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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all have a song looking back to back down, giving them back just like American bucks things. And it's to me true good. Its hardy guy listening to toach other for stou mony. Why don't you join yeah byya joining me? Honey? Say you got to turn yeah, yall, le you gotta turn you to turn about to turn my love, you got to turn out to turn turn wan ya, comey, come on your thing got it? Uh? I shall come on everybody you're listening to the voice, come on, dave me now wanting only Steve Harvey, I got a radio show, just trying to give God some back, just some back of what even gave me, just a portion, you know. Just I'm just trying, man to to to show some type of gratitude for all his blessings. I'm just trying to, man, just just get it right sometimes, you know what I mean? I mean, man, you just can't do what you wanna do and just live wrong all the time. Man, you got it at one point in time, Steve, come home. Man, come on, man, you could do better. I know you can, you know saying and and you know what I had to do. I had to stop saying I'm gonna try to do better, and I just had to say, hey, man, I'm going to do better. You know, try and it's just to put forth and that and then if it don't work, well, okay. But if you make up in your mind and I'm going to do something, then trying isn't enough. It's getting it done is the only thing that matters. Since the difference between doing and trying. We're gonna try to win the game, or we're gonna go out here to win the game. Now, trying to win the game means that you could lose. But when you got in your mind made up, most athletes will tell you that they go out there with the full intent and purpose of winning and winning. Only see they don't put the second place finish on the cover Sports Illustrated. Second place don't get you there. You you got to win. And now take it out of the scope of athletics, but keep it in that type of type of analogy in life. Man, you just wanna you want to win in life, don't you. I mean, at the end of the day, don't you want to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated. The life. Don't you want to be recognized for your hard work. Don't you want, you know, to be recognized within the bonus structure down at your job. Don't you want to have old plaque up on the wall down at your job. I mean most people do. Some people could care less. Some people don't care about looking good or being their best. And that's cool. But I ain't talking to them though. I'm talking to you. I'm talking to those of you who who who want to be the best you can be. You know, people people kill me when they're getting mad at at people here and he Brown knows and he all up on the employee of the month man, the dude doing his job to the best of his ability, and he getting recognized for it? What they got to do with all that you're talking about because you ain't up there. It's amazing, man, how people describe other people's success. He's so lucky, lucky, Hey man, don't they kind of get you a little bit when people call you lucky When let me tell you what luck really is, y'all. Luck is when hard work bumps up into opportunity, when hard work run smack dab up in the opportunity. Some people call that luck. But hold on, let's let's think about this. If you wasn't working hard, an opportunity presented itself, what would you call that? What you call at a missed opportunity? What you call that wrong place at the wrong time? Boy, you missed out on that. But see, when you've been working hard, an opportunity presents itself and it bumps up into each other. Now people want to call that luck, but hold up here, go to part though today, ain't paying no attention to. Yeah, that opportunity came by. But if you had not been working hard and the hard work had not ran up in the opportunity, what would you have? No, sir, it's not luck, it's work. It is work, because as a scripture that says, faith without works is dead. Look, I know I use the same ones all all the time, but them the ones I know. I mean what you want me to, you want me lie to, you want me come on here and tell you man, I've been studying the Bible. I haven't. I haven't, I haven't, I haven't. But my mom was a Sunday school teacher. She taught me enough. Though Now I know different between right and wrong, just like you do you ain't gotta you know it accused me when people write a strawberry letter and my wrong for this? You know? Good? Well, look at let's read your letter. Are you wrong for this? You know you're wrong? What you don't need that's to be telling, you know. But I'm gonna do this anyway. We'll see. Go ahead, though, do what you wanna do. But you know what, y'all, here's the best advice I can give you. This is what I really came to talk about this morning, but I got sidetrack because I listened. You know what, get get out of your own way. So many of us are blocking our own blessings. We're just in our own way. We are in our own way. And one of the most dangerous ways you can get in your way is to do it your way, to get it figured your way, and to lock in on your way. And this is the way it's got to go. Do you know how many people are blocking their blessing? Do you know how long I blocked mine? With that mindset right there? This is how I wanted to happen, This is how I wanted to go down. This is the way I'm gonna go about it. And this this what's gonna happen? Lock, loaded fire. So I was dead set on doing it my way. Have you ever talked to people man, well, it's just the way I do it. Look, because it's the way you do it, you think that make it the right way? Do you think jazz because you'd have thought on it long and hard and that's what you really want. Do you really think that your way is the right way or could there be a better way? See? Until I started listening to God and started paying attention to his way, man, I was spending my wheels. Man, I was out here so determined this how I was gonna do it. But you know, I had to learn how to get out of my own way because just because I could do it my way didn't mean it was the right way. I had to get out of my own way. Just get out your way, man, Now, what what what does that mean? That means, see, set your goals, That means have your dreams. That's I'm I'm saying, set your goals. Man, I ain't saying don't say goals. Listen to me. Set your goals. What is it you want to happen it? What is it you like to have? What is it you like to be. What do you aspire to? Set your goals and set your dreams. Now, take your goals and your dreams to God and ask God to show you how. Man, you can save yourself a lot of pain. Listen to somebody who did it his way for so long. And when I finally got out of my way, out of my own way. When you've heard old people say, let go and let God. You heard him say that I didn't. I didn't get it, but I got it. Now let go and let God. And it's amazing little saying. Though now you know you may not get it now it It took me a bunch of years to get it too. But when I took my goals and my dreams and my vision to God and I said, God, this is what I hope for, this is what I aspired to, This is what I want to be, This is why I would love to get to. Then I said, help me show me how. Point me in the right direction, let me follow your footsteps, guide me and give me a spirit of discernment. Show me who wrong, cause I meet people every day. Ain't up to no good with me? Every single day? Oh man, man, I can't believe I run up in to you. Man, the Lord told me something's gonna happen to me today. Well, see, I talked to him every day. He did not mention you to me. He ain't said nothing to me. He didn't tell me what was gonna happen. In mind. Now, I don't mean it can't happen because I'm open to it. But it amazes me when people come up to me. Man, the Lord wanted me to tell you this. Hold on, Man, I talked to him every day, every day, some days more than others. I ain't perfect. I missed sometimes, but I'm on a daily basis talking to him. So really, man, I'm I'm and I and and and please no, I'm listening as well as I've ever listened before. But but get yourself together, though, see No, your goals and your dreams, and then a God show you how to do it. He'll do it. You know. It's so important everybody, that you get focused, that you aim for something, that you dream of something, that you aspire to something. But it's the most the best thing you can do. After you do all that, Man, get God involved in it. Man, talk to him. I mean, why would you not what you got to lose. You ain't gotta go down there and make no big scene and and run laps around the church and run up there and throw yourself on the altar and scream and flip over and throw money in there. You ain't got to do that. This you and God, man, This you and God. You know you got to serve and praise him the way you do it. You gotta let everybody else tell you highs done. It's a personal relationship. People kill me if you don't do it this way. If you don't come here to this church and you don't run around in this circle and you don't get flipped in, then you don't. Hey, man, you better go have a relationship with God. See what that's about. You understand? Nobody throw you off with all that? All right, all right, y'all talk to him. He loves to hear from you. Today. You're listening twenty one minutes after the hour, twenty one minutes after the hour, listen to Soul Power. Here it is. This is super Soul Radio. You're listening to the w S T e v E. That's with Steve Radio. I got the coldest show in the world because I got the coldest crew. In the world. We're gonna slow it down. It's actually just a fraction for your soul satisfaction, and keep it tempted all the way until you can't walk no more. We're about to