John Legend Interview, 45 Rollout Plan, Cohen and more.

Published Apr 17, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Happy Friday!!! Steve shares with us a note from a huge superstar. Have you let yourself go during the pandemic? John Legend stops by the show to discuss his new song and more. We have the signs that you got some good lovin'. 45 has a three phase roll out plan to get the country back running. Trump's former attorney is released due to COVID-19 and will serve from home. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog shares with us a message from God, plus so much more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all sit looking back to back down, giving them like them bu bus things and it's good. Steve has to mother sty don't join You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out, to turn the water the water. Come come on your back, uh I show? Well, good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and all is Steve Harvey got a radio show particular me this morning. Steve Harvey got a radio show feel with nothing but joy and hope about it too. You know, it's a great thing to be able to wake up in the morning with peace in your heart and joy. Peace and joy is is immeasurable. It has a value attached to it, and I have no idea what it is. It's invaluable. It is worth so much more than any amount of money you can make. Peace and joy. I have not always had that. I have not always been a peaceful person or a person who lived his life in a joy spirit. It took an arrival at this moment. Some people arrive sooner than others. I wish I had arrived at this point sooner, but I think it was necessary for me to learn a few things too. That's the amazing thing I've learned about life is that instead of reflecting on your past incidences and calling them failures, instead of focusing on the negative and calling them bad times, I look at them now as experiences. I had to have those experiences that were negative, that were good, positive, wrong, even I had to have all those experiences to become to shape who we are today. We all have to have them. If you look back at all the negative experiences you've had, all the things that you called failures, all the businesses I started that went under, all of the jobs I had that I was fired from, all the show that were canceled, all of the times I thought I was gonna get something happened in my way and turned out I didn't get it at all. When you look at all of it, all of it, hopefully along the way, what you have done as a person is you've taken those negatives and those failures and you've used them for what they actually are. They are experiences, and they've now created in you an experienced person, and you know that is worth something. That's then it becomes a positive. But what too many people do is they let the negative things that have happened in their life. They allow the failures that have happened in them lives never to manifest themselves as experiences. And you sit up there and you dwell on it, and you dwell on it until you have this woe is me attitude. Stop looking at it like that, y'all. You go through things in order to become the person that you are today. I'll tell you who you sometimes have to sit down and talk to. Sometimes you are to sit down to an inmate that really gets it, an inmate that says, man, I've actually heard inmates say it to me and write to me, and they've said things like, man, coming to prison, save my life. Now those of you have never gone, how can he say a thing like that? But some men, no, Man, I was so far out there that if I had stayed out there, I wouldn't even be here today. This actually allowed me to stop and spend some time with myself and learn some things about me. Now does that happen for everybody like that? Now? But here's a person who was taking an experience that could be considered a failure or a negative and turning it into a positive and using it to enrich their lives. You can do it no matter what your set of circumstances is. I recommend to everybody that you try changing your outlook in order to change your outcome. Everything that happens to you that's negative or you can a failure their experiences. You've got to go through these things in order to have the knowledge that you have today. So I wish that I had come to this arrival that I mean now, this place of peace and joy. But then guess what, I would not know what I know. I could not share some of the things that I'm able to share if I had not gone through some of them. And sometimes that's the purpose of them is to teach you a lesson because you know, God has a plan for you. He really really does, and eventually he can use you no matter how old you are, and he can use you no matter how young you are. If you just say, Okay, I'm ready to hear your plan. I've tried mine, mine ain't worked out. What's your plan for me? God, what do you want me to do? That's why I say every day. Steve already got radio show y'all, because man, I ain't see it coming. I didn't see that coming. I ain't see this book coming. I ain't seen I ain't seen it. Half of the amazing things that are happened to me, I didn't plan them. I was sitting there, man, asking God for some direction. And then I got smart enough to stay watchful, be a hard worker now because faithful, our works is dead, and it came. And I remind you of this. God has given all of you a gift. Every last one of you listening has a gift. God has never created a soul that he did not provide a gift to. God gives everyone a gift, and a gift is not just singing, rapping entertainment. The richer gifts are much more than that. Teachers are gifted people who really have the gift of sharing information. That's a gift, you know, and in that you can become great. You know a lot of people people think that successful and greatness is the same thing. Cornell West said it at my daughter's graduation. He was a spokesperson. He said something so pointed. He said, don't ever confuse success with greatness. The two have nothing to do with each other. But determined success about money and fame and all this here, but greatness. Greatness ain't got nothing to do with your money. It ain't got nothing to do with your fame. It's how you conduct your life. It's how meaningful and significant you become in your community, at your church, on your job, to the cub Scout unit that you run, to the little girls lives that you change, that that little center in the hood. Who are you just one place of hope to so many people and they come back. And I used example of Lou Danzler who passed away in La, who had the Boys and Girls Challenges Club out in La. And he wasn't a rich man at all, and if you walk by him, you wouldn't even know who he was. But if you look at all the people who have gone on to become politicians, who have gone on to become CEO's, who have gone on to become athletes, that have passed through this man's small building in the hood in La, he was a great trust me man prad changes things. I said all the time. But when you see people become successful or great that somebody praying somewhere may not even beat them, maybe it's day Mama. You know, I think of Tiger Woods and all the greatness he's accomplished. You know they always talk about as farther than all this here, somebody somewhere praying for Tiger Woods. I got cash money riding on that Tiger Woods. Mama is a praying woman or something. My mother was. She prayed me into this place because she should call me all the time. Praying for your boy, and prayer changes things. It really does. Try it today. It can change you. It has changed millions of people. Open up yourself to the greatness that's in you, because God is giving you a gift. Now the fact that you ain't using it. Who fought you think that is? I'm just telling you you got one, and if you start praying about it, it'll manifest itself and you can become one or two things, successful or great or both. You can make the decision to date show. Ladies and gentlemen, let me have it your undivided attention. It's frid to everybody, now listen to me. Normally that would do something to you. You've been looking forward to the weekend, boy, but not no more. Things have changed Friday with jet like Wednesday, hump Day, with jail like Monday. This weekend is just an elongated This is just week up. This ain't the weekend, this is weak up. That's just more week ladies and gentlemen. Steve Harvey Morning Show, just trying to get to your shouting