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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things in the true good Steve listening to mother, Please, I don't join Jo. You got that turn you're going to do. You gotta turn to turn them out. You got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water got me. Come come on your tha Uh huh, I shure will good running everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. Real glad about it too, you know. Um um. I hope that God always keeps me in the frame of frame of mind to try to be sharing and try to be motivational, and even when it's not felt or wanted by some people. I have people around me who seem to not benefited off anything, and I can sit with them and talk to them or take meetings with them to try to encourage them, and for whatever reason, you know, they want to just keep going the way they're going. When you run into people like that, you have to pray for them. You have to just hope that one day that they release the chains on their mind and open up your mind to a new way of thinking. A couple of things I wanted to go over with that I want you to all today in terms of motivation, I want you to be aware of statements or old sayings that have been created that you hear over the course of time, and you may be applying them to your life. And I want you to be careful of some of them because some of these old sayings, man, are not designed for people who are dreamers, are not designed for people who have any aspirations of being extraordinary. These are not designs or sayings that people who want to be extremely successful at anything or have high aspirations to put these sayings into your life. Let me give you an example. Statistics say that's it. That's the one who want you to be careful about statistics, say, be very careful of stats. When a person says, you know statistics, say one out of every what see, listen to me. These are things that sound like they're good, sound solid advice, but they're setting you up for failure. And you can't adhere yourself to a lot of these sayings that's been passed down from generations, and it's not scripture, it ain't in the scripture nowhere that statistics say. It's just some people and a lot of people who have lost have come up with these sayings to justify why they keep losing or why they lost. When I was arst got started in the business, there were more stand ups around now than it is today because the comedy boom in eighty four eighty five was it was gaining a lot of momentums, comedy club, comedy nights everywhere. The statistic that a guy told me I told him I wanted to be on the Johnny Carson Show, the Tonight Show. The guy said, one out of every two thousand comedians ever make it to the Tonight Show. Okay, Now, when he told us that, some of the comedians in the room went, well, wow, man, oh that's rough. Because a guy had also said that there was approximately six thousand comedians in the country at that time. I don't know if it was true. I'm just telling you guy was out the sputing numbers. I have no idea how many it was, but he said one in every two thousand will make it to the Tonight Show. And he let the air out of everybody in the room. Button be so every night before I went on stage. I used to do this right here that Papa Da Bada La la La da bada Pampaa baa la la la da. That was the tonight theme song. I was young opening act know where near Hollywood, didn't. I was in Cleveland telling jokes at one night us. But that was my thing because I was bent and determined that if it's one in two thousand, okay, why don't I just be the one? Be careful when people say statistics say because they are set up to ful failure. If you're gonna adhere to him, see that one in so many it one don't so many people win the lottery. But if you don't play the lottery, you ain't gonna be the one to hit. Now when the dude hit you go while he was lucky, but he played. Here's another one. Maybe it's not meant to be. All right, let's go one step further. I guess it wasn't the Lord's will. Don't you dare blame God for something you may have not done yourself because you didn't get the proper education, because you didn't do the things you were supposed to do, because you didn't stay to the task, because you quit turned around and went the other way. Now, maybe it's not. It wasn't the lord's will. These are all statements that sound like sound advice, but they ain't all the time, got nothing to do with you. Stop letting these old fogy sayings get in your way of what can happen in your life. Don't put all your eggs in one basket? Wow? Who came up with this? Who came up with the If you don't pour all your efforts into one thing, how are you gonna be great at that one thing? If Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordans, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird had not played basketball sun up to sundown. Magic Johnson didn't go to Michigan to get an education. Land Burry didn't go to Indiana to get an education. These casts was bawling. Michael Jordan didn't go to North Carolina get an education. They went to play ball. They went to do one thing. Tiger Woods didn't go to Stanford to get an education. He went to play golf. As soon as he got good enough, he'd gone. These are guys that put all their eggs in one basket. See what's cool with putting all your eggs in one basket is you now can maximize your effort and laser beam what you're doing. Your problem is. All you gotta do is make sure what is your basket made out of. If your basket is made out of faith, hope, hard work, and belief, then guess what, that's a good basket. I'm dumping all mine in it because ever since I was a young dude, I've been telling jokes one thing, one thing only. Even when he got ugly and I was living in a car, I never quit telling them jokes. Man. I just kept believing that them jokes was gonna pay me one day, and I'll be dog gone if it didn't. I ain't take no time off. Go work at to Walmart, give me a job, go back to Forward and beg for my job back. Hey man, put all your eggs in a basket. Just make sure that your basket is made up of faith, hope, belief, hard work. Your basket woven by God. What you're tripping for. You're defeating yourself. Where is your faith? Where is your belief? Where is your trust? At one point in time, you got to believe that God could do what he say gonna do, because he didn't done it. For others, He'll most certainly do it for you. Be careful of these sayings that's out here, that's aligned by losers and people to justify why they are not succeeded. Don't apply this stuff to your life. And it ain't got nothing to do with you. You're gonna mess yourself up. All right, Okay, you're listening. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Twenty twenty two is here, and what's equally as important is you here with it. That's a jumper, baby, that's a deep jumper from the corner for three at the buzzer. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Shirley Strawberry caller for real, that girl out of Mississippi name Monica kill Spates, better known as Junior, and the legend that is now for you, Tommy. We are all here, Junior. Yeah, what's on your mind? You got a little going on? Y'all? Right, hanging there? I know you your little room by yourself. Sometimes you get there there, you know, distracted with nothing. Yeah, I think, man, I got I gotta, I got Let me ask someone. Let me just ask this man, I've been thinking about it. But I've been thinking about it. Okay, you know, you know my situation, you know my life, you know what it is. You know what it is. Right, let me ask you this. Hum. I'm gonna tell you what I'm taddling because I'm nervous. No, sure, I'm nervous because of cold. If you had sicknes sell off, what would you be doing right now, standing in front or heater, standing in front heather, taking hot brass, warming my hands up, blowing in on that. I'll be doing, drinking coffee. Man, Come on, take all these lamp shades off, these lamps in here, turn these light bulbs, gonna high I change all my light bulbs to two hundred and fifty. Wats did your mom used to make it? Turn the oven on to hell? Yeah, going there and cut that oven on three fifty and get out the way that dope shitting up in there. Man, All kinds of stuff right here, and get some paper and put it around the cracks in the windows. In the water time, we used to put heavy duty plastic on all our wonders so you couldn't even see all our wonders in the window. To cut all draft out. That was our ceiling. You know, there was an insulation and everything for us. And that front door had a rug that stayed against the bottom crack. Yo, yep, my daddy came by there and didn't see that rug when the hell moodist rug got away from this dough out from away from the door. No good in hair wells me every time somebody yelled