there, I pull them to three quarters side of the grill because I got the big one, and I leave a four for the grill with no cold under it. I pulled all the cold forward, so I'm only on three fourths of the grill backs in case my meat gets to go on a little hot. I got a little cools, but I can push the meat to keep it from direct heat and cooking. Then when I shut the lead down, I monitored the dampers and the drafts on it to keep it around to seventy five to fift. That's good cooking tempt right there. Two fifty to seventy. You got that green egg in there. Now, I scrub my meat with this dry rub. I take it out there and I set it on the grill, real upside down, real up side down, at two seventy five, and I shut it fifty five minutes later. Come on, take them off, open the lid, and you can start eating baby backs. Yes, sir, do you ever wrap yours in four? No? I do not. Okay, you've seen that process though, right, I've seen. It's nothing wrong with it. You put them on, but you can put them on for about forty five what about thirty minutes and then take them off, wrap and put them back on and let him cook the rest of the way in the fall. See, I don't wrap my meat? Well, is there a problem with wrapping your beat? I mean sounds. I'm just saying it. Ain't you sing again? But it's not the same. Come on, I felt like I have going the room, I bet, But fifty five to fifty seven minutes on one side, I have a flipped the meat, right, I never flip it because what happens is when you cook it just bones side down and you know, ain't no meat on the bone side of the real seat. But what it does is it seals it real nice, and it keeps the meat real juicy because you put a seer on the bone side and then the smoke and my wood chips cooked the meat on the top. So why do people flip their meat. I mean I see that. I mean my brother flipp is me, my daddy Flipps. Just don't. I just don't because it's not necessary and you get you get a real tender piece of baby back. I do this now. I'm trying to man ask anybody that didn't have my ribs. Now here's what a lot of people don't perfect because now you did tell me on the something that was good, that lump cold. I never knew nothing about that. That's the only thing I messed with. That's that's uh, what's that? That's that's like wood that's already been burned before. Yeah, and it's what they have all fives Yeah, all them charred trees. That's what it is. That's perfect for barbecuing. Love Co. Central Market got hurt. That's the best of it. I bet a lot of fellas at Central Market grocery store. It's made by Center Market. Well they're bagging up, it's what I mean. Well, yeah, it's it's all the same. But Green Egg has a good version. That's usually the most burned. You know, because you could see some of the wood and some of it. You ain't ever seen the Green eggs. The smoker, not actually green eggs and hamp this this, this is too much, not only not cooked, she don't even know the brands of applying small green eggs at the barbecue. Oh my, upset though, that's what fading and green. Alright, go on, Steve, Sorry, al right, so we learned a lot grilling with Steve. Yeah, yeah, Steven, Tommy Tommy is a good grilling. Yes, thank you, sir. We'll be grilling this weekend. I won't be eating on that grill. I won't be eating red meat, but I'm gonna I'm gonna have salmon all on. Oh yeah, did you know that Steve he doesn't eat red meat anymore anymore. I'm just taking a break, all right. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah, hold that, We'll be back with more right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we are. We're back with these barbecue grilling tips from unk enough. All kinds of barbecue tips you guys are are giving us, just dropping all kinds of barbu no notes, soaking in the knowledge though, why because okay, you guys are men. Men like to barbecue and stuff and women do side. Yeah, some women grill some women is a racist statement? Was that sexist bias? Or whatever you want? I want to move myself. My wife always do the side. That's why I say that. Yeah, gal to Marjorie can actually griel pretty good? Yeah I can grew up. She can actually griel pretty good? Can your father law greal? Man? I ain't never no, man, I ain't never seen him because he always come to my house. I do it for him. What do you ask me? Yeah? I can. My husband, he's the one that actually does the girling. But I can't. I don't like to. It's a lot of work. You got pay attention, and it's hot. You got pay attention. Now you'll have smoked, Yeah, that's all, which is a problem. I don't