Strawbard. Hey, good morning. It is the weekend, even though it just seemed like just any other day. But Happy Friday, Colin Farrell, Happy Friday. What's up crew? What's going on? Junior morning? Everybody here in the building. Jathan and Brown. When your Easter outfit is still in the damn closet, put it on. It's the same, ye, nephew, Thomas, straight up stupid. I'm in the building. What's up? Hey, guys? Before we get started, I got a very important note from a from a huge superstar talent, and I want to read it to you all today. This is one of the biggest stars of all time. I got a note today. Can I read it to you all? Right? Here we go. It says no movies, no movies, no concerts, no sporting events, no restaurants, no social gatherings, limited workload. Now that I've cleared your schedule, can we talk now? God Lord Lord, Yeah, no, movies, no concerts, no sporting events, no restaurants, no social gatherings, limited workload. Now that I've cleared your schedule, can we talk now? God? I love it, man, heal your life is hard? Lord, just gonna have a talk with God? Boy? Can we talk now? Yeah? I know y'all been busy, but now that I've cleared your schedule, can we talk now? I'm just asking none of this. Wait a minute, lord, No, yeah, I'm going somewhere A busy I was running. I didn't clear for you. You ain't too busy? No more? Your workload? Ain't you having I didn't cleared it for you? Hey? Man? Can we talk now? I'm God? Can I catch this Sunday? I'm sorry, man, that was a great note. F note. Yeah, I appreciate that. Yeah, you still have tea? Can we talk? Man? Talk always always right? How about it? Hey, y'all? How about it now? Yeah? I am yeah here, I've been waiting on you. Got a lot to share with you. Man. That was good? All right? All right? Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hours. Some of you guys have let yourselves go a lot of during this quarantine. Well, jan Lenny Brown Steve, Tommy Junior. They're gonna talk about it right after this you're listening to coming up at the top of the hour, singer and philanthropist and John Legend. We'll be our special guests. Don't forget sexiest man alive. He's gonna be our special guest. Uh. We can't wait to talk to him. Me and Jock any who right now, some of you guys have let yourself go so um j Anthony Brown explain this. Please look, this has to do with a lot of people because of the quarantine. I ain't going nowhere. I'm not doing anything. I don't need to fix up at all. But my bass mister Steve Harvey has some rules and regulations of what you need to do to get through the Sunty God, don't hit him with the Steve you here we go. Let's start with the men, because you know me and I think you all put too much weight on the women out here. But let me just put some things in your head. All right, fellas, let me say this to you. If you think for one minute that walking around in a baseball cap, no shirt and jesse your drawls is sexy, it's not. No, no, no, no, no, no no, Tom. No, it's Tom, it's not it's not. What's not about it? Because you don't look like you? Thank you little Yeah. Turned sideways in mirror, my mirror, lying to me my mirrorly No no, no, no, no, you're lying to your mirror. No, it's just telling you what it did. You're lying to your damn I look good. The mirror be going, man for real job. No no, no. Here's another one. Fellas, use lotion at least one day a week. I stopped tr try to knock it back. I know you ain't gonna wet y'all, but you you know, and I feel that I had to catch myself because I was washing my hand so damn much. I had my hand on my thigh and I got surprised. I said, man, how did I get my foot up him? On top of my fan like that? I said, man, I didn't got limble doing quarantine. Here's another case, Hey, fellas, just wanted to remind you some In most cases, all all men have teeth. Just just go Prussia. In most as, I know you ain't gonna whoever, just going in there in Russia. Here's another one, fellas, Before you jump into bed, jump your ass in the shower. Look, man, just because all these days is running together, that that this ain't one long ass day now, And don't be coming to bed smelling like you smoke cigarette cigars and that other stuff. Dude, get something off of you, all right, Ladies, come, I gotta talk to you. Ladies, let me Joam gonna go at this real simple. I'm gonna trust, try to approach it. I'm walking ginger now. It's a lady. I don't know how this works, but I'm just asking careful. Does your head have to be tied up every damn day? Yes? Until we get take this down, whole lag all up. There's a lot of talking on the ladies part. There was no talking. No I want to take I just asked, did it have to be tied up every day in that same damn scarf? Yes? Don't look like we already answered. You want to know, Steve. The question you want to know is do you have to look like you on a box of pancakes every damn day? That we already or in the movie Harry, I would have wanted if I had or the worth, I'd wait look for thank you already ahead all the ladies is where then? You really ain't gonna like this. And now, ladies, most of you have two hands, most of I'm just talking to the walls with two hands. Take one of them and man kill the other one. Just try that, because what what do it look like? Right now? What you can do it? You did it before you head money, Please go do that room your one hell, take one hand and do the other hand and invite versa, yes, invite the other hand over. Yeah. Now listen to this from see the ladies. Do you see how they didn't got fellas? But it's okay, I'm just talking. Even fake hell needs to be comb I'm stand again, fake hell needs to be comb don't just put it all walk around the house. You know we're in here, now go through it. Could you say that one again, Steven, No, he even fake hell need to be cool and fake have know it. Tommy baby who broke in. We're not saying don't wear fake hell. We like you and your fake hill. This is for men and women. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Can we have just one fix yourself up day? Just wake over? Make men and women? Can we just have just one Let's do it at the same Let's have one fix our ass up day. Even we don't do that. Just go sit in the car. Yeah yeah, just sit in the car, man, just pretend drive around. Come right, that was nice. He had one for the kids. Damn it. Put your school clothes all sometime, your uniform them on. Help us out? Can I can I say someone? How how long do your toe nails? Toe nails had to get for you? Understand? I mean how long? How long do they have to get for you? Understand? It's time to do so? Toil is scratching your shoe. It's letting you know, let it, lets you know. I hate all all right? How long? I'm honest, I never let him get too long? But anyway, all right, listen, um here we go. Coming up next, nephew Tommy's gonna run that prank back for us. Right after this, you're Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, John Legend, the sexiest man alive, would be our special guests. He's gonna tell us all about his brand new single, it's called Action It is Hot, And he's also going to talk about his charity work. He's raising money for the World Health Organization during this pandemic. But right now sign for the nephew to run that prank back what you got for his nef Your walks are too long almost, let me say that one more time. Yo walks are too long. It's okay, let's just do yo walks are too long? Cat dog, If you would hello, I'm trying to reach a Dominique. Yeah speaking okay, Dominique. My name is missus Johnny and uh I live all on Street. Are you the person that do a lot of walking in the neighborhood here on? Yeah, I don't. I don't think i've met you. I mean, I know everyone shot, I've in the neighborhood for years. Okay, well, yeah, you probably don't know. I don't know if we've met or nothing, but I just know I asked somebody who you was that was passing by, and they tell me that your name was Dominique, And I asked, what are the neighbors that they wouldn't mind if I reached out to you, And I just wanted to tell you that I'm you know, I'm having a problem with all the walking that you're doing. You you passing by and in every time I look up, every or the hour I see you passing by and passing by, and you know, I know some folks like to get a little exercise and stuff like that. Hen, but it just seemed like you're doing quite a bit, and especially when you know we're supposed to be practicing social distance or whatever. Sir, I don't