do it to you in your ear hole. Put your sunglasses on. That's the lord around here, because you got to wear your sunglasses to feel cool. Radio Station w f U n K p funk the bomb, uncut funk. I like my funk, the p funk. I want my funk stepped on, make my funk the p phone. I got to get funked up. I want the bomb, I want the p funk. I want my funk uncut old, make my funk the p funk before I take at home. Welcome to radio station w p F you n KP you. I just wanted to try that. That's all. Ain't nothing. You did it. You did it. Yeah, Thank you, Jay, Thank you, old friend. Shirley. Hey, good morning. Wonderful having you today, darling. Just beautiful eyes and that wonderful smile. Hello, calif Rel the all the beautiful second lady of the radio. Good morning, just good morning, thank you, Steve Hay crew, how are you, sweetheart? Junior? Morning up? Wonderful voice for radio and scares people. Wonderful food, healthy, rich billion now uncle good monitor not yet but rout on the street on a mission. Ignorant ass old friends? What up? Mr hoy going on? Boy? Little memo king? How are you doing? Ye? Hey, welcome to the radio where you can talk and up. I feel good today, man, positive. You know what I did. I've changed my attitude about family feud. I've decided to look at I'm not going to work. I just made a conscious decision. Yesterday I said, man, let's go. When I get ready put when I put my suit on for each show, I said, man, let's go have some fun. Yes, let's have it should be fun. I mean, it is fun. But I kept going, Man, I gotta go to work. I gotta go to work. And since the scripture says a man is as he's thinking. If I'm always thinking I'm going to work, I mean, no matter how much you love your job and what you do, that parts of it you don't care for, like going down now yeah, and to the to the people. Though it's fun, they love watching you because man, show it's fun and I have fun doing it. So I just have to take the work aspect out and just go, hey man, I'm going to have some fun today. I love it. Let's have some fun on this show today. How about you had an experienced yesterday a crisis? Shut up, no crisis. Don't put that on me right now? I got nerves. Did you hear something? Alright, it's time for something funny. Can we come back, nephew, Tommy's a segment. It's called who Are You mad At? Now? We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the morning show? All right? Nephew Temmy, it is that time for your segment. It's called who are you mad at? Nah? Nah? I said at that time that was good. Are you mad at? Nay? I? Really one of you? I'm throwing up just a little bit in the back of my throat. You're a segment? You started off? You kick because I'm upset. Look at this. This bothers me. I'm mad at all. Number Two's who follow number ones on Facebook? On this show? All right? And trip when they see that you didn't bout number one? Something new? Now they want something new. You see what I'm saying. She wouldn't have been to it. Yeah, nothing. Quit going over there looking to see what number one got. And then you run here, you come running up. I see I see you. I see you didn't got her something new. I see that when I'm gonna get some gifts. Yeah, exactly, exactly, low party, didn't people your little people at the house, You little old bobby. Yeah, it's a little ole bobby cute and I keep it going right that time. And can here's what I'm mad wout with your number two. You see some people who know your number one. It ain't your damn business. Don't take bitches, that is what you're dying there. Take pictures of the show dying the ross and people in out. That's what you tweet. That ain't your business. Carla Ferrell is gonna be there, Jr. I'm sending a text messes to your number one because you're dining there with your number man, your damn business man, your business. That's what I'm at it, all right. Okay, mine's a little different than you guys, obviously, but I'm at at the sanitation at my house and people who come by and pick up your trash. Yeah, because I don't have enough garbage. Can Okay, I just don't have enough. I mean, we have a one garbage can for the garbage, then we have one for the recyclables, and then we have one for the greener what I don't recycle? You know why I don't separate because I see one truck you have for ye yeah, the earth for they are the garbageman. Let them do that there. I'm not separating, damn thing. I've seen one truck for years. I have yet to see a paper cup truck to see the cho that truck. I see one guy pick up everything and mix it up. This work for got a separate. I'm not separating, damn. We're doing his work for him. Yeah, yeah, Okay Again, why all I was gonna say is I don't think I have enough for regular garbage. You're going there, yeah, all in one like you saw it when let me leave a no note on my damn, don't you're not some Yeah? Now I'm mad and Jay refinedly mad at you. Right now, I'd green, j green. You have to go green for your children and your grandchildren. Jay, you have a bunch of grandchildren to play. That's that's where you guys room. I don't plan to leave anybody anything. You're not gonna leave anything, Just like when I leave it and Karlin, I wouldn't have everybody coming together for the reading of the women and the President's gonna go in your face. Oh man, this is a segment. Who you mad? And now who? He's not bad? I'm man that you taught me for having this segment and bad all right? Told you who I mad? Deep people on need three wheel motorcycles, stick it in. They got only chaps on change everything. But you one wheel away from a car. And it's not just the black bikers. This, these bikers, this ship. Back in the day you would see thin bikers. Now I know these motorcycles are going. This is not the way plan be peddling. You know what I mean? You chatter like this in l a you can drive in and out of the cars, getting out of lanes, all of that. As drivers of cars, we have to be more careful than the motorcycles. It's wrong, but you say it. I'm do you over. No, I don't. I'm not gonna black anybody. But if I drive up and I see what one has slipped on the Trump, I will roll my window down and don't that's what you get. I'm mad at you again, Jay. This segment is about you now to answer your question, Tommy, it's Jay his defense. They really shouldn't be able to bob and weave in between. Degous, it's danger. What's your speed? Nice, Tommy? I got one more? Yeah, come on hurry. Okay, I'm mad at Chris Paul. He's coming to the rockets. We still ain't gonna be golden staying alright, alright, okay, coming up, run that breakback with the nephew. Coming up. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, never you come on now what you got? You missed it yesterday. You need to fix your appearance. Hey, what you need to fix your appearing? Okay, let's hear it, hid of it? Okay, take it? Yes, appearance. Here you go. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Mona. Please, how you doing. My name is James over with the corporation. I'm with to your corporate wardrobe. You've been with the company for about eight years now, correct, Mona? Yes, sir? Okay. Like I said, I'm from a corporate wardrobe. I wanted to kind of give you a call. There's been some conversation about it, but wanted to give you a call about your appearance in the office. Okay, okay, Now your your your appearance seems to be pretty much in tacts for your clothing is concerned. So it's nothing that has nothing to do with that. Okay. Now, first of all, what uh my pearents have to do with your corporation? Well, what's going on? Like I said, you you've been with court for about what eight years? An Now I'm right, yes, sir, I have okay, and uh me telling me something about my kids I didn't need. What I want to talk to you about is that what what what some of the workers in the office are having a problem with. And what we want to do is get you an actual doctor's appointment because we want to see about helping you get a breast reduction. Oh what a break production? Okay, now you you you you? I mean from from my understanding that your your breasts are too large? Hold on, hold on, know who is this first? Who is this again? Who is this again? My name is James, Like I said, I'm with Corporate Wardrobe and I'm calling you actually pretty much human resources of corporation. Okay. And if you ain't kind of him by something else, certainly what we do here telling you calling me telling me somebody giving me a retroduction. What you need to do is try to think up moost because what I'm doing up in here, I'm gonna, well, they was old here and I'm gonna wear if they came out, I wear I'm from Mona. All we want to do is we want to get you a doctor's appointment so we can help you get your get your breast reduce, so you know you you'll feel a lot more comfortable and the people in the office will be a lot more comfortable. Okay, I'm not You ain't even do it. Man, You ain't gonna cume me in and tell me some what's gonna do to me? What's you talking about? I'm even just being this for almost a year and I ain't never had no problem with nobody telling me something of my friend. So what you need to do is find out who's going around here and making these rumors. And first of all, I'm a big up because maybe one needs up in here talking about me and you know, jealous because I'm on top of my and they've jealous of means I'm gonna you know, I'm gonna my mask and they ain't got top of my bread. Look, man, my job is to get your breast reduced. I gotta get I gotta bring them down my big too. Can't you reduce that? Me? This big? Can't you reduce that? Man? Listen, I gotta get your breast down to it. I gotta get it down. I gotta bring them down. What you're gonna get down, that's what you're gonna get done. And I worried my