John Singleton, NBA Playoffs, Earthquake, Baylor NCAA and more.

Published Apr 30, 2019, 11:00 AM

Good morning and Happy Tuesday!  Comedian Earthquake is in the building guest hosting.  We celebrate the life of trailblazing filmmaker John Singleton.  Earthquake gives us the latest on where to find him next.  What's up with Golden State?  Junior has his NBA Playoff Update.  The NCAA Champs Baylor Lady Bears get the fast food treatment in the White House with Trump.  Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO gives us advise if we want better for our life and more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all all suit back down, giving them move like the milking bu things and its cubs, y'all true good Steve ha listen to mo together for Steve. Please Moby, I don't joy by join me, be doing me. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn turn turn. You got to turn them out to turn the water. The water got me. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I shall Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay. I want to share something with you that I had to come to the realization one time, and even in the reinvention of myself right now, I've had to come to that and I want to share it with you today. Give it to you. I want to tell you about something that a lot of people do in their life and I want you to be aware of it. Here it is, don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong. You know I said, don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong. You know. The reason I'm saying this is because people have a tendency to once they make a decision about something, or once they decide to go a certain path, they go against all everything, anything anybody says, anything anybody might do, any other ruling they may come across. They shun advice, They don't listen to counsel. They just I made the decision. I'm gonna do it anyway. Don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong, you know. Now here's a sure fire way to tell if you're wrong. If you don't see any movement in the direction you've chosen, if you don't see anything going right in that decision, if you feel as though you're interrupt if the wall you're climbing seems so insurmountable that you ain't even moving an inch, and every time you turn around you keep getting knocked by down, knocked back down. Don't get stuck on yourself. You know you could be wrong. You know. See, that's why it's important for people to always be open to the reinvention of yourself. You know, you cannot be afraid to reinvent yourself. In other words, you can't be afraid to change. Change is necessary when it comes to growth. There is no growth without change. You cannot grow and never change. I'm sorry. It's it's like from the time you're born, you are constantly growing. But in that growth, have you not noticed you have constant change. The more you know, oh, listen to this, The more you know, the older you look. Sorry, sorry, but there is no growth without change. And I have found this to be true. And the case the more you know, the older you look. Now you can do drugs and and and and and kill both them theories because you can do drugs and not know nothing and look real old. So you know there's a way around it. But I'm talking about if you're spending your life trying to make something out yourself, that is no growth without change. You cannot be afraid to reinvent yourself. So don't get stuck on yourself, because you could be wrong. You know, if you're heading in a direction, it ain't nothing going right in your life. Could it be the wrong direction? If you're climbing and you're making no headway, could it be the wrong direction? Could you have possibly made the wrong choice. Don't get stuck on yourself because you didn't made the wrong self. It's okay to forgive yourself. It's okay to let yourself off the hook. It's even smarter sometimes to admit that you were wrong. You ever met somebody ain't ever wrong. Have you ever met somebody you talk to, They ain't ever wrong about nothing. Man, They just it's their way or the highway. It's this is my way, this is the I know people like that, stuck on them powered trips and all like that. You know what I had to learn how to do. I had to learn how to let them go on them powered trips. But listen to this. Though you're not taking me on that trip. Though you're going on that trip by yourself, I'm going in the right direction. I've decided to stop the way. Okay, listen to this person. This person. I decided to stop doing business the way I was doing business. I decided to stop to allow business being done around me the way business was being done around me. You know what, You know, the best decision I made was to allow for God to have some say so and to offer me his direction. I have found him to be a better driver than anyone else I know. I have found him to know more about the man he made than anybody else who's merely associating with me. I have found it to be a fact that my maker knows more about the vehicle he created than does anybody else. If you if your Chevy break don't you take it to Chevy. You don't take your Forward when it break down to a Toyota dealership. They not gonna know everything that the Forward dealership would know about the vehicle. You know why because then the maker of it. So now, why are you litting? You're letting your life being led, controlled and guided by somebody other than your maker. I'm just asking you to let's all take a common sense look at this. So if going to your maker's the best way, the best decision I made in my business was take over my brand myself and to allow the maker of this brand. See without God, I'm none of this. I'm none of this. I want you to clearly understand I ain't none of this without him. I wish I could have the guts to reach back there and pat myself on the back for what I've accomplished in my life. I wish I had the guts. I wish the nerve of me because I know for or fact that there is no way that I could have manufactured the life that I have. I could not even have thought of it. It's no way I could have told you that this was the route I was going to take and this is the outcome because of it. I had no idea, no clue. The one thing I had, though, was an unshakable faith in God. I had an I just kept believing in him. I kept believing that he had something more for me. And then when I touched base with him and asked him to show me what it is what he had for me, tada, the magic show began. Because you know what he did. He took all my natural abilities that he had given to me, This gift that he gave me, that he poured into me at birth, that same gift that he poured into you at birth. The moment you go to him and let him show you that gift, and then guess what. Once he takes what he naturally put in you and put his super his superpowers on top of that, then you have some supernatural things going on in your life and you may not be feeling me. I'm cool with that, but I didn't have some supernatural things happen to me. Every day I wake up some supernatural the man, the rewards of my life, the awards of my life, the accomplishments, the how I'm working, the how I manage it, all, all that ain't none but God. That ain't none but God. You can't even explain this schedule to people. Sometimes when people ask me, Steve, how do you do it? I go, well, it's what I manage my time. And then at the end of when I get through, I say, hey, man, you know what I need to tell y'all for real? It's God. I don't really know, but I'm letting him manage me. So he handling it. He ain't gonna put no more of me than I can bear. Listen to me, y'all, don't be afraid to reinvent yourself and remember this. Don't get stuck on yourself because you could be wrong. You know, you absolutely could be wrong. If you don't tie this to your gift, you will be struggling the rest of your life. You're listening to show ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls come on your radio. Were real loud because it's about to get ignorant up in here, I mean stupid, I mean foolish, I mean just down right stupit ted. That's like, that's four piece stupit ted. That's what it is, that's what we're doing. This is the voice of the one and only nephew Tommy holding it down. And you cannot hold it down by yourself. So let's just go down the roster call a Ferrell. What it do? Baby? What's what's happened to Team Miles? I thought my Mike was known. I'm looking at this, sound like yo, Mike can't on? Get up on it, Get up on it, Get up on it, y'all. Head Strawberry, pay nephew. What a dude, baby girl, And of course junior boy. Morning everybody? What's up? Team? And we got a special guest sitting in with us this morning holding down. He's straight ignorant, he's straight stupid. He is a comedian's comedian. Lord, have mercy anybody in the house. Nor about the quake we do the one and only, Yeah, earth quake gets in the building. Baby, get in light skin. Thank you. I thought y'all to put me out the family. I haven't been here so long, I said, what did I do? And I come to a family reunion and didn't bring nothing and took something with me. I got blessed ball. We're with you, baby, We still love treating me like a Trump supporter. Can't come in here, don't can't come won't say nothing to man. I thank you, baby. I know it was the light skin dude down in that big house down there, saying, don't let the other brothers. Yeah, the shot down? What mean? Man? You know? I love you. I love you. We see each other on We see each other on the road. That's when me and Quake see each other. Man picking up them bags. I ain't know you was on the show when you going before you, before you Quake. Every comedian always wants to go with phone Quake because guess what, you want to be able to stand on the side of the stage and just watch Quake work because he's a comedians comedian And what is it about? From another comedian's perspective, tell it? What is it about Quake that makes him so quake? You know what I mean? It's it's his rhythm. Yeah, um ye, it's cadence, That's what it is. It's rapid fire delivered, it's rapid five. It's cold. You just want to sit there and you just want to watch it. I'm talking about it. Don't matter who it is, y'all. Other great comedians want to watch said was sit there and watch its qua Yeah if Steve, if Stevens there, he gonna sit there. I gotta go see quake. Quake out there, Yeah, yeah, quake be out there. He'd be pacing back and forth. We're rueful, We're rueful, so fa fall. But yeah, he just tells. I mean, he just talks about things that you never would talk about. His perspective is his perspective from anyone I've ever heard anybody that can come up with the joke. I would like to watch my wedding video in reverse, take the rings back off the help of fake we get the bachelor part, having a good time. Tell my look out a happy and we'll be back, coming up at thirty two after the hour. Quake is here all morning, we're gonna talk about We have a lot to discuss, some sad, sad news coming out of We got to talk about that. John Singleton, director Extraordinary, has passed away. We'll talk about that when we come back. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, As we mentioned, the fabulous earthquake is any stop building all morning? What a treat for us? Yes, I'm coming back to here. I'm coming back. Yeah, I'm coming back. Well, you were busy on the road and all of that quake, you know that. But John Singleton, I mean just you know, I mean right there. His name, you know, evokes all kinds of emotions from us. He was the first African American nominated for an Academy Award for Best Director. He was the youngest and his career spanned nearly three decades in Hollywood and he was only fifty one. He started so young. Yeah, he passed away yesterday. John suffered a massive stroke twelve days just twelve days after returning from Costa Rica. John Singleton directed Boys in the Hood. He directed Poetic Justice, Higher Learning for Brothers, Too Fast, Too Furious. He produced Hustle and Flow. He co created the f X hit series Which I Love, Snowfall, and directed episodes of A People Versus The People versus O. J. Simpson American Crime Story, as well as Empire and Billions, Billions, that's my favorite. Yes, ye man, Yes, row ain't it. Let you know you ain't got no money? Just watch big Yeah, yes it is. Yeah, such sad news. I mean, he really changed the way Hollywood looked at black people at the African American Experience. You know, he put it on the big screen. He really really did. Boys in the Hood was just a phenomenal. At twenty four man nominated. Yeah, I'm in the club. He ain't here making a movie. Yeah. His thesis wasn't it Boys in the Hood? I think it was? Yeah, and it was. It was touching man. Yeah, that was good. Learning. Was was incredible poetic justice with Janet Higo and Yes, Brush in his Hand, Man Joe Story, Oh my God, and what baby Boy? I mean, just on and on. One of my favorite movies from John Singleton was Rosewood. Yes, Yeah, I loved Rosewood. I love that movie. Yeah. Learned so much from them. Yeah I didn't you though, Yeah, it was a history lesson. Yeah. And he was always approachable. Man. He was good. He was cool. He wasn't Oh, yeah, I knew him. I mean every time I say, you said quit we're gonna work together, I said, I want you do something dramatic. I say, hi, John, really, Yes, you said, I don't want you to comy when I come and get you. I want you to do something dramatic. He was just a good brother man, very tough, sproke I met him a few years ago. And um, in Hollywood. I had a friend of mine visiting. This is when I first moved out here. I had a fender mine visiting me from Chicago. And she was like a screenwriter and she wanted to meet John Singleton. She came all the way out here. That was it. I didn't know John Singleton, right, but we were out John Singleton happened to be We were at a party or something. John Singleton happened to be there. I got I walked up to him and I said, Hi, John Singleton. I told him my name and everything and who I was. He was so gracious, so wonderful. I told him my friend was here. She was a screenwriter. Do you know that man gave her his card, told her how to get in touch with him if she wanted to learn, you know, about how I just thought that was incredible. Yeah, I didn't doesn't do that, Yeah, every right, you can't just walk up to someone like a John Singleton, right one. Yeah, paid it forward, you know, and gave her his card and everything. Um, but just amazing that moment. I remember that moment from just my encounter with him. What an amazing person. I went to school. I went to school with a brother name Pe Dave. P Dave was at Texas and him he was a sigma at card. We only had one sigma on the yard. It was T Dave and he Dave came from Florida. He was to brag about how he and John Singleton were friends and like, ain't friends, man. He Dave wind up being an editor and that's what he is today. And he has John Singleton the thing for that. Wow, wow, wow, so many people you're right, you're right, Tommy. Oh, their careers and their starts to John Singleton. I think ice Cube Yes, oh, yes, Regina, yes, yeah, yeah, yes, and yeah. And he introduced, you know, for Mills being in the East Coast, what the West Coast was really going through. You know what I mean, you didn't even know. Yes, that's my neighborhood. Yeah, and you'd be like, man, that's my brother, he lived here. I know what two colors I'm not gonna wear there. I mean it, lets you know what was going on, kid. They don't know what the don kid was going on in the hood. And it was polling it on high. It was what we were going through with the structure that you can easily comprehend from being in it. It was beautiful. That what a legacy. As we mentioned, John burst to start him. His birth to start him came just two years after he graduated from USC. He was only twenty four years old when he made his directorial debut and the world noticed, earning him an Oscar nomination back in nineteen ninety two for Best Director for Boys in the Hood. Mourning the loss of a collaborator and a true friend, John Singleton, Samuel L. Jackson shared he blazed the trail for many young filmmakers, always remaining true to who he was and where he came from. Our ip brother, gone way too soon. That was Samuel L. Jackson. I was reading online too, Shanna rhimeson when she first was starting out, He sent her a note John Singleton, encouraging her to keep going. And you know, just like you kept saying, just paying it for and just telling her she could do it. Yeah, just look at her today. Wow. We need we need more people call it with that kind of kindness, man, We need that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Caring well, John Singleton, We will always love you, will be we will be honoring you and paying tribute to you all morning, your spirit will forever shine bright. And coming up next, we're going to lighten things up a bit. Nephew Tommy in the building here to make a smile. Run that prank back right after this quake. Yeah, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Guys and Entertainment news, John Singleton has passed away. The fame director and prayer warriors. Please please pray also for Peebo Bryson. Sad news about him as well. He's an R and B legend. He's recovering from a mild heart attack. Peebo Bryson is yeah, right now, the nephew is here to run that prank back. What you got for his neft? I know we're gonna put a little laught in here. Can I make you out? It's a little bit make your scratch. Can I make please? Not just some bad bugs? Tommy? Why when you can't you can't see them quake, you might well scratch them. We'll say something like that bad bug. Let's go cat doctor. Hello, hollong, time to speak to Schnie. She's not here right now. I think a message. Do you know when she's coming back? Nah? Is this this is cause them? No, No, this is personal. I need to talk to her immediately. No, you need to talk to me. It's this a man? Who is this? This is? This is Brandon? Who? Who? Who are you? I'm earnest man? But why do you know? Nice? I got a bit of a situation here, man. Uh, And it's basically a financial situation that I'm owed some money from her. So I kind of need to talk to her about about getting this money. Uh. Is totally disrupted my whole apartment. And I need to actually see about talking to her about getting this whole problem taking care of what the what's the situation? What's what's the what's going on? I mean, I'm basically right now, I'm twenty five hundred dollars in the rears due to due to Sharnie, And you know, I need to see if she's gonna be able to pay me for the situation or what. You know, my girl owe you money. She owes me twenty five hundred dollars. Twenty five hundred dollars for what. I don't even know who you are, first of all, So what's up with the twenty five hundred dollars? Man? First of all. My name is Brandon, Okay, and I've been I know, I've been knowing Chani's probably for the last three or four months now, Okay, So here you want to know it all in a nutshell? Is it's like this, Sharani's been coming through okay for the last three or four months, been coming over here to my spot, to my apartment, hanging out. I'm just now finding out within the last two weeks. It's I had to get rid of my couch. I had to get rid of my mattresses because the mattress because it's been wait do it, Wait a minute. So you're trying to tell me she was in your bid? Yeah, she's been in my bed. Dude, she's been in your bed? Are you crazy? Man? Come on now, dude, you know they know the serious where twenty five hundred dollars? Problem is you about twenty five hundred dollars? You talkd my my girl was in your bed. Now we're not even gonna get into that. You understand what I'm saying, But that's twenty five hundred dollars. You can forget about it. No, no, no, no, no, hold us of all. You're calling here? You calling here you're calling here and here, and dude answer the phone, and you still got to to ask for her. And then't gonna tell me about some twenty five hundred dollars about some mattress. Dude, I'm my my mattresses man, or a thousand bucks full of bad bucks. I had to throw that away. Man about worry about no damn mattress. Dude, you talking about my girl. We've been together for four years. I'm about to pop the question on her, and you want to sit there talk about she'd been hanging with you or take it with you for the last four months. It's about to be over in a minute. Now. What if you want to marriage sis? Cool? I don't care nothing about it. I don't even worry about that now. But my foll talking about some bad of mattress. Man, that's that's a problem. Dude. Ain't wonder if I know damn mattress. But I don't wonder if I ain't got no mattress right now my house? You mind telling that? Stood. I do not call the matchs right now, nor do I have a couch. Do you understand problem? I can't about some mattress who cows? Dude, I don't care nothing about that. Your name you're saying name Brandon. I'm Brandon, Yes here Brandon. Okay, you don't worry about it right because you're gonna find me a real flood. Don't let me find you before you find neo. You understand what I'm saying, don't you do? Dude? Dude, you can have you can have them big bugs and the mattress or whatever answering these fall out here. But what I'm saying is you're talking about some bit bugs and event bus over here. Okay, So where she did see the problem over here to my place? I don't came out about She ain't bring nothing over there, first of all. But I don't need any even a problem right now. You've been over here, man and got nobody else over here. Don't word about who you hand over there. But you're gonna call here talking about no money. You ain't getting