know if I don't know, if I got a stept on your grass running, I don't know what's the problem. Um. But yeah, I've been joying for years and you know that's just my route. So um it is there a way you can change? Is there a way you can change your route? Why would I do that? Because, like I say, it's social distancing. You know, some of this stuff is not on the bottom of people's shoes. You know that you can you can leave that. That's not listening. I'm so sorry. I'm gonna cut you off, but there's a lot of s on the news right now that's not accurate. You have nothing to worry about, especially if we haven't even matched. You don't see me. I'm just running by. I'm not hanging out outside of your home or anything. When you run by? How do I know it's not coming out of you when you run by? How do I know that we'll then talk to your doctor about that. I'm not a doctor. But I have to exercise. And okay, but and I understand you got to excite, But can you exercise somewhere else? I press you watch my whole sidewalking driveway only because you'll keep running past here. You got me? What's your doing? Number? You don't need to know my address? Man, you don't need to know that. Don't don't worry about your address. I don't know what house I need to avoid. How about you just stay awful street? How about that? No, I'm not gonna do that. This call is absolutely just ridiculous. You can't ask me. You can't call me right now under all the pressure everyone's going through asking me not to run. You can run, but just run somewhere else. Don't run a street. This is what I'm asking. I'm starting to feel really attacked. I'm not okay with this. I'm not gonna stop running. You're not gonna scare me off into into Do I need to call to put? Do I need to call the police for this? I can call the law. What are you going to call the police? What are you going to I'm running. You are not practicing social distance that's what they see. When have I? When the hell have I seen? Can I practice social distancing? What are you talking about? Why don't you run out? Why don't you run into? Why don't you run in the street and not on my sidewalk? How about you, dude like that you don't own the sidewalk. I want you to understand that you don't own that. You can't tell me where to run where not to run. If I'm not on your problem, I'm play. I pay taxes like every other person around, So do I and so do I. But I'm getting really pissed off right now, and I'm gonna let you know. I will not stop running. You will not intimidate me. And if you call me against and try to scare me off, I'm not trying to scare you. I'm trying to tell you. What you are doing is jeopardize and other people. You are on the sidewalk, that is on your shoes, that is in your chest, and you are blowing all that got your throat. It's what you're doing. You are an idiot. You are missing and missing formed and you don't know what you're talking about. Asking for my number, don't ever call me again. Or I'll call the tweet on you for harassment. I don't know who you listen. If we can't come to an agreement, then I'm anna block the sidewalk off. Nobody gonna be walking on it. Oh okay, well, then you can just deal with the city because that's not my problem. You are. How do you try to bloss the whole damn street and you see how that works out for you? What? Why do you insist on giving this to other people on your shoes and blowing out your mouth and you you're so close to people houses. I'm an older man. I'm an older man. I don't need that. But I don't even know who the hell you are. I told you what I called. My name is mister Johnny for everybody call me mister. Okay, So, mister, I'm just gonna tell you, I'm not gonna stop running if I see anybody. I'm gonna continue to practice social distancing, but you will not intimidate me into changing my route. I'm not doing that. Well, I'm gonna tell you this. If your black is on my sidewalk, I'm gonna take my pressure washer and I'm gonna pressure wash them damn shoes. That. I know it's nasty. I know that nasty when you come up and down my sidewalk. I know thee what you know what? This is escalated Now I'm calling my husband. I'm calling the police. Mister, you're gonna hear from a lawyer. You're never ever gonna have this conversation with me again, because you are a piece of s. Do you hear me? You're a piece of sh I'm he you call me, mister, And if you bring your husband around here, I'm a pressure washing too. Okay, we'll see about that and I can intimidate us. Let me ask Let me ask you this here. Do you have a cousin named Danielle. Danielle give you my number? You do know Danielle? Right? Yeah, What the Danielle has to do with this? Danyelle is the person that told me to give you a call and prank phone call you. This is nephew timed me from the Steve Harvey Martin show. Dominice Yo cousin. Oh my god, oh my god, I am here like because my kids are in the other room doing school work having texting. You have me out here looking crazy. Oh my god, I've already started sweating. I thought I was gonna have to take this man. Of course, your cousin, your cousin Danielle, since run, I'm gonna runs two three times a day. She say this COVID nineteen is driving her crazy. Time. You gotta get us. God, she is listen, she is messed up to this. I'm gonna I'm gonna get her bad. All right. You gotta tell me, Dominique, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the line. Obviously, it is the Steve Harvey Money Show. What you think loved it? That's my dog right there. Let me say that's my dog before I heard it. I loved it. That's if you want to catch uh stupid number two and Stupid number one, you can catch us. What we got our own comedy show is to stay at Home Coronavirus Comedy Show and you can catch us on my YouTube channel. It is the Nephew Tommy e XP, which is a Nephew Tommy Experience. We dropped it on yesterday and guess what, you can keep watching the rest of the week. Every Wednesday we have a different show. We are the Fools during the Coronavirus show. That's who we all. Are you coming? We know you coming? You no, no, you know what a quick quick quick throwing hens. Hey, man, you're gonna do our whatnot? I don't like hints. You're gonna do it an dude? What though, dude? What you know what I'm what I'm talking about? All right to go? Yeah, we do coming up at the top of the hour, John Legend, we'll be right after this. You're listening, all right, y'all as promise joining us now. We got him multi platinum uh Grammy Award winning singer, songwriter, producer. Ladies in gentlemen from People Magazine le Sexiest man A Live to talk about his new single from his upcoming album, He's Gonna Share High. He's helping raise money for the World Health Organization during the COVID nineteen pandemic. Let's find out more about his new single than all these other projects. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to Sexiest Man A Lie. Mister John Legend, give it to you. Say that such a such a strong chuckle every time you say it. You know that you know what it need job, dude, you know man, you know dudes gonna hate all of it. It's a rule. Seriously, all of the women going, oh, yeah, I see it. But the dude, our job is to wonder why it hate us. We were happy for you, John, though, really appreciate how you've been feeling. Man, I've been all right, you know. We really have been staying home. So we've been just hanging out with the kids. They I think they like it more than anybody because they get to hang out with us all the time and they're at that age where they want to be around us all the time. Now, when they're older, they'll probably be annoyed with it's tired of us, don't think we cool, But right now they think we're the this thing, and so they're so happy. Wow, they're so cute. They are so Yeah, John, it's gonna come a point where they're going to think you're not cool. You'll still be cool, yeah, exactly if they won't thinking. Hey, man, let's talk about this man, because we're on the show. You got a new single. It's called Actions, and it's available now. Tell us about the new music, man. So the new song. It was produced by a guy named Oak Felder who's done a lot of hits that you know and love, but We sampled a song called The Edge by David McCallum, but you'll recognize it as the same sample that Doctor dre used with Snoop on the song called Next Episode. So we use that sample, but we flipped it and made an R and B song out of it. And the song the chorus says, action speak louder than