breast. So you and whoever whoever calling you are telling you talking about what I'm doing at this this. Tell them I said to kiss my to What did you do? I'm gonna do me So they don't like that, And hey, Holanda, because I'm gonna find whoever doing it because they're jealous. I'm a bad They don't understand it. And the man's come in and what who who will they come to? Little? They come to my desk and ask who they ask for me? Moana Mona. I understand that. But what I'm saying is your breast start distraction in the office and I gotta get your breast brought down first. Low, whoever you are, you might need to come see. You can sit to the front of my dead and see how he's looking. You might want to come back and bring out your crew. H mona, I can't, I can't. I don't want to come sit your death and see your your I gotta get you to a doctor and get your breast reduced. Now, women, you wanted a point, and I ain't gonna see though. I'm going to a dog. You're going to a doctor. You bring it so here. I ain't going no doctor. What you talk about the doctor whoever you mean? Go see. I ain't trying to hear you hear what I'm gonna do. They said you would act like this moment. They said you would react just this way. This is what the people in the office are talking about. I don't give a damn what they'll be in this company almost a yell. I ain't No nobody counted me telling me about my friends. What you need to do. First of all, you need to come in and see me because you might like once you see, because I'm a big, bad bone woman. You better here. Yeah, what is your name? And now? What's up? What's up that? Why do you need my name? I need your names? I ain't never hear by the call my day, m so, but tell me some by my best I need to know your names. I would get some lotty in this because I don't play this SI I need. I don't play that. So whoever you is in your coroperty or whoever commedy by my bread, I don't play that. I need your name, I really do. Come you don't, I'm gonna find out who this is. Who do you want to know my name? I want to know your damn name. Hey, y'all want to know your name? What is it? Are you listening? What is this a nephew comment from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend? You? Where's the breads? Big in the mine? You know? I got a live me. Y'all need to clip what? You don't make me go? Believe to seeing her breast begin in Man, she got little. I listened to this show every morning, and I just can't believe I got got she did, she got me, got me. But I'm gonna I'm gonna care to watch it. It's okay, I'm gonna give them. I got one more thing for you, baby, What is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Maybe you already know that one and only Steve Harvey want the show. Ain't talking to guess what play on this phone. I just want to let you know I'm a Sky sixteen with a low cut. All right, guys, you know single guys out there who are in relationships. Um, there's a new survey to tell you the best way to break up with your girlfriend. Okay, if you're gonna break up, you might as well do it right. This is what women say how you should do it. Okay, just keep this in my mine when you're breaking up. First of allship, yes, yes, yes, okay. Women say face to face always best. Always. That is not always been what you got regularly, they're saying, if face to face is always best, but make a phone call. If you can't do that, under no circumstances, should you text a break up email? A break up I've never I've never had that. It wasn't around when I was out there. So that's the best way is that's theTimes you don't want to sit moment emails. Some people you can't from emailing. You're done. That's not a good look. What is professional? It's not it's not a job. It's relationship. Okay, here's another one, don't let it linger, go ahead. It's best to break up with her before you start, you know, dogging her out and stuff, treating her bad. Yeah, don't let it linger, Just go ahead, be a man, get it over with and and don't be vague about it. Yeah yeah, yeah, don't be vague. But well, you know, I thought, you know it's not no, just say it. There's no room from maybe there's no room for some dn't know. Just ending, don't be vague and don't like that. But okay, don't think you walk in? Is that? I all right? Your chai? Keep it? We got at a break. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, miss Anna standing by with today's headlines. Coming up next is j Anthony Brown's Man in the Street coming up right now. I should say, but Jay, what is your topic today? Playday's topic? First of one, like, I tell where I got this drum be Et Awards. Well, everybody was inside. Who wants to be inside when you're working outside? Everyone the real world was. They didn't pay me to go inside, Steve wouldn't pay me to go inside. There you this this man on the street be Et Awards outside check it out. Jamsly Brown for The Steve Harpy Morning Show. Who in your family you'd like to see in their own reality show? Us? What would this show be called? It would be called double Stunning Love. We're looking for love? You show for love? Many? My sister, she's a question designer. My mother why because she wear many hats? My son why? Because he's a genius? Oh? My baby brother? How older? He's poor? My mom's why your mom? Because she's crazy? Is either me or my dad? Yea all? My mom? Why are your mom? She's funny, it's hilarious. I want to see my boy Martnie's why Marnie? Marnie's he crazy? That man? Than I would like to see my mom? Why are your mom? Because I feel like she would make a good reality show with all her kids. And it'll because it'll be called behind the Strips? Behind the strip alright, alright? I probably my mom? Wow? What would it be called? Said? I would like to see myself in? What would it be? Comed man? Hey, how you guys doing? Let me ask you a question? But the Stevey Morning Shells Who in your family you'd like to see in their own reality show? What would it be called? My little nephew. What would it be called? Wife a car? Life? Carry? All right? Definitely? My mother? Dad? What would it be called the Quichi Way? What would the opening episode be about? And with his shirt off from the house talking crap? My mother? What would it be called? Life at the bottom? Life at the bottom? Okay, my sister, my roommates. What would it be called? Y to eight? That's our apartment number, that's the number? All right? Thank you all? What would it be called? The life of Granny? Thank you so much? My dad? My daughter? What would it be called? Lyrics World? My grandmother? What would it be called? My brother told my mother might being a question? What would it be called? Steve? We called Jason Clay Aiken, Hey, everybody, Julie, Jandy Brown, Steve Irby Morning Show. Who in your family would you like to see with their own reality show? Me? What would what would my brother's brother? What would it be called? I do like my brother's brother though, I like that that was a J. Johnson comedian, My brother's brother. Yeah, shout out to J. A lot of people said their mama, A lot of people said their mother. Yeah. I think my sister would be if she wanted to be on camera, but she doesn't want to be on camera, so you can never get to shoot that show. Oh yeah, she's very funny. My daughter Keisha, Yeah, you could follow her around with yeah. Somebody said from the bottom, Yeah, I was just thinking about that. Probably my crazy daughter Sheridan. She's here with National you National News that one and only been saying Trip, thanks so much, everybody. Okay, good morning, this is and Trip the news. Well, the president is in Poland in advance of the G twenty summit. He's supposed to meet with Russian President Putin tomorrow. No word on what they're going to discuss, but two folks have some idea what they might talk about. Meanwhile, the U N. Security Council held an emergency meeting yesterday to discuss what to do about North Korea in the wake of this weekend's launch of what the Pentagon says was an intercontinental ballistic missile and no surprise, the US and Russia disagree on how to react to Kim John Young's latest missile launch, with the US Ambassador to the u N. Dickie Haley saying that North Korea's actions are quote a clear and sharp military excalation unquote, and that the US is prepared to use the full range of its capabilities to defend itself, and it's ally one of our capabilities lies with our considerable military forces. We will use them if we must, but we prefer not to have to go in that direction. And Hailey says that the US is also pushing for even more sanctions against the Pyongyang government, but Russia claims they won't work. In Chicago, police say that over on people were shot and wounded at the end of the long holiday weekend, and that at least fourteen people died. According to the Chicago Tribune, most of the shootings occurred between the afternoon of July four and early Wednesday morning, and police Deputy Superintendent Kevin of Ball says it was probably due to a bunch of things. I believe, a combination of things. We had the warm weather and then you have people uh drinking alcohol and drugs, and then just the availability of guns on the street, and it all comes together in that timeframe. They're still trying to battle the guns in that town. The vice chair of the Trump White House Commission assembled a look into voter fraud is disputing reports that an overwhelming number of states are refusing to comply with the Panel's request to send detailed information on voters, calling it fake news. While the Commission sent led us to every state asking for all publicly available voter data, including names and addresses and partial social Security numbers for every single voter, New Jersey has reportedly become the forty state to refuse to comply with the commission request. After the election, you may remember this when the numbers show that Donald Trump actually lost the popular vote by some three million ballots. Mr Trump made unverified claims that millions of people probably voted illegally. O. J. Simpsons scheduled would get another chance at gaining parole this month. However, Ron Goldman's father says he hopes the juice is turned down. The sixty nine year old Simpson has now spent close to nine years in a Nevada prison for his arm robbery of two sports memorabilia dealers that he felt had stolen from him. If he's granted parole, he would be released in October. And today is National Umbrella Day, National Fried Chicken Day. Yeah really really it really is an International kissing Day now. Eugina Butterfly coming up twenty minutes after the hours. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey. The crew is in as always and is that time. Jay Anthony Brown is on you right now. Baby, let's volume. Thank you, Thank your man. I love it. Good morning everyone, Shirley Color, Junior, Jay Z Brown every time me. Oh my god, it is a pleasure to be here. How y'all doing this morning? Good money, baby, flap flap brother, Oh my god, Oh my god. So this is what's going on. I am having a red white and blue pink party, a red white and blue peak party, and I want everybody, everybody on this show to come dressed as a revolutionary soul. Okay, all right, we're gonna before we eat Bobby, before we eat barbecue, we're gonna marche around the yard, and everybody's gonna have real white blue and the biggest this is my plate. But anyway, Um, you're gonna be like You're gonna be like a captain, Jay Anthony, You're gonna be a cap Okay, that's what I want you to do. But you're gonna have a little um, you know, the nicobackles. You know, it's gonna stop with your knee and then you have your stocking, your stocking, and you're gonna have a wig. We're gonna be we get ready to fight. We're gonna revolution Junior. Huh huh. You know I need a drama boy. What somebody gotta be my drama to be a captain, I get to be a druma boy. You gotta be my dramma boar drama boy. Okay, but you get to play something different. You don't have to play nothing, you know, revolutionary or nothing like that. You can play with you like like some jay Z or something. You play something like that. Okay, Shirley and Carlo, y'all, y'all gonna be throwing confetti and stuff as we walk across through through the yard, red white and blue comfetty and we're gonna have five works going. I often stop and I'm gonna have round and candles. I'm so excited. So it is the Red White and Blue Pink Party. We just this is something we're gonna start doing traditionally before we do our bar we kills. Okay, when we wait, when are we gonna be doing it? I just wanted to get that it's yeah, because Y're gonna be through with UM with a sense and time. They're gonna be through with Um, Maka and everybody. We're gonna we're gonna kind of my house and we're gonna do it. It's gonna be good. Just listen. Just get your drums. You don't be wearing about nothing. I'll get your drum and your beat. I can't do this. You need a new drum busy to do it. But I'm man, how are you leaving the group? If? How we put the group together? I have a summer cole schedule to come in on. You got a summer cole. You gotta stand you put this wig on and play these damn drums down. Do that, Anthony, you asked me earlier. If you can, you don't. I don't want you to play the flute. I want to bring you bring your heart minica. That's what you do? That all right? Coming up at thirty four after the hour, asked the new guy with j Anthony Brown eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, we'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. We are back, and you know what time it is. It's time to ask the new guy. That's not the poet. Not that's not the poet. No, No, I'm not. Don't ask me. I don't know why they asked me three times losing. Why would they be asking me what I'm here? Well, I've been married three times. But that's yeah. So I call me up. I'll see what I can do. Nine Steve, All right, let's go. We have some calls line to. Let's go to Joe out of Georgia. Hey, Joe, how are you doing this as the new guy? What's your problem? Hey, Mrs Jack, I'm trying to propose to my girl. Don't do it. I'm trying to propose. I want to propose, man, but I don't want to have proposed to the bank to get alone. Didn't you hear what I just said? Right off the bat, before you even finished all of that, I said, don't do it. I love man. I love it too much. Man. She's been my rocks, she's been How long you've been again? How long have you been again? Almost a year when I was working at the same job as herd to like to another job, and you got a little sick about me. You got a little money in the bank, saved up, sir. Nope, I ain't gonna lie about it. Yeah, coming there with a little side all the ways if you want. Oh, all right, man, we gave you some advice. Just don't do it. Man, don't do it. You're really not ready money money wise. You're not ready, said if you have no money. Yeah, you're in a long time and you being the yard. He's got no money saved up. How old are you, sir, shack? How old are you? I am twenty five? No, no him, you're gonna do it right now with your finances getting married into yards and the train gonna come back, and when it comes back, catch it and leave. He's not ready and it's an older but mainly it's finances. You're gonna fight about money in a marriage. You don't fin about money you don't have all right, yeah, thank you? Right after social media money is right up there. Yeah, yeah, you don't have this man out of proposal. Yeah. Yeah, he's still he's not ready. He don't don't do it. We tried to help. Really call back here a you for not saying he got to Why don't I told him before he finished the question, don't do it. I just I just felt that he didn't have money. Joe Jay's alter ego. Here man, al right, do we have another colution? Jo? I think Junior had a relationship question. He didn't want to um, you know, because you're new and every relationship questions. But that's okay. We'll just we'll ask him later. We'll go to line five and go to Rhonda out of Texas. Hey, Rhonda, how are you doing? I'm fine? How are you all right? What's your relationship question? Sweet Hunt? Well? I have a question. My question is what are you supposed to do when your man tells you after you've asked him to be home at a decent time at night? You know six six thirty, that he's grown. He doesn't have a curi he'll be there when he gets there. And he's hanging at his mom's house, brother's house. He's constantly calling, what are you doing? Blah blah blah blah. Just comes home? Why are you Can I just say something to you? You want to grown ass man? Home at six thirty? The streetlight, Come home, hurry? Ain't no bro man coming home before six thirty? You know he's got stuff to do, okay, sir? At six thirty, he's sleep by seven at thirty oh, okay, problem, Yeah, a strawberry letter. All right, Speaking of that, we'll be back with the prank phone call right after this jam. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after the hour. Get ready for today's strawberry letters. But up next, come on, nephew, temmy, what you got for the prank phone called today? That ain't my brother baby right there? That ain't my brother baby? What did I say? That ain't my brother baby? Give me the baby. Don't need to be seeing this. That's my brother, he lived here. Don't worry about It's something I need to take care. I talked to man, I speak to Terry. My name is Darryl. Damon is my brother. I don't live in Dallas where y'all live. That I'm the one that live out of town. But we didn't have the family meeting and talked about it. And uh, I know Travis is your son. He eight years old. But the problem is the reason why I'm calling you, Uh, Terry is called. We didn't find out that Travis ain't none of Damon child. Travis ain't none of Damon Chow. When he'd been paying you child support here for the last eight hold on and you said your name was Wood. I'm Dare, I'm damon brother, and who gave you this information? We we all have found the information out. We actually gonna go down there to the courthouse and get all this stuff rectified. But we didn't find out that Travis ain't nothing, ain't nothing. Dame was child and he's been sitting up here sending you money seven eight hundred dollars a month and this child ain't even here. Now. I hate for Travis to find this out, and he's gonna have to find it out, but he ain't for to find Why are you calling me? Look, the family that't had a meeting, and I'm the one that they decided to make the phone call and tell you what's going on now, don't you You You don't have a damn thing to do with this. You You ain't nobody daddy over here. So I'm not sure what you're calling for. Who God made you key or wanted you to be here in charge to call work out? But let me why why are you doing this to my brother? That's what I'm saying. For eight years, the man have been sitting you seven hundred seven dollars a month, and and and this ain't even his child, you know, Uh, wh why am I even talking to you? I'm not really sure. Your brother need to call me if he has any problems with questions. You have a good thing, you don't haring? No, damn phone up on me, Damon told me. And the last was hard headed anyway. Now, look, you know what you got the wrong one baby, Like I'm trying to not lose all my religion today, but you're about to make me lose it on you. You don't know who you over here, So like I said before, h my fun your nephew that you're trying not to claim over there. I don't know why you came from wherever the here? You said you came