It's Juneteenth and Big Dog opens up the show with government names. Are Dad Bods the new sexy? Celebrity Family Feud baby! Follow that! Bill Cosby gets a little heat on social media for some of his comments. Someone in Kentucky feels some kind of way regarding reparations for black people. A kindergarten kid is caught cussing on a viral video and it's not cool. The CEO of Dherbs calls in to give us weight loss advice. Trump launches his 2020 campaign from Orlando, FL. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve gets into more detail about the controversial statements surrounding reparations and more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back, the back down, giving them move like the million buck things in it coubs me. Good it Steve har listening to the move together for study. I don't join join me. You do with me. You gotta turn you gotta turn to turnout, got to turn them out, the turn, turn the water, the water go me. Come come on your fat uh huh, I sure will. Oh, good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one it all. It's Steve Harvey. Man oh man, got a radio show, yo. Trying to make it work too. I'm not trying. I'm I'm getting it. I'm getting it done to the best of my abilities. Now. Something funny my father taught me. He said, son, when you've done all you can do, if you've done your absolute best and you look up and it didn't get the job done, take a deep breath and do some more. That used to bug me, man, when my father used to tell me, that's the son, when you've done your absolute best and you think you can't do no more. You've done all you can and it still don't get the job done, take yourself a deep breath, and do some more. And you know what I found that has worked every single time, every single time, because what my father knew was that what you think is your breaking point or what you think is your all at all, he says, son, it's just something about it. Man, If you just gather yourself, you got a little bit more. Everybody got some more. And you know, I gotta be honest with you. It has worked. It has helped me greatly. And you know everybody does have some more. You know. I tell that to my sons all the time, that I did my best. Well the manage you something else? Could you have done anything else? Could you have studied a little harder, Could you have shown up a little bit earlier, could you stayed a little bit later? Yeah, well then okay, that's what you should have done. Then See, that's always a way. But if you're going to create excuses, if you're gonna make them up all the time about why you don't get it done, I have a very very sad statement for you right now. You're never gonna get anything done. You're never gonna get to the top. Not to the top. You can get halfway up. Now you can get a third of the way up, you can get three quarters of the whaleup. But if you don't have that little extra reserve in you, you're not getting to the top. The top is only reserved for those that have the wherewithal and the power to desire, the drive and the gut wrenching effort to get to the top. The top is reserved only for the top. It's just the top. There ain't but one top then the middle done it ain't it? You know, the top, the top of the mountain have where it's a different view at the top. Things look different from up top. So if you want to get to the top of whatever your profession, your field, your career, whatever it is, you got to do extra. You have to do more. More is expected of you. More, but his what's really crazy, More is required of you. Don't live your life in the lackadaisical state. Don't wake up every day with the feeling of, well, you know, whatever happens happens, nah, man, have us say so in your life. You. First of all, let me ask you something. Who has God would named the person that God has given authority over you named the person? But who is the person. Nobody has domain over you. God didn't create that person. So what you're sitting here for? Man, what are you sitting here for? Letting people who do not know direct your path? Why are you worried about all these people with what they got to say about you and all these people with what they got to think about you? When here's the news flash, they don't know either. All these people that you overly concerned about, all these people that you going to these answers for, they need answers to stop. What are you doing here? Gather yourself for a minute. Here is a solution to all of that. You have one source that will be there for you till the end of time, and that is your relationship with God. That is the one thing that's solid and for show. He's behind the wall. He's in your jail cell. He rides with you in the police car. He's with you on your job up at school. He's down there in the board meetings with you. He goes with you when you travel on planes. He sits with you when you're in a relationship. He helps you with your parenting skills. He helps you. He's there to assist you. He shows if you do the right things He show you and guide you to your next job. When you lose your job and you think it's a rap ah, there's some good behind him. Man, God is always working on your behalf. To those that believe you, just gotta believe. He won't ask you for nothing else. Believe in me. That's all he asks you to do. What you're tripping for. Man, And then when you make the decision to believe in him, and it comes out your mouth from time to time somewhere what you're worried about, what people say, What you're worried about, what they think for? Why who are they? They need God to you? You're telling them you found something new that you're gonna give this a shot right here now. They got some yang ying yang and some yakety yact to say about that when they need God too. That's what amazes me, fad about people sit up in here, man, be knocking your dream and stuff. Look, if you're an atheist, man, do your thing, do your thing. But you can't create no laws. Why I can't do mine? Don't make no sense. Man, That makes no sense at all to me. You have the right to go be whatever you want to be. You know, if you don't. You don't like the fact that I'm in school. You got my head biled down and I'm saying a prayer for I take this test. Just don't buy your head. Don't you pray? But if some kids want to get to go that that's some crazy mass. That's what happened in our schools. We took prayer out of schools. And now look at our schools. You send your child to school and and someone else comes back home. That's a whole other thing right here. That's not what I want to talk to you about. But I was just throwing it out because you know, hey, man, your relationship with God is essential to your success as a person. It's essential to your existence. It's essential to where you're trying to go and what you're trying to be. Because He made you. Why would you not talk to the person that made you to find out what he created you for. I ain't talking about your parents, who made your parents. This is God, we created in his image. Why would you not talk to your maker to see why you got made? That? Don't that don't make sense to you? If you're sitting and gotten yourself in a situation, you're sitting in the jail cell somewhere you locked up. You're doing some time, man, be a good time for you to reflect. But whatever your situation is, Man, God can get you through it. He can give you the strength, the courage to wherewithal the understanding everything you need, the wisdom to get you through anything you're going through. You just got a touch base with him. I need God every single day of my life and what He's done for me. Man off the chain. But guess what you'll do the same thing for you. You're listening to Morning Show? How shall I do this? Good morning, everybody, Steve Harvey Morning Show us in full of fact, appreciate y'all all the affiliates out there for loving us, supporting us, making us who we are. Without you, we will be nothing. Uh. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Ladies and gentlemen. Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning and call it for real. Good morning? What's happening? And Kire Spates with the nickname Junior morning Uh. And Thomas Wesley Mile's nickname Nephew. Yes, so we are here, baby, let's rock? Yeah? Yeah, her certificate y t W baby cute Junior? Uh, what's kire spates. What's your what's your middle name? Kid Delba? Yeah yeah, devil, devil my dad. Now tell me about your middle name. Oh it's up. It's late one. Hey, hey, hey, pick your face up out the after, get your face up off the desk, said Shirley, you're not gonna do it to me, you too, Tommy, Shirley, Carl. I don't do y'all like that about y'all. I don't know what this is what I'm telling Lance, Hey, let's quit kill space, late won boy, you sound like a magician, late one. Get that name from who's that? My mama took my uh daddy first part of his name, but dropped the e because his name of devil. Leave. So they took the e off and then and then they put then they put my other cover who was before me, whose name was one, and they said he gonna be lay one. I didn't like it either. At birth a birth as a baby, I crossed my arm. Don't you don't do me. Don't do this hell late one, k l L. Don't don't do the kill. Let uh d d m v U V holo with next up, kill lay one Space. We're on an airplane. We need customer seat umber twenty two. Baby, I shall step to the front, gather your belongings and come to the front. We're looking for kill lay one. So why are you playing care as he doesn't care? Lay on me doesn't Let me see how you would mispronounce it though, Oh ladies and gentlemen, oh please welcome killer one. Speech perfect down for a long time? All right, listen, coming up at thirty two after the hour. Uh, dad bods are sexier than six pack abs. We'll see what the ladies have to say about that. And is it a double standard? Right after this, you're listening to show. According to a new Planet Fitness study, women actually prefer the dad bod over six pack abs. All right, thank god for that. I know you're welcome, guys, you've been Yeah. The results of the Planet Fitness study suggests that women are still being driven wild by a bit of extra pudge. The survey recently revealed that, contrary to what you might have believed, women do actually prefer a man with a little bit of belly on them. Okay, thank you man. Yeah, but but that begs the question. Yeah, is this a double standard though? Because because do men prefer a woman with a little belly with the mom bought. So you don't care as long as what what was that, Steve, I've got no problem with the mom bought. I don't I don't you know, I don't you know, especially you know mom bar women have babies, their body's gonna change. Well, that's hard to snap all the way back. Yeah, that's good. That's good to hear, because you know, there's so much pressure on women on their physical lawrence and you know, their bodies and all of that to be so perfect. But yeah, I'm telling you, man, my wife's hairdresser was at the house one time. Her husband dropped him off. Real big guy man, I'm talking about, really really overweight, nice guy man. I liked him and his wife. His wife used to my wife's here and she cut her half. You know, she's a stylish She cut her into her hair, a little Halleberry cut. And she was over the house kind of quiet one day and Marge, you said, baby, what's wrong? She said, it's in here arguing with this food. She said. My husband, you know, he saw my head. He liked it. He come talking about heat like long. I told him, Hell, I like muscles. Just what we liked, but we got some of that, she said, But I like muscles, but we got each other though about you like? She said, Hell I like muscles. That shut it down? Yeah, yeah, yeah, but but it is. Yeah, I thought it would be more of a double standard because I know men are so visual. I don't care woman a six pack? Would you say what? I don't care that a woman has a six pack? What is that going to miss? Nice to look at it, but you know, no requirement six and my two that don't ye? What is that? What is that? Leader's time? That takes us? But if you look at if you look at your man, then you see him. Then I have no right to demand about it if I can't provide him. Okay, now that sound Yeah that makes damn sense? Yeah it really did it? Really? Yeah? You mean somebody to be something you not? Yeah, a lot of guys aren't as progressive as you. Guys you know don't matter, but they can be non progressive. But they'll be over that bodyselves somewhere. Yeah exactly. Or you mess around and get some dumb woman with a sick pack. Now what you got? What what did you say? Yeah? I said us three is not that handsome? But we can't, y'all too, I'm not that trio Temmy. Here we go. Hey, Hey, I'm sitting here. Cute with a tupac. Okay, what's gonna be ugly with a toothpacute? Unattractive as you want to be cute with a too? I mean, I mean, and let Tommy can't tell you something at times shockingly not attractive you. Yeah, I've caught him my angles. I've seen him from some different ladles like. But you can't convince him of that. Steve tell me that he believes that's because he looking out through one set of eyes. He is he come out here and look at him through these eyes. It's a lot wrong with you, Tom for you to be tell me you know how much stuff got to align? Well, you know what you need, Moon, you need it's some sexy on me somewhere? Okay, where? What? What? What? What you're doing? Sex? Well? Go ahead, I'm listening. We got time. We all here. I think it's for the guys to determine where another guy is sexy. No, no, no, no, no, But he says sexy on me somewhere? Where is it? Tom? What to tell him? Yeah? No, no, the latest? No, the latest. No, ladies, don't you go first, you go for hell no, no, seriously, Tommy, I've always thought this about you. Really, Yeah, you have her? You have nice hands. Your hands a nice hands. Well, I mean they're little, they're a little bit. They're nice though they're always you know, manicured and everything. Hell yeah, that's nice. Yeah, but that still don't make it cute. Asra's hands is pretty? Who's as the baby? He's six months old? What is that? Hands? Don't help make his hand? You thought, man, that's all you got is cute hand. Women like a man with nice nic Is he cute? Hell no, he got nice hands, Junior. She tried to give him something. Tommy is sexy? Carl of What on? Tommy? Is there? Oh? Let me see stand up? Ending up? Oh I'm not I'm up now, Okay, okay, okay, let me let me scoop back. You don't see nothing sex over here? Turn around? Well, you need a car to be sexy like you like a roll? Roy, you got nice heels? I got nothing. I got nothing. I'm precious real, Timmy, I'm gonna get you got some. You got nice heels. People don't even see my heels all right, listen, keep the comments coming, okay, go to see Harvey FM and social media. Yeah, and post your thoughts. Okay. Coming up next, run that frank back. Right after this, Thank you. You're welcome. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, guys and entertainment news, We're gonna talk about this viral video about this little cussin uh kindergarten, uh kid in this graduating class. We'll talk about that, okay, but first it is the nephew up with run that prank back. What you got next? Hot checks at the church, Hot checks at the check checks? Well, yeah, all right, he is running cat hot checks at the church. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Monica system. Monica Please, this is Brother de Sean. I'm calling actually I'm a member Greater Commissionary Baptist Church. How can I help you? Calling you? Actually about the offering? Now? Did you I know you paid your ties every Sunday? Okay? Now you paid a love offering as well? Right, yes, I do. Okay, Now this past Sunday, I'm looking at a check that you left us with the bank, right right, sure, check Sunday? Okay, now, the check, ma'am, was two hundred and fifty dollars. Am I correct? Right? Right? I wrote two checks for my ties and the Love Offering. Right, I wrote one for two fifty for the Love offering. Okay, now what is this call regarding why are you calling me? Well, what I wanted to tell you is that I hate to be a bar of bad news, but you your check that you wrote for two fifty actually has bounced. And wait a minute, you said my check bounce for two hundred and fifty dollars. Your check bounce. So what I'm doing is calling you about recouping the two fifty as well as you know you you cost us thirty dollars in bank fees. But wait a minute, now, I wrote two checks. I wrote a check for one hundred dollars. Did that one bounce? I don't see to it that that that one bounced. All I know is the one that the Love Offering has bounced. What did you put them in at the same time? Because I wrote him at the same time. They all go in on Monday, ma'am. Now I didn't put them in at the same time. I've been putting them in for the last two three years. The problem is why would people write, then, what is your name? M brother Deshaun? And you was at it Sunday? I was there. I don't think it matters when when I was there? Man. The problem is it that I didn't put these checks in. And I don't understand why y'all write these checks to the tracks knowing that they're gonna bounce, because a lot of people write that good well not right, bad checks? Why one clear? Why the other one didn't clear? Maybe you didn't have enough money for both of them to clear. What what did you just say? Maybe you didn't have enough money in the bank for both of them to clear. I don't understand why people might planning money in the bank at all. My checks clear. I don't write no rubber checks. Well you wrote one on Sunday, and that's the problem. How you gonna try to give a look you wait a minute, I think you got me confused with somebody else. I don't write no bad checks. You didn't wrote that to be nice