love songs because you know I can talk a good game, I can write a romantic song. But you know, we always say I can speak louder than words. But for me, the appropriate way to say it is action speak louder than love songs. Because you can write all these romantic songs all you want, but if you're not backing it up with action, then it doesn't mean anything, sir. That's the message, man. That's that's really great man. When do you uh? When does the album supposed to be released? It's gonna come. I think it's coming in the first week of June. We're just trying to work everything out, make sure we get everything finished. I haven't been in the studio since we started h Social Distancing, but I recorded all my vocals beforehand, and I don't actually need to go back in. But we still need to mix, and we got a couple of old things we need to overdub and edit, so we're trying to do all that remotely. But I think we're gonna get it done in time to get it out first week of June, and uh okay, we got some heat, man. I can't wait for y'all to hear it. Hey, well, let's do it. They set it up, John, let's play the new single. It's a new single, John Legend. It's called Action Action Speak out of the love Tonga La La Your go again with another love song that always sh just another love run out of patients. She don't want it, she don't need it. Every other word coming from and she's going back in my face singing the wagon being a sounds of poetic, but it feels like I let it slip away, slip away, water ship come by. She can feel it. Shut speak out of the speak out and speaks out of the love song The Maladies Day, Barry Yard. I should speak loud and speak out and speak out of a love song. I've been doing it all wrong. Lie that. Here we go again, just a couple of friends with some being a bit chackini, all of a love that I wasted a run, a new song, racing every other thing that I sav me. Fore you don't want to hear about it anymore. I feel so created, but it feels like there's nothing left to say to make your stay on the show. Make a feeling when the fake snacking, and she can feel it when the night shout, speak out of and speak down and speak out of a love song the Dollas Ees day by All sing out song. That's how we do it. Do it? Boy, Let me tell you something. It was a party now when you dropped in some dropped into some Curtis Mayfield, Curtis, go ahead, boy, I almost I almost ran up out of this quarantine. I started to run out there and damn that hug somebody. You almost got the virus man a live Hey John, John, John, this right here, listen to me. I know music. This one right here is straight fire. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I've really I'm excited about the song, really excited about the whole album, but definitely song. Hey John, hang on on, say hey y'all, we'll be right back with more. John Legend, right after this. You're listening, Hey y'all, we're back. Uh, We're back with a John Legend and man, we just played his new single. It's available now, so Steve Harvey Nation, everybody listening. We all locked in right now. So this is what I want to do. Man, Let's run this thing up to charts. I need everybody to download it right now. It's call Actions is by John Legend. You already know how to do it. Get your niece in there. Everybody home, get your niece in there and get your phone and downloaded. Man, I love that song right there. Man, we're gonna put that in rotation. I think that's hot. Hey, John Man, you got great music, man, But you're also man so active socially man, And I can't tell you I've seen you at the White House. You always you're just very socially conscious. Man. You've had a major presence since the thing called Shelter in Place Mandate swept across the country. You've been active on social media, You've done in home concerts. What's your motivation for doing this? Well? You know what we do as artists, As entertainers, we try to give people entertainment. We try to give them inspiration. We try to make them feel good, make them think, bring people together and It's hard during this time because we all used to bringing people physically together and we can't do it right now. People are canceling tours, people are doing all sorts of things that they're not used to doing. But we can still bring people joy. We can still bring people together spiritually as a community, and so that's what a lot of us artists have been trying to do. Entertain folks the best way we know how we perform for them. We connect people through social media, and we also trying to share a good message, trying to help people understand what they need to do to keep themselves and their families and their communities safe. But also if people are blessed to be able to give to help somebody else, then we encourage people to do that as well. Good Man, Hey John, you're actively helping to raise money for the World Health Organization. Yeah, we're working with World Health Organization. We're doing this concert call Together at Home. It's going to be on ABC, NBC and CBS, and they're artists from all over the world. They're going to participate. I'm performing Lady Guy got curated it. But you've got artists from all genres involved in it, and We're just trying to raise awareness, mostly because we know a lot of folks can't even afford to donate right now. They're all struggling. Folks are getting laid off, Folks are getting furloughed. People don't know if they're going to have a check coming in in the next couple of months. So we're not asking most people to donate. We're asking big corporations and people that got a lot of money to donate because they can afford to. And then we're just bringing everybody together to encourage each other and to thank everybody who's been out there on the front lines, like people who who are working in the medical field, doctor's nurses, staff at the hospitals, people who are working in food service that are still feeding folks. Um, we're just trying to shine a light on all the work that they're doing and support them in any way that we can. Well. Well, listen, y'all, I want you to download it right now. It's called Actions. It's John Legend's new one. Y'all downloaded. John Legend, my man man coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, a lot of people have been getting busy. A lot of people have been getting busy while obeying to stay at home orders. So right now j Anthony Brown is here and the guys are here, they're gonna break down. You know you've had good sex when dot dot dot who I'm gonna do a couple and then I know the guy's gonna jump in. I know them. A lot of people have didn't getting used to one another and they rested. Damn men, so that they've been thrown down some good loving. You know you have had some good sex when you wake up with one sock on you, like, damn, what the hell happened? Where's my sock? There's another one. You know you've had some good ass loving when both of y'all wake up between the two mattresses, like yeah, the mattresses on top. I got two more. I got two more, you know, just for the men, Just for the men. You have had some good a loving. When you wake up you look in the mirror and you got on her eyelash like damn, this was good boy, good yeah woman, I got woman? Ye right. You know you have had some good loving, good ass love when you wake up and both of y'all is at the bottom of the bed, like, what is it? I know you got one? Anybody got one? Jump and bring it, bring it, bringing you. You know you've had some good love it when you knock all her medicals medication off the night stand. It's all the peels is everywhere. We don't know which one to take. I love it. I love it. Time when you got you know, you know, when you had some good loving and you just look at her and say, what your MoMA, what what generational love back going? You know you've had You know you didn't have some good loving when you wake up the next morning and call in to work and you your job ain't been open, sister thirteen, I ain't gonna make it a day, alright. I love it. You know, no, you have had some good loving when you wake up and there's a hot blue gun in your hand and it's still on, like what day he was blue? You know you've had some good sex when you kick over a candle in the middle of six and y'all turn into fire fighter. All right, all right, all right. You know you had some good loving when you in the middle love it and look hoo in the eyes and said you know what, I'm gonna buy you some money. I start a god, I'm