from the Dallas to try to I came from California down here to Dallas, and I'm telling you need to take your bath. I'm back to California because down here if you don't know me like that, No, I don't know you, but I'm fending know you. And Travis been to know that my brother ain't his daddy. I don't know you know, you need to talk to your brother again. That's what you need to do, and you don't need to be talking to me. You've been to send us all the money and my brother then set y'all. I and when I do, Look when I said, when I send all that eight years worth of money back, you're gonna send every dime back because it belonged to my brother. That ain't my brother. Child. Now we ain't got time to be going on on ma repulpe showing nothing to find out who you know what? Like I said, you picked the wrong and want to do your best bed not to call me anymore. You actually it is a good thing that you call because if you came knocking on my bill, you to got you with to day, No you got that's my second thing off in to do. If we can't rectified over the foul. I don't have a problem coming over there, knocking down some does and getting some questions answered, because damn it, this ain't Damon's baby. Obviously you must wish it was yours, so you're taking so much entry. No it ain't mine, but but it ain't games either, and we got my head any and looking for from But I'm sorry this was taken over here and Damon where we continue to play. When he oh, damon, don't open also fall with your brother's nay that I want to pay, I'm sorry, he's gonna continue to pay. And you can call wherever you want to come, do ef you want to do. So, go back and tell your mama everybody else who who's waiting for this meeting, to let them know it ain't happening. Look, my mama ain't got nothing to do with it. Mama been your mama. You say your mama, law, y'all got to get us. She's the same way, like I'll see where you get it from. You're like just like her. Mama knows it, y'all from knows it people, my y'all, damn business. That's a man that ain't. My mama said it from the get go, that it wasn't hunt, that it wasn't day when chi mom, I mean your mama the two faced lock because you're only with your mama said you ain't Benna sit here and bring my mama up in this well. If you know so much, then you come back on my belly. I'm not want to We didn't done the man seven hundred and fifty dollars times twelve then times eight is seven in two thousand dollars. That's how much money. And my brother didn't sent you, and that's how much we want back. And I need you to get the working on this money. Na. Okay, why don't you come over here and yet don't get your woop today, Terry, come on over here. You want see you on your thing. You you didn't Dallas when I don't care nothingbody but I'm in no Dallas. So what I don't know what I'm I don't even go away for my time talking to you. Like I said, your brother is a week if he got to you. I had a meeting and you got to be the one to call. I'm not really understanding. Look, I got one more thing I need to say to you. As you're listening to me, you know you know my day nerves. That's what you're doing. You respect me? Are you listening to me? That's the nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank. Oh, you just got pranked by your sister telling your baby she said, talked to her by her baby daddy and that baby. Yeah, I don't play with the shield. Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed. Let me ask you this, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Morning show Boys. But he's like, I don't play. I don't play about the children. The children he is going to continue to pay your house support. That's what's wrong with you. Mean now, all right, nephew, thank you. Here's a question for you guys. What exactly is a fireball of What exactly is a fire able offense? Okay, yeah, yeah? What can you do to get yourself fired? Sometimes you can mess up at work and not necessarily get fired, right, and then there are those mistakes which are sure to bring you down in the end. It's often a judgment call. Now, this is according to a brand new survey. Here are the things people think you should be fired for. Should be fired for it? Two of people think drinking at work is deserving of being fired. I agree, you think that's a no brainer. What'd you say, Steve? I mean, you know, I mean you're stupid at this point, so yeah, just open your bottle at your dissy flask. Yeah, that's a no brainer. Seventy of people would get rid of you if you watched porn in the office. Hold up, new work done, workload done, activity, I'm okay, okay, show nobody. You ain't saying, hey, look at him works plate? All right, I'm moving onto of people believe hooking up with a coworker should get you fired. It ain't comfortable. I know everybody would be. No one would be working at this office. Hold on, what's happening. This happen just some go don't. I don't know, bro, you didn't know about it. I didn't know about There have been a lot of at this at this company usually want somebody else. You just direct. I need to catch up. I just got it what we talk about. Carla can really speak on this, not in this particularly allegedly. But remember Carla, Yeah, well she's if you're referring to the past, well that on the job, yah yah, on the job. Uh. We got married. Just up in the copy room, just copying each other in the break room, just breaking it home. Yeah, we'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is Strawberry Ladder. Subject. I can't be leave. He cheated on me. Dear Stephen Shirley I've been dating my guy for almost three years. He's married, and I love him beyond words. There has never been any talk of him leaving his wife, and I don't ever pressure him to do so. We spent the night together for the first time ever this past weekend, and the experience has made me love him even more. Here's the problem. Twice in the past six months, he has walked in on me cheating on him. I was not in the act, but I was getting dressed both times. I naturally took responsibility for my actions, but only to find out that he's been cheating on me as well. It wasn't really a surprise because I had my intuitions, but he's always denied it. I refused to argue about it. What should I do? I can't imagine my life without him? Please help? What? What? What do you want us to do with this? I mean, really, Yeah, You're in a relationship with a married guy. He's cheating. You're cheating. You guys have nothing. You you have nothing. There's no trust, there's no loyalty, there's no commitment, there's no love in this relationship, even though you say you really love him. After you spent the night with this married man. Come on, that's lust and and it sounds like you guys have some sort of open relationship because you guys are doing everyone you're doing it. He's caught you cheating twice or putting on your clothes afterwards twice. You've caught him, although he's denied it. Um, this is just a mess. I mean really, really, really, what do you want us to do with this? Uh? You can't imagine your life without him? Well, why don't you try it? Okay, try to imagine your life without this married, cheating guy. Try to imagine a better life for yourself. Okay, Uh, stop seeing this married man. He's not going to change. You're not going to change. The cheating is not going to stop. You're still going to be number two, number three, number four whenever he can get to you in his life. Okay, you've already wasted three years with this guy. Let's not make it for all, right, Steve, Uh, this is pretty much I don't even know why you would write anybody with this because we don't have a solution for you, and you're actually not even looking for a solution. What what? What do you have? Nothing here? This is nothing? Ain't nobody lied to nobody. I don't hear nothing. Okay, I'm sorry, I disconnected. I didn't hear anything. It's just this is nothing that you have. You've been dating a guy for three years. He's married, and I love him beyond words, right down the old man line where we post what. There has never been any talk of him leaving his wife, and I don't ever pressure him to do so. He not leaving her. We spent the night together for the first time, and and and this past weekend, and that experience that made me love him even more. Okay, here's the problem. No no, no, no, no no. The problem is everything you didn't typed up to. You said, here is the problem. The problem, lady. What Twice in the past six months he has walked in on me cheating on him. Who in you put your clothes on? Both times I was not an act, but I was getting dressed both times. I naturally took responsibility for Michael. Who else was in there? He walked in there with you. Okay, I'm gonna get to my aunts in a minute. I wasn't surprised because I had meant and then find out he's been cheating on me as well. He was he married, did cheat girl? It has been in three years ago. I found out he cheatd he married? He'd been cheating when you when you when he saw you? Y'all you've been cheating. Stupid ass letter. But he has denied it. I refused to argue about it. What should I do? I can't imagine my life without it. You have nothing with him? Is deal? He's married? What should I do? You should figure out the difference. You should start, just start by learning the difference between right and wrong. Just try that, just just some basic information. See your whole letter wrong and you're trying to work something right out of this. We can't help you. You look, everybody make mistakes. We are judging, but you are. You all out of bouncing. Then you want to know how you can get in bound. You gotta get on the field. You're playing the game wrong. You're cheating with this man. We can't do that. I can't imagine without life