nothing from here? Okay, first of all, due check this out. I don't have a problem with you, okay, Me and you cool? No, you cool? Problem? We allay got the problem you calling me something about super sleeping one my brother, Hey dog duge. Once I'm gonna say it again. Me and you cool. Though we're cool, We're not cool. We're not cool for the walk. I'm gonna handle Sanise myself. I'm hard. I'm gonna handle you later. What you're doing, what you're talking about? You, you're gonna handle me. I'm gonna handle you later. You want a mattress, right, they do? Dude, want a mestress? Right? Head and marriage? Shenise, I ain't got nothing to do with that. My word about my money back man for the for the property of mine that she has ruined. Man, don't worry about that. I'm gonna get you a mattress. Don't worry about that. It's gonna be a casket wrapt around now so they do. Dude, why are you sitting here creating the trauma with me? When me, me and you, we ain't even the problem. The problem is Shanique. The problem is you picked up your phone and you call here. That's the problem. You guys, who'll do because you ain't got no couch, you ain't got no mattress. Now you gotta do that because you understand what I'm saying. You know what I see. I can't talk to you. When do Shanise get home? Man, don't worry if I when Shanie get home. I wish you need to worry about was when I find you? Okay? So so when when I when you're gonna have my money? Didn't when you find me? Because I need my money day I don't have your money? How your mattress too? Please understand you be rest in real way? Okay? Okay, So so let me ask you this here. Man, Sani's bringing bad bugs over to my house. Leave them all in my mattress, Leave him all over my couch. Where I gotta throw my stuff away? Where I'm wrong? At man, where I'm wrong? I'm gonna ask you straight up? Did you know she had a man? Say? What? Did you know she had a man? But I mean kind of kind of sought of, but not really though you don't kind of saught the man even you know she got a man? Know she don't got a man? You knew she had a man? Right? And you still windy? Right? They dog, I ain't got nothing to do with y'all. Man, I'm dealing with these bad bugs. You understand I'm saying. Dude, Do you understand you messing up a four year relationship? You know I'm a time I put in with this woman four years, we're about to get what he's about to get married, and you're calling here with this. What are y'all supposed to get married? Don't worry about what we're supposed to get married, man, you messed that all up. What I'm trying to explain you is, dude, you're calling here on some big bug, which I know she ain't got nothing to do with it. But the fact that you told me that she was over your house and your bed, that's over. It's over now, you understand what I'm saying. Now we'll see get home. I'm gonna deal with that. You understand what I'm saying. That's gonna get dune with. I'm walking up out of here. But when I leave here, please believe my next top is to come find your prince of all. How did you get the number to this apartment? That's what I want to know. Hey, dude, she gave me both numbers, the cell phone number in the house number told me, you know, if it's an emergency, call the house. Okay, And this is an emergency. Yeah, that's an emergency. I got learning another emergency number, learning nine one one because when I come down because on your dog. Do you come out on you handle it or you better call the cops. You understand what I'm trying to tell you? Hey, man, do you think Tommy will pay for the bad bugs? Who is Tommy? I'm just saying, do you think Tommy will pay for the bad bug? Who it's Tommy? Tommy dog nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Ernest, you just got brained by your girl shot niece. Man. Y'all y'all or hey, it was over. It was over. You understand what I'm telling you. How y'all feeling about this? Anybody itching? Oh? Yeah, I'm itching. I'm itching. Play too much, showing you a little love for my people that grown in sexy. I got a four pm show for you on Saturday, Virginia Beach. Did you take us? They don't say one show only? All right? Okay, all right, nephew, Well thank you too. Yeah. Coming up in the top of the hour entertainment news. We gotta go to that show, Carla. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well. John Singleton, the first African America nominated for an Academy Award for best director, who's decorated career spanned nearly three decades in Hollywood, passed away yesterday. Sadly, John suffered a massive stroke just twelve days after returning from Costa Rica and experiencing problems with his legs. He checked himself into the hospital, and celebrities from Samuel L. Jackson, Regina King, Snoop Dog, Ice Cube, Will Packer, Spike Lee are just heartbroken and in mourning. Our prayers and condolences are going out to John Singleton's family. Uh. Such, this was a hard one right here. This was a tough one because I think he touched everyone. He really did, He really really did. Yeah quake, you said you, madam, you were friends, yes, um, friends with him, and he what he did. He came and he was the gatekeeper to bring us into Hollywood, you know what I mean. He put ice Cube on, he put his and what best he allowed us to be us. I didn't get a chance to work with him. We said we was, but God had other plans. But he was just a great dude. But he was quiet, Like a few time, he said, Timmy, he was very quiet. Yeah, yeah, cool man, very yeah. Yeah. And you know it's so sad that he died from what he died from, and his family was saying that he suffered from hypertension for many, many years, but he kept it on the low. And what they're asking people to do, especially our black men, because it's rampant in our community. Get yourself checked. Yes, you know, please, I mean, we really know to take care of Yes, yeah, we really do. And because he was so young, health as well. You gotta get a physical. There's no reason for you around here not to know the status of your health. That's right. You know, you got co insurance and you ain't got no health insurance. And I know, y'all, my my brothers and my fraternity to the morning because he was a member cap Oupha Side Yeah, fraternity incorporated. So I know we are definitely we lost it a good diamond. Put it that way. We call him diamonds. We have lost a good diamond. Show. It might have y'all. We didn't talk about it, but we may y'all may have said it. But that snowflall snowfall was a cold show. He had a Oh yeah, yeah, we said it earlier. Yes, I love I love it. I love that show. It's art. The acting that was good. It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. Yeah, that's one of John Singleton shows on fx UM. Also in other news prayer Warriors. We are praying for Peebo Bryson. He's doing better better now. Doctors say Peebo was at home and as Georgia home at home in Georgia when he suffered a heart attack. This also happened yesterday. This is according to TMZ. His family and medical team are optimistic though he will make his speedy recovery. And it makes us think when Peebo was here not too long ago, a few months ago, he was in the studio with his new album with Jimmy jam and Terry Lewis. Yeah, with his brand new um CD. So of course we wish him well. Um, such a legend U Peebo Bryson is in the music industry. We love him. Yeah. Yeah, man, what we were just saying, like you say, a quake, health as wealth and yes, you know, was the last time you've been to the doctor. All these men on the show. I get a physical every year. That's my gift to myself to see the status of my health. I always go get a lot of brothers don't go get it physical because they're afraid of what the result's gonna be. And I tell y'all know, I go, I'm paranoid. I got to know what's wrong with me. I know that I got to go. I can't do it. It's too important, man. And we're getting up in age. You got to go, man. Yeah, absolutely, this is the age for chronic disease and all of that. Yeah, man. Yeah, And I made him was sick. I said yesterday. People have a heart attack. It was this past weekend on Saturday, by the way. Yeah, but we're still praying for them. Yeah, for a speedy recovery and a full time, full recovery. Tommy, let's take it to miss and please, ladies and gentlemen, the one and only miss A Tripp. Thanks Tommy, Thank you morning everybody. This is and Troop with the news. Well, the investigation continues into the shooting in that San Diego area Synda God the other day and what are who may have in hired that anti Semitic violence. The FBI set it received a number of tips just before the shooting. However, agents say the reports from tipsters and online and by phone came in only five minutes before the shootings began, people saw disturbing posts and reported them. Unfortunately, there was no specific information, they say, about the author of the hateful text or the location of the threat. But even though agents couldn't fully identify the suspect in time, the FEDS are nevertheless thanking the alert citizens who saw disturbing post and report them, and they know they urge all of us to continue doing that kind of stuff. On the other hand, some good news. Fattal authorities say they have disrupted a domestic terra plot aimed at a number of targets. They say that a US military veteran of the war in Afghanistan was allegedly planning to set off explosives and launch attacks in southern California. One target was going to be a Nazi rally in Long Beach. The suspect was caught by an online sting operation and arrested by the FBI. Domestic Democratic rather presidential candid Joe Biden kicked off his White House campaign Pittsburgh yesterday with a pitch to teamsters who packed the local Union Hall. The country wasn't built by Wall Street bankers, CEOs and then fund man. It was built by you. It was built by the great American hop Clay. Union members are an important constituency for Democrats. They're the group that President Trump was able to woo away to the GOP in the last election. The former Vice president is now an Iowa For a couple of days of events. Unfortunately, the first reports so yesterday were true. Groundbreaking Black filmmaker John Singleton has died. His family took him off life support yesterday and he was fifty one years old. John Singleton was the first African American director nominated for an Oscar for Boys in the Hood, and Singleton was also the youngest film director ever to be nominated for one of those Golden Statutes. John Singleton leased behind five children. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has tendered his resignation effective May eleventh. Rosenstein is the one who appointed Robert Muller Special Prosecutor to investigate charges of Russian interference in our elections, and he definitely gained the ire of the president. He says that now the country is safer, elections are more secure. He says people now know more about Russian efforts to shape the outcome of US elections. In his goodbye letter Rosensteinstein's to be talking about the current administration when he says, quote credible evidence is not partisan and truth is not determined by opinion polls. Finally, today is World Immunization Day, so make sure everybody gets that shot. Now back to the Steve Harvey Warning show. You're listening to. Boys in the Hood. Director John Singleton passed away peacefully yesterday at the age of fifty one, so sad after his family made the difficult decision to pull him off life support following a stroke. Celebrities from all walks of life have been paying tribute to John Singleton, who of course is a pion earring Black filmmaker Ava du Vernay said, there aren't many of us out here doing this. It's a small tribe in the grand scheme of things. He was a giant among us, kind, committed and immensely talented. His films broke ground, his films mattered. He will be missed and long remembered. Thank you, John very Well said, um So, I gotta ask you, what was your favorite John Singleton movie? Mine? After Boysenhood, mine was Rosewood All the way I loved Rosewood. Well, you took both of them but there are more. There's there's so many more took them. But that's okay, though, who took the cookie? I want? Yeah, it ain't nothing on me, So I'd say the same thing. You see okay, she said, okay, yeah, poetic justice, higher learning. Yeah, too fast, too furious four brothers. I mean hustle and flow. Did you know you did? Ain't the people versus O. J. Simpson? I mean like that, yeah, and then I mean hustling flow. That was that was where cookie lying? Yeah, job, yeah, out here for a pim. I'm glad y'all recognize. Yeah, you got you got Cuba fighting the as remember that. Yeah, do that any time I want to get out the house, leave me down the street. I bade to come out, give us, give us a k I know why you got out the car last night. They ain't need to beat out of no way ranked on the TV this morning. You're talking about living in the violent world, violent crime. They ain't saying nothing about my brother, man. I figured they don't know, don't show. I don't care about what's going on in the hood. Hey dope, you still got one brother left? Man? That was good that. Yeah, we will take that one. Gad that's a rabbit. Hit us up on social media at Steve Harvey f M and share with us your favorite John Singleton movie. Coming up at thirty four after the hour, trending political news. Uh boy, Donald Trump in the news as usual. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, as we mentioned, the incredible Hey, earthquake is in the building. Quake is gonna be with us all morning. Love. I'm and if you want to see what we see in this man, this incredibly funny, talented or crazy man quake, give us some hey listen here um this weekend on the fourth, that's right, Rural Farmers Farmers Arena in Baltimore. Come check me out. On the tenth, I'd be in Jackson, Mississippi, on the tenth and the level, and on the twelve, i'd be in Mobile Civic Center. If you need anything in any dates on it, just go to my instagram at the Real Earthquake, or go to my website Quakeshouse dot com and you're in there. You find where you can find me at go to my baby Mama. She has a tracking device on me. You know. It's where it gets the cut off everything, So ask her. She can tell you exactly where the money come up front and going your Instagram. Yes, thank you. It's a shame you got to do this because they don't judge you be for how many followers you got. I tell comedians, ain't how many followers you got it. It's how many comedians you can follow. That's the test you understand, not how many followers you got it. How many comedians can you follow. That's the key is to see how good you had at my professions there is. That's what I tell him all the time. We know that there are like one hundred million Democratic candidates, okay, and then this presidential race coming up next year. I'm announcing mine next week. I'm right behind you. That includes former Vice president who just announced last week, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Bato O'Rourke, mayor, Pete Buddha judge, and President Trump says he isn't concerned about any of them. Oh well, you don't take a person that lie all the time, gonna tell you the truth, right right right. One thing I do like about Trump, he's the first president ever dual speech, and I ain't got to look up. None of the words I mean is gonna be bad, bad brand, grand brand. I said, oh, he graduated with me a leader, Tell a prompt and come back by four pages later. I ain't use one word that had bigger than one syllable init I said, boy, anybody could be president. Was letting you know he's my catterman. In fact, he says he's not concerned about any of them. Twenty twenty campaign manager is promising a bigger, better, and badder race this time around. Now, he was shocked. I could tell I know it. In the first month he was trying to get fired. I know a person when they're trying to get five Yeah, yeah, how do you know, man? Because he was doing things. Look at bringing the Russians in here taking picture. Y'all still ain't gonna get me out of here. Lord, he was trying to get fired from his daughter in there. Ain't nobody had a security clean information was leaders everything they thought that a black president was gonna be. All the time thought fights, don't know nothing, don't use no words, just alienate the whole country. But you can say what you wanted to say. His follows or something. They got damned that's why I took People ask me how the quick? What kind of woman you looking for? I say, I'm looking for a woman like a Trump supporter. No matter what I tell us, she ain't going nowhere. Don't quake got another baby? Baby? You know that's fake news. Don't you listen to that? And the enemy of the States. Don't you listen to that? Baby? Don't you listen to that? Let me ask you this man, come on with what what combination from the Democratic Party? Do you think it? When I'm gonna tell you right here, we gotta go with Biden because God gonna go in there and when participate. People don't know. He only won three states, bought a total of a hundred thousand votes. So if Hillary wouldn't have took some days off and went on, I mean she was taking more days. She was like a rapplene treatment. Yeah, I thought she was an NBA player. I can't do back to backs. Don't take taking up for granted. And that's totally what it is. Because the Democratic Party, with all do respect, I am independent. I ain't not a Democrat because I say Democrat to teat us like side checks come see us every four years and tell you what they're gonna do for us? Yeah, we side check for the Democratic Party black people. I love it. Quick and four years later we still be looking for it. Didn't he pop back home? Await where you been? Oh? I was doing stuff for you? You know that other man? You're like me. They don't care about you. Who else you gonna go? So the Democratic Party treat us like side chicks. All right, quick time to switch gears here now, nephew Tommy is coming up next with a prank phone call. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject he's turning me into his mama. Yeah, he's into his mama. But right now the nephew is in here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Nep Can you do my makeup? What can you do my makeup? Come on? What's this about? What? Okay? For your show? This is for makeup on the buttocks? You don't say what I'm saying. Yes, it's it's booty makeup call. Okay, booty makeup. People who got scars on their Buttsten to get the seal with the lights off. I'm the only one booty makeup. You call somebody asking to do your booty makeup? Well you can't do okay? If I can't see back there, junior, how the makeup gonna get on? That? Why you need booty makeup? Because I got stretched marks, scars, mosquito bites from a child. But this is Ackney. You can you know you're too old to be trying to clear seal on your button? Now late for that? Yeah, run Nick? Can you do my makeup? Hello? Hello? Manswe to Brandy police. Yes, this is Brandy. All Brandy. My name is Carl. I'm calling. I got a you came highly recommended. You actually you're you? Actually are? I'm sorry? It is it may. I don't know if I'm saying. As a makeup artist, makeup style, that's what you What do you call it? It's makeup artists. I'm a professional makeup artists, okay, And you work at them, you work with the makeup counter and correct. Okay, listen, I gotta I got a photo shoot coming up, and I wanted to see about um sometime this week, maybe the following week. You could actually come and and I hired you to actually make me up for my photo shoot. Is do you do a lot of photo shoots at all? Or you? Yes, I should do. I've been in the business for ten years, so I've been around several photow shoots. Okay, good deal. So what what's I mean? You have any time this week that I can actually just come in and we can do like a trial run or something. Yeah, I'll actually be here Friday for about six hours with Friday work for you. I'm here, I start at eleven. At eleven, I mean I could come in later, maybe like around three on Friday if you, if can you squeeze me in at that time? Okay? What's what's so good? Is there a certain makeup for for men? It works out the same as for women in photo shoots. You just need some type of crane foundation something to even out the skin tone. Uh, powder you down to take away the oils, cover up any blemishes or anything like that. It's pretty much the same. Of course, you don't get the whole eyeshadow and lashes and stuff. But right, right, right, right right, well, but I just try to, you know, just trying to look good on camera. Um, let me ask you this. How much makeup have you done as far as um men? You know what I mean? Yes, okay, I'm very comfortable with it. You'll be fine, trust me. That's what I was really worried about it, if you were going to be comfortable with it, because I mean, have you done um, I'm a little conscientious about a few things, you know what I mean? And you have how many butts have you done? I'm sorry? How many what like like like butts? You know how many? How many butts have you made up? I haven't made up any but like are you like you mean like asses? Yeah? I mean you could see money. I'm actually doing a nude photo shoot and uh, you know, I got a couple of scratches and you know, some old scars on my butt, and I you know, I like you said, you know, I'm a little shy about you know some of that. So I was you could actually hope you can actually make sure that those cars don't show and you know you said you kind of um you know, uh, make sure everything is doesn't look oily, you know what I mean? And I just need to get my money out. Well, but I I didn't when I didn't understand what you're talking