gonna buy you some money. Ain't you know you didn't have some good loving when both of y'all jump up and start washing your hands, and it ain't got nothing to do with corona. I got one more. I got one more, and then you close that one more. You know you have had some good loving when you wake up and there's a happy face on your ass. You have cloads it out, Steve bladed out man. You know you didn't have some good loving when the family is down there having breakfast doing for and you and your wife looking at the kids and goal what y'all looking at us for? We're looking at off Brook All right? Coming up next, nephew Tommy is here with right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject He's seventy single and ready to mingle. Okay, alright, you seven exactly should have been ready. But first, nephew Tommy's in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Nap, what you got? And I got that HP p P p P with Husband Protection Program whoa Husband Protect Him Program? Let's go, let's go. Kno, Hi Morgan, my name is Josh. I'm with HPP giving you a call. You are married to, uh mister Sean to Michael? Right? Yeah, yeah, you're with who Now I'm with HPP. We actually uh pick your husband up from his job today. I wanted to give you a call. Are you picking up for one? Okay? You're you're his wife, Morgan? Right, okay. I actually just wanted to make sure that he's okay and we're worried about his work. Well, nothing's happened as of right now. We've had a conversation with him and we've checked him out. He's definitely okay. But why why are you picking him up? So I don't I don't understand what. All right, let's just just come down, hang onna. Second, I got a couple of questions for you. Your husband he is about what five nine? Correct? Right? And you would agree that Sean ways about one hundred and seventy five pounds? Is that sound about right? Yes? Okay, here's another question. Now exactly Morgan, how tall are you? I'm five nine as well? Okay? And if you don't mind. I know it's a little different type of question, but if you don't mind, how much do you weigh? I'm like two hundred Wait a minute, what is it? What is it? What is how much I way have to do with it? I don't what is wrong with him? And where is why? Where is he right now? We actually have him? We have him in our custody. Him where we have him in our custody right now here in our headquarters at HPP? So what heck? What is what is then? HPP? Ma'm HPP is Husband Protection Program? Husband protection? I've never I've never heard of such a thing. Why why is he the here? Well, the problem we have and we've been getting some actual complaints and whatnot, and not necessarily from him, but that you've been bullying your husband. Okay, you know what. I'm at my job and I'm gonna need you to hold on one second so I can't go in here. What what what did you say? Have you and uh Sean had any arguments at all lately? How we had we're married? Have we had arguments? Of course, he had arguments. What what does that have to do with anything? Have you guys had any altercation? Any altercation. Yes, what kind of altercations? Have you been bullying your husband in a physical way? I've been bullying him, bullying him? You have you been happened to bullying him? For somebody to turn in and give us some who who? Who? Can't you need to go to talk to him? I can't put him on. This is what I'm talking about. When this you're talking about, you found me at my job talk off like an HPP cras and somebody trying somebody in for some arguments. We're married. Who are you freaking? Who's married and does not argue? I understand you mad, but it is my job to protect husbands that are getting bullied by and wise this is talking with you. Let me speak to him. I'm not at liberty and let you speak to him right now. To you, what you're not gonna do is bullying me as well? And am I trying to bully you? I want to know what coming on? And why do you calling me? And my dad was some crap about him being at some headquarters for AHPP. APP isn't a hum of AHPP and my husband is not need protecting from anybody sucking me. It is Husband Protection Program you've been bullying your husband. You've been using bad language with y'all. I want to talk to him, my husband when he said I do he said I do se whatever she said to me. Whenever he's talk about how iris he said this, and never he gets and if he has the problems with arguing me, sit need to start his crap and he won't be in an argument and you tell him that, you see, this is what we're talking about. This is why he's been picked up today and brought into our custody so that he would be definitely protected from you. You know how if he needs a protection and he's in your custody, yes you can keep him. Me how that, Well, here's what we're gonna do. Somebody's gonna be picking you up, bring you in so we can have a conversation. Bringing me now there, what what do you think it is? We're bringing you in so we can have a conversation with you. Let me explain something to you, ma'am. We will be bringing you in having a conversation. What are you ringing the string with you? You're gonna be coming in and you're gonna do it company where we go anywhere anybody want are you physically or mentally abusing your husband? You know what, You'll have to pick me up? Tell me where you I will come to you want to pick me up, I will. I will come down there. I will hand you. You in him. At the same time, you tell me you also weren't out, We ain't home? Going to ask you a serious question? Is it sounds like a consequence of he doesn't listen to you. Let's conseq I mean, I mean, what are you doing if you're treating your husband like a child? What are you doing to him? Asking like a pet? Treat you like a tide? If you if you had the problem with how I see him you talking about? He asked. Let me ask you something, miss Morgan. What do you do for a letter ahead of seturity at this building and about to cross the charity on me because I'm loud in this room? Ohcause you're ahead of security. So you know all about putting people in choke calls and how to I apprehend the person? Don't that is my job? Yes? I did? So are you doing that at home? What I'm not gonna tell you again? I don't harm that man in any way, no West Harbor ever. What I ever, nor has he need. He needs to get him behind in his car and got to work. We have sils today and don't have high for this crack. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Are you're listening? You have nothing to say to me, but then you want to put my husband and trying to let me talk to him about this. Sh shan, sit down, sit down, Sean, get him hitting him the phone, Let me talks. I need to understand what Sean, I got it. Let me finish the talk conversation with Okay, No, you don't need to sinish. Let me finish in him. Put him on the phone. Hello, I have one more thing to ask you. Are you listening? Are you listening? Go ahead? This is nephew tire me from the Steve Harbor Him Morning Show. You just got breaked by your husband's Sean you. I don't believe this, crazy? What are you? What are you at right now? Man? I was worried about the people at your job. Where you at? I'm back here in this closet, sweating like a freaking pig, in heat, dripping makeup everywhere. I cannot believe this. Oh god, man, Okay, baby, I gotta ask you, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvery Morning Show. Too much, you know me, I gotta give it to me now. I'm okay, let me ask you don't even ask me because I love it. You just ask and I preach that, Jake, you know I need that kind of love and support. Let me ask y'all something, though, Who is it with it that you would? Who is it that you think I can't prank? Give me that put me to a challenge. Who do you think I can't prank Trump? Mama Obama and Trump? You know I could? I could. I could prank Trump, I promise you I can. But then I'm sitting in jail with his boys, and if he ain't doing nothing for them, he damned she ain't finn letting me out. I already know that. I'm clear on that. Michael Jordan's wolf what I'm just challenging, Oprah, I got challenges for you. I'm not gonna I'm not okay, okay, I'm not. First of all, I'm not gonna prank this open saying, can you what is you asking us the question for? If you don't like none of our answers. I like Jordan, I could do Jordan. I could do Flavor Lunch on the show today, Dude, John, Ye can't, can't? Kyler Pierre, No, that's why? Why are you? Why are you doing people that you know might help me? Why are you doing that? I mean you say you're telling me who who you can't pranking? If I wanted to name who you could prank, it'd be easy. Can't practice, can't bet you can't prank? Will packle? Will you? Yeah? Speak to Quill you need? All right? Thank you? Have you? Coming up next, it's the Strawberry Letter for today. He's seventy single and ready to mingle is the subject. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please please submit your Strawberry letters to Deve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here. You hear it, Jay, that one right there? Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is Growberry Letters. I got a little excited on this one. Yeah, he's seventy single and ready to mingle. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a thirty year old single female and last year I moved back to my hometown. I got an apartment in a nice area of town, and my community has a pool and a walking trail, so I've been using them both since the weather it's nice. Shortly after I moved in, I met an older male neighbor, and he's seventy one and recently divorced. Whenever I run into him, he flirts with me and I jokingly flirt back. He's very inappropriate most of the time, but I figured he's just lonely and totally harmless. One night, as I walked in from a date, the old man was coming into and he commented on how my butt looked in the body con dress I was wearing. He asked me if he could get to know me better and stop all the flirting. I laughed and blew him off. One of my male friends came over the next day to jog with me, and the old guy mean mugged my friend the whole time. My friend advised me to watch out for the old man and stop flirting back with him. From then on, I only spoke and that was it. Five nights ago, the old man knocked on my door and said he had an emergency. I cracked the door and saw that he had on a robe and some dress pants. The robe was open and his gray haired chest was out, and he looked a mess. He told me that his emergency was that he could not sleep another night. Knowing that he and I have feelings for each other. He told me life is short and we need to stop playing games. I was sick to my stomach, but I tried to let him down easy by saying that I have a man. I got rid of him that night, but each time I've seen him since then, he won't even speak to me. I really heard his pride, and I don't know what to do. I believe he's harmless and just lonely. Am I wrong? How can I fix this? Well? I mean, there's really nothing to fix. You don't have to fix anything. You don't owe him anything. He's just a neighbor who is very inappropriate with you, just saying whatever he wanted to say, because he's older and he thinks he can get away with it. Yeah, you flirted back at first because you thought he was harmless. But and he might be. But mean, mugging your friend and all of that, knocking on your door at night with his robe on, I mean, I think that's too much. I don't care. I think you know he is inappropriate. He's coming in commenting on how your butt looks in the dress. Come on, now, that's a bit much. I mean, this guy could be your grandfather. You're thirty, he's seventy one. I mean, you know, I think it's a bit much. Like I said, you don't owe him anything. Your only obligation is to be a good person and a good neighbor. But he's not even speaking to you, so you don't have to do that if you don't want to nothing else. I'm glad you let him know you have a man, so he can just you know, take himself on, get, you know, back to his house. I think he's immature at seventy Steve, Well, let's let's go in and put a little a little light on this thing. Hell for your young lady, he's seventy single and ready to mingle. Well, he's actually seventy one. He is ready for anything, anything, another World War, Corona, the world to end him going to a retirement home. He figured it could be any day now, So don't be worried about this. Now you've been on this walking trail and shortly after you moved in because the weather been nice. Y'all out there and you need to be practicing your social distancing. But you are all up in here. Let him get up on you and talk. And he can't afford to be up on you because over sixty five you mow at risk. Now he's seventy one and recently divorced. Let's deal with that right there. If you seventy one and recently divorced, it took you a long time to get sick of somebody. People don't normally pull the plug in seventy one. That's hanging in there just way too damn long. And he figured whatever life he had left, he wanted to be happy. So now when you run into him, he flirts with you, and you jokingly flirt back. He has been inappropriate most of the time. Well let me tell you why. You know why he's been inappropriate most of the time because he ain't got the time to be appropriate. He's seventy one. He ain't got no time to court you. He ain't got no time to find out how you feel about him. He got to get it all in. He's seventy one. But you figured he was just lonely and totally harmless. Well you are right about one thing. He lonely, totally harmless. Now I don't know about that. Then one night you're walking from a date. The old man was coming in too. He commented on how your butte look in the body con dress you was wearing, and then ask if he could get to know you better than stop all this flirting. See he threw it. See he didn't flirt. It his being inappropriate, that's his flirting at seventy one. He gotta get to it. He ain't got time for nothing else to lead up and all that. It could be any day now when I come back, keep you a little piece of advice. I don't know, all right, Steve, we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour today. Subject he's seventy single and ready to mingle. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show Hey, everybody's your favorite play Cousins Junior. You know, with all the uncertainty now, protecting your vehicle is crucial. That's why you need Carshield. Carshields affordable protection plans can save you thousands for a covered repair. Monthly plans can even be customized with race as low as ninety nine dollars a month. Choose your favorite mechanic or dealership to do the work. Carshield takes care of the risk. For as low as ninety nine dollars a month. You can keep your family safe and save thousands for a covered repair. Visit Carshield dot com and use code Junior to save ten percent. Carshield dot Com Code Junior. A deductible may apply. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. He's seventy single and ready to mingle boy. This is a sad letter, Hill old player. Days is numbered over with. He'd met the little fine girl in the community. Every time she was going past him, he says something inappropriate. She know it's inappropriate, but what she gonna say, and what I told her is he ain't got the time to be appropriate, so all his comments is inappropriate. That's the life he lived. Now you thought it was harmless and jokey, joking all that, and figured he was harmless. And you coming from a day and he told you how your body looked in his dress she was wearing. Then he said he wanted to get to know you. Better stop all this flirting. I laughed and blew him off. Then it got funky. One of your male friends came over go jogging with you, and the old guy mean, mug my friend. The whole time. Where was y'all jogging around the bench? He he mean, mug your friend the whole time? Where was your jog? And he fronted this man that all he saw was you was teasing you. Now he looking at you, boy like he ain't nothing. Now your board and told him, quick fla what to do? All right? So five nights ago, here's where he got tricking. The old man knocked on your dough, told you he had emergency. You cracked a dough He had on the road, some dress pants. The road was open, and his gray hair chest was out. He looked a hot, damn mess, yo, damn granddaddy, best friend Horatio was standing at your dough ratio costing Horatio costing was at your damn dough. He looked at mess he couldn't. Then he told you he had an emergency. But the emergency found out was he couldn't sleep another night. Knowing y'all head feels for each other. He told me life was sure. What he meant to tell you was his life is short and y'all need to top playing game. I was sicked him my stomach, but I tried to let him down easy, told him I had a man. You got rid of it. But ever since that, he ain't even spoke to me. He won't even speak. Now, I really heard his pride. I don't know what to do. I believe he's harmless and just lonely. Well, let me tell you something about mister harmless and lonely. You're ready for this information. Let's do the math hell seventy one going to thirty as many times as it can. That's what you need to know about mister harmless. Wow, because in his head he hadn't done the math. And seventy one going to thirty as many times as he can, that's what you need to know. He's not harmless. You don't have to speak what Yeah, he won't even speak to you. He's not speaking you off the hook. But now let me let but let me say this to you though, because you don't know if this man is crazy or not, continue to be kind to him. Just continue to be kind because what you don't know is what this old fool might be. Sick in the head. Yeah, so you just want to be kind to him, and just stop and saying why won't you speak to me? I just want to be your friend. Can we at least just be friendly towards each other? You remind me of my of my grandfather. Say that to him, say it? Did you do the math again? Do me do the math? Seventy one go into thirty? How many times? As many times as he can? What? Watch what you do, y'all? Don't understand that he ain't He is not homeless at all. That's what he do. And he thought you was it. Now you ain't it. But just keep being nice to it. That's all. You ain't got to do nothing. Can you do the math one more time? Jay? Let me ask you a question. How many times do seventy go into thirty? Seventy will go into thirty? Now in in seventies mind it will think it could go in a lot of times, but that's wrong. It can't go in a lot of time. It can go in as many times as you let it. That's pretty much it. Now you have more times in your mind, but you ain't gonna you ain't gonna be. Ain't no future with him, that's for damn none at all, none, because he ain't even show about that because he just taking shots right now. But does he think he's sexy though? Coming over her house? Put this robe open with all that gray hair, and he probably got hair in his ears too. She's thirty, sir, you're seventy one. Stop it. Don't be a dream crush, please, man, don't. As a matter of fact, man, let me talk to fellas for just a second. Again, Fellas, when you're getting older, you gotta start looking at that ear hair. Yeah, that's that's bad because ear hair make you look old. Duck. Really, you need to start looking at that nostril hair. H yeah. Yeah, especially shave you no, shave your ears. I know that I don't cut that too fast. I'm just saying. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up in forty six minutes after the hour. President Trump's rollout plan to get the country back open. It'll be in three phases. We'll talk about it right after this. Wow, you're listening to show. Well. Yesterday President Trump announced his new rollout plan, Steve to get the country back working in three phases. Phase one, people should continue to work from home. Vulnerable people will continue to shelter in place, and schools will remain closed. Movie theaters, churches, and sports venues can reopen if they follow social distancing. That's phase one. Phase two schools can open and a Phase one what we doing enough? Yeah sir, yeah, yeah, Okay, hearing the obvious. Phase two schools can open and non essential travel can continue. And that's that's phase two. That's it for Phase two. Schools can open, non essential travel can continue. Phase three excuse me, non essential travel can't continue. Okay, So he gonna open back the schools up. Okay, that's Phase two supposed to happen. Well, there's no date. It's up to the governor for each state. They can be the phases the way they want, and he told them that too, after he was saying he had full all right, Phase three workplace may fully resume their staffing, and visits to hospitals and nursing homes may resume. Each phase would last about two weeks to make sure infections would not begin to rise again. It's up to each governor Steve as to when they want to open his or her state. So there you got so are you serious? Yeah? This is non essential rollout plan. Yeah, hey man, listen to me. This isn't a plan of his. You keep saying this is your rollout plan, but then you keep saying it's up to the governors. But after you just said you had total authority because you the president and if you can open it and closing. Son, Hey man, let me tell you something. I could have gave him this plan back inactly. Do if you think you came in with some earth breaking, late breaking news, you think, boy, Because in his to his point, some states can open before others where it's not that bad. But what are you gonna do if you need to try from one state that's in phase one and then you in phase three. It just doesn't make sense for everybody that it's a bad plan, a bad plan. Yeah, it's not a good plan. Yeah, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, J Anthony Brown stimulus package. He has one of his own. Okay, yeah, we'll talk about it right after this. I bet it's better than as a president. You're listening to show. All right. So when we left, we were talking about the president's new stimulus uh, not his new stimulus program, his rollout plan, rollout plan. Yeah, the president's rollout plan just crazy. It makes no sense. Yeah. He wants to get more mask, more hospital mask, and more testing. More yeah, more testing. Yea tested. President Trump said on TV the other day. Okay, I found this on the website for what mister Trump said. Okay, listen to this. Donald Trump came on and said, the United States has done more testing than anyone else. We have more tests out there than anyone else. And that's not true. Per capital, we've done the least amount of testing. We're almost third from the bottom. We've not done it. I mean the number of people that said it's over three hundred and fifty four million people in this country. We haven't tested a million people. You can't do this, man, And until you get testing so we can know where we really are. You can't do this rollout. And the other part of it is you can't. We need a vaccine. See until we have a vaccine or something, a person can take that cure is it and can prevent you from getting it. We don't know where we are with this. We can't stop it. And the only thing that's flattened the curve has been social distancing. Yeah, and man, let me tell you something for the first time, you know, you know what. I'm in Atlanta now. So I got in Atlanta yesterday. Today was my first day I actually drove a car today. I wanted to just say that drove a car forty minutes one way today. I haven't driven a car forty minutes one way in a long time. All my jobs are right close. I haven't driven forty is I want to say the city of Atlanta that I'm seeing the part that I saw. I saw everybody with a mask on. Good. My wife went to Whole Food. You've got to stand in line. You have to have on the mask to go in. They got two employees with mask outside wipe down the handles of all the grocery cards, hand it to you. Then you go in the store. If you don't have a mask, you can't go in. And they let ten people in that store at a time, and that's it. And they're not playing. They don't kill who you are. All the police officers had on mask. I gotta take out from a Houston's. They come out with mask. You can place your order. I went to Houston's yesterday. You can place your order online. But I told him I don't know how to do all that. I'm talking to you. Can I just give you my order? Man? He said, yeah, just go online. Hey, Pardner, you know who I am. Dog. I'm driving and I need to come back. Sir, you have to go online. I said, my man, I'm talking to you now, and I'm outside. He looked outside. He said, you're in that white truck. I said yeah. He said, man, all right, let me see. I said, hey, man, listen to me this Steve Harvey. Just help me out. Man, Slow down, slowdown. What do you say outter that? He said? He said? He said, man, get out of hill. You ain't know. Then I said, okay, well let me ask you something. Man. Who you know talk like this? He said? As soon as I get you to just give my voice? I said, who else? You know, talk like this hill. He said, I'll went over there and pulling on fifteen minutes, bought our food out. Margie went over to the whole food boss of food, and I'm just the people I saw who were trying to practice, who were practicing social distancing, wearing they mask caddy gloves, wiping it down. I just want to say thank y'all for