out loud, I knew good and hell it was me the hair drink all this cool aint and put this thing back. Noticed everything. He didn't flush this target. We left this play in the secretout resting it out to beat me daddy for the sounds of a black household. We all were raised. Every putter walked out of the room and left this damn tv ob. Remember we used to remember we used to sprinkle the bell till with comment like it was season. It was who left this milk out the refrigerator? All right, coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna start the show off with nephew Tommy's run that prank back right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show, all right, time to start your morning off. We run that brank back and the nephew, which you got, Nephewllo, we got some very nice this morning for you. It's called exotic delivery. Exotic. I'm sure all of you have had some exotic deliveries in your time. Listen right here A little bit different though, We're gonna deliver something to you that's never been delttle bit before. Cat Dog, if you would, Hello, Hello, I am trying to reach Adria and Adrian. Yeah, this is this is he. How can I help you? How you doing? My name is? My name is was Shot. I'm with GPT and we have a delivery for you. I'm gonna be arriving probably in the next I guess about the next ninety minutes. Are you Are you actually at the house, sir? No, I'm not at home right now, but I mean you can just go ahead and leave whatever it is my my wife and you know kids can probably get it when home from school, you know. So let me make sure I got the address right, Are you thirty eight North River Drive? Yeah, that's okay. So is anyone there right now at all? No? Nobody at home right now. I don't understand why you can't just just leave the package there for it. Again, Well, this has to be This has to be signed, and I have you on here as the handler for this delivery, so I definitely gotta get quite a few signatures from you. I got about five or six pieces of paper sheets that you need to sign off on. Are you are you? What time did your wife get there? Sir, she'll be there, lady. What do you what do you what do you mean? I'm a handler handling what? What are you? What are you delivering? This is GPT, sir, this is Global Pet Transport. We have two peacocks, we have a seal, and we have a baby kangaroo that we're dropping off today. Okay, it's gotta be some kind of mistake, right, We have a dog, that's it. We don't. We don't. We're not an animal sanctuary here. I don't. I don't understand what what you're talking about. We didn't a kangaroo. I feel I mean, you're you're you're you're Adrian. It's correct. Yeah, that's my name, man, But okay, and you're thirty eight North River Drive. Listen, listen, Yes that is accurate. But again, I'm not a handler. I'm not handling things. Okay, okay, sir, let me, let me if there is some confusion. Your name is here, your address is here, So I don't see where I have a problem. Everything I'm asking you, you're saying it's correct, except now you're saying you don't want your delivery. It's not my delivery, man. If that's what I'm trying to tell you, this is not I didn't order a kangaroo. I didn't order these things. Okay, a kangaroo, a seal, and two peacocks. Doesn't he makes sense? Man, two peacocks? Whose order is this? This is not my order? Man? You got my name? Okay? So here, okay, So here's here's what we need to do. Will your wife be here? Would be at the house within the next ninety minutes. She she she might be. But you know what are you saying? What I'm gonna do is leave them here, Leave them at you at your place, and you can call the company that shipped them and you can figure out what went wrong or whatnot. But it is my leave these animals there. What what what is your what's your name? Brothers? What's your name? Brothers? My name is Roshan Rahan. Let me tell you something right now. Okay, you're not about to leave no animals at my in house. Okay, you're not leaving no peacocks. You're not leaving no in kangaroos. You're not leaving no concealed Okay, we're not having it in pettant zoo at my house. When I get to my house was shot. Ain't no animals gonna be there? Okay, Okay, you know what? Who wanna figure? Okay, let me get my wife on the phone here right, let me let me call my wife. Hang on, Hey, I'm sir. I don't listen, sir. I don't have time for you to reach out to your wife, for you to try to figure out what you're gonna do about your kangaroo, your peacocks, your seal. I don't. I gotta make this drop. I gotta keep moving. I have other animals on the truck. I don't give up about your other animals. Okay, I'm gonna hold my wife. I'm if she bade ordered to day in Cameo would see it, okay, because I know I didn't order. All right, We're gonna figure this out, okay, and she's not gonna sir, listen to me. Listen to me, sir, you can figure this out when you get home. Right now, I'm now about an hour out. I'm gonna drop the animals. Can you something, sir? If if it's not yours, somebody will come back tomorrow and pick them up. What do you mean somebody gonna come back and pick them up tomorrow. I'm not gonna have them feeling my house overnight. You think I am Huh? I ain't Mary Poppers, man, I ain't out here doing nothing with these animals like this. You're crazy for shot. Please. It doesn't conta animal at my house when I arrived. So help me, God, so so so help you. Gouy what you're gonna have it? The animal's gonna be there when you get there. Man, you're not feeling. You're slowing up my whole delivery route today. Okay, I ain't got time for this. I ain't got term of this, man, I'm not. But why you order? Why you order of Kangaroo if you don't want it? Now? If I didn't order them to Kangaroo, that's why I don't want them Kangoo, because I didn't order them in Kangaroo. Wow, be telling me what's I worder? What's I want? Okay? This is the worst customer service in the world. I don't even a customer of yours. You're trying to tell me that I gotta kangaroo, a peacocks and peacocks. You have two peacocks. You have two peacocks, sir. This doesn't even make any I'm gonna do with those animals. Animals, I don't know what you're gonna do with him. You're gonna sign. You're gonna sign this paperwork through That's what you're gonna do. If you think I'm signing that paperwork animal. Man, I don't want to whoop your ass at your house in front of your wife and kids behind some damn animals. I don't, But you're gonna sign my PaperWorks. I wish you would try to whoop from them. I'mbout to show my kids what it looked like to show up and pops real reckless. Can you show it up here with a damn caravan an animal like I'm in the ridiculous Okay, huh no, got my face, man, this is ridiculous. It's only one thing. I really, just only one last thing I need to tell you, to be honest with you, What is that? The only thing I can tell you now, Adrian, is that I have nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morty Show. Your white bridget got me in the prank phone call you. Oh man, you gotta be kidding me. Oh man? Who wow? You don't want to delivery man, you don't want it. I don't want the kangaroo man. What what are those animals together? Man? You gotta be high up to mine or one of those damn animals together? All right, baby, give it? Tell me what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Let me hear, Adrian, this is Steve Harvey Morning Show. Baby, all right, Matthew, thank you. Coming up next, it is asked the CLO Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey in the building for your love questions. Right after this, now, I want to hippopotamus. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and trending entertainment news, tributes continue to pour out for the family of former Miss USA Chelsea christ We are praying for her family. Plus in other entertainment news, celebrity baby news. In case you haven't heard, Rihanna is pregnant. That's right? What and Jennet Jackson had to crush on Alicia Keys. We'll talk about all of these stories a lot of roundhog Day. What today, Loveday? You can it is time for as the clo All right, Jelinda and Morgan City Right. Three years ago, I dated a guy that was married and I found out after about two months. I recently got a job as a daycare director in a neighboring city, and I went to lunch with the owner of the daycare and we were talking about infidelity, and she asked if I'd ever been with a married man. I was honest, and she fired me because her ex husband cheated on her and she hates mistresses. How can she do this to me? How is this my problem? Whoa wait a minute? First of all, what what what are these moments of honesty y'all be having? I have talked to y'all about this on this damn show over and over and over, and what is all this? Honest? Have you ever been with a married man? No, I've only been with two men in my life. I'm don't give a damn if you're fifty nine. I told you the number of men and I've never told you to say you dated a married man. What did you open your damn mouthful? You went out to lunch with the damn director who's your boss at a daycare center? All you should present is your best foot forward. You are the ideal person to have around in raising other people's kids. The hell did you tell a for you posted? Get fired? Because you're stupid and you're honest, two reasons your aunts ain't gonna keep a job, and stupid and honest. Moving on, Ruthie, you're playing today? Huh bo Rucie and wincha, writes single woman. Huh what did you say, Shirley? What's her name? Ruthie? Secondary? Yeah, you combined the two and said Rucci. Go ahead? Good? I got these in busy lines on all right, Ruthie, and which talk says. I'm a fifty nine year old single woman and I went out a date with a guy I met online. I took my thirty six year old daughter so I wouldn't be so nervous. The man was a lot more interested in my daughter, and they seemed to have a lot in common. As we were leaving, he asked her out in front of me. They've gone out twice. Am I wrong for being upset with my daughter? Should I let it go? Yeah? Nice? Let it go. Y'all just met online. It ain't nothing. You took you little fine ass daughter who finding in you. They talk and they got something in common and stuff, and he asked your daughter out in front of you. He figured how you bought them? What did you bring her fault? Okay, well, now you ain't gotta be nervous no more. They've gone out twice. Ye, So now your daughter figure ain't was nothing going on because obviously wasn't nothing going on for you and the man. Y'all met on line and you met, and you took your daughter because you're nervous. He liked your daughter, your daughter liked him. I just let it go. Congratulations to your daughter. I understand you're being upset, but obviously you ain't find enough to be taking other people with you on dates. We discovered that on this way. Let's get a new rule out for twenty twenty two for date. If you are single and you know you are not that fine, do not take fine nor people with you on the date. You're gonna lose. You're gone. But I'm telling you, if you know you're not that fine, and you know I know I know I'm not that fine. I know you not that fine. Let be honest. But if you know you're not that fine, don't take nobody fine her on the date you're gonna lose. Who is this your god with? It was just him right now? Oh okay, so you bought something for us to do snack. The whole time he's sitting there, he going, I need to switch. I need to bring in my reliever right time to change quarterbacks. This a new game. Oh the whole time he was in there, and then right, okay, hey, could I take you out? Sometimes they got to talking and laughing. You're sitting over there, being extra nervous because you know you ain't that fine. Later struck up a conversation and now, all of a sudden, you out of it. She went, thank you very much, Let's go Sherlan all right. Christian and Newark writes, I have a teenage son that lives with me part time and with his dad the other part of the time. When he's with his dad, I allow my maintenance man to stay over. My son came home the other day and says he knows mister Wilson was there. Because mister Wilson has told everyone he's banging me, he said, he said it just like that. I denied it and went to my room. That was three days. So what should I do? Well stealing the because it's still in each stage, mister, because mister wilsonon told everybody, mister Wilson told, shut up, mister Wilson, see that, ain't like Booker on good Time. This mister Wilson in that running his mouth seeing nobody slept with book of the whole time. He was all good time. But mister Wilson, don't. I'm like her mom. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna paint off the ceiling with this with him and here and they're using them hardware. Turn. I'm in here, Oh, I'm cleaning out the drains up in here. Y'all need to see me up in here. Boy. You know what I'm saying. I'm in doing this thing right here. Boy, I'm not I'm I'm taking here, just off dolls up in here. You know what I'm saying. I'm just in head. You know I got news for you, boy. I'm from I'm ranching pipes. You know what I'm saying, I'm just letting him have it upen here, old, asked mister Wilson. Yeah, all right, you realize he's not really amazing man, but a literal man. But anyway, Shelly, I know, I don't I get it. I'm audience, Shelley. I've been doing this my whole career. I know about artism, all right, saucy and baton rouge, Steve Right. I've been married six years and I haven't worked since I had my baby last August. My husband suggested I stay at home. I stay home, but apparently he's struggling with finances and won't admit it. We can't go out to eat, I can't shop for me and the baby, and he canceled our cable. How do I ask without offending him? What you gotta ask for? You? Cantie? You ain't bought no new clothes and now you asks hanging there watching TV? What how much clarity you need? How do I ask without offending him? Don't ask? You go restaurant. I'm be sitting up been at with I know lights in them? Just keep on? Yeah, what is it you want to ask? I appreciate the man's dignity. And pride wanted to take care of his family. But it's a struggle and how you don't know about your finances. Y'all really need to sit down and have a finance discussion, all right, because you see him somehow he's struggling hill sound like y'all struggling to me? Yeah, true house too. All right, thank you, Celo. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news where you right after this you're listening show, all right. So everyone is still buzzing about the Janet Jackson documentary. But did you hear about an old interview with E Online that and Janet Jackson it's resurface now. Janet was asked if she were ever to have a lesbian relationship, who would you be with? And Janet said, I would pick Alicia Keys. I think he's wonderful. Well, Alicia Key, I'm talking her because that's how she was talking in the documentary. Yeah, Joe too, everybody, I ask everybody soprano. But Alicia Keys responded on Instagram, this is what Alicia Keys said. Alicia Keys said, I knew I was bay. But if Janet Jackson says it, and she dot dot dot dot Dot. She ended her caption with multiple bomb emojis. So there you go, fantasy. Yeah, that's how you handle Internet. You don't give him nothing else to troll on. Yeah, let's do it. Shut it down right. And and in celebrity baby news, Rihanna Rihanna, Rihanna is pregnant with her boo asap Rocky. They're expecting their first child this year, and that's exciting news. That's exciting news. They've been together for a while. She left her billionaire. Now she's with a that Rocky the rapper, and uh, they're happy. Looks like they're congratulations. You're not happy, junior. No, I want not because I want to REALI just put it out there. Let me just let me just get you how this worked. She was with the billionaire dude, Yeah, they broke up. Now where where in the wanton hole with you at? I'm after this before at break up with a billionaire? Yeah? But but you know what, you know what my six figures salary important. It ain't the same amount of money, but I'm telling I doing a lot with it. Well, ye, you have been a chilies for two for twinny speak on a junior speak, what I can do for you, Rihanna, I can take you the chili too for Twinny me and you well at diamond class birth can that's that? Go your six figures? Got that cars or burken exotic skin, burkenk bad with diamond class on it. Okay, well let's take that off, let's get one without that. Give me low en. How much is exotic skin? Yea, how much you think for that purse? And exactly I've seen them as well. Go ahead, I'd say that's what I think I think it's about. I got Hey, man, let me tell you your ass can't bet not even going Louis Verton, right, be not well, you can can't your little fifteen hundred in that talking about the persons. But you're not finding getting no big one wallet, low end, loween, exotic skin. Depend on the size, you know you're probably looking at easy thirty. Let's go a sap easy asap rocket, you know you get them sizes on it. You can get a clutch. I've seen clutches foot cut it, he said, ain't the one in your car? Man? Hey, junior, junior, you're gonna start dating, You're gonna have to learn some of these female terms. What clutch you need to clutches type of purse? Okay, yeah, it's just basic stuff you can need to learn about women. If you're gonna be out here dating, you mean tell me they got clutches thirty thousand. No, I've seen clutches cheaper than that. I'm just talking about exotic skins, you know. Hey, man, hey, I'll tell you what you do. Go online on Birken. I'm gonna tell you right now. There's a Birken bag I saw online for one point two million year old. Why can't I love my baborite dam She can't hide out right there bed not come home with it? Oh my god. Okay, all right, you guys know that today is Groundhog Day. Yeah, uh huh. Never year we go through with this thing. This is a very important day for me in my life. I've been stopped playing about that years ago. I don't give a damn about that ground hall. He's gonna make his prediction in just a few minutes. No, one's not in Philly. If the groundhog season shadow, of course, there will be six more weeks of winter Junior. If not, there will be an early spring. Okay, after this past weekend, snowstorm. We really don't need a longer Winter stopping including juniors, comp saying he can't take no more input, no mo Winter. We started the show off with Winter talking about him. Who the ground hall bite? Why you don't never bite nobody? I mean it's a wild animal because his fat ass. No, he's captive. He's the same one. You're gonna get his ass whipping that cage and he can figure that out. They feed me. I'm fat, I'm important. Yeah, they don't need to bite need white people. Let me gona deal with this hit with all these seed Lincoln ass hats on. Let me gonna just did the damn groundhog is is a uh, he's a black version of an animal, black version of an animal. You don't just figure out how to work with the white folks and get something out of it. He threw with it. Yeah, like one year he just gonna up in whole ass. But a man, if they ever do the ceremony down by the river, he's gonna I'm going straight in, get to the other side, and I'm out. All right, we are moving on for real now, coming up a twenty minutes after the hour, right, we're gonna talk about sleeping with the enemy. It all ties in with your favorite TV show, Judge, Steve. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, there are a few things in life that people are as dedicated to and passionate about as their favorite sports teams. However, a survey found that seventy five percent of diehard sports fan sleep with a fan of a rival team. Did not know that there was a similar case last night on your show, Steve, Judge Steve. Now remember Robert, the husband who was a diehard Cleveland Browns fan, sued his wife Cynthia, who was a diehard Pittsburgh Steelers fan. Yeah, that's just as stupid as he want to be. Now, Syndey destroyed her husband's Cleveland Brown's jersey and cut his Miles Garrett auto graphed cap up. Yeah, that's that's fine, that's fine. They needed you, Steve. She said she don't know what happened to this stuff. Yes, she lying. Man. This woman right here, man, this woman right and she was talking. She was so rough. I was afraid of her. You said that. Wow, Yeah, this woman right here, there's a sister. No, no, no, the inter racial couple they were a older couples funny as held on that. Yeah yeah, so John As you ended up Judge Steve awarding the husband two official authentic autographed jerseys. She was very happy about. Some cats I know in Cleveland sent me to two jerseys for Jim Brown autograph Jim Brown and Miles Garred. Yes, wow, yeah, she cut up the autograph cap. Why would she do that? But she don't remember none of that. It never happen. Happen. I don't know. I don't know what happened. Man, I'm trying to tell you get in on the fun and the judgment all of that. Make sure you check out Judge Steve Tuesday night, TODA, eight pm, seven pm Central on ABC and Hulu. Wow, Steve, it's a great show. It's gotta hitting so good. Thank y'all, Thank you very much. Appreciate you for continue watching. If you can't watch it, please streaming on you lou Hulu over and over and over and just keep hitting it. And I get credit for all that. It's trying to stay in the game. What you mumbled off, what happened, just trying just keep hitting it on on Hulu over and over and over. JA, I get credit. I'm trying to stay in the game. Game, sir, You're in the game. You're in the game everywhere I got Because people know we worked together. They talk about Judge Steve exactly. People coming up to me, Steve. We love Judge Steve. It's a great show. We watch it all the time. Make sure you check out Judge Steve tusdays at eight seven pm Central on ABC and Hulu. Coming up with thirty four minutes after, we're gonna check Steve's voicemail. Right after this, you're listening to Name Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time now to check Steve's voicemail. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, if you want to leave Steve a voicemail, this is a caller Steve. This first one about the Supreme Court justice nomination. Good morning, Steve. Shirley Collin Junior Jay that few times, just going to throw this out here to you regarding Joe Biden and the Supreme Court. While he promised to nominate a black woman, I don't believe that Joe Biden even really thinks that a black woman would be confirmed on the Supreme Court because the powers that be. They'll whole that thing up forever. And I just don't see it happening. Trust me, the powers that be didn't want a black woman vice president. Can't see putting a black woman on the Supreme Court by the old boys who run that process and procedure. The only promise to nominate one you've been promise to give one. And this is your boy, John Love calling out of Virginia Peace. Well, you know, man, listen to me. The only problem I have with it is that I don't like telegraphing everything and every move I'm gonna make to the enemy, because all you do is give them time to line they ducks up in a row. I would have just if I would have, if I would have just bought her out as the candidate. Listen, but see this always trying to appease the black voter and make us think like he's something special. I'm gonna a lot of people. Let me explain something to you. The average white voter, and this is just a fact, could care less whether a black person is nominated or not. They just don't. That's not that doesn't make them racist. It's just not how many blacks are anywhere. It's on the radar screen for the average white person. So I just disagree with Joe Biden telegraphing the fact that this is what he's gonna do. And it's like a campaign promise that you can't guarantee you'll keep that, because what the call is saying is really right, man. These boys right here, man, and they're blatant with their racism. Now they blatant with it. They ain't playing with it no more. They've gotten permission from Donald Trump to blatantly do and be what they want to say. And they're not playing with this man. So when you give them or heads up or the horse coming, they start line and they ducks up in a row. Let me ask a question, how can how can Trump pull off getting the person on the Supreme Court? At how he was able to do it? Why can't Biden do the same thing because he was able to get what's the named Kavanaugh? Yeah, because the Republican Party is unified and they have the help of two Democrats. That woman and meet him mecham whatever his name is, out of West Virginia. There is two Democrats. That's really wolves and wolves and Lamb's clothing. This dude, meet him out of West Virginia is a Republican on paper, but that don't mean not dog. What did he do? He don't ever side with the Democrats. Noms problem was sticking together. I mean they don't, that's for sure. And they cowards and they play the game. Yeah, next called, all right, let's go to UM. Oh here's the call about Judge Steve. Steve Edwin. I'm Sarah, New York. You was doing a great job. I like the UM Judge show. You're doing something different. You don't have to do what they do. You come up with your own knowledge and your own wisdom. I like that. And plus you a guy's child, you blass. Oh, I like that making that Keep up from Tyler Perry. I would get lost in that place. That place is matterless. I ain't never seen no place like that. Keep up the good work. You're on the crew and I love to see. Keep doing what you're doing. God bless, take care of bye. He had me at the very beginning when he said you was doing come on, speak speak to my doing you was doing is thank you? Thank you for that call. All right. If you want to leave a voicemail for Steve, call eight seven seven twenty nine Steve. Now coming up next to is the nephew with the frank phone call. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry letter and the subject is super Boo Game Party, Super Boo Game Party. Okay, I'm Tom Barn right now, though the name you. We'll get into that in just a bit, because right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Naf My refrigerator, My refrigerator. H that's all it is. Let's go kid, my refrigerator. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach up mister please, this is Jackson. I'm the driver a man, I'm actually the delivery guy that's bringing you refrigerator over the day. Okay, what's going on? Okay, listen, I know we had a window that was from eight twelve this morning's see it's eleven thirty now, so we run a little bit behind schedule. Man, we have some problems at the yard getting everything loaded up. Man, come on, man, you killing man, I can't y'all. So y'all running behind. We're a little bit behind schedule. Man, we're gonna have we we'll beat up somewhere between twelve and four. Oh, come on, man, y'all know to do better than that, now, Man, I understand, sir, I understand. Actually it's actually I got a man. I got all my food in here and this and coolers and stuff. Man, I got ic everywhere. I man, So I mean, what's what, What's what's going on? Y'all ain't got to refrigerator. I'm trying to figure out. No, No, we loaded up. You know, we just had some problems. I think one of the fourth lifts went out and you know, it kind of pushed us back. So that four hour wind that we had from eight to twelve, man just got ruined. And now we're pushing things from our twelve to four. So between twelve and four, man, we would definitely be there. Y'all don't have to be brothers and man, it's all I spoke to me yesterday. Actually, the warehouse supervisor, he's actually out there that he's not here. He's not here. Yeah, man, Yeah, we work here one cause you said y'all gonna be hereuntil in between twelve and four. I'mupposed to do work in want to Clark, I understand it, man, I greatly apologize. Man, this rarely happens, and it just so happened this morning and forklifh was down and we had a lot of stuff to load up. You know, we got I got ten refrigerators on this truck, man, and one of them is definitely yours, sir. So I'm definitely gonna be getting into you as soon as I can't, man, y'all. So so man, yea, I'm pushing it. I'm pupposed to do your work, and you know I scheduled everything, yes around this because I'm supposed to. You know, I gotta have a refrigerator to pound on my food and stuff and in the kitchen and whatnot. The refrigerator went out? Did it go? Refrigerator went out? Is that what happened? Yea, it's very so did. I mean I hadn't had it for quite some times, which you know, so it's just amount of time for we'll go out. So I try to even get a newes you know, right. That's why, Well, now I can SCAREDU you. I can SCAREDU you next week sometime if you want it to. I mean, I can't I can't afford day. We're gonna pave this food. If I got to hear all over the floor, let me let me get the hustler. Man, see if I can move as quick as I can. But twelve and four is the window, man. Like I said, I apologize, mister, we'll be that man. We're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna be that what you're refrigerated day. Okay, okay, So so when you when you on your way, how about I want you to call me and let me know that you on your way so I know what's going on. We don't know. We don't know him to call when we're on our way. We just come on in and get some things. Shut up. What do you mean you don't call it not? You just called me just now, didn't Yeah? Yeah, like I said, the problem is on us, man. I give you a call when we win a round. Okay, okay, I appreciate that. Now you said twere you said between twelventh four? Now ye, yes, sir, tween twelve and four, we definitely be that. We got your on the truck man. Okay, I don't want I don't want no miss man. No, No, we got you. We got you. We'll see you a minute. Man, all right, they can hello, miss, this is Jackson again, the delivery guy man with refrigerator. Well yeah, listen, listen, battis man. We run into a few more problems here. Man, it looks like we're probably not gonna get that frigerator out till tomorrow. Sometimes you you said your whole you said what We run into a few more problems, man, it looks like we're probably not gonna get that refrigerator out till tomorrow. Into a few more problems, a few more problems like what su we got some problems with some uh some more delivers we got just with all the delivers we got it. Just don't see. We're gonna make it on your side of town to be to get this thing take. You're not gonna make it on my side of town. What kind is that you decide you want to take my money when I pay for when I paid for, but you're gonna tell me you don't and you ain't gonna make it on my side of town. Well, well, we can definitely get out there to morrow. Man, We definitely can get out there. The mark I can't, I can't hand them out to you to morrow. I got chicken and beef and uh and man briskuited all over here like sloakes. And you go to tell them you can't make it in here too, the mark that uh you you ain't got no answers for me on that I understand. No, no, I don't. I don't think you understand. So because I got sitting, I got food and ice and sitting in here and cool as all of them on floor of my kitchen, you're gonna tell me that I did just you can't make it in here to the marrow with with with my frigerator here because because you you you you you y'alling on the back of Ram yesterday the word that I know you're spoke to I told him yesterday I had to have my work at one o'clock. I told him that I've seen that you got to refigerated your own time because I gotta grass work. Well, I said, I don't talk to you more like I said, so not working today, he's not he's not into days. In charge. Well, actually the lady name one that's actually in charge when Larry leaves. But uh, I don't even know if I saw mom. But but you reggive you. What do y'all doing over there? Now? I did, We're gonna have it there. It was I took out my job for y'all, had a refrigerator. I'm here there at home now. You called me back, and so all I can tell you is we're gonna be there tomorrow. Okay, I'm not gonna go back and forth. You know, you know what you refrigerator, Charlie, y'all you take the refrigerator, so you stick there, figerator. I don't want to know more. I'm gonna have this food in my neighbor frigerator, and I'm gonna go give me another from somewhere else because you playing around. I ain't got time for your men, sir. I don't know if I don't know if that's refundable. You know what I'm you mean, you don't that is refundable. When you got time, you're gonna take my money and you're gonna tell me that I can't have my money back. You can't get my frigerated on your own time, sir. Listen, there's one more thing I need to talk. I can't say to me because okay, but I have one more thing I need to tell you, okay, are you listening? This will probably help everything. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey More And to show you just got pranked by your wife. You know what I'm gonna fix up. So but when they have frigerator, that's what I want to know. I tell you what. They showed up. The frigerator showed where they can put it. Blank. You blank blank blank? You tired all this, Timmy, got that meat on the floor in the kitchen. We got beef chicken brisket. Tommy, when you said I don't think you, I don't think you don't think the refrigerator refundable? That little was it? How you gonna how the blanket? Blank? You're gonna tell me I can't get my blanket. Blank. You didn't took my blanket. I ain't got no blanket. Refrigerator. I'll tell you what. I don'tna go down there. Huh. You can stick that refrigerator your blank blank you can take that. Oh he so drop this food over to my neighbor's house. I can't imagine having to do that. Right now. I gotta take this food over to ding. Oh my god, it's Steve Hervey. Yeah, listen. Yeah, can I put this food in your refrigerator? Cash? Where you got? I got ten cooks a truck. I love it. Here we go, Baby. February tenth through the twelve, tenth through the twelve, Huntsville, Alabama, Stand Up Live Comedy Club. The Nephew is coming to Huntsville. So get ready to get ready, all of my own network family from Love and Marri's Huntsville. The Nephew come to town. Okay, So I expect some red carpets, some little love, some hospitality, a little bit of dinner, a little bit of that cigar around. All that. I'm looking forward because I'm coming to Huntsville. That's right. February through the twelve. The Nephew come to town, all right, laying in the cup. February eighteenth through to Twitter, Baltimore, Maryland at Baltimore Comedy Factory. The Nephew is coming. Take his own SI ready now. Pointing six of February, Saint Louis, Missouris Sheldon Theater, two shows and one night. I'm now okay, let's goes on and on. You want to get the rest of my schedule, go to Thomas Miles dot com. M that's me. That's that boy from Ready to Love. You know me? Come see me? All right? All right, nephew, thank you. Coming up next Strawberry Letters, subject his super Boo Game Party. Super Boo Game Party. Will get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. You never know, it could be yours, It could be yours. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry Letter, Thank you enough, subject his super Boo Game Party. Dear Steve and Shirley, I'm a thirty three year old female dating a thirty four year old man. We met at our college homecoming two years ago, and we didn't know each other in college, but we found out we have a lot of mutual friends. He's an alpha man, and he's very active in the fraternity and he loves hanging with his Pratt Brothers. I am a photographer and a lot of my clients are attractive single women. My boyfriend's neighborhood as a nice clubhouse and he's been planning a party for the Big Game on Sunday. He gave me flyers to give to my clients, and he said he'd be inviting a lot of his single male friends that are looking for good women. I thought that's a great way to hook up some of my clients, so I told three of my clients to come. I went over to spend time with him this weekend, and on Sunday morning, it's fraternity brother and two other friends came over early to start grilling, even though it was snowing outside. He was talking on the back patio and I heard him say that he dm several of the baddest girls he follows on Instagram, and his boys chimed in with excitement over all the bad bees they'd invited. I asked my boyfriend about his guestless for the Big Game, and he told me he had some of his colleagues coming, but didn't go into detail. He was telling a boldfaced live but I let it slide. Then I found text messages in his phone to nothing but females inviting them. I've seen the females he's following on Instagram, and none of them need to be around my man or his friends. I'm thinking of skipping his super bout party or maybe invite a bunch of fine men to balance off the room. Should I beat him at his own game? Or do I avoid the party altogether and reevaluate my relationship. Well, I definitely think you should go to the super blue game party. I mean, you gotta be there to see what's going on. And yes, yes, yes, of course invite some cute guys the party, right, although I don't think your guy is gonna like that because you're inviting other guys to his house and he doesn't know them. So maybe, on second thought, still go, but don't invite a cute guys. Hopefully the party won't go too wild because you're gonna be there. You know, your man should know how to conduct himself, be good side of hand, and disrespects or embarrasses you. You'll know at that moment where your relationship stands, and you know what, make sure you bring your camera. I strongly sug trust that. So the other fellows are gonna behave you know. If you do that, they don't want to catch themselves on camera with the bad bees, you know, especially if they're married and such. So don't try to or have girlfriends, don't try to beat him at his own game. Just go so you can be in the game. You could be part of his game, Steve. You know, look, lady, you can do what Shirley says if you want to. But let me hit through to a couple of things. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but let's just tell the truth in this letter. You're thirty three dating this forty third disting this thirty four year old guy you met in college home coming. You don't know what you're coming. You don't know each other in college, but you find out. You got a line in comment. He's an alpha man, and he's very active in the fraternity, and he loves hanging with his fraternity brothers. No comment. Let me read this line again. He's an alpha man, and he's very active in the fraternity, and he loves hanging with his fraternity brothers. No comment does the basis of your problems you're having right now? That's all I would say. Oh, six brothers, let's just messing with y'all. A lot of good brothers in every fat man. I'm a photographer and a lot of our clients are attractive single women. Now, my boyfriend's neighborhood got this clubhouse and he's planning a party on the big Game on Sunday. You do know the big game we're talking about on that Sunday they're planning it. It's for February the thirteenth. It's on a Sunday. It's a big game, has the word bowl in it. Yeah, and it's that Sunday. They call it like Super Sunday. Get it? Wink wink. So now that we've got that, he gave me flyers to give to my clients and said he'd be inviting a lot of his single male friends that are looking for good women. That's a lie. See, attractive men don't have problems finding good women. They're inviting the fine women to increase their selection pool. That's what this is for. So just know that he'd be invited of his single field looking for I thought that'd be a great way to hook up some of my clients. So I told three of my clients to come, and then you went over to spend some time with him. A Sunday morning, his frat brothers and two other friends came over early to start grilling, even though it was snowing outside. He was talking on the back patty, and I heard him say that he dm several of the baddest girls he follows on Instagram, and his boys chimed in with excitement, all the bad bees that they had invited. Okay, me and talk like that when women ain't around. I got it. It's no excuse. I don't condone it. But you know, you talk like that when they ain't around. You know so. But then again, y'all let them put it in videos and you buy their records, so they probably think it's cool. That's another whole other conversation. I asked my boyfriend about his guest list for the Big Game, and he told me he had some colleagues coming, but didn't go into detail. He was telling a bold faced lie though he wasn't. No, he wasn't. He told you, YE have some colleagues coming by, and that's what he did. Not a lot come hark too, of responds, his angry responsive coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry letter. Subject is the super Boot Game Party. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to come on, Steve. Let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject is super Boot Game Party. Thirty four year old girl thirty four thirty three year old ladies dating the guy thirty four that they went to the same college. They met each other at home coming. They didn't know. They talked. They have a lot in comments, so they started dating. Uh, he's an out for He's got a lot of fat brothers. He's very active with his fat brothers. Come good with that. They got a nice club house in the neighborhood. And so what he's planning is to have a big party on the Big Game day this year. You know that super thing that they have out there that's a party and got the word bold in it. And so you know, as long as I don't say them together, I can't get in no type of trouble. But we know what we all talking about. What game it did, big Big It's like the fifty something, the one that they thought, you know, and it's gonna be in la you know, you know, you need to the game anyway, and so uh, he said he's gonna throw it. And he had been playing in the party, and he gave flyers to uh this lady, this beautiful girl to give to her clients, he says, even inviting a lot of his single male friends looking for good women. So you thought it was a good way to hook up from your clients. So you told three of your clients come over. Then you went over that Sunday early and he had a couple of fat brothers, semetri friend. They was outside grilling in the snow. But you overheard them talking about all the bad bees that was gonna be at the party. And then he had said he had dm some of the finest chicks he follows to invite them over. Huh. So now after you hear this, you walk in and then you know you asked your boyfriend about the guest lists for the Big Game, and he told you he had some of his colleagues coming, but didn't go into detail. He was telling a boldfaced lie. Once again, No, he wasn't. That was not a lie. You asked about the guest list. He said he invited some of his colleagues. A few of them was outside. Bobby que he has colleagues, people that he worked with, that's coming to the party. Your nose. He dipping behind overheard him say he was gonna DM some of the baddest chicks that he follows on Instagram, and the boys was excited about it. Why would he tell you that he was dming some chicks to invite him to the point, why would he tell you that? Why? Why would he say that so the party could be lit? What you mean? Why he do it so the party would be lit? She wanted to be lit. She didn't invite it three of her fine friends because she wanted to be lit for her girls. So now he said, and I've seen the females he's following on Instagram and none of them need to be around my man or his friends. Who are you? You can't say that, man, they don't need to be around your man or his friends or his friend. You are? Who is you? The police? You don't get to decide who who? Girls stopped And I'm thinking of skipping the super Boo party or maybe invite a bunch of fine men to balance off the rule. Don't do that. That's one thing Shirley told you not to do. Don't don't you as dude. Let me tell you what. Men don't mix. You can't mix men. You cannot do that. Men have to know who at their house. Men have to know who in their space. You can't bring other men in that because that's a whole nother masculine energy and you don't even know who what these dudes gonna bring or something started having seat. Look reading you have your friends over your house is because when they start drinking, you've seen him drink before you can handle them. You bring these other men in here, they get drunk, they cater everybody stepped to them because they don't really know him. Not a party out of hand? Should I beat him at his own game? Or avoid the party altogether? You're a little chicken, little girl. Invite it, avoid the party. He just told you to come, So why don't you just go and see what's happening. It might be a nice time. You don't know, but you're assuming all the worst. He's a bold faced lie. No he ain't. He just didn't tell you everything, and no man does ain't. No manfing to tell you everything that's not reality. Nobody's doing that. Come on, young lady, if you're waiting on a man to tell you everything. You're not gonna be in a relationship, and if you are in a relationship, is not gonna last. And don't you tell him everything? Women don't tell everything? And bet not. No, you can't go in the house and tell your man who Holly that you at the stow today? You know why because we're gonna write back down to that damn stoke. See mister produce clerk, see how you want to talk about when I'm now he what's up? Bro? All you need to do with being here just selling this celery dog. You don't need a holid celery, not just sell your celery many up in here on her like this hill you do the celery dog. You don't do. You don't do Celeste, you do cele Celery. She ain't your business. You can't tell you man everything, and a man can't tell this woman everything. That's what keeps the relationship alive. Period. That's right. Go to the party and enjoy yourself. Do not break up with this man because you're throwing a good man over to one of them bad chicks that he didn't DM. Lord, I'm much I wish I could see this part all right. Poster comments on Today's Strawberry Letters them gonna look like that in real life though, Just want to throw that out that Philter. Yes, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. You know what time it is for Junior and Sports Talk right after this you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time now for Junior and Sports Talk. Jacott, let me tell you this fellas Carla said it best off. This the worst kept secret in n fail. Now now Washington football team to change. They named to commanders. What what is the intimidating Yeah, that's the man. What that girl looking like? Who's scared of commanders? We have nothing else intimidating. We could have been like you could have been the Washington worst you know, put fearing people name you know put when they're playing you. But the commanders, Junior, who's scared of a cardinal? Well, you know that's another point that ain't nobody really scared of them? But we had they had two seasons. Who's scared of a brown? It's a dog? We know alway is is a brown? Want you to just look at it? We named after the white man Black History Month. Okay, Paul Brown left, Paul Brown, the Browns got you right, Man Washington also man also he made it. He made an official. Tom Brady went on Instagram and said he is completely retired. He don't have the competitive edge in it. But I know you got to meet Tom Brady up. What was he like? I mean, I just I never met him on the football field, but just as a person. Cool dude, man, real cool man. Funny you know because when he talked, which attracted me to him, you know that? Yeah, because because that's what we're doing, back hill, hold on, homie love at first. See, I'm talking about within the first three minutes, I probably think I called him Yeah, yeah, I think I think he was the bigg probably three four times. About at least three minutes. You cused him out three times if yeah, the big one too. Yeah. But you know, and you know, but but you know in in a real uh loving and admiration type of way. Yeah, you know. Wasn't no, ain't in it. Would you ever think we'll ever see another time? Brady is no, no, no, no, you've seen any more Muhammad Alis Oh no, no, ain't saying that they come along every night and you have you seen another Mike Tyson. It's some stuff that you see. Have you seen another Tiger Woods since Tiger No? And I mean nobody close. Wow, some people that you that you can look at it? No, well you won't see him again? Yeah? You why as this camp? You ain't seen Michael Jordan again. I don't want to say that, but you haven't seen him? All right, Junior, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour will have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this You're listening show. We've all heard the rumors, but now Dolly Parton, it's putting them through rest. No, her boobs are not insured, will He was asked, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, he thought that hunt. Dolly was asked about the rumor last week on Today with Hoda and Jenna after discussing model Heidi Kloon's legs being insured for two million dollars, Dottie says. Dolly says she remembers joking that she should get her boobs ensures and she's famous for them, but she reiterates that it was just a joke. Apparently, there are rumors that Jennifer Lopez insured her butt for three hundred million, and Madonna insured her boobs for two million. So this is for the guy. What what body part would you ensure? Oh? You got mine insure? Yeah, my lips. I got my lips, so sure for how much? Seven hundred thousand? Why you didn't go to a million? Was that random knowledge? You know? I didn't want to, you know, I didn't want nobody to try to collect on it. You know, I just you know, like if I was in the car and then't got one toe off for something, you know, just a little something something, you know, my teeth. How much five millions? Okay, Well because I cut it because I figured if I didn't have no lip, you just see my smile all the time. Yeah, yeah, five million figures. Yeah, I tell you right now, Shirley, you need to know this, and this is important. My ankles isn't shooting right now? Your ankles, My my ankles is shooting for twenty thousand. I'm telling these the best ankles, These these ankles I got whooped. They shooting for twenty thousand. I can't afford more than that, but they ankles, and they twenty thousand beast for the grand I got just an ankle. Yeah, I had suggestion for you, Junior, what you are to ensure you alret to ensure your headline. But she's gonna be collected on that soon it's gonna be gone. No, he needs to know that. Just a lot of truths. I got to talk with my little brother about you. You need to shoot your headline because I comment you sitn't it be gone? You'll be able to collect on that. You can just collect on that. Yeah, yeah, I think about another year, another year to you're gonna wake up a lot of your headline gonna be on the pillar. But you know what he's holding onto it, Steve No why because it's wavy? What does it make it a good grade? Have? It ain't up there no more. But I'm just saying that's why he's holding onto it, because you know that's what the ladies like, well saves girls like I had nice foot speed, but that's gone. Did you ensure your feet? Oh? I had? I had hell of a hops my leaping the bit home, My boy, I can get up in the hour gone. But you think Junior is in denial? Hell yeah, I know, because it keep rushing it to the front. He ain't ain't y'all have been seeing me. Oh Zoom with hat Zon, I know every day, every day the other day on Zoom and his headline was the same place his head says Wood, you got to laugh at yourself. I'll put so and they match up with my headlines. I tell you he's laughing because we all remember the day Steve shaved his head. He called allfa it was the big thing hold up. But I had shaved it actually when I was forty nine on Rise Save. I shaved it on Christmas Eve when I was forty nine. What happened was they came to do radio at my house, her and NONI and I opened up the door and they walked in and they didn't even say nothing. They know it was you. I opened up the dope ball headed as hell. But that's where you know, people come to your house looking at your house instead of you. What they know is zed we're walking looking all around. Oh the seals as I ain't got no help made. But finally we said, oh, you've got a nice shaped head, Steve. All right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Denver Broncos are on the market, and they may have a black owner for the first time in the NFL's one hundred and one year history. Philanthropist and billionaire investor Robert F. Smith as reportedly merged as a front runner. Smith, whose