about. I may not be used to makeup, but I don't. I'm not seriously, I'm not gonna do your okay, but I mean we're just talking about makeup though. I mean you know you're talking about yeah, but I'm not about to put my makeup brushes that I use on people's faces on your ass, like to tell your photographer to like photoshop that because okay, well that's where I'm coming in to see you on Friday. I want you to do everything and make me up there in the store so I can see what it looks like. I want to see what you were going to come into my job and make me do your Like? What are you? What? Planted? Are you? Where did you think that was gonna work? You cannot come into my job. How are you gonna come to my job naked? Seriously? I mean, well I was gonna wear a robe. I'm not gonna just you know, walk in there. Don't you even think about coming into my job? Who referred you? Who told you need to delete this number? Do not? I'm not about to get this job. Don't need to get done, Okay, I don't want about why the problem with you doing? What is the problem. You're doing my butt and putting the makeup on it. Not I need to buy you some brushes. I buy you some brushes and you can take I want you to buy me anything. I don't want you coming into my job. I don't want you calling me ever again to do any kind of work. I'm coming in there, and I'm now listen, I have a professional makeup artists. Clearly you don't know what that means, so they don't need to. Then you will take out the part that's bothering you and do the job. Lady, you know what I mean. If my stores and I want to clear before I get real ignorant, I'm not about to finish this conversation. Do not come into my job. Do not call me to do your That's not gonna happen. So so so, I guess it's says to go around and let people know that Brandy is not professional because you can't do part. Reputation is good in the streets to boo. You can't go around and tell anybody that I'm not professional. Nobody ever called me to be there. Get some skincare for your how about that, and then you won't need any makeup. I know you. Then you're not gonna sit here now start talking about mine. If I told you some of my deepest secrets to let you know, I want to come in there get some money. That's when you're bad for telling the channger your deepest secrets. Okay, you know what. I'm coming up to your store anyway on Friday, all right, and I'll talk to you a boss. I'm let them though. Don't let it fool you. You heard me, don't come in my job. And look if I lose my job over your foolishness, I guarantee you will be paying on my bills. Okay, Spottom line is I'm coming in now with my robe on Friday. Somebody gonna do my butt. You your manager? You're not coming you know what? How about you come up here right now? How about I go ahead and take care of the situation right now. I'm here now, can you come right now? Come up there right now, whip my robe. I am rob. Well, bring bring your butt up here right now. We'll see if your buck gets done. I'm not doing okay. Well, the bottom line, who is your manager anyway? What's she is? She? There? I am the manager? Now what Okay? See that's what a damn problem is. You got your little self a little position at your job. Now you're trying to throw your weight around, if you if a person wants to get their butt done? Okay, look do you see avatar? The people have makeup all on their butt, all on their back and every where. Not you call them. You call them and ask them to do your butt. Don't call me. I'm hanging up. Do not call me anymore. They are makeup artists. What are you? Look? This conversation is over. Yeah, it's over because you know what you Let me tell you something. You do you know who you're talking to? Do you know who you're talking to? Do you know who you're talking to? I know who I'm talking to. I'm talking to Brandy, But Brandy know who Brandy talking to? Clearly somebody who is ignorant. Okay, well let me tell you who I am. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend, Carmen. You are lie ye, I'm getting off the phone. I'll get why y'all do that. I hope nobody's listening. You made I got you good? I got you good. Good with the butt. Yeah, for real, get you some skincare gets. I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Ah, the damn Steve Harvey Morning Show. Anybody anybody else wants to make up out of here? Man's no, that's too loud. When y'all get read of going there, Junior and quite stopped it. We y'all get read of going there and do one of your greatest performances. Ain't you a little shy because you you know your but don't look right. You don't want to no makeup. I ain't never seen my blood, never been on this earth for fifty five years, and we never met each other. I never got no mirror to go back there to look at it and say how you doing it? Longess is cool back there. I'm cool up here. We understand our borders. Brother and Junior. You and Junior gotta get in touch with y'alls. No good was coming to town. I got six shows. Everything is sold out. I've added the show the fourth show on Saturday. It's on sale right now. And text all count of laying in the cut all right, thinking, nephew, i'p next. It is a Strawberry letter. Subject He's turning me into his mama. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, quake time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice and relationships, dating works, ex parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letters to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letters. Just that simple quick. You've been here before, quake. You know how this goes? Yes, I do you know how it goes. I'll read the letter and give my response, then you'll you'll give yours, and of course and f you, Tommy and Junior will chime in on this letter as well. We want to get everybody's perspective on this one. You're ready, We're gonna if you you know, click that true submit Strawberry letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air like we're gonna do this one. Well, let's go buckle up and hold on tight. We gotta tell you here. It is Strawberry letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject He's turning me into his mama. Dear Stephen, Shirley. I am a thirty nine year old engaged woman and my fiance is terrific, but I need your advice. My fiance and I met in the emergency room when I treated him for a minor illness. He flirted a little and told me that his mom you to be a nurse, so that made me even more attractive. We went on a date a couple of weeks after that, and we've been together ever since. I do most of the cooking and he prefers for me to only cook meals from his late mother's handwritten recipe book. Her recipes are really good, so I didn't make a big deal out of that. But when I talked to him about getting a new due for our wedding, he suggested that I get the same hair du that his mom used to wear. I was like, say what, there's a very large photo of my fiance's Yeah, okay, there's a very large photo of my fiance's mother in our bedroom, and he used the picture as a reference on how he wanted me to cut my hair. I was hesitant, but I did it to make him happy. When he first saw my new haircut, he loved it so much. He made sweet love to me. I was weirded out, but I didn't say anything. Now fast forward to me getting ready to shop from my wedding dress. He told me that he had a surprise. He had called his dad and got his mother's wedding dress and he wanted me to try it on so he can have it altered for our wedding. That's where I drew the line and we got into an argument. He's normal in every other aspect, but this obsession with his mom has got to stop. His dad says he has always been a mama's boy, and he doesn't see it as a problem. So maybe I am the only one that thinks this is crazy. He's turning me into his mom. Should I run now before it's too late? Please help? Wow? This is crazy right here, and I'm surprised you lasted this long. I really am because this You know, he weirded you out when he made sweet love to you after you cut your hair like his mom. Yeah, that's weird. I just think this guy's out of control him way too much of a mama's boy. Who does this. I'm talking to both of you because I think that you're allowing too much to get away. I mean, you're allowing him to get away with way too much A picture of his mom in your bedroom. Really, I mean, just think how weird that is. I mean on the mantel in the living room, in front of the fireplace. I get that on his phone in a photo album. I get that. But you know it's too much of his mom. And if you have to deal with this right now today, or you won't be walking down the aisle with him. And if you do, you're going to have to deal with this sort of thing the rest of your life. Okay, So think about that ended now, this obsession with his mom, if he can, if not, you got to get out of there. This is too much craziness going on in one relationship. Quait, listen, I know what Shirley over here telling you. Get out of it. You don't want to be back out in these streets thirty nine. I'll tell you the pickings. A slim out here staying there, role play play as mama put him on punishment. It's benefits playing a mama. Hell, he had to stay home and you going out, you understand, tell him go buy stuff for you? Yeah, and she looking at it. It's benefits to it. You said. Everything is good other than he wants you to be his mama. I'm telling you right now, and I have a friend who is a mama boy. If you can't deal with it, gonna leave. You're never gonna be the bama's boy. You always gonna be second to a mama boy. That mama is right below Jesus. They're not to be touched or anything. Now that you already got him, I guess she's not there. Stay there be friends would have put a picture out there dressed like his mama. Everything, role play, do all of it. Keep your man, girl. If you're doing all this stuff, you don't want to be out here. You see these young girls on Instagram. You ain't got a shot. They Yeah, you're forty years old. He got a man that's gonna walk you down. He just wants you to be the mama and the wife. Come on you, you're strong. You can do both for him. You can co exist in both of them. People come home as the wife one day, then turn around and be the mama the next. Staff give him a little bit of mama. That's what my advice says. Yeah, don't until you try, you understand that's right. See, no I'm not My brother. Tyrone was a mama's boy that he didn't want to move. My mother had to move, just lead a house and leave him with the house. And he was so mad talking about she left me. He was forty. It was terrible. It was yeah, it was terrible. He was forty years old. He wasn't speaking to my mama, said she left him. He was forty. He didn't even know to get apartment. He talking about which one of these apartments? Who cook and clean? You don't find them amenities in apartment? Yes, lighting gas? She