to you. I'm trying to be nice to you. Win. Can we expect the two fifty plus the thirty dollars? So thirty dollars that's the bank feeds man for the doll gonna check bouncing. My check didn't bounce. I don't check my bank. And if my check clear, you're gonna pay me thirty dollars for calling me harassing me about a two hundred and fifty dollar check bounce. I don't write no. Why would you write check? What you want to sit up in the church and write these big number checks when you know you ain't got it in the bank. What did you say? I said, why would you write these checks when the money ain't in Now, let me tell you that's one thing. I don't write no bad check. And you got a lot nerds calling me telling me my check bounce. Yo check is the one that has bounce. And you tell you what you do since my check bounce, you paid them, since you got all the money, And don't call me with this again. Hello, don't you hang up on me no more? Why don't we gonna get this two fifty and this thirty dollars? Somebody from the church, Toby, I wrote a bad check? I write, no, you did write a bad check. I didn't write no bad Yes, damn it? Why are you calling me? Why the treasure? Don't call me at church? The treasure is bis. I ain't never know the deacon called nobody about no bad check your bullet? Thank you? You got the money I ain't got Who in the hell is that in the background? Who is that? Ever? Mine? Who it is? We're both going to the same church, and you're gonna call me to my I wrote a bad check. You don't you call me no more? And if the check bads, you paid? Okay? Keep passed to know you talking like this? You pass to No you calling me? Can you ask for that? Look? When are we gonna get this? Two hundred and eighty dollars is what we're looking for from you? I wrote a check for two fifty and not get two eighty. You put the thirty dollars with it. You put two fifty in there. It bounced. Thirty dollars cost us on bait fees. That's two eighty. Where can the church expect their money? Never? Not no two eighty. You will never get to eighty. You're gonna make me come by your and my check in But what did you say? I'm gonna do what You're gonna make me come by your house and get this money? Bring it, bring it, bring you What is the address on this check check. I got it off the check bring own. I bet you you'll be limping back and I'm watching you. You bet not be spending no money nowhere. You bet not spend nothing until I get this two fifty plus thirty whatever I want to Okay, No, you you know where I am. And you don't call me no more with this because my check did not bounce. I don't see how one check went through and the other bounce. Let me say this to you, we cannot accept you back into the House of the Lord no more until you are not. Don't you coming there Sunday until we get coming up in the Sunday. And I'm gonna make sure I find you because you the person I want to see you. And you know what, I'm gonna call the pastor right now and asked him because I don't believe my check bounce. You fully what Let me say this before you called pastor, I got no I'm anna called pastor. No, you should have talked with pastor before you call me with this information. I got one more thing I need to say. You ain't got nothing to say to me. You don't upset me with this. I'm talking about I bounced a check. You should have went to pastor before you call me with it. I tall a pastor one I got, but I got one more thing to say before I leave. Is you're listening? What are you about to say to me? What do you have to say now that you're gonna pay the check? This is Nephew Timming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend. What did you say, baby? This isn't what did you say? I'd say? This is nephew timmy baby brother, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your girlfriend has pranked you. I'm gonna beat that. She just left him flying out to her. She didn't let me ask you one more thing though, baby? What is the baddest radio show in the land? The Steve Harvey Morning And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. There you have it too much and there you're gonna get it more like it? Yeah? Who all been to church? Y'all go to church? Who went to church? Yeah? You means this past Sunday? Yeah? Yeah, y'all ain't going to chas my husband didn't want to go. Why y'all paid y'all time? Yes, it's past Sunday. I'm asking all of you all, have you paid your time? My cute tupac self pays my tax. Amen to that. Amen, have you paid your tax? That's what I'm asking you should this month. I have Yes. Sunday, Yes, call me to answer your question, Broderick, what you want hithing? Tithing? What? All? Right? Listen at the time. Yeah, coming up at the top of the hour, and we'll have some entertainment news for you to talk about this little kid cousin at his kindergarten graduation. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, Donald Trump's interview with George Stefan Stefanopolis was a ratings disappointment for ABC. The hour long special, edited down from thirty hours of time spent with the President, came in third behind the US Open on Fox and CBS is sixty minutes during the Sunday time slot. Even with all of the tweets from mister Trump trending before the interview air date, only three point ninety one million viewers, according to TV by the Numbers. That's a sharp drop from Celebrity Family Feud hosted by our Barry yone Steve Harvey here by check this out, which pulled in yes, six point one million Steve the week before. So congratulations to you. What have we learned here? People? What have we learned? Steve? Let That's all I can say. You know, when mister president, you know, just ain't you know this ain't no, yeah, mister game. Now, well, I hope this is a trend. People are getting sick of it. They're getting tired of him. People prefer surveys that, yeah, maybe they'll show up at the polls next year. Yes, And I mean, you know, with that interview, you know they released a lot of it before it aired. Some kind of knew when he was talking about he would take information from a foreign country about an opponent. You know that came from that interview. So people kind of, I guess, well and want to see all that. Right. We also hear that the you know, the president is ratings obsessed. Uh. He's promised he will do more network interviews throughout his reelection campaign. He probably won't have a choice. You know, he's probably going to have to show up what to do interviews, do interviews to get ratings. You know, he's probably going to have to. Now, well, office. Yeah. Yeah, he's going to go to these rallies with these red hats. What people love him? Where he gonna have to worry about getting attacked and that's what he gonna do. Uh, they didn't found this one black dude to put behind him. Talking about the rally last night, yead do they make the guy that stand back then? What that check? That's enough to be a supporter? Yeah? M at the campaign rally. Oh, I don't know. But we got to get out and vote. Yes, we have to. We have to register, We have to educate ourselves, and we have to vote next year. We really do. We have to pay attention to these debates which start later this month. We have to do all of them. I'm to get in the game the Democrats, Man, we gotta play games similar to them. You got y'all got to stop eating each other up out here on this campaign trail. You ain't that and the ones that ain't gonna win, y'all come on out. You're talking about man, all these we were nominating one person, yes, and then everybody. You know, if it's not gonna be you, right, you know now you already if ain't nobody, if anybody donate to your campaign. You can't run an ad on on Facebook, you can't buy a flyer. Come on, yeah, yeah, it's gonna it's gonna kick off when the debates start. Um, we'll see the ones that need to stay in it. Biden, of course, Harris, Camela Kamala, but though I think so, Elizabeth n she can hang around, but well she's number three. Then the last pole I heard Biden, Sanders, Warren Harris. So far. Yeah, all right, Steve, time for the headlines. Let's go, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Tripp, thank you very much, everybody, and good morning, Good morning the North Carolina Children's Hospital. Everybody ears up suspending heart surgery for the most complex cases, penning investigations by the state and federal regulators as well as a group of outside experts. As in North Carolina Children's Hospital. The action apparently in response to last month's New York Times investigation where cardiologists and even the former head of the hospital expressed concerns about patients faring poorly after heart surgery in that hospital and that in fact, death rates at North Carolina's Childrens Hospital has been close to fifty percent fifty percent when it comes to complex operations. In the meantime, UNC Healthcare, which runs that facility, has introduce several initiatives designed to