without him. You have nothing without him? All right, here's the whole relationship is built on nothing. Here, let's let let me just lay out a couple of facts. Maybe you ain't thought about this, you're ready. Here's two things he ain't your husband and you ain't his wife. Oh man, hurt him. That's it, that's the truth. Ain't your and you ain't his wife. Here's the other thing. He has a wife and you got two other men. That's crazy that he'd have walked in on you getting dressed. Now you didn't find out he didn't cheat it with somebody else, and he'd been cheating with you the whole time. Yeah, he got a key, come over there when he wants to. I can't imagine my life without him. It ain't nothing with him, right, ain't nothing with him? You know what? I bet you I would get to imagine in my life without try it. You know what he needs to do. But see here to hear the sad part about this dude. He gonna get busted. He's gonna lose his wife over you, and you already seeing two other men, this dude and to throw his wife out the window over you, and you can't even get yourself a husband because you're with this other woman's husb don This is a disaster. Why are we still talking about this letter? S D? I don't know. Surely asked me a question about this letter. Let me just get I mean, you know, just some people. Just just just so you know, women out there will understand it. She said in the letter, it wasn't really a surprise to her that he was cheating, but she had her intuitions. Okay, listen to your intuition, right, didn't she listen? But but them ain't intuition. You don't even need intuition to know he cheating because he's been married with you for three years. He already cheating. That ain't intuition. That's an admission. It ram with intuition, but it's merely an admission. We'll be back when the rest of this. I don't even know what part two. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Let's Jrawberry letter. I can't believe he cheated on me? Where is it? What you do? I actually never had the letter today. Remember it's on the computer. She's with the guy for three years, he's married. He caught her cheating, She caught him cheating, he lied about it. What she wants to know? What should she do? Can we be honest? Go ahead? Keep I don't even say that. I want to have nothing to say that. I mean, why you're not trying to do right? You can't imagine yourself without him in your life, So please help you trying to find a way to keep it okay, then just keep seeing the married man. That's all you gotta do. You gotta help her with that. Now I'm helping her. Keep saying she don't want to help, She don't want to stop. She can't imagine her life without him. And she's not pressuring him to leave her husband, I mean his wife, because she's seeing two dudes on the side. Herself such a mess. She just doing what she want to do, and she liked doing it a lot. So now that you have all, here's a deal. You're gonna pay for that. That's a cost to this. You're gonna pay for it. They hate to tell you this, but you're going to pay for that. Everybody does. When you do wrong, you gotta pay for it. It comes in one way or another. Man, help me, help me get it right now? Tell me what do you what is what? Yeah, she's she's cheating, but ever then she's cheating in the wrong places for somebody to keep walking in. You gotta find it. Yes, you both, y'all stupid. You and Jan see him say something you can't wait? You really agree with him. But that was even before I got here, before you even got on the down on the show over there over there, I listen, I'm up. Tommy's absolutely right. I mean, don't you agree that if you're gonna cheat, you need to cheat in a place where nobody can walk in on you and then nothing This would really be out right now, we wouldn't need to be talking about It wouldn't even be a letter and at that dove before you be Up's what I'm saying these other men that's preparing herself to have something to fall back on. You have to be able to fall back on something. Quick pause, let me check the door. Right. Do you know, Javid Tommy recently just got married. I'm aware of that. Well, that's a surprise. The fool I didn't know to what level che love to man, That's all I'm saying now they don't. All right, here we are. It's time for the nephew and junior to step up to the plate. With another addition of this crazy segment. I'm not fooling with you, man, because what is it now? Let me say, you have to argue with somebody so stupid that there's no way this makes sense. Is you've got elsence, you change anybody don't. Well, we'll let j be the jack once again. I'm not gonna win on this. Oh yeah, because you and Jay have beat Junior. What has been being fair though? With this? You got it? You gotta admit to that. He just go ahead. Just while I'm packing, I was packed for essence when this phone call came in. I hit him with four different things. He hung up on me on the first two. Last two. You know, he just argued with it. So Jake, right a wrong? Tell me what you think, Jake, tell this food. If you marry but you haven't dinner with your number two, that you still supposed to pray over the food. Tell him that, absolutely absolutely, phone went click. Than if you're married, what you haven't dinner, you're still supposed to pray over them? You think the Lord gonna bless that? So let me let me ask you a questions. It is so when you're sitting there because you took your bows and you're married, and you're concerned about blessing the food good food with your mistress, it's the woman you're having an adulterous affair with. You get out there, you think about the food. People focus on the food. Let's focus on focus on the food situation. He's supposed to be there. Hell, we don't care if you eat, if you're having wait, wait, wait wait, don't it safe for the nourishment of eyeb If you're cheating, we don't care. The only way you would be cheating in this situation, the only way wait, wait, listen, listen, listen to any way you could be cheating is if you're having cake and you're not supposed you That would be cheating, cheating on your diet. Had to be cheating that you do. That's what you got out of that. He's hanging with you, stupid or not? Right there? All right, we've had Jake, because we're just moving on from that. I just want to be eating with you, Okay, not us, And you're the woman you're cheating on your wife with No okay, tell him, Jake, because I have this is the only going argument between him. Tell him. Tell him that number eleven is really one to one. Keep bringing that bad and thirty one. Thirty one ain't eleven one to one? Yeah, you can wait. What a lot of people don't know. Have you ever heard the term fifty eleven I called you even times. Yeah, that's five heard it in fifty times. He's right, that's not one's one more time that one when one, it's twenty one. Yeah, it starts. It has to start with with the one one one. You don't use it. You don't go into the store and say you let me get a number one to one. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, but right now next to tell me what is your issue? What's your problem with a nursery rhyme? So I've been doing nursy rhyme with my son. Okay, you know, Jordan's six years old. So we read nursery rhymes and a bob to me. Because all these nursing rams, every lads, one of it's just bad relationships. That's how they are. Every you're saying, every nursing ram is a bad relationship, every single one of them. I don't care how you look at it. When I get through reading out like that, ain't never but just a bad RelA relationship. Yes, okay, first, let me just say this, what you stupid? Yea, Yeah, I'm gonna play along with you. I got playing I'm serious. Okay, all right, Well, then the time Okay, how about the story of go to locks into three bears down example. Okay, go ahead, what's the story story? You know where the three bears who weren't bothering nobody? Okay, they left the house real quick. Okay, this one with a little white girl shows up and breaks into their house, messes up stuff, eats day food, and then falls asleep. Okay, so old, stop right there. You don't see a relationship in this story. I don't see that. How do you see Okay? Okay, okay, you don't see that. This ain't nothing but an ex coming by her ex boyfriend house. You don't see that. Let me ask you something. What did she do? She ate up everything? Where what she when everybody walked in the house? Well, what the That's what an X will do to you. Soon as you walk in the house, she found herself back in the bed and here you come in the door with another woman. That's how it goes down. This ain't nothing but the relationship, because guess what the X know how to do? No how you see, no, how to get past security and everything and get in your house, laying your bed and wait on you. That's what the EX can do. Three bears ain't nothing but a damn relationship that went bad. Ignorant mess right here. I don't know how y'all don't see it? Can we bring the music now? Just that little bit? Because yeah, what you okay, your little girl, little old not she probably ain't in the nurse you rap, But didn't you used to read them to? Yes, okay, you didn't see none of this. I see No, I don't. I don't see none of that. Come on none, all right, okay, how about how about how about three? You don't see them on? The three? Pan really really really are reaching right here? What's the issue with three pigs? One of y'all we adn't one of y'all The three pig stories? The pigs they had they build a house and and every night when they build a house, the wolf would come along, uff and puff, and he blow the house down. And the story that's one of the stories of the three. And you're gonna tell us that's a bad that's relationship gone bad. Here's what's