have brown smell smoke. Now, do you make your own sauce? You're own barbecue sauce or what? I got two barbecue recipes? Give me one. There's a barbecue sauce called Old George T. I don't know about that. Just fine, Old George T. Barbecue sauce. Got an old black dude. They got honey bourbon maple. I used two bottles of that. Man, Hold on, let me give you my recipe. No, I can't get that weight. Have you tried, sweet baby? Oh? I had plenty of that. But it's it's it's all right. If you want the best job barbecue sauce that you ain't got to do nothing to William's Brothers. Williams Brothers barbecue sauce is the one where you ain't got to do nothing to it. Okay, let me And it's better than Sweet Baby Raised. I'm telling you to Oh, yes it is. I'm googling now Sweet Baby Raises? All right? Is it ain't bad? I ain't got no complaints against it. I think it's one of the second on excuse me, Steve, you're googling what time Willian brother That's not it you because you are you spelling Williams for google it? Oh boy, Williams Brothers. Other one that's a pretty good one that you can get a barbecues glow. It's bones sucking sauce. Is that the same as barbecue's galore? That's what I said. Say go Bobby Roberto, Okay, I see him. What it's Williamson. It's what it's not. It's not it's Williams. Somebody. It's two brothers on here. I see him when you go in the store. Ain't nobody gonna get you something else? What you're tripping for? William Williamson and the William brother they are to George. I see them. They get that now. The other one is that you can get it. Barbeque glow is bones sucking sauce. Got a white labor blowner. That's the other best snowball. The sweet baby raised is all right, really, it's all I see when it's good. It's all right, Tommy. But if you taste Williams, some brothers and bone sucking sauce, you're gonna put the sweet baby raid down. Really. Now, let me tell you what you all to get in bobecue glone, what old mute old mut y'all don't know, y'all don't know them about the country. Yeah, take a break, flavor sauce, Mute Shirley season made this about no damn ball. You're listening to the Steve Harby Morning Show. Alright, uh, alright, Barbecue rules and regulations were part three. Barbecue sauce. We're talking about right Memorial Day weekend. So you're telling y'all, Bobby Cuba low got a bobby que saw called old mule. What old mute? You got a brown label on it and a picture of a mule head. Listen to me, I'm trying to help your weekend. Y'all don't know this type of stuff. I've been experimenting with. This stuff out of bought. Every barbecue sauce day is from craft on up. I'm telling you who got the best damn barbecue saut old mule and doctored a little bit. And that old mule it's got a little kick to it. I want to call it mute that you want to cut the kick with a little brown stuggar, all right? That kick it's a little bit of brown sugar to taste, and then put a little mustard in it. Okay, okay, that was a little mustard and a little brown sugar to taste. But have it sick in a pot on the low so when you stared it, blend the flavors in better. The whole time you're adding and tasting, Add a little bit at a time, and go to your taste boom when you get in there. But now let me tell you something that old George t that's what that's what you want to start with. Is anything new? You got old m old tea, the old assaulsa. If you say they't work, I'm gonna try a couple of them weekend. But you I need something we got new mut modern? Good food? Or y'all what what? What y'all want? Good food? Name? I want something before citi ins? You know all right? You know your uncle it's us tigue barbecue sauce. Rufus, it's rufus. You know this oldest dirk you got. Now my uncle, hold on, let me google rufe man, because I'm a barbecue dude. If you get this rufus t Rufus tigue barbecue sauce, that's some of the best stowball that you can buy. And if you learn how to mix them. I gotta recipe, boy, with this rufus t and I use two different Rufus tigues. I sent it to my daughter. My daughter asked me for let me see if I can look at things on the BOTY said, rufus tigue made some sauce. That's what it says. That's look, rufus tigue made some slow sauce. You damn right, Yeah, Now that that that's house. I feel what seed. That's that's you know what time It just says you, my uncle did make a burn up sex sauce. Man. No, no, it's barbecue. The lord. No more what you say, the lord, it's not golve. Do you have a brand like a smokey brand, like hey, we got to come back, come back. I just want to get it all right, We'll