talking about who do the cooking in the clean side? I'm looking for apartment. I said, You're not gonna find mama in none of these apartments, Tyrone. So I'm telling you right now, whoever you name you're a nurse, just go ahead and play that role with us. That's that's all I got to say. All right, let's hear that was greatness quick. Let's hear her from the young one on the on the panel. What you got? What you got junior? First of all, he just turning me into my mama, his mama. But first of all, I would quake. You don't need to leave, You really don't need to leave. But let me just this something that that piqued my mafia. As I've met in the emergency room. I spent a lot of time in emergency room. Ain't met no damn about What did he say here that I've been in the bed, I've laid there trying to pick up a nurse. Dudes, I try to pick up they hit people some proper ally. What did he say? He told her that his mom used to be a nurse. Yeah, yeah, my mama nurse too. I tried it. It's what I'm saying. I think you got try. What was the mina inness? What was the mina illness? What was the laon that? He? You are you nine? Mama's boy? But I'm trying to get somebody after a lot of time I was in the merged rule what a month ago? Yeah, yeah, I was in. Couldn't get nobody because you ain't had no insurance. I don't know what down ace when you ain't paying for your own prescription. Talk to because I asked for talking all three, I got talking all too. They downgrade everything I'll do in the purchase the rule. That's what I would want to know. But I beusage that you need to stay to them. You're telling her to settle. All saddle, We all saddle. We'll be back with part two of this Strawberry letter. She can't think. The subject is he's turning me into my mama. We'll be back right after this at twenty three after you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, we're back with the Strawberry Letter. Subject for today, he's turning me into my mama. I'll recap for you quickly. UM, thirty nine year old woman wrote in she's engaged. Her fiance's terrific, she said, but she needs our advice because her fiance and her met in the emergency room where he told her she reminded him of his mom. Okay, they dated uh and a couple of times and then they've been together ever since. Um. He wants her to cook out of only the recipe book that his mom left. She's deceased, now his mom. He wants her to wear her hair like her mom. He wants her to wear her his late mom's wedding gown for her wedding, and he doesn't seem to have a problem with it. He's been a mama's boy all his life. She's having issues with it. She wants to know should she run now before it's too late? All right, we've heard from me, I say run. Uh you said stay. Pickens are slim quake rights, and Junior agrees with you. She should stay because you say you go to the emergency room. Yeah, you got somebody at the emergent room. Are you gotta stay? All right, let's hear from the nephew. He's turning me into his mama. What you got now, run your ass back to e R and drop him off. Don't do this to yourself. Let me tell you something. Let me you know what bothering me more than anything is the fact that his mama owned the wall watching everything they do. They got all these old ass hal dudes. You're sitting up there looking like you're sitting up there looking like Florida from Good Time, trying to make his ass happy. You ain't got to sit there and do that. You ain't gonna look like wheeze it from the jefferis. You ain't got to do this to yourself. Fix your how the way you fix your hair? You love Barbara or calling a Gidge you a Rosa a Doris sitting there looking at your wass. Just don't make no damn send. Here's another thing you cook y'all, old lad's name, Why is we doing this? And then you're sitting up that night. You got the cook the only the way she cook cabbage. That's the only way we can eat the jam cabbie cook and cook cabbage all different kind of damn way you got, black eyed pee, Why you got cooking the way dars, because you're cooking away. You've been cooking. Now he wants you to wear this nineteen sixty seven wedding dress. Nobody want to wear that damn dressing. No, MoMA, you know that, But I dressed. I just said that dressed. When you put that dress out on, this's gonna tell in the rib. Why do he still had that damn dress anyway? Walking around with that mama wedding dress? Who do that? What man still got day? Mama wed jail? When I find me somebody, she's gonna wear this right here. If you don't take that dress and put it in the trash cannon, drop his ass off, an ell. Let me you know what else this has been going out. He'd been going to eat all trying to find something he'd do this every other week or what what did she say? He had a minor illness. He's still he's been going in there with Mina is trying to find somebody to remind him of with mama, and he didn't found you. And now you're sitting up in the landing, up in the bed, butt neck and him mamma looking at you on the wall. Why would you do this to yourself? Why would you do that? Noa, noa no. Here here wis bent though, and Dar's looking at up. Her name is Gilder. We're closer enough. Guilda held the Miss glad. I'm good, Miss Glass, all right, I say drop him off back at he'd been going to eat, I promise you, steady picking up nurses, trying to find one that remind him. And I'm gonna tell you right now she leaves his mama gonna it's gonna Hanna. Now now we had the Bates Moti, Mama, gonna, who you're gonna stay with my son? Who just because she didn't want to win my dress. I'm telling she's gonna be forty years on the back out there in the clubs ain't gonna work out. I'm telling you right, stay with him, stay, stay with him two for two to say stay to say wow? What you say? Ye break the time she got a gross Now you know how hard he rolled playing roll. You understand how women feel about mama's boys. You all, yeah, you all a man. We don't like mama's boys like you say. They put us second. You can't hear that? Can you imagine? Can you imagine? She come in and eating. He's sitting up on a cor I know you ain't walking here, and you ain't got them fingerways in your head. I can't really got the same ways you like mama. I know my mama hair away. Why you ain't got Look at the money he's saving her. She ain't got a pay for no dress at all. That's right, got to get a hair that. It's a lot. And she got it from his daddy. He ain't got it from his daddy. Put this dress on the men a lot every ride wants to pick out. She wants that experience. Why would you want forty? Prince Sharmandon came and left. Let's keep it ready, put the dress on. We're going right down here, the dress of the piece, saying this money you do so you're not. So you're not gonna wear the Donna summer wig that my mom will be waiting. You're not gonna wear it. It ain't not creeping about it. You just gotta span your your imagination. We don't like my boy roll play it be his mama, yes, and his lover come spank man. Yeah, I'm told you don't be. Don'ta be wearing them scrubs and him my mama wore white stockings with U nurse and outfit, and that happen him. Think as thin as white. Come in and take my timperature. You gotta do. Ain't we like the therms? That? No? Yeah, control, Look what he likes? Wow, okay, perspective what you're doing? Company out of the street lights? Then came on all that. She liked all of that, and she can use that in the advantage. You supposed to be in the house when the streets come on. That's what he's supposed to do. That's right, giving them keys you can't drive no more. So you're saying the advantage for her. She'll always know where he is, exact exactly what she tells. This dress up is it? Mom? And discipline them bank the real band. This foolishness will not be tolerated. The teacher just called me, yeah, and come sit between my league and let me scratch your Dand man, you're getting it. Man, you can't. I'm so out right, Papa right, all right, listen, we gotta get out of here. Guys. You can post your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey f M, and you can check out our Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up in ten minutes. We'll talk about our favorite scenes from John Singleton movies right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. John Singleton, the first African American who was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Director. His career spanned nearly three decades in Hollywood, passed away yesterday. John suffered a massive stroke twelve days ago after returning from Costa Rica. John Singleton directed Boys in the Hood, Baby Boy, Poetic Justice, Higher Learning, Four Brothers, Too Fast, Too Furious. He produced the critically acclaimed film Hustle and Flow as well. He co created the FX hit series Snowfall and directed episodes of the People Versus O. J. Simpson American Crime Story, as well as Empire and billions. Now, guys, I gotta ask you this because this was so groundbreaking back then, and we all loved Boys in the Hood. But you all remember the scene from Boys in the Hood when Laurence Fishburne, who was playing Furious Styles, talked about gentrification. Remember that. Yeah, we had never heard of that back then. Never, I mean, just to put it in a movie like that. And it's going on now in our neighborhoods right now, you know how groundbreaking. John Sington was way ahead, he really was, really really yeah, and that character Furious Styles, he was schooling his son in schooling Ricky, his trades friend, about what was going on in the neighborhood. And remember how everybody on the on the block came to listen. They start crowding around. Yeah, hustle over there, exactly exactly today. Grady from Good Time, I mean Grady from Sanford and Son was in that scene, yeah, because he was the older gentleman that was upset at what the kids were doing in the neighborhood. And yeah, yeah, Furious was trying to break it down, saying, you know how the drugs getting over here? No boats now? Remember that? Yeah, And I just loved his character name Furious Styles. I love that, love that name. Yeah, that's like that's still going on today. That's yeah, in any city, in the neighborhood, pick a neighborhood. Yeah, there's there's another guy that passed away, y'all. Jesse Lawrence Ferguson, y'all for me with him, Jesse Lawrence Ferguson as actually the black police officer and Boys in the Hood that gave Ricky and Trey a hard time. Oh yeah, yeah, Jackie, Yeah, that brother just passed away a day or so, a couple of days ago. Wow. Wow, Wow. What what was your what was your favorite scene and Boys in the Hood? Um? I told you what. Um. He got home and started sympathy getting the love from a girl swinging in the air. I used that all the time, Tray, that's mine right there, swinging. Yeah, when I want to get out of the house, when I want some sympathy love. Yeah. Man, so many stars. But what about two though, we baby boy? Come on now with Man Roger, Yeah, man, and I hate you Jody every day. Got my part. I read for the part. The other parts, Yeah, come on. Two different type of brothers in his world, brothers with guns, and Brothers with Butter. I love that, that's what does that mean? Still it was too deep for Cheryl, the whole thing being knew what it man, he just said the last I know. That was why I didn't get the part. I ain't know it. But he did tell you. John Singleton said that he wanted to put Yeah he did. He say he wanted to put me in a drama, not a comedy. Yeah, play against Yeah. But I gotta say this when he Vet went by and uh to get her son from from Jody baby boy, baby Boy, and got back in the car and started crack you don't love Me no more, bron because she was listening to Marvin Gaye in the back. Yeah. Yeah, when that song right there, get you boy, that one right there, too late for us to cry right now, too late. It's over. Ye, that's the one to keep you satisfied. That's the song. John Singleton man an artist, a true artist. And do you want to remember um it was Cube's first movie and all the hoop laws surrounding the fact that Cube was a rapper not an actor, and they picked a rapper to play you know, they could have had at an actor play this role. But it was a lot of a lot of controversy about boy, Yeah, about Cube getting the role as Joe Boy and what John said. The reason why he picked that He knew que was gonna be a great actor because of his songs that he wrote, told stories, yeah about just stories period. So he already so he had an eye. Yeah you know what I'm saying. Vision, And that's what you need. Somebody to be a goal between with the with the gatekeepers that believe and allow you to do it, and comfortable enough to get it in and once you get on through it. And that's what John did again with the rest of him and allow him to go in there. And he saw and look at Cube from that first one, he don't make it all the way through, and he paid it forward. Look at all the comedians Cube and put on that the same thing John did for him. You see. It's yes, yes, me, Chris, you know he put all of us on. Yeah, Kevin, yes, you put everybody on, right, you know what I mean, the same way yeah, yeah, west Side Wow. I mean you know, just think about John Singleton, I mean all the stuff that we did, yesh, yeah, for sure. Yeah, that's what Samuel L. Jackson said, you're absolutely right, too soon at only one year old. Yeah, and like his family is saying, um, you know he suffered or he had high blood pressure, you know for a great majority of his life. So please, you know, guys, go get checked. Please and follows the doctors advice. And take your medication. That's the key man. Take your mid Yeah, take your meds. Yeah, if you got it only nights stand. I want to take their medicine. That's great. Yeah, I take mine. Yeah, in front of strangers. All right, guys, we're gonna like what them peals you taking. We're gonna switch gears here coming up at the top of the hour, quake. Uh, you're gonna join Junior and Timmy. You guys all are gonna talk about the NBA the playoffs right after this. Yeah you're listening to all right, as promise, you guys are gonna talk sports for us. But quick, before we get into the NBA stuff, tell us where people can come and see you. Well, I'm going to Mississippi, Monica hometown, Jackson, Mississippi, May ten and eleven. That to being Johnny Tees. I'd be in Mobile, Alabama on May twelfth. That's festival Laugh's got my girl some more and my curry or water, Earthquake and Bedia And as always in the Tri State Early of New York, please in June Quake's Father Day Jam And this time I got a friend of the family that's gonna headline my five years Cedric the Entertainer. Yes, Dion Cole's Chico Bean. It's gonna be there. Two shows, one at the MJ Pack in the Brooklyn's Keen Theater. That's Father Days. Because they never showed no respect for Father's And I've been doing this for five years, showing that black father's matter and to make people come out there and show some appreciates. We don't want no ties, we don't want none of that tide of this with this cologne from Bruke, Dad Brute, don't even good Father's Day. Boy, you can eat anyway. Mother Day. You can't get in a restaurant. Well we harry the babies. Well, I mean, I'm not knocking yours, but can we get something So I'm mean father something. When something go wrong, we're it's father, We're we're the father. Yeah, even when the brother do goodings on a football tip. Hi, Mom and Papa the one didn't out there on practice with throwing the ball, hunting everything. So yes, love that, Yeah, I love black Father. Yeah in the world. Well let's get into it, guys, take it away, all right, Well come on with y'all, Houston, come on with the first. You know, we wanted to shout out to the seventy six as they did win last night. They they beat the wrapped as ninety four one. No, let's stop at nothing. I'm here. I want to hear about your baby way these because well I swear y'all right up there that we've been robbed. We was robbed, was doing man on Sunday your best player lecture slides every night. I mean he steps all the way back. He stepped all the way back one time he took a shot. He was in the concession stand. Should shouldn't you be year old step my button? He didn't need to stay there. Man, Come on, man, you can't see them files. Man, No, why you didn't see him? Because Steve is my uncle. You see the rule States rules that you got to get a shooter a safe place to land. You can't be hitting in the house. Thompson is Clay Thompson is steady doing it man, he's steady doing nobody steady. Let's stop, y'all already come in used. I love h Ten. I didn't believe you signed with the Light Skin because Matt no, because he is from DC and these doctor is me. Okay, so that's why you understand, you understand. And he killing y'all. He killed I think tonight he's gonna put up eight hundred point. He can't damn ain't putting up. He ain't putting up thirty. He putting up. Let me get that. Hush hush, now, we ain't gonna do him like that. Yeah, going up the boys from Oakland, going up to coming down to age time? How much you guy, man? Are you gonna see up and shout out to Uncle Steve. I know he needed the day off because he didn't get to see no more playoffs because before they come back, they asked me to play when I was in Cleveland. But this is probably the most exciting series we do have in the NBA playoffs is just this is probably the best exciting one. I do appreciate the artistry of Kevin Durant man the way he how easy he makes seven foot that's gonna just give himself. He's six fifteen, that's what fifteen. He got an outside game game post up. It doesn't matter. You can't stop him now, so you gotta give me when you gotta lock him down, and you gotta stop Clay and Steph can't stop him. But they see but your man from DC like you, Yes he is, and another do they do? They not edge y'all up over that. Don't worry about it. We go on the war. That's what's wrong with you. I know you ain't talking about the dude that got the beard. And there I've seen a burrier come out here. Yeah, I see the burder come out of the nest and he had the same I looked at him. The dude who robbed me. I can't kind of evidence. Yeah, all in there stepping on that dribble fifteen hundred times, didn't take a shot and didn't want to take a fire. Come home, man quick. What's your prediction? East and West, Golden State in Boston, Golden State in Boston. Na, No, no, no, neither one of those brothers can't. Plus, he ain't got no health for the ain't good for the spot. If the brothers can't say your name, yeah, they just say the Greek. Everybody say everybody every championship, John Yeah the whole time. I don't Greek his cold though. Yeah, but he needs a jumper. He's fig out his early in his career. He figured out Okay, that's why you're going home earlier. Yeah, he's gonna be earl. He do need a jump out. Why you're going home? You can't get to that hole in the playoffs. And there's only one black man to stay in Milwaukee. That he gat to be from Greece. And that's the only way, the only way the man black man gonna stay in there in Milwaukee. All this cold, Oh, ain't no way you want to stay in Milwaukee. You're going in You just tell other black people. You know, y'all free. There's no reason for y'all to stay here. This is all all this is. Gods leave you are free. Ain't nothing in Milwaukee be cold cold. It's colder than Chicago and chic Yeah, yeah, yeah, And it ain't nothing to do in Milwaukee. Everything seven fifty and my man say to drink. You can't drink that much, that's no. And my walks turtled. You sit down there. You see black people saying, I know why you here. You just snitched on people in Chicago. You're in the witness protection part. You mess around and ain't have relocated you here. That's the only reason why black people in Milwaukee, that's the people that have snitched on them games and black man you know name Schwartz. Yeah, it's a shame I reclocated you with it. They got that crazy police off a dynamic that yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. Man. I wouldn't even made a deal with him. I'm telling you now, I go up there and perform, and that's the first time I'll say it, y'all. Free. I know that I had both shows and everything. Who want to lead lead to night tonight? Is that why Hillary didn't make it up there? No, that's what she needs, all right? Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show with our special family member today the one and only earthquake right after this you're listening show, all right, guys, And what seems to be becoming some sort of a tradition, another national championship winning college team was served fast food during a visit to the White House. This time it was the Baylor women's basketball team, which defeated UH Notre Dame in a thrilling title game last month. Like the Clemson and North Dakota State football teams earlier this year, here well, the Lady Bears of Baylor had a spread of McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, and Moore to sort through. The team met with President Trump in the Oval Office late Monday afternoon. The President praised the team for its championship, the program second in eight years, and uh was presented with a Baylor number one jersey by head coach Kim Mulki. President Trump quips that he might give the sleepless jersey to his wife, Milania. But okay, but did you did you see the picture? Though the picture speaks volumes. The sisters look like hostages. Yeah, they look like talking with the as I didn't had black women in my president looked like that. And it was not it was not President. I mean it was not pretty. I'm the late child support. Look that looked right there. But who was the one the paint looking up after sky? But even the white women on the team, even they're like whatever, man, he's looking at him like all the money Bert Steve Harvey FM on the Gram, y'all can see this picture of the Lady Bears Baylor University. Y'all can see this picture. We're talking about my mama that if I wasn't on scholarship. But I mean, what is it? You know McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, and you know what I think it is? Surt. I don't think nobody work in the kitchen no more. I think everybody didn't quit. Maybe that's what it is. Ain't nobody could the house chef, he doesn't have it. I'm just telling you, man, I'm waiting for twenty twenty. Ready, I'm ready, I'm ready to run. But I'm telling you right now for the day I'm serious to beat him. You better have a message, thank you, and a messenger and do not take us for message and as matter right, and if you don't, he's gonna get another folk and stick to Can can we stick together? Well? They have to come and make sure that they when you come to talk to us, make sure you're saying something that impacts our lives. Yeah, And it's just that simple. You can't sit in and running on about the economy. Economy. Yeah, unemployment might be low, but it ain't a living wager that should have showed you there because when the lockout was thirty days of two days of not having meaning two checks mints, they was in in the food line. Yeah, yeawn in shutdown. What's good that you got a job if it ain't enough to keep you fair? That's right. You know what I'm saying. Somebody tell me how good the economy is. If I lose one checket, I'm out on the side of the street asking for some beans from a food shutter. So you just got to attack it. You got to attack them on it. And as earlier, Yeah, I asked you earlier, and you you went with Biden. Who's the running mate with Biden? Um the governor that should have been in Georgia. What his name? The sister? I say he needs to get her as her vice president and not a work that would real guarantee if he go get Stacey Aden and maker his vice president. We in there. Yeah, I agree with you. She could even run for president. She is so sharp. He's only Yeah, that's a winning ticket right there. All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show with Quake right after this. You're listening to show well John Singleton, the first African America, nominated for an Academy Award for Best Director, who's decorated career spanned nearly three decades in Hollywood, passed away yesterday. Sadly, John suffered a massive stroke just twelve days after returning from Costa Rica and experiencing problems with his legs. He checked himself into the hospital, and celebrities from Samuel L. Jackson, Regina King, Snoop Dog, Ice Cube, Will Pack, Ri Spike Lee are just heartbroken and in mourning. Our prayers and condolences are going out to John Singleton's family. Uh. Such, this was a hard one right here. This was a tough one because I think he touched everyone. He really did, He really really did. Yeah, Quake, you said you mad him? You were friends, yes, friends with him, and what he did. He came and he was the gatekeeper to bring us into Hollywood, you know what I mean. He put ice Cube on, he put him and what best he allowed us to be us. I didn't get a chance to work with him. We said we was, but God had other plans. But he was just a great dude. But he was quiet like a few Timmy said, Timmy, He was very quick. Yeah, yeah, cool man, very yeah. Yeah. And you know, it's so sad that he died from what he died from. And his family was saying that he suffered from hypertension for many, many years, but he kept it on the low. And what they're asking people to do, especially our black men, because it's rampant in our community, get yourself checked. Yes, you know, please, I mean we really know to take care of Yes, yeah, we really do. And because he was so young, health as well. You gotta get a physical. There's no reason for you around here not to know the status of your health. That's right. You know, you got co insurance and you ain't got no health insurance. And I know, y'all my brothers and my fraternity to the morning because he was a member cop Oupha Side Yeah, fraternity incorporated. So I know we are definitely we lost it a good diamond. Put it that way. We call him dimes. We have lost a good diamond. Oh wow, we didn't talk about it, but we may. Y'all may have said it, but that Snowfall was a cold show. He had a Oh yeah, yeah, we said it earlier. Yes, I love I love it. I love that show. It's art. The acting. That was good. It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. Yeah, that's one of John Singleton shows on Fax. Also UM and other news Prayer warriors. We are praying for Peebo Bryson. He's doing better better now. Doctors say Peebo was at home and his Georgia home, at home and Georgia when he suffered a heart attack. This also happened yesterday. This is according to TMZ. His family and medical team are optimistic though he will make his speedy recovery. And it makes us think when Peebo was here too long ago, a few months ago, he was in the studio with his new album with Jimmy jam and Terry Lewis. Yeah, with his brand new um CD. So of course we wish him well. Such a legend Peebo Bryson is in the music industry. We love him. Yeah. Yeah, Man goes back to what we were just saying, Like you said, quake health as wealth. Yes, you know when the last time you've been to the doctor. All these men on the show, I get a physical every year. That's my gift to myself to see the status of my health. I always go get a lot of brothers don't go get it physical because they aid of what the results gonna be. And I tell y'all know, I go, I'm paranoid. I gotta know what's wrong with me. I know that I got to go. All right, we'll be back with the last break of the day, quake and one so fast with you boy, y'all put the person on quick in this house. I just took my and Steve was off today, but of course, as always, he left us with some closing remarks and we'll hear those and say goodbye to quake right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, quake, I mean really, this time flew by with you, Yes it did. I'm not even sleeping. Yeah, thank you Steve for letting me sit in this million dollar seat. Now, thank you for your time with Georgia. May make sure y'all come see me. Just hit me on my Instagram at the real earthquake. I'm gonna be in Jackson, Mississippi at Johnny T's. That's made ten from eleven Mobile, Alabama. On the twelve of May and June fifteenth and sixteen, Try State Father Father's Day show was Cedric the entertainment and Dion Cole. That's right, Father's Day. Thank y'all so much. I love y'all. Hit me up at the real earthquake and ain't nothing y'all can do about it. I'm coming back for sure, sliding over here all right. As usual, when Steve's not here, he always leaves us with some inspiring words. You know how that goes? All right, So let's get into these closing remarks from the one and only. He'll be back tomorrow, Steve Harvey. Yes, I just want to encourage people to do something really, really simple today. And I think this is something that most people would agree to want. It's really this simple. Everybody should want more for your life. I'm talking about your life right there, the one that you have. You should want more for your life. You should never allow yourself to become complacent. Now, I want you to understand something. Some people get complacency confuse with they don't want to seem ungrateful. Once again, some people get complacency confused with not wanting to appear ungrateful. Well, I don't want to keep asking God for nothing because I don't want him to think I ain't grateful for what I have well, thanking for it. Then that's really simple. Simply thank God for what you have. That's the gratitude. But then it's still okay to want more for your life. Here's the good news. God actually wants you to have more for your life. God is really looking for people to show off. He really is. I happen to raise my hand all the time in volunteer I do. I just say God, pick me, come on, do me, use me, show me. Now that doesn't mean I'm perfect. I'm far from it. But I do want God's blessings to be able to flow through me. So I keep an open channel in my life for that stuff to flow through. First of all, I want more, that's the beginning of getting it. Then I have the good sense to ask Him for more. You have not because you ask not. Well, I happen to be a big asker of stuff. So now I want more. I ask for more. Now here's the trick to asking for more and wanting more. You have got to be willing to do more. Oh, now you gotta do more. Now. That's the one thing that stops so many people from having and wanting more for their life. If God will give you blessings and God will increase your measure in life if God comes to give you life and give you life more abundantly, if He's promised to do that for you. And what you have to do in return is you have to be willing to do more. See you, you can't get more without doing more. Convenience is built through inconvenience, you can stop wanting what you see everybody else with and you ain't willing to do what everybody else did to get it quick look at it, Oprah's pile over there. If you ain't willing to do what Oprah did, which to an average person is not because the average person wants to be comfortable, and you can't be successful and stay comfortable. I was interviewing the wrestler on my show yesterday day, but teach a great story. Man. This cat was really out of it, really really fascinating story he had and we were talking and he was talking about living outside your comfort zone. And I told him one of the things that I've had to learn how to do in order to become successful is I've had to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. He said, wow, Wow, that's a great way to put this ste I have learned how to be comfortable while I'm uncomfortable, Because in order to get successful, you have to be uncomfortable. You have to do things that you don't feel like doing all the time. You have to show up when you don't want to show up. You have to be there when you feel like being somewhere else. You have to say yes a lot of times when you really want to just say no. That's where you at, man, that's how you become successful. But you can't keep asking God for more and you ain't willing to do more. It doesn't make any sense. It cannot happen that way, folks. So come on, I want you to want more for your life. But there's a scripture that that bags that up too. It said to whom much is given, much is required. Now you don't want the requirements, then he gonna have to pull up on a given. But if you want the given, know that here come the requirements. Do not be the one who blocks your own blessing. Want more for your life and be willing to do the things to accept and received them. Drop it boil mom for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.