been going on all these years. Here's what I don't none of y'all, none of y'all know nothing about the three pigs? Do you? Y'all have been but y'll been siding with these three peaks since you heard this story. Y'all have made the three pigs the good people in this thing? Am I right? I'm listen to me. Listen to me. This is nothing but a relationship gone bad. If y'all don't even know them pigs name y'all names, yes, Willy and Willing the third, Willie and Willing the third, your average pigs. Let me tell you something. They all lived together, houses, side by side, right a wrong? Right? Right? Okay? Why would a wolf just show up at their house? You know why? You want to know why, because these three pigs been missing with the wolves. Old lady for the longest she was she was into that kind of thing, you know, that swinging things. She was into that, all right. So he showed up. He was upset, he got tired of it. And what he do He blew all the house and down. That's what's just about, oh man, the fact that y'all don't look past the pictures. So y'all looking at pictures and that little scared pig behind the straw with anyone, but you'll wind up in the brick house. I'll come in. Stop. Stop, you can do this this one. This one is a nursery rhyme. Okay, remember this one. There wasn't old lady who lived in a shoe. Okay, I'm I'm no, there wasn't no lady who lived in a shoe. Go ahead, yeah, okay, she had so many kids, remember that she didn't know what to do sex. Say that part again. She had so many kids, she didn't know what to do a bunch of relationship. I don't know what. I'm gonna stop you. I'm gonna drop the mic right there. That don't mean but you got kids coming all out the side of the ship. You got kids coming out of the soul and the hell, the tower and shoe. What don't want to get all these kids from? That's nineteen relationships right there? Same Yeah, you see that all out the shoe lations just kids just hanging out all on the thread. What do we talk? We're gonna feed all the kids. This is a relationship. This ain't This is child support. You don't see baby Mama drama to agree with him, and I'm really agree with right? Yeah what Carla? Yes, you're a tommy. G get one more what you're all feeling, man, I'm tell you right now I'm asking for a raise when he goes if I got to do? I need junior and Junior next week, next week, I'm tell you about the instibents and Spider. Wait, why just hang on and hang on when he's right. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. Let's go to the telephone with as Steve alright, funny man, I'm let's go to line one. Let's talk to in out of New York, Hey, India. Hello, Hello, darling. What can I do for you? Hi? So I'll kind a question. Um, okay, So I've been going through some vision and help issues for the last few years, and I FINALI had to start doing thatstober some soon better. And um, I'm trying to get back to the only I'm working. I picked up a part time school schedule. But I want to know when these things what will I know? It's time to get back on the social dating space like me. When you're ready, when you let me ask you something, let me ask you a question. Are you are you? Are you? Are you wanting to have companionship? Not? Really? Okay, there, don't do it. This is a process. But everybody keeps telling me you need to be desert to so I don't know why I think I'm there. It's going to fix. Okay, listen to me. If you don't feel the need to have someone, or you don't want someone, then don't get it's someone. But I also don't want to be stuck because everybody says you say the same thing. I'm a man, won't sit in this right now. I'm still in the middle of it, so I don't want to get stuck there. Okay, now listen to me. In order to get somewhere, you have to be willing to go somewhere. The reason you're gonna get stuck is because you keep, like your freends say, saying the same thing over and over and there's no forward progress in any direction. So you have to come to a conclusion. Stop being indecisive. It's nothing wrong with being in a good relationship. Is something wrong with being in a bad one? Why don't you just open up yourself to see if there's a good relationship out there. But what you can be talking about is I don't want nobody right now, but then I want somebody because I don't want to be stuck. I think I just don't want to be stuck. Paying the same thing. I wanted to stop saying something. We're gonna understand it, you know, sweetheart, listen to me. If you don't want to get stuck saying the same thing, stop saying the same thing. A man is as he thinks. That's a scripture, and I know that so well. So what the application of it is where we fall short as human beings. We all know a lot of scriptures that we don't act on or apply. I have to apply it. Stop thinking like that and you can get on with it. I get that. I get that, well, thank you very much, and I wanted to say thank you to you in the morning through Um, I'm the one of cold then and I was legally blind and my daughter I started to go fund and you mentioned the page, and then the sea populations steps up as they always do. So you gonna help me get to California? Could actually happen? First away all that. Oh that's great, you can see, Yeah, I can. It's way better than we are was. But the recovery is a process. So the vision is going to fluctuate so often on into a stabilizers. But really it's the leftie is a hundreds of spens, but the right eye is the one that gives me problems. So I'm making my way. I'm back in school, at work, you know. But it's a process. It's a process. But I'm grateful. All right, down, thank you, thank you. That is all right. Let's go to line too. That's right. Go to Joe out of Florida. Joe. Yes, Hello, did you turn your turn your TV down or something in the background? Okay, let me let me up to do this. Hello, yes, okay, So on Joe, Joe. Okay, great, So how you doing today? What can I do for you? Oh? Great? So I just you know, have a question. Um, so I am. Well, I'm a new mom and I have an eight month old and his dad just recently um told me that, you know, he wants to work out with his family and you know, he's gonna be better and do better and everything. And I don't know, I'm just really scared because you know, I've been with him for about four years and he, you know, he he wanted. He one of those type of guys. So you know, I've been burnt before by trusting him and you know, having my trust betrayed. So now I'm just a little nervous about stepping into a trying again and stepping into a new relationship with him. But I mean, I can't say that he is. I see like he's been extending gifts to the house and like brought us plains to get to like buy out to see him. So I don't know. Okay, well he's trying. But let me ask you a questions. Okay, real, real simple question, very very simple questions. What does your instinct tell you? What does your intuition tell you? Well, what's crazy is you just have that feeling when you know somebody's lying, You're just like, Okay, this's gonna sound right, it's gonna feel right. It's my gut feeling. What's crazy is I haven't had that feeling at all, and I've had that feeling with him before. Okay, well, you know people change, you know, people do change. And maybe he's having a child as which very rarely happens now. So because I don't want women to get the idea if you have a baby, he gon all of a sudden, he's gonna come around, because more often than not, they get out from around, they don't come around, they stopped coming around. So if you're getting this sensation then you know. I mean you've got a baby. You all have a family. I mean, you have a child together. Regardless as to what it is. If he's wanting to work it out, you should at least see Yeah, that's true. That's why I didn't turn down that plane ticket and we leave it on Monday. But that yeah, ahead to talk to see about this, you know, and Shirley and everybody else. Well that's good, baby, I said, I say, go ahead, you know, uh, and just allow him. I don't want to say make him, but allow him to prove everything he said. There's ways to just sit back and let him prove it. Don't be anxious and just let him prove it. Thank you, Dolling. I hope you have a safe trip you and the baby. Ye, thank you, Joe. You're listening Steve Hart Morning Show. All right, Uh, this is the craziest story ever, guys. California father dad right here in California. Jay has a lot of questions for the County Corner after his son turned up alive alive after eleven days. This is eleven days after he and his family believe they buried him. They had buried his son in an elaborate funeral. So you think you plan a funeral for your son and eleven days later he turns up alive. Yeah. Last month, authorities discovered a homeless man's body in the bushes behind a Verizon store. Based on his fingerprints, they identified him as fifty seven year old Frank M. Karrigan, who was mentally ill and had been living on the street. They contacted his father, Frank Jay Karrigan, and informed him. The elder Karagan said that since the fingerprints matched, he had no reason to believe the man wasn't his son, so the family made funeral arrangements. What else were you going to do? Then, nearly two weeks after burying him. Two weeks after burying him, now, Harrigan received a phone call from a friend who said his son was alive, and then put his son on the phone. His son said, my dad, man right there. You know these are black people, you know that? Yeah? Yeah? Uh huh, Dad, you had to be dead. You got to go. Yeah. I had just had buried eleven days ago, all right. At the funeral, Carrigan's father actually looked in, looked at him in the casket, caressed what he believed to be his son's hair. Okay, again, these are not black. Yeah, I'm stating the obvious here, though he still didn't realize the mistake. The family spent guess how much they spent on the funeral's grand on the funeral for a stranger they had. Yeah, all right, he went on, it's called back to the house after you had been in the ground. Dad, I did click. But you can't do black people. It's you can't do that, Jay, you cannot Where was he certainly he was on the phone. Yeah, days though he was in the street. Yeah. I said that that he was mentally ill. He had been living on the street. The real guy was home. Yeah, yeah, Yeah, they contacted his dad. The fingerprints match, so the dad had no reason to think that it was not his son. So the county made a mistake with the fingerprints. Yeah, the coronator all that money back. Strange, my dad, because if you show up at the house and you're not dead, there's gonna be a funeral, somebody gonna drop right, and we're gonna pulling this one body up. Yeah, it's probably a good thing he did call first. You don't come home walk in the front door. What he was he in the kitchen making a sand when you walk them. I'm glad he called first, so it kind of at least prepared his dad for something that black. Once you die, you need to day. You did right, play so much that right when you and I want my twenty grand back kitchen. What are you looking at? But when he thought it was his son at the funeral, he caressed his hair. Stas can't happen, but they shouldn't happen because you know, somebody get hurt like that descriptions they quote and the repast, Oh my goodness. All right, moving back after these jams. Okay, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Okay, we've all been through this. Each and every one of us has been dumped by someone. We've been in a relationship, we've been dumped. Being dumped is terrible, so as a recovery time that follows. You know, when you become a pathetic and moby version of yourself, you're just depressed. You're just you know you won't babe, You know that that whole thing. Your friends don't like seeing you like that either, which is why they're full of advice to help you get over your heartbreak. Well, according to a new study. This is a new study from the University of Colorado, Boulder. There was a scientifically proven method for getting over your ex. They found that the best way to move on is just to fake it till you make it, as in, just act like you over your you're over your ex until you are, so just act like it. Yeah, they didn't They didn't mean you don't know, because I already know how that works. Because if you want to get over somebody, get over somebody, you got to get another one. You call the rebound whatever you want. But tonight, though, women should try that. I need to be with somebody all I need to be some choil. Oh, okay, so you need you're the best way to get over for you is to get with someone else. I recovered out of the sixty nine relationships out of the number, though I've had to recover very quick. I've been in some relationships. I know at least I might have been in seven, but I know sixty nine the show. I might have been in seventy three and I didn't know I was in. You lost, Yeah, thinking it don't work? It just don't. Yeah, do you love me? YEA didn't say it, I just said it. Yeah, that's when it's over. You don't hold my hand anymore, you don't look in my eyes. That's probably because I can't stand no. Damn. You never tell me you love me anymore. And this is because I don't. How does it get to that point though, because at first you know you were you were all in loved each other. You don't fall out of love right away. You can love a person that you don't like, but you start disliking them because they do so many things that you all never address and you don't fix it. And then it just keeps patting and patting, because if you never talk about what's wrong in the relationship, you don't take inventory every four to six months which you made something, everybody changes, Yeah, and saying you know, you find out you don't even like this person at the moment, and now once you're not a great communication cata and you don't like them, this got to end, yeah, and it get ugly. Man, Well, you just can't stand a person. I think women stay in relationships longer than they should, way longer than this. One time happened to me. I used to date the pastors daughter at the church, and she cheated on me. My best friend, Can I tell you I was really just signed up to go to hell? What does that mean? I did to be? I was every time I saw her, I had to cuss out at church. I was ready to go to hell. Did not stand Uh yeah, But the only benefit about it was she ended up pregnant and not by yeah, because that's Sunday when they had to make that announcement. I was a hero. Everybody the church knew we dated passing it out of my daughter is pregnant. And the whole church looked at me. I said, keep listening, some old system. You're listening, Steve Harvey. I'll be back with time for just one more thing. All right, Steve, glad this is not you. But this is According to a new study, it says if you have a mean boss, uh, there's a very good chance that he or she is actually miserable. They're actually miserable people. Researchers found that bosses who seemed to be on a power trip abusing employees by yelling and making unreasonable well don't do so because they get some kind of rush from their show of dominance. Instead, all this nonsense actually makes them feel worse about themselves. They feel less fulfilled and they feel less competent. Really, I used my dominance in the bed room about that work, but that yeah, it's more work dead and him. Actually, I was just talking about I take up more bed than anybody. That's what yourself. Okay, everybody got get on. I um. I met this older couple one time and their philosophy, um of how they stayed married so long. They always slept in a double bed. They never went to a queen size or a king size. They didn't care if they were angry with each other or whatever the case. They always slept in a double bed. And that's how they said. They kept the naked next to somebody. And they're mad at you. That's really hard yea naked I as soon as you touched the skin, they flesh. Yeah yeah, you'll be trying to make it on the naked and they're mad too. That's a hole. Yeah yeah yeah, but but we are relentless though. We're not gonna give up trying more than one not if you naked. Once you're naked, we're we're gonna have to fix something something you don't apologize. Yes, we need to do something because you unless you get this here, what are you doing nothing. What's bad is when they're mad. If you they walk around the whole kid and just gonna tease you all day like they're really downstairs frying fish. Frying naked is very naked. Put that out there. They're really mad and home net it Wow, naked would be but you ain't get there. And while she standing, you might be asked to pass the hot song around. No a that to another to my list of another thing I won't be ever doing in life ever cooking frying fish naked? Now I cook, and I ain't doing that. We're just doing the house dangerous. It's like when you walk back from the stove over to the fridging, just flat open, a little bits, very excited, just a little flare open st okay naked. Have you guys seen the new liquid Plumber commercial? Crack? Have you seen? That? Is the funniest thing ever. It's traumatizing, but it's done to you. Remember the you remember the product. Have you seen this? You know I haven't seen it. You gotta see it. Not really looking forward to it is just as it shows up. If you watch, You're gone. I just can't believe they're showing this on TV. That Yeah. It almost killed me when I saw it. Yeah, you gotta see it because I can't even believe they're doing this on TV. Now. Everybody's a plumber the message they're trying to get out of huh. I thought one of the ladies was my ainting. She's that big behind you thought she was one of the plumbers getting TV before me. Hell yeah, I was passing my dad a camel bill board up on the road one day. I was driving and I just was sleep and I woke up and looked at it and it was Joe Kimball. Cool, just like my uncle. Man. When they shot her run by man, I saw the news I screwed the swore and my uncle with her, that's that, And I thought it was George Wallaces. Mama said she didn't nobody, Why did you why she putting a little white boy around like that? And then they shot her so bad and kind of find that wasn't his mama. But yeah, been image spitting image for years ago. Oprah head me. George Wallace had about three other comedians on her show. I was on Open Word for show Man. You know, we set up there, we was doing your mama jokes, and I thought we were just gonna do one and he'd be over with about three. Told George Wallas, joke ever talked about my MoMA. Oh, he's just doing on me and open we no get your heads, I said, wasn't doing them too? No, she was just having us, but she would dying last. I said, don't ever talk about my mama again. He said, you got a pretty good one off. I just thought we're gonna do one apiece and the only reason I did called over told us too. You kept going, Yeah, I did the one for him, the only one I got really don't really mess but George kept going, Yeah. I told him, George w was I said, your mama so funking she was secret and it told on it. That was it? And you still he was out and started man one and then they laughed, and then he did two or three months now I'm looking at it. Everybody on open show laughing butt me. He just I got him one day. Yeah you did, Oh yeah you did. It's the thing about it when you get in he writes that down and put that the show. He called me to was what was that you're saying about my mama? For all Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show.