be back with our last break of the day and Steve's closing remarks about barbecue atte after you're listening to the show, all right, Steve, here we are. We're at our last break of the day before we um head on into the holiday weekend. Do some inspirational stuff. But get your pens and papers out. I'm about to give you a recipe that you can make the bomb dignity Bobby que sauce, and everybody will be talking about girl and then come on that. First of all, this is what you need. A half a cup of apple side of vinegar. Okay, you need six teaspoons of garlic powder level, not too much, just six level, easy tea spoons of garlic powder. You need seven teaspoons of brown cane raw sugar. Not that not that brown sugar that's matted together in the bag. You want cane sugar crystallized. So you want seven teaspoons a brown cane raw sugar. You need one bottle of Rufus Tigue sweet heat. You need one bottle of Rufus Tigue honey sweet barbecue sauce, Honey sweet. Fresh Market sells this barbecue glow seals that just get to going round. I got it. Croke up. I've seeing some Abbertson's with it. Now you blend all this together. Then I want you to take that empty bottle of rufus te fill it up with water one and a half times. Okay, So fill up a bottle of Rufus tigue, empty barbecue sauce, poured in that stirred. Put a half a bottle in there and stirred one in a half, simmer on low heat, and watch and watch what the hell happen? Oh no, no, no, let me let me recap half a cup of apple side of bennegan, six teaspoons of garlic powder, seven teaspoons of brown cane raw sugar. Yeah, that's important. You can use a little bit more sugar. Let's go to taste. Got you all right? One bottle of rufus tegue sweet heat, yes, sir, one bottle of rufus tegue honey sweet, yes, sir, All right, put all that, simmar all that. But before that, take a bottle and a half of water and pour that in there in Samara in them rufus tegue bottles. Yeah. So basically, let me try this one more time. We got a half a cup of apples, center side of enegar. Oh. And then we got six tea spoons of garlic powder six to be exact. Oh Lord, moving along, seven teaspoons of brown cane raw shot seven completion. You gotta keep it wrong. And then we got a bottle or the one and only rufus t. Good guy, Tom, follow me now because I'm going somewhere. And then we got a bottle on a rufus t. This come on. Take all of that, put it in a pot and get it on. And then you take that same bottle that empty by the rufus te fit it up with water. Put the get get you another half a bottle of water, put it in the roof of you. Now pour it in that pot all up in now there that pot around, let us let us put it on the low. Put the lead on it, and good God to Mighty, you have what we call the bomb barbecue sauce. That is mac A'm not creative and do not want to follow that. I just want to open up a jaw. Try to find yourself some Williams, some brothers Williams, some brothers, barbecue sauce. If you don't want to do nothing after that, find yourself some bones sucking sauce that somebody's going in the bedroom. What barbecue sauce? If you're real lazy, what is that you call? Is it? Baby? Raise? Sweet baby raise? Yeah, if you're just lazy and you don't want to make no sauce, if you follow that recipe right there, or you're gonna love it, open it. Do this though, watch me you're gonna love it. And I'm a video and put it up Monday. Can I do that tuesday? The website? Yea, women, just what were down at the camp? Is that the same song she'd be having at the camp? Now? It makes a different one for the camp. Okay? But you like it though, don't I love it? See what I'm just doing? All meat, no vegetables, change my sauce, oh cause there ain't no sides at the camp. Well wait a minute now, then Tommy can't come because he's off meat right now. If Tommy came to the camp, he'd be in here. Come. Tom just ain't gonna eating in the back of my cottage. Yeah, he's off meat right now, You're okay, Well, not that week till I'm gonna be back on this side. Finding Tom'll be right back on barbecue. And if Tommy came to the camp, he'd be out there with the kids to the camp. Yeah, barbecue good at the camp. Steve makes it all man, fund up the sundown here on that Grinda, we're waiting all right, Steve, and gentlemen, Nor'm not do close with marks, but we were talking about a subject that's dear to my hart. If you wasn't feeling that when I do understand, But God bless you have a great weekend and whatever you do, do the reels that they wants to get Doro for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve