Good morning and welcome to the ride! This show is dedicated to those who are trying to improve their situation. Sister O'dell stops by to share memories of Harriet Tubman. Many big name celebrities have been evacuated due to the fires in California. The World Series goes to Game 7 in Houston. Big Dog and Mrs H. are guests of Sheikh Sultan III in Sharjah. Near and dear Friday actor John Witherspoon passed at age 77 in Sherman Oaks. What is the best selling candy in the US? Dave Chappelle received the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO speaks about being resilient and more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like American buck things. And it's not doing me true good at Steve Hary listening to move together for Steve hard Please, Bobby, I don't join joining me. You gotta use turning. You gotta turn to turn them out, turn, got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water. Come come on your baby daddy. Uh huh, I sure will a good minding everybody you're listening to the voice, come on, dig me NW one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, here we go today, folks. This is a good one because today I want to share with you something that affects every living soul, and that one thing is your attitude. This affects everyone. It is your attitude. You know. I don't know if anyone's ever told you, but I mean many of you who listen know this. But there are a lot of people who don't understand a positive attitude can bring about a change. A positive attitude can bring about a change. Well, now here we go with the nay says, well, Steve, what you mean if I'm just positive being chained. Un I'm a gonna what me being positive got to do with that? Okay, now listen to me carefully. A positive attitude can bring about change. Well, okay, Steve, I hear you saying that, But they didn't fired me. So now what does my having a positive attitude have to do with the fact that they fired me? Well, one more time. A positive attitude can bring about change. Or Steve, I set up in here and gave eight nine, twelve years of my life to this man and he just he cheated on me and walked out. Now what does me being positive have to do with him cheating on me? How that's gonna change that? Okay, here we go again. A positive attitude can bring about change. Now listen to the whole thing. Now, the positive attitude and the change that can happen starts it just is just start. It starts within you. See, life is ten percent of what happens is what you do about what happens. Okay, you gave twelve years of your life to this man. He cheated and left you hold in the bag, the kids and everything. Now what does being positive have to do with changing that? Or they came in and they fired you. You lost your job that you was a stellar performer at. But now, how does you having a positive attitude, How does that change things for you? So far? You can use any example. Here's what happens when you have a positive attitude. What it produces within you is a positive approach to life. And when you have a positive attitude and a positive approach to life, it causes you to be optimistic, to have a positive out look, to expect things to evic actually turn around and and and and turn into a positive That's very important because as the law of attraction comes into play, if you think positive thoughts, you attract positive things. If you think evil thoughts, you attract evil to you. You know, if you want for nothing, then nothing comes your way. If you want for a positive attitude, if you want for positive results, if you want for a great outcome, that's what you attract to you. The change will begin within you. So let's take the man that walked out your life and left you hold in the bag. Here's a positive attitude. Okay, two things have happened as positive here. Number one, you've ridd it yourself of someone who is obviously going to be if not already been toxic in your life, cause you many restless nights, a lot of uncomfortable feelings, an uneasiness, not sure in purity. You've been going through it with this person, whoever they are. Number One, that person has been released from your life. Number Two, it allows you now to have the someone who will treat you just the way you want to be treated. That's the positive outlook, that's the optimistic way. That's when you're a positive person. You see the positive in things that happen to you, instead of burying yourself under the what's wrong with it? A old woe is me now? Concept? See a positive attitude. When they came in there and they fired you and let you go, Could this not have been just the opening you needed to finally start on a new career path that you've been talking about doing anyway? Could it possibly be a brand new chance for you to get the dream job or dream career of your choice. Could it not possibly be the perfect opportunity now for you to finally finally do something about that gift, about that talent that God gave you, that thing that you love to do. Could it not be the perfect time for you to pursue that. But if you don't have a positive attitude, then you lay there. Oh they finn come getting my house. Oh what I'm gonna do now? All this unemployment ain't enough. Oh Lord, when this unemployment run out, what am I gonna do? Then I won't have nothing? And you old woe is me until you become old woe is me. But if you take it from the positive approach, some amazing things can happen in your life. I will tell you on a personal note, that's some of the most some of the best changes, some of the biggest moments in my life came after a loss. So I don't want to go down on the list, but boy, I could tell you. Let me let me tell you something. When they didn't want me on the radio anymore in La, when they didn't when they went, it was sicking the way I did radio out there, and they wanted me gone. And on May twenty third, two thousand and five, when my when? When? When? When my deal was done? With the beat out in La. Okay, Look what happened though, y'all? I was gone in May. But in September nineteenth I started to Steve Harvey Radio Network with four cities. You see, but I didn't go old woe was me. I said, oh okay, God must have something else from it then, because if he didn't remove me from this, that must be something else. Same thing can happened when you lose and you and you and you break up in a relationship. Same thing can happen to you. You never know the one God God for you that here you go, here you go again. Now you get put into a situation with somebody, treat you just to where you want to be treated, provide you the whole lot of aspects of your life you knew nothing about prior to that. But you gotta stay positive. If you stay positive, that positive attitude, that optimistic outlook, that that that always thinking God got me no matter what happened to me, some amazing things that's going can will happen in your life. It's a fact. I don't know how it works that way. I just know that's what it is. Positive attitude is everything, y'all. So get off the old woe is mean negativity train because it ain't gonna take you nowhere but down and get get your outlook up. If you change your attitude, you change your altitude. Altitude is determined by your attitude. How high you go, how big you become, how far you go. It all depends on how you think. It all depends on what type of attitude you got. It ain't no, ain't no very very successful, super negative people. It just doesn't coincide that way. If you see that something happened to them along the way, and don't weary. You ain't gonna wear ay about it because you ain't gonna see them long because you can't stay up there like that. It's just too hard. All right, that's the conversation you're listening to show. Ladies and gentlemen, let me have your undivided attention please, This right now, currently is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today's show is dedicated to people who are trying to improve their situation. This is only for people who are trying to improve your situation. If you're not trying to improve your situation, this ain't the show for you, Ladies and gentlemen. On and cracking Shirley, Good morning, This show is for me. Good morning, Steve Carlin, for rel Oh, this entire show is for me. What's happening? Grow, Good morning, j and your boy morning UNC need everything in this one, every land, one of them. If you tim it, Come on, baby, tell them haters, y'all can go to hell. Well, my man, I can't, Tommy. You ain't got to send them to hell. They ain't going to him with all that mess. They just makes you greater. I thought, I know, Shirley, I just can't stay. Huh, I ain't. I ain't even gonna lie them, Tommy. Oh they get on your nerves, though, don't they? Yeah? Man, oh yeah, anything without them saying something? Why are you doing that? Who told you to do that? Where you get you think that's a good move? That's what you're gonna wear today? No, no, I got it sometimes No no, no, I just ain't what I'm gonna wear. I actually have it old and this little non voter confidence is not helping me out at all. Uh uh Oh that's your car. I thought you. I thought you had another car. That's what you're driving. Okay, damn, that's all you driving? Yeah okay, wow, but I'm driving though, Yeah driving? Yeah? House the same Denze yet. Yeah, it's hard to be Tyler's house. Listen, people, you ain't gonna have a bigger house there, But is the house you got Is it happy when you walk in it? Thank you man, That's what really matter. And this is you mentioned Eddie Murphy, Steve. This is all love right here. You guys have got to see Dolomite is my Name on Netflix, starring the one and only Eddie Murphy. He told me I ain't had time, so you got to check it out. Yeah, oh yeah, we gotta show Eddie and the Crusome love. Huh. Yeah, it's good. It's good, especially if you're a Dolomite fan. You find out all about Dolomite, and you know what made him Dolomite, where he got it from, why he wanted to be Dolomite, you know, his relationship with his father. It's it's a it's a good movie. Rudy Raymore, Rudy ray Moore, yep, yep. Is it a comedy, well, you know when he's on stage, it's a comedy. But it's about his life, so you know how people's life isn't funny all the time. So funny at all? Yeah, as funny as I have been, I have had some seriously non funny moments. Yeah, that's where the comedy came from. Huh yeah, could have done without it, though, I wasn't trying to be that damn funny coming up at thirty two after the hour. She is here, ladies and gentlemen, Sister Odell will be in the building right after this. You're listening show all right, ladies and gentlemen. She is here, our girl, sister Odell. You here, you here in the background. It's coming. She's coming. She's I don't know why she isn't at the mic when we announced her, though, got a hole. You know, she don't move as fastest as she used to. Here she comes, better be quiet something? What is she saying? Got a whole of me? She wait, I don't come on, and I'm so glad? Does she know we introduced? Damn all right, here she is, ladies and gentlemen, sister my lord, they know it's me, sweetie. Has everybody doing this morning? Brute for brutal for Hey, Connie waiting on you. Hey, sister old Dawn good good good, good good, Hey, Junior mornu sist old dad good good, high boy. Yes, ma'am, yes, ma'am, that's good. Hey, Shirley, Hello, sister Odell, Hello, good good. I bless all of y'all. What's going on today? Well, it's yeah, thank you for that blessing. That's very yes, ma'am. He is he get to you anytime. I hear the excitement in your voice, Sister Odell. You know, tomorrow's a big day. M m. It's the big day. It's gonna be in theaters everywhere hopefully. Well, what is your talk about, Harriet? The movie comes out? Girl, I ain't know what you was talking tomorrow to me. It's been out. Y'ain't on the movie. Uh, it's a movie to y'all. It's a memory to me. So they're gonna f and out by mother ahead. How cold she was? She was? Yeah that Harry Man, Lord Jesus and your memories? What you say, I said, you don't man, you want to give us one of your memories with miss Well? One time you me and Harry was you know, we were we were rolling, we were rolling deep one night, you know, and she asked me to make a run with her. You know now where she said run? You know it was cold? Uh huh, that was cold. Word make a run with me? Me. We just goin to go pick up some negro knew, you know, So what we had to do you know, we had to leave Cleveland and travel down south. He picked them up then come out Cleveland. Oh, so we had went all we were faring off as we could go. What number water after that? And one night we went out there and we had picked up eight passengers on the honeyground, you know, and we were heading back and one of the mean is this guy scanned? He said, Oh, I think I think uncle has to go back now, he said, Harry said, She said, He said, he said he's I think our school had to go back now. And Harry looked at him and said, what did your podcast just And then he said, I scared miss her boss to go back now. And all you heard was she had that forty five. You know, she cocked it. She said, turn around if you want to, you got one hole in. Yeah, this is what miss Harry told him. Jeff like that. You know when we was you know, when we was on the underground doing doing our work, we wasn't trying to be Christians. We were not o no time to be a Christian. You know what, because they used to talk about it too. We had a cold nickname, you know, because they were saying here, come ho ho, Neil, you know a whole hole was for Harrod and Old Dad. What you had to say, ho hole, because if you cut a shot, that will get your shot. No, yes, ma'am. Bus a cab right in you know here come ho hole. That knew that was shot for Harrod and Old Deal. And that's how we rolled. That's one of the memories that that's gonna be in the movie. They cut it. I was gonna ask you if someone going to be playing you in the movie, Harriet. I was gonna because I'm still living. Yes, man this movie. Oh thank you for clearing that appisode. You can't cast me because I'm still living. What you ain't gonna do is have a ghost for me walking then yes, ma'am, Yes, but I got a question for you too, Sister, go ahead, Well let's off subject. If you were finished talking about Harry, I'm too baby. Oh okay, So tomorrow's Halloween, sister, down you're doing something for the kids, tricky tree. I don't fool with that. That's a devil. That's a devil. Hall, that's a devil. Holiday. Nobody to do that. Come halla boo if you want to. But making for the kids anything, the kids, we have something what is the big holiday to who Shelly, so big holiday too. I'm just just keeping one funny black people. I ever needed Halloween here. We live in Halloween. Halloween, December, January, June boo. Yeah, Halloween is for white folks. They always want to dress up and make believe something. Why what we got dress up? Make bleeve? We gotta make bleeve like we got enough to eat. Then we gotta make leeve like we got written money. Yeah, we got light on open hair wale. We got lee like these candles is finny light even we don't like making leave. We don't do that. Don't So you're not gonna dress up or anything? What I'm gonna dress up? Pass? The Lord says, come as you are it. Don't say dress up and be somebody else. I tell you, yes, man, Halloween, we're doing nothing. We have something for the kids down up at the church. They ain't come down here, all right, thank you, Sister will tell we gotta get out of here because nephew Tommy is coming up next with run that prank back. Why don't introduce your pranks for you too, tom Thank you. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the Hour and entertainment news and national news. As a horrific California fires rage on, we definitely are praying for our neighbors in northern and southern California. Um wow. Also in entertainment news, Take to the Skies with Kanye West and James Gordon with Airpool Karaoke. Uh. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now the nephew is here with run that prank back? What you got for us? Naff you here? Hold on, hold on, boy, that's right. You did say I know you heard me. I heard you. Yeah, I did here, but you did it anyway? Well, no, I just forgot cicterdale ip. Yes, if I bring that up, I guess I'm being techy, no, ma'am, No, ma'am, just no minding you what you see I do. That's the question, because I said why I did it? I forgot? You forgot? Yes? Man, where where we're a little Who's forgetting times? Break? I'm too old to be wasting time? Well I guess I ain't only ones. Don't sound like you got much time to waste either, because he's forget fun, yes, ma'am. Whatever, Ladies, and gentlemen without the King of pranks, the boys the best added, this is the only thing he did at so pay closer to you hit my car? You hit my car? Let's go. Oh you waste that are all over the place. Hello, I'm trying to speak to a dels This is she? Do you live an apartment number seven eight? Oh? That depends on who asking. My name is herman Wales. I live in building three, apartment one on five. Do you live in an apartment number seventy eight? What you want with? Well? Live? Look, maam, do you drive a camera or tokyo? The camera light blue? One? Yea? All right? Your next door neighbor then told me that you ran into my car. I gotta bends a block one of two thousand and five C two forty Now I got light blue scratches on my neighbor told you what your neighbor. Matter of fact, his name is Brian Kendall to the little across the hall? What the cross abe the little cross the hall told you? What? Man? Listen? All I know is he say he lived in apartment eighty He lived next dough to you? You live in a supposedly apartment seventy ages right here in Cambridge Court apartments. Now, all I'm saying is he told me your car is the which is the light blue car? Hit my back into my car? And I ain't trying to create no problem, but somebody got to fix my car and I got light blue scratches on my bends. H last I checked my light blue clamming the only light blue camera they made. Ma'am, you're the only light You're the only light blue car in the parking lot. Any the only light blue car in the parking lot. Right now, I ain't gonna say I've been the only light blue car in the damn parking lot. Man, I'm done. Look, and I'm in the middle watching tea. What can I do for you? What do you mean? What can you do for mean? You didn't hit my car? I ain't touch your damn car. If you got some cameras out in this parking lot that saw me hit your car, no, I don't have no cameras. But then I believe this conversation is over, and I don't give a damn what's a cross That man across the hall told you. Look, let me tell you something. You didn't hit my car. Now you hold on hold on, player, Uh is you yelling at me? I'm not yelling at you, But you didn't hit my car. You the only touch your damn you're the only light blue car in the parking lot, the only light blue car in the parking lot. And nah, and as a matter of crack, my car ain't even in the parking lot. My supposed bar I go to the stop. What is it possible that your sister is the one that hit my car? Now? Nah? What? Okay? Is your sister when is she coming back? Maybe she hit my car and didn't tell you she hit my car. Now, she ain't hit your car. She ain't hit your car, because she would have told me she hit your damn call. Look, uh, I said, ain't nobody to hit your damn car. My car ain't got no damn scratches on it. What you ain't gonna be at me? Though? You won't give a what kind of scratches you got on your car? But I can't do a damn thing about it. And even if you did, let me just be clear, I ain't got no insurance, no way, so I can't do nothing for you. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, let me tell you something. You ain't got to tell me. You ain't got to tell me. Fine, and as far as I'm concerned, this conversation is over. Wait a minute, let me ask you he call it back. Mister. You act like I ain't got your car about. You had at them scratches on your car all ready, and you ain't going to use me as no more an excuse to get you no new payers. I had no scratches already on my car. Yeah you had him? Oh yeah, you had no I'm gonna tell him an insurance or just if he come over here, noah, because you're gonna be using your insurance. I now retold you ain't got a play. Don't make me come over to your apartment on seven standing in the door. I'm on my way to the doll Na, I'm standing in the door. Come out, come out. Look, I got thirty five hundred dollars worth for scratches on my car that you need to pay for. You the only you're the only worth thirty five more one hundred dollars. So you already doing better than me? What? What? What? What? Look? I not ready told you. I'm tired of talking to you. I'm watching TV and you ain't got still talk to me about I need to talk to you about this cart and cut your call. My car ain't bumped up against your call. I ain't even part nixt to no BMW's late. It's a ben ever, it's a ben C two forty a black Give a damn If it's a being seven seven and seven, I can't help you. They don't make a seven seven lady. Look, you know what? Can I say something to you? No, you can't say you know what you can say to me? You can say by I just want to say one more thing to you, one more thing. I'm gonna give your one moment and go ahead on all. I want to say this, nephew, timment from the Steve Harvard Morning Show. Your sister robbing out of DC put me off, make me you know what, I don't even have y'all show. I listened to the show on the inn knee and this, Oh you wait till I talk to her. I hate mister Dale. Will listen before you go. Can you tell me what is the baddest radio show in the land? The Steve Harved Morning Show. All right that you saw me, you knew you didn't run into nobody? Damn I hit nobody because I'll be trying to pull myself out there. Won't nobody hit me, you know? All right? And then you have it. You hit my car. Yeah, yeah, you do right there, but you won't do that anymore. You're talking about the cross side blanketed blank cross that's what you're talking about, exactly, all right. I'm right, all right, I'm the only blew mustag out there right now, camera right camera, Yeah, m yes, November the twelfth is the date surgery we'll take place. Yeah, what you really gonna do it? But yeah, I'm gonna get it out the way. Man. It's been over five years. I should have been done it. I can't all my wife in there, all right? You know what. We don't have time to delve into this any further than this. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment and national news for you right after this. That guy come out you're listening to show. As we reported before, a number of fires have firefighters in California residents they're on edge. Everyone is as a Kincaid and getty. Fires continue to rage. Hollywood stars are among the thousands of residents forced to evacuate their homes amid the blaze. Celebrity evacuees include Lebron, James, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and more, many of which are taking to social media to share updates as they seek refuge. The stars are thanking the best firefighters in the world for putting their lives on the line to protect Californians from the blaze. That is correct right there. Rolling power outages, which have been ordered by Pacific Gas and Electric to reduce the risk of more wildfires, is leaving close to one million people in the dark. Weather conditions aren't expected to improve for at least another couple of days. Strong winds and dry air will continue to fan the flames. And we are definitely praying for our neighbors California. It's close. My son's home had to be evacuated and you know, yeah, he had to get out. It's way too. It's just a lot going home, man. But like I tell people all time, it's property. You can get some own property. Don't stay and try to fight no flames. Those ambers with these winds, get out of there. That's what loans. We have a lot of sporadic fires because that wind blow them ambers and the roof catch on fire and the house next to it might not be, but then it blow over a block over in that house on fire. We don't have enough firefighters to fight all this because it containment is so so much. That's a blaze. So please pay pay attention, very very close attention to these announcements of evacuation. Yeah, you lived in Texas, and you know how we have flood insurance and that's all I really know about because I grew up in Texas. Do they have insurance for stuff like that? Yeah? Yeah they yea, yeah, yeah they have fire But you it's a lot of people are having a real hard time in certain sections collecting on the fire money. Uh, there's people suing. Yeah, it's a lot of people suing companies. I can't tell you all the reasons why, but some people are are very very slow and being told that they won't receive benefits because you gotta excuse me, pay attention to what type of fire that it is, because they you know, insurance companies are tricky, man. They have loopholes. So everybody that helps right doesn't necessarily get it. Like I know a part of mine whose house caught on fire because of the fire, but the ambers blew over and his neighbor's house caught on fire, which caught his house on fire. He was fighting to get the wild nature fire. Whatever they have, I don't really know. I've never had a lost the house about five Yeah, I don't really know. But not everybody. Wow, it's not automatic coverage. Just like flooding, it's not always Yeah, you know, water damage is not always covered. You got to really know what type of coverage you have. Yeah, And can just say another shout out to the firefighters because they do an awesome job. They really really do. They take a risk. Yeah, they do ye all day, all night, all yeah, anytime they're out there. Yeah, you know, And Steve, that was a good what you said, because that's a good It's a good time for everyone to brush up on their insurance policies to know what they're covered, what they have, whatever part of the country that you live in. Because you got fires on the West coast, you got hurricanes, tornadoes and mids, blizzards, flooding. Yeah, you need to know what it really is and to what extent and the fine print is hurting a lot of people, yeah, a lot because these natural disasters. It's like the new norm. Now. That's what California Governor Gavin Neuson was saying. Yeah, this is crazy. One of those flurries can catch his house on fire if he the house next door. I'm just using as an example for everybody to know what your coverage is and thoroughly understand and ask questions because there's a lot of people right now that's suing who are homeless. That is a mayor. I wish I could think of him because I just saw him on LATV the other day. It's a mayor that still running his business but he's living in back of his business because his home was burned down in fire, and he's suing though insurance company because they won't pay his benefits. It's a lot. You have to know what you have. Flooding and water insurance is very very It's it's different, tricky. You know, flooding In addition, flood insurance is an addition to property. It's not it's not included. Like you're saying, Steve, you gotta know what you have. Yeah sure, yeah, yeah, Well you weren't believe people that's in fights with insurance companies thinking they were covered for a certain type of thing that happened to their home. Find out is not Yeah, so you know you have to pay att Yeah. And according to the Chicago Tribune, in a twist on carpool karaoke, Kanye West and It's one hundred plus member choir saying on his airplane on Monday's The Late Late Show with James Gordon, the setup went like this. James Gordon's flight back to la was canceled, so he hits the ride with Kanye. Kanye offered Cordon the dreaded middle seat on the plane, but it may well have been the best seat in the house because they were jamming and rocking on the plane, performing Jesus walks and more. Take a listen to this, the hustlers, even the strippers, to the victims of wealth, that we liveing in hell here, hell yeah, now here. We here. We want to see thee more clearly. I know he hit me when my feet get wed, because we're the almost nearly extinct we wrappers as role models. We wrapped. We don't think. I ain't here to argue about his facial features. We hit the term eighty years into believe us. I'm just trying to say the way school need Jesus, the way Kathie needed Fesus. That's the way I need Jesus. Was man, Yes he was ken. He ain't told James Cordon that to. Following his mental health crisis, he felt like he needed to start a church, and that's what he did. All right. Coming up at twenty minutes after the hour, we're gonna talk about trending sports news the World Series right after this you're listening show. Well, Tommy, Carla and Junior, congratulations. Uh well, you guys almost hated you almost had it. I mean you congratulations almost had it. That don't don't go together. I know what you did well though, did we know we lost? There? Ain't you ain't in Creed? Yes, I was trying to make you feel bad. Comparison there is no I mean, you guys got there at least you know we got one motion. Yeah. Game six was in the World Series. Yeah, yeah, we lost that. But tomorrow, all right, Halloween night, we finish scared the hell out of and win this thing. Okay, we've been to do something. Me and may Park, Houston, Texas, let's go. May be right there. What's the suggestions? I got a suggestion for y'all. Why don't y'all dress up as champions? I like it, yes, claim, yes, that work. Good answer. Steve Champion looked like, I don't know we had one in Cleveland. Cleveland. I ain't that in the end of you win one year man? Hell no? Oh? In the movie Major League, they did? I remember that? Remember that movie Wild Thing? Oh? Yeah that was with Yeah. Yeah, ain't nobody y'all wanted the movie? Yeah that was make though not real life Cleveland. No, he's so like quiet, it's sad. You got to be dead. A cleeped fan in Cleveland two thousand and sixteen. Lebron here, we gonna listen to this and the Cleveland Cavaliers. We haven't had a championship in Cleveland since nineteen sixty four. I was saying, Wow, I won't need me. Yeah, the Cavaliers won't win ever again. Ever, what about the Brownst'll be so down? You've seen what's happening to them this year. There's hope with the Browns, right all, I hope went out the window with that lost to New England. Oh. I thought you're gonna say, Jim Brown, Oh wow, surely way back all that saying pray for us tomorrow. Okay, we are okay for sure tomorrow eh town base for the baseball. I'm just gonna be real for me, all right. Listen, coming up at thirty four after the hour, Steve Harvey is in Dubai and uh he's balling. You know he's balling. He'll tell us about it right after this you're listening to. So Steve Harvey, we all know that you are a world traveler. Where are you now and what is going on? What is this about? What are you doing in Dubai, Steve, I'm in Dubai. I'm actually in another Emirates location called Charging Charging. I'm in Charging, which is just outside of Dubai for the Charger International Book Fair. I'm was the special guest invited over for that. His Highness, the Shaikh Sultan of Charging invited me over. Education is real big with him and books and so the Book Fairs International is every major book publisher, anything book, anything to do with books is here in charge of this weekend over over two thousand representatives from the book world of business, and so they invited me over as their special guests of your Highness the Check Sultan and my wife and I are here, and so it's uh, this morning is when it all jumps off. This morning. And so right after I get off the air, I go to work. I go to work. How you get over there? You did you do? Imritates? Yeah, imrits. No, that's my bucket lift first class, immorats. That's on my list. That's on my list. First class from LA is about almost a little over sixteen hours. Ye huh. But you say you love those long, long fights, right, Steve Man, My kids be amazed at me. Dad, You don't. You don't need the Wi Fi code for what my phone is in this compartment over here. I ain't look at my phone. That's when you chill and relax on the long flight time. I watched movies. Man, Let me tell you something I watched on this flight, some stuff you would have never thought. First of all, I watched the documentary I Am Bolt. It's the U Same Boat story. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I really enjoyed that. Man, that's a bad boy. When you really really look at that documentary to see what all he went through. How in the world do you win three Olympic goals in the role in the one hundred and the two hundred yeah, that's twelve years of the fastest on the planet. Yeah yeah, and man, what he did and the way they trained it ain't like the US. They don't have all that in Jamaica. They just bring speed over that. So I watched his documentary. I also watched a doctoratementary on this thing called Bros Bros, which is these two white kids from London who had a boy band I'd never heard of. I accidentally started watching it because I couldn't hit the switch, but it was pretty good. Then I watched the movie, Oh, what's that movie Shirley about the band Queen? Oh yeah yeah, Bohemian Rapsody, Yeah, Bohemian Rapsody. Right, And then I tell you something that was good. I was stunned. That was Freddie Mercury was in that movie. Man, that was really really good. Oh yeah yeah yeah, yeah, you know how they came up with all them songs? His life too? Really really and uh wow, you see, you you got seventeen hours. You watch a lot of stuff you would regularly watch. So is it true you can take a shower on that flight, Steve? Yeah, yeah, yeah, order the time you want to take the shower. It's really nice. It's not like a regular bathroom on a regular airline. They have those, but not up there in that class. They got showers. I'm talking about the bathroom. You opened the door, you ain't got a bend over. You can walk around. The toilet is away from the