net worth is around six point seven billion, made headlines back in twenty nineteen after he pledged to pay off student loan debt for the four hundred graduates at Morehouse College. The Broncos sale, which comes in at a whopping estimated four billion dollars, which will be the most expensive sale in US history. Other bidders include Peyton Manning, John Elway, Make Sense, John Elway, and Brittany Boland, one of the daughters of the former Broncos owner Pat Boland. So there you go. Wow, I don't really know about that story, the validity of it. Yeah, I don't. I don't know, So we just have to wait and see. We haven't talked about it. He didn't run it. When you say hey, he ain't called me and saying nothing. So I don't really know what we're going. But but when you do, I'll let y'all know. Posted almost happening to ring. You know, I'm not really sure what direction he leaning anything, So I really show about that four billion. I know one thing, David. Once you started talking to me and you got a billion, I really I can't perk up. I'm sure. Yeah, more conversation gonna be in it though. Yeah, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, we'll play a round of would you rather? Right after this? You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show? Guys, it is time for it yet another round of would you rather? Jumping right in? Would you rather walk barefoot over burning hot coal? B? Or would you rather take an ice coal shower outside in the dead of winter? Taking that shower outside in the dead or winter? But you really, really, I'm taking that shower outside in the dead or winner. You're gonna walk your ass crossing burning coals barefoot? If you have any idea the problem? Well, I might have that problem. I don't, man, I got you. Here's another one. Would you rather have sex every day in a haunted house? Or would you rather have no sex for a year in your dream house? Well, you got a problem in this haunted house, because I don't know how I'm gonna be able to perform with all these people that scared me. I'm telling about it's hard for a man. Uh, I'm fitting it, dude, whatever, Just too much of that, too much of that. I'm standing on him, looking at you. You necking that dude behind you? Standing on here. Ain't got no head on what's happening over time. I'm just looking on what black people scary? Oh man, ain't no way. We ain't gonna be able to perform. Man about that third night, We're gonna change the deal. Then I got to get out of here. Man, I'm not sitting to sit up here. No sex for you in the dream house, all right? So no sex for one year in your dream house. I ain't gonna be. I ain't. I ain't gonna be to make it in that harnted house. That ain't. I ain't getting no sleep all behind and nothing happening in this harnted I can't sleep. We show ain't going to hold each other, every man, all right? How about this one? Would you rather have a speaking voice like James Earl Jones this is? Or would you rather have a singing voice like very white. Oh, I want very white. You'd be very white all day, Not James Earl Jones. Very way. I'll take the singing voice and just deal with your voice. I got the voice, the talking voice. I got that served me pretty good. So I'm gonna need to change in that. I get it. I thought told me a little billionaire old practice, you change your all right? All right, thank you guys. Coming up next at forty nine minutes after the hour, closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening to show. All right, Here we are, guys, our last break of the day on this Wednesday. It's been a fun day, great day, been a great day. Yeah, and Carlo, we got to say congratulations to you, mommy of Tasha who's killing it with her dance team. Yeah, yes, yes, that's awesome. Guys in Dallas the Indian Alliance competition. They are the national champions. Thank you. The team is called Stellar, So shout out to Stellar and Tasha and her dance steammates. Yes, she keep winning. They're gonna put her ass off the team. But it's a team No, it's a team effort. It's not just her winning. It's the whole team winning. It's stupid, it's crazy, it's so crazy. Appreciate the love the baby. We're proud of our little baby. Congratulation growing up, keep winning. Never know where it's gonna turn out. Thank y'all, Love y'all, love y'all. So much to be a world class coordinator, choreographer or something. But then y'all ain't got to pay for college. Yeah there you go. Skip scholarships. Yeah, baby, scholarship. What as we going to college? What a scholarship you corfor? Can't teach you how to dance in college? They don't they allow you to dance. They don't teach you going there with the skills. We've been to go to college. No, we've been be well class choreographer. We threw it this here we we we found our guilt and it's not in college. They don't teach your choreography in college. It So, what you're saying is that if you could get a scholar shield for just talking crazy, you had a full rad. I wasted my time. What he was not down there? I just didn't know it. I went out there trying to get an education. Were dumb assn't need no education. We can't educate you. You don't even pay attention, you don't know how to study, you can't stay in testing. Question every time we tell you something, why why are you down here? When you questioned everything? We tell you why that? Why? What? It's pie squared times ten? Who need this? Who? Who needs this? At what point in my life? My life? And I'm gonna need pie? What saw these is my clothes? Remarks? Your child? Let me tell you something. If you find your child's guilt, man, focus on that gift, man, because that's what it's gonna take them far in life. And I'm kind of serious about that too. You A lot of times we push education on everybody when everybody ain't in this world to go to college. Everybody's not set up in this world to go to college. And you could make your children go. I wish I had understood that about my children earlier. I got better at it while I said, hey, let's find out what you want to do. Let's go do that, and let's tie to your gift and let's go do that. Now. I'm not knocking education at all, because it's a beautiful thing. And I spoke to a group of a college students the other night. I'm amazed at people who can go to college and get the groups breathes and masters and PhDs and all that stuff. I think that's a fascinating gift. And being smart is a gift. So college is for a lot of people, because if smart is your gift, that's just as good and oftentimes better than running, jumping, singing and dancing. So I'm not knocking education. You gotta get educated to be a surgeon, a doctor, a lawyer, a dentist, and engineer and architect. You gotta do that. So this is not a knock on education. What about the other folks? What about the other folks that don't have that in their DNA? They can't be successful too. I think they can. I'm a living witness to it. Now I don't. I don't recommend my out. I do not recommend my route to anybody because it's route right here. When you talk about I went up the rough side of the mountain, I'm not playing with you, but you got to be a certain time type of person to get up the rough side of the mountain. It's in you. But do you want to develop it? Is the question? Do you want to go through the things that's necessary for you to attain your dreams. That's why a lot of people give up because they don't want the requirements that come with being successful. It's in all of us. But do you want to develop it? Do you want to keep going when you feel like quitting? Do you want to see it through when you don't even know where the end is at? Do you want to keep stepping when they chopping off your legs? Do you want to keep getting up when they continually knock you down? When the answer for me was yes, because there's nothing in staying down and said now I'm down. There's nothing in quitting for me except it's over. So when your children are talking to you, listen very carefully. Spend time asking your children, what do you really want to do? If you could be anything you could possibly be, and you knew you couldn't fail at it, what would you do. Let's talk to our children about their dreams and vision because God can put a different thing in them that's in it for you. You don't know. I'm pretty sure Barack Obama's mother had no idea when she gave birth to him that he would become the first African American president of this country right here. I'm pretty sure she had no idea, but he had it in his head. Find out what's in your kids heads. That's all I got to say. That's turned out to be my clazy laws, even though I did in ten. Now have a great day, Hey, look, talk to God in love to here from me. Bye for all Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules. Visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.