quote restore confidence in his pediatric heart surgery program. But again North Carolina Children's Hospital suspending heart surgeries for now they have a fifty percent death rate. Apparently. Last night, President Trump officially kicked off his reelection campaign with a rally in Orlando, Florida. He made sure to provide the red meat that his support is love. He's talking immigration, promising to send illegals back home as as soon as they get here, with ice starting the push next week. He said one hundred and sixty million Americans are now working they weren't working before that, the African American poverty rate is lower that the Democrats have become quote unhinged, and his new slogan will be keep America Great. Donald Trump actually never stopped running for president. In fact, he followed the necessary twenty twenty campaign paperwork just so, as you know, on this day of the day of his inaugurations, who as he was inaugurated, he went inside and signed the paperwork to run again. He's been holding regular political rallies, as you know. The whole time he's been in office. On another matter, the President's refusing to apologize to the Central Park five, but taking out full age ads in the New York Times and elsewhere calling for their executions. Back in nineteen eighty nine, as we all know now, all five men were complete exonerated after another guy came forward and confessed and his DNA was a spot on match to that found at the scene. And sounding very much like he did when reacting to the deadly Charlottesville racist march when he said they were good people on both sides about the Central Park case, the President says, you had people on both sides of that, whatever that means. Almost a year after an African American state representative in Oregon was stotball campaigning in her own district in question after a white woman called the police, state, senators in Oregon have passed the bill that now allows the victims of frivolous, racist, and generally mean spirited police calls to sue the people who made them. Today's June teenth, when we celebrate the day in eighteen sixty five that enslaved Africans in Texas found out that the Confederacy had actually lost the Civil War, I spoke to the late Dick Gregory about that. I'm so glad that June tenth is not just one day of one weekend, but there's spectivities all over the country. One of the infestant things in about June. The largest June tivation is not in America. It's in Canada. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show, here's a trending news story. Guys. Bill Cosby got slammed on social media after referring to himself as America's dad. This was in a Father's Day tweet, but it's a role he's apparently been playing for his fellow prison inmates. Cosby's rep says, um, he has a large audience in prison who come to listen to him lecture about life. A few times Becausby talk Well, I mean he's lecturing them, Um, He's talks about leading by example, staying out of trouble, and being a good father. He mostly meets with a group called Man Up, which consists of inmates do for parole, and he talks to them about getting on the right track and staying out of prison. So, I mean, you know, that's not a bad thing that he's doing in prison, especially for the people that are just getting out. I mean, right, yeah, you know. Look, Cosby has always been a great father, you know. Uh, He's always been a man about education. He's donated hundreds, hundreds of millions of dollars to education. He's done a lot for the more House College, for Fisk for so many HBCUs, he's done a lot. Now he's paying for a crime, you know. But the other other aspects of his life that were okay, you know, but he's paying for the criminal part of it that he did. You know that he was convicted for. Well, I mean, and what he's doing here is a good thing. He's talking to to these inmates who who are due for parole about getting on the right track staying out of prison. Right, it's a good thing. You know. People want you to be buried and go away rush, but that's not how it works. Well in today's society, you cannot make a mistake. You're you're done. Yeah, yeah, it's crazy, you know, there are no second chances anymore. No, like you said, he's doing a good thing. Yeah trying. I'm trying to do a good thing. Yep. So there you have him up I mean, they did eat him up on social media because he called himself America's dad. Yeah, I mean, you don't look, that's what social media does. You know, just had to make a lot meant for them, you know. But I don't think he was expecting that though. On social media. The backlash, Oh, come on, come on, come on, come on. There's nothing you can do on social media and not expect backlash. I haven't seen anything. I haven't seen a person post anything. And now it's mostly love. When you do something good, there is mostly love. But you better believe here comes somebody. Oh yeah, yeah, absolutely. Stop Stop feeling bad when you're not loved out there. Stop feeling bad, get over that. Let that go. I don't know, don't let that be the reason you're ticking and waking up in the morning. Coming up next to thirty four after the hour. Today is June tenth. Everyone, Juneteenth will tell you why Senator Mitch McConnell does not believe in reparations for African Americans. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, today is Juneteenth. It is a nationwide celebration that honors the end of slavery in the United States. Today, we reflect on part of Americans America's history and commemorate the freedom and independence of African Americans in America and around the world. Juneteenth was first celebrated in Texas back in eighteen sixty five. Now, according to juneteenth dot Com, it isn't known exactly why it took two and a half years for slaves in Texas to learn that they have been freed. Some accounts claim that a messenger was killed while heading to Texas to deliver the news. Others say that the slave owners purposely withheld the information from them. Check this out yesterday, Senator Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's easily we believe that. Okay, well, so check this out though. Senator Mitch McConnell yesterday was asked if he supported reparations for African Americans, and he doesn't support it. Take a listen. I don't think preparations for something that happened one hundred and fifty years ago, for whom none of us currently living or responsible is a good idea. We've tried to deal with our original sin of slavery by fighting a civil war, by passing landmark civil rights legislation, we've elected an African American president. I think are always a work in progress in this country, but no one currently alive was responsible for that, and I don't think we should be trying to figure out how to compensate for it. First of all, it'd be pretty hard to figure out who to compensate. We've had waves of immigrants as well have come to the country and experienced dramatic discrimination of one kind or another. So no, I don't think reparations are a good idea. Whoa, I'm par but our sentiments right, But he's saying that as the beneficiary of the reason. You'll hear nobody in the boom booing because that's how the majority. You don't even understand how many Americans feel that way. And first of all, let me share with you what this man says. We've tried to write out sins of slavery. The original Civil War. The Civil War broke out because you wanted to keep slaves. Yes, that's what Civil rob broke out for, because you're thirteen Southern states wanted to keep slaves. You you wasn't with this message that came from North to free slave where not letting nine of them go? The second thing was we tried to correct. It was passage of civil rights laws, y'all. Fotos on every tooth and nail, You sick guard dogs on us fire hoses. You kill Martin Luther King, you you, you, you in jailed, you imprisoned anybody that march walked. You made black people have to wear signs and say I am a man to get you to understand the basic rights of us. You didn't give us civil rights. We set in, we march, we protested for civil rights, and we died. And then you have the nerve to vote on the Vote His Rights Act every other damn year to see if you still gonna allow us to vote. And then that last ignancey we elected an African amer We ain't let no damn mush you. Your ass did not vote for him, pulled for him, and you did nothing but try to destroy him. So what would you expect this hell billy to say other than what he said. But it's got to be kidding me. I'm not even surprised or pissed off, because let me tell y'all something. And I heard I heard these people talking about these reparations because it's good, because right now it's doing a voting year. This goes down the vine so fast, y'all. I bet you I won't be sitting around waiting on no, not from this country we live in today. But as if because those things he mentioned, we should be okay, yeah, yeah we could. Yeah yeah, you had an Africa an American president. We should be satis. Yeah yeah. We're trying to direct our scenes. You're not no, you're not all right. Listen, we want to hear from you. Please tell us what you think. Uh, should we get reparations? Go to Steve Harvey FM on social media to comment on this. Okay and switching gears right here. Nephew Tommy is up next with a prank phone call right after this you're listening to show all right, coming up at the top of of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today, subject your child is too darn big? Okay, right now? Yeah, you heard me a little reaction there, guys, your child is too darn big. That's the subject of my Strawberry letter for today. But right now, nephew's in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got for his nap? Let's get niked up in here, Stanny, We're gonna a little naked yoga, a little naked yoga, you know, naked yoga. I like my yoga with clothes on. You ain't try this. Let's go cap down naked yoga. Close your eyes and just thank naked as we do this prank. Right here, here we go. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Uh is it Gordon? Right, it's Gordon. How are you doing? Mister Gordon? Listen, my name is Let me let me turn down the TVD you call them about the apartment. Yes, yes, I was trying to see about maybe coming over to take a look at it or and then if it's still available. Man, I got a newspaper, but I didn't know if it's still available or what. No, no, no, still from rent. Um let me be straight with you. Um uh you know, no pets and uh no no smoking of any kind. No. No, I understand. Okay, if I'm understanding the listing here, it's like eight under fifty dollars of Mike right, fifty you got a parking spot. Um, your private bathroom with a shower and a fifty I'm the first last month and uh really, um, well what's your name? My name is Darnell. Don't know? Okay, first, uh so yeah, um first last month and uh so, security number. I can do a background check. Okay, okay, okay. Now let me ask you this. If you guys got like a back backyard area. I teach classes in the mornings, and I want to know if you have that that that's pretty much what will kind of locked me in if you gotta If you guys got a backyard that I can use, we got a backyard? What do you teach? I teach yoga. I teach yoga in the mornings from from six to eight. Hopefully I won't be a problem. You make me make money doing yoga, yes, sir, I definitely do. I make enough definitely to cover the red that's for sure. Dad shouldn't be a problem. I know, I know a little bit about yoga. That's that. I mean, really, if it's y'all, you know you're not making no noise at yoga, that's that's not a problem. A good deal. Well, how quick can I actually get moved in? Man? I'm trying to get setting. I just moved in from the from the East coast. I jumped on my yoga pretty quick and it got a quite a bit of clientele built up, and they know, I'm just just ready to get started, get moved in, man, something something that I can actually call home, you know. Uh yeah, well you know we're looking at rent, rent it out pretty quick, you know, because we want to try and get it filled as soon as possible. Because if you said, we are you are you? You got a roommate, You're You're just it would be me and my wife, and uh it's a three bedroom home. You would have the room in the back with the bathroom and uh yeah, like a fifty to do a credit check, you know, we meet, Um, I can do the background check and uh no, no, what what what? What? What? What? What? What do you necessarily need to do that for? Well, you gotta know who you're into, and then you want to know what the credit they got, so if they can afford the rent or not. You know, I got I got real good credit. Man, My credit is fine. I'm not I'm not eight hundreds on my credit scores. Oh damn. All right when you get here is how you feel out of application. But you know, if you if if you're ready to get it cracking, I can do. I can do a background check, and you're right not give me a SOB security number. Okay, but let me let me go ahead and just do this man on that background check because you know what I want to say about that is it might be something on there about like when I was on the East Coast. You know, I was actually teaching, uh, naked yoga. You know what I mean, naked yoga. Uh you know you may see something on there about me being a nipple naked yoga yo. See that's what I was kind of yoga I was teaching on the East Coast, was naked yoga, you know what I'm saying. And everybody was teaching naked yoga here. Well, but see it's in the backyard. It's closed in, you know, in the backyard. And you what what what other glitz you got? You said, there's some glitches, Michael, Well what is it glitz you got? Well you might see that I'm a niffomania. But see, but see I took some I took for what. I took counseling for that, though, what do you need to take some counseling over somewhere else? You ain't taking no counseling and doing no naked yoga in my backyard. Not but see, man, all that's behind me now, that's on the east coast. Man, that's that's all behind me. Now, I didn't put that thing down. Man, I don't care if it's behind you in front of you on the side. You're doing something naked yoga in my backyard. That ain't happening, man, matter of fact. Man, hey man, listen, all your relics that qualified and move in there. And now you're gonna say, tell me, yall can't tell about doing some naked yoga in my backyard with know twenty thirty people, then my wife being on Man, you look well your your wife good man. Just scratch that one off your list and just move on to the next one, because ain't no neked yoga is going down back here with no ni maniac. I don't know what else y'all might be doing. I don't know what. I don't know who does next, yoke we all it's just it's just it's just a serene moment, man, where you find yourself. That's all this really is about. Were you being to find yourself somewhere else. That's what I know you ain't doing no nat yoga in my backyard. I'm surprised you even cast somebody with that height. Man, I'm gonna come over that to this address and start looking at this place because I want to set up shop right here in my backyard. I don't even know you talking about you got some lynches in your past. You're gonna have a foot in your How do you know that this isn't something that your wife might really want to get into. But my wife, I don't even messing my wife's name. Man, he don't know me, don't know even know my wife. Take up your listen, you come out there, you're gonna have another lynch. I'm coming out darn un stamp room, and you're gonna show it to me. Thinks showing you you come come out of here. I'm gonna show you something else, my factor I am. I am a recover nim for maniac. I'm recovered. I have a covered nip. Many you're about to get your buying maniac. I'm the maniac. Please believe darn now, I'm gonna come over that right now over here. When they come over that now, man, so we could say defense, I ain't having that, do not Man, what come over that place. You can just matter like, man, look this. You can do whatever you want somewhere else, but this right here, this ain't the place for you. I'm gonna tell you that right now. Darn now, to your wife, man, your wife, whatever fire you don't want to talk about, this ain't the place for you. Go SOMEWHEREL take that for your wife. Please let me talk to your wife. Do not even trying me, darn now, talk to your I'm name that kind of dude. Remember you're about to bring this out of me. Do not bring this over here, darn now. So so as far to your wife, man, let me right your white this right here is over for real. You're gonna come out here and catch your case. Can I Can I say one more thing to you? Man? You can't say darknell because this conversation is over. Man, Okay, how about that? Hey? Man? Can I say one more thing? Man? What you got to say, man is what this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Hobby morning to show you just got pranked by your brother. Oh, get out of here, man, This is nephew Tommy. Who who told you to do this to me? Man? Your brother, my brother. Oh I'm gonna get this. Oh my god, man, my heart is all beating off fast. Many Oh, get out of here. Man to man, Oh, all right, man, Man, I was gonna whoop your butt naked if you came around here. Man, you just don't know. Man, I'm so glad this is a joke. You have no idea. I'm so glad it's a joke. Man, Old body want to get old body want to get neck. We as a family, a radio family, we can't do naked yoga together. We we we we ain't. We can't do that. We ain't pass that yet. We're not yoga. I do yoga. We're gonna get past this whole naked thing. We're gonna get Come on, you get past you cute. I am cute with a tough pack boy. I'm cool with me. Will we as a family? You have nothing radio. I had to get old fifteen years. We can't get naked together. Nothing. Can we go out to the beach. We can't. We can't skin it, defflyget we can't do nothing. We're not that close. Why y'all so hung up on clothes? What's wrong with naked clothes? Ain't all that? I got no problem. Get naked when you get home. What's wrong? Shall y'all naked? We can do a lot of this tog. We can have dinner, Nike, Why who eats dinner? Neck? Is you idiot? You ain't got to get dressed up out of time? Come Nick, We did got on your nas I just I just people were clothes bother me. That's the only alternative. All right, listen, thank you, nephew. That's enough from you. Thank you. Coming up next, the Strawberry Letter for today, subject your child is too darn big. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening, all right, It's time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be reading another alive on the air, just like we're going to read this one right now. Sorry, love, hold on tight, we got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter, all right, subject your child is too darn big. Dear Stephen Shirley, I need some advice. I am a thirty year old babysitter at my church's daycare, and I'm really concerned about one child at the daycare because of his weight. The boy is only four years old and the average weight of his age is thirty five to forty pounds, and I know this because I looked it up. It's against the church daycare policy for me to weigh the children, but I'm almost sure this boy weighs at least sixty pounds. This is a big problem for me, so I monitor his food and drinks all day long. The daycarees menu is carefully planned by a nutritionist and we offer very health conscious snacks, so it has to be from what he eats at home. His parents are both on the larger side too. It is obvious that this child isn't used to playing and running around as much as he should because he gets tired so quickly when he's had recess. He tries to keep up, but he can't and he starts panting and breathing heavily. He has started throwing food back at me and the other babysitter. If we give him something healthy like carrots or apple slices as a snack, he complains of being hungry after lunch. So his mom started sending fruit snacks and other sugar retreats for him to nibble on throughout the day. I try to politely tell his dad that his son demands to eat most of the day and he throws food at us if he doesn't want what we give him. The dad proudly said, that's my boy. He's always had a nice appetite. So how can I revisit this topic without getting the parents upset and without getting into trouble at work. I love kids, and I have three of my own, so this really concerns me. I bet you are going to tell me to mind my own business, Steve, I can't this time. I know I should speak up. Please tell me how to handle this well. First of all, I gotta say thank you for caring. I mean, we definitely need more people like you in the world. You definitely have three kids of your own and your babysitter at the church, and you care what's going down at the church. But now you got to know that when you're talking about other people's kids, it's more than likely always going to be a problem. Okay, And so many parents are uneducated when it comes to how harmful the wrong foods can be. I mean, clearly his parents are you said they were on the larger side. His parents are clueless. I also suggest that not only is the baby overweight, he's four years old. This kid is overweight. He needs some discipline. I mean, why is he throwing food back at you? This is a bad kid right here. This is completely unacceptable what he's doing. So I would first get with the nutritionist and set up a meeting with if it's a female, a male, set a meeting with him or her and the four year old's parents do that imediately. Maybe if the parents hear it from the nutritionists, they will start making better choices at home, maybe because obviously they're not doing that. They're sending him sugary snacks, you know, to school so he can eat throughout the day. That's not good. No, that's not good. And maybe he throws food at home and he's just a bad, undisciplined kid. So all that needs to be discussed. Then you can have a separate meeting with the parents about his behavior, because this is, as I mentioned, totally unacceptable. This kid is four years old, Why what is he doing and why his relationship with food is crazy? Already at four this is his parents' fault. They need to be educated, They need to know the real The father in school saying that's my boy proudly. No, that's not how to handle this. This is definitely a teaching moment in this family. And that's what I suggest you do. Set up a meeting with the nutritionist. You don't want to lose your job over the You definitely don't want to do that because you could. You want to handle it gingerly. You want to get maybe the administration involved, all of that. Okay, to handle this. Remember, this is the four year old kid. This is your job. And these parents sound like they're they're they're not too with it. They just want to do what this kid wants to do. All right, Steve, oh so glad, Well go forward your child. It's too damn be it says. Darn huh, it's darn big for real, d a r n. It's darn that ours connected to the U. She's thirty old, babysitting at the church day kill. She's concerned about this boy down there because of his weight. Now the boy's foe and she said the average weight for his ages between thirty five and forty pounds. She said, I noticed because I looked it up. But I'm sure that this boy weighs at least sixty pounds plus. Now you're probably thinking out there, well, forty pounds. If he's sixty, that's twenty pounds old weight. Yeah, but here two foot eight though. See you put sixty pounds on two foot eight. See when you're two foot eight and you're sixty pounds, it's a lot of stuff. You look, since y'all that church, prop up one the real thick bibbles and stand him next to it. So now we got a problem. The Daycarre's menu is planned by nutritionists off a very healthy, conscious snacks. So the lady says, got to be what he eat at home when we come back. I'll tell you exactly what he eating at the house when he come back, and I'll tell you why he gets so tired. So damn quick at rest, all right. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Subject of today's Strawberry Letter, your child is two darn big. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject your child is two darn big, ain't that much to recap? Prow you old boy down there at the church where Lula was sixty seventy pounds. He is standing over there in the corner. You're bore over there, looking like SpongeBob. Strong little boy over there giving them all they want. Now, you don't understand how he don't wait this much because of all this nutrition y'all packing into these very healthy conscious snacks. You say, so, it's got to be from what he eat at home. You damn right, it's what he eat at home. Now you've been in church, Laddy, you say this parents is both on the larger side too. What do larger side mean? Well, let's look at him. He two foot eight, he weaved out seventy Are you doing here? But I'm just trying to work out which What does she say when she saved? They're both on the largest right, right, she says. He tries to keep up, but he can't because he starts panting and breathing heavily. He was just wheezing, that's all. So we went over there and we got him, got his little lass up, and then he went over there to the marriage go around. He jumped on it and threw all the kids up in the hell. So what do we have to do, Hill, I don't know what to tell you. Take him out of the small day kids sitting daycare. Excuse me, take him out of the daycare and put him in the regular Sunday school class with the big kids. Really, yeah, he can't pass for baby no more. But to put him in the junior card class with the eight year old. Let's put him on over there. He folded double his weight. He didn't double his weight, mikes with double his age. Put him in there with eight year olds. Now here's the other problem. When he's he tries to keep up, but he can't. He starts panting and breathing heavily. He has started throwing food back at me and the other babysitting. If we give him some healthy like carrots or apple slices as a snack, yeah, y'all don't want this. This ain't what I You can't look like this with these cats and apple slices. Y'all ain't got no pie. He complains of being hungry after lunch or his mom started sending fruits, acts and other sugar retreats for him to nive long throughout the day. This boy just need a constant shot. I tried to politely tell the dad his son, the man to eat most of the day, and he throws food at us if he don't get what they want. And the dad said, that's my boy always had nice appetite. So how can I revisit this topic without getting the parents upset and without getting into trouble at work? I love kids, I have three of them all, so this really concerns me. I bet you're gonna tell me to mind my business, Steve. No, I'm not gonna tell you that you should. But I'm not gonna tell you that. And so I think if he's throwing food at you, whatever food he throw at you, you ought to throw it back. I t I tack his little chubby ass and stuffed food down and throw way you're gonna do it? Can't run? You just said he can't run? Nowhere throw it back about Yeah, ain't trying to set a good example. What you're gonna do? You throw it on me? Maybe you get someone you you stop all the throwing. I think to get Shirley, what question would you want to ask me? What you want to ask me about this? Now? Seriously, I think she should really have a talk with the parents. Do you think she should mention this to the parents or have a meeting with Yeah, yeah, but they're gonna be something. They're looking at it like she craze I have you ain't never talked to no real What's what's the difference with big press? What the same thing? If you ain't it talking about what he eat at the house? They see this fit and not be your business. So because the lady said what, they're going to tell the teachers none of your typical Because for your son, what's the typical breakfast? Who? He probably eaten? My he doing the I half a dozen exs. He's only four. Appetise, he got a nice appitude. You know, I sit there with him. Sometimes I can't even hang with him. I eat my phone. Y'all got to get going to do it because he's dealing them sometimes he degree he eat eggs right over my plea. Don't you know you're feeding him too much? He's only a four year old boy. You're growing ball or miss Strawberry. Yes, yeah, he's a growing boy. Well, I'm concerned he's he's a bit overweight for his age and side well, you know, look here now, miss Shirley, that's you really getting into really a touching area with us discussing weight. You know, we don't see nothing wrong with his weight. Is you thinking there's something wrong with him causing his weight? Well? I looked it up. You looked up what I looked up the average weight for for a boy four years old, and it's thirty five to forty pounds. Your son is uh sixty right at six right? Yeah, and he's frown Yeah. So I'm saying, yeah, health wise, you know this is not good. I want yeah, well you know, oh I tell you whatn't Miss Shirley. Did you take that over with my wife? All right, Look, we could go. You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, or you can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Yes, ma'am coming up at forty six after the hour. Wait till you hear this four year old kindergartener at graduation who was just cursing at the teacher. We'll do that at forty six after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show, there's a viral video. That's everywhere. Guys. It's a kindergarten graduation. I'm not sure of the city, but it's just this a little boy. The teacher comes in to greet the class, and a little boy starts just cursing at the teacher. Take a listen to this. Good boys, girls, you need to leave? Oh yeah? Yeah? Wow, Oh my god, wow wow. Say I mean, but for this board to yell this out, how is he? Sir? Well, I mean it's a kindergarten graduation, so I'm assuming he's four or five, yeah, somewhere along in there. M First of all, he's repeating behavior that he's witnessed repeatedly because the timing of it was just too perfect. He knows what to say, got the rhythm that, Yeah, he knew when to say it. Yeah, something to blank up? Yeah, do you need to leave? No? Blank boy? I can't even tell you. Man. The back of my head would have been off. Yeah, all of us. Yea, the way we were murder with witnesses, yes, get away yeah, or or do the time. Yeah. Our parents would have done the time. Yes. That what I mean? What do you think, Steve? Was it just for attention on the boys? Part or why why would a kid do this? You're right, I can't imagine that that's for at tension. He thinks he's showing off. I don't think it's for I think it's I think he's done this in the past, and I think he's gotten some form of fred praise for the boy. You so funny. Somebody said it was, y'all bet a quick custom mind this baby. Yeah, that's why I say for attention. Yeah, yeah, for that very reason. Yeah. Yeah, I guess if that's what you call it, Yeah, I think so. I think I think it's deplorable behavior, that it's no place for that. Yet now in the video his a man, hopefully it was his dad did snatch him up and take him out of the class. You don't want We did see that, ye, him being removed. Yeah, at home they're doing all day long. No, Now, you'd have thought we used it in football drill. My daddy would have came through the body, stiff as a board, straight in the air and tackle my ass out there. It would have been crazy, man, there's no way I could have done that. All right, guys, we're moving on, coming up at the top of the hour. Our health and wellness segments sponsored by our good friends at de Herbs. Right after this you're listening to show. It is that time of year again people. Uh, you know, because of the warmer weather and everything. You know, we start wearing less, we start doing more. But listen, if you need to lose weight, swimsuit weather can be very stressful for you. And let me tell you men and women, yes you're not alone. We're not a loan in this. So many of us want to slim down for this summer, but it's hard to lose weight, and it's hard to lose weight and keep that weight off. Well, today we're going to tell you how to do that with the de Herbs Full Body Cleaned and the CEO of de Herbs is going to walk us through it. He is the king of health and weight loss. Please welcome back to the show our friend, the CEO of d Herbs, the one and only Ay d Dolphin Yad and the D stands for d Herbs. Hey a d. Welcome back. Good to hear from you. Love being here, love it absolutely well. Listen. First question, just out the gate, why do you think so many people struggle to lose weight? It is so hard just to lose even five pounds. You know what it is. I just think that to lose weight you need a great weight lost plan. A lot of times people think that once they start running to the gym, the weight is going to simply fall off of them, and it's just simply not true. That weight working out only represents about twenty percent of weight loss. The folk of it to eighty percent has to do with your diet and that's where the Derbs Full Body Clans truly comes into play, because not only are we going to help you with your diet for the future to keep that weight off, but we have the best weight loss plan on the planet. You absolutely do. And you know you've been seeing success stories a d with De Herbs for over fifteen years now. Congratulations on that. That is wonderful story. Yeah all yeah, absolutely yeah. He got us all together up in here. So De Herbs is literally changing people's lives. We can say that. So ad, tell us about one of your most recent success stories. So one of our most recent success story have to do with a young lady by the name of Melody. So I asked her what was her goals? He said, I want to lose between seventy to eighty pounds in the next four or five months. I said, I can help you do it a little faster. I can help you do it in three months. Do three cleanses in a row. Her first clans she lost twenty seven pounds. Her second clans she lost twenty three pounds. Her third clans she lost twenty pounds. She went from two fifteen to one forty five. Oh man. But the reason why she had so much success because she was committed to the process. She was ready for this. She was all in. And one other little note I always like to add that she had high blood pressure since she was nineteen years old. The young lady was thirty nine now, so she had been on medication for twenty years to this very day. Right now, she is not suffering from that anymore because she changed her diet by using that clan. Wow, and I'm glad you mentioned high blood pressure a d So how can d herbs help someone that's battling diabetes or high blood pressure? Always how to explain to people that ninety percent of all diseases today are diet related. We're literally eating our way into sickness just because your dad has diabetes or your mom has high blood pressure. That doesn't have to be the end result for you. And that's where the clans can truly help you because, like we mentioned before, it helps you change your diet for the future. You don't have to suffer from these things we're choosing to and by cleansing, you can help reverse that situation for yourself. Absolutely. So listen, don't wait any longer. You've heard a d Your health is your wealth. 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Yesterday, Trump tweeted a re election campaign promise to deport millions of people living illegally in the country beginning next week. He wrote. Next week, ICE will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States. They will be removed as fast as they come in. This mass deportation is expected to focus primarily on those who have already been issued final deportation orders. Wow. Wow, that's not major right there. That's his campaign. Yeah, that's what he's running on. Yea. His wife got her paper. May be nice as the ice stopped by the White House. The money an, that's this the same, yea. His re election campaign promise is going to deport millions of people living illegally in this country. He says, Wow, beginning next week, So he's wasting no time. I mean, really, perhaps some o families. Yeah, and there's a lot of stuff that we need to fix, you know, like healthcare and things like that. I mean we can get to we can't fix not until he leads. Yeah, basically, well then we might. That's gonna take a long time if he and for eight years. Yeah, there were a lot of people at the rally, A lot of people at the rally. All right, coming up, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Harvey Show. Well, guys, today is Juneteenth. It is a nationwide celebration that honors the end of slavery in the United States. Check this out. Though. Senator Mitch McConnell yesterday was asked if he supported reparations for African Americans, and he doesn't support it. Take a listen. I don't think reparations for something that happened one hundred and fifty years ago, for whom none of us currently living or responsible is a good idea. We've tried to deal with our original sin of slavery by fighting a civil war, by passing landmark civil rights legislation, we've elected an African American president. I think we're always a work in progress in this country, but no one currently alive was responsible for that, and I don't think we should be trying to figure out how to compensate for it. First of all, it'd be pretty hard to figure out who to compensate. We've had waves of immigrants as well have come to the country and experienced dramatic discrimination of one kind or another. So no, I don't think reparations are a good idea. WHOA I'm for but our sentiments right. But he's saying that as the beneficiary of sleep. The reason you're hear nobody in the boom booing. You don't even understand how many Americans feel that way. And first of all, let me share with you what this man says. We've tried to write out sins of slavery. The original Civil War. The Civil War broke out because you want to keep slap. Yes, that's what Civil rb broke out because you're thirteen Southern states wanted to keep slavers. You wasn't with this message that came from North to free slaves. We're not letting nine of them go. The second thing was we tried to correct it with passage of civil rights laws. Y'all fothers on every tooth and nail, You sick guard dogs on us fire hoses. You kill Martin Luther King, You you, you, you in jailed, you imprisoned anybody that march walked. You made black people have to wear signs and say I am a man to get you to understand the basic rights of us. You didn't give us civil rights. We set in, we march, we protested for civil rights, and we died. And then you have the nerve to vote on the Voters Rights Act every other damn year to see if you still gonna allow us to vote. And then that last ignancey we elected an African. We ain't, no, damn mush your ass did not vote for him, pulled for him, and you did nothing but try to destroy him. So what would you expect this? He'll billy to say, All right, coming up our last break of the day, and some closing remarks from Steve Harvey coming up at forty nine after the hour. Right after this. You're listening all right here we are last break of the day, and Steve, it's time for yeah Juneteenth, Yeah, yeah, and uh Steve, time for you to take us out with some closing remarks. You know, um, the Mitch McConnell remark about how he don't see how African Americans should receive any reparations, and the reasons he gave were because none of us that are living today was responsible for that back then. That's an interesting statement to make. You know. They have very selective memory when it comes to doing what's right, and they will they will remember what they want to remember to stay right. First of all, he said, we've done everything to erase or write our original sin of slavery. He said, we So what he used was, first of all, the Civil War. I'm not a historian, but I was always taught that the reason we had the Civil War was because the group of Southern states decided that they want to keep slavery. And they didn't care the fact that Abraham Lincoln was up there talking about friend them. They weren't having it. They weren't going with this conversation. So we're gonna have civil war. They don't care about nobody at the time about No, we're gonna let them go. The next thing he said that they did was to help with slavery was civil rights. Civil rights were not given to us. Civil rights was marched for, boycotted for, walked for, set in for, rand for died for. What I remember of civil rights trying to get them was watching Bull Connor Sectim German. Shepherds on all them innocent people and holds them down with fire hoses. That's what I remember a lot about civil rights, how we had to fight to be considered equal by so many who didn't want us to be. Then his last example of making a right for slavery was to read, we elected an African American president. Well, we didn't. A lot of people did, but it wasn't you, Mitch McConnell. So stop saying we like you've been on board with civil rights in the Civil War, on the right side, right for us whole time, because you really, I really don't think you have. I don't think you understand. And then he said that he doesn't see how those of us who were not here back then, those couple hundred years ago shit even can be held responsible for that, And he doesn't see how we would even know where to start giving out the money to who. Well, let me help you understand something. You say that you don't want to be responsible for something that happened. I think he said a hundred and fifty years ago, and he said he didn't want to be responsible for that because we weren't there then. Well, you weren't there when they wrote this constitution that you love to throw up in everybody's face. You weren't there then, old and I have some vivid remembers the memories of that too. Remember when women weren't invoved allowed to vote? You know then was your faefathers had to put that into constitution. Do you remember when your forefathers, Mitch McConnell put into constitution that African Americans were three fifths of a human being. You remember when that was put in there. I had to change that, didn't you? Oh? I forgot that that whole time you was fighting to make amends for slavery. Yet and still everything I knew in their power that they was doing was trying to reinvent slavery to make it come in another form. Or you successfully did that. You made ghettos, and you made ghettos become farm systems for prisons, and you found a way to incarcerate us, which was to enslave us. And then you created unjust laws that incarcerated people of color and women of color at a higher rate than people of non color. You selected certain poor crimes like rock crack cocaine, and you made it more time than you could if you bought the more expensive drug, which was white powder. So you got less time for having white powder than you did for having the poor drug. But you needed to pour drug into the communities because you needed to farm system to flourish the prison systems. Oh excuse me. This is the same country that's trying to make right for slavery. Now, there are a lot of great non African American people who have done some amazing things against the fight for slavery. Because we didn't end slavery all by ourselves. We didn't. Slavery didn't end simply because black people got tired of being slaves. We was tired today we got off the boat. I can assure you that was the case. So what has happened over a course of time is there have been some lot of great non blacks who have aided in the assistant Quakers and freedom houses along the way in the underground railroad, and safe houses and places they can stop and rest and get water and be hidden from I got that, But we ain't talking about them people. We're talking about the elected officials that keep passing the votings rights law that y'all keep have to vote and find out if we should be allowed to vote again or not. That's that's that's the America I know. So I won't be sitting around me personally waiting on your reparations because I don't think you're gonna allow that to happen. Because quietly speaking, I think Mitch McConnell said what a lot of people really feel, and that's why. Ain't nobody got mad at him yet? Accept us. That's it. But today or closing the law drop, y'all have a great weekend, then let's go do that for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, avoid where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.