participating. Man, Herb flattened out because we're not getting anywhere with this president there. This is up to us, yeah it is yeah, all right, Well coming up, we'll have more music and more trending stories at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening to show. Okay, wow, we have some breaking news here. This just in Remember the president, President Donald Trump's attorney, Michael Cohen, who had to serve some time three years, Yeah for three years. Um. Well, anyway, the news has just come across that he will be released now due to COVID nineteen. He will be released. He getting out calls of COVID nineteen because you know something, man, I didn't think that guy should have done time. The fall. He was the fall. Yeah, yeah, man, he took the heat. You This was Donald Trump's personal attorney. Yes, right, and everything he went to jail for. What's for stuff he did for Trump? Yeah, the Trump haven't directed him to Dowdy. Crowding in the prison and the coronavirus outbreak. We're gonna let some prisoners out, but but the following prisoners need not pack the damn thing. Shouldn't fils, especially R Kelly. Back in your room. You're not going anywhere. Your things back in your sale. You're not like out and then get ready to get out. And look, obviously you're all right. We'll have more of Stave Hardy Morning Show and some trending is coming up in thirty three minutes after the hour. Right, you're listening to show some of you guys have let yourself go. So um Joe Anthony Brown, explain this, please, Well this has to do with a lot of people because of the quarantine. I ain't going nowhere. I'm not doing anything. I don't need to fix up at all. But my boss, mister Steve Harvey, has some rules and regulations of what you need to do to get through this one dude got don't hit him with the ste Here we go. Let's start with the men, all right, fellas, let me say this to you. If you think for one minute that walking around in a baseball cap, no shirt and jo drawls is sexy, it's not. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's not. It's not. It's not. What's not about it because you don't look like you Thank you little yeah, turn sideways. That mirror, my mirror lying to me my mirror. No no, no, no, no, you lying to your mirror. No, it's just telling you what it is. You're lying to your damn I look good. The mirror be going, man, for real joke. Here's another one. Fellas, use lotion at least one day a week. Just try to knock it back. I know you ain't gonna wet dog, but you you know, And I'm I feel that. I had to catch myself because I was washing my hand so damn much. I had my hand on my thigh and I got surprised. I said, man, how did I get my foot up him on top of my like that? I said, man, I didn't got limber doing quarantine. Here's another case, Hey, fellas, just wanted to remind you of some In most cases, all men have teeth, just just go rush them. In most days. I know you ain't gonna wherever, just going in there and brush. Here's another one, fellas, before you jump in the bed, jump your ass in the shower, sir. Look man, just because all these days is running together, that this ain't one long ass day now, And don't be coming to bed smelling like you smoke cigarette, cigars and that other stuff too. Get something off of you, all right, ladies, come, I gotta talk to you. Ladies, let me jo. I'm gonna go at this real simple. I'm gonna try try to approach it. I'm walking ginger now, the ladies. I don't know how this works, but I'm just asking careful. Does your head have to be tied up every damn day? Yes, until we get take this down. Coming up, it is the last break of the day. Pause. It is the last break of the day. Okay, good, all right. We'll also have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after the hour. All coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, here we are last break of the day. Pause. It is the last break of the day. It's the safe pause. Stop saying pause. No, no, no, no, say that it helps you. Jay, say your head, you say it in your head that way, I don't rush right into it. Right. It is the last break of the day, it's the last break of the week as well. But you know, like you say, Steve, they're all the same. We're going by. You got the close. Know you're almost you hate to say it, but you're almost getting used to not doing a damn thing. Hey, Jane, I'm telling you, man, I've really uh part of that, you know what, Man, that's part of it. Let me let me, let me do it this way. Let's let's go to closed remarks. I'm gonna show you what I got. I got a closing remark for you today. I got a note from the biggest star of all times. Uh, bigger than any sporting champ anything. I got a note from the biggest star ever. And I think you all recognized this, But this is the text that I got today. It said, no movies, no concerts, no sporting events, no restaurant rants, no social gatherings, limited workload. Now that I've cleared your schedule, can we talk now? God? It was a note from God. I got a text today and when I got this text, I thought i'd share it with you, because, Man, ain't that really what didn't happen? We got no movies, you got no concerts, you got no sporting events, that no restaurants, there's even no social gatherings, and we've got a limited workload. Well, now that I've cleared your schedule, can we talk now? God, y'all we've got to get that message. And when I read that, man, it really really moved me because I went wild. Man, what an incredible opportunity to get close to the only source that is guaranteed help in a situation like this. If you got a better idea than God right now, if I were you, I'd use it. But I am willing to bet all that I've ever made, all I've ever been, all I ever will be. There ain't no safer bet. There's never been more sure of a thing than God. I can't think of anyone I would rather entrust with the task of getting me through this that my Heavenly Father, God Almighty. I just there's no one else. Oh. I'm glad I got a wife that's a great teammate. I'm glad I got some business people that calling check on me. I'm glad I got some co workers that come in here every day and have a great spirit and try to lift people up through working every day. You know, I thank God for the frontline workers, the first responders, all the nurses and doctors that's putting their lives on the live, trying to save so many people. And they going through it, man, because they just watching people die, and they watching people walk out in the street without mask on, not practicing social distance. But they're going anyway. They just trying. But I was listening to one of them the other day talk on Spectrum and she said, if it wasn't for God, she don't know what she'd do. And y'all, I'm telling you, this is a time for us to really really put a check on ourselves. Because you know what, as much as I used to talk about how hard I worked, I only had to come to the realization, Hasty, you got to settle down. Man. You can't go to work, yeah, ain't yeah, ain't no calling in and looking about into nothing. You can't go to work. So now what we're gonna do, Hey, man, Let's do some things that's positive. Let's make the most out of this. Let's get back in touch. Let's get closer, spend a lot more time talking to him. You can't go to the movies. There are no concerts, ain't no sporting events. We ain't got no restaurants, we ain't got no social gatherings. All of our workloads, most of our workloads has been limited now, so you ain't that busy. Now that God has cleared your schedule, can you talk to him now? I mean, look, man, if you don't make an effort to get closer to God now, you could be missing one of the great opportunities in your lifetime. Because in my lifetime and nobody body else's lifetime that I'll know of, has the world had to sit steal. The way I see it now, the world is sitting steal. This ain't just happening in your city, in your house. They sitting still in Africa, China, Career, Brazil, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Africa, they sitting steal. Man, in the Philippines, They're sitting still in London. Man, they sitting steal all over the world. I don't know nobody moving around. This is the perfect time to get in touch with God. He would love to hear from you. And as a matter of fact, all the excuses have been removed. For all Steve Every contests, No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legally US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.