sink. You know. The dressing area they got tangars in there. You know, they lay mats out for you take a shower. They disinfect the shower after each person. It's really really nice flight, big twenty seven inch TV. Your doors can shut, so you're kind of like in a closed in cabin, you know, with no top on it. You got your own refreshment ball. I'm gonna be a spokesperson for this damn airline. I keep flying for us all over It sounds like that's what you're doing right now. Yeah for no check, so letting me shut up. Well, how's the weather where you are, Steve? What's the mean? What were we talking about? Ha? Hot? Yeah, it's gonna be a hundred today? What right? Sun block? Yeah and out? All right? Thank you, Steve. Nephew Temmy is here with today's prank phone call that's coming up right after this. You're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject my husband's behavior is bugging me. My husband's behavior is bugging me. But right now the nephew in the building with today's prank phone call what you got for his neap? Girls? Scout cookies? Okay, girl, Scout cookies? Let's go cat dog. Hello, Hello, my free day. Who is this? Um? How are you doing? Man? My name is Glynn. Man, I'm working. I work in building too. You work for Cludia, Right? Yeah? What what's fun? So? We probably met a couple of times. Uh? Do you have a girl? You have a girlfriend? Uh? Why what's up you guys? Do you guys live together? Or what? What is this your business? Like? What? What? What's the deal? What's what's what are you asking about? My girl? Well? Let me ask you this here. What's what's what's going on with you and at the job? Uh? What what do you what do you mean? What's like? Like? I mean you you know you know, right? I mean so what like? What? What's what's the deal? What? What? Who are you like? Who the who the are you like? What? What? What the what? What is this point, like why are you? Like I don't even know you? Right, I just calmed down, bro, just calmed down, Like I say, my name is saying, I work a dealer too, you know, and I know I just tell you now, I know you. I know what you're doing. Okay, I know what y'all doing at the job. I already know, and a couple other people know what's going on. And I know you got a girl. I know you got a girl at home. I know that. What so so what what? What? What the what? What is this about? Like? Why why do you call my pholt trying to harass me about the boat? Like? Who are you? Like? What? What? What is your problem? Like? Man, hey, hey, hey, came no man, I finished, I ain't trying to tell you a little secret or nothing like that. I ain't trying to do that, all right, but but but I'm gonna be real with you, okay, all right, Like I said, you know, I got one of your names. I got your number from one of co workers. Okay, I got your number. I said, I want to I want to give the car and you talk to him about something. That's how I got your number. So yeah, who gave you ten we'll get to that later. Okay, we'll get to that later. But let me but let me say this though. I know what's going on with you and to the job, all right, and I ain't gonna say nothing about it, you know, that's just our little secret or whatever. But I do have something I want you to do, though, what what do you want? Dude? But what do you want? You call me bugging me about all this book? Like what do you want? What do you want? Here? It is, man, Listen, I ain't gonna say nothing about what you got going on, all right, That ain't that ain't even I don't even care about that. But here here's what I do want you to do. I do need some help from you, all right. Listen. My little girl is selling girls Scout cookies and I want you to buy see boxes of them, all right with be a cash out because she gotta have them soul by tomorrow morning. Are you kidding me? Bro? You? Okay, so you're on some black mail's books and listen to who the gave you my number? Because you're gonna call me asked me to buy them some cookies? And you should just bet a man and ask me about it, like don't be calling my phone trying to give me that book, Like, come on, man, like I ain't got no time for this. Like I'm asking you to do is buy today. I'm cookies. Man, That's it. You know what I'm saying. I'm just saying I do want you to buy some cookie. I need you to buy fifty box little girl Scout cookies. Can you do that? No no, no no no no no no no no, no, no no no. You ain't gonna call and try to manipulate me and defying like you're you're talking. Are you trying to make me fight? Thank but you're nothing for you disrespecting me, calling my phone, trying to act like you like, just trying to manipulate. I ain't down with that, bron I ain't. Let me just tell you you don't want to buy my cookies though, So do you want me to call your your girl and see a ship. I'm not cookies, So you gotta say the away from my girl, man, Like, don't don't come near her. Okay, you don't call her, you'll come near her son, come near me. You just get get the out of here. I'm about to start this ninety figure out who you are and come right after you, man like, because I ain't playing bro, I ain't all right. So I'm gonna tell you what, man, I ain't gonna argue with you. I'm gonna argue with you, but I'll get off the phone right now. I'll get off right now, and I'm gonna your girl. I'm gonna call your girl and see if you want by some No no, no no no, you ain't call nobody. You just get you get I tar to god, I'm gonna find out who you are. I'm gonna find out who gave you that number. I'm gonna call you up like you know. You don't call me trying to right me? Okay, hey, man, hey, hey, you know what are cool? We're still talking about it, all right, I'm gonna get the right I don't like you so so so I'll get off the phone like you want me to, Adrian, I'll do that, but let me let me ask you this though. Let me ask you this though you sure you want me to call you? Sure you want me to do that? And right, ain't isn't that her name? Man? You something? Individuals? All right? Look how much of these cookies? How much you want? And man, Tommy told me you would buy the cookies. Tommy. Yeah, Tommy told me you would buy the cookies. Tommy, Tommy, Amen, Amen check it out. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harmy Morning Show. Your co worker got me to play phone call. Yah my God, I'm gonna kill him. So, oh God, listen, so listen, Agrian. We have beat. We have beeped all the names, so nobody knows the things. All Okay, you're good, bro, You're good a man, and I you got me? Oh God, I'm I'm gonna go. I'm gonna take a nap. Man. I just used up all my Yeah, I'm done. Oh God, Like, Hey, where's you go? I am going out? You up? Man? I can't believe you got me on this from Little tell me this man. One more thing before you go, age. What's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvard Morton hill Man, which is why he got played every morning? God kill me, bro. Anybody? What's your favorite? Girls? Got cookie? Which one you want? Man? And the peanut butter ones? Oh short brand? And the lemonade? Oh yeah those lem and one too good. I forgot about those man. Pretty yeah, I like all of them pretty much. Ain't throwing none of them away? Right, What you noticed? They sit up all your favorite places when they time to seal. They sit up everywhere you like to go. Yeah, grocery show, they right front, right in front of the grosser. Right. They're smart to get them girls cookies though, you gotta get cookies. Can I keep walking by them little girls? Yeah? Yeah, hey, mister Steve, and they know you. They get you to Oh my god, myney is is Steve Rby get the cookies? You got a black case? Oh dog got them dog? I bought this one. Little girls got out so cool? What all flavors, all all kinds. I don't care if you need all that. Yeah, where you're a girl scout. I was never a girl scout. My brother was a boy scout, but I was really was in the house calling I was a girl scout. You wasn't at the funding, missed the caller. You didn't get to hear how the family just let us know she wouldn't come out the high None of that. He was buy girl scout. It was just a question. I was a girl scout. She probably she went to charm school. Now she went to the definitely, she walked with the book on her head, did all of that. But I sat playing with the rust of the kids. Anyway, anyway, up next Strawberry Letters. Subject my husband's behavior is bugging me. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening all right time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships on sex, on dating, work, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like I'm really going to read this one right here, right now, all right, bug a luck, hold on tight, we got it for you. Here it is Strawberry Letter. All right, thank you, nephew. Subject my husband's behavior is bugging me. Dear Stephen Shirley, I have a problem that's bugging me. My husband has always been attracted to big butts and a smile, and his girls before me were very ratchet. Recently, he's been telling me that he is taking odd jobs across town for extra money. He's been a carpenter by trade. He is a carpenter by trade and a handyman on the side. I haven't seen any of the extra money, so I got suspicious. I know he likes the company of other women, but I thought that was in his past. Well. One evening, when I was lying in bed, I noticed a few black spots on his pillow and along the top of our bed. I suspected further and realized. I inspected further and realized they were bedbugs. I checked my body and I noticed a few marks on my arms up by my shoulders, and I went to the doctor and found out that they were definitely bedbugs, but it wasn't a bad case. I called my husband and asked him to come straight home after work because I figured he brought the bugs home. He came home and I noticed he had the same pattern of red spots on his neck, his shoulders, and down both arms. I told him that they were bedbugs, and I accused him of bringing them into the house. He told me they may have come from one of the houses where he did some plumbing work. I didn't believe him, so the next night I followed him. He drove straight to the ghetto, parked his truck and went inside in a part without knocking. I knew then that he was spending time with a nasty female and he must have brought her bedball bedbugs home with him. I texted him and told him I was onto him, and he didn't respond. Now he's ignoring me because I've asked him to leave his clothes outside when he comes home. He swears he's just doing a little extra work to make ends meet. I'm tempted to keep snooping because I think he's lying. What should I do? This is really bugging me and I need answers. Please help. Well, I mean, you know, if you're tempted to keep snooping, you know what happens when you snoop, you find stuff. If you think he's lying, If that's what your intuition is telling you, you know you're probably going to find something. But you know what, I just I don't like what you've done here though. I think you've made a sweeping generalization about the ghetto. I think it's stereotyping at its worse. You're saying, you know, just because your husband went to the ghetto to do some work, supposedly he brought home bedbugs and all of that about the nasty female. I just don't think you should say that. I mean, really, come on with this one. Who knows he probably is cheating, you know, since you say he's doing odd jobs. He went to this woman's house, he went in without knocking, so there's some familiarity there. You haven't seen any money with these so called odd jobs, so something is going on. It's definitely caused for concern, i'd say. But what really is a problem for me and all of this are these darned bed bugs. I mean, it's making me it's just reading this letter. You've got to get rid of them, to do something to get rid of them. And if you keep snooping and find out that your husband's been cheating, you probably need to get rid of him too. Steve, Well, you know, it's a kind of crazy one on. I really don't want to respond to this letter, cous I really don't care, right, you know, I got a problem that's bugging me. That's how she opened the letter. And then at the end of the letter, this is really buging me and I need answer. Is you writing jokes? Because it sound to me like you wrote this letter trying to be uh uh, you know clever. Now you're open up your letter telling me how your husband been attracted to big butts and smiles and all these girls before me was very ratchet. Well, don't carry I'm assumed that you have a small button. Now I'm gonna and I'm I'm gonna assume that you bushy. So you're a little booty woman. That's bullshy. He liked big butt girls, that's ratchett. All his girl's been up till he got you. Now hedn't told you he did started taking our jobs across town for ext your money because he's a carpetent of any man. But you ain't seen none of the extra money, so I got suspicious. Then you're saying the letter that you know he likes the company of other women. Why y'all married. You're married to a man who you said likes big butts and ratchet you I'm assuming the way you wrote this letter have a small butt and it's bushie. Then you said you know he likes the company of other women, meaning other than you, So you're never surprised throughout this letter. It's what throws me off, you know, But you thought it was in his past. Then you was laying in a bed and noticed some black spots on his pillow and along the top out bed. I ain't I have never seen a bad bug, but I didn't know they were black spots. I thought that you made leeching ticks. I don't know what you got in your bed, but they bad bugs. And you checked your I didn't you notice these marks and everything? You went to the doctor. He said, they definitely bed bugs. But it wasn't a bad case. What is a what is a good case of Yeah, how don't you have it? Ain't a bad case? What's a good case of animals in your baby? Yeah? Because there was just on your neck and shoulders, that's all right now. They were down that by your booty. But you can't take no bood bikes on your booty, according to your letter, because you have such a small one. Little boy, little boy. All right, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Today's subject my husband's behavior is bugging me. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject my husband's behavior is bugging me? Yeah, yeah, yeah, This lady isn't out of husband and like big busts and ratchet women. All his women before you was big booty and ratchet. Now all of a sudden he got you. I'm assuming do the ladder, you got a small booty and your bullshet. Well, then you told us that you know that your husband, being a carpeter, was trying to make extra money, but he has a thing for other women. He likes the company of other women. But you thought that was in this path. Well, you know there's some black spots on this pillet on top of the bed. You realize that they was bid bulls. Yeah, yeah, yeah, And then you checked your body and notice so you had some marks on your arms and shoulder. Then you go to some doctor and found out there was big books. But it wasn't a bad case. She's so calm. I never man, she's calmed through this whole letter. It wasn't a bad case. Like I said before, what's a good case a bid bulls? Yeah, because you know that you just had him on your neck and shoulders, so you're assuming that this is a bad case. You say, it wasn't a bad case, So let's move on. He came home and you know you figured that he bought the bed bulls. One he came home and you noticed that he had the same pattern, the red spots on his neck, his shoulders and down both his arms. I told him they was bad bugs, and then you accused him of bringing them into the house. Well, you don't know how they got there, but since you accused him, he told you could be from one of the houses he was working where he did some plumbing work. Because I don't know about you, but most plumbing ain't by the bed. You know, hard to find bad bugs under the sink. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe they can be they can be in furniture home. I didn't believe him, so the next night I followed him. He drove straight to the ghetto, parked his truck and went inside an apartment without knocking. I knew then that he was spending time with a nasty female and he must have bought her bed bugs home with him. I'm trying to figure out who this woman is and watches her man go in a dough without knocking and don't go in behind him. I'm assuming something else. I'm assuming that, first of all, you have a little butt. I'm assuming that you are bullshy, and I'm assuming that you scared you? Is this a black woman writing this letter? Ghetto? You follow your man to the ghetto, Watch him go in a house he don't even knock on the door, and you're sitting in the truck. What you're doing? You know the hell that would break loose in that house? Well, I said so. Anyway, I knew then he was spending time with a nasty female and he must have bought her bed bugs home with him. So now here's what she did. I text him and told him I was on to him, and he didn't respond. Girl, didn't didn't you just say he'd be doing plumbing work? Now hearing that plumbing, how is he gonna text you? Why he plumbing? Piping? Hearing that piping all up under your sink, fixing, seeing what's wrong? He piping and plumbing. He ain't got time to text you back. I'm starting to think this is not a black woman in this letter right now. I text him, told him I was on to him, and he didn't respond. Now he ignored me because I didn't ask him to leave his clothes outside when he come home. Over you watch the man. You watch your man go into the house of What you say is another woman without without knocking, without knocking, go in the house, you text him, he don't text you back. When he come home, you tell him to leave his clothes outside. Leave your clothes outside. Right, they're gonna have so many bullet holes in him. My wife is shooting the bed bugs off for me. He swears he just doing a little extra work to make ends me. I'm tempted to keep snooping. Oh yeah, that's what you need to do. Find out some mote. See if that's the only house he going over to the ghetto to get because I think he's lying. What should I do? This is really bugging me and I need answer. Lady, you didn't followed him. He drove you to somebody's house, went in without knocking. Nah, this could be an old customer. Maybe somebody left the dope and told him due to the piping while they was at work. What you want to find to see? You don't want to believe, no, but see your problem is, don't nothing up set you? You got bad bugs? That wasn't bad. He liked other women. I thought that was in the past. He liked ratchet women with big behind. I got small booty and I'm bushy. She did not say that. That's what she might as will say. You drove to ghetto, you stay in the suburb, you down, you all down and ghetto. Then get your ass whoop all right to some more people's houses. Yeah. Listen. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour. This is a serious story, guys. UFC fighter Walt Harris's stepdaughter, Anaya Hailey Blanchard, is missing and he's asking for your help to find her. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening show Shock the Delicious. Marcus, I keep telling your mom she should take some cooking lessons from you. All you doing cook port? I better be eating everything on the pig from the the whole pig. M hm. That's parent. Huh Now, Marcus, I hear a girl doing got you? Why don't you? We first people with that look back back back? Hey, guys, this is this is sad news Um actor and comedian John witherspoon Um, whose first roles were on nineteen seventy shows such as Barnaby Jones and The Richard Price Show. Also known for his role as Craig's dad in Um in the Friday Films, Pops on The Wayne Brothers Show, and Gerard's dad in the hit movie Boomerang has passed away. Mister Witherspoon's family released a statement saying it is with deepest sorrow that we can confirm our beloved husband and father Done. Witherspoon, one of the hardest working men in show business, died today at his home in Sherman Oaks at the age of seventy seven. John Witherspoon, who was born in in Detroit in nineteen forty two, started his career as a stand up comic and continued to play clubs throughout his life. In the seventies, John Witherspoon appeared in Good Times, What's Happening, and The Incredible Hulk, among others, and like I said earlier, he became a regular on The Richard Pryce Show. Years later, he had recurring roles in The Wayne Brothers and The Tracy Morgan Show. He also voiced Robert Granddad Freeman and the animated sitcom The Boondocks, which which wrapped in twenty fourteen. However, in May, Witherspoon said the show and his character was set for a revival. Mister John Witherspoon is survived by his wife Angela, and two sons, Jd and Alexander. The family said they weren't shocked over his death and asked for privacy. Mister Witherspoon used to say, I'm no big deal, but he was a big deal to us. The family said in this statement, our condolence was going out to the family and friends and fans of John Witherspoon. We will miss you, pops. John Witherspoon a legend. What's that for protection? Protection? Protection? Who can't smoke you? I have to walk smook you down to his house? Oh your mother not never to move in this neighborhood that we didn't know. You need a gun to walk down to damn street. No it is Ryan here. Oh no, son, that's not the way it is. Your kids have did nothing but punks sincy five. So quickly picky a gun. You're just scared to take an ass whippen. This one makes you a man. When I was growing up, this was all the protection we needed. You win some, you lose some, but you live, you live to fight another day. You're listening. Well, guys, Tomorrow Thursday is Halloween, and when the trigger treaters knock on your door, what will you be putting in their bags this year? According to data from the candystore dot com based on twelve years of sales, guess what the best selling candy in the US is. Nope, no chocolate involved at all. Chat work. Yeah, the number one, but the best selling, the best selling, not the favorite candy or the best tasting, the best selling selling. Oh so that's a difference than different than best I've got to be candy candy. Nope, not candy corn. I'll give you a hand taste the rainbow Skittle Skittles. Kittles. Skittles is the best selling candy in the US. I don't even know if i've skitters. I think maybe once the little hard pieces of kid when I was colorful. Yeah, well that's what we candy junior kids. But some people don't like chocolate, so I could see that. I could see skittles selling like that, all right. Now, you don't like chocolate, you like skittles, all right. So Skittles is the best selling candy in the US. That's according to candystore dot com. All right, now, what is the favorite candy in the country. It's just peanut butter Steve, yes, yes, yes, you're right, Yeah, I don't know what do we keep talking about this? Four? So is that your favorite? Hell? Yea? And your peppermint patties? Really? Wow? All right, so, according to this candystore dot com, the best selling Halloween candies, number one is Skittles. Number two, Steve is Reese's Cup. Number three corn can. It's candy corn anyway. Number three is Eminem's. Number four, Snickers. Number five is Starburst. Here you go, Steve. Number Snickers is fourth. Isn't that surprise? That's too far back. I know that's my number one, but you're talking about sales though, selling you're selling best selling candy. Yeah. Number six is candy corn Steve, thank you Jesus. Number seven is an old favorite hot to Molly. Number eight I know. Number Number eight though, is Tutsie pops. Wow. Okay, yeah, Number fourhe wait, hold on. Number number nine the Sour Patch Kids. Number ten, Tommy, here you go, Hershey's Okay, thank you? What Sour Patch Kids is a hit? A Hershey? Yes, my daughter and her friends kids patch kids. Yeah, they know those candies. Yeah. I was a chocolate kid from the from a kid on up. I loved choca. Huh yeah, I'm chocolate. Yeah. So so so sad about this, No, this is kids anything, Okay? But could you mix your sweets though? Like I couldn't eat a candy bar with with a solda. I couldn't do that. I don't like mixing my sweets every day to get a hostess cherry pat and a cold. No, you couldn't do that. Could you put salt on your watermelon shirt? But no, no, sugar your grape fruit? You couldn't do that. Yeah, I did that if I ever ate grapes, any any condiment or anything. I didn't put sugar on two slices of bread. Shut it and ate it? All right? Come, got more music, more fun on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back in twenty minutes after the hour, right after visit. You're listening, all right? So Dave Chappelle received the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor Sunday night at the Kennedy Center in Washington. Lord Michael's John Stewart, Yes, congratulations to him He's so funny. Tiffany Hattitch, John Legend, Bradley Cooper, and Morgan Morgan Freeman pay tribute to Dave Chappelle during the ceremony. God who show is there? Which is gonna air January seventh on PBS. I will be watching, yes, uh huh, oh God, I'm so excited day Chappelle. Surely not more. He could be funny, Steve. He has done more roles than just God. He did Joe Clark and lean on me. Oh he was was Shaw Shank redemptiondn't come on now? That was so funny. Oh my god, Joe Clark funniest. Oh my god, listen, I'm getting offended him, doctor Doll, change the enemy as hell. I'm really anyway, Morgan Freeman is going to be there to pay tribute to the legend that is Dave Chappelle. So congratulations to Dave Chappelle and to Morgan Freeman. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. You haters, Morgan Freeman, haters, We'll be back right after this. I love you, Morgan. You're listening Steven Show. As we reported before, a number of five have firefighters in California residents, they're on edge. Everyone is as a Kincaid and getty. Fires continue to rage. Hollywood stars are among the thousands of residents forced to evacuate their homes amid the blaze. Celebrity evacuees include Lebron, James, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and more, many of which are taking to social media to share updates as they seek refuge. The stars are thanking the best firefighters in the world for putting their lives on the line to protect Californians from the blaze. That is correct, right there. Rolling power outages, which have been ordered by Pacific Gas and Electric to reduce the risk of more wildfires, is leaving close to one million people in the dark. Whether conditions aren't expected to improve for at least another couple of days, strong winds and dry air will continue to fan the flames and we are definitely praying for our neighbors in California's close. My son's home had to be evacuated, and you know, yeah, he had to get out. It's way too It's just a lot going home, man. But like I tell people all time, it's property. You can get some old property don't stay and try to fight no flames those ambers with these winds, get out of there. That's what longers. We have a lot of sporadic fires because that wind blow them ambers and the roof catch on fire and the house next to it might not be, but then they blow over a block over in that house on fire. We don't have enough firefighters to fight all this because it containment is so so much. That's a blaze. So please play pay attention, very very close attention to these announcements of evacuation. Yeah, you lived in Texas, and you know how we have flood insurance and that's all I really know about because I grew up in Texas. Do they have insurance for stuff like that? Yeah, yeah they have, Yeah, yeah they have fire. But you it's a lot of people are having a real hard time in certain sections collecting on the fire money. Uh, there's people suing. Yeah, it's a lot of people suing companies. I can't tell you all the reasons why, but some people are are very very slow and being told that they won't receive benefits because you gotta excuse me, pay attention to what type of fire that it is, because they you know, insurance companies are tricky, man. They have loopholes, so everybody that helps right doesn't necessarily get it. Like I know a part of the mine whose house caught on fire because of the fires, but the ambers blew over and his neighbor's house caught on fire, which caught his house on fire. He was fighting to get the wild nature fire. Whatever they have, I don't really know. I've never had a lost the house by five. I don't really know. But not everybody. It's not automatic coverage, just like flooding is not always you know, water damage is not always covered. You got to really know what type of coverage you have. Yeah, all right, coming up next, our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening, all right, Steve, Last break of the day, take us home with something good. Closing remarks. I want to just talk to you about what it really takes to make it, what it really takes to make it. Now. Look, I can, oh, you know, sit here and tell you a bunch of stuff that you know, sound like I'm really into public speaking, and I know all of what I'm talking about all is here in YadA YadA YadA. But at the end of the day, what people really want is real simple things that they can do to make it. People want to be successful, man, they really do. They don't. They don't want to not know what it's like to be happy, to be free, to be successful. They they want a simpler How should I put this? They want somebody to explain it to them and simplify it. That's what I'm trying to say. Well, guess what, I don't know if I'm the person that's qualified to make it the simplest. But let me tell you what I do. Though, if you want to be happy in this life, if you want to be successful, you're gonna have to develop a couple of things. Now, here's the thing that I want you to understand. Most people have what it takes to be successful, but if it does not start with the belief that you can be successful, you can never bring out the qualities in you of success. Listen to me again. Everyone has it in them to be successful, but if you don't bring them out, and that starts with the belief. If you don't have the belief that you can be somebody, that you're worthy, that you're qualified, that you're capable. If you don't start with that basic belief, it can never happen. So first things first, In order to be successful and happy in this world at whatever level you're talking about, happiness, success is for you, it has to start with the belief that it is for you. I believe that I should be successful. I believe that God wants me to be prosperous. I believe that He comes to give you life and give you life more abundantly. But you got to develop some things, man, And the way to develop them is start with the belief and hang on to the belief so strong that these attributes develop themselves. Resilience. If you believe hard enough that you can be successful, that you can be happy, it will automatically start to cultivate this thing that's in all of us. It's called resilience. All y'all got it. Everybody got it. You are resilient people. All of us are resilient. Hell, if you can survive the projects, you resil you. If you can survive public schools, you resili If you can survive walking through gang neighborhoods, because you still want education, you resili if you manage to get yourself a high school diploma or a ged resilient. And the more belief you have, the more of these attributes you can develop. You got to be tough. You know how you get tough. You got to believe that you tough. You got to believe that you can hang in now when all is against you. That's how you get tough. You get tough because you keep facing the test and you keep passing them. But all of that, you came past the tests unless you believe you can. Y'all, don't hear me. All of you have an inner strength. Listen to me, man, Don't you know even a homeless person has an inner strength? What is it that gets a person to live under bridge or live in the refrigerator box, or live in some of these homeless encountments? Do you know what really makes them live there? Because they have an inner strength. It's still some fiber of them that's telling them to hold on. Because if it wasn't, everybody would just get rid of their self. Everybody would end it. But you know why people don't end it because you really do have an inner strength. It takes something to be homeless. Everybody can make a mistake man, and wind yourself up in a situation. For homeless people have an inner strength. They have a toughness. It's tough being homeless man. They have a resilience because for some reason they just won't give up. And even though we judge them when we're driving by, look at them sitting on that corner just asking for money, they didn't gave up. No, no, it's another form of giving up. But I'm telling you, even in your darkest moments and your lowest points in your life, you have resilience, toughness, inner strength. I got news for you. It can help develop your faith because if you believe hard enough. The Bible says that faith is a substance of hope. For that simply means that when how you develop faith, it's really the essence of it's is hope. You remember when you was living, you hope you got a bike for Christmas and you went out there one year and the Christmas and the bike was under the tree. You remember when you used to hope you graduate from high school, you mess around and got a diploma. Did you remember hoping one day you get a job and now you're working Faith is a substance of things hope for. But if you keep hoping hard enough and believe that something can happen eventually, that hope times in the faith. You got to have dreams and visions so big that it dwarfs all your fears. This is how you make it. Hope. You got what I'm saying today? All right, drop it, babies